North Idaho College Cardinal Review Vol 32 No 14, Apr 28, 1978

Page 1

Coeur d Alene

doho Volam.e 31, Namber 14

Friday, April 23, 1978

Fees unchanged

· Board approves budget By Debbie Brlsboy ~ S1uden1 Board voted April 2S to approve a S4 I.OOO recommended budge1 not increasing Muden1 fce1 ror the 1973-79 school year. According 10 Wes Hatch. ouxtllary 1e rvices director. student~ wlll continue to pay SJ6.S0 per scmcs1cr In aruviry

kcs The amount of S2.l 16 was budgeted for conttngenry rund. lc1v11111 SJS,884 1llo11cd for variou, clubs and i c1iv1tits. Rob Faler. student 1ct1v111es ch11rJ>Cl'\On. wat alloucd S9,S00 for next year, 1c1,v11lo A«ordlng to Faltr. this lndudei bud11c11ng for nine bond\ at an avcragc or S6SO per band. Faler ong1nnlly 11\kcd for SS,850 for the bands and SS.bSO ror movies totnllng SI 1.500 Ho"cvcr. the board voled to dccrcuc the amount for movies to SJ,bSO bec.1.u,e or poor 1111cnd1ncc nl pn~t mo, ies The b11ard aho scparatcl)· budgeted S4.000 10 be used for a mmi,conl'Cl1 The recreation department rrcchcd Sl,500 and S300 was put into the conttn gency rund whkh wlll be U\ed to send winners of intnamural actlvl1ic\ to out,ldc competition. Al the April 18 meeting. John Owen recommended that money br budgeted 10 M:nd • ·•compcthi,c rcpn:scntnthc.. in Intramural events to ouisldc rompcnllon. Owen said outside competition will be

c1pcnsive and critcra will have to be 5e1 rn order for the winnm. to be sent. The U5C or the money "'ould have to be by the Student Board berCIJ'C it is used ror such an activity. The board also voled 10 give NIC wrestler Ryan Kelly up to Sl.000 to repre~nt the United States in the Pan Amcrkan g,mcs. The games will be held in May in Car.ica.,. Venetucla Q,r,cn sa,d that articles had appeared in loc:il newspaper. utiJJg for private de>nJ&tions. but that none hive been m:ti\ed. Faler al,o reported on the atthitio of Campu\ Daze He said that there had been a problem w,th the bed nice because no rule, had bun made In pnor yea~. Bccau•c or this. Faler said that as manv people IU "anted to could push the bed.~ Iona 1, no more than t"o pw.l!NI II at one 11mt. According to Faler, ~ome vocational \IUdtmt~ were up•et .. ith the dca,ion "Nett )t'&r lhe vocaoonal students ,.;n coopcralc or the~ will tt.\c no say in the niles." he said ASNIC \Ii~ President Lori Long Ptd that bc~u,c 600 pcoplc ..ere c.tpcctcd and · onh· JOO sh(!Wcd up ror the barbecue the u1rn rood "u donated to area nunmg home,. conllnuccl tn pa&ll JI

Light at last Sboolln3 from tbe inside

or • C11H' leads to ID• 1crcst1ng p!M»ognpbk eHeeu. CR Pb otogra• pbcr Pat Su.llhu toolt Ibis plclarc la a cue above Buat) Bay oa, Coca/ d'AlCM.

Board of Trustees decision • •

• 12 percent increase to tuztzon, fees 1978-79 By lA111tt11 Sdimldl NIC •tudcnts wlll be pay1n1t obout t 2 pcrt\'nt mo1T an tuition and fees for the 1978-79 acadc-mlc )tar, ocronllng 10 fig. urcs 1Tlcascd al an April 21 Bond of Tru•trc~ mcctrng lu1bon and fr~ for lull-time rc~1dcn1 ,tudenb will ,ncrcuc SI I per ,rmuter from la,1 )car·, Sll!.S to St% for 1<178,'N full-umc nonrc,idcnt ,1udcnb "ill ~he a Slc, II\CT\,a,c per .emc,ter lo S,Pc, from th,, ) car', S4SO A l2 .4 pcrc.:nt tnCl'N~C for p~rt·llmc re-tdcn1 _Mu dent\ ..111 be applic-d The s17 per =du hoor comp3rc\ to thi) ,cat') Sib ~mdit hour. Pan-11me nonrc;,dcni ltts ·ill rnmuc IS pcm,nt rrom S-lo per credit hour IO S4.l per credit hour. No iocrttse 10il1 be a.ucucd for utelhte t'&lllpuses !Kellog and Sandpoint). The cost WIii SIi)· II SIO ptt credit hour. "bile

nunrcsidcnt COS!) will 1nt'rcasc SI per llt'mUter rrom $JI 10 SJ2 per ~ii hour. Mo~, or the will be 10 11111\on. iu Cull ·time rt'\idt'nl student) will pa) an add1ti011AI Sl 2.S0 from S"S to SS.,.50 per semcs.ter. and nonresident >tudcnis "111 pa~ an additional S2i.SO from SJ.lO to SJC>7.S0. No IDCf'ell'>C .... 111 be 1.1) rt'CS, While rci;t1s1u1ion fee, dcHcascd SI.SO per )emestcr from S56.S0 to SS,. charges ,ta)cd t~ ..._me for thl' ~rudcnt fund, ,1udcn1 -.el" 1,·n and )tudt:DI actl\ iun. The compiin, ,on1rac11:d to con)lr11ct NIC\ propchcd hunuruUt') building. iand them plan, 10 rcduo. the ,-ontract price "ere announc.:d at tbe mttting NIC' Prc,idcnl lbm Schuler Sllid tha1 H~1en and Ouk Inc.· &om Spokane ,..., a"o.rdro coru.uvcno.1 right> a.her offonng I low bid or SJ.:!~.JoO. Among ahcmati,u 10 rcdu~ the con-


pm is a plan to CXIUt the bolldmg•i p,opo:scd MJOnd shell Act'Gl'Clina to Schuler th11 •o,lld PVC SJ6.600. tra.ct

Tl,c, second &ltCTOillU>-.: ~'Uuc:d ~


ba1ld modular u11i1, tDto the b111lding UIStead or bu~'tllg diem. • It 1$ cheaper to build them (the modubr Unit>) ID tb,ui 10 ae1 the prc(abna~ units.' Schuler said. ··ey doing tho •e ~n sa,e S"...5,000."' He .idded th.ii !-IC ~ try1og to find t'ODWlgc~ funds for the bmldillg "hkb ~ ~ to ~ trom the sutc. 1£ a~ted. tM altcma11,e.,. oald mean .1 S-IJ.oOO or a 46. 1-4 1oqu:uc r- rot ID the ~ n t conmet price. Coo.sttUttlon 1tnd design or llt'W St:B add111on ,..u d1:s.."11sscd at the m«llllg Mike of Arclutcets West. Coeur d'Alene. ~Id the csn11Utcd conmut:tion price "Ill be abcut Sl.112.000. Another 50Urtt of funding -y be .in

UQIIOIIIIC ~etoirmcat Association local public •ork.s ITl.lll- Schuler )11d he h:as no idea al the amount 'ilC ('OUld r~cci•e. ~lnmury ck>og,, pl•ns of rhe •ddition .. ere •PJmn'ed by the board. v. 1th the pr~d plan. Pa11no $Aid. " 1hne ,uu be 6.000 Ceet or ,pa~c the SlfB can &""" uito. ~ I gi,es us a lot of flcsibwl} ," Patane: a.bosaid th:at wctfetcria will be !ht most 1mponan1 room bcceu~t 1h;a1 is •here the SUB geb us rc,cnue Acterding to the plan. the W,1lnu1 Room "ould be remo,;cd and used as a dinner ~,cc uca. lndudcd •ould be an de,ator .uid i dumb" i1ter. The bo6rd a!M> appl'O\cd a mouon ID .ldd a student service Cl!Dtcr to tbe SUB. This action ,.ould mo"e the fio.aocial aids. health the dean of students' offices 10 the building.

conllnaed on page 3

Friday, April 23, 1978

Not totally 'wasted'

• Campus successes , failures undergo scrutmy The end or an expcricnce tends 10 bring rcncc1ion on the memon~ of that experience. 11.,hc1her tho~e memoncs arc good or bad. The newng end or 1he 19i7-78 school year jMS to mind thl})C mcmoncs of things thu h1ppc-n~ from the raJI to th~ spring. Beneficial item~ that Stand out moi.t arc the advances made 1oward new fac11i11es for the ca mpus. The Idaho Legislature came through for 'ilC with the funding for the ne,. h11man11ics buildin1, :i definite plus for the campus UofortWlltcl), it did not come through ,.;th money for despe:rattl) needed new programs. Definite plans have final() been made for an addition on 1he existing SUB. thanks to the efforu or ASNIC Sen. Ke,•in Jet1on. a three-year ,· of the Student Board. These accomplishments won't be enjoyed by the gr:1du11ting sophomores but will benefit the future students of NIC.

R11pport between students and facuh~· re· mained high in mo:.1 CllSCS this ~ear. Thi\

reporter h.u experienced mO'itlr cooper:ition from ..e1mio1Strators. £:icul~ :i.nd student~ lltl.e. m:il.111g 11 much easier to get a job done well lo ~poru. ~IC = e out on top. The wrestling team bearne NJ CAA champion~ "1th the :ud of Jeff f'o,.ell, the b;askctb.lll team came in 10th in the nacson 10 rompetnion. B1~cb.1II. tcnnh and truk team~ ,..ell, all due 10 ,u~·rb .ibiht) t\l 1he teams. and cxcellen1 coaching, c 1cellen1 uccomplhhments C\len ,.. ithout proper :ittendal'ce.

1 ne fl.II Comocauo~ progn.m on sport, .1lw brought ~uch "ell,kno"'n people 3S Bill Ru~\cll and Cahan Jones to the campus A~ for do" nfalb or 1he ye:ir. the rece nt barbecue cops the list. It did not rise to the c.1-hber oflast yeu·s spring event and was h:indled mo~ ltke a smorgasbord on paper plates (though the food wasn'I outstanding). Aod. the band ChUd.

which "a.5 h1Rhl~ rated. dad not li,·e up to it~ c,pcct3l!On,. t\dministr:111ve bod.ic~ on c:impu-. 11lso failed 10 live up 10 their upectalions. The Student lklard "a, \lrtualh- IDlll"lilc a lot of the yc:ir . and the College Senate rcm.iincd the farce h ah~n>·s h3\ hccn. being run with link parlinmcntorv proCl'dure. h:i, ing hnle nuthorit)' 11nd h111rdly ever bcan11 heeded Ille future of \ludents itoin!( t\n to work 1, not n:ry prum1,ang after 11raduntion. Tiu: job markti 1\ 11ght I\ ith ttood job, hard to find even for quahficd pl'ople 1\ll in 11.ll, howrvcr. the vcar has not been a totully w:1,ted one. Teachc~ taught, s1ud1mt, learned ,111d II new set <>f graduate-. i\ bcin11 relcn5cd 10 focc a world that. though blCllk 01 limes, i\ full of hope and proma~c. llopcfully. NIC "ill alway .. accomplish thi~ feat of cduCllling 11 portion of America·, people.


Finals week objectioh

(___o-=--l[}_in_io_n____;;p:;..._a-=ge ___)

Student Activities director plans next year 's activities

Instructor rebuffs student Opca Letter To lutby RUMCIJ1 I read )'Qur " Lcuu to the f.dl1or" la the lul CardJnaJ Re'l'lcw IApril 14). I aa,oed with tome of :fDIII' coU11Dcat, but dlsagrced whh othcn!

Yoo sbocald b.ave check.~ 001 lht? entire ll• or ACAD.EMlC CU.SS£S ud lllpcd up for Blolog,y 101.102. I'd like to lhose or )Oo I.bat ,-o~ ror me chzrlaa the el«tJoas. ll ls• g;rat boaor ra, me 10 bue the prfvO'&e or wodlna {or yoo In lhe ASB ol!ke. I take my Job ..-ery ~ Yand I fod I most lo procloce the type or actloa yoo dHe.r>-e from lhc suade:nt actMty o ~.


Dlc:k Rsya,c,ttd Biology losttunor

ibroagb )Ollr ptrlkl palloa, oar rcccal dances bavc bcca mucb more 1accculal. Appra~ly 300 51Ddmts auc,ycd a catered batbecoe dbmcr that wu paid for from ra.rplus Sllldc,1 attMry commltttt ruad.t and co,er charges coll«ud from pte\1oas cla.aces. A word or upWIAlloa rqanllng lht problems wll.b, lbc band aP. Riot. The masldam u:rh-cd late: without ccrmplctc lnstra:menlalloa, maldag II lmpowble tor lbrm lo fulfill LbcJr agttemCDI to play a fall lhret,.boar claace. ~ bnc bee takea IO ~em tile 1eaa:anence .,r Ibis type or prabkm. Arock groa,p called Shadow wffl pl.y a ooe-boar cotreehoue from aoaa lo l p.m. oa fdday, May 5. They will alto play a dance !bat ffi-eo.lizg l'rom 9 p.m. to mldaJ&ht. Swilo.g "11b bis band, and Wllil the end oC my adininlstndou. all g,oaps playmg (or ~ wQJ be reqaiffll to p.laJ • oae-boar cofltthoase, thus pre\"Cllllng the problem or tile band'• lsleoess.

(__ ca_r_din_al_r_e_vi_ew __J

The ~Ille for IIUl )CU lnd1lde$ a daoce mid • fh:111-nm ~ each moalh. We are alto ~king funds 10 pro~iM a mlnl-coacat.

The Cardinal Re\'(C'I, ls pabllsbed seml-monthl) b) PubUcatlou Worbhop class II North Idaho College. Mcmbe~ of CR staff wW stthc to prdCIII the oe"s &irl), 1MXU111tel) and without prcjadlce. OplnJ005 expressed on !.be editorial p~e do 001 necessarily reflect ilcws of CanilnaJ Review, ASNIC or the l"IIC administnulon. The CR " entered as ~1-dus material It Coeur d'AlellC, ld.aho 838 l ~.

I wollld Uu l o ~ lhis oppornmlty to liwlk oar lm.mtdlale pes1 ptt$1cleat Kalhk ColiiDS for the tremeodoos job rJ,c performed andtt some Mhene coodltlom. We ..0 owe brr a latgc

Assodaled CoUegJ.ak Press Award-Wln.olng NcWIPIJ)CT

lhUlL J'Qa. The oflke o! studml adh'lllc:s Is fa:adloaal aaly wWi ~ggcsuom and crh.lduo l'rom my rdlow uadmls. I ,.-eicomc 1oar partldpadoo, saggesi.lom md coaslracth e c:rttlchms. Stad~n1 Acchitles Commltttt m~gi; are Wednesdays at 3 p.m. are maally beld In tile ASB oIDtt.

mlUUlging edllor ••..•...•.. , .......................... .. .. .BemJe WDliOII ne,.s edltc,r.... . ..............•....... • ...•..•.............. Sas le Eppcrlc associate editor ............... .... . ... ............. ........... Lorrie AJIIOf cop) editor ....••• , ........................ , .... .......... . CbCl)'I Nlroltoa sports editor•... ........... , ............•.••......•..•... , . .. · P&t ~ photograph, editor ............•....... , .•. , ... , , · , · · , , · · .. · · · Da\C! a • ..t ach crtlslng 11UU1ager ••••• , ............ . .......... ............SbeUeJ ~ adfiscr . . . • • . . . ... .... .. ........... .. . ... . ...................nmBritbo}' 0

Rob faltt Studcal ActivhlM Cbaltpm;on

staff mem~ .................................... ... .... . Debbie

-·---~- .... ............. .




Wurcn Ton-ei:ia', Lameen Sc:hmldt, s~ 1JAk. Bob Tharp, Swu Moon, Tcrrr Fab, John Bamlltoa and tlmrlene Amsden,

Friday, April 28, 1978

McKenna to guest speak at graduation ceremonies Chief deputy COUDJel to President Caner "'ill spat ac 1~8 NlC graduation ceremony 10 be held in the gym May l2 1.1

•·ill receive diplomas at the May 12 commencement cucmony aher being pinned.

10 a.m.

Wade ebo that 32 first.year nursing Students will be e1ppc:d al a 7 p.m. Ma> 10 ceremony. Deen of the College Bay Stone "ill announce the g:rad112tcs and NlC Boml of Trustees Chairman Jay Couch will presc:n.t daplomu 10 lhe gray-gowned students. Stodcots name~ to Who's Who 10 Amffl. can Junior Colleges will also be rceogni:z.ed as they receive their diplOl'!la$.

Margaret McKenoa, a former law profeUM .xt Southern Methodi$t University. "'ho is second in command over legal matters of the president, will be the guest speaker Candidates for gnduatioo total 347; 258 academic and 89 voca1ional, according to NIC Registrar Jtsuto Nishio. The voca1ionaJ students who will com• pl etc their roursc:s In 1hc summer, will receive diploma covers only. To be recognized 11c: 22 students in automobile mechanics. 14 in diesel mechanics. J3 in au10 body repair and refinishing, 12 10 practical nursing, 8 an surveying 1cchnol· ogy. 7 in medical laborat0ry techoology, 6 in drafting technology. '4 an millwright training and 3 in automotive: machinist. According lo Mildred Wide, nursing ,:lircctor, 27 second-year nursing srudents

Nishio said tha1 different caps h.Jve bc:cn ordered bec:aiue last ycar·s were: .. kind of funny·loolung with robber bands." The NIC College Choir. under 1he direction of Ri.d Frost, will sing "Harmony" 1tnd "Uoat.ed We St2ad:·

The first rcceplion in four years will be held in the SUB 1f1er commencement. Graduates. their parents, teachers and friends are 1nv1teAl to anend.

Beer kegs catapult upward in third annual competition The Eastern Washlna1on Univcuity N111onal Keg Championship wlll be "on lip" al Spokane: Raceway Put tomorro,. "ith the catJtpull contest being supple· mcntcd by a ho1 011 balloon dcmnnS1r111lon, sky dive~ and mu&ical cn1crtainmcnt

The con1ci.l. which 11 ~hedulcd 10 begin II 10 11 m., will lncludt' EWU, NIC,

Spokane Foll~ Commumly College. Spokane: Comn1un11y College and other North• "'C~I collcge\,

NIC ,.·on 1hc con1c,c In 19711 ar1cr anthropolugy ln%tructur Richard (Dute) Snyder ronctivcd the idea or compelhion.

r Arts Ies tival to conclude l A Roe~ and Bammcnldll cooctrt, a ~ play 1111d drama by 0 - Wilde lhil wttkmd c:o.od.llde the NJC Floe Am Fnth'al. NJC'1 dmma ~ 1 er-ts Wllck's " lmpo.- of Bdng Earn~·· toolgb1 at 7:30 In the !\kB~ Bcdldb,g. "As Yoo Uke It," a play b) Willlam Sh&kespcan,, will be staged Sarurday In the l'llC gymnul1UD. The Dwrlcl I maslr fcsth'&l Is also scbedul.e d from 8 a.m. 10 5 p.m. S•nudaJ In the gym..

The Spobne Coocert Orcbe5'ra pau a caltural conclusion OD the few,-.! SanclaJ WMD II J)el{orms "A Rogc,n; and .~ Col)Cfl1" In the~-... at 8 p.m.. C-ur d 'Alei,e'• c:oUq:e-<olDIDIUUI:)' cbolr will be (eatured In the pnl$Clllallon. An Opal reheanal of the otehfSlnl b scbed:llled for 3 p.m. SanclaJ . i!Vclmts aod sta.lJ are adml!Ud to the c:oncm witboat charge. Regolar charges arc s.; fot lld.Glts a.nd SI .SO for



Board increases tuition continued &om page I

Schuler said thu inclusion of the srudcn1 SCTVlCCS ceDtcr ,.ould require 1he college to pa)· ren1 10 1be Dormintory Hc>1aing Comm.iss10o because the dean of SIUdcnts is a student function. not a college function. The plan, 11>011ld also include study rooms. television and stereos. ln other action the board: -appr'Olied proposed aadt-mic and ,-oca lional salary schedules containing an approxinmc 8 percent increase. -discussed 1he pcmiblc occd for repl1ccmcn1 of a S1C2.lll pipe b~ 1hc Kicocc b1nlding

BIi"}' Simon. NIC eogmc:cnng 1115mu:· tor. uid lhc c,11t11pult , test-fired

succes~fully Apnl 21 after the barbecue. "We threw the keg about .,00 feel at partial l)O"cr." Simon uad. This tcor·s compchUon. •ponsored by the Schlllz Brewing Co.. will also see !t0-6S pound roc~i •,ho1 According to Simon. the Guinness Boot of Vt orld Record~ hi\ entries for rock-1hro• 1ng CD13pults,

If you're thinking about your future; you will eventually come to think about money. \-.. bd.-,,• 11 ltw: tuau11.• tpur boah ~, Mt \'OU ,,: \WI


lk said he hopes the NIC eo1ry. • hich 11111 u,c: a b1cyclc:-hkc dl'\ ice 10 c:omFC~ the aar, will be able to make a rcconl rod

EWU placed Or,1 In 1977 ,. Ith a 889.84,foot toss trom it\ l.'Dnnon-likl' calll· puh NIC 11rabbcd second wi1h 11 7<,8.l)Q. fool 1hrow from a ca1apuh u,lng surg11:11I tubing 10 propel 1hc ~cs,

"ill be 1bc Onl) l$ locaied of U.S. High••) 2.

The nc" NIC c11111puh. "hach is being mo, cd 1Cld11y 1•la 1ruc~ to the rompclhion ,lie, I~ ba,cd on EWU's comprcs~cd air thcorv

Simon said 1ho,e \\anting 10 aurod ,hould inc c11t 2n from lmersu1e 90 and tum ngb1 at the Sa, 1gr Hou~ Plll.L From there. dil'tt'11on, arc clcvl) maned.

<C!:"'4Xln ~



Race,,, ar Pad fee for the C\'CDl TM part 11

Banquet slated to honor president Schuler Is being honomt for 10 years llS president of NIC with a banquet In the


The dinner wiU begin 11 S:30 p. m. llDd will be followed by a pr()STllm and music. Raervations may be maAlc: with Kllrmc:n Scmct. Cost ol the banquet Is S4 a plate.

n.,,. '4h\ ....,. h.;v.o

ilnd an~11..~N r-,:n. Plan IIDr 1our turur,· , _ A ""'119


A SI parking charge


,w,.,.... w,,ng1 plan, .... ah d,tr,-,tnt

~ ~

,s,d •


.. ~d~•b<-,..,,.,..."OITI.

p-, ol """"

uo ·~rw,"'9'-••lul cr<d>r

CD ,..,_.&r,.

Barry Schuler Day

May 7 has been designated as Barry Schulrr DtJ in recognition of the NIC prcs1dcn1.

-di.scu~ their :ipproval of a computer puTCbasc ind their signlllg of a. fmaoic:al ag~men1. Am>tding to Jel"}· Wendi. NlC business manager. fin.incing through ldll· ho First N11rionml Blint will sa~c S18.000. ··di$ru~scd 1hr proposed I pem:n1 r.u timtt:ition pctiuon dril e being conduc1ed in Idaho bu1 look no stand. --clis(ussed possible membership into 1hc ld2ho School Board of Trustees Associ1 tion. ··nlled o.n e,~1he meeting and an It agtted 10 bu~ :i house at 801 Empire Ave. for S28.000 as pan of NIC·s land acquisi· uon program.


We re the students bank.

In Coeur d 'Alene

302 Sherman ·1106 Sherman 1603 N. Fourth

667-8165 6674661 667-0551

Fricla} , April 23, 1978

Gals high on nationals; men wait for regionals The high sp1nts or NIC's "omen's tract team ~ccm 10 clash •nh the cmouoM or the men's tnek team as Ibey near regional and nauonal compet1tion. While only I\O'o "'omen's tum members ha,·e oot ye1 qual1ftcd lor tM May J(>.20 NCJAA Championships in Clamparnc, Ill.. no men ha,c qualified. Members or both teams aid Ibey ,.ere con«ntraung on lhc May J2.lJ NCJAA Region 18 Champ1onsh1ps 11 Pcadlctan. Ore. now instead or nanonals, b111 bolb h&d difforcn1 rusons Women's highiumpcr Diana lupus said she ""'ould rather not t1uok about nauon:ils )Cl." "The team is gcrung excited :and scam! bcclluse the) don'1 ino,,. "'' hat the competinoo ..;u be like." slw! said. Men's Co,ch Mike Bund,· sllld the men's tcun ha5 100 much 10 do· 11 region11s to lool: (ON ord to natlonab. " We can't look behind regionals. be· l1.lusc .. c still hove a lot or guys i.·ho still have 10 qualif) for rcgionals, ·· he Woman dist•ncc runner ChcrT) Gllt'dncr said she fch 1hc IJ.'Omcn arc read) to compete in regionals. " We have o good mental anitudc and morc tc3m sp1n1 1hon 01 the beginning of 1hc )Cir." she uid. "We're pretty op1imls11c." Bundy wd 1hc men ore 001 prepared for regional <:Vmpclllion. " We're not re:td) )Ct. bu1 ,..c•rc gcrung lhcrc." he said. "Wc'rt: m:tking s1ead) be in prt:tty good progl'CiS. so "c .. condi1ion b) the ome regional!, come up." A~>1s1on1 men's Co,ch George hTs said he dQCsn't feel 1hc 1eam ts read) e11hcr. ·we h1ven·1 had any warm ,.nlhcr for sprinters or jumpers 10 ge1 good m,.m




er sports


1n " he said. · ·~ta)bc 5ome dis1anre people art: ready. beause the\ can train m ao, •u!Mr," be added. According to Gardner, the ,.omen's

should do well :ti rcgional.s. "I tlunl: we have a clwacc o( ~mng .ecood Of tbird," she said. &Dd added t.ha1 tlte lean,,,red ro .,.111 uc C'bd.&mu uid Central Ore=i. Bunch utd be dne-s not feel 1hc men's tcam will do •cll at>oo.aU. " We don't ba1T uy speed. &Dd a 1nm ,.,thoor ,pttd •"Ill be 1n trouble. been.~ m051 of the m«t ts hued on tbe ~pruit e\'CDU." be said. ieam

The OtHrnmc of the mttl IS UnpnJki· able . attording ro Bll0dy. ·we h.a,c the bcsl field e'ICDI strength ..-c·,-c C\'er had ," be said . "Our abwry 10 pl_acc ckpe1lds CID bow the rield C\"CD1.S people platt and ~ the other teams dh;de up tbc spnnt potnu." Lane Commu1111y Coller:. Rids College and Chdtamus uc the teams fa.-ort:d to win rcgioo.als. Bund~ UJli ":-lobod~ s belrrung t1us ~-car. it "ill be 1nte=ting 10 sec bow ii turns OUl " be said. Accordtng 10 Gardner, the •·omen's 1caui sbou.ld do ptt~ •-ell in national compc111ion alM>. "I( 11 tITlclt naUOD&Lsl is lll)thing lite cross coonlr'I nationah, I lhink •·e will do pn,tty good: II be pmty ind1cau,e benusc •-c ha•c I tough rcgioo." she said. "If •-c do good io rcg)On&b • ..-c will do prcff) good in nanonm... Kapus s:ud the season bas gone bcuer 1han "hat she cspcctcd a1 the begJnnmg of


AJMINC LONC..-DatTCI Y01Ult prepa.rei for another sp ring 01:ng our lbe dike road on campo1. Yount, the N1C JaveUn rtt0nl bolde r. I• one o( thc1hlntlad.r •boJe &lghll are se1 on th e Ma, 12-13 regionals In Pendleton, ~ .



lbC SC"50D,

"E•el)bod)'s giving out what they h2vi!." she s:,.id.

Golfers busy with play in one of best seasons By Bmllc Wilson When the NJC golfers step 10 the tee and shou1 their usual "fore." opponents lwl bcner !Ille note. If they don·1, lhcy're likely 10 be left behind on the faiN'ly. Although the 1um's =rd is 1·2, Coach Wffl'l!n Keating could sell his team to an1•bodv. :.Wc:re so much bcner tb4n we ba\'C been ID the past rwo years. there is reall) no compuisoo." he said. The squad, v.· hich KCJ1ting said should win 11 least one more much this season, .. ~1 play host to Walla W:ilb Community College tochy 11 the Coeur d'Alene Public Golf Course. "We kind of hope weaui bea1 them: ,.e los1 10 them there b} 20." he said. Also on the is the Columbia &sin College lnvimrional May I a.nd 2 1n Pasco. "'ilh about 13 teams expected to compete. Amirding 10 KCJ1ting. NIC bu rrusscd 1h11 tourney only 1v,·icc 10 the lasl 10 years.

"This IS I trip the kids all loolr. (Ol"tllard 10, as 11 Is "'Cll-run and h3S top<alibcr competition." he said. "h's a fun tounu, meat and ,..e don't apea to •in. but it"s a good eipencncc." The Cuds will play Columbia Basia Communi1y College. Spokane Falls Com, mu ni~· Callcge and E.lsteni W ashingtoa here OD May 16. They arc al5o to set up a home match against the EWU JV squad, the tCll.m NlC recently patted by 4J8...139 in ChCDC).

··we should be playing more JV teams. bat we bll,-e been playing mostly vamty 1eams." Keating said. Acconbng to Kcaung. Brian Aiken is lhc "s1e:uliest and best" pla)Tr and has been h1ruog 1n the "Os. Dick Lee. the squad's secorul-beJ1 linl: man. is expected ro start d«reuing bu stroke 10121 and improve. Keaung saw. Other golfers arc Joe Kecbaug)I, Rod Brau.n. Jim Walbtt ffld Rob Gillies. "Thcy',e :ill h3d their bad runs. I hope. and 1hould be conung down," Keauni

said. "The team is a lot of fun 10 watch this year, and it is rcally fun to pl:ty wi1h Lee: his game breeds on the spect4CUlar." Keating told of bow Ltt recently drove the 325-yard llm green at Coe-Jr d'Alene. missed a 20-!00I eagle pun, bu1 ~ 1 birdie. "l"c never seen anybody do tha1 and l'.-c seen some long balls hil. .. Keating said. ln an abbreviated practice roand. Lee sho1 an et1gle on the par-5 480-yard 9th; a birdie OD the pu-4 425-yud 12th: and a double eagle on the 4n.y:ard 16th. "It's fun to wuch him. as Car 11.S his amtude and sportsmanship, and be's tcrnrsc. beyond reproach He re.mus be

bu a long way to go and it's gre11 to see ii." Keating said. He s1id he'~ pleucd 10 " lin:tlly" have pi.ycTS w11h high S<"hool upenellce, bul Wd he ex-pecU 11u1 year's team 10 be "bellcr still." Compared with years o{ jus1 one oc t,oo high school players. 1hls year's squ ad boasts live. As for ae.11 year, the progra m will fea1urc pBctice matches in September. " We hope to get better. with 01 least sb high schoolers for nc~1 year. I think ,.e·u get them and I think we can do really .-di with !aJI golf." Kcati.o g said.

Six teams pitted in softball finals Co-Reaeational sofu»ll pbyoffs bejin next "'-eek wtth si.t teams stiD in compcti· tion. Semifuw games ...ut be a1 4 ffld S p. m. 11.h) I al Memorial Rcld with tbc

championship game S p. m May J 11 Memorial. Teams still in con1cnti0n are the Aludos. Adnoids, Fon Ground Tavern . .Northern Duw, Brewers ind Faculty.

Frlday, April 23, J 918

Cons istency problem s

Baseball playoffs loom ust year's lwebull playoff~een NIC ~d Treuure Valley wrned out to be 1. "heartbreak hotel" for the Cardinals oo their 09,'tl field.

co11U11g .uourul by nen <lCckend...

Bat this year lhe squad •iU ha~c to do better l:ISI year's clCISl' ru,·c, if it is going to compete in regionals.

"I expttt the, sophomores co p13y benc,r, u they've had more e:rpcrientt," Bloxom said.

Tbe playoffs will begin today and Saturday in Ontano, On:. and ...UI t'ODClude

Blo.1com has made changes In the, b3ning order, but no major changes ha,-c, bel'o made dnensi\-c,ly.


5-6 on NIC"s auunond.

The team thu ,..iM fi,·c g.imes •·ill ad,ana: to regionals. 10 be played May

18-20. Last season Treasure Vlllle)· brotc a 4-4 game record "'Ith • ~4 win io the: ninth game. ending Cardin1I hopes for post· seuon p~y ··11 ,s always tough 10 tell ho,,. weD •·ell do." Coach J act Bloxom S11d of the upcoming battln.

"We're '1Mling 10 hn the b4l1 benu. but a 101 depends on p11cb1og." the,

Except for four pitchers. a short slop. second baselllllll and nr.v outfielders, tbe

team 1s comprised or fn:shmi:n.

"We havl"ll·t dc,-c,lopcd anybody tbnt ,s hlning consistently and if ,. c get fi,e or six. 11.-e do alright." he said.

•·cu ·a

"Tbc problem is that some, kids CG bi1 1hrcc omc,s 1n a game and then 001 get any hits the out game,:· he explained of bis

11·14 team.

"We arc DOl copst.stl'Dt II all with the bat ... he added. Ooh• time :ind Treuure Valley will now tell Bloxom and his chugcs just how consiscent they really arc.

dtamond \'Cteran wd.

.u for rhe gcnenl coodjtiao of the IQID. Bloxom uid, "We are JU.St 111>1 plaV1ng rc:alh v.c,11 o,crall , and I hope ... , gcr 1•1a1e1·a 1a1a.•


o..t n dean, up on third altu ripping •

-1 I

The Canis spht a doublc-headtr April 2J with the visi11ng Lewis and Cl.ark Sll11c: College JVs. dropping the, first game, 9.3 before conung bad 8-b.



triple ap.lMI Spokaoce F~.

To the i

Owen and the Cardlaalt begin 1111 elght,giunc, scril"I thl, "etkmd with Treauni Valle). The wlaner advanra lo nrglonu..

Netters armed for action BJ John Elam111on NIC"s men', tennis ream, rrc)h rrom btlllcs with lnjunu. Morhc:r Narure and Spahne schools u. now preparing for 114 major Oghts or the year,-rcglonals tnd

nQUOnals. The regional 1ourn1u11en1 "ms rcsahed· ulcd for May 14- 16 ond Coach To ny Ste-. an chinks ht. charge:) have• a good 1h01 al winning the Region 18 Ctown. "I thin)( we're fine, •• he: ,aid. "we'll jus1 hl\'t lo play a fow mo11t matches and set"." Sore: ann\ have hampem Marl Monon. Mark Ou,1os and Scou Poole . Morron abwrbed a one-two punch. u he was al,o h11 by an 1tllld or bronchh~. ··reams arc u,uall) hit w11h arm problems In lhc early l)lrt of the season."· Slc• ard uid . ··we would rath"r ha"• rbcm earl) like this than during pO)I


Bouts Wllh bad we:uhcr luwt left the Can!lnab with a half.played ~hcdule, Five marches could not be played, tnd of the Olll'S that were finished. NIC ended up 2.S. mnsll)· tn competition 1gllins1 Spokaoc t'Ollegcs.

The Whir.vrth rematch hi.\ again been rcsebeduled to May I on NlC courts.

Blue: Mounrain, Central On:san COJD· muniry College, Cla~~•mus and r.-al Treasure Valle,) Communil)· Coll~ will be the opponent~ al Salc,m, On:. in regionals. TVC and NIC ha>t· bttn the oaly school$ 10 " in that 1oum1mcn1 in r«'t'ol yeU5, " We'll ha,c a bl'nci- ldc,a of •~ \land."' said, "after -.c pl" TVC in a march ... Tomom,", on aampu~ courts. the Canh will pla~ hos, 10 TVC m the front end of a doublc•hl'adc,r Columbia Ba~in College also bas I match here later in the chy Tc,ms lo "•tch at nationals " ill be M11m1 Dade Commun,~· College (Fla.), Mc~ Comm11n1t) College, (Ariz.). Ccntul Ten< Commun11~ College and Od""'~a Commuru!) Colle~ (Tens), a«Ording to Stc, Tennis squads in NJCAA COD11)C't11100 ha, c, four singlh players and l'l>'O doubles learns. A "~kcnd 11t,J..11l10 Mocnana re.ulted 1n defo.tl3 Qt the hanch of UM and MSU. Tbe Grinhcs stopped NIC Apnl 22 and the Bobca15 the Cards 'l.O the next day.



I Book Buy Back /""'

Regional tilt


Book Store

Cash/or Books Bookbuyer from Nebraska Book Co. ~~II be here

May 8, 9, 10. lj 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. 2-3. 30 p.m.


Current editions only ••••••••••••••••

Friday, Apdl 23, 1973


goes crazy

Ukc a Chlrago gan11§ttr, Run K.,..... roniesi. bl11hll11h1td Campa• Due II Ille

Mier romplcllon of lbc plc,,ullaa roa1u1. Ralpli Semuk 11 lathered ap ror • qalck shave.

Dennis Dlnalng and Lori Loag KJ, r ASNlC Pmdcla,t Jim RnnKD • lt'e&Ullellt ..-1 pollllclaru ~... .,.

fl may DOI ha•e bttn ., eompdlllve • lbe IAdl•nepoPt Lona ,iln &he bed rxe , pna bo diort.

sat" L

Dlnltl" OD Beel(y

Dao Pa,nc ublbll.S his PIUl~snatflna prv•~~. both ,.asn't quite good coo~h u Rici. C.,., won lht-c,ent.

ffitl . Sqolrt gtAM and wdrd

See ilOr)' on page 8).


by Dave Kramer

and Lorrie Amos

&.w.u c1oa· t oltm C"Ow ID A.ltika. bot Deu G&ldntt -

-ab t:D wta

lhe ono!Nl.


ba,-ce a


for !Mm u be ue


Frlclay, April 23, 1978

[....___k_a_le_id_o_s_co_~_e_] 20 NIC students chosen for honorary organization NIC student CIM1a: WngJn ,..a.s elected pruident ol Ph i Theta Kappa !or the 1978-79 acadcm,c year. aad 20 NIC srudenti ,.ere iDduCICCI into the arpm· Zll!IOD II a =at meeting Ann Foiles was el«ted ,ice prnidcat and Linda 8111.10 •ill be the new, sccrewy. Students joining the organizal1oa inclodc Marc Andrc1.-s. Scott Cranston. Ro,11er Hayes, Kristine Karlgaard. Bradley Stoddud and Wnght. Coc11r d'Alene; A.Gnfflc Bar.stow. Richard Colton and Diane Mor· phy. Post Falls: Scott H:1ttcnb1ug and

Michelle Mathes. lhydet1 lake: Paai:ia M~C?$. Ralhcltum: Roi( Ness, Wader, and Cuol Badgett. St. Manes. ()theo inruatcd iDIO tbc organmtioa were "-n.Dcnc &uma.o, Ki.ngston; Bl&in aad Foiles Moscow: Debra Cantrell. Osburn: and James Dean Jr .. Brea. C&hf According 10 George Cook, chapter adYiscr, fflldcnts must have I J.5 or bightt accomolali1·c grade poiat average , and be carrJllli a m111lmom of IS semester bou.15 to be cllgil>lc for member· ship.

Debaters 3-3 at nationals NIC's debate team returned from the Pb, Rho Pi National Champlonsh1ps with • 3-3 record. O,·er 80 Junior collcges v.crc represented in the national forensic tournament held April 13-18 in Sacriamento. Calif, NIC's Kathy Mt'Con:nic\: and Mary Welz defeated Rio Hondo. Po.Jamar and Sa1n1 Johns River but lost 10 Com,urnncs R.i,cr.

Mt. Hood and the l'li8 national clwnpiOIU of Odt'$U. Tez '' McCarmkt ID OBI intcprctaucm mls· ~ brcakillg into the seaufinals by one potnt. .. we! Ridwd Hyneman.• NlC forensic d.i.rector. R )'tlfflWI said DUI )'C&f' s SOth &Jlllual Phi lUio Pi Nanonal Cbamptonslup, will be held ID M.l11Dt'&pol~. M"UID.

57 units drawn at drive NIC"s April 19 blood dri"c totaled S~ units of blood. at'COfding ID ASNIC Vice President Lori Long. John Hlllllcn or the Spokane and lnJand Empire Blood Bank supervised the drawing in the gym foyer The engineers, nurses. girls· service IJld

publications clubs helped ID set up the " I 1hink ,. c could have had more participation from 1bc dubs in gelling people to don&tc," Long said. loog added WI sutislics on the dub winning a S50 prize roe mcst donations ha,-e DOI been completed.

Services held for Durkin NIC auto mcthanics Instructor Leorw:d Dottin. SS. was buried in Forest Cemerezy April 24, following rosary and mus at St. Thomas Catholic Cborcl!. Durkin, an inslTUctor since 196&. died

April 19 of c:anccr at Kootenai Memorial Hospital. He is survived by bis wife Lorraine, a son, a daughter. a brolhcr IJld three gnndchildren.

Alumnus dies in car crash A 1977 NIC gr.iduatc. P111rici: D. Porucy, 21. "''4S tilled April 23 in a one-car cnsh on U.S. H1gh,.•1.y 2 near Bonnen Fmy.

Ponrey. a resident of Bon.llCn Feny. gnadwued • i th :ui A.A.S. degree in the Human Services spcculist program.

UFO discussion scheduled Unidentified Oying objects ,.;11 be the $11bject of a Popcorn Forum scheduled for 10 a.m. today in the SUB. Pn:Knted b)· the husband and v.ife team of Fred llnd Lenore Gerv.Jdson. the forum

will fcanm: a slide show IUld leccun: on the phenomenon. Fred Gcnldson is a professional aeronautical engineer and commercial pilot. wlulc his wife 1w been associated with UFO sru~es Slllce World War ll.

Students rake in cash throughout daze craze Sc,nal NlC \tudent~ r:iled ,n the buck.s during tbe ,.ttl·kmg Campu~ Due ocu,·,.

ucs. RJCl Coe began the ,rnuUJ111 stttak by taking the first-place S20 pri1c in the pancakc-Ntlng contc,t \pril I~ ,.h,le Greg SMltnn placed second foe S10. Dean Gardner swffed his mouth full of bananas \pril 18 10 tal:e nrs1 In the bltlana~atinR contest with Marl: Robcn.s 111:lns second. Abo 1hat Jav, mony students spor1ed squ,n gun ,.capon~ 10 a•vc frirnd and foe a rneodly bhut 10 cool off. Thcd.ln-1hra"1ngconte,t v..u v.on ,\pril 19 by Jerr) 01,on ,.Ith Randy Peers plac1n1 second Donn~· Owen gobbled bat11na cram pie 10 wm fin• place di the plc-cal1ng contut followed closely by RobcrU. A5-.;Jc l'l'csidcnl Jim Rcm\Cn n:cc1~cd bu pie 0\ er hb lu!ad. The water-balloon,~ was won April 20 by and ~ond place went to Greg ' Kvcdcr Also that dAv. Ed Rice woo the fri,bce ,throwina co~test, followed by Richard Lee. The welding enuy won the bed nm, with team members Kurt Benham, Jeff Berg, Dao Payne, Ruu Dansereau and Jim Belt. Stan Hughes. weldillg instructor. uid 10 boys. includ1na the team, worked on 1hc

bed and split thc S50 priR money. The auto mechanics tcom or Tony Allrnang. Rand, Seif. Jeff l~on.s and Chen Matthc.-s toot ,ccond Clue, "t'rc pl'6cnted throughout C4m· pu, D.lll' v.ccl 011 an hem that Is on campus. T,na Shropshlr,: put her Sherlock Holme, 1hlnkinj1111to ac11on 10 v.10 the SSO p11zc for gue,.,ng Rcn1,cn'$ hat In the due l-.:IDIC\I,

A bart>«ued-bccl Cea\! took place in thc af1crn1lon M April ll In the Ill m !or ,tudcnl\, facult) and gue,t\. Remsen commented tha1 lhc dinner went preuy "ell He sald It may have bct'n bcurr If ii could hnvc taken place oul\ldc. lie added that he doesn't feel that the rc,crfction nf akoholk bc ..eroae, on com· pu, hampered the barbecue bcc~u\C a well,,111cndcd kcpcr wM held chat ofter· noon Jt the Fort CMund, Tavern. A dnncc to Chlld ended the wee~ ol c11cnl\ nnd ac11vi1lc1. Rem\~n i~ld he (eel, Compu) Da1c, which cost Sl.380 for the pna, and the food, went really well lie 1old 11 did get off le> a ,1"" ,tan. but once word got out on lhe 4C1IVIIICS ~nd COOIC\~ more people bcgJn to get Involved Club wlnmm, ot the blood dmc have no, been announcctl yet

Friday, April 23, 1978

Stranahan looks back • as retirement nears Imagine ....nring through the Admini•

stration Bllilding oa your way 10 class v;hrn, by the registrar's office. you uc attacked by the STeet aroma of frnhly-bued cooties or pies. Can't picture th.ti! Well. that is exactl)' where the home economics duses tricre held when Florence Stranahan. current department hull. came to NIC. Stranahan 1,5 retiring al the end of this

French crepe: cooking. When il.Sttd ,.,hy she opt~ for culy rctittmcnt. StraMhAn lllughcd. ··Oh dear. tluf s o loaded question:·

semester. When she began teadling here in the fall of 1950, the conegc had recently been

Taking a gander Slariaa down a photographer Is no US) I.Uk for a R,&111e tum ralcr. Thi, a-~ lhc curttnt monarch al the Stampede Lake Game Farm near Bon ncn Pttry.

Da,c Kn.mer photo

Board letter change delays inquiry of vocational prices B> Debbie Brliibo)' Any ,n.-c,1, gatlo n by 1hc Bo ard of Trusice~ on 1hc a llege d di,;crimlnation of >OQtlonal prices u 1 ~ tpon~d. Afte r the rontcn~ of o letter rcquc~tlng board action v.crc chon11cd b)' the S1udt nt Board. At the Apnl 11 Stude nt BOllrd meeting. Sen. Kevin Jenon's motion wu pa,sed that the board M:nd I letter rccomml'ndln11 the tru)IC~ in,estigate vocational )hop fees for labor and that all NIC students be charged the sa_me price. At lhc Apnl 18 S1udent B~rd me<:tmg. ASNIC Vice Pre,ldcnt Lori Long's motion to rc\clnd the rcquc)t -.u a«cptcd

Al tht' same mceMg. Long mo\'C'd a diffcrcnt l~ttcr be sett! to the Board of 1 r u\lces 10 hD\'C lhcm loot ltttO the pra~lire of charg,ng different pli~ for p3r" lo ,cudcttt) m H>abonal and ac•· de m1c :arc,os of NIC and also that the pc1111on s ub mtned b) Rohen Wuest be ~nl alon11 ""h the lctt«. Wue,t·~ ptllllOn charging di.Jicrimtna1lon prompted the orig· tnal lcucr. The letter change dela~C'd J.11) trustee .lction ot the April 2S me<:ting. The lon er and p<'tlllon will apparcntl~ ~ c:on\ldc~ at the May IS trusttt mccung.

relocated Crom a!,o.-e City Hall. At that time the Ad Building was the only structure on campus. ··Prior 10 that time," Stranahan said. "there had been no home cc progT&m." Since those early d4)1i the dcpanment has almost quadrupled from one food lab 10 four-. b1ch arc being planned for out year Stranahan wd the expansion of NIC has n' 1 really surpnsC'd her. "Our then President G.O. Kildol>: often stated and g111e us the V\SIOD oi ,. hat is happening nov.-,that the school would grov.," she rcl11C'd. During the almoit 28 ) ean spent teaching at NIC. the home cc 1ns1n1ctor ha.s noticed thJtsrudcnts rcvot,e ,n " 50(1 or an interesting rirdc. ·· Srudcnts of the SOi •en mott clothes conscious and goal ottcntcd . she said. while .. ,he aOs kind or blc,v. ll. .. "Nov.." she added "I lhuik students arc on on upbat s,,.;og:· Among the post educauon s chools Suaoabao attended. , the Pu,s· American AC'ldr121$ in France "'beTc she studied ceramics. art history. French illld

Attention Veterans Plan lo continue your education al the University of Idaho En,ov ~ o._.., iearrM11J e,,norv,rens ga,ea :ome.-.ciM(h.e'nttesol 'tie Progra"" DI =ecia l!llefH! otcl\.r!ll Agrcut...e M ano A!'CIVetr:!.,re Bu'-"91 E'9.-eet"Q Fo-ett.'Y 1..1"' l,l"'fl 4 Geo!ovr Plfa st l"I " ' .u.-. ,0., '" • : "'Q edUQ' Ol'la aeneti, ~~ !lie,, e, ~ rta,e '"" v-s tror, ~ cs.:;i al seoa,ato, :o o,rr,p!~e


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Flottncr Stranahan Her hus~nd figures ,n there. she said. because .. he's a golf cnthusi.u t and he wants to go south and play golf." In addition to joining her husb:llld Ill golf. the goocl-narurcd teacher plans on doing things she doesn't bave time for no" This ,ncludc,s " arking for the CBnccr Cniudc. playing " Ith her gnndson and a bn of traveling. She nO\\ faces the difficult decision of "here 10 1oumcy 10 this summer. Slr:nD· han ",II choose ber..ecn returning 10 Paris. ,~t,ng 2 mp 10 Germany with the Unl\crsitv of Idaho alumni, or caking a mushroom foray 10 Europe. Smuho.o. who say~ -she "'ill miss the faculty and students after le.i\'ing. SC1L'S her ov.n \ISion of NIC's future. " I see it gelling some or the adv.incc· meots rn building1. space ond progrnms "' hich enrich the srudcots," she sa.,d.


Pill1Culal/'y ltlli'fSIIC

un,.-y 01 t01no

on 'lie IDIIC,,n;; orog,am lS)

t:•r - - - - - - - - - - - - - S!•tf - - - - - -


•.V.lL TO

Universityofldaho Qrr,ce ol Vell!l8"1 AHi~$

uec 2•1

MOSCO-N laano 83843

Friday, April 28, 1978

c......a.... .10.

Cardinal Review humor

Summer stops students' semester-long struggle While you, llD average. cypically iypical Joe Sil-pack college studcot arc day• dreaming OUI lhe window dwiog English class. have you ever t.boaght about all the little id.Josyncnsu:.s llDd ha.s.slcs that oc:mr In a $Wdcn1's my at college? Some of the smallest and simplest problems crutc the largest hcada.chQ For ins1ancc, consider the bubroom si111&linn ID the Admmistntloa BaildiJla People 5eem to think that the gays' CID IS always oa the right whik the pis' is always oa the left. So111COJ1C whaK bad: teeth att afloat usually ~ · 1 loot at the sign on the door but lll.Stcad. charges inside in ~ af a quiet relid far his problem. Rave you c-·er noticed that the bathrooms upstairs io the Ad Builcfiog arc opposite &o.m the johns downstaus? Many students' instincts ha,·c proved them wrong this year. The simple (simpl e?) procedure or c:asbiag a check io Cl>cur d' Alc:ne Cati gj\e a college student skin rubes. Some store own en and workers eye you like you' re an

csapcd convict. mental patient. or worse. a college student. Cashing a SJ.67 cbccl: io a supermarket requires !WO pieces o( idenllfication along wtth a sworn statement ftVtn the FBI. Yoo can forget about cashing out•of-town cbed::s i.o Coeur d'Alene wiless your fatht't Is the mayor. judge o: polltt chief. These days C\'ell that may DOI bclp you. Being an IS.year-old callcgc sllldcnt I.a Coeur d"Alca,c pau yoo some..,hCTC in the wold bctwec:n bctng labeled an adult or a - · You c&11'1 lcaally dnnJt alcohol so yoa"tt a minor, bat you ate gnnted fuwiciaJ responsibilities •hich also make yoa an adult . It seems lil:e • rollege sradeot gets the raw cod of tbc deal cverynmc. AtteDdiog a movie theater inatc:s stom· acb coa,-ulsions {ar' mllDy students. While p&yiog admisslOO for an R-ra1cd IDOVlc you arc soddenly for your iclcntification. That's bcca._ 16 years old 1.11d younger arc II01 alloo4'Cd inside for R-ralt'd tlickL This ~ n c e can be plrtlCUlarly humili.ung for 20-ycar-old students. especially when you CID sec more so;,

wed u-c

violence aod other stuff on telcvl.fion. Some or these Idaho ans should take notice of their neighbors In Montana where men a_rc men and if they a_rcn't they miut be from North Dakota . Montanan 18, year-olds can lcgall)• drinlt boon and anyone can go to movies If be is tall enough ro band the money ro tM cashier. Idaho policemen can c•use consta nt sufferance to college s rudcntS. /\ cop may poll you over foe ha,ing an open conuuncr in your ,'Chic-le and proceed 10 give you the entire Ad.un-12 treatmen1 before discover, ing 1h31 the Coors can Is jUJl • splnoon you u~ to tal:c care of )OUr Copenhagen hAb11 while you dnvc.

It seems that quite o few poUccmen get a cheap thnU by talllng carload.$ or siudents. Blue an suddenly come out of nowhere, speed up behind you. and then follow you all 11.rOWld the city. When thi5 happens. a s tudcn1 driver gei, so paranoid 1h11 he fttau out and goet live mllcs over lhc speed limJI, lllld receives o cheap-thrill tick.c t. S1091ighu. slow driven and chuckholes

in the sUttu arc other continuing huslc, a sluden t must contend with. W henever you' re In a rush to get someplace, a stoplight 1nvariably changes at the last moment, halting your fOC'Ward p10grc.s.s lmmcdi11ely. or a ilowpokc driver will dart ahead or you and 1hen slow to a sMll's pace. No1hill8 is as aggravatins as a 1low car ahead or you ,.,hen you're io a rush 10 gel somewhen:. Cbucthole, in the strccl8 'ICCm to appear

from nowhere j1151 as you drive over them. The Jolts and erach your car suf fers through ore unbelievable. Some compact t'al"l have c,cn been ltnown to fall In a few of 1he deep potholes In Coeur d'Alene. These o.n: JUst I few of the everyday problems we, as college siudents, must face. Every student mllSI ton1cnd with these h11.u lcs or other slmllar problemJ almost c,cry day of every week or every month of every semester. The only ans,o·cr to these problem~ wlll come around in a 11oeck 0-nd o half when vacation time Is here 11 1151. My. how ume when you're having fun.


Secretarial posl

Hassen earns NAFSA office Leona HllSsen, NIC foreign language instructor and Idaho reprcunt.Ative to the National Association of Foreign Student Affairs, wu elected April 10 o.s the assoaauon's Region 1 sccrewy.

BlG DECISlONS-Pat SaUJvan, Debbie Bd.sboy, Warttll Tllltt!ICC, Shc0ey Baglc) md La~o ScbmlclJ cnlaau, plctartt. The Ove were na.m_ed IO editorial positions on a.e n year's Cardinal Re~w.

Newspaper editors chosen f"tvc NlC frcshpcrsons have been named to editorial positions for the 1978-79

Cardinal Review. Those named were Debbie Brisboy . Laureen Scbmid1. Pat Sulliva_a, Shelley Bagley llDd Wanen Tom:ncc. According to CR Adivscr Tun Pilgrim. Brisboy, 1 Sandpoint High School graduate, will ~ Bcmie Wilson as mana· giog editor. Schmidt, from Boulder, M ont .. will replace Susie Eppcrlc a.s news editor. Sullivan, a native of Thompson F:alls, Mont .. will 6D the dual role of sports cdttor and pho!Ogl'Qpby editor, while Bagley. a Wallaa: High School gradu&t.c , will replace Lome Amos as associate editor. A Feny graduate, Tormic:e will assume the duties of copy editor. a position DOW held by Cheryl Nicolson. "By appointing these rnidcnts 10 editor· ships. 1 bcliC\'C I can lnsurc a high quality and professional news paper," Pilgrim said. "Debbie (Brisboy) llDd the

have the ability and the desire to do a superior job. Pilgrim said that Sullivan, wbo was also sporu editor this year, will be the " key to the graphic success of the papc:. since be is the only q ualified photographer re· turning." Dave Kramer . the current photography editor. is gndoatii\g. Bagley will also 6ll two positioos, since she will mmo as adYC! awuger. "SbcDcy bu done an accllcut job with the ads this year. aod I'm confident that she can bandlc both positions next year." Pilgrim Tbe adviser praised W-lban, Eppcrle. Amos, Kmncr and Nkolson for what be termed "effort out of duty's sight." The CR has won two consecutive lint-class ratings the Im t,o,'() semcstcn ID ~lualion by the Associated Collcgim


Press. The new editon will assume their du bes

in August.

Hauen. a five-year NAFSA member. will continue 10 represcn1 ldllho as she hu since 1974. NAFSA serves u a source or professional 1r11ining, • guide to performance s tanda rds . a nd a spokesman for inter· aallonAI cducalional c1cbangc programs In governmental and educational circles. Members include cdue1tion1l agencies. national and in1cmaliooJ1.I corpora1ioM and foundAllons, individual, or iniemallorw educaiioo. communi1y volunteers, and foreign and Amcrlcan students. According to Hassc.n, NA.FSA places 1 mtJOr emphasis on regional propms. "These prognms arc designed to assist colleges and univcrsiucs in strcngtbcnina their prognms for foreign studcnta." she uid. "They also promolc community rclaliotl3hip with educational lnsti1u1ioos and wo rk 10 the field of oross-cuhural understanding.·· NAFSA's national communications oet· work o perates through 12 geographic regions across the country . Region I includes ldabo, Wuhiogtoa. Oregon and Alaska.



Member FDIC


Fdday, April 23, 197&

Canllnal Review .Jl.

Singletary says

Festival attendance ' poor ' By Wan= TGCl'alee

NlC's F'anc Art Fcsnval is 001 being received well, accordiDg to m~e lnslllctor Robert SiDglet&z)·. With only tJirec days left in the festival, SingleW} said that there is a lad of support among faculty and students.

"TbeTe has been crtremcly poor atren• d.lDce. .. Singlewy said. .. A good example is the faculty rcciw held Wcc!Desm) (Apnl 19). Four instnictOrS and 10 students ,-,m: the audieoce." Singletary said he "as disappointed bcca1uc of the amount of •'Ork put into

Lome Amos photo

Stepping up NIC malntcaance worta Boward Sd,oolt'T fimiJ o-p Corms for coDCrete steps lcadlng eo !he dike road. Financed by ASNJC, two sei. of 11e:p1 w1ll provide ea&ltt aecas IA> dike road panlng and IA> lb~ beM:b.

Board approves budget.

• •

continued &om page I -t he board voted to give Tony Stewart Sl25 for a popcorn forum. ·· Remsen recommended that Ke\10 Jct· ton be removed u ch.llrpenon from the Bu ilding and Farllhles Committee and that h~ he t.tkc over u chairperson .. ASNIC President Jim Remsen uid 1h11 At the April 18 mccung· NIC' ~ lawyer. Norman Gissel will be ·· Re~o said tlat the signs put in the sending in hi$ cOnlr11ct for ncxl year The me n'i bathroom the "·eek before had b~rd voted to approve a budget of SI .000 already been dcstro)ed, for the lawyer next year. ·· •h e board accepted Jetton·, rccom· .• f'1Jcr Hid thnt each bind hired 10 play mcndntion, of the pl'OC\'durc dub$ must 11 a dance "ill be required to play at an follow in order 10 rccclvc money from the afternoon coffeehou..c In order to prevent Studcnt Board The gu1dchncs included b1nd11 from bcmg late for the d1111cc~. 1hat a club mu~, be Opt'n to all enrolled NIC ··Long reported that at the recent blood Mudcnl~ end thGt the dub must hs,-e a dri,c 87 pt"oplc turned out and 57 pints of valid con\ tilulion • blood were l llcepted. ..(he board v01cd 10 bur a dlctiolllJ')' for a dance and coffcehouu- will be held the Publicity Commlttc-c M•) S. lhc ban.d perfor ming will be Shado" . In other acllon: ··the board voted 10 gi,e the Catapult Commi11cc Sb4 to help tr• n&por t th e C111J1puh to competition tomorrow 1 1 Spo-

trying to brmg in outstanding arasts and the gcncnl lack of inierest ill them. " h 's embarassiag 10 be the person responsible for bringing this talent in and then to sit and sec less th:an SO people attend. It's A good "•Y 10 get ulcers." be

Ar.cording to Singlcwy, possible causes of tbe general apathy sho,..n arc bmd timing because people arc 100 busy 31 this time oC the year. art bas always bad trouble in trying to be suppor1cd. the lll'C3 001 be.tng ready for ne,,; things and resisting them. and people noi cnendtog the effort


101ncnd becau.1e they taltc art lar granted. He said that publirity could no1 be one or the causn because tht't'C !tu been "better CO\·engc tlwJ c-.·cr before." Stogletuy 1s IT),ng not to be too negative on faculty and students bu l wa nts 10 cncoun,gc them 10 ancnd because ",·ou may !cam something... he said. • "I'm grateful to them for th~r financial suppon because 1he Srudcot Boa.rd helptd fimtnce it. .. ht said.

lo spite of the poor anendance, Singlctlt)' said that they are not gomg 10 give up b~use he frets 1ha1 the fcsnval is an important nod valu1ble lcuni ng cxpc r1enc:c. In the rutu re the festival ma)' be expanded over the whole yea r to give people a better chance 10 ancnd. " I don't knll" or 100 many rolleges our size thllt get this kind of talent.·· Singletary

Tbe big finale or the festival wtll be the 8 p.m. April JO performance or " A Rogers and Hammerstein Conccn" by the Spokane Conccn Orchestra and the rollegecommunity choir in the NIC gym. ~~~~~~~,

: Greentree would like you to : settle back to t some fine I t new tunes ...



t t t t !

Vandalism warning given Rettnl lncrcued •andallsm hti prompled NIC officlab 10 remind ,rudt111S that repair or ttplaretnt11I toslS c H •t11uall) ln011t'llce tuition ud fees. 0ct'UITCncc, , uch u the Apl'II lS tbt'ft of the dorm 51creo 'Pffk<>rt "nT died b) NIC Bu,IMJ• Muiaacr J en, Wendt. Wendt ur11ed •ludenl6 .«Ing ,1111daJlj111 or tbclt 10 repor'I the Incident to Wall) l 011n11 , law enforttmcnt ln1tn1ctor. B) lrttplna quiet, tho"" "ho l<llo" of , uch act.Ion, IU"1 o~ burtln& the~•Ni b) lnrtt~ college coll" and lnn't'ut'Ci tuef, Wl'lldl .aid,

::························································ INTERSTATE TYPEWRITER 66 4 .311a i

I:: **


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Heart - Magazine Jefferson Starship - Earth Jimm y Buffett - Son of a Sailor A1cCartney & Wings - London Town

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t t




4th and Harrison f ~~~~~~~~


[__ n_ic_n_ot_ic_e_s~] Smckats Plmnilla on r-tllU1l.laa to NIC next WI fflbcmbtt to pick ap appllcallont ror rcadm!S51on In the, ~ · · ol!ke, and baH• them ID by Jal7 I , 1978.


ai-17 6-7 p.m.

Stodnts 111bo bue 001 paid pukJna llfts mlDl do IIO bdoR ~ P W can be meued by iM ~lstnt'• om~. At pr-cscnl, ah 1iodeo11 ha, c beeo Issued lettml ol ffllJlUC (or Wlore to pay llocs, whDe D,e students ba,-c, doubled &es la Mldllloo to lenC<S or ~More. fines &bould be paid as - n as posalble.


Roe DeaeahuoaJ,1 and the, U.S.

Bky.U..-- C.... 5.13

Mar, Gallow ay-Prealdeot, WHblo11oa Chapter, American Ovll Ubertln Ualoa


Chowing down A pair of )OUllgJtcrs plU'1al.e of blmm) ·mllng 'f1ulet at lhe April 21bui,eca. Becaasu lfOlll weather, the c, ·eol c:appin& Campas 0.., wu bdd ID the gym.

Republican candidates discuss campaign issues Three Republican candidates and reptc· senta tivcs of 111, 0 candidates for Idaho governor spoke to approximately 60 people April 25 11 the eighth Popcorn Forum. SpC!lking 11 noon were Jack Beebe for candidate Larry Jackson of Boise. Jay Amyx of BoiR. Vern R,wcnscroft ofTuttle. James Cro,,e of Coeur d 'Alene. and State Rep. Ga ry Ingra m for candidate Allan Larson of Blackfoot.

stead of "ocgaliog cad! Olbcr." "We oced au ad.ministration 1ha1 can make deasions." be said. •• .. to make a future for llUl young people." Cro-.c said the "poorer" be givea back ro 1hr local pcruments to give the "people a VotCC O\ff their Oll>n dCSllO) " Croti'c also uu:I • "lid" must be put on tues. "The only equitable tu is the sales w ... b.icb allows oo loopholeJ," he added.

Sen. James McClure and Rep. Steve Symms called from their Wuhi ngtoo. O.C.. offices 10 speak to the audience. After a brief message from McOure on lnllation, the forum got under way with Beebe reading a prepared st21emen1 for Jacll:son, saying a gove rnor must be "creative and in.-cntive. but oe>-cr maoipubtive." On the issue of property Beebe said that reform must be "more reason:tble than faans' SSO rebate. Schools are the responsibility of e>·eryone, 001 jus1 those who own property." He said a problem lies with the tact of boundary determination in forest lands. " It is time boundaries were dra11,-o in these federal forcs1 l&Jlds. ·• he added. Amyx. a former Boise mayor. said he "''&nLS to get "bureaucracy and big gO\"crnmcnt to a pl.lee ..·here they are responsi, c 10 the people." Amv1 said be "'DUld csublisb offi~ in North~rn and Eastern ldllho because of the "g~phtt'3l differences." "You must let 1hr people talk 10 yoo if )'OU 11,·ant to bring 3bout dficiem govern· meot." be said.

Last Rep. Ingram spoke for Larson. who has been Idaho Legislature's spealtcr of the house: for the past (our yean. lngn.m said larsoo is concerned abcKn the "future of Idaho and the apparent mability of the p=ent admini.slr.ltion to malte decisions," and the administration's "failure ro come fOl'Ward with an economic impact oo RARE lngnm also said that Larson is concerned with prope rly taxes. "People ob,•iou.sly Wlllll 1U refief," he said. In the qucstioo-aoswer s ession tht followed. a question on the positions the candidates held in reference to I.he J j)Cl'CeDI tu IDlttm\'C WU raised. Crowe declined to talte a stand until be could "get more diua. .. l woa't bop on the ba..od..·agoo until then." Amyx says be did DOI .support the I percco1 initiative because of "what ii •'OU.Id do co the local governing bodies." Ingram said Larson ..-as "delighted to see 1h11 1bc 11up:ayers arc conccr-oed eooagb to do somctluag," and Ravenscroft said a "tup:aycrs m-olt is understandable and predJctablc." Speatiag April 27 at JI a. m .. was Gov. Jobn E,·aas. 11 Democrat v,bo "ha.s ha.d a bawiccd prognm ,.;th a little re!'lcction of a progicssh·c era." Dwight Jen.sea. Dcmocrauc candid.Ile for 1hc U.S. Senatorial seu held b) McClure, spoke after Evans. JCDRn is the only announced oppoiaeDJ for McClure's .uid is considered try some 10 be ''m.odera1cly liberal.''

Oedaring an interest in "young people. · · Ravenscroft spoke on the opportunity 10 a "bener b:tlllllcc ber-.ce n the quality of life and the ability to make a hvang."

Ravenscroft said 11. need for leader· ship 11.lso c1ists so the lcg1sl11urc 3nd adnunastH11on can "sa~ somethmg" in·


StDdtnts who ,.an, lh.dr aradcs malled lo them remember 10 tca,e • uJf.acfcl.ruaed Jt&1Dpcd en,clope at the reg.1senr•, or.

FIim, "Long Canyoa" with cllllcualoo lo follow


S-27 1978 Idaho Gobematortal ~ . Repobl.l, ean C..:.dlda1t1

19711 p.du.a.tlng clau remember that aps arul go'M'U thould be a,allable by

All 1tudenta wbo ba,·e National Dlrttt Stu dent Loan, or aoulna 101 01 are rcqulrcd to hau, an lnlff\'lew with Jim

ord er: Lall name, beginning wit h A tbrocig.b l • May 4 and 5; lasl names be;lnnlng wllb M through Z · May II, 9 an8 10. U unable lo plcli them op a, ~ hedu.led, pleHe roatac t the regl11rar'1 olOre at leaat a week ahead ao they cu bne It rudy far you.

Upeb11tth before a,-adaatlon. Thia aboald be done a, IOOn q pcHMlible.

May 4. B«ame of lack or 'P-, pltue plcli Lhcm op In the foUowlng alphabetical

Ao,-onc wlihlnll to try 001 for cbttr· leader thoald _, Muriel Kltkpatrlek In Room L47.

Cotton Club Hoyden l oke, ldoho

M usic Tuesday - Sunday 8:30 p.m. - 1:00 a.m.

Wednesday ---Any drink in the house--2 for the price of 1 Can or bottled beer- 75' Pitcher s--$1 .60 before music $2.50 after music

Pitchers --Mixed Drinks--Wine

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