~icaRb1nal Review Yo lome 31: Number 12
NIC Board of Trustees hires coach, assistant By Jody Ddfu.s activilles and a rcscn-c physical educ:auon instructor. SC'huler reported that ,,.,o pieces of lc~lation had passed both hou1CS for N!C. Schuler said NIC 1w rcc,:h·ed aulhoriza· tion 10 uicreue w1uon up to S200 per semc,tcr but th:al the incrU$C could not be more dun S25 per year. .. h •vuld be my hope lba1 111·c could m,oimizc this type of incttue." Schuler uid. A graduate of Purdue University with a He \aid the la,. only gi,es NIC bachelor or science in elec:tric:11 engrn· pcrmi.uic'" 10 ioc:rc2Se roition but does not e,·riog. Mr, Wcbh has completed work make 11 mAndatory. 10,.ard a gruduale degree 1n engineering at In other legislatr.-c action. Schuler g1d both lhe University or Pittsburg and the prescnl formula 1w been abandoned CiollJ'aga University. She as II registered for NIC and the College of Southern Idaho. prolt"Slonal engineer In Idaho. WuhtngHe said allocations v.'OOld no longer be ton and California. based on enrollment but 'll'ould be gi,en on 1hc ba'1s ol need and program requests. Her prornsional career h11 lndudcd "Both bills "'c:re signed Man:h IS. 1Cl77 bv ,.ork u a research 1ssistan1 11 Camcgie the gO\c:mor. • ln,111u1e of Technology In Phuburg, Schuler ~Id no ~uon had been taltc:n Penn and Cour )Cir\ as a design en11inecr conccro1og the Hunwliues Buildtng. for Wcs1lnghou,e l!lectric Corporallon, In other oction. al~o located in P11u.burg. She nlso worked ·-the board appro\'ed the Hedlund two ycmr.111111 labo1111or, director for Alden VOC!ational Ccn1cr addition . Products Compa_ny In Brockton, Mus. and -Schuler ~ c d that somt' delays bad ,,.,o years u a research engineer for occurred In Lhe beKb aeqtJ1S1no11. Foiborro lns11Ument Company lo Foxboro. -Schulcr said final acoon wu expected Mus. within 30 IUJS =ming the uUc to the railroad \pur App.tR'Dtl) the sale •-as Webb n,;umed the post March 21 Prior made a year and a hall' ago '"'' the title 1$ 10 this time. 11tc po\ition was held by ~•ill 1n the hand.) or the UDJoa Pacilk Flvero BarlO\\ . Rail!Ulld. Folio,. mg an ctecu1i\c session. the -·the boa.rd ~ued the ~slbillly of board appro,·cd 1he npporn1mcn1 of John pu111n1 fat'olty on a mcnt SJstem for R. O"cn lo 1hc he.id wr~11ing co:ich post. ,.:ilanc,. 0-.l'n will al,o be: dlrc,1or of Intramural The NIC Board or TNSLCCS appointed an n\istanl to rhc prcsldeo1 and a wrestling coach 11 the M,uch 17 mcc1tng. NIC Prc,idcnl Barry Schuler recommended Jolcph1nc R Webb to the anmant 10 the president posr In recommending Webb to the position, Srhukr \aid, .. Her ramillarity .. 1,h North Idaho and lhc college would be a definite •~sci in having her in our lldministrauon."
Indian lectures
Sing. Slag • SODC· Noc, Rln, Mlke Mayovsky and Cindy Ahlstedt or the NlC Choir pla) their pat1 In the home CIODtt11 March 21 aftu a m11Slcal toa:r to Footh!Us College In Los Altos, CallL ~ diolr and I.be staae band pcrlormcd bcCore an aodJeru:e estimated at 350 persons.
Convocations to cover the endangered sp ecies By Jody ~Ela.u
'I want to' motivation urged D) Lome Amos An tndi, 1du11l ho room 10 gr.>" an net)' 1apcc1 ,n life. i "profc~s1on:al lc~turcr" ~~,d Mart'h 21 at 1hc tC'nth r opcorn Fonrm, Oa,c Grant, an American Indian, told nppro1imatcl)' 150 people In the SUB that lhc md1v1dual mu)I rope .. ith the challcn· gc) of 1hc world and }Cl do m~ he •dshcs. not all~1ng other people to run him Gran 1, "ho \J)Cnl l8 ye.i~ in , uiou! eorrec1lon1l insmution\, \aid that his pr"on cipcriencc~ and relation, "11h people cau~l'd h,m 10 real11c that "frN:dom u c\lending , our rnlm of belief." lndl\idu1ls. he ~id. ,hould >tn,-: to do wlut i.\ PD>>lble for them 10 do C'\(I) da), 10 build on thcmM:lvcs. "hteh ,. ill enal>le
them to gff"", and ro 11,·c ,n b.uancc 111d h3rmon, "1th life. Gnni 5llld an tndi, 1dual ~hould lh1Dk about "winning·• ~doth~ because bt "anb 10. lndl\1diu.ls sbould be ~lf-rcfia.01 and 1«ount11blc far thcll' C!"'tl i:a.:.ks. II u "a do II and li,-c method ... be said. "h il. not "hcthcr things are possible: n'i whether ~-ou are willing to ,.ork for n •• He said college studcnb csn apply this ~me philosophy to their ,rud,· 11.lbtb. A ~tudcnt should !>Cud, because he 1s moti,al'ed 10 =l\e the rn.ard •hen it is all O\'Ct, "If )'OU uc for hfe. then ~rc111on ~uppons ~'OU," he said. "F.,erything ,wu "ith \1\100.. in your mind."
/\IC stadc11ts will be ,;,·a El opporoi·
aity to crpaad their cdaeational ~ April 1&-n •llh a \cries of programl dC'\'Olcd 10 '"The Enda.agcrcd Spcacs.'' TltC' •ttl·Jon& program. lpoASOttd by the Cocr.uauons Com.mJnec, •-ill indudc fflO\ ies. cdrilnts and guest ,pea.ken deal· ing •1th the elllWlgcttd species of lhc Wn1 . ,\m>rding 10 Leon.1 Husen. Coa,oe2• tlOD$ Comminer duirpcrson. "Con,·oa· tion.s bas been a tml:al l)pc of prosnn, on aU coll~ a.nd uru,-cnilics aDd tnes to 1.1Dplify • bat co1lqes can give to open people·s mind>." Hassen said Con,oc:ano11S ""'3S origiOAlly ll series at unn:l.ated progr.irm. to c:omple· mc111 IJld eamh the 1CIU!emic ct.uses. S~ uid many of the progums .,.ere no1 lectures but ,.ere m,wcaJ. In the pa.st li,-e )'C•N, Rusen said. subJttU ba,c t11Cluded Afna Weck. Asia Week !'u1urc Shock. Violence Gd Chang·
mg Morcund \';a_lucs or American Society.
H.as\en s.:ud 1he Convoeu,ons 1opics "'ere selected by 1be Convocations Com, m111ee pnor 10 tb1, )·e.-ir. " The commane decided 10 get inpu1 rrom lhc v;i_nous depanmenu on c.tmpus and 1rb11unl~ pulled the life ~ciences depart· ment ou1 or the hat 111\I \prin11, •· she said. "'The Endangered Spcdcs" was chostn "bcou,c 11'\ a )UbJect or 2 great deal or 1mpor11nce todl)." ~ccording 10 Jim Burns, chairm,n or the hfe SC'1ences department '"Unten Ile do some1h,og 1b®t n na..., many or these endllngt"red spci:1cs ,..ill become exunct. •· Bums Qid the scnes will cover animals or 1he West. "People in this attll think cnd2ogercd species refers 10 African 2nimats ~ccn on ·Wild Kingdom· and don't ~iate 1he terrn with anunals like the C'OU8M 11nd the grinly." Stt related storiei o.o PP• ,4.S.
Frida ,. ~l a rch 25. 1977
('--__o=-p_in_i_o·_n_p_ ag _ e_ _J Activity spending questioned /Jifficult to remedy
Support low for athletes 81 Joh.a lla.mll!oo The l\lC \tudent spom ran '" a rar• bird ,odt"t'd Where else can ooc go 10 see one of r.hc tnie po,,>crbousc ,.TCSUing tea~ to the nauon ill 3<"110n and find 1h41 vou and ffll> be 20 G!hen mau 11p the • ~ croo.d? More suppon for Cardin~! spans teams can be found ID th< 'Aortu,g rank_\ of Coeur d' Alene 1han on campus. Men's basketball probabh pulh in the m~, suppon. Ml'C\ff, e.cn v.hat t~ dn• couldn't add up to more than JOO :,.CJC sradenu. e,en at pui in1erc~t contcsh \uch as the CSI uh Womcn·s ba,kctball 1s at the other extreme o( th~ alread> atttmc c·omhuon\ The gah can't e,en bring 1~1r best friends 1010 the ~m. Irr alone Lheu fellov. >tudents. Gr11n1cd. some people simpl)· can't g~, into ,pons UU\ltlCS &Del •Ollld be u .. ar ,.,,h 1hcmscl,cs they did anend. II happens 10 be U'UC 1ha1 some students prefer 10 s1t1d> and h&ph&urd i.chcduhng C!f ~ acr" i11es on school nighti. could be 10 d1rcc1 con0ic1 ,ith boot time. But even if games were schcdultd regularly. Sil> on tM·t: Monda}. tht pMtiClp.arion al ,1udcnis llould ,1111 most likely be IO\\. A trip 10 1he Bu'1nes, Office d1d 001 produc-c any ti.rd suustial tOlonnation m rclatJllll 10 anendancc figures bu1 ii d,d produce ,omc scnhmen1 frora Marken Peterson. " I think it's I shame 1ha1 the kid, don't go 10 g1mes. ·• she uid, "I think WI the tam., "ould rc1lly apprecia1c rhc suppon or their cta,smatcs." M~. Pe1er,on 1s a d1c•hard Cardinal fan herself and 1s u.suall} present 11 :utJ b4~c1~U iiame or wrestling match. l'lo,implc ans,.cr uisb 10 the problem of li11l, peer support but nm be a le,, wggc.>~lhlJIS could he throv. n out for di,cussion To bcgm. m•"bc conltth could be ad,1:rliscd I linlc more uound campu,. Anoth" \uggcstion i\ an occasional spons c,eol during the ..:hoof <b, and to ha,c cicused ab~nccs for those ,tudcnt~ washing to aucnd. Gi,cn I chan~ to ~C't' tht puurular sport. s1uden1s could ha"c o chan«:'t 10 cnjo} 1he acti\'il) 111d to become iat=ted Mier all, the role o( the 111hlt11c department in thi~ ~ool b to pl'O\idc cDJ°' ment (or srudcnts. alumm 11nd people in gencr.:u. Another suggestion ma} soUnd a bit too much like high school bul ml} l'l" a pep club or JUSI pep rallies could be organized b) Student Board action or some I.ind . And pcrbal)\ athletic team members could pJtrticipa1e in such nllics. The Wildman'!. Oub did apptar to generatt a 1.inJe e1citemeo1 for a "hile last yc.u but it docsn'1 seem 10 be gcncn1lng much or anphiog l11el}. Maybe Lbc club could rcnCll its efforu. Let's hope thai btginning "ith b.1scball. more 1,uppon from studcn1s for all -.1c athletic teams is forthcoming. The) dcscl"l'c the support.
Do,.ar EJ,t"f. I '"'' 1old al 1hc ~1linn1n.: or the JC.lr "hen I p.ud my tu,uon th3t ~12 ,,I "" moon ".i., going to~' for ,1udcn1 .i<:11\IIIC>, h "J' c,pl.i1ncd '" m<' 1h111 ""h m\ ,tudcn1 b<>d, ~-anl I could get mt1> J.:ll\·111t-s. , ~• . Wh~· ,, 111h,1t n.,,. I.ha,., 10 p.11, 10 ~l'l in! Th,· l.t',I two d.1n,-c, h.iw ('Ost the ,iudc.-nr to i,:,·i 10 \ ;aru,u, acl1\ll1C\ duran.11 lhc ye.tr ,u\'h ~, lhc Wall Wa11ncr concert hu,·c c,;,,1 the siudcnl. \\ here lu, JII our munt.')' gone.-• ,\, far as I ~;an"-'<', >1c h.i,c done !cs., lhi, ,c.-ar ,n ,1u(l,•n1 J\'ll\1tic, lhan 1.i,1 ,car I her,: ha,..- b..-c.-n tt>v.cr moqc , .ind fo"cr collcl."hou,l', If then• w,:rc IC\\Cr rn,l\ic, ,tnJ ,-ortcchro..c\. v. h, .ire "c runmn11 out ol monc~ ! I'd hl.c 101.n-," \\here m~ >ludcnl f«, \\Cnl 3nd "h) I'm fli1)1DJ! m ,ce for ,rudl.'nl .ictl\1l!c,. Thanl.
S,nc.:rch . Jrnn1fcr H.augh1
Pia~· a11en<la11re lotr
Students apparently fear culture 8.)" Debbie \'111u
\pp:ircnth· i large number or ~IC \lud,·nl\ ,·ulwr lod culture or urc .1frJ1d 10 ,h°" lhJt th,, h~H~ an, . B·,!lcd a, the.- "horrcM pla, ever h11 10 h11 CN'ur d' \Jene " the NIC pmdu(l1qn. ' fhc.- N1i:h1 of th, l11uan.1:· m·c1n•d , 1urno111 111 3211 pt,r<,nn, 70 ol "hom \\t•rc NIC \tudcnr,. 01 lhc I~ i'll\l m,•mbcr<,, 11 u,• ,1udcnl\ JI MC Th,, mc.tn, 1h.111hcrc w,·rt ~11prouma1ch li,e nmc, :i, m.in, -iudcnl\ in 1hc .1ud1cn<, J\ "ere III the ca,1 For :a ..-:hool rhc \IIC' ol ~IC. ,u.-h .i 1urnuu1" or ,h11uld be. cmti.1rra,"nl.!··c\f'l<'1·1ulll lor ,uch a qualm pcrtormJntc a, "a' 111,cn in 'The Nii,:hl nt 1h1· l,:u•m1 " fl.irt ,,1 J v.cll·roondcd ,-du('.11,nn "cw..-.urc to c:vcn r, wh,.-h m.w 1101 h,· p.m or 1hc rc-11ul.1r ,1udl.'nl hfc ,1,h:. c·u1tur,: d,1e, no1 ,..,me c~,11) It mu\t be ,ou11h1 out, ,o ,eek ~ntl
Sophomore senator roq_uests students to provide input Lorrie Amos photo
Dca.r Edi1or. For the past seven months that I ha,·, scn·ed as ASB sophomo«' scnarar. thcrt ha,c been a number of problems facing the Student Bo.ud. Some which continually corae up arc the ,·oca1Jonal·aC1.dC1D1c rdalioaship. cbccrluding policies, and student av.-arcness and whether students arc gcmng their mone)°s worth in S1udent activities. I ba"c 10 wholcbca.ncdly agree that the students or l'llC this ye:i.r lua,e (cv.er activaues brought 10 them (comp,trcd to the prC\oiOUS >·car). The blamt should not rest on the Student Acth1ties Commincc·s shoulders alone but should be shared somcwhJt ..-ilh the rnu!cnts of
NIC. If you the students w301 more and bener acth·ities, )OU can ha,c them because "e ha,·e the tools. Ir's just a maner of hOI' hard yoa "-ant 10 ,..ork. At the latest boud meet10gs. ther, has been considerable concern tollards ibt rclauonship betv.cco board senators and th, students v.hich th~· represent. We h&,e taken steps 10 impr'O\'c this relationship and would appreciate it if the students of' NJC would do the \amc. Suggestion bo,cs and gct•to,tno" •your•senator posters arc being put up uound <'>.mpus .. and we your scnJlors would APPRECIATE YOUR INPtrr CREATLY . So. g1vc us you.r ideas 30d soluuons pertaining to the present parking coaditions and pro,·idc ,·our fccling1 on an all-campus barbecue at the end of spring semester. Ir you ha,·e any qu,srioau )OU "'3nt answered direct!) or if you're jt1st iau:rested in the ,rudenr 80\1.'mmcnl at l'IIC, I inv11c you to contact a SCOlltor or come down and join us at the Student B~rd meetings. which uc held every ThundAy 115 p.m. in the W3lnul Room or the SUB. Ler·s gcr go1ng! Sinccrtl). John Hcndrilt'
Fear and death are part ofll(c for lhe }oung and the old. Nonna IWUUam ~,ersonJ, the old. Is supcrimpo5Cd o,cr the~,. T. l.awrenC'C Sh.annoo IJ clltty Ullma.oJ. the )Oung, &om the pill). "The Night of the Iguana." wblch coridu.dNI March 19 al !he Coeur d' Alt'tle Comiaa.nit) Tbeal.CT.
(___ca_ rd_in_a_l_re_v_,_·e_w__J The CardJnal Rc-iew l.s pabllsbed sc,aJ.monthly b} the Pa.bl.lca1Jocu Woru&op da# al North Ida.ho College. Members ol the CR s taff "Ill "1i"e to prncnl the news falrt), acca ra.telJ a.ad wlthoa1 prejudice. Oplnlont e:a:pressed oa tbe ed llorlal page do aol nccessarlly ~ect tbc ,1cwt of the Canl.lnaJ Revfe., , the ASNJC or tbc NYC adntl.nlstndoo. The CR Is mtered as Ont class makria.l a1 Coeur d'Alene. Idaho 83814. cd.ltor •.••..•.•..••..••..•••• , , ...... , •• . , .• , • , .••••......••• , •.••..• Jud) DcllaM assoda:tc editor ...... , ....... , .•..•• , ... , .................... ...... Cheryl N ~ ISSO(Ute cd.ltor ................................... ..... ..... . .... , ••. Sidle Eppenc cop) editor ••...•.••••••••... , .................... , ....... . ........... Lontc A.sports Nlltor ...... . ...... ... .. . ........... .... .................. , •.• 8crnle WOpbotog.rspb) editor...................... . ........... , ........ .. ...... Da,·e luwmer ad, ~1ilng manager . ..... ............................... , ... , , ........ Ali- Beck a.t--1scr........... . ... ... .............................................Tbn Pllg:rlm staff mem.bcrs....... ........................ .. ..................... Jobll EfaadlJGa, Debbie Yager, Da"ld ffo.,anl. Bob Tharp, fdcllc Ricken. Melan.le Nath. Carol E,wts, \ 'u .a.s Nelson and Janel Saulc.
Cardina l Revie\\ - 3
Frida y. Ma r ch 25. 1977
[1,.__k_a_le_id _os_c_o_p_e_ ] A , Mech student lo,,1 a finger M:m:h Ii in rhe fir>t "m.ijor u,auonal .1mdcn1·· 1n 14 year,. .according to Bob Sra.,11, ,o, cauonal plact'mcnt dm.•ctor. Tcrrv Wea,cr. sn automotive machinist ,tudenl, lo~I h1\ 1ndc:r finger 11.hile dcmon\1ra1ing a piece of machinery. There h~vc been some "minor ac-c1dcn1,' ' in past ~t'ars, 8rOt1n said. i.uch ;u :1 mot01't"ocll' ~1udcn1 "hn 1~1 some hair in an ~cr1dcn1 lut ye ,r.
The curb,ni• ,n Jr nr of rhc SUB hii\ been rcpa1n1cd red and ycllo" becau,e the rc.er\cd parking ,,gn wn not erected l:u1 C:ill. according ,., W~lly Young. b." enforcement Jn\lruCCor. Youn,: u1d ab\cn,l" of rhe ~,gn has rnul,~d m numcrou, "heel-lock apphcu1on4,.
All the nc.-'" crcc red around eampu\ arc rhc rc,ull of conccrnrd \ludcol~ o:ompl11nmg. Youn& ~•d /'lc11. ~•gns arc <1nly going 10 create m"rc conlu\ion. he 3c!dt:d.
lntere~ted nu&ats bii,c a clta.ncr to go Banfl :-.aucnal Put 1n Alberta, C.1111.d.a. du ran~ Spring Brut for a , :ac:11100 of h11t1ng and si.iing or to the cont to bactpack the Ol)mpic pennx11'2. 11ic lnp\, to 11.\nff from Apnl 1-c and to the Olympic peninsula from Apnl -*· -. an: Khcdulcd b) rhe :,;re Wlider~s Clob, according to D~ Spr2gae. dub ~dvucr To p.:anlcipate 1n t ~ excunions requ1re.s no p:i.st apencn.:c. Spr.ague saMI. bur duo require one's equipment, such as boot~. backpack ~nd d;1iog equ1pmcn1 and personal finances. Spr;lgue uid I.hat the tnp to B.infl ,.ifl be conducted b, the " {nundcr" or the Wtldcmcss Club, P~ul Ri;;he: along ,.·1th m group of Wa,hington StAte U1mer>llY ' students. Spr,1gue ,. ill conduct the :np 10 the Olympic pcn,nsul&. 1he W1ldemcs~ Oub ,.aots to get u man, \tudcnb 1n,ohed U ~~ibk in W 1r1p~ H llell a\ other club 1c1iv111es, Spr•gue &aid . ID
Feathered population surge initiates with cloud seeding Ha" you I.Itel~ h:id :an incxpl1C":1ble :and
J.lmos, April urge 10 dabble
mud for sedgo -:ind iruils. 11.~ddlc m the r;iin or ,.1ggle your !311 fca1ncrs• IC so. there is ~ re11.son . Acen1> frvm an in\Jdiow. Cotrign pov,cr hllvc· infil1r.11ed the dood,sccding opmtl· ion ind ,tipped in 3. ne" I~ de,·cloped ch~m,cal. ,. hich ..-hen uken into the ~ystcm of aa unsuspecting t11Uen. slo.. ly 1ran,rorms lum o.- her inro 3 duck. Even :a~ ,ou read this anidc. there .tre borrible mut3UOM tiling pLlce -.,1hin yoo. Your neck 1s lcnthcning. )OUr ra..-e is elonguing '" form :a bill. your upper umo LS ,.uping :nto the rypia.l b.1rrel,~h:1ped duck breast and )OUr feet are 01neninj! out and form.in!! v.ebs bcr..cen the 1ocs. Before you 11,ill bcl(m 10 sprout pin fe.tthcn. Your rrund ,. ill not be spared transforin
mation either Swn. you sb3ll hll,e ,irons; d~i~ to do ~uch thmgs as bob :aboo1 :ind ~pla,h in thl" l.1ke 11n ~pitc of tilt' "e:athcrl. ('O('L ~oor held :and quad and do v.hl11 ducu do bc~t on the ra .. n Scicnll\lS arc: work1n3 feHri~hl\ to perfe" 3n antidote but uc coattnu.tll~ hmderNI b, h3, 1ag their hand~ tum into ,11n(olt1p) during dclinte chc:m1cal opcr.11· iO«ll,.
WMther ~ou .lre ,-p~rcd th1\ untmd fate or not. d(in·, ftt1 Duch lc3d • checr1ul. if some\\ h3t mun<IAne. c~istcncc. And you ~hlll no longer wffer ce rtain hum.in womc:s. such a~ ro!lM"r\ tng cner(ol'. t.sking \lolio lessom or wondering "ho "in the Super Bo\\ I nat ICJr. In 1hc meantime. be kind 10 30\ \\llcrfowl vou mttt on the street It rcJII)' coald be someone.\ bro, her
Immediate action vital for summer employment By StUJc £pperle NIC \ tudrnts dcs1rina summer employ• mcn1 ~hould be looking for work now. if not ~ month or two ago, and al~o should be submhung applica11on, to agcncic~ rcquir· ing 1tumm<'r help. Thi~ is the odv1cc from Clyde Mohr employment service, ~upcrvlsor for the Idaho Department of Employment lo Coeur d i\lc,nc Ou11c u fe" of 1hc ,ummcr job\ coming up ho, c olread} been tnkn Mohr said, because or '"prior arrangements with the rn1plo,cr~ from rc1umin11 employees .. Mohr w1d there arc \till o 1!>1 of "'good Jl<Mibilhlc,· ' for 1ol1\, but 'o 101 of p«'lplc 1m· lookln11 fnr thll'>c Jobs 11·, ~ Nmpeti· live \1Jtuot1on nnd you hJvc to play thc.g~ml·" An,-..hcrc- trom 500 10 I .000 opplauhl'lns ha,c ·been lllcd ,n wmmc:r, pa\t, he said food ,crnl'<.' "ork i, probably one of the "hc,1,-,1b11ihc, in the 3rca·· for summer cmplo)ment. oc,.ording 10 Mohr. Out of .l.b'N nc" hiring~ for the month, of April. M11 and June of 11n,. Mohr .aid, $40 \\Ci,,. in rc,111urant 11nd ta,·o:m e~tabli\h· menb There "c~ no lii:urc, a,1ilable fot the number of nc,, hinng, for th..- month, Jul~. Augu,1 o1nd September or fQ~o. but \1ohr ,nld th111 it I> 1n April. May and June "hen "Ihm~ bc11m 10 roll" m the Job marlc1,
Mohr ,aid 1h11 lumber nd \\ood product, 1ndUMrit, huld "good ' job P..'"ibthh~. '-lo,1 of tht ,a.. mllb. he said. .. u.,e our >tn·icc, 10 find help.· ··The Job potential i> thcl'C' (in tlU!, 1rca); ll t\ juM a molter of Jl<'netratmg 1t," Mohr uid " We need 10 encourage more cmplO)tn to use our !>CT\·1c-c,." Work i\ :il,o a..iilablc. aceordlnsi to Mohr. llith the ,1a1c and federal agcnctcs. though deadline, for appllcitioni "11h
some. such u I.be Forest Service, have pa~\Cd or ,re very close. Mohr said 1hcre may be some Job ~~ibilltie, for thO!oC Crom IOI< income famlllcs if the Title Su CETA Progrnn pi!>\C!>. He said lhu .-ould entail wort on ,pecial pro1rclS such u bcacb mana~ mcnt. In more: ad, ict' to studenlS. Mohr wd the, ,huuld be rt>gmercd with the Dcportmrnt of Employment and looking for a job on thnr n also "Students ~hould be seel1og llUt ln • manner that 11.ill 1mJ)rO'"C their opponun· illb to get a job." Mohr nid. "lbc)· should be dn:~scd in a manner for the job io,·oh•ed and pre~cnl a good. clean a11pnran..:c. " If a student hu applied for ;and been 11,-ceptcd 1n10 ti!,: \\ori. ,stud) program. be ,.tn 11,ork at the college dunng the 5ununcr after the, nc" fiscal )t'i.l' be-gins 10 July. ,,,"Ording to ~!, Hog;ui, dt>ao ot rnidcnts Student< can <1nh do iummer •orkMud,·. Hog.in ..aid. ;, the, pla.n 10 b3cl. to NIC in the fall and ha,e been i,..-cpted bad, b) the ,'Olki:e. He ,:aid the "ork-,tud) program alw .illo", for pl11Cement ol ,tudcats ,.,th the C'ocur d'Alene l'arl. ~nd Rccrnllon Dcp3rtmcnt for tilt ,ummer. Hogan said anJ studeDt consi_dcr1ng summer "'«k-,tud~ sboold Stt J,m Upchun;h. fin;anci:ll aides offa"Cf, u soon IS possible. ,\ n, cmplo\lnent offers th2t COll1C to the college arc usu.JI,: pbml oo the ballffln boud 10 the counseling center 1n the \\ 1nton Building. H1,>i;an uid. The C<.'llc~ docu·, go 001 and solic,t J,-tl~ for ~tudents," he ~id "It people comr in. • -e 1auall>· tell them to mquuc 11 the Suite Emplo)·mcnt A~<" OtheN·i)c. 11 " oold be a duplaotion of (tnittS.
Hogan has no regrets resigning from coaching s, Jody De.Baas M~t banb :J.l'C' ft"'-l"eD after 20 )ctn. He.ad 1&Tnr.JiDg Coach LN Hogan said Moncby ht' prncntl} has no r~u gtVlng up bi,, coad!mg po51tion at ~IC'. ' 'Wresdmg b.u been ,cry enjoyable for me.'" Hogln uid. "The llt.50CUllom l'\c nade ha,e btt'n ,crv eac1un, and re, \\'ardina.'"
Hogan. ,.base :cams ha,e plued m the
ror the )Gin he:", coaCMd at :,,ilC, s:ild he nnnot ghe oaly ~ reuoo far g" LDg up the positioa other th:ao a desitt 10 ..do other things I think I ~hould be doing:• '"I think that's one of the major problt'm.S in our soacl\ loda\, .. he said. "People ~uy in the ~;c:job for IS 10~ year:. and 11 becomes "old h.11,· so to spcu.'" tu,ing urned l'\\O coascc'uu,e ®ticmal championship),. h1le coaching II MC. Hogan said, "It seemed onl~ iutural that I ~tcp dou.11 this !car s111CC John (0..-cnJ top 10 11.1tiorull)
knows the prugrum after "' o years 1s o,,ist.int COJC'h ... The SIC Bo;ird of Trustees hired O,,en March 17 to repl~l."l' Hogon Althouah c,e,:. cO.lching C'arttr hos h~ "ptt"JI highs and lou. Hogan said he will p•nlcubrly rcmcmbt'r Jim O'Connell'\ o-,en,mc match "h1cll \ecurcd the 1975 ruuonal cho1mp1on\h1p. '1'hc cl~ 1eam ~nntt coupled "ith the fcnOf' of some of our .... miler>" pt"r>onml probl<"m\ led 10 a vel) emo11omd high for me." Hog2n said. " It'\ reaUy • mauer of people,... Hogan u1d. 1ummiog up has career to dote. "Some of the fondesl memories come to hght 11. hen I sit down and tall "'hh some of my former wrestlers," he added. Hogaa said he intends 10 keep his dean of students po,1t1on through the t9n-78 aadcm1e year.
Cardino! Re,·ie" - 4
Friday. March 25. 197i
Noted psychologist w open April Convocations Week A rcnO\• ned p" chologl\l 3nd lt-cturcr "ill bt' 1hc kc, nOlc ~pnker Apnl 18 al JO . m JM the opening of Cnn,·ora11on~ 3 W(ck. R1ch3rd E. F3~on "'JI 1pcJl on "~an·\ Beha\lor 10 \nim,h"' 10 open 1hc 1&crk dr, 01ed 10 The Endan~cr.:d Species .. FJrs.>n . .:urrcnll, o facuh) member cl 1he Humanimc Pwcholo~· ln\htule an S.tn Franm,o. Calif.. h2, ,1 Ph. 0 an psychol· og, from the Unl\ crsll\ or Chicago and •u a cun~ulung P~' cholo11\t an a P'"'"''c practice from J9S"-SCI.
At plTKnt Fanon " an ori:-,1nu:;i11on con\UhMll for IB).f . Wa1in2~- U.S. Fores1 ~f\t«. CKoc~I DJoamK'S Con,.iir and other,;. Farwn hu pnnred numerot1> aruclcs and mJdc !llOJi~ ('(Jnctrning thcra~llc groups M~ rt:"CCn1J, Fal'\(>n authored I book cnu•Jt-d. kB1rthrlgh~ A Ban of Righi~ for Chlldrrn" in )lr.4 He h.:n also pablabcd QlhcT 2nidn ranging from m=~ to hum:an ;,atenlt..thtJec..
(convocations calend~rl Aprll 18
• 10 a.m. Richard Fu son <peaks on '"~l11JJ"s Bchlnlor 10 Animals.'" I p.m. \ clma John~ton ~pens on " WUd Ho = and Bunos... ?:30 p.m. ",\1 lhc Cn>s..U'Olld.• •• 27 •min· UIC mo,Jc. 3 p .m . . . ,aturc"s Bird• or Pre~ .. lS·m.lnulc ano,tc. April 19
10 Lm. Dean Cankr spc.'&ks on '"The Condor.·· 11 a.111. " I.Ast Da_ ,~ o( thl' Dolphin'" 27-mlnutr mo•lc. I p.m. \lao;rkc Bomocltr ~pcu.s on "Cougars.•· l,15 p.m. " ThlnS. like a .,1ountaln'' 26-mlnutt mo, le. 3 p .m. "foUovlng lhc TWldra Wolf"' ~mln,n.c mo, lc. 7 p. m. "'Follo•ln& the Tunclna WoJr• ~mlnult mo•le. 8 p.m. "WDd Horses" 26-mlnutc mo,Ji,,
"9 Lm. MoriC) Nclso.n spew on "Birds or Prey." 10:30 Lm. "WDd Honn" 26-mlnutc mo,lc. II a.m. "Tl"Qlll~cr 5,.1U1" 1-l•mfnulc mo"le. 11:30 a.m. "Golden Eagles'" 70-mlnutc mo,le.
Rkhard Fuson •W o~-co the Con,ocallons Weck with a lcdlD'll l'Dllded "Mu's Bdia,1or 10 Animals." Fanon. Cormcrl) a consuhiog psycbologlsl , Is an o,aanl:zatloc com:altant for rorponulons socb as Westinghouse, £Bl\! and the U.S. foltSI Su-Ice.
Coeur d'Alene youngsters to display winning poetic and artistic entries Studrnh an 1hc C"ocur d'Alene clement·
ar, and junior high school~ ha,c been
an, ilcd to paruc,p3tc an Comoca11ons Weck through an and poeuy. ..\wording to rule ,pttilic:uion,. "'sub,,~s for thl' entries ma~ range from birds, fishes.. planis. animols. etc. in dangCT of cmnction. through methods of prcsel"\ing "ildlife. 10 cduc.irion for COIISCl"\'arion." Picture, must be fttthaod and no luger than Ir· x J-1" unframNI
A \iont4na =archer wtll present a lectu~ April 22 at 11 a.m. eotatlcd "Grizzly Bear.
Poems :,re limuNI 10 20 hoc~ a.ad should be ty~ Of prinlcd on 8 1 : " X I I'' paper. A=dmg to LcoDA HHSCn. Coovoat· ,on\ Commi1rce chatrper50tl. there wiU be · c1sb prizes 11.-ardcd for the top three place• in ~ch of the 1hrec gnt.dl' di,·isioM. Poc1ry and an "ill be e,~uated scp:mucly. Ha~en ~ad. Winning entries "ill be displayed on c3mpus during Con,·oarions Weck.
Working 3S an cxecu1ivc sccrc1ary. Velma B. Johnston has been laboring for l1lOtt than I\\ a dcCJdcS (OT the presl'l"\'Qllon of the "ild hor1CS and bunos of America . Johnston has shepherded two ,.;Jd horse pro1ect1on bills through Congress. So dcciswc has be1:o her inllu~ct' tluit 1hc first one wo.s called 1he Wild Horse Annie Bill . Johnston"ie(Jnc-ems began in 1950 when she w:,s driving to • ·ort ncmr Reno. She came up behind a truck loaded with maimed and blc:cding horses. Shoc~ed and "'ondcring "' hy animals "'ere be1ng 1r.1nsported 10 such ('(Jndition.
she foll<ll'·cd the truck to ii:s destin.3_tion. a sfa_ughtering hOIISC. Upon investigation. she learned that the anim.1.ls had been ought ID ao airborne roundup and wt:tt to be processed into commcrical prod=. It was on th.ii day she derided to do everything she could to save wild horses. "hose numbers ha.,e been reduced rrom f\\ o million 111 the tum of the century to 1bou1 17.000 throughout the 11 wcstcni states. Wild Horse Anrue has been 1hc subject or numerous publiotions and wo.s e guest panicipant on the ''TodaJ ShOI<"" and the "Mile Douglu Show" u v.ell as "CBS and NBC News.··
\prll 21 Q a.m. "Grluh lkar" 26-mlnute mo,lo. 10 a.m. "Think Like a Mountain" ' 26-mlnutc mo, le. •11 o.m. 011.11 ~ ke ~pcllks on "IA')tl~latlon.'" 2 p .m. l'llncl dl..cllillon on "C"cn1er, for Sut"hol.'" Oan Pll.e .. mhe one, member or th<' panrl.
7:Jll p.m. Poul Brodllur speal., on "'li.spcncbhlc Man." AprU 22
9 a.m . "Crlnly Bear"' 26-mlnutc mo.te. JO a.m. "Nature's Birds o f l'rc, " 35-mJnutc, mo,Je. •11 a.rn. John Craighead ~ ~ on the "Grlal) Bc2r." !:JO p.m. "Stud)lng Wlldllfc by Said· lilt" 80-mloute mo,le. •ucuJcd Con,ocatlon_s Mo,lc.s and lcelurc5 will be p~ted In the SUB.
Montana researcher to lecture on dangers facing grizzly hears Dr John J Craighead received h1\ Ph .D. in 19!>0. in vcrlcbutc ecology at the Uni,er,aty ol M1ch111,an. Ann Arbor. Shatt· ly thercQftcr. hc, a,~umcd his present rc~pon\abihty Ill the Uni-cr,tt)' of Monuna A~ lc3dcr or the Cooperative Wildlife Re~c.arch Uni1. he i~ the coordJniuor of opcnrnon, involving prllblem\ of wildlife and ma~gemcn1 of wildlife resources. lo the 1n1erc~1 of public cducauon conct'ming endangered ,pccic~. environment dcgn,dation and river preservation. Dr. C"r.,ighcad avcragl's IS to 20 maJor public appearance~ annually Wilh his brother. Dr. F. C. Ctatghcad. Jr .. Or. Craighead has produced motion pictures depicting wildlife rcsc:m:h. wildlife 110d resource fflllnagcmcn1 a nd environmcn12l c:onccpts and problems. He ~ also the author of numerous books and .trticles dealing with bioscicnliric studie5.
Wild Horse Annie shepherd of two animal protretion hills Wild Horse Annie will speak April 19 at I p.m. on " Wild Horses and Burros:·
l p.m. Pane l dl,cu ..Joo on "The Bu,tnes,, or Eduou1ng the Publk.'' Pucl members, Include Dr. Ruth Welner, Scott Rttd, Margart! llaggln and Joe Unt. 7 p.m. "'Lui Da~ • of 1he Dolphin" 27-mlnute mo,Jc. 7:.45 p .m. "Al the Cn>uro-.ds'' 26-mln· u1e mo,Jc.
Dr. John Craighead
Poems, pictures eye wha"les A selection of ehildren"s ,.baJc pictures and poems •ill be displayed during Con,-ocarioas Wect. The dispby cnutJed . " There's , Sound 10 the Sea" is sponsored b) the Smithson· i.ln Institution Tra,eling Exhibition Ser·
vice. The exhibuion cons,si:s of O\cr 90 poems and pic1ures "bicb v.erc collected by Tamar G-nggs of Va11COt1vCT. Briush Columbia. Griggs bu densed a spcci~)·-condue1 · c:d "hale "-ornlwp wbicll ~he ghes to
clemenW)· !>Chool children to help them identify with the whale and it's plight. The painungs and poems :i.rc the resul~ of these workshops. In addnion to the children 's "'Of'ls. Ille.re are 1nform111ion panels to a cqu :aint the ~,ewer ,.;th the whaJe.. its biology. cvolul· 100, 101elligenc:c .iu,d the trag.ic results of cutTCnl whaling practicc:s "bich may lead to the c:rt1nc1ion of this magniriccnl aeoiun:. A cassene of recorded whale sounds ac,:ompanics this exhibil.
Friday, Harch 25. 1977
Cardinal Reliew • S
Several films to be shown during Convocations Week " Thlnl,; U~e a Mouncaln" (26 min .) Thi, film .iddres..:s rhe problem of .. hy the condor. b1..on. .. olf 3nd bl.icl..footcd rcrrcl are 1hre.i1cncd and wh.t1 j\ bt-ing done .iboul lhe ,11u.:111ion. lnlcl'\tcv. \ ..1111 old 1,m.-" add tnt~·re,ting in\tghl\. "WIid Ho<'('j" 126 mm.) A lilm ~botlr ••Id h~s .1nd 1hc plaru ro, them. ,nctudmg 1hc curren1 reduc1, Ion\ in areas" here man ·s encro&C'hmen1 hu ,hrunken Iheir It, ing \pace and ou1.ed populaoon dcn,i1~s beyond the abilny of CM land 10 ~uppotl them and othrr ,..,ldh(e. "usr oa,, or rbc Dolphins" 127 mtn.J A mo1,on pictutt' on the 1ragie killing of 1houundi or dolphin\ by tuna li~hennen .ind how concerned cHi1.cns can help uve this rt:markablc narine mAmmal.
re,ronng the numbers o! 1rumpetcr ,,.-;ans 1hrough manaszed protec1ion "At Thl' CrcKsroads" 126 min.) A unique filmed uplon1ion of wild.life's
srruggle for sor,.1-al ,n our modern "orld. h prT~ents m1\ule~ from 1hc p,.sl and crcarure\ gone fo=·e-r. Esplon:s rhe current problem\ and offers pos\tble ~unons m 1h,· rorm or inrcn1e-r.1 w11h b1ologa1s and nuurah~ts; ofren rhis persoA ,s rhe w,orld au1hom~ on a panicular spcc,cs. • "The Grin!)' ' 126 min.) Tlns beautiful film illustratt."s tht." me1hod• b) which grinlie<. are marked for !racking. Shov.\ the griwy 1n ils h.ib1ut • filmed primarily 1n Yellov,srone Park. Dave &oeb.U..l' pboco
"Goldu Eagles" 120 min.) Complc1e ltfe hi~tory or 1he golden c,gle
"Nlllatt's Blrd1 of Ptt'y'' (35 min.) The s1ory or lulwl~. falcon, and eagles 1n North America and 1heir use in the sport of falconry. "T'rumpclt'r Swan" ( 14 mtn ) Tell, 1hc i 1ory or succ:-cufol attcmpcs at
"Following !he Tondn Wotr ' (44 m.in.) Narrared by Robcrl Redford and produced by Pea ce River Films. this sbo.. prO\'ides a picture of a ptTd3ror-pre}' rclarionsh,p in the C11radian :mtic. h opcru. in .. 1n1er wrrh the beginrung or the yearl) canl>ou m1gralion and illusLrates hov. -.olf packs follov. thls annual tttk 10 the caribou a.lving grounds
Outstanding professional biologist has researched over 300 cougars lcbho's 19- Out,Wlding Professional 81ologu1 rn the ellllrmrJOn or The Wildlife Soetel'\ w.111 spe:at Apnl 19 11 I p.m. on
Panel participants w discuss educating the general public ·•1 he Bustnl',s or Educating the Public" "111 be 1hc ropic for a panel discu,,lon Aprtl 20 al 2 p.m. Amon11 lhc panel pArhcipants "ill be S,..,,11 Recd. Clll.•ur d'Alene la\lH,r, who ,..IU till. <ln "Thi.' PtMlblc Court Prolc<"lton of Endangcrt"d ilnd Thrc.,tcnrd Spcm·~." Recd 1, fi mt>mhcr of thc Idaho \\'a1cr and Rcs<lun·i: Bo11rd and the Na11on11I Audubon Socitt) Board or Di~ton. Margarc1 M Ha81(ln . .. ho 1ough1 in
Cane:atl) a coasaltlng &nnc,-!llc Power aothoril), Morie, Nclsoo Is lnvohed ...-llh I.be pe:rqu!M relntrodador) 1nm to placl' aptMty,n&Jscd birds lnlO the cn,·lronmcnl. Nelson wi1l sped April 20 at 9 Lm. on " Birds or Pte)." Doring his prescn111lon, 1110,IH ~ shown or bu recenr ,!sll to the World Con!l'ttnCl' oa Falcotl.l) tn the Near Eut.
,u~ar,. ••
A«ording 10 a 191 t, National Wildli[e rmi:mnr. "oo one knows more 1bou1 the secret .. ay of lhc rougar 1han biologist M11unce Honroritt. ·
Spounc School OISlnct 81 for 27 yean. .. 111 :ii<'-' "JICU on the panel. Haggin 1\ cum:nll~ the educauon chair· per.on of 1hr Sroune Audubon Soetery Ccnrer for Em,ronment.al Undenundin&. She ,~ ;,l,o a member or r~ Sima Oub. the Wuhin111on En, ironmental Couocil. WUdcmes, Sociery. Nawre Conservancy and tht." (OU~IC,U2 Society, 01hcr p~ncl membef'\ ,ndude Dr. Ruth Wctncr .tnd Joe Lim.
Homocter. • ho is cum:01J, a leader in the ldJiho Cooperath'C Wikll1fe Research l'1111. ~ spc111 rhc l:tSt 10 ~-ears catching.
cxammmg, marking 3nd rclca~ing cougou o, er JOO times H3ving reccwed his Ph.D. from rhc Um,·crsir> or Brirish Columbia in 1%7. Hc.,rnockcr bu ,. rittt."n for numerous publirorions .tnd film,. Among orhcr\, Hornocl..t."r' \ curren1 rescuch ropies Include ccolo1n or 1he leopard in Kruger Na1ional Park. South Afnc:i and compuativc ccolog) and be· ha,ior or oner and mmk populo110M in \le~1cm Idaho.
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Frida,·. Ma rch 25. 1977
er sports
Female trackster intends to compete in Olympics .. I ,ct go3J,. but only 1hosc I can llChlC\C··lf I ,ct D goal th11 I~ 100 high. II 1Liil only d1'couragc me " The 19li0 01} mpt('S 1n ~osto"' ,s one of th~e g0,1ls Carol Cll4rlC$ h.as I pos1me. IIUlUTt' outlook on life •• "ell a, her sport. Apparcnth· 11 has helped her rn her su«esics n 3 runner and as a Jl<'r>On , The tr3Ck sm lron1 Sip3na. Tnnidad 1s anending NIC with a maior U1 engineering sccrcruial sc1enccc. Charles is .t wcll-sca~nncd runner. Competing "'th the Texaco Trad; Club. she ha.s pfflicipatcd 10 lhc Pan Am Games and v.:is a member or a mik relay squad that took -nd place 41 the Junior Ca.rifui G1me1 in the Bah.imas. Charles' event i~ the quarter mile. but her achievements at NIC have been in the 100 and 200 due to indoor practfocs. When she ,sable to tnin for the quarter mile. she ,aid the will Ill.so conlllluc competing in the shorter races for work on srnru and turns. Commenting on her competition thlll fiar, she said she has mer some good in1cma11onal runners competing 1gitinst NIC from larger schools. E,·cn running against girls who arc not as tough, Charles said she runs for rimes rather than agaill)t others. so who she runs against is not so 1mpor1an1. Concerning the track prognim at NIC. she nid the facilities arc a definite problem but that she feels "'Bundy i.s • good coach."" Charles and Kclshall R1vAS, also from Trinidad. arc looking forward 10 the Cenrral American 11nd Can'bbean games 01 Mc.xico Cin· in June. The pai; will compete there if thl'y m.re called back to Tnnldad for lhe trials. Both 3ppcarcd quite sure they would be ukcd to compete in the tri:a.ls. ··Toey·n send our plane tic1'cts o.nd v.·e·u go home ... Charles S3id. ··1f I continue 1r11ining u I 1m. I v.ill be beaten." she ~d. rcfening ro ha~ing to tr:un indoors. A dl~tisf:icuon v.~th the tract facilities "ns the onl~ real complaint she cxpl'C$$CS about being at NIC. "It· s difficult to tr.un in the gym. running into "·alls. dodging basltc:tb3.ll players:· she said. adding that the only intcnsi\ e "ork sht' hu done has bttn with starts. Weather is a fo_ctor that hinders the en11rc: tc::im Ob, iously. cold, rain~· or snOIL') \\Clltht'r prc,·ents tlic tCAm from pr.1c.1king on an outdoor track where they· •ould get work on turns and distan=. In Tnnid:id. "h1ch ts situated in the Caribbean Sea about 150 milts nonh of South Amena. the fair v.c:alhcr allows for outdoor workouL~ all the umc. Rnin is the ool) hindrance. sht' s.11d, "and if )'OO'rc dcd101C'd. e,en that docsn·1 =ner " According 10 ~rles. the normal ttmpc:r .siures range betv.ccn 85 and 90 degree, and ··v.c'rc cold ,r 11·s 75 degrees ·· She nid Idaho "Cather hu been a big Jdj1JS1men1 10 mate.
She ullt'd ahour othci d1Hcreoccs =t,1CCn life bm: and u1 her homcWJd
• Batl home 1 20->eu-old clnld hr..: c , ou are at adult as
still a
JOU enter
college:· s~ Uld >°"ing people t.n T:midad arc ,en dcpcndc:rt upon r.he1rparC'tlU..' E,cn at :W ,. hen ,-cu i;a1r. ~rne indcpcndcD«". ,1111 ha, t' bttn inhlhited for so llu!J,:. yuu go ;,gbt bilCk :o yllOr p,irc:iu:· she uld. •• Kids 10 the Uru1cd Sl4tcs arc ullinhlb· itcd ~ tlxir p,ircr.ts. matt frc"C. •• she s.ud. Curl~ ~id ~he foond she h mature .:nough to handk lhc ocw '1tu11fons she ho~ cncountercd being at SIC probabl) bc,Ju-.c o! her 1ra,~h for incl compelll· ion Being for the most p,111 oa ~ ""n OIi trip, . she ~,d ~he gained , lot of mdepcndcncc. ff'CC'dom aod srlf-acbpta· bilil\ Siill. She admits 10 feeling Ver)' home• sick C')pCciall~ when realizing that \he • ill be J"·a,· from hcm,e for a., row:h as su )C'Ars
Charlts" home 10,,. n u &bout 40 mile-. from Pon of Spain. the cap11.1l of Truwbd. She is the =nd of fi,c children •h~ father 1> an cng1nttr for Teuco Trinidad Oil Co.
The m:iinsl.1) of Trinidad's economy is oil... E,crything is oil. oil. oil:' Chari~ said. Americans built refineries there and after World War n. Trinidad rcju,-en:itcd them a.ad lhccompany is°"" lodcpcndcnl.
Cardinal R e,·ie w - 6
Pitch ing is factor
Batmen sweep home play 8.1 All.on Seo
If the C•rdiru!.,· 6~1 hom<" ~amc~ arc an,- mc!i.JUOD, the MC ba-eha.11 <ea.\on ~Id be a •inning one In a doablehndcr M,H,h \Cl a~a1nst Eastern\\ ashiniit11n St.ate. Colle Re, the Card\ pulled out J-2 ind .l I v1ct=. Tl1uc fint garon. acronbn~ 10 Coach Jad BIN cm. allm the roach<-, to•"' ~luate pb, rrs in C'CrlllD ,ituatlon, and under the prcssUT'C' of rompt'lilil'll, Bio.tom y,r some gO!\d p1tchU1g 1nil hilling Much l'I. ~s "cll a, ~omc danuging ficld1ng, 1111\IJtc,, In the lint game of the double header. :'-IC and E\\ SC•-crc ucll 2·2 in thd1onom or the ninth 1nnin1: "hcn Corbin Tudor st'Dl'tt1 to bnng the Cardinal \l.:tol'V. Th.- malini: hits In the fil"'lt iiJmt.' acl't' RT. On thomc run). lud<1r(1wo hit,) and Tun GrOIJ<lhn. ln the s"cond gJme Dar, Greg K,cckr and Oon Owen tiwo hits) •ere t~ such for the Canh. M.u\ Kato pit,hcd mO\t of the first game and Wa~n, Shcruood hurled th<' =nd. The Cards •CTC pined Mu.:h 1-1 againil
LC\\I\ and Oark !II.tic College 1n L<:..l\ton 'IIC lo,t 7.~ in eurJ innln.[I, 1n the Jim l(lm and ,...re do" nt·d b-0 m the Jc,"Ond 'I "as 1mprn,cd wnh our p.:rformanc<' al'.tm,t le:"" and Clari.,.. Blo~om "11d. Hr added 1h11 mu,h \'If the Lt'" 1, ~nd Clar\ ron11n~cn1 "<'rt' 1un"'l'i anJ •cnior, v.i1h mor<' c,pcriencc than man} ot ~IC", pla,crs. :',I('" 111 m«t the l'.a\lcrn Ort"gon J\"', M•n:h 2b and ,\Ill return for~ ht1mc 1t•mc ~1an:h ~ J!lJ1n,t Si"'kanc 1',111, Communi1\ C<1llt'l!l'. 811.'1,om said he Is prc,cnth ~1.1rlin11 li,c kurrniJn, OM tran,tcr ,nJ three frnh. mrn, S\lnlC kl playcN he ,.alJ ho c,p, ~,, to Jo \\Cll th1' ic.ni>n .&re h11tcr, K•~dcr ind \ltk<' Rllb1111,,n ~nd ,horht\lp Day. He al,o ,;iid that·· a, our pi1,hcN go. thr CJrll, g,, ·· Jel'T} long, DJn Wyman. KJtn Jntl Shl·rwc'IOl.l 3re NI(", top four pil<htrs, "uh 0Jlr.c O.ikc• and Mike llagfcldt i, t>ac .. up. "If the)· pilth well, v.·e cnn ~ta t anybody ·· Blotom 1n1d,
Many long miles home for some tennis recruits B) llt'mlc Wlhon When C'ou:h Tony Stcv.art recruits pla)'ers for the tenni.s team. he looks far and v.·idc for good players to bring 10 NIC. T•·o of those pbycrs arc a long "'al from home Mart. Jack.son, Grand Forts. N O. and Stanford Myrie. Paruui. Canal Zone. Republic of Panama, arc currently 1hr No. I and No. 2 pl:a,ers, rc)pceuvcl}', for the Cardinals hctson. a frc~hman history major, ,1ancd playing tennu JS }'Cllf'S ago when he "u.1 :i li1tle tid" living nc-xt 10 tennis courts. '"TennJ.S 1s somclhmg 10 get ll"'3Y 10 do, ·awn or rcl:wauon. •· he said. J3ck.soo said he l;kes the indiv1duili1y of the sport. although he S3id a plaJer \hoold also "'ork '°" ard helping lb.c lcam Stcv.an sav. Jacuon·s name in a U.S. Tennu A»oci:luoo sectional nnlting a.nd recruncd him 10 MC. J:idtson v.as a state high school doubles champion in his freshman and "4>phomorc years and .. on the high school 1tatc singles championship as a senior. T•o }ears :igo he ..-u r.uikcd eighth m the IS.)cu•old and under division for the region including Nonh D.itou and Minne· sata. Last ) car· s nnl:.tngs ha, c n' t been rclea.scd, so Jackson doesn't lr.11<11' •here he"s h,1cd. He ~id tennis i~ a .. )iclc:light"" 10 him and he •ants to do well in school. J:ickson has done •ell on the tcam·s "bddcr.' • here he'i beaten C-et"\ other member lo cl:iim lhc No. I spot. ··Jackson should do rcal.ly ucll and he'll be pl3ying some toagh competition."' Ste,o·an s..id. Myne. in dose contention for the No. I spot, ,. ~ recruited when his basketball coach rttci~cd a letter from Stcwal'1 llling if he kne-a of ani good tennis players. The cmch sh°" cd ,\ 1>ric the letter and M~ric ani.v.crcd a.ad \aid he could <'Ome to NIC in the spnng al 1977. Myrie u I frnhman pre-law nuior and a
't!lcran of the U S Army He hu alhletlc e~pencnc:c, having ployed tcnni. since 197J and par1i<1p:itcd m ba)kCtball, bJIC· ball and ~occcr. He \Old he gnvc up 1111 other team 10 plav tenm, mainly hccusc he got hrcd of ,~-:am sports. ... pitched fo'!•pitch ,oftball anll tiltteam began depending on JU\I me." Myrie ,aid. · ·Tennis i\ mainly up to the: individual. but a player should also help the tc3m."" Mvrie ha, competed in Army cutem regional 1ournameots and reached 1hr doubles ~m1-linals II a tournament in Boston and the singles qu1utcr-fin.1L, At Fort Bragg. "I C He was al~o rant ed ..ewnd for two ycan 1n the 193rd Sourhmi Command Bn.r:adc. He ~aid there 1\ a 100 pcr~ent dtf(crcncc betwccn P:111.1ma .and ldJ.ho. m.unly in the "Cather and cn.ironment.
INTERSTATE TYPEWRITER Supplying North Idaho's Office and Business Needs
* Calculators * ABDick Products ** Copiers Cash Registers 417 Sherman 664-3118
F'rida J . \1a rt h 25. 1977
Cardinal R evie w - 7
[ campus happenings
l\wd,15 A rrprnt'n1A1hc rrom 1he Unhcnh> or Ida ho .. 111 be In 1hr SUB all do>. Dance. from 10 p.m. 10 I a.m., 1hc 112nd " :0-llt·Ufo" from ~llldt ..111 perform In
specimens &om lhc aadlcucc, Ill 10 Lm. In the see. \wrb JI B~ball. Skagh \ a.De., O,mmunll) Col, lc.-gc 111 '\IC. ASB ;\1etling. Al S:JO p.m. in 1hr WaJnul Room.
Marrh :?9 Bucb• II. Spol.anc, Fall, Communh)
April I Tcnnl~. l.'nl,cJ'.\111 or \ 1onLIIDJI ,u 1'1C •• ?:JO p . m.
d,c, a.• m. Cos1 Is 50 <'~Is for MC studenis and SI for non-.iudcnl~ ..1Lb NIC t"SCOrls.
ColltJ:C Ill
\IC. '1.arrn JO
Popcorn Forum. Norma Woodbttr.,, • 8"Phologk1. ,. UJ appear for 1hc 1hlrd 1jme In 7 She >< ill \peak on hAnd•uillng anolHIS, and lhcn analJtc hand,.rhlng
April ?-10 SPRl~C BREAK April J BaM?b:ill. Ease.cm Oregon J.V.'s ,u "llC.
Cardinal tracksters set records at Washington State Indoor meet \ n<"' school record wa, icl Marth l'I in 1h< [K'le ,ault at 1hc WSU Indoor Mcc:1 in J'ullmJn. W~sh (jc,ild t,ourln , aulccd 14 • lor •ccond r, , 1n h,, c,cru. II, lr>r<" (;oorlC'\''\ :ippcarancc un chi: NIC 1r.10 rnc. the- , hnol rcrord rm indror 11ult •u• 12'
"G.rAld p,·rlorm~J c~<clkn1I~ " commt'ntccl Co.1ch Ml~\" Hund,·. l:cl K,cc cird 1hc schuul rernrd ,n 1hc h1,Rh Jump ac i.·1," und plnc,·tl 1h1rd ,n 1h1: m1:e1 ,\ t,0-) )td h111h hurdle, ,, ho.ii record •~, alw ,er. ~1,le l!u\l rilncc,d clurd in 7 9
,,:""i,nd,. Ihr runmnp ,·vent, ,a,. one lot NI(
lil"il pincefft,nr, J1mcnc, ran 1h, 1.000
mc.1cr, n 2 20 h . 'l;oc lar behind ,..;,., 1c~mm;i1c \lark Cro, rn 2:30.b. "h,ch carnt'd him .a lhud-pl~·C't' r.n,.h . Kclshall 1!11-a, ""ll rimed in i,J \CC'Ond, for 1hc 60,yard open, fin1\h1ne third asainsl four•\('3.r t11llcgc arhkl~. Ed R1C"C ,..,, 'lilC'!i lc.1dmg ,rorcT ~• 1~ M~rrtn Rcla~, hdd "1.u,h 12 ,n W:ub Wall.a. Wa,h. RIC<' tool fiN tn the ht~h jump •1th a
1>'4" le.op. tic ;,I~ hurled the Ja,chn 1-12· fnr founh,placc lin,,h 1n rlur e\ cnr ~ii c O,lh:) al,o placed for 1hc Cud,. A um.- or 1;:;·}a, - c.uncd him the fillh ,pot ,n 1hc 1hr~·m1lc run.
Dimeatime captures firs t in Seattle motorcycle show Tli\ NI( moc,,mch: repair \ludcnc< haH don, 11 1,t.11n In wha1 "ro,1 b<:,·om1n11 J 1rndition. rhc dl\,·dt·"gncd-.ind-buill motornck ho, .-Uni<' luun,· frt1m ,ho" wllh ~"ard, Th,, yt-M'\ ,rcn11on "l)11ne;111mc" re, c,•ht·d f1r.1 ,n th.: • ·,mport tnle" rla,, ,ll 1h, Nurlh" "'' Mncorc1clc ,hu" Morch P 20 ,n s,,onh· Th, ·,...d, chrome and \'iluc maLhinc de"Rnt·J b, Jc~sl! Hull and ,,.,,,. S11,m, 01'0 brou~ht home troph, .., for "longc-..1 di,1onC\' er;,, ck-d" IQ tht· ,ho" •nd "bc,c cni:mttroni;.'' Molllf\:~ ck repair ln,1ruc1or fohn Snlllh ,on '41d 1he ,hCM h.id J21 ~rtmpanl\ Thi\ h the founh cun,~11,·c 1c,ir NIC h3, ru11t:1po1cd ,n a h1l..t- ~ho;.. he s11d.
1...t,1 w.ir. Lhc mot!lfcyclc repair i.tudco~ ,·;,rnrd lir,,1 1n clA.,~ "Ith "Frttdom i.o Blue" m Pilrlland and ,crond 10 du.. in a Spounl' ,ho,. . NIC lll!>ort'Cr1,cd ··t,n1 of ~how" hoDOD 31 ll'\\1\l<ln .. ,ch the cnll). Bu,ldm.11 1hr motort) de c.ich ~ear is a ,la\\ pro,~ and " pnmaril) • learning n~·l'll.'nC\', Smuh,on ~id ,
The ,ho", art' ol '>t'<"ODdMV rmportanC't', he Jddcd. Tot- rollegr 1n11wli fi~R«', lht- mp. Smllh\on ,aid. bu1 chc motorl')Cle t\ eYcntu.i.11) sold 10 defer tnp c1pc~.
FIRST SECURITY BANK OF IDAHO Member FDIC First m Intermounta in Ba nking & Financial Sunt1t'I Heighla Cd'A Office Services 220 Sht'rm n n In 1he MaU
Ou c Kramer photo U I pot him all~ "a) do•'11, I ma, ruin m.1 natl!>. On 1hc olbcr ba.od ...Tbc baulc of 1hc •exes mCl't' lnro artlon u part of 1hc NMff ••ri~Hnesdlni: toumamcnl which ronrludc~ Mllrt'h ?'1. O,mpc111Jon l~ bC'lna hdd In both mm·s and " omen·, dhldoos a.ad ooc 1bln'1 I~ certain. Tb,.. " innt'r' .. m"<'Ore luuuh.cfo"'D dcct~lon.s.
(___c_o_-_re_c_sh_o_r_t_s__ lrt- '\,t,lc ar.d Jr;;n Fi111ng cmcrl!NI as , tCton oi the co-rcc pool tl'Umamcn1 held 1n th<: Sl'B b,1 •·«\. :-;obte bc31 Ted Slt't-erl for 1he lllt'n·, Litle .. uh more chan oO "nmc,, ,n 1ha1 di,foon. Finmg bc.11 0¢bbic w Prlc, for her • ,n. .\ ,:('o,tt
,.risH•TC,lfiog toumamcn1 i,
prcsc:n1h bc1n11 rooduc:td ,n men·, Jnd •omen'• d1\JS oil\ The 1ournamcnt 1s
sl3lcd 10 c,mdude March :?<l. \ co,rcc gotr 1our11omcn1 has been 1cnra1J\cl) planned for March 31. wcarher pcrmin,ng. lnformadon 1\ a,·ailable from John 01<en in the Rccre11ion Offict ,n Lhr basement of 1hc SUB. Camping cqu1pmen1 ,~ a,ailaltk for rcn1 b> the day or ,.eel.end lhrough 1hc ou1door rte dcpartmen1
ee us fo r
Th e best selection of R ecords, 8- Tra ck s and cassettes P-lus
The fine.'it 5,TEREO components Kenwood Teac
GREENTREE RECORD CO Fourth and Harri.wn
Ho urs 10-6
1111dny 11 -4
Cardinal Review - 8
Friday. March 25, 1977
May 7
Giant slingshots to fling By Cheryl Nlcolsoo
Colleges from1110H•11he NO!'lh"cst and Bnosh Columbi11 .. m match strength Ma\ 7 "hen l'I IC hollU its second annual carupuh concc,1 al chc Henley Aerodrome north of Corur d.Alcne. T"ehc whools ,..,II comp('lt rn an dfon 10 ning an empt~ beer keg the fanhc!,t, each using 11> 014 n coupuh m1ch1De ~1milar to an O\cnilcd ~hn~hOI. Bob Soper from KREM·TV. Spounc. " 'ill be rru1Stt'r of ceremonies for the c,cnt "·hich .. 111 be sponsored b, R11n11:r Bre,. ,ng Co Henley Aerodrome "ill present a skydi, ing and acrobatics 1111 shl7"· m conJuncuon "'II n the contest. Enginecring lnstrunor Ba~ Simon said NIC's entry v.ill be the same cJ~pult used lust }ear "ith ; fo" aJrerations. Lisi year. he i.aid. bc"'cen three and fhc thou~nd persons sh°"cd up to ~ NIC outfling lhe four other pan,cipating colleges "'th a ,.,nning distance of 52& feet. " We'll definitely ou tdo 1ha_1 this vcar," Simon >aid. Man\' departments of the college a~ 1n,•olvcd in rhe machine's production.
1nclud1ng engmccnng. •-elding. mrllrigbt. ci,'il tecb.niaan and log 1n1ck drinng. WC II ha, c • I00 petttnl clwltt of ..inninii ' SmlO"I said. • We just don't Uttcnd to lose ,. Contest •1nllffS • ill rttoe" e a bct'r \cg troph) . They "ill also be 113~ ID lhc Ciumcss Book cf World Record\ Coflc~ pbnn.mg 10 rompctc arc MC. Ponbnd l'm,ffJity. Sanlc Uru,-ersiti'. l!m,t:'Slty at Wuhing1an. Seattle C"'IDmun11y Coltrgc, Eutem Wa,h111gt.on State Colkgc. SpobDc Falls Comrnan1t)· C 1· lcge. Greco Rm:r Commgn11y College. Trenure Vall~ Commuah) Coll~. Un1'~II) of Albcru. C=ersil)' al Oregon ud Spowit' Community Coll~. Simon \A1d be hopes to ta>e samr sort ai av. Md~ banquet , here the different col· legc, can get togclher u1cr lhc coolest. Accordtng ID Simon, lhctt ..on't be any admission charge for the C\·cDt bot tbcrc may be a char~ for puling. He said allhougb sc~cral TV sports programs b,nc uprcsscd interest m the c, ent it is oaccr1aio whether anv v.·ill 3CIUllll) CO\'Cr the fling. •
Student Board to sponsor barbecue for NIC students The Srudent Boord agreed March 17 to sponsor a barbecue for NlC studcnlS al the end of spring scmcs1cr. Budge! Committec Chair man Kevin J etton submincd the idea 10 t.hc board with what he said were inlentions of using excess studcnl funds 10 finlltlct' the event. The event's exac:t date was not set. Wes Hatch. ASNIC financial 11W11ger. rcpon cd that foosball tables have been removed from lhc SUB because of abuse by srudenis. Hatch SAid revenue from lhe llbles wu about SS a wttk and said he fc-cls pool tables arc a better investment and arc less likely to be abused. One of the foosball llblcs has been wen to the vocational lounge on a trial basis. Hatch said. The board ,·otcd to place suggestion boxes 1hroughout the ampus to oblllin more srudcnr input.
Jetton read a letter cm behalf of the vouuonal sc11.1tor'li dtm:lcd to the ,·ocat· iooal students, a.skmg cxh d&ss ID elect rcprcsentau,-cs. These rcprcscDlllJ\'CS would meet on a regular buis .,th the •'OCSrionaJ senators ID air stlldcnt concerns. The board moved to m,itc the lcbho Students Association ro bold their April 30 meeting at l'llC. In olhcr ,u:don: -·WaJt Hendricks. president of lhc Tech Club. presen1cd receipts of this year's expenditures OD the drafting project. Hendricks also requested S2l 7.SO to cover housing for a Tcch Oub field tnp. The ~ucst ns refcrffll to the Budge! Committee. --t.bc board ,-otcd to set up a cotmDJntt to wort wilh Halch coocera.ing lhc KiJdo,r,' loao.5 and pa)'Off$. The commlnee includes Jim RemscD. Allison Gilmore and Kevin Hise.
nic notices
Sfodeits att reminded thal coaipWnts co:nttrnh,;g aunpo.s afJafn should be cakrn &o a Sradfttl Board member for utlon. Studcn1 Board aic111bcl"!I Include Prcsldrnt u thk Colllas. \1« ~slclcnt Tnu:y Man,llla and Sma&ors Allison Gllmore, John Bmdrb, J im RelDSCII, Briao Flynn, Kedn Jeuon and Ke,ID Hise. Snnt,nts "ishlng to ha, postrrll ror 25 SO ttnts arc argcd 10 roniact Tim Noonan, Jl,ID Rc 111 sen or Barry Simo n. Procftd! go t.owanl the Ma) 7 catapult
Cffll$ ot
1'11C,T\' " PUBLIC FORUM" SCHEDUU: Saturda) 6-7 p.m .
J,26-77 Or. Hong1 "Arupuncture."
l\Udtenn gnull'S are a, allabl• froai the Reglsrrv's OffiN>. Becaiut of Sprtn11 Bruk, the ne11 ..._ the Ca.rdlnal Re,lew will be p11bl1Ahed AprtJ 22. The Ona! luae will be pctbllAIMd
Campa ~IJOM rtt"Chlng 5tlldenl Mt:ST t:a.bmll 11t1 ltcmltcd JI.SI or I.belt lntmUons ~ a s~dlns oC thb year's allocations. The lnlonnation shollld be prcsenrcd t.o WN Baldi. 1J1Jdot lhwlrial mam.gcr o_r Ke, ID J eu.oo, Budge! Conunltt~ chalrtnan bcJDre April I.
MA~ 6. We, Ratcb. dlr~or of aullluy - · vkca, hu annou nead that the (001b11l !Ables ha, e bct>n rcmo, cd from the SUB due to abuse b) 1lud~nla. One of the tablft ha, bocn tuen to the ,cHttb lounae on a trial bu ls.
Campus blood drive on tap By Melu.Je N.aab NIC studenl~ arc :uked to lend an arm and ,em for the spring Blood Drive. Spokane and Inland Empire Blood Bank. 10 collaborat1on .. 1th the ASNIC, h11vc de<.1gnated Apnl 20 from q a.m .•J p. m. for lhc drini. It will ta.l:c pl.a« in the gym Coyer •1th the bloodmobile located out.side. The N~. 9 drive yielded approxinutely 70 urut.s (cqurVll.lent to pints and oumbcr of persons donating). according to Wes Hatch. dil'CC'lor of auulia,y sc:n,lces. WI fall a conlCSl w:u held and i;tudcnt.s donated blood in the name of a specific
club. The Wildman·s Q ub received SSO ror their cffol'b fhc amoum of b'lood donalcd t\ kepi on .account by the blood bani coabllng NIC to dmnbute "hen needed. Th())C who lad finances can rcquc,t rhc blood from the b~nk through NIC Hacch )~ill rhc blood av•llab1lhy 1, not adve rtised beca u,e of 11 s use as "an underlying reserve for rhc ~tudcnt.s :and rhcir fomil1cs." At present 1>2 unit• arc a~ailable.
f.i:,r.,.:-,:.,:,.,.:.:~~<·;"l;•;-:.;.:l'/.-:.:,,::.:~,:..-/,,:,:~•:·:'hZ~:·.~~«:-:.-:'.~~/.~h:.:~/.•~:,0:X4"hY///,:<:"Y'/A~/..-/.~//,>'..,.·.•:l.,;,.,4'//.-.,.-; '.-:·:.•:··.
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