Assembly votes self-abolition
Outlook for government By 8cnlJe Wilson The future of NIC's faculty governing
She said the vote for the proposal could
suucto re is cloudy a her a proposal 10 aboli sh t he existing Facu lty Assembly Constitation and CoUege Senate at the [)ec. 15 assembly meeting. TIie proposal passed 32-29 on a secret ballot after being forwa rded by David Co hea. s ociology instruct or . aod Joyce &os,.-eU . coordinator of cxtc11ded day and adult conti11u1ng education. According ro the minu rdof the meeting. Cohen stated he favored abolition "be· cause most of rhe commiu ces arc not decision-making and since all policies are made by the Board of Tru,i~ and that ad boc committees can be ser up if neces-
be broken down Imo lhree par!$, the first being that some faculty involved io admioisrr:u1ve decisioo-matiog feel it makc5 reaching duties more difficult. As a resuJL they wanr to let the a.dlllinistrat.ors mu.e decisions . "Personally. I feel that i! you're Ul\-olvcd in a lot of commitrecs doing hours of rcseucb 10 nate recommendations to the board. it takes away from preparations... Boswell said. The other rwo reasons were not much att.e ntion was being paid to recommendations made 10 lhe board and that in the past. recommendations !limed into the board frequently were 1.1blcd for as long as two years before action was taken. Cohen made a similar motion rwo ye:ars
suy." Acco«ling ro Boswell. the proposal is a "ehmuu tc faculty government."
ago. at ,. hich time it died. "This (abolition mO'\e) is nothmg new, .. Bosv,ell said. " The feeling has cristcd and the sentiment ~
grown." "I used to be in f11"or of faculty government. but more and more rime "''I.S spent with le» rcsalts."' she said. Boswell said the boud was puuled 11 their Dec. IS me-etin,i and that Cohen a.nd she would attend lhe oe_xt meeting (Jao. 19) to c.tplain the motion and answer questions. "I would like to see the {acuity usemblv eliminated. .. she added. "The· majority of t.he Faculty an: DOW doing "'' bat they're t,,ired to do and letting the administratOI'$ do what they're hired to do ... she said. She suggested the fU"Dlry sit down lllld represent "ou rselves" with a for mal
auo,nat uev1ew
doubt association nor meeting on an existent
basis. Both Boswell and Cohen suggested ad hoc c:ommitte:s be formed as n~s :uise to SCl:VC those specific needs. "It is a facade if t~ faculty mates 3 decwon. Being trut.hful. ,,,e don·r ha~-e the pll"'tt." Cohen said. "We ,,:ould be better served by organizi ng ad hoc commit•
tees.·· Be said i! the board rejects the propow and says the faculty must keep rhc constitution and as.sembly. "then they're forcing on us a go,•eromcot which a segment of the faculty doesn't want." "There is II feeling on the plrl of some. but DOI all faculty. that fa.cult)' government is ineffectual ... Cohen added. "The fllculry has no power to ma,ke decisions. That j>O"'CI' is with the Board ofTrusrecs and the president." He sa,d the faculty is only ,a recom· mending body and that "any kind of democncy that appears to uisr on this campus is purely symbolic ... He added thar 1f some faculty ,.3n1 a government. they could go "through the motions of ir:· Co.hen said he felt if the vote wer1: lllken over. more members would ,-ore for the proposal. He said much commmee work is worthless aod added he felt the faculty
FltdaJ, J-.21,1971 coollnu~ oo page 3
Student Board begins plans for second spring barbecue B1 Susie Epperic The success of Jut year's spring barbccoe bu prompted the Student Boud to plan l repeat o{ the event lhis spring, without the presence alcohol. Seo. KC\'lll Jetton, who mais1e:noindcd last year's barbeeoe, asked at the J10. 17 mttti.og the Stvdeol Boml that it be held again and wd be will m.uc :i.rrangc.meots ,.;th college offlcials and Coeor d'Alene's police departmcnL Jetton said he "WOUid like to ba.-e !WO o,r thrtt bands play IDUSIC' this ll.mC, and also p~y up to Sl.500 for= "good band." Preside111 K.athi.c Collills sajd that she mJght be able to book the band "Head East" for the functjon, Last year's barbecue fatured !WO ballds 10d free beer oa the beach for those snidmts 19 111d ovnAlso at the Jan. Ji meeting, the board \"Oted to pa.n:hase !WO memberships ~o the Student Natioml Educaooo MSOC'IBUDn
Pal Slllllvu photo
D eep and white S..... ud rt\WI la Nrthem Idaho ad wn&cm MoaiUa are i eU!Qe Iona drtnks o( w&lff .. -
Illar parched bub hom ~
(SNEA). which is affiliated with NEA. for rhe purpose of sending cwo members of rhe board to Boise to participate 10 lobbying effons for NIC. The memberships will cost Sl2. Am111~emeots will be set up through Adviser Jim McLeod and Joe Allen. e:recuuve director of the North Id s.ho Region of the Idaho Educ.irion Association. The board authorized up 1·0 SI ,500 out of rt:Stnctcd surplus funds to be used. ,.,jth the NIC Board Trustee's approval, ro purchue a relcvlsion for the cable relevi.slon hookup ,n the SUB. Collins appointed Jim Remsen as chairperson for the Election Commlnce for the purpose of beginning work on the constitu· tsonal revmon~ election slated for Feb. I . Jetton reponed thar the outline for the proposed new student union building has bttn ICKI Jnd he i• in rhe proceu of ,..itmg a oe,. one.
Friday, Jan. 20, 1978
[.....__o..:!:.-~-in_io_n--=p=--ag--=--e__) Board minutes reveal:
Midyear blahs hit board As ihe ne" year and new scme5ter begin. it seems appropriate to lake a look a.t ihe action or macuon of the Associated Student Board. NIC's student gO\:ernment . during 1he preceding semes1cr. A qu ick glance ~t the _minute\ of all the meetings ,hov. some pos1m·e propos.als. comminees reporting \\1th nothing to say and a lot of s~on meetings. The bi(!geM proposal came earl> ha<.1 semester. v.,th an 1de:i presented bv Sen. Kevin Jetton. It was 10 build a new student u.naon buildmg and v.·ork on the proposal sumed off well. Six student\ v.cnt on a tour of St;B·s tn o~er area colleges. an old proposal was rewnttcn lo be mo~e rcaltsuc and ,.·as gomg to be presented to the Board or Tnmees for appro\·31 (In ~mber. u said). Sadlv. 1he proposal hasn't made i1 to the board at th~ v.Titing. Anoiher idea suggested wa<, to bring 1he tra\eling "Gong Shov. .. to ~IC in the spnng at a cost of >1.000. The board reJec:ted thi~ propo~I. after tabling it at tv.o meetings. wiseh• deciding not to \\aste swdent funds . Other 3Cll0D included presenllnjt some rC\1SIOns 10 I.he AS:,.ilC Co.os1i1uuoo. to be voted on by 1he students on the first Wednesdll} in February. Aho. a dance m.irathon was organized by the Student ACll\'Tlics Commntee and some mone~ v. as alloc:ued 10 different dubs. The re\ie" of the boll!'d·s minutes sho"'ed that this v.b about all that happened in fall ,emester J911. Al a majoncy of 1he meeungs. comrninee chrurpersons had nothing lo report. One "onden, whether this is b=use nothmg is happening on camplll (apalh} i.\ a fart of NIC life). or committee members simply arc not domg anythmg about things that .ire happening on campus? Who knows. The length of the meetings has gradually been gening shorter and shorter Since no one seems to ha\'e anything 10 say. lhe time has durunished to a ~rd 25 minutes ot the Jon. 10 mec1ing. Whnt the cau,e of thi~ inac:ti\ity is. one can only guess. Perhaps as the end of che ~emcster approached. anucipation of ,•11ca1ion cau1>ed the t1pparen1 apalh~. Or. it could be 1h01 the 1remendous lack of student input ht1s caused board membc~ lO feel 1h01 their job isn't wonh the time and dfort bein$ :i member requU"es. Whn1c,rer 1hc cause o( this lack of motivation. the suuatton needs changing, An ma:11\•e government 1s JUSI as bad o.s no government 111 all.
Highway Safety Bureau:
Drinking drivers lose out Dear Ed.llort P&J Sa.llJ>-u plioto Drl\'lng a motor veblde after drlnlclng alcoboUc be,enges bas become a C01111DODpiacc challt'nge accq,led by a large pcrt'ffltage of ldaho'1 drMag popalatlcm. OriDldng d:rh en who lose at the d:rinldng-ddvlng game or cban~ an, ,-eriflcd through rNJu1ttd blood: alcobol lesla OD all adult tnffic walll)• victims la the Slalc. CcrtifJed blood alcobol eoacutratloo [BACI I.C it re:tult5 condgcted thu Car ta 1977, ladlcatc dw aJ ICll51 oat o( c,ery O,--e people dylag ta an l.clabo tnffie accident bas bad an avm,ge BAC of . IS perttnt. Dllriag 1976, there were 6,063 BAC lfflS performed OD DO.D·faJal ,'dild.e driven la 1.daho. The a,·crage BAC was . 16 percent. The BAC Jc.-d wblcb a pt'ffOD la Idaho Is legally piuamcd to be " Under the laO~" Is .08 pcrcau. Wbe.n all BAC lffta ha,-c bee.a completed for the year, the .JS pcrttDI BAC for dd.aldag-ddver walltJcs w1l.l an.cloubtcdly be hlgbcr. UD!onuaatdy, alcoboJ test.a aumoc be coDdacted oo. those d:rh'en who are 001 la,ohtcl In a tn.ffic cnsb or those wbo go DD·apprtbe.ndtd. Coaslder that I! eacb dd,w wbo had been d:rtn.ldng "&5 rcqllircd t.o place a llp on the fro111 and rear ol his , ehlcle to notify other drivers and ~ ~triaas of bis or her pJ'CSCDce In the IJ"L(llc Dow, Whal a re•-dat.loa dw coaJd
It Is faduall) dear that DOI all drh'ml accept the ~iwhWI)' cbdr U.-es or that of otbcn. We In highway wcl)' rea1IJe that dzhio.g and drinJdo.g ls dao.gmnu. Almbol leacns 0111 ahWty lo reuon, rcdD.Ce!S oar lnblbl.tiooa and IDm::asa rlslHaldag, wNlcens oar aeanrmlllCular co.nt:rol, alledl oar ¥it.Ion and alows clo-wu ow reacuoa time. AllrfT coa.slclcThlg the fac1s, If )011 have aa;y doubt abo111 yoar clrtvlng caadllloa, doa' c,hhc! Be able lo be part of the holiday splrl1 DUI year t.oo! I cloa.'t want to rad aa olllt,er's motor •'C!hldt acc:ld~t w.allty ttpo11 your aame on ltl
Chuting up Tern Onna la the North"est has~ blJ&nkcled with heavy mow, 1h11 winter, a cold white answer to wt yea.r's droagh.t. According to• Peman Ranger S&&UoD l'JM)k~ma.a, 1DOwfall lO Car this ,.-later ts over twice a, macb as al.I lu1 KUOG. A total of 'l7 .2 lncbe1 aceamalaled Crom Oeecmbt>r 1976 through March 1977. Crom No'"tmbcr 1977 through Jan. IS, 1978 sua.ds 1.1 59.7 Inches , good news for area W'IDCl'S and nmcbert.
(.....__car_din_al_r_e_vi_ew __) The Cardinal Re,•lew Is published semJ-monthl)' by the PubUcat.loD1 Worbhop cl.ass a1 Nortb Idaho College. Memhen of the CR staff will suhe to present the oe"s Cal.rl) . accu.nuel) and without prcjudlce. Opinlo.ns expnssed on the editorial page do oot necessarily reOect the views of the Cud1n.aJ Review, ASNIC or the l'l1C adm1nlst.ratioo. The CR Is entered u first.class material at Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814. American CoOeg.Late Press Award.Winning New.spaper
aum.aging edltoT .........•......... . .•. . .....• ... . .. .• .. ... .. Bemle Wilson nei.·s editor .......••.... . . . ..... .. •..... ... . ... . .. . .. . . . .. .•. Susie Epperle associa.te edltor ..................... . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .... .... . .. . Lome Amos eop) edltor ...........••.•.••..•. . .. . ..•...•... ... . .. .••... Cheryl Nleolsoa sports editor .....••....•.. . .................. .. ...... . . . ••.... Pat S111lh-an photograph, ed.ltor ...•................•...•. . . . .. . .. .. ... . ..• Dave K,smer a.d\ertlslng 0Janager ......... . ...••...••...•.....•...•......• Shefle) Bagle) 0
ad, Iser•....•••.••..•.•••.••••..•••.•.••••.•••..•• . .••• . •••••. Tim ~
Parlc.e G&rT&n! Bureau or Blghway Sa!ccy
staff members •••..... . .... . .••••.•.••••••...•.• .. .. •.. .. ... Debbie B
Warren Tol'ffoce, Laween Schmidt, SllSaD Nlckenon, Bob Tharp, Swan Mooa, Teny Fah, John Hamilton, Y"oone Green and Clwiene Amtden..
Friclay, Jui. 20, 1978
( Assembly on rocky road contlou~ from page I
Sc:naic. Tenure Commiuce and Facuh) Aucmbl} 1\.1"' "just no !)Ol"Cr." He cued the faculty .uscmbly'~ ,·01e of J",8 in a d1.smiual pnhc, issue and s.iid 1hc board s,dcd with the eight votes "I don'1 1hink 1hc board and the adm1nislta1ton 1hmt v,e·rc scnous about ,unung 10 suspend 1he constitvlion 3nd comn1111rci and I think 1he board Is miffed b, It.' he added. · "There: 15 a feeling in the faculty th.11 go-cming i. a game Let the faculty tc.1eh, the admini.sir:11100 adm:nism and let the game of poli11c,, come 10 an end. ·· he said. Tooy Stev.1n. faculty g0\'cmmen1 mc:m· ber and polili~I scil"tlce irn,1rue1or, said in an iniervicw tha11hc gO\lernmcnt could not be abolished for three reuons. First. he said. a ll\,o-thirds majonty is needed for amending the consti1u1ion (a vole would change the cons111u11on by abolishing h). Second. a change can't be proposed without a 1hree,d1y notice and 1he Dec. IS pro~al went on the noor the ume day. Third. the move requires approval by the Board of Trustees. which hasn't moved on ii tCI, "h (1he proposed abolition) is legally ins,gn,ficant,'' Stewart said. "But there is some d1scon1cn1 with the strue1ure." "No by.Jaws arc perfect 10d need changes. I am disappointed: political scientists don't ab olish the system if diu11isfied with It." he said. "II is very, very unwise 10 suggcs1 1hi\ resolution." He added that the proposal may afree1 sludenis. as no Input to the adminbtrntion l\'ould be possible without the College Senate. "Then,·~ no way you cnn completely 1boli\h rocuhy govcmmc111. but you ean changl' It." he said '' I alway\ worked for
CardJnaJ Review .3-
chanjte. not JUSI abolition." • S1e,un 3ddcd that besides nudcnts oot havmg 1he College Senate pos111ons. the propoul would do 1"'3Y "'ith some standing commmee~ affcnu,~ swdents. "irs Be. erl) Semi\. member of the 'l'IC Board or Tru\tees. uid the proposal "U men11oned at the Ott. IS meeting .uid the cnure board "'ill told "'hat had occurred. As ror the p ~ I being on the agenda for the Jan 19 meeting, she said agendas ,.ould not be rccel\·ed until appl'O'(imatel~ three da)S before the mcetmg. " I doo'1 kno,.. enough about the "'h> or v.hcre(ore." Mrs. Bemis commented...It Cthc abolition),. ould have far-reaching cffcru." ,he added. ASNIC Pres1den1 Kathie Collins also commented on lhc issue. "If they abolish the !College) Senate, anything we'd like to do we'd have to take 10 the Board or Trustees. h "'ould be ha.n:ler on students nol 10 1!4ve the faculty backing them up." "I would have rCSCJ'\·arions about at1a· ally abolishing the Faculty Assembl y i1ruc:1ure as II exists in 1otal11y." f'IIC Pr«:$1dcn1 Barry Schuler said. "You always hove to have on order!,.. "·ay 10 :usess faculty views. positions, Cle.. when they arise from tJme 10 tJme." He said if there is no organization for renccting general sentiment, the Board or Trustees and the administration is Jcfl in a posllion or nOt knowing who 10 believe or who speaks for the ro.culty. "If there 15 no duly elected spokesman. there ,s no formal wa> ro knov. ,'' Schuler said. "If 11 1s more toward getting out of commincc ,.ork. it i\ a forlorn hope, as certain basic commmc~ ha,·e basic re• spomib1Ji11cs 10 perform:· he ,aid.
Da,c Knmer photo
Blown snow E, ca wtndmlla slow 10 a stop wllh all lhe snow tJw bas r.uco In Nonb lclabo.
(....__c_am_p_us_h_ap_v_e_n_in_g_s__,,,) Jao. 21 Play " J at,qucs Brei." 1'1C dram. de· partmcal 11 8 p.m. In lhe SUB. SIDdenlll and r-tty wlD be a.dmltted C-,. Jao .U
Women's Grogp Mttllog. Noon p.m. In lhc Walnat Room.
Popcorn Forum. A concert by E.P. R..ider, 10 to II a.m.• lo lhe SOB.
If you're thinking about your future, you will eventually come to think about money. \\, 1''1>.w"' 11>. furu,, l'lW luM, l:,c:uh 1<h,k )"'I I•' :i<lb"9 \'<'W
...i....~,..., ond .ifwt Tl\41 , ... i,.,, Wit """'· ntnrr CH',-i..nt ,a\ing> ~ "'•th dJfiif1.."n1
ond \ludenl\ 1; S2 million budgeted b) the .:ollcgc to be speot on wppl~ equipment ~nd scn·1c-cs. Ah.a included the net spcndabli.- (real) tncomt of spou~ of both facull, and ,1udc.-nts, "becauie." Bouchard said, "the college.- U I m.ajor reason the pc~an u In tbe area and unu:ng G income." Not included in 1hr ,ur'\'e~ ~ ca.pita! ,nvc,1meo1S that arc one•llmc prOJCCIS >Ul'h u the S2.& m1JhOJ1 buman111es buildu,g. the- dollar effc:t1 of cootinu1ng educauoo tn,ght school) ,uff and StUdcoa and medical pa~ments b} iiuuraatt com· panies p.t.1d on behalf of NlC staff a.od stodcnb. NIC Pre~1dtnt 8m) Schuler agreed •ith Bouchard but added. " iun"C) does not, ho... e,cr. rcncct the mast unportao1 uluc 1ha1 NIC pro,idcs North Id.Abo residcnts11141 or..offcnng qu:lhl) edu~tional pro-
t-.'fflli. umn and 11\MW"St r'1,'.'I Plan to, }-OU• 11,iu,~ ...,.. A """'19' .xa:,uns !\ thi' mm~...-n.:< b-rr...ttn 'w'i,onv •nd • pion OI o<llOn \\',ll"n. .,,..i.,,., I> o lull m-d,1 Counr.? for rht fututl•
We're the students bank. In Coeur d'Alene
1603 N . Fourth 1106 Sherman 302 Sherman
Comp11rcd 10 the 19':'S $1Ud~ als.o by Booc.h.ud. Nonh ldlsho College's impact has incrca)Cd o,cr S9 mlllion from S0.551 ,520. "Thai ,s some,. h,11 misludiag. ho"' · e,cr. bcause v.c m·ampcd the study :a.nd 1mpl'O\ed ILS actUNCY tblS year. We ll1so did nOI accoun1 for spouses· rul inrome u, the 19-S slUd) ...! u1d.
Jao. 26 IO
NIC spending influences Kootenai County spending AC(ording 10 a sur,ey releo~cd by North Idaho College Jon 4. approumatd} Sit> m111loo will be spent b)' NJC, Its faNl!)'. ~tan ond Mudeni... The ,tud>. 11onductcd b) Roll) Bou, chard. ~IC bu~ine~) ln"ructor. b an update or a ,1m1lnr ,uney mode In 1%7 and 1975. Thr survey ~howcd the ..-,pend,, turc\ on • m11n1hlt basi~ of 202 staff members. I, 700 ~tudcnts and college )ptndmg, lo ha,c ~n economic tmt>4Cl of SIS.90Q.200 tor 1117' in Kootenai County. F..xpcnllhurc, v.·cl'C hemized according 10 ,ur, cy and pcr,onal in1cn• or a random )ample ol ~,au ond ;tudent) Bouchard listed c1gh1 cxpen~e areas: housing. cd1.1cahon. food. en1~inmen1, traiuportarion. clothing, medial cx~s and miwellancous. S1udcn1 expense, "ere adJUStcd accord· tng to an e,cragc or 10.72 months li,·cd an Kootenai County. ACl.'Ordtng 10 the stud). staff members colltctl\ely spent SJ ,955,&,S foe the vt'ar " hile &iudent; :.pent SS. 950,09$. ·1 he largest cxpen.e per month 1s hou~iag. a,eraa,ngS28,4 for s1aff members and S168 for S1udenu. The smallest expense per month is clothing. l\eraglng S34 and S1 7.78 respct', Added 10 thi.- 10111 cxpcod1turcs of ~,aff
Tabfo socc,er exhibition. Sponsored by All-Amulcao Amoscmcot and College RecrctUlona.l Program. 3 p..111.. aod 7 p.m. In the, main dlolng room In the SUB. Pritts aod awards ...W be gh·ca away.
667 0551 667 - 4661
664 - 8165
Frtday,Jan. 20, 1978
NIC drama department produces 'Jacques Brei' The mos.ia.l micv., ' Jacque:< Brei is Alive and WcD and i.J\'l.Dg in Pans.·· is 00\, being ~taged by the: NIC drama depart•
Pat Sallhan pbolo
$1500 Valerie Wllllams, J'.Uncll McCormick and 1.aarttn Sclun1dt anmipt to cat ~ 111 the PubUcat.lons Oub tc.rtboot. svap held Jan. 9-13. Ollb ~ said !My iOld ahoa:t Sl,500 •ortb or1cxu. Tbc club plans to oiler the &el"ke to ,uDdeDU 1hr llrsl •edc of cad, SCIDH!a'. S1udenl$ waollng to 5CII Dl'II C.U's texts sboald tau tJicm to MA-2 Ill cod oC Ibis liCID~f.
Dean Ray Stone appointed to Commission on Colleges Raymond Stone. dean of the college, has been named to a lhrce-yeu term on the Commission on Colleges for 1he Nc,rthwest Assodation of Schools and Colleges. Sto~ is one of eigh1 persons represent1 ng community colleges on the 24mcmber board that deab with ac:crcdita• tion of educational institutions in seven northwCS1 states. .. ,, is kind of an honor." he uld, .. be(muse most members are university or college presidents. Deans are fairly nre." The com missi on is responsible for evaluating. issuing or denying =dilll• lion to all post-secondary schools io Alaska, Idaho, MontaD4. Nevada, Oregon. Utah and Washington. Twic:c a ytAr the commission meets 10 review an institulion's self-srudy report, accrediting team reports and interlm reports on instirutioDS between the acxreditation evaluation. It takes 11ppropri11e action on the basis or information received. According to Stone. "most schools receive act"reditation if they really do what they Slly they ue doing."
Certification can be denied if insmution.,; are lacking in areas such as facuhl. depanmc1.11 or hbl'U) facilities. If denied. a team for the !\ortlnrest Association of Schools and Colleges • rc1uro in four years to reealaace the sltultion. Onl)· by team ,·i.sitatJoo can accreditation be denied or reaffinned. Stone said. Prior 10 his new position. Stone sencd as an a=cilting team member. Since 1966. the dean hiu been invoh-cd in cvalll!ltiog the social science dcp:i.nments at numer· ous instirutions. He sa.,d he chose this area because or bis tcaclliog experience in 1hot field and tlut be would "probably continue ro be a team member." NIC. uhlch was originally accredited i.a 1947 and reaffirmed in J97J, comes under 1he jurisdiction of the commission and v.ill undergo UJ in1erim report in 1978. However. S1ooe said if an NIC-related rn:mcr n.rose it wouldn't cause a conflict of interest because be would "most likclv abstain" from voting. •
At Pacific Lutheran
NIC to debate CEDA style T11o·o NIC debate teams competing today at tbe Pacific Lutbmao University Forensic TourMmem in the Cross-Euminatlon of the Deba1e Assoda:tioo (CEDA) competition style of debate for 1hc tirsl nme this year. ''CEDA is an offshoot of the British style or debate. ThCTe is less emphasis on vast evidence and more emphasis on imp~mp.tu. ~umor aod thinking on your feet, said RJChtrd Hyneman. NIC forensic director. Debating CEDA style are partners Mont)' Dumnn1.Jim Johnson and Don Templc100-Ba.rb Fuson. Hyneman said
Templeton. filling the position vacated by Rittie Jl!.SpCf. is "very expc:ricnced. " Kathy Mc:Connict is competing in oral interpretation and Mary Welz in expository speaking ..-bile the rwo arc ICIIDJ.og up to deb21e in the tradioooal style. Competing against 27 entries. McCormick. a frosh. 1oot first place in orul in1erpret1tion 11 the Se.nle Pacific ln\itatational Speech Touma.meat bcld Jan. 12. "Debate competition 11o·as extremely close," Hyneman said. Welz McCormicl. made it 10 the semifuws bat lost to the Uoi,.-crsity or Puget Sound.
menc. The production. ,. hich m,·oh-cs drama. comed)', music aod utire. is being p~ntcd m the southwest dinin8 room or the SUB aod ,.;n end •1th an S p.m. performance Sarurda}. The producnon rt"Vie-w\ ,ongs wriucn b) Jacque~ Brei Brei. a "French Bob D)hin." ,i , song v.ntcr often teamed ,.,th Rod McKuen. Together lhc) 11orote the hat • Sea= lo the Sun " A unccy or subJccts ranging from dreams 10 death llOd 1DCluding some ~duh subjcc:b
~cttd in this tt>icw.
Bill Wagner, srudent play dinlC!or. <o1id the prodaC't.ioo is lil:c nothing st:iged in Coeur d' Alett before Md be hopes people •·ill come to see something they're DOI used to seeing .., hope people will be able 10 come to It a.a.d come v.·ith 111 open mind. I hope they ..;11 be v.illtng to be affected." he said.
Wagner so,d the review 1s bc1oa presented In 1hc SUB to create: a more home)· and Intimate atmc»phcrc than the Coeur d. •\lcne: Community Theatre \ \Wnhni: 10 Wagner. the 1~:ilion hu ~u<ed 'IOmc probt.:m, in the sto.111n11 or the production Because th<" SUD •~ ~h.,01·, in usC'. the thc:irre department ha, no1 been able: to sec up .ind prnc11cc there ·'Even· a:.pccl of the production had 10 be "rittcn down and pl~nne:d on pJper," he said The ca,1 1nC"ludc:s Jacki Yudlc} and Ron Pullin,, Coeur d' 1\lenc clcmco1ary school te:ich~r111mJ Kim Walse1h, .1n A1hol elcmenu ry school secre tary from PO\t F1>lls. Kcnl Y~nllcy will direct the orchc\tra with Jodi Yardley directing vocal~. The: orchest ra includes Lori Di1•i,, percuuion: Rob Faler. bas~: Kath)' Wag· ner. piano: and Melissa Boor, nuu: Ttckc~ will be sold at the door for S2.S0. Students and forulry will be tdmiltc:d free.
January jam
Festival slated to save whales Musicians will gather together Jan. 23-29 111 the Spokane Coliseum in an effon 10 save the whales. George Peters, Coeur d'Alene repre· sen1auve for the Sne 1hc Whales Committee. said lhe coo~ is An effort ID raise money i:o help prevent extinction of the -.orld's wh&Je population. Pe1ers said with the money raised through the concern, which will tr11vel also to Vancouver and to the Kingdomc of Seanle. lite w~es collllllittec will purcbasc Jojob3 bashes which will be planted io the desert reizjons of the West. The jojob11 bush prodaces a bclln. Peters said...which l.s the only known replaeemen1 ror wbalc: oil." Re said Ch•c million bushes will be planted this sum.mer And 20 million more "'ill be pla.ntcd wilhi.o the next three ycan.
Each bush produces one gallon of oil per year which is enough to cover Ihe usage of whale oil "The only reason who.le oil is sought after," Pc1ers said, "Is to run (U.S.} high speed lndusuioJ m11el11ncry " The whales' economic val ue is 90 percent oil. JC 1hc jojoba bush Is a suctt'ss, the killing of w~tt CllJI b!Op, Pe1crs Slid. The concert will fea1urc "Scandal" and fflllny 01her band1 and musicians who arc donating their time for the whale~. Tickets arc S4 In advacoce 1111d SS lit the door, and can be purchased al the Coli~um, the Opera House. P.M. J1coy's, the Bon Marche and Speedy Record Rack. Anyone imcreslcd In voluntccnn,i lu5 lime may con12ct Pe1ers at 664.8300 or wri te P.O. Box S42. Coeur d 'Alene.
\SOP{~~~ . P2.~1f ! ~t • e verything
l 20 % to 50 % off
Located in the ~ W y s k Mall
1including denims
~ shirts dresses sweaters
!dress pants
hots and purses
~ ...
Iff~! ~ ~ th~e;~a l~-
Frtday,Jaa. 20, 1978
Cardinals to battle Indians in rematch of cliff-hanger By John 8.un111.oo Cootrary to popular belief, there 1s a As u, IIWJ)· other games this sea.son. method by which any basketball coach can Willie Young •·u 1hc m:iio man in the be 111c:cessful. Cardinal auact against Yak.1mia as be The iume of 1h41 game 1s 10 put the ball regi!tcrcd 23 posnu. in the buket The molti-tlllcnted Yoong is the lwing Coach Rolly Willlami knows II as well as NIC scorer v.ith an avenge that is ho\'fflllg anyone but YaLma VaJ!cy College insisted &l'Ollnd 17 points per g,tme while seeing on emphu1zing the point Jan. JO in aet1on ID all positions. Yu:im,. "He 1w guard ability." Williams said of The Cardinals succumbed 70.66 after the 6-foot-4 sophomore. "We felt earlier being tied with only three 5CCO!lds lO play. that •e might be able to mo,,e him to guard The yVC club now has a home-court win ,r the rest of our front line developed smak 1ha1 numbers 1n the mid·thirtie~ H enough." cold shootin11 1n the midst of the second Injuncs and inexperience in the from Juslf.frou: C.rdinal scoring court, however, have recently pressed " We hit • cold stretch of almost eight Young into SC1'\11CC at center "here he minutes in the second hair where we starts alon~ide for,,,.uds Gordon Herbert couldn't gel a bocltct," said Wilham,. and Joe Ha.rt "You can't take anything away from Randy W'tlltes and Dave Bcmstine round Yuim, though," he added. "because they out the startmg hne•up i.o the s.lots. woo • couple of tough pre-season tourn•· In other action, Friday the 13th didn't menu and have l~t only twice so far." seem to be too unlucky for freshman Herb Barring another case or frostbit ten Sherrod as he poured In 2J and NIC shooung irons, the Cardinals will come out thrashed the EWU JV's 87-65, raising the Cards' team record to ome wins and four firing tonight a.s they sect revc,ngc from the lnd!a_ns in the friendly confines of the losses. NIC gym.
Pat Salli,..,, photo
t5e;.!J&•1!-Cadloal Coach Roll, WUllamJ dc.Jhc.n a dme-olll llCnllODU Gordon Herbert {SOJ and As.dstmt Coad, Jack Bloxom llJtcn lo the "techolcal" parts during lu1 wccll'1 87-65 wt.a cnw tb.c. EWU JV's. Almnnl olaJit action tonight pita lhc Cards agawl Yakima Valley Coll~ Al11mnl and thclt wnlllH get lo for ball pm.e and.a priu be gJvc.11 to lhc al amDIIS who atlCDdtd NIC the earliest.
,-~~----~---~~~..-.~---~~~~~~~~ .... ~.
Victory tracks wrestlers :cotton Club from Colorado tourney tt Music Tuesday - Sunday*°'**...****
Hoyden Lake, Idaho
By P1u Sullh an When you 're hr away from home, there'\ no1hlng like victory 10 ma~e 1he trip home o little- nicer. Victory did folio-. the NIC Cardinal mat men home from Sterling, Colorado. where they won their sixth 11raigh1 tournament championship. "Tournament situations show more about how the sndivldual!I will wrestle ID tht regional and nalion1l 1ourn1mcnts thon dual mccts do." o... en u1d. Victory )lllyed "1th the Cardinal, Cb they rallied from an early 9,t, deOc1I in their Jan. 18 match with Columbia 8C1>ln College Md ended up on top 32-JS. " Mon Curtl~s. Jeff Powell. Paul Jacob· son and Brad Benn all performed well," Coach John O,,.en The Card, dueled the Un1\'t'r~it, of Montana at Polson Ja.n 19. beforc which 0-cn nid, "We'll hl\·e 10 "ttstle bcncr than "'' did tonlghl (agamit CBC)." NIC travels to Pasco, Wssh Ja.n. 2S for a rematch wuh Columbia Bt.i.lD The Conb gnpplen. dropped a 2t,.17 dcci,lon 11 Eutern W~hmgton, Jan. 10 and arc 110,. J. J in dual meets. · EWU. nttlonall)' rated in four-year IChool comp4!tition. limned the Cam to 11111) tlutt match win~ during the meet. l'o.·ell p1nnc,d hi$ opponent al 142 pound,,, Docin)· Owen "'on 18·b 111 158 pounds and Jacobson pinned hu; he&\'}"''C1gbt oppo~at. The. Cardinals prcvious!J muscled the villllna Canud.s from Simon Fraser Uni·
ver<1hy JS.IS Jan. J and then came out on top Jan. 7 1n the Uoi~ersity o! 1ournamc.ot in Mwoula, Mont. Compcring in M1noul1 aga.,ost the U al M. Montana State Un111ersmi. Ricks Col· lc.gc., the Unl\cl"Sity ol Bnr.ish Columblll and se,•eral opc.n "restlers. the Cards placed foe LOdi,iduaJ champ$ among their ten place • inners. No 1adl\ 1dual team scoring "&S I.cpl ..The U of M tournament "-as ow- best produerioo of the ) car Ed Snool. did an outstanding Job against Rid Gardner. the best l.'.id in rcgiooah last year at 126 lbs .• by beating him 12·2." O,.en wd. "1'c.idOD Gardner also performed well and ~'Cllged an carher ID!.s to Canadian Pete Fartu " Columb11 Bwo !'fiulb· 118-Tooy Burrou> \\,>O de.: .. l?b--0:an PaJnc lost dee · 150·-Brad Beno woo dee.; ISS.-0.-Cn •ao de<".. 167--Ke,m Bu.rle "''Oll b) forfcir; , ·,··Mort Curt= "on b~ pin: 190-·Kell) b) pin: H,) . .JKC>bsoa •'On b) pin. Colondo results: F'U'St~·-~- Gud11CT, 134; J Pov.ell. 142. \1. Curtis~. 1•• Sttands.. R Kell,•. 190. Thuds--T. Bur· l'OIU, J 11); Brad lie.on, 150, D O,.en 158. K. Burke, 16' Fourths··E. S ~ 12b, P. J:u:obson, h,1. U ol M fCWI~, F°lt'St~·-Ed Snoot, 120 Neldon Gardner. 142. D Ov.eo. 158; Tie,- M. Curtiss :and K. Burle. 1•• Scconds--B Bc.nn, ISO: M. Roberu. Jo": R. Kell), IQ(); P. J~son. b,1 Thirds-B. Occtcr, l!ll T. Burrous, 126: H Lotd,101.
t·~ .... t
............. 8:30 p.m . - l :00 a.m. ~~~~
.... Wednesday
t t tt
t t t 2 for the price of 1 t t-~~ ........ ~~~~~~ ........ ~~~~ .... .-..~ .... ~ -t t · Can or bottled beer-75c t : Pitchers--$1 .60 before music t $2.50 ofter music
t t t 't t t t :
t t t t tt t t t
Pitchers--Mixed Drinks-Wine :
Friday, Jan. 20, 1978
Drop home openers
Lady Cards hit the road The NI( v.·omcn·s baslte1ball team "ill be on the road this v. eekcnd. traveling 10 Columbia Ba.sin College 1onaght and Yili ma Valley College tomorrov. SIC v.111 h~I IA:wis and Cbrk State College Jan 24 for anolher league game Coach Maralcc Fou said ,he docs nOI kn o.. hov. NIC will fare against thc:\c
schools because she clOC1 on1 UIOIA ho,,. man} rctumin~ pla~ers the oiher schools
··we won'1 tnov. "'hat "c h.i,·e until •e face them." she "50 v.c •ill do our best 10 inn.'' Foss said the 1cam bu a good chance to beat Walla Wall:a Commuruty Coll~ ocxt tur.c the i,. o tcami. meet. The Lad) C.inb ,ere blasted out of thdr gym Jar.. 17 u We11&1dice \'aJley Com· mum1, College h&mm<Tcd out a 10;.r ,,n. D<>nod Dchlbom and Da'"'IU Ransom buckctl:d 9 po,tnu api,ett iJJ tbc IO&S. Tl'.e Jan . 14 pme against \\-WCC •Ha d1uppo1n1mca1, accOTdiog to Fos~. beciulC NIC •u •11h1n three points 0'£ WWCC Ill the game·, finl half but due to m.isWCi. dropped belmid by -er, tn ~ than two m1n11tu aod lost the contest 62-44. Foss satd bo1h teams •e re equal io ab1hl} bot ~ IC') t:1J111 daffimll} • u I.act al height. failure ID l'C"bound aod foots.
Karen RO\~tto scored IJ pouiu fer NIC. folJo-r,.fl! b\' Dooc:11 Dchlbom v.itb JO a.Dd Dav.tu Rusom 8. LaUB Beebe hi1 6 poinb follov.ed by Condce Mager's Sand Norma Dunlap's 2. Foss said the guis "played their bcaru oui'' and had a "lot of bustle" in the Jan. IJ game against Blue ~ ouotaio Com· murul)' College. E:rplainiog 1he 84·30 loss. the coach said. "There is• lad of cxpencncc a lack of depth on lhl' beocb this lear. There Ul' no ~ub\ lo ~I our pta,en so~· &re :ih, ays 1ired ... She u1d the own dl.fficul~ 111 the game ".is the team bc111g 100 sio.. to check BMCC's fas1 breaks . The, Nnsmeoth burned out cm thtse. she. said. Ra.n,;c,m played a "superb defense" .. ~ Ro~eno had good CUI.Side shots and Dehlbom hj1 good jumpshots. Foss $&id. Beebe S<'O!'Cd 11 pol.DU for NIC folio,,. ed bI Mager and Ro...eno with 6 potalS ap,cce,
( ..- ;~-rec Table soccer competition is weu this
Dave Kl'lllll«t pho&o
Cold jog NTC l'UIIDff Vk tor, foreign ,1todmt from Peru , lop 110m a chllly and MO,.Y mile. ID preparatloo Cor the upcoming t.nlCk tcUOn,
Entertainment and D a nC·, ng
~,;~;;;hl-~w, ) The way you like :t ! b d y s p a
....C_o--rcc -bas - k.c-tb_a_ll_r_c_cc- i-ve- d- t-h-e - l-ll'g - CS-1- -y-e.i-r- ... - .-1tb_ onl _ }_I_O_ m _ ea-·-s _d_oo_b-lcs -1e-' ams 1umou1 ever v.11h r...o eight-ream leagues signed up for play. Games will be pla}·ed Mondays and Wednesdays al 6 and 7 p.m,
liste!'d to compete. Billiards toumamcat Sign-up opens Jan. 23-27 with play SCI 10 SW1 Jan. 31-Feb. J. Women's and meo's singles divisions will be opeo for competition.
Currently ploying
Wedding Invitations
Plus Printing of All Kinds New Address: 515 Sherman
Coeur d'Alene
Mon. thru Sat. 24th and Mullan
Frida>, Jao . lO, 1978
Cardinal Review -7-
For JTD marathon
Dance plans take high step '
ol Post Falls a.nd Bonnie Doyle of Coeur d'Alene The Blue Fairy is played by Stephanie Oogherra "ich the part of ~pcno be111g played by theatre newcomer Dan Bixler and Bob Brown appeanng as che c- ii Sand,.1ch MAn. The cui ,s rounded out by Corey
Boswlo, Scott Faulkner Enc Haalenson. Chris \1anfred.uidJeffYoung as she "Bad Boys" 10 the wid of Hootey. The play opens on Feb. .l. with additional performances oa Feb. J , S. 10 .and II . In addition 10 the four rcgoUr e, ening pcr-formances aod the Sunday afternoon 1114tioee for senior ciu=. there will be n..o special free Saiurda) afternoon matinees for children. This is made pon1ble through a grant from the Ida.ho Commission oo Ans and Hu11WUt1es. Re~ations for the play may be 111.tde b} calling the theatre. 61,7. JJ23 betv.CCD 9 a.m. a.nd S p.m .. Monday through Friday.
Tryouts for Coeur d'Alene Communicy Th«tre's fourtJ, production of the scuon, ··The Cn,c1blc". by Arthur Miller will be Jan. 24·2b 11 7·.lO p.m. in thc Green Room of 1hc thc:~trc 11 1·hh .and Garden Ave. '"Thi\ 1s chc btg d~c play of the season," according to Bob Brown, board president, part\. 11 for mtn and 10 for ··,.,ch •omen ··we y. ill need live women under 20 ~cu~ old and lh~ is a marvelous chance for 1ccna11r girls In the area who Y..Ould like: 10 havr 11 <hancc 10 acl in some really good pans.' Drown concinued. "and lht' 01hcr
live women should be 2S years old and up, with .it lt.tsc two 4S years or over "The Crucible," a v.etl-ltnown pla) concerning the: ,ofamou~ Salem Witch • Trial,. 1s lo be directed b) Kand1c Manfred and "'ill open ,n April. " I would lite 10 enrourace as man>· pcoplc u pomblc 10 read for che man} parch·· ~r<. Manfred u1d. "and I e~pc=ll> encourage o~comcr> as there arc ~e,·enl ,mailer pans 10 this play that will g1•c people "ho ";an1 10 act . but don· 1 want 10 ti') to 1au on such a ma1or pan for 1he1r lirsc lime. an excellent opportunity."
NIC bu,mc~, ma1or• "ho have II leuc , 3. 0 grade poinl avcrilffC' are in lack The F1r,1 Security Foundauon of Utnh has Jlhtn NIC SSOO in ~holarslups for students ,cudying bu,me~s The !M.holarsh1p), accordin11 lo Dorothy Wollan or lht Finon~al Aidi Ofncc, will be 111vc:n 10 sophomores based on 1hc1r tl'Odcmic: achievement os o fro<;h. The} will bc award,:d 1hi6 ,prln11 for next fall
NIC also r«cl\·cd s1:;o III libruy grants from the FSFU but 1w noc made plans for 1hc monc.>l yec The SbSO ••·ardcd NIC is part of S24 739 In "'holar,hips and grants now being dt1,1nbutcd by the FSFU 10 Utah and Idaho coUcges and unh·cnilic). Tlus also include1o ~ H and Fucurc Farmers of Aml'nca club) m che intermouotain region.
The deadline lor npplicntions with
A CH\Clt(' !4pc COOIIJrung tv.O songs and a monologue may be prepared by those
The ca}I for ··P1nocch10··. Coeur d"Alene Communal)' Tbcauc·s third produc11on of che senon. announced coday by Director Jud) Bro-..•n.
Playing the part
or Pinocchio
is Youth
Theatre ,ctenan Heather Singletary Appearing "ilh her as the dancing pu.ppcu Harfoqu111 and Columbine are Jon Erickson
Idaho'~ Mu~kal Repcnory Compan)· for
11171! I\ April I. Accord1n11 to Robcn E. MO<', general manager of the Coeur d'Alene Summer Thcacn:·, Carrou)cl Player,, those w15hing to apply ,hould immediately i.end II n:sumt' to him at Dox 622. Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
!081~ lnlood Empire aud111on\ wlll be )Ched· ulcd upon request 1hc lost two we1:u an Apnl.
Plans for the Muscular l>}slt'Oph) Dance :Mannhoo Feb . .l .ire in the final steps
The contest origuull) scheduled 10 be held ac 1he NIC gym. ,.;iJ be held et the North Shore COlt\'eouoo Center. Kathie Collins. ASNIC president, said the dungc ,-35 due 10 a Golden GIO\·cs Cruimp,oo~ being held Feb. J in the gym
The marathon LS :a challenge bctv. ~n NlC a.nd the Coeur d'Alene High School to funds foe MD A tn•eling crophI ...;n be ••~rded 10 the ,..inomg school. The 11U1ra1hoo ..-ill begin at 8:30 p.m. and ,-;11 run for 24 hoar$. All C'ODICSWlts should be at cbc ttntcr one hour pnor lo the si.arting ume.
Colhns said that as of Jan. 11 only e1qh1 couples from l'IIC lud signed 10 participate pace. Coeur d'Alene High S.:bool .has 40 pa.rtitipants entered Anyoor v.:anting to 11.11end or dance "ithout cnccring 1hr l'IUlralhon ma> do so at SI per prrson. Those pledging a donation v.ill be admitted free of charge. Tony S1ewan. political SC1eott instnictor ;11 NIC. v.111 be mascer of ceremonies. Collins he will be a-.. arding prizes hourly to couples danring. Students inlttc$tcd m pllttitipaung in the mllrathon m3y pact up their pnckcts at the ASB Office in the SUB or at che Coeur d" Alene H1gb School D1stribu1h·c Edut'3· lion Oub of America (OECA) clus.
un11ble 10, attend 1.cMduled auditions. Thrr ,hould be ,cnl to the at>o\c addrcu • The l'l78 ~ruon ,nll include perform· anccs of "Sho..boat.'' "The K,ng and I," "Ku.s Mr Kate, 'and " Aoytluog Goes." Hf1y-e1gh1 performances of the four mu~icth ,.tJI be prcsen~ from Jane :?9 lo Labor Oa,
/ Pa.1 SO.Wvan photo
''For lhr Lo,c of BenJI" wlll ~ pl1\ing II the Wilma lhea1n: through S1rurd1) at S.15 p.m .• 7:15 p.m. and 9 p.m. "1'cuers" •Ill )llrl Sunday 11 7:15 p.m and 9 p.m. Movie) 1n che Spokane arco ,nclude ''Clase Fncounicf"I of the Third Kind" al Cinema I. Sprague and Havana, 11 1:30 p.m., ~:20 p.m .. 7· 10 p.m. and 10 p.m. Cinema 2 offers "The World ', Greatest ~er" 11 LSO p.m .• 3.3S p.m., S:2S p.m., 7: IS p.m. and q pm. "Semi-Tough" is rc:aiured 11 ':4S p .m and Cl:-15 p m. at the Fox I. 1005 Spn.guc. Fol II prcscnls thc "Choirboys" ac 7:00 p.m and 9:JO p.m.
The double foaturr "The Gaao1!c1" plonng at "7 and 10:50 p.m. and "Sh00t" 11 9:0S p.m. 1) )ho-.. ing at the Sa~ Thnt:re. Cl()J Sprague
T>10 NIC s1udcn1~ "err chosen as runner,-up ,n the Miss Idaho-Universe 1)18cant held Jan 14 10 the Nonh Sho"'° Con,·cnlion Ccnlcr. R1d1e Jup-,r. Coeur d'Alene, ,1n choun h second runnar·up and Barb
Oa,i..., Ha,den L.ur. ,.-as 114~ fourth ninnt'r-u.p. Suzenc Sanford. Po..-atcllo. ,. :is named M"s Idaho· L ni\ cr~t' u1d ,. ill replace L~hc Kington. !ormrr NIC sruden1.
Singer Johnny Ma1hi.1o wtll ~ppca.r io conccn &1 cht' Spotane Opera Hoase Jan . :!() 11 8 p.m. Thl' Open Hou; also prttenb Rolfe Harm 11 S p.m. Ft'b. S. "The Sunslune Bop" "ill be staged torught Uld tOmO\"l'O'A night :lt 8 p. m. 11 the Spo~anc Civtc Theater.
Rootin ·and tooLin · Pc-p Balld mcmben T.J. Srulh.a and Rath Buer wW oUtt cbclr iuppor1, along '"1th I.he rest ,1c bul.elblt.ll game.
or the lllllJJdans 11 tan.lghi's
Member FDIC
• • • • • First in • • • • • Intermountain Banking & Financial Services
••••• Sunset Heights
Cd'A Office 110 Sherman
In the ./Hall
Friday, Jan. 20, 1978
The deadline [or StboW11blp appllcado.m al 1"'1C Is April 15.
All applicants altrr 1h15 deadline wflJ be con1ldercd on a On1-come Ont-serve bult, am,rdlna IO a NIC floandal AldJ
Omt't' ,pompel'1IOII. The 1.111011111 of ucb Kbol.enblp ~vlct and dtpcnch on the 11111deo1', cwrlcahun. S1udrn1J ,hould Jim Ufl('bcudl. llnandal aids cllrtt1or, In Winton BalJ. Appllcatlons for Bask Eclocadonal OpporfUDII) Grants (BEOGJ att alJo a...nable from Upcba,d,.
All aliens ln 1hr Unl1NI State5, except a frw diplomats and ~dl1NI members of certain ln1cma1lonal Ol'fta.nlullons repon 1helr addresses to the U.S. Go,rmmeol ucb January. The card for ibis purpose Is a, allable al 1L11Y Po.i Omce or o.l!lc)e of the Onlled States lmm larallon and Naturallz.atlon Savtce. Mtff fl1llaa It 0111, place a potl.l&e etamp oa the revrl'le of thle card u d drop It ID 1111)' mallbo1. Pare:nta or gu.a.rdlanl att r equired to 10bmlt reporll (or alien children under 1-1 JUlll of age. U ~ ou or'"-' members of your ramll) arc nor clllnns of 1hc United States, )OU should 1cU .' our partD1S or these rcqultt, mcn1s. Remember, the 1lmc for reporting l.1 during 1he monlh or January!
Tbroagh a cbangc la pollcy, NlC &to.dents ate DOW able to bdug pe:su to Cardinal ubletk [11.11ctlou 11 half the regular aclmlssloa price. Before tbe rb.aage. gunts wcrr charged CaD admJs.
StodenU wtsbing to partldp&lC In the Ma.sndar Dlstropb} Dmee Marathon Feb. 3, 191&, may pick up lbe lnform•Uon packets ud pledae c,ard, In ASNIC PrN!dmt Kathle Collhu' omce. ID the Sl.'B.
~ Klldow Ubary ls open•y th1'1111gb Thunda,- from 7:45 LJD. to l 0 p.m .. Friday Crom 7:45 Lm. to 4:30 p.m. and Sahlrda} from IO a.m. to ~ p .m. The times staled ID the ASNIC Stadeal Handbook •ere wn,ag. Pleue 11) lo - ~ ,our time .iO you can come to the llbn,y when It ls 001 liO crowdNI. Tbe KlJdol" Library bu three new mk:rolllm reada$1.n addWoll to C*!a oacs. The Ubnry bas built qp a collecdoQ of m•gu.loc mkrolllm.s which att a,'111bbl.e to ftudceo.16 during library boan..
Dave Kramer phoCo
New tube Tbe Idaho Departmeot of Bcealth and Welfatt bu a ,'atlety o( Voluntee.r Progrunt lo wbkb ,tudcots ear, partlclpuc. The Bia Brother/ Big Sister PN>arun le a frlmdlhlp pr11Jrun lo,ohiog chUdrco from 3.17 where a 1111dcn1 and bis/bu Uttlc Brvtbu/ S1Jtcr att able to sh.are lotc,ttsts. The Friendly Visitors PN>arun provides eompaolonsblp wblcl, lesRns the laolatloo and looellnus that many of the dclerty experience, either lo their own homes or omslna homes. The Tutorlna PN>pm CIIII aJn a yo11J1g pcnon the o ~ 1111e11tloll and eocoiuagemeat lo be able IO keep up lo achool. The depu,m.col alJo bu opporl11Dldea for pap work al a ere-ediool fo.r de\'eloemc'lltally-dtt..yed chlldrea, da}-cate w c,hUdrea of motben l&ldna parent dfeeth'fllesa dules, lpeda1 eveou lo wblch clleots could ~ taken, belp with mo, Ing
and bomc repaln. Studcau Interested lo becoming a ,·oluateer or wa.ntlDg mo re ln(ormatJon lholdd contaC'l Sue Dlnauer, 667-6402.
The Luralog Skills Center bu free copies or Lbe stud) booklets mcntlooNI In the textbook article lo tbc Sept. 16 lmle or the Cardinal Revlc.,. Booklets a,-.Ilablc att "Bow to Prepan, Succcu(ully for Examlna.tloos,'' "Bow to Improve Yo111 Rudla.g Skllls, •· "How to Bulld Your Writing Skills" and the te:rthook blnts book!".
SL Marlee bn.ndl o( AA UW Is oflcrlna 1 acbolartblp for S'.200 lo I woman Crom Benewah Coanty. An)ooe lnterated t, to coatacl Mrt. Ed Mellen, 905 1st, St.
Martes, 24S-3440.
NlC-TV "PIJBUC FORl'M" SCHEDULE Spob.oe KSPS-TV Owmel7 ~7p.m. J.21 Barbara B11J1ter, NBCSpotU Commeruator
1-28 DT. Mu;for:y NeJsor,; ''The Social Bhtory of Women'' Z-4 Idaho Stale Leglslaton: Manley, ~ . Bcd111J1d, Ingram and Sparaeo11
2-11 Nancy Adrian, CoDSAmcr Afialrs Omcer, ldabo First Nallooal Bank:
Roa.a Wlllla.aul ud Shelley MceLaaahlln ~ ooe o( the aew cable TV IIIOlllton located la the Aclmlnlmatlon Balldlng. The aet•U:p will be used for edac:atlolllll propum 111111 will be programmed to llbow a lift of upm,mlog evmta al NlC.
Winter parking
Drivers reminded of rules NlC "' student drivers arc advised to abide by the schDol parking regulations, 1,... enforcement lnstructor Wally Young said. As ill the, drivers breaking rules will be ticketed or their cars will be towed ......y. No is permitted in front of fire hydrants or miergeocy Vl!hicle entrances. The white lines that are drawn for students crossing the street from the gym to the SUB should also be kepi clear, Young said. Drivers should use their "common SCJlSC and keep areas clear where snow bas been piled. Young eontio11ed. Vehides arc likely to jtet stoclc and be in the way of 00
Student, are reminded tbat medkal elalm forms ate a, a!W>lc ooh &om Kathie Collins in tbe ASB Office (her schedule Is postNI on tbe door) or from NIC Na:rse Jo l\hrioo, l~b lo tbc Winton Balldlng.
Dr. Richard Eulesto a ...m be OD campllS e,~ Monda), W<!docsday ud Fliday bcn<tto 7:30 and 8:30 LID, Aarone wlablng IO ICC bJm lbouJd llrfl COJll:ad Jo MarinO\ !ch, ldiool 11111W.
Student, may pick up Oa.ancl.J aid al the Bcwoeu Ofllce beglmdna Monday, Ju. 23.
snow blowers and snow plows. Pickups wirh C11mpen and rccreatiorw vehi.cles wl,!:-h 11re more di1 ric:ull to move 111 $DOW should park near !he tennis cou.rts. Drivers should always walA:h their speed on slippery roads. Though there are some who enjoy the snow season by spinning their wheels, Young said that "they arc haviJ1g fun but it could be at someone else's erpcnse." The parked on parking lines may not be liclteted as long a.s the snow bides them. but Young asked for "cooperation and consideration on the part af drivt1'5." "We've done preny well this year and I am very plei$Cd," Young said.
i Suppl')'ing North Idaho's Office and _j ! Business Needs 1 I* Calculators * AB Dick Products I !* Cash Registers * Drafting Supplies Ii I* Copiers ~ OlD
4 17 Sherman
664-31 lSJ _.