J.C. Journal 2(15) February 21, 1941

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D 'ALE?:E' IDAHO Feb . 2.1, 1941

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PHI THETA KAPPA PLEDIIBS :'he liation.al Junior Coll eAe Schola s~iC1 Honorar; Fraternity, P·.i 'Ihota Y.appa, anr.ounced itG pl,.dges for •he p~ft· &er.ester Jct ~r... A.11. S . Dinner Th..i.rsday, ?~br~ary 20 , in the Masonic : t'r.lple . Mrs . Meroy Janr Gridley introduced the officers of th' organization: Ar thur Treman , President; Davi d Anderson, Vica-preaident; Louis Christon , Seoretnry; &,,tty Booher , Treasurer ; tmd Eugene Schmi~t , Coun-

cil Member . President Tr Pm.nn introduood the pledr~e , Bob Kruso , JoAn Stanton , Mioci l~olanan , Hnrvey Hemincwny, Alioo Erickson, MarJorie HFntz , &.nd Doug Bell . l4•'llborrih1p olici bi 11 ty in the Fraternity la deterinf 1 from a ~rude point vora~e tor thooe student~ • carrying nt lro:it 15 oredt t


hourn ,

r.l".!'. '-l!.

Peo . 20, in 1..1.~ J.:asonic Te~le was -:he • o~·star.ding social eve~~ oftne loc~l winter season . ..,nt;i Dinri,.r, presiaed 0'7er "'I Lira . wer e; Jaz:e Gridley A. W. S . Ad.'"isor , was incongr~o~sly ~~t attrac tively eet &.nid tile arcl._ tect :;rel 1a.~t~oa:es of tho Engineer's 3811 . 7he tables were cc~o ratcd witr. lo~g strips o! ro~~d crepe paper a..~d ~ir.~ i.:.- irop dol l s .

••- .. . ...... .. "' one"" ...; -


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-:ho out~oi~; r.nc :nc.-r.i~~ officers of tro A. ii . s. ar.d tho - ,1:bers o. 'vh.t Junior Coll ufe tac..ilty . Mrs . ~ridlcy ih~ro~~c~d ths Cht..rtcr ~o~b~rs o~ P ti 'lhetr.

K::.,...pa, wid Art :r£J -

mAn mtroe. uced ':.hfl pledr s . The progre.=. of the )Voning was proscntud in tho be&utiful J.!b.sonio Assembly room o..nd 'res co~poscd of 54 loctions ~/ th~ Junior Collogo Orchcstru dir ected by R. J . Fa.hring:r; tho oight - girl sext~ttJ, di roctod by Erllllk Evans; 10 :iloc Club dir -;,tcd ~ tl.

( ' ',

, 1 .........

Evar.e and the trnvcl by the Sponkor of tmi

ovonine , l.Irs , Joan Wickor oho.m ,Jervis ,


S~ok:E..OO .


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LOREE!; i..ILEY I TR.E.&,SURER IV!AH BERJ;..i...lID SOC . CHAIR , t _ _ _ _ _ __



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r:;Gll•E.'ERS RALL


Joe.r Tlil:cr::~..&.z ~ JA.~s ti.!ld Ur.. . ,_.o . Stra.l.in , r.nC. !a!.ss Bet'.:y 3ooI'.c:r in-.rccucc:c

Mr .



Tht....r~day ,


DOlfliA DAVIS, VlCE-.AtF.SID!llt



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T- " Enginee rs r:.nnu&l tn~~rr.... ! Ball hclc iml:i~di atcly &ftcr T:o A. W. S . Dir.ncr, Thurscc~ , :ob. 20 , in tho Yusonic teopl o placed n cro;min~ blo ry on or.u or th~ outst£Jlding socl~l ovonts of th~ year . Prof . E . W. F.ribr.r ..nd Pr- sid~nt

Ar~ hur


with th~i r nblo ~om:;iitto~s doJcoro.tod tho hnll bx.u'ti !'ully with Ene;inevr ing effects . Tho bandstand , from :hi.ch t.hc Rhythm K~ play ~c! , m.s I'r61'l'lod with tho -loc=ing stool structur cf o Co.ntil~vor bridgv .

wns dccorut~d ~-ith sto l suspor.s ion typo -l~c~~ic oornoyor structure s nnd e. nlninturo trans fo:-c....r £~b - stntion nnc th~ oth r s a silhouott of ~h ~rnccd cnblo wor4 of \ On~



~s!on bridg~ .


Page 2

-- - -···-·----------

Ou'T l F -·u CL.1.SSROOll '· . c. J 0 C R r A Did you honr o. group Cl . ' liCL'li I:l!::C JUYIOR CCU..!Xre quoor voioos which a~ Coeur d ' Alene, Idaho . c. 'l\'ho.t r8C\indod you of aa... Published weekl·· "/ stud.or.~~ of • • • ono you knovt icsuin& 1: Vol . 11, No . 16 • various tonoe ovor tb mil..--o in tho o.uditori~ Tuosdny? Or porho.pa y~ h '.\rd o.bout some new anj SQLf'!' : str.>.ngo itorn of ourloait}1 such o.s Suro Clasp Pin 0\\1 Tru V~nt Shoos , oto . Thoth> strnnc;e 1 to1114 Prt• olo.1.m tho.t tho membor:i ot Advisors : tho Rnd1o Speech olnoe ar spouting their goniue of rndio o.nnounoing . Horo u BOU~L::.'i:'S ""7{(1~ T15 OFF! CE Sylvie. Wo.l l in ' c , ono o•, BOUQ.UE'IS F~.J US Aa long as Ye a.re dediThe Reglatr.:i.r ' s off l e' tho moot olover oommeroating ourselves to the al::l.oat gle.:>fully reports oio.lo givon i task of putting cN!ldi t tr.at atudcmts h!:.va be~n °'fry ono of our Alf~lfa where credit is due, let us oxtre.- ord1ll-'.r i l y prompt in o1go.r.)ttea t.odo.y.. Alfalfa . take . this opportwu ty to tho po.yi=nt of foos o.nd cigarottes o.ro mnde of t~ : a pplaud the efforts of ;.ho bookstore bills . worst · blotrtr et·-ed1'!mbtrf11 .._X":if:S . al{~lneor ' a This astorishing report , Sio..m careloosly mixod ll'it Cl ub. ca::iing fro:n a persecuted ..llfal fo. stro.\V o.nd cul led These two bodios stuck offico that habitually cabbo.go l oo.ves produced'~ thei r nooks n.y out in an growl5 a.bout non- paymonts North Ido.ho . Alfnlfo. effort to inject ac:o fUn t.na thr.Ja.tens o.11 sort5 of cigtlrottos o.ro rollod by and the sc:nblance of tor.al vilo revonge3 , rust not go hu.nd o.nd tho rou~hly roo.c• at:no:iphoro into our school without cC'l::'lent . Truly, o. tod ovor slov1 bltlzing firo social life . ochool th.c.t bo...::to scholo.ns 80 ~o to removo o.11 posa ~ They have both put in that moot thoi r obligo.tion.is_ blo enjoym..>nt , ;·ri th oo..ch many hours of patient labor cx.'rlb1t si~ of s o-co.lled pa.ckngo gunranteod to pro· preparing decorations and schoo l - spirit, o.rui talco an duce o. lot of foul amoko, attendin~ to thu trivial active intor .... st in thoir Ono 'lrhiff is enough for and minute addenda to func- oxtra- curricular '"Ctivit1es anyone . 7fo urg'> ea.ch o.nd tions of this sort and will go fo.r tovro.rd making t'Nory ono of our liotononl deserve c.oro than tM it~ pl1ce· in oocie ty a. to buy Alfo.lfo. oigo.rottes praise we can give them shinin,. one. today. Thero nre 208, 621 here • c igo.retto amok ors in tho However , we do say "Thank 1941 Inland Empire . ~Ve ho.v~ on You Both" - DYou ' re nice "iVhy ehould I 71'ork or why h!lnd 208 , 622 po.cko.goa, peopl e and were glad we a hould I toi l . Hurry folksI i/iai t you:r k:nO'l'I' '\-Ou. n ".'1l.o<, ,__ .. 'd I clck:le or 0 =-t.u. .J "~J n•.>ig. J>orhood b lo.c1e11mit~ 19'20 ::::oJCkle or l:lOil , a.nd get your pncko.ge right away. Our slogan ia "An "Yonder seo the .:omirg And ...,r, shoul d ! live on the district lino. Alf'o.lfc. cig~rotto a. day, blink koopc your moth·J r- in-~ Tr.e sun is ' up :ind up ::.::tlBt In ord"r to :;t1t to the of fi c e by ni re ; O.."/TO.y. 11 11 :'o wn..sh end dress e.nd eat And why to t!:a powor of the ulti:::a.te -....h"J "7f1:3 ho.vu :i firo dopnrtand d rillk:, mont in our town tho.t ha.s And lock at things l.l.lld Sr..oul_ 1 vror: ::.t :ill , or only ono hoao c o.r o.nd t;7ro live. or 1 ie? 11 te..lk and thin'.c do . If ---ron !l:'i.e St~cnt" An d work , And God lmo7s ~t o.ro tho dogs for?" why. u "To find tho hydrants . " •




C ......11. CLUJ ; mr. ·1 PL.w


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J1U.~r3 SU for-T .:ill " •,. :11· "'11- -C ' •Ol ;>l..l,;"- •c, s t ""'".. . n iti rost.:r , .JU.t t he () I t c -~d ,_- 1c.u. . c..rd:iJu.l.s 3..,r~ to : ol!' .:.. ~ ·, -:;., acr1t1 • . or• j~·r~deki.• .: , r or. 1:n' ~.. .11- .:.:.tcr C , ,-, .'.!. .. l c..G t. :: 3co.'":i.n.: · ri i. fourtce; {...·))ins l.i1d pl... -d otoll..r .,311 for ~ z ·!! 2:> , .-~u tz:; i •c ·.r...a 0 1i • the ..l

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The C£:.'llfU"a c othu.:;ia:Jia p l..3n ~ ceat.:.~ Tue.:;c:.iy,


. : .:··· ·.·- ' .:: •..~ . i.;1 C.hcir ll~.:; 81.d,:. Di. dn:""S . i l l o ... ficers will ·:x: or1 1•c.."\J to dcciue t' o .:.Jt.ure pro re~::; of i.'1e -rou, and <JrI'.f one i.'l~::rcstcd in pict r1..:; in =-~• · 1<\:' is ur 'C' tr .t:t~nd. la-. :.c.· ail , ?r.O;:Jriet.or of ..:le 1 .::a-J:---c:. : 10:, · '"' -· · be '•c, ,.,_•...; -._. 1 .''U • ''" •... ..,,. . • c.. ~pc · ..::¥!' ro.· tt c e\· .

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the ",....· i. .::f Co; '!..)O::it.ionor look 'le.for_· .1ou • • •.....:. ·





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T;,e C-.:rd:l t~c t 1e trek <i•;d.n .Crid v /1 Feb. 28th. floor . c· ,r. J:·l t.c , ~o!:> .::;: ~c .:>CI'<i .~'l en t!:e;- .;:....; .... visit t.o 'hitr:01·t.. Colle ""C in and tillle /o.i:icr .10urcd ipok.:ine . t 1e tttrou,;h t " c t00,1 r~ :hit."Or :..h put up s0i~e t.ll :-J1f"les O.."lCl i .1 t. IC f <!CC or rou:,.:. Mt\ t~ ::,10 ue- t ourh o~jo::;itior. i."l ::.n e ...rl;r sc~on ;,a.'JC h ere f crwe 1: ..:.t •.~r. i:. ••e' rocki.:1 <'1 t . •air 1eolo fl en · ,.. · n.1<1 have been r~wd ... ::; :.iuc.i i • >.1."ovcd i.» J l club t he fi rJ. r'd.:::tle vlcn •• :since tuen . c u:.t ;ai.neu l J ,>oints /1 Co~h C rlsti<lD!lon ~ .1.t '1 o .- .nd "Ulie nc" .,in1 h e 'l'llJ118 a tdn-o.r.d e;c;>oc ts 10 each.



10 l·l' OS.I

to · ct it:.

5t..arted a

line-u,, /1 co. r_.,osed of .. ;:nson /1 , .skoi,tics , .odor! , ?i·edekincI, and WoLu:)r , 3 of r1:1ic!1 \1ero S'la.rl;.l/


for, ·P.r .tll- st..lte ..iCJfl 11 '.Jut ttio C J'ds ,Jull"cl a 11c.ld and eta.rod t r1cl'C • T' .a .i'j.r::it ton~rlnutc


tho :Jco·o r o1.d 12- 10, ' >ut \,ho Pros : a !)uilcd u ' to 21 al 1 at the 11alf. Tho ua.Uos ouuDtituted n run t.eai.1 ... t. ·l, ·10 I 1al! and t ho :icore ooco u~red and r:ont up>1urt.l wit..1 a fa:st / r ou ., ..,n:nc , O\'IU" ,w,~ all rover ti 1e floor . 'l'· 11) )rd •·)Ol':l.od SCO'"O ;ro.o ~-ll, a11d t.i10 fro:sh eui >l.i l. d ni1otiaor full toCJa Ja.tl; ~ .'l.. tnt .'ll. OJ.' 15 ClOJl


Cout. l.uued

t. te/ 1\80 f loor ed Tho Cardu ~"Ot hot ~rtd kJ.ottod t 1c score at,)6 al l rrit h t~ r i :u:..cs.u. to plcy- and in car-.c :.: i.: ..... ..:, f i Ya-fUl.11 t~c \

n.;a.in . Frc<loldncl J2"0lco t he tic , ;1 c J. c.:.rd ~:.1ott.cd it )8 i l l a.nd Jorlorf f t,' ire : it 40-38

to pl ."'.Y. 'i'• c ref oroe ci3sc, l led a foul as held- h: ll anJ t 10 Frooh st.U.1-X the l .1:Jt 45 :Jeco 1ls ._\/;.../. the Sho : 11 i. ere de; alJ. bu a Co i n \,1.r te. ? " 11 Sc~..c .1 GIO • 11 S'ia: t ht-"lkD. J:.ist rr.;.'ltcd \dtl o.il/ eeconci::; lift






r'cb. 16 11 found several 'm.cl J.nt on toui-n.:i.ue•lts in .,lcy .in tlie Inl.'.ltld _-... >ire., 1d.tt1 l.11e J .c. ..·e...;~es~tad '\ ! t.t10 di:fel'... ·t O.!-.s. .~, -- • ...;JI , t: i i., cll:u .l~t::a .e-c)ort , .1u.:;'1L1:-...on , t.1cre , mth . .iss :.ucile Porter arul : i;is 3 1vio. Je......U.... 40in.! t. e 10nors !er .; . I . J . C. ..ins Ann Schopf /1 once . • ct or -'1 y a 'alJl Vl. i. s ·,.rouo 1 ai3:J.lclJ'ine a dj l ver orac&let /1 v.~uch she non in to:..eTl. ' s Douoles in the S?o~ · City J3ad ..tlJlton rour:iey. - j SS Scl•.opf and her part.."ler bowed to def i:.;at in t r e .Linals to t wo contes~ants they had be~t­ en twice :.>dorc, :llld .;:at hcrcd tro?nies cs r un.nerup in ... ~e contest . ;:)W".t..I.._:·,

o.:;t of t .~e JCs tiave /1 o! cowse , ~ cided wlilt'C.bey•re ;;oi.":; to uo trith t.~10 p'"•L..1 ~ne · wnen they win the ne.t ion.tl ! ory ~" .p Cont.est A f<....1 '1:'9 havi.og a uost difficult t i.J:le ~ to rtcci...e \1.-.i.c11 :ll'i.-·e they 'll D.cc e >'-. .,.. .on.:; t ;.ose \tho :iJ.~~e rit '\ "ti ll Tayl or,. \ ilo ~ ~ s . e ·rill ~c the .}100 .o. :.t.'l , iri:.e /1 e.s he e.A1>cr r:cts to live a lon~, l oDti t :.-:e II &rO r'rar.k lei s II _.iclcy ••/ ck.:.'.1.i111 r or-...:i Crowley, •.arJorie I e.ltZ , rerno .1.f·llc nnd ~r ;e ovW< . • ..:e 1\rent7- thou!lw'ld ctolliAX' .. school, a.7"eeizla with Vire Sne"perd that t.he•·· •ll. i.J1vest t .1e ·IO!'le•! i n a Utt.le · Lr.n4.'s 11 in cl..ciea Pi yl l j s &,ir,lus 1 .... el.i.ne .ie.!er ·, S_lvia rfall i n, ~.J.ldred Cope, :e· · l)o".ic~,. ,._.,.,c Ycsansk.; /1 Vi via.-i Jcrnud ~"Xi Glen .. o -l e .




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Pa ·o 4


J • C • G.t..D .AOO UT •

To wh ..., it -~ ccn~cr. , U> irl:s es nee l.l.y, J.~ :i Mill .s ha:: tore • n u ... "r.1. l: -.he



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street to l!.i::•

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coild t!lkc her olo.1.g.



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Sq:.iirt Keati.'iii h s bee.'1 11 bubbli.ns over'1 ~he ln5~ da_V OT SO , !'t could.n I t possibly be ns~t~lc 1 s a r rival, could it? 0

Bill Ta.,vlor i.5 de:cI"mined t.o keep ~ t.he Hutso l l fa.:ui Jy . ·


It soa'tl.S thnt our student body rresit:!e:'lt closed tho dat.in6 buree.o aft.er ho

hnd acquired his date .

.. .

Wat ch out , 9j]] Go:iser, - LoUie 'Chn:stcn. is a!:.cr ,7our l;irl.


mue.t be Spring s-.:i 3lackwcll serenaccs us cvIt


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t: a girls soc.:n

love it , but there are

c urt~in

t~ch~ rs

t.t.ink it j.s a th.L'"'.g


vcr.; b:id

to do. 1-'1 t-h

::tlt!dl ..

c~ass .

of a


Girls , •vou ar~ • si~-~i.:·-~, .....__ 60 You hai."n 1 t -::rilll'(: th<:? • r.eart. stri.."'lgs: c! the Uc:7 ~ r--


Ra.;.nond Finch, )'CU lmc~-by n011. I t has been ra-~:-k- ~

:.hat gir ls of

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llJ..~~ the ".:o:-:; ~ :-. 'J.- d

Coeur ar~

of • >- • .. just cotl:::: 1:. t ...:. •



d 1 ll.!ne- - -:.h.. -

sone ncr.

:-:.cw prospects

c~1.n~es ~-t

::.!."C '1.1 • •

- .llT lU!" .....d Mnr:-· S'- V rtl.l. tl.'.lls di:iCU9Sinl ..:ll t:ratt'- ~ on th... ' ho th.:iy I VO r OJ°>')d in la - .i ::-:>of fC\r t ro hours , t.. "lkv th -."!\ to th.:i Encin· n.. 1 1"' _c:J i bj· J nn r ' s nr 11 . . . .. i. c. • S v\lrcl J . c. --· u l l 01'S l si.onJ.L'"lb . i .. M:IJo ondcrinr who ~ : might ... n l ft. c,9cort to thv d'JlC • !l t • you tak M { i • "\ .I.I' .Uli\ Gonnui· wond rirl£ • • L . --~ how .ind in v1h t • ho Dt.io J ·... v;o1lld int \ rviow 1 • • • o. two for Rndio Spv,ch • ~ .r. ir . tl n" 1 Ju.'1 •• u t. 1· ti=.ir . Hri.irdrossor Pltvll 1s Sur--~P!u~ plyin,ZI h11r l\l't.o in v - • 1 , \! tli thu th..i Nodn Rush, with Duthie to ood t.o r.nd S..iyforth ho t• victims,' i ..:.1 r •. in th !"" v... !. r r . • • • S=i.ocp C 1 _.,: Dick Brandvold et.i 11 in• ej ting th t h o hnto11 ~!l 1(!\.. t.l" '1 on tl. lnn A- sc....."'rl.-formtJ. , -----nS' for ir. ---J •iv ..,on . fo:rmnla -7 , f • 1 r•'' Lo'..iio Ch.is~· n n .bittine Ji . lun e"1~ orth calling that ho ~rivJ t.o c r 1~h tbu c.. v r. I"Jth!.ne r.nd t. v r r1.1body t at th A.~l . S . r.iooting (from tho nmoobr. in Bot~ Tuoscby m>r-..L-.,... . cl· sa to \'/1rron Willinna 1 also in Bot:my cl.nse) 11 Joo' Jhowae Jc.'.lr. ' ...tcnison r.iu5- ( FWfcr to \'lobs tor 1 e ColgL'1g in the of!ic in l vgi.l.tu Dictionnry) front of lJr,s. Grl..Uc:y'? • \illy don 't you introduc•. L!ar1 JM J Duthio coming Buster to thu o~hor girl.5 , Tuosdny ni "nt nnd hilnr-· Jean? . iou.sly shouting: "Boy, Am I hci: PY t I ju'Jt p1rkcd ~ck ~mdvold snon followfor the f i rst tim t 11 • h..~lli



-- --.



- --






As the bsrl:: -;. '- 1'.:.. b~ . -ere lea'lir.- '!:'lr ~-..: • -:z. • Rei.a : ng:.e..'1 1 de vcu 0'·' J-cur b.:i.g? lJ Gl en: "I d.id.11 1 t a.<TK I


• H:~ i.JJH ROOll ONE 1S KEYH L£



-- --








ing Y..ntrcrir.c J~s3 ick rtO\'m Sh~r:i:an in his c _r .




---Vlilli'?.m! 3tnt ing

Y/arr._n 1 th '1 t : Arryv1a.t 1 I ha vtJn • t .iho was C!'t(;: Eyl.," r P..lline bovn .rrcstvd f or sta;rini for i!" th b.:i!!~t ball J:lC out too ~t-- . n • hC:i1 sd~y i€1:?



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l!ood • .. i l will not 1nri s·'lv- ppord, YOU opan • r~ y -2. 1 . : r10-.i r ~.ith nnc.' I 111 kill


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--f,o.1tnic ·shouting:

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t;ripine -ibout wh:it • cor'..sidcroci ~ diffi- '







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