No primaries held
General elections slated Wednesday 87Al1-Bedi St\idcnb. ,.'111 •OU! Feb. 16 for AS IC p~idrn1 and V1CC president. With only ""o panics In each 1"2«", Eltttion Committee: Cb.11rman John Hendrix said thctt was no ne<:d for Ille prc'VlOOJly s:c:hcduled pnmary eleeuons Peb. CJ
Hendrix nid there will be a voun 1M Admuu.malion Bwldin11 nd 1he Hcdland Voc:atinial Center. A =ng poll win ilho be a,ndacud Jim is ruooiag for AS IC prcs1de111 on lhc Common Sease Pony pm::inct in ,.;di Rime Jasper. Remsen. ao t'DjU!t'mllg major. hu been am, c in 1111cmpting to change partin,g polities 111 N'IC.. Fl& inili&ted 1.nd crrculucd tht' pctitiou dw l'CSlllted en lhc redJJC'tion of ,bccl Ina. and pamnJt ticket lines 1ut ·
Tncy M..,.viJJa. runnins for via: pl'C$ident on I titkt'I w11h Collins, ccs incre.ued activirics u a good way 10 he.Ip bridge- the appucnr :i.p bet,.'Ccn the 11.Dd aademic pans of IC Mlltll"illa. 111 cdunitioo imjor. wu 1
Rl~c Jll.$pt'J' •itt-pruldnillal candldalc
Four factions to vote on revised constitution Pour r1c-1lon1 r orth Idaho College v.ill ·otc: prior 10 Morch I on I.he propoR(I P1cult As-emhly Cons1huuon. allCOrdlna 10 Bob Brown. CAmpu GO\'l'm&nlt C rn· mhtc:c thamnan. Bro,. n s11 d the ptoJlOS,11 baslcally uks tudcnu, foeuh)', admlnlstnton and up· pon 1erv1e11 l)t'l'lOnnel If !hC)' reel lhc Foeuh A•!lembly \hould Include I.he four f1chon •
The pre: c:n t consthu110D, "hkh "a adoph:d in pll'mlicr 191>9, d no, II for upporl ern u per onncl, I' hich ln Jude j1n11~. M:cn-r.anes. inalnten.tnce lfld Student n OD Bulld na t'fflf!IO)'et' . "The Del' proposal is ct up 10 be • •n)· for oll four ,11f'Ollps 10 meet on ~mpus ID di ~u!I problem• on campus." Bro"'" ,aid. Bro" n aid the Collt'gc cn11e, • 111bdins1 n of 1hc F eul~ M cmbl~·. onl) 1 recommending bod.~· The Boerd o{ Trustees ha~e the final " ord on coll aff11.1~. ht added , Another ch4ngc n the proposed C'Offl· munl uan, model Include$ fewer f1CUlty c:ommluecs. Alrhough .c,·cral c.immltteC$ hll ·c been dclcred from the Fac:ulty Assembly Cons1itu1ion, g..,,,,. n 1d comm nee~ uch as Currirulum Council aod Puhl Relatlom .. m remain 11dm111Mnlh comnun~.
In lh =ucd com.tilut1011, the CXlllege prcstdcnl is no longer the automark cba1rman or 1hc Colle Scn&tc. "ThlJ 10 C "'" ID 11111 ....~ designed to sligh1 Ult' president," 811JW11 said. "Wt' j~, fttl that Ill a trUc mmuoiaoon, model, the s ~ • h.a~c jest u much nghr to chair Ute senate as the prnldnlL" Bro,.,n said 1ht cooccp m m·woo arc in p.ut produ ofbca.riD held b~- tbc
Fo1 ult~ Oc•·clopment Coma1111cc: . Tb,s mmmu mc, ,.re . few 1 >eat I.Pd I hall prillT 1 !he March 11 . 19;o authoruaooo b I.lie ollc e Sena.Ir to set up • Campu 00\emanoc Comnunee. He ~d th changes propc,sN b; faruhy •nd administrators during the Facvll} Im clopmcnt Cocanutu'C hew •'Cl'C presented 10 cJi BoaN1 of Tru.siea ud
SID<'t' linlc 11t1ioo "'" wen. the College
C3mpus Go\'crn&ll('e Comm111ce ro make a more coo-,rctc proposlll m the fom, or • coouitu 1100. Brown s11d the Campui Govt'fn nee Committtt will DOI pursue: passa&" of the pl'l>l*,al uni lhc four fldlOD$ Cnor the ehlln e. Campu\ Qo..cma~ Camminee mem· bcr~ include Les Hogan Bob Brown a.dm1n tnt0f$, nm 'OOIWl. G:ll1 Spur· !,(,Mu, a1r1boriztd the
(coul!mled 1111 pa(e 31
She IS pne~ntl) dvOl:llling r.111ll lion of 1bc fU"UJry Anembly Constitution, hich dwlgcs the mnc-up ol cJie College Sen te, adding rcprc:s-en1111ve or rhe nwntc:!Yn<'C st.a.If and more trudcnts. She ~ this .-oald gm:' srudcnts more as •ell a.s cul dOW'II on the ebannt'ls which the 111ai111c11anc-e staff must go lhrou h IO IJIJILlll, tb.ulges
,·o-rcch s1udcn1111 IC IHI year and said hc rulizc tilt ,cpar:uion foll bell& ccn 1~ two or the school. "D11Terent campui; ac11~111cs involving m 101 or the scudcnts help bnng the "''O lO(ltlhcr." he uld, AS, IC ,lcc·p~ldc:nual Ric• k1c Jupcr said that one or the: major prO(lraffl.\ sht' would like 10 st'!! in1tbl.ed. should she be elected, 11 • monthly m1em or polling studcal! c:on~-emmtt !heir feeJ. lng,s 1bou1 campu.s happt'nings. The cbeml~nr m1Jor uid tht' $t'e$ I need to find out t,o,.• the student, feel 1bou1 OCIIQ!lj of student g9vcmment, including the arnvrrle, commltrees in l'hllrge of campus cn1crt1fomcn1. JIIS'pCr sa,d she would e pecio.lly llte 10 see vo-1ech students involved In this polhng :u one w11y 10' lhclr i11vol, cmcnt ill NJC ac:ti,•itics.
T,relre entries
Catapult set to fire May 7 B,\ James Rohwer The 1977 aupct)t tC'lt iD be llcld '1.n 7 11 Hcaln rod:ome, IWIIC sl1c as 1&s1 '!CM' rcordio1 10 Jim Rem co n ipuh
fliJIJ re:s1.
COIIIC)l ~pote-sm&D. ! I Old 150 ~ i-..t: e aaqited COIDpck ID the c:TeD
I.II uma1cd the: umtauoa to
Al pre5' tune. Kem,cn uid ,~ttoots plaJlniog ID bring c:aupula f« the pc• nnon 1ndudc Pardi.lid Uni,en1t), Seattle U11hers10. U11i 't'rlll · of w. hia11on, Sc111lc Com111uo11 Colle c. Eu tern Wasl{ Ulll Stale Collc,e. Spobnc fall, Comma111h Colic c. Spo &Ile College. MooUDA s'1a1e Uol\ c~II), Green !liver Commun11 College, Trcuure alley Commua1i' Collei:c and Unhcou · or Albcna.
The number al C11tries ror this year's competition bas 1nc:reascd from five cntJies la.S1 >'C-&r to 12, hr ~Id. The C'Ollttsl •rill I,,,: fpon50t'Cd bv !he Rauner Brcwin Co. whtclt 1ncmptcd to sccurt' 11dC)' Rooney II mu1er of
cr.cmon1t">. Rain er i, mo tr)'ID!I 10 gc, one of the Cood~ear blimps fur 1hc conl.cSI. .\ftt>r the contest. rherc ,..ill be an i•urds r.:rcmon)· 10 present a 1rop~y 10 the ,. noin.111ch110I A dnna: ..-ill 11$0 follow \BC' Wide World of Sports hu 1bo c,pn:i..:d ~omc ln1ercS1 in 1h..- c:o111e I, Rcm\CII said. fie ~ddcd 1h01 CBS Sports SpeCL1CUl1r nay afso c:o\·cr the evt'nt. Sin.t NIC'1 Dpull conte\r ha.s become.' an annu~I conre••· the o.·inncr I' ill br hued in 1he Cu1nen Book or World Rre9fd,. Rulo 1hi1 yar ;ill I,,,: the t11me as l.1$1 ·e1r"s 11h one crccp1ion; 1herc ,.,II b<- • SIO en1ry {Ct' and no hmn on co,I of nurcnab P01te0 provided by Rainier are ROI'' on hand and ._re being sold 10 r:iisc funds for the
An ·one bo ...... nu to be on the ea111puJ1 commiucc should l'OnfQCI Tim oonao. Barry Simon or Remsen.
Frida~. February Jl. 1977
ordinal Review - 2
(.__ __o_p_,_·n_io_n_p_a_g_e _ _J Students challenged to vote in February ASB elections B Juu:t S1111Jc
h 'lecmi Iha, ~rudcn1, 11 ,1c care very little about who n:p=a thC111 and ... 11.1 1s h4ppcmng in tht!r studcnr g0>emme111. In last fill' Student Board cltttlOlll. only 2S pacrnl of the< el'igiale ,·ot= tume:d out :al 1he polls ueh I uunted (1gurc 1s proof enough of the 1pnh · ni111t1g 11 , ·1c. Wh,· 1s the 4,crai:e tudent so unconcerned• 4fier a.JI. CGllSlder the 136.000 bud~c, plllred 1n the h4lld\ of the 1uden1 Board. -\ccording ro We\ Haich. AS"'1C bu,U1Cu mamgc,-. S26.50 penemc:stcrof Q b .uiden1· foes 1s pla«d in rht~ budget OI WI S2b.50, SIO · l :allocated 10 a butldt"' fund and th,: rcm,11nin1t Sib.· i~ available 10 1hr StudC'II• Board for 111r ill 1ll1GU dubs. 1ctiv11sn and other budget irem~. Student Board members are a.lso rcspon 1ble for appro,urg ••rio115 comm111ce 1ppoin1mcn1s. Same of 1hcSt' appointments an: 10 fa.cull) comJDJOcc-. •liich lu,c ,rra1 1mpon,nC"e in rollegc maners. Srudcn1s must gh'I: input for the go-."Cr11mc111 10 lunroon Olmoml) , anyOllr elet1ed 10 rcprc\cnt them musi ho, c fccdb1c from hi; peen ia order to nne cffcc11,el\ . Although ~1uden1 arc: bombed v.ilh ··get ou1 and \ e" matcri.11 dJ1n11 C\CI'} clcctiun pcnod. n I\ time for them 10 rc:ahzc the prw, tr plaa:d in the lwuls o{ the ,iudcn1 tt'prc~cn1~1frcs ~nd offi~rs.
Judy Dt>llaa, photo "I 1nu you," •hi pc-n J1U1cl McErutn to• Vafontlo I Day "e<ilhe1t1. McEnan,, a lmh ~ from Oldm..,., Japa.o, Is 11ttre111rtal 8(-lcnco major. 01ft and aml wlll lJI,• Feb. N on • bollda, 1 »Ide as the h.Lllm.uii of 1o,c nor onJ for NlC 1ituden1 b"r al.Ml for cblldrca u )OWi &S prMdiool.
Policy needed to limit student lawyer service B) Jud1 DcBau
For the SttOnd year, TC students have the opponunlly I.O seek lc:gal 1.dv1ce wnhout fee from II qu:a.lified lom attorney. The AS IC Swdcnt Board appropnaJc.d SI ,i!OO of .n udenr fund~ lo finance this uudenl Krv1ce . Fl~evcr, there IU'C no flringonr guidc:llncs for the program. ldcaUy. board mem~rs are to Issue referral shps to the 11udcnl seeki ng h:g11I advice and :u, 1ppou11men1 is made I.O visit Coeur d'Alene anomey Nonna.n Gls~r omce AS IC Presideni Gary Spurgeon uid rerc:rnl slips hllve not been i~sucd but IJlar appolnaneo~ have been made for ae,.·eral swdonts . At prcsetlt. thett is 110 ume llmitauon for any one ,1uden1. Since the l4wyer rcce"'es S2S pcT hour. it seems only logical th.a.l some limn1tlion should be lmpa,c.d Supposedly. the IAW)et is only toSJivc advice ID tbc iroden1. However, ls lcllc:r wrilmg and requoung s1ude111 l'i1es ronsidtred merely advice?
I rumi
Also. without referral slip',, any pc-non daiming lo be an , IC tudent m3)' c:nler the lu,-ycr·, officc intending 10 receive free legal 1dvice. Perso~ly. I do11·1 lo 5c:c: Sl.400 or st11den1 fees handled so urel~ Iv I consider it w Student Board's oblig.1uon 10 lbcir cleat.on 10 14.1:c lm:medlale aruoa m dt!\·c!oping a policy restnctmg the swde111 lawyer service.
cardinal review
The CardJuJ R"'iew It: pllhll.mecl - •·monthly by 1'llblJcalloaa Worbbop cla, Ill , ortb Idaho CoD~e. 1embu5 of the CR stall wW tnH, to prncal the nc•• Calrty, arMJrucl.• and wl1bou1 prcjadlcc. Oplalou nprcucd on the editorial paae do aol n rll) reflect tbe llew or the Canilna1 Rt.l'lew, the ASNlC or the NTC admlnlacn&Joa. The CR en.tercel as Ors.t CWll Ill IAeur d'Alene, 1dabo 83814. Nfltor.. •• . . . • .• . • . • . •• . • . . . • • . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . ••• • • • .. . • . • • . . . •• • . .Jody DellaN tiSGdate cdhar. . ................. . .............................. Cbo,l NkollN &$SCJrial.c edll.or ..................... . ................ , •.•.•.••...•.• SasJc, ~
Jod) DeH.u.s pboio "Don't nil th" no .. ~Ill." .aid Lisa B.oOand, bride of Chris L ·tuL Bolb tudenu wett bc,trothC'd Feb. ~ b~ Da, Id Cohen duruig a marrtag11 clti1. ~ DULn:lagc • thrn-<rcdlt counc, ln ,..hlcb studcm tt U,c the- lhrs or manfed c:1111ples &vm tbc origlnal iTremoni to dl,ortt ~t'Cllng .
~~:r·. ".'.'. ·. ·.·.. ".'.'. ·. ·. ·.·.:·. ·:. ·.·:.·. ·.·:. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·.·.·. ·.·.·.:·. ·.:·.·. ·. ·.·.".'.'. ·. ·.. ·. ·. ·. ~c.:,: xi;:: :t~g. mllml ~:::::::::::.:::.:::::::.: ::: :::::::::::::::::::::: memwrs . . . . . . . . . . . • .. . • . . . . . . . • . • . . . . • . . . . • . .. •... ..•. .•.. a::::·
pboiographJ edlim. . • . • • .••••• , •• , • , ...•..•.••.•.•••• . •.•••.• •.•..•. Da~e
P flp
Dcbble Yqcr, Da,-e Boward, Bob Tharp, .EdcJJe Rlcli.m. Mewde
Carol £,aru.
el_ton, Janet Soule ud L,«'Ropldu.
ub, J -
Friday, Fllbruary 11. 1977
·c ardin al Beview - 3
Facuity constitution•.. pn. stude.n • Pam Sdlts. Joe H«evv, support services a.nd Tony Stewart. J,m Mc~od. faculty
II appcn, th.u Lhc mas, oppo,11lon will come from the faculty. Although the facoll)· will sull h.wc 10 rqirescntatr.-a on the College Scraie. the inm:asc from J ro S studenlll and the lddilioa of 2 support serY1et:> pcrwnncl "'ill aCI.U4lly d = the fa.cull)' 11illu.e:nec 1n Lhe organization. Brown no1cd 1h11 1hc dcercuc lo cc>mmhtc:c oumb.!n ihould. inJlucnce fa. nih) mem~rs 10 favor 1he p ~ I . "The faculty compl.1,ned about h.;1.vina lO crvc on so many commmccs. · • he s.11d. "so "c redu«d ~ number for them."
When med if M though! fa.c:ulty "''OUld • P ~ 1M prop,:AI, college President BlUT) Scholer sa. d, ··J th.io_k il will pus. bu1 wnb rcfinemcaL"
ASNlC President wry Spurgeon .wd the s1udcou will pro&ably favor tllc
"A fret 111, the: addition or u1deot re))feitntath es on the Co.liege Scnau: can do oo!Jnng but help us.·· be Aid. The S'1ndcnl5 will vote on Lhe chan~ Feb. 16 ,.,hen they ast ballots for ASNJC president and vice pn:sidenL Vo11Dg for the other,crp,; ,.ere not~11111= 11mc.
( campus happenings Fcb. 11 Wo men' Ba kelball. Blur Moonlaln Qimmunl l) CoUcg al NIC. 7130 p.m. In lhc 11.)111,
Pcb. 12 Wom n'• Bukclball. WtJlem Wuhlng, toa Communll) Collt'llc al NJC, I p.m. In lhc 11,)ffl,
~1t,n'1 B11h1b1l1. Trca urr Vall ) Communll ' Coll'1 11 NJC, 7130 p.01. In the, l[) ffl ,
Feb. IS
Men', .Bukrtb.U. Big Bend Communll CoUr11e a.I NIC, 7130 p.m. In tbc gym. Peb, 16
Movl11. "Slut lhe RcYolulloo Wlthoul Mr," • comedy about mlsm.r.dttd 1wl.oJ darln a lhc Prcnch Rc\'ol ullon, wlll be llhown In I.he UB •• 3i30 p.m. aod 7130
p.m. Th mo'1 sta1$ Gaar Wlldo- ud Donald Sutherl.lllld, Feb. 17 B ting. Al 4 p,m. In Walnut Room. Feb. 18 Women's B &.ball. fwl\ud Valle) Communll)' CoUcgc at N'IC. S p.m. In l.b.e R.)ffl,
Feb. 19 Wr slllng. fontana Sfate nher II and Eu1crn Wuhlngton S1.11c College JV' •• JC. 7130 p.m. In 1hr &)ffl, Pc_b. 23 Men'• Bukclball, Yald.rn.e \'II.Ile) Col· legc 11 ' JC, :30 p.m. lo tbc IU m. Feb. ?4 A.SD Mce1lng. At 4 p.m.• In the Walnut Room. Dave Kramer pbolo
Motorcyc/,e repair students host clinic for area dealer The NIC mo1or ; le n:palr eta :s hosted a Honda Updnrc Cllnlo Feb . 4 aimed ~t pro\ 1dln11 lnformollon on t.hc l1tC'Sl de\'Cl· opmcnb of the bike comp1n). Honda sen·1cc rcprcscotn1h-cs from 1hc North.11 eu conducted 1hc da ·, long pro• yr•m ror area C}'Cle dealers and 1hc mo1orq~le "'Pa r tla\ . tide hows !llustnidng rcc:hnl, quc , ,. a ·s of prt\'t' ntlng mcoh1nkal problems and ne11 bil modeb 11onh ewer Sl0,000 11el't' p~scnted. Thui: c de) are 1pcciall)' built co represent Hond1 In 1·1rious race , AC· mrdio • 10 Gar>· Froman, Id.tho enie1: n:pl't' cn111wc. Deal en· obllg11lo11S 10 meet federal "Afcl)· ~tandllrd~ and future EPA 1n1i-pollu11on tequ1rcmcntl. "en: also dlscu»ed. Hondo rq,=entall\C Adn:n Browning uid 1h11 b)· 197 , mo1 rcyclc pollutui
cmi&slon~ mu.,1
redue1:d by about
third. Thi$ n:qu1n:m1:n1 will ln~a.s~ the cost of lhc blkl!" and dcCl'Cllsc lhc llC!Ual honel>O""cr, hr said The Hond2 Co. h led l'!llil btrf lunch in the SUB 101 thOISt' 1ucndlng t!R, cllnlt.
John Smithson, motorcycle repair in· structlll'. said ht hope$ the clinic gave his ttudc:nts an ,de~ of 111la1 lhe buslne Is like out,ldc lb(' etas room c prrient>C
Then: arc 12
the 10.monlh
repair cour?.c. According 10 m11hi.on , Honda hu contributed approx~rd~ SI 00.000 onb or bih pa_ns 10 the IC mounydc rq,u pl'08fl'lm, 11 h ch •us tart~ fi,c )tan a o.
INTERSTATE TYPEWRITER upplJi1l 1\ o rrh lda ho~s Office and Busines' ~eed * Ca lculators
* A BDi k Produc ** Copiers Ca h Regi ters 417 herman 664 -3118
Gary Froawi. Boncla $Ill represcat1th-e, IOC!U o,-cr 10me pa,n, wllh audcal Jeac HIIII In lhc IDOUIR')'ek shop. Bo1>41 l'l'pl'CSL'Dl.llth bad a worbhop Feb. 4 for molOl'C)dc dcalcn md tumU tn tbe Bl'dlimd ocat.lonal Ccotcr.
Cardinal R ,·iew - 4
Frid o,. f' brua ry 11 . 197-
kaleidoscope 'I.
d n1,1hl\'o<'mc tcrard,161> dcmicand 11>'i , o.Jl,.,n1I Due 10 1 ,1~nifo:anl ,ncrc., c ,n thc
Rctx>rc: ~ hnder wall or tQ);(' thrtt thousandth- off II crankwra oond, lilt~ 11 cuurw In Gr.:ck uni~, y011 are cnrolh:d In 1hc nc»c,t IC' ;\\Ur,c: 11, an ~11!nmo11,c machmt,1 - ·,·('n \ IUtkn a~· enrolled th,~ ,·cDr. Thc c UNC con ~,..: rnm\\lJ tc I~ \tudeat ~nd l\ c p,mcd to have npacit~ i:nroJI.
number uo~I 1udc111s. the 11\er 11 earollm n1 , ~. Ho11,e~cr. I.he demi cnmllmcn1 deffe al b thn:e chi<
n,cna n t _.., r J me.<\ 1'lc8rid11 L< the I~ rn,rror anti tu.\ toc..-n In 1hr tr~dc for over !2 JCU\.
I Bred ~~ 1n pri,.11c b11~lnc" for ,c~er~I )'Nr, before: cominl( to NIC I he c ,1 of 1:qu1pm11n1 rcir the t:'1'111'\C "' " ~hout J ,000. 111~ "Ill br pun:hucd later to bnng th<' \hop up to full llt>Cra ti ng cipad!)·, kBrldc ,aid Tltc C(\llr,c u,kc, I I manth\ 111 complete o nd 1, an opcn-c,it, 11pcn-cntr)' rlA, \,
JC tudcn1 cnrollmc111 111C1"nS1:d ~ppro,,m,ucl 3 pc:rttnt o,cr th 10·0 fall cmc ttr, 11C1."0r'din~ ,., h w.o '"h10, IC n:. h1rar.
..,. h10 <:nd fi~rr,. for on-('arnpu.5 . tu-
Enrollmcn1 th~ cmc,cer in rc.,,cd ppro\:1matcly '1 .J per ent o er thl' JQ 7fl ~pnng )Cmcster. d,crtb;in!J with 9raphu: de 111n, f..lshmn 1llu,tra11on •nd ll'lc,•i,lon nd , pecial
.l.oale A.mos pboto Sophomor< wrcscler Dennb Brookshire pleb up a w1.a lriangular.
O\' t t
Lu iJm Feb.
No special activities slated for national Vo-Tech Week B 1danl<' 'asb
Feb. b-12 ii n1riontlly dci.1gn.1ted u \o-Tcch Wrd Claren~ Haught, director
or Voc.'llional
tnd t«hnlcal education, sold no special acth iries arc planned for lhc NIC nmpus due 10 rhc delascd opening or the Co.reer 0<', dopmenr Ccntor An open houk' .tnd dcdicauun ,.;JI ur in mid-March. In ,1e,., of no prescht'duled tours Haught said, '' We'd be tlclJed 10 dc,1,th to show
anyone uound. •· , JC ', ,. .111onJI dc))llrtmeni offers 16 programs rangins from business nod office to techmcal nnd indusi:rW aru. Elt'b cll!SS ,1,cr:igc JJ or I~ srudcnts and mdi>;dWll
in,1ru~t1u11 1 stressed. Houghr u1d. ct0rding 10 luught. the-)' could alle1u1c the long "ainng lists by doobltng thl' number oI !11$.SeS. Bur their empha.sis is on
placcmtn! and thef' d rathct offer .rnort different OClt'Up&UORS, be uid. "We ha,c a rull-nmc pcnoo , 101111~· in p!ucment." he 111d
Bob Brc,,a."11. ,11e11101W guidance cou11· H'lor. ftnd~ perccnl of the ~o-tcth 11ro.du~1e; JOO The popular progra=. according 10 H1ugb1, are- the forestri, technician. pnu:ur:il nuning and 1u10 mech.a.nic,. Tl.'n cliW potjtio~ Ire OJ)l.'D In forCSU')' ttth. R11ugh1 said. IC ruei,cs ~5 to 80 1ppht'1nts m ~ thrcc-"'1.'ek period. hie ~dded,
Tv.o ncv. courses offered in hnuar)' "ere diesel mechintcs Jnd 1utomo11wc ma\!h1nc shc,p. Truck dri\·ing expanded 10 h1gm,.11y mnspom11on lo addltton to log rru k drhing.
B, Jwh Deliau eYcoWII for vows u well u the candida<cs 10 rca!l:tc the responsibilities: •nd 1dv1n11gcs usocl11ed with carh office. The AS IC president lllld vice pre:sld~I eadi receive S2JS per sc01es1cr (S 185 ror llliuon and SSO for booh) as compe11Atlon ror the hours "''ortcd. ASNIC Preshlcna Guy SpU!llCOD said he spcodi 11 leas! 20 hours I week with
Student Bo.ird ,..on "It's a Job tlu11 '1 constant!)• with )OU.'' he uid. "Solllt'limcs the ,..or\ )J just 1 m.ainer Llkilig can, detaH, but It all W:ea .OIM time."
tramin needs rc.quirffl to be a commercial
ar11n withour going 10 sehool for four ," an lnstruc1or ~frrlln MIiier Jllid. "We hOJ>I.' 1hts para-professio~I u:iinin,g ill help place gradiu~ in ood Jobs dght :1...,...
J~ Jonas. 1 pro(e<.slonaJ commcKial arll t, "di teach rhc balk of the: new COUl"S<."1 and acconhng 10 MIiier L5 "highly
recommended 1n hti field.·· Jollll.\, 10horec:,med 1111 degree aa EWSC, "ill teach only par1•Uffl(! hli first )'Cllr ~ere Thi~ i~ due to A lack of econd-ycnr uudents in the finl yl:llr o( thl:$C COURl.'S,
A recent \tuthmt poll h lndlca\cd that 1 studen, lounge. ~•udy and gomo room take top prtariry omong the 11,1of r-;idlltlcs to be Included m the propmed UB cipanslon. The UB pan Ion Commictcc, headed b ophomorc c:n. John Heondrix. con, ducted lhc poll among aaadcmlc and
VQ!;lltion I (Udl'OI\. Olhcr dulrcd fac 1lllle, in ord er of acudcmlc 11udent~· prnmtic lnu ludc a boll room, recreatio n (COier, lobb)' and dinin 11.rco Vor:itinn I . tudonli pnllrd ~ labh1hed rhc following top fi•c pri.P rlll~ in ordtr of ,mporlAncc. ti mr: room. \tuden1 lounge, b11.Jlroom, •tudy nd lobby
'Common Sense Party' Vote for
Responsibilities linked to top ASNIC positions With AS JC pl'C$nle11tial &11.d vlcc,prc:s, idenw,J dfflJDtU Fcbru:uy It>, ii Sttms
d,ertis1n arc JU\1 a rew of rhc proposed cl.u5c:s tltlt ,.,111 be offered ne11 fall u pan o( 1 ne,t, commerdal aru program at IC "This progr:i.m 1s de ~gord to u!l,ry lhc
Both lbe AS IC prcs;dent 1.od ,Ice president arc cq,ccted to &«end lf'CCkly board rncctn1gs and hold offift boun. ASNIC Vice ~ l.e$lle£Ulll U1d hav)og Ill omce Oil tampu, U dcfiniltly one: advutagc Qf the job. The pres dent's duties, u ptCKribcd lD the constitutioJI b)•-laws. pemut pr~·
James T.Remsen ASNIC President
Rickie Jasper ASNIC Vice President
10 mue aumcroiu commltttt ap, pPint.mcnts. preside 11 board mttrings and
.enc on
The vice president's duhes ,actude strving on lbc Snu:len1 Activitlt:a CommitIce !_Dd the Jud.mry Caullril. The via: prwdcat Is also requlm! to amime the prcildnn ·, duries ,o;hen IICC'CSSlty,
We will work for the student
Friday. F bruary 11. 1977
ardinal R ,·i " -
roundballers eye J Card second half of season
er sports
Wrestlers double win in Cardinal triangular
oo~. bahng Treas~ \';s.llev ComD1L1mr Colli:ge ind R1 CoU.cge ilOd fallllll! ro
BJ John Ham.Dton Double 1he ,."ttStJen. doubll' fun, Conrmu1111y College Trw, le next da ', sure. Bui when JOU tnplc th .. wrolll'f:s, Ill 'IC obli1Cr.1tcd tha1 competilioo wre yr~. then you at letil triple !he enieruiin11.l,o v.-uming all D marcha in ,..hkh they pa.rt1c,pawl, lb by pin- There \!,en' DO ment. Th~ ,-,is full) dem0ll$1.Blcd Feb. 4 ms team l(O{CS kept for thu field, ,r,hicb also IC hosted a tnangubr meet involving bou;tcd lhc presence af I.he College of We.stem WashU1gton State College ind lhc Idaho and Whitv.·orth Communiiy College. Uni•cnlly of ~onllnL The c~rds dumped not I.O menuon the hOIII squd WY( SC J4.. J2 and thrashed the Grizzlies The Cardinal m1tme11 appear 10 be 39,S. oouting io thlrd gear and with !he regional Jdf Powell wresllcd against bo1h dubs tourney only a hop and I s 1p a•·1_y, hope lo ind picked up wins by pin llld d«ls1on. be nt1ising ln rourth b · the lime Feb. 25 Other winnm Included G~ge King, Dale rolls around down in Pcndle1 on, Ore. Rtkow, Gary Kr1nc. John Hendrix. Tom Meanwhile. 10 keep this ;,nestling Bernerl, Denni_s Broouh1re. Rici: Jore, machine running w11b the same high Ron Mu nana, Gory Schuler and G,ry perform,ncc it hu displayed all cu. Germundson, who dldn'r a.ctu,lly wrestle Flog1n i keeping his rorccs In lldion. They bul still won two matches by forfen . wrestled tough CBC in Puco. Wash. Feb. Coach Les Hogan said he wa.s tryfng 10 11 •nd wfll wrestle IOmarrow m r.he Grays gi~c his whole dtn of WttStlers a chance 10 Hubor Commuony College Q111drangulu 11rapplc In lhl match u in the Wallo Wt.Ila i11 Aberdeen, Wuh.
<mdi:feated Collt"gc f Southern ldsho. The Drds :?-1 conference record ,.iJl dun~ on Feb. 11. fvr bc11er or a-one. "l'lei:i r.he C.u<h host Tma$ \'~lie'> "Trc.uure Ville) h:ss a good lub and 1 lhrnl ,..e cu, l,t-3[ thrm." Co:iC'h Rolh Willi.I ms 1d "Wc',-e goi to th~ oclft c:onfert'nc,: g;ime!. and I 1h1nL e Cllll do 11 • Some home non-conference g3mes ,.;n be ago,mt 81g Bend Community College on Feb. 15 and 1g311151 hkama Vlllle) Collcgr on Feb. 23. , IC tn,·els lO cowbOI count!'\' Feb J 10 duel the Unilcrsi or JV"~ in I non-<011fercncc game. The Cirds stomped Big Bc:nd -0-54 Feb in \ioses Lake Gr3d) Phillips led the KOnng line-up ,.,j1h 20 polnu. IC took I b,g win Feb. 5 from the Ri~k College \"lkiogs 94. - c; in 1hc IC gym. The mgh1 before. the Cards dqwncd 1hc Easre:m Washin111on St tc College J ·s
B) l3cmlt Wllscin H'.iJt=..a, ln10 rcrcru:c pb~. the IC bi,ketballcrs lia,e pb~ed ~ b league foe
· • 4 ,1 ~• h me The (3td!, optned their conference: play on the road ,n rhc Jut weekend of J nu3n IC ·1 on TrcuUff \ ille, Jan . m Oni:ulo. Ore. ind 1hralhl.'d them 57 The Cnd.s hu s1onn1· 11e.1ther JAn 29
and "ere shoi do1n1 · q·_ ~, by the CSJ Caldeu uslt's in T"in Fmlls. CSJ lc.'d ~ .34 al llllf umc md ,.ere ne,·er thre31enr:d..
After rite fc.b. Jl Trn$Urt' \'all~· game. r•·o confrrence g;imct rcmoin. agJ10M Ricks Feb. 19 in Rexburg 3nd agium1 CSI Feb. 25 in Coeur d · Jene rot lht lasl
re-gul.1r uson gw.me_ The Region l plA)·OIT\ 1<ill be hC'ld Muth 4-~ and will be hQ.\ted b,· the cbool "uh the best ronfel'('nrt' record. Onli· the top team from the r:egion goes 10 n.ariooal and CS1 hu bCt'n 1h111com the past 'l.l'> yeus. CS! "iln the na11onals l.11$1 )'tn " I 1hink "e 11rc l".lp.1ble of bu1ing CSI ind Rick and going 10 not lon.a ls ." W1lhams $<lid, "But. before lheo, ,.-e·vc got o lor 10 do."
Lady Cords down but not out After I SID'lf SCI n's I.U, the Wv Carcb may be on the v,-11 · up. ~rdiag 10
Coach Ian.Ice F The Lad, Card. -.ho arc DOIi 0-1~. I 1 Feb. 10 \ t'D.ltdicc v...n~ College 7. The Cards ere all d much or the first twr. as r.h" mo- cd the ball and cxCC'll led some p~ori P~> . In tht' n.d hall. Wena1chce Valley ~milted from qucsuon.iblc calls and luc ." bteu to pull ahoid. Th Card\ rallied and managed 10
Jud O Bus photo
11 loob 1.•ould JJJI, MJke At"ood l~ I would hc dead rron1 tbe ( al a RJru Coll player In tbcl Feb S aun.-. The Canllnal Ofon the eon i c to rouad out th °"'-' haU of corueft'l1«pla.t •llh • 2-1 record. The no-1 lugu~ gun I rcb. 12 at horn a,alnil l'fflu"arc Vall • The CoDc11e or Southern Idaho , I It lC Feb. 25.
1 hl' co- re cabk r h>unuimcnt will Monda 1n the llB. Compc111ion v.lll bt, In men's and n·\ doubles . Pia) "·ill continue thruugh Feh I
Croi.,-ceunll) rent.ii equipmcm ,s \1111 ••1U1ble in 1hc Ou1door Rc.:rution Offi ,a 11,c bast'mcn1 r the 8.
aid ··-.iJlbeagooog~melrv,e can ger our ,ruff 1ogc1hcr."
W btl • 1n tll<: funu, 1.«u: furur, b:>lh ._1u1,, ),QI) r • gt1111>g .,..,.,, ..i..-..iTJOn, nd fr,~ Th.n's "hi· "" N"'' n!IW' ell!,~"" "'1""91 pion- md, d~f,'r<nl 11'fl'I. btnlb nd IO~h t f~I, J'l,n for ~ luiurc ,._ A M>VSl!I> 11w cl,f/,INn( lloOITY .Irle! si.>n of « r,on 'tCCOUI\I i,.
Co-rec: b3\letb.tll 1.1.11din s a ol Feb. are•~ foll "'
WI'h u, :uck'nl """"9'11S,1 hlJl ·n,'dlf
lnfrlmuDl V.Tt',thn wa ht'ld 1hi 11,-cck 10:nh •boot JO men mpcnng. ba kc1ball I continuing three r.l'n1ng 1 11, ,· el . v. ocking up 10 the champloru.hips Fob. 28 and ~al'('h I.
11goins1 «'•en," Foss said IC •~kes on Blue ~ ounioin Community College In 1he &Jm Feb. 11 1n "hat Fas,
f you're thinking about your future, you will eventually come to think about money.
(___.;;...___co_-_r_ec_sh_o_r_ts_ _J \lut Dl'll
keep lhc poinl spread down until th~ ,iartc~ fouled llUI The L~dy Cards ,uffcrcd rrom 1urnC10"cu and shoo1lng perttn1.1111e. but ~ccord1ng to F'o~~- tilt' oflici ting i what clipJ)l?d rhr Cards wing~. "It's easier" hen you don't have 10 pla)·
lw)r •
We're the students bank. B
R oo'd
ics 4-0 t"\'
Nid 3-1 uirs 2-2
Troop Hoop~ J.J rd-arks J.J Jnj«I rs J .J P,
herman Ar.>e.
Fourth r
664-8165 667-0551 667-4611
Frida y. F ebruary I l, 1977
NIC tennis team begins seventh season April 1 Tht IC ~nu I.elm ,ill open lb e n pril I with I Mme =•ch agaill!t thtUnivenil)• ol .\«ardiftR '" Ca3.Ch Too} S1e,,;1r1. there • •II be about 20 maichc poor to the Region I 1ourn1men1 Ma~· 16·1 in 1""11and. "All !eJI tn 1M leaRUC go I iegio!,'' Sle'lovt id. "lllld tlu!'s whcrt' 1ht' real rom~lloon i,.· IC w btto the rl'8• n31 ohampl n 11nce I il The hool~ tn the l't'gton,lls com~ from 1(111UIIIA, l<Yho. W ~h1niuon. Oreg n and ,\Iuka. Following rcgi 1u.h. I.he nallunal champ, nshlp LS ~d Mi) 25In s«>1tsd le,
1uoll& IC finished loth of 47 te3tru in !<l"'S and' 171h of 53 in 10'6. 'I thtnl these arc good h ings for a tum 1h11 tw c • tnl for onl Li: cars, .. S1c .. 1rt said.
than 1 ~ ng bullcl .. ,I the goal of Kclshall Rh'aS, The IIC l:nld:urr woa the 60-.)'ard duh at tbc Unh cnlry o( Wuhl.ag1on AJJ Com IDdoor Mttl F'd>. S Ill • lime, of 6.3. f..UIIT
tow n \aid 1hc: m~jnr rl\ 1J 1n the 1h1 yc11r, o.$ In pa,1 >can, ,..ill be Trea\urc Valley Community College 11 0111~r1(1, Ore. The hollro competllion during !he rcgulu ~l'll,on will lmos1 c:ert11inl) come from the Univcr1'11ty or ldoho warslty tc1m, hkh IC luu beuen, S1ew1r1 tald. ·
Bundy anticipates records set by Cardinal track team
Seaso n opens March 16
B J1111el SuOJc
Seven baseball lettermen return By 01, c Bovard The IC bucball 1u.m will open a scheduled 22-game regular cason MIU'Ch 16 with the Lewis Uld Clark junior ,•arsity, "We mus1 the of oigh1 games with Trl'asurc Valley Communi1y Cnllegc 10 mate 1he rcgioru1J, .. ho Bloxom. bQscball coach. 5.1ld. The rcglonAl tournamt'nl May 19-ll Is made up of four 1e11ms, 1nduding rhe number•one uid -two teams in Eastern OrcgDn. 1he regular season "'inner bec-. ecn Rieb College 1111d 1he College of Sou1hcm Idaho lllld either IC or Treasure Vaill'). IC is coming off ao 16-1 season ycu rn which they did nol make the regionals.
Sophomore Doug P1: 1er,on, Coeur d'Alene. I the onl)' pla~·cr returning from '451 \,:.'.If There arc <e• cnll 0Ulllll\ndln11 frtlhm~n 10 "'~l~h. Sit:'• an Sllld. lru:ludfog tanl'onl h ne from Pan m11; Scou Poole from c.aulc. Oav L>·ons £rom andpoint ind Muk Jtl Qn from Grand Fork.,, D. J t~M ,..lll ranted ei htb In 1he 17. nd I -ye r-old c11t11g11ry In I region includln~ orth Diu.01.a, South DaioUI and 1innc,o1D
Thtrl' are St'\'eo rcwnung lettertoe11, including pitc~rs Jen')' I.Alng, rule Iulo, Wayne Sherwood and Du Wyman. catcher lim Grorjohn; 1n6eldct Kevm Oliver and outfielder Corb n Tudor. "This is the nucleus "e ....;jJ be building around," Bloxom sa.ui. There are many nc-- plllycrs •')'iog for positions. Bloxom said, outfielders Steve S1eber1, George King. Chris LJnd. G~· Germundson. Mite RoblD.SOo, Greg Kvcdcr, Ron Rudolph and Dani Couture; c:ac.chers Roger Stolp Q.lld Sron Callaghan; infielders R.T. 011, Mark Elg~. Ke,in Rubnght. Don 0,.. en 2nd Mark Coryell 11nd pitcher Mike lugfeldt.
The ~taruag gun is up 10 ingger orr 1110lhcr s~mingly su~uful year ror lC tnd:stcrs. COIICII MlJcc Bundy is confident that hb team members ue cop1ble of producing cemml pcrfllmlllnces In lhclr rcspcc:tlvc events.
One of Bund}·'s top prospects is TrlnidadiAD sprin te-r K.clsb4JJ R"as. Rheas is the dc:Fcnding rcgio1111J chAmp in the 200 meters with a time or21.2 seconds. He also holds school rC®fd.s in the 60-, 70-, 100· 1nd 200-1111:ttt sprints, and ls iowolvcd 10 rebys. Rivas was selected u , IC~ mos! valu1b!c IJ'IICk athlete of 1976. Bund)· noted sophomore Doug Gunderson loob good rw the 400 and 800 meters. He was fourth in the rl'gion ia the 400 meters IIISl .ear. Accurdlng 10 Bundy. the most promising dist.:ance runner for IC this ycu Is Belll)I Jimenn, a sophomore from Almont. Mich.
"Jimenez Is prob3bly our best man £rom the 800-mclCr lo the 26-mile marathon,"
Students: We will... make your plane, boat, car ren l hotel and motel arrangem ents -- even deliver yo ur tickets right to you -- A ll without charge ! Ask about European charters--beginning at 359 round trip.
Bu.ndy said. Juneoe2 Is lis!ed io JC's all-time lop JO pcrfOT'IIWlC'CS In the 800, 15001.nd 5000 meters as well as 880 yards. three miles and lhc rmnthon. Joining Jimcocz in the longer dislan~ will be sophomore Mike Dilley and freshmen La.Fa"'" Kirll120d and Cil.ndclario
r.m.1: Rust. a JOphomorc: rrom Boise, is the best bet in the hurdlu, am,rdJng m Bundy. Rust Ill also a probable member lhc relay teams and i~ on inlcrmcdlltc hurdle pro,pc:ci. In the field evcnLS. Bundy seem, plcucd and hopeful nbout hi., jumpers. . M1111t Kiefer was a .1975 wlc champion In both long and triple jump ·• He also pl~ccd fourth In the hurdlt-1 u regionals. "Kiefer Ls a very trong lodiv1d u1I and w1n1S to try lhe decathlon if he can mue ii through ba.sJcc1ball without any 1nj11ries," Bundy said. fThc decathlon consbu of JO events: three running. three 1hrow1n.11, two jumymg. one hurdling and pole vaufring.J Gerald Gourley, 1 fre hman from Wuhougal, Wash., loots proml,ing in the pole v1uli. according to Bundy. 'He vaulted 14' J" in high whool and
that', three mcllcs over the NIC school record." Bundy $aid. Throwing 1hc javelin will be Da rrell Yount "DlllTl'll never threw before spring buJ he's going to be super. tic 1w • lot of n1tunl 11plitudc. •· ltuody sald. The traek progrom at ' IC is open to all s1ud('tlts. Everybody on 1he team will get 1 chance to participate in almost t'"CfY meet, Bundy said. He $!lid 3.ll)'One interested m competing should eontact him.
FffiST SECURITY BANK OF IDAHO Member FDIC First in lntermoontain Banking &Financial unset Heigh1.11 Cd.'A Office 220
h enn a n
In the Mall
Frida y. F bruary 11 . 1977
Spurgeon: I will not seek elected office again The- office or AS 'IC prcsideor 1s dcf,nncl)· • le11rn1Q8 upeTiencc, •«onl.i ns
u, AS JC President Gary Spurgeou Spurgron ulil In • prns conference Feb. J that 1he mosr lmpanant leuning upcr· icnce he rec,eitc:d dunns the never 10 run for pal1ua.l orr.~ again . \'1c,.1ng hi Job ts a public relation
~= .,,:as
po$111on. Spurgeon said 11 is el.Se'tm:al for lhc srudent body pmident 1oha1'I: roppon: w11h key people on eampu} ·•1 tlnnt public rcluior.s look mon: ume 1han 1m&l ded~lon mating."· Spurgeon uid. Spurgc~m uid he fell he hllfl done the work 10 the best or his obah1y but «.-;1h the Jca,t amounr of not\C. He $Jld the Studcnl Board had not been lnacrivc a, lcrmc:d in rhc Jan 2.8 i.\sUc o( the c~rdinal Revi("llr. Instead, he ~iid. lhc txurd m~de 1dulltt$ ... uh hnle nOls.c "Ch.tllgc dnc,n't come oboul thr11ugh nnir.c," purgean •id, "I deflnitdy think 11 ii more cff«ll•t lt1 handle the Studenl Board ·i1h liule not1.e." He \aid rhe S1uden1 B rd hod eomplcrcd oll of II wor tn C)l1b!hhlng prl11n11n for the SUB cxp;,.n]jlon. He uld the rollege muM no,. , •• kc care of the r,nencial ur1n11cmrnb before lhc 11.ddihon <'An be made He \lid rhc up1n,le>n cc,uld probably begin an nbmll lhrcc ycart In rcfcrcnt'll 10 1hr S425 U!icd 10 join lhe Idaho Studcnl\ A!>~OCiAliOn, Spurgt11n uid lhal he dad nol foci thli year·~ b~rd had bcnrn1cd (rom membcnhap.
the idea of D siudcn1
lobbyln& nr anitatlon dcnnilcl) hn\ ~omc mcrh ... ht' ,nld "I lhi11k I( w1, 1 wl c mo\c 10 Join 1he ISA ~Imply beau e It 1<·on'1 d~valllfl If l'C keep bOI' ing In 1rnd bOl'tn(£ OUI." Speaktnll 11.bo111 the proposed Facult)'
A-sscmbh Comtitut&Oll. Spurgeon said M fell ti ..·ould cuily pa$$ lhe SIDdCDIS, ~upport er1·ice personnel and 1he admioisrmion. He said that the propc,:sal ... ou.ld be ,c.r,· diflic:ult 10 obmin facull)' approval becao5C the of tbc Iuulty in I.he Colkge Scm~ would be: dlrnutlshcd
with th•s DC\\' ®mmunica11oru l!llldel. Spurgeon ~id he cfuln't fttl ~IC " 'il.S luge enough 10 &ollau: 1n u:ukmic and
•·Oc::Uioiw Stllde.nt gO\"crnmenL "SepumnnJ:! the two studct1c bodicl i.ill ODI)' b11r1 lM" siude11C$.." he said Spurgeon s.iid he ia, 110 rcgreis abour
Spurgeon ad, i~ed has $UC(1!' or 10 '"II.Sien before you ctl.k. be autiou~ ~nd clo
as ASNIC ptt~denr CJ.CC.Pl lMI gnidn h!l,e r.ncn because of the lime
pcnc ..; 1h SNdenr Ba:ird rru.ncrs fOUr home,. ork. "'
Financial aid fo rm due before April 15 Oy &bThlll'Jl tudcnu mu&I nlc before A prll IS.
lh1• dD)' 1, the deadline for nllng f
1ncon1c 10 tc1urn, nd Jt I 11 o the dr dllnc date for man 1n npplka1inn r r i.cholar.hlp IC offer\ 1 comprchen iqJ srudenr
finan~II u1d pro11rom, indudin11 a ,•nnct \Chola1'hap,, luan,, granr~ and purl·
hmc Jllb~
mdern de Iring fi1111ncial oud hould ,111p at lho f1n1nc1al Id) Office and Spl"Jl. ,.Ith Jam Up hur h. IC l1n1n 131 ,ud offieN pch=h uid student nti:dlnR lid nex-i fall ,h,1u!d lllp I h1~ offlr,: nd OJI OUI lh~ Pl'QflCr lorm,. He "ltl sludcnb 11lanninjl lO tron\rtr should 3J " foll0\1- thl pm.: durc. AC\"\>rding lo llpchurch, maoy pro r:tm\ arc a1·aal1blc but 1ht• p11pc!'ll'orl. ii comple~ r« ome of chem He .1id on l'rfon 1, being nude l\l G" one \ct ul p prr5 for all the Pl\>gums ne1l )Car. Slud~n~\ ha1 tng d,ffi,-uhi with chc fonm 1hould ~c Upcbur~h . All ollege·~1cd PNl?ram~ require a S4 fee "ilh the ~pplk.-uiun Upchurch \~id. ··Wu ,..11 not aettpt any •pph.-auon, ancr April IS lor holan.h1p1 ·Do C.-l(Cption~ jlrQnlcd. ·• With program, limited ,n number. Upchul'llh said \tud~nts ~hl'llld begin the p&perwona lo Insure fund for f II tttm.
TIME: 11 -1 P M
ardinol Revie-..· - 8
Friday. February 11. 1977
(~_n_ic_n_o_ti_ce_s_ _...) Campus Forum 8.) &kllr lllc:kc:o Dtbonb Ltt G•J lord I the cwigbw of Mr. 11.1111 Mn, ~rgt GaJlord, Kellogg,. II .... rtpaJ1cd loeam<:tl} ID th Jan. l& Juu of the Canllnal Re• '"". lodcoll ~ r,:,mh,ded Lllat ID mnls ma11 be plcli.ed ap (rom the Rtpuv'1 Office before b,dMdmih mn In 1M Feb. 16 1dt.dlom.
Studeoc, lolu led IJI 1boollo1 &lu:tald conrac1 Mt. W1rr('a R1-tcllU abarr1 lb ROTC rtfi team. C-ompdlr.on o,c .22-al!· 00 l&riCI ri0l'5 (_Ill' "'°11Jdcr•r.o.t.boaldcr aad po$tal IDlliCh-
e cdlr.ia ~ pa.«d tcmpomdl~ a pccial KCdoD ol the Ubt'11Q' fw aailGa b ltlldeul$ and l,,ml~. • b11rt p ..-lod of li1111: llle l>oou att c:aalogord am! ~ [o prop,et
Tho Ceuur ffPGN die ow bne a clu,.mutr, rolor ru at.u. ~ be nallablC! WC' this bjecl !'t'laa. WO r.o 2130 p .; To 9 r.o 11 Lm. md l .. :? p. .: Wed. l lo l p.m.; l O JI a.m. md Fri. J r.o 2J30 P• • The in wowd lo l'IIIIXDll If ilpal [or reTR'W i, • ....n..-ln
N o hadow
Cupid says warm fuzzie Mr. Groundhog is safely ruckl.'d a•·oy, but before he crept Ind: into slu.mbcr Ile left bis usuol calling card-the prollllSC of si:J more weeks of winter.
'o folks. \lakntiac ·, D y Is DOC ucred. ··one aad onl) .. canb ue Indeed ch aper 1n ba Ill and from c:hlldbood ..-c Im,: ~n told ii', DOI oice ID leave U)'OIIC
Fonuoarcly. 111l10 o.oith his ingenuity 1w come up "ith a "'a)' 10 combat i:J more ..-eets of rold r«t 3nd frostbiucn hands. V11lentine·~ Day 1s the day on which cards uc sent to fncods. poteoliol fricod.5. lovers and potential lovers. On this day. women and men prlme 1henuclvcs. plSte on o nonchalant exp~· ~ion and" mndC'r around wondering " WiU I get one?" Bold Individual send their fl\'orlte girl or guy ~n "1 love onl)' you" card and the hopcles ly sen1imen1al ·· or hungry ·· include n box of nod . More morous 1ndi,·iduals usu Uy skip the candy bur send our lh-e or of the "'I love only you" type C'3rds. After oll. any chrifty person knows they are cheal)t'r by the half-doun. or the
all thougln ruce thou.g.ln:s and ldt oo oue
Some people. iaste&d or rorry1ag "shoo Id l ar shoaldD'C I." deride to Ignore alcDtine's D.l) C'O'Olplt'Ccl. AD UJIC&lculacl.'d au.mber of pcrsan.s do send mcard 10 !hat ··spea.u someone" and Do one else. Hov.-r--ct, lhal nurnbct' is ptabably rel&mc~ 5m2II m ~parisoJI to Lhe oumberaf pcTIOID ltbo Ignore the day, or "lll'IC still. ahllSC I
Pcrhap1 parcllb "'ho tell chctr dJlldml lc:a•-e II.II) 1111t arcn"t too Car off base. SendJ.o a card tsn·t most important - as lib moll lh,n ii rea.11) is "the lhou ghl tbal C'OUDlS. " ln keeping v.itb tbcsentimeotal Iheme of V1le11tine's Day. ,.«tkla't ll be nice if we
oo think 1csdc:m1c
~Ill.dent pe!'IUIICDls should be s.c~tcT i&I-\ ~bller, geoenl. &('S(!c:m1C'. ell : ." o. lhls IS one cullege. they hould be (lllC ... Joe ROSctJ. amo mtt.~. ,·OClldocal. Cd' . "Yep. ~use a dc:mic bu more power and the have more ay over thing ,"
Karell l
\ 'Ulwns. p~nunln • 1ca· C.awdo: ·· o. I thlnk h should be one-u·s one chool end the· p11y 1hc1r tuition 1n the offi~ " Bernie Kruipp. UIO me 1w, ' ,oca, tional. Rose Lake: "Ye • .,.e need more tin.a happeni11 • O\'cr here." DD P,rcnt, prc-numn11. c- dem , Petit Falls: "\ e:s, incc tbq ;re ct up .u t,,.o dil'fereDt ,chools. I think 1he hould be scpante. They don't even com:l1tc with us beuu,e 1hcy re a dlf(crent c:hool." Monte McMll\an, auto mec:hrutl • voco, uonll, M • ·• Y • they seem to tic pretty 5epara1ed Tbey need better com· municauon ... Fred D vidson. genonl. ocadcmlc, Wal, la« " o. they arc equal mnd they should be collSldcrcd as one .. Todd Bretthauer. auto met:ha.nlcs, voo:t· lional, Pric.u Rh-er: "I upposc they should cknw:,
llicir own.·• BJ. GTGS,cnOI', ~odolo • attilemic Kell : 'They hould be separate: ~ CAU'4" the · Q:al morc •~mpllshed for cacb p(O ram." Rkl!Drd Holllnpworth, aul machinQ1, votarlon.:il, Rlllhdrum: "I don't taos I ha...:n' t been in chool long 11nou3h." K.ll5' n1 J..uun. general, academic, IC.d· logg, .. o. allcr 111 lho &I'\' one wboot." Mi.kc Lee. uio m~hanics, voca1lorial, Cd' A: .. Yu. it 'ICC111S like 111ro IC!panlt bool~ to me I don·, 111.'t to tM acackmlc ide veri 11ft~n " Mitch While, ~ation aademk, Kclloeg: "Ye:1. n!all chey In! hro lliITt'reO.t h I •nd IWO different IUCU.·· R Iba.rd Ochoa. AUt11 mccha nka, ¥Ota· 1lon11I. Cd'A: "No. It's 111 the same
Deb White, ociology. academic, Kel· logg: "Ye I do, lhc arc under eotlrtlJ different hcdulcNhcy are almosl two dlrrcrco1 hool ." w,ync ColllM, auto mechanics, ,·ocaUonal. Moscow: ",·c1. we're 1lwayi att· ring ldt out."
Kevin Cogswell, autu mcchani , ,-oca, llono.J, S11ndpo nt , "No, it's Dne college 11111 they shou ld lly to include e crvonc."
hows mid-March pring production et in Mexico 'By e&er,-1 NlmllOD
1101 to
Rchcaruls for the NIC dnnu deparC· mcot'1 maJor sprms production, "The l3bt or the lgu.ait1." are now under way. The Tcnncsstt Wllf11ms pl y will be presented under the directlon Drama Instru ctor Robert Moe a1 the Coeur d'Alene Community Thea tu Mo rch 11. 12,
The c;st Includes Chuck 01,on 11 Poncho, Julie Erlwon ~ Muinc Faull, Tom K mps iu. Pedro, Jeff Ullman 11 Shannon, Dave Cr nc "" Wollg,ng, Zou D11vl~ as Hlldn, Ron Su .. ut u Herr P1hronkopf and Melanie Nee~ as Pnu Pllhrenkopr.
17, 18 IUld J9.
HOMECOMING DANCE! Feb. 25 after the CST game From 10 A t th e Elk
ro 1
Ron Andrews will play Ole part OI Han&, Griese. M s Judllh Fellows: Jean E. Fitting. Hanllllh Jclk.t>\; Margaret Wiikinon. Chorlotic Goodall; Bill Severson. onno utd Rlchll.rd Hitt will portray Jm D01111
Club! 418 Lake, ide
HOMECOMING DANCE! Drinks will be sold to those 19 and older !
The cul IS rehC11tS1ng twice a week uotil Feb. 20 when they move to lhe Community where nightly rehc.ansals will be conducted. The play dcpkt:s a defrocked minister in 1940 "'ho lead$ tours 1010 Menco, one of •hidt results in lus menllll break.down.
NIC students $1 Guest s $2 MUST HAVE NIC ID!
FLEETWOOD MAC "RUMOURS" Your complete record 8-tra k and casseue store is
GREENTREE RECORD CO Fourtl, and Harmon Hour, 10-6