North Idaho College Cardinal Review Vol 33 No 5, Nov 10, 1978

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Volume 33. Number 5

Frida~·. Nov. 10, 1978

Board ·puts off action on intramural request By Debbie Brisboy

Btcause of increased portic1p11ion in lntr.lJnural acuvit,es th1\ year. more money has been wed of the Student Board 10 hire more officials for the diffcrcn1 inrramural


Intramural ac11vi1tcs Director John O,.cn has aiked the board for money 10 finance the hiring of the additional c,ffinoh. At 1hc Nov 7 S1udcnt Board meeting. Sen Mone Baker spca.l:mg for Owon on 1hr ,ubJt'CI, a\kcd the ~cnators 10 grant O,.cn SI .000. Baker 511d that 1herc wMn't us murh partic1po1ion Jul yemr, ,o Owen didn't kllDI' ho,. much to budget Auallluy Servi«\ Director Wes Hatch qut'\lloncd if 1he moncv would be u~cd for 1ntramur•I •ttivitlc\ or part uf o )tudcnt body pro11rnm. He said 1ha1 if the funds were for 1n1romural 1divltic,. 1hen II t\ included In the callegc budgc1 and docs not conn,m the s1udent bod)·~ budgc1. Hc,,.evcr. 1f the

requeit 1s for a \tudcn1 body at'liv11). then the board could 8"C him the money Peggy Fcdje. assisLlnt ad\= to the board. suggested that Owen tall iC> NJC President Barry Schuler about the mll11ey, and 1f he could nOI receive it through the college. then perhaps the board v.ould recC>nsidcr. In other ot'lion. ASNIC Vice Pm.1den1 Lon Long ond Sen. Jan Emerwn reported on the N1IIC>n11l Conference on Student Services the) aucodcd Oct. r.JJ in Madison. Wis Each attended various seminars and lecture, C>n 1dcu ranging from lt\Jdeot leaden.hip to umc m11nagc~nt. ,aid that one session ~he at· tended foc:u~cd on student lcadershtp •.crvicci. which ,~ 11 group 1h111 "ill. for 1 rec, come 10 th e school and conduc1 wC>rkshops. retreat~. etc, She added that it -..ould be po»lblc for the studrn, bod} to hold their oo. n coollnued on p&(lC 3

1% endangers 'quality ed' Ou1J11y of cducauon 01 NIC rould be od,erscly artc,1cd ii 1hc ld1ho Smc Lcg1\t.turc dC>CS 001 proper!) Implement the I pcr,-cnt 1ni1l1tlvc, NIC Prc~idcnt Bam xhuler told senators it the No,•, 8 College Senate mccring. Schuler,sed possible crrcci; Q{ 1hc l nH .. 11,c 3Dd emphoued the ,eeming 1mposslbilhy 01 the Mtuatlon. " Where's the fat (a t NIC)1" Schuler .l) Tony Stowort, poli11cal ,dcnce 1n,cruc1or, c1pn!<,ed to the ,cn11ors the \llmc thooghts when he •aid, " We should ma.kc It clear In the mind) or the legil.lator:. that , IC cducauon "' ill cha nge The , 1udcnt, wlll ha,e 10 suffer the conscquenn:s There lli no fat al NIC." RcsJl(>ndlo11 to qucsuon\ from the \Cnators, Schukr ,aid th111 onl, about J pcl'C'Cnl C>f the college budge1 could be cut through capitol outla) cxpenduul"l!S. He sald that many clerical )Ctslcci. an! currcnll)• pronded b~ federalh funded CETA (ICr&Onncl. which mcBn, that cutting them batL would n.>I artcc1 thc budget If 1he Lcgislllu"''~ implcmcntntion mcnns a hca,) lo,, of funding far NIC a n!dumon ~ 114n,1imc and perbop~ fulJ.t1mc focuhy wlll re)ult. It could also mean cutong out ~ill.II area.- 1ll 1ogc1hcr. (Sce related )IOry on page J,I " h's a iough )ltuat1on," Schuler ,aid. "It will ha,'C an ad\'t'r'>e affcc1 on monl.'' The )Cna1ors di\CUSSed the Reduction In For« Commit1cc and ,oted 10 rcquc~t tlat lbe romm1ttcc. "hkh b dra,.lng up a policy in rose 1ns1rur1or ~ducuon is C'allcd far. conicr "1th lhe l'arull)• Personnel Pohl') Comm111cc. The RIF Committee coo~ists or Schuler, Clal"l!ncc Haught dire.:tllr of, ocational cduuti()n, Ra)' S1onc, dean of the college: Virginia Joh~n. English dc~rtmcnl chAirper..C>n; and board member-. Tom Emcr•on and James Bartll11. The Facuh) P\lrsonnel Pohcy Comm111cc consists or Stone: EogllSh lnstru= Mile Bundr And Jim McLeod: Ned Snian, lav. cnfOl'('C'mcn1 ini.trut'lor: and 011,c ~bl"l!a.n. DUl'\ing 1nstruc1or, who was apJ)()intcd to fill J3tk Sti,,..c', position" hen he resigned from the CIOc1)mlttcc at the meeting. Another ~5ible effect of the Initiative's passing ,s 001 bctn.g able to open the ne-< huffl4nhies butldlog upon complct1on bccausc of tui,,ng no funds for optt,mng costs.

Pal Sullhan photo

\laniar musician Ouke Olllmond arul the ~ slas, alias JohMJ Spangle and the Sp11nglcdttrs, alias Ell \'lctor Sbo", alias Tom. R~ and Jim D~oo. mode a lriumpbant rcrurn 10 the NIC camplll ~C>,. 8. The chzff bn>tht'n from Chcl!ln. Wash. pl&) cd 10 a rowg cro"d In th e SUB.

In stale election

Conservative trend seen Idaho ,ote~ s!Kr,,.c,d 1 .l't'llt'1lcd



t'Oll~au~m dunni Tr,esd.ay's clrctJoo ,. hen thl', voted 011h one OcmC>Cnt :o 1 ,t.ttc offitt 1n a COllk~tcd racc

lncumbcn1 Go-.. John E,;an.s defeated chJlle11gcr Alb.n ~ n (RI. but bu •111 .... ~ ooh ~mOCTilnc one. App ).ttol , occr COll$et\ atum auo iut• b.:cd in the p:lli3gc or JII in1uau,e and t:Yo o jo,nt resolutions. The I pcrttnt iwcum-c,. perb.aps the most 1mporun1 1S:>ue passed. ..;.11 hmn propert~ tne~ 10 I p<"rtent of the propcfi~ '• man.ct nluc. ~ •or-tins of tlus propoul o.ill be decided b~ the Idaho l.t-gulatUl"I!. Idaho.ins alsC> , oted 10 rus joint rcsoluoon tuR No. b. "'hich will :rmcad Sct'tion 1.1. Amclc f of Idaho's St11e Constitution This amendment ,..ill au· 1honzc the l..cgtslarurc ID pt'O\idc rrwub, um muumum sen1cnces for an)" crime and 10 ~peaf~ th.11 the 1m~d SCOICJl('t' shall DOI be reduc-ed

The ldJho Supreme Court. befon' the resolu:10n 1uned. held that the legislatutt docs not h_JH the to impose m.indaton minimum .cntencn by la" , AIIOthcr resoluuon pahed b~ ldahC>ons ns JOtnt resoluuon SJR No. I 16. This propoul rnd that Section II. Ankle I or ld.iho·s State Conrntution \hould be Jmeodcd "10 protcc1 th, ngh1 10 tcep and bear ums. and 10 present the confiscation, licensul"I!, registrallon. or special 1au11on of forn-rms or 1mmo111tJOn.'' The conscrvat1,•e trend ''"' Jame, McClure !R1 dcfa1u111 o.. ,gh1 Jc:0>cn ( 0 ) for U.S. St'natc. and S1c,c Symms CR) dlJ" mng Roy Trub) CDJ for Congress. Phil B3n (RI defeated opponent William Murphy ,OJ 1n the racc for lieu1cnan1 C.0-·emor and O.av1d Leroy (RI defeated Mtlte Wetherell CD) for ArtC>rnc~· Gcner2I. Jerry E~s (R) "'-u ,'Olcd Superinu:n· dtnl of Public lnstructfon against opponenl Oaf} I Sllllu CD>.

(___o-=-v_in_io_n___;p;;.._ag~e_ _) Carter calls fo r sacrifice

Studen ts can f ight inf la tion Jimmy Cllner plan .. to fiitht an!lauan v.nh v.age,pn~ ~adchncs •hich. he ~id. \\ Ill need e, eryone· ~ coopcraucn 1f &n} effect~ to be feli on 1:10:uu:i.n Critics ha, e aJrc3d, his pb n u bcic11 "too lank 100 l:ue·· and charged 1h01 11 ea nnot be ,1e\\ed as , oluotan ,.hen the ~emmcnl mtcnds 10 enforce busincs~ compliance by ,., ,hholdan!: fedenl businc~'> for ncnrompluinct. Ho,H:, cr. Can er "' lhJt if .\mencans do not fi.iht 1nDauon \'Olan ranl}. "ton)equences th:11 are "'or..c" cannot be avoided Compl\'ing "'' ll h pnce guideline> is somethtng that a,eragc ~IC student doesn't ha"e 10 wo~ aoout Wuh these goadehn~. the 400 ~C\1 corporauon\ "uh annual business incomb of O\'er SSOO milhoo v..11 be O'IOtlitorcd b) the federal go\'emmem to sec 1f the~ comply "' 1th the priC'l' lirrut>. Complying with \\Oge gu1delincs. ho" c,cr. is .:i m:mcr for student 1mohemenl 1f the <,tudent earns more than S4 .in hour or depend) on the ,. lgt'S of wmc,,me "ho docs. If a srndent w3n ts to be a pan of C;incr' s inlhtion-fi~hun~ task force, he or ~he should agree to lim111he mcrcnse of his or her \\:tges oe1t ~ear to - percent or less, or he or \he ~hould encourage othe~ to do ~o. n en if 11 mc;in) the !,tu~ent practicing thnt " au~temy" Caner d~ms. n~sJ.J') for Ammo to light mtlauon. Those "ho :igrc<.' h> limn "Jgcs " ould be protc:<1ed from being taken ad, antnge of b1 1hO)C: \\hO ha, e not m:idc !,Uch an aitreement. One who 1' pan or D group m.ikmg an ~grcemcnt 10 hmu ~age: increase\ to " percent or te,s. 1,ould quahf1 for Cane r·, proposed i ce iP .i~ncc - a pro~al that allow!, 3 rebBIC to be paid b~ thl' Internal Rc·,en~,.- Ser. c-e. The ,, \tcm would" ork in th1!> " a,·~ 1f mO,uion ... ere q p,:rccnt nett ~cu. a.,. orltc:r would rceche the difference between that and ht~ or her - perce nt agreement. or 2 percent or hi\ or her ~nlaf) Students could and should do what Canc-r :bked "If there 1s one 1hm~ I :im ~ling of e,c~ Amenc:lo ... n ts to gs,c thi!> progr3m • chtmce to " ork." · he- ~a1d let'~ give him this chonct and WbJp lnJlation Finall).


Freedom of choice needed in frosh PE require1nents NIC freshpersons 3re required to 13.kc one acm ity PE course per semester unless the~ panicipate in intercollegiate :nhletics, drill team or cheerlcading. Sophomore~ can take noy of the offered PE courses whether it is activity or specialized. Specialized courses arc those other th!!n PE I01 or PE 131. lnS1ructor:. tell students on the first dll} of d ass that the purpose of PE is to gh·e student~ the cho.nce 10 exercise. What is the difference beNecn a student exercising in .i specu.liz_ed PE class or a student exercising in Jn acthity PE class? Both cfasscs teach students the fund:imenuls of t.bc spon(s). but specialized classes teach students fmer technie:ilities of the game. Specialized classes also ghe students the cho.ncc to perfect stills which they want 10 learn. Sophomores on enroll in specialized programs 11,•hich they are specifically inlcrestcd in: howe, er. frcshpcrsons arc required to take the acti,;l)' course. Most high school PE programs 1e3ch studentS the same thmgs (touch football, \'Ollcyball. basketball. s" imming. tennis :ind softbaJJ) that arc WJght in the acth'ity classes. Many colleges require PE classes but make no stipulation as to what kind of PE class st:udentS must take. Others do not even require that studcntS take any PE class.


~"l) s; ,i.,iHa-k\,~ ~$ter> .

f»t '(Y\'i 0~ I

1 r~

"b 1/.)Ct ~

Lct«-rs to tbl' editor are welcomed b) she Cardinal Re,Je.,,, Thok' s ubmllllng le1tcn should Umll lhcm lo 250 words, &Igo tltem and provide a telephone ownbe, o r addru\ w authentlcll) can be died.ea. Lct1er1i ~hould be brouih1 lo Room 2 ln the MtthanJcal Arts Building or nulk-d to the urdJnal Rewc'lo In care or North Idaho College.

(.....__c_ar_d_in_a_l_r_e_v_ie_w__) The Cazd.lnaJ Re,lew Is published seml,monthly b) lhe Pobllcatlons Worbhop ehss at North Idaho College. Members oJ the CR staff wW atrive to present the news Wrl). accw:ately and wilhoul prejudJce. Opln1ons u piused on the editorial page do not necessaril) reOect the views of the Review, the A.S1"11C or ~lC admlnlsmulon. The CR Is en tered u bulk mat.erlal at Coeur d'AJene, Idaho

83814. Associated CoUcglate Press Ne~, papcr managing editor . ..... . . . ...• . . .•. .. , , . . .•.......••...••.... Debbie=

~=..:reedl~~;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .·:. . . .


cop) editor . . ..• •... •.. ••. ..• : .. .. ......... . ............•. Wurea To= s ports editor ... • .•••..............•.. • ..... . ....•.•. . ........• Pat S

If gh·cn the choice. some freshpersons "'-ould rather continue with the activity PE course neJt semester. Others. however. "''OUld like the chance 10 panicipale in the speci21izcd classes. Why not let freshpcrsons have the chance 10 choose which class they "''1l11l 10 ulte?


pbotogiapby editor ................ . .......... .. ............... Pat ~..,..

a.dvutlslog manaa~. ..........................................Lori ,:;:

::~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~.;,::, S111a11 N~-Lba.k, Vldd Mk1ea, Sa.dale Saldi, Ju DeLaca, T;._ - ' CyatWa Te*r, DebWe Sc lo.lflw:r, Came Pha, K..a ,...... i... I



No,. 10. 1978/ Cardlm.1 Re,·le..- .3.

Board delays request . tvnl inu4'd Crom

v.or~•hoin for ~111on, ~uch ;u \ludcn1 prr\1dcn1. , ice pn,<1den1. s1udcn1 >('n21(1n and club ptt\ldcn1,. t onKal,o JUcndt-d a ~,,on 1ha1 de•h ~llh >C"l\ ttt> such a, leg1l i.cnices 1hat .. IJ<lld be helpful ro 1he s1udcnt bod1 t,od}

fnr ou r college •c re domg abour 1hc ~' "' •n.' · Looi! sa,~. 01hcr scf\1<c idea, tndudcd a houllng «r"« tn{I h<N ,.; m~c and hO'• 10 ciran apar1mcn1,. refrrrol ~erv,cc for 1r•n, poru 1ion. a fO<td \en 1cc 1nrlud1ng • Im or 1hc: chc~Jl<''' places ,n towr to ea,. and ~ car repair """ 1cc


S1udcn1apalh~ ,.a, alw d1\CUHCd al 1hc cr>n!crcncc f,t,n,i -.aid 1h.i1 one ,u, 10 (Urb •palh y "'U 10 publ m , c uh,c•c· incn, , u! rh,· ,, hool !>h•· added 1ha 1 ymin, " far ,umpl1in1 , shnuld be held, 1hc \ludc n1 gnve rri men1 ,huul d gc 1 ,n 1nu<h ,.,1h 1hc s 1ud cn1 bnd,. and •n n-1luJ1tun of , tudc.-n1 h<>dv officer, , hnuld bf hdd In 01hcr acuun.


• •


- Ho11ch ,Jid that 1hc uchnect's plan fo r lhe St. B ezp2ns1on rs oo" 1n the hand, of co0Lt.te1or,. "ho ,.;11 submn b,d, 11 the erul <>f' ~<7\em~r. - 1hc bolird ,01cd 10 approH' '"" art club CO:'l~IIUUOO • - S1udc:01 AC11\ll1n D:re.:1,. Rob Faler ,aid 1h.11. the: co= rs 1cn.1111 el\ \Ched uled for Fc:b. II, IQ-~ He: \aid ht! I\ de,hnJJ •11h boolong aiienc,~ 10 t.... Anec:lc:-s Jnd Spoane 2nd " tr) 1n11 to ~c:t :a 11roup 1ha1 "111 be pcrfom11ng in a 1hr«-•1~1e.~ r adiu) of ~IC al lh<' rime of the C(Jnccrt P,,111,ol sc,encc ln)rructor Ton~ S1C>lar1 " ah<> hclpinJ. Faler bccau)c: of hli 1n,nht'men1 ,n bookm11 Jll"'Plr far con,0,.1111,n, 11nd Popcorn Foru~ - ASJII IC Prc:s1dcn1 J,m Rcm~n .said 1Ju1 ,r Sen V1r111nia Fulton mis~ rhrc:e mco:Unfl\ in~ lll'A ,he 'llOUld au1omatialh be rcmo,,cd from the board Fulton ha~ •lrcady m,,..c:d r"o coruccumc mecnng~. - Coe ,aid 1h11 some , oc:auonal ,1udcn1;, had complained 1ha1 they "'en! nor gcm ng 1Huci of the Canhoal Rc\'lc- .

Kcllh Johnson pbo10

Some area.~ sa/P The 1tl!nlle B ) s of !his sun.sci paclfJ the "Oolhmi ba, of I.alt Coeur d'Alene to the brisk

Initiative imperils jobs

da) , of Ille au1wnn.


Student Activity Schedule

D) Ocbbhi Sch&flnc:r

An, , 11ma1 r d I l NI( fa.uh\ nnd ,upport \crv1« p<>lon iun, moy ht- 1crmlna1cd nctl fall b<·uu,e of pl\\DKC nf 1he I pcrccrn tnllilll\C, nt,,>rd1ng In NIC Prc\ldenl Oort\ ~hulcr !), hultr ,a11I 1h01 the ClOCI amnum ol lund,ng,·u1 -.011'1 he l n""n unlll Mar.h ur Apnl "hen the 1ni1111lvr i• b<·llcr dclincd b\ lht I r jli\lolurc. hut hr ... ,,lmntod 1ha1 NIC' "'11110\C' 10 JX'«cn1 nr it\ fundl 1hf fund cu1 "111 pnmoril\ nlfrc1 lhl' l!MCr&I hudl(t'I . which wppor1, NIC' , ~tDdcml< ('lrugrnm, Schuler ~ntd ihal po\llt!ln\ 1h11 ml11l11 be cu1 uc par1-1 lmc po,111nn, <Oun1ct1 1u11c1her 10 equal fulllime pQ,1111111,, ,o In n:nllt) murc 1han 11 pcr1on1 Jllb\ C'Ou ld be tM'ffllnitrd NI( , pon\ prugranl\ 3<<' 111,o funded b) the gcnct•I budget, !><hulrr "11d, and I( the budget CUI i) draslk enough. mmor \J)MI) c<1uld be: cllm1na1cd rnllrcly Minor \t)Ofl\ include golf, CT'C>-. C'OUnll) and both men and 11,omcn's 1rack and 1cnn1s ~chul, r soul thAI lie would .. ant the bas\ ci\latl and -.rc,1llng program> to b~ fon,,dcrcd fo, cub only as a last re ,on. " MC hh "orkcd hard 10 de, chip these program\ o,cr the vu,...,' ' he ;41d " We "lllllt1n·1 ,.,nr to IC~r do"n "hat ha) been •«ompll,hcd " Ano11lt'r problem r,w,cd b~ 1he inlltati\t'

1<111 be the npi;ning of the nt'I< humantUC\ bu1ld1n11 The bu1ld1n11 will au<e a '40 perce nt lncrca~c 1n ac-adeffllr (anh11~ 1n un~ , .-~r. he said T v. o ia nuurs. 1n clcunaan a.od a ne'."I> an 1n~1rnr1or ,.ill ha,c 10 be hired. ~huler \aid . and OJ)ttllnn11 wpph<', uid offic<' furnirurc "'" haH' to be purcha.scd. " Wc'r(' ,n lht' l< Clt"\I \IIUlhC>D ID tbe , 1111•," SC'huler u ,d " YI <''~ 1n the untqur pos111on e>f being the: one colkgc t~t " gaining In enroll ment Our 11m1ng (for e,ru111, 11)n) NUld n't be wonc · Srhukr said lhal rhc ln,11111, c ... 11 pr.ihut,I )' nor ra1,c IUIIIM ~\'.I U.>CC COl!l• mu nil\ college, art' ,uppc>\ed 10 ptO\ ide a I™ ·CW.I cdurauon NIC i. al~ad~ g011ng 10 htH' to I ncrra_, <' Ir<'\ t>c.:albt oi lht' SL B t'ap11n )10n. and 1u1 11on un he u1scd ~11bs11n11alh 11er )I Udcn1 and >till not pn» 1dc .. nough monr, 10 a.fl'ttt the- 1oul budget E\lraNrric:ul111C11•lllt"> such u mO\,n ofid dant"t, "111 not b<! a.lfetttd I,,\ tllt ini11111,e , Schult'r ~td The, att fundc:J b, the au" hu1 St'f\ 1cc, budget, pa id b) ,tud<'nl ftt> 10d ~,enues. as arc the Sl'B and dormltonc~ Vocanonal prognm} ",II prot,a~h not ~ >l"'t'rch tftC<'lcd St-huler s:a,d bc!nui t' lht) hi\,<' a larger percentage o{ SIii<' funding 1han ac-sdem1~ ~am,

Nov. 14

! f

Movie. Neal Simon 's " Murder

Southwest Dining Room of the SU B at 3 and 7 p.m.

Nov. 17 Dance. Hot Stuff ploys in the gym from 9 p.m. to midnigh t

Nov. 23-26 Tha nksgiving vacation.

Dec. 5

Campus blood drive on tap NIC'a -u1 fall blood drhe. ~hHwed fo, l'cltiCla,). No,. 14, ahes titocknti a d,aacc, aood deC'd ....t abo c,an _.,, for tltc,lr (uori1.- d u)). Tlw drh-., whlc:I, "IU be bcld In the IO,n ro, c, fNMD 9 a. m. to l p.m •• ''does ao lo,• &ood ~ ucl '- ne,n waate,d," attordlng to \\'C's lh.tch. a11Xlllan aesk-cs dlrttlor. e .. ~ - 9 0 . . . ofllleodweftlltbiaUN~~~, 1 ~· 11w rlab a-thcrina thC' IDMI doutlo,u ..-UJ wln a $SO prire.

to do •

by Death " shows m the

Movie. " Billy J ock ' starring Tom Loughlin shows in the SU B a t 3 and 7 p.m.



Sc huler says:

Idaho's initiative passage influences building fate B~ Tniv.'ode, The pan.iiie of lcuho , I P"- r:1 ,11,•11111 , 1~att11s the fu1urc ol :-!C's hvmarU:1C' btnldi~g. ~lve!:I ~'"IY Schuler 1old a ',CJ"J 11iJC PC"'~n1111, ca, t.abchng the 1ruu11t•c "the key wue r1Ctn6 :'ilC nght now." Schuler u,d the recently passed proposal "'lu'dl hmns propeny tu~ 10 I ~ c:it of tilt r-t'l)Cl"IJ • market value .. 111 ha,e "a m~t s.enous dkn" oa the htu'llllnittes building. The building. ~hcdulcd f:,c- opcmn 111 Acguu 10-;q "' ill add t,6.000 ,quarc feet to ~IC'se1t1ttn, Caali110. Thh. 3dd1tion rep~sent, a 43 pcttnt 1=asc 1n space to be m3mtamed b~ the college·, 21111u.l ~dttt. Because '<IC is • Wllt of lonl ro>CT11mect. 11 • ill. Schuler said. be gtt.itl~ affected II- the 1ru111u,c·s pasiJ6c 3nd implementauon. l','IC stuMh to lmc hill lappranm.,tch· SS00.000) of ilS local ~\Ct:IIC. Fac~d ><llh this menue lo-,s. '1:IC must coz::c up •t:.11 SI00.000 in ongoing expense fund, annuli, fer the oper21100 of the nN build,ng. nu, figutt tnd:1~ fUAd> for personnel SAlanes. supplies. he.ahnl! ind I "hang. To compeni.2tc for the los~ ot lu nds pre, ,oust. generated b, higher propem tues. Schulu ~1d th< Legislature ><11! ha,e to prondc add111orul aid to :-OIC 3lld other ICK'al go,crnmcnt umt,. He 11ddcd. ho><c,cr that t,('l'au,e 11M: state pcmmcn• .. ,11 hn,c to b;,il out so man, un11s of local go"crnmrnt. "It'\ not rcahsllc to 1h1nk lhcy the lcg1sta1=1 .. mcome up "1th 1cnoughl mo~, io ,., n.n operate ll\ before:· Schuler s&1d that 1he pnsage of the 1J1Jl1.1U\-r ,.IIJ pnmanl) 1ffcc1 ,ap111t ou1l1) for ncv. impro>cmcnt, to Nt c·~ gro..,1ng ('ampu!. lmpra,emcn" 1h11 ma, ~ delayed mdude ptanng p<l"Cr line,- wm,nll) ,u,pcndcd abo"e the 1cnn1$ court) bencuh tht groond :and dc, ctnp1ng an independent imgarion )) ,iem. " If .. e had mOOC'\ Ill ln\C~I ID our n lfflilllOD system:· he n1d . .... , cootd saHi money··



Schuler s~,d the propos:il's pusage 11,1D also ltm11 the numtcr of library acquisitions made yc:uh and end the pcnodic ro•1uon of scicnufic equipment such ~ m1croScopc$.

·s ..Jeotl w1" 'ia,c ..,...,P'ffl<'n!. •• he s.ii.!

10 ... orl

BOS'lletl IS 1n cha rge of all e,ening andem1c and special interest program, offCT'Cd b} !'IIC 10 Kootenai Councy ;ind the ntclhtc offenngs rn Beoc"-:i.h. Bou11~. Bonner Jnd Shoshone counnes. When she took O\'Cr thl' prognm in 19·2. 362 people "CIT cnrolled m the encoded da~ crcdil classes N°"' there U'C o, er I .SOO enrolled rn tilt- prognm.

l .xat tT\JMnts arc "not 1u,uncd" In 1hdr conctm Gb,,u1 lhl' ,'Ottcgr', rrnult,ng of ou1-<1f "3tr 11hlt1~. s,hutrr <.ltd II, nn1cd thal mo,t ,,r ou t-of-,1.11c recruit, come from ""' 1nrontc ~rc.1, and recCtH' fcdcrJt aid to !inaner their cduu11"11 Whton 1hr,<' malent\ Gttcnd NIC, money 1ha1 .. uuld l1thc-f\,1s~ t,e ,pent r1,e"herc 1\ ch1rnnclcd 111111 the lo...11 cconnm, Schuler ,,ud that NtC ,.in nt11arn 11uah1v Idaho Alhlctc~ for ti, 1c .ims only bv co mp<.'tln11 with ou1 -of ,talc rn,11tu11011\ for th~tr u1hte11, '-CrvRc, Noung 1hat local pl"flpk dn not hkc o lo,i1111 1cam, he \~1d thM NlC c.1n'1 win by "\olely u11!1111111 lclaho t~lt nt... He \J1d "tht' proof I\ tn thr pudding" rc:1t11ttllng NI(', rerrulltnjC prn,11cr, " ld~htl h:i, produn•tl nntv OH na11nMI rhumpinM In 1ntcrrnll~141a1c: dlhlcllct." <.,hukr ,Jtd " lhrrr nf tlm-\c hav, e<•mc frnm NIC'." On other 1npio, Schulrr \J td th,11 - .i ~u11gc,11on b\ ,i,i,homur~ Rid, I lldt 10 t"O\INCI a muttr•lcvd parking complc, •imrlM lo '>pc,kanc', Purbdc in con~cn.c: ,p3cc 11,ctl for NIC parktng " nnt cwnnmlcRlly fc.i11bte di this umc. lie: d11l nal. however. ruli: out 1h, prupo,ol .i, a future parkmg altc:rnatlvc - NIC hn .. " ,1ro11g commumly \o:rv1cc compier"" uh prugr~nl\ offered 1n e•i,1ing collel(e focilr11e, The onlv expenses thc'IC programs incur arc cte,1rkity costs and an ~dmrn1\tr.;t1ve d11cc:1or·, time: He i a1d th•I malmg cut\ m 1hc:sc pro11ram~ would nnl help allcv1a1e the: hudgc:1 tones n:wlt1ng from 1hc pa,ugc of the: in111au,e brca u\c the program, arc: ,c!f,supportJng - next year's r.chool cJlend~r hn one advan1age Oller I.he current ..chcdulc a t11nger Chn\tma\ break. "This makes ti nrct for those who ski." he ,aid

;\lC Prcslden I Bury Sclt alu

He said he feels 1hc pas,iiie an.d implcmcntmuon of the: 111111.atl\c ,utl no1 altu tn an~ ..av these moll\aUons In tenns of gro,, and I.he opening or lh<' hum.inll1es build11111, Schuler =d the iu~sagc of the 10111ame o..'C\lm-d 1nc,pponun.:l}. "The taming ,(the 1n111all\Cl couldn'1 be ,.o,-c for us ... he said. !'>1C ,s unique Schuler added. bc:ausc 11 Is the only cottqc a( I.he present time tlut 1\ cxpcnene1ng 1 gr""' th 1~asc and IS •lliO ID the procc~ of opening a new build.uig. Schuler ~ that the passage of the iniuau,c: will not s1gmficanll) affect the curccoLly p ~ d SUB expansion. The c.tpans1on 11,iJI be paid for by I rc-enue bond wluch orill be ennrcl~ funded b, 51udeo1 fees Bccauk of the

Bos,.dl's educatioiql lw:ltground 10, eludes undergraduate swd, at Waslungton St,ue l.:ni,crsit} and the Uni,·ersuy of l<bho. and gnduite v.-orl: 11 lcuho Sulc lni,·cntl)' and t.:m,cm1y of Arimn.3. She c-omplcted her Masters of E.ducauon al U of

I ~ public:ition. 3.C'C'Oniing to E.ditonal Director Louise is used "10 pro, ide 30 iuthontath e source of b10gr3ph1c3l dau about men and "'omen v. hose nC'C'Omplisbments or catteT posiuons ha, e made lhem subjects of reference interest."

Art club formed; officers elected An .tn dub, up of sc,enl srudcnu in the IC ort deputment. b:as bet11 formed on campus. The group. ,. luch considers rt.self an "2d•cmsmg ogen~· on ampus .. ,aifi II(> lff'OIH~d 1n \UCb acti\lUCS 3S an exhibt, 11on,. commerctal ad, er11~1ng such 1\ painung mcrth:int's 1und00>'S during the Chn\tma\ sc,m\on. bus111css logos acd


am1 l ~IC's a;rvoroth rate b«au~ 11 "tlt not d1m1n~h the 1ttnkct', dcsi~ 111 anend the c:olll'l!C ••fbe a,cra~ student doc, aot rc.ihu the imph(alt<>n of the LllltPU\C," Schuler uid Scholer u1d th.a: ,tudcn1, a11e11d NIC becau~c u1 part-t(me employment and 1hc ,ar1c11· (I( pri.lgram a!!mn£'\

Boswell named to 'Who's Who


b<>nd, ,1uden1 f<'et \\ 11! 1mcc.1,( h1 S~. h·,lctallv fumkd i,:r~nt pn>11rJII\\ "Ill no1 be 1nOurnctd 1>1 the tJ\ 1nrt11ll\l', :i.,hukr ,;iid. Some: torat and 1n\11t111i,an.1t 11r•nl tn·Jld and ,,·,h,p progum,, h111,c,rr mi11h1 be cur1a1kd h II rrwh nl tht' pr(lpo\41'\

111cn-a\lngh older

Schu er noted tP.11 ',IC , the fa,~1 S::l'OIA tn(l tn<lltu11on " I, hand mnb.. ,-d 1, ~ t h 10 a large p.,rut,11100 tclha He s.ai4 the colic~ ,s thc ,•nh 1nrn1uttlln or l\11:her ~attOD m the it.ate to npcncn,-c an cnn.'1lcnt ,n,"'l'l!UC th:s year ;\C'l:'l"lrd1~ to S.hul~. fl&''-'~ of lhc ln11tatM' \\1lt o\ll

17th edition

Jo~ct Bos><ctl. director of cxtcndcd ch) 2nd aduh conunumg eduC'3tion and chatr· person of the commumc:11ion ans d1vu1on 31 NIC. h3\ bCCJI roeludcd ID lhe sc,cn· 1ec,n1h ed11io11 of " Who's Who 10 thc,


signs. Commiss1om earned through these proJens am be used for trips and ormngs for the dub members. Offil'CT'S rndudc Jud,· Huddleston. prcsi· deal. Jc:inne Pe:itt. ,'icc,prcsldcn1; Debbie Emerson. sc:cn:lll~; Kan Syhc. pubhc relsuons, and :-.anCI ln1n. 1reHurer. Fawll) 2d,i~e:--s U'C Joe Jonu and Merlio \ltllcr.



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t'IKE lH LLIAMS 112 ~J. 4TH ST,

bh~-2a31 I t THE NAVY, IT'S NOT JUST A J.OB, t t __ L IT'S AN EDUCATION. _ .:.J

Nov. 10, 1978/ Can:lina.l Review .5.

/n season opener

er sports

Grapplers nip alumn i 8 ) Keith Johnson NIC wrenlen '"'ere vinonous Saturday night in a "do•·n·lO·thc•wirc" match i gainst NIC"s Alumna g rapplcrs an the Cardinals· firs t meet of the. season Huvywc1gh1 Paul Ja~son pinned his opponent in the third period of the last match to edge NIC past the alumni 50.44 A span of JOVIAiity prcvaaled throughout the match where gnpplers 1ok1ogly poted fun 11 referees and each other. The alumna team v.,as especially guilly of this because 1hcy teased omcial, v.atli lanes hltc, "he 11n°t sulhng ref. that's the way he "'rcstle,!"· 'IIC"s Ma tk Nel!.On ftancd the Cardinal team off to an early lcad by beaung h1~ opp<,ncnt 7•2. Wes Knutson followed suu by wanning q.2. I'l l( v.•rcstlcrs \ccmed formidable indeed airer Dan Crogan slapped b) alumnus T~ Durland 5-4. Comprtulon ,ii ffcned, however. and 'Tracy Sin9cr ,uccumbcd to alumnu\ Tim 010CO 4.5 tfltr miki ng I fal,e Sllln that c,xt him the match 011n Payne came back for NIC by .. inning hi\ match 4-0. N•1tonal champion Ed Snook proceeded t/l ht• talent an a Uc match ugam,1 an occomph\hcd .. rc,tlcr. Manuel Bro .. n now cr,achao!J at North CcntrJI 1-fagh !,chool In Sp<,~unc l·trlll mcut r~n ramp•nl ... uh "IK"~ first pm uf ah, n111h1 h) Jnhn Flocl(htnKcr .. ho "'rc1,tlrd ,i;ain\1 l ll"' Uu, h NIC Coach luhn O"rn \lid Uu, h n a\ v.rr,1li1111 r,fl<:dolh "' II fur thr •lumnl Other ma1d1l, 1ndu1kd. Hond, Duncan n,cr NIC ', Marl r crJ!u\un 2 I NIC', Krn ( loud <1,rr ha, or11011tn1 J.2. Ou~ l'ntr uv1· r NIC" ~ Mu Uc,,1 5. 4 and NIC' , Nchlnn C,ardni-r In o lie mntrh .....1111 I 1•nn l a1 lur "here ,omc 11f 1he m,\\t Nc,111111 lif)I permd actmn "A\ ,ccn I "'h "r1•,1l('r .. a, c:, ('nl\ 11111rh,•d

according to O•eo, "'ho ,.atched has former gupplen connnue their struggle for sur.11~. \IC's Dale Rekoa lied Brad Benn 2-2 Dean Gardner beat alum.nus " ctl NUt J.f and Card1nal"1, Andy K.lraS IO\t to Glen G.annon l·J 'll C"s Ke11h \ 1.t los1 10 alumnus Donny Owen C}--1 and alumnus Mike Recd went Olter Bmn Hi!~ 6-2. Chuck Wnol<T)' then came batl to ..-,n ovc r :,, IC", Tevis Hull 10 2 bout that knocked the s.ind out or WoolCI') 10 the premier second, n( the m.itch. J,m O'Connel beat NIC"s Kevin Burke 3·2 while l on1 Calnc:oru ~ t alumaus Cum Kelly l,.J The alumna team ~d come back sirong "'hen Steve Gannon rallied agaanst Mark Robcns an the next m.1tth le,htng the ~ore knolled 21 38 ap11:cc NIC', Mike Wood completed a ~oniz crn"d \talcma1c: match agains.t Mort Cur11\\ 0-0. and Homer lord bc21 alumnus Pau l Ham,hon 2·1 Alumni "'rt>1tler« showed their detcrn,,. nation 10 rtcover the" hen th<"tr man panned NIC'• 8111 Weldon. Refusing to ea\t up 'ilC \ O.a,c defta1cd Mlkt'


Pat SullJ, an photo

ll a,•t'• 1,.1 lht tNm M:vrc,, , nu• hed 44 .44" NIC he1v1 ,,.c1ght l'aul J• •bson '1eppcd on the mat rn r.« 1hr alumna hcaH,. r:1gh1 ,n a dtt1d1nk b<,u, Mttr 11('.•rl, pinning hts 11ppontn1 '"' ( ~. J1 t"oti,on hnall i s ue t·t·tlt-d in d.,,n~ "-O and v. on the mct"t for NI( t\\tr ah, alumni ,.,.,~tlcn O•H·n ,a•d 1ha1 h" 1nm ' ~howed ~ 101 o! ,,,ura~, " ,n ~r1tr 111 th~u ncl"\ OU~nn, 1l•o11! II lit•tnf th,• fil'l Rl.ll,hof lhC" .-c:a-.on we·," !l"t I l1J1 vf "url to do," O..,n, ,~acl '"l>u1 th,·, t \ lC "l'l'\tltr~l !JOI me ro ntcn anJ tluit, "hil nlllllca ·•

rr1t\,Gl..l UOLD - \limuuu bun Tutor a,id C.ud Nrldon Ganlnrr grappled to an creltlnf! 3-3 I~ la !ff Cardlnab 504-I •lctor, 01er the alomnl ll'am.

Paa Sullh"an photo

INTENT lNSP£CrORS-n.e IUKDU. ol lhe ahuut maid, Is rdlC'Clnl bi lhe C - of c_. Jou Owea, 1ftm doccor Rldivcl Eu:'-oa ud Aail(&Qt a-ti Jim Opcha.rdi.

llL\T'S TWO--lu,in Bcuk ··wt,ttlbam,,.., •• a Oediig Jim O'Cou.nd but th.e alWD.Dos made It bad< oo.&o d,r aw io ddeai llcuu 3-2 In Sanuday'a umul IDlld, ~~ formu Canllul.i.

No,·. 10. 1978/ Canllnal Rc,1cw 4

Gals' volleyball team

Runners-up at reg ionals

arriers head to nationals " We arc number iv.0 " KI phrast ',JC crou counlt\ f\M could chant aher the men' s 1e1m competed No, 4 1n the NJCAA Region 18 tlli:Cl 1n Com Bl). Ore. For 1hc firsl ume ,incc 19-5, ta, earned the nsht 10 send • 1e.a.m. noc ,1u1 indl\1du1ls. to a& con,pn.tioa. "'hith "ill be held Sa1urcb} 1n Champagne. m The second-place rumh •u a:1de possible •hen fr0h John Ega)n«>D edged bv 3 Oackama, Commu111n Colkge nn,.:ie: t~ gh·c l'IIC a qg.99 ad,;.:nigc ooer the Oregon Ci~, Ore. school. Lane Corm:JDCJI\Collcgc of Eugene. Ore. finished fint .-uh JJ po1nu. According 10 Coach Mike Bund>. team members "ere able 10 keep their minds oo the soal - the end of the snson. "We troined hard all season long so ,.c rould come on strong at the end," Bund) said. "This time i1 p2id off.·· Only I minute 14 seconds separated the top seven NIC runnc11. of which the fim five l'Cn! frosh Kn5 Mueller led the v.a~ 1




I Jth out ol 'Cl ruiincn •·1th • ol' 2o ..t3. Reirmhllg t~ stnte&) and bopts for D&tio111h. "fueller s.11d. " We ,~,oung 10 be ID the top l O IC1mS •.. Jim " an toot 15th 11 !b.$4 Robin Hood •as lbth 11 16 Brad Harris finWicd 24th •tth a nroc ol r ·19 and Egleston came 10 JOth II r .34. Kevin Dilk'y. •l:o fi=hcd th wt ,ear and •1:111 o:i to utinnals. •u plaguNl •1th I hip 1~J11f) and fint~~ 39th 11 ;$.I G~no ~eu rounded oat 1hr top r.n-cn. 11,luc.h • ul ~ to rullOnllh. b~ fi.n,shtns 4ht



urs- Sanchv reu:iurcd h" kntt a_nd c:ar.,e In Sl st II :!Cl:o- ~ !um, fim~d b,lth at J l .J9. John Samuelson ,us 1110! able to coa:peu beau\C of leg pn>blcm.\ Wh.)e the mco's lcam (amt •·e J, NIC's on!~ ,.omu ruJI.IICT, us.a FrlllCr, finished 15th~• ?I 10 arter a ,,gorous fight for cbtfuush She •'ID also go to rurum.ib. YDCC the top 15 ~,;daal pla~. u ,. eU as the top :? tu= qlWlf} fo,- IWIOOals.

onthe court Girls' team awa its season Aher ,pending "endless hours" on the phone ind a good deal of nmc m recnnung 1hc 1978-711 girls' basketball tcllffl, Cooch G2y Winger feels her Ls progressing quite well thus far 1h1s yca.r The If-member 1nm began their daily mual of pracncc 1\\0 wc,eh ogo. They spend four to si.r hours dail} praC'ticing. in lddhion 10 ou1~1de ..ortout.S on weelends m 3nnci~uon of their Dec 4 pmc ,.,th Washington Sme l!ni>-c~~. Although the squad sports onl) one rctummg S"J>homorc. Wmger feels 1ha1 her team Is suffidenth e,perieoced through their high ~chool programs. Winger suted. "We'n! dedicated and M\'C good mcnuil anirudes - we'll be more than re2dy 10 compete .. hen v.--e get e,·ef)·thing together... Winger noted that she s~n1 a grea1 dc3l of umc re.-ru1ring the gu-ls thu J'CJJ. "I tried to be honest a.nd let Ibero kno-."'h3t "e lud to offer. More than anything. I tncd ro bring them here ID NIC !'Cau;,e I thought tlu11 once they ,.ere here, ther "ouldn't be d1~ppoin1cd." The Carduuab 11, 11J Ill.kc cm Big Bead College 10 Moses We this ,·car as their

onh nev. .:-oatender The 19'"8-79 \ chedule calls for 11 home games a.nd IO av.ay gunc~ 1nclud1ng four O\'ermght trips Win~er s.11d " I'm cager for our first game 10 ~ hoo. v.e compare - we h:t,e good defense and a quid team - we're progrcssmg real)) well ... Cllniiml ogen for the 1978-"9 se:uon 111dudc rerorn1ng sophomore Launa Beebe. Sllndpoim. Janel Cobell. Broormng., Mont.; Fnaccs Doll, Turner. Mont.: Theresa Barn;ird, Rigg1M. Id.a.ho; Patty Walker, Coeur d" Alene: Bobbie Tatko. Cra1g:mon1. Idaho: Rona Williams. Coeur d 'Alene; Cbuclt1e Floyd. Po,r,er. Mont.; Diane Gnmsle,·. Curlcv,. Wuh.: K.:a.n:n Jactsoa. Great Falls. Mont: Leatlu Sc,fried. Riggms. Idaho; Bobbie Roberu. Hane. Mont.; Lisa Von La,·en. Billings. Mont.: Kellie Stod.100. Great Falls. MooL, Tern ~hthis and Shen Winder. Royal City. Wash. Winger !,,Ud ~he has not )Cl cboscn the st.amag fi,e. but tlut she is sure there .,iJJ be .1 lot of compet111011 among the girts for the ~pots. She said 1h11 • hoe, er she chOOSC\ w·, "sure there wilt also be a fanustk group of girls to back. th.em op."

(____ co_-_re_c_s_ho_r_t_s__J Thugs c:ui become champions. The NIC inr:ramu~ football chllmpionsh1p game pro-ed It" hen the Thu&$ beat Baseball • I. 0-0. In the champ1onsh1p game, Danny Randels of the Thugs threv. a to Ken Goud for a IOUC'hdo-.- n with JO seconds left 10 win 1\c game.

in Oregon competition

Co-rec ,oll~ball beg.i.n Nos . 2 •ith the largest turnout thus far. Ch'CT 200 stUdent.s m:ile up 20 teams. Matches in the league •ill be payed oa Moncb~·s. Tuesdays and Tbumbys. The •-omen· s tennis touma.mcn1 , not held bcall$e or a poor w.rnout.

NlC"~ ,'Ollc-, ball tea_m is 10 Ont.ano. Ore. this wccl.cnd· p.utic:ipating 111 the NJCAA

conference and pos!libl~ the regional toumamcnt The team, nov. 1, 23, lo~! II~ con•o· la11on-brac\ e1 matchc• S111urd:iy at thc Ea\tern \rca Tourn~mcat al Gon.taga l:nl\ersu, The R'-'' dropped one mat(h ._.lond3, to the l nl'Ct"\11)' of ld.iho 1un1or ,1"i" ~fore 1.t"1\•Clark Stotc Collcgr. for th<"lr f~I V. 1n or lhl' S('3SOn COA.:h Len ,\tv.ood said tht' ll'Bnt has u,,pw,cd their \blls Jnd added 1ha1 she bt'hc,e~ tbr, will "'in o m~trh at lht' toum1men1 . Arrordin11 to Atwood. 1hc 1e11m h holding up real v.ell ('Onsid<"ring thc amount of matchc, lost ·"They don'1 hkc losing. and I don'I like IO$lng.'' At"'ood S21d Tum member Brenda Shav. ,a,d. "The team·, philmophy LS tal<e one g11mC! at a 11mc." Atv.ood said that the women·~ defense v. as no1 nrong ond overall the IC3m lark1 movcmrnl "Qu1ct:ncu lS 1on&1e; enher you ii or ,ou don't, .. Al\'ood said. "An1lcipa1ion 1s ;. ha1 the) need to work on." The pl2>el"I !>Did they could see 1heir mtSIUCS and ,.ere trying 10 improve 1hem. T«m member Sheryl Bent.t u1d. " We

nC<'d 10 " 'ork on our oefensc: II \ecms 11kt \\C pull away from the: ball too much " S~ added thM ~he thought a lot or1he1r trouble wa\ p\~'Chologm1I. "Before we go l'Ul 10 play a game. ab<1111 half of the team I\ ready for 11 (the gamc), nnd the 01hcr half 1,n·1," she said. Shav. ,nid ,he, foci\ that 1hc learn hn , 11000 orren\c and that it hll.S improvffi a lot ,inCI' 1hr beginning of 1hc \C3\0n, The tc~m suld they think highly or A"'ood ~nd feel, \he ha\ done a fine job Sha" su1d. "'She I, al"llY\ glvi n11 us cncour.111C'mcn1 '"en though WC! arc d<>1ns badly .. " I think ,;hr I, a One ,"U;lch," Bcmi ,aid "She ha, a lot ol new idea- this year " Tc11m membe r Shelley Olson sa id, "'She', dune II real!) One Job under !he clrt'U m\loncc,." She lidded, '"She docin'I 11e1 down on us for lo,in11. " Arwood said 1h01 NIC has been com pc1lng og,1ln,t four ,ycur ichool1 with highly \ k1llcd Qnd experienced girl~. whereo, NIC''•, women have had ll nle cxpcncnce "'Ith vollcyboll. and the skills iakc n while 10 learn. Even 1hough 1he team hn~n·1 won many matchc). ''I 1hlnk we arc compcllllvc," Shaw said. " We have good games. and lf people would JUSI come and ~cc U\ play, 1hey woold know how good we really ore."

Loses in M oscow

Rifle team begins season NIC has a nne team. and although h lost it.s first llllltch weekend in Moscow,

CD3ch Warren Ratcliff feel\ the team 1s unprovtng. Eight pl1yc11 from NIC attended the match, and of those eight. five had neH.:r shot at a tournament before. said R.a1chff. but three players were "out5t2nding." Kc,,in Pncc did the ~I. achieving a loCDre of 245 out or a possible 300 point.S. Mark Andrews and Ra) Eden :also did very ..ell =rdmg to Ra.tclifi. Other shooters 1h21 ha-e improved since the beginning of chc season arc Doug Bndcucb. Rolph Ness. Keo Ca.nrr. Chuck Hodge a.nd Tcreu Ransier. The nf1c match 11,u held llldoon "'ith


''' '' •'

....• .

the total score ba1cd on 1hree fi ring positions; kneeling, \landing and rechn, ing. Ratcliff said that two-year colleges such I) NIC h3,c a d1iodvan1aisc In compctilion because or the 11me ~pan required to train • student 10 \hoo1 ..en enough to enlcr the tough un1vcrs11y matches By the 11mc they have graduated, new ,, people have to fill their places " But I am utisfied w,th the rc,uJts, ~1d Ratcliff. ··11 1s not t.he score that IS important. but the fa.ct that they ha•e improved and that they enJO)' the Rine Club at NIC" The nest match will be held at the Uni•er~ity of Ea.stem W1shang100 Dec. 2. where 10 shooters from "IC v. ill .:ompcrc.

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Nov. JO, 1978/ Canilnal RC'Ylew .7.

.! .... .............. ... ............... ................... ................ ........

Sportsmen pursve r_oden~; capture eluded by quarry

NIC wrestling schedule Nov. 11 Nonb Jdaho Open Takedowu Toumamen1

By Pal Salli...,

College s 1udents .. hang ing ou 1.. io usua.lly iuen'1 allowed 10 mve pets Dogs or cats tlu1 tear op rum11urc and wpctmg I.Te uiboo, b111 there is one bousd>old compa.mon 1h11 an be found in rn•ny older ap;arune nts; ,• pct you don·1 even know you ha,e until you he9r the garbage rustling al nigh1. Then you know you've got I mouse m !he house. For th<M people who don't aPprCCID~ these linle rodents, mou~hunung can be an e11remely 1nv11i ng test or skill and eunnu1g (and somcumei courage). apu1fflClllS

Orville feeds on scraps ol food lef1 lying around. usually p1z,a crusts. dough out tT'llmb1 and lettuce:. He =y cv~ JD,c a family hiding in the SI.O're ('ll'ho kno,o;s whAt he feed\ them?). Al umes !he bra,e little rodent ID4kes a aaoss the k1tch~ Ooor. heading for a puugcway 1ow1rd the garage. My roommate and I ha,e a brge dub set asule for usc ,. hen Orville crosses no-mans land. but 50 far he IDs avoided c:onw:t ,.;th the "cquaJiu:r." Abou1 the only hope a! catching Orville

Jan. 19 Grays Harbor CoUegr Doal Aberd~n, Wash.

Coeur d'Alene Jan.24 Colwnbil Basin College Daal

Nov. 18 Unh·ersll) or Bdtlsb Columbia Open Vancoll"e.r , British Colambia

Coeurd' AI~

Jan. 26 Cladwnus College Dual [top ranked!

Dec. J-2 Fiesu Bo-.1 Wrestliog Toomameur Phoenix,Arlz.

Coe11r d. Alene

Dec.8 Paci.Ck Unive:rs:ltr DDAI Coewd.Alc~e

Feb. I Rlgbllne CoUege Dul Coeur d·AJeoe


Feb.2 Grays Elubor College Dual

Easi.em Wuhingtoo Open Toomame:nt

Coeur d' Alene

Cheney Dec.17 Unh·erslty of Washington TournlltDenl Seattle Jan. 6 Ooh crSII) of British Colombia Coew d'Alene

lllll. 10 Ea., tem Wa_sbingtou Uohcrsll) Daal Clicocy

Feb.3 Athletlcs In Act.loo Dul Coeur d 'Alene Feb. 8 Whitworth CoUege Dul [JV Mll1ch ) Coeu.r d'Alene Feb.9 Umpqoa Com.mtllllty CoUege Doal Coeard'Alene Feb. 10


Unhersll) of MootanA Daal '1lssoula lllll.16 The mou~c In my house I~ a pecultor l111lc J)C\I. My roommotc and I named him Orville, bu1 for , omr $ltangc rca,on he -.on't anw,cr whM he's called Orville ,,.e, In the ~l<Jvc, a u1hcr cxld pla,o 10 ca ll home, 'bu1 when all fou r burnc:n nnd lht' oven arc cranked nn, Orvil le qukl lr ,a~t,·) lh<' prcm1\c:, A Mmmon mou,c trap " on' I \\llr~ ii one 1< 1nb IO ca1ch On·lllc. lie ,ccm, 10 hove an abnormal lnlc lllgcncc: for w, h o , mall crealurt' Mavb c hi \ rclo1,vc\ ""'" tn ,·oh cd 111 lah eapcrlmen1s. Pol~on ha, a!Jn 1,,led 10 slop Orville:·~ n1\dni11h1 romps

a,ound the kuche n.

One nf h1, mo,1 annO) lnl! hobil , ,, 10 dcpo•h "droppm11, ' In our slh~r"u rc dra,.cr Do )OU ,up~c he', U)'"'I! to tell u, \On\l'lhlngf

I~ 10 romcr the r.1i.c1J v. hen he ,s a• 1y from his Ho1po1n1 h1dcou1. The "'hue rodent easily ,polled "'hen carpel mg



The nnly ,oluuon left "lo 1mpon a i:at <II' 111'1ml11,rou, ,nakc 10 ck,<llll' our n11,u-c: ,n 1he hou,c 111,.. c.-cr. pct, 1rcn'1111., on our hulldi ng ,o II appear,, 1h11 On·ilk " here 10 ~11,~ And the Jarn rat ,.on ·c Men 11a) rcn1t


Interstate Typewriter

Jan. 18 Columbia Bas.lo College Dolli P~ . Wash.

Cash registers

-=- { I •




~JCAA National Wrc~tJlng Tournament Wonhingcon, Minn.

................................................................................. •••••• • ••• •

Get away for a "veekend !

Outdoor Rec Store

••••••• •• ••

In ba~ement of L'"B leeping bags 82 Tents S3

Drafting suppl ies

AB Dick products 417 Sherman

En olite pads soc

Rubber rafts SlO Backpacks $1 • •• ••• •• 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily • •••••• ••••••• I

664.J I 18

Feb. 23-U Rcjllon 18 Wrestling TournAmenl Roseburg, Ore. Ma.rcb 1-3

Jan. 19 l!nhersJ~ orVt ashlngton JY's Dual

supplying North Idaho's office and business needs! Calculators

Feb. 14 Eastern Washington Unhcrslry Dual Coe1u d 'Alene


against d111-brown

The IC'll 11mel Orville h» ~en cornered, he ra,sc:d up on his lund leg~ a_nd 111Arlcd hh ICl'lh miking a b,1 tear tnto u, hummn, l k also JlO'\C' ~• m0tt IIIO\t', than 1:.rlu and has succt'<sfull) oul· mancu,crcd nur olll'mpl\ 10 ,-aprutt hom


Whitworth CoUege Dul J\ Matrb)


Uolversll'\• Montana Doal ~urd' Aleoc


Savvy seen

Sounders slap soccer sect Had the paruclpanti


the OCl ?6

NIC Son,e Sooockn ~ r:utth lnrd I: 4th Century B C Ch:na. tht:y ql:t luH Cft)O)Cd I bn\k pme olT111-chin c,n I crup

auwmn afternoon.

From 11< T,11-chln origin, ioceer bu adanccd S1t1d1ly to a p0$1t»:: c! p:=t· ncnct'.' m thl' ,poru •uid. ~ Eacydopcdia of Sports calls soc«r toda_y', "lcadmg spon 011 ui 1!ld world buis." The spectators at thc SatllrCUl a!tcmOOII sho"d°"o bcN«o prvfossiocw a::id col· lcglote soccer teams buzud v. ith tbe crci1cmcm that 1oherentl1 UtOmpanu:s such athlcuc coofrontaoons Many onlootcn confessed that the) had never witnc~scd a professional ~ r dab in acuon before. From the openmg moment) o{ the game to the Soundcn· lopsided 16-1 n:t~ . the cr<Md e3ugh1 up in 1hc nun:- or aroon 1ha1 unfolded bcrv.een the opposmj! goah The onl) Cardinal goi.l - the fin.t of tho: game - sent NIC" rans into" ild ehecn Unfor1un1tch. NIC's earh spurt •as ~hon-lhcd. The prof~SJcnal pl'Ol<cH of

the Sooaden. the Scr.h Amcnan Socn-r Lane's :ut1ncr-u;, tt'am , soon ga~ it the 11ppc-: hud. au-ine it 10 donunate the KC>ttboard far the rem&i.oder cl the matdt. Ahhough soccer bH bet'n loag• O \ ' t : , . ~ by the traditional ,\mcnao spcru o! b.ncball alld f001ball. the large a::tffldancc at' lff't'D! ezhibit1on nutcl! iDnstnt.n that tM pnx 11 rap,dlv C01111ng

of ·~ in the l'ru!Ed S1.1to Soc«-r, •tnch •-u fint ~ c d 1., A nauorw spoct U1 JCIIJ. as the c.umbc-r one sponu:g C-t'Dt in l:aC) fcrei,tn nauon\ For tbtae aho •ere 1uablc ta attclld the ca:ch. aad for thost' ,. ho arc mere!} ucf&milu.• "1th the sport. a short uplana, 11011 a! the gunt 1\ In order So..wr is a goal i;smc 111 ,. hich mcmbcn of .1n t l•man tr-~m • round

b.sll 10.. ud the opponcot·s goal and bcr«tto ~ p l pom In kidaog. drib· bh::g ;ind br;ul1ng IM ball Pb, en m11\t not u~ their arms or h.anch to adun..~ thc ball ~ goalkttpa ma} , ho,, C'\U '"" hi., hands 10 mAncu, er the b4JJ • ltilc 11..- tS lll ht\ n pcnaJ~· art'a


Pal Salllvan photo

COM]N' BOME--NlC goalh! Rieb Oa.ub &a.empt& ret another sue dmlnc the Oct. 23 maldi aialmt the Saule Souders.

Pat Su.lll•u ph<Me WHI CH WAY NOW- -Conl1nuou1 ullon of a 80C'ect matrh mil)' teem foreign to a l)lJleal fan, bur lnll'Oduc.-11011 of the sport to lho Coeur d ' Alene atta will soon lmpro,e the KOr('.

Pat s..m.-.. ...-. ANXIO US £YES.-Cheer1ag su ppor t for I.he Cardin.I aoccu teUII comet:;; cbttrladc,n Robin Luida, Janeoc Sta.ut, Manwa, Llaaa ~ -" Pyle.

;'.o,. 10, 1978/Cardlnal Re,ie-w .9.

Social analysis :

Conservative trend surfaces Polmul ani1ud~ nn <allege umpu-cs 1eem 10 ha ,•e IQ ken I turn 10" ards con~rutl\m. a en Crom lhc h~uls sad pot,1,cal Jct.-rSI> of 1hc rurbulen1 hO\ (ottK<'III\ C'> arc "more pa11rn1 "11h

die wstcm " and a,.. u gradual change whrle hbcfal, or 1he IJ(k condemned .. the n tabh,hmcnl' ' •Dd (,reed ch:ng~. a( cording 10 Ton~ Slt",1, an. Ii IC' 1 polr11ul scicn« 1n\lruc1or

A compan<on of the: tendc= bcr<> eco

,tud('nl\ of 1hc 191>Ch and 1hc 10-os r,cmphfiM 1hcs apparen1 1urnaboll1 Dunnsi lrbcn.J umc,. sn1dcn1' 1cnd 10 maJor t n ps~ cholog}. ph1losoph} and \OCiol~. Sre,,.an wd He <aid 1ha1 1hc mal )C)Cnc" ,.ere the "num~ nne 11'11JOI"\ 10 1he 60s." 1<hcrca\ srudClll\ or 1111, dt:eadc a~e ont'ntcd to Ille ba\111('\' and en111ncenne frrld,. Tod:t} ·s umpusc, ue much quieter 1h.1n rh<>l.r 10 Jear, agn. a=dmg 10 S1c.... an. Studcnl! arc na. more drrertcd tov. aid, wc,,I funoron, rather than polmc:i.1 funr, hon,. ,.hile the tC\Cr1C Ill\ rrue m the 60s. he added The V1cuwm War and the Ci,·,J R,ghu !l.1 0\"cmeni dom,n31cd the polnu:al spec, 1rum of the bOs ~nd prompted man)

dcmun\1<•11on,, Sl<"Aan J)OIDICd OUI. Src\\UI ,~,d 1ha1 he fel'I, 1hc'>t' t,0·~ c, en1, crntcd the con~rvat1>1, cltnute of 1hr 70,. a\ 1hc coun1ry needed a ' ' breath· 1111(

period ..

" Woltrl'Alc ~1,o fed ron,cn111,m. be,

made people (\"nJ('aJ ,,f l!O\ Cm• S11· ar1 nrd 11, ,aid lh:tt one h4\ to d1frercn1t1tc bc1.,.ccn pol111c~l l\\uc, 111d ,oc,al hfc \I\ le,. ,\llhough ,1udrnt,' poh11e2I 01111udc, hil<t' chanjlt'd. lh<'ir onttudc, about life ,1,·Jn hnH· remained r-nn,1:tnt , he added '>1ude111, tuncep1, on abc,n,on . dr,ottt and cnuplti lr,11111 roscrhrr hJ,cn'1 be· come more con" n~tl\C' :iccord1ng 10 , •U\C II

m, n1


At d<•hatc


Kl'llh Johnson pho10

The llithl and dari. of Oft ol 1bc- tallest s1n1c1urcs lo C:0.-ar d'Alene, St. Thomas Catholic- Cbul't'b. I• sh,o .. o l:M"tt In a Unc ~01.


1011 rn1•y

Lack of 'horses' lamented

Winther takes top place NIC' lro,h Mile WhHht'f won th e Un,-oln,l)ou11la, t'Omfl('llllOn IA\1 " cd,c nd 11 1hr Ccm l,1att' Jnmborct' at ldaha :.rat<' Unl\cr,uy In roca1 c llu Arrortl l1111 to drbatc Coach Tim Chn\tlt', orh1•r ('ardlnal >peakc" •hc>\\1'd "di m b<11h lc,am and 1nd"1dual c,·rnt, ot the toumnmcnl , "h1ch

,· 1nurnomt'nt ,.,nncrs from the Unl\ c~11, ul Mon11no ~"f'hcun,•n: J,m Johnwn and ln"!\h \ hlc Dt'tl) ~1,n ad, 1.n,cd 10 the qu.vtl'.rftnal, bdutc tallln11 ~-I to 1hr ll'p tum lrom WC'b~r \ talc Ocrh od,AO<'t'd ,,, 1hr fr~\ oJ otempor&n<'<>U< ,p.. al rng

IUfl\ IC~ mo,,h rlll.!M CU ,-.ilkgo. W1n1hrr, from Nampo. Idaho. reamed •n h Marlcnr N1chnJ..o n, a Jru,h lr11m HaHc, Munt. 10 ad,an,,· hl 1he qua rter, nnal, in ream dch.i1c !><-lore 1o'1 ng 2 I Ill

br.·al bcton: re111m11111 10 a, 1/on on Ott I at the N.irrh,.t',t Commun1t1 Collegr In, 11.111unal rn p,,..dl.

n,t' ('ardin~I Jc1'~tcn ",II w.c a \h<>n


"Foul 1'111·· b~-n held ,i.,:r a t tht' COl'urd'Alc~ C'mcm1 h pl&) , ,n Theater Ill 11 2 IO. 4 .JO. o SO and C!· IO pm " Cheap Dctc<ll\t'" " being ,ho" ~ 1~ llwatcr 11 11 l. 3.50, S:40, - .30 11nd Cl.JO p.rn. The third ka1u"' i, "Up In Smo\ c ' "Ith ,ho..i,mr, of t·IS, ltS. S: IS 7 t~ Ind q IS ' • Sa • JI . m, The n1a1tnc c , arc 00 1111<h) and ~uoda, uni\ lhc Coeur d' \trnc l :mema ,.,11 luvt'

;,noth('t midn1Rhl >hO'I\ on No, . I• The '"' feature " 111 be! "F..>t<'n Alt,c" and the

,-2, .ind the no dmmg signs on 1he beach "ere dcs11o~ed entormcnt lns1ruc1or Wally Young \IKI nmpus .r,-unl\ " unJ'411rl! or 3 11\' anawal number ot ,~I mu1ilarlons Jt NIC. CardrnJI Re,1N reponcrs had reccf\C'd un.:onfirmed rcp,,n·, of mJ!>S C'Jt mutila,



~ ) 21\0 cued on Oct ! :he ~~ for a rafrol nr "1th ~IIC'f pcrfarrnan..-., bcca'>C tn.1111, spct'dir..; C".an. lu,e ~en clud1a6



,\ diam<>!IC nng ,a111ed 21 O\('r •» reported ~aka lr.:>!11 Paul B1cbn ta the c1orm on O. t ~

tl.>n\ and dcnp11•11nn, on c:impu,. roang said . bo,.c,er. 1h31 II is not u.lllllual 10 find "~,h of dead ,ats."

On '"' 11. the lo;:\ blcx.ltnl! 1hc mer beach rro111 traffic "ere palkd o;i1 of !he


If you're about to open a t : -~ checking account:


Area movies, concert listed tr )\lu'rc In 1hr mOOd for i J11'l<ld nlO\ tl' then the CO<'ur d ' Alrnt'·Spulun~ ~n-a is Jll\t the pl•cc lur ,ou

C•mpu~ •C'currt, no ,C'J 1.,e need for

m"rc 1pttd lir.ut ,,gm on o mpu, 0..,.

, ~nd katurc ... ,11 t>c ..,'he La,1 Hou~ oo 1hl.' L<'lt."

The \\'1Jm.11 Th<'atrr located on \ Hnuc rn Coeur d ,\knt " '11 ,1at1 ' ' httonal Lampoon , Anim a l Hoose" 11.,n,gbt The Fo\ Thc,icr 1s als,, ,ho" rag " Na11,,n~I L11 mJll"'n, Amnul Hou\t •• In Thc111l'r 11 1, • The 8 1g Fi, .. 111 - aod 'I p.rn. Theater 111 I> pla"nll .. mo\;r, and the Bandit" a1 • .\0 and 9:30 p m

II ,ou get 11~ Ill ,«1113 m0\1~ cw you' ,·c sccn them alt. lhcn you •.an l>"'-= Carol L11wrcncc 1'.c.>, I 21 the Open Hou><',




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t t t t

t t t tt

' \' '\, . i 1·~ We.retbestudentsbank. '



Handcrafted presents show love; easier on student holiday budget OJ Cnuhla Tt'•ter


Chn,1111.1• • 111 l>c here bd,>tt ""' 11 ,() "'h, not prc~rc for II c.irh '1nd ,tan 1h11\\1nc .tt>"llt rn:,t'nts ,au nc.."<I 11i 11c1 nc."r\\

l•p 1h, rulUl' 11,~r tht '"" ,quart' C\J~,ol th,· law lttJn.Jlll' ,ind l,t•, <I ,11 ,orn•r l'in Jnd ,111, h l>1.u11r11: •t onl' <.·nil ,,f 1ht l11n,t <'tl1t1· run ., I l I ,ml p1c,·i, Pl nh1'ron th"'<li:h thf rntn,· In till' "'rncr Rq'<'•I 14Jlh an,,1hrr r1\11'11n , ,1.1r111w fwm th<· 111lwrcml 111· th(, fl"h1,n, 111 ii '""' II thl u1Cnt1r I urn th,· tJl4 edge, I'll the lnni:1·,1 \ldr indu1h1111 th~ rufl11• rmh under hni,h 11 ,.,111 • m.1d1111c 11111n11 .i,1,h

Oo ,,,mcthing d1fftn:nt - m.t\ r ,oor ,:11!, of bU\IDll th.-m 11', chNp,;t and ma~c, the r«cl\·cr fer! 11ood bt\"~U\C ,ou·-. ,pcn1 time Jnd cll<>rt to mJ~c "'"l<'th1n,: c,pc,-iJlh l<•r f'<'rWn \bn, h<•mcmad,· i,:111, <'211 l>c 001h 11ood· lo,o\m~ anJ fun.iwn,11. I hc, ,·.in ~l,n t>c lnt'<J\Cf\'1\t' b.-ou,<" ,ou un ma ...- them out ..r ldtlM'I fflJl('riAI\ \ gift tdN lur" • ,h.i, inc , hC'lf It• ~«'I' h" ,h.i\lng ,uprhc, or11.1n1,cd. The JNtcrial, nceJ,•J II\' " I 1>1 ,I I" I lnrh fllt'C't' ot r1nc ,,,.. 1h,· shclf three I b,· 4 b, J inch p,,:cc, ol pm,· for ,upron, Jnd •> Ill( he, ot on,·· hall 1n,·h dm- " I l<'r ,1 towt'I bar Mul the- ,hdf l l 1n1hr• tmm one .-nd In "'" ~ ,-u1 "nJ dnll holc, tn hold 101lc1ncs. Clamp "'o ,uppon, 1u11c1hcr Drill one,half inch hnlc,. centered 111 .i.ccommodatc to,.rl h~r N.iil 1hr.iu11h , hc lf into ,uppon,. Dm,• the dowel 1n10 the holc-i allo,.m11 2 mchc, 10 crcend ut one side a~ a han)ICr tor a tu1>cl nr h.,r dTvcr. Io nuk<' a ,cn lcmlntnr IJ<t' \hJll 1 u, •• '111\'.' d13gun3I half al J IIJ-1m h ,quarr nf bee. J yard, of • 4 I ? md1,,.1dc IJcc rvffie. J I 2 yards of I '4 1nch... 1dc \Jltn

H'J!~IJl>lt· ,,,n nn ,1m tlll'C\. ,,i lu111n •nd ,111 ""'" lullh, f.,r •Ill<. \lfl''nln.11. (,lu1· JIit ,11h•, tu th~ r111t,, th, ,ult', "ill Ou,h Put mi:mu r>ud\ In 1h1· bo•, then 11 ht the lnrJ!c!lul unr nn w ur fhn,1111~, 1.., \.1,,n , flt'll pk ui-,, mJk, u\r uf lht nld l,tsl1111tll'd tr.itllrtnn 11! 111• 1111,1 fud)(t onJ rr111 11·J~1· 111 pt'<>pk 11·, 1',tw und fun You 111,1 11 .. ,, ,., 1,..,i ln J l'<l< untl find the r<"I'' m.irtcr "hJt k111tl uf prn,•111, wu 111\ I" 111 ,uur l11wd """'· gl\r 1hrm ,. uh 1'111·,•r und Jl•N~J 111111111• f,,r th, hnhd~,


\( J\(lfl


\ nwmu

ti-,, , an

toe moJ1· fr11m '""


I b, , I In i,, >I 11, 1nd1 ul pint 11• th,• encl,. '"" ' I ~ m,h l,1111,t 7 l I• 111,h,·, !.11111 h,r 1h,· ,111,., ,ind wm1· "hut

11lu1 ,•11(hl I 11 httl,·, p•1n1

I hue "111 hr ~nou11h ""'"' 111 ,11,r, l 11' , tn, h mt nm p,11h put 11 1t111r1hcr drill 1hr 5, lo 111<h Ir, 1hr "de, lor p,inltl,. ,.nd, and ll 1nu "i,h lrun• o f!Ortlun ~, •




Hoyden Lake. Idaho Jm Dd.aca pboc.o

GIMME A UTIU: KISS -Paw BJeber, JdJ Yow,g, Jeff La.acx md BW Sami f&on1J &el I.he NlC dorm hallow""" put) 10 rock.In' with chdr appearan~ u 11w: roclt group KISS.

Music Tuesday - Sunday 8:30 p.m . - 1:00 a.m .

The g,oap tool. fourth platt ID tosn1me compultloo.

At Hallo,i-een party


Baseball player , ghost take prizes

---Any drink in the house---

The ghoul, "'ere ou1 and pMading The ghos1 0~1ed abou I c!QS('I} follO" ed b) the ,.,tch, ou1 for a night's frolic. and the sil,erbeing tn the comer mu~t tu,-e bttn a Manuin "ho crashed 10 earth. A nightmare ? No, JUSt 1he annual HJIJIO"~n party at ~ l'IIC donruton. Festl\1ries Staned ""th a buffe1 dinner ~r baked h1m a.od apple pie a la mode. After dinner c11me the announcemen t or the ,.inners or the pumpl in c.uvmg eontesi ~nd the costume contest Taking the honon. •'l'l'C Lu Ano Chit· wood and Dav. n W ~ldron ,. ,th their =•1100 of a baseball pla,er. complete "ilh tennis shOC1 and baseball cap. Allen Burgmuller and Paul Bieber 1oot ~ad with 1ht1r ,cn,oo of Groucho Mui, "ho llad 1hc usual l'.'lgtu in hlS mou th In thin! place "ll.S Kath) Elliotl ,.;,h her pumpkin d=11~ll n \1k k~· Mou'C. romple1e "uh e31'S

FolloY,iDg the pumpkin or, mg CODl~I "'as the cm1ume contcsl. The eninots di$pla,cd their costumes. ,.hich included co,.bo~s. policemen. a coun Je\lCr . a prillttl.> and man., more.


Fin.t place 1n ~ con!C$1 •cat to Sluri Tucker ,.hose d1Spla) of :a ghou had many in tenor. l'lorma Bennen took =ad place m her oor-..wldly com,me.

"I'm Mindy from lndJ ... she joked. In unrd place ,.-u Beel:} Coffm:an "'ho dressed • • a ..,,deed •itch. complc.c whh

2 for the price of 1 Can or bottled beer- 75c Pitchers-$1 .60 before music $2.50 after music


ba1 md broom.

Bui Sams, Jeff Youog. Pllul Bieber :and Jeff unde dressed up as the rod: group Kiss to w.e founh place. The e-.-coing v. h1ch mcluded pme1 food and ~ome d:aoong. ended "ith i b4og or rather 1 buzz" Mn the fire alum "-en1 off .tnd the building had to be e-...rua1ed


No,. JO, 1978 Cardinal Re,iew ·11·

Debbie Brisbo~ pholO

~ I ixing




Brtll S<"halcr. ~rcdt'JJt aJ foods das~. "hips up a Crull salad as pa11 class project. ln•lru<"to, UU'9 umlt'~ d&M p~lNI Ult' <&lad bar <kt. 16 lO ~lctted gue1ts, •ho

gulped do,. n lM I I ~

Orhbli- Bri'ibo, pho10

1101.0 STIL~ - F.ngll~h IC1&t:her \"lt11fnla J ohni,on and Uncle Rkhlll'Chon grc lnlo thl' or 1ba1 period lt) Lhi' mNll.-ul dinner bcld OC'1 . 26.

•plrh of medic, al llml') b) " catlnA ~ lumcs

Food l11b is host

Medieval dinner tasted by lit clas The 141h century"" ah1c and "ell (x1 27 1n lhc home cconom,cs lab In Sci1cr Hall

Virginia John,on·, Engh~h Lhl"Ttlure cl11>, held l medic, al dinner made by clan fflCmbcn. The dinner was pan of t s1udi the cl~, did on 1he medieval period .

According 10 Joan Pilgrim. program COOrduator, <'lll,lumcs wcrt worn by rlas, members , •nd lhC' dinner consislcd of authentic lttl~ including chicken " 11h whhc wine ••u~. homemade nood les, "'1ad, and almond chcnccakc. The food ...-u llfflled on pockcl brud and

onll Ln11n and 1p.,on1 \\Cl't' u\Cd ~au,c

lorL> had not N-cn inll'Odu,"Cd 1n 1hc 14lh ~nlun som'c 01 1hc srudcn~ aho got 1010 the m<»d b, ('anng ",th them finger.. im.;-c thcrt \\Cit DO fort,

Med1c1-al mui1c "» aho pla1cd 10 help create a 14lh ccniu~ um05phC're

"The, had a su=tul expcnellC'C ti\ 1n .s medic-ti people did, a1 least for one complc1e meal \\llh food. music and ro>t\lm<">.''

Jolm_,on aid

~ Ulm.~ for the e-'t'nt 14-ctt suppl.lCd b) 1hc NIC dnama d<'putmcnt.


FL'iGElt uoa.,~- -Manbcn of tbc Enallf,;b ni ct.Lu, &1lbovp some 11tcMl!s, "dla le.. - perdoQ9 o( tad, IIICdloe-.-..1 dlue,r bdd le tbr ~ food l&bonuiry "' Sriltt Hall.

(___n_ic_n_ot_ic_e_s_) NJC Board or Trv'1tt\ mftllhff Tom l:.mCl'$0o '1 namt tpdlrd "'"1llll In tbe Oct. 21 1,•uc o! the Cardl.aal Re-w,. . Aho ml~•pcllcd were !',eldoo Gardner from KcnoJ. A!ul.a and Bob Sale.


Appllutloo dudllnt for 1be '1/auooal Wlldllre Fcdnalloo'1 1910.go [a, lroo mental Conscn.tlon Fdlovuil~ la Der.

31. 1978. For larormadoo, latludlJia • U•1 of priority 1.ople1 and appUaidoa fonm. "'1ilc the Exccothe Vice Pn1ldcat, 'iatloD&I WUdllft Fedcra.Lloa, 1412 16th ST., :,i.'IL WASblngton, O.C. 20036.

Volwilttl'$ lff n ~ IO wort w1lb de, clopmcnwl, disabled adnlr.s. Gary GII!ord at the Adult &Ad Child Oc,·clopmtnt wter · phone 667~.

Flod )DutSCU In prinl, fl'tt upresslon Is somctbJna to shatt. U ) oo ha, e an artlSlk nue ror .. orch, a passion for pea md Ink dn" Ing,. or M UDSona song or t\l'O,' )Our lnslgbl5 In the Fall Cttadons pubUca· tl oo of NIC . Submll ,our ma_au,rrlph and/or Wu1tratloos no later than No,. IS to Da,ld Sbarp, r / o 1be creathc "thing dcpat1mcnt, MC.

P1eaR pk l. ap

\OIi? , , . . , ,

ma the ~·uu·, .mtt.

S1udcnt, who ha,·<' not )Cl plt~cd Gp their 1acc 1udcn1 lnccotl\t, Gra.n1 [SSIG[ rhttk• should do 'IO lmme,dJacrh or the,• IU be relumcd lo Bo1M- for can~Uatlocl:

Stodcnt rcrch log, Onaodal aid arc

Sllldcnts • bo partldpated In SIC (]Jab ~ a f this WI uid ti.,r 001 ~cc plckd up tbrir boou or ~ ~ d do ,0 II\ lbc cm! a_f lftt' nmei1rr. The clab ,; Ill cal be bcld r c s ~ for ~ o, booJ..s I* pkLcd ap by 1blt lime u rand, • Ill aol be a,allabk. book,~ .. w be held a1 t h e ~ ur the t«oad 1m1cucr.

act, 1.sccl to p~l~rcr for nc, I •cmcMt'r,


AC'C'Cltdlna 10 Jim Cp<'h11.rclt, Ona.ncloJ old, dlffclor, pttrq?lstratlon ON'. I.

Want lo !ltl •""') from the bool., for a

fr,. hour~ a •cei., Wanl some 11,w frlcnd11 Flnd out a!Niul opporlu.nhl« opu 10 )OU 1hrou11b Camp Fire. Lead or att~I 1

Stodl'nt, mco11ntcriog problem• In ('IA_~ or In tbclr pc-nal th cs *-"' W'l!t'd 10 conllM'I their ad, l~n. An) studrnt 001 rcml'mbl'ring "ho bit ad,L'<r Is ma) Ond out \O!ho thal pC'l'~On Is b) cn111Mtlnj1 lht' NlC Ot'an or S111dco1 Office In tht' Winson Bulldloa.

bodl ou'll•

Or. lUdwd E ~ " Wbe on campm

Somt' dorm room• are stlU

c• rr:i '.\lODda~. Wcd.11csda~ and Frid• • bct,.tt.a :.30 and 8'30 a. m. All• - wbblai IO Ht' blm dioaJd nn:t coDIK\ Jo '1,1.aru,o, ld,, scbool na,w, al her ollltt I.II the Whuaa BCllldllig. Her~ boan aft Crom 8:JO LJD . IO ~ p. m. "ttkda~-s; 11o .. ,, .... die ..m~ al , oca.tlamJ lNlldlna from I to 2 p.m. DD tbae CU) '-

a, aJlabtc,

club or ,o loncccr your lalcnl\ lo lht cou.ocll . h cou ld co11n1 loward tou rat rl'Nilts. Call 667·0611 for more lnfortna, lion .

Aro 1ou 1ui,1n11 troubfo d«ldlna on a mQjor? The <'Oun1~llnl,l l'l!n lcr I, admtnl, stcrlnA • ,oca1lonal lnlerc,11e,111t11 ro..Jd help )OU l(l dedde, Md 11'1 frtt, rm), (~ cc NIC CouMclor Pew !/tcijc In the Winton Uulldlo11.


\CUd<'nlli nttdlna bou,lng. folll' Opt'nln,ts ew;t on the "omtn's 1lde. Coolac'I either Gtll') Cof(m•n al the dorm or ',\ cs llucb al th e SU D for more IA!ormatlon.


l\tt' llbran dbplaJ ca.w Is featuring a 1rlcc1loo of o~Dh and ,11pcn,aCural booh a_nd artklu. Tht' dllpla). "bk b cban&:n o,:cMloaa.lh , Is loc:atcd bt-sJdi, Ult' card taiolos Qin.


fbc IA'u,dn.11 Sklll• Cenlcr, I0<'1Ucd lo 1he Shor man Sc hool Oulldlng, •~ open Monday thro.igh Frida) from 8130 1.m. so 4,30 p.m. Tho renter offers cour,e, In Enallsh, rending, ,ocabulal'), sp<'lllng, ba,lr m11h, coUc11c ,1ud.)lo1t 1.0d llfcllmo re.adlnft. One enrolhi for the,c cl&Def Jusl u ho doe, for any other chw,. Tho Lcvol1111 SklJIJ Cent« al,w of/en 1u1orlng sen,lcts free of charge.

Thi, CardlnaJ Rc ... le" lnconecll) re• ported thet'O'lt of the I pcrrcnc lnltlalhc 10 local 11o•eromen1a In th t' Ari Manlt' ) ,peed, atol') u M cstlmo.ccd SI million ln11ud or $JOO mlllloo. The CR 11110 lncorrccll) reporkd 1h11 KoolcnAI Counl} would loo.c opprotlmatel) $1 7 million lz,stcad of the rorrttl Ogure of S7 mllllon.


COLLEGE u1r~~,,.CJ'W'JoU~'2II

(FOft ~~~l~•~o~~2~LY ]

UJ( r~l c•mCK euoou ,,.,,v.H

, r S CA,ITOI. SCOJot t ucuous ~






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