North Idaho College Cardinal Review Vol 33 No 3, Oct 13, 1978

Page 1

To board of trustees

Schuler to recommend calendar with early start By i...u- Sehm1d1 NIC's 1919-$1 school will rn 1a1e August 1tnd end in early May if rhc t,oatd of rruslecs follO<>'S NlC President s,rry Sd,uler' s recommendation at their Oc,. 2A meeting when they decide on a new rwo-year calendar. Jo an Oct. 9 interview with the Ca.r dina l Review, Schuler said he would recommcnd 10 the board the first qf thn:c: optious offcn:d in a student a nd faculty calc:odar poll. The option ca ll$ for classes 10 begin Aug. 27. 1979 and to end May IS. 1980. " It is dmost a forgone: conclus ion that I will recommend option one to lhc: board of

trusttt$, since: an OYerwhelming number a( s tudents and a plurality of rhe faculty arc: (or it," Schuler said . "I ..;u. however. leave the door open to any fine. fine tuning 10 option one." he added. or the 8 1 faculty members polled, about 49.4 percent preferred option one:, and approxlmatcly 32. l percent preferred op, tion rwo, which calls fer school 10 begin Sept. JO. 1979 and 10 end May 29. 1980. Only about 18.S percent were for opuon three. which alls for cll$SCS to san Sept. 24, 1979 and to end June: S, 1980. In an 1dcnt1cal poll given to the students

Scp1. 2i. about 8J pcrttnl of the 218 polled pn:fcrrcd option one . 12 pc:=n1 preferred opnnn two. and about 4 percent pn:ferred op1ioo J. According to Schuler. the faCl 1h21 40 faculiy members prderrcd an early stan. 2nd 41 membcrs. although nnder a different opnons. prc:fern:d a late s1m did not influence bis decision. "lf you pul N·o .tnd three together. they (1he late san options) only v.;n b} one ,·otc." he said. " I will put the most ..-eight on students' prefcrcnce. since r~· :arc the consumers of our services."

The ap~rent la,k of <nglnlla rion in the SlUdeot poll ";n not ha,e much efftt"t on hi.s dca11on. Schuler s:mi. bco~e 3$ far 35 he kn0!''5. "rhe poll "as C':lrricd out on the rtt0mmcndation of rhc College Sen· so be ""ill h3,·c 10 3Ssume its

,,e ..


Cnric,sm of 1be polling procedure a nd the sm21l numbcr of srudtntS polled had been sec a u a 1hrea1 10 the , alidiry of 1he s1uden1 poll. "I ha,·e no reason 10 usu me 1he ourcomc ,.ould be diffcrenl (if the students \\ere polled 2g3in) " Schuler said the~· (rhe option ,·ores) had been ct~. you mighr auume • margin of error. bur there \\JS so much diffcn:ncc 1h31 it's hud 10 assume the outcome m1gh1 be d1fferC'nt." he added. ~hulcr S11id he feels thc option is 2 good one bc.."3usc other Idaho insururions have no plans 10 change rhcu rnlendars. NIC's cJlcmhr -.ould apparently keep ir in step ,.irh other colleges and universiri<'s. Small ,hanges. such as shortening Cbnsrmas ,·acauon and lengthening spring vacation. or staning school one day l3rer so that Cbnsrmas vac:ition is one day doscr to ChnstmllS, ore possible. Schuler said.


/ caRb1nal Review C.

Vol um e 33, Number 3

Friday, Oct. 13, 1978

Student Board ponders • • staging concert zn gym

Artful archer Cana d ian a l uden1

Cwt Mat1, Onl' or thl' !ew bow hunten on t'UllplU, lh""Pffl• hi. aklll lo preparation for an e,i,tt1~ ,ho1 Ill

an Amtrlcan aame


S1udcnts ma} II.Ive a cba.=c 10 1nnid i rock concen oo the NlC 4"1mp~ if the board af tnmecs g1,c:s the ~ahead to S1uden1 Actmncs Otn:ru1r Rob Faler 10 hire a band D=ss1on 11 borb the Oct. J and Oct. 10 m«ungs of the Srudent Boerd. l"C$11)~ u:i b.,ard mcmbc:n ht'anog ulcas from Stu· dt'nt ,\cnvmes Dtrcctor Rob Faler about the concert The board has badgered ~. 000 for the concen Faler s~d he m:c,,cd a all from a bool.tng agent In Moniaru !Jut S.tid the i;roup The Who •oald pcrfcrm for S2 .000 Faler aho said that Head Euc u • pm.,ibt11~ ,. h1d1 ..-1111ld C'OSI S$,OOO. In add1wn c o ~ groups. Filer bu been ui conun v.llh I group from ~nlc Qlled Gabnel. th:lt u. auld pla~ ,. ann-up for 1 ,. ell kno,,. n group fr« ol .:huge Faler u1d he lud 20,e CUl'llOUI for h,, committee mcc11n11s concerning srudeo1 l<ll\iues. "It'\ kind ol neat. "'11lebod) LS u.Jriag 1ntercs1. hc s,ud. In other sctioo. the bcwd ,'Ored to pur ap stgns Jga1n ~ ) cu prnh1bwag the :abuse co the f00$ball and pool t1blfl ia the SVB. ASNIC President J1.m Remsen ~d clut af'lcr the ,1gns ,.ere pu1 up 1.,st ~ur. uoublc "itb abuse stopped. The board ~so •'OIC'd to pu1 up signs oa all doors leading 10 rhc SUB celling students 10 clean off !heir ublcs before the SUB.

Student Union Facilities Chairman Rick Coe S.t1d he also received comphunts 1bou1 rhe D01se to the SUB but decided no1hmg could be done about ic because or lirmrcd SUB arc:1. Coe Sltd he clkcd 10 Auxiti3ry Scr-ic:cs Oirrnor Wes abou t holding 1 dis.:o rn the SLB. Coe s aid problems e xist such as b~ ,entilanon in the SU B causing e.rrrc:mc hell sfcer a couple hours: the possible thefl or SUB propcny dunng such aa c,·cnt. :ind the SUB's ladt or space Hov.c-er. .iccording 10 Coe. rhe Student I , ; - Fac,htin Commmcc has decided 10 purs.c rhc wSca ID ochc:- baud 1C1ion ··H11ch u1d 1h11 the financing and pbnnl!lg o( rhc SUB n, on ichcdule. "In otMr .. ord,. lhC) 're not ,1opp1ng," ~id Hr •dded Chill blue pnnl\ arc being dri'" n up - Rcmscn said 1h11 people •ant their nudcnr commmee\ to ,.o,t for them. they should come to the mccungs ··Faler annoonccd 1ha1 l dJncc ,.;11 be held Oct. 2' in the gym The b:and Hell 2nd ffigh WJ1er. "'hich " smell) disco, will perform. ··Remsen said 1h01 ,r freshman Sen. M2tk uller nusscd three meetings in a ro,.. he v.ould au1om211cally be removed from !he born! 'ZcUcr h2s ~rc;id> missed l"O cooseanivc mccnogs. .. Sc_n. MIilie Buer announc:ed that 1


coollatttd on paae 3

Oct. 13. 1978/ Cardlnal Review -2·

Not only for athletes

Closed cheerleader tryouts unfair to students There will be cheerleaders, and there ,.iJI be cheers at athletic e, ents this year. HI>" ever. h~ well those cheerleaders will perform those cheers and ho" the crowd will react is questionable. At the Sept. 28 cheerleader tryouts, the student body, with the exception of a rev. athletic groups (basketball and baseball team members), "'llS not allowed to wa1ch the tryouts. Before the tryouts stamd. NIC Athletic Dtreetor Rollie Williams told all students not in,-olvcd with tryouts 10 lca,e the gym. Yet. "'hen tryouts "ere under way and CVer)One else bad been kld:ed out of lhc gym. basketball and bu«!ba.11 pla)·crs nme in and watched. Cheerleaders for everyone They attend and cheer .it games 10 promote spint and suppon for the athletes who arc competing. They also go 10 cnjO) the co mpet ition. Fans usually go for the same reason: to enjo} the g11111e and suppon the participantS. If the people conducting the tryouts do not "'":llll the student body at the cryout.S. perh3ps theJ, do not

"·ant it at 11thletic events at which the C'heerle:idcrs cheer either. AC'cording 10 ASNIC Vice President Lon Long. no one ..-.i.s (supposedly) allowed to 1,'11tch because 11 would out addition31 pressure on the candidates. Tius is. perhaps. the flimsiest exruse of all. If the andidates C"an't handle the pressure of 20 or JO students watching them. how can they be expected to be able to ch~ 11dequ:11cly in a spectaior,fillcd gym? Long "cot on 10 SIi) truit it is cBSJer for them to cheer at games bccnusc they hn,e the •·confidence ofkl)O\I, ing the) an: cheerleaders." This 1s not complete!) true. It could ha1e the opposite effect. Someone, thinking ~he on!) httd to impress the four judges ::it tryouu,. may pro,c to be Jes~ th~ s.iusfac:ton in front or ;s crowd ..e~pccially a c:rov. d of peers Wh,· "'ere athletes pcrmined 10 11 atch if the TCSI or the student bod\ "'as not allo\•C'd to watch? The &)m ob;1ouslr ts not the place to hold nn e,ent that is supposed to be closed to the public.


(_ _o-=--v_in_io_n___;;p;;;,_a--=-ge _ _


bcc:tusc the gym is one of th e most acti'"e places on cnmpus. W~y weren't tryouts h~ld in a room (such as the Cnrd mal Room of the Wmton Building) where the ean~idntes would hove enough room to perform rout mes nnd yet not have to worry about the public? Abo. only one student cn~t II tmllot (Long's vote) for the C'h eerlcadc~. One votc i~ o !Ptc:lly poor representation of the student body. If students are not properly represented in the tryout Judging. they should 111 least get to watch. It's Catch-22. foybc the chC'erlc:iding officinl~ nre hint ing to us that che1:rlendcr, aren 't thllt important. therefore aren't worth watching. If 1h1, is so. why wo~tc the money on having them nt all? TI1c,c quc,1ion\ ~hould be taken mto con~1dero, tion next 11mc ,uch on eve nt co ncerning the STUDENT BODY and reprcscntinf! the STUDENT BODY take, pince.

0 .8.

___ .-------- _



I >--



"'qt f (~ ,

I ,/1/

Instructor disagrees

Inadequacy found in poll


Deu editor: 1n the B-nicle on the front page of the Cardinal Rl!';c"', Friday, ~pt. 29, 1978. statistics were gh·en which indiclted that most students at t.1C prefer a school year beginning in late August.

Of the 218 students polled. 84 percent preferred the option calling for classes to begin in August. It is difficult for me to believe that this is o. representivc poll. As it will be given to President BllrT)' Schuler and serve as input for his recommendation to the board of trustees. the statement must be clcvly made, that this (218 figure) represents only 11.55 percem of (total) student body (population). This 1s "most of NIC students ... "? Sen. Mo.rie Baker is quoted as S3};ng that more than 218 studentS would have been polled h:id some instructors been more "''illing to h11,·c their classes interrupted for the polling process. I would like to poim out to Ms. Baker and lhc other senators. that none --1 repeat none•- of the full,timc faculty members in Business Administrnrion and Economics "ere asked to participate. (This poll represents 100 pert'Cnt of the faculr~ members in this di,•ision.J It is evident 10 me th:u the students responsible for conducting this poll fell FLAT. Sincerely. Bcny C. Mclain. Chairman Business AdministrJtion and Economics Nonh Idaho College

Lcn~rs 10 the Nll1or att "cl,:,omNI b~ the CudlDal Rr>"Je.,.. Tb- submitdag tetien ~ould llmll them 10 2.50 "' ords, ,lgu them ud pro•i de a ldepbone nwnber or add.ttsJ 50 1ulh.-nlic!1J ...,, be chttliNI, Lettm; should be, bn>11gb1 to Room 2 Ill the Mtdwuc::aJ Arts BaOdlng or mall NI 10 the CardJ.naJ Re, 1.-.. ill catt or Nonb Idaho Coll~e.

._, j





('---_c_ar_d_in_a_l_r_e_v_ie_w___) The Cardin.a.I Review ls published ~ mi,monthly by the Pobllc.u lons Worll.sbop class at North Idaho College. Members of the CR st.aU wlll ~trive to pre~nt lbe news Calrly. accuntely and without prejudlce. OplnloM expres5ed on the editorial page do not necessaril> rcficct the views of the Cardlnal Re, tew, the ASNJC or lbe NIC admloistntlon. The CR Is entered as blli.k mate.rial at Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

83814. managing editor .......................................... .. Debbie 8rubo1 news editor.••.......... , ......... ................ ........ Laareen Schmidt featlll'e editor .......•... ........ ••••. , , .•• .. .. ...... ....... .... lrfs Buldlff cop) editor ............. . ............. .. ...... . ...... . .... Warren Torrence

sports cdltor .. ... ...... , .•••... .. ... .... , .. .... .............. . Pat Sul1Jvan phoLOgnphy editor ............................................ Pa.I Sulllvu ertlsing manager ....•...............•...................... Lori Wt.trl'll ad,'iser ......... , .......... . ....... .. , . . . .... .... ... .. ........ Tim PU,vlm reporters ..... ..•............ ....... ... . ........ , ..... .. . .....• Teny Fab, Sasan Nlckel"SOn-Unk. Yield l'\illttm, Kathy Gnaell, Sbufene Smith, Jan DeLuca, Teri Worley, Tester, Debbie Schaffner, Caz:rle Plus, Keith John.son, Laura Willer, Sle\·e Warner &nd Angl Peters



Oct. 13, 1978/ Cudinal Re\·lcw -3-

Senate takes no stand on Idaho tax initiative By VII&l'n'IJ Tornen<:e A(1er heanng discuJSion of the ~ and cons on the I pcrcenr inn,111,e. rhc College Senile sroppcd short of a sund apinst the fnuiauvc ar its OCI. 11 mecong. Sencimcnr of rhc faruhy Sfflaror, r2n almosr unanimously 111,tlnst rhe lnhlatlvc , bur rhe body rook no action a(tcr listening 10 Marvin Farmer. NlC busmen inslructor. and Mike MIiier, economics inslnlctor. Parmer ,poke ,n favor or 1he 1n1lltt1vc, saying rhat in oddl t1on 10 rolltng back propcr1y ra,cs. 11 would help business 10 grow and rhor ,r 11 didn·r pa,,, .. dollar, would rum lnro pen noes ... Farmer also recommended 1h11 lhc sen11c rake no publlc stand on rhc in111alivc u II woold not bc ..good public rclor,ons. ·• ~hllcr ~poke agaiMt the in,11a11vc by sayong char 11 .. has rhe poicnrlal for being o dlsurer"

A major ugumcnt aga,nn the imtiarivc, accordlllg to Miller. is 1h11 it will be a tu beM-fit to Spokane residents beuosc they will sec a lesserung of wees on ~opcrty

rhcy own in Koo1cn11 County, while ldllhoans will ~ y lugcr taxes in other


Miller also ~d thc p~ge of the ioiti11ive will increase the fcdcnl income tu of property owners. The Lcgisl11urc will have the final say in 1nterprc11og euctly what the 1n11iat1ve means. a~rding to Ml.lier. .. Ir be dcrmnintd by the Republicans (who donnna1e the Legislature) a.nd (Idaho Gov.) John Evans." Millcr SAJd. In orhcr action the scnacc heard lhc rcsulu. or the srudent and faculty calendar poll~ and passed a mouoo endomng thc early sUU't.


'Cuckoo's Nest' company named for early December production Rt'hcornl• ore 0 11,- under way for the Occcmbt-r \tag,ng of "One Flcv. O,cr 1hc Cuc~oo·\ Ne~t." a 1wo-ar1 ct•mcd)··dramo bring procn1 cd by thl' NIC drnma dcpart111cn1 The lead role, will be played by Ken t'hrr\loe, Judy Bro" n and Jd1 Ullmon C'hr1,t11• ,-111 take chc role of Chief Bromden, 1hr n1m11or: Ol'O\\ 11 "111 pomay 1hc formidable Nurse Ratchcd: and Ullman ",n pla1 lbndle I' McMurph)' Supporun11 pl&) Cr'\ include 0111 Wagner " Harding, Car) Oua)lc as 8111) Olbh111, llcn (,a,cr ai Scanlon, Jen, Ogden a, C"hr,-. ,d and J t'rn· O•llc., a\ Marunl Ocher ,o~c mcm~rs an: Cind, Tctoan, Toni Dupul,, Jon I mcr,on. Dao 's1i.1cr, J C Wacl m,, Jon Thancx, Oa, 1d Yearout, O~, r Coile. D1x1c Co) le. Mary Raffcl), Shcllc) Ol~n. Laura Wolkr, Man Co,·lt'. Oh n GIimore. Normo Bcnnctt , Lori llcn,rud. Don,,t' 1 hump,on. 1-hrrannt' llt'•cl, ond Delinda,cllc Dcbb,c: JohMon t,, 1n ch arge or , ct dt'>rgn and paonlln!l Thl' dramauc 1·cr.l,1n or "One l-1c" O,·cr the C'ucloo', Nr,c" -.a, "nl1cn b1· Dalt'

Wa,,t'rman, ba,cd on thc no,el bl Ken KC1cr

NIC drama ln11ruc1or Robert Moc said lhc pla, ,.,11 have a milder •«abulary than the bwl m film "Cuckoo'\ Ne,, .. lake> pace uwd.c a m,•otal in\utu11on Mc Murph). a bruh buc chonn,ng ron, t<'I <'Ont"'·es 10 be- commit· l<'d 10 .i1·01d prl,on "'DfL He ha.s rrpcattd run \\llh hu"e Rat(bcd. as he takes over 1hr urd prodding ochtr inmate, out or tlmr 11.pa1h,• b, playing baslttball , s1agrn11 a revolt so tht pauenu. ran Stt !ht ... ,1rld wnn. and arnnging a m1dn1gh1 p3rt) .. uh liquor and \AoJmen of quuuon• oblc rc1iucc Th<' i-cr 5trug~lt' bci..ccn McMu rph1 and 'ilur.c Rat<ht'd dra,.s 10 a final ,nc..coble toD(1U1t,1t1 "hirh must ~ ,ccn 10 rcall~ be llpprco11cd Thc J)('ri,:,nnoncc, "tll be I>« I 2, ~, llnd 9 &I the C'<>eur d. \lt'nc Com.murut) Thtarl'\' 1320 Ganltn A,c Curtain bmc ,.,111.>cbp.m Titl<'IS "tll bt- \old 11 the door for Sl.50 'IC ,cudcnt, and ,1aff "ill bc adnuncd at no charge


C'Ontinucd &om pa,:c I

l)O"' uiotball game bciv.·ttn the fros.b and sophomore class girls ..-ill ~ held OC't. 18. Any gin wbo is tntCTCSlcd in pl.lying should sign up lll the =rtt offirc da..-ns lairs in the St..'B. In other action Oct. J: --commmcc meeting timu were 2p· pTl)\'cd. Studeo.i actmnes mttllllll$ ..;n be held J p.m. OD Wednesda,·s: Publicity. 10 a m. on MOlldays; Consutunonal Rc-,ev. and Swdcnt Union Fa.ciliocs. 9:JO a.m. on Thursdays: Budget. 2 p.m. on Wcdnes· cbys.

-NIC swdcnt Ann Foiles "'as appoiol('d co !be Con,·oc:anoos comm,nce after she ,.,, recommended by Con,ocauons Com· mir1.ce Cbatrpcrson Leoru Hassen. Huscn also recomml'ndcd that the ocher sruden1 that be appoinced by cbc student board bc a rrcshpcnon !.O cha1 ~ there for nc:rt >Car Sen . Jan Emcer<Ot! "IS appointed to the ~11ion. ·-!be board YOted to allot S<lo to NIC s1udeo1 Ra> Edco 10 ancnd I FRONT

-· -

Th(' IAdcrnlc on-campus total t> 1.-123, up 2 from l.~21 last year. Th<' 1-oca11onal IOl&l ls 239, up I from 2J8 in 19n. • to NIC fi8llrcs. other tnstitu• tloes throu11hou1 Idaho sho,.• sligbc drops in

LASH comennon in Boise. FRONT LASH.

a non-panis:ln organizanon ,ponsorcd b_, the AFl-00. ,.,11 bc ha,1ng • ,tatC'\, idc 101er regmranon d:ay Oct. !S. Acrord1ng 10 Eden. the org•n1131ion·s purpose is 10 encourage ,onng. especially in the 18-Zl ag(' group. ·-the bo3rd , 0tcd 1h21 college idenrificunon ends rnus1 be shov. n before cn1ering d2nrcs. Students "''llh ID c,rds may bring one gucsc. An~ college ID card ..-ill bt accepted. 2llo,.in11 orher srudl.'n1s from other colleges co onend NIC danrcs.

This action s1emmcd from compb,ncs from students 41 1llc dance hl'ld Sep1 29. Faler ~,d that srudcnu. compl:uncd lhC) dtd 001 "'4nl htgh school students allo..ed ,n che da nrc<.

--appl'Oled the :alloc2rion of cbrtt pints of blood from the IC blood bank to Rod John!.On Remsen rcmind('d chc board that an1 student or friend or relam-c of the ~tudcnt could use 1he blood bank.


Student Activity Schedule Oct 27


Dance Hell and High Wafer is o high-energy funk-rock group specializing in top-rote d isco. Super light show l

Nov. 1 A mazing Kreskin The A m azing Kreskin, a hypnotist will present a show you will never forge t.

Nov. 8

Enrollment figur es not in vogue NlC' oppc,aN 10 be bucking nation" idt' and ,1i1c..'idc trcndi. or dca'Ca,tng enrollment Total academic IIJld continuing c,duculc:,n \ludcnts tiling college cou~c~ 1,()55, a 2.~ pcrttn1 tnCTea~r over 1;,..., rcu·s figure or 1.616 ·


Board considers concert

enrollment figures The l m, c~II) OI Idaho t, down 4 ~nt. Idaho Stlllt l 4 pcrttnt. 801~c Sta er J O pcrttnt Le" ,s-Clart St11tc C'ollcge 10.a pc""Cot :ind the College of Souther,, llbho J -I pcrttnt " ocw~ll} "'C '-OUld lil,c to ,c,c an c-~n grcitcr" NIC Prts1deo1 B:am Schu!('r >, .. but 111 COffllW\S(ID to ~ Idaho sistcNchools. I foci .. e ba,-e tt':ISOD to bt- CllC'OUragcd " N!C reported 11.6 pcrcc111 al iu snidc11t body comes from out-of-state,

Coffee house. Eli Victor Show is a night club comedy-singing group that pocked the entire SUB lost year. Be there!






Oct. 13 . 1978/ Cardlnal.....R..c_,1Tc_• _-' _· --.----------



Medical staff to attend convention Dr. Richacd Egglci1on, NIC-s contracted physacwl. and Jo ' 1an~,ch. ',IC school 11urst ,.iJJ oot ~on campu~ Mond1y1nd W~~) . bu1 llllrsc pracuooncc Elb Gordon ..1u fill in on these days Eggle~ton, whoa u1,uaUy oacampaH""ffY ~Ood.l) , Wl'dllcsda~ ~ratta ";JO and 8..10 a.m .• and Man,-kh 1lill mead lhc P:aafic Cont C ~ Hcahh Con!= 1n Scaitlc the fint put or w •ed: Manno-tch Uld Egle-1100 win return u, c•m;,u1 Tlu.nday acd Fnd.ay rnpectnch .

Clinic to attract future journalists Daniel Wakeley. "lanh•csl cdu.or o( 1hr Spobac D•u. Chroaidc, ~ Doua Cwt. tn2.J1agi.ns cdi1or of thr Co,,w- d ' ~ P=. will be fe..tvrcd On. 1· a1 the annU&J '-IC

journalism seminar. The seminar . 1ttord1ng 10 nm Pilgnm. 'ilC JOU?lWU.m UISffllctot and 'IIC Card, Revie,., adviser. "ill attract appronm.urJ) :!'00 bagh ICbool students from 'onhcm Idaho and Euicm Washington. Also sdledu.led to appcu ue l'-cal e, 11ts. Nortb,r."1 frttlsacc pboloJourn.J.lu1 a.od SIC photography i.astructor. Debbie Bnsbof. nwagtng cdm1r al w CmhnaJ R~'le'W. Laurtta Schmid 1. CR news editor. Pu Su.111,-an. CR sporu pbocographv cd.Jtor. Topics for the sectionals mdudc Photo,ounall\m-H.,.. h ls. Cne1lr\c lntt-o'K"'1ng rttbniqucs: Modem Newspaper Makeup--The Ne,. Look. Gobs of Fururcs Surround Yau Ne.,.•s Gecting ind Writing. and Fcacunnng tbc: Spans Pa~

Campus police end dorm party A pany In the dorm "U brough1 10 :1.n end u.hcn the pro.:tOf II 15 p.m.


aenf\cd on <kt 8. :1.1


A )ella..· four-door " .U sttn dn\lng on the c.ut ol the te= couru Sept 2J L,,.n :bmage .,. as rcponed. Verbal " amings "t're ga,en Sept. 25. JO and (kt J to ~nal motonsts for ,1ol1uons ranging from failure 10 stop 11 slop ~,gas 10 c~=nc spc,cd

Federici named to directorship The 2ppoan1mcn1 or Pt"W Fedcno 10 the !)0)1tioo of Stace cbrcctOC' of the Western College Reading A,sooauon " b annaunccd Lui ,.ttt Federici. re3ding chn1n1n for 1hc ~3m1ng Stills Ccnlcr at :-ilC • .,.,11 scr,,e a l"O-)eJ.r lt>nn ,.;lh pnm11') rcsponsib,liucs an r«nntmeot and orgaruuuon. as ,.ell .u pneparauoo of prcscn1arions for the regional conferences o! chc more llwl l.500 u.sociation =m~rs "Ou.r group hopes to be 3 ,chicle for sharing tcach1og strategic-, 111 languagc. reading and s1ud, st .Us:· Fcdmn S4id The""" ~Ille d1rtt1M ha< "orl.:<'d for thr,,., ~-c= U1 WCRA ,,. lcbho. Pnor to tha1 umc, she ser,·cd for eight yc3rs as rcad1og cluntU.D and ~ m Ul.\tructor tn the Sanu Ras4 Cal) School, Tormicc Unified Schools. and California Sutc Um,'C!Slty III Sonorm.

Debbie, Brf•boy pbo10

\'\' hnt 's cooking? Sherri RJnu and Ma,gc Bn>wn, vOC111lona.l home, ffl>nomll'I ln._,troctora LcwlJ,Oarla: Sate CoUqt.- In Lcwl\lon, prepare a 1tou.mic1 dish !or their pruenc.1lon 0 cc. 5. Tllltc! "Coannci Fla.Ir." lhc demoo.slraclon wa, put of the Idaho llome &-onoml" A1ff<'latlot1 IIJllla:al ron, cotlon, whk h wu held In part 1hJJ ) eat al Che Emery lledlund Vocallooal Blllldln,: on CM>pus.

Beliefs mirrored by burial p rocess, says Teeter at Popcorn Forum The mouve behind ancient Egyptla n t'nlombmcnt '"IS In preserve lhe body. an Eg) ptologast ""llh 1hc Seanlc i-\n Museum 1old 11n Judacn<C Sept 28 21 NIC' "Central 10 the E8Yp1i1n idea of rchgaon .. ,~ chat Iller dtath. one would conhnuc 10 h,e ag31n but 1h15 wo cnu rcly dcpendeoc upon the physical remain, being prcscn ~ ID a hfe,ltke appcar:1ncc," Emily Tcccn sud whale speaking ac an NIC Popcorn Forum tilled "Tutankhamun: Hu Tomb and Tn:11ores." Teeter said 1ha1 mumm1f1C<1uon was chc obvaou~ ans..,cr, so Tut's body wu soaked for ~o ID ult crystal solutions. packed "'Ith herbi.. ""rapped an bandage& and sm:an:d v.11h a pllch-hke substance Accord,ng to Teclt"r, Tue w:LS a 14th Ccniut) B.C Egyptian pharaoh who as ccnded the throne when he wa_s nine years old and d1ed unc1pcc1cdly about mne years ratt>r. The body wa.s then pl.iced an a painted bunal chamber of a tomb loated an the Valle) of 1he Kmgs Ill southern EayJJI, "a

\he where all 1he kings of El!YJ)I from 1550- 1070 O.C. were buried.'' Tcclcr c1pln1ncd. She 511d 1h01 rwo En,11ll~hmen, Howard Carter and thr Fihh Earl of Carnal"Yony discovered chc king , tomb an 1922. Toi Is the only inlllCl royal mum my ever found According 10 Caner', records, Tecccr said, lh<' tomb wu carefully <'haseltd 001 of Che hlll ~idc. A ll>·Slep SIJltCHC emerged ou t of lhc ground and further eicavauon revealed a sca led door wluch led 10 a "long. dcS<cndlng pan ageway. " A s1m1lar M:alcd door at lhe end of lhc puugcw;1y led ro I.he unt.echamber or lhc comb. and J pluccrcd wall separated 11 from 1he burial cham be r. according 10 Teeter. " Over 2,000 hems we re found in Tuu nthamun' !> tomb and they ,.ere 10 provide for th,. con11nu1ng U lften<ce of the deceased," Tee cc r sa id , " because Che mummy an life arter dealh would need all his lafeumc objccu."

Area entertainment listed

wants YOU the .VI C students & fa.culry You '11 love our prices

Hayden Lake. Idaho

The Spokane-Coeur d"Alcne area has se\t:raJ movies and other enlerl4lllment for those suffenng from boredom this week· cod. Playmg in Coeur d'Alene al the Tn· Cinema •·ill be "Heaven Can Wail'' 117:JO and 9:JO p.m.• " American Gnffiti" 11 7: 10 and 9:15 p.m. and " Hot lad Cold Fccc" at fr.SO IJld 9:JO p.m. Midnight will see ··0oa·1 Loot m the Basement." a three· hour fcawre IDOYic. PIJ.ym g II the ,.;n be "Cominit Home" at 7 and 9 p.m. !JI Spounc. "Animal House" is showiog a1 the Fo~ at 7:45 :lnd 9:45 p.m. " The Big Fu" is II the f ox D II 7 and 9:05 p.m. "Smokey and the Bandit'' is shovoing

at the Fox UI at 7:30 and 9:.10 p.m.

"Somebody Killed Her Husb•nd " as showing at lhc United Artis11 Cinema ac 7: IS and 9:0S p.m. " Hor Lead and Cold Feet" ts showing ac the United Artists One~ 11 ac 6:10 and 8:40 p.m. AlJo showing is " The Madcap Advencures of Mr. Toad ac 7:55 and 10:25 p.m. "U p an Smoke" is showing II 1bc Gubnd at 7 and 10:40 p.m. Also showing ts " The C'hOU'bo)s " 11 8:35 p.m. For I dwigc from the movie s«IIC, tbc Spokane Civic Theater is prcscnuog " FUllny Girl" through Oct. 21 . Rescrvanoa.s csa be obtmncd by phoning JlS-2507.

Oe1. J3. 1978/ Cardlna.l Re,le"' .5.

r...___c_r_sp_o_r_t_s__J Cross country squad

looks ,toward regionals By La_ortta Sdunld I ·• All it wes i~ a hrtlc ream,.ork .. may be o much·u~d phruc bur noncrhelcss rrue "hen direered 11 'IIC'~ men's c rou

Alrhough the team 1s 1mpr0\1ng. 11 is being shncd do.. n because of 111dJ,'idual injuries

According 10 C03lh Mike Bundy. the learn hos o )lood chance of placing in the l'lov. 4 rcgionnl miss rounrry champion, ,hip mcer m C~ Bay. Ore. and going 10 lhc No, . 11 narl onal chompion,,hips 1n Champagne. Ill. ,r mcmbc·rs pull together a lhtlc bit more. ..We arc nllW 1hr 1hird be~I (lcom) in reiitonal~. bur we have 10 be In 1he top two 10 gQ10 norlonals ... he said. " We ore close enough 10 1he lop ,..,o j() tha l if we ruo our bc&i. we have a good chance 10 go 10 n31ionAI~." he added.

Krvin Dilley ls sull NIC's lop runner,

ind Jim W\'Bll, lhe team'i second mofi. Is rhe fastcs r Improving ronocr, he said. Although the runner~ have not run os a whole team yet (they hove bcl!n running In $Cparatr n,e1) , Bundy u,d he feel~ U1cy arc Improving•~ a rcnon. " We arc pulling together In our times." .. We now hnve Ovc (runncrr.) 11nl~hlng v.hhln one minute of coch other. If wo could get sevc,n In one mlnulc, then we rould possibly bear Lane (Community College, Bugcne, Ore ,) nnd Clodnnias (Communl1y College. Oregon Chy. Ore.) and go 11> nntlonols." he sold


Bundy, seven or rhe JS team member1o arc 1nJured. Team mcm~ Truit Trm,,bndge. Shaun Beaulil!U and Joe Smtih ore not running at the time beau~ of injuries. while Dilley. Mano Sanchc, Robin llood. and Dan Prci.ton are running 10

at less 1ha11 their fuU capanl) b~ause of s maller injune,. T he men ran Oc1 7 ,n the ClllCkAmas Communriy Colle-gc Clarnc tn Oregon Cil)• and then competed Oct 8 ,n the Paavo Nurmi Clo,s,c. ln Por1land NIC's ream finished second (b.S points)

behi nd Clackamas (25 po,nts) ,n the Clawmu meet Out of 41 runners. Dilley come 1n Sth wi1h a ume of 2J: 17. Wy111 came m I Ith at 2J:S0, and Harris finis hed 151h at 23:5.3. The Panvo Nurmi Cl&nK w~ a one-hour run III which v.1nner, ...ere determined on the distance ihcy ran ,n an hour. four of the top Ovc plo cc, ,.ere held by NIC runncrt. NIC runnN Kns Muo,ller c-ame ,n Isl "11h I di~lllnl'c of 10 miles. I .JSO yard, J ohn Eggle,100 lin1• hed ,CC"Ond for NIC \lollh I db.Ulncc of 10 mill!,. 1.200 )atds, wh,11' Wyatl lim, hC'd 3rd for NIC ,.,rh 10 miles. l.lbO yard,. Glenn Metz flllll,hc<I fourth for NIC "uh n d1,t1ncc of 10 nulC$.

b80 )UUS

co-rec shorts

The co-m schedule for October o.nd early NO\ ember include, a powder-puff football gomr b~•l\loCCn the frosh and , sophomore 9irl, Oct 18 11 ~ p.m. Co-rtt volleyball s11n.s Oct. 2J. with three male& nnd three females on e11ch tum. A tournom cnt ,,.,II be held to dctcrmlnr • champion Table tennis , tort• Oct. JO v. ,1h .,nglcs and doubles competition that ""' cJCtcnd

into N0\1emb(er.

f curd 8111 and Janet Owen n,4 i nd 6-2 10 v.·,n the NIC co-rec tennis tournament.


The ,.,nnen or the co,,-« ~tiOII lcntm 1oumament att Sue Sen td .ind We, Knutson, "ho defeated Dale Puw~ • nd Mat) chon

The co,rtt touch footb.a.U =ult>, ar· rorthng to John Ov.en. co-rec dtrtttor. an,

a, follo,,, Mo,quitoc:, Lca~hc, Bllsrball Oo• Hogs Thugs


Tcm1 Srrv. arr and K4rmcn Scrvick de-

vo ll eyba ll ga ls new insight Four IOS'IC\ b) lhc ',JC ,o11e,·ball squad to 1cams at 1hr Walla \\ alla lasr "eci.end J!a,e the team much-needed ctperieoce. Jccor d,ng 10 (o,.:h Len Ar..ood

Al'•ood said the leJm began to pull IO!?Clhcr ll the end and mad~ some good plJ)\ She s;ud that Shell, T,mc, ""' the ··~pJr\. the ream:· ,n the \\'Jill \\'JIil

The "omen p!JJ~ed four of the <e,en reams ar t~ tournament And lcx1 the first "'·o m.>l('ho fncb, nigh1 lgJ1n~1 W,ll.l Walla. 11>-1~ and lo-lJ and Rick, College. l>I •nd IS-9.

Thl5 toumnmcnt "J\ m,,re J lcJ.mtng cux-nen...-e ror the \\Omen rlchcr lhln l scnous m,1,h Jnd no tr1>ph1es ucre gl\'en ,,u, .\""'"<! n,,tcd th~t mosr of the orher tcJm, hJd !>C)!Un 1h,•ir murche, "eels •~o .ind .nc \\Cl1 undrr \\Cl~ m 1he1r season.

52curd3y the !'-IC ,,.omen "'ere defeated

coanrry ream. Aetord,ng

Season opener losses give

C>-0 S-1 4-2 4-2 4-2 J.J



Band1to,. Undmlog,



1-5 0-6


mJtch and scl"\ed nine point, ,n



b~ the College of Sou1hem ld:lho. IS- - and 15-3 and Columb,a Basm. IS-I and 15-9.

At,.ood ,s looking fon, ,rd to rhis \\CCI.end·, 1ronumcn1 ,r YJkima "here the squad \\111 pla~· four teams.

··Most of the girls ue freshmen Jnd ha,·c nc,·er plared college ,olle~ball. · · Coach Len Anrnod ~aid · The, dtdn· t k""" ... 1u, to expect and 1hooght ould be a lot ea,1er than II was:·

Bcg inn1ng lllntght 31 5:JO. mo tches against Yakima Valle) College- ond lc\\iS· Clark are schedultd


Af\4ood added thJt dter seeing the g11'1.5, 10 acuon for rhc fi~t lime. she rould pomt out their m,su.tes. the m,m one being a l•ck of tcam...·ork .. We didn't hit oll mnch as "C could and "'ere aca.k in passing... Atv.<'<"d utd .. Yoo can't run an offense unk\\ , ,11 hhe rctt1vcr conrrol '

Sarurda~ "111 stt ma1Chcs Jgarnst Shoreline Commun It\ (ollegr and Grnv·s Harbor Commun,r. Colle11e. Al',ood 5,31d she was unccna1n about ho" good these N·o U!lms arc but felt that NIC "oold gl\c Yakima and lewis-Clark• good game.

..I defirutelv think that " e "ill improve tour rcrordl thh ,ea\on. Our leam's got good poiential.'. Ar-.00<1 ~mpha,ized.

Ort. 13, 1978/ Canilnal Review -6-

Out-of-stoters bogged

Oh, for a searching look at the harried hunter B,-Pai SaW,11D

When the sunslune of an lndiaD sommer starts to fa de and the trees begU1 10 tC\'Ul I.heir ourumn colors, stay av.ay from the moontalDS a.nd forests becmse it's huntJDg sawn ag110 Ao eas) ••) to tell if huotJDg i.cuoo is open is to q1<h [or lbc Oo,. o( tnffic mu,,a areas. A sec.laded ~pot m Auguit turns 1nlo I reanDOaal vehkle park LD October. People " '1th tlH,i: dDp tract tot" th«wildcrncn 1n M!ucb of l l elusrvc pnzc. either cit deer or wrneti.mei bear Hunuog season mean, , ,pea ~ o.c JUSt about •0~1.hing that mo,es !I.rough r.h<' trees. The general rule 1~ to shoot fU"<• and

shouldn°1 e,·en M allowed to bunt sparrows v.ith a Dllisy BB gun Out-of-stale hunters usually ~me In pa.d:s-· 10 to IS In a 1n,'Cling "8ravan or 41~ pidups. Jttps, R\I CLm~n and even cars. They come fTOrn as far 1"'4) as Wisconsin and North Cuolirui to Ille ad, antagc or the superior hunting grounds In the northv.-cst. p3rucukrh Western Mimtnno. A ca,akadc or usoncd vchlclu snnltc.s into thfo mountains to ffnd a spot to ptlth camp. After the) 'vc dra" n their rigs mto 11 protectt,e rude to guard igllinst lndiam and lrx.-a.l a111cn<, the)' ,cour the tl't'CS for a ~sn of an)·tlung '"llh horns on It .\rmcd 10 Ille tttth w11h h1gh,po-.ered nfk, \ni,cs, field izla,,c,. p1Sll>h and flaw of bn1ndv. the "hunfl'r~·· ,1omp through the 11,oods 1n \cal't'h or any1hin11 big and bro" n Sometime<. they foll to realin: tlult co..~ and horse, arc big and brnv.n, but that doc•n'1 mancr 011hc llme. Anv ,hgh1 fflO\l'fflCR l uf bnl<h and (I glimpse of mm,nii brown brings a volley or buJJe~ from the companv or hunter,. All too often n l\ nolhlng more thno o harmless \quorref but ,11mc11mc, 1t I• unot hN hunlcr Tlm unfonunatc JtcfdcOI O<'CUr'i all roo nflcn .. nb trigger huppy huoler'i on the loose. If and when they •pol and ,hoot o leg,tlm.ltc target ~uch as a wh1tc-1aU deer,

as.t qucsnoas latrr. Cort Gowci,· or Marlon Pcrbns certainly v.ooldn°t tpp=·c. A lmJOl'lty of ho.atcrs in Northcru Idaho •od Westcru Monwia att 1k local troop .-ho hit the •oods c.=y yur in ~a.rch of mu1 for tbr!r h-ttzen. HOl<'t"'·-cr. there ls

another group of lnmte~ "be> ,and<' Olll local v. oods each r,11. the ootonous OU t-cl·Sll tC b:uJTtc: i\l:.baugb mall) lral bunt= 1od r.heu methods an be qucsnooed as. "sporu.og." it sttnU to bt' r.hc out-d-sutcn. "ho pat • htgh pn« foe a ~nse. that tend to bend !.be rules t.hc cost. Thts dne.~ DOI mun !hat all outsickrs are 10 be ques~ but a gc. ,d portion o' ·~ue troph) bunters

the "sportsmen" •tampt'dc after lhe ~"' 10 set' o.•ho con tag h n,...1. S0me11mes <ever111 hunrer~ converge on a fallen bca..1 all claimmg to ho1'c ~hot 11. nnd a ligb; cn5ucs Tales about 1he odventurcs or ou1-olsmc hunters 1bound ln Montona tavcrru and social circ les. local hunters being ch••cd nwoy from a luff hy n or 1udft'u ouL~ldcrs is • •tory often told. ft mo)' seem strange 10 people who aren't o<soci.itcd with huntin11. but ,ome hunicr, wilt go to 11JmO)l nny length to got a 1hot al an animal. c<pcclnlly If th~y dr~vc I.SOO mile~ onll pnid SJOO 10 get a chance. Not oil hunter. arc ,o d11~fardly. and those who ore, arcn'1 1lwoys from another ~tole. However. hunfcr'i, who pooch an ell the night before opening day, , 1cnl ~onthtr hun ter·!! kill. '"r up the cnuntry,ldc with their hn caravan, and leo,,c a woke of betr can1 behind them, give huntlnt1 and hunters in general a bnd reputation.

So. heed !his wnrning if you deride ,~ toke a carefree ~lroll In the wOO(f~ lhe ncu re-. week<: keep a s h~rp eye ou t for ,trongc lkcn~c plorc, on vchldcs hov1ng 1.l fog ligh1s. 2 gu n rutk~. ·'Love It or Leave It" bumoor ! ticker• and 6 C'D <1ntenno~. Whcrhcr In or !Hit or state, hunllnl( sro~on 1s open <cMon.

Pat SalUvan photo MERCY KlWNG--lf wounded , • bcas1 an become fcrodou.s, so thl1 llf)OrUIUII Onish olf his r~rd kllJ,

prepa,C1 to

r----------------------~ ! / .s soc

Pal S1illh-an photo


ON THE PROWL--An oot-<>l-swe banttt R&1.lcs bis dosh-e pre) In the ..-oods ol the Padfk North"' CSL




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Oct. 13, 1978/ Canfinal Review .7.


Greek encourages jogging with ancient marathon run


Phe1d1pp1des s1umblcd the las1 few yuds to ihe Ac:ropohs after Ills long run from Marathon to Athtns to ~ n o Greek ,,ctory. guped 001 the •ords ··Rejoice! We ronqoer." and fell dud at ihe elders· fcrt.


He ..-a.s probably obli,..ious 10 The fact that !tis r un b;d se1 the stage for 3 prcsent-<12y limes.s lrCnd. Phe1dippi~s may well be considered the ··father of jogging:· Fonuna1ely. jogging has adanred ro the point wh~ 0.01 all 1hose eogagtng tn the spon. because of kno,. ledge of 1he necessi1y of careful cond1t1omng. drop dead ai the completion of a bri.sll morning Jog. J OG(;J C ALONC ---Sparkllna wnlcrs of Lake Coeur d ' AJeoe pro• Ide • unique batkaround (or runners kccpln~ In shape on lbe ,bore and for Lhl, darluoom-prodoc,,d line ,hot.

Student living column

Low budget meals possible D) LAurs WWcr Balanced and oppeti,ing mcols are po,Mblc, even for Lhe ruihcd 11udcn1. Although weekly food cos1s for the overage s1udenl range from SIJ to Sl6, ii is poolblc to hove good meal~ using the four bfi~lc food group~: milk. meal. frua(j; and vcgcloblc~. nnd brend\ and cercnli..


Fruit Cncol or C811 or both 11111\ I or mil and huller Mill< lunch Moln protein di6h Vcgctnble Brend and butler Fruh

Milk Supper

Main (lfOloin dish Vegetable Po11110 Bread or roll a.nd bu1ter Milk Dcsscn

When preparing meals, \tudcn~ should mak e sure the meal$ arc nutnt1onall) balanced and 1h11 the) appul to 1he senses. Color and form. ~uch b a gelaun. or something w11h brigh1 colors and an unusual shApe can be appcohng.

Tutc I\ the mer.I 1mponmn1 foetor in food eniovmen1 bt'Cause II mfluenccs our food Judgment more 1han our 01her senses. There are lour differcn1 k,nru. of 1astc · swcel. $nit), bl1tt'r nnd ~our Arom1 I~ al$O 1n1portan1 Toe morning ,mcll or fresh coffee percol111ng or somc1hing spicy ba kina an the o.en detlgh1s the sense of ,mcll TcAIUrc also contrlbut" 10 food enJoy· menl. It Is Important .. hen used for coolnist. such as $mOOlh-as-salk or as en~ as cereal. 111 ~.rat<' rounei al • meal or In a single dash One s hould be sure 1he table as anro,11\e, It adds cnJO) mcnl and color to 1hc meal A ccntff111ece sddi. pcnooalll) 10 th!' IGblc. An C3.l.Y rcapc {Of' SU IS egg:s 10 bologna cup$. With two tablespoons shortcaiAg. ~t.r slices bologna. sil eggs. ux tcupoons milk. salt. pepper. papnkl and a.n hcatNI to JiS dcgrrc:i., the dish i> ondcr




After grcu1ng ~ia muffin cu ps ,.,,h shor1cn1og. mch ,,.o 1uspooni of shoncning in a stll lct o,'t'I" IOI> ~ 1, Place the bologna III a sktlkl until edgcs curl and center pum. Lift the bologna ";cb tongs mlo muffin cups a.nd prcss down m the shce fits the cup. Brttak one egg into the center cl each bologna ~,cc to bold th!' egg in pla.ce Pour one teupooo milk over each egg. 1.11d sprinkle -..;th sa.11, pepper and paprib. Ba\c unoo,>el"Cd at 375 deg= lor IS IO 20 minuie:s. or until the eggs .arc set. 1.oo!.en each "'ilh k.nifc and lift to .a ph.n.u wnh spoon. The dish is set\"Cd "'itb bunc,,cd tout and is quite tas1y. h also lool::s appctizt.D.g and is o bolanccd meal.

Jogging. a mze clut begilll to s-attp lhe se,·eral years 1go. lS nOIA a haghl)· cherished 1nstirut10n 10 man.- hc.tlth-cooscious A mennns 11,ho amibute their ,igor large!) to regular er=.~ prctgra,fil-

warning exprcssed by Jad Banco in '"The Comple1e Jogger'"; ""Start ·· Prior 10 embarking on a jogging program. or in AO\" othe,- rcgub.r cxemse regimen. one should undergo a thorough mediC.11 checkup. Other pre-jogging recommendations offered b, Ballen includl' the sclfadmnusr~d pep llli ('"Oby. bod. It's going 10 hun. ~ou·l't' going 10 get tired. but 1·ou on do 11•··1 and a routine of " 'arm-up exerascs Read~ 10 go? Not quite.

Proper equipmenl. allhough not grcll in quantit). is v11al 10 dfccti\'C and sire jogging.

na 110n

Jogg1ng docs bov.t'\er ba,e us mncs Former President Richard 'uon told the ll S Sporn Ad>1sor} Coijn al mad "a, 1hrough h" p=idrn., One thing I !'t'alh hate ~ e.ereu<" for uer-cne s ...t, By the •a,, "hlle• er h&ppcncd 10 R,.hard '<iron• George Htrub. pobh<ber of 'Ne• Tames rnagaz.1oe aod a self-dcscnbed amueu:r runDtt. deflDCd JOUlng a.s "a ~lf,su!f1C1Cot, biodegn.d.ablc. Zcn-no1ed. DOIHOfflpeDU\'e alhlenc (e--cnt) "'bach a "hole nanon can COJDY."

The na non must CDJ~ )OgglDg - that is. Coeur d'Alene ts rcpresentacve of the entire lio11ed Sutes. S111gle 10d small grou~ oL Joggers dot the sue,:u. sitkwalk.s and patb ot C~r d'Alene at an~ t1me of d11 NIC. 10 response. offer-s 1 )OUing class. 1(

Shoes. according 10 Blnen. cons11ru1c the jogger's single mos1 essen11al purchMe. Qualil'.l· jogging shoes usull~ range upwards from S25. The wapc or the shoe selected should correspond "ith the shllpe of 1he jogger' s foot, and the heel of the ~hoe \hould he constructt,d of a material (a sponge ond h1gh-densiry rubber mirture is recommended) designed to absorb shock.

Jogg,ng nttirc mus1 l>e loose ond comfonable. For those who are proud (or mere!)· unuhamed) or the,r legs. running shons ond T-sham fill the bill; for others. "arm-up su,u. pro, 1de 1he desired coverup. Jogging clothes should absorb swea1 and be loose enough 10 pcrmn tbc escape of bod>· heat. Joggers. Bauen u,d. '"always "'eo r ...-bite soch.''


All se1 nov,? The resl. including where and what rime of day to run. is up to the ru:rmer.

Re.d, to abandon thr comfon oL your fa,antc SUDCby afternoon foacball atm· chair for 1hr lffllptanm ud cb&Dcnge oL !hr open ro&d' Eqtt m ,oa , oarwlf to a oew sme oL nxnhfw , wity•

One las.I bclpful hanr: C'llrry Ions,· change qiwters and dimes) if possible. Why? Wbn, 3 sudden opening of rhe heavens resnl~ in 3 torrential downpour mid·"'ll}' Lll..-cagb I morrung ;og. 1he money can be ased 11 1hc nearest 1elephooc booth. aoleu. a( COOl'lC, one's favorite jogging rou1e is the Tubb's Hill trail or similar ~g,on de,,old of that clement of civiliu·

Ye~• Good' Ho• t" er. before leap1a1 UJU> any p ~ &CIJYlly


program, OIIC 1111W re.memba 11' D • ordi d


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Company 100 Copies - $3.95 Wedding Invitations A ll Kinds ~f Pr inting

Oct. 13. 1978/ Canltnal Rc1·icw -8-

At Popcorn Forum

Truby calls for luxury cut The:,.~, to hal.tnce the nat11,n·, l:,udget

s to rut J<N n on l11.n1nrs, nor n~,'l'\Silic:•. Dcm0t-ratte e.1nd1datc for the U S. HOU\e of Reprcsc:n111r1,-~ RO) Trub, told an Oct. ta • Poprorn Forum oudaen~ .


DOING THE JOB---CnJg Lc..-ls and :lh11 Bobtt. bod, lrom K.ellogg, kno,. that f0<1t 11et,, jobs W.fa Oft b} ~ dlMel

hllllds aro belier than o,o when It comes to M>Dlt of CM me-ebonies s111dcots lo the coUege',

Vo-tech program

Class delves into diesels

ldnh(1', ,ute •upc:nntcndrnt of pubhc 1n\lruct1on and the youn~'lt r hlrf stale sch<,ol c:.rfic,cr an tht nation, s J id that balancing the budget "u g<'ing 10 take: tune. and one of the first step\ to hn la ncmg 11 is to stet lhl' l n ~t burNu~nr), which 1, Con,i:rt',\, umln control. Addrc-,~•ns nn audience o f appro tl · mJtc:ly SO peop le . Truby asked how n C'ong=man rould tn\Cl t,y plnnc first cl.t,~ 10 Washulg ton. being "wined and d1rtctl" on the, way, land in Wnshln111on ~nd then •"Otc: ogaarut ~ mcals-on--.hccls prognm for the, elderly " Meal~ on-" heels i< not nn c~pensc.. 11 , a u,1n~. " h~ ,aid Truby sa,d tlm a bnlnn«d budget al!o could POI be oh~tncd by having the 8 - 1 bombt-r a, pan or a dcfcm~c progrDm. Also on rhc randldnte said 1hn1 the 8-52 bomber is out modecl and men bomber.; arc a thing or the: past . he: said thJt the au1!>C massk 1s n bcllcr an,wer 10 rhe defrnS< pr<lbl~m

Tnal:w s~11d he wont< 1<' <c:c (he cuun1iv mo1c 1ownnJ< dlsom1nmcnt and thinks 1hs1 the U.S. ought to pur;uc it. Ile a dded that he d<>c,n't think the Ru s,i11ns wo nr o

nuch•u "or. " II W<' don't ho., c pco,e in rhl, 11c>rld. ,..e d1m't hn,c Jn)thiug:· Trub,• snit!. Go,•crnmt•nt brochu~< \c:nt lo homr by lhrar rcprescnhH11 e< 11rc a l<o o wo,te of monc) , accNding to Truby. " l lhan.l II', a <ham n nd !Mull < 70 perrenr of the i nlclhjl<·n,c- of 1hc publk "ho rends 1hcm. If ii dOC'~n·r. l don·, ,.~n1 y,1ur ,·ol\:-," he- ,n,(I. • Abo111 luxe, nmJ the 1 pcr«nr lnirlan,c. Truby qld he doesn't oppMl' the I pcrrr nl b rcok for h1lmcs. but is ngol ns t g ivmg the brcok to huslnt'S!o ond lndui try. s ince they " nu ltl be gcum11 70 percent or the 10, mnnty. Tru by said he does understand tnpa>cr< ore frus trated, Referring 10 California', propo~lt ion l J nod the: aulhor or 1hr prC1posnl. IIQword Jon•ls. Truby ,nld h e's nt11 IC1ok1ng to Jarvis for fedcrnl lcglslatton. " Ile'~ not an m y sovlor: I'm not looklnjl for an'iwcrs from, J~rvl(,'' he stld.

e, Ja.a De luca Industry needs mtthanic-s and probabl) ah,·ays "Ill, atwrding to Gene Soper. NIC diesel mechanics instruc1or ·· i\J long as there arc automobiles 1n thu coun1ry . 1hcre "111 be a need for mechamcs ... Soper obscn.·ed. Super S3id 1he fundamen1als of engine$ and poris ire tough1 in the I I-month mechanics rourse. Throughout the course ,tudcnts " 'ill t'Ol'cr s<",·cral different "blocks" including diesel pov,n plants. e-lec1rical sys1cms. drive 1ra1ns (clutch . 1ransm1ss1on. dri,·e lines. and rear ends). iuspcosaon systems, "'httls, bratc.-s and >leering . Students '- Ort <m ,·ehiclc.-s ranging from bookmobiles to garb3ge rruclts--each "'ith a different problem in need of a rcmed) . Some vehicles ore fumlShcd by NIC. "'hilc others needing rcpa ,:r belong to the aiy. Student~ an the doss also bring their own ,·chides in to be • ·orkcd on. Soper stated th:u the number of ,ehtcles sent b~- the c11~· of Coeur d'Alene is increasing each year and al'lributcd this to the fact that .. thcy get good qu:1.h~ -. ork from us. so they keep coming back." The Cl~ furnishes iuns. "'lule the s rudeots fomash the nme ;and labor. Soper s.,id he feels th.le lhl' clllss benefits from 1h1s bec,ou se tt is ~ccomphshin~ something ,.onh"' hile and also is gernng some valuable crpcncn.-c. Soper !>lltd hr thought it "li a good idea 10 lei them \\Ork on their OV.'11 ,·eh1clt's as the~ "!!l't double btnefit--not onh arc the) learning but rhcJ also get 10 u~ the ,chiclt'lo u hen rhe, · re doM." Soper emphuiz~d that roar out of C\cty five tons of frei_gbt in this tv11mry arc ...:,med by truck. Wub 1his an mind £oper is

001 ,..,,med 1h~ impending, "enerio CTUnch" "tll harm ht, \ludent, chances lor Job placemeru "E,en.1h1ng b,,eab do"'n ~, one ume or another- ;and ther,e -.111 aJ11,~Js be a need for ~ go.:id mn::114mc "hen this happens "

he Uid. T"'o }Urs 3go students 111 the class had 100 pen:cnr job pbremcnr ud lasr vear'\ students "'ere also succ~tul in acqu,nng JObS. Soper ootcd thal a die~I mcch,UJ1c tS prob•bly rhe highest paid blue-collar .. orker in tbr Unned St.ates. 11.ith "ag~ nngaog from S" to S9 per hour He added one srudenr "ho look the clas~ ,... o J ear, ago earned nearly S25.000 last year Soper Wt tM job of a diesel mechanic requires heavy-du!) " ork . usually u n der adverse condmoos " heo pressed for nmc. but the ft'-ard of this ..-ori c:-omcs after · 'reoNing broken thmgs and ft'eliog like some-. hat of a hero after-. ords ... Norm Carbur:,;. a diesel mechao1cs student from C~r d'AICM. s.rid. ··Toe biggest reward of aU is ftoa.U~ finding o ut "hat's ,.roog aher months of searching."' He a.dded "I l(J\,'"e this clu.s--11's


Cotton Club Hoyden Lake , 1<:foho

Music Tuesday - Sunday

8:30 p.m. - 1:00 a .m .

Wednesday ---Any drink in the house--2 for the pricP of 1 Con or bottled beer- 75' Pitcher s-$ 1.60 before music $2.50 after

gn,at. The clus. "lttrh has I~ studc:nu an.d I student scn,ng as a · "pAns man.·· tmvckd to LtbbJ . Moot Oct. o for a LOUr of the Sr Regis Paper CompanJ· Pl~wood Pbnt. The plant h.u lb ov, n mJrhine shop. maintenant't' shop and a great deal of equip, mc:nt. Soper !iaid this "a~ a bcacficial tnp btt:ausc " these ar-c the ~-pc of pl.t~ thar ~mpl°' our IJ p~ 0£ people."

Pitchers-Mixed Drinks--Wine

H andwriting reflects personality

Jan OeLo.c a photo WFIO ARE YOU?---FreshpenonJ Paul BelNr and Mlu Delley tau a qllkk look at thclt lulu.r t careers by using the Carttr DcvclDpmenl Center' • computer , wh.leb ls located In Room S·Z or the SUB.

Career center opened By Sharlene Smllb S1udcn1s finally h ave a nrm wny o f knowing what !heir future holds a, NIC's Academic Orri«-of Cu ccr Information and PIGnnlng opened IIJi ,door for !he fin.I time lhl~ ycnr. Direc tor Gnry Coffman s old 1hoi the uffltc, located in S2 of the S1udcnl Union Building. is r1Jnnlng on 1he premise that o lot of 11uucnts nrrhe at college without knowin11 what !heir ncxl step In hrc will be. "We hn•c a lot of general sludles m~Jors hcr11u~c students have made no dcc,,lon n~ 10 major$," Coffman , nld. " Many \ tudcnts JU~I nren' 1 pos11ivc whnl they wnni to do for 1h~ re~t of their lives." The cen ter provides Inform a tion i n spec,nc corccr orcu. Oesa iplion~ of differing arcn, tell "hat l.rnd of work i~ done. cducntlon 1cqu1~ me nt,. " orklng condlt,on,. chance s for ad \l nc,•mc nt . c1rn1ngo or ulorl es. pc rw nnl rc-q uii c• niemi and 1bc over-oil outlool. of 1he job. '' If p<'oplc have 110 ldra or what they want to do, thl > a nd ll'Hboot s a re avallnble 10 help t,lctcrml nc a career ductt1on," Coffman ~aid. " The tc,1, sho" "h11 ,1u,knl.\ nre inn:restcd in. " Coffman said thai the ccn1cr, unt.lcr the direction of the Denn of Students om•..-. "ISbcs to "make college and unl\'cr,,ity life as fulfilhng b po»ible." "People ,pend a Qood deal of ume and monoy going 10 sc:hool; many of them whhout goal$, " be snld. "People "ho u1Huo 1hc se_r-iet' 1hen fill 1hclr goab. raiher 1h,m JU51 filltng ~pace." Coffman sald then' ls I lot of carcc,lllfo.rnution, such .u ftlmsuips and c.uscnc r~rden. on order. A=nlmg to CoJfman. C1U'CCr mformo , lton 1er-·lccs arc a rapidly growin& part of the college and university scene. A , oca11onal can,cT informu,on ,-enter is also on 4:llmpus but ls not a, a,lable to

1c1dcm1c siudenls. ·· w e fell • need for a ~erv,ce for the academic pomon or 1he college a5 well." ( offman Ii.a.Id. Coffman said ht) main g~ ,~ to get ,..ord out to studcn~ regarding the 1,..i11b1hry of 1he ccnler "Student\ ari, nol aware 1herc 1\ ••~l~tnncc ,n 111111 part1culnr areo." h" w1d " h I\ nlso hard to mate \tudcnts feel ,omfonablc ." Coffman ,nid that the ccntCT ,.15 localed an th~ SUB lo make studenu feel com· foriablc ond 111 make II ea.ul) 1ct"Cu1ble to ,wdcnl\ The Ct-nter i~ open rrom Cl JO 10 12:30 p.m. Monday lhrOU!(h Fnda) Cc,rtnllln ~a,d that •tudcnt, u11.1bk 10 ,-ome 10 1he ren1cr dunng th\\ umc \hoold lcn•c n nole on lhc caru-r lnforrnn1100 door and mo.kc an appointment 10 mcel v.1th Coffman at another time The fact 11141 the ,-cotn Ii nt"' lht, )t'&r and 1h11 11 h~ to ,hare the SUB 1be siudcnt QO,emmcnt hu created a prob· 1cm. Coffman noted He .aid thu Room S2 wa~ on old ,toragc l'QOm and th.1t a nc,,i, ploce wu found to >l\lre things. "There &IT man) or infomuuoa a,"alloble. h "u a Ing Job dt'ciphenn11 the a,•oilab lc 1nfor ma1100 accordina 10 tht' ttnier's needs." Coffman :.41d ··Toe ttntcr hos trcmendow. potenll41 onec lhl' studtnis slffl pu,1t'i112nng... ht sold. ··w e "111 gro" 10 m«-l the oeeds of thc ,tudcn1> .. Coffnun ~,d tha1 the centCT tntcn<b to \\ Ork in a program on job p!Attment. but no" the center h2:s no contact "1th a $) ~tem of plaC't'mcnt. ..Ai lntcnm Ames the «nlcr plans I)) hold "'Ork-shops on filhng out resumes and on job 1ntcr-iews.'' Coffman saui. He added that the center ms~ also ha,c profess,onAls from duk ren1 fields come and ~peak to studenu.



Even !hough grapholog) ts a usable science. it is • neglected pe,sonali1yproiec11on 1echn1qur 1n A meric, . g r3pholog11>1 Chuhe Coe told a Sep1 ell Popcorn Forum aud,enre. Coe ,31d th•• h.tru:!.,nting 1sn·1 1augh1 10 most colic~ becaus,, it iso·1 ··3 ~cnnfir 1hin1: to :e,ch . hOS> to •nie:· The tMOr. of grapholoip. 3crotdmg 10 Coe. 1s tha1 the subconsooos dt.-=s 1he pen or pencil He Jdded no one thing 1n lundv;r,ung mean, ~mething b, nself. but "'hen e,en1h1ng an •nahs1s of .1 penon · s bandwntingl is pu l together. it reO~ts the v. hole perY1rutht\ Gr.ipholo&) is an :ibsoluic p1c1ure of the personalif) u the moment on!~ ." Coe,

lot 10 d" ,.,th anal~-sis. Coe c,plMned. ArrQrdin~ to him. J baclhandcd slant ~how~ rhat · ·=m•· "•!> the famrh boss. and tha, 1hc pe=n "h.:i 1Hites th,s ,..,~,.,,.,...n1, " omen m lUthonf)·. c,·eo though he m.1.r lo- c bis mother A more ,·emnl b.:tod,.nring denote, J person "·ith more cnnrrol. "'hilc l dan1 sho"' s a more em~uonal perwnalm. Coe '3td "All .;rapholog, can c,.er tell , cu is your pcr~on,htJ P"ten11al Ill the moment or \\ronng: u ran·, !ell , pu hll\\ much of it , ou · re go•n!! 10 u,c." he adMd. CO<' >41d guphol~ could be used for fun. per<onil an.:ihs1s. vocalioMI po• ten111I, comp..rnbihf)·. p<'rsC1nncl e,·alunnon and 1dcnnficarion or signatures and h:tnd·



He •150 said lhal "'" never ,-ntc eu,·tly the same 3nd 1h>1 a ~ n change<; his h2nd .. nnng as he goes lhroogh hfe. Coe ~•id lhlt a penon's IQ coold be Judged 10 v.,thm fi~e points by the stud~ of hand·~-riting Lcg1blluy 1s 001 someihing to look for ,n a gruph tcs 1. be said. b~ausc intelligent people ofltD wnte slopptly when lhC) are 1n a hurry to do something more tmporunr 1113n "'ntmg. The slant of a person's hand•Tinng ha5


Coe has appeared :n 3 handwriting m i:ouris. but he s.ud his job is basic11l~ dotng personnel repons for mdustrv He etplamed cha1 an e mployer no ask a graphologist 10 exa mine a ha ndv. riuo g ~ample a potential emplo~·te or an employer considtrtd for a different po,mon. Coe, said graphology ,s a great science 1h,1 is bcroming more recognized. etpcrt


Pilrd high

:\1 iller time After a cla) oat oa tbe 1akr c.bcM, 11)N!Ci

lbe:lr batb.

boaun ~ lala ,-t ..1t1, tbe e•enlJlt An al

Plllna• on I.Ake Coeur d'Alene'• bucb are balhcd dally by 1ura Jn11 wlltcra, but tomeho,. the, ,unl.-c the ,-c1ncu a.od tbe xuocu ID clot the horbon.

Indian summer

fun Pat Sullivan photos

Starry solitude Spcocllne a lazy Smida) af1- oa the f'llC beach, a rtlaadoo a,jo~ by IILUIJ', cmld.ffltilied coaple.


Oct. 13, 1978/ Cardlnal RC\iew .JI.

At Sept. 28 tryouts

Cardinal cheerleading squad for 1978-79 chosen > Cardinal i.poru fins • ill have some new 10 look 11 rhis (all- rhose o( the su: new chettludcrs elected Sept. 28. ~ acqu1nng pos1uoos were sophomoru L11n2 Atmore. Sandpoint: Pam G,mone. Mullan: Robin Lewiston; freshpersons Tamm)' Mar11sh. Coeur d'Alene: Janene St111r1. COC11r d'Alene: and Mick, Pyle. Pou Falls. All cheer• leaders will be new to the ,quad except ufk1n , •ho chcttcd (or NIC Jut yc:u Lori Long. ASNIC vire prcs1dcn1 . staled rhar rhtrc:,. ere "1 lot of good people trying out ,.ha<h made n really hard to choose." Long. along v.11h Kc:nl YDrdl y. cheer · leading 1dviscr and NIC m11sic r_nstruaor: Rollie Williams. athlet, e director ; and (aces

Edv.ina Gusufson. Le.uning Skills Center d ,rector, chose the checleadcn.

The girls performed routines 10 LIie song .. Grease.. and ,..ere intctvic-,o;cd by the Judges. Appearance. =cmcnt. ,"Oicc q~lil) and poise ,.ere taken into considenuon ,..hen choe>iing the cheerleaders. Other factors that de1ermined their eligibility iovol"'ed their schedules. Jaio,,,Jcdge of wrestling md bukeunll. amtudes md o,,erall cond11e1. h was an '"added plus.. i( the girls 14«:re able to perform gymnastic rouunes or do the sphts. There •ere many compb,nts that the tryout~ were "closed" to tilt pubJjc. h 10s the general feeling that if the girls could

cheer in froni o( luge aov.·ds 21 athletic C\"CIUS. lhc) COtlld cheer in front of I small c:ro,,,d ..-hilc trying oot. Long said. ··Toe girls im uDdcr so much pressure at rryoolS . . ,. hcreu 11 ~ games the) b.2,-e the c:oafidence of kno•,ing they hl•e II lchecrleading). and it's elsier (or

The chttrleJdcts tm·e ancndNI mttt· ings to choose ne,, un.ifomu and to bttome acquainicd '4ith each other. ThC>· also hid tlmr first pnini~ 0cc. 5. The ch~lc;iders ronstiruuon smcs that it is nunda1or, to pncnre 11 1.-ur 1hrce rimes ,.ttklv. •


Pat SuUJ...., pho<o PIil SQ11h,.., pboio

READl, SET. Sl'o1ILE- Ydl qDttu for 1978,70 att : ~ .. Pan, Cu ho.oc:, Robin l.&ridn aad Micki P)le. fn,at - I.Jana Atmott , Juc:ac: S11D11 and Tamm) l\t.uu.b..

AIRBO R:O-£ .•. LJua Atmore ud Robla Larkin O<"Yer «•hearsed this •lune for 1be cbttrleade-r ~olflS: It "--U pnM!u~ In the dazboom b} o,er!applne oe,,uJ,ea.




Oct. l3, 1978/Cardlnal Review -12-


Women's volleyball schedule Oc1. 1J-l4

Yakima Valley Collcgc ln,i wlonal Yakima

Nov. 3-4 Easte rn Area Volleyball Toumcy and Spokane F.U,


Oct. 17 The iu( day lo w1Uldnw from daue, 1J On. 17. Swclmt. wbo plao lo drop daue, 1boold ob11Jo I d rop ,lip Crom 1k Rcgblrv'• Ol!ltt.

Tbc oadclllk ol!la! ol c:uttr W-.· ~ IJ DOW opea to lilllda:u dulrl11g anl 1tancc or l11forma1!0J1 co o• cc,roia.g their edoc:ulon. ca,-, ud Ille

Wu1 lo lei a.-.J bom tbc boob for• fe w l,011.n a ,...eek! Wut aom e o e w frl.....b~ fur,d OGl aboat oppartaldet open ... , - tbroqla Fltt. Lead o.r um! • clab er , oloa1eer you talents to 1b e C91U1Cll. II c.old Nllllll low arcu coa.n e credll.L Call 667~11 for more lnfonna. llon.

Contart C.,, Coffma.o In room S.l o( tbc S111dcat Onloo ~ from 9-JO Lm, to U :JO p .m. oo Mooday-Frldat.

Slllcknll wbo are dlglblc lor collfgt won,allldy bat ba.-c, DOI be,ca platt,d are ukccl to &O lo the, ftnandaJ aids otllcc md do ao u -

Kallspcll Find ,--11 In prinL Free upressioo Is

~ a to lhatt. u 100 baYe aa a,twJc

llarc r« .,..ords. a paHJoD (or pen aocl lu dn wlop, o, ao ILllAIII JOD& CN' two, share, Jtna btslg.bu In FaD Cttadm,.a puhna.. lloa or l\lC. S11bmJ1 ,oar muoacrl pu and/« mllSlrllliom DO lakr tb.lJI o.-. 15 lo Oa ,td Sh arp c/ o lbe cruth c ""ltlo a d.cpanm,eal. NJC.

u pouibl<'Scvdnal5 .. bo pankt:palcd ID tbe Pa bll· boob...-.p sboald plcll Ill' their aswld boob u IIOOG u possible lD MAl. calfolu;

Som.c dorm n>om1 are titlll • •-.liable


ltlldcall o-U..a ~ . Five ope,a1Qg1 cm1 on the 111m '1 i!de. Coollld either Gary Colfma.n Ill the dorm or Wu Balch al lbe SOB for more lnfomuuoo.

A lln,Jccd ocunbcr or I970. 73 Drtftyood ll.llllo.als are bdoa llqnldan,d, Staff or madcots wbo want a picc,c of IIOQalgla ma) parclwic ... old al! al so CC,Ol& each In l!Jlom 2 of the Mcchanlcal Arts Bcalldlq. Tho$e DOI IOlcl will be dnu,,_,-ccl.


-c, •

Sl1>claab • bo applkd for 8nandal aid lh1i J nr aad '"C"' clcoled II b«aaw of :SIC' s ~k of (and.a sboald 1ee Jim l.:pcbwdi la the lln&adaJ aJds 0 ~ U IOOa u poi.Sible.~ some nadenca ha\ C DOI fC1 plcbd up tbcJ, ! aid, then, are DOw some furadi u-.llable.


The them~ these woru nmgc, fn>m 8 ~ sllldles to rcp,-t&UaaaJ f.mluy.

NlC TV PUBLIC FORUM SCHEDULE Spokane KSPS-TV Cha:n.oel 7 6-7 p.m. 10-14 Ro) Truby: Democnu Candidate for U.S. Bouse of Rcpresentatlves

10-21 D><lgbt Jensen,

Democrat for U.S. Senate 10-28 Alan Lanen Rcp11bUcu for Idaho Govcroor

Coeur d' Alene

No,•. 6 Unh·erslty orIdaho M~ w Nov.6 lewls·Oark State College ~WIJUon No,·. 8-9 NJCAA Region 18--Eastem Dlvlilon Conle.rence Tournament (College of Southem Idaho, Ricks 1'reas11rc Valley Community College, Flathead Va.lley Communlty College!

Ontario Oc1. 26

lewu-Oark State College Coeur d' Alene Oc1. 27 Fbuhcad Valley Communlly College Coeur d •Alene Oct. 28 Gonzaga Unl"c~lty Cccur d ' AJcoc

Nov, 10-11 NJCAA Region 18 Championship Toomey

Ontario Nov. 14 Spokane Falls College Spokane

Nov. 17- 18 Spokane f'alJs Invitational Tourney Spokane

That's right I

Th e

El Patio

at Sta teline V illage. Idaho Vol,uuecn are needed lo wort wtth dn clopmeotally dlsa.bled adalu. Co11caa Gary Gifford &1 lhe Adah and Clllld

De, d opmea1 Celllcr . pbnnc 667-6406.


Oct. 24 Spokane Falls Community College

No,•. I Gonzaga University Spokane

A one-mao art show bas bcro slated fo, the campm of Nonh l dabo College. Gwm Manman, gmduaic of NlC and Boise Stale Onh·crslty, wW cihlblt 10 g,apblic draw!Q&s In the SOB Oct. 9-No, .

Oct. 20 Whlh-'orth College Ju.nlot Varsl()• Spokane Oct . 21 Flathead Valley Communl1y College

tJoa aod


Wasblngton Smtc J 11nlor \'ar5lty Pullman

has done it again!

Come o ut and boogie on the all new 30- x 30-foot lighted dance floor

Tbc Leatulng SldJh Ceaier, located In lh e Shcrm&.11 School Bulld!Jlg, Is opea Mond.y tbroqla Fad.) Crom 8:30 a.m. lo 4:30 p.m. The cenU;r oilers courses in Ecgllsb, rudlllg, •'OCai>IIW) . tiptlllng, b&slt awb, college .studJ Ing and llfctlmc readlag. One CllrOlls for these ~ JUI u be does for aay othcr class. The Leaming Skills Ceatcr also off~ nrtor!Ag sen ices bu or charge.

Dr. Rlchatd £gg1CSIOJI will be oo cam pas llto oda )' , Wedncsd&) 1.11d Fri day bet,, tt:n 7:30 and 8:30 a.m. All)OllC wlshlng lO l t t him sboald !Int coat&c:I Jo M.u iaovlcb, sd>ool IIJUSt', al her offlcc in tbc Wln1o11 Blllldlng. Her olfltt bouts ~ Crom 8:30 a.m. 1o 4 p.m • .,..cadaya; bo.-c,-er, lbc -.1D be a1 the •-oc:atlonal bulldJ.oa from I lo l p.m. oo tb.esc days. t.-t'f )

Our ult imate sound has 3,000 wa tts of shee r power th at will knock your sock s off!

Coming up!

Tou r na ments -- and much more !

Coll 208-773-791 7 Banquet facilities available


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