North Idaho College Cardinal Review Vol 33 No 4, Oct 27, 1978

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~/ CaRb1nal R€Vl€W Co....,, e /. ... ~... ,doho

Volume 33. Number 4

Frida> , 0cc. 17, 1978

Early tarl

Trustees approve calendar By Laureen Schmidt NIC Preside nt Barry Schuler's recommendation that t he coll ege', 1979-81 ,c,bool yetn began an late August a nd end 111 early May -.a~ accepted Tu~ay night by the NIC Board of Trus tee~. Schuler's reeommendatJon based on the resul ts or 51udc nt and faculty calendar poll~ offenng three options for NIC's new t"'o-ye ar cale ndu. The poll\ ~howed that studeo ~ and facully preferred an option calling for cla\scs to begin Aug 27. 1979 and to end May IS, 1980. Some boa rd me mben ca pressed conccm 1h11 the s mall number or , 1udcnt~ polled JIO'Cd a, a thrc1110 the Y11i((11y of the poll Sehulcr s11d he dad nor fee l th is was tru e b«au~c the prefere nce for the early \IArl w1, , o muc h grco1c r tha n 1hc ot her op1,on~. that ,r re1nke n, 1he IXIII results -. nuld no1 change


On another i•,ur. the hoa rd dl\<'uncd Schuler, proJ)("cd guidc hnu for a nc-. rcductlon .,n force policy to be ust'd ,r the I pcrccm lnitiall,e P D\\C\, "II ts becoming appare nt 10 rnc 1hat l' C 101 NICJ hue to fa ce rca lhics If th e lnalln1n·c pauc11," Schule r ,aid. " Ir II I\ phwd .and \Ub,1a n1111ed . NIC " ould 11.and

10 lose S531.000 an funds ·· Schuler \lid that his proposed guidelines w1ll .appl) only io full-11me facult) members and -...ill not appl} 10 pan-llme emplO)·ecs beausc the) arc cmplO)'cd on I scmesccr bu1s 1ns1c1d or a yearl}· buis as arc full-1,me faculty He added th.01 the ~rd -.ould only ha,e to gwe pan -time faculty JO CU) s noucc and not rene-. their conlract 1f the 1n1tu1wc pa\SCS

Factors thac ll'Ould be used an selecting full-tame faculty for 1ermm.111on under 1h1s pohC)· -.ould include lh<' amporuoce of ah<' program. the ms truc-1or'\ qu:a.hfic:a110M tnd c ffec-11vcne,s. the poten11al impact on c-rist in g curricular o fferings and 1he 1cnurc end se nlont} of the 1nd1vidual Sel!ulcr\ prDp()\Cd plan u~s rh.11 1mpur11ncc of 1he program an,olves dem11nd for lhe do,s und placemen, o r the jltJdu11,, IMtructor quahfic.llion and efftttavene" " mcuu red bv documented prrparauon a nd training an rel111on 10 the an,1nie11orul contlnued to pagt' 3

Student Board moves • • on m1n1concert plans

Pat SuUl,an photo

ober moment PMICllo.l olU'WI~ s111dm1 RoUADr 8 - begins the SttOnd put of 1hr MC progrtU11 b) being rappnl in a ttttmoaJ \ l ondaJ night . Bacst' and 11 other i fuMn,,. parllclpa tcd In

!ht' ritual ronclu.-lcd


'Zdb F~ c In the SL13.

In , prin!! conce rt

ll, l>ebbl<' RrhbuJ

The A~NI( l11udcn1 tkddcd



l ur,1101 mrc11n11 10 II•' ,1l11•ad II uh plnn, tu ,tJge a 1111nlcnncl'rl a t ~I C' ,omctam<' Junng the ,·urrc nt arJdCmac )Car NI( r>rc ,1dl' rn Barr) ~ hulrr 11a, e Stu dcn1 Acth 1t11•, Olrc,tnr R,1b h lcr appro,.11 '" , 1011,· 1hr c<>nwrt , pc.nidcd the ,1udcnt 1"111~ ta~c on the l'C'ipt>n\lb1h11 uf huldmg the ( Onccrt llt,Jl<'n,1btlatic, andudc .ad1n11 , c.unt,. cleanup and relattd , er·


\ 'll\!\

hle r ,01d that 1hc mune1· ha, ~lrrad1· IK,rn alll)(Jtcd m the hoard', ap('ll'\''<'d 197tP'l budget, \0 monc, h•r 1hr ronccn >hould bl- no proble m R1rl Cot \ tuden 1 1h11r, chai rman,,,ed the ~,lhlhty oi halJang 11.m \C~ ...-.n, an the Studr nt Una1>n Building. All NIC' ,tudcnt, "ould be 1n>i1~ 10 pla, 1n\trumen1, a1 1he ,r..s,on,, -. hich could be held in thr S{lutl!\l.c,1 01n1ng Room of the SUB e,rl) othrr Sunda, Coe added tha1 11 ~ould bnng more business to the SUB a.nd that 1he firs1 coupl e •cs~aons " 'Ould be, held o n an

c•pt·nmcntal li.1\1, i\u.clt,n \rn 1,·n D11'C(h)r Wo,h ,u11i:c~1cJ the ~.-11m, N' held an the ahcrn""n M .. ,-dJ.a" "hen more ,1u 1kn1, •HH' ~,ulat-lc- uthn on weclt'nd,. "hen ,tudcnt, "<''l' gonr fht nr~t ,1er for a Sl H JJdmon •'Ill be 10 rc,'1:1\\' th,· hlucrnnr, .and bacl, 1\11 th.(\J1•0'1(ln H•tch ,a,d the t,lucprlnt, ,h,,uld t,.- linl\ht-d l" 1',>< - .1nJ bid, "111 ti.: rc,"71\<-d .truund th<: end ' "'cmbu. C« ~•d h<' h~, tt«l\cd ccmrlaanh aNUt th<' .th\Cn.:t> \'It bool rad, and doo~ for the ,tall, tn the SL"B', men' , bathroom Hotorh ,aad tlut door. "crt' not an~t.tllcd !>, , ,1udent, ~crt tc.1nn11 them JO"o\ n Tht' 1><>3n! .aho <Ned to ha<e .1 "Oc;u Rid·· hul\ctan bo.ird Coe .1,led that lw! oil the , 1ud4'n1 .1,tl\1lre-. board b(, u,cd for ,tudrm, 10 "TIie lrncr,, of compl:1.1n1 or qur.non " It I\ .1,iructh < ,..,,~ of gelling an forma tion on the >tudenll> "anb and need> " ht' ~a ad


ronllnucd to ~ r 3

Student behavior factor I, I , ,.•c r..:1 cnnttrt\ 10 t~ nett fr"' u·u. - bat t!lc out. me ol thn P.:,H1b1ht\ he, an the hand, o! ~IC

\I(. ••••






l!ob F2kr ,111deo• ac:i\lae, d•=tor ha. t>«r. • urll~, at ocg1cir1t1. a l>ag oamc "m.a:u-rr,, .:oa«n'· f~ 'IC' fo: ti:< pa-c ...--..-ral mon1h, The mo~ ts l \ :aafabk ,111dc111 1ntcrc,t 1, lltgh ;ind m.,n, bind, uc under C'On\ldcr•tleon - tht' fiaul ,1-,p. bov.e,t'l'. cr.1.1ilcd g;linang the bo1rd o! trum:cs· •PP"7'2i Falt-r. "ho >Jld ht' •• "n·alh .,1C'kt>d ltbout tilt, "hole thing." •pproocbcd ..;1c

Prc,1dent Barf\ Schultr Tuc,d1, re· qucs11ni; 1h.t1 he F&lcr• be put on the 3gcnd2 <1f 1bc- ne11 bo~rd mcclang lo pre.cnt b~ pbra for1hc "rrunu:vnccn ·· \ 1 the ume of F1kr', requen Schuler gnntrd appt'O\~I for the <'Olk.--cn. therefore

m. n · unnccr"JI'\ for Fal..-r to ~p;:·=ch th<" ~rd. 'IC \IUdrnu "tll tu,c fir\1 priurm to p1mil.1sc t!ic J 000 ,C\n,cn 1i,kct to be ~ but member-. ~, 1~ <ommunm "ill ~ w be ab!c 10 bu1 11 krl\ and auend the on (rt

Fakr ,tatt'd rh;,1 af uudenl\ 'maant3an." there " a \lrQna "°'"balu, thJt there "111 bt- more cun.:tn\ an rh..- future ·~m, ... ,11 bt' 11i;h1 - nu drugi or dnnl., ••II be alla..c:d and 11 ,1udtnl\ do 001 2bu'C rhcar ngh1 1111he tnncenJ-. ,II be gT<"Jt •• Fakr uld \lthough there h•, been n<> dchnnc band ch~cn lor the con«-n. FJlcr ,21d h,; " consadcnng "a lot of super band,. F.!cr \t~tcd. " ll ••II br • headlining 11roup - or 11 "nn I be .m, boc:h '· He tddrd that he dad not -. am to ··mQkc definite promtscs JUSI ,·cc" · becauSt' he as not ··,urr of the dct2rls "

Gu est column

Don 't take my sunshine away : Notes f rom a Um atilia guerrilla By Vlrg:lnla Tinsl~ · Johnsoo Tu refonn: the phrase strikes joy in some huns. fear in oihers, panicularly as rhese words relate 10 the proposed I percent 1ni11a11~c in Idaho. Indeed that m1tum·c has l'IWI) negative implication~ for educauoo io ou r state. If ii succeed>. 11 may cut off noi only equipment. vmhout which teachers can get b)', bu1 also ideas .-i1hou1 ,.hich teachers cannot survive. HOIO can ir be? Well. m&D} tupaycrs and boards of trustees look upon tcubcrs' confercoc:e5; and instructor travel as ·'frills." and they y,.iJI oo doubt eliminate those frills if funds dwindle But if educating means leading out - as in the Latia root - then v,;e teachers must have the kno,. ledge :u:id the eocrg} to do so. Edoca1ors do get urcd, grow stale, ru n dry. bum out. We need nev. energ) SOllrC'CS to fuel our own t no... tedge and to help us lead others 10 theirs. One ,·aluable ener~ source e11su 10 rc~ional and nation:il conferences. SC\er:il other NIC Ellglish tDStructors and I recenlly ancnded just such a conference lD t:mat:illa. Ore .. the Pacific ',onbwest Rcg1on3.I Conference on English in the Two- Year College. • We benefited from meeting. bcanng and ta.lbng 10 ex-pens in our field. Kim Slllfford. a practicing poet and teacher . suggested techniques for o,ercommg that block all of us face when wc write: getting stffled. Re also emphas12ed lh3t an honorable goal for an educated person is to recognue v. hen someone "is llllking rot." Most enlightening "''3S Or. Hazard Adams (no. noi GrinM. who stressed the dignity of our profession: English enables us ro create our ov.·n ·verbal uni,·erse and Lhus to make sense of our O"''TI existence. Next. ~·e ~en.efited from ~ eering. hearing 11nd talking to colJc3gues from .ue:i commumty/J umor colleges 1n Oregon. Was.hingioo. Montana and C:i.nad11. ln ~dditi_on_t~ ga thering ideas to use in the classroom. hke hov. to plan an 1nterd1saphnary appro3ch to learning. "' e g:iined a ncv. apprcoauon for onh Idaho College. Leaming th3t ma ny instructors from Oregon and Wiishington ha\•e no tra\'el funds nnd no ndminisrrntfre suppon. we fccl fortun:ite and grateful tha1 our adm inism111on pro,·ides not onh funds for but. more 1mpor1antl>. whole-hearted suppon of instruction:il 1mpro~cmcat Finally. and most si"nificantl~. rele:iscd from the relentlc:.5 campus routine. ,. c had ~me to talk to each other. We discus~ed our non-uudsuonal sruden~. including foreign students. ve1er:ins and students wnh marginal preparation. and hov. we colleagu~ and our e~n bet~cr he.Ip them: "'e reacted to the speakers and d1scuss1ons wuh them; we proposed " why-don't-WE-do-that's": and we shared in a company the miserable prospect o~ spending a suno} Sunda) grading papers 10 mee_t the Mo?day for mtdtwn grades. I. as division chairperson. p3rt!cu_huly enJoycd hsterung 10 my colleagues playmg and working with ou r shared obsession - words. Their cffons ranged from the ridiculous to the sublime. They began a parody of John.. Denver ibat opens with: " You fill up my sinus Like r:igwced in Augu~ . . . . They read and reread 3 book of Richard Hugo·s poems llnd cussed and d~cussed them in :i stru gglc to write a critical review. The)· hnd fun: they grc"' senous: they behaved like professionals. We 311 came away from Umatilla to some degree fired up. We arc rededicated to our struggle to ~ ucate. We :I.TC sure that such conferences arc not frills. If good teachers arc cnhghtened teachers and conferences prO\idc enlightenment then LO cut off conferences is to cut off a source of enlightenment and hence 10 diminish excellence in reaching. As wpayers and voters. you can determine whether w refonn is "'onh puning out that light.


Pol\wG Pi.ACE

(_ _o--=-11_i_nz_·o_n--=-p_a-=-g_e___] In No vem ber election

Decision on initiative nears November el~io?s are quic-kl} ne:iring :i.nd with them will come the fate of the I perce nt tax in111:111ve. The inirmtivc ls (.u relie f and r.u relier is needed b11dly. not only in Idaho. but in e,et)· state. Howc, er. ls the initiative the kind ortu rclier thnt Idaho ci1i1ens want ' This miti11u, e nol onl) affects propeny owners. It affects school children and NIC students as well. Arc ~rudcnts a"'are or whot the pas~lnK of thi~ initlnth•c would do Lo the funding of the college they ore attending? ,\ ccotdmg to a report released by the Coeur d' Alene Education A~socio tlon, NI(' ~nuld lo,e S4 I l .OOO (50 percent ) or the maintenance nnd operation fund, . Obviously. tu breaks sound good. nnd ~tnte~ cnnnor be blamed for wonting ro folio"' m Californin'~ footsteps. Ho"'"er. ldaho;ins must remember rhnr the store doe~ not hn ve the large ~urplu, that C11hforn111. has 10 offset most of the propcny tnx that would be losr. ACt'Ording ro a ~ummory of a governor's comm ittee report on rnu1ion. Idaho ~tare rues are low compared 10 orher :.totes. In 1976. Idaho', co mbtncd \tore nnd local t.ues were 3Jrd in the notion ond rh c lowe~t In the Wes,. Property ro te, in 19~6 ,.ere J.l rh m 1hc norlon nnd ninth or rh e 11 western ,tntes. lncome taxes. 3ccordmg to rhe repon . ore relnuve ly high compared 10 orher stale.!>. Idaho's l3.t sy,1em is one of the besr in rhe nation, according to e1per1s. I( Is alS(I cued as one or rhc five states in th e nation with o progressive tax structure. Smee Idaho's tu structure i~ one of rhe better structures In rhe United Stoics. "'h) revcr\e II by passing the I percent inirintivc? In a ~pcech gwe ~ lo NIC government closse~ Oct. 16, Sen. Art Manl ey ~old tho1 the 1m11a11vc docsn t really nddrCh the tnx poycr~· major concern. lie added 1h01 he 1sn 'r sure thar people w:i nt to cu t on fire protection or roods or elim,nnte ath letic and music program~ in school sy~remb. What ,.ould NIC be like without mu~ic nnd 01hle11c'l? Perhaps homeowner. \hould look nr the propo\ed homcslc:nd exemption os on altcm:1uvc to rhe I perccm iniriorive The homestead exemp11on would nllow for the first SIS.000 of rhe marke t v:iluc or ccnn in propeny be eicempr from roicnrion. Th,~ ~ould give the lorgeM percentage or rhc ru reducrion 10 lower income and retired families rhat need it most. Argur:nent on the in111a1ivc has been raging for II long time. ond all of Idaho's pop_ul:iuon should have come into contact with it. Smee t~e paungc of the initiative could have o big effect on Mudents. students 1hould think n~w. more th:in ever. about voting on voting day. Sur e. lai reltef w.ould be_ gre:11. If the I percent initiative passc~. just keep thar though! 1n mind while pubhc school employees are bemg fired and you're shell ing out more money from your pockets for inco me and sales taxes. ld.iho ranks 50th in ~cl.i tion to all of th e ot her states in education. Being at the bouom of th~ barrel 1s bad .eno~gh. but passing the l percent initi:u ive may destroy Idaho s chances for chmbmg out of that barrel for a long tim<:.


(__c_ar_d_in_al_r_evi_·_ew __J The Catdin.aJ Re,·iew Is published semi-monthly by Publtcsllons Workshop ciAss &I Nonb ldaho College. Members of the CR st.atJ wUI strh e lo present the news WrlJ , and without prejud ice. Oplnloos expressed on the cdltorlal page do not necessarily cclJect the views of the CardJ.naJ Review, the ASN'JC or the

l\1 C ad.mla1straJion. The CR Is ent.ercd as blll.k mat.erlaJ at Coeur d'Alene lclabo



llllllllging edlto_r ........ ... .. . . , .. ... ... ... ... . ... . ......... Debbie BrtsboJ oe"s edltor . ... .. ..... .... . ........... ... .......... . ...... Laurtto SdimJdl feature edltor ... ... ..••.. .. .. .. . ... •. .. . . . . ..... . ..••••.. .. .... Im Botcher cop) edltor .. .. . . •. . . . ... ... . ... .. . . . •• ...... •. ... .. .... .. Warren Torrcoec Spor15 edllor . . .. . .. ... . . .. .... ....... .. .. . . . . ..... . .. . ........ Pat sulli~all photograph) edltor .... ... ...... ... .. . ........ .. ............... Pal Su.Ul....a ad\crtlslng manager . ... . ... . .... . . ..• • . .. •..• ..•... .. •.. .... . . Lori W lllffO

:i:~_' _' _' _' _' _' .· _' _' _' _' _' _' _' _' _' _' _' _' _' _' _' .·_' _' _' _' _' _' _' _' _' _' _' _' _' _' _' _' _' _' _' _' _' _' _' _' .' _' _':_' _':t ~I~ Sllft.n Nlcket"SOn·I..ln.k, Vicki MJtteo, Sbarlcn.e Smith, Jan DeLuca, Teri Worltt , Cynthia Tester, Debbie Schaffner, Came Pitts, Keith John.son, Laura W!Ucr, ,nd StC\C Warner







Trustees approve calendar coatln""d from paae I

usignmcn1. recorded evahauon.s. cnrollmtnl records (including intn-lenn attrition m es and avoidance ueods), lllld pcrforl!Wlte de:lid.:neics as recorded in pcnon· nel files.• The pohcy says 111&1 poten1ial impae1 on ciis1ing curricul ar offerings includes whelhtr a partkul:ar program adds "richness and varie1y" 10 1he curriculum 1.11d whether I.he lcrminatlon imp:act would be hmilcd 10 reduction or number of class sccrioos rathe r 1.han lhe deletion of a course orfenng. Jay Couch, boa rd chairman. said an cumplc of 1h,s would be I.O eliminate an English instructor and have fewer English sccilons ra1hcr 1han elim1n11lng 1n in, s1 ruc1or who leaches all government


sccliorrs The facully 1cnure and seniority portion

or 1he policy muns that mslruC10fS hired Im -.•ill be 1hc lirs1 10 be fired, Appha1ion of 1he proposed policy would bcg,n ,.,jrh 1hc preslden1 dclcrmining whether an individual li1s inio the four categories above. The president's list or "cand1da1es" would 1hen be reviewed by A reducuon,,n,forcc commiuee, 1en1a11vely made up of Schuler: Clarence Haught. d1rcc101 or voca11on1I educa11on: Ray S1one. dean of the college: Virginia

Johnson. English diYHion chairperson: one faculty member 10 be chosen by 1he fllC'Ulty; and board members Tony Emerson and James Barton. Finally. the president would rate each cand1cbtc for termination against all of the four major factors and bue his final de1ermination on a "composite. compma1ive apphc:auon of the factOl"S indicated." Schuler that he fell it "ould be~ if the bmrd would also pu1 a moratorium on anyone who is bccommg eligible for tenure renewal. No action on the policy or moratorium wu Ill.ken. In other action the board: - postpo ned a decision on a child development prouam 10 be added 10 the prcscn1 eins1ing child development program. - announced 1h11 C'OIIS11UC11on and bond bids for the SUB addition will open Nov. 28 11 2 and 3 p.m. respectively. Ir 1hc SUB is expanded. the studen1 service fee will be increased S2S per scmcs1er 10 help with its funding. - decided to have Schuler wnte to the City Council on 1he board's concern of the city's possible sewer expansion plan.

Miniconcert plans develop continued f.rom p•IJC I ASNIC Vice Pmldcnt Lori Long said that ,he IRlked ID ,tudclll\ about how 10 gc1 mol'l! involvcmt'nl in committee work. The people \uggcsied 1h11 1he comml11eu \hould dcddc what 1heir moln oliJec11vc< for 1hc year ~ltould be 01 the beginning of 1hc year . nnd commillce, <hould have people 1h01 arc wllhng 10 wor~ on them. l.onij ,oid 1h01 one WI) of rccruiling eomml1te~ proiple i~ 10 put od< In nC\',PDll<'I') for opplkaliOO). The, ad \hould make lhe commiltce sound imponani. she added. She ,a1d 1h11 people" ho 1~ke 1lme to rm ou1 1hr applk:11lons ..111 be one\ "ho arc lruly in1crcs1cd In working on the romn111 ICC.

C~ )D1d, "If "e had npplicalton,. 1hc people who rcaJh· cared would apply, and those who Ol'l' = " orr, v.ould juM >D) ii take, too much ttmc 10 fill ou1 1bc opplkotlon and "ouldn'1," Lon9 also brought up 1he possib,lit)• of h111ng an actl\'lllcs fair 11 the beginning or lhc school icar so 1hat 1hc frosh " ould be

twore of th,: variou1 campus dubs th:it 1hcy could join The acll\111cs fa,r would include, panici, potion b) oll clubs on campus Long also suggcs1ed that club$ t'le:ct ofri«~ ,n the spring or have caf't')-cnen. 1hc1· could sran for 1hc nc&I year so 1ha1 organmng 1he (arr as soon 1\ $Chool starts I.he next )'CM A~N!C Prc,idl'nl Jim Rem\en reported on 1hc S1udcn1 Union Annual ~m1nar in Tacomn 1h11 he. Coe ind Long 011endNI R.~m,en ~111d th11 one, of the mecltnlJ\ included information ron=mg the ha b1ht1 of rollc,ic, v. hen rcnung oc rclc,rnn~ cqu,pmenl 10 ,1udcnl\ Rem,cn ,11d utllcgc\ ore no1 hablr for 1hc cqu1pmen1 one,.. II hn been rented or ou1 10 a ,1udc11t In Other Dl"IIOn 111< board - Jnnoun~ an opening for a !)0$tlloa ,,t <;«rctar1 f« 1hc ~rudcn1 board An)one ,. ho i. qualified for 1hc f'O'llllln ,hould rontaC't Jim Rern,cn - appro, ed SJOO for 1he ,L1 club

c___s...;::..p_e_c_ia_l_n_o_t_ic_e_ _J "CoW11 On1CU11," • allrkal drama b) TNiTiller, .. m~ pttSc.DICd Oc1. 27, ?8 and No, . l, 4 u the 114'C'Ortd -.Inter M!UOn prodlK'tlon of 1" C4Ciu d'Alent- Communlr\ Tl,e91.-r. The pl&), dlrt'Ctc-d b) lkrtnl• Craig, will tal.c place II t h e ~ d'Alme Com.munll) Theatcr on 14th and Garden at 8 p.m. Stadftlt prices att $2. CaJJ 667, IJlJ ror ruer1-.doar. or fanbtt dd.e, lnfonnatkm. S1adenu "t•blna 10 wllhdn,w from a daiS ma, oo IIO unlll 4 p.m. toda). A wtlhdra-wal 11\p from the tt&IArv'1 offltt mut ~ slg,,ed b} the lutnictor ol the d~ beb)a d.rosr~ &!Id b) the 1J1lidffl_1'1 '""*'· lbe slip mDJI I.hen be rcrumt'd to CM rqlsuv'i offltt-.

Pal Sollhu photo

Frosted field Earl) momlng sprlnlden rcadJ lng the SOC'CCr 6cld for S•turda) 's coolest with the Suttle Sounders scored a thoosand le, goals ~fore stmllgb1 mclled the oppo,,ldon.

Teenage sexual knowledge loiv, health department survey shows Idaho teenagers. de:spue their li,ing ,n a suppose:dl> sexually pcrmiss.h c society. do no1 ltna,.. much about se:i. aCC'Ofdillg 10 s1.1risrics pro-idc:d by 1hc Idaho ~p3rtmen1 of Health 3nd Welfare. According 1osll1tsucs. abou, 4.()0(), or I 001 of IS Idaho 1ccn3gc girls ber..e:cn 1he oges o( IS and l'I...,11 become ~nant this year. Most or these girls v.ill be single. Idaho'< n~1ng b1nhn1e of ~ pcl'l't'nl l ,ur )hO\<cd about J. -oo tCCn3gC pregnancies in

W6. S11111sucs also <hOII 1ha1 m0tt than 2.SOO babies "Crt' born 10 Idaho " 'omen bc1-.cen the ,,,-~ This gi,e Idaho 1he 1hird highest binhrate 1n 1he na11on. Ooroth) Smyhe. the dl'p.lnment's chief of special projects and coordin~1or for maternal and 1nfan1 care u1d Idaho also hls the fourth h1ghcs1 1flegiuma1e b1ntlra1e in 1hc na11on. or th<' 2.S-00 lutnn born ,n 1•rs. l' ,. ere born ro single girls under 15 years old. and 54b "'ere born to<mgle •omen 111e:s IS to l'I. Of the J. born in 1117{,, 1.1417 "ere dlegi11ma1c. The mAJonn 166 pc=n1, a( these babies "'ere born 10,.omen between 1hc 3gcs of IS rnd 19. Am,rd,ng to ~n Oct. 10 Idaho :trt:iclc. a 19i6 health depanmrcnt sun ey gl\en 10 high «hool ~n,on ,n the Pocatello S.:hool lh51rict shO\<ed 1ha1 onl> 21 pcrctn1 of 1he 240 <1udcn1s 1hough1 the) •ere well-info~ on the subject of sc~. The poll also shaa'Cd t.ha1 lJ pcl'l't'nl of these u~cnager,. no1 kn0\\1ng "ho 10 turn 10 "hen fac,,-d "11h ~xual q=nons. obwncd sexual information from 1he1r fnends. Parent,,. ould onh to( consuhcd ~ 2o percent of those polled. " hale l b pcrccni indicated 1hat the~ "ould consult 11:~.t'bcrs. A mere .5 percent s:ud 1he> -.ould consul! school (0Ull>CIOl'1 )<>me ~,d thl'\ ,.ould consull •11h 1hC11 cburch, libnr:, or some other sourct. and about 12 p~nt .aid 1hc) h2d no ®C 10 go 10. Cht"r l'I pl'l'l't'lll of the 1-. and lb->e&r-old male students. comp3red 10 .u, of rhe fom:ile, '""'e,ed, .Yid they had no one: "llh •hom to ducuss se:xuil quesuons.

ages of IS and !Cl in


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Oct. 27, t 978/Cardlnal Re, low -4-

[...___k_a_le_id_o_s_co_~_e_J Oriental art exhibit et for 1 -ov. 6 A\~ 111 nh1b11>""1 and loal f ~sr,:-JI One::ia] Ir! • ill be presetitcd I I ,tC \lc,n,il,, l'lov. b from 10 • m 10 S p. m ,n 1hc iom fo,, er Manon Ltd of Balumore Md ,pttia!ucs 1n ahlb11ie,t , for \&k, an on111MI Onenul an coll«tion nd •111 d. ,pay a c, rt~ or abou: :,(fl in= f '.'111':' J•P,C· Cl:.:u. Ind•• T1bc!, • Nepal and Th11la.nd The olde~I pnni s dale bac~ 10th(" Jijth a nd l~h ecntun and 1nduck Cl:in~ " Ck'<l,-u1, .

Lod11n m1n..-1urc pa,nhn

aJ>d nuz:mc pa a:id r::auc-..rl• b, such :a.r!oU u H·rc,.h1£C,

Kun1''0Sh1 and Ku n1~a The modem p1tte, 111clude ong11:ial " oodcut,. } 1,han11,, h1ho,;nph,. \ml(uph, and mcuounts created b~ <U<'1 • or'd l"l!'"l()Wll~ coe:c- pounes as~· Azech, \la;:,, !\auuda and Maira. Pnnts arc shov,'tl Ill open portfol: , ,n :a= 1n!omw aun~pbcrc, ind the public u. ,n.,,rd to v1t"'' the coll«tioo. A Manon rcptt'SCllUII\C .. 111 fflj"ct quc.1i,,ru. about I~ .. c ,l., . u tuu and the various graphic techniques emplCJ> cd Marson Lid spcc,alucs 111 • ~l!llli; e1lub !lcrr.~ a nd ujcs o( ong,MI OnrnuJ an • • colleges. unl\ersmcs and miw:-um\ throughou1 the ln11cd 5u1c,

New dance policy in effect tonight Pu1 on your "boogie shoes' " and get read, 10 du..-o '" HcD and High 't\ ater from Cl p m unul m1dn1~h1 liln1gh1 Rob Faler. director or srudent actMlles . ~ 1d he heard •l>oot the ~ p 1hrou~h a 1>,,.,l,n~ llgcnt and v.enl los« them perform al IM El Pauo H e -.&1d he v.u "'~upcr 1mprcu,cd' •nd booked them for NIC t11n1gh1 A new dance poht') will be 10 eff«t ~un1ng 1,mght AC people, mu,1 ha,e • ,'<>llege ldcn1lliea1ion ~rd 10 cnlcr the dan, c Bc~•u,c o! the co,.1 01 111(, bind all ,tud<'nh " "h srudent bod cards ..,n be ch1crgcd Sl. and al ftllcsu ,. tho<:• card, ~ ill be c hllrscd S~ ' IC studcnu arc ~m11ncd lo bnng one gut")! H11,h ,, l!Udena,. DOI be ,dm1nC'd unlc~ they come Ill a s1uden1·s guest. The NO\ l 'The Amu,ng Krcnm" sha,. hu bttn cu1ttllcd II ma, be rci.chcduled for nel'I spnng "The E11 V1c,or Shov, " " ill be prcsentC'd 11 an ·1c c ~nccboui.c :-.0\ $, at 12:30 p .m 1n the SUB The sho" consisu of a three-member g roup l.lu1 ~rforrns ~mtd) rouuncs 11o1th music AC'COrd1og 10 FaJcr. ··The Eli \"K'tor Shov. · " "abwlu:el) hult10U5, .. and he suggested l.lu1 srodcnu come early for good scats.

NIC entertainment ,,veil-received l'IIC mo..•1es "ill continue u planned. bcoust' student an1t>rcs1 u prncnt. accord1ng 10 Rob FaJct . studcnl acti,1ncs dtrec1or The lint mcMc · e1u111g Saddles" anr1ctcd !"5 people "htlc 1hc se,-ond m0\1e Shot." w11h Paul Ne,.man. attracted 1~5 people . Faler u.1d the turnout "u ,er, good The mo,~t' program IS 11.S folla,. s Oct JI " The Mumm) ·· and Alfred H11chrod·s " Frc~ . No,. I~. Netl 51mon·s " Murder by Dcuh ·· D«. 5. "Billy Jacl:." swring Tom,thl111. D« 19 "The Goodb)e Gui." sumng Richard Drc-.-fuss and Marsha \iuon Jan. to. "The Boys 10 Feb. 20. Al Pacino in "Dog Day Afternoon ... Much 20 Woody Allen m "The Front· · April J . Geoc Wilder and Dould Suthcrl&nd in "Stan lhc RC\oluoon W11hou1 Mc." April 17. "JeSU$ Christ Su~rsu.r:· May I. George Bums and John Deaver 1n "Ob. God. " The movtcs will be sho,o-,, at J p.m. and~ p. m. in lhe 5outh,.cs1 01Jltng Room of the St:B.



More students using skills center When the going gets tough; the tough get going - gotng 10 the Leaming Skills Center. that IS. ';JC rcporn 1nd1ca1c that the ccntCf' s cnrollmco1 bas tnercllCd from lbJ s1udcnu 10 228 sl'lldcnts. A,,cnge datly ancodance has chmbed fTOm 60 stUdeou to 98 studcnu. BCC':lu~e or 1ncreued student 1n1eres1 in the centCf', suff ba,e bcco added to • C"COmodate the sl'lldents A.wn!1ng to Ed,.,na Gunafson. !IC'& ,-otunlccn 1nciudc Jeanne Emrnon . language a.ns 1nstruC'lor who 1s workmg ,.;lh students enroUcd m spclhng. voabulilf). grammar aod v,Tiung. Frank Ma1h1u. Engl~h dcparunen, intern. .. arks ..-hl, Sl'lldcnts ID dcvclopmenul reading. spclhng •nd •TIiing Les Hog,n. dean of s1udcnu. is also• ,vlaoteCf' in,-ol, ed ...;th gnmnur ,1udenl\.

Ju ~Loa photo

\'\ hiLc lirw Cr vcr I.A,.. ~ I• on~ or 1e,c....J NIC aroundt dtpanmenl pcnonnd la)ln g mmwalli llnn a,oand ~p1u In the llnal ,., . or Oe1olxr •unlljl),t.

Student Activity ! Schedule , ~ I Oct 27 (Tonight! )


Dance. Hell and High Water is a h igh-energy funk-rock group specializing in top-rote disco.

Super ligh t show!

Oct. 31 Movie. " The Mummy" ond Alfred Hitchcock' s " Frenzy"

Nov. 8 Coffeehouse. Eli Victor Show is o night club

group that pocked

the entire SU B lost year.


Ocl. 27, 1978/Cardinal Re,iew .5.

Williams says competition tough

Cards to begin hardcourt championship trek By Pai SuJIIYlUI

Wh<"n ,omconc 1s in 3 position of po,<,er such a\ a king. chcre b alw.tys someone in 1hc ,., echelons read} and 11,tJJiog co step up if 1hc morum:h falls. Thi• rule aho applies to champion.ship sports team\, and now thal 1hc defending Region 18 ba.skc1ball chanfpion NlC Cardi· nals prcpanog for another scuon on w hard11,ood, 1hcy too musr mcc1 1he challenge of 1hc foes ready 10 uite away rhcir crown. wmdefending the title be easy? "No- never is.'' Coach Rollie Williams u1d. "bu1 It'll be no different d1:in ,r we 1"crc going After the uric." Cardinal Coaches William, and Jack 81010m, back for 1heir 181h and 12rh susons 01 NlC. respectively, lead • 17•mcmbcr squad consisung of 6 sopho, mores and 11 freihmen. " We' re prcdominatly a fre&hmcn but we're not runing completely over," Williams said. " The sophomores have on adunrage. having been through the sys1em for a year already." Sophomores returning from 1he squad 1h11 placed 10th in 1he National Junior College A1hle1i a Assoclalion nnah lut

v,nng are 6. S" (orv,:ard Gordon Hcrbcn /tom Pcnucton. Bnllsh Columb1a: 6' I " guard Srou Thomas. Boi~: and s· 8" guard :-late Edwards from S:ev, Yor\. C"r1y Al so retu rning is 6' l" guard Bret Kiefer. Rathdrum. v,howas 1niurcd most of last season, Transfer !on>ard 6' 2" Rod Soper. Emmel!. Idaho. and 6' guard Ah·in W1lhams. Chicago, bnng , i1.1I c:rpcncnce to the team. Frosh players this year .re guards s· 9" Ed Acree. Priest River; 6' I .. Claude Butler. Anchorage, Alaska: 6' Y' Wendell Ocnton. Shelb)'\·ille, lnd .• 6' 1·• Kelly Pete. Ch,ago; and 6' 2.. J1m Wilson. Coeur d' Alene Competing (or forward Spo1S arc: 6" 2" Vtnccni Patton, Indianapolis and 6' 4" Pa olo Poydru. Spokane. Al either 3 forward or center position ,.;u be 6' 6" John Bell. Por1Jand: 6' S" Bi.II Oovgheny, Boise; and 6' S" Kerry Schiennan. Coeur d'Alene. Au center posiuon is o' 7" Kevin Anderson, Anchorage. The redbirds open t.hetr 1978- 79 season with the Nov. J7. J8 Cougar Classic Tourney In CaJgary, Alberta. According co

Williams. the C:uiadian teams the) ,.-;n op~ arc .u yet an "unknown quantity.·· NIC 1s lnetaU} '"$t0ing into the first game blind ... he S&id "The 1ourn:imen1 will be a good 1cst for the team,'' Williams sa,d. "h'II g"e as a ch ance to uultrc basic dcfcns,vc con· cept~.

Coach Williams reels the team has good iodhidual talents but "only ume ..-ill cell hov. the indl\idual talents v.ill blend tnm 1hc team conn:p1 ... If the Cardinals do sun1,c the 1cs1 of champions. the~ 'II have an c,·cn tougher road bel'leco the Region 18 finals and nat,on:ils. For the first 1,mc since 1%8. the Region 18 wmp1ons frvm either Wash· iagcon. Idaho or Oregon ,.111 pla} the "inner of Region I tc.1ms from California, Nevada. Arizona and Utah. This game detenrunes the tu1.llorws entry and '111111 be held u the northern teams home sue. a plus for NIC Five of the IS years NIC has been chgtblc (or nitiotw compeutiou -.. hen 11 was included io Region I •"ith the southern teams. NIC was the northern runncr,up

t"o )Cars 3Dd champion three ~cars Hov.c:vcr. the sou them champdt'fcatcd the C3rds tho~ three ,·c3rs. In the 10 )C.trS Region 18 has bttn independent, 'IIC has been runner,up fi,c times :ind champion iuicc. The 10·0- -o Region I r:icc promises to be another humd111gcr The predominant!) tough College a( Southern ld3lto tc.un from h in Falls. "hose jin~ NIC fin3II)· o,·crcamc lut ,·or in the title rill. should (cnure anoihcr good ~uad "The, \hould be tough; the~ haH' a lot of returning sophomort's from lut year's squad ... WilliJms sa,d. Ricks and Treasure \ ':iJJc~ Commun1ry Colleges also should sport contending tc:ims. The crov. n th:u the Cards held for eight months "ill no" be placed on 3 high shelf until anothe r team finds a method of dc1h ron1ng the champs. Howe,•cr . the National 8"5k.ctba.ll Associanon champion Washington Bu llets and th e National Football leagues · Dall as Cowboys arc facing the same problem. so the Cud,nals arc in some distinguished company.

(__c_r_sp_o_r_t_s·_ ,_J NIC harriers on stride

for regionals at Coos Bay By \'ldd .Mlncn The final 6, c 1'1C aosi coa.ouy runners to qua.l.ify for rcgiorws ..;n be determlDCd Saturday in a meet at Spokane Commarul)• Collcgc

The NIC Opco. •bldl was scheduled ror Oct. 2S "'&$ cane-died and ttpla.ccd b) the SC"C lm1taUOG&l According ID Coach Mile Bundy. dus 1n\ltanonal "ill im'Olve competuon from (our-year schools. such as the Uahc~I) of Idaho and wtcm W:uhiogtoa UIIJ'ienil). Sund> said tbne schools att more ol a ..,csc for the team .. Fh~ NIC mco qu.ildicd (Qr llll S11urday at the Eastern Washington l.ini,ers,r, lo\ltmlioo_al. Robin Hood. J,m W>an. Br.ld !urns li: ns \l ueller and John Eggleston. all trosh. nn the 5-nulc rac-c and plaC'Cd 1n the top St.



Volletball Coath ~n At...-oocl Ore, up her dllrin~ Tucsd&> nlgh1's loss !O Spobnc Falls Communlt) College. The Ca:nl• 1011 13,IS, 11,IS. l·IS and ~till t.a,-r D<!1 ~ ~2,.1') 1!! pl&) thl~ )CV .

Hood plt.C'Cd lllth v.ub a tune of 27 mmucc-., W~n took 39th 01 r:Oi; H.irra V.3l, 43rd ., 2··11: \laefl..r pbc-cd 50th 41 :?'· ~:?· aod Eggleston (1n1shcd 51>1 21



Bundy si,id he feels the team will do well the Nov 4 in Coos B2y, Ore. He added that rltc team been focusing on tlu.s meet the " hole sc:uon. at

Bondy s.iid he hopes injured runner.

Kc-111 Duley ,.ilJ recover before regionals. "Dilley didn't ruo Jut weekend.·· Bundy

sasd, but hopefully will run tomorrow 10 qoa.h~ OtJky sud he npccts 10 ru o and do ""ell. E,cr:,one bu bcen .. ork,ng for region· .2h.1tu1·s11,hcrc11 all count." Dill~ said He u,d he (eels that the team has •orkcd more as 2 team 1h11 snson The runners h3, c bcc111 trying to run more t01'et.hcr w1th1n 30 seconds of the rcs1 of the team. Dilley said be chink.t the cross counlT\ tcffll "1.ll ,do excellent nexi year, becab~ 1hc "fresh =n runners have a lot o( potentilll.''

Bundy said he h;u confidence in his team aod belie,·es thev will do an oats111nd1ng

Job. He said he · e.tperu to r.-ikc the full sc-·cn th.II :u-e eligible to panictpate to the 11 nation2ls 1,n Champagne, Tll .


Oct. 27, 1978/ Cardlnal Rc:,·lew -6-

Age-old sport explored

Dartful dodger points toward unusual sport B1 Pat Sodllvaa Let's 1m1g1ne you and I hVJog utd drinking ale in a I.Slh-Cc:Dtllr) English po.b. All the locals are gathered round a fwdwood table with bleary. bl'C"" -blurml eyes a-ansfu:c:d oo a cimllar pad oa 1.boe ru wall. A quick flip or your ,.nst folla,,.·cd by 1 sMrp "thud" means you'd bc:ncr sit dcro<'o ·cause you miued lhe dart board again Darts originated in Engl:1nd 10 lhe 15th century. and :uthough the game bas sptnd worldwide. ii is still most popular in Great Britain. Enjoyed ~ a pastime by )·oung· s1crs and adults alike, ch.ns chJ.llen~ your arm•cyc coordination u wdl u \'OU! patience. h's easy enough 10 1hrov. the 1>las1ic, me11l-tippcd cwu. but another miner h hming the board The center bull's-eye IS lhe ultimate goal or all dart sportsmen but they'll usu1ll>· scnle for an) part of the rort or paper board. Although h ma) not ~ u popular a sport u pool. foosb21l or poker. duu offer an unuwal way 10 vent your frus1T11t1ons. Tllkc a close look al the wall surTCMJnd1ng any dart bolird and you'll find a close resemblance 10 finely-diced Swiss cheese. lt looks lil:e child's pl&) (which often it isl 101oss a 5.5 mch dart 9 rec, 10 lhc center


or II round sroreboard, but 11', much m0tt diflitull !o be conii,1cnl wt1h your The first ln<s m)· border 1he buLI' ,,eye. while the next may h11 the roof. Some ccillegc st udent\· aput mca " leature boards 10 cue the cffecl\ or mid !Nm "'i1hdra,. al while several ba" In the Scnnlc area also gu In for 1hc ,port 0Art, can be 11igh!l) h11urdous 10 your health in the rvcnl ynu , troll III the path or a dart m-nigh1 or course 11's a quick ind cftcctivc n1c1hod of piercing your ca" or



Landlurds and bcnl up, arc 1wo ab,1r11c1 rcMOn\ to cancel a dart ga me. The con,1an1 1hud or don~ hlnmg the bnrc ..all orten crausc ,light hcad~chc, 10 bung-over lnndl1>rds sleeping In the room adjacent 10 the ho.ird. Ben111p, arc the re\uh ofhinl ng the bare wall 100 hord 11nd or1cn. Now drift bnct 10 merry aid Enjtl11nd and the dork reccsse.s nr an Fngllsh pub The familiar gang is 11111 there along with the ,moked pork. draft ale und blury cyts. Your dar1 game 11 'llill 1n progre,\ u you take another shot al the board. A quick nip followed by a \harp scream mcnn, you'd bcncr vamoose ·cause you just h11 the bartender again.

Alumni match Nov. 4

Card wrestlers after another national title B) Kdth JobDson

Ntc·s ,.-n:sthng team is now to its lhird week of practice as grapplers prepare for what bud Coach John Owen calls a ,·cry erdnng home schedule. The 1«m·s first compc1iuon will be the No, . 4 Alumni Match 11 7:30 p.m ,.hen former NIC "'restlers s~ invited 10 test their skills against this yar's team

Other formidable opponents the Cards -. 111 face include Eutcrn Washiogton College. Oacb..mas Communil) College and a !cam c.illcd Athleics in Action. v.'hosc member.; mcludc some 19SO Olvm• ptc hopefuls. · NIC wt-cstlcrs have ,.on or placc:d in lhe Nationol Junior College Alhletic Assocla· lion Wrestlmg Championship thrtt umes 10 lhe I.1st fhc )C.trs and this )'Ci>r's ieam sh01"'5 potential for maltlng 11 ro the top ag21n.

"If our wrestlers keep the desire 10 improve and ,. e su.y .11&·ay from tey injunes. -.e could "in it this year with some luct:· said. What NIC wn:stlcrs so fonrudab!e• (),.·en credits lhe team's ,.inning abilihy 10 ciccUent recruits 110d coaching - coaching in pmicular by Jim Upchurch. NIC financial aids director 11nd this year's ustst»_nt roach. "The man (Upchurch) nccd.s to be highl} recognized.'. o.. cn said. He s.i1d t hat Upchurch "''U indi~tly rcspoDS1olc for the last thrc:c natioual clwnpl011$hips.

" He does an outswidlng job of teaching techniques 10 young wrestlers.·· Owen sa.ul. He also dc=ibc:d his colleague "5 1 ">Cl)' solid. dcd'tcued person"' ho ha.s tremendous infiococc wth lhc 1e1m. due to bis crccllenl eumplc of life•SI} le and

O,.en aho noted that NIC rans arc "the finest of an1 school" he has ever :mended and hopes for a ~t.isf)ing 1978-79 season ror both Cans a.nd the team. members include: 118 lbs.· Mark 'lclson. Whitehall. Mont .. 1978 state champion: 030 Crogan. \1 ilcs City. Mont .. 19i8 Stale champion: Lan)· Radford. Wallace:. Idaho. 126 lbs.. Wes Knuiso.n, Polson. Mont.: John Floc:rch1nger, Great Falls, Mont . 19"11 and 19"'9 sutc dwnplOD. 1977 high WtOOl all-American; Bob Sail. Missoul3. !\.1001.. 197& second m state IJ4 lbs Ed Snoot Grand Rapid\, 'l.i ich .. Dan Payne L1V1ogston. Mont.: Mark Fcrgu.wn Coeur d'Alene, 1978 fifth LO sate; Trac) Singer Rathdrum. 19"8 \C<'OOd lD SUie. 142 lbs : Ken Cloud. Helel\3. Mont.. 19"8 ~talc champio n: Melnn Gardner. Kini. Alllb. 1977 o.nd 19"8 sate dum-

3COOD5 ••

Acrordtng to O..en. aDO!hcr m.:u, deSCf\,og high rccognmoo is Bill Pecha, NJC cbc:mis~ iMtructor. Pecha is the "behind· thc-sccnn man "'ho gets the real -.ork. done" 10 the Corm of rccru11ing nC'a wrestlers. public relanoos and the gene~! book"' ork that 11ccumub1es • llh :I.D) atblcuc Whtie e1ccllen1 coaching is essential to building a "'inning team. lhe qu.u1~ of the tcUD and methods the) use: 10 order to acb1cvc that qo:tlity. arc the kC) ingredients. NIC wrestlers v.'111 be: iJ:I prc-scuon until Januuy. Pnctic: consists mainly of drills gcued 10 build Cuodamen1al wrestling techruqucs ....,th emplwis on cluninaung nustllkes.

Wrest.Jc-rs an: required to lift ..,eights !'a'O or three times a •cei. oo an individual basis. in addition 10 runa.iog two miles a d&) OD their 01"'11 lime. .. We depend on self-motivated people ,.itb a desire to improve. Ninety pc.rccn1 of condlu0D1Dg is dooc by lhe individual who bas m desire to win." 0..-en said. .. We don't go hiding in bushes 10 catch people goofing off."

.-.··..·:-:-:-: :-:-:-~~ ..·=·· :-:-:-:-:-:,:..:-:-:-:-:·!·:-:-:-:-:..:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:·:·:Y-?;·;-:x·:~-:-.-:-:-;-:-.-:·!·:·:···:-:-:-:-:-:,.:{·:·:-.-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-.:-:-:-:-.··::-..·!.... ~



pion. 1'177 high school all-Amcncan: Mu 8~1. Kim: Onie Rllkow. Sc..l Rock, Ore.; 'lathcn Haub. Polson; Jim Bosler, Polson. 150 lb~.: Keith Nb. Kennewick. Wuh .. 1978 \lite champion: Andy Karas. Spokane 158 lb&.: Denn Gardner. Soldotna. Alask/1. 167 lbi.., Mite Kim. 1978 \tatc champion: Brian Hills.~~. Wash.: Tony Calt3C0rta. McCall Idaho. 1978 :,ccond 1n n.11e I "7 lb1 .. Kc:v1A Burke. Kcnnc:v,icll: Mark Robert~ Spokane: Homer Lord. Fa1rb2nlis. Tc,1~ Hull. Sandpoint. 1978 fifth 1n s111c. 190 lbs , Bill Weldon, MISSOUIA. 19'7 .and 19711 sme champion, 1978 high schO(II all·American: Mtlt:c Wood. Sidney. Mont.. 19·• and 1978 1«0nd m ~talc. Hea,•ywe1ghl: Paul J2cob~on. Coe ur d'Alene. Da,·c S"c, Coeur d'Alene. 19i8 fourth in SUIIC.

Soccer team to play Sounders


Tbc NIC SOttCr ~ -<Ill we on IOO>C touglt compc:tldon Sattuday u !ile ~.aule So,u,dnt irek LO Coeur d ' Alene !or a.o e.d,Jb ll1012 p:mc wltb !be Cardluh, 11 Aecordlng


aulslant cold, Richard " Duke" Saydc:r, a crowd

or o•n- 1,000 ptople

e.q,ected lo attcd the maid,. 1lie e--au SUl1S at I p.m, on !ile aoccc:.r Oeld aaou Crom !i1e SUB.



Thrill of victory rn>th

Coad, Rk k

Coe and winning quarterback

Bonny Mucher ervoy the n.atw-al high of winn ing 1M Oct. IS po•dc,r-pulf g1UD c t,c,1wccn the frosh and

Oula m y \,a~ Only the Chic.RO 8ca,s ddcnshe line looks meaner than sopbomon, hallback Maurc,co Andnu. bol [rosh pla) er Kalb} Morine goci lo" for the flag. BuL.groond plaJ "" Include sophomores M.t.tic Balter and Klm Klnchcloc.

t0phomon, !cJutls,

Powder-puff fun Photos

by Pat Su II ivan

Heads up llili llll't • P"lll, pa.u or kick; h'• a « ntcr IOH to, or o,cr, the !iiOpbomo rc ~ Tffli Su~n ln10 tb<- hand, of Ma..,,.,.,n And.r us. PToblems IU.c hdped the &osh 1quad down the 50phornorcs ?6-0.

SI- .

Paul Jaroh'°4, Rlu, So." Lctth, R.acA.o.n Cn,v..dl, Marna Baogen and " Barney" cnjo) lb4' powder-pall' game. £-er,one ba:t 8arn4') could see - he wu sp.-f.


Oct. 27. J978/ Cardlnal Re\lew -8·

Others able to stay alive through Scotty Eden's gifts Editor'• NoU;: The Lollowloa tio')' Is a ,peclal ,enloo or a UOf)' whJcb appean,d ID

the Oct. n SpobM Spokeaman-~ md "hJcb .... writU:n b1 RoMrta Kinley, a Ba,dm LaJc:c mldeot, and CR A.truer

Tim PllgJi.m.

An NIC freshman '• mother lMw lu!r - ,year-old 500 Scolt} sn alrudy dead when she held and rocked !um ooe lut time at Sacred Hun Medical Centu Oci. 16. Valone and Bill Eden JUSt a re.- haun earlier made I defUion thal •ould allo,,. their son to h1-c on in I special WI}. Scom. brother of JlllC frosh Raymond Eden. ~as st3ying "ith his 6-year-old cousin 31 Dalton Gardens. a fevo miles nonh of his home in Coeur d'Alene. v. here the r..o )Oung boys round a pistol •bich fired. hining Scolt}• in the head Doctors II Koo1cna.i Memorial Hospital dc1crmined that Scot!) must be rushed 10 Sacred Hean Medical Cenlcr in Spobne, where the banle ro sa,·e his life c:onnnued. After a 1hrtt-dll) struggle, Scotty ,.-u barely ali't' and '"'45 almost totally su11aioed by Jife-suppon systems. ' ' His heart is beating." one neurosurgeon said, ··but there 's hnlc hope:· The neurosurgeon e1plaiol'<I that Scot, I) ·s heart " as not dependent upon the bra in 10 function . Thcrcfore. StOll) 's strong. 1·oung hcan continued to beat. His mother and a(rnts kept I dGy and night vigil3ncc at his side. On the mommg of Oct. 16, William Eden's plmne arri\'ed DI Spokane lntcrnatiorw Airpon and brought him home Crom Germany, where he was stationed " itb the U.S. Army. The boy did no1 respond to ba,iing bis father 31 his side. The mN!acal fat'U presented themsdves bluntly - the end v.-;i5 near.

\ aJinc a.Jlcd for the neurosurgeon. • So tlut our t,e.,unful bnlc boy ...-on'1 die

1n ,aia. hi.s fa1her and I •'OUid like 10 1;ut about donatmg Scon)·s e)es and org&nS to or her pa.utn ts Ill need."· ,be wd The discussion ..-u b~r The parents cmbuccd am! •cpt. Papers to allow the inn,plant of Scotty's e)CS and kidneys •-ere pre-pared Scom· ~ Oct IC» 11 JO p.m. \Alme·s mJUN; 10 held 1.11d roe.It bun one l.ut bmc ....u granted. and nurses l>rcaght a rocking chair ~ 1th hfc-support n stems still atuched toSC'octY'sdead bodv, mot~r and 50n s ~ one final momcn1 On On. 1- . a chanered plane omed Scou~·s kidneys 10 1hc Sca1tlc Kidnc) Cco,;r They • ere tr.insplan1cd into a ~11cn1 ia cnrial need Also on tlut da). a cornea tnru.plan1 ga,c promise of sight 10 a patient in another et"· The Edens •ere told tlu1 they could lc;i.n; lbc name of the reetpicnt of each surgery if they chose. The) "'"Crc gwn lhc phone numbers or lhc centers. ·•1 doa'1 •an1 to t.nov.·. •• Valine said. "at le.ut DOI_ . .. Scom bad •·orshlpcd hl!i big brother$ Doug and luymond. He liked spons. and Ra~ m"ad 's IO\e for lhe D.illa. Cowboys ,. a.s CO!llaglO!ll •• W benc, er Dallas plJvc:d football, Scott, aad I ,.ere glued 10 the TV," Ra' mond saui. The ,uc.-tname "Ll1tlc Dallu" tha1 Raymond gave Scotty accompanled him lll death. On Oct. 21. relatives. teachen. class· mates and friends gatMrcd to U} fffl:',l,cll to William Scott Eden. He ,us buned barefoot in the dothes he liked best: A Da.lus Co-.boy's cap. bis old green rutoffs and Raymond's O\'crsized s"·c:itshin. on which was printed "Linle D;ulu."'

Debaters looking for high finish· .ltc.s.aut. ' '

Among the of the newly pain led vo,tcch !nick drMna 1111,11 waa Bob Alll!D, ttudi 51uden1 from Weiser, Idaho. Truck dr1vlng ln•tructor Oayton Ayar't claN rctthcd the proft'filoiw sign Job Crom the NIC art departmvit.

d,i, Ing




iConvocations questzonnazrel ' \

'' NlC Con\·oca.Uoos, a s1udeot- and college-supported runetloo, brtng, to the and community a variety of prog:nuns e very year. ''' college One l)1>e of program has been the foreign 01m series. Tbe commJrtee would &ppreclat.e an eJpressloo or your Interest and preferences. Pleue check ''' now ' the approprlAt.e blanks and drop this questloonau-e In the bo-x. at the SUB

' I

'' dlrect.or' s office In Room S4 at the SUB. ' -not - - lnterute.d In seeing foreign mms. '•' II am would like to see documentaries - - , BolJywood·l)'pe Ohns - - , ut '' Olms--. Uke a series o( by one partlcuJar director - - yes, - - oo. ''' II would Uke a series Crom some speclDc country - - yes, - - oo. '' I woald '' would IIke to see Crom the following coanlrles: '' :' r would especially like to see the followlng films: IUD

AL Gonzaga Lourney

Afler a SITong finish in their firs! compention of the> ur, NIC' s debate tc:un hopes 10 sho•· 3 similar f1n is:h al a 1oumamen1 bemg held this wcckcnd at Golllllg3 Uru,crsily. Tea.m members compctmg in lhc Gnn· uga rompetinon " 'hicb suncd ycs1erday arc lhe lc3ms of R1et Kortan ;ind S=n Suits; Mike Deily 3Dd Jim Joh050a; and \like Winther 3nd Marlene Nichoboo In rompcmtioa hdcl Oct. 11,1411 Eutcm Mon11na Colleiic m Bi1hn1s. NIC amc 1n ,crond ou1 of 18 1e:uns compc1ing. Debate. Cmch Tim Chrisue said he is Wt\ imprc~scd b~ 1hc 1eam·s sho-.·1ng so earlv in 1he vur "I'm , cry exci1cd: I've ae•cr had so m1n1 people with so much talent to CG.lth

ign truck in'

Christie added tha1 I.he pcrfonna.n~ of 1tam in Billings 1w all the members ,cry cnthusi4Stk a.od it aJso ibows thctr a.biliucs :is debators. The team of Winther and Nicholson ,.on six discunions and Josi t wo in 1hc preliminariC$. In the qu.rter finals they bea1 the Uru\crs1ty of Utah. 2· I. In the semifinals 1bey bcmi the Air Force Aademy 3-0 but lost to r.c..,s and aart College 0.3. Nicholson and Winther ,. CTC named the ninth best out of lO. and .Deily "'':LS iumed the lhird best spca);cr in the IOUmBmenL Dcilt 11nd tnmnmtc Koru.n \\OD (our ;ind los1 four. Johnson and Buru won four and lost four. but bolh teams needed a S.3 -~~, - ·- - -..rtmr:d t.oJJrr3k iol.Q 1be climiaat.illll.:DUn.ds.. the



: I am Interesled In films d.lrected by:

'' '' ''' ''' I I



I would like a film series accompa.nlcd by lecturtS and ~ loo periods ro,er and eookle:sj - - yes, - - n.o . I woald like th.e series to run consecutively over a "eek - - - , to be spactd o,er a month - - - , to be spaced o"er a longer period of time-- . I woald prefer the folJowlog da}s for film showing : Mondal' - mornings - Tuesch,, - - afternoons - Wcdn~y - e,·enlngs - Tbursch.) - Frid.av - -

' Suu:rda.> - : Sunda> - - -




Oc:1. 27, 1978/ Cardinal Re,iew .9.

Jensen sees inflation halt by government cooperation u,,Tm Wort~ The Unm:d Smes on defdt 1nOa1ion by reducing me rc:deral budget"s pcrcen1.1se oflbe grou n,uonal proclue1. a ~mOC1'auc scn11onal candidate told an Oct. 17 NIC Popcorn Forum o,. 1ght Jensen. ,.·ho will run against ,ncumbenr Sen. James McOurc. R-h:bho. 1n the Nov. 7 general elccuon al\O bla5tcd Idaho's I pcrttnt in,ti3llve and attused his opponenr or ,ncon\istel'><:)'. Lobehng 1n011ion "t he number one issue racing the people of Idaho, rhc United Stares. a nd ind eed. the world today."

Bv studenl

2nd bi Mrrov,ing the ~•p bet\' een the h1ehc>t· and IO'AC\t•p31d A!TU'.'nC3DS. In rcfcrcnt't' to his opponent. Jt'n~cn ~id. "Ho" he ,~!cOurel ,pcl~\ Jnd ho,, he ,·otu Jre tuo d1,11ncth d111e ren1 1hin11, ·· During J Sept. JO JC'nsco-~1cClure appcannC'C 1n T,.,n Falls. \tcOurc mn· e11ed Prc\idt'nl C3rtcr for opposing a pubhc "'llrh bill. Th1\ bill "ould 1ncrcHc the prc,cn1 C S budRCI deiic,t b, SI .6 b1lhon. build mJndJt~ future mcrcuc,, into the budee1 and add 2.JOO people 10 the ft"dcr:11 pl} roll. Jensen s.a1d. Jensen quntioncd ha.. McClurc could advocate J b:I.IJnccd bud!ll't 3nd limucd

Jensen said m03tion could be hailed b}· a balanttd ft"denl budge1. Jnfi111on. ucording 10 Jensen. mill! ~ defeared because 11 bas a ~ere eroding effect on saV1ngs and d1scour:1gcs op1t:al in~estmcnt. Jensen s.a,d he behe-es WI in a.ddition to reducing the federal budic1·s per· ccntagc of 11211onal 1ncomc. inO~uon mu\t be fouRht b\ controll1ng cncrg, price inc:tt3Se<. and mortgage 1Dterc~t r31c, on ba<.1c homes, b} keeping money suppl) gra.. th 1n h~ ,..,,h productl\11} gra.. th


Sport found in red lights B> Debbie Schallner Did you know 1h11 there a rc eight lights M Sherman Avenue between 15th Street and 1hc 1urnorr 10 NIC? You probably mutt er a few choice cxpleuvcs al ,_.eral of them on your way 10 or from '4:hool os they change to red just as you reach them. But did you ever think or maling 3 same of trying to hit all c1gh1 stop h8hts on green1 FQr th~c of U) who commute, this sport ,., the highlight of the doy. espcci tlly 1f we arc ,o lucky le> be able 10 hit all cighl hgh1s 11rccn. a, I did tw,cc on the week 11 v.a, my turn to dnvc or coor\C. luck ,, nQt the only factor


Ruic /olumbcr Three Thou sholt not drive around 1he bloc:.k bcr.. cen hghts 10 avoid a red hght The driver 1s to vary the speed as necessary a.s long 1< he docs not come to a complete stop or speed as "'as mentioned 1n Ruic Number One. The stop light game 1s gt'C,111}' enhanced by the enthusiastic participation of the oudicncc (other people ID chc car). After all. 111.50'1 much fun 10 get a perfect score and ha ve to do all the cheering and " 'h1stling by yourself (11 1sn'1 ,cry ufc cuber). The rim tight 1sn'1 such a big thing. but

involved. It takes o 9n:at deal of con~ummatc \ kill to judge when 10 ,peed up or do.. n, and "hcthcr it 1s bencr to ,,.,,ch lanes or ,ta)' behind a car that ma> or mi) not turn (a lot of dn,crs don't kno" that car.. have ,ignal lights). My Cello.. commuters and I have come up "hh a fc,. nile~ that savl' arguments (,e1mctiml',I and make the game much more intercs11ng.


Ruic Number One: Thou shall not speed. Ahn all. It doesn't do any good to hit eight &<l'tn light, and lhcn lose 10 minutt"S and S40 on 1 1tdcc1. Ruic Number Two: Thou •hall no( run a red light. Amber lights are a , ubjttt or debate. I admu I .. ent through two am~r lights to achieve may perfect l'l'COrd. The male passenger uid one of the lighu lllnied red when '"'C "'Cnt under but I den,• th~ charge. The ,-otc '"'U thrtt to one ..:.. we • ·onw,n have to stkt t~thcr m,• n:conl still .iand~. ·



b~ the 1l11rd Of fourth e,-cnonc.- >Iii (ON")rd • llt1lt' in h1~ or her ~ut ind bc11ru. to una cncouroging \\Ords Whl'n the fifth ind su:th lights tum 81'<'1:n thc aud1l'nce 1s lllO(T ,ocifcrous ID 11, applause. and "'hl'n you finalh do tM 1ncrcdibll' - ma ke thc t1gh1h straight gl'\'cn hght, the noise 1s unbearable h 'i. all you can do 10 rcmcmbcl- to tum left t<1"ard the college and c,cn1ualh find • puking space Ho" e,cr.1fyou arc sounlucty as to hit a red light before ,ou·l'l' e,cn out of the Starting gatl', don't dt"Spair. Yoo an sttll rome up ..,,h a d~nt SC'Ol'l' 11 you stead) yoursc:lf and cull) ron«ntnte. And remember. )OU stlll tu,'C the ncltt unlll thl' nc,,. "eek and somN>nc chc dn,c,, And don't foe-get to cncoura~ the ocher dn,-crs "ho h""' cnt'oungcd you. You prob1bl~ "-OUldn°1 b..- "h<'re rou •re 10,b~ if it "crcn·1 for the un,.. cning ,uppon of ,our t'ar-pool con,p.,lriob.

11•" emn1en1 ,111d JI the >3mc ttmc cnn,,ze th..- prc~1dcn1 for oppo,.mg 1h21 p•m,ulor "inlhunnlf\ .. h1ll. Jcn,<'n ,J1d he doc, n'1t support \ lcClure·s propos31 for l con,111u11on1l Jmendment mlntbting J b.11:inccd budget. bC'CJuse defit'II ,pendoni: is J "~ofct, , 2he' ~omc11nics required 10 hc;id off or get the p~mm..nt out or J =~,on or dcp=s1on. In the uea of form poh~. Jcn«-n said he u as for u.1p1ng out subsid1l's for farm rorpon11on,. for lim1110g federal support tor llmil~ IJrmcr<, and for lening formers ha,c more \.l\ m htJbh\h,ng ~uppon\ 10 eolble them 10 ""Ork 10".1rds 100 percent plnl'

Election issues discussed by Coeur d'Alene senator EHn if the I perccn1 1nmat"c fails. prcssurl' v.111 be on the Idaho Leg, .tarurc for 111 rclil'f. aC'COnl1ng to .\rt Ma nle~. ld4ho suite senator from Cocor d' ,\Jene Manic,. "'ho \poke 10 'IC go-emment classes Oct 16 da~u\•ed the , anou, <Onst11u11on2I omendmc nt, and the., I pcrttnl" C that 11 111 •ppcu <'n the clc,m>n ballo: Manley \lid the I pcrttnt 1nina1"e h.1s bo1h good and bad potn1, TM 1;ood points he ,.11d. uerc that matt people• •II become ,n,·ohed ,n go-ernmcnt , and the 1nmame .. i11 f0rtt a,-,c,,ors to rome up •1th fair and equitabll' appu1sal\ It .. ,11 1lso siphon more s111c fonds for pubhc educu,on. chm1011e rc\pont1b1h1, of heahh and \\Clfarc from local go-enment. and pos.ibh pro-1dc more of a ·p.a,· as ,ou go· \JtUatton The tnaJor bad point of the 1m1~tl'c. ManlC\ said .... as that ot cost He s,11d that the effects c,( lhl' 1n11i,me ,. '1llld C'OSI local 80\emments ao c-,11ma1t"d SI m1ll1on M1nlC\ uid ttlat the tu romm1ss,on r-cported !.hat Kootenai Count) ,..ouJd lose 1ppro11mateh 1• m1lhon •nd rha1 SIC funds •ould be cut b, appro11ma1ch

~o,· ·

SSJl.000 According to Manie,. the 1n111111, c hand1a~ the one unu o( pC'nuncnt that people ha,e the most c:onftdeocc in - tbt of loc:al p~mmen1

i" I

~lanll', then d1s.-usscd proposed Idaho Stall' Consurunon amendmcnlS. The rirs1 stale con,111u 11onal •mcndmcn1 d1,cu5,cd -..·as JOint rcsolunon HJR No. 6. This Jmcndmcnt would au1hor11e the le~I\IJturc to pn:Mdc mandato~ minimum •rntl'nccs for an•· mmc and 10 ,pec1fv that the 1mp0\l'd ~cntencc ,hall nor be reduced Manie, \Jtd that h<' thinks this amcndntl'nt "111 pass because " the anirude his !NI to be tough on cnmc and cnm1nals " The Idaho Su pre ml' Court nO\, holds 1ha1 rhc leg,..laturl' docs nor have 1hc po"cr to impose m•ndator. minimum ientcnccs b) IJ\\

Another amcndme-nr d1~cusscd "as SJR No. 11 o This amendment deals with the nght to keep and be~r arms The proposal rt'ads. ''S hall Section II, An,clc I. of the Cons1iru1ion of the Smc of ld3ho be aml'nded 10 protcc1 lhc r1gh1 to keep Jnd beJ r arms. and 10 pre,·cnt confi'><.'lllon. liccnsurc. rcgisiration. or ,pc.-.ll tmouon or rircarms or Jmmum· 1:on' .. \fanlr" said hc i~ "orried that because er the clausr 111>1 prc,ents hccnsure. the lcuho F',sh and Gaml' Dcpanment \\'OUld 1>01 be able to require licenses for fu1urC' hunting SJR 'lo I 15 prO\/tdl'S 1h21 a majority. ra~ than l'&c>-rhirds of 1hose ,·oting. be nttdcd lO 1ppl'V\'C rc-·cnuc bond ISSUCS to finance llll'p<)rl and air nJ, 1g.iuon f•cilitics.

Interstate Typewriter

i i


Supplying North Idaho's office ond business needs!


Calcu lators

i i i




Cash registers




Drafting supplies

AB Dick products





•~:.s;;;;on I - - -· - - _ I



OcL 27. I 978/ Cardinal Rc,·lcw -10-

Participation on the upswing

Community shows interest zn college offerings By Sbulene Smllll Mosl people know that NJC offcn courses, forums. convocations and rac:IJltics which are open for pubbc paruapa· tlon . What some people doD '1 tnc,a, is !lat c:ommunaty awareness and puUOpabOD 111 lhe lcti"1tltt have anacased ID the lut (11,e yean. Tony Stev,art, Popcorn Forum director. said thar forum 1ncn~ncie \'UlO greatly 11,'i1h rhc times and •1th the spcakcn. bot II is genera.II) good "The Popcorn Forums have bad the ~me type of ancudancc I.Mlllgboar the past fi\'e years." said StC'1'"11't. "Some• limes there arc 300 m ancnd&occ IUld sometimes there :uc 500... Stewart said there have bcco 110 Popcorn Forums 10 lhc put nine )u.ts &11d no w money has bttn spent oa Ill~ of them. " Money for the forums comes from the student activities recs." Ste"l'ut said. "h (the quality) is in=diblc the people who we get to speak with so little money. The greatest amount or moae)' spent ia ooc year "'IS SI .500. Many schools spcod o,•er S500 for Just one speaker.··

Convocanoos. a "'eek-long series of d1SCUssions. speeches. c.duluts and film>. u anolhcr ....~ t~ public t,ttomcs t0,1ihcd

"' ,1c

According to people fmd out about the forums through the local radio SlJIUOn and DCll,Spapc,. If people ua not anend the Popcorn Forum~. the NIC Publk Forum. 1ired Saturd11y nights at 6 p.m. on Channd '. features the speakers from the l11es1 Corum. "We get lelll'C'S from people 11,•ho "'atch 1he program "''anting 10 know h<N· they can find information on I p&rticula.r subJect." S,e..•an said. "This tells us people arc warching." Also. open only to the 10 northern counties' police dcpar1meats is the NIC rnme lab. .. NIC' s rnmc lab &l'-cs police studcau aa opporruairy to learn ,.,bile helping out county pohcc forces.'' said Wally Young •. a.ssi.sunt dirce1or.

Acc:ording 10 Young. the lab evaluares any "ph)sicat and chemical evidence" submitrcd for analysis. The cnme lab studies include bullet comparisons. balflstics and fingerprint compnlsons. Ned Swan. duutor of the crime lab also gh·cs polygraph rests. "He has gh·en O\er 100 io the last five" Young said. Young uid some police departments utilize the W, as much as possible but othe rs could urilizc it more. He said persona.I prcjudic-e often caters into some dep:unncnr's failure 10 use the lab. " We get more work Crom smaller agencies.'' Young said. "Evidence from d1Cferen1 counries can be seal to the chemical lab an Boise. but often takes, ~I the m1rumum. i,.o 10 three weeks fm them 10 aaalyze it. We can get the investigation done tn iwo 10 three da,·s." The number o{ ea~cs that the lab 4Jlalyzcs iacrcucs e\'Cty yell!. As time goes by, "more departments gain confi. den«JII the cri.miaal tab too." Young said.

"Ptognms arc designed to supplement rhc academic program on campu\." Di· rec:1or Leona Hassen ~1d. "In this "-I~ "-C :ue able to add to the educational upcncncc of s1uden1s, .. Hassen said She added that NIC is a small school and rbat 001 all branches arc a,·aibble 21 one umc. "The faU speucr. appca.nng on Oct. 2'. ~ill open the door to rhc spnng con,-ocatioo ... Hassen said. The elccuoau:s and rompurer porrion of the college will present the emphasis "'ctl coa,oaoon. Hassen s:11d that dunng emphasis week. c:on,oations ~,c hlld a good repre1entauon from both the community ;ind stu, dents. Hassen also said the amvocatioos will sponsor a Rummnian Follt Orcllcstra Nov. 20 ar aooa. "People aced to find our abour it (Emphuis Weck)." Huscu said. "Em· phasis Weck and wcll -kalTl"'D speake rs gnhcr i.orensr.-e newspaper publicity." Hassen said that the local acv,spapcr radio su lion. sometimes the Spoua.c TV stations, and the NIC tdcvi:sioa monitor Ill tell when and v.' hcrc rbc programs happen. " People would become more aW\lre of activities if a schedule of all cvcntS were published In one place instead of having 10 sift through the paper." Hu.sea gid, Hassen said that coa,·onuoas bring ou rstanding people and rhat feedback 1ndic:atcs listeners appreciate rhe programs which are presented.

",\ gootl dc31 of rhc community 1s anH'5t1ga1ed before we make dcc1s1ons M to each ,e,i.r's" Has,cn soad · Ancnd~nct' depends on interest... St:arttng thrcc )tan ago. vQrious depart· ments have handled 1hc yearly con,·oca, nons progr11rn. Unhkc the orhcr programs. publk use or the g)m h.u dccn-ascd dunng the pJ~t fi,c ,can.. We en 10 m:u.l' faciliues avallllblc ,, hen 11 doc:\ ~t con01C1 "ith , chedutcd octivlucs," said Rolly Williiuns. NIC athlcllc d1rc.:1or "Our lint pri(lritJ Is to ,rudcnl\, espcc,all)' in hght o! clo.s• ~chcdulcs." Wilham, ,.,,d the tht' gym L• u<cd to such an e,1en1 lhM 11 1, hard for someone 10 1us1 come an 11nd u\c the &)'fll "Before the con,·cntion ccnrcr a, the N0r1h Shore wo.s built. many groups held con,cnrions an rhe gym. It WII.S the lorgut buald1ng1n the ~rca." Wllhams said. "The Norrh Shore relieved demand for con• ,cntaon u,e." William, said the conrinual use of the iomna\lum from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. shows 1hc need for onother gymnnium. Willi,ms said rhat special interest and n1gh1 cloucs arc offered for interested per,on, These cla\ses fall undrr the iunsd1ct1on of the extended day classes and the urcllite c3mpus programs. "The program, were developed because of need," Williams said. " If a group of pcnons. 2pprox1mucly 12. arc inrercsted an a pamcular subicct. the ertended day classes will :a new clas., lor the group."

Wtllillms md1CAted that the increase in rhe number enrolled In nigh, school classes sh<Ns !hat the communny as taking more adV11ntage or whar rhe school offers. Joyce Bos,.ell. director for the c:rtcnded day classes and Lhe satellite campu5 for the ac:>dcm1c portion of rhc college. agreed and explained that the c11cnded day classes ore offered for people who want "eajoymeat. knowledge. funher cdue11lon •nd JU~t ,. v3ricry of needs." Boswell's 4\siswu. Ev McGuire, said 1ha1 the progums waor 10 broaden education ;ind hit people from all walks of W'e. The satellite campus. which reaches Bouodary. ~aewah, Shoshone and Bonner COUDtlCS, is an e_11ensi0D of the school's a.rm into other com mu nitics, according to McGuire.

"The ~a1elli1c campus ruM on I tllU(~ <muller scale 1h11n rhe cxrcndcd di, campus." McGuire ,aid. Boswell said that people lrom all ,.Ilk, o! hf<' have -ghen rhc program\ fantuUt rc<ponsc. In !<172, there were 119 noncredit~ enrolled in rhc- C(tcnded d:ly classu on tht Coeur d'1\ll'nc campus "Tha< foll 7J(l ~ople mi t-nrollcd," uld Boswell. " In 1972 there "ere 362 P'\11* enrolled an c,rcnded day credit cllllsn Prc,l"nt cla~, enrollment ~ 7ol BO'>wcll <aid aho that more cl11,ucJ att offered no>1 1han fi,c years ago. "Noncredit do"e< nrc not ,ub,ldl1N bi 1a,pa)cr,· money." Bo,wcll ~01d. "Tht <ludcni- pay for the dtiss when h begins.'' rhe <nlcllitc eampu~ in 1972 had IH c-nrollcd credit sruden l\, Bonner ind Sho,hone countle1 were the only pamaponl'l in IQ72, With fou r counlic\ na. laking parr. th e foll $C1 me5tec of 1978 broullhl 21)() ered11 studenls to the program Vocational cloi\ei for 1hc public began more 1han live years ago. according 10 Lmda Lewis. home economics coordlntlot for 1he vocurlnnal clo~~c,. Lewls ~aid that group\ may request 1 ,pccil1c elau, and tf enough rc~ponsc It given. 1hc cla~s wltl be offered. " It takes 12 people to set up a vocational eour~e." Lcv,,ls \Dad. "MO'lt cla\sc:5 1lway1 seem to lilt up." Cla~ses vary from microwave cooking to mining. Enrollmcnl an the •oca11ontl clas\C~ hu sharply lncrctlScd. The home economics portion of the e11cnsion clt\SC:S had, 1n 1971, an cnroll menr of 410 and In the spring or 1977, 1he cnrollmcnl wus 66S people. Total enrollment In the •ocational e1· tension claocs in rhe fiscal year 197J,74 wns 488. The enrollment for the vcar 19n. 78 was 1.182 srudcnts. Another ll$1)Cct olfcrcd through NIC u the rnobile learning ccnrcr. "The centei provides free consumer and homcma.kaag cltsses to aduhs w11h fixed or hm11cd incomes." Lewis Sllid. So. it appcan. that community aw1rencit of l'IIC offerings and radlitics tJ indeed oo lhc upswing.

Commercial Printing

• ••• ~ "I '


,,. ·'

51 5 Sher man 664-45 14

Company 100 Co pies · S3.95 Wedding Invitations A ll Kinds of Prin ting

- ------- ---Oct. 27. 1978, Canl1nal Rc,1;:,. · 11·

.\!usic actfriries

Tunes scheduled for fall semester o;J('"s mllSic department has scheduled an as\onmcat of mus1al events for the fJII and winter months Th< !'(IC stage band will klcl: off the mus'"1 •gcnda by errterwrung spectators at 1he Oct . 28 NIC-Sealllc Sou nde rs e•h1b111on SOttCf 11111th Leon Atkmson. an 1ntemauonally known ctusical and 1au guitans1. v.111 perform 0c1 JO 11 8 p.m at Scner. Hall The NIC chotr and Cardinal Chorale •111 perform '10\ 7 II Luclancl High School and l'/OY 14 at Coeur d ' Alene High School. The music departme nt. 1n con1uc 1ton •llh the American Auoci1 11on of Un a· ,crlll} Women. v.111 present the Spou ne

Concert Orchestra !'oO\ 20. The O<'Chcsrra v.111 conduct "orlshops and perform at Coeur d ' A lene area clement.It) schools. A ,. inter concers featuring the !'o lC Commun1t-. College Concen Band LS slated for~ 11 The chm• and chonlc. along ,. 1th the Coeur d' Alenc Community Choir .... 11 pre\Cnt a hol1da, program, '"The Sourwb of Chmtmas."' Dec . 1· lb The sta~ ba nd " 1: perform II all home bu l ctba ll games and 1s au1lable 10 entertain communi1, groups. The p u ~ of the laucr cndca, or. according 10 Kent YardlC), sugc band director, ~ to finance the stage band's tnp to Reno neu spnnll .

Scandinavian emmar

Overseas study program offered rhc Scandma'lln Seminar I\ now IC· ccp11n11 application, fnr 11\ s tudy abroad proi:ram 1n Denmark . Finland. Norw• > or cdcn for the 1971).1,() acadcml( ) car Tht pro11ram 1i de" 11nc d for colleg e ,1udcn1,, g,odullc ~ a nd 01hc r adult , v. ho ,uni 10 become.- pan uf anothe r culture "hile 1cquanng a , ccrind tanguogc. \n 1n111al thrcc· •«·d langual(<" <<lllh t' fo11o.. ed by I family \ II ) "he n c , e r po1Mblc ga.cs the "udcnu an oppo r1uni1, 10 pr1ct1cc a laniiua 11c on a dlll) b"I' and 1u sharl.' 111 rnmmunul> hk n1c ,1udcn11 will hve and \ludy amonrc Scand1· 01v11n111 a "'Pcoplc' \ College ' l rr \t dtnllal «hool for cun1mu1ng cdua u on) or ,omc other ,p«111l1l·d in\lllu1ion mo, t of thC)l'U All ,cmlnar ,1udC'n1, portic1pa1c m the


1n1roductory, mid)ear and final \t:\\IC)n\, where matte~ related to 1hc1r ,1ud~. e • pcncnc~ and and 1, 1du1l proxrcn arc rc.'\IC""Cd a nd d1\CU\\t:d lhc -.cm111l1r prol!rlm .... 11 focu, on an 1ndcpcndcn1 \IUd) proiect 1n the \tudcn1·, field of mtcrc~l An 1ncrca,,n~ number of A mcrac1n collc~c, and unt• erS111e, are l(t\ln, full or pan1al ,r.-d11 for the u-m,nar :,car. Th< fee. •h1ch <<>•cn 10111on, room , board and JII cour<t cnnnenrd rra,'C'I, tn S,.andma,11, 1, S-1.hOO ln1crc,1,frcc loan, an 11ran1cd on tht b1>11 of need JI\ arc a fc- •J""Cl•I \( holar,h1p I un ht-r mform1tm1'1 ran t,., obtained b, "' rllinj! l<l Scandinl\ Scm1nu. 100 E.a,1 H'•1h '>1• Ne" Ynrk. I" Y 1002b

Area entertainment listed h,r 1hosc who reel like tak111g In a 1110\tC th,, "te~cnd. the SfH>lanc area 1hu1cn fraturr a ,.1dc ,ar1ct) The 1'01 1hc11c" foturc .. An imal llou,e" 11 the ~01 I at 7· 4S and Cl 4S p . m .. "The Big l'i1" 01 the Fol II 11 7 and 9:05 p.m., and "Smol c) and the.- Bandit" al the l'o1 11111 7·JO and Cl JO p.m The Unncd Arll\l\ Clncmu foturc "Somebod) Killed lie r Hu~band ' 11 t he UA Cinema I at n IS and 94S p .m. and "' l·un w11h Ole\. and Jane· · at II p . m "Jb-On and the Argunaut\ · "Ill ht' 11 the UA Cinema II 11 7 10 p.m. "Ith "S,nl'>ad and lh<' E) c ol the Tiger" 11 q p m The L1nroln ll<'1Bhh theater\ fcoturc " ll0<.1pcr" 41 1hc I 1nc.-oln Hi:lghh I at 7 20

end 10·50 p .m. and " I.a le ) ~ al Q 10 p m and "Coin11 South" at th<- Lincoln llc1gh1, II 11 ~ and 10 10 p.m l he Sta le theater ft'IIUl'C\ ··Death on the Nile'" at 7 a nd ii JO p m. lhc le.a$! lrenr Dm c-ln rearum "The l· nd " ' Gator" a nd '"Wh11e Ughtrun~ '' The Starlight O"'dn fca111rc, " Hou..c on S\.ull M nu nt11n: "' \lad Houit.'• · Haunted lfou,t'" aod '' llou\e Thal ~, «!omcd •• lhC' Carland 1hc.1er feature> "Up 1n Smo\.t'" :11 ~ a nd 10· 40 p.m "1th 'Chotrt,o~," 11 3S p m. The No rth Cedar Om e ·ln reat ure) '" Mnn D.>11 Blue, a nd " l\land ,,f the 03ntncd "

I Tricks replaced by treats l e, Sasaa !'olcurson·Unl.

Doorbells ,.111 ring and cos tu me•dad ,oungstcn will chime "Irick or ll'C'o t•·· Tuc-.da~ n1gh1 u lhc\ N\e for ~can. but

The Hallo-.-ccn or ,e)tcf\car and uoch,· ccru1nh lus 11s d1ffcren,~s. but 11 remain, o he,da, for frohcsomc childrc.'n and

Ha!IO'lottn 1w oot al·oy~ bttll au«Wcd

m1-.th1t'\Oth pnnbtcn

,,,,th and) <Ollecung children. Toda,·~ ~oungstcr\ ma, le2rn from their parcna and grandparents that lrtd o r rreauog dad not etm rn 1he1t <Uys. H.lllO"'ecns of J~ICT)Ur .. ere D1~hl) for pruncal iot es and .ona.l g21m:nN~ but the emphasis ,u on the "tnck r.11hcr than 1he "ttta1:· Good. clc3n fun .,. &5 Benerill~ pr.1t1K'Cd dunng 1lus fall fcsn, ii. 2nd flmil} fun included bobbing for 1ppl~ A 1yp1rn pnot 1n runl uca.s gcncn· uon, ago ,.as the bug!l'-on-thc·roof incl Pr.1nh1cn sneaked mto neighbors' ) O.rds, t.-.ok apart the fam1lf~ buw and then reaucmblcd it O<I the b2n1 roof. Foils alw often found their outhou~ on th~r front d(l(X'<tcp, unronun.\leh. Hallov.ecn fills c,ol-cd 1n10 a rru1~h\1tC hohcb). aad due to unplcauntncs USOCllltcd ,.;,h n. Hallov.ccn ma, fade a•a, The H.ilJo,,.ccn 1ndu\lr) h.u bccnme a profi1,m1k1n1? bo,mcu. "!ms and store· bought cosrumC\ arc stcadtl)' ou1num· btnng those dC\1gncd b, 1ngeruou, ch1I· drcn and p.arent\ '.'I tore, dcd1a1e 11we. 10 ~ onsl1ogl:1 ol cand> tlut 1s ,hchtd the fiM p.1n of Octobc-r Hallo,. ccn puron, dcpo,11 thm treat\ 1n decorau,e and• bA~, tlllll uc il,o rroduct, of the llflhda> 1ndustn The h1~h ~1:11 con·ni• ,n tl:c :-..a)OCll\ or Hallo,attn cand, hn crn:td a =rlcl fo; hc~lth 10<\d 100 :-urnoon l~ an l=U\lng concern toda~. and )()me pc-oplc purcha,c orob b.irs m,tcad of the 1:ad11tonal chocolat<' bars Conccrncd puenh di.po,c of home, mad" i;ooche,. fnnb and loo-e c-andlo for t u ol cndangenn~ 1hc1r children·, 11\t"o Sad"ucal llk.,dent, N r.uor blade.. poi· n, and dru~!o found t!l Hallaaccn t"arMh tu, d ~ n ~ 1 lol of Ind er uutcn Incident\ o{ ,andafur.1 llll\C al-., ~d an ui;l> hght oa H.lllo-Accn n,ght. Too mani P<"OPIC .... ate the, Dell mcrnmg 10 find 1hr1r automobile ltrN sl.a.Ulcd. their ho~ boc,bardcd • ,th egg, and >11'..uhcd Jack-o' • lantcri,, 1a the ,u,,cu


sn \

"lTCHOdd Lhlng bappco to Kc.'lth Jobruon on Halfo,.ccn. The slnJilcr• loolJng feUo" " &S ,cco '"hanging around" the climbing net In the Head Start pla,t;roaod Tocsda, aftcmooo a..od D)lng a.rocmd Oood :-ilnc Tucsda) night.

Get a\'vay for a weekend!

Outdoor Rec Store Io basemen t of CB

Campus area thefts noted

Tent Sleeping bags S2

A stop >ign and I one,,. O) sign "ere rcponcd ml\Slng trom thc dlle =d Oct. I b) NIC campus =rtl) polict! A CB antenna,._. reported \lolcn Oct :!() b, a man "'ho ~1d h" cu " " parltd oa Cullrge On,c · Cl)n,lderablc unrc\l around the dorm1t0f) "'-' .,i,,c,,-c,d Oct ~I \ , ...ung aftcr bou~ t>c:t,.t'cn the men', and "Omen'\ \ldt', or the dorm"" frequent Verbal "'Ornlni;, "ere g1,cn Oct 14, I!,. P I . 21 and 22 I« 1r.1ffic \lolauon, The \11>la11om included running .iop \llln\. i;oin~ tht',. n>nJI "·~ on the d,l.c road , 1nd dn\ln,t: on tilt buch

Pat Sullh an photo




S3 Rubber raft S10

En olite pad

9 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily


Oct. 27, 1978/ Ca.rdlnal Rc,•lew , 12·

(..___n_ic_no_t_ic_e_s_J 8111 Pe r ba a n d Jllftl'I Owl'n plar l'd ,ccond In the CO-rtt kn.a.lJ lOanwDCJ>t, DOI 8111 aad J ID~ 0 " l'JI M ~rt.ed fa Oct. 13 Carduul Re• le.... Applica t ion dudlln l' for lbl' N•llona l Wlldllfe fl'de ralloo ', 197 0,80 Eo• lro a · mmLal Conscr>alloa FdloVlhlpt b O«. 3 1, 1978. To bl' eUgJble, appllamU m1llf bl' Colted Si.tei, Ca.ruulJa.o or Mulcu dthcm wbo a rc pursolag dcgr cu lo • eolll'lll' or anhcn;I" gradu1c p~ or law ICbooL On e mast be pr laelpall~ l'nga1cd la research. rather I.bu cour5C wori., Ill Odds refaced to " Ud llfC', o at oral re soarl'U IIIJIJlagCmmt or prot.cctlan of m •iran· mental qaallty. Granis range ap lO $4 ,000. For l11Jorma t1011 , la rladlog a 11st of

priority topics aad appllcatloa fomis.


th e Execoth c Viel' Presld l'at , Natio nal WUclllfe Fcdcn.Uon, 1412 161.b SI.. '. W.,

Wuhlagtoo, D.C. 20036. F\od you.nclf ln prinl, Free upttSS!oo b aomeUlulg to ahatt. U you ha,e u uUstk 0Al'C for ..-ords , a p&MIOD for pt'D &Dd lak drawings, or an ua.cmg song or l'o o, sbatt your ln1Jghis ln Fall Crndoas poblka, tloD of NIC. Su bmll ) oa r m a oaHrlp ls ilnd/or ll.laslrlllloos no lall'r t.ban No,. IS to Da,•ld Sharp , c/o cbe c rea th•c wr l11J1e departmcol, NIC.

NlCTV PUBLIC FORUM SCHEDULE Spokane KSPS-TV Cham,cl 7 6-7 p.m.

10.28 Alan Larsen Rcpvbl.bJI for Idaho Go, e.rno r \'olllDUCn an oeeckd lo wade with de> clopmmtall} disabled anlta. Coo tad C.., (iUiord al' Achdt &.e1d Child ~clopmml Ccotl'I' · pboal' 66"-~ .

Or. Rlchanl Eulcston .. mbe oa aun1t1H l'• l'r) Monda ,, Wednesda1 a nd Fr ida} bl'rvtti1 7:.30 and 8:.30 a.en. AoJ OOl' v fihlog IO 6tt him moo.Id Ont C'O.Otllt1 J o l\t..rlbo, Id!. school o ~. al bu ot!lcl' lo lM Wlnloa Baildlng. Bl'I' ofDce boars att from 8:JO a.m. to 4 p.m. ..-cddaJs; bowf' cr, SM • W ht- al the T11allonal baUdlog from I IO J !P, m. on

~ d aJ~

Some dorm !'OOm..• lll'l' &illl a,-.ll.lahlc for tudcol$ nccdl.111,i boll!lln11, Two openings eilit on the men's &Ide. Con.tad rlthcr GIii) Cottman a t Lbt' do rm o r Wes ll a ic h a t th e SU B fo r m o rt' lnfonnallon.


Tho.."C "ho arc eligible for college ,. ork ,tll~ b111 haH· no t ) Cl ~ plattd a'N.'

asked co aid$ office

Jtm Upch11tth In the Ooanclal &.1 $00n as po.n lblc.

cod cn cs encountering probll'm< In r h, s\ or In th(-lr pcr<aaoal lh u arc urged to C'On -t their ad, lsc~ . An., s lildrnl 001 rcmem~rlng whc, hi~ ad, lsc.r b ffl1') Ond our who that per.,on I~ bJ conlllrtlng the NIC Dean of Stud en t Ollkc In tho Wlncon OuJldln11 ,

A onc-m.a n art •how hu been slaJed for th«' rampui oJ onh Idaho College. Cwcn Mcmman, gradua1c of NIC and & isc Stace Unh cr5II)', will exhlbh 10 graphite dra,.lng, In the SUB Oct. 9-No, , ).

Smdm!s " bo asrpUcd for llnandal aid this ) CW and ""fl' dmlcd It bc<,,,use of NI C's lac• of faads •boold inc J im t. flCharc!i IA CloandaJ aids office as ai posslblC'. Bttause aomc srackots ha, C' - ) l'I plcbd op'Jr aid , t.bett att 00"' IOmc fa:ods a,-.llabft',

The themCJ of thCM! "orliJI range t'ro m Dg w-c srudlc1 lo rcp~niatlo nal fan tuy . Student& who partk lpalcd In Publf . .-.tJons Cl ub bool..sw15t s hould pick up their money or oosold bookJ u soon u poH lblr

Sladcnts who ha,c noc ) l't pltke,i ., the ir State SIOdl'nr lncmche Gnat (SSIGJ ch~ks s hould do so lmmcdlatl'ly or ii., " 111 be rclllmcd lo Boise for canttllatJaa. Want to get away from tbe boob for a fe w hour, a wrck? Wa nt Aome new friend,? Flnd out about opponaoJUH 10) ou lh.rough Camp A rc. l,cad or autu a club or , o lunl ccr yo ur talent, to lht cou M II . It could co un t ,o.,,ard roaru crccllcs. Call 667,06 11 for more lion.


Are ) ou ho, Ina croublc dttldlna on a ml\)or? Tho rounscllng ccn1er I, admhal, ,irrln1111 ICK'allonal lntcl'C!II ICJI chat <"OR!d help )'OU to decide, and l1's free, free, frttl

Sec NIC Counselor Pew Winton OuUdln11,

Fedjc In cht

rhc l.c,amlng Skllls Ccntcr , IC>Call'd i. lhc Sh erman Srhoo l Build ing, Is opta Monday throuah Friday lrom 8:30 a.m. 1e 4 :30 p,m. The Cl'n lcr offers w urSC"s In Ena.lW., reading, ,oubulary, &pcUlng, ba.,Jc math, <'O llcgo s tudying and llfccJmc readlna, Ont eDn>II• for 1he11e cluKs Ju,1 u he doet for any other clu s . The wrnlng Sklll, Center also ofltrs 1u10,ln11 SC'r>lccs of charge.


In MAl.

In student poll

Student election views seen If NIC sN dcnts werc the onl> people mll~ cd 10 ,·01e on the I pcrttnt initiall•l'. it u.·ould probabl) be turned dou n by a 2· 1 margin, according 10 a rc«nl Cudinill

Re,s1c,.· SUr\ ~· A samphag of 2b srudents "en: asked questtons about t he upcommg No, • gcncr31 elecrion The rcsuhs 3,e is follou. \; Approximately 85 pcrttnl C22) said the) 1nicnd 10 '"'C· u.hilc SO ptrttnl (131 att registered a1 chc prl'Scnl nmc. Onl) four students \J1d Ulc) do not mtend to rl'gistcr or 1·01c On the I pcrcen1 ininJtt\C, 12 vo1i,d again,1 11. 6 voted for 11, and 4 u.erc


nn Qnd1cbtcs. Sen. James Ml'Clurc bc11 hi!> opponent Dwight Jensen. IS 10 6. u.,th I undcadcd Rep. Ste, c S, mms also gilthcred I~ ,01e5 10 RO) Trub) ·s 4. 11,ich 3 uadcndcd The ool) 1ncumbcn1 1h21 m1gb1 be turncd out of office I\ Dcmocra11c Go, John E, ans. u Allan Larsen got cigh1 votC"> 10 E,aos· six The ra.-e 1~ too cl~e- 10 call Mnl'l' e1gh1 .uc undcadcd. An O\eru.hclming ffl.lJOMI} of students polled fQI s:ud lhe) \O~ 011 lht' DUD or 1s\uc uthcr than a straight-put) nckct. Onh ,,.o -..:11d 1h~ ,.ould ,·ou: s1nigh1 Rt'pubhtJn and one "0Uld \Ole straight Dcmocnc .

Odd jobs increase student budget Lea, es 3rl' chsoging color a.nd falling off trees, so a.urumn 1s officll~ here. 3nd

Chnsun:is is JUSt around the corner. A s1udcn1. usuall) on n limited budget. "'111 probJbl) need a little air.\ SJll'lld1ng

money. md Jurumn i.s prl'p:m for





For eJtra money 11 studt'nt s hould ch«k wnh the sen ior Clllzens cente r o r the employment office 10 see if some odd jobs, s uc h as ralung o r bagging leaves. are available. Collecting bct'r cans o, bonlcs lllong high" " ~'S and srttelS or colll'Cnn g fimrood is \'Ct) profiwble - ;ind tht' fresh air and

Cotton Club

NIC ,1udcnts butcall) suppon Repubh,

c:rcn:tSl' ,.ilJ do a student wonder1. &erruc and ~p da)S produce a be:111) 11ppcmc ,o • student should me bot soup or COC03 md uru!1111t"MS on these proJeru A , ~ WI) reci~ called chicken and nee casserole can ~lso samf) ao ippcute. Grease a ca1t pan and Sl'11ner one cup of onrookcd n.-e O\er the bonom of the pan: add one p.1cuge of d.l) oruoo soup mix 10 the nC'C. Mill one eJn of =m of chicken soup and one cup c,! milk togetht'r pour O\Cr the rice. PlaC'C one cut-up cluctcn 1n p11n on 'Git of mlltllrC and CO\ er v.ith illumutum foil. Bake al 3SO d egrees for one hour and I S minutes.

Hoyd'3,., I tJk e Idah o

Music Tuesday - Su nd ay

8 :30 p.m. - 1:00 o.m.

Wednesday ---Any drink in the ~o use--2 for the price of 1 Can o r bo ttled beer--7 5' Pit cher s--$1 .60 before music $2 .50 ofter mu sic

Pitchers Wine

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