,.,, I
Dale Roske was bo r n in Lewi ston , I daho , on Febr uar y 22, 1930 . Dal e a tt ended h16b school at Post Fall s. Whil e in high school , he partic i pate d 1n both tootball and bask etball . He was al eo a memb er o f the Le tterman's Club . A!ter e,raduati ng f r om h!.!Jh 1cbool, Dale J oi ned thE Air Force , 1n which he attained the rank of Staff Serg ea nt. He then 1orked tor Laff ert y Tr ansportation Cot.pany for two yea r s , after llh1oh n e enr o lled a t North Idaho Juni or Colle6 e . I n t hf. t>ast year ne has achi e v ed an admirable recor d , both s cholast i cally and ln extra- c urr i cul a r activities . For exalil )le: He is Vice- P r es i dent of tbe rreehman class ' g i v i ng h i m a ley posl tlon o n the Stude nt boar d of Cont l'ol . Thi s has given llln1 a n lnsliSht and e xoerience 11lth the wo rk1n~s of our student 11overnment . He is a l so t he oast oreeident of the Ra llyme n 1 a Club . l'he fir s t semes t er he qualified for ? h i Theta Ka,,pa , \•as initiated and rec ently was elect ed to •1ce--:>rea1dent or t nl s o r isan-
lr.atlon. Hia cons c i ent i ousness and V1ll1n&ness to a i d whenever
Galled upon have ea r ned hlm the l't')utatlon o f b eing tt one of the
beat. 1 To t oo t .:l1 s all off , he u married a nd i s the fathe r or tvo ch1ldre n . The knowled6e ot handli ng financi al affairs lnd the sens e o f res~onsibility be has acqui red from h1s married Ute are enviable a s sets .
'---/ Bob Parsons was bor n
i n Hot South ilakota on October 3 , 1929 . Bob attended grade school and olgh school (lt yrs . ) in Coeur d 1 Alene, I daho . ~hile in high school he partici apted ln football enc boxing . In 19~? Bob enlisted in the ai r Force and held oos~tions as Sergeant Major, First Ser~eant and adminiat~ative Supervisor . S; r 1n~s,
He attende ~ &nd dr ad..l8ted from the A1r Force Primary ~~na~e ment school and leadership schoo l. Upon co ill')le ti n~ e16ht years '~1th
the .nlr Force, aob entered
Juni or Colle 0 e ~1th only a year and a half of·h~n school behind him . h e was chosen for the ?hl Theta Ka~oa honor society fo r the first secester .
.. otners Tea and Sty le Sbow Phi Theta Kapoa can<:uet ~thlet1c Round Table fl;J} May 16 ;.lections i·.ay 18 StuJent .A&sea:bly May 18 Dance Class ?arty ;.a'j 19 Finals Be61n :..ay 27 GraJuation nnnual Scuool ?1cn1c
12 Hay 12
: '.ay 12, 1955
R!)! N:.L P:=tESS
E0I T0I~ I RL STHFF Don Schi erma n-Edltor Bar bard Newcomb-Mana6i r.g Editor Bob S oott--Ne~ · s Editor !.a ncy £:111cot t--Society Ed1 ~or Ray Ll oera --Sports ~d it o r ,o\yra G1lma n--Li tera ture a nd Dr a ma tics i, t her Li n~sey -Art Y.c.rvin Fisch er an,1 "ifayne Goodson --Suec i a l £ve nts Rucie Dolan-Typist ~ernice S~1tr.~T]o1st
.. 11ce 1<eu:eyer-Tyr:ist Rit & ?itt man- -T y; is~ ha x :;ettleton- -TYP1Bt in charge ""::>IL~
C0 IJ.l~ TF\ Y '.::hls Student Bod:; is the r::ost courteo1 s , well - ":lonr.urcd, end con venial of Einy I h::>ve dl:isftl vcd 11 SRid c 71sitinr s·le~~rn . Thls soleso1n trrvels ell over the c"untr:.· to ::ier.y colley,cs end universities . This certainly is a c.o:;>liment to us . .everal o~her such compli~ents hnve Plso been received . Consrrtulations go to the Student Bodr . '.\eeo up the good \"Or k . 11
J UNLJR LuLL EGc Glv Es PH k TY ~ 0R SE~1 0RS "I certainl y
have a bett e r ooinion of the Junior Collage since tonight ll1 " This . · s p<-rt of ::> convers-etion between t,.o hich ~ choo l seni ors, ov~r~eo rd b~ a Jun!or Coll ege student ot t~e pcrty held in the "Y~ on "onfl "Y nieht , :.:ey 9 . This p~rty ncs held to brlng ebout bettur relations bet\H~en the high school s ln the v1ci r.ity end the Junior Coll e?e . Game s iore pl?yed and denclng 7-a s enjoyed in the s.u. Dur1nv intermission shor t speec hes ~ere eivcn b- ,eMbe r s of ~tbe ~ a1r~ev~nt or~eniz,.tion s e r ound school . Bonite Pl ente ~as in c~a r;e of ;-rr angements for the :>"r~r . "You sre esking bi g pey ~o r e
m.. n M. ~h no exper ience , " the" f ore-
said. •··e11 , the r.or k 1 s much ha r der \hen you eon't knor. whet y ou ere doing ," the young man re plied . r.ien
The Clark House at Hay 4e 11 Lake was the scene of the sem1tormal Enc,ineer's call on Fr1daYi May a . ~ ~ elioious dinner wa~ held about 6 o 1 cloc~ . . ~ fter dinner the queen, Barbara Newcomb, and t wo u r1nceaae, Bonita Plante a nd Barbara Montieth were oresented with a white orchid and ) ink baby rose oo:rsaa es res~ ect1vely. Fra nk Delevan, ore aident or the £fl61neer• 1 Clu~, acted a s master of cer• monie s . I\! ter announcing tbe three winners, he l)resented Mr. ?erry Chri s tia nsen , who uinned the corsa~es on the three oand1da tes . Clark Frandsen then ; res en ted whe ~ ueen wltn a gift fror. the in~ l n e e r's, a rhines~ne necltl a oe a ri • ee rri ng set . 10 The 1t.noln6 started at o 'clock a nd cont1nue'1 u11t1l m1.un16h t . The dance was a great s uc ces s .
1. 2.
3. 4.
6. 7.
a. 9. 10 .
oSnny Desmond .
An assembly was held for the s tud ent body on · 'onday, May 9 . Bo t h can di dates fo r student bodJ oresident , Da le ~ oake and Bob ?arsons , oresented their ~lat• for ms . The f ollowing students we~ nominated to the Student Union Boa r d : ::ugene Lees , Ray tiolenda, Larry ~ eusch , Bonnie Plante ' Ben Holmen , Lee Kamlin .
er RDIN.' L
on t he progr am at the recent ouidence Conference , held a t h"'IJC ~or the seniors , wer,.e~veral or
Junior College sf;tiaents .
riolin tr! o cons1 sting of Janet seat , Ua.xine Hettleton end yvonne Di etz , accompanied by Hon! Carlson, played "Dark .:'yes ~ The ''Dance of the Gyosies" was :>erfonned by Janet Best, Yvonne
Dietz ,
Mona Carlson ,
Jll)ntieth , end Bonita Plante . The Trumpet Trio cede up of CraiS Kosor.en , Cl ark Frandsen, rnd Bob /lderns , accompanied by .ion• Carlson , played a fe~ numbers . Dnily ?Soser sen~ e solo end the pro~rer.i wns ended .,I.I. th a YOC81 duet by Mona Cerlson and
Yvonne Dietz , accompenied et the piano by ilaymon De!!erre . The Phi Tho ta Kappa of N1 JC concluded the morning progrem with an i~prossive initiat: on ceremony . Tho~e ~led~es bein~
initiated were : Rucie J)olan , Roske , Irene Greene , ~obert ?areons , Roy Schenkenberger, ]ielen "elden, Robert ··estover !Uta Pittr.:an , ¥ ayne Goodson . ~ale
teined the soni ors ';'111 th sevc-<11 !"~1e nu:nbern , They ""er!'"'J"!Jled ~seie
polka ~quare , the ant d.nce, ~omba mixer, oonro line . The seniors
and the
ln the lest don oe .
A LETTER T0 N Ol~T 0N Norton Ict'bod Jeson Crone
?:orth IdPho J'utl.o:o Coll~~e Coeur d• :1cne, Id~ho Dell r !Jorton : I sat down , r.ith pen in hend , type you a letter , ple~se pn:odon the ~encil . &>rry re are so fer t orc ther . I '"ish •e were closer t>port . we are having Y"eather o:iore this year then last . to
Nellie died end is Hope you are the s~:r:e . ·::;, cousin hss the -:lumps end is hRvinp a swell time . I stcrted to Coeur d 1 ' lene to see you en~ saw as.Ml thet read "This t"kes you to Coeurd'"lene" so I h()t on the el "'Tl a nd sat there for 3 hours . The darn th1nr 110•1ldn' t move . I a~ "C&ll in ~ you a coet by e~press . ! cut off the buttonsto make it lighter . They are in the poc'<et . Ir you con I t ~et tnis letter let =e :nor. Prd : '11 r:::ail it . I
doin r,
r~ne .
to ~r.ere I Q- ~o• . "1\en you co~e ~o see ~e , ask enyone where I em . ?'o one knows . : hear your neighbo r's baby s~ello7ed sote ~ ns , but they fed her a pin cu~hicn so every th~ n£ is c lr• ht now . I "'ould heve ~ent you the money I o• e you but I didn•t th~nk of it until I serled the envelope .
Little 'oron
you Yill find
olcturo, bt:t .for :fe . r it ••oild
cot lost, I took it out . To Perry Chri st.1 onson--"Your the R1 ht One ' !'o the ni~htly inmetcs of P.F.: . ··"Ti!ll• e1•jnck" l'o 'nn ucr,ovorn end Bob Anderson ··" Ci01 n ' Stendy " \'o l'!ry Liberc- - "Dl!vey Crockett" To Jim Plerrett--"Crn:-v '1.!to" To l rngen-- 11 Six Foot· 'f\ o, Eyes or Blue" o ell the newly "enr e:ed 11 Girls - "l'hey Dldn' t P.elieve • e"
'' Everybod· p:..its his nose into 1
b •s ness ."
"Cheer uo . 11 "l•~ noi co~plalnlng . lllnuract•1re lrnndkerclliefs . "
p;-,:s 5
C '"T"T"j' T
'"SJ 12 0 1955
I_, LHTf 0k M
l. For~;t i ::i n :> ~ a s:Jdent :r:anaged e"' pl :> ... ent e5enc .. ::.o be c:> - orcl ina:ec •i t ".l =-:f! adnln1ot r a::1::in · n an ei. ::irt t o s e c·.ire tna co - o~-~ntion of t:e l::ic al bus !.ness;s . • ?~r• • ctpa~ i o n or he NIJC 1~ ~-~~~~it7 act!vi: ies ; the re -
l . Setter s ocial acti vities ; ~ eYa":'Ple , bi - weeklv da:ice s to include the hol e student bodv . ., \c t 1v1tes :;~ I r. cl ·de ' at choal<1ns and a i t~ nechan'cs . 3 . Drive to r eactivnte s ch~o l organiza tions and cl~b a, auch 88 Ra.ll • man 1 !I Cl·tb and the Lett er -
sult of l7hicb will be re~of}l ! t i on b th9 c:x:.n~n1•- coU1ens1r ate t o OJr cor.::.r'b~ t ! o ns . now? ( a ) B-
pert !. c'~s:icn
Dr!ve , ''
(b }
t he
c r eating a Os "
bei::r Bod ·
~oc1C '' C·l.t- Gova rn11ent coc k citv of!' i c lals e l ected b .. the Student
-a i ~h
or : IJC . A
~ot!n:: r ~?res ~rative ~c :o~: t:> -;he S tu -
r.e T;os oe
dent Boa:-<! or Control , m !I £ urontoeing rc?r Js c ntat'on !n s tueen: EO Verr.ncnt to s :l . 4.
Ad vocation
choice 'n
Union curing
1.1r! ~ vt d• u1l
of : ne~~~: ja~nc .:: t uc!e .. t s2::ir.s o:-ed
r•nct!ons , at b ! ch --~-s 1: ~a s beon o rav1~uslv clos d . 5 . ' d-.o::ate s: ude ~:: :?.c ti\·~t :es wh i ch ~11 e ::: l..~e t":e :::.:-: c;'lo. t i on an d m~=- e ~t o ~ a .. '! .:: 11 ~ ~:t'l . Poss-b i l iti es : ( a o ~ ~ n ~ze a pe.r.-,anen t deb'lte c, 110 . (o) Or e~nize a Re c ptio~ C o ~~ ~ t oe to gr eet st•1dents J~~:i rec:::i ~ r~ tion . 0
':la n 1 s C1 i 'l •
A fr! n !l'"\8
not jus t t r ue to i t s
·n~ shl p we~k ,
.1 l or e , b•.lt
oeani ''.f . 5 . ~n a t~1~·1c pr or.rnn no t 1 1~ ited t~ onu ~port , bJt to ext end t o ~ar.v ~~~ rts , ' f not compet1t 1v ~ a t l ei s t on ~n inteM1 1 r~l level. :•· P"' ltcy •110 !ld b o to ezr co1" ~e par t 1c ! pnt1 on 1n s :ich s·o r a cu: o l:' , ten :tJ !': , s k!ing , bnsv.~tboll , and s oftoall . 6 . A ecnool photogra 1he r to takt'I on r."1e spot pic t ure s for p•1b11cn t: ion .
have an ac c redited co l The:-•·fore , I pr o.,os e that e al<e ch is t o Ym up and 11s~e th•:i ~al izc we o.r e p tu •t of th1 co"nunlty a s a rlnl college r t .... r.•l an j u:::t high ::ichool 7.
lee •
This con~un ! ty does not r· a: -e 10 :>.t a boon tne J . c. 1s and could !)e . It 1s ny po l.,.1cy
t o l~t t~is town l<no w are. r ha~ ' o are f ?r,
~ha v e rfo:.-P ; <1c.-- 10
~~ -i:
iire do.:".! P.ndc W\
1"t:11~, ,
r ·.,m
strtvo r~ r r.~nple t e a1~reness of the t o~~soco~!e es t~ the impor tanc'l of ll'le J unior Coll e ge in t h is co~m .in: ty .
- -----