North Idaho College Cardinal Review Vol 31 No 14, May 6, 1977

Page 1

May 7 ceremony honors graduates

lk-mle WUson phow Kl'p • ••}• The NIC Englnecrlng Ouh tcsl·llred the ca!apolt April 29 alter the ba:rbceor. The catapah contcwl wUJ leap lnlu • c Uon tumorruw [M..) 71 at the Henle) Acrvdram.c . aonh of Col'ur d'Aknc,

NIC catapult contest flings ahead tomorrow By Lonie Amot1 (otapullcr,, 1, ill Olp 1h~1r, M•> 7 at ,pondcnt for "On thc Road" may be tJlc ,c<"Ond annm1l NIC catapull contest Jlrt:!>Cnl Member\ of the comm1nc:e said the, bl'ginn ing a1 10 a.m hove no pl~n~ to SC" c frel': beer at r~ NIC's winning c:1111pull lrom lul )'COr c, enc bcc:au\c c,( C'l'n0K1 • 1th thc btt1' "ill be: anc of 11 utnpuh, .it the ron1cs1 10 ht'Cn,c II llt'nlrv Acrodrcn11c. be held 0 1 1h1· Hcnl<'y Aerodrome P~tc~ pl'O\·tdcd by thl' con1c~1 •pocisar. 1 he cah1pull ha\ h,·,n jliHn the name Roini<'r Bcc,. ini,: Co.. ace on sale around '· fh.: Pn.:l ct R0<.lc:1 . 1h1• nom, came campu,. Rl'm,cn nid the Eng1nccmn1 lruni .i ,·0111"1 """ I>) Ouk(' Snyder Club i, abo g\llng to solh:n Coeur d'Alene ,\c,·,mhng to (ntBpult Commlm:c mem, bu,int'S~rs to raiic otn fuods for the bt~, lhc: Ut.lf1Uh, wh1rh (i~-d for the.- ri~t r,ent He said Aniff Rc:ilty bas alrcad} time 31 1hr barl>cn1c April 29. threw the donated SSO. Kcntud, Fried Chick~. SIO, empt)' b«r keg Bppro,imotcly 100 "rd, and Mnckrn Drug. SS. Membcn ,11d that one,third or Lhc sur111cal Bob S~r trom KRE.'i·T\', Spof.ane. lllb,ng "a~ In place. Th~ tubing pm\ldC• will bt' ma<tcr of c:eTCmMles (or the C\'"t th.- fl<"' er 1n lhe NIC dcwc 11nd Henle, Aerodrome .... ,u present a \l.ydi, ing aod acrobatics sbo1t iJJ con· Other ~chool, In the rompctltlon include: ,unction .. the COO!e$1. Sca111t Communit) Collc.-ge, Chtcrn Wll~hmgton State College. Uni\-erstt) or There .. ill be ;1 Sl parking t'b1rgc. Woh lngt on and Treosurc \13flty Com• Rc=cn u1d. and a prize "ill be gi,cn 10 munll) College:, the car ....,th tht' most people. Thl' Unhcr~u , or Alberto, Por1l1nd Rcm:.t'n s::iid thc Eogi.offring Club as Unlvcrsit), Spokane Fall~ Communil)' Col· bi», modif~1ng lut }car's cocipult to gaw k-gc. Spokane Communit) College, Grttn mott cfutancc tlus year O\CT last )-etr's Ri, cr Communit)' College and SNttle winning 520 fttl C'ommunll> College. North C.imup~ ace Cootc5t v.10Mn ,.;11 be p-ntcd 141th a al~Q -.hedull'd to compete. bttr kl'g trophy io a ccrcmon) airer the c,cnt. The, \\ Ill also be hstcd in the J1n1 Rcn~t'n, l'ngincering ~tudcnt. ~id Gurn~ Book or World Records. M1ckc~ Roane)' " ill not be able to make lhc According to Remsen, NIC's cbnce of hcnt as prc,iou,I) planned bccau.:.c he "inning the contest is "absolute. "'111 be malting a. mo,1c that time. AI prc~~ 11me 11 "as 001 ltnov. a ,r The Ciood)ear Bhmp probabl) won·t be •blc: lo mah• it .-11ht'r. R.enacn sm1d. He natiOftal t~en«on nctworh "'oold gt\'e the added Charlci K~ h . CBS nc--~ i;(lm!CODIC-.t Sporb co,-crage.

More than 250 srudcnts "ill gttdUJlte from NIC progr.ams May IJ at 10 a.m. in the g)ffl. According to ltsuko N"ish10. ccg,mu• .a 1ouol or 25- sllldcnts should rc:cei,c diplomas: q- of these ind1,idu1ls arc "ocauonal srudenLS Ind 11,0 are enrolled in acadcmw: p~ms. Another 82 ,ocauon:al students com, ple11ng programs this \Ummer will also be recognized. Au10 bod,· repair ond re· liniihing ...;u graduate 12, auto mc:d111nics. 22: d~I mtthanic:s. 12: dnafung tech· nology. I J; prictkal our~1ng. 10: mill· ..-right tr.lining. 6: ~ merchandistng,3 and sun·ey •~hnology. 4 louLK Sbaddud:. Cooir d'Alene. IS the schl!duled ~ for the She: ls the caccvu.-e dirttt« of both the l<bho F~trv lDdasoicl Council and the North Idaho Forest!) Associauon. Ra) StOOt', dc&n of the college. will I nnOOD\."C IIUIICS of those graduating And NIC Board or Tn:uees Chairman J.av Couch will present thl' diplomas. ·

Those •tudents n:amc:d this ye:ir 10 Who's Who 1n Amc:ric:an Junior Colleges also be announced. The students will ha"e a new. look o~ graduates in p:ast years as gnduatcs will .. e:1r gny g~ns. signiliCllnt or receipt or lhc usociatc degttc. ins1cad of the blue 80Wll$ wom io the put. The Cardinal Chorale will sing at the ceremonies. NIC Choir Dirtttor Rick Frosr said the musical selections "111 be gradu111ion011cn1cd bu1 ... mnot be announc:ed prior 10 the cercrmonv because or the spedal nalurc of 1hc sangs According to Mildred Wade. nursing dtrcctor. -12 sccond·) nursing students '"It be pinned Mav 12 "nd receive diplomas at the May 13 commencement ceremonies. W:1de SA1d 30 first,year nursing SJudc:nLS will be capped at ~ 7 p.m. May IJ ccrcmonr The public is invited to attend t he grndwition exercises.



Lome Amo. photo Campus Due begJDs .. tth a iplat. Ton) SIC•-.rt, poUtlcaJ ldeMe lnslrurl4t , knew be wu Ucl.ed "'ht':ft he collecud $19.35 In a paper cap to will (or lose( t.bc plt•ln•the-l'att conie.t May J In lhl' SUB. A.lllsoa CO- perform, the ,weet c:bore. Varioa other e,mll aclo aa • talent 6ho" and a film restt...i WHC held chro11a),ov1 tbc "clue."

Cardinal Re~·iew - 2

Friday. \fay 6. 1977

('--_ _o=:..'P_in_,_·o_n__.:p:;__a_g_e_ _J Studenas get ripped

Oh, the tangled webs .... By Jod1 DcBus Man, students ..ere c1cu"1Cd from c ~ ror the Apnl 29 b.ub«ue but feor rcahzNI 1he) "ere cntcnng one ol the lar~c,1 tcsung areas in d~ h~llr) ol i-;onh Idaho College. Since Ille NIC BoJrd of Tru,1ce, deaded 21 :a rt'C'Cnt mechng tha.1 ~clenh could COD.SIi me 3leohol during off-<'ampus NIC funeuons.11 "'U alffl0ll 1nc,11:ablc 1b:a111cs1 ~hould be or ('0Ur$('. 1hc Feb. 25 dance 21 the Erl> Club •-u Ille fin1 :lttCIDpl bu1 the bvbecuc fcs11,111es were 1hc lruc 1cs1 ~o" 1ha1 Ille beet ,, cold and the kegs :are dra.ned. it's umc 10 Stl bACiL I.lid analyze s11u111ion. The other da, I heard a do11,n-10-c2rth commc1111h:a1 is the fccltng of a number ol sU1dco1< on rampu, ""h,· did I ha,c 10 pa) ffl) sludent 1C"11\1ty fen Pll:S SI JU.\1 10 b.l,e some OUl\ide~ grub down (almost) free food and ilobber up the beer • Thank about n. The Sib.SO acta,·11\ fe-c ~IUdcnb paid early this ,car .. u ID c:o,.er the \1Udrn1 ac-th11ics for the )'Car. When ,rudcn1s bough! U1cir barbecue udcis. •ere they under thc imprC\Sion 1h111 the) "ere pa1ing for food beer or both! A thorough look ~t lhc ASNIC budget shO\< s the S1udcn1 Board could 112,-c ,pollS«'1l the barl>ccuc "ithout charging a cent 1f the kegs h:ad been left at t~ dlslributors. No one can argue ""h the foc-t that the Cl'ent .,.as v.-cll-pl:anned and the committee did an c\C'Cllcnt Job prcpanng for Ille 3cti, itics. If 3n. d1st'rcp3nc.'1cs ore 10 be found. perhaps the comm,ncc should be nlled doo11 on DOI h1\lng enough la" cnrorccment on the scene 1n ('3Sc of ~ d disnipuon a.nd I.hat those <et\1ng ikohol did not clOIC' the lap at the prcv1oush arr:aoged time. \1an, college,. and unl\cr-.i11ei. ha,c made bttr busts an annual e1eot 10 raise runds f« one ea use or ~not her Ho"cvcr. m~t or 1hcsc occ,.sions ~re ~ilhng themselves due 10 l&dt of ~ d (Ontrol 2nd the rc~huuon that the rcsponsibtl1~ is too great for mo.t itucknt go, crnmcntS 10 handle. I do not Nndcmn 1ndi,1duals for drinking alcohol but I do quei.tioo UIC ncNS for sllldcnt lcader-5 of a college 10 u,e s1uden1 fund~ 10 sponsor a lcggcr off-c.1mpus (150 yar-cu from the Adm1n1\ma11on Building). Pcrn.ips the b:arbealc should be un annual fall e"ent .,.,,n adm1<\100 linuted to 1'TC pcr5onncl and 1hosc csroncd bv NIC pc~onncl. IC an} leggers arc needed. lea,c the orgon111ng 101hc studcnts-:u-larg~. The Student BODrd doesn't need 10 U}(' studmt fu~ ID orllan1tc such evenb.


Athletes deserve praise for outstanding season The NIC athlcuc dcp:1nmcnt's ,-uious teams desen-c some :u:colacles for performances dunng the 1976-1977 susons. The Cardinal wrestling 1e1m pcnocmed the best job of all NJC teams by t.aling sccood place 1n the NJCAA national tourn:iment io Worthiogtoo. Minn. in early March. Gar\ Germundson. one or the eight Cards in the tourney. represeiued NIC ,.-en by winning 1hc IClO-pound 10dl\'idu1I ctt.mpionship and the outstanding Wl'C$1lcr a...rd. L..-s Hog:10. ,..ho recently resigned his ~ n g pos1tion. dcscn-cs credit for lea.ding tht' gnipplC'rs. ln Hogan·, su year,;, BS bead men1or. the Cards ba1·e consistentl} been in the 1op 10 spots .:i.1 na11ooals. including t•·o years in a rov. as national <"hampioos. ThC' bnkt'lb3ll team. under Coa,:-b Rolly Willwns. once again finished second 111 rcgiooal pla~ Jnd ..-balked up a n.10 rccord. Colic!!..- ,:,f Southt-m Idaho stopped the Card> from reaching n..rion:ils for the ninth ""~ 1%4 The fan rema,ns. though. that the Canis pb)-cd hard 10 =h the fin.:u buzzer Jnd ,hould be comfflt'ndcd for thnr efforts. A ~econd,pla~ finish 11 regionals is not 10 be ta~cn hghth The girls' ,olleyba.11 and ba:.ketball !COIi' .,.,re pbgued wuh W!dcsinlble practice times. poor pLl, <'T turnout .ind losing records.. The prognms are young. hll""l!Ver. llJld arc destined to become ,tr0nger ID future ye.:ars. ThL\ ,car'~ b!ISCb1ll 1e.:i.m ~ currently 21·1b. compared .,.itb las1 yur·s record of IS.18. The team. co.,ched by hd Bloxom. v.iU be playing Treuun: Valley here May 6 lllld • for a berth 1n 1hc regional tournament. The track 1eam "IS led by some ou1SUJ1diog athletes. Tnnidad.ian sprintc~ Carol Charles and Kt'lshall R1,:i.s led NIC' s scoring in m.:i.ny meets. The Cards also qualified s.cvcral uacksters for nationals. They are Ciod) Pope. Ed Rke. Gerald Goorlcy. Chllrl~ and Rivas. Disl40Ce runner Hctll) Jilnenei: plllccd 62nd out of ro runner<, 1n aoss-counll') 1U1tio11.11ls IBSI November ID Fanmngdale. N.Y. 1\brlt h c:uon and Sunford Myne led the tennis team this spring. u the No. I and No. 2 seeded pla)ers. respc:c,i, cl) To all. congratulo1ions for job, well done.

Cl11tk Nt'~• photo The son (Tim Weston! llstus lntcntl) 10 b.l.s roothu (l't111t11aret WUklntonJ In • ~(IJDent or IC dram• department ' s production of the Tenneuee Wllllam •, pla) "ThC' Glau Mt:.n9ime. •· The E:strcmel) U1de Theatre wa.,1 OUcd lo capacll) Aprtl 27 for 1M play which ,ra.s la coojand lon with the Fine ArU"al. The p-nlallon wu al.t0 •taaed i\t.,, .a In I sp«ia.l produnlon for NTC studcnu.

Apathy on increase

NIC still in hibernation? B) Siule E!ppcrle

A large number of NIC students seem 10 be l~dcd with 11>3thy. . A low wmout at the swdenl body clccuons. at NIC'~ production or " The Night 1hc Iguana ... al:iporb c,cnts and then 31 the week-long ConvocaHons prog11 m on "Endangcrt'd Species" point 10 no other d1rcct1on than a nearly univcri.:11 " l,don' l ·c:lrc" 11111udc. Throughout the ..-ctl of April IS.22, authorities with audiences their knowledge and emotions CODa'ffling thrcau:ncd species such u wild horses and grialy beart MO\t or these people came I long way and all spent o great deal of time: preparing their prescntauons. only 10 be met by some audiences of 70 people or less Five of the scheduled programs allowed c:lassi!s 10 be rcleucd so Slude nu cou ld aucnd. Yet. some o( these ucused programs received .:i.n audience of fewer lhlln o single,had 11me1. The brgcsl audience of w week was 011 Fnday al 11 a. m. when J ohn Craighead spoke on "Grizzly Bears." Apprort0ately 300 people attended. wllll I good number being concerned citizens from the community. U ciuun:s cue enough ID get away from lhe1r jobs 1n the middle of the moming, why doci 11 sec:m so hard foe students to get awey from an excused clu s? The entire Convocations program 111·a.s ea:ccUcnt. The spealtcrs knew their business and the :audience blN they cared. All the species under the th.real of enillction need th,11 to prescne them. But it appears that s1ud1:nts don't care. Ropefully, lha1 arnrude isn't synonymous with the rest of the ,.orld; that way we ,.on' t sec the Amcna.n bald cagJc go the way of the dodo bird.


c_;_c_a_r_d_i_n_a_l_r_e_v_ie_w_ _J The Cardinal Jwwr Is pahlllbed ,cmJ.-thJ7 b7 tbe PvblJcetlooe Wodlabop dw al North Idaho CoDegc. MemMrs of the CR al&O' wW 10-he to praa,t tbe newt falrty, a.cCllratcly and without prejodlce. Opinions up rcHed on the editorial page do aol n~ y rt.Deel the ,1ews ol tbe CudlnaJ R~cw, tbc ASNJC or tbe NIC admmlsln.tloa. The CR tt entered as Ont class ma.tffllll at U)t,Qf d' Alme, ldaho 83314.

editor ........................... , •..••..• , •.• , , .... , ............... Jady Dcllua usodatc edltor ................................... . ........... . .... Cl,ayl ~ associate editor.......... . .................................. . ... .. ... Sulc, E!ppcdc

~-#;::/::/:/ : :/: ": ::r rn::-: /: :":":": ~ :E

, IAO' Jolin BamllJ.oa, ~bblc l agtt. O.,id Howard, Bob Tha,p, Mel.uik Na.41,, Carol £vu1a, JIIDd Sadie aad Venus Net-.

Frida y. Ma y 6. 19 7 7

Cardinal Review - 3

Campus forum


B, Carol £->am Do you think rhe but,ccuc ,..u a good u,c of student fonds and would you h,,c ,ionc ,I bttr h;id not bc:cn \Cr>·ed• Jim Friedly. ~ophomon:. Coeur d'Alene: •· 1t .. :., a good oppor1un1I} for rh0$e of u~ who·1 pur1cipa1c in .,11 the ocher acuviries 10 get somerhin,i our of 1he S20-S2S we pu1 1n for actr,iry fees "'bich othc,,.1~ .. c .,.ouldn·1 get &.n)th1n11 our of. It ~eem~ 10 be J "'Hie- of monc, for s1udcnl\ .. ho't panteip.ate in Oll1cr 11cliv111cs Y~. I 1t.ould ha,·c come if there hadn't IN:cn ony beer •· Mall Stc,,cns, ,ophomorc. N=pon: "I think II was a loi bencr the dormnonth~t's for sure. Sure I would have gone 1f there hadn · 1 bt:en beer.·· Deb~ Bell, fro,,h. Post Fall< "Y~. lt"s a ,cl') good way lo spend the studenfs money. It get, evcrybod) together We're all d1v1ded up. Yci. I wQuld have gone if there hadn't been beer:· ldona CanMday. sophomore, Cataldo: "It wa\ 1 grcnt use of student funds and 1hcrc ,hould be more of 11. It's 100 bad •,;e can'r do ,omcrhing like II tn the .. inrer. Yes, I would have gone if there hadn'1 been beer I like 10 wcialil'.A: "


Linda Lan.on, sophomore. Spokane: "The barb«ue • n :i 8T'eat u~ of student funds. Ir got all the Sludcnb together for a change 1&nd ,t ~pent some of our mODC1' that ~edcd to be spent on us Yes. I ..;.ould h.a,·c gone 1f rhel'e h.adn'1 been beer. I thin.I: ,.e should ha,e a great umc C\lcn if "'e don't get drunk." Ann D=bach. s1u~n1. Coeur d'Alene: "l think ii m.ay ha,e been put 10 better U5C building a ~idewalk or bike ramp down 10 the Scuer Hall because I ride my bike and I gel i d and ltrcd of slipping and sliding dOll n the hill. I did enjoy the beer 3nd the colesfa,. but the needed ~IL No. I ,.·ouldn·t II.Ive gooc if there hadn't bttn beer:' Mike Low. sophomott. Hayden Luc: · Oh yeah. h ,..a.s a good use of student funds. I would ha,e gone If there hadn't bccn beer bur J 1hulk II added 10 the en1cra1nment " Stelle Serticb. sophomore. Post Falls: "Y cs, 11 ..•as a good use or smdcn1 funds because it's our molle) and should be spent on us the wa)' •·c •ant ii to be spent Everybody had fun so it proved 10 be Y.Orthwhile. ••


kaleidoscope The Student Board Apnl 28 approved a recommendation for four students by on ad hoc scholar,,hlp commlucc for the four n,mainlng schol11.tShip1 the board g1vc,s. Tim Noonan, Mall Stevens and Mite Jannaucb wlll each n,cc1vc a grunt of SJOO and Allison GIimore will receive SSO from the bt,ard. The bOllrd approved a motion that the chccrlcadmg tryout~ "'hlch ,. ere no1 held O) ,cht-duled due 10 lad; of interest be held nc~t £all at D d11r set by Lhc cheerleader's od,·ber. The board ocecp1cd the cnllrt' ASNIC budget for next year which Include\ all lneomr and expenditure, 101ahn8 S.l6.000. ASN IC Prc~idc nr Knth1c Cullin$ pre• ,c:ntcd o lcucr to be ~enr to Prc~idcn1 Barry Schuler regarding tho rect"nl ocuon of Ille Fowh) Aswmbly. Thc board o.pprovcd it and ol~o approved th.: lcller 10 be scot 10

Leona Huscn and the Coo,oeations c:omm111cc thanking them for the Convocations actMIJC$ held Apnl IS.22.

The lllJl kernel of corn h.u fallc'n on the Lbc lut Popcoro Forum "" held April r. Traveler Herbert Heger presented a slide and l«1ure pN)8nffl on the .. Grea1 Smoke') Mountauu;. •• Heger'j t:tlk presented life 10 the "Smok1e~" oC carbcr limrs :and his ~ides showed the old home Sll<'S and h!c ia the bcaut,ful park area H<' discu~ the ...1Jdhfc. Oov.'tt\ 1.1111 moon~hinc.' )tills tn the arc:i. Heger's C'Olar slide program shov--ed tbc hom<'5. ,.,Id Oov.ers :wd lifc-l>t)le al the area

noor for thu 1car u

Skills Center and Head Start to occupy Sherman School Leaming S~1ll1 :md Head Start scr> icn "111 tC'nl3ti, cly be ocruppng the Shemun School buihling next fall. oc.:ordsng to Josephine Webb. is,.t,,tllOI 10 NIC Prc~i· dent Borrv Schuler. W<'bb ~•id the 4.000 ~uarc foo1 bu1ld111g requull approximalCI"' Sll.000 \\Ot'1b of rcmodC'ling including eleC'trieal and htt11ng ~stem impro,.emenb and othu \mall structural chang~. A CU\todlan coflcc arc~ And 11n ofbet p~s copy room will also be loc.ated 1n the buUding which the coll~ purchllscd l.1~1 June from School District 271 r« SI IS.000. "The Lnrn1ng Skills Center wtll h4H' about no.;<:\! the area n had 1n the t,frHugh


Buildtni:." Webb S&Jd She ~~1d the Schooi mu,turc i) prcll) good and should l:lst a1 lc:asr four or fi,e ,·ears. f,.o Hc~d Slut clusrooms o.nd tea· cher'\ office, u.ifl t,e loa1cd on one side of the building. enabling .111 Head Stut faml111e) to be on campus. Webb smid In the f».'11. she added. i.ome pn,grams had 10 be held ehC" here '" lbc commwur. due to limited ~~cc. · Webb Sllid the ncv,· Hum.arutaes Building ...,n ocrup)' some ol the pb~groand space around the schooi building :and the ua probtbly 11.-on·1 pre,. ide additiorml i,4rting for studt'nts.

Da.-e Kramer pboco

c.,,.,.tng In lhc san. Sradents III April 29 bart>ttue nuoy refrftb.menta and listen to lbc band Stol'.)C Johna) In warm tcmperahlrc$ on tht'

~ of

lake e«ar o·AJmt'.

• Idaho ma1or source ofNIC yearly revenues By Sule Epperie The majenty of all N'IC' s revenues ea me from the state oC Idaho for Fisc11l Ye11r J9"S."'6. •nth properry and ules ta, rolJo,,.,ng far behind. Approximate!) SS. l percent of total r'C\ent1e for academic and •'Oalrional tollcges ame from the state. according to l\1C President &rry Schuler. Property and sales tu llct'OUntrd for 18..S percent of the total m-cnue. Of the total SJ.265.182 ofNlC's funds for 197.S."6. Schuler wd. Sl .~.605 came from SIIIC approprtllll0DS. Of that, tbc largest portion ...,u recm'Cd from regular Hate aid to the academic college: SI ,066.874, or J2. 'I' percent of the tollll f'f\'CDDC ,

This 11moont co,en opcnung 2nd upen$C costs. Schuler satd. The appropnalioo received from \l/ll<: to pay 1b cmplo)ee·i Social Sceuni, amounted U> 2.o percent, or S&S.792 of the toa.f. be UJd Tbc \'Ol'1uonal college recchcd lo.7 perct'Dt of the 1ou1l rt', cnat. touhng S.545,521. orith mml,Qnemcnu for uatt ,ontlOll:tl tq11ipmrn1 adding ancrchcr J . I percent or SIOO 416 10 the \'OCllliODII tol.lJ. 'IIC rece1~cd So0S &£2 from property sales ux collected in Kootena, Count) ,n


in 197S.1976. Schuler Jaid. Student tuition and fees acrount for the OCll largest portion of NIC revenues, a=rding to Schuler. This amount, which docs not include Associated Srudcnt Body or AuxiliAry Services fees. Schuler said, w:15 17.9 percent. orSSSJ,767, of the totll rc,enue. Interest collected on bank deposits. rents (such as the renting of the gymnuium) and sales amounted 103.2 percent. or SIOJ.648. of the tollll for 1975, 1976. The Stllte Liquor all001lion provides the next lllf8CSI amount. with NIC rtteiv,og Sl02.818. or J.1 percent of the 1otnl from off-so.le liquor profits the s121e receives. Schuler s.iid federal ajd amounts 10 I.I percent of NlC's tollll income. l'flC received SJS.795 in "soft" Federal mone) 1n 1975•1976. Schuler said this money 1J Cllllcd "sof1" bttall$C it is 001 dependable. The ,·OC3110nal college received apprw· 1matcl~ I I percent. or SJ.1,697, of the ,oal from dcportmenlal ules. such as the ,u1omouvc mechanics service chllrge. All of the,e ijmouors. Schuler said. should be "rcprcscnuanvc" of Fiscal Year l'l7~J977 but lhc figures can't be dcier· mined euctly until the ycilT ends in June.

FIRST SECURITY BANK OF IDAHO Member FDIC First in lntermountain Banking &Financial Sunset Heights Cd'A Office , Services In the MaU 220 Sherm an

Frida~. )l a ~ 6. 1977

Catapult firing prompts imaginative recollection I'm an old codg('r no,,.. bul mJ brain 15n·1 ,o .a1roph1cd 1ha1 I c-an·, rcmcml)('r "The Grt'31 Ca1apult Conlc\1°' of 'T"' and 1hc stupcndou< c,tni\ it broogh1 abou1 It bcg•n ,impl~ enough. The •pccta1on cin.:ludlng m,sc:111 "ere all laid back ~1pp1nQ free beer Jnd anmipJ1ing tit!: fiot Oiog. hopmg for ~omc fine compcuuon and gcncrnl rollid1ng good fun. Linlc did "c kno-. 1hc m,gh~ conn1ct shaping behind the ,~nn. As the firs I keg ~puo )k~" ard in a glincnng ~. sirangc things s~rted to b4ppcn. From the north came charging a group of armored men on horses. be· "·caponcd to the 1ttth with s"ords, lance$ and crossbo"-s. This (I learned the names 110d cuc-t

10 their ~ ubhou~ for .an or~. The CT,J,, d looked on don~II! .all tin~ lO hclpln\ hc.rr'1C. foanni: the- ruinatk)Q o( all the, had rornc Io see Fo.<1un.u<:I). the god, ol (&&r pl".l' 1oall a hand and ruol .. ed the dcbade 10 the follo- 1n1 •a~ . ,. hich hu ,inee been : : ~ ~ ··nie Bmlc o{ Henle, AttoT be three armies coo,crged co the JUi.t,nuag le-a The leader o( the SPC1K app1rea1lr bclre, ed 1he leader or the bttr-guulen ro be tl:::-ca1cn1ai said keg a~d ~ bclaboml 11:.m rnoun.dmgly abaut the h(';ld and sianw:h •ith her purse. The! guzzler !lttrned ro dcri~ rhat the ~ca "u m:utedh- a.obealtb, led h1< 1roop,. •ho •e;e undergoing rnn1lar

Clark Neu pholo Lct 'j gct lhl.s muale on for ~ me ectlon. Terr:\ falrch11d lnabt( l~ura proper 01 of a <:11Mt'1

pn>tttthe mask Apn.1 16 before mo, t°'1 onlo the hattleO<.'ld for ROTC curc!H,ii at Panaaa1 Sr.ate Pan.

11 F (l rr<Jf!U I

Campus cadets make war Apnl IS found m0:,1 pc<tplc rushing to m.111 rhcir income ~1cs but s<tme NIC srudcnb rushed 10 "'ar. The 10 Arm1 ROTC aideb v.erc mfonncd that cncm) M>ld1e"' had infillr.ired F:arr3gut State Put m 11n effort 10 ~ntrol the water supply in North Idaho. Afrer joining 10 U o( I student!. at the Hnden Rcwr-e Ccn1er 10 receive full b3rdc gear, the NIC cadet) \>CCC led by ROTC m,tructur Capr c~rl Key to 1hc war zone .\ "ec~end of otuclong. v. uhdrawmg .:and Cl<J>"'1Cncing comb.:a1 c<>nduirin~ and cqutpmtnt The 10 srulknu ate C-~1ion\ braved

the chill)· nigh1s In ~IC'eping bag, Jnd finally mu1rd lhl' "enemy·· in ~ ~urprbc n1gh1 attnck which included Oare\ , uplo~ioM and 1hc ch:ittcr or autllm111k nnc fire " It was a\ ,r all hell hJ d broken IOO'ic." Dick I litt. ROl C \cholor<h1p c.idct, u 1d The NIC , 1uden1s laking part in the war 1111me\ inC'luded Terry 1-'n1rch1ld . J cH Powe-II. Clark Ne,), Ga ry Bo)'d, Dave Ocrn P111 Shield,. I-red Ma rk\ , Arni e John\on o~~c Kromer ancl Hilr. A(~ording 10 Key. ROTC i< plannin11 a ""uic1y of cu11ng, ncll yc:ar He in~lled m1crc,1cd rctuminK ,1udcnh 10 enroll In m1li1~ry ,rn:mcc d~_s,i:,.

CASH NOW For The Future Little Short On Cash? dct~lls lorer ,. hen everytlung hod been unmuddlN!l The Order of the Modem Da~· Knighis of King Arthur. an 11narcbis1 gt'Otlp bent upon dragging off as ma.m C3L1pults and kegs u ~ible. The) planned to fill !he kegs with IAr. ofix 3 .. ,ck and bombard go,ernment buildings ,.,,h Olllling projecrilcs. Balancing 1hc Arthurian,. from 1he south came hopping. hmpmg :ind cn"ling 3 great mo1le, horde led b,· a small grim-faced clderl) lad} appireled in a chartreuse chcm1SC. purple silt stotliogs and a large Ooppy hJl adorned with wilted nov.·crs. She ~It'd about m)opicall) :ind s"ung an ouisuc punc m a tbrc:uerung f.shion. This "M The Soeict}' ro Prc,eo1 Cruel~ to Beer Conuiners. Its members "ere determined to halt the abhonent abuse of the teg,. resorting 10 Jbhorreo1 abuse or the abusers if n~~,--. l asti). "gallumpmg': from the e:1J.1 •erc • number or corpulent indl\·idu.ils armed ,.ith steins and Hus.ages. The" ,.ere members of the Bttr Guufors Uruon (~al C>9) and were lllboriog under the mtJCOnccpnon th.l1 the kegs ,.-ere filled ,.,th spcc,al imported bock beer. "hich lhey intended to pinch itnd tr:insport bid:

Try Our Six Step Solution

mdeliate treatment 11 the hands of lite other SPCBC'ers. t0 an all-our rcun1. Befort he st~rted ro run. bov.c,er. he tossed a UU\agc. ,. bicb b) per,.,crse ch:incc happened 10 ntcb the leader of the \rrJturiltns [who bad JOSI succeeded in ,te.. ering rhc old lad)'S h111 ..-uh his JOIIStttl in lite visor or his hclmc1 and CDuscd him to lose bis balllncc and Call from his h<trse. The ll't'ight of Ins :armor subsequent!) nude i1 impos5iblc for him to rise from the grvurul. and his men. 11 a loss v.'ithout a leader. tied 3 rope abour his wk and drug him off ,a !he direction from ,. bcn~ they had come. Thi~ Im Onl) the SPCBC, who had JUSt Ix-gun a triumphant man-b on lite now uocont~rcd t.1bpnlis when a surprising 1ntcrrupuon occumd. Out or the "c~r came thundering " herd of fierce. "'ild Ra1D1cr~. pursued b\ 11 fuon~ linlc 11140 1n 3 pith helmet. The, srrut"k the SPCBC"crs hkc ten-pins. trllmp, ltd some inro a gm paste and dispersed the l'C'\I 1n a flash. The) then diuppc;tred b suddenh as rh~ hJd uri,ed. · So II -.. ent Good had once 2ga.1n minched enl llkc a bug under I bnct.


S1ar1 dnwlng moothJ,

mooth, E-l Pa, .


righ1 now thto.ugh the





R-e . S49.92 per

l. Fo11r months lldJve dllt) foUowlng gnidaallon • $374.40 per month plllt bc,oeOta. 3. Come bad to Coeur d 'Alene oni £,JI whett yov'U b.aH• onl) one wce!h-nd a moath oblla,atioo · SSS.64. E-2 Pav. .S . Woric pa,Ulme

lo oae o f ow- ,-..Jw..ble 51,JDJ • mccbank 1 opt'ffWllt ngloeff,

coosll"Qedon en.glnttr. man, mo-re . SS7.76 PFC Pa, . S. on1, t1fO " eeh annaal tral.alng . • g.rea1 brcaL from the bome-tovo n>Ul.loc. S?16.60 for h<o ..-eeks., PFC Pa). 6. The rest . promolloos, skills. ser'\ la-, pride - ts ap 10 ) oal WHETHER rr BE A CAR OR



Frida,. May 6. 19 77

Cardinal Re\•iew - 5

Fifteen feel reached

Pole vaulter sets record B) J11L1cl Su1tlc The NIC pole vault record 1Dt'reut', every ,.eel... 1hanl..s 10 Gerald Gourlc,

Gourley~, " ncv. record of IS' al the Ea\lcm W;uhmgton State Tw1·Ligbt rru:e1 held Apnl JO m Cheney llnd hu now de1orroycd the old record by one foot. "Gerald'\ ,auf11ng was the high11gh1 of rhc mcer" Cooch Mike Sund} ~id. "He h•~ a vCT) good chance: 11 narionals." The NJCAA 11:11ional 1rat'k mcc:1 v.111 be held Ma> I7-21 1n Pa~dcna. Tex.. one " eek Jfrcr the rcai-Onal) \ 1a) JJ.J4 in Rc,burg Ar lc.i~r SC\!cn 1h1nclad, ha\·e alrcad) qualified for 1hc n1110nlll mceL Kelslta.11 Rivas. Ed Rice. Cuol Chari~. Cindy Pope. Shellcy Hammock. Cmdy Vig and Courie) arc eyeing the P.i)adcna mccr. In rhc Cheney meet. 1'flC's 440 relay rum . mode up or Gourley. Doug Gunder· wn. Rivas and Dove Bemstsne. p!Aced second with o Ltmc of 42.8. Rice came in fourrh m rhe high jump 11 o'S". Anorher fourth-place fimshcr was Henry

JuncnC'l 111 the i.1ceplcchue. Running ,.,1h a pulled !Qmstring. !mu v.·a, bcaren ,n the 220 for the fi~t time thb

~uon "He.- l>llll nu11 21 .S • h1ch is excellent," Sund, uid. At the Mount Hood RCl3)S held April 22. the 4-milc reby team. m.ide up of Jame!IC'L Candcl.irio Eguia. Mike Dilley .i.nd Keith Thomas, r•n their c,-cnt in 18:01.6. "'hich ccl1psc:1 the old school record b) O\'er 20 second,. R1ee also turned in a score of 6.891 pom ts ,n the decathlon "'Thal score matb Ed u a pocential nauonal clump1on." Bundy uid 'lflC's lh e-membcr women· s tea.m 1"'* fourth out of 12 team~ in the Mount Hood meet. Vig. Pope. Cha.rlcs. lb.mmod:: and Cathy <ioodffl4n op thc IC4.m. Bundy said he has high hopes for addi11onal n11ional qualifiers a1 the regional mcc1.


(_ _c~r____ s p;....._o_r_f

Cards need three wins to clinch regional berth By 8mm Wilson Two do,."11, lhrcc 10 go and the NlC immedi.a1cl>· afte,- the s«ond game the 7th. b.ueball IClUD •ill qualify for the rcgioMI "We played prcrty v.ell last weekend. tournament lllthough the te:un didn't hir u well u I thought rhey should... BIOiom said. He To qualify for rcgton:lls. the Cllrds must win fi~e of the eight g:1mes v.;th Treasure S3id the tram had a f'ev. ba.d innings due to Vaacy Commun.icy College.-. four of those errors but S2id the pirrhing v.·u good. games were played last weekend in "We're just 001 hining the ball. it's that simple:· Bloxom said. Ontario, Ore. and the.- second four-game ~c.-s will be played bt'f'C May 6 and 7. He said the pitchers have siancd to do a good job this las! part of the seuon. The Catds split a doublehca.dcr April 29. Bloxom also said the team· s defense is "'iruiing the first game 2-0 ROd droppiog impro,-ing. the second. 4-3. Mmrk pitched the NIC's record 1s no..· 21·16. compared lo winrung game for the Cards while JCfTY last season·s 18-18 record. Long pitched the losing game. When asked about the suson in general. On April 30 the Cards repeated their Bloxom said the team bu played prccty prCV10Us day's performance. once agllin well all )CU ;ii though they'\·c had their ups splitting a doublehcadcT. The Cards won and downs. the first game &, l with lhe pitching of Dan " Our season wo.s dictated by injunes." Wyman and lost 1hc second 7-1. Wayne he Sllid. " When your No. J and 4 pitchers Sherwood relieved Dave O:u::es on the arc!' out. h real!) huns." mound in the fourth inning. " If our puching and defense keeps up Card Coach Jact Blarom said regiOll4ls and our hining impro\·cs. we should do will bc played some,.-hcrc in Oregon. the alright in this series 3gains1 Treasure s11e to be determined by some upcoming Villey." Bloxom said. games. G3me umcs arc I llDd 3 p.m. May 6 and Should the Cards and Treasure Valley 11 a.m and I p.m. Ma) 7. If a third game split the games May 6 and 7. gi"ing each is n~ed Mil) 7, it will be pl&)'Cd at J p.m. four wins. a play-off game v.ill bc held

NIC netters eye regionals; proper attitude necessary B) John Bamilton the proper 1>$)CboloB1cal al· till:lde is 1.11 imporunt pm af 11dling .:i.ny problem To tennis Coa.dl Tony S1e,,.an. doing tills i ~ u inucb a pan a( Im JOb .a.s teaching fu ndamentals. ~ pcci.,Jly in light of the upcam,.ag JKl'l·susa'I play. " My Ill.St at ~ and llllionals." Stewart aplaiaed. " 15 to bdp the players ach~,: the proper IDCIIW fnmr o{ mind ID compe1e II their bu1 level of COIICCD·

tntion." wt year·s nc-ttcn respoodcd well a, S1e.-an·s urgings by wiDJUllg the regioiw IOW'JWllClll and then placing ck-ends in tilt n&tiouJ c:ompc.-11oon. This ,car's tef,;lOnal 1 ~ 1 •ill be hcld M:ay 16-18 11 Clachmu Co1D.1Don11y College oca.r Pendlctoo. Ore. !'lauosals •111 tu:k off Ma y 2~ 10 Scotsdale. Ariz. Uld Stc.-,ran bu hope~ or

. I

being Ihm:. 'The picWre chanaes when )OU reach

Oa,e Kramer photo

regionals. · S1e•ut said . .. Teams •itb poor rft'Ords call ICOl'C nU dq,cndulg OD rbt, ab1b~ of maybe juu a couple ol oulSWlding play~... According to this 1e11nis mentor. a team in thc.-sc 1ounwnents can.sists a( oaly four SUJgie5 pla)Cl'S a.od !WO doubles tcamS, Rcpt'C$c." NIC trill be the top four nogles p!Jye:s-Mart J11WOD. Sunford Myne. C4) Lyons and Doug Pctcrsotl. One of the doubles teams will be Jadsoo·M~ bu1 51"-art 1w DOl decided lus other blcs te:im. The team record hu bee« impl'O\'I.Dg ID ~ llSl fc- •-eeks as Card oencrs b2\'C had =tcbcs :Lil at home. S~an said.


On /\pnl 28 the Cardinals dumped Spokane falls Community College 4.3 .:ind the nert day did Jlkcw,sc to Whitworth by a ~care of 5-4. Columbi11 Basin College ended the C,rds' short winning s1r1uk April 30. ho'4-ever. '4'ith a 5-2 conquest. Highlighting 1h11 motch Wll~ Jackson's win o,er the number one Junior college p'3ycr frorn W:i~lungton State. NIC's rcorn mark is nov. 5-12 and only one rnatch. GonngB oo May 7. lies bcrv. ccn Card ncners :ind rcgiomll compc· trnon. /

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Frida~·- ~fa~· 6. 1977

Keating philosophical

Golfers still struggling BJ Johll liamilton '-IC', g<Jlf teom hH been mal 1n11 pr\lg~\\ latch ~lthou11h 11 ma~ not 1,ecm 10 be ,o 10 1hr undi\\crmng c,c Trur. Card gollcr\ did suffer a \ctb.a:k at a rccc.-nt match .11 th<" H3nJ!min V1flr, G<ill Cour\C ,ou1h or Spokane. Columbia Ba,m ColltRC .-qn that -tch •1th a ,core of 295. Spokanr Fall, Commun,~· College toot second ,.Ith J{); strolc,. EWSC collc,·1,•d t111rd "1th a .31.J

101.11 Jnd .:-IC pulled up thc rnr v.ilh Jo-I sirotc,. Dc,pnc the .,,de mo1rRlll. C1'.1th Warttn Kcatin~ feel• h,~ tcam bu 1mPfO>·cd o•,cr pr,o: ,·nrs,. hen a OM-hundred stroke los,; "as not unct'mmcn "Our golfcn h.1,e a cough time of it."" Kcaang explained. ··~use- the} \1mplJ b,-c


linlc npcne&c ••

Top planrs for th.It Apnl 26 m.1tch for ~IC •ere \t.arl Arnn. •ho carded an SS and Joe Kccb4u,:h, ,. ho !hot liCI A rt=tth 31?31!:Sl the ~me tel\m$ IS plo1nncd for Ma, 1· at the Coeur d',\lc~ Publit' Golf Cou~ In 1he =ar:ramc. SIC golfn'\ b.,~e bffn uy1n,g 10 lcep 111 praclart b~ play1111t a couple of matches ag.11n\a the Ion! facull} 1e.1m. "-e211ng uy" that bc •ould 6kc to field a mare compcUll\ e 1cam an the future tf hc tOUld JUSt lure some seuoacd plaven 10 '.'IIC ··Our im.lgc b3i btt'Omt !>O bad 01cr rect"nl ~car,; that 1t', bard lO get pL:a,crs to comc hl"'rt " Keating said.


W&tTcn "Squln" Kulln,t dcmonstratca to cscapc from a sand ll"lp. Keating',


team wraps up Its May 17 wllh a quadranguhz match on the ~u.r d'Alene PabUc GoU Couru.

He addcd that


prorrusing pb)crs

wt wett to pla, bet-c either wu-c injured

or aoevitably chdn"t carol!. '"The own thmg," K~ang coaduded. ' "is 11141 lhc1 (IM cu=nt team} g,:t 10 go out and play a.nd C'llJ~· lbemsch~: ·

Fino/ match Moy 10

Lady racqueteers faithful By John Ra.mlltoa You have to get up prttty early ,n the morning 10 bC31 NIC"s women's tennis team.

Jusr asL Co:a.cb Marm.lee Foss. whose charges ,·ollcyed againsl Columbia Basin College in 3n carl)·moming match April 29. NIC d1dn"t win I.hat w1r but lhey did manoge to win a few buries in the crispnC'll of lhe 9 a.m. diJnllCC. The tum score read 6-2 in CBC's f.ivor 1hougb F~ messed lhot '"we ore making gradWI.I progress • >ilh each m111ch." Eileen Johnson and Christy loonC)' each picked up defflions for NIC by scores of l>-4. 6--0 and 6-4. 4-6, 6-J, respcctively. Foss said shc w·as plused with both

Photography. i~

players· pctformanttS and said she hopes for better 1hmgs an 1hc future. The Cards are home May 7 against thc Umvcrs11) of Idaho and •-rap up their season May 10 al Spohnc Falls. "for JUSI having picked up this this spnng v.e feel we did prcny good," Foss said. The la~· Cards will probably have a larger slo1e of tennis ma1ches neJ'l year and Foss said she is hoping to retain some oflhis yCAr"s pla)'ers to p3nici~te in those marches. Johnson. Becty Rill a.nd Suc Kelley ;ill ba"e eligibility remaining and could be the backbone af next )'e.l!'s squad, Foss said.

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Dave Kramer pbaco

NIC lcrutls lcam membff Cla.t L.tonJI prepares for anothet badcband abot. Lyon, ud dat otht'T mem~ will bf, In a.ct.loo thJJI wcekmd and ncJ1 week In prepantlon for lhc realoul tou.m&menJ May 16. 17 and 18 In Portland, Ore.

Campus softball craze viewed from wino daze By Oa>'ld Boward Hot wcalhtr has come ogllin. Sunburn and sweat ll.l'C' cverywbcrc. Peeled skin and wi lhcrcd OOl>-er perals doc the land.sea pe. Hay fever sufferers gather cogelher ao usenal or drugs in an1icipa1ion of the onslaught a£ pollen. Dogs pant and seek shadc. Near the SUB .ui.scs a doud of dust and a vaneiy of screams and yells. Soflho.11. a sport second in popularity only to sex. is in progress. Males and females ba"e fun 1ogether and develop their bodies and pasooalilies in a variety Of W&)'$, Here •-e sit ill lhe cool grus bclleath o pine (or IS it a fir?) trtt, gauchely sippiog liebfr.s.umilch and ice concealed in • cote glllSS. \1,-a_tcbing pll-) C'rS skltteriJlg lll'OW!d like energetic ants. The third baseman has JUSI demnnstnlted best w:ay UI hit the dirt to a\'oid being deeapitaled or sterilized by I b3t wbicb slips from lhe band of a powerlul swinger •t the plate. The oudielder5 are an.empting 10 esta• blish rapport wilh na111tt. The) ge$Ulre in • friendly way at a gaggle of swallo,a.,s 11,bicb bas farmed above the field . Undoubted!} lhe bird$ 9,,jJ) reciprocate this f1J1C dispay of entente. Yes, they have. Splat. Organic fa.llouL Meo.nwhile. the second baseman and shortstop arc showing how to cstllblish

teamwork. The batter bu popped up IJld both fielder!. have cillled ··1 got it." in the proper way . They have also both honored the other guy's chum and are nQ\I, ,utching the ball hit the ground ontouched. Oops. They rCCOl'cr quickly and dive for the ball simultaneously. Clang. They seean 10 have become enlllnglcd. The ball hn rolled away unscathed. The game conti nues in a simila1ly entcrainmg Cashion. We observe a unique way of sliding 1010 second. utiliz111g a 1CJf1 of gyrauon which AJl()ll,s onc 10 palllfull1 scnpe bee and posterior together. The p1tchtt at O!IC poinl makes use of his one! to catch a bnc drive and immediately af1erward keels over and turns a grccnisb hue Ill a mosl artistic way. The coolest finally resolves itself. Ille w1nncrs scoring 10 runs in the bollOIII " the lasl inning to win J0-9. One "'ould lbiu WI the losing team would take such a bloW rather badly. but 1hey have sbowll diemselves 10 be quhe benevolent. There JS a tiny display ol eniotioD. ti course: 1hrcc or rour pt.yers an beadlil 1hc g round and wailing. one (eUo• Is ~peatedly kictlng lbc pitcbcrs mouDd-aad someone over ocar the dugout seem, ID!NI chewing a bal in half. Basica.lly, tbough. cvcryoac: hu . lhe sponsmanship lbc game dacrWI-

Friday, May 6, 1977

Cardinal Review - 7


Ccampus happenings


• --Special notice-'TM Regl.strv', Oflltt should ha,e pdcs read) for dlmlballon by M.•) 27. S1aclcn1S may ~~ their e,adff malled by leuil:lg SlalDpcd sdf,addttsscd en,'Clopcs at

Be,ebaD. TN!Uatt Valley Community ullqe al NlC.

Spanl.Jh Movfe. The morte ••LanrilJo de Tonnes·• •W be ihovo a1 1:30 p.m. ID the SUB. The ID0\1e ts In Spankh.


AD smclcnrs wbo plan lo retum lo NJC DUI fall arc asked 10 ram In applbtlons for


Ma, 12

Be,ebaD. Treuan VaJle> Community c.lJeae al NIC.

the Rqlsnw's OIDtt.

Planing ~ y. RM', wUJ be pbw!d al 8 p.m . In the gym.

Catapult <:.on1nt, Al 8cllle1 Aerodrnme, 111ar1t a1 10 Lm. SI parlclng rce ~r car.

the Jl.e&lslzv'• Ofllee beiore leaving this spring. ln·Slal.e, out,o(,dJ5Lrfct

ca1ilk:ates or resldeDc,y R!DI to the college from their coanry

audlwr's olllces. Permits lo register and lnJ'omwloo. caoca:n1ng prc,reglstnllon and reg1ltnatkm

Mai's Tmnlf. Gonup Unhet'$lty at flllC, 2:JO p.m. Womm'• Tmnt,. lJnhtt5tly or Idaho al flllC, I p.111.


snidcnts mas1 also ha.-e

,.,mbe SeDI da:rlng the summer lo all wbo mm llfl1)1lcadon lo relllnl.

Ma) 13

CradlUllloo. 257 ttudezus w111 pdaate 10 Lffl. In the gym. Capping Ccttmony. RN', al 7 p.m. ln the IP"D· Ill

wm be capped

Recent art exhibit a success in student organizer's eyes By Melanie Null The recent art sale and exhibit was defined a suG"CeSS by the N!C an deput· meoL .. A lot a( people c:amc in jusi to look at lhc exhibits a.n d ,..c·,·e sold one painting ... SGid Kim R.uor. studcnl coordinator of the


Ru« said participation v.-u much bener lhan Jul year and the cotnnts submitted more an worts. Tea studenl5 entered phocognphic an. The high school uena produced 20 entn.Dts who subm1tt~ multiple entries. (As compared v.,tb year's single high school entry.) .. A lot af prafessiooal wort was submitted." ~ said. "lt ..-u really nice that e.'ef)'OIIC pat1Jcipetcd aod I.he Stu• deni, v.-cre the cntics."

The first-. second- and third-place ,.;nncrs an: now eligible for grants from the NIC an de113nment. R«eiving honorable mentions were Lisa

Papenfuhs. for a collage. Scott Wunderlich, Sr. Maries. in.I: drllwing and Lisa Wright, Coeur d'Alene. fo1' the watercolor "Man in the Moon ...

Lisa Papenfuhs. St. Maries. received first place for the ink stipple .. Mona Lori... Sttond and third places were awan!ed to Elaine Gibson. St. Mand. for clwtoalcd "Deodato" and Marv Christensen. St. Maries, for her wate~or painting.

The high school students' exhibits ..-ere Judged by Merlin Miller. art insll'Uctor, Kelly Raws a.nd Kim R11Sor. an 111J1jors.

If you're thinking about your future, you will eventually come to think about money. W, t,et,c,w '" th< lu?UI\' ~our lure,~ bod, .. h,ko \'OU"' g,>tnng I/CIJl odLQDDn and ~h<T ThM\ ,.hy "~ ~ mrw d,ffolffllt ,....,,,.,. pt,,ns ,..,i1, dJl,,.,,t """" amn and 1111.a<'ll raio Plan for ~out h,tu1<' A SbW'9' u tie-. v.orrv· and • P"" CM k110n \l,'W,"' ~ I """'9>b .1u1 'crtdu CQUW lat dw lutu•r

All lllln\llled bar welcome iUHI .. 1th • new fllr coat jolH the barl>ecoc April 29 bdilild the



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Celebrate .~um m er with somP new music Ten CC "The Things We Do for Lore., Fleetw ood Mac ..Rumours"


S 1' ) LP. 8TrJ.-.(ass.

Watch for n ew releases in Ma.l: .. Beatles ""Lfoe at Rol/y1f'ood Hou·/ ..Live at th e tar .Club. Hamburg·· Steve Miller "Book of Sirens'' Heart ··Little Queen ' Now carrJ•ing Crai{! Car Stereos Have a nice summ er!


Fe,q!h and Harrison

Hours 10-6

Su11day 11-4

We're the students bank.

In Coeu r d"Alene

302 Sherman 1603 N . Fourth 1106 Sherman

664 - 8165 667 - 0551 667 - 4661

f.ard ino l Re, it'~ - 8

Frida~. \fa ) 6. 197 7

[~_n_i_c_n_o_ti_c e_s__J NJC-n'" PUBLIC FORUM" SCIIEDULE Sa1utda.• 6-7 p.m. Channrl 7

5.7-77 Mmw Btallh: Pat1 W Eutcru Wa.shlngtoa Swc, Bas:pltal 5.14.n Da, ld Graal: "ladlaa IJ'"

.S.28-77 Nonn.e Woodblll'): "Graphology"

Caps gowns att no,.. n.U&blt to be pldccd ap. Pldi lhC'.m ap according to lhe> r0Dowln1t alphabcllcal ardtr: las! names beginning A-L-Ma) 6; las1 names begin· nlag M.z..r,ta, 9, 10, 11. Plea.k' return )Oar caps go"'1S lmmedJ.attl} afltr lht



ll'SJ!Ml'rrlng to olhtr

l'Olleges arc reminded 1ha1 no tranitrlplS wfll be knl until all llnantlal obUgatlo11s lo' coUcgt (fct's, llnts, elt.] are paid la Cull. Tra.ascriplS must be onlmed In wrltlng u the ,cudtnl's ,1gna1un: le required on all 1ran1crlp1 rtqut116. T ranacrlpl rtquesr

fonm ma)


1nr•, Offltt.

, ncru, .,,,. a,aam c,a11111mn1 t1w d. ftrtht Jane I. 1977 prt-parmnl5 or nwilhl, bmdlu md.. II dalre a.a ad•IIIICt' pa,mcnl [o, WI lflln, >Nr rtqU,bl most be sabmiucd and rttth~ b) lhc \ A 30 dars prior to ~Illar reglstulloa. Tbt school most agree to pl"Dtt'.ff thcrequesL ~ <tadClllS ~ I I school wlll not ~ a.bit to appl) for adu.nct paJIDfllU a f:aD JO da}S mllSl lapk' bcr,,tta ~ to qllllllfJ. Studnru ..-Ith qantloal shoa!cl ~ the \ ,\ ttprnenwhe on campus.


S-21•77 BJon, h tnoa: "Perfm Caleaclu' '

S1udcn~ wbo

S1adt'tltS an rcmlndcd that complalnu shoald be w.m to a Sradciu Board mt'Ulbt-r foT action. Sradnu Board mcmbcn lodadt Pruf. dtnl Kathk u,Ulns, Vitt ~ a t T~ ~tan,llla and Staa1on Alllson Gllmon.. John Bmdrh:. Jim Rcmse:i, Brian fl,,u,, K~ln Jcaon uuf l.c,ia RI,«. COll(<tm!ng aunpllS afJ'aln

obtalnl'd &om tbr Regls,

AllcntJon all \Cttnia,! tr ,oa art plaaolng to 11.llcnd •a1r11ncr jcbool summer. pltast notlfJ tb.t Rcglnru', Offitt lm.mtdlaltly.

S1udcnts "bo pbm lO rttnrll to NJC DU1 fall are now ablt to pldl ap admliiloa form lo tbt Regls1nt s Oflltt. ltRl.o l'll.lhlo. N.C rtgbuv. said 6hr m .l lSl ha,r 1hr lonm lo by Jul.) I,

Oa,e Knmrr photo


No", "hcrt's thr grub. A U) dhu drops ta to tal<c part In lhc rc,tM lles at lhl' April 29 ba,bc,cue. Thr C'botbl " as part of an air sho• held In l'O'IJunclloo with the t•c111.

BUDGET TAPES & RECORDS Biggest Record Chain in the Northwest We offer an excellent selection of: Rock Jazz Fo lk and Bluegrass Classical Cutouts from $1 99 to $2 99 Record Care Products You'll like our people but you 'll come back for for our prices. Mon . - Sot.

9 o.m. - 7p.m .

Sun. 12 noon - Sp.m.

4055 Government Woy 66 7 - 4811

across from th e Kootenai Fairgrounds

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