J.C. Journal 2(13) January 24, 1941

Page 1

V1'1 . II

no . 13


·. ~.



'.i't}o Cnrd;inn l Cc.SC: cr c•t ~~ ~l ocot c crocking good '"!cn a tchoo Jr . Collogo five &~turdQy , Jc.nucry 25, in 'th::> Civic Auditor ium nt 8 p .n . in tho l~&t ho~o gi:.mo l"w:lfor o thoy take off .on bc.ekotbo.11 . their annuc.l pilbrll.u.go that \nll take thnL. through tho app le ~enter of Wcshington nnd poosibly to tho oo~ot .


Chr istianson says will be. n tough bc.ll gcuoo , worthy of nnycne 's time , Wld urges ~ll


. \\1 '


st•JC.:ents to bring their i r lor.ds o.nd come eo.rly . TLIU.f PiU"lIDSt. C'R[;!JIT ~ ..monG tho 1.1 v.cti~ativo


thcrnoo •,•·rncd in by Cr . ttcl'ullcds .'rest mnn Lni;lish Classoo .r r 0•1ch titlos oo "Fifth Col ll!UJ ,\otivitios in tho L'ni. :;t d .St "ltoo'' ' 'Vi ourl Aid .!.r :.:duontion"; "Orohido 11 ; 'J'ln j ' um" ; 1'Infrnt1lo Po.ral .. v h": 11T.ho l.fayo Clini c "--; 1 • :.;,L[ It, 'i.mc.rio<' "; "Tclo1co.,.._s" ; "Ct nc.di n Gocu<" 11 I r. nd "»'lying Fli VV<.J r s " ' t : . :.:or~ull ..in atntos tho.t t.h oy or o !'<ir o.bovo tho n· •o r · go g1.norclly , and t·1.:. l'l'1 t s to compliment hi::i ~t ~1 ~nts on their ~bility .

Too sporking clnscos :v:vo been having disouse' ono oono ~rnin~ tho vocat ~ o~ · 1 p roblems in tho ocl'!l'"luni t.y. Tho boys pre.~,~ ~ d discu csion on tho ,>r oµos ..d R:i t hdrUt1 irriga~ 1 on proj.,ct , Th" pros " nd on:.; bdn i; 1voll delved in'.;o .


C • P . 'l'. PROGicn:; CL :...:~ED UP

The Fc..11 zeoestar class of Civlliei..n Pilot t r c.ining cc~e to u cloce Tu~sday \rl. th t h o t'inc.l fli,r;ht tffsts successfully


th- t

J::.nuru-; 2 ~ , 1941





Bill Kec.tll:.!; the "quiet fro1a 5pol::t..r..e to atise ~1ednesdc..y c.fternoon . Ile left school to LJ.ccept c. position wit h t ho leteoro lo,'.tY bur enu . The studant body rrill ::liss rill, espocic:.lly thoce ;;h01:. ho helped \7i th Ucth c.nd En3inoe rinc Drc.\7ln f.). L..:ld t:ho 'rill So.l \tr'ite cbout? whh~ ' flO\;



by the c. ct~vo grou~ . The ~es ts, co~duct~d by :; •:i. V'5 11. ic.;::s, Gi 1711 Ae:-o on utics Au+.horit!· Inspector, \:ere tr.ken by Yfillio.n Tc.ylor, lforno.n Groen, Elizc..~th i..nderson , Albert YesonsL-y, Sunday, Jo.n . 19 . Hou•.rd Thor.xpson c..nd Frc.nces Sz:rl. th. Hho hr.d 00I01pleted the test a ~.-eek eic..rlier ~der c.. C . •• • •• • Exc..r.iiner, flc>r ohtJc 1! tests for Lr . :'Ti 11 i c.."IS the s a,-,o dc.y , r;hile Virg Shop;ierd flm·1

his t ests

7uo~ dn:i.· .

Tnc co;;.p l e tion or thoso t osts biv : s the ctudonts '1rivc.t:o pilots \7lth Class one lr.nd r c.tinr;s .

FUil'FEST TO BE TIIDRSDJ,y Cb >hur sdr.y next ,

~•1th th(,. nc.w Ol:.Kst c r n c.o rly he. r e , . i s s -:>ort <.. r' s oom:ucrcial d";i::. r t::i n t }. rs


pl rcc ~

f or

~(.v~ ra l

otud tnt s in l oc" l of11c~s . Ilise Chris -in c. nob ins s~ o rt o d worY in ~h e. office of' './illi "m Ol r on, Se;orct r ry to tho C h~l:lb , r of Comm, re • S c.r work n s

st cnor,r phcr buGrn

l o ~t

Wl)C'k ,

t!1s ~ Donna. Juno D~vi:! won r position with tho Ida ho Dopcrtmcnt of Public :~ssistnnc c r.s !l stc."l ~ gry ph~ r , ond Liss llorion Brnndvold h r s act:cptcd !l. pert- time ~osition with tho Stntc of Id".ho Roomploycont sorvicc .

cry 30 , tho whole bcdy is invited

Jo.nustudent to c..ttend

n ttgw::ey" pc.rty, ~1th bcd ::tinton , table gaues , ct-.rd gt.L'!os , oc.r lor g£.J:1os , uid o.ny other buoas tho.t might CM> r oquostod before that d c te . There will be BO de.nc!..ng , as the equipcent requir&d to attend t his po.rty trill be one po.ir of gyr: shoes . You ~y wear y~ ur t;YC clothes if you

prefer . Refreshnents will be s6rvod . Tho party '1.1111 be Gi~ ct or near 7:30 , eo ~nere's ~o ~eec to bolt your dinner . Uarion ?1ewbury ui 11 er.suer an~· questior.s you nay h£ve .






!lORTH I DAEO J:1i!O.~ C"O:...r.EGE Coeur d'Alene , Idaho ?ubl 1sh~d weekly b:r $1;"...de= ::s or ?J . ':01 ::: : o . 13

4 •


A heavy majority of ~~ Student Body forsoo~ rer;~ la.r class schc-dules Mond•y




!:.s.:-":"e:r !'!e::.i11 gwa: ·,

Col~ 1s~s:

Helen Je:i.:i i:lat"is ,

C?- .£d~ ·ors

Virgil Shepperd 1'a.rijay:•..::<" Duthie ,


Clerical S:aff: Adv1ivrs:


5 ec:is t.h~t

nest of


to the faculty , 'l7e r ci thD.t o:e em::ULd 5rad04 and eo forth , r.cr.t n 'ic~ Hut.ch!t:on 1 s l a7e n propeosi ty for bitsta~ -rnt or .cenceday U::- off more "tho.n w can ~hou'c cG ::mdc h re . Sh~ chew . So, l ~t 's not kid pr~ud:y cla :!1B to have out~clves long r , and nrlo:~ t~n pounds since r o.ni;e 11 sch dulo w can ~choo1 opcr.ed !Uld ·ivcs carry ou~ 1'1't'll . It do• ~n • t ~rccit tc her nu::i rous lock wrll ~do sn ' t fool sc1 ops lp 0..""'d dcr.m -:hoise ~co G~o~ . Or docs it? .hrre fl.£h~s of st ir• . A.~yhaw, i• 1 c ur ~o tho in''!.u Eut.chison c! !.cks divi~ucl ~udcnt . ac~c~:in;

H -

ton5uo ~!.

tile diilyand points she g i.~cd aF-

•"l·' !:· c. iqu ut


~J ~·5m tel~




tcr of po~;do rlur.n& t~o por_od of a::\Jc:· h re, when ~h • ::oo, b4: : :·d to tho i.:l y-


rs .



ti~ in or thcs u~! ­


the hi~to~y tcd States , n huTc a ?r sid"nt for the th~rd t' -r.:, OC111s.cutivo or ot.hcr-

w~. "1

l. He wns ir.au~urn ed '"o., ··~· · .i".nuary ~o, Wld

:·ou co·.ld hcor ::he results

all over ::he J. C. Be Umt nc it r.ay, wo've ~i·~ d hi~, we &ot him, :o let's ~o rk for ~i.rl , nr.d the i;ood o:<!


ar.d her.-:!


E~s ar~ co~~nb ~p ~ext ~ecc, so ~t will behoo;--e nll or \.:S ' and I do ?:U:nn i:.!~ , -~o,;;,r.<; d~ 11.nc dig . J...:: • ~l-; . :ct's ~o , S~udcn~s .



?. G. heill , former Field sent~ ive of the S~tc of !du.ho Ir.cQJllc tax r~~r

Der: ar tmc.:i t , :::.et w.1 th Uie St t~ Govc~ro::ent clC48 , Frid!ly, Jan. 17 and Monday Jan. 2~ :..~ ;criod3 of dit cuasio:i dc-otC'd to the> Incc:e- tux ou tio:l . llr :.cill 3t· tcd hot tho ~rc~C'!l~ Ir~~e-tax plan ';'TB.S ::u:::b~rson a.nd difficult t~ J.rt ~intr~to i.:nd -that it vo-Jcr 1 CJ ht.rd-

20 , to

gathe:- ; to list·~ to a radio- east ofthe 29tt. inau.:;uro.l cereno ies it Wnshingt?n, D. C. l!r . L< e ar d fj-s . Gridlt}' led n d!scussion of th~ prosident.'s thirteen lldtthe audi toriur;>

ute prayer for tho VI\ t i on

of democro.cy,


the spirit tf

that aorueh.,, developed into a do&- eat. dos debnte on the subject of an educutor'o plnoe in

the pblitioo.l scheme . Tho mcflting broke up wi t.h the mo.tter unsettled, tr . Lee mo.intnininr that an educator wo.s bound in the interest of goverrutent to p r'eeent well-- reasoned opinions to hie olasaea, ond Virg Ghepperd ayree!ng with th1E principl' , but mnintc.1n1ng t.hnt tho educator ' r. point oJ' view should be one of passive in p1,;c!.1on , "lot one of acti•1c participation in the pol1~icnl srr.:1 ~ .


During lo1't Friday ' s o.ssembly, the J . C. student body "ltere thc:t ~uosts of s hip upon ·: , 'lu~inesc the Econqmic Googre.phj' hous~s of ttJ Stt- ~ :v1jch c: lnee an an irual!:inary ::iny zo·~ ;ct ~ • t i 10 tots! er 1.1'1 " frorr. Houston, '.:'exu tax ccllcc::ti. to Cubn , Puerto• P1:co , th'J The E<L.. ~;itJ.'~al ?ko rt~"u+.h Merican co.mt.riea ?'lent or ::: c ::;-:ate. se.yc l.:r. end on t'J tho Pana.c:a Canel •. · 1 • .C! -, T(;<.ei··r:s a•Jpro;,:1 v here th '.I 7:r:rt; "trc.:nded i:u..~ -Y ~o~ of ~~ totcl (u.tcsed the boat , I guess) :lone:· col!Ectcd, '".'Ii th the Tht;. trip Via~ fl'"OjOC~ed be.::.!ll'::ce distrl.bu1;ed +Jo.rough or. the scr.een ~re~ ~he the •:ar .:ous departmc-.::it::i . Balopt:con a.~d the ~ei:~crs ser7ed by th~ \;e::-:ira l of the cl~ss ~old aho~"t fund . " the si:enery, industries , pointa of !"Jtert-:;t ~d custo~ or tht. peo?~e or the v~rious ooun~~ es .






Becew:e the Junior Collete o c.ve:::.er:t is ~sod upon the ~rcise tru:.t the student nnc tho -=structor hnve a per ~onol intor~~t in one another and that the student ;~~i , ~t ~11 ti.nos , be able to request n ced~d special attention , the Nor th Idaho J~ 1 r Colle&~ . in Coour d 'Ale ne, I de.ho , sull:U.ttod to the atudent body a ques t~o'l.•.r.... sij?'lod to find o ut if thfi st ...der.tc ...,ere in accord mth the faci lities t.10 curriculur.i n•aila'Lle , techniques o!' t eo.cning e::ploycd by the c.nd student c ooper ation \Tith one another .


!:it. '1! JV',


su::cntion of the r esults or tho questionnaire showed troz:ds of student opinio~ tha-: r:JIJ.Y well be of inte r est to studez:t, la;;:mn, and oducntor. Of a total enrollI:ient of 118, 72 studentz pcrticipat...-d , ot wHch 40 Frcshna.n gr ode .



In IUlSTTOr to tho question , 0 711-.y &.re you c.ttending ?lorth I dllhc Junior Coll.,ge , 44 wor e attending for .finAn.cilll r ec.sons, .1hile other s c.cntionod the nearness to their homos and tho particular subj e;cts in which thoy ·:rcr c intere sted . Twenty studonto hod cduco.t1ennl o r ps:tchologico.l pr obl ems , and 20 r:or o moro froquont conferoncvs ui t h tho instructor . nrty- throo likod tho tn.fljori ty of studwits ~d }.c.d ::io.ny f riends . f olt thnt he or she wc.s bolnG snubbed IT.r othvr stud .nts .




Forty- fiva thou(ht th!.t th e ndninistrr.tivc officos 1or o fillod o.doqu~tely , c.nd bo only complaint r ogilltor cd \lt.S tht.t oool:s \:cr o slcr.7 in ....rr ivint; .

or 72 pc.rticipnting studonte , 72 cauplc.incd of qur.rt ·rs .


c rw:ipcd



In tho serie s of quvstions on instr~ction , 61 fr.voro~ f iold ~rips ns bcnofi ci.i.l in lllustr nting on t r in 1 b...ing st;Jdic.d ; 29 t hought of thm:1 o.s boi.ng extror.ic.ly ,.,,duablo . Tho o.v<>r ngo atudont spc·ot fo lr hour s c. do.)' i!l cln.ss r.nd !'our hour s studyln(" out.aido of cl au . Th i rty- ~ro thougi t ti.ct clc.ssr ooo u.esie;r.::iants woro hccvy , o.nd th'> s hl..o nunbor thought of thou as boint,; siiticfo.ctcry . Only ono student thought of th~ oa boing too Hcht . Studonts fnvor od tho locturo c..nd discussion c thod of clc.ssrooc r ocitntion , ;..1th ll heavy minority in ft1vor o!' r c l 'lgc.tion of th..i in:itruotor to n debnte r ofer ' J 'o sto.t.us o.nd fund 01' spocial infore£t1on , -;iith etudtn.t ln...-.. stii;ation and r eport \hn businoss of tho clneo . 5evoro.l clnseoe eoomod to f oo l thr.t tho cu:;ount of TTOr l: c.nd tico dc:canded by couroo ~ns not oommonsur~tc with tho er dit &:v •n . The C. h .A. clr.ss voted l~, ,. i t; Or i ving 2°", English Compod tlor: 15;'. Intc r .. s ti!lt;ly anouch, no istudont: bet ·1od th~t h1.. wus get tine too nuch crcdi t . lhi

Th re. \1ns soc( objcctior t o z:11.. thods or cor.duction c.nd orgt.nitin& so:c o f the coursvs . Divor so Sooic.1 Sciuncc..rs \":OT O o!' the opi:iioo thut th l oct:U'OS end c!s s.vorcl of th'J Spooch-E.ni;:!s~ r.u:iai.ons wer o not r ollltod to the;. subject et !.r:.nc , c r oup thought th~t tho volublo incohe rence cf ~otcil~d loctur ~ ~ :iono!ob-~· dct troyod intorcst 1n tho cours s mlrl tTC.stcd v-!ut.Llc atudont titu> . ~ ~er:: Che!::Phy3iclats co1:1plnincd of poo r loctur. or&wii t ~tio~ , ~oo cue}, tror k expected , c...~c no cooporntion for tho ~ r onin- out of studont rrobl,-.a . ( Con~inucd


Pt.go 4)


\; .



T!ie voc~tio~el

mor e

section subjects

(Continued t'roo of r uest icns rlevct-1 to d ~.,,~red is r !.sing, with sever

t:.> sh")\,-ed tt-iti.t lntt.r est t.:e•ha.-U.c~,


:lndio , .J't, DJli1

aisin~ss .

T"lie s!lbjcct of b:.iilding b:-oug;rt. unani.Jt~e np,:>e U. for r'le':I quurters, but onl:j trro- thir 3 c: • c students ~~e an a'Jpec.1 for the.. .. c.-c<-.llcd ""1ill- u-round:;" site. Tho ot r t.h rd , re di •.1.dcd 1N: t. een t.' e For g: ou 1 .... un:\ c" ~'l ::enter . ·•1

.t ?:i£cw...e 0

Cl. :l1 ~i1.."S




23 .in f.' vor of

1. w QU .rt.ors and equio;crA i u.-itl to si;.racr clown t.o no~i l~ •

u.rk FroOJM ""se.11bly in the ii:?e.U·, 11 o: act~vity a,::e.tl fot:.."ld t.he • v . Yo.,,.lling trout>..: ; tnn H'lrvost Ball the !.ye tn _ e:.ture .JO!h. popular tnl3 the ::>uiso ct-t.o~th ... r . tra.s th-: b.-?st. ::ance; and the Fish Fry, th1,; L..al tht.: nct.i vity pr ogrn."J stud~nt coopornt ion in suee;cstior..s for o::d'felt that ill pvt. 11 flo1.,' 1 conlJ t.; · laid to poor, or utter plannin~ t.r.e ev~nt.s Fac:.llty at~cndnnc...i o. funcdons ; • 1ir ""ed by nearly all of lhll • 1:.cK o~ pl3.1'~..:...::g . s'.udcnts .

The pr.;t pe ... ve :ti.vision sho rod a ~tr•kin u..jority at. odds 1ith the fa.:ilitics rork, s~udy ;;.:::i play, mth .o. ~-.a.L!.er T'oup out of p'l.th:nce vrhh certain teac:1,, t.c.chni~i;.as , a.'ld a s~ill s.:.ia.ller gra1,;, • millt .nt call nignini; for closc:r ,, c.dcm:- to-student cooperation in acti vi tics o.nJ conduct . ,. A:lllnlAL BIRD Cii.ASERS CO:!?ETE .t~ CJcur c 1 ~lcr.c D dminl? ~1cti ~ ~ ho-t . Sund y

~ " · 19 ,

in the Ci~!c .ul• 1. 1 .\A:. ~o tho I:C'C'Dort and h . lo '(- .. c ll~cc cl:.obs. Tho v ~~ dru-.v fo r vy o~t:hu~io ­

STAO FI.W.v1ELL Y!ez :..cou1r ... iu looltinG Tho Junior Colle.go rovor!'or ., t()Od ins t c.. ..<tar- b or:i.tc d t o itu Clrs1 Slag oin· tor• -.ni; s h011 sh Dinn,..r Tucsd '\y , J l . 21 Jn 1:: net ~ rr :J' (.d .1th •,or- honor of our Jcp rti r rt.:r. ni~ C't. , b, • :1oll T.;· 9i!l Kc.· 'tin . F rt.i.·•i" · ij


j QC l-t, t - , ';_ h , .l l: t'j ~••' f' i· SCI "Ill;~ O' fo~ ni::ic- '.hi" ~+v " I ro b'\.td.nt; t - 1· .i.Cunu " ·' .h~ h·.lla rl er::-tc-! . • at. h :-"" ~ ?e£ \'."hem were t:'!.ss troo -...!i' • c J.F· ......,• .l "-h 0 .now tr. r·.1.n• ~ 1y l •is nd l:iss Pon;or ~nc \iro.:cg r r.r; <: ....'1 . Il '"rived , bl cv ho'! to h l l • 11....c Luncoford . r ct , ir. ::.n l..1. .·it', their r ~·-- ~f honor o•Jt?f "'l.o oroY.d ....njoycc.. l ovc- . your rcpo:"t i , Rh<.:, c~i•l b•.d Pd rriduc .... him to t•,o I 1 v d1r.r.c r in the Sug~r Bend ti.·'; O:'lC inv - .1 h er 00 ~ d- .htJl ~;; ~ in fo re~ . r tl.1.. hostiLtit.~ were oi r, co ~h v~v~ ~w £i x Ectrc~t~rLte s ,.. ..... r. :.Ucs ?or tc r r.nd ..!iss bookr to nice of tho ~ l.r.is :nc::dc t:ho t::.blo dco- roo~ and lt.n (.<l o~ sridc.:-,~tior.s on r.llicr. they rtr ir.~ ct -;-i th } c bCJd . Or G1... ·rod much pr~ i so end :my ~,,..~ i~ L!.C coripH:::icnts . :.rOU.'!d? 1it,c Cl".n :: ?


Our .:..ct ing Ck.as h~:: ho<l!)


is pr oud ~h::.t so r.:.uch ; hte:lblc that ho

,h' has




kr.ows no core . Couper

working o~ occ.o ono- ·ct r. pl~ ye , ·.nd o ybc ''" s;.o 11 L1r • ••c:'.ull ,n b~ cb1c to scu thom act

,, ,

-% '

-r_ Ll..

. 'our students 1."r oi- tho - t icrrt. Colle, o in J..r ~i .. i,c.lifornli. ,;it..rt!. t : r.; t_d ir tho 'i'u:::.s nr o 1 ~. r,w r tilo r c.d io . .t' ch ., . l v l.ll '.. ~(4 c... t.;• \ 1.tb . :;ilvwr <!o llc.rc ro r " ;r ~u i ~ 1.ns .. cr c tu t he _ :lOl.i..'i~e r ' £ C!Ucst ions , t.•. d ~ 01 the ' o.s !'or cvcl to ::.1 • ~ e rlo.n.1: .





J w..,1.,.:., J • J . C •

Hor'.: , .irnis hir.~ LJ"d

:Otl ot. rn ·rl o.

t--"1; :itucknts couc ~jc rc.ul o ~,ount

~tou t

c.r t o: • lon~ 1 nnC: .,lc:.."'lt dceor c.tlon f r o:-: r opcrtc _1.,on v: -.l ot nor Jo·,Ciro . 011do.:; c...:'tornoot . • -Jl ot.nor r~m.: r . c' ll] l.m arrCJ1. ·otl c. ~ozcn boucr.wtc n:id t. o c.ttro.ctive Jc."C...'1 c~c -~rdcno to ·i llustrt.to .or t1.tll. . J~ cost of tho p lWltc •1ord in i er er t. t.:.01 c or • o.i. t !1e Tub.Jc ill ~11.'-ltcr vi.r ictic.c eevort.l oti:or stuufjnte CLrG 1lc..nnlr. , ·inter ·t rdcnc t.nd bouquotc , /.•:or.t t ho bt>ot locul plnnts to uso nor; ur e ·:1nn ~ ckinni ck, ur o ~on tir e..,,, , Sno· ·LC'rry , 11nd '" riouo !cr l'!o , noosoo , 11. vor ur t.11 ~•1c. H ohone . ~:,o

/At..ULTY :.,p ..AK TO





Pl>-:.: 5 --- ----·--------::: . ._____ _

.. . ...-.

to n cl.Las , ~ qw.rt~ r


or cij'.t i.1·.'L: -c ::.n J r o r ev-:.: r, c.rr iv-

in., h t c . SiY - hU!l~ rc~


~~~ca on T 1 t..! •

ho La.. to r . ;:c.:.• ~':. clt.cs :.:ust do t i1iO ju.st Tlj.t , • _i:; S


"CO:-' ' 0 '.--,o';.l::; C


I •vo

"'llc.n;v d c.:.C. chc:. ·ct! .:'1 ;..:ro:: ti 11 I 'r nL ,act



tlC Ji: t hfl CG\ 180 .

Aristotl e

c!i.L.ir ) " vh, c.r.c u.cc , e , dli.lr> ' t !.:u; ~I.ere i..s lc.C:. -ir e :: Hnt . "

I !..

Joo :

" .h:: .so dUi l'°'C ?"




do· .n l!l t :10

reel l.:.!:e

c.. clu-__

!J\tl . ,,

J oe : ~:

" .o·.. •s t hr.t?" "I juct don't gl'."c c hoot . "

"coc - coo . " . le e ' or t_r 'c c l : cc t.CGC'. bl a : t ";on . J.ccount: : bot.!:s , e re.:: ... r o , !"Cr.ciln , and ~?'S . Colu.:rc c ..~ nu:.i.or :;; I :.1ul tl.,l;· t.LJ t u..: . :'r lc.l tt. l c..ncca · To. ; • I r.% r 1,, .:,o • .1;1d •

r . Loo 's ?s:·cl.olo .../ ch. ss is r~ chie! ccl1 ht . Tht.r c · ·e l c c.rr: t l1c r c::...;on ·h~· \:n <!o right . .~1y o c.o.r c '•oc..;; or \,h~r ·.. o c.r o :;tr o.1 _, ::lae ...o ' 11 ot t .1iG l c tocon a ll

~ .Ton.· .

hone ."'o r lunch t.:t .:;.,vJ.'S t~·1ol vc- ton . ..i os ••c r inn . .o..iuiro r or..d -.oi'r osh l'l:fGOl!' - -on tho ..o o.,;c.111 . '"he .-,lc_y , T•. "' G "'°''"'•LI .=., . ., .I ~J.'i , to t.ho d.rui ..u 7ho r oot of tho ec.:· nt our Jc..:,•- cco aoctiun or the 1 001.1.l Utlivorait.:• omon •a Cl uti od - ':'h rr is ot' _, · r,.c.11:· to uiccour1 0 ? & • neadi.y vor.1 'I'\ , • . r. u ~ llcn oro~o to '.:'ho ohlcrl·• cntlcro.n u:.o the .c:; lo~· Lon.;ue S\Uldc..!' cvo11in 011 " tiquotto . " :nl::cd out o! t li· i .:t r i.:ry r . ;:rno.r l ~ct:.ir oc.l cm '.:hilc c. :lco.'. o!' .'."roeh \:or tho "..'.ton ~:.uoho rc" to the \;hoorin. 1 t 'J"' w-.c! t.S ·. l.n "!i ";.l' "'w011ool • ,,I l~•o!.oo olcso ~ llo.'l the toy:: 1cr e cc::-.ir. ... lr.st Thurcdc.y . do· ::n so he cuuld .,'!a~· too , 1..ct ua :irct under stand t \· o 1 a11t:i , m ,cl then '· o r..o.~·

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EllGINEERS ERRORS nnvo you henrd wh~t tho In a ding- dong battle The Red wid l.hitc clo.d J . C. Engineer ' s " r ake off'' that went to two overt imes car dinAls d1Ghod out n a mounted to ortor thoi ~ the Car dinals dropped the f ino ~Gss of bitter s to a Colo. (first pngo) &•me scheduled to benefit fast , bo::cy S?oko.no J:iycco Coen the Infantile Paralysis Club :hursdo.~· , Jan . 16 , in rlu~ginc l ~st wock?-- (It was good pro!,)ognndn , cuiy-. fu:ld to the aggressive Elks 11 &L"'IO ~ot dr· ':t onc.i ot Club quintet Monday, Jan . tho best cro:wds of tho WQ..V I ) 20 . s~oson . But we haven' t tho Coon Or.e of the hottest g&~es \:i ld '"filly Gonser , with Colo vvndint mnohino yot , eeen on a local court in " i;'::rin '>! four field ?lo doubt \10 1 11 h nvc to mfty moons , the Cards cov- i;oala and u t,i~ shot for slny in the snmc oloos ns er:c d tbomaelna with gl ory a totol of nine noints , or in L "l auditor. ~ f r cm led the scorin poro.do for \t.s .c. ".nd Univ .... raity c~liforniu for somo t1co1 which the crowd stayed th Cords, at tho sa:Dlco (they , too , h.av1.n ' t Coco away in dr ovea . tic.o pl yin& n bcng- up dcCo.rciinal Chet Syl to led f rnsi vc sru:ic 1n holding Coli:. vc:ndin~ maohinc..s , you the &cor inr; parade w1 th tho highly, tout cl , Jayceo know, ) ten· point!! , · while Peto center , Younr:, to four ".ir een, fo ~er C. O. A. llii;h points . Sopl , F'l:is}\ Glenn HUr.'lorous queries as to Flash tal l ied the· • ~ f.o-lc , wos tr.~ uaunl sp~rk tho r cci;> i 1..nt of the Engm. ::iu::iber . Bob Shepherd p 1 ug, keep int; t h o quintot ccr,• prlr.u ,--a fJ'o i;. poss , b r oke loose as a re.al sco~ on its toce c.nd culdint l!IUll t b o answc.r od . No in& threat by ~tree.king in coral support by ringing one found nll of tho 432 six ~oints in a I:ttle tho r c&iator for sovon errors , aooording to tn.better t.han two quarters . po i n t s . gincc r Editor HoGl o 1 but The game we.a C1&1"r ed by Tho r ovcngo '7l'ls colcbra- th e free p:- sa (fo r Sotur s ... ver al alter cations be- tcd in an a.f'tor- sc.mo got- dny .nisht • a CtUno ) ----v1t1e t\\een coaches , referees , toi;'"'th"r in the J . C. cudi- givC:n to P. A. Christicnticer and scorers , but the toriu::i, with tho acoson•a . son, "Tho co., oh with a rotear.is tended to oblit;erate lc.r&... st flock of Co r dinnls cord .11 {shcmc on you these dif ferences . end a bumpor crop of ~ po- conch . ) Ball-Hawk Chet Syl te k::i.nc Joycoc itca in a.ttonddr opped a swi&hor t.brouDi anco . D!lncing to tho "Juke And how m.uny ogroo wit h the hoop with about a cdn- Box" :md cookies with fruit th o I:n~inQcr prop~~,ndil!t uto to co in the !ourth qucrtcr to ~io the ga:: at punch wor ~ enjoy d . thnt "th e only suco es ilful d nco of tho sc'1ool yea r ' 25 ell . The Elks stalled (continued froo col . 1). w s the En~inoc.r~· Boll ? for on over time period . In t ho firs t ovcr tiI:ic per iod , 5 ·minutes , tho ocross the ccntor lin~ end ecre'U'nint; Sl!OOP lids wor o on the baskets lot &o a hith onc• handcr '.:h~t aug r ed with~oth bal l clubs ~iss­ inE; the hol c wi th i nn\D- the i r on and s~onkcd into Th.a j~ito r s h ove tho the net to run the Elks dirt thio week, ad 1nfi n1· or ael e shots . 2€ - 26 . ;tum. Tho second over - ti.cc of The r 'd hot Cards toro thr ee minutes duration found Green conver ting a down the floor but. tho Butch to.kcs hor thorc:., Cif't !'rom Shepher d and the clock beet them t o t.ho ·Smith holds her hand . scor e · want t o 26- 25 . punch , and the scor e staycd nt 28- ~6 . Pri~o Luchini hit the ncr C. Jc.soick and ?J . Polevo~s cir clo with a gtrt son ~ot 5tuck again . f r OCl 'fr.OlrPson and the TO 'u'HC!.i I'! L>.Y cc::con; : te:~ squar ed away 26 all Sc.. en at tho t;n=lC. : T/yck· iith lees then ~i ~ c.o.n br ingin& Scoots and People who c.cko c r acks seconds to go , O~%i o HC1:linbWOY- OT l!cmingwqy Schechel , fo rwa.r d , r oared about people should c..xc.cbrine;ing Smoots o.nd 'l'iyok inc thoir 0t;u bo.tik and :~n-- or s~oots or? try a little introspection. (continued in col .2 )





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