North Idaho College Cardinal Review Vol 33 No 2, Sept 29, 1978

Page 1



29, 1978

By Remsen

Committee heads named

Debbie Bdsboy pbo&o



llEADY FOR BlJSINESS--•New dltcuu nuttat NlC INllft a1 • rec,mt mden1 baud mNCJaa. Saalon Include l11.a11dlnal Jan Mute aOer, VlralJila Fuhoo, (lllllql Mute Buer, Ilk• C4NI and Bob UluJn1.

Six senators chosen • ID Sept. 20 election Approalmatcly IS percent of lhl' ellglblc student vocen tu~ out 10 elect six Haaton In the Sept. 20 ASNIC ~e natori1J clffllon, aC'C'Ol'dlng to Jim Rcnucn, ASNIC pre11dcn1 . Tbe poaltloru. wrc: fUlcd by Mark all~. Troy, Idaho; Rick Coe, Wallace, and Ja.n Emcnon. Bob Hlgalns. Marie and Vlr1ID1a FullOQ, all of Coeur d'Alene. Hmenon. " ho wot1 one or the i,.-o fro&h pc11ltlou, localed 202 votes, and Zt.llcr captured IJS VOIH. AIIIO setting ,-ores 'll'ffll Ray Eden, &J voccs; Jdr Ullman, S8 votea; and Anion Luru, 38 •'Oles. la • d o.e race for 1hc aua,anlttcl vocatioDal 1a1, Hlqins defeated hla Cllllllcnden by tocaJlna C)O VOie$, Am)' Zieja recelml 88 ¥Olea and Mike Wanen. 84


Tbe three ~ polilioa wia.nen were Bater, 2l3 VOies; Coe. 198 v~ : and Fultaa, 173 VOies, Tbe other IWO COD• laden, BW Wapcr and Robert Wuest, NCllived Ill Y01es and I Yale, respectl~ly, Tlu,:e of tbe - ly dec1ecl Raaton bad - - . rw tbelr NJC c.aitueDcy.

IDaina aid.

"I'd HR


diuli: __,.

bod,btWraappart. Wadiac . . . . .. I

thml. "c can rndc lhlJ ooe o{ the bcsl school yean yet My phoM ou.mbcr ii 6o7-7978, and I'd Ille 10 lm1Le anyone to contact ml' •n> ume concemma cnucums, commenu and $U~Stions." Emerson thanked the ..,. ild and Cl'U)' people"' "ho ,upportcd her and said ho!X'd for a run , challenging )ear and ..-as lntcrutcd 1n ~nmg studcnu m,·oh~ in NIC SNdl'nl 90'entmenL Coe abo thanked his supportcn. He said 1h11 he ,.ould be 10 Oct. 21. :U and 23 as paM or lus job as Srudc-01 Unioo Fanhrics c h ~ 10 cbcd faciliocs o! other colleges of NlC's me '"There.s I big ~UC COIII.Ulg up DD campus." Coe uid...Some ol the fantll\' membcn "'I.DI to t'haog,c the 1'1C ~ )Car to Nn from mid-September to mld.Juoe." This would spht up the 6rst semesttt, Coe S&ld, rorc:cng students to t"Ome bad: ~ r Christmas break for te:sts. " Who • ants 10 Stud) during ChrisUD&S brc:att.. Coe said. " It's muo1 to be a vaadoo." Re 1ldlkd tha.t he was suppaned by many students witb similar


AppoinlmCDU al Student Board membcn to vari005 committees were approved by the board at the SepL 26 meeting. A5NIC President Jim Remsen appointed and the board appf'Cl\-ed the follo,,ing pasiOODS: Mm Zeller. Buildiag and Facililles: Jan Emcnoo. Coastimtiom.J Revic,r.; Bob Higgins, Wa1erfron1 Oevelopment: Marie Publicity: Ride Coe, Student Umon Facilities: and Virginia Fulton, Budget. ' Remsen IQld the board members that besides being the ch&lrpersons d these committees. 1bey must each ser,•e on another comminee. "rucb ..;n be decided 11 1he nat meeuog. Any 111teresled student all> ,'Ol11oteer for tbc:se cammmecs ..-bich report at the weekly board mcennp. Finaruci&I ad,'isor ror the board. Wes!, 1''CDI O\'er the badfC1 for the De10' board. The budget. ..-hlc:b ..-u 1~-ed by bst yca.r' s board. sWlds at S41.000. According to RalCh. each smdcat pays $26.50 per semester. al which Sl6.SO goes into the acn,"t.bCS fund. At the pre:scol time, S'J..500 bas been allotted for dances, mo.,,es and other special a.crmt:ies.. The other SI Ogoes UIIO tbe bmldin.g fund to pay for the addition co the Stlldcnt UDlD Buildul,t. As ol lwae 30. 1978, a tocal ci

SPl,091 \l'IS in the fund. Hatch said this amount is an am.imulalioo ci the SIO O\'Cr about a fi,-c-year period. pllll accumulated ioten:st. In other board action: ··the contract with attorney NonnAo Gissel was renewed for this )"CM. Gissel provides a legal consulting sel"'icc ror students. ··Remsen announced that Oct. 25 will be Stile-wide \'Oler rc:gistntion day, and there: ...,ilJ be representatives from Kootenai County on campus 10 rcgist~ eligible ,-otcrs. -• mcenng will be held Oct. 4 Crom 11 a.m.-noon for all dub prc:s1deots with Remsen. This IDCCWIB will c,o,.'Cf fuwicial requests and purchase orders. ··ASNIC Vice Ptuideot Lori Long ~ug· gestcd that 11 least one board member a11end each board or ttustcc meeting so that lhc board will have a " ,'Oicc" in the proceeding$. -any student who m.ay need finandlll aid shC111ld see Remsen or Jim Upchurch in the financial aids office. According 10 Remsen, mdenrs an get aid up 10 May 1979 for the 1978-79 school year. -Remsen mmxluccd NIC imauc.tor Dale Trinen IS the student board lldvi.ser. Peggy fcdje is the :i.ssistiant adviser.

In calendar poU

Students favor early start MOJt !\1C saidem.s prd'cr that NJC"s school year begms m tau: August and ends io early Mar ~ IO a poll a:mdw:m! Wednesday. ill the iW"ey IP'~D by the ASS!C ,IDdent pCl'IUDClll. appnnimatcly 84 percent of the 218 Ulldc.llls polled prcfC'rred an apllllD c:allma for claues to begin Aog. 27, 1979 and to cad May IS, lqfj(). O.nly about 12 pertt:DJ ~ tbc ~ t s polled pmerrcd 1111 option ailing ror classes 10 Stan Sq,(. 10. 19'7'9 •u.1h fall semester ndill& Ju. 18. 1980. Under this option, second ~ 1"'0Uld end Mar JO. 1980 A men! cqht ci the mdcnts (about 4 pcrc,c.11t) prderred a plan alllng ror cluses 10 bcgJD Sept. 24. 19'9 and to end June S, 1980. Secoud semester would swt Feb. 4, 1980 Wider thu optMIII. Tbe poll will serff u Input to !\1C Pfoidcm Sany Scholer, who will recommend academr I.lid voc:ttioml caklldan to the me Board ci Trustees for the 1979-80 and 1980-8.I school ~ ears. Tbe board ,.;n set the calcodar this fall (see related story on p. 11). The oplioe that -StDdcnts Jndmed is similar to the present calc.ndar 10 that cluscs ,w, i.D la~ August and end m early May. ilDd fall SC'IDCS!ff ends before Christmas n.cslioo. Sopbomctt Sen. Mw Bat.a, wbocoodUcted the poU, said wt more Lha.o 218 students would h1vc beell polled lwl some LD$U'\lctDrS bun more wilfulg to have lhdr cll53CS lntem1ptcd fore the polling process. · Tho5c st11deots reached in the poll lndudcd both YOClltional ilDd aadcmlc. An ideatbl poll is being cooduacd amooa famlty members, but resu!IS will DOC be availahle DDtil DCXt wed:.

Friday, Sept. 29, 1978/Ca.rdlnal Re,lc:w -2·

(...__o~v_in_io_ ·n--=p=--ag-=--e__J Peace hopes slim

Camp David accords frail The E11~ prn1n-lsrad1 sumr:111 is o~er: the promLK of pca.:e •afts o-er the horizon like the lirM "'\P) clouds after a drou2h1, and IIWI) people h.11,c the umc reamon--hope •11hou1 fauh The next (es. months ..111 pra,;e "hether 1ht' ~onal good,.ill among the hnds of ~tate ,. ill lead 10 3Cct'ptan« of the E~ptu10-hraeh peace 3gr«men1. 'lot onb mu\t Eg~pt and hrael acup: the terms. but coopcra11on i.$ impcrau,e from their alhe,. 5o f:ar. Jorchn :and S:aud, l\r:abu ha,e mam1.:11ncd relJlll\-c i.ilence. Ru>sia. S~ria .nd the P~csunc: Libc:rauon On:anw1uon h;nc: t'tj«'led the l)C~C(' pnckage. The re>I of the wo:!d caut.iolu hope. Man\ poh11c1an~ and other people are confu~ed b) the language of the framework. hracr., Pnme Be:~ h:1.!> issued a ~ate~nt •htch :i.cem., to hold a disagreement aboc: the ~:.ablli.hment of Ill!\\ 5oettlemcnt\ on the Sin.11 llcnin\ulJ b, hrael. Snda1's foreign mimstcr ha~ ~t~ned. app2rcntl, b(,nu'IC of 1hr a11rttmc:nl A member of hracf, parh:imrnt ha, thre.111ened to introduce a mouon for a no-<:onfidencc ,·ote. Begin has p(OmJsed 10 abide b, the decision of parliament. The frame\\ort for peac:'e ha\ been called fr.11:llc il.lld fl'llC'tllrcd. but 11 i., . ne,cnhclcs~. n chanet' for a bcginntnc. Will pcoplt' a11o,,; pea«' to dc\dop? 8-pectation i~ high: after all. it h;i.s been a long time, but the cloud~ .ire ,en ,1 isp~ and the winds of HumcJne H.udltne are strong We C'3n c>nl~· hope th:u the hurricane blo-..s out to sea.


Guest column

ASNIC president outlines immediate campus issues

'' I Wc»JDER WHV All WE COEUR D'~LfNE Gf\S $,Flno~5 RI\\SE. ~ND LDIJER -rnE1R ~'(:f5 \ll UN\.SON.''

Says logic faulty

Resident criticizes story Dear Edi tor:

In the article b) W11rcn To l"l'ence In the Sept. 15 lnue of the Cardinal Review, be S1Atcd: "The ChUJ't'h ol Je~us Chrhl of Lnttcr· D•> Sain" !LDSI made the <'amp1lgn a contro,cn, one b) send ing a feller to a.II Koote nai Cou.nly mc:mbcr11 urging them to ,otc for LOS candld111es."

lf U membcn; of lhc North ld.allo College Student Bod) wrote lo other members of that SLudcni bod) urging them lo vole for someone, would you consider II the official position or North Ida.ho College?

I run not• Mormon. But It dents logic, In my mind, to credit the ml•guldcd eUort• of I lwuifuJ or people to the Mormon Chu.rch. It is a refreshing r.clief that the "silent majoril) "tnows when ~ 10 stand up and be counted as the} did in our bo3J'd of rrustces election held two v.-ccts ago. It shows I.hilt m Amenca tod:i} a ~ college C3mpus can s1and up for its nghts lo freedom of speech. _ free press. freedom of educanon. and the freedom to selca one's courses for its contenl and not because it has been decided upon by "con~ientious men" (possibly our bcner.;!) what is good for us. Jim RemM:D

As Sen. McChue ha.s said: " Idahoans ue no longer rellglou1 hlgoll. We pu,cd that point a long Ume ago when our slate became the Ont to elect a Jew u

g~emor." Slnccrdy,

Ru.thie John.son

I hope thJt this feeling of freedom -..;11 be continued and remembttcd when our board of trustees decides if we are 10 be allowed 10 ha,e II large name band play on campus for us. Your Student Acthities Director Rob Faler is trying 10 put. it together so th.11 it \\ill be a mudl appreciated ··eoncen'' and 1101 the dreaded ''rodt festi\'al" so many people equate with modem music. Ghe Rob a hand if you are for it. as he is up against some heavy Oak and will app1·eciate your help.

Your student senators v.-cre elected last \\CCk b) less than 20 percent of the eligible \'Oters. Maybe this \\'aS because there" as no "big issue." but l lbink the college students should be puning more effon into selecting v.ho is going to represent them and. in effect. rule them. Getting in the ,·oti:ng h3bit is 1"onbv,·hile. There "ill be a s111tev.ide da} of registntion on Oct. 25. Take a fe-. m1.11u1es a.nd register that d.l} at the booth pro,;ded in the Student Union Buildmg. There is not enough thlt I can say a.bout the preservation of our e:rnin>mneut. The ruinauon ofour air. \\lltcr and land qualil)· because of "THNeED" should be ~topped. We arc the gencmtion thllt must be the ones that actively do something I.O change that. and we mU5t do il 'IOW. I hope b, no\\ that ,"OU all a.\\-are of the genocide bc:in,t committed b} the use of the herbicide paracjuaL Hopefully, this is not inlC'Dt1onlll. but any chemical that is destrucu,e 10 life should not be used where it could poss.ibl~· get into our life cham and ~e such a threat. 'IIORML 1s the club on campus "'hich is lcti\·el~ llling a role in the stoppage of this high!} contro,ersial topic. Last. I :im glad to s:i~ that long hair beards 11nd jeans do not pose a threat to oar ,. a, of life The real thrcllt is to let other~ dominate our li,·cs b\' their rules. lo America thnt IS not hO\\ \\C pl:iy the "'game... .

(___ ca_r_d_in_al_r_evi_·e_w__) The Canli.oal Review ls publ1sbcd semi-monthly by the PubUcat.loM Worbbop class at North Ida.ho College. Members of the CR stall wlJI , uhe to present tbe ne..-s CaJrl), atturatcl) and without prejudice. Opinions u prcssed on the edftorlal page do 001 necessarily reOec1 the views or the Cardinal Review, the ASNIC °' l\lC administtat.lon. The CR ls entered as first-class tnllterlal at Coeur d' Alcae, Idaho 83814. CoUeglale Press Award- Winning Newspap«:r editor ......... . .................................. Debbie Brld,oy news editor ............................... .. ....... .. ..... Laureen Sctunlclt

rcatun cdjtor .................... , .................... . ... . ... . l.rb Balt'ber editor ...•..........•••••.••........ . . . ........ . ..••• Warren Tomott sporU editor ................. . .................. , , ........ .. .. Pal Sullhui pbo1ognrpb)' edftor •...................••.......•. . ..•. , .•... .. Pat SulU•ID en.Ising ma:nager • ...••••....•••••••••.•.••.••.••• • ••...•..• Lori Warrea ad, isc.r .......................................................Tlm PUI_IJIOI rcport.ers ............................................ . ... .. ... Teri') Fah, Su.san NlckeJ'Mln·Unk, Vicki Mitten, Kathy Cr11eU, Sharlene S.mith, Jan DeJ..aea. Teri WorleJ, Cynthia Tester. Debbie Sehalfner, Came PIUS, Keith Johnson, IJla,s WWcr, Ste" Warner and Ang) Pein$ COp )

Friday , Sept. 29, 1978/ Cardlnal Review ·J.


Exp ansion moratorium

Board rejects proposal The NIC Soard of Trust"' rejec1cd Sept. 21 a proposed moratorium oo campus c1pansion and decided to uy to acquire three more parcels of land tn the Fon Grounds area. Ac11ng on a Fon Sherman NeigJ,boThood Associauon letter requesting a moratonum and a plan of all funhcr NIC expansion, the bmrd requtltCd further information about the associauon before any fun hC'r negou.a, IIOn took phlCC, fhc usoc1411on d,d not deem the ,nformauon ncccs~ry. M> lhe board voted not to honor thc request 11 this time lni lcad. che board ,·01ed to 11templ to purcha,e property 11 425 Hubbard St.. 415 Hubbard 51 and 517 Hubbard St. ~s praonucs one. t,,.o and lhree for matJng a more feasible main entrance onto 1he NIC , ampu,. NIC Pre11dent Barry Schuler uJd. " W e don't need a SJ0.000 study to cell us chat " e , hould be able to go m1igh1 ahead (at the ln1crscc11on or Hubbard and Garden, and park." Nc" board members Jamc.i Ban on. Tom E!merson and Richard San on were sworn in 11 the mce1ing. Funher orgonL1.1tion took place when Jay Couch was elected chairman. Beverly Bem11 vtcc chairperson And Jerry Wendt, NIC bu,inen manager. sccrc1ory, 1rc1 , urcr. In 01hcr awon, 1he bol,rd: -·voced 10 keep lhe same voc.itionol shop price ratc5 for au demlc s 1udcn1,. Faculty and ,tudcnlS gc1 a dl,count (sec rcl11ed scory. page 4). ••a pproved the 19n.1s general 1udlt report which u td NIC wia.. In " sound On1nci1l eondilion." ··1Ulhori1cd SUB Olrcc1or Wes Hatch to further lnvo~11ga1c the posslbtl hies of u, ing che gym fat rock ronccrts nnd bo11 ng m•1rhci.

.. ac,ccpted the appouumcnt of Glenn Petcnon as custocfwi. Charles Reed Perkins as automotive machine shop instructor and the rcsigxiation of Diane Sturu, registrar's office record clct. -recommended that Janelle Burxe be appointed by the Gov=ior to the Id.tho Stale Board of Educauon ··hurd a report on SUB addition .. h1d1 said that bids may be open m late October or early Novffltber. ··paued gnnHn,aids amounung to Sl2.464.S0 fat 76 rec,p,ents. ··accepted 23 staff-tuition gnnts that amoun1ed to S932.50. ..apprO'>'ed che number of elccuon ballo~s CAS1 u 4..S74 1nclud1ng IOI void ballots in the recent board of trustees elcctJon. ··agreed to look in10 the feasib1hcy or hoohng into the s~amhnc from the DeArmond S1ud Mill on River A,enue as panial healing fat NIC ··heard a rcpon on the SICAm Jme tunnel behind 1he Adminlscmion Bu,khng •·h1ch said tha1 1he 1unnel would cost about S42.000 e1cludmg labor. NIC ts doing 1hc projcet 1uclr as contractor bids ra.nged from S80.000 and more. .. agreed to wait fat a response on rcquesling lo-.,er bids for a ne,. s'"itcb· board ,ystcm. The cstimaccd CO(! is no,. Sl,7,000. .. heard a rcpon on a S7,(i()() rcmodelmg or the women'< PF r.h( mom .. passed a refund of cu,1ion and f«s to one \ludcnt a nd I refund of a ~ocatlonal course depmh to another student. ··moved 1hr nuc meeting dlle from Oct. 19 10 Oct. 24 10 allow boerd members to attend the Chamber or Commertt banqucl .. prcscn1cd o g1h to Charle"' Lange for " " ' ycal") of sen-ice on the board. ungc "as replaced by Emenon.

Pat S1111Jvan photo

Oh. whal a tangled web ...

Ran,· morulna fop In C«v d'Alene Sttm 1.0 soak e,·erythlog, lndu.cllng th1, oonnally stick) splw web (OllDd ID tr.1 ol the MfflW1lcal Aru Bllilcllna. SanJhlnc, bowcwer, dries !he cn,a!loo ad IUIOIU It co lo,el) deadllnH&,

~----------------------, Student Activity I







Sept. 29 (Tonight !)





Hell and High Water is a high energy funk rock



F/osh hos great sound . Be gins of 9 p.m. in the gym

Oct 27 Dance group spec,olmng ,n top-rote disco Super light show

Nov. 1


II Am az ing . Kreskin This hypnotis t will thrill you. I Nov. 8 hi Sullh-u pbo10

... - ·t

~ ban_,. ._

Fragile framework eualy

"-&Ile, bot tbla por1Soo of the new blllDlllfdes bGildbaa 11ppean



Coffee house. Eli V ictor Show is a night club comedy group that

I pocked the entire SUB lost year


Be there /


FridaJ , Sepe. 29. 1978/Card.inal Rc,lcw 4.

Shop prices remain same despite discrimination cry Tht 'IIC Bo.rd ol Trustees cvlmia.ucd 11s 1n,r,11p11C>n af the YOC&UOll&I ~ pnc,na pohq ~p1 21 b~ •'OWII! II.Ill.Ill· mousl)' to rt'll1D thf p=t policy. The rmung polic,- tlllJlh dw'p.11g academic \IUdcnts 1ts1 pnct fm- par.i. ph11 , ~op fee "hllc ,ocatio!l&l stll&i:<.1 ud facull) mcm~ rer.n.-e a disc'owlt (Gel prrceJ on paru, plu, a shop fee S0phom11rc Ro«n W11es1 prc1CDl£d • pcmion ron111ning 164 St&nAtW'U lut April 10 the ',IC Studcnl Board pc-.JICSl.inl the unequal shop pnc-es A~ a re.ult. thc Student Baird re,;aestcd that the ~ of 11\1Sttt$ 10,'CStlgatt char1tcs thai ,'OC'alional $hop fees ducrimi· na1ed agaiMt oca.dtllllc studcau.. "ukc I choir ghing compu~na~ uclets to band membcn. a lot ol ,"OCauonal prognms hl\·c done th111gs for cactothcr••it -.u a rcciproal rypr thing:· Bob

B=--zi. r,cru,g assiswu voabon&I ~or. said ~~ the board i:111tttmg.

.. ll wu nn-cr uncnded to d.isaimma1c acadccuc smdcnts. ·• Broa11 said. IA 111ucipauon ol a possible ~ dlanac, B ~ laid lhc f.lCllty ~ 1. rc('OIDIIICDdatioa to the board lll&l"tlDI all dilll:oants be cftSCQlltumcd

f=g ~ 10 pay the l,11 pncc ··we llhc \1IClWOll&I bnlltvl felt II ttht palicy) WU f,.oc tbc •~y It ..-U aad


Ju\Ufiable;· B:oa-n saJd after the board"• deciWOD bad i-11 made. WQt\t. •bo •u ~ a.ftc tht boanS mertl.!IJ. ~ thir decniao rt'lthNI • as · '•TTY allfm " .. Tbc ~btion ~ to 450-650 ~pature, ~nllng ba(b ,llCllioaal ud acadrm,c stuckna •ho •m: ayuag IO be cqiw aad not lr!1II& ID put a fcnc:r be-a tbe parllig lctl... be su!.

New Board of Trustees members concerned with future area growth Coping whh the growui oC NIC a.od the surrounding area is the major challenge foruig the board or mss1cc:s. according ia ncv. h' eloctt'd tncmbers James Barton. Richard Bonon and Tom Emerson. Taktng thin~ one at a time, pro~~dtng a climate for growth. and an11c:ip1.ting and planning 11.rc lhe be'st "11)5 10 haodlc the problem. tht' three said. "There arc no set formulu... James Barton said. " We must do some soul scuching 10 all areas. We caa mcct the cballcogt' if v.·c rely on 1dminis1ram·e cspertisc." " We must let our desires be ~ ' I I ID lh.e admioismarioo ID encourage a c:llmate foe grov.i.h." Richard Banon said. Emerson said. " We must loot beyond our noses 10 be successful... Co=.i.og the l't'COrd ,'Olt't' 111mou1 111d

the LOS'""'· Jl..lllln Banao wd that be "'U 1\ad to sec tlU'IIOlll reprcscaung a

stir 10 llllcrnt.. but llw the LOS question 'll'U

AII in the wrist A warm ran day cnhancet the talenu o( art 11udcn1.1 Debbie Joluuon and .Kul1n Stellmoo u Ibey prscllce their palnlln& Qalr bet'lfeen d&AU.


··1 do 001 ~hcH that politics and rcltatoa should unmrungfe " be nid. R1chard Banoo w.d I.bat pnor ID the lcncr t'OmUli mlO bands of the general pubbc, thctt a-u ao major woe and that tbe !IU1MIUI a ~ rt'SO.IL

"I fed that people apruscd tbctr OW1I pcrsou.l fccbng.s.'' be said. '"They doa't Qllt I takeo-'er by any grtlQ p (church, union or specul intcreSt). •• Calling the incident a .. borael"s ~,... Emenon said lhat he bopes there was oo da.mage dam: m lhc put electioa. Sunumag up lhe fecluigs o{ the three a.s board members. Rldwd &rton said llw the) should become more involved iD NIC.

Stone to represent faculty

College Senate organizes A rcCDGIIIICfldaUon that NIC Oci-n Ray Stone be giveo au1horiz.a_uon to represent the faculty point of view at boa rd or lnlStees mcctutp paued 5-4 Sq,1. 20 ot the college Knace meeting. The motioo followed much dlJQlfliQn cot>CCnUng whether or DOI Stone could ugue the faculty v;ewpo1n1, since be is deaJI of the college. Sell.I.le organ.iulion also toOk place with Bob lubler chosen vice chainnan. Pilgrim declcd parliamentarian. aad Ed· wioa Gusu.fsoo chosen c:orrcspondiog sec. rcwy. all by un.a.aimou.s vate. Committee membcn were selected the Te11llrc c:omnutl£C and Faculty Pcnoa· ncl Policies c:omrruaee.



Sta n Hughs. David Cohen, Rally Bou, chard, Don Sprague and Zella Fye were elected lO the Tenure Committee with Richard Snyder chosen u licit alternate and I.any Allen as KCOnd alternate. Mike Bundy, Jim McLeod. Ned Stuart and J aclt Steve wer<e elttkd ID lhe Faculty Personnel Policies Comm1Uec. In at.her :action, the Sen.ate: ·-defeated a motion by Cohen ta abolish the Faculry Assembly Consutution •.,efcm:d Faculty Assembly CorutllU· lion r~iiiom to the FllCUlty Personnel Policies Commluc:e. ·· I poll oo when clUSC1 ,hoold au.rt nut year IO be gJvcn to bolb (acuity and students.

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~ Supplying North Idaho's office ond business needs!

l \

( Wlllml Tom:occ pbolD

SWOR."\ L'i-James Banaa, T- Emenoa and lllcbard Banoo p ~ few tbetr Om NIC Board of l'nntccs meedng slDcc thev decdoa SepL U.


\ Cosh regist ers




Drafting supplies


AB Dick products


417 Sherman 664-3118


F riday, Sept. 29, 1978/Cardlnal Review .5.

Oregon bound

ln;uries slowing thinclads Althoug.h the NIC ,.omen's cross country squad C'Onslsts o( only three runners and the men's rum ,s hampettd with anJuncs. Coach Mite Bundy is conridcnr about his ream's ability. '"They're an cx«Ucur group of ruunen. They doo'r gel discouraged when tnJurcd ... he said. The NJC ,qu,d will C'Offlpete tomorrow 1n the 10,000 meu:r Game Franklin ln~iriuonal in Eugene. Ore.' '" We"rc r.cndang the ream 10 Oregon for ezpcmn~. They can't really conipcre with rhe Oregon schools. but 11 gives the kids an ,de• ('( what running is about," Bundy s.ttd Cumonlly. 4 o( 1hc 16 men are stricken ...11h '"1yp1ol running 1njurirs'" and should be .. en 1fler a rcw week, o( rest. '" ln1ur1c\. ltke I pulled hamstring. tnec "rain. me\\ fracture and back problem,. au~ runners 10 I~ trarnmg rime bu1 they (l hc ln1uncsJ usually cure lhcmsclvcs," 1he rwch u,d. Women running this year arc wphomorc, Uu Fnmcr and Laureen ~hmidt

and frosh Pam Dilley. v.ho IS preKally nursing an mjary. The girls enter races as individual ranacrs because they c1on·1 ha,•e the required r"-e runnen. 10 compete as a ream . Most of lhc meeB arc open e,;cnts. meamng that anyone can particpate '"Open mtt'U are DOI [muted 10 SC'\'ea runners. v.c can rao all the kl.ds and it's not a do-or-die situation like ieam meets:· Bundy ~aid. Kevan Dilley. ooe of !he lhree vctenns on the men· s squad. bas been rhc stzoagest runner w (ar lh,s year accordrng to Bondy. Sophomores Mano Sanchez and Glenn Metz are also showing .. ,eu tJus season. Tbe men's team includes Sa.ochez, DiUcy. Mec:i. Sean Beaulieu. John Egglc5ton. Brad Hams. Gary Harris, Rolnn Hood. Kns Mueller. Dan Preston. I.any Kopa, John Samuelson. Joe Smith Tralt Trowbridge. Tom Tum and Jim Wyatt. .. Jr's regs-ls that manr." Bundy uid. We "'Ollldn't even have 10 cater the tnm me.ct~ if we didn't want to. The ream 1s always strongest 11 the end of the season ...

r===c=r==s-p_--o=rt=s===] Enthusiasm , hope high on team; Atwood optimistic about season The NIC"s girls" volleyb311 team. "·hose first games arc ScpL 29-.30 in T..-in Falls. is doing ,-cry ,ocll. according to Coach I.en Atw,·ood. Atwood seems to be ,·cry optimistic about the coming season bcoosc the team is hmlng betlcr and using c,,.crhcad puses more cfficicall) than bst year. There is also a lot o( team cnlhuswm from the coach and scvcnal 1eam members. Ai,, ood s.,id it.s fwd to tell how good the playen are bcc:msc the 111DC girls "'ffl mainly on condi11oaiog te<:hnJques and drills nightly from 4-6 p.m. and c11n·1

saimm.11ge easily because o( the uneven number ar players. One reruming sophomore, Di2D4 Kapus. shov.-s great potenti:i.l .u a hitter, but most of the girls are just out or hlgh school and ~,e no real experience in game strategy. 11,twood The Carduws expec:t 10 compete ,.;th SC\-eral commuail} colleges in the c:on· (ercocc in On~rio. Otc. Nov. 8-9. includ· ing !Ucb College 11nd Treasure Vllllcy. They also pll.n 10 plD) SC\--Cnl W.uhiagton C'OIII.DlUoity c:ollcges outside the c:oofcrencc and in various tournaments.

Gym use 'cramped style' for students not in sports Acllvirie, JI NIC', gymnuium have 9rratly 1ncrea.sed since the opening week, or ~bool. and l[.Yffl u,er, may be aware of lhc prev1illng '"cramped srvle ·• Drspitc the 1moun1 and \'llrlcty or loth11l11.111<. utr,rurr1<ular and mrnmurol 1pora 11ksn11 plocl' othfo1ic tN<hc, be Hcvc rhc nc" IIY"' ,cheduk wn\ arran,icd 14 llhuur much problem NIC Arhlrtlr O,rt,ror Rulhc Willlam• ,a,d mo\l ur rhc a, 11\·11,c, ha,< been ,chcdulrd ,utte~•folly 14 llh plonn1n11 and coopcrarion among t'l);Jd1~, ,tnd ,rudcn1,. "The real pn>blcm." WIiham, ,11d, '"Is 1h11 rlw 11ym i, in \ll murh den1und (for ,.i,.,.,1 ~rhlcric,J . there·, nu1 enough ll'<'c umc." No time I\ rt-.c:~cd for ,tudcim ""h,n)l tn u,c the 11rm nn rhcsr own. Willium, norccl 1h11 the ~ym "Al t1rlginallv bulh "" llh th<' con1mun11y !Cucur d'Alene) In mind ' llK'al gn>up, \Uth a, Bn) \c,,ut, and Olut•hinl Girl, al.,o u,r 1hr ll)m, bur NIC \l\ldcnr arhkrt~ ore ,·un.adcwd r,,..., ,. ,,.. n ,rhcduk, uc made In ~ddi11011 1,1 rcgulu Pl· rlancs. mt'n ~nd \\llnltn', hhl.cthall, ""nwn\ to·r« ,01tr1•ball \\tt')llinfl, ~nd 1mran1ural t,~,l.c1boll tcnm• ar, u<!ng lht' l,ll'ln.

Trachte~. bL~ball and ~ pla)en also 110 10 the g,.1m to v.orli; out during the off-··,ruon, and bad ,..uthe.r. '"Thi, plllCC gets 10 be lite a zoo v. hen March rolli around," W1lh1ms SA1d. A ~ecund 11ym on campus w.ould case rhc 1111h1 ,chedule, and mue m~ gym lune a•ail3hlc for communll) groups and 'llC \IUdcnt,. he <Did Lt'n Ar"ood, coord1n.ator for •omen's arhlcoc) and PE . . . id the ,.omen'< ,ulk)hJII ond ba)ketball team, arc prac· 1icin11 in local 11radc IChool jpm, ~ted 1hrou11h rhc Coeur d"Alcr,r School D~trict. but ,he ,a,d 11 h nol due 1omcrcrow.·d1ng 11 NIC, .ll'm. ·w e had• probkm ,.,th the p~· clu.< -.hrdul,·, ... At"ood ,aid. "We rouldn't prac11,·c from b 1,, 8 ot b 10 10 in the, murnln ,, becau,,· a lot of girl, hi\ c mt1rnmJ ..~1.i,u·,, •· Th" "omen practice ,n thr r, cn1111,;s "h,·n intramural t,~,\c'1billl 1, M'ht'dulcd. ,., th,· ream, go to SorcDIM>n El, =n~ \(hoot f,>r , allc, ball pra,'1 IC'\' and Ram~ Hcm,·nh1r-. ~hoot hw IM.J.crball, Ai,.ood ,~111

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OPE."! WIDE---Ca:ldi1q the bell lo .J'OID' moa1h la • aklD DOI IIWI} people CID muter' bat Shdl) Olioa. member of rH women'• ,oDe, baJJ squad, aJ,·e. 11 a tJy dmfq pnodlce.

Friday, ~pl. 29, 1978/Cardl.n al Review -6-

Worfdwide sport

Pool popular pastime When one v.alh 1010 a smot<'-hucd Moatana ta,cm. • nOtse can usual!) be beard abo\·e the CQUtllr)··"estcm music and the m.uC'd l't'marlts of drunltco COV.• bo\s: that sound is the 5lwp "Cnclt" of• pool 1t1me gcrnl\l! under way Cerumh one of the mos1 populu pa.stunc sports in Montana or an)"' hcl't' dse, pool (or more billi.trds) " 1u ,ddcsprcad a< C,mpbclrs Soup. L<'gionmure·~ and beer drinking (which most people do "hllc pl11ying the game).


Pool tables are found In dme-in,, bus. an-adcs. bo,llin11 allC)'!i and college cimpuK$. The ba<i<" <"Once pt of 11-~ing a suet 10 tnock ba.lls Into pockctt seems taS) cnougb. ,o people gl\·e it Q try. But, \kill a.I the game C"Omc, onl)· with pmnlcc

SCATTER SlJOT---Somellmtt sboia do and lhal manis.

tomedmtt meta doa't, bat

ll's t.11t

Team propels enthusiasm


Moncu M oham.madi. 4.lso from


sald he was surprised that the team defeatt'd C&nllch after only one .. eek of pracucc. 1lhiok "e pla)"Cd ,cry "·eU. but v.·e still need more practice •ith indi,idull.l skills and teamwork," he said. em s.rns noted that most of the team members ha,-e lud some pre,iou.s cxperimcc with s«t'Cf. He •dded that be fttls that ··sirategy" plays a b,g pu, 10 the g11me. 00

Bta.d Kcnmir Sllad be feh Wt SOCffr has '"potcnttal."" Another pla)er. Tom Golden. ~id be enio)s 1hc gllme bccallSC of its ronst2n1 anion. ··There is total acuon for 4$ minutes."' he said, and tummed up the game! as being a • blasL ·· 0

played with IS numbered balls, a cue b:ill llJld a wooden cue suet on a 4.S by 9-fooi recungula.r table with 6 pockcu ,n prcst"ribed places. The bcSI ubles arc of slate with rubbenud cushions on the sides. all of which arc coscrcd ,uth reh.


Soccer beg ins

NIC s«'Ct'r pla,·m Cttl c,onfident 2bou1 their first in1crcolleg111c season. espcciall) after 1hc1r su=sful 4-2 pre•:.ea.son •m O\'er Creston Cit) in Creston. B.C. Assisuun Co.,ch Rich4rcl (Duke) Snyder s,id. "'his hud IOSO) wtu.11hisscuonv.-ill be like becuusc NIC has nC'\-cr played u • ream before. and it is diffirult 10 leU the compcrition ihcy arc ucing." He added that he bas nou«d the players' eagerness and self-discipline Ill pr:1ctlcc. The pla}ers seem opll.mistic about the Conhc:oming seuon. Molthtiu Mollaei.from bun, said, "I feel sccun: ,.;th lhc team; we arc dedic:ued. that is "by "e do An Honwcr said he thought the tc;un outplayt'd the Canadians but adm1nt'd that NIC needt'd more work in the defensive arc~.

For those readers who have never had the pleuurc (plc.uure1) of running 1n10 3 pool ,hart or hu,tler \\·ho tindl) tcachc, )OU the finer UDC(U or the aamc, whflc emptying your pockets. here are some ba.sic: (aC'ts and past .history or the ~port

Richard Daub said he htcd "'the pttSSUre. compeuuon and physical COD· tact'" of the gune. Mast of the playen agTttd Tom Mom· SOD flu been I good coach. '"The coach blov.·s ..,,1w be is talkuig about and is good for the team," Hoosattt D:i.ub said he felt that Morruoo had a ··=m w&) of getting things aaoss to the playen."' and he c:ould ··spot a player·s mistakes and help rorrca them.·· Mollae, and Mohammad, san! Morrison lu.s m.llJ helped in getnog their bodics m str0ng and firm shape. The upcommg games will be excinng a.c1,·en1urcs for the team. cspeciaUy the tthilntioo game ..-ith the Semle Sounders,

Oct. 26. Ho11SUcr 53ld. ··we may DOt be able to beat them. but ..,i.J) sure gi"e them a good ruo! .. Molbci said, ·' I bel!C\"e we will ..-in all of our g;unes. including Seattle." Moh3mmadi said be feeh uncerui.o about Soa:nders. "'They are profcssionaJ.s and h.a,·e lw! many years of pr.icticc, •· be noted...It .,.iIJ help tU though. and I •i.D c:lo my best." The gm! of NIC tlus year is to get soccer oil the ground. Snyder said, "The Sou•rs will defi. rutely help the soccer team in tv,o ways: pcnotul m1etes1 with better competition aad promoting the sport."' O,erall tum members stressed that tney woald like to see public involvement aod support of soc:ccr and lLl least ~ the sport a d\aoce to get uode:rway.



Onginally. billuird balls were made of ivory. but oo"' all r.1ccp1 the most expensive arc plastic. Salls oombered 1-8 art' solid colored l!Dd bills 9-15 are stnped. The cue stick is a tong, 14.pcred shaft with I rounded tip one-half inch wide. The J)Otnl where the weight of the handle is equal to the weight of the shaft is the bl= pocnt of the cue and is imporunt in ba.nd.liog the slid. One hand propels the cue ..bile the other forms a bridge to support and guide the cue near its tip.


\!though c, cry pool player ha., hts n styk and stance, pool s holS are bosic:ally thc,amr. These.- include the center. follo,o, dra"' and Engll,h s hots. Striking the cue ball In the ~ nlcr \lops ii after Impact wuh the obj«t ball HlltlnR tht ball a cue tip width above h\ renter cau,c• the ball 10 roll forward, following tl,c obJcct ball. A drav. shot occur\ by hitting she ball a cue 1ip "1dlh below center, ouslng h 10 back}pin a" O)' from the object ball

f nghsh ~hotJ ;,.ere developed in the 19th century by Englishman Jack Can. who of a.II the other , hot,, is uncouniablc tip. These sh11h spin the ball clockwise If !truck a cue lip" id1h ngh1 of ccnlcr, and countcrdockwl&c If hit o 1lp width left o( ccnlcr. The number or 1r1ct ,hob, a combination 11f all 1hc other s h ot\, I~ uncoun1ablc. Tr,ck shots c.-an only be uplained by the players developing them. and sometimes 1hcy oren'1 even :.urc why the thob wort. The history of the g~mc I~ somewhat ob,curc. bul the numc i\ derived from the French bill.rd or billarl (cue) o r bllle (stick). The first ooncrcte evidence of the 1por1 appeared in Fronce in 1he I Ssh ccn1ury ber"'ecn f.l6J -J483. 1nc rim! table on 1he Amencan contancnt w115 broughi to Florida by the Spa n1ardy 1n IS6S. Capra.In MinQaud. a French poli1ic al pruoner an 1778, perfcc:ted the game and was 11.lso 1he first player 10 u..e lhc leather CUC Up.

The first U.S. d1amplonship game wu held in Detroit in 1359, 1 much different atmosphere thon the barroom players compcung for pitchers these days. So, whether the game is played 10 Moniana, Jdaho, WisconJin or Iran. pool is certain!) one of ihc most popular and w1~pread recreation 11.Clivllics that can be found.

(__c_o_-r_ec_sh_o_r_ts_ _) CC)orec

sporu got undcT way on

According lO Jobo O..en. co-rec cfuector. 10 teams an: playing every Tuesday and Thursday at S

ScpL 14 .,.;th touch football.


There an: IJS players lb~ year, and Baseball Ooe and Mosquuoes an: tied for the top Spol.

p.m. Football nandiop an, u foUows: 8&$eball0oe -..osquitocs

3--0 3--0



Hugs Thugs


S08s Band11os

1-2 1-2 1-2





Orange Cra.s.b


Co-rec 1cunil got uodcT way Sq,t. 27 ' with mixed doubles c:ompetllioa at the NIC tennis cooru. Owen s.111d 13 tcalDS ,ign,ed up for the competition which sees tinals Tu~y at 3 p.m . .. Also being considered for the s«CJOd week in October is powdt'1' p41U (oc,dwl berween the fres:hman and sopbom~ females."· 0.. en said.


fl'fday, ~pr. 29, 1978/ Cardlnal ~ie-,. .7.

Students blamed for confusion

Student insurance plan explanation outlined By Teri Wodey A tact of com mu nlc:a tlon bctweeo SCU· dcnrs and rhe 1n&ur1oce company thar crcarcd problems lui year in e,;ped1ting paymcnrs of insurance cla,m, can be 1 vo,ded this yeo,, •ccording to NIC School Nu= Jo Marinovicb. Marinovich cues as buis for this belief a reassuring visit from Ed Caron, Cuaranree Trusr Life Insurance Company president. and lhe des,gnalion or J im Remsen , ASNIC president. as studenr-i,uurance company

The pobcy provides the: holder with a

provides full or partial cove rage for hospillll room and boa:nl. ml.SCC!lancous hospital CXJ)l'nses. surgical ~dons. physicun's fees. consuhant's recs. ambul.ance e,;pcnsc. gr:td1mc nurse scnices. m1sccUaocous out-patient opense.s and pregnancy expenses.

S2.000 accidental death bendit when dcarh occurs wirhin 100 daYl of 10 acadeot tn

which death-rclttcd 1n1unes arc sustained. It abo anoca~ a ma.mourn of SJ.000 coverage for each sickncu contracted. The policy's siclmcss medical upensc dau~


Caron informed N'IC administrators thar claims ,;hould be processed 001 o( Boise in a day or two, Marinovich s11d. Delay1 of rbrce or (our months in the paymcor of claim& were 001 uncommoo last year . during which rime doctors and hospirals occuionally proccucd student debrs thNlllgh small claims courts. MJ.rinovich blamed srudcni confu, ion as one conrriburlng fact0r lcadlng to delayed or incomplcrc poymcnL "The way. ror enn1plc. 1h11 Kootctli Memorial Hospital I\ 'Cl up, a visit 10 rhe emergency room results in one bill from rhc doctor and one bill from rhe hospital," she s11d. "Maoy 11udents will rC<"cive the bill from the ho.pita! first, think It I, •11· Ull'lusivc. and make our only one form when rhcy thould hove filed two," she said. Under rhc rerms or the Gu11tan1cc Trusr urc· 1n,unnce Company,undcrwMllen pol· icy, all rcgisrcrcd full,llme NIC srudcnts p1yin11 fu1J . 11mc reeli ore aur omatkally covered. Proreetion Is in effect throughout periods o( full-time enrollmcnr, including all vacation periods.

Under the policy's major medial c1·

pcasc beocfits. lhc UlSUnUlCC company 11oi ll pay 80 percent of expense incurred in excess of Sl.000 and up to S7,S00 for any accident or sickn= conlllCtt'd ~ causing loss during rhc policy term. In 3.ddioon. the company ..1u pay SO percent of the dental crpcnse = ulting from inju.ry 10 sound 111rur11J tcct.h in ~ ccss or S2SO and up 10 S750. The policy also offers opriooal depcndenr insurance CO\cragc and optional materniry benrfits. NIC's student insurance- is secondary 10 a.ny other insunnce covering the student .-hen media.I expenses exceed SSOO. For a C'Omplcre cxpl:marion of policy benefits. .as weU as a list o! exclusions 3nd definitions. sec the student losuronce p:unphlcts included in the college rcgisrnrion packet$. 1-ianoovich noted thar tltc company is a ··stickler" on prc-t'xisring conditions. lo 01hcr 111ords. it D14)' pr<wc difficult 10 collce1 • claim mvolving • rccumng back "The policy pays best on Injuries." she adlll!d. Oum forms may be obtained 21 the Student Healrh Service Office or at Jim Remscn's offic,c. " The compan) is supposed to cl\Angc the form 10 simplif) ir." Marinovich said. "The policy number isn't ncccssa_ry on the form."

Marinovich di=tcd Students with que.s· tions conttrning claims 10 visir Remsen's office. " He gets a print-out of p:iid bills there, " she s,ud.

Student living colum n

Helpful hints for domestic chores

lllllllllllfllllJUlllllllllUltllllllllDJH~-----llllll!Ml-lllMIIIIINIIFlll-----m·----ra--llllllll~ §

Where Is lhc be,t place tCI bu1• ga,! Many studcnb ma) no1 know 11, but ga_. Is cheaper ln Past Fall, than any,• here In Coeur d'Alene. We all knm. runnintt a car ~LS m0rc upenslvc all the time. Ho,,.ever, if the ear ls hpr runed and in good running COndlt,on, mllncy ean be \IIC:d. Nor having a "••her and d')·cr lt$Ults in finding -. laundromat. TI1crc arc qu11e a '"" con,enren1 plact> on Sherman A,e. nuc, "'here the going rate is u,ually 50 cents 10 and 2S ccnl-> 10 di) Wltcn going h) 1 laundromat 11', a good idea not to go at n.igh1, bur U one musr go aftCT dark, ha,,ng a fncnd for companv rchcvc,, the boredom u ..·ell a, bcung ufcr. As far a, laundry soap) arc concerned. lnupcnslve brands get clothes just u clean and 1111kc them ,men ju,, as aood a_. the upeni"·e brands. Thi> abo 80C$ for fabric softeni,n, Al-)-s mcu11tt the laundry soap before pultlna it In the washer, IS JUSt pouring IOmc 1n could ~uh ,n too many suds. Buying-Pin taracr bcttcs or quantities


•• ano ther saver no n11 11cr ho" much dc1crgcnc I-> being !bed (llnlc bo.les at the l1undtr0mJ1 are np-offi.). No"'' thar school as under ,...., . studying hu ro bcromr part of tbi, dath routine, but for 11 to be dfect h e thrre a rc a fc11o guldelrnes 1h11 •hould be Al\\•ay~ find 1 11 t'll -lrt area 1h11 1s comfortabk. Malr surc 11·s qu1 c1 (no radio. tele, 1sion or httle brochers). Tue a bro~ c,c~ hour or ,o. get up and stretch. and thmk about somethmg else for a fe, minures. J1151 be surc to go btdt nod rbe wwL. If these guidcltncs arc follO" eel the~ ,.,II makc 51ud)1ng hour, go b, r.urcr and .. -111 givi, better results when the homework IS through. Thr rcc1pc for this v. eek features IWla n , h. Among the dishes that can be pn:pared " i th tuna fish arc tuna cassttO!c. tuna i.a.lad and creamed tun.a. oo imsr. tuna on rout is asy to prepare. Mu cream o( mushroom >OUp 3.ddlng water) aod a small QO ol tuna fish and heat on rhc sto,;e. Then spread mururc on touted bread. This recipe IS o! the cu1cst and tUtcs gtc.tll



! §


I; Co""c. \Na.Tod


,r1- ~r~ ·~

a ;,-e 'Ulo~r6ed, ln.i,sl 6.. 11 or-o»e.r:





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1815 N. 4th

§ 'Ruv,;J" § IO,'~ of{ " "' § Sl\c,tn

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Co"'!+!~.! >It~£::~...


Friday. SepL 29, L978/ Ca.rcllnal Review -8-

[...___k_a_le_id_o_s_co_~_e_J Abundance of activities scheduled A, a rc,ult of a 1.ariie turnout r01 tl'lc m0\1c ··Bluing Saddl~· Sept 20, plans orr bc1og m~de r01 more m<n 1C\ to be ,ho;,,n at 'II( Acrordinj! 1 Rob Faler. student acu,·1, uc director. o,,cr r .s pcUJ>I~ alkoded tlMe mu,1~ Faler 1.11d h<-1, 11011 v.ortnng to get ··more fi rst run mouu tbe quaht• or 'Blmng Saddh.•,: or ~tcr " 'IIIC', \tt01ld dantt •-ill be ron111h1. •llh rhc group Fla.\h pcrformmg . Accord1q IO Filer. Fla~h ,~ a "cll-thougbt-o( r,oup ud I\ c--tptttcd to get a bcnc.,r rc.,act- than Windiammcr A disco dance: fcitonng a hjlhl ,ha,, •'ill be held Oct. Hell and Htgh ~atcr. a band from Lu \ cg1&>. will be pctforming The Am:wng Kreshn v.iD be appeanng 'lo, I at 8 p.m. Kmlln. a magic:un a.od


menu.list. hAd a telc\'lslOn \how 2 n•mbcr or Jun ago H,, att foaturci gl\ 10g someooc 10 the aud1c.,11CC a blan\ cheek and if he cannot find 11 ~ c:ui h,ep 11. ~ "Th<" Eli ,-ICtor si- .. a comedv groop that pad:ed 1M SUB to sta.ndi.Qg ~ on!) lut year ...,n appear 'lo, at an !\IC coffttboa~. ~ group. "hieh comb,no comedy and music . "ill al~o appur at the Norlh Shott for a .. ttt Faler wd a rape ams clime is present!) bring arranged "hrN' • ..-cner r:nim the Cn."s Center 1s upee1cd 10 spcu Refemng ID parUclJ)AtJOD 10 thr acu,1• ur-s. Faler s,1d , ··The students ~ N'alh Canwbe. Th£y ba,c N'alh btto ninun11 out for the 1cti,it1n. I rcalh W'l.llt 10 thank them ror thctr \Upport. ••

Fun run Brad RSl'l'b and Robin

Hood. l'l•o NIC Cn>ss, nmners cl\lo., • IC'ISuttl~ run alooi: the, beach on • "arm fall .i...., la ant icipation o( up, COWJ Ir)

com!~ compttltlon.

Campus police report activities Campus securil) rcpon.~ th3t S4-00 "u ,1olen from ~bb1c JDhnson·s roam ,n the 'IIC dorm1tot\ Tucsd.1J be11H·co • ll.Dd II p.m S1udcn111 responded to a false lire alarm ,n 1he dorm Sept. 19 at 11:SS p.m. Four subjects ,.err iponcd siph<>n1og RDS our or r..o ,a~ that -.ere P3rked south o! 1he Ht'dlund Building Sept I" at

.pproximatel~ 8 :30 p.m. The ga.s caps ..-ere off and gas • u still 111ooing through the hose .. hen the suspcns Oed .

\'cbidc:s ,..~ Sttll MU:IDJ OD Dtltc Road Sept. l o 11 .55 p.rn. A r. ucuk:uifil'd male wu s«n loitering aroun.! a ~ur-.. .,1 ccmer window or the t1irl$' darm Sept 12 at 2:1 5 a.m.

Travel abroad offered to students When most people thinl or summ<"r the) think of tra,cling 10 a late, the Washington or Oregon coast. or sometimrs i. far as California. NIC. ho,.c,·cr. has big plans for summ<"r ,2c&t1on The ln1ema11onal Srudy A Progl'1lm at NIC 1s offering summer trips to Scotland Finland and England. wh<"rt students can stud,· such courses as SC3nd1na,1u Oc;ign. and Weaving. SC'O t• 11.>h Culrurc and literature. Archaeology. 1nd the HistOT} of Golf. The program. under thc dirccuoo or Leona H1ssco. started 10 19"5 after a group tn, eled to Finlam! and Ru55ia and •ac.11100


p~rt,c1p~1ed ,n COU f\cs on language, culture pohUClll s.., cncc and u ehacolog)· Ha ss en b s t ~cu·s foreign s1uden1 adnser I\ DD"- conc.-otra 11ng on this prognim and ha.s hopes oS de>cloptng a hb~ry of fo1C1ga \Wd) nutcnal ,.1thm the next fc,,i )ears. She N'ttl\c~ tnformauoo lrom colh.•gcs as far 111.a}' as Sp.un. Getm2n~ . Engbod. Japan and b~el This 1ufonnatllln is l'~lable 10 \tudcnts b.tnng an mtcrcst 10 srudy1ng -abro:lll. Students 1nt=ted ,n the program nuy contact Huscn throughoc11 )t'ar Thc mooth-loog lrip. 1,~1Jabl,: to JO.JS SW· dents. costs approxtmately Sl.200 ro Sl.300.

Business class holds convention "Bloom Where You Arc Pl3.Dtcd. • the lh<"mc for• C"On,cnuon 10 be held Oct. s. · "'ill be sponsored by tbe NIC offic.occup2tions class. The C'011vcntioo. w.hrch •nll be held l l the .'lanh Shore Com'CDUOD Center and lutherha"en RetN'lt Center. ts fur mcmbcn of the Idaho Business Educauon As.socia, non and the Idaho Dismbuu,-c. Eduntioo A~SOC1.DllOD .

facats include a film and disctusioo on

J1111 Del.ora pho10

the "Incredible Bread Madune." "hicb

..;u be lw b)

NIC Economics lnswctor Mike Milltt. On FndaJ, Oc,. c, the g,oop v.'UI board the Mish-Ao-Nod for general session meeungs lead by Dn1d Daboll. Coeur d·Alcnc. ~rurday sessions •ill be held at lhc 'lonh Shore C'O\ criog such topics u Tune M•Mgement. Stress t.un&gcmeot. and Stop and Smell !he Rosq.

In Coeur d'A lene

Home ec conclave slated A home cconom1« con•enrion. 1pon, M>red b) th(' Idaho Home Economics A\SOclllllOn... 111 be held Oct. S.7 in Coeur d'Alcoc. As pan o( the con,enr,on .. ldcu Yoo Will U-.c" v.dl be pre~ntcd Thut'SdaJ at NIC 1n the Hedlund Voa1ional Building from I J0-4·45 p.m. Thc scutons. accordmg to Laura Carnie and Linda l..c, SIC home cronomics instructors and eo<ha.trpcrsons for the e, en1, 113, c btt-n planned 10 provu1c an opportunity ror home econom1\ts lnd area homemakers to shl.rc skills and ,deu 10 ltcl.i or mutual concern A St ;idmt1Sion foe ... 111 enable par11ci, paai,. to attend a.o~ four of the eight

program~ which 11rc 4S mlnu11:1 in kngth. Topics include Gourmet Flair; When Children Don't Eat Right, Then What?; Cooking Under Pressure; An. A Need tn U, All; Precision Sewi ng S1mphlicd, S2ving Energy and Money Through Hou,, mg lk\1gn, Developmental Play for Pre 1choolcr1: a nd Re:1ching the Diudvantagcd. Speakers for the event u,cludc rcprc,enutwes from,1~·Cl111'1c Sriirc College. Un ..crnty of Idaho. Idaho Bureau or Child Health. Na11onal Presto lndustnc, ind NIC The con,enuon •ill end Sa1urday ,.,th, cr,11~ 2nd luncheon at noon on the 1.uc lcT,1\ wd.

By governor

Vo-tech student named to council NIC student Nicholas N. Moriruti bas bttn appointed ro the Idaho Advisory Couocil for Vocational Education ac:a>nl.tDg to a press release by Gov. John Evans. Moriniti. a ,-ocauonal student Crom

Priest will ,erve oo the counal oalil July I. 1981. He succeeds Catl,aiac Pnmbs of Pocatello. Monmu could not be rcxhcd (at comment.

Fdday, Sept. 29, 1978/ Cardlm.l Re,ie" .9.

N ew mentor helps foreign students in struggle to adjust to college life Twcntv-fivc foreign studena ue auend·

iaa NIC. uus f&JJ. which is quite a large aumbct compared to pm,jous and DC1< foreign $Ttldent ' adviser. Roger Burr. Burr is new to the posmon bot not new to NIC. He taught here one year before ua,cJing to Saudi Arabia wher-c he also taught fOf one year. Burr feels thll since he has bad the are under 1hc arc· of

crpericnce of teaching 111 Saudi Arabia. 11 will make 11 cuier (Of him ll> help foreign students, as half of I.hem come from the Middle wt. Burr said 1bat among !be dungs m.alcing it difficult for the students to adjUSl iDdudc their lack of upemse in the English language .and the climatic changes, since most a rc accustomed to a very warm. tropi~I climate.

Although !heir majors vary. the majority

or I.he students are involved in technic:u fields such u cngioceriDg. AO or I.he students t.uc at lust one basic English cl.ass u well. Burr stressed "ll>O oftCII people ttfer to the foreign students as a lump sum." ''Proplc sboold realize tfm each ooe of lhcm are inc!Mduals coming from difl'er-cot

places aod having an io1cres1 in different things."' be said. One :i.ssct 10 the studc_oa as fur as Burr ts concerned. is Wt NlC's C.lmpus is small, ma.king it easier for the srudcnts to adjust to the differences of counaics. Although some of the srudcnts come to NIC on a scholarship basis. most arc required 10 ply the normal out-of-state


:--, AKE A CLOSER t LOOK AT OUR CURRICULUM. NOW M llllary S ci en c e I n c ludes courses In l eadership , m a n ag e ment an d self- m oti v a tio n . Vo u · u l e arn h o w t o d eal w llh re spo nsibil i ty a n d b u ild yo ur co n n denc e . To per1o r m under p re ssu re. And you ' ll learn a lot abo ut you rself. M lllla,y S ci e nce courses ofter you a ll k i nds of axclUng c hallen -

ges. So, add Arm y ROTC to y o ur cu r r iculum this y e a r a nd find you r self In o ne of o u r c l a ssro om s . Yo u can b e t y o ur boots o n II .

It's Not Too Late! Enroll now in Army ROTC (l\1ilitary Science l OL 201 ) at NIC. 1 credit for 1 class hour per week. No OBLIGATION!

Learn how to EAR


while attending college full time.


t t

Call Capt. Longmire COLLECT at 208-885-6528 or come to the Cardinal R oom in the Winton Building Wednesdays 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.


Friday, Sept. 29, 1978/Card.lnal R~ le-w - 10-

Fall barbecue successful; band considered letdown By Kell.b Johnson

"The fc.ut '"'U fantastic; the frolic ,us fair " nu, •u tht gi,ncral opinion .f man- NJC srudcms "'ho ancnekd the Sept. IS a-nnual ,.elcomc-back barbecue and boogie Score, nf <tudcnr, Onodcd tk St; B ,n ordt'r to munch doan •hat••• said c.o be an 1ppet111n,11 combuuuon oC dQ<,.11-~rne BBQ sauce .and 1,;SDA hoicc beef .. The barbecue ,.u • compktc stsc• ccss. · "'d Rob Fall'f. chid oritiruztr of the nighl°s 3ctl\ltlcs. "A lac pec.j'le turned out than '"e erpttted." The feed must ha,c bocen generous t.:i tlkpo,nt of CAhau,uon. Judgmit b) w bck ol interest m ,·ollc, ball. touch r-b.t.O. or s,mibr ac11,·1t1c, obscn·ed taking pbce aftt'r prc..-iou, barbec-uc,. Ho... c,er. the 'Frida) ',1ght Fe,cr" rcg.a1ncd momentum. and b, the wnc the dance suancd. tcmper.1rurcs ,.ere nsing,-.. hcrc The 00\l of students gnduall) mcrceascd into the gym. and soon thcrc were domu of rouplc< shaking off the tCMion, of another completed ... eek &I NIC. "The student< ought 10 ~ congratulated on their enthusiasm: the people -.ere Just a, great a, the turnout." Faler said. A11cnd~ncc was imprcHi,e at both c,cni< of the night. but 11 St't'med the frolic lacked something the feast had-·D touch of splcc.

Th" ingredient is c.scn11al to the su«i.'ss of an, ,1udcn1 wh~c Fnd.a) 01ghr.s arc a time or gcmng our. gcning down. and

get1:u11: a•a~ from the •mlv prcuurcs of ~IC academics. Pahaps 11,us wt i,amc gull oC s1ucknt cnrhuslllSffl "l:nodcd t.he v.Uld" ou.1 of Waodjammcr. the band th>.1 played l l the da!IC'C

.. !-io ooe was niore dJS.lppot.Dtcd th&n I .,.u," F2ler said. "The band we had on,vn.1lly boo\cd an.ellcd out "" 11\. and •hen Ilk- bookme agent <Ul!~lcd \hnd· p:::mct, I too« tt for granrtd •e •-en: ::cmng a b.and (I( ~u&I ,1.aru, "

Rumor lu, 11 th.ii a numbtt of :'I.IC wpborntro •ett j«lt lca,1ng the <Un« .. l,Le nu arr o( a s10L1ag ship" and ullin~ coau,:I\ IOClll port., of rcfoac 10 conwmc a d1ffcrca1 ksod o1 880 "1U~. Rem.unmg stu.deat.s nxlt n· rolled 10 selcc:ions b, Flc<'t,.ood 'he. D0ob1e B ~ . The Bee Geo, .i.nd other, unul rhc m1dn1ght hour brought actc, 111..\ t\'.I a close .and left students 10 frohc 011 thc1r o.. n under l run mN>O . Being left da."Oheancd about lhc con•cqucix-n of bte. Rob Faler arnngcd for .no1hcr Cree dan« to be held la t.he g_, m Th<, llCXI boo&ie " 1ehcdulcd 1on1j!ht at Q p m Th<, b.lJld" out of Spokane and LS called F4,h


"I guar1atcc quality iouod for this

I '

da!K'e,.. Faler rcauurc,. 'We're using a

d1ffcrcn1 booking agcnc1. and Fluh ,s comsdercd a band th.ti v.ill mate up for llD)' or all dwippotntmcnt 1h.:t1 •-as generated at chi, ~ t dance ..


J Jan DeLaca pbolo

Arter the grub Spokane, ap~an to have COMumcd enough rood for lhc entire wrutUng tum. Marl< was Jiut one of the .iudenta lo 1&ke adv.a1&ge of lhe delldoiu Ctte meal at NIC's Welcome B~k BBQ held Sept. 15. )hrk Robert&,


CDA and Spokane

• Area entertamment listed

t Pat Sallh'&D pbou,

"Ci=" ,s pla.i,,ng at the Tn-cinema 1.11 Coeur d'Al,me at 6:50 211d 9·1S pm. Also plll~tng II the Tri-anc:ma 1$ "Hooper"· at 6:50 &nd 8:40 p.m. The third fflO\ie plaHng is "Orn" .II ~,50 p.m. "1d "Ja...~ 2" i1 shcn,,n a1 9:25 p.m. The ...,'ilma Theater 1s fcatunng "The Revenge of the Pio.I: Pant.her" from Sept. r 10 Oct. J. From Oct. 4- ~ "The Bad Ne,,.-~ Bears Go To Japan" •ill be shcr,.n. Also is Dam1en--Omco D" on 00

Oct. 8-10.

Tue day aight football Co-rtt footbaD teams lade the ha-,· paddlng and hcl.m.ct.1 of coa,--.:otimw ~ bat 001 the cnlb1Ulasm. Neldon Gardner grabs clo"'!I a.a Lntttccpdoo u team.mate John Roettbhigcr rums to lead the down1ldd blocldng.

Oct 11-14 is m movie a.lied "Coming Komc." All mOVics showing at t.hc Wilma Theater will be at 7 and 9 p.m. Pbying at lhc Coeur d'Alene Drive-In is "One on One" and "Bad News Bears ...

stancng 21 7 p.m. Mov1'-' only sbov. on "'cekends Pbymg at the Fox I cn Spokane ~ "A1111na.l House" showing 21 7:4S 3nd 9:45 p.m. At Fo1 II .. Almost Summer" tS shlll'UJI ,ll 3nd 9.15 p.m United Arti\15 Cinema II ,s sho,r;mg 'Secrets" at 6:JS and 9:l5 p.m. "El!)o m.1nucllc" is playing 01 7:SS p.m. Lincoln Kcigh~ I is show1.11g " Fool Play"' 11 7:15 and 9:4S p.m. Lmcoln Hc1gh1S 2 ha1 " Haven CID Wail" playmg 01 7 and 9:45 p.m. "The End" sbov.-ing at 7 and 10:20 p.m. ~nd "Chld:co Chronicles."' st,o,rlllg ~1 8:45 p.m.. arc pbytng at the MtP, Lantern I . i: "S1y7: and "Tbm Uzzy" are playuig concert at the Coliseum Oct. 14 21 8 p.m.





Friday, Sept. 29, 1978/Cardiual ReY!ew ·11·

[...__n_ic_no_t_ic_e_s_J A llmlled nwnbr, or 1970-73 or1r, wood uaaal1 are brlllg liqllldaled. Staff or JIIIMIIU ,rbo •ant a piece of nost.ala)a ma) pardla.k an old an11aaJ al SO crnrs ead> ln a- l or the Medwtlcal Ari~ Baildlng. TI,ote DOI sold wW br dcstro) ed. Vol11111.ttn are needed lo wortc with


A one-man 111 $ho" bu bc,e:n for Lbe eampoi of Nortb Idaho College. G"'cn Merriman, g,aduaJc of 1'1C &11d Boise State Unh'cnll), "ill emibfl I 0 graphite dra...fngJ In lbc SUB Oo. 9,No,. 3. The theme,,. of Lb~ works range Crom Og urc sruclks Lo rcpr=tatlon&l Canusy.

de, disabled al'.hdu. Contul

G.,, Gifford

at the Adult and O,Ud Oclelop!D4'nl Cfflrer • phone 667-6406.

All CaaMlian 11udcnls


Roger Burr

1roman rtudenr advl~r. Room AJSJ b) Frida,. Ort. 6. The, shou.ld bring copies of their k~alcs If the) ha, c 001 alrcMI)

Writers can win SIOO, SSO, S25 or SI O ID cash and book prius plos bA,ing works pahllshecl If )'OD enter the National College Poetry Contest by Lhc Oct. S dea4llne. Enlric, and quesllons hould be sent to lntemallonlll PubllM11lon_,, 4747 Fountain A,e., Los Angeles, Calli. 90029.

doM IO.

fr,oul1> for "One Jlle,. O, er the Cuckoos Nol" wlll br held Ori . I al 3 p.m. and Oct. 2 at 7:30 p.m. In Room 2 or Mr llugh. No c.qx-rlcnce I~ nC<lc•ur:i .

S1udcn1, "ho par1lrlpa1ed ln Lhc Publl· ration, Club book,wap d1ould pick up their IIIOIIC) or un.old books as ~n alt po•~lble In MA2. The aradrmlr ofnrc; or l'arttr Inform• · lion and planning I• no" open lo Mudc nl, dc,lrln11 a ..l,1•nrc or lnforma1 fon co n• rcmln11 their edurallon. r arcer and 11r.goal•. Con~I Gar, Coffman In room S-2 of the S1udcn1 Union Oulldln11 lrom 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Monda) •frldl\ .

Student. who arc cllalblc for rollcgc bur i.., C DOI bcc,n placM •re uktd 10 110 to 1be llnanrlal aids omcc and clo N u IIOOD u poulble.


The Lc!amlna SkUls C.-nrer, 1.oe.ted In the Sherman Schoo l Dulldl na, Is open Monet.) lhrouab Frida) lrom 1h30 a.m. 10 41.lO p.m. The ccnl~r oCferli tolll'RI In Englt.h, rudit\a, ,ocabu.l&r), 1pclllng, baiJc math, l'Olkac otud) ln111111d llfollme reading. One oarollt for thew eta.- Julil u be doe, Cor an, othtt clll.lli. ~ Lc!UT1lna Sidi!, C.-n1cr aliO offc~ tutoring M'nlcc, frtt or charge.

Find ,ou"dfln print. Frtt uprcsslon Is ~mcthing 10 ,hare. U )OD ha,e 1111 lr'llsllc nu~ " ords, a passion lor pen 1111d lnL drawing,. or 1111 un\ung ~ng or l"O, ,i..rc )Ou.r ln,l11h1s In the Fall CrcatloM publlca· tlon or NIC. Sab mlr ,our manasrrlprs und/ or IUu~lratlon, no latrr tban No, . 15 lo Oa, Id Sharp c/ o the cru1h e .. riling depar1mcn1, NIC.


Or. Richard E,u:lcston w!U be on campus 11, er) Mond a), \\'cdnc•da) and Fr id&) bctwcc,n 7:30 and 8:30 a.m. An) one "lshlng 10 sec him should Orsr ronrut Jo Marino, l~b. S<'hool n ~ . al her omcc In the Wlnlon BuJldlog. ll~r ollkc houn are form 8:30 a.m. 10 -1 p.m. "C<'kda,s: ho,. e, er, itbe .. mbe ar llu• ,0t,1Uooal bulldlng Crom I to 2 p. m. on the•e da) ' · Som.- dorm rooms arc ,rm a•'allablc for oludrnr& nccdln11 hou.sln,t. Fh c opcnlna) exist 011 thr mt'n •, 51de. Contact etther GIit) Collman at the dorm or Wo Hat ch • • the SU B for more l.nformatlon.


Spokane l\SPS,n' Clwint'1 7 6·7 p.m. 0.30 Arth Da, and Fred MhdicU: "I p<,rccnr lnhuuhc"

Pal Sollh "" pboro

.\.nd the wmner \o,ttc:h \ Jolo~de iiYdcnt Tim \ullcs had the honor of rfn,- lng the " Inner oJ tbc C)clc rafile, but \nn St-hloss !UM! the rul honor or "lnnlng thc m~hluc.

Trustee<; ll'ill decide

Calendar options varied '-IC ~ undc,rgouie Iii ,cl«tK>n of 3 1v. o-,car c.alcndar ,. h1<:h ,. iD be pnnted ID the next college ntalog . The ~aJScm1c :u 11 sr;incls i,o,,., l>t-i;1os tn lair Augus1 and eod5 111 e.arl) May "'nh fin:ili coming before ,uauon "'The board of crustees is not 1D•ohcd ,er .. ;I.IC ~s,drnt Scholer rud. The prcs,drnt s.aid he "ill consider the r:csulli of a poll talcn \\ edocsd..ay 10 assess ;,1udeot and rarull}· prdcte!K'l'S and tbro = ~ u o n 10 the boud of trustees. Schuler ~•d thJ1 • poll g1>cs • bcncr ,dra of .. bar ,111.xno and (lt'IIII\ •anl T,.o ~ean ago a t.imdar poll l'l"luhcd ID ,1udcnt> fa,onag one pin and the bcolry fa, oring another The poll dn• n 11p b, li<'bulcr, had r,ght dtffcrcnt propouls. xhuttt said be llunb th1> )rar·, poll .,.,11 lu,e (c,>rr chmcc... M> II ..,u nat br 50 ronJU\IDj:

In data processing

Ellis appointed to vocational staff John 1J ad) Ellt, ha\ ~cn llllmc'<l l , dAID proccs\1ng 1n,1ru<tnr in t he vocauonal depar1mc n1 , according 10 Clarence Houghr . NIC , ocat11>nal dlrC"Ctor l::lh, >pent the la.t f1, c , Caf\ H m~tru( tor and dcpAnmcn1 hc;,d 1n J 31,1 procc,s1ng at uni er Arca T... hnl. al School in Oak.. OOCI. Ga. He ha, al,I) ,erved o, a do1a prwe.,ing manager, ,y,1cn,, anah,1 prll&rammcr, data clcrL 1n produc1ion CORlr\\l, •nd radio stuion mln•&cr and announ~r

lh, cdu,•11on•l l>acl.ground 1n~ludc, \lud, nt \,,un11,tu"n Sl>IC Coi,Cf'l.11~, C:.l>Oe\\tlle Jum\11' C,•llcgc and the l/m,er"'~ <>I G.-.><g1a. Oat.a pnxc,"nit ,, • nin..--mcm1b cou~c running from Scptembt'r through Ma~ 8" 1ng spetul lnl1ning :uid et"perieaa: io d.l1a cntl'), i}Mem\ unal~~I.S. and computer

progRmmmg and opertnon. Mak.ilm M,Ch,n. da1a proce,s,ni; manager, r, 10 cbargr or 1hc progr:un.

PO\,ib1httcs for woe" nlcadar include aa cul) sun ,a Aug,m .,.,th ~ rarly .:ond~1on m \1.i) or sun 111 Scp,cmbCT .., 1th a l.11c t'Onclw.ron in Jurn, \'UUlJmtS m thc:sc rao pllm include .. newr or ncK 10 h.1,e a spring brcl and "hca semester lin.als ~Id occur. 'St'mt',tcrs 11Ual be lo•I' "'ttu long," Schuler ~id. "The niccsl ttmC5 of the ,cu for summer Jobs ;ire from llre AuguS1 10 September rather than from mid-Ma} 10 June " Schuler wd. Acr:onl1ng to him. Lhc e.arly SW1 is advant.1gC011S for srudcnu who 1radu1re from a l\\ o-yeu program " They get the Jump on other graduates, " he >a1d. "The dC5r.nabthl) of g...mng out earl) and

h,1,mg cums before ChnsrmDs often s1<1ys students' opinions." the president s.11d. "It is impossible to figure au, a compl'Om1se. •• Schuler said rh.11 fa.i:ulty members. not s1uden1s, h3ve compl,11ncd to him about th1> u•.ir's schedule. "Cntthes have commented that scu, dtnl> rttn111ed for athlccic pl'Ograms don't find housing till :if1cr ubor Day... Schuler ~,d ··xhool ends bcfon: the scheduled athletic season i~ O\<Cr so 01hlc1es sta.y here :iftcr school i5 rca.11) out." Schuler Slid 1h31 che donn and SUB clo&c v.hen school ends. l~vlog some a1hle1t1. ,01th no pbce to stav or C3t. Sdwlrr utd he is "concerned about both

end,." The nur,ing progum needs the early

,un 10 ~I cluual experience ar Spokane hotp,!llls Jo 1>rdmg 10 Mildred \V4de. d1tc:('tor of nursing educauon .. We use !uihllc<, in WJ\hing1on bur Wuh,ngron \Choob h.,e pnonty," ,he urd. " Y. e must use the ,~mues ,.,hen the, uc 001 using them " Wade urd 1Ju1 ,f the schedule b clungcd. !he nursing srudc:or:s couldn't go ,o Spobac ind they would have 10 be buned 10 Orofino If that happens !',JC v. auld be in connrct with Lcw1s°Clart College ID Lewiston. " We hiu• gor 10 hang on 10 the f.iciliues ID Spolunc, .. W3dc, s.aid. ~IC must keep a rcl,11ionship v.ich other transfcmng inst11Ulioos. ·· We w3nt 10 do, cuul "'ith other uu111uuons and v.c do11't,.~n1 ourscmesrcrs rocod 1oola1c f<l<' students 10 transfer to other insiirurions such u the Unl\eniry of Idaho,'' Schuler uid.

Friday, SepL 29, 1978/ Canllnal Re,tew -12¡

That's right!


El Patio

at Sta te lin e Village , Idaho

has done it again!

Grand Opening Friday nite -- Oct. 6 at 7:30 p.m. The El Patio will unveil its $100,000 new fall look Come out and boogie on the all new

30 x 30-foot lighted dance f Joor

Our ultim ate sound has 3,000 watts of sheer power that will knock your socks off!

¡ Coming up! Dance Contests -- Hair Shows Fashion Shows -- Backgammon Tournaments and much more! Co// 208-773-7917

Banquet facilities available

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