North Idaho College Cardinal Review Vol 33 No 6 Nov 22, 1978

Page 1


For early February

Student Board considers funding $10,000 concert B) Debbie Brl.1bo)'

Student Activiucs Dlrectar Rob Faler !us uk~ I.he Srudcn1 Board to "go out on a limb" 111d budget SI0.000 instead of tbc ongj111J S4,000 for• concm oo campus. At tbc Nov. 14 Student Blwd mccung. filer wd I.hat S4,000 IS not enough mone)' 10 gel the type of cn1riuinmtnl ,wdents

audn bill that wu nOI budgeted for. He 2dded wt .tny amowu more wn S4.000 must be wen oa1 of IM:tlvity fund. Ht tcb said that the board ca.o change the budget if 11 wa111.s; J:io,.'CYCT, he ..-as .. not most entlrusiuuc" about spending SJ0.000


for a con«n. "Coeur d'Alene hu JIC\'er be:cu pro,,en

W.:,s Hatch. financial adviser for tbe board . .aid 1ha1 Lhe sludcn1 body budget doesn 't have the t~tra money bcctUJC the invcl eapensc budget is alrnos1 used up. and lhc budget ,s S800 m I.he red on an

lO be a very good pbcic lO hold conceru. • • he said. Faler I.hat the gym 1w a scaimg capacity of 3.000. If tickets were sold II S5

per pe:rsoo. be said.'l'e G.-c,uld be possibility of hilving SI.S,000 wtlh "'hicb lO

work. AS~IC President Jim Remsen said that u the time the conceri is ICDt~ti,·el) scheduled !Feb. 1). me srudcn1 body will be "pretty fat moncywisc" because second .semester fees "'i ll ha,-c been rccrived. Faler csuauted that I.I 00 tid-cts could be sold lO 1'1C srudents. and ..., lcut I.bat man>" to Coeur d'Alene High School students. Faler said he hu the atmude of

,o""o "'


\ )cautunal U€Vl€W

SCf\'1ang students r:uhcr th:in trying to nuke =t> on I.he con!.'Cn. Remsen suggested llut the board could ch.trge more money to get into Lhc regular CWIC,'CS.

Faler said he wouldn't hesitAte 10 S 1.000 from acti>ity fund .tnd DOI have a dllncc the monlh lhe concert would be held. Student So.,.rd Adviser O;ue Tritten said he thinks lhc con!.'Crt is a good idea. but ii is a gamble bcc:lusc concc~ ha,en·t bttn that succcs.sful. "You bs,-e to sec what your're gam, bling. then roll lhc dice and hope you get a SC\'CD, .. he said. The board LS connnuing ,n,e:sngation tntO the proposal. The COD!.'Crt "'35 dis, cussed again Tuesday night at a board mcctmg after the fin;u CR deadline. Sen. ltick Coe once again brought up 1hc 1dc1 of holding a disco in the SUB Coe said that he 14.lkcd to Hatch 2bou1 holding it in SUB :and Hatch agreed. He

cootll'.lued 10 page 3

Volume 33. NurobeT 6

Board of trustees decides • • to restate expansion intent 0)


NIC • 80.1rd 111 rruitrc\ decided Thur~ da)· n11il11 tu r,·public1,e iii p<Kllil'n and lnttnuon, on NIC upan,1011 into the Fort (.,1w111l nri11hbnrhnod lh~ 0<111,n ,.,~ the rc\ull oflht' fir~t 1.. 0 l·ort Gruund Nd.ihbothoud A"oc1~11on Jltlitmn, prc,1·n11•d by thl' ~•~otlatmn·~ \Jlc>Lc,man Merk Stoddard 1 h, f1('tlt111n u\cd NI( 10 rcopprul\1 11, upon,11111 plan, and J)rt\l'l'\l' 1hr hl\tOri1al h of th1 F11rt Ground nclghhorhood . Acwrdin.11 10 1h, hoard. pNiph• ,. ho •111n~d thr Pi 11111,n, llhrr mi,umkhh>Od or ,.,rr unn .. al't' nl th, (n,anl\ rnl('llhUII\ " ,tatrd at 11, \rpt,nib, r nu:cunit Thi•" <>,.1a11u11, \hlJdJrd ,aid believe, 1h•1 Nit pl,,n\ to crp•nd <'t.,1 ,,r lluhhprd A,rnuc a. "<'II o, "<'" of lluhbanl and 1~t 1hr c,ran,lon r~,1 ol llut•harJ "ould intludc rrm11\111g 1hc old h1tl <.ir(lund cha~I and ,,.o t\r thtct• <1th,•r hl\t,,m-al h~1ld1n11, NIC l'IT,ldcnt U~rn S,hulrr -aid that II "O clc~rli slated at th<' l>oord', Scptt'm b<'r mceunR und b, th<' mcd,11ha1 I\IC ha, oo 1ntt'nllnn. of c~pandlnl( ca,t or Hub bird Th,, "ru mur" ,,1 1he coll<'II< r. 1nirn11<,n, pr<1bobl) ll<'mmrd 1rom th<' COlltRc', lnltrl'\t a rt' .. ,ear, ago 1n •<'quiring SOmC' hnu,c, u,t ol Hubb•rd 81\ird member Tom bmcn.\ln requested 1h11 lh<' b.>anl alw repnn1 lht' campus hpan,lon ma,tcr plJn in the Coeur


SchmJdt d'Alene Prt ... \O that people could utWllly ,cc thr college', intcnt1om So action • a1

"ken Thr board 11,o dl,cuncd a ,ecood J'('llllon prrsrntl'd b) Stoddard 1,l,ng that thr ho.rd no1 rrmcwc an, bu1ld1ngs of h1\loncal valur from 11, pre,rnt gf'OIJDds rcgordlt\\ nl NIC's e,pan,lon plan,: hm-.H•r. no a"ton .... 11kr11 on tht' ,1·",ntl JlC'lhinn dlhCT In uthrr au111n the bc>ard• lt\ll'nl'<I to and dis,u.,,cd a pn>(IUS('d m,•~rall\c Nmrutcr U\I' I lffCIClll •lth K0<11cna1 toun11 11reicntrd b~ Ra, S,n,g ham. •1111· tu r,•mm,,"''" ,'llftsuli.nt \,hultt "td that 111h1\4>mp11S1l •orlcd 11 v.ould b<' a ., rral rlu," !o1 i\(C•, INrninR n~·rirn,, program, an,1 puhl!C' rtblion, .. 1111 ll.,,,1,·iu1 C1J1111h and other ,'Ounuc, l:n,uwn c•llcd th,· pr.,1:ram 1 .. real u,J."~i?!l•n11 doi, "tuat1on " He ~•d that thl\ .;ould bl' ••a mo,1 a .. ~ .. &rJ aad 1n<>pfl"l'lunc m,•menl •• to arpro•e thl' pro, &ram bl.,..,.u,c ,,r the '""" the I pcrt-ent inm.1111r might ha,c uo th<' cdk~ Uld t,c,;~u,c ol MC'• funJ1ng problem, - dl\,'U'>NI a for a nr"' ',IC h:kphon~ s" n~hl>(\&ro, J ~ ,, endt. 'IC bu\lnc,, milNg<'r, i,aid that ,f th<' C'Dlle~ Llocs )l('I a ne" ~"' 1tchl1,)&fd, he "·wld re."Ommrnd pul'C'h1,1nr a S<I0.000 aiodel rontlnoccl to pagc J Pat Salllvan pholO

CR, magazine to publish D ec. 8 ~udcn1s MIi brcal •fttr cla.,scs toda, until Mond11 foe the tllJIU'll Thanks,g,nng ,-.01100 . c lut issue of lh-, Cord1nal Rent,,. for this scm~tcr will bl' dutributcd Ott band ,.ill Include 1 12,pai)c maga.une ,upplcmcn1.

Thanksgi, ing , engeance


St,,,e Thoma&, r - !'o1C sradns1 D\'boe lD SpobM, Ilka a.dvaotaJe ol • Tbanl.sgl,ing 11111e a, loose bis 19J)("lllte on LM main 6Upporl cd tndlllon&I meal. M.,.t :-.'IC ~Ddctts bod ho- tad.a, to rq>ea1 tu Tbo11111 lridt.

Growth , inflation major cause

Idahoan welcomes tourists, discourages immigrants Coeur d',\h:nc rc,idcnt~ v.aking up m tht' morning the~, la\l few ""ck\ ma1 be v.ondcnne if lhe, ·re ~1111 hvtng 1n Idaho or 1{ 1hc) lu1 c wddcnly been "h"kcd do"n 10 Cahfom~ dunn2 their 1:11dntgh1 \lumber The Cocur d'Alene rcs1den1 is hkelv to see u man} blut :md )C!ID'll Cahfo:r.ia car hcc:lscs or. Sherman ,\\cnur 3\ he docs the bm,har grttn :uid whnc Idaho plate . Not on!) can he e.t at Bur§ff Ku,g, Datt) Queen McDonald' ~ or PIUA Hu:. but the Coeur d 'Alene ci1uen can aho shop at K ~far. and we m :he L1·e51 mo, at 1he lht'atcr of his choice The trulh •~ 1ne~cllpable. Coeur d'Alene :ind Kootenai County .arc gl'U"mg. In foct. Kootenai County lus one of the most rapid popul:nion growths in lhr state - due m.t111ly to the significant growth in the 1ouris1 and =cauonal industl). mcrcased demand:. for and produt1100 of forest products. 3.nd the Spok.a.oe mctropohun arc;i growth. Mam Kootenai County residen~ ,-ort m Spokane. and con\'crsely. some Spobne re~dent\


rommu1e 10 "ork in Coeur d' \ lenc. ~ di~uoc:t poss1bilit) e,:1<,h of CC'eur d' •\ lcne one da~ being JUSI ;i suburb of Spobnc. One n~d only lool 11 the mushrooming bou,c~ and con(true11on (llCS ~pre3dmg on both \ldh of Coeur d' -\lc:ne. Post F~" and Snuc: Linc. anJ then u~r a httlc: 1m:lguu11cn 10 fill to the gap, "uh more f'C\tdences and bu<;1oc:~s e\tlbfo;hmcnt,. Ob,uclei m1<:ht Ut\t to the form ol ,,•,,er. "atcr and zarunJ: problem,, but undoubted!~, tht' ob· ~l.lde.\ could be \urmountl'J. The quc,uon " ~ 11uld 1h1 i;TO\\th tal.c: p13ce• \lost people \\OUld prol-Jbh a<lmn 1h31 m<><lcratc ecc11om1c and populltmn gro" th 1\ R0<'<i, but c,1n ,uch bur~comnll exp.msicn haH' ill cffcch for the: tndl\idu.11 rc:>idcnts of Ko.w:ruu (,•uni\? \Ian) long time nonhc:rn IJJho rc~tdenh think w

These resident~ h,c here


nf the dcJn ;Hr,

fore'1s. lake,;, hunung, lhhmg Jnd 111hcr rcc:rl'·

auoruiJ oppcrtu011ic1. One of Idaho'\ !1l31n appeal~ to tht' p.1,1 ha, bl'Cn the ~m.all popuLmcm, \\ hl\h a,w~ each rt:\ldcn t

pm.ic~ and pknt) of room. 1f he ,o dc\irc\ 10 tnkl' Jt.hantJg( of 11 Mo\! of the people mll\'mg into Kootenai C'ounl\ .ire ,'C'lmtnl,l for lht'w ,amc rc,l\on, One can hardli· 1'1.1m(' them 8111 thl· , cry q11.1lit1c\ thc,r n11i;r.1nl\ .'II'(' loc.•kmi.t for arc: Ill dJngcr nf being dc,1ro,cd hc,:Ju,, ,,r lhl' ,hccr number\ ,,.l' them out The unfoH•rnblc n,nd111on, that tli<;,;;111,Cicd l Jhlorman~ t,111d n.•,idl•nt, 1,f 111her \flltr,l ,eek lo C'<',IP<' from t'<'Uh.l bl'COml' ., r('Ohl\· In North,•rn


,r ld nhn c11 1zcn, .ind

l.1,, mol.t:f' tire not


Smog. n\,I\C tx•ll11111,n. ,1ag1,1cnn~ crime rntc,. bump\'Mt>-bum~·r fr.iHi, und gcncr,,I n,erpopulu 111,n ni.1h11,l' ,ire prnhh~m, lth1ho.111\ d,,11 ·1 wont 1o ,ct' 1111·rc.1't'd in their ,1,11e: f ht· ,1n\\H'r m,11 lie in u ,t.111d '11111l11r In 1h1111.1\icn b1 th,· ,1,llc of Ort·1,1,111 I hcrl·. 1nun,1, urt· ,~l'll'.inw. hut immi11ra1iun l, di,(()Ufilkl'd Thi, n11l111t1c mB> bl' l'11n,td1·rcd \l'll1'h. but ld11hu " unique It\ rn11cn, dnn' t won I 11 to hcrnmc anothl·r ( Jhfornm.



(_ _o-=--v_in_io_n____;;;p:;__ag__;;;.,_e_ _

Carter helps in federal budget cut by rejecting proposed rebate bill Pres1dc111 Carter rece ntly pocket-vetoed n bill 1h01 wou ld have provided government re1mbul"!tcmcnt to busme~,e~ whit h loM money after u ban on the U\C of the chemical Trts in children·., sleepwear was imposed. This acuon demons1ro1ed wisdom on the president 's part. Had thi'> bill become law, firm, that marketed Tri~·lreoted molcrinl ofter they lne,. that ~u,:h product, po~d a. threat 10 the heJlth of children could hove po1en1i111ly been reimbursed. The Consumer Produt1 Safety Commission banned Tris in April 1977 after the chemical ,-35 termed a "ha.t.ardou~ subMancc" linked lO ca ncer in human'>. The bill. Carter noted ,n a memorandum or disapproval. would have e'l'tabli~hed "llll unprecedented and unwise u~e of taxpayers' fu nd~ lo indemnify pr,vBte companies for losses incurred as a result of compliance wnh o federal ~tandnrd.'' In addition, the adoption of such a bill would <,et a dangerous standard in future legislation regarding banned subsunces. If. for eumple. the government were 10 impose a ban on saccharin. on an1licial sweetener linked 10 lhe occurrence of C3ncer in laboratory animal&. the passage of this bill would have made II ea.s,er for those involved in the production and marketing of saccharin-sweetened substances to push similar. fiscally w2$1efuJ legislation through Congress. Caner has announced plans to cut S.IS lo S20 billion from his new federal budget. The vetoing of the Tris bill and future improvident bills is a step in the right direction. T.W.

(__ car_din_al_r_e_vi_ew __J The Cardinal Revle~ Is pobllsbed seml•moothly by the Publlca.l1o1111 Worabo, eltis al Nor1b Idaho College. Members of CR sta.fJ wW atrive to pretenl dir oews falrly, a.ccu:rateJy a.od wilhoa_t pteJudke. Opfnlonl expreued ou cdllorial page do 001 o ~y reOect vlewa of the CardlnaJ R.evlew, the ASNJC « dit NIC admln.lstn.tion. The CR Is eote:red u balk materlal at Coeat d' AJeoe, ldaill 83814.


rnanaglog editor ..•.... , ...... . ............ .. ........... . ... Debbie Bdfbe1

~=!re~~;:::::::.·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. . ~

copy edilor ••.. .. .... ..........•...•.... ••. .... ........ ... Warrea TorffllCI spons editor. • .........................•. ... ...••.. .. .......•. Pa.I SallJnl


photography edit.or .. ...... ... .. ...... .. ........ ............ .. . Pu Salllflll Mhertising manager •.. ... ... ....•........ ,,,,., ..... . ,, .. , ....

l.eua-s lo dx

editor I.ff welcomed by dx C&rd1aal ~1ew. TboR mbmlttlng letUff lboald llmlt them to lSO won!s, '1p them md pro,1de a telcpbo,,e a:am.ber « address 50 &lllliauJdl) C&D ~ ~ l.cuers sboald ~ broag}JI to Room 2 In tbe Meclwdad AtU Bo.llding or maJlc,d to thee Cardinal RC\~ la catt al !'+Orth Idaho Coll~.

~ ::: ::: :::: :: :::::::::::::::: ::::: ::: :::: :::::::::::::T~,:· .,j SDAD Nicker100·Uuk. Vldd M1Uen, Sbadeoe Smith, Jan De1.tlca, T ~ Cyut.bla Te5ter, Debbie Sc:ba.ffnet,1 Came Pitta, Keith J--., Lama '

Sie,-e Wun«

No, . 22, 1978/ Cardlnal Review .3-

Board considers concert suggested that the board bring 10 the KJRB !hR:o Dance and light SbO" for SISO.

ASSIC \ ice President Lori long S&id llut a local dance teacher w-ou.ld come :and bold a disco in addlooo to gt\'Ulg dlSC'O d.ulcing lcuom for SJSO. The board :approved 3 D>OD01I 10 ba\e Faler loolc 1ruo both possibilinC$. lo

OUIC't ac'llOII:

- the board appr-ovcd a morion to form a committee to look into the possil>ility or comp1fmg a hlldout ..-hicb a:ould include compuisons of plllCCS to ut and ~hop LD the Coeur d'AIC'ne area. - the board voted to allot the ut club SISO.

- Sea. Jan Emenoa rcponed 011 the Con,oations program •i.11 be held in the spnng. Tbc lhrtt·<bv scminu. schcd· uled for March 21 · 23. will 1ndudc speeches on biofecdbick and compoten She said

• •

wt 61ms ,..ill be shown. - the board approved a motion to reqolfC llil notices, ads. etc., llut arc put an the bullcnn boards be dated or they ...;u be removed from the boards. lo addioon, all notices on the board ,.ill be left th<'rc for one month before bcmg remo,cd - Coe rcponed the Signs put on the foosball tMclnnes in the ,"OQtionill louoge proh1b1nog abuse of the mochi.nC's keep gemag tom dO'lll-n

- ASNIC PrC'sident Remsen said that Sen. Bob Higgins bas missed 1wo COD.SeC'llfi>e mCC'riags. If Higgins misses 1be next mccnng. he ..-m automatically be remO\·cd from the boanl. - the board COrT'tClcd itself by reporting that Sen. V,rgioili Fulton did 001 miss ro;o conSttUthc mectior. The first meeting 11 ,.h,ch she was countC'd absent "u canceled because of lack of quorum.

Pat Sullh-.o phoio

Student Activity ~ Schedule

TH~ YOU SAYNIC Onroa lnJIIUdor Robert Moc goe. over tome lines Lrom " One flew O•·er the Cuckoo'~ Nut" with Ken Christle. "'ho plays Chief Dromdcn In Lbc Dec. 1, 2, 1, 8 and 9 production by the NIC drama department.

In <'arly Oecem ber

Nov. 23-26

'Cuckoo's Nest' to be presented The show"' Ill 110 onl TI1c final rchcanah arc no"' under way lor ihc Oec~ ml>C'r produo1ior1 of "One Hew O,·cr the Cuck0<>'s Nc\1 " NIC Orama Instructor Rohen Moc ,aid the for the play ore procccdln11 "uccllcn1ly. bcau1,lully." Playing lhc lead pnrt, m thh r-.o,act comcd)·drama arc Ken Chrhtic, Jud) Orov. n and Jcrr Ullman. Chrhuc play, Ch1cl Bromdcn. the namtor; Brown has the role or Nul'$e Ratchcd: ond Ullman ponr,,.. Randle P. McMurph\ The play r~5C\ oo a mental lnstltullon " here McMur phy hu lngt'nlously had h1m...:1r committed 10 avold pn,on "ork. Upon am~a.l. McMurph.) begin_) pro,ol mg

the on~ apa1hc1fc paucnll ,nto sugn ()( uproar, 1hu, rorm1ng a po,.er s1ru1111le bct.. ctn himself and Nunc R.atchcd. Dale Wa& scrman "rote the dramatic ,<'rston or "One Fl<'" ()\er the Cuckoo', Nut" bnc:d on 1hr novel b) Ken Kc\Cy l'crfom1an«_) be Ix(- I, 2, 7, 8 and 9 at the CoC'ur d'Alene Commuott~ 1 heater. IJ20 Gnnlrn AH: Cun&10 Utl'-l' .. 111 he 8 p.m. T,clet:i can t:,c, purchu-cd rrom the NIC llu.incsi. OffiCC' al Sl.SO ror adults and SI.SO for children Stud<'nts, staff and racult) .. ,11 be adm,ncd at n o ~. bat JII o;cau arc mcf\cd Rhef\ attons can be made at the bu,mc~ offic,:

Dec. 5


Movi e. " Billy Jock" starring Tom Loughlin shows in the SUB at 3 and 7 p.m.

Dec. 19

Trustees to restate intent .

M ovie .

ronUnucd Crom page I

- dhcu,scd the Student Union Bulld,ng tddltlon plan• The plans " ett dcla)~ because of • conflie1 in bond ,uuc:mcnts. - l1s1cncd to NIC Music Instructor llobcn Singl<'W)·'• request iliat the hu. m, n,tic) build,og bC' callC'd th<' Com· muolcat:10n,Ans Building so thC' name ,ilf bt- COIOpllJblc .. ith ,. hat "ill l,(' ID the bulldin•, " - hu rd a rcpon thA1 the humanttlcs

Thank sgiving vacation.

building IS 40 pt>rcent romplcte. Schu.ltt sa,d tlui ir lbe "C'alhtt roop<'l'atcs. the budding should be completed b> July. - heard a report on tbc dlspos1non of ui Idaho Rc~m<'ol bill 5rauog th.II NIC ~ , SJ.JOO. Afi<'t looting lDlo the 111tttcr, SchulCT uid that NI(' 11.d oo chotcc but to P4\ thC'm - iappro,~ a bukc1ball gnat-in-aid for $461

" G oodbye G irl" starring Richard Dreyfuss and Marsha Mason shows in the Southwest Dining Room of the SUB

a l 3 and 7 p.m.





Card team 'hangs in there ' for seasons only victory I

By KrhhJoliiae VoUc)ball i.cason for Ult' :0.IC S'OfflCII·• 1um 1s o-cr, and the squ~ ~ a•-a) with onl} Otlt' ,,ctor1 m o-c:r JO attt'l:lpll.

fr:.D s...-,ng at that ~ . "It aculd tu,c been nr« 10 .ttt v.hat would bnc happn,ed if" C' bad .. \ht'

Rcfemng 10 1ht lone uni •~11 o-cr•Oark State Collci;c I cauplc •ttb ago, Coach Len Ar-.ood wd. ·Our pusu:g "as esccllcn1. probabl) the bet it bu been . The) reall>· hustlcd aad mo,cd 1ogethcr as a team. They WCTC up for it."


The C4r11S ha .. C' had problcms tbu )"«r. 1he rt'8ioruJ 1ounuamen1 "lino exccpbOn. The team was gaining momentum agMD,t a \CCOnd•rantcd Treasure Vallc,· Com mun1ry College temm "hen offiaa.h apparenth• lost track of the SCOrt'. With 1hcm momcnlum broken . thcir ,pml tarnished and o,cr-cnthusia<llc bn\ hcct hng the 1um, the Canh "col dov.n 12·15 in J game 1h11 should h4H· been a l-l,14 ltt' going down to the "tl'l'. A!'"ood u1d.

AlVo:CIOd contcndi. that "hilt' this ddut "iu unfonunatc, the NIC girls refu'ICd 10 let 11 bother them "The) hung in thett 1hc v.hole .. ;i,." At,.ood said "NIC docs11·1 ha,•c the a11i1ude problem hle <ome 1e,ms "'Ollld ha.r thJt h3d happen~ to 1hem." Ar..llOd said she rc811.'lS errors of lhllt naiurc beau~ the tCJlm · s rhythm ,..u in



The team bn abo had its problC'ffli -.. ,th in1araci th,~ Hlr lcuha StJ fr1eJ ,. as b~~ t,1111i,cd dl.nllg the Le,,. U·Cl.ark lllfflt and "lw! a bloc tht of IUI araogc, oo her clbo,o." .\ !IL ood u1d Otbi:rs 10Jored 1ndud1: lkbb1e Wu. tbcrly •ho pla~~ ha lut !'lloO g ~ "llh •-rut 1eacloams. and She-II~ TGrTe,. •bo '"U COllSldtted I(\ be '1C's SlNIDS"I ~tter 111 prc-~uoa play \UC'Cllmbed to a lntt 1n1i.n u,J "a, forced to ~11 ou1 1he re=1ndtr of Ille >t>.twn. ANl>Od th.a.I ~1nghn11 OUI an O\ttall oui-un<L.n pl.1,t'r ror 1h.: '<'.tW>n " "uld 1;,c difl~lt \\ e pl.iwd together 11..\ .11c= ' '1tc s.ud and descnbcd the team as ~1011 all around gc- id "

Scr:ou, r«nnung I\ thi: l~ l•c1or 1n t,,nld1oi; acn ye~~ 1e~m. At"ood \ltd. fht' ~lJonl\ af the IC4ffl ire.....·alk·O~ (~rls aho :i..'"l' iuss mlert'Sred 1a pla\1nsv:· \t"ood usd "Some or the gul, lwl no npncDCt' at ;a.II.·· Rcfcmng to this ~ev·s tc:aa,. Atwood ~1d ··rm really proud of 1hc: •av ~ hung in there The} ·n: a great gtaup of

P11Sulll •an pliolO


Card \-\ inner Grob 18th spot

Harriers run at nationals NIC'saoss country 11:am wruppcd up ns

season after plactng 18th on a 5·m1le c:ou~ NO\' 11 .tt national competition i:D Champagne. UJ. Co:scb Mile Bundy said 195 ruMi:rs competed and added I.hat he v.u pleutd ,.;th NIC ruMl'l'S Kris Mueller and Robin Hood. "ho both impm'Cd 1heir times. Mueller pl~c.-d 61st "itb a time of 25:42: Hood took 9"th at 26:12: Kevm Dilley •-as 1371h at 27 13: Jun W).itt. "'ho "'U sid with the flu the mom,ag of the meet. plac-cd 160th at 27:56: John Eggleston v,15 163rd at 18:07: Gica Meet look 176th at 28:38: and Brad Hmu firushcd 183rd 111

28:47 Bond) said the tum' i maln goal season "'IS focused on qua.hfying at regiotuls "hu:b made 11 difficult for the le= members mcn~Jh· at tht' 04tional level. • "The team dido'1 run •eU as a group:·

Buody said "They (the team) "'' eren't mcnulh· pn:pared. and I bebc-e tf ,..e bad an exlrll ,.eek to prepare £or nauonals ,.e could h.l\e done better." Buody "'as pleased v.nb the perlorm&oce of Lisa Frazier. NIC-s on!> ,..omaa compcllllg at oatioaals. Fr.uiier placed SJ st oat of 95 runacn with a time of 19:53 on a. 3-milecourse. "She dtd a.n extreme job," BU11d) said. "She I.\ a. ,cry dedicated person." Ch'Ct'l!I. Bundy said he £cit the meet wu ,..ell organized "'ith ~0-dcgree ru.aa1ng ,. eathcr aod good qu4lit)· ru.n.aers. BU11d~ said tht NJCAA Coaches As· socisuon bu nom111a.1cd :,.IIC IS the host leam for the national meet in 1980. and be said be "'"S real excited aboot 1L Sund~ AJ.d thcrt' wiU be fh e murumg frosh thai &11.ended n.attonaJs thi.s yeu {or DCXI SOSOII 111d S41d be believes that Out )'CU ..,m be: ID outstaadiog sea.son.

Kt>IJ) Pete, Ahlo WWJJ1J115 (cm g,oUDd l and Sc,011 Thollfu fbtlck tu.mcdJ dcttnd agalJllt Gordon Herbert's 5h01 dw1ng prut.lce. flc rbert wu ruuncd mosl , alu.a hlr pla, er al • Canadian IDunwnenf o, er the wttkend In ,.hlcb NIC went undr futcd to §tar1 the aeuoa with • J.O rt'COrd. The Card.lnab play lhe lr Ors-1 home con.tat Saturday night 1.11al1U1 Spc>kam CoU~e lo the 1'1 C g) m . Game tlme ls 7:30 p .m .

Wide spot

• ,n highway produces top wrestler

By Pat Sullhan

There arc a lot of miles bc1'< cen the M,dugan Oa1J1nds and the 'Ill( ,.ThtlmJ! ic1m ,iJa a Moowia lndun rcSC'C'Vlltron. but NIC student Ed Snoo~ made the trip and became a Nauon1l Junior College Athleuc Associauon 1«0nd·place finisher bealllc ~r rt. Snoolrr. a S-foot· 7 20·year-old sophomore, •U born and rarsed rn Grand Rapids 1,1,ch .. whrch i• a far CT)•from the Northern Idaho ,.,,ldcrncss. As a b1gb 1chool "res1ler tnd 1976

graduue. Snook compiled a IOS· • mat record. "'u an Aro:itcur Athletic Assocur· uon cluimp ,n 19,.4. and rook part in , cultural exchange of "'r~tlCr\ "'1th Russia that ~me )C:11' Amr ~pending one )eat rn a Michigan college where he didn't •rcstlc. Snook rn,eted "est to )pend the summer 11111h his brother in Pablo. !l.fon1 . .,.h,ch rs little more th.1.n 1 "'1de ~pol tn the road on the rcscn·auon ~•h of Polson and Flathead Lake.

Worlang for the Pol'.i<i)Q P~ls Dcp,lr!· ment. Snoot ti)Ok ume 10 ..ort out a fl!"

v.eet rn the local high school~ m h there he mct Bob, ',JC

<b)-S 3 v.:i,

... ,c~tlrng Coach John Q,.cn s }ounger brother, ,.ho beads the Polson High xhool wrcstling

"Then: uc n<> moun131ns in Mr.:hr~Jn, I hl.c u out W~t. from the Ing Snnol. u1d. The sophomorc gnpplcr hJ, nothing but prab<' for 1he NlC C03Chrng .uid tmrung faolitrC\.



In winter

Cars tailgated by humans B) Pal Sullivan Wnh winter snows falling nit around. ou1d- rencauon ac11v11rcs for the nc11 ICI'' month, writ be limited. Worry not! The spon~ available will be enough to utis fy the moM cager ou tdoor~mtn - and cheaply al that . A tot of college \ludcnts ca n't afford the conven1lonal and more popular winter ipOrts like downhill skiing. Be rmud a vac111on, and he~lth \pa visit~. li owe,·er, 1l11nk of all the mDn· ad·

as Fernan) and ponds rn the COC'ur d' Aleae

area that provide JUbJtantral ,1nn1cr sbung surfaces. Acquire n ,iood anklc,lcngth parr af ice ,htc~ (no double blades, - children), and locate a nrcc lake (prefcrabl) frozen) w11hou1 onv e ru,ted sno\\ on II, Then pcr\uade a more gullrble comrade to 1c,1 the rcc·s thrcknes, so no one falls through. If there arc already \bte tr.aclts on the ice wnh no open hole,. go for n


- ft

Assistant Coach Jim ~pcb111Cb and Eel Snool.

o.. en

learned tht Snook "'anted 10 eonunue hi~ edunuon out v.es1 both academic and ,. restlrng. and mennoncd hi$ brother~ co;schrng ments at I-IC AftCT a ft"4 introduct~ phone call, to brother John Snook 1ppcared on the Coco, d" Alcnc umpu, H 3 v.111'-on addnron 10 rm, ,. =tling progum Th<' rcm~rndCT o( the.- ,ton " h1'tOn Snook ht'lpt,d t(I fill a ,o,d on the Cud1nal squmd hen a prC'\ 101a cha::,p,o: qu,1 the team .uld Snnok "cot D!: ta 1'UkiC the CJrd• 10 th~rr thlfd ,JC.\.\ charnpwn,h1p 1n fi,c ,c~I"\ ..It., fortun.atc 10 find som.:onc -..~llin~ uound 1hr ,trf't'I v.nh Fd"s talrnl 'CMch 01<en utd. "'H<' m.acr 2 bu: difference 11o hen one of our P"""IOWo cl!Ampions quu the team." The :',11ch, gui tranSplant 1ttmcd 10 find 2 home.,..,, from homc m the CU\ b} the

"For J ionior rollcgc. \ JC hli eitcellent fanhues And. rt's good to be on 3 "inning team." he- sa,d. " Withoor John and !Jim) lpchurch. 1 couldn"t have pl2ccd in the natronal toume~ They're interested in me J~ a person. I'm one of their fncnds. not 1u,1 a \b,c" Enroute to hi\ ,econd-placc national finish. SnOQk "2~ named the out<t2ndin,i "rc-.tler ot the tournament and pro,cd 10 be one of the nKKI ,.;luablc 10 the squad HO\\t'\er, "rt~thn~ isn ·1 the onh thing on Ed', mrnd: he', al,n going to school for ~n cduc2t1on Hr:, maior In elemen12r~· <"du,llron tk1n1forgmen through th<' si•th i:ndel ,. ,If hopeful!~ rc.ld} him fur a te•chrng polnion 1111 the future "But. I "oold htc '" be a "rtsthng co:ich. 100." he added.



:---TAKE A GOOD LOOK--1 1 vcnturou, " 'lnterume at'lh iUe) that ore ou ,lablc till> ,no" ~ca,011. Acu, l11e, rntludc th~ cn1oynble, and often rro,1~ 111 hl)(ll) bobhrng. lce-uaung ind inner 1ub1ng. The burc rcqu,rcmcnl\ of thc,c thrtt ou tdoor \porh ore ,.arm clothe>, a "orm fire and I warm bottle or drrnL. (A "arm companion "Ouldn't lrun either.) To hooL) bob. ,llp rnto 11 p11r af ~lkL· M>lcd boots and 11nb hold of the troilcr hnch or bumper (the rear one) of ~omc· onc:·s automobile . Instruct the dmcr tbcncr let hJm kno" ,omconc rs bar\:. there) to proccl!d at a moderate me of i.pccd, any" hcrc bet1<ccn IS and SO m.p.h. The >peed depends on he)'4 dark 111>, ho\\ droru. ~ou ore . and ha" ,llclt lhc n>ad 1>. Be >urc to tell the dmcr not 10 travc= any gra,-cl attu of rhe high,. O) . or the hool;y bobbcr may ONjulrc a sc, ere case of


n>cltJ114 . lcc,sta11ng can be done indoors on glass-,m001h nnk>. but 10 get o rcahsuc taste of the sport, one !ohould do i1 outdoors. There arc numerous lakes tsucb

For loner tubtng one should ,uu a Utt rep.air shop and bc3. bon'OI< or purchuc • large true\ toner tube bl1 rnou~h to support four or fi,e hean) tuk-rs. Then find a fo1rh (or cnrcmcl1) !.t«p h1ll ,.1th a banked cu"'c Qf p•cLed ~n""' Afrcr .a (t"II tC)I run~. a nm-rate tube hut "111 de-clop. Tube runs .:an be or, ar')ing length, and haard, For the more foolhard~ or o, encalous pamou ol the sport. one or more ,toped jumps .... fit th<" brO J u~t maLc ,-cn,ln that ) ou ridr on 1op of the tul>c 1n ~se yoo d«idr- to b&J) ofT before thr rubc and ,1, nd<"rs 01p ,.1Jdh through tht' air For the a, crage tube en1hu>1:1,t. a slrd: ron "'uh one ar roorc banks and a long run"'•) .... ,11 ~um~. Once l8"D· ~c,er good IUhh, a good fire and good <"Ompan~ mrghr make the ad\Cnturc more cnJ<l)·ablc Remember. fun b "herc , ou liod it. aod a linlc thought and en~ .,. ,II rnal;c h(e more thrllhng. So thu 1urkc) -<la) ,-.cation. drag ) oursel f •" &) from your toast)' fireplace and sloe gin sour, and IU) a ''l>II 10 the Crost~ COURIT)'Sidc. 11 could pt'OYC 10 be in1crcst:1n.q.

AT OUR SCHOLAR SHIPS ' The Navy Campus ,s worrd ... de It not only ollers 1ra1ning in more than 60 sk1l Etd JOb f,elds 11.-e ad~anced erec1ronics and nuclear - plus a goOd pa)'cl"leck - bul II a1so helps you earn your college Oegree or vocational cert,( cate whrle on acltve duty And the Navy w ,11 pay up 10 75~ of your tu,t,on. 100

Ttie Na1")' Campus comb,nes your tJa'Y lra,n,ng and work e.a.per,ence with oll-<luly,on through a number ol partrc1pa11ng colleges and uni,ers,1,es - and " a ,es aft residency requirements Wn,le you·re aboard sh,p the PACE program lets you lake classes wllh your sn,pmates under a college instructor And the lndependen1 S1udy Program oilers some 10.000 correspondence courses lrom more than 50 accred11ed schools


The Navy also otters 2 and <-year college scholarships, plus many 01her educat,onat opportun,1,es For


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No,. 21. 1978/Cardlnal Re~w -6-

Weather predictors regard future, say winter snowfall will be heavy e, Sharlene Smith

Thanksgiving surprise

Turkey anticipates holiday I can hardly w ait until Thanksgi--ing. :tlthough I don't kaow qaite what to expect. but from listening to all the talk ll.rOWld me. it's some kind of celebration about ~mg

tmnkful. And bdicve me. I've plenty to be lbao.kJul about. My li(e has certainly impro\"Cd t.hcsc last ft\>• months. First. I was moved out of that CTO" ded tenement. which was so smell, and noisy NO"'• I live among a bc:ttc:r d~ - some C\ en have a pcdigr«. We shan- a sp1coous dwelling within sight of th e landlord's lo,•ely home, and I ll4ve my OOA"II spanment with a fcnccd·in backya.rd. And then. the food IS so heavenly. I'm not sure "'bat that expression means, but it sounds dcllgbtful . Anr-·ay, the food is so rich. and with no competiaoo from those grttdy birds. my former roommlltcs, I'm gerting flit as a bunerball. even though I'm trying to keep my weight ®"'D,

Mother Nature will decide what the ,.·,oter weather bu ,n store for NIC \tudcots th\S ,ur. Pt"Oplc look at nterp,l· into "The Fumcr', ,\Jmonac." ond tn 1be1r bones 10 tell "hcther the "inter mc-ntb< .. ,u ~ har,h and snow,• tir mild .. uh ltnk \no" No maner "bat one'< method <>f \\IDtcr v.ealher forcca.~t 1 . the coming of sno" and frceZJng v.e11tht'r gt'lS ,ome people uettt'd "hilc 01ht'ts ft'cl thl't'lltencd. Childn-n and uters ~ tv.o types or pwplc "'ho cnJO) the "mtcr-11me 11etM· tit'"- SOO" g"-e' these people the cha.nee to eJc~ and tu,e fun. Then: 1, no ~'OSI for JX'('ple who want 10 go outs1dc aod mnkc snowmen or hove snO'A b.111 fights Sn°" also give< people the ch11nce to 1cc-sbte. •nowshoe, ride ,nOOA mobiles and go sledding Snov. Is somerimes hlWlrdous. and h tnh1h1lS ffl,U)V. People with arthnhs ho"e to stay lndoon or suffer Increased ache• aod pains. Those who do no t drive have

difficultic~ commuting from plal"ll to pl~. PCl>plc who do dmc often get <tuct in tht <no" or slidt' cm the ice. The


,nowfall ~I"

"I' lca,c, people

unpn:part'd. Sno" tin:< nrc used to help gnp the snO\\ 11nd they oflcn make tht difference bet" crn gemng to ~hool on nme and bclns latc A blanket roYcnng the "ind,hicld keeps kc from fOfming on tht gl11Ss. Al<o, 11ntlfrec1t' In the radlatOf' tcepi the car from frcetlng up. Wbat will tht' upcoming winter montla ha,t' 1n tt<>re for <tudcnt<? "The Farmer's Almanac" predicts the wuther In Novcm, bcr and December to be cold and dry. Tht almanac predict~ hnuuy's weather to bring CJtces•lvc <nowfoll. February, h 1.11d, will be snowy and cold. while chlnoot wind• "ill pre.,ail OYcr pnrts of March. If "The Farmer's Almanac" ii coned. prepare for o long, cold winter. Incidentally , winter ofnclally bcglni oa the ~ccond da.y or Chrl•tma.s vacation, Ott.


M) fncod.s say the widlord lll"ays f ~ gmcrocis1y ui the WI and the feed after huvest. Some of the older ones look kno,t,uigly u each othtt. I thtru: they·re •'Offled about their ,,.-eight 100. Oh .. cu, I a.o al"'a}-s diet after Tlwlksglmg. Herc come the 1:andlord and his .son DOI> l'ci \0 ptcful to them for the good arc Ule'\ ,as,: tahog of me I'm •orklng lwd Oil this DC"' language. If I could uoCICTSiaDCI """ bcncr, I'm sun: I


""'OUld o--erbar t.hc:m uymg something pleasant about me. "Dad. ouz Thant.sgiving 1111tc, is getllllg fat. Hov,, 111Uch do you think he'll ..-e,gb•" "Son. I promise )OU llut "hen be bits the t&ble tomorrow stuffed with S powtds of dressing. be 'D tip the scales :u at 30 pounds.'' "Dad, I can hardly wait till Tiwwgt\'Ulg...

At the table

Chicken replaces holiday turkey

Gill grabber

By Cyi,tbla Tester

Th4nksgiviog is a very speci.a1 holiday 4.0d DCCds cardul planning c:oosidentioo, eveo rrom the money-conscious college studeoL A whole day of cooking is l"C'Cjuin:d for aoy Thanksgiving dinner. and a fairly loexpensh•e yet dclidous feast can be made if ooc uses chicken tl.5 the m.aio attruction inslCl2d of turl:ey. Below is ID eumple or a menu featuring c:rudcn. Cnuibeny Sance

Green Beans Ma.shed Potatoes "'ith Giblet Gn1vy Sweet PotatOC$ Roasi Cructen with Stuffiog Ho1 Rolls and Buncr Tos:scd Salad Pumptio pie and 1cc cream Mllk Cofftt Get a .laige lOUtlng chice11.. Stuff the

caYity with aoy desired dressing and brush the whole cb,cteo with melted boner. Ba.1:e it breast side up 111 an open routing fW1 iD a 400-degrce OYen for three hours or until a drumstick mo--es euily. To make the giblet gm,')'. pour off all the pan drippings from the roasted chicken accpt for three W>I~ fat 1.Dd the brov.n residue. Bl~ iJi thn:e tablespoons Oour and snr until smooth. Coot ffld stir uatil il is frothy. Add rwo cups of warm water llDd stir until evenly thickened and smooth. Boil ~lly for m minateS 2lld scasoo to UStc. Mate a pumpkin pie the day before

Thanksgiving and serve it ..-itb vanilb ice crum for the tr.idibOIW dessert, and u, complete the autumn aunospherc. use a goklea·tooed wheat anugement for the Thanksgiving table cc.nterpiece.

&Ian Sawyer, nunlo& atudcat from Suclpolal, &.puya the 3G-poad ralabow IJMI lie ca:oa,bt Nov. 12 lo Lue Pend Orcllk. The lhb, rqp.Mtted al the Kam.loope Klab Ill Sandpoint, .-.. the bl&&$ ! l i b ~ t.lwre thbl ye.1.




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[..___k_a_le_id_o_s_co_~_e_J Stone responds to PE petition A h<ll'\Cback nd1ng das\ is being considered for fall ~mcstcr of IQ'i9. according to :-IIC o,.an Ray Stone. ,.ho tn\<C\tlg.itcd rhc ~sib1h1y ,ftcr rc«avmg I student pcuuon for the cla\, StonC' ~,d 1h11 had th\: pc111ion been recci,ed I little earher. he probabl) would mve been 1blr 10 include lhe du~ m spnng )Cmc)ter He ,aid. ho1<cvcr 1h11 the b1olog) department ha\ al\o rl!que<ted a labontof} ph<>lopr3ph~ cl~\\. ,.h,ch will u,e up the unbudgctcd money available for next \Cme\ler. ~hhl>Uflh the photo11raph~ da\\ 1s .,l'IO elce1.-e, ii "~~n111l to m1crol11olog:, maJOO ~nd ,, deemed m•>rr ncce!'>Sll'\' II this time. Stcmc u,d. (nnn•rn1n111hc ridm11 ell\\, Slone said he had already cc,n1ac1cd Manon Crumb. "'ho ha, ~ mJ,fcr', dc11rce on cdun111on. Crumh gl\C'o privarc ndtnl( le~wns m HJ)den u kc and ha, thr la<1ht1e, for the cla,)CS \tune m•tcd 1ha1 ,1udcnl\ taking 1he ndin11 du, 1<ould probabl~ ha,e to pa~ :u much ll

ilO <lira

Fall semester finals approaching Fall scmes1cr final• will <llrt Dec. IS wuh all Engli\h romposmon cla<ses ill.lung euim 118 am

hnal, arcschcdulcd for Dec 15. Ill, 19 and 20. Enms will be at 8 and 10 a m and I and 3 pm f,nJI cum \C hcduk, arc avo1lobh.• on 1hc ~hclf ou1sidc 1hc rcg1s1r1r°s offi« An<,rding 10 odmonl,1ra11on of0t1al,. 1hc uam sthedulc mu,i be ilm11) ,.;,h no rrom~ bcan11 given earl~

Fall blood drive totals 45 pints A low rumour for NIC'\ hlood drive r,lo,•. I~ resulted m 4S pmt, of blood bemg donated. w «impon~n 10 an ovcragr of l!O pint• per drive in prc,ious year<. HOl4c,cr. o hi11h turnout for NI(\ l'ubhc11tons Club ,.on it the S50 prize for 1hc m06t blood donoled 10 NIC\ ~ccoun1 Ulood donor\ con request thot thrlr blood be donotcd 10 a fncnd or rclallvc b, contactmg Wes Hatch, ou1l11J1ry ,crvkcs din:<'tor. or Jo Morinov,ch, w hool nur~

Jan Dc.Laca pbolo

ong in my hearl Mcagbaa Mld,dsoo and -.npaolsl Mlle l..a&bvsld perlormed tM famou, Jun« ••nn, and Rain" al tho, aodlloriam of Coc111 d'Alene Blgb School. NlC's rbolr and CanlluJ Cbonde siqed a CODC'Cl1 there Nov. 13.

ANordlng 10 Karmen Sers kk, oulillAI) scrs 1cc O\ISllnl. 1hcrc arr 60 to 'l() umt\ of blood tn NIC', 11ccoun1 Lori, ASNIC ,fo:: prc)idcmt, \oid 01101her dmc 1<UI be conducted ,n the spnng

Ta}lor hlnc

Area movies, concerts listed

( Advanced registration dates set


l"n1cru11nmcn1 for the Coeur d Alenc,Spokanc area dunn,: the earl~ holtda,· ~ •once.I. The mo-.~cs 11 1hc Cocur d'Alene Tn·Ci ncmo an: lL\ follo't", - Thcacrc I rcatun:s "Up m Smol.c" al 7 IS and <l:IS p.m -Thca1n: II hllS "The Cheap Dcrcct1vc" 11 7:JO and Q: IS p.m. -Theatre 111 b playing I dooblc rca1un:. ' 'Heroes·· ar c,:SO p.m. and •• w1nn111.g Season" at 9·20 p.m. 0

Da,•ld Gates and Orcod "!II appear ot lhc Spolane Col1SCum No, . 21>. N11ional umpoon•i, "Animal Hou<e" ,s sho1<ing at the Wilma Theatre on ShC!ffllln Avenue NO\', 10.24. sbo.,. time 01 7 and 9 p.m. B.J · Thoma, .,. ill vi<it the Spokane Cofocum on Dec II II p. m The kc Capadcs .. 111 be 11 the Spokanc Coliseum be~ttn Dec. 25-JI at p.m.

Plans for SUB addition postponed Student Union Bu1ld1ng upanslon plan, have been delayed because or legal qucsucms co~~mlng ~he bond documents on the SUB, act'O(thng 10 Jc-rry Wendi, business 1ru1.01gcr. endt satd tha1 the documcnb will go bAck to the DcputmCnt of Health Eduo.oon and Welfare 10 ~Icar up Ihc problems. He added thmt lbe) hope to have the dOC'Umcnts ' ~ad, for coniracton bids in early January. •


Adn,ncc n:gistnllOO for ;oc.,.dcmac students IS slated for Dec. 1·20. while voauonol ~tudcots .. ill enrag,e u, ad,-a.n,cc regatnbOll Dec. IS.20 a«ardtng to N1Sluo ltsuko, NlC Rcgmn.r Regular ~ I J O n for MC .cadeauc iWdents ..uJ be held Thundly, Jan 4 uonl noon Jan. S \ 'onllOIUI studc'nts ....111 register Ja.n ..l.

,·····················································: • •

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----. ---::-. ---J Men's basketball schedule ['-----~n:...::.l~C=-_.....:n:...::......:o=-..:t:..-l_C__e__s____ No~. 22, 1978/ Cudlnal Re, lc,o• -3-

NIC.TV PUBUC FORUM SCHEDULE Spokane KSPS-TV Oia11Ml7 6-7 p.m. 12-l Chuile Cole and orma Wooclbvry:

••Gn,pho&ogy'' 12-9 JdJ Wrau: " Clwnplml Sky DI~" 12-16 John Tbatcber: "U.S. Space ProJra,m" 12.23

Christmas Sbo...., Rick FNIJI cllrccdD.g ilC srudcuts: mask

12.JO 1979 Ne,.. Year Spcdal: Spokane N~, DltttU>J1 Dean l\kll. K.BQ,Cban:nd 6 JclJW&SS011, KREM-Cwuid l

S1udeo1& recch log Oo&J1dal aid a_re ad,I~ lo preN!gisttt for DH1 $<atffltt.

Mtordlng 10 Jim Upcbllffb, Clnaadal alds dlttt1or, pN'N!(tU.trallOD swu Dec. I.

Aff ) OQ W'lag aouhle ckcldlllg oa a aajor1 TI,e C'OClll5dlng ttDlff Is admlnJ. a ,'OC:ll1ioDal burttst lesl I.bat a,Q)d bdp .fOCI 14 ck-dck, and Ifs frtt, frtt, frtt! See NIC Cowi.,dor P ~ fcdje la the

Some dorm rooms -

Coeur d' Alene

MID a,..nable (or

atDclcnu aeecllq bou!D:g. Fow e-dsl OD lbr wo= •$


AJ,, sradea1 on .-C'lmUl:I' baidlb who dto~ a cl.ass or 'Wltbdn ws fnJm sdlool belott &al cums doa DOC recd• t a g,uc !or lba.l dUi • W be ~ lo

rdmbtD'I<! the \ 'etenns' A.dmlnlstradoo In< llw porlloa ol fllJHb, Cootul Cul \tc,u a l tbc Kooce,,aa l Boa.Me r... farther ln!onna11oc bdon d,opplag a ma.

Srudcacs "bo ba>e DOI yc1 pld.~ op lbclr ~ St'Dllnic lnttnlhc [SSICI cbttb should do jO lm.medlJud.1 or tbe,..m be- r t ~ lo Bolw for caaedlatloo.

Jllll, 30 Lewis-Ouk Stat.e College Lewlsto11, Idaho

Jan. 15 Fllllbead Vallc) Communll)' College Kalispell. Mont.


Fcb.3• College or Sou them Idaho 'l'wln falls

Dec. 12 Spokane Community Collego Spokane

Feb.7 Yakima Valley Colle11e Coeur d'Alene

Dec. JS Walla Walla CommUJ1ll) College Walla

Feb. 9 University or Montana JV 's Missoula

Dec. 16 Columbia OPSln College Pasco Jan. S·6 Montana Stale Unhcrsll) JV's Bozcmnn, Mone.

Feb. JO• Ricks College Rerburg, ldnbo

Jan. II

WnRhlnglon S 1a 1o Un h·c t1ol1y J V•,.

Coeur d'Alene Peb.22 Washington Sc.ate University JV's Pullman Fcb.24 Whllworth CollegeJV's Coeur d' Alene

Ja.o. JS Whitworth College JV', Spokane

Jan. 31 'Wbicwonb College Cocurd'Aleoe

Jan. 17 Ool~erslty or Montana JV's Coeur d'Alene

Feb. I ColllJJlbla Basin College Pasco, Wash.

Jan. 19 Columbia Basin College Coeur d 'Alene

Feb.S Big Bend Commun.ii) College M~ Lale, Wuh.

Feb.16• Treasure Vo.Uoy Communlly College Coeur d'Alene Feb. 17

Wenatrbee Valley College WeDJ1tehee, Wash. Jan. 13 Ea.stem Washington Unlve n1lly JV's Cocw d' Alene

Dec. 11

J an. 11 W11.lla Wlllla Communll) College Walla Wlllla, Wash.

Fcb.2' Treasure Valley CommW1Jty Colltge Ontario, Ogi.

Dec. 9

Dec. 7

Jan.8 Weutchec Valle) Communlty Collt'ge Coe ur d'Alene


Yakl:ma Valle) College

Treasure Valle) Communlt) College Coe11r d'Alene

Jan. 6 Spokane Commanlt) College SpokaDe

Jan. 27• Rieks College Coeur d'Alene


Washington St.ale Unh·ersll) JV's Pullman, Wash.

Oec.1 4 Big Bend Common!!) College Coe11r d'Alene

Jan. 25 Eastem Washington University JV•, Coca.r d' Alene

Ott. 1 Wenatchee Valley College Coeur d' Alene Walla Walla CommWtlly College Coeur d'Alene

C.OOtact ellbrr Ga.ry Codmui a1 dorm or Wu luub al tbe SUB for more


Wenatchee ValleJ Communll) College Wenatchee. Wash.

Coeur d'Alene

W\a_loo 8alldulg.

Ott. 4

Coew d'Alene


Cocu:r d' Alene No, . 28 Lewls·Clark Stale College JV's

NIC women 's basketball schedule

1.,e..1s.Olllk State College

Spokane Co;~!I)' College

Much 3• College or Soulhem ldllbo Coeur d' Alene

March9·10 NJ CAA Region 18 Toumameni

•Pia) oCf Opponents

•••••• r···· Get a w ay for a weekend! : •• •• •

Feb. 7 Spokane Commun!!) College Coeur d'Alene

Outdoor Rec Store IN BASEMENT OF SUB Tents S3

Peb. 13 WbJrwortb College JV's


Jan. 19 Columbia Basin Community College Coeur d'Alene

Feb. 17 Washiogtoo Staie Onl'"ersll) JV's Coeur d'Alene

Jan . 22 Walla Walla Community College Coeur d'Alene

Feb.24 flathead Valle) Comma.nity College Coeur d'Alene

Backpacks S I Ensolite pods 50'

Sleeping bogs $2 Rubber rof ts SI 0

Soon-cross country skis. poles . waxers !


S2.25 per day

•• • ••••••

$4.50 per weekend

Open 9 a.m . to 3 p.m .

••• ••


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