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T:1c C!onz.r.:e,r b~sl:otbr.11 q_u.intct bro!:c t!!o Junior Collogo rocord of throe victoric(; in I c.s many stc.rts 1 '\lodnoaday night in tho Gon2~go gymnasium by tho score of 44 to 33 . The gru.m uas en oxcoptionally fest ono , uith tho Gonzc.ge toc.m in the load f r om the st~.rt . : :cCell , s~r co11tor of tbe Jayc::..e outfit, by virtue of bis seven field 5 onls and tt10 free thr ous , led the scoring for both toe.ms . rrilson, of Coou.r d 1 Alono , end Roulos and Vc.n Voorhis, of Gonzcgo, eech scorod 11 points . The Gonz:lgt'.ns shor1od uncanny ability to nit the be,sket. They loopocl in shots' from every nngle, as uoll es pleyin(; e ~oo d defonsivo gt'Jile, J
!!cCall opcnod tho- scori.1'16 with
Coeur d ' ileno
G 0 5 7 0 2 0
l l l 11
2 16 1 0 4 0 0 5 :33
•Tue staff wishes to extend a vote of ,h!'.n!i:s to Ted Anderson uho gr:lciously donc.tcd his time and to.lent to r1esic;n <. heeding for oiu- pcper. We hope ;;c .... like it.
lfore thanks to Winifred Joseph And :&rmc. ":..re eontrioutcd ~ gre~t dael ot
c-~~~~ ~h~
Gf"fo r .... +-n ,..,.. ...... '"""
Ct'.tion the first issue of ::lu~h ~:;po~·-; ~o 'i:ha pc;,?or uill be mimooc--1'.'letl. ~-di~ ;ributed e~ch Frid~y of the ~and ~em~st.::r by the membors c:: tho jour-:'.'... is:!I c:.:-.ss. The editorial stcff is ho.,io.: by :-'. ~ y:·t Frcndscn 2nd J~ck Danby. Colle.;e ite,a::i end nc.tioncl nm;s of in:-.'.lrest to col~.oc;c s'~ud.out3 Vlill be. fectured . Contributions f··ow collo ~e stu<bni;s \7ill be selected .::r.:.. repri.n';ed under the supervision cf 1iiss Victor ... c. Scott who fills the post of oxchr.ngo editor. Other members of tho stnff t'.ro : Jolm Dinc lcr, sports -:triter; Evelyn UcDoncld, society end personal nous .
,....4 . . ....... ., -
A series or reli&ioWJ lectures uill be civen in the Junior Collcgo auditorium bcfinning February 2 , Dr. J . U. Bnrton, Professor of Psycholo.:,y nt the University of ::d<:).ho will speck on j,.;;.;-.:~~~· •· :·l't\.·.1·y i .._ :: ·:,·..i:.. .;.. ~ · Finl< from the TGcii;l3 li1un:.nuc 1, Spo k::..ne, 1. ~.11 spcnk on Ju.6.r.~s:::, T'31::1 ..i:. :ry 5: ::-.z::::. F2thC-" G. V. Linden, Pro:usscr 01 ::::tlu..,~tion ct C-cnzcga Universit.:r, .3,l)O~.::ne , \:i.ll 9pen1t on CP.thol:!..·· ci ··m, F~oru.r.:-y '!.':•~ J.:>ncludj ?'5 lectt ro ui l be L"-•P.~ F' 1ru ~-·y "' by :tkv.:.:-end H. A. Van Uinkl ... o! t'.·:: \:'.,.:-';;.,.::-.1 C".ri<-tir.n Churc·-, Spok.::nc, on ·"lw s-JJ>J~cc o~ Pro·.;a.,.tcnti~"1. The c:f·hrnoon .:;: •.ss achecl.ul.e ui!:'. J r: · c.rr..::ieocl on thcsr: C.::-.y.:. Th.:i 2: 00 o · clo<'J. classes will mo."; '-" .. ·OO rmd the lcc+;u:os will be given at 2:00. Tho public ::.s cordic.1.1.:r ir.-· ...:;ed ., · attena. these l.cc·:;uros.
Dr. O. 1:. Hu.s-ted t1ilJ tclk to t ..~ C;ntcmpor .._·y Civ::'i..z .ti:lr ,., .,,, ct !:13 F:. .. ....:.y, Jr.nuc.ry 26, on the subject G~ ::!:.:. '..d ?.er- .. , Il8•
••••• ~CJIIC
dny .
u1 ~he:>
t!u'ou, but the Gonz~e tcon looped in trio field goal.s mclc:i.Il6 the score 4 to 1. At this time the Gonze.gans C!uickly forgeG. iato ~ le~d, ·.::hic!l t~1ey held until t:ie fin<:!.l :- un. The lineU? end SUDLW.r)': (} F Gonz::.gc T 2 l. 5 'Reilly f V::n Voorhis f 5 l 11 2 1 5 v~..n 5istine c Ci::- ingham g 2 :3 7 lio17J o~ g 4 3 ll 2 0 4 Fl .ole g 0 0 0 '.; ... ~J.c g 0 l. 1 "::.O.!;<:>n g 17 10 44 Totals ::t;:::n f .... lson f r ·•~1'.Il c _ .. \ii.'":..:: g J~ l.l~f!.:Ot"' g
'l'ho J: yc1 ~ T<.'unt-:1 iu ·1.:,.., by tll..: iourn.:.L.o..~::1 J+1.i.:'.onts f r
:Bo sure to go to the r oturn bnsketbc l l vi.th llnma.n Tbursdo.y , Fobruuy l 1n th
nb GJJQl1CBiuia.
-;~~~-~-------------------------~~:;:!!~ ~~~Q=-----------------------------~~~-~THE JAY<:i.E JOU?.NAL
F.ditod tUld publ ished weekly by t he Journnlism clcs s of Coeur d 1 Alono J unior Co l lege . F.ditor Robert H. Frr..ndsen Jr.ck Dr.nby Aasocicto Editor Society Evelyn ilcDon.cld Sports Joh...~ Dinclcr Ex.c~os Victori:: Scott 'l'ypist a ~ Gvr~on i1inifrod Joso:_,h Class Advisor, lliss ZJ.len Bu:igr.y
EDI TO:aIJ..L By tho tiLloJou i:;ot to this column you probcbly lutvo ro end formed nn opi.l tion of t he rest of your novspo.por . This f irst issue is terribly r~oG end poorly or gt'.Il1zod es most first cttompts ere. "Jo hopo vc shell improve trith a littlo more oxpcr1cncc in this t T.O'O of V10rk. If noth~ oleo UC ~re got ting C s ro~t docl Of onjoy.nont f r om lee.ming to oporcto c. dupl iccting lllt'r chine. FA.itoriah c.ro SllPPOsod tQibot1nfort4C.tivc anti uplifti ng. Tfils, my f r s , I shell dovotc to c. ploc for COOj)Oretion c.nd loyclty. Only uith the uho l ohocrted s upport of the cntiro student body can t70 of t::O stcff ~re sent to you occh uock c. crodi tc.blo nousvcpor . So fer in tho short history of Coourd •Alena Junior Collage , ovoryono hc.s boon ~l ~csod uith tho roputction of doing ovorything thoroU8hly. It 18 our sincerest ho po r.nd dcsiro t hct tho Jc.ycoe Journal will uphold thct reputction. It is only too cr.sy for c smell l10\7BpC'.pe r , published by r, smell e,roup, to fr.11 into sleek ur.ys. Di scourc.ging troubles hcvo conf'.rontod us on every hand. \lo sincoroly bolicvo thc.t '7i th your fcithful support c.nd ooopcrntion ue 11ill overcome thom r.nd add tho Jc.ycoo JoU!'ncl to tho list of triwnphs for Junior College cxtre-curriculc.r c.ctivitios. I~ shell bo our policy to print from t~c to time outsto.ndinc student book rc vioua, ossr>.ys, poetry, or t'Jlything oleo you wish to contribute . So got busy,.,)'On scribes . \'fo onn nl wc,ys \tao s01110tb.1zte ,4 004 .
Tho Thirteenth Chc.ir, o. throc-r.ct i:-:"3tory, by lmycrd Vo ill or , 11ill bo prcso::'!:c:l ·,y the Co our d • Alol"..o Jur.ior College in t.::ie Eig! School huditorium on ~cbrucry 15. liiss Dorothy Ee.rin, in tho rolo of F:: lcn O•Noil, c.nd t:.'"'.urico Sr.:i:_Json, \7ho '7111 pl=-.y the pert of \7111 Crosby, will portrcy the lcr:di?lb perts . The othor mombors of tho cc.st which is u.nusuclly lcrgo r.r o: Kt:tho rino \"/hi tl£',, Clcrencc McPhe rson, :aosr.lor.. Sr.nderson, Clovillt'. Kobs , Winifred Joseph, Victoric. Scott , Alene '.7ilcox, Robert Frr.ndsen, Jo.ck Dt-.r.by, Pcul Bub.r~ostor , Dor.no Bro.komcyer, Goor5e Sonnicksen, ~d Eitel Dreisbcch. Tickets ere on er.le by or.ch member of tho pl cy er.st, end vcrious other collogc students . ?.oservcd sects ere cvr:ilnble , '7i th no oxtrr. cost , by s il!!!)ly tr.king the ticl:.cts to \/il son's Phc.rr.r.cy. Tho plr.y is boinc; directed by I.:iss Ellen Buner.y, E:nglish instructor .
JUl/IOR CC!·LEGE ·: '.i;'h TO \/ORK President M. A. Brr~omeyor hes me.de c.n c.pplicction to tho Civil ·:;orks Administrr.tion in Boise, Idcllo re~u.csting 1200 hours work to bo done in connection \7i th c. project being worked out by the pr.inters in Coeur d•.t.lono . Tho work includes t!io olocning of building:; boforo e.nd r.ftor pr:inting rJld is to be dono by tho Coeur d 'Alone Junior College men. One project thr.t is c11ticipctod i s n ropC'.inting of tho librc.ry. In this er.so tho students \'1111 bo roquirod to move the "b ooks end ropl r.ce them under tho direction of lirs . Dmlt'. HcClocr, l ibrc.ri t'.n,
••••• "SOIREE''
"Soiree" , tho club including tho members of t ho cdvcnocd French clc.ss , mot l nst Su.ndcy ~•o.ninB, Jr.nu.~ry 21 , ~t 6 o ' clock nt the homo of !Iias Vivic..n Hc.gc.dono • Sovorc.l reports woro g iven by the members c.nd t ;1c polici cc of Goorgo Borncrd ShP.\'T \'1ore *•¥****************** ** ********************* discussed. A collection of crticlos from spr.ce for tho best joke * Frr.nco ?rovod to oe of gre c.t interest to tho • \7ntchof this 1934. It ' s stupendous . • clrss • I t 's colloscl . * Rcfros'.Jme~ts ~oro sorvod by tho hostess . * P. S. Above ~11 it ' s funny . •
. ....
... ~ ~~-~"**•• . **~" ~ .... ,_\\. (: ~···~'Ir$$
. . . . ~·· • • • •
JAYCEE JOURNAL ------ -..------..·------·- - --------··---.. ..THE . . . -.---·-·--+·-------------, . ------------------·------·-----· J_';!'~r-,,
Vol. l
!~o .
F.AV3: ffii:l.'02TS
Tho Jcycoe qui ntet sucunpod the Spoke.no Junior College bcakotbcll toi;m i n their return gr.mo lest night by c score of 55~33 . Tho gcme uas p l nycd on tho Vcllcy collegians mr.ple court. The Coeur d 1 Al ono boys , still ueary from their gc100 with Gonzr.gc, plc.yod r. good offensive gr.me bu.t thoir defense ur.s not r.s good c.s usu.al. lllilo Gorton, "flc.shy" Jr:,yceo form:'.rd , pcraonnlly looped 17 points , to tel.cc tho hi gh scoring honors for tho evc nin&. The lineup c.nd sunmcry: Coeur d'Alene FG T FT 1 , Go r ton f 7 3 17 4 3 11 2 . \7ilson (c) f 3. Morken c 0 0 0 4 . Thompson g l 0 2 5 0 10 5. Dingler g 10 6 . McCe.11 c 5 0 7 . Booth( g 2 5 l a. i'.Jr.taon f 0 0 0 0 0 9. Llo.ddox f 0 0 0 10 , Boet s 0 11. Che.so g 0 0 0 SpokEJlO 1 , Lloyd f 2, Gr t.hc.m f 3. Mooro c 4 . Bi:.iloy g 5. Gr.in g s. Re illey f Referee:
~. C.
FG 3 4 2 3 l l
FT 3
0 0 1 1 0
T 9 8 4
Tho Zoolog y students h.~ve spe~t :' l ast tno lr,borcto ry periods in g i vin& ... ,_,. tdting notes on orr.l reports , Tlie mctortr l \"!C.S talcon from p2,mphl ots sent out b ~· ~ Turtox Publishing Com-pr.ny, C.h.icr...:;o, :· .. : end hos proved very intcrcsti:·..; ·~;; t~, ... stu.donts . Tho su'bjccts of some of t hr r eports 11ore: Tho liou.nting of Rl<'~1.-.·"~"", Field Collectin;'.! Hi.!ltr, r.:::.d Tl:-.~ :::.::;~::;c,~.i."'" of Specimens . Mr . "lio~u· , Zoology instructo r. 'H'Yf' +hr. re po rte slloulv. gi vc the s tucl.r,.,t -; ~ -:!o~-..:; : from l c.bor:"'.tory rt.~cwing 4:nC. C.ir:.i:rcv~i"'.u .
Such fools ~ I delight In buildil!i; cc.stles in the cir; And in t hem, plr.cing kn i ghts so bold A11d mcidcns, <:.h , so fc.ir . T:10 ccstlcs c.11 of ivory stc.nd In mystic, bri5ht, c.nd joyous lends . U;.1on tho f l oor r.ro rich d<:.rk r ugs : Tho 11clls c.ro veiled with silk. Tho wino is pou.rod. from golden jugs; And lcc.ves e.nd flowers ne •or 'iiilt . Outside , tho slcy is over blue; 1 Tho sun does ever shine, And mc11 <:11'. mcid.s <.ro r.l.1;.-,,, ........(. 1
~ :-r.: l:i .- ~ :::
S ti."t, :.itlt\)_1~
I Tl-:.c forosts there c.re
grc~t =--~i :'.'..cn.30 ,
I The rivers cr.lm end c l a c.r . l \"!11cre r:;ypsy clc.i1s mry pitch their t or.
:; 2
j c.nd. cl.<:.nce \7 ith grcce end cheer . j AJ!d rihcn night comes the full moon shine s
. Upon the seen..; be lo;1, Tho cc.st l o spires up in I. T~c gy9sy tents below,
.,.;, " '·n·i.o r Coll~,;-- ....v ... .Li.... qv.r rtot comnoso<l cf Tr.i:;1ie Er1cKson, Irene 1"'.r,her, llilo Corton, c.nd Lm1ronce Nisse!l plc.ycd t r10 .:i.elightfuJ. numborG , Serom~<l.o to the Hoon by d • Alosio , r.nd In Centrr.l Pc.rk by Sovor11, F.:t t:-..e Home Produce Dinner i n the i.!c.so:::iic Tcwple, ilonday evening, J c.nucry 22 . Those officictini; nt tho dinner were : Joss e ve ·~ter , president of the Idr-.::.o- ;1c.s:1lngton F.:.rmers Union; E. T. T~ylor , master of the Dr:,lton Grc.ngv; S~u Bodius, ~reside nt o:: tho Koo·i;enai County Fr.nner:. ·::.ic:1 ; :i.~c.yor :::oe; c.nd Dr . E . L. Spor.;:, prcsicl.vm; of ti1•3 vne.mber of Commerce . A~"i:;er tho progrcrn an hot>r end n l: . '. : i1r.:; sIJCnt in ol~ -tir.1e dc.ncin,;.
I And t;1rou£.h : Hy oirci ... :-id 1' I ,..... :
tho clouds,
suc'.1 fc.iry lc;1d.s of ,_, ., ,... ~ ,..; -.: !, ... "'_o\:
r v" ·cc ·J..J...• t ··L ~" .,... • · •.., .. ... .. •I :not:; out the mt.gic drcr.m i Anc' all my c r.st:...:J crwn·ole <iorm · AnG. ;yliL'1;SC into the strccm . ..... _ .I,.. -
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-;~~~ -~----------- ---- - ----------- - ~;:~:,.r; 26, 1934
1.iAliY \/ITNESS GAl".iE
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I 1
J ohn licCr.11, otclkr juni or college =-- ~ vot mc.n, 17i th n tot r.l o f 50 points i n f i ve ~~~c s , lecds tho J~ycce s cori ng column. Mi_ dorton, with r. t o tr.l of 49 points i s r. close ::i-:col'ld, follo11od by Gr.r i'iilson. The ind.ividur.l scori ng for the five ~nns is 4:S foll0\73 : G FG FT T J. o John Mc Ci-.11 5 23 4 50 2 . Milo Gorton 5 21 6 48 3 . Ger '.7ilson 5 17 9 43 4 . John Di ngle r 5 14 1 29 5 . Ho 1vin Boo tho 5 13 2 28 u. Ed Thompson 5 6 0 12 I . Eugene Boughton 3 3 3 9 a. Pcul ilorkon 3 2 1 4 s . c. }'if'.ttox 3 0 0 0 :..0. rid ter D~tson 3 0 .o 0 . ' "!Jl:cycr Best 2 0 0 0 :-z . Gordon Chnsc 2 0 0 0 Tote ls 98 27 223
:::n tho fi vo g=es tho locr:l collcgie.n s scored r. totcl of 223 p o i nts to their 01?:)oncnts 132 . ill':YG
1i-.~-.:'.Joostc1·s of Coou;.: d ' Alouo. Jun:i.;.,. Collcc;o u i tnosscd the b?.skatbo.11 gr.me with Gonzr.gr. University, ITcdnesdcy ovoni~..g , in 5·,:-::•:.me . These included mcny tormspoo:.;>l o , hic;h s chool students , ~d Junior College students . l!ombcrs of the College c.ttcndi nfr 1·1ero: ilr . Br::kemeyor, 1iiss Bungc.y, Hi~s Axte ll , Irene Fisher, Dorothy Ec.ri n , Dorothy Anderson, Cl ovi lle. Kobs , Rosnler. Sc:nderaon, Alone ~7iloox , l'fr'.xi ne Er.stburn, Victork Scott , J~e Po\'l'oll , Evelyn iicDoncld , Vivir.n H~adone , Clemmie Zehner, I mo.;one Spohn, l.Tr.ricn Ccrl son, Doris :Boe":, \'!ilbur Hc.i:lillond, Pr.ul Buhrme stcr , DorJlc Brclc<meyer , Eitel Dreisb<'.ch, nobcrt Frr.ndscn, r.nd 1Ic.urice Sc.mpson.
The Coeur d ' Alene Junior College quintet 11ill engc.go Kim:ir.n Business University i n r. return gc.me nt the Elks gymn r.s ium, Thursdr;y, Fcbrucry 1. The loc<'.l Jnycoo bested Ki 1'llllrui 44- 9 in their first encounter on tl10 Y. li. C. ii.. floor in Spo:~::.ne , Tho Kinrur:n five under the cor ching of Rey Slccr.den hes improved gre a tly si11cc thie f i rst gc.me end r.re determined to even tho score , According to pra-gcJ11e st ~ tistica , the home t erm is slntod to r1 in.
er Studos: This is r. colUlll. Not r. r eglcr colum, ut n colum . If yu li!cc this colum, r i te yur ·:.re ht' ve fin:::lly come t o tho conclus ion cr.tr.m0:1ts in c li ttul note , put i t i n c :::c:-':)e . Then p.:-.stc yur str.mp on upsidc_dot:ll'l that " Sr.umpy" S~:p s o 11 needs r. hc.ircut - - in more rir.ys th:-n one • .lrcss to u.:;, r.n;:l throe r.11 <.\Wl'.e . ,.If. ir Yurs truly A certnin young gentlemen 1·1hile dl'i v.i;.1g G. r.nd P. ., h is ca r to tho Gonz r.gc. gr..'llc rfccl.ncsclc.y, e>.sscrif tedly began to pors)irc i n tho v icini ty of Y:iu l'/Ould clmost think thr.t "lkn i.iounPost Fnlls . j.Jy, j,zy, Eitel. r/J.lo 1·1c.s ~--.... · ~ •• .:.;111 V~ Sist i ne 11r.s ~ ry 11hon one of tho •lit.ti? _., . _;.,. xoot<>rs dccoriously dubbed him "King Kong of ~he I:tl.r.nd. Enpixe . " This wook ' s boquct goes to Cl c.ronco X. -I! -r.1lcPhors.on, ro;?utod T!r:yor of Post Fc.l ls . .i!'.r . rle c.lso undorstr.nd thct Vicki Scott ' s 11cPhorson se.ys thnt now r.ll d nt os with him J.fl.t<:st cr:-.ck :!.s: " N'ix on the Cl:'.bbr.c;c , Bob t" shr.11 bo b i gger , longe r , ru:id lovelier. {F It hcs boon noised <'.bout thct Gnr i7ilson._ miy Clarence, you old smoothi e .
r. ne\'I cirl friend in Spolrnne 17i th tho Hovi ~.bout i+.! __G=:=?
"iY)it ; ~.1= '~1 . 3 . "
Ft>.mous Q.nott'.tions: "LC. they sing for som0 people! " :'.::. L . 13 . ii""
SU:}~osed to "olumn 110 unc.nimou::ly C.cci<lod thr.t ....,_._., ....s tnc b i gges t jol~o of -.he yecr
•::o l el'.xnod t ilnt 1.,e vJCro
-';: -::r.:'. ::.
(Hocks Col\Ull )
·"·.,. '
Cc.n it bo possible thr.t c.. co rtcin bloncle from Spokr.nc J . C. hes designs on tho C. J . C. number 8?--0r cr.n it? {jYuxs truly, C\'11:-.dys :::.na. J?-.:rci ve.l