~iCaRb1nal R€Vl€W Volume 31. N umber 13
Friday, April 22. 197i
NIC Fine Arts Festival features special events The talcnl> or NIC ,tudn.16 and racully,
community member\ and II number or 11uo1~ 11,111 be on dtspljy for the enJoyment of 1ht" pubhc during the NIC Fine Am Ft,11.al April 25 M.)y I Pt'rformanee~. e.chibits and 11,ork.shops "'ill be s11,:td at diffcrcnl areas 1hroughoo1 1hc community and college l'hrouj!houl the 11,cck. the rc,uv•I 11,·lll fNturt' display\ of NIC :irlwork and pho111graph) and high ~hool an pieces in the NIC S1uden1 Union Building. The College-Community Conttn Band and JA1.l enitmblc 11,ilJ perform 11 8 p.m. in the NIC ft>'lll, Mondav. April 25. A compan> of Wnhml(ton S111c Uni· , tr,ity :1rudcn11 will pn:osent "A Comedy or lrron" in tht gym on the <tt0nd da~· or lhc k,1iv1I. April 20 11 b p. m \Yednc,dai, April 27 11,111 be• full da)· of cnivr11lnmcn1, ,1.ortlng 111 2 p.m. in the SUU 11,ilh an NIC TV preten111ion or "Bengston, Muter Hypno1i,t." A Un1vcr\t1> of Idaho brass ensemble will prcsenl II recital and workshop In Scucr Hall, Ruom 10.l 11 4 p.m. Finally. 11 8 p.m., lhe Htrhoge Family Dance Company will prc\enl "Pointe 10 Rag" m the NIC grn1. TI,c ~tagrng of "The Glau Menagenc" I>) the NIC Duma Department in the McHu11h Building will highlight Thursdni ·, ac1h•itle~. Scat\ al lhc 8 p.m. p,:,rforma.nt't' wUI bto by reservation only. Whi1man College's childn:n·~ lhcater group will pre<;e111 '"The Beauly and lhe Bea~t" Friday. April 29 01 8 p.m. 1n thC' N1C 8)m.
Another U or I mu~ica.l presentation "Ill lit rca1urert S01urd11~. April JO, this timt- In
the t111h \chool auditorrurn at 8 p.m. The NIC Fine Aru Festi~al .. 111 conclude Sunday. Ma) I ,.-jth the Spobne Sym, phony Orchestni and NIC and Community Choir'\ presentation of Mozart·~ .. CoronD11on Mas\:· under the direction or Conductllf Donald Thuleau This coooen "ill be presented in the NIC gym Mth a SJ adm1Mion fee Other prc\cn1at100, planol'd for the rcslival are u follows ·April 25. NTC-TV v.t.11 prcscn1 a public forum entitled .. Indian Ans and Crafu' at 2 p.m 111 the SUB. Tu~y...priJ 2o. a pa.ntom,me film and 11,0fbhop will be held in the McHogh Building at 2 p.m aod a •orkshop conN!rning mu,ic in the classroom .. ill bl' 1n 107 Sc1ttt H11II al~ p.m. ·A v. ClfUhop on dram.lie intcrpl't"l.lliOII .. 111 be ~scoted Wcdo.,'.\day. April 27 11 10 11.m. in the MtHugh Bwldi.ng. -Two 11,orhhops will be held 1imul· tancoo,I) ThursdAy, April 28 "S11guig Tricks ror I Small Thcaler·· .,. ill be pre~nlcd tn the MtHugh Building .,.b,Je a ~1nng and piano •orkshop "ill be llaged in 103 Seiter II 2 p.m. ·Al 7 p.m .• a solo and ensemble !fflt.al cn11tlcd ··Kenard Chamber ArllSI" will be held 111 IOJ Seiter. Frid•>. April 29. a chililmi's tbca1er 11,orl\h~p"·ill be In IQJ Seiler at~ p.111. and 1hc moHe "Wh) Mao Cttates" w.1D be ~hown ia the Walnut Room from I I a.m. to J p.m. -The Oisme1 I music r~u,·al ... ,u be conducted in the NJC IP m from & a.m. uolil S p.m.. SalUl'CU) , Apnl 30.
RPduces swdent reps
acuity endorse document BJ Jud) Oellau Thl' Proimcd By-La11,, m 1he Facult\ As...embl) Con)llrurioo "'ere pas~ April 1)..-but v.ith n.-.L\tons lhAt keep onl~ thrtt ,1udcnt repre,cn1~t1vcs on tbe College StnAte. The proposal. \\h1ch h:id rett'l\"N a ra..orable ,ote bi <tudcnb. adnuninr.uon and \Uppon \Ct'\1cc, per..onnel. was mcl ,-11h some opposttian amon~ faculty membcn Some member. 01 1he meeting ad,-ocatcd h2,·ing no studcr.t ~wotation on the College Senate bu1 1ha1 mo11on failed. The t!OC"Umcn1 \\-hich p&Mcd allow~ studcnt:1 10 ma,nwn th.eir thrtt rq,rcwntatn·c~ on the ,cnatc rathor than the fh c pro~cd. The ,cnatc "ill nov. luwe 17 members .. 2 adminisrntor... 10 fanilty. J studcnl.i and ~ iupport SCt\tCC> per.onncl. Varioo, other "Ording change$. includiog on" 11, hich cllm1~1~ :idm1D1>1l'11lors from the Faculty Asltmbl}, "ere made ,n the document." h1ch if passed by the Bo:ird of Trust~. • •II 110 mto effect thi, fall
8"ml!' WllJon photo
John Smithson. \lotorc,cle Repair lnstruelor, ch4ls "Ith Idaho Go,cmorJohn \ '. Eu.ns dllrina bh April 2 taar oflhe Hedlund Vocational Ccnln. [,ans, who was In town to apellk IO a ~ galhcrin1, ,rewed the oew fm:Ultlcs alon11 with am, LcgW11on1 Art Manlt) and £met:, Rcdlwid. NIC Pruldcnt Baro Schuler, Vocational Dln:ctor a~nce Baoght and olher dlplwift an.cl ofilcWs.
Plans roasting for barbecue to spark April activity roster Spnng hu sprung. the grus 1w nien and I.be Student Board ts sponsonng a but,cca.e Frida} , Apnl 29 11 2 p.m behmd
KC\·111 Jenoa. sophomore S("tulOf uid Bubcaie Commince chairman. satd the barbecoc is bting ca~ml by the l.mt3Hm:n Barbecue. Spokane. •h1cb •tll supply bed. plaiu .a_d atens1ls. The SUB Is runus111.og t11e re\t or I.be rooc1. Jettoa said tbt- Swdc-o1 Board i.s bud· gt>hng bn-..eco rao &lid th1"e t.housand dollars for the barbmlc. Sl.?00 of •bich goes IO the LcmgHom. Tbe food •ill cos1 the S1udent Bollrd sbout S4 pc pbte and $tndeots ,.,11 be clurted SI , ,.hich •in &O tov--.rd ~ bill. "Tbat'1 prtny cbeip for lhe n11dn1s." Jenoo Slid. The dolbr ..;n also help paJ ro, livt' mu~ and probabl~ :an air 1hoio'. Jenoo $4Jd the COll'lmmce is uying to gel lhe blld S1ooe Johnn} to pl:a) and said 1be !\IC suge band &111 aho perform. No defin,1e umes have been <;et for the ban~ but Jcnoo said 1hr) ·11 pn,b:i.bli play duMg and afttt the meal. The barbecue "b oiii,nall~ scheduled 10 be held 1n the al)· part bu1 l bln on :alcohohc be, cngn ,..en, into effect thtre Apnl 20. "The a~ ;and the police depMtmeot ,nnted us ro hne the bu~e in !be pMk anyway to sbov. the ordinance -..•ould v,ort. .. J enon saJd
··we didn't "'JOI 1hc commlltte to dendc for :i.11 NIC students to support the ban b) having the barbecue in the p,uk. so the camfU5 site ,.,ms picked.'" he said. Due 10 lhesecircumst.inces, beer ,-111 not be sct\ed with the meal since alcohol is not permitted on campus. However. ref'Teshmen1s v. ill be served 1ha1 evening at an andettnnined locauo~. When asked about the situAtion. Dean of I.he College Ray Stone. also on the Coeur d'Alene UI) Coo!lcil. s:i.id. ··Not even God could h1,e a ltcgger in 1he park." Jenon n1d NIC Prtsident Bart)· Schuler •nd S1one ha,c been conuc1ed about lemng claS\C\ 001112 p. m. 1hot day and H far ., Jetton tnaw,. both ha.e agreed. The lmbecuc is being financed from 1hc re\Ct\e fund. "htch" mone) that has not been u~cd bv campus organiutions. "The onl> v. ., 11 an be spent i.s on erpvisioo of the \Choo!. so ,-e figured the student )hoold get wme1hing out or 1bc mone~ he put, 1n10 the school.'" Jetton u1d. Jetton uid the barbecue will slso help vo-iech ind ac:i.dcm,c stvdcnts unite and give them a chance to m1Dgle. "Tbe students will get a nice barbccu< "ith c.111ng. duang 3nd probably football and ioflb.ill games." Jenon said. For 11ckets and further information con1ae1 Jenon or ASNIC President Kathile Collins.
Frida y, April 22, 1977
(.. _ _ _op_in_,_·o_n_p_ag_e _ _)
Several subjects thrust at students 8, Jwd, Ddlus
As 1he ,en dra", to a clo-.c. some campu, top1n d=c cornmcndauon ,.ftilc othcn roist questions.
Plans for 1he April ?9 barot'Clle seem 10 bl' 1op on the llsl or 1'!1ring !IOt'lal "'mu. It appears 1h11 the Student Board ls selling a tremendous pttttdcal b~ using ~IIUWWIJI s1odcn1 funds for the students' cn1c.rt.alnmmt. StJff members or the CR are thott'llghl) disgusled 111th the l1cl of ~auoa 1mong some e3mpu, personnel concerning informauon for Cardioal Rc,iev. nmclc\. Pl.inng 11omc, with "oung reporters. mnmpulattng the p~~ and c, ad11111 111( ,ub)«'t arc s1mpl1 1mm.11urc and smac). of undcrh.indedncs, These indh,duah should step down from their ~..,,·cl chairs and rnlue the college •ould not e.ris1 ..,1hoo1 students and th11 these students h11,c I.he right to Imo,< about college act11·,11es II h1ch uh1matcly affect the students LaQ , cu, se,ertl engineering 51odents helped put l'torth Idaho Coll~ oa the map •Ith the Ont catapult CODICSI, Ha,lng won tbc first t"a!Apult CODlCSl In 1976. the, enamttrm& s1udcn1.s oocc ai;aln arc sponM>ring tbc kt-g Ding. Working Industrious!) slntt' early September, these lndhlduals ha,e manqcd IO oblllJn 12 cn1ran1s ~ well as the iponso~hlp or Rainier Brc"el') ~. Abo, Ir NJC wins the May 7 contest, the Khool ml) llre ltsclf Into the GIIIDcsi Book oC World Rtt0rds.
Althoogh the ~ r pool polt~ is suppo,cdly m effect. a need nill e.ri)ts foe 1ncrc:1scd p.irking Spllet'S and a better eampus parking plan. Since NIC ,nil probably octup) Sherman School next fall, let's hope the parlung and perhaps even pm of the pla)ground will be put to construcri,-c use.
Suddeal~ II ~ms that one 1,pon b on the Ups of lnmclttds of NIC stadenl.5-50ftball. Compftltlon bl'gan WI ,.·eek for nearly 250 !i1udcnu. John o...c.n, campus reautlon cllJ'tttor, and bis ~1uden1 Slafl of co-...-ork.us d=c commendation for this Jctr's SOCC'CSsfal lntramun.J prog,am md the anlly It has prodo«d among all midenlS··M'Sdcmk and , ocatlonal. Alter all, whal other acth Illes att so cfftt(J\'c that appro.dmatcly J ,000 s:tuclenu arc lo,·oh cd In a ,Ingle yur?
','IC (rnlumn Kdh JJa"s puts the Roal nrokes on hf~ 84'1')'1le palntlnjt tilled "Send In the Clo"'"-•• The paint.Ing Is part of 1hc NlC Flnc Mis Festival bclnit held on cunpuJ April 25,30. The fesLl,aJ lnclo~ an art exhibit In the SUB and , arloll.'l drama, muilr and radio-tclc,lslon c,cnts. See • rct.1cd SlOI') on page I.
Student senator promotes upcoming spring barbecue Dear Ed11or· l ha,e sct\·cd :as senator now for r;.,o yea.rs tnd cub of those ""'o years, I have he11rd many eompl.1ints and ex~ i,c criucism from the: sludcnts. The most reoc:cumng ~-omplaint was that the students were noi genlng full use of their funds in acti,; 1ie. This )"CM the n:maining ,tudent fund5 will be spent on a barbcquc for all \ludcnb, faculty and staff oo April 29. The barbcque will be catered by the LongHom out or Spoltanc and plans arc being made for an w show and li..-c music. Tidtets arc on ulc for SI per person to aJd in the fWlding of this event. h 's going to bt one hell of a good time and I hope to sec everyone: there.
Kevin Jenon Sophomore se®taf Budget Comnuttee Clwrpersoo
While v.e uc on the subjcC1 of separation. it is a relief to sec that the p ~ d spr.t bcNttn vocarion:11 2nd academic s1udent gO\crumcots has subsided. Our ASNIC president describes the Srudcnt Bo:trd vocational students relauonsh,p a~ ··1tandholding" on the pa.rt of the scn111ors. I sec no reason for the entire Student 8mrd to ··h,ndhold'" the \'OC"21io113l school. Lene thu dul) to the eltt(cd vocational senators. Alttt a long battle "Ith the Idaho LrgWaratt, NIC has finall)' obtained enough fllllds io begin won. on the Haman!Llcs Clawoom Balldlog. Without the lobbying or pcrmlfflt faco.lt) , siudenis and Utt lcg.lslator.\, thi~ feat probabl) would 001 ha,·e been aceompllihccl. The Facul" Asscmbl) Constitution h.15 been the subject of numerous disputes O\er the put year. After rccci,ing the llppro,·11\ or students. idminLStntors and suppon services pcnonncl. the document w11s submitted to the facull)' for approul Unfortun21clJ. the propoS31 to tu,c fi,e srudents on the College Sen:uc •""1S defeatrd. Do the flcult~ fail 10 realize that the College Senate is a sounc!Jng bo:ard for the entirc college and that students far outnumber any other facuon of the campus?
(__c_a_r_d_i_·n_a_l_r_e_v_ie_w _ _J Tbc Cardloal Re-iew Is publlsbecl Mml--thly by l.bc Pafilbdou Wodabop daa II North Idaho College. Members or the CR Slaff w1II 1'1h'e IO preRII.I I.be new Calrty, a.cconLcl.r ud wlLhoat prcjadlee. Opinions c,icprtued on the editorial pa1e do aol nccessadl) rdJc,ct the •1ews of the Canliaal Re-,lew, tbe ASNJC w the NJC ad.m1nl8'radoa. Tbc CR Is entered u Orsc du.t material II Coeur d ' AleK, ldabo SJ8J4, edltM ..................... . ........ ..... .. . .............. ...........Jody DeS&u auodatc edltor..................................... ... . ......... .. Cbayl N ~ auociatc editor .............................................. . ..... .. Sule Epperle
~#¥\(\/:/:•·:•.: ·:\:•:·: ·:·:·· :·: :-: :•: -: :·:~,a .5lafl" mflllbers ........ .. ................. ...... ..... .. ..... . ........ Jm Bamlli.., Debbie Yqa', DIYld Bowan!., Bob 'Ils.up, Mdaa.le Null, Cuol Evuu, Janet s.uie ... Veaas N~.
Friday, April 22, 19 77
Controversies arise
Board approves budget By lkmlc Wlhon and Susie Eppcrk The AS~IC Student Board April 20 1ppr0vt"d a SJ6.000 budget for 1977·i8. b&.~d on the cumnt Sl6.50 from each "udcnt's fee\. AC'C'Ording 10 the budget, all clubs will l't'Cei,c S.300 unlen LhC')· lcqucsted a lesser am<>Unl. No 1ncreas.c O\ic:r this year'~ budget WDS adopted b«ausc: bo.trd members said the) anticipt1tc only a I percent enrollment incn:au-. A S4 .000 rcquci.1 by Rccre:nion Director John Owen for the Outdoor Recreation prOj!ram and intramural octiviti~ caused disagreement amonJI lbe board members. Owen cut the rcquen to $2,000 and the bolrd approved the revised request. ()wen also requested 1h11 air hockey. iablc tennis. table so«er, billiards and che" tournaments be linanccd and organ, 11cd by the Student Act1,1tics Commincc and not by the intnmural prognm. lie ~01d 11mc needed for his du ties as head "reslllng coach won't allow him 10 run the programs •~ they should be. According 10 Owen, J l8 siudents "'ere uwolved 1his year in the live activities to be trflnsfcrred. " II '\ not c•pcMlvc and not that hard (to run) and ~o II should be one of the ropon&ibilh1c\ of the Student Acuvitie~ Committee d1rc,tor," Owen \aid 1 he board npproved an increast' from S2.500 10 s .,,OoO for the C'onvocacions pri>gram,. 1 ht board •l~o bud11e1ed SI .000 for the Fine Art\ Fcmvnl, whkh wos not budgeted th1~ )Cir. Fund\ for mu~ic '!Chol11rshtp\ llre be· l'Om1ng u mDJOr Item 1n the qudcnt budsct. Jccordlng Ill \c•cral board mcm· bcn. Stntt some p,m-11me student\ are rcccl\ mg ~tudcnt fund) for pcrfom11n.11 in
the pep band, the board decided restrictions on the funds are bct'oming n«rss3ry. The board apprO'. cd S 1.500 for music gr:int-in-.tids, with the \Upu~tion t~t the recipients mast be foll-time ,rodentS. The Student Board ,..cud April 1-1 not to 1nercasc the .\SB rates for school year 19''·1978. Sen;uor Kevin Hise requested I Sl.SO tnc:rcuc over the cutTCnt S16.50 assessed each student. The board decided to a 4-1 vote th.u an 1ocreue wu not necessa.ry. Hi se requested the increase as protection "1n cue something happens." When asked what could happen. Hne rcphC'd .. I'm noi Houdini--! can·, predict into the rurure." Senator Allison Gilmore said th.it clubs requesting Clttn funding for special prc>Jccts will have to "get out and raise the mone)' themselves" because of ught bud,tcung by tbe board The board also Yoted to endorse lbe new. recently ammcnded Faculty Auembly Cons11tut1on. but decided to send a lener 10 the anembly pro1cst1og one of their amendments. The amendment prompung the board's di~approval "as one keeping student membership on the College Senate 111 thtte. not lhc. ~s rhe original proposed const1tu11on ~lated The two Support Srr,.,1<TS pcrwnnel. ho..e,·"r will t,c Jddt-d 10 rht' College xnate. The itpP3ren1 ruson for the a~mbly's ded\10n. aro,rd1ng to Bob Bro,. n, Student Bond ad~1scr, "a\ the lad, of :inencbnce or the three ~,udents .ilread) scr-iag on the ScnillC' DI its moathl, mccUnlt', , Bro.. n s.id the asscmbl) in I~ Apnl IJ mcctin1· also rhm111a1cd ,drrun,~trators C'nurcl~ lr11m the facultJ A\~mbh.
Crll igh ea d to spea Ir
Convocations closes today o, Lome Amo§ lhc \\l'eL-lung c,.m,·oc:1t1on, 11rv11rnm on the " l'ndangcrcd Spc,1~" began w11h ~ buns Monda). April Iii" 1th the lin.t guest ,pcal er R1d1ard I-or.on Fllr\On, a rcnoM1cd ~ychotogl>l and lecturer. tuld an au1.hcncc or •rPro11match 200 people about hi, , ic.. or "Our nc" con,c,nu\nc" of ammal,. •• Othtt ,pcn<·r.. dunng the scnc-s "hich "TJps up 1oda) included Vel11111 John\on , " WIid Horse Anruc," on the p~ef\'llUOn or wild honn ond bu~. and !'.13un<T Homocl:er, considered a prorcs~ional bl· olog1il b\ the Wildlife Soelt'"'· on his r«can:h on the ~ttrel "ll)~ o( cougars. Film) were >hOI' n all wcel. and focu)ed on ,·anou, endangered spcci~ including the dolphin. the condor. cougars. the wolf and "1ld hon.C'\.
Morll', l'lcl\On, curttntl) a conwll,ng lil•nnt'\tllt' l'a..cr au1hont,, lectun:d April 20 un "81rd~ of Pre, .'; He h:a, been one ,,r the membc~ of a panrl duaiss1on on cdu,.aring the pubhc. ki;1,lit1on "u the hig i,,ue April 21 ib o ll"Cturc g1H'D b~ D.\n ~ltc. aho •~ also onr or the mt'mbcrs of a panel d~GD on cduc:auni: the public. A So11tb,oni1n Institute tra,·eliag cth1bit ol picturc\ l.nd poems dnM :.,, elemcnlAn ~hool ch1klttn c:,n the ,. h.l.lc and ib phRhl, ha,e be-en on chspla) 1n t.br Sl'B throughool the COD\'O(:IIIOIIS w.eck. Fc:iturcd tod:a1 to ~'Oncludc the spcal.en (or the ~cric, 1s John Craighead. a Moot:ana rc,.can:hn. 11ho •·ill spcu out at 11 2.m in the gym on the ~ent d&DRcr of e.fflllrtlOII facing grin.I~ bt'-~
Special notice Camp111 Due ..-W be held al NlC t,ta.) 2-5. Fa.thltltt loc:IOM a r-lf) ple-ln-&M-l'ace coa&Mt. p~~ CCllllCA. WC1ll 5bow, nou-eo,ercd monc) pick-op, a mm (uthal, bed race llDd • 111pcrsta.r1 coacuc. " See Campo.t Kappcnlnes calen dar (or • schcdolr or c, cnl5 ud mo,,fc, •.,
Dan• Kramer photo
" Throwing a kqigcr, .. wW haTC a new meaning alter the NlC world champlouhlp ca1apolt contest ~ ~ta.)· 7 at the Henley Acrodromr. Members of the NlC Englncmna Clob ..-ode 10 pttpatt the catapolt Lor thc match.
Attempt to split government labeled 'misunderstanding' B) Cberyl Nlcol,on Thr re«DI pe111ion to ~panic NlC's
,ocanoo&I ,rudeo1 go-emmenl from the andcml(' portion "'8S all a big misuoder• sund1ng and the mancr is icnlcd. ASNlC PtC<>idcnt Kathie Collin, told o rcpol'1ing clus Apnl 14. During the oe•u conference. Collins. •ho hu b«o m office about ~,en "·eeks, u.id the pelllion •u c!eftnitely no1 a good idea. " We're holding their (,wariorul stud· entsJ band> ._-... Collins ~id in n:fercn~ 10 the ~nt pncticc of P""iding ,-o,tcch itudcnlS ,uth C'Offcchoases separate from th<Ke held in the SL'B The Studeru Board 1> doing J1151 enough to keep the , o-tccb student~ ntidicd ..-i1boat , ..1mn~ 10 them too much. the M'°i' proidcn; said. Colhns said she hope~ the gpeoming sdiool h.arbcalc • ill help promote student ur,ol,clllC'llt, ,rhicb :,he said I$ QI the top cl her list ol goals while Ill office. "'Good student lo,oherMllt \terns from good stucknl &CU\1U~... )he said. ,\crording to Coiluu. there an: many aan 10 become 10,ohed 10 uudcnr go;tTnrMlll throu&h , arioas conrmmCN and acmitlle). Collins u1d 1.112 11cke1, ha•e bern pnotrd for the b~rbccue and •ill ~ sold for SI c:.cb. RcfemJJg to the n:c,:nt refusal by the Faculn Assembi) to IIC'Ctp'I the proposed f~I!\ Asw-mbly Ccmsutution TCVISIOD bttau,c u W'OUld tnCTHse the 11D mbcr a(
studl'ntS on the College Senate from three 10 f\\e. Collins s.tid the n:jcction was due 10 poor studrnt participation. She s:iid 1hn1 in the past, the tbn:e ~tudent represent~the\ on the College Scnnte ron:I~ "ent tn the meetings. The Facult) A»cmbly probably felt that adding "'o more students "-OU Id be senseless, JC'CDrding 10 Collins. She S3id \hC favored the proposed inCTCtlSe of ,rudcnts on the College Scnntc b111 said she would mntc some changes that would guarantee the nucndance of representatives nt the meeting\. In rt$pon~ to n quc~rion about future SUB expnnsion. Collins said thnt she thinks the student lounge will go up lirst and consrrucuon will prob.lbh· Ix-gin nczt 1car. ~he s;iid it be more upcn.si,e to build on top or the old building but 4ddcd 1h11 \Uch consrruC'tion "'ould sa, e space and be bener in the long run.
Collins said that she and nt!" ly elected Vier Pre\idcnt TrJC)· Mara,illa arc gening Jlong "pn:t~ good" l'\Cn though they d1fftr on nun) things. Collins uid th~t each NIC studen t contributes nbout SO ~nts to enmble the ASNIC co be a member of thr Idaho Student, As:SOCtauon but said she reels thllt the !SA 1s a uM:rul.,al for communiarion bet•ecn (daho colleges. She said the or14n.a11on 1s nol effec1ive u a lobbying body for ~IC
Member FDIC First m lntermountain Banking & Financial Sunset Heights Cd'A Office Services In lhe l'faU 220 Shermfrn
Cardino! R(',iew - •1
Frida ~. April 22. 1977
( campus happenings \4&,?
April it Ba\~ball. W"hloatoo State J\ ·, 1.1 :'<JC. April ?5 Ba~ball. IA-" 11 and Clan J\.~, a1 :',1C. Aprll 26 BA5Cball, Big Bend CommunltJ CoUetl! at i'1C.
Pll' Eating Coutcsi. At 00011, "ith a SIO prtze for •'-'er llDJsbcs Grst. f1otrr .'1~ . At 1:30 p.m. , con~tants .., iU pldi ap lloar-co•ettd moue, will, l.bdt mntla, wltb a rttOrd a1bam as prtz.c. \tay 3 fuulh Pk,ln,lhc-flft. At 0000. lht fnah• membu ..uh lb mo,1 moac, C'911cci~ io a Jar •W recel.-1! a pk lo lht (a«.
April 27 Pop<'oro forum. Herbert Heger. Ira• ,elcr, ,;Ill present a slide and lttlu re p~otallon al 11 p.m. lo tbc SUB abocn the Creal Smoke., MoW1taim. Tennis. Spokane Falls Communll) CoJ. legc a1 NlC al ?:30 p.m. Apr1128 ASB MecUng. At S p.m. In the Walnut Room. Tennis. Whlr..onh CoUcgc at NlC at 2 p.m. AprU 29 Biub«ue. The NIC studm l picnic and barbttoc start• at 2 p.a,. behind Seiter Rall . SI charge to 51uden~. April 30 Tl'nnls. Colwnbla Basin Collcgc at l p.m.
Ma, ?-S
Talrat Show. Al 1:30 p.m., cr1Lz, IJ&ttnl act\ ..m perform...,.... thl! prur dlnnc!r for
two. Fllm fcsthal. Bqlnnlna 1.1 J p.m., the following Cl1:ms "m be sboWll: l.aaffl ud ffardh "CblcLms Came Home:" l\:h.a Brothc~. ..This ls V. ar:.. Uule Bacsls. .. Bedtime Worrl«-s:.. Three Stooge,, ..,twnmJ Damm> •• and SblrieJ Tm,ple, "Poll., Pb In Wash!Qgtoo. ·• Total time • I I 2 boars.
M.aJ4 Outdoor Coffccbouse. Coikte rock band Sajoam ..mpn{onn {ar .... 0 ho- swtl.og at I p.m. Bed Ratt. Al 3 p.m., lhc bed rare down Sbermu •Ill begla, ... 1th a $'?5 prlie. \ta)
SupcrsW'I Conte!, Bqlnnln& al I p.m., 0\C•mcmbu IC'1IDS 1til1 compete OD an o~tadc C"OIIIR, IJII of ..-ar and ,ofLball ,bro... An•oae lntcN'Stcd In compellAg In IUlJ C\CDl .hoald MM, Web or Joni Cllbffl.
Camp'" Out
If you're thinking about your future, you will eventually come to think about money. ' . I . < ~ .. ·tir lutt:1,
~ ... ~ a:,d Alta Th>11 .. i.; ..., ........
:ww dt~ , ,m ng> pl.,n, '411!l d.l:m:nl
oa~c Kramer pboco
Slap loJhtt. dude. SIC I.a• en(orcemcnr Jtudcnts pl'll<'tk-e on the pl§tol nuige In lht' Wlneoa BoUdln1, The tralnln11 ls par1 or • PE etas., called f'l.rcarm~. whk h I, taught bJ Ned Sturt•
NIC graduates favored in employment market Approximately I> percent of NIC's al.'O· dcmic siudenu graduaung 1h1s spring uc: ia\·olvcd io paraprofessional stud1cs, oc, cord,og to Ray Stone. NIC dc:an of fll.Clllt.)' College President Barry Schuler s11id 1hat another i>O percent of the total .academic graduates will trarufcr to 01hcr colleges. or 1hosc graduating in paraproresslon.11 arc.l..'I, a ,ignific:ant amount end up among the community·s v.orklllg force. In a recent survc> IUCD by business Instructor JoAnn Nelson. 131 of a tatal 263 form.er bu$ine~ students polled re-plied Those .,..ort.ing in Coeur d'Alene amount to 4-l v.hile 14 ~~ said they ... orked tn 01he-r p3CU of Northern ld.lho. Approximately 75 pcTCeo1 of the law cnforcemco1 gradu31n arc worlung io the live Nortbt:m Idaho counties. according t.o Wally Youai, Ill"' enfnrttmcal tn~lructor. Young wd the dcpanmen1 graduatei. 8-10 students a year and II least one i.tudenl per class ends up working in Coeur d'Aletie.
IN'Tffl ~ 1IOd irU."!a.1 ~
Pbn for~' h.all:t . - A""""I:' " "'"Y Mid • IU" mIC:,o,'\ \I. :l11n.. ._"ullr.,!••••1,5111•• Id o,dr ~ b 11N luJw-, acm,m " l!w c!J!.,,.,,.. I><··-
We're the students bank.
In Coeur d'A lene
302 Sherman 1603 N. Fourth 1106 Sherman
664 - 8165 667 - 0551 667 - 4661
INTERSTATE TYPEWRITER Supp(ving l\·orlh Ida ho's Office and Business Needs
* Calc ula tors
* ABDick Products * Copiers * Cash Registers 417 Sherman 664-3118
"We've found that NIC-1 low enforce. mcnt graduotc! rate above average In 1n11mng "''hen placed In A job, .. Young said. Coeur d'Alene Police Chief Bob Nuttel• man said 90 percent of 1he t0tal 33 polict officers employed by the city hav" bad same son of tr~inmg at NIC Of 1he 103 re111~1cred num:i. graduated from NIC in the la.o;r four yean, 100 are employed. according 10 MtclLC) Wade. director of nun1ng education. Thoi.e wort.in11 in Coeur d'Alene 3mount to 52, while 13 an: ~mploycd tn other ue:as of ld3ho, ~he said. Wade s.11d rnulis from annuoJ foJlr,w,up studies on rcgmered nur~ tn1ncd 11 NIC \ho,,. feedback from employcn ha\ been "quite good " On the \·oca11onial side, approximately h31f of the C)tim3ted 60 practie11I nu~ ~ndua1cd dunng the put five ye:an arc working 10 Coeur d. Alc-nc. according 10 Zella Fye. NIC LP~ director Almoi.t 1 third of the 60 gr.iduate,, ore employed 1n other pans o( Idaho. Fye said "Hoi.p1~I, and other employeri look forward to each grodu.&Ung class beau~ of the great dcm1nd for pracual nunes 10 1he .area." f~e ~id. About ruilc'oC all the ,oc:atiooal gradua1es ~t.av in the ltcll 10 v.ork. act0rding to Bob Br~·n NIC vocauolf41 placement dirc:,ctor ··1.oc:a1 companic~ arc very good about >Dpport,ng the college 10d hiring ,rs gnduatl:'i." Brown sm1d. •· Probably c,·crl) major company in Coeur d'Alene employs a NIC graduate " . 9!'0'4 n s.iid although clectroDJt'i. da!Jt pnxcss1ng and m010fC)·cle repair students seem to sc.attcr more ... hen ~ting Jobs· lhose ,n other progr.ams rcrruun ,n the area. The«- include office occupations, forest technici1n. praeucal nursing. auto me· chartlc:s and log-truct dri~ing. he sald. Acc,ording to Brown. about of the welding. millv.•right 10d surveying SIU· dcnu end up woning ,n the area. Brown said th.1t i1 is ~cry rare that a student doesn't ,o-ork our ui • job due tD lack or training since .. v.-c don't gradu.atr them 1f they don't do tbr )Ob...
Friday. April 22, 1977
er sports
Cardinal Re~iew - 5
lniuries to key players hurt NIC baseball team B, Bemlc WDJiOD The NIC basebJII team. plagued by key 1niuri~. ~phi a doublchuder .lpril 19 1uth Spokane F11II\ Community College. Spokane Fall\, .. ho ha\ beaten NIC four 11mc\ earlier this $Ca5<>n, took the fim game s.J and dropped the =nd 4-2 10 the Cardi On April I 7, Lhe Cud, toot a double, header O\'et the Eastern Washington State College JV\. 9-4 and 5-1 The C.ud~ no.. have a 14-11 record. Co;ich Jack Bloxom said Wayne Sher· wood and Dan Wyman. the No. J and 4 rotating puchc:~ n.'~pect1vely. have been out for obour twn ,nd a ha.I( ,.Cd$ with tnJUOe\
Sherwood. who had been pla)•iog third buc and bathng fifth in 1he lineup, miised 10 game, due to IO'"er back problem\ but thrc .. four 1nmngs of one game Apnl 17 Wyman I\ out with a pulled muscle in ht$
•rmBlo1om 1,1id Sherwood
1\ at about 70 percent of hi, prof1c1ency and Wym,n \hould be back within about a ,.eek. but hi~ ~,tuatinn I\ "que11ionnble." Catcher Tim Grotjohn mis..cd five games due to \lrctchcd ~nee ligaments. Blo1om u1d he 1s bark in octlon al obout QO percent prolic,eney "Thi\ i\ 1hc fi"I year \Ince I've hecn coacliing buc:ball that I've had this number of key l11juries," Bloxom said. " With ,,.,11,f six pitcher, ou1, we: ha,c to 'pleccml·tl' the \lluation," he 1D1d. Bio.I'.· om u1d it I• dlffieuh 10 get 1n o reiiular ro1.a11011 ond 11 hurb the rhythm of pitche~. Ul11iom ~aid II ls a '"d1fflcul1. dn)•to,dlly 11tu.11on " Ill' \41d p1khcr. have le~\ time bc1v.cen \Ian, to work out and ,omrtlmc, don't ~no,,. 1111chlng a,,isinmcnt, until • fr .. da) \ be for, a 11om~ AII con1cs1~ art' doublchcadC'~ and pitch<'r> u,ualh· hon o threc conte\t
period be"' een starts.
" We ha.en'! gotten the pitdtin.g pet• fonnancc I'd hke 10 ha~c and it needs more effon:· Bloxom said. Bascball regional$ ,. ill be held \ia~ 19. 20 and 21 at the school of the• inner of t~ Rtek~·CollcgeafSouthcrn Idaho=· To qualif}. NIC must v.in fh·e of the eight g3mes :,g,auat Treasure Valle;. The games "'ill be played April 29,JO in Onuino, Ore :ind 1'-by 6· 7 at NIC. "Our game"$ arc preparations for the eight-game ..crit:$." Bloxom 5,aid. "The games unctly depend on our pi1ching... he added "If II hol<b up. v.c'll be alright." With the current pitching problem. Blo,om said, the team must play good ddenR or score a lot of runs in order to 11,1n games. He qid if pitchcn an keep scores close In games. NIC ~hould be capable ol sa>nng runs '" the later Innings IO pull ofT ...,as Bloxom listed several C.uds ,.,ho ha,c turned in good performances. Among mcm ,s Mike Robinson. who pla)cd ngh1 field but ha\ been moved to third base for Lhe remainder of the season Robinson ,~ hitting aboul .JOO. Other\ Bloxom mentioned are dcsig· natcd hitter Mike Hagfeldt and Corbin Tud,,r, bll1h who ha,·c been hirung well. Bloxom u1d Grotiohn. held back b1 lus iniur)', has done an eucllcnt job or catching and is h1111ng closer 10 his capnl>ilitie, Mark Elgce plllyed catcher "hen Grotjohn .. 11\ out. Blurom u1d ftr.t buel!llln Kevin Oii,t'r ,u1r1ed the season slu..l~. but flu hil cl10 .400 '" the lu1 10 l!im("1; ThC' Cord, pll\ 1hc ~ il and Cwt StllC' Cullcge J\ ·, April 2!, 3nd Big Bt'nd Cnmmun11y Collegt' Apnl 2«>. borh home t,•nt,,.,h. bdon- httung 1hc road for w trca,urc Vafk1 conlt'its
Three thin e/ads q ualify for national competition 8~ Janet Suttlt' Wuh ,u, ffll't'I\ r.·ma1nm11 1n lhC' \(',1\0n 1hn:c m,•n1~r, of lhc NIC mtn', trod. tNru ha, c quahhed tn por11r1p1u~ at n.lttonBI\ Ma, 17·21 in PnadcnD. Tc, Kcl,hall tt,;,~ .. ,11 be n.'prc..c!nllnf NIC 1n both 1hr I00. ond 220-, ard spnnb. RI\~) \l'I ant,'" ,,:hO(lJ rcrori1n the 220 al l'd\co April 2 \\Uh I llm<' of 21.J. HI\ b<·)I llm<' &Q far in the 100 u. ll.8 Ed Rice .. 111 he high jumping 31 nmuooal\. He al\O , et a l'ilC re<anl at Pa,,'tl w11h a Jump ol Pole ,·aultcr Gtrald Gourll') i, the third member of the men·s "nationol delegation" for NIC at 1h1\ pomt Courie) has ,•auh~ 14'J" ond hold~ 1hc ~chool record 10 his c, cnt. Women'& nauontls wlll ~~ NIC com~hng in four cveots. Carol ChulC\, \\ho h4' com~lcd in the 100 aod the 220\\ith limes of 11.2 &ad 2.S.S
ropc"1'CI\, "'" be ,n Dodiic C'in, Kan . <>n Ma, I~ Ch3rlc,. h,>ld\ \Chool rttord, In b,,rh t'~cnl\ One field par11..-1pan1, Cindi Popr. tu., al,oquahho:J I« natit\11,11' ~ · > e,cnt b the l,1ng Jump. 1n "hi.h her be~t h.,~ bttn lb'ii' \ '". The finnl e•<'DI for tbe ,.omen to dote 1s the ·HO n.'IA1 t-km~ oi tht' n.'b, team arc Pope Shtlk1 Hammock. Cind) \'ig ~nd Chari~ They ha,c sel uchool record of S0.6. Other NIC' rec<>rds h~\t' been set rceenth Jinc1 Th1eoe5 holds rerords 10 1hc one•, tv.o- ;ind three-mile nin,,. Cithl Goodnun ran the 6SO ,n 2:Jo.S .11 Pasco and i ,,,,cha record ,. as ~1 at Pasro b, R1clo. Jore ,. ,th a 19'!'6' , •• throw. The ~ll mttt i$ April 22 at the Mt. Hood Rel1~·s 1n Gresham. Ore.
~mlc ~\llson photo
No. !J's nol 11t1 cxtmncl> bor groorutcr. Instead. an wtld('ntl.Gcd l\1C nmncr makes It home In a cloud of dUSI whlll' bclpmg 10 s,.~ • dooblcbcadcr from the Eastcm Washington Junior ursil> last ..-eel.end. The Ca.rds arc bomc April 22 11galos1 the Washington S1A1c Junior ,amt,t and AprO 25 apln51 Lbc Lewis and Om JV's.
Two t op netters consistent B) John Hamilton
Auumc 11uJ1 you don't I.DOI< the men's t.enm\ !cam's record. The roach could then inform you !NI 1h1~ year'\ team is pc,uibl)· one o( the bt'st h<" hn e- er ti.a.I here . But thL, ) e&r·, nencrs ha,c ooc or the ~ > t R'COrd.. siDtt TOD) St"'~" has been he-re, 1ui,~ng •on only lhrtt m;a1Che$ lh~ -,oo The t,1.Q top ~ M.trt Jickson ind Sw1ford Mme. annot be faulte"d. ha..e, er. for their s111glcs pla)' or doublefaulted for their combuu.non of wll.s in doublt's rompeti!IOII Both bancn ate -,nn1ng eon,meotl) and huc kept Ste,,~ happ:. . .. You an ..ce .. here the mm·, sll'Ugth Is." he s.aid. "but ,re need m~ coll'ii· 'SIC~ tbnlughout 11111' lineup." MDSI m.ttchn for NlC, 3-11 1111 the year.
h,he bct'n on the road. but that si1ua11on will soon be ,-orrtttcd. "After April 2" our lo•t five mat~hcs ue JI home so the playt'rs Ctlfl be around 10 srud1 for ind toke linal cums." Stewart eq,liined. Those five 1114tch,s 3re, in chronological order. Spohnc Falls Com~u11i1y College. Wh,r..onh Cotl,ge. Columbia Buan Col· lege Spohne Communi l\ Collc11c and Gon~aga University During ,pnng bn.'ak the tennh ltam vseauoncd pl1)1n8 matches throughout the Nonh .. es,. T~ road trip tool. tht' rlub from On•gon 10 S0u1hern Idaho and i1110 Montana. The Southern Idaho part of the JOUrnc) produced r-llC', lim team win b)' dms• 1on1n11 Nonhwc<it Nuarcn~ College o-J.
hud_get tapes anarecords
store hours: Weekdays 11 to 9 Saturday 11 to 7 Sunday 12 to 5 667 - 4811
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Cardinal Review - 6
Friday, April 22. 1977
['"-__c_o_-r_ec_sh_o_r_ts_ _) R~ru Blac\; men·, ligbnr.~ght. Fmi
Co, rec 11m1rnural ,oh ball t,rgan 11\I "C('I "Ith 14 ICllrfl\ IOlahng 21~ ptopie ~i11mng up C.,arn, , .trc pl a,cd ~fonda) 1hrou!!h Thundl) on c.-arnpu, and ,r
"iarb: middlc,. cight. \1on Cu~, and
heaH""etJ!h!, Ron .\luzz.uu
Me morial Field , Co mpe 1111on "inds up "11h a plll)·Off Mai b. Wi nne~ in 1hc co-rec.- ,. n~1-.. rcst!int 1ourn~men1 "ere: ,n rhe -.omen·~ du,
Ourdoor rccrntion rcnul equipment
1131fablc: In rhc co-rec office 111 1he
bnemcn1 of &he Sl'B Raft,. ,Jeeping b.ig~ tents and Olbcr campt.11g cqurpmenl arc 1r,rludcd 1n thr rcnul ro<.ler.
team record
Gals out for tennis experience BJ John Ha.m1IIOO
Women 's 1enn is. once o figmcn1 of someone's imogination. is 11pparcntl~· here 10 Sta~.
This is 1h1: firs1~·car and mm1den , o:..age for organized women's 1cnms al NIC and Coach l'-faralec Foss eitpla incd the s,w, a1ion " Our m~in goal." ,he said. "h 10 field a 1com each mu1ch and goin .1s much expcnen~ a, po:,s1bl e in the pro«S$ ... The lcllm which sports a 0.3 record.~ comprised or co-ed\ Eileen J ohnson, Kim
Bl'O\f,n. Dcbtiic V. oriey Bn:h Hill. Sue ~ aad Venus Nel'iOII.
Kelle,. Chru'I~
l'ior bc!1og a memba ol any la.gue until lcllst next ,car. the wh Cards ha,c a sp:a~ 1une-match ~IM!dule.
Remaining COlltCSlS arc homc,.and-hamcm:a tches v.ith Columb12 8:as10 College 1odllI and April 2«1 :and Spokane Fall! Communil\ College Apnl 28 and M:a, 10. .\lw on tip arc mcc1tngs v.;u, Spokane C'ommumty College on M1, 4 :and the UDI\Cml\ or Idaho ..by;.
Looking After Instructional Interests.
Da~o Knuner photo
• •
LI ~ · 1 matler bow )OUcaich the, ball ulonit U}OUcalcb II. Wt:ndy Ca,pt,nlrr, a pla)er la the co-rtt lnlJ'lumU'al softball program , u-Sd a blinding ltthnJqu.c IO snag a would-I,«, home nm daring pnl.C'lke. Thr program wraps up Ma) 6 with the cbamplonJhlp aame.
Two defeats
Golfers lack high school recruits
s, Bob Tharp
NJC golfers· first ri.:o ma1.chcs ended in dcfe111 10 Wbitwonh and Columbill B~i n College. Nrc·s lop golfer Wlb Ma.rt Amo who shot :an 81. D:aa l)c,. lin al' Columbia &.sin CoUege sho1 :a 7J v.•h1ch 1s one under par for
w course.
Acrording 10 Coach Warren Keating. NIC"s problem is the lad: of enough good high school recruit:5. The nut nu1.ch will be held on Apnl 26 a l Ha ngman s Va lley Golf Coarse 1D
Spohnc. NIC will pl1y Columbia Bllllll College. Spobnc Fall~ Community College und Ea.stem Washington Siate College. Then on M11.y J . NIC will play W:llli Wall~ Community College a l Coeur d'· Alene. The final match wtll be held in Coeur d Alene May 17 and NIC will be plll}ing the i.ame tc:ams u the April 2o match " We keep our program all\c i nd hope that "'e e.;n gel some good local golfers in the future:' Kcauog sa.id.
Film processing is f"hruu.:h ; .,..,,un..:tr•tn. ...uC"lhh" 1,1n1,:r.1m •pon...... M ~ ,\ ;F.A. SEA·Al.aNLa
.-net 1h'" l"n,\rt..a1, f.J ALJ.._q lf'JCh.t"t.«ifth......- £.....u,.,d\,ld~ 1n B•""'• tht ""'lC'lh.•rn.mu,,.t ptiuU 1n .\t..~\..l >u,, """n ,tbho l,,1 ...i\.t_,, t4".lt'U\."'1-"'tul tt'C'hn.11.1a..n -. ,1h d, ...,.," tnlkJ...,'\11'"- ..ino rr-tf\lhT' ~uplt C.:o1tth-nn,;. .and d1,...•1r11n4hn,: ,nfvttn.Jtt•,n ln,m m..-mbt,.. on (t.,..,room and pmlr-, 1t,n-4l .. ucn-,..~ • Pf"Ni,·ma. ,., a 1....a,c tunnwn of S'lA. ,n..m.,cutm and prui",.wn.1f d r , \ ' ~ t l l .J.Jf n.-u,tt..11 m..,ar lhru..a \to.lohrlptf'i.lCbt'l"· ~drn•1on,nu.k-,.. 1n ,,...,... in.: 1h, ch.alh-tl~'\• of 1mpnl'\1n~ ,n .... nuuun. ,:U:..J1n.., pn,rr..1nru.l icro;,,th a.ad
act'llr \lna: ., dt-(1ntr~ '"°K't" ,n tht- 1.:m"rn...r.c\
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Cameras & Accessories
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Friday, April 22. 1977
Ca rdinal Review -
Spring peeps forth,
['--_k_a_l_e_id_o_s_co_p_e_J bewilders traveler ,1c
B> D'"'1d Boward
It was a morning in earl> Apnl I bad completed my n1ual of ..111ung. eating and bumping 1n10 walls. and "'U reaely 10 clump 10 !>Chool f $tru!l81cd in10 m} ,-arious articles of far-nor1h clo1hrng. •·olhkio pHka v.i1h wolvmne,furred hood ... oolch scarf. mul luks (made and guaran1ecd by arctic est,mos) and ta>o pair of goose-do•n 1nwta1ed m,uen,. I !hen took I deep brea1h. opened the door and dove into 1ht outside •·orld. I was dumbfounded at ,.h,t I beheld. There wu a ,1range sort of ~cllow glov. all abou1, which ~emed 10 eman11e from the sky. The skl 11,elf had Josi •~ gloomy ,w,rls of ,ire> and blade .tnd wa\ now blue of lhe m~l in1en~c sort. I had been ambling aimle·,,1} along u I mu,ed abou1 the~ weird s1"h1s and nc,v. as I rounded the end of the building I wu muc~ full force by the yellow glow and found ,1, source II wn a huge naminp orb of such bri11htnt\\ 1hat it wu imp<)\siblc 10 look at for any lcng1h of ume and so ho, thal I could feel It even 1hrough rhe wolfsbn. My lov.cr Jaw musl h3vc been hanging down 10 my n11vcl in woudermcnl beause a pa5~1ng pcdc,trian slopped and Ukt'd me i! anilhlng wa\ ,.rong · Ye•." I replied , po1n11ng skyward. "could you tell me ,.ho, 1ha1 i,7" " Why,•• •••d the fdlD'". "I bcllc,c 11',
the \Un •• "Oh." I mumbled. and wandered ducdly oo Something ,ccmed to be going beep i_n my memory u·accs. Had I ,omc1lmc in the far d111an1 pu1 heard about this peculiar \Un or wu ii my lmaginn1lon7 ShruggmR \Ueh usclc,s conte mplations off and 1.1tfog note or my posiuon near the end or the n.rs1 block. I ~uddMly tooli: on an aura or muscle-tlgh1cning an1icip1Lion. All .-inter, fool lravclers In oor fair cliy mu\l contend whh small seas or waler. slu,h. mud and Ooaung debris (stich. gin bollle,. dead ra1s. etc ) located at the comers or all ln1ersectiom. Somr 1tmorous •OUh chOOSt' to detour or
hire a s.,.mpan lo fetl}' them .across. bu1 I. "'ith my undaunted sputlS (usually teqwla or roml and Jl'Ol' foolwiness. li.te 10 "leap the deep." so 10 ,peak. So. al1er some hopping abou1 to loosen the- old ~pnng.s. I charged f-ard like a dmanged rhino. thundered forth an awe, wmc "~llyho!" and wared 0Utv,11rd like a \pulie gazelle. h'i 1111her hard to say ,.bether I mde 1hc other side became. u I oot1ced in mtd•leap. there was n o ~ side. Wa1er. ilush and so on ,.ere pc. "Damn." I mu11ered , "some1h1ng's bally wrong 001 here." I 1hen began 10 take s1ock of the s11u,111on. After only a few. seconds of peering about f concluded that eserythmg had changed. • First. 1he sk> and the sun and I.he lad of waler. 'le11 a markt'd increase in tcmper.1ture II wa~ swcaliog Ill) bum off in Ule arctic appareh and an Ibsen.a: of harsh v.iod. Then. the non and fauna. Where the-re had been va5t iludgcfields before •ere nov.· Onuri\h1n11 lush gras1e, dotted '111th rolorful Oo,,,ct' Happy nobe~ cucaded from rrcc~ ~nd bu~~. courtfi} or the birds. A 1oad stared benc-·olcnll) from • hedge and a chipmunk made an obscene gcstwe from a \lump. C'luklrcn dodged can aod cheerfully tQUCd ~tones al each other. Yes. evcryth1ng had changed. An ino• plicable feeling of good will and chttr permeated. ,. hich had been genera Iii lacking lately. I stopped anothet pedGtnan. "Could i·oo tell me .. ha1's happening!" I ukcd. "thou mean thu. " he s:aid. •-a,ing his arnu i·n an all-encompa<tJing gcsrure. "it's sprmg." .. "Righi ho. Do" 11 happen of1en! "Generally about once• iear.'' " How Iona can it be optttcd to last?'' "Couple ot months II least. I would venture.'' "I see Well if vou'IJ ei.CIUC me (I wu alread) runmna back tOl>'Vd the apart· menl). I behC\e I'll go pari •11h sonie elothmg"
The .irt dcpmmen, is sl.tting i spnng an cdu'bu and ule for April 25-JO. NIC and area high school students are UIVllcd 10 submn origuw •orks for displa> and profit 10 the a.rt dep3tllDCnt' s spring e11hibi1. Entries can be ,ie,-cd 10 the SUB from Cl a m.-4 p.m. daily. Merlin Miller. art instructor. Kell~· Ha-..s and Kim Rasor. ilr1 m&Jors. "di judge exhibits and a•ard a ccnifie111e and nbbons for 1st. 2nd "1d 3rd pbces 10 college en1nn1s. Wor1h~ high school cntrAnts •ill aution grants for the fall semester. Exh1b1ts "Ill be Judged April 2S pnor 10 the opening Haw) and R:uor arc currcntll on art grants • Each art p1t'CC must be the ong11w ,.'Ott of lhc said ar11Sl and finished and rc.tdy for t'1lub11 upon subnu~ion. An entn blank can be ob1aincd in Room M·b of~ Medanu:al Arts Building The deadline for entn· is J p.m. Apnl 22. No entrance fee is required. For those ,..ho ,. ISIJ 10 sell art. 2 comrrus,,on for sales not be charged
Students alert' Fin.a.ls are scheduled 10 begin F~)". ~) b at l's 3 m. and .. 111 contmue through Wed.oesday . Mt~· 11 II I p.m. An lim~ and dates roe exams ha,e been set eidud,ng An 2.34. Health 260. Ma1h 8Q and Speech 104 •·hlch are vet 10 be lfT'ln~. A fuO cchcduJ..- of cluses. d.ates and umcs is a,ailahte just outside the Rcgi· ,trar, Off"IC'C:
Thl' DehJ1 Kippa chaptc,r e>f Ph, Thell! t.app;i held 1hcir •nn11.1I inui.11,on banque1 April 18 \\,th 13 ncv. mmale~. Jeff Wuson. nt" s director for KR EM, TV. Spoune. spoke 10 thl' ini1i11tl's. their famdies and guests about con(em for 01hcr; ;ind promo1L'd ,,c-.ing life from ill .ln!II~. Phi Theu K2ppa is 1 mrnonal Of!!an1ution whose purpose is 10 fO!.ter a spin1 de,01ion to stud~ Jnd 10 promote schol.arly 1dc:ih .among n.s membt'rs. A J.5 gndt point :i,engc :ind 3n ,n, i1:11ion i\ required for membership S1udrnb initialed include L~ Albee. Jud, DeHJl;is. Deb.,rah Durand. Deborah Ga,·lord. Christine H:ird,ng. Mark Jack, N;ionu Ruth K~ls1.1d. Maree Leek. Jdfrc, Mavonh. Richard Richerson. Theodore Sicbt'rt.' Debra While and Ber· n;ircl Wilson . 'I.-.. offia,rs "'ere 3lso msu1lled. liso Albee "Js umcd prc~idcnt. Dl'bor.ah Dunnd . \ICC pres1den1 3nd Chris1ine H3rd1ng. secrctaf},
A boot bo~-bact program v.ill be held tn th<" Books1orc Ma, 9,11. According 10 ·Joan Pyle. Bookstore nt:1nager the bu, -back is offered to gi,c students an oppor1unh~ 10 di,posc of unv. ;in1ed books 11 the end of the 1erm. Sllldents ma,· sell used book.sat half the 11ngmal pnc:1: if the} ,-ere purchased from the Bookstore. On!\• books needed for next scmcSter will be a~pred Boon must also be 1hc current cdh,on l't'quircd for the nc.11 '"""·
~·~ nid.
Name Our Catapult Located in Vocational Parking Area Jrm one case of bet·erage Entry· fee 25• Judge&· Dean Stone. Clarence Ha ught. Stan Hughe11
Entry form
Sugges ted name ________ ____ _ Entrant's name- - - - - - - - - - - - - Address--------:....-------Phone ----- ·
Turn in to Tim .V oonan, Jim Remson, Terry Fairchild, Barry Simon or at Room 309 in the Science Building Members of che Catapult Committee not eligible to enter I Deadline April 29
Ca rdinal Re, iew - 8
FridaJ'· April 22. 1977
[1....-_n_ic_n_o_ti_ce_s_ MC· TV PUBLIC FORUM SCUEDULE Saturda) 6-7 p.m. ChanneJ 7
4.23.77 w1em Wuhlngton Sunc, l:lospltal "Mea· ta! Rultb La,,-.." 4-30-77
Slw:il'JI.IS "bo JIWI to n:1lD'II to l'\1C 11H1 faD are now able to pld. 11p admlulon Corms Ill the Rqisln.t's Ofntt. IISUO Nlshio, 1'1C regblnr, w d . ID1ISl ha..-.: lbe ronzu In b) Jed)' J. Tl,e ~ (or 1M rema1nlni ll'OCD.CD'S lmllb mal.chet II m l'ol)ovs:
Eas1cm Washington State Hospital " Mcn lAI Heahb: Ps) rbla~."
,1ca1CBC l p.a.
Students "lshlng 10 ba.1 pos1cn (or 25 rents or 50 rents ar<' urged to C11ntar1 Tia:i ~oonan. Jim Remsen or B1rrJ Simon. Prorteds go ,o,. anl the Ma) 7 catap11ll ron1es1.
CBCa1!'ilC 9Lm, ~ta,-4
Lo,- enforcement IM1rut1or Walh Youn11 rcmlnd< those dth Ing on campu"' 10 ob~r, C the po~lcd -~d llmll or lO m.p.h. be1,.cen 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. \oung )aid drh Cl'$ should ~ esp«lall) careful when drh in!! in th\' Shermllll Sc-hool ntt'A. "he~ rhlldrcn a.re Ill.ch 10 ~ al plD).
Campus forum
:-.1cai scc 2u0p.m. !\ta) 7 V oil a1 SIC J p.m.
The bombardmenr by var,ou~ energy cn~es has prompted Americans 10 cut bad:.
MC students "'~ wed the question. "Are ~·ou consel'\i.ag energy• ll so, "har arc ,·ou do111g 10 consene~" S~c Schul1heis, Pon Orchard. Wash.: ·•ye,;, I hitchhike 100 miles per Ila~· instead al bu) ing gas ror a ou and refuse 10 U$C m> elccmc toothbrush." Craig Hotmci5k1', Sandpo101 ··res. I quit driv111~ a car. turn tM heat dO\\ n lo a stead)· cempcratune and I do 3\ hllll' IL\ possible." Tim Poland. At.hot. " \'es. I quu wa1chtng TV bcfoce 7:00 ... !>usie lippcrh:. Ha)·dl'n Luc· "Yes. I cvnsa"C eol'f,o·. I rrec,t' to death 10 -.,e S:?O oa m>ckctnc bill." Kell, Ekin,, Coeur d'Alcnc: "Yes. I 11.'llllt aod k~p thC' lighli turned off."'
Eikcn Camp. Coeur d'Alene: "Yes. r kl:ep m) heat lumc:d down lo 68 degrtti and con,1derably lo" er al night. I'm rraining my childrc-n to keep the hsh1, wml'd orr and I don·1 U5C my oven unleu r b~,c se,·crnl lhtogs 10 coot." N,ct C:oylc. l'O\t 1-alh: "Ye~. b> mtking lors or u,c or 1hc wood fireplace and keeping n1y "lfc close to the fireplace. I'm malting m} tids 1um orr the 11.11er "'hen rhc) ,uds up in the ,h0\1er and kl.'cp the light~ tum~ arr .. Bu.t Ad1hng1on, Cl~ur d'Alene· "Ye,. r JU\l run the \\.l,h Clnl"C a \\Cd., the hl'~1·, 1urnc:d olT"hcn "r'rc gone .ind "11) d~n ~, naghr I'm cool.ins one meal o da)'. C'on,crvlng ('ncrgy " con,er1 ing monev "
Faca-h Mohammad,. Iron " I don't, hur th< people I live "irh rurn dllWn 1hc heal ;1nd li,iht,"
Date changed for vet checks B) Bob Tharp
'h) 10
Gur11e Coo~. hl,10,.1 Instructor. Is ml"lng his 1937 Memorial Wallner Paper 1,llh 1bc anlrle "50 \'ear<, In the Coeur d'Alenes." The borro .. er I~ uked to re1om the paper lmmcdlald). S1uden1, In n~ or legal ad, Ice should eon1ar1 ASNIC President Kathie Colllns or Vier Prc,ldcnl Tme, Mara, Illa 10 obtain rcCrrn.l slips 10 r.e~ Norman Gissel. The student la,._1er .<itl'\kc L, pro1ldcd for NIC s1uden1s from Cunds obtained 1hrough ~1udeo1 urrh Ir_, Ctn.
:-.1Ca1SfCC 2p.m.
S1udc111~ U'C remlnded Iha! CWDplalnls concerning campllS aHa1n sboald bC' cal.co 10 a S1oden1 Bosrd member roe actloa. S1ud1'ol Boan! ml'mbc:rs ladade PtesJ. dent .Kathk Collins. Vice Prcsidffl1 Trac, Mara, Ula and Senato~ AJJ1- Gllmott, John Hrndril, Jim Remsc, Brwi Fly1111, Ke,lo Jeuon and Ke,1o ~ -
Could you ... ·Negotiate your salary and work ing : onditions? ·Pay for your own legal defense--all the way to the Supreme Court? ·Elect candidates favorable to education? ·Lobby the Legislature? • Achieve group discount-buying power? · ·Ensure education 's share of the federal dollar? ·Advocate teacher interests to the public? ·Secure major improvements in education?
... By yourself?
A maJor ch:lnge
Cl Bill p:symcnt, On that d~1c ,c1erall.'> eoroUed ID cduca1100 programs "ill sun geruog lbcir checks at the end ruber 1h20 the first of the montll Thi$ means the ,ctenin must pu1 In JO da~ of '1Chooling before he will receive hi, ched. In 1he pul. paJment, ""re made In ~d.. ance 11 1he beginning of rhe school in
bec'Omo effccti,~ June l
Eodmg of I.he prcpaymcn1 plan system ,.,11 have 1he mo:s1 ooliccable effttt on vetcran-stud('Tlts who conllllue to so 10 school this summer. They wtll receive 1hc1r lu1 VA chcct uader 1he prepayment sys1em on May I. This will cover enrollment for May. ~ next check. CO>·ering June enTOII• meal, v.'ill be issued July I Subsequent VA ebccb v.tll follow each additional month of enroUmeo1. A s1udeo1 whO:Se enrollment ends io June will receive the paymen t for June on July I. A modified advance payment prooc:dure permits ad,:uicc payment at w beginning of a 'ICbool term for the f11S1 month or parti.t_l mon1h. plus the following month. The srudeo1 must maltc a wrinco request and the school must agree to process the ad,·ao,ce pa)-mca1 ~uesc. Prior ID this. all
)luden1~ received udvon,c pnymenr, uut,~ moticall) S1udcn1, who ,.ant .in .. dvancc: pllymcnt should conlilt't the o;(hool ,incc the: rcquc\l ror ad1·;ince pll)mtnl mu~1 b,• Included on the \chool cnrollmcnl ccrtilicuuon ,ubmil· h,d tn VA. Spokesman for the VA cmphMitcd the rcqucs1 mu\l be received ,1 least JO day, before rcgulnr rcg1m11ion. S1udeoi., requesting odvancc payment (or the fall school 1c<'1ion should be ourc that no add,uonal c hech wall be £orth· eoming Crom the: VA for .1bout lhrcc months A \tudcn1 l't'CCiving an udvancc payment check in September, covering September and October. would nor receive a c.h«k for November until Dec. I because or the elim1oa1ion or advance p.:aymcnl.S. ll.Suko Nt!hio. NIC registrar, said sum, mer student\ will not be able to apply for iidvancc pay because 1herc must be a pcnod or JO diays or a full calcndcr month bc:1wcen terms In order 10 apply for the advance pay Any studcnr who has qucstion1 should conract the vet couosclor on campus ngh1 Away.
First in Lown u:ith the n Pwut releaies---like-
Beach Boys " Love You" All top 20 albums The Band--"Isl.and" always England Dan & John $1 off our Fo rd Coley "Dow dy re~lar Ferry Road" pr,.ces Supertramp "Even in the Quietest Moments"
Jo in the
UNITED TEACHING PROFESSION The Idaho Education Association
GREENTREE RECORD CO Fo urth and Harri.son
Hours 10-6
Sur,day 1 I .4