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The Easter convocntton will be hPlrl. ·:!t t" <.l'~o •ohe: o"t ~ 1 i,tt.4 i oo11ec,e 1 ~n the coi.lege a\lllito1·ium at 2 O ' cl.:>c!~ J.cc.:. .... ~ s·., ....~._, 4;:i.s flv•n ju::riol coll eges" , t:>d:\y. The sreRl<""P" ,·,ill be the Rev . llr . af\corO.lllR to (I statement made by Dr . Davis , Francis E . Roose of the First Pre:::by-';;c:::-:.~. . - ~:1. "! ';he '.'l';itmen En.:;lish delJal·tm~;mt , in C!r.u-r"l of S"'lokane . He is said. to be an 1 .:ui.ic g.1. van to ,. he Contem·,orar y Ci vili zaout~ tandil'l(l speaker and his addre~s wi 1 h<> ~ --:m ~"!..'.r::: ).c.st ./ed:.lesday afternoon. 1 in keP.Plrl.S witn the Easter seasviA. ~r Davis advised st~ents in choosinn The m~sical portion of the convocat1on •..., "'l'll consil:st of a vocal solo by I:i:::::: ~:::..:::-i::~ ~ .,.,,...,tioll, r.ot to ju.cl,;e bus:.ness by the " ,_er.c:·+ co-r'~t·•'l::s , but to c~oose t;,.eir ., Be:::-g, of Spokane ; a violin solo by lill.SS ""':"" +< "l"'~ +'>-1'1"\ tl'YJ_se in which they are most Taimie Erickson, and a selection by the ---~ · ~ ... .:, ... ~:.e~ ·~:1an from those which ' Lut~era~ Chul"ch male quartet , e.nd the prur.tise the greatest ::~onitary returns . I sill8ing of "The Palms" by the cell~~: glee D>- Davis aJ.so expressed his o}>i nion 1 cl\\b . ~ hat tLlOSe ',7h0 ~(;:..._. ger.eral junior COllege '~'~U\" ses for the first tvto years in college, • C~T FOR TKRID OJ.@ACT 'PLAY : .. ., t' e ~C.vc:r.tage over those ut.o major in IS CHOSZI:. :lllt:.;l.... L;ed 1.ork from the beginning.
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{lee club , orchestra , and __ ,_ ;" v1i' 1 ..ta!:e a -tour t o sever al •• ,; - -· '- ~...:..:. •.,; :t.:..;:·, ilchoo ls next Tuesday • t ::.. ' ,,.., w11 1 , '1'))1ea't' in J?ost Falls at • .. * -:' ) ~:...._"\,_ n...- ""u::i,-_.. co!lege at '"'· 1·-·•-u.•·,..., "'" l~Svr e.nd. at Spirit Lalce 1.
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The cast for the fantastical cost•.t'!l"' play, "\lith the Help of Pierette" has bt.o:;u s e lected. It is as follous : Punchinello John. McCall
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Pierrette :i!ivelyn UcDonald "Pr•. c·~icos fo 1· the :pl ay wi ll 'J.;e,in immedi.,.tel ' ' :tel' v t cation, •' •.IE.s the announcer.:e "::~ m... <.o.e ·oy Clara So lltha:l'd, C:irector .
,,~ .. ,~ been '7o~~lcing ami. SHould present an
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:..'::. ev::.ou.vlJ ·;;;•ey had planned to make a r.wo-day +.our a;.td lnclud.e j, ulJ.an. Vallace :..:': :r~ll~\""~ " :!o"::~:::·, "'.;hcse sc~ocls are nor1 ci.osea . ~c.:.u.s~ oi '&he ?revalence of .:: ... - : "': . T:. •-i:.'-4-~ ·~-- . .: :,:.:.:.£; c:..-ti~s J.L"'OOc.t.OLy
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l'PCon'·lv ~ ~ ~ o1 . Gorto;'i, r~··- ~I' 11 , '1 1 '· -~:• either .,.,\...l :.1.1-uloo.,.W ~t.l" o:.: -€ ];•,.':e ..1.;J ~s t he ir · " '"'"'""''" r.P. , :Pr.. e~1<-d ··-y a1 •l«.n:><ors of l r.r6 o-•·t.~":'.; , • c1 •• ~.oocl. or~~~ ""'u·• ..,,,..,~1.. ''"' -~·;·;u~" .t. . ,.. ... 1 •
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T\1e1ve days and no sc~1oo l. ·.·.here a:·e the students and teac~ers ~:;oin:; to s:penc~ their vacation? SoUle of t;~em \Jill t;o on a trip , so.~.e of them will stc:y hooe . l'~e., "ll bet alon:, so.ue:•ovl, no doubt . JJau'be the tr.o youns teachers of t!1e fairer sex -'ill s9enc twelve day s ridl!)b a motorcycle . T::e so.-_.. ... sc1once professor ~"'a s a. baseb~ll "t~$'.1 to co::ch. T:le math instructor 11/ill :;ossibl..Y t;o home to see :1is "bette r ;1alf' 1 • Vt.cati on time is a tioe of rest . Forget your school-11ork for a time . Don 7 t 1 even tl. nr...: o f t h e re?Qrt cards yott w~'11 receive r1~.en yot\ return. Go out c:n:c'. ~::..-co good t).me , for soon the last nin.e \'leeks oi the first ye~r of the Junior colle,:e •,-:-:.11 begin. This will mean a lot. of 'Nark. IO!' the last perion of -~lle sc:.ool year :!.~ _,.., .. ,.., the lv~rdcs t . 'l''.e tP.nr.\Pl•<'Y ~ !'l riL .:. . .::mor.() the stuC.e:lts l .::.,-:e: :..t eye~- -~arder . ~'c~"· :-t~:t.!"tl'"'<'"' ; ·11.\ "0 "''>Tk means goot
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.Edited All<!. published weekly by the class of Coeur d ' Ale-ne Junior College. J~urnal ism
Robert· ':H. FrandseJt.:~ Jack E. :Danby Evelyn :.icDonald John Dingler \!.tttori t. Beo~:!;. 7iinifred Joseph Enna Gordon Leona Johnson Zella t :ae aelch lli. Doane :Srakemeye!' Cl.o.s.a J..dvisOT, ~liss F..l.len Bungay
:Wit or Associato Editor :.ociety Sports ~itera cy l'lo1.es b;eportc rs
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All co;.le~es ... vo l>=~n-:-. :s-i-f."'l,_ ... -- ~ s ors <:.nd ~;oeur d' .•le1:e J11l1.ior ..:vl.:i.et-~ '"" exc e·>tion. 'J.:1e ot· P.r day .:... '7e>- ,~ -·-~' eel h~mc wher- sud-:: onl~ '.c rc...3 ...0v:'. : ;;~.:. · : .• ' had l ocked. is :l:lt , n tl1e s, fe; ne -;:-o n·.; • v
ret r acer ·· ia ste·"s i'nU. TC!:CUed s~-- ~ :·--. i:r , FTet;. ·:rehr, science .. no. m:;~t;. =' - -··
•te~c~1er uas born 111 Co::&d, 1;ebre<:~::-, " .1894 . · ·e n',;ter.de" .::;r .;de school t~te""~ ;..a.~.: 'he we!'l :1ine •ear s old, a t nhic:: tin"' :. ·- :!~ Ients ltlovecl. to Iloi se , Idaho. J:e ccr.:·:~<<1..~.:. :. euucation in :Joi se for a time and 1.~- · r · 1P jLlOVe d to Stor, Ida:1o u:1e.o he \J;:.s _;1: ·-·"·,. · from thEl St ar high s chool i n 1914-. Ee toolc his f irot det,Toe i n • :r.-- · · · 1 l'•ho Uni versity of Ida11o, aft~:~r e,!~..L .._ •• -·lhe taueht motrJ:-.r.ti cs .md sc1e1•ce f0~ ~ .., 'let H,.:;,er'"JL:l". -l"L. 1 ater .:.t Bli:::::: :-.::."':·. ~:. : jHe also cv c.hed b;;~sebal) , baskctbJJ.J · r :o~ll"
Soma of the readers of the Jaycee J ournal a r e ~Tendering why there was no front pace on l ast we eks edition of the pa:s:er . It is even more puzzling tor-ehu lll!?lllb~us ~•f .a...:e r-t:,ff. The pe.ge was printed a week ago yesterday, and the next day both the stenc i l and t he page were missing. One solution t o t he IeyStery .mig ht be that SQ:le student may have swlen the page in order to keep some story from reaching the eyes of the public. AnotheT soluti-on is that IJOssibly s«:~e member of t h e .FT1ars Club, wh ic!l met in t he Junior College last Thu.rsd.ay evening, may ha ve taken it, thinking it >loulC. be a good joke . At a:ny rate, from n0\"1 on tile paper Will be kept under lock anc1 key, and no one , with the ~ca-ption of the journalism atud&nts, will be allowed to read it until it has been pu.blished. We hope that the students will bear this in mind,. and .ooo.perat e by not asking to read it before ,PI.Il>li.-oati..()n.
J.!r . ·;1c:-:r -~~•en retur ne e. t o -~:e ·Jl_ • of l:!el:;raska c:-~t'. secured i1is ,,,.,_g•<>r ~ e:~>,.. ... in soi::!. , chf'!"!listry and pt...ys ic~ . Aft~l ::.e.:.vinc .t.o1·as!re , ; .r . .1~hr ::"' .. !). ed to !C.a:•c , f.:l<! ts.~!:t r:...t:r.u:.t-:~s. 'h '~-- ; j and scie:1ce .:.r. 'i/eisOl' hit;:: sCN'·)l. '2L· ·.Ieiser he ;:c:::-.t to the Uni versi-:o;· .,: ·.- .. ·.:r:· -for five .u... r.;e::-s s'.;U(;.yill(, ...~~~;x.~..t::.c:.:, ,:.. t&nci education. iie r.as atso at-tenG.e:' .;-.:.~ ''-' sc'1ocl .::t U. i.ve;.·si~ios of Cal:_:;, .. ¥,Ut~1 .
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in France , .:e served in i;he heaa.t_uar<F.~·., Com')any, 3t'x6 1-'ield •.rt .. llar y of ~-e 0 .. ,. ~1 i s i on . ,,.',ile in j)';:c...1cu 110 ·:;as & r.1erube:· _._ to :;JOc;l'aphiCL'.J so_uaci. <.aC:. !le al~ o •:,or I\<!(: !post office d.C''tJartment . He:: ·.J<:.:J f.:.r:: ·. -- ·.: iBorda o.ux sector, and le-ber mo veei. -"_, i.~1•: "-t·.· l inity of ;.tc tz, 2.bout t.IIP ·:It.y milf'"l fror·l ~·., tren.cl1as • One of ;.r. 'Jchr ' s f:!J: st rer:~::.1:l~.£'<1l.C'i!'1 1 I was one of disobedience. ?.:: il'J .: .e.r ·.:v~ '• •*~..,.•****~* 1 t o bri:".s in :.;o, e \/OOd c:1~C: J.:e C..l6J1· ~ Q.,. -.; 1 As ;;. res u l t , :·.is ;,,other madP .,;,;,, ,.,. .. ,. lJ ~. WHAT PRICE LEl."DDfG? 1 e.ncl stay for hi lf a d<:y, ,~... : ~,~-· :::··· l aziness . " It is l&lllentable that people of college Hi s favo rit e .ob'.?y ::.s ";.f>:~::--.;: :~ "" ~ yet are not considerate enough to respectl had many w:1bi tions--at fiT s t t;, ::v ;:, -;;~,. :.::. ~ the property of other people . llhen a person do f armer , then to be a soot! oaseba:C.L • a :•)' lands a thing in good condition he has a and f in.:lly t o lez.ri' .:11. cl-c'..t .-:~"':.---' ·- . rieht 'to ~xpect its return in good condition none of ". 1ch i1<:.ve Mc.ten.i...:: .i. ...,( ~" ,rc .. , ~ and if he leaves something in a room or in cor<A~.ng t o • .r. i/ehr . the hall he has a right to expect i t to be •••¥~•~~ ~ ~~~~~ there when he returns . These rights are te<> often rudely overlooked. Sever al stuCl.ents ilr e ,;or:L.::_ : .•.::, ~ . When property is either datnabed or otb.er students go on Sat'.li'd<:.y m ~·:··s 7 n stolen someone must pay for it and the ,a good time . ~1at ' s ~ &ir.~la ~r., -~ __ :. innocent are apt to suffer as rrell as the !they GO t o the K. C. hall and <i.ancP. · 0 ,,!_,.. m .. guilty. The innocent are suspected, watched, of 40¢, a nd Si Lerri s ' orches";:--::. and de_pri ved of their privileges as liiUch. as J~~n u"' **'·' ., those Who are r eally to blame. Is this far and j'11st? Of course i t isn't. But who can change th1a sad state of affairs? No Dicl Doane really ~:.ro1.1i &e :1.i.s one percon can do it nor can it be done a c~s t le or W~ 6 it only a sta ll? entirely by the faculty. It must be d.one by the oooperaUon or all the students--by the c ommon des ire to 'be more careful and more cons iderate ot tbe property of others. v. I. J.