~icaRbtnat Review C~u, o t.,,,,nc Idaho
Friday, Dec. 8. 1978
Volume 33, Number 7
ASNIC activities dependent on outcome of mini-concert The NlC srodcnt body has a chance to lose all further student activities or gain
Sl2.000 - depending upoo wbetber or oot the upcoming mini-coneer1 is a success according ro Student Ac:tMties Director Rob Faler. Falcr Sl1l2 that the ASNIC will not only ha,-e to pay the tniti.aJ eost of the band. but will also be obligated 10 pay an additional som in ex= of SSOO to be used for clectnc:tao fttS, meals. sccurlt)·, spotlights and a back-up band. Concert tickets will be a,·ailab!c 10 3.000 people. If all tickcl5 arc purclwed. the ASNIC may make a profit d S12.000. If losses exc:ttd S4.000. student a('tivi· ties would be se-·ercly cuL Tbe amount or activtUCS to be CUI .. ould
Close inspection
Pai Salli,-..., pboio
Nanc, Alnn !Jan Emcrt0n ) and R.P. McMurph) IJeU Ullman! enjoy a close cnco1111:tc:r darlna the roe producllon or .. One FICY O•cr lhc Cuckoo', Ne11." Pmomwicc• eoodacle toaJaht 1111d Salurday al lhc C04!w- d'Alcnr CommWlll)' Theattt.
Spring semester business affairs require students' attention now
Dr. Hook almost reality
Notlcrs from the NIC Registrar's Ofllc-e th1\ " eek contain important ,nformadon for 11udcnt\ on rcg1\lratlon, nnandal aid, graduollon. non,rctummg ,'t'tcran, and gndcs Sctond scmc,tcr n:g,stratlon for acadcmk s tudent< who do no1 regbtcr earh "1U be he-Id Jan 4 and S. Registration will he done illphnbt'lkalh•. and s1uden ls "111 be adnuncd onl) at lhc times ~pcclned. Reglitratlon on wi1h 1he liut name·s beginning letter. Is as (oll°'"s VWX's7. at 9 a.m •. STU at 10 a.m., PQR 11 11 a.m., MNO at I p.m.. AB 111 2 p,m. and CD 11 3 p.m. Friday's schedule reads EFG al 9 a.m.. HU ai 10 a.m. and KL at II a.m. Pcrmh~ 10 regutcr will be b~ucd 1 1 rcg1s1rauon. Nonl' ,\\II be l\a1lablc 1n lhc gym for studcni. who have been dlsquallncd or "ho owe panang flncs. fee~. libr&r) fine) or ha,-e other fmanclal obllga1ion\ 10 the college. Studcn~ arc 10 plan 1hc1r s.:hedulc "uh 1hc1r adviser before ChnslmA.S ~•cation Tunlon and fee) llrc to be piud at rcgmrat,on. After noon on J:tn . S. a late rcg1)tnhoo fee •ill be charged at SS for the first " eek and SIO for 1hc SC<'Ond wttk, c,ccpt for t~c " ~ tunion and rec:. are co, ,•red by , c:holan.h1p) and 'or gr1nts. Student~ "ho arc having all ol their 1u111on and fee) paid thJOUgh the \ O('llllaiul Rch1bihtu1on Service. CETA, WIN, SEOG, 8EOG. NOL. LEEP. Nursing Loans .tnd Grana. (Ollcge grants. ~cholanhiJb, ctt'. arc to J,:a\'e their puLctS at a sp«ial table in Room
The has btto scot. and the MC st11dco1 body lS no,. "on the hook" to sponsor
Dr. Hoot
10 ronttrt schc-dulcd for Feb. S, S!UdCflt Act1,1ttes Dir«lor Rob Faler told 1hc Swdcot Board 111~ Ott.~ mccnng. AS."'IC \ ice President Lon Loiig mll"cd 10 pc Filer S4,600 10 spend on the concert. Al pm.i tuoe lhe contnrt for Dr Hook had OOI b«o signed or the =tlgnm ackn0\1- lcdged. f:tler wd that because or the conccr4 swdcol a:tivruc. arc fro?en. and 1he only thing pl~ncd for the l'C$1 ol lht 19~8 calendar , ear u the rao,,ic 'The Goodbye Girl.'' which 1s ldiedulcd for Dec. 12. Faler mo thanked tht board for ~ help ID tht orpnaing of the concert. lo od)cr KIJOD - X"fl Jao Emerson dlffllued tht com:cuoos 111 the \.SNJC coMttrut1on The eo&llrulJOO ,. iU be 10 the srudcn1 body offices for ill the ~n.11on to rC\'1C111 before the CO~lJtllllOll LS amtadcd. - AS~lC Prcs1di:111 J,m Rcmsco rcmo,;cd himself from the Kholarsh1p and fin3n"3J :ud comm11t« ..nd appou11.ed Sa. Bob Higglllf 10 the po11Mn. He u1d he did w bc('ause H,ggi~' aimrrunce WQtcrfront l>c,;clopme111. ts 111.tcti,e this )Clf - \\cs HJtch, iin2nrial ad,'iscr to the board, uid that contnc1or) will be able to pick up tbc blucpnot~ on tht Sl.:8 cxpan(1on JIID. 9 At the !'lo,; !S m«nng· - the board sppro>cd a IDOIIOD ID purc:huc a cord or Y.000 lO U~ ID the SUB fireplace dunng December At the !',°' ~I mttt,ng - Huch m1c-cd i!:c October operating it.ttemenr for the student bodr - Faltt '41d 11\~t ~ bu been 2 problem ,.llh gcmng 1hc m,r.,~ adcqo31cJy pubh<'tttd 8cc:105e of the bet of publi.:ity, IIIO\lc: 2nerHuncc ts dOlt.n.
G-4. In other lllllllcri.: - The dcadhnc for 1urmng in a spring gnduat100 appl1e21ion LS Jan. IS, 1<1-,.q_ Applications may be picked up ln the reg1.nnr's office in Janu&f) - Veterans "''ho do not plan to return to school ncx1 semester shouJd nouf} the n-gt.Stnr's office. - The rcg1nrar'1 office wnt be closed Frida) afternoon. Jan. S. -Studcois who" ant lhcb grades mitilcd 10 them should lu, c a <Umped. ~elf,add=cd eovelope at the registrar's office.
~l!d upon how
grc.;;1 the ~ i.s-1lu1 1s If the cootff1 is indeed a lou. lfflltdulg to FaleT. '"E,ery rol~ m,'lllg Ill fint ron.._"Cn 1w 10 like a chance and ~ 11 rolls a sc,cn - and 1cll the C'ODC'Cl1 out.·• Faler said. He UJd be feels the general op1t1i011 of NIC swdcob i.s llut h will be a "good coo«n ,.,th a good arust. •• Faler wd th:at ISlC could la\-e nude ao
offer to any big band (such <LS Hesd E 3SI or Liulc River Band). but the chaot"Cs of boolting them ..'ff'C ..slim" bccaosc or 1hc anrncss of the Spobne Coliseum and Open Hoose. Both Head East and the Linlc River Band appeared In Spokane "''ithio lhc put liclccts for the roncrrt. which is slated for mid-Fcbnmv, ...;.n be SJ.SO for NIC srudcots with ~1hit) arcls and SS for anyone without an NIC cnrcl. Faler said he hopes everyone will ta.kc adv2ntagc of the low price lo sec a big 02mc band such as Dr. Hook. "NIC 1s a fantutil" place to have a ronccn - you can loot right dO"n the performer's tonsils. C\'en 1f you're smnding at the back of the gym." FaJcr s:ud. 'There com~ a time when "' (NlC) hs\C to decide ,.e·vc been conscr,.ali,c for 100 long. and we ha,·e to !Ake a chance," he said. No"'. after neatly a month-long debate among member.. of the Srudenl Boud. Faler, President Schuler and 1hc Bo.ird of Trustees. NIC Is "going for h." "Ir it nops - ,.,11. we've learned a le55on: I don't think it "ill." Faler said.
Dtt. 8, 1978/ Canll:na.l Re, lcw .2.
(__o-=--~_in_io_n--=p~ag-=---e__J Student Board acclaimed for semester achievements As the end of the first semester swiftly approaches, It seems appropri.itc 10 review the accomplishments of ASNIC Student Boan!. With the exception or a few. NIC's p ·cming body as a v,hole s.eems to w e its job seriously and 10 do its fair sh.are maccomplishing uungs beneficial to IC students. Campaign promises are, unfortunately. usually &!mated bes to wm votes. nus year however. the promises a_ppeu to bold more substa.nce. One promise made by Student Activities Director Rob Filler 13.St ye3r dealt with o proposed mini-c:oncen he bad plans for. The concert. whkh seemed infeasible last spring, bas become a reality for NIC. The c:oncen will featutt a group such as Dr. Hook and is set for ea.riv f ebruan·. Sophomore Sen. Rick Coe has the stu·denlS a ,·oice in the handling of the problems which occur in the SUB. A bulletiJI boa.rd in the SUB ma.kes It possible for students to CJCpress complaints and praise for SUB operations. Coe has also queried the possibility of having I disco da.nce in the SUB featuring the KJ RB Disco Dance and Light Show. Another campus issue deserving praise this year ue the mo-,es. Last )CU. lack or student interest terminated the movies. ~·erol b.ave been sho"''ll thtS yea r. and if student interest continues to be b1gb. the movies will be shown on schedule. This 1s o good emenainment out.let for NIC students to use. and hopefully. 1111endance ....~u remain high. At thb time last year an editorial was wrinen "'hit'h criticized the board as having the "mid•yenr blahs." Another editonal 11,,incn tvoo yeus ago condemned the board for overspending the budget. ignonng their comnunments and being generally apothetic. With the exception of a couple senators not ,mending meeUJlgs. th IS year's board appears to be fighting the "blahs" tLDd doing the job it is supposed to do. Remember, the Student Board pro\'ides a backbone for NIC students - and without tbllt backbone. students c:111't stand tall. So. lung in there Student Board, 311d keep up the good world
Keep in December
Christmas trend scorned Christmas? B:ih! Humbug! Scrooge'> No. it'i: ju.\t the way I reel when I see the Christmas season being stretched out longer t1nd longer e,·ery year. Instead or December being the trndi11onol Chri~tmt1S month, all of November Is also being dragged into the Christmas spirit Every year, busine~ses put up Christm:is det'Orations and have Christmas special~ earlier thnn the year before. I wa_s unh11ppily surprised on Nov. 26 when the traditional Christmas show, " A LnrtStm:IS Carol" by Chnrles Dickens. which usu111ly is shown th ree to five times during the Chrl~lmll~ scii.~on. was 11ired on TV more 1h11n four weeks before Chn.stmas. I no not fccl that we need to have more than one month In which to ct'lcbrate Christmas. Do we celcbr11tc any other holid11y for more than one month? The answer is no. so why should we m11ke 11n exception for Chrisrmas? tr one ~lebrotes o holiday for too long o time. he or she is lloble to grow tired of the holld3)' and lose the meaning of it altogether. tr the presenr trend or Moning Christmas earlier than the year before continues we are hlccly to sec So.nt:i Clau~· ~le1gh coming out with the Introduction of ne~ year's ears. So. let's keep Christmas in December and enjoy it in the spirit for whkh It was intended.
J .D.
Says sophomore
Be intelligent; register early With fall semester almos-t ove r and spring semester nlmost here. NIC studen ts should ~llln gcttmg ofT with the old and sran getting on with rhc new i:o pu1. it bluntly, students should wke 3dvnntagc of NIC's Dec. 1-20 advanced reg1strauon. S_tudent~ who do will cnJoy 3 longer Chri,tmas brenlt. Instead of having 10 end their vacauon Jan. 4 or 5 to register. they can relax an extra three or four days and come back Jan. 8 when clas..cs actually begin. Those who register early also will ccnainly be guaranteed that they will be :nrolle~ ID the dass~ th y wont. Because tuition Bild fees muM be paid 7 1mmed1a~ely when registering early, not all students take advantage of the opponuniry. More should try 10 find the funds 10 get this hassle out of the way. Advanced registration can also give students a chance for beuer 11dvisemcnt. The advise~s have mor:e time for individu11I :1dvising bec:iusc they arc not seated in the gym with a long hne of students waiting as is the case with regu lar registration. So, student:. should help themselves by using the advijnced registration being offered.
(___ car_din_al_r_e_vi_·e_w____~ The Cardinal Review Is publlabed seml·moath!Y by the P,abUcadoall Wodlllalp class at North Idaho College. Mem.ben of the CR acafl wm 11:rlve to pretal die new1 Wrty, aa:aratdy ud wltboat prejudk:e. Oplnloal expresaed oa die edlC8dll pqe do not oeceasarily reOect the views o{ the Canllaal Review, the ASNJC Ill' die NJC ad.m.lnlstratJo. The CR ii entered a, bulk material at Coear d'Alme, lduo 83814. rn•u• editor .............. .. ... ... ............ .......... Debbie 8,tlbli}'
editor•...... ,., .••.. .. ......•.• , .......•• , •.... , .. . . l..ameca $duaWI feature edllor . ... ................• . .....................•...... bil llafdilr copy edltoc .....•••.................................•..... Warrea T.,,_. ~ edltoc .. ... ............................... .. ............ Pa& s.apboeogi:apby edit«............•..•••.......•••.............. .. Pa&,81 ad•·crtislug maaagtt ............................... . ........... tort w.advller ..................................... , ....... · · · · ······Tia " " :
r~~-~ ·vkki ·~
: ~ ·s~~.- 1~· i,;~ r!t-;.;.
Cyulhla Teaer, Debbie Sdi•ftner, Car:de Pltu, Kdtb Joiimoa, ,._,. WII«, SlLve Wemer
Dec. 8, 1978/Cardlnal Re~lc..- .J.
NIC spring Convocations program to center on computer takeover The NlC Convoc.11ions program schcd· ulcd ror March J9.2J will be 1en1.2u.-cl) ~ntcrcd around the I.heme of computer 11keovcr. accord ing 10 Convoca tions Commjtttt Chairperson Leona Huscn. fi nal pla ns for rhc program. being planned b~· the NIC computer and elec· tronics department aod the Co0\·oait101» Commil rec. u c not yc r no,shed. bur speake"" and shll'I' s have been lined up. The Ttme-L1fo Nov:1 ritm " Mind Ma· chine" will be shown <e•·enl ume~ n ao 1n1rodut"IIOn 10 the wcek•long pre~nt.ition A show enrulcd ·• A Sp;ice Age Day· dream." ,,. hich tllcludes more than SOO ongrnal pho1ograph1c images governed by computer. -.m ali.o be prei.ented. The comm11tec 111>0 hope, 10 ger people who arr an 1he compurn m&nuractunng field 10 8"'e exh1bll$ on ho-.. , mall computer-. ~re made Thrcl' prominen1speakers, including Dr. Barbaru Brown. aothor of the bestseller "New Mind, New Body:· will also appear.
Brov. n i\ one or the many people who ha.s done reseMCb on biofecdbaa. She de· , eloped on. concepts of msnd consciousness and its relabon 10 mental and physical .tb1hue,. John MC'Cartb)', a professor of computn mence 11 Swiford Unhcnit). will .tlso speak He advocaics &rUficial inrelligcncc. home computer termrnah and consuucrion robots 10 possibly cur down on high construction '°'15 Robert Elhs Smith foc:oses on pri,acy ~nd ha.s published ~ paper devn1cd 10 the: uprcr or ho,,. 10 cope and figln aga,nsi !be cncro.:ichmcnt or go,crnmcot and business w11h 1hc1r computers inro the hvcs of human bc11111s. The commiuec also hopes 10 have ~cmino~ with the d1ffcrcn1 i,pcakcn so s1udcn1s will ha,·c a chance to ask quc,1ions direcdy 10 the ,pea.kcrs They arc also ma t ing plans for some 1ypc or musical J!rodurt1on. Keith Johnson pboto
Fragile framework constnsctloa on the hllltl.lnitlcs bo.lldlog crc11es an lntettstlng mesh of ,tlnlcn and rclnfortt111en1 hams sbo"D bett In • line shot.
Student Activity
Schedule Dec. 12 Movie. " Goodbye G irl" starring Richard Dreyfuss and Marsha M ason
shows in the
Southw est Din ing Room of the SUB at 3 and 7 p.m .
Dec. 20 - Jan. 7 Christmas vacation . Have a good one!
Jan. 16 Pas Sal.lh-im phoio
Slush shove ler
c..... «1loe '""'5er Man f:iuau-ld baa the euJoyable Job ot mo, Ina 1k sh lnri,e11 o/ -
.._. .... dine lachee ol aluh oft tbe h-..-Jdea balldlq'• weac &Ide .
Movie. " The Boys in Company C" shows at 3 and 7 p.m . in the SUB.
Dec. &. 197&/ Cardlnal Re, lew -4-
SUB addition deemed necessary in student poll Although the 300 percent 1ncrusc rn 1hr siu of :-UC"s S1udcnl Uruoo Build1011 will allov.· the auOOD of m.&D)' nc-. roomi <inl• 1111 of 326 cu:-rcntl} enrolled swcktit1 qur-suoncd in a Cardin.I Re,,c:v. survey. s.&Jd th.ti ~ think 11 o~~ary 10 add oo to I~ SUB. New add,uoos to the SUB •111 Uldudc a QC1l dam! drnmg room and scrv1ng area. a GC'W Srodent UDJOO du>lllj room and 1\40 mcetin,r rooms. The addrnon will :also add a iuitc of room.) "'hich •ill be rented by the college fO( studcnl pc=nnel w:rvice5 1 IIC"a boobtore and a JOO ~ I multi,purposc arca. whacb •ill be D~ fO' buqucu, Popcorn Forums. dJnccs and spccw dJm.Dg The kuchen area of the SUB •·ill be np&llded 10 include morc storage area The present Boobtarc will be CQnvcrted mto three student offices and 1 ~ room Students were asked 1f ~- k~ w1 a S2S UICtnSC 111 fees per semester bcgillllUlg ow ~ear .. ill be assessed 10 order 10 fino.nce the addltioo. Of 1hr 326 qucsti.oocd. 22; Sllid no, while only 99 said y~. Thc questlODJW:C ga,1: students a chtnce 10 co~t OIi each of the- questlOIIS. One student who did noi know of the incttasc s:ud ··1 c:in hArdly afford school as i1i511 present' I jUSt •00·1 a~ the SUB any mor1: r· Another student who 11,,u unav.,arc of the lncTcue said that the fllcu about the incrc~c $hauld han: bttn be~ cin:ulated. A srudcot who knew of t~ increase s&1d. " I fccl there arc -.•ays the money could be better spent. Also. I personally can't afford higher prlcc$... "'Bummer," said anothersrudeot l"'lll'C of the "I feel any improvement lo the school is worth pay111g a linlc more for ... another wd.
t.n informed ~rudent commented that the SUB should be 1mpro,cd •·h1le 1no1hrr ~aid 1h11 the add111on 1s llllllCttU&r) •
··we are only bctt for IWO)e&l'S. Wh~ should •e pa, for ~f)Dne else's (ur,•" he wed . A ,oc.atioaal STUdeot .. 1io did oot kn.,. about the additJOo <;aid. "'io ODC c,.cr tells us a11}1h1ng here." In resporuc io the qucsttOD wins if a Sl.'ll ctpansion b DrCHW') J I pcoplc ~ yes. and 145 u1d no. Comrucnb 10th!, qucsnoa tncludC'd thllt a nttd custs for I.he adlbt..n" bcau$c ''there is no place to SIi dov. n ,nd cat"", that the SL'B should remain $D!AII, that thcre is no nttd for ao add1tJOn bcn~ "rcmodchng ><oold be more tlwl s11ff=1": and that addiuon to the SUB will be " ~ of tbc ~t thin~ fC'f NIC 10 ,c~ to come:· D1ffl i.tudcob commented that belna closely C'ro"dcd g,~es M'Ddems the ch.a.nee 10 mttt matt people: th.ti the student ac,.l!f goes' the-re bcc:w\C "too many punts and ~ hang out tbcff": and that the student docs not like to sec I.he college groa • A student "'bo did not ,not the addition s~id. "tr you dOD'I make the room people ,won't be able 10 be 1n ther1: all the nmc. This 1roald curb the problem •• "It ,,,ouJd be owe IO ba,-e a hnlc morl! Isolation. W e Dttd a reil SCB ,.ith a that Is comfortable fort.lungs ~ thaD eating. This is not much more than a glorified ca!ctcna." SS1d a srudcnt $ the addition Wbco asked if they minded 113ying the cxtn S25 per ~mntcr. 139 srudeots s.t1d yes ,.hJJc 187 stld no. Studcal' s op1111ons varied for tlus quest.Ion also. ")'es, I mind paying for the addition when "'c hAd no •D1CC ID decmon-mwn.g process ... one student aid.
Area entertainment noted to enhance holiday rewards
Another ia1d that the 3dd11ion will be a great benefit to future studl'nts. Someone cl~c ~id lhGt he did not mind paying the extra monc1 tf good change~ are made, •mcc most ins1hutlo11.1 C'OSt much more. A ,rudcnt who does not •ant to pay the extra mooey u1d, "There arc already too m.tny c ,tra little fee~ tided here and thcrc." ·· t'll go to a new ~chool If 1ha1 (the S2.S increale) L~ how 11 "111 t>c. I can't illord It," another said. "Th<' current rec, art' comp:1111hl) lo, thAn 11\051 mstltutions of higher lea.mln1t. The addition • ould be ao 1mprovcmcot," • studeot \Old. A scholor,hip winner commented . "Hey man , the \ChooJ pa~) for n1y cult,on so ask them how they f1tl.'" Another student S1111l thal he \\ Ot1 llln '1 mind the lnettl.k ,f the cafeteria ><ould serve beer, while someone cl'I(' said, ··1 came 10 ,chool 10 lca.m, not for recreation:· Wes Hatch, SU B manager. said that "udents will continue 10 pay the c1<tm J25 per semester for the ne11 20 year.,. Sonic money ls already set uidc for thl, purpose he ~aid. " It was determined years ago that it would be a aood idea 10 set aside a reserve, S10 per semester per student, for an odd11lon," Hatch said . Each year's incoming money I~ put In to the bank 10 dnw Interest. Hatch also uid that «udcnts had a good deal of Input Into the decision ma king about the SU B addition. "Srudents arc getting whot they set out 10 get four ycan ago,•· Hcuch said.
Among students
Clothing number one in gift giving By Vkld Mineo
Besides a selection of mones, the Spokane and Coeur d'Alene area cater· tainmcnt includC5 plays, ballet and Christ· mas conccru lo increase holiday enjoyment. Connoiscur Con= presents "Chnstmas Fant:uy" which features rco.aisuoce dllnce.. festive dccor.itions, hom.emadc cooties. h.a.fl> ~ -drivl singers and a Ceremony of CllrOJ.s.. Family rugbt is Dec. 8. 7,JO p.m. . at the Un1tario.n Chwcli. One of the concerts io Spou.oe i5 .. An Old-Fashioned ChnStmas·· at the opera House Dec. 13 and 16 at 8 p.m.. and 3 p.m. Dcc. ,-. It rccrclllcs the tra.diboos of the holiday seuon ••ith music. dance and mimes Also 1n - Spobne Folklore Society Concert. Wcs1m1ns1er Congrcg:lltooal Church"s Cowley Memorial Youth Building. 8 p.m .. Dec. 9. - " The Mcssaiah." presented by Whit· wor,h College. Dec. 10. 4 p.m.• Opcn1 House. - The Kenn) Loggins Concert. Open House. Dec. 9. 8 p.m. - .. lion in Wlnter"' by 1hc GolWlga Unners1cy thcstcr dcpamncnt , 8·15 p.m.•
Dcc. 9. Russel Thc3tCT. GU. - '"Nutcncl:er Ballel" by the Ballet Folk of MOSC01', Wlur;r.-ortb Cowles Audi· tnrium , Dec. 12. 8 p.m. In Spokane, the Fo1 Tri-Cinema is sbovd.og ·• Arum.a.I House, .. '"Heroes'' 11.Dd "All Things Bright and Bcaotilul."' AI the Stmtc Theatre •'Escape 10 Witch Mountain" and "Return from Witcb Moaotaio'" will be presented. Lincoln Heights I {c:uures "Grease" plus ·• American Hot Wu... UA Ctllemas ,.;n show ""The Boys Fram Bran!" and "Midnight Express .•• "'Up i.D Smote·· "The Choir Boys" ~ at the Garland.
Coeur d'Alcoc offers "Ooc Flew Cher the Cuckoo· s Nest·' at the Coeur d'Alene Community ThcatCT. 8 p.m., Dec. 8 and 9. ··Toe NutauciCT Suite," a ballet by uea voluot= ...;u be presented io the Coeur d"Alcne High School G~-m Dec. 16 and 17, at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. MoYics 11 the Sho,o Boat ill are "The Buddy Holly Story:· ··Eyes of Laura Mus" and "Amcncaii Hot V. u." Wdm.a Theatre·· Anunal Hoose·· will show for the founh ..-eek. Coeur d'Alene Tri-0.ocma presents "Up 10 Smote."' " Death oo the Nile"' and "Goin" South."'
Ootbing is the most popular Christmas gift that both women llltd men receive year after year. NIC students showed in a rCCl!nt Cardiiw Review survey. Women also receive a lot of Jewelry and perfume; whereas men receive afu:r· sha,·e lotion, iape:s or records and sporting arudes.
a panlcular pncc range.
Most rnidcnts said they en1oycd Chnst• mas shopping and always loot forward to the scuon. However, a few said t hey dreaded shopping because they hated the c-rowds. The poll showed that m~ t pupils use thetr own opinions when buying a gift. A few said they felt secure asking a fricod or that particular person what he or she would ltkc.
Accordiog to the survey, students agreed that parents were difficult to buy for and most of Lhem (students) went togethCT with a brother or sister 10 buy thctr parents a prcseoL The popular gift for mothcn tlm year, like every year, i5 kitchenware. Fathers $hould be looting for,.vcl to receiving lots of shirts. tools after-shave louon.
According to the poll. the ave raac studen t waJts uouJ the lut moment to start Christmas s hopping. The survey showed that only S out of 2S have alr1:ady star1Cd shopping or were a.lready done.
When asked if they preferred to do their shopping OD a budget. more replied "No" tlu.o "Yes."' One student said, " I've tried. but ha,e DC\'CT made iL" Others said they CDJO)' bu)'Ulg gifts withoot worrying about
Since Christmu is just around lb~ comer, it's about that time to begin to buy gifu. Shopping will go much faste1'. easier and will be a lot more fun J you SW1 early, So. we your ume and enjoy yoursdr.
Rifle club places seventh at EWU The NIC Varsity Rifle Oub and the NIC ROTC Rule Oob particip3tcd 1n a shooting match Dec. 2 at Eu-tern Washington Univemry 10 Cheney. Wuh. Varstl} pbced 7th, ,.htJc the ROTC te11m
placed 12th of the 12 teams partiap,1bJII· KC\in Price of the ROTC ranked ,s a marksman The DCJrl match 111U be Jan 20 at tbt Um,cnit} of Idaho.
Dec. 8, 1978/ Cardim.l Re, lew .5.
r_____c_r_sp_o_r_t_s__] Face-off at 5 p .m .
Grapplers meet Pacific U B> P111 SuDhlUI When 1he winier -.ind, begin 10 blow. mos1 bir~ n, wu1h 10 a~o1d the snow sca.,on. The NIC Cardinal wrestling squad wu no c.1ccp11on a~ 1hey traveled 10 Pbocni.r. Aru. Dee. I and 2 for 1he Fi«ta Bov.1 Wres1hng Toumamen1. Ahhough 1heir swi1ch from sno,. to sand waHhor1. the Hughes w «1-wsnged C.ard) sined long enough to plate second in 1he 1ourncy. The Cards face Pacific Umvcnny 1onigh1 11 5 p.m. in whol should be a tough dual mce1 and then I.ravel tomorrow 10 Cheney for the Eo~tcrn Woshing1on Open. Pacific Universi1y. located 1n Fores t Grove. Ore .• Is a "National Associa1ion or lntcrcolleg101e A1hlcl1t">' power and i1 i, o good opporlunhy to compe1e ogoin< t 1hcm." Coach John Owen said. PU placed ftrsl In the Nor1hwcs1 Conference la,i yur and 16th in the NAIA Na1ional,. Owen 1ho no1cd 1h11 the Eastern Wuh1ngton Open "ha. always been o tough 1ourncy. The past couple years -.c·vc had men1al-cmolionai lc1downs bu1 " ' ,hoold do well." Tcam~ competing in the e~ent include Ea~tern Wo,hington. Ccn1r11I Washlngtor., Patilk Univcn.ity. Unhers1ly of Montana. Wh11worth College and Grnys llorbnr College Many or NlC', dual meet~ and 1ourno· ment, involve compeli1ion agatn.i four ,car ,chooh. bul Owen feel, 1hi, i, an 1dv1n1agc.
· We match "'ell •gat11st four-~ car -.chool'l and h1\e pro-ed •e can compett with four·~c:ir m,utuuons. Ir rou wrcslle the best. 11 points out ,.ha, you're doing "'ell and"' h11 }OU need 10 ,.orl: on.·· O,.en said. Owen labeled lhc Phoenix pun1 a "nice mp·· bu1 11 'lhowcd thin the squad lus ··a fcv. rou3h spou to cleM up lO become a stronger team ... Phocm1 College cb,rncd lim place ,n 1hc 1ournc1 wilh 126 po,ou to !'ilCs 99 3/4 Northcasiern Jumor College from Sterling. Colo. nlhed 9i) J 14 po1n1s Phocm.1 College had a sh3h1 edge hov,,. c,cr. as did the rest or the area M=hools. in 1h11 1hey enter~ 35 rnatmen in the c,co1 compared 10 the Cards' 10 grapplcrs. NIC ovcrame a 40-potnt deficit aJu:r one day and closed the gap 10 17 points. bu1 the numencal supcnortity of Pbocnt.1 clinched 1hc, lead pos11ion. Ed Snook. John Floerchinger and Dean Gordner had first place finishes v.htle Kevin Durke. Mult Robcris. Neldon Gardnl"r and 8111 Weldon also placed Other Cards malu ng the trip were Kctlh Ni1. Mark Nell.on and Paul Jacob..on. '' All our people have po1en11al 10 improve. ~nd 1hert' i.s c<>nstant w«-k·IDwcel 1mprovemcn1 We've got '11.J pcoplt,..,c,1hn9 at lhc nauonal le,el and rui,c 1 lot or time. hBrd,,.orl and matches 10 lmpnr.c c,tn more." Owen .aid.
Gimme a 'C'
If a basketball !an llrcs ol "--uchlng the action 011 the t'OIU1. one ClUI ah,,y, waleb the &ttloo on the side IIAe., '1aruili Is one of the c.ard cbecdcaden for 'J>ON thlt ~&SOD,
In tonigh t's molchup
Cards face Walla Walla 81 Keith JohMon The Cmlioals ma(k a run foe cbyligh1 Dec I to csapc ga.unlk1 gnp of the Wena1chcc Valle, KmghU &Jld •cot CJD m "10 1he contest bS-·c.. Tlir b-0 Cards rue Walla W&Jb Commuml) College taaigbt to • ho~ malrh su.n1t1g u ":JO. fhc :'-IC rouDdb:allen see:ned to be sullcd dunng the opening mnwtes of tbc \\ tnatrhec game. but Coach Rothe W11l11m\ 11 up to 1hc ··v.·art!Hoor1,rd,tht-1n-ochtrnen1" style al 1ht Cards. \ \ 1Ut.11M S&1d the ie:am "m:adc • lot of foolish 1111,we,, ni:tu aft," and •ul,se·
quently had
Pat sam,·an pboc.o
Score one for four-wheel drive
Keith Joho&0n pholo
1.0 turn
t~ JUitt to
order to
l~D 1he KD.1i;l,1'1 gnp. ~ mat,~ • .illlSl the •iclted Walla \\ all:a IC.JII IS clescnbed b} W'Jlurm U -:1c-s toug~t opponcot lO due 11lt C:i.rd5 are undefeated ui •bat has btt.D csnmatcd Ill u c.«n.Ulg (If !IOI promwagJ sea.soo ahead . W11J.i1ms U1JCCI.S WI lhu iJ the lint ID a •eric, of games tb&t ,. ill decide the CmilAals outcome ,11 league pb" Other tough =ms the ~ l s must Oy by 1Dt"ludc College of Southeru Idaho. Rieb and Treuure \'ulcy "1C 1w I yoo.og team AalOfdmg LO wr&lli2ms. 4.Dd some ncn·c:.u-nns '"--:1.S to be upectcd.. bn1 tell that tD Muff. Mxrff IS Qaudc Buder. ,.ho wu s.etD to drive mott than ooc Ca.rdinal ocst egg through the hoop. Flying along ,.;th Muff were G«doo Herbert. John Bell, Wea.sail ··slim'" Dcotou. Scoa 1bomas. N!UC Ed,.-uds. Bill Ooughei1y and Kell~ Pete, Those iu,: th1' Card's surtiog Dyers 1nd oulloob ror the - a are good.
'"The "hole 1cam is enthus1as1k." Willi:ams said. ··some or the guys jusi show 11 more than othe~:· Willu_ms soid the runount of en1husill!lm or cmolion Ill a player usu:ally becomes apparent m 1he ruults of his playing The qual11} pbyrrs- will ~spond under pressure :and re:act accordingly. Rc~ponding well under prcs5ure 1s the key 10 Ca rd ina l suc:ccsss. said Will,:a ms. ·· We'll adjust our playing 10 each i:sme:· Wtlliams said. .. Righi now we're smoothtng ou1 the cum. rl'ftn,ng our-
~"e,:· The Cards alreidy h:a,e nn established clcfe~ thal p-c, up onlJ 49.8 poin~ per p - Carduw 17ffensc 1s al~o on the wa> vp wtui :a.o ~.1 a-cragc per game led by aophomorc <iofdnn Herbert who ts sconng 19 8 pou1u per game. ~o OGr •UIS a same by himsel f 1hough. and b1gh scorer, Butler. Ocn1on and Tbom3s lecp tr.e Cardinal offense In C:ODICDUOO.
Willwn.s aJ11b1ts a g1mc•by-g11me de· trrm,n~bOn tha1 doc~n·1 allow for slack. but he admus tha1 getting ·· up" for every game tS ~ltlog rcorc difficuh. Willwns also agrees that the moc-e "up" the speculor-5 gtt. the bene:r the team asU4lly responds. The Cards lmt nothmg to be worri«I 11bou1 when it c:omcs 10 61hng the gym. Williams s:ud wtth II lOOlhy grin. Re blows 1bc cwting pllly he inspires fills the gym 10 a comfOftllble capacily each game.
Present tags growing old; tidbits of team titles told
Pa.I Sullh'1U1 pboio
ullen sideline Melling sno,- Is lhe only Ott'llp&nl or the bleaclien oa the I\JC -,en Reid lhne a;no-wy day,.
Women 's team loses first game entirely d1ffen:01 picture, although NIC lost S5-4b "I "''U ,·et) proud lhc ...-ay Ibey back and played !be sca>od pan o{ the pme. ·· Winger sa.n:I AC'C'Ording to ""'ingcr, lhc girls· a« lkot defcase in the second half pm coted the WSU JV from scaring during one 6-m.inute pcnod Melissa .. Chock1c.. Floyd, Po.. er. Mont •. v.u highest scorer •ith 14 poi,nts. Diane Grimsle>, Curles. Wub., = d 12 p<Mts and led NlC LO rebounding. The squad bu oo retllrn1og players from last >·car, lllld 10 af the II pla)ers ue
,•........•............................................• I
. •
The co-rec volleyball suodings for the gTC)' league are as follows. Pcnspohc ) J Alzadoes 62 VJ bI Distro)'Ct'\ 43 Whoppen
Bylines Powerhouse Wallbangers Bu1hmen The red !ague: Faculty
Ensolite pods
• •
: ••
Sleeping bogs $2 Rubber rafts S 10
Soon-cross country skis, poles, waxers !
:•• ••••
·i91!9' •..........................................•••.........:• •
Get away for a weekend l
Backpacks S 1
417 Sherman 664-3 11 8
l'lc1 Hanger; The finals will begin on Sunday . Dec. JO w11h the Diwoyccs and 1hc Whoppers playing to brc11sk them ue. C.i mcs between 1he Pcrispohc Jnd the Bloopers: the F~cuhy and 1he winncr'i o( the he breakers: the Mod Squad and the Nllldocs: itod VI and the Seu~" will follow. The 1ournamco1 -.ill conclu de nut TueMb y 01ght.
Tents $3
Drafting supplies
AB Dick products
70 S2
4J 4J I6
• : Calculators ••
42 42
Blooper! Mod Squad
Outdoor Rec Store
: supplying North Idaho' s office and business needs! : Cash r egisters
35 26
Interstate Typewriter
Gril', on a foo1ball jersey. Mo,•ing dO\\n the Idaho Panhandle, to" n, thai \l:lnd out " Quid include the Cotton"'OOd Barks. Moscow To-Towns. Han•mrt1 Y:,Jes, Pot1a1ch Heids. thr Sanca Cla<\\ or Winche\tcr Rine\ . Thc\c arc \~hool <>r \Ummcr k11guc squad• a penon could be proud ,,r. Ju\l 1hlnl or all the rhecr<. 1hn1 could be (ompowd for learn, like thc Wci,cr Bud1. Kt't ehum 8v The ·r11il• . Good in1t Two. Shoe~ ~nd l:11\lpor1 Wt',l\ Wouldn't a suppor1cr br proud and honored to boo_,1 .in athletic 'lquod wl1h lhc handlc or Do" n) Snit, . Mt'ridia n Longl, tude-t. Fruttl~ntl Faine, nr the Baker Ooi rn,? 0J11Xhlng 1c11m\ "ooltl be Onbberg,mcd to come faN 10 fa,c "11h thc Moy Flowers. lluhc Clrl\, Montpelier Orange\, tho Sod1 Spnnjl\ Forch~ nr the Riddle Jokes (Well, maybe you "'oulrtn'1 be afraid or the Riddle Joke\,) My four yc~ni up,: ncncc wilh $p0MS 1< riling tells me 1hn1 row or 1hc\(' 1owns would consider nduph ng qno or 1he~c chit\ In face. I scMusly doubt Ir any of the con~crva1lvt' Idah oa n 1ow ns would •P· precia1e 1hcse lilies. Bui 1hen, no one taics rne seriously anyway.
(__c_o_-r_e_c_s_h_o_rt_s_ ___,)
Ploy Wenatchee nex t
Th e NIC " ome n' s buketball te3m ope ned 11s season Monda) 01ght a t Washington Stale Uui, crsity with first-half jincrs but brought 11self bad: in10 I.he g:imc in 1he second half. Coac:h G:i) Winger. -.hose team faces Wenatchee V3lk)· Dec. 11, said tha t nothing s~med to wort. during first•IIAIJ pb). " We m1s.sed nine lay-ups 111 a re,,." Wingcr~id. She said 1h21 NlC did not conven from offense 10 dtlcnse. and I.he girls did 001 get good rebounding positions. "There "'ere 100 cru1ny tumO\'Cf'S :ind 001 enough rebounds," Winger said. The SCCt1nd half or 1hc giune "''U an
One "' ho gWIC'C\ at I.he ~pons pages or an, local oc"' <pa1Xr ,hould look ,:,a~full>· 11 thc titles of the area', high school teams. The q me old \ ons,.ind·diUlce nickn.imcs. sueh a, the Ha" l.s, Titte r, , Wildcah, \tking<. Wamors, K11igh1s and Bulldog, .il,.a,~ appear. .ind the l~t goc, on and on. A., a spor15-. ntcr "ho ha~ ~ nl almost rour ,·Nr, dealing with thi-,e bh1otl rde~Tiett 10 spons iquads. I ha,c b~ mc 111n-c~1ngh 1ired of the~ no rhyme-or· rta.wn cumc,. Wh, not lat,d huth ,chool (or et>llcgc) team, ""ilh tongue-ca tehlng tnle < that m:atch 1hc n;imc of the to" n and namc, 1h.i1 people " 111 ~member (or al IC3\I laugh ail! Imagine • North ld 11ho ~port, announc:cr calling out name, or 1he Kt'llugg Cornn.iku. Bonne r, Ferry Worley 8ml, or Plummer Helper<: No" arcn'1 1he,e more 1n1cr csting the \~ruhrd title.' Hov. ith<KII 1hc Sa ndpoint Tip,. the llopc Less. Post Fall\ Side wa y, . 5 piril Luke Ghosts or Pinchur,t Morticians? Only a bet. of mug1no1lon limits the poiltbiliues of such utle, . or COUl'!c, one m.ight have a problcm fitung names like t he Mu ll an ft ,Ovcrs, W,llace Hall Bangers or H.tmson Have.Some· More
$2.25 per day
• ••••••
$4.50 per weekend •
Open 9 o .m . to 3 p.m .
•• ••••.:
Dec. 8. 1978/ Ca:rdinal R~-ie-w .7. Cans caJo> I.he ,.i nning fla,or
or a CardJn&I tlmt'-Oot al the Wenatchee Yallc~ contest.
Crazed Cardinals Photos by Ke ith Johnson Q..s. lltdler llttldtett !he point of a wcU-dt,J;Ct\~ rest after
lplldlaa tbe Cardinal lt'am to victory over Wcul<'bec Valley.
fl-. pud Kelly Pete llrlcla for ,.. 0 a&a!Mt &llflllOIIDtahlC odds In 1M : : : NIC fare. Walla Walla Commanll) Collqc In Coev d" Aleac
Dec. 8, 1978/ Cudlnal R,wlew ..g.
Local ski resorts expand to increase ski enthusiasm
Lab photography to be offered The (our wrround1n11 lnland Empire •ki "' ooin11 ,k, ,.,_ <'I' this seawn "1th DC'" 11Tr.H'110M, The rompettth <' ,uito". S('h,.e11zrr &,tn, \ h SJ'(lkane. S1ht'rhom QDd 4C! Degrees 'forth . .ire temp11n11 the •ll rro" els" uh addtnonal ~k, hours, new lirl, ,~,al n~s. lodging con,enicnct'• 2nd eih1b111on ,bow'<. Sch.,. e1o.rr Ba•in, n<>rth" e~t uf ~nil• rcs.)ft,
A nt'W course deal111g with snrntlfte r,clds ol macrograpbJ aod pbo1om1cro· be offered out lemc\ler iiraph} according to B ,b Murray, \c1cocc u,,
Laboratory photography i, a coarse valuable 10 aoyooc ~'!IC • cateCr iii a ~cnufi,: licJd , Murray uid. Enrollment Cot the dus 1s licl~ ll> m
pcr<Oni ror cxb a! 1hr "'o .ccnol\$ and con\lst, or a ooc-hoar lecture and a r,.o-hour labor.I ton pc ,.eek \fwny :s.aid 1hr phowgrapby LS DKful in both the purr sc,cnC'I!< a.. ,. eU .._, pnctical applicaoon III bic>lcg), e1cdial and dental research w diaetiOSJ\, fon:ns:ic l.11,c,;upooas ~ uplonwns. phu palc:u.jc,gy alld lirnnolo&>.
Silkscreen art exhibit on display An an exhibu (earoruig onginal •orb of Chari~ Kuper ts currcnth oa display m the Mechanic-al Arb Buildulg. The exhibit. sponsored b)' MC and the Nition4l Pult SCl"\'IC'e, C'ODSISIS or ll silksm:cn pnnts of animals and buds.
Mt Spn~anc off<'rs morc ,k, h('lur, lhc l'lhrr thr« re,ol'b
8r<1de\ gnm11 bocl. tn, $c,·cn,day II as .aho 1bc home or the S.000.J Northv.e,1 Pa5•3i;l<", North Amctl longc,t, hghttd , kl run A M"' ork or n,c hll\ 01 M1. s 111\ c, , ~1tf) to the 111p. and run, ,en-ft! thrcc t hairllrt, ort lighted. The No. ,1 llf1, which ,cr.c, the,
The publlc llo l.a\111:d to,~ the c:.thalnt Mazid.n through F~, 6 • m. to 5 p.m, ind ~f~nda,. Tuc,Jay and Wedneiday e-,:n111gs tlrrvugh Ott. .!O. Admm1oa L' free.
I niti.ative consequences unknown h 1s too earl\ to tell "hat effect ~ I pcrttnt initiali~·c ..;u 114,e at NIC. according to NIC Ptts1dcnt Bart) Schuler "We simply don't kn<>'" "hilt the 1mpae1 or the in1tia1we is going 10 be b«au~ iD Idaho 11 has 10 bt' ,mplcmcDlt'd b1 StUUIC," he SJtd. Schuler added that the lt'gl.Slaturc bu
100 lll&D~ optJons "in filling iD details" so• pred,ctloD on the outcome couldn't be made al this OIDt'. \\ lxo the legi\latu.rc starts •ort1ng OD the 101tull\C. NIC '""' probably get a ' reading·· on the consequences, xhuler gJd.
NIC cadets celebrate anniversary The c:idct program offered b)· the 'IIC 1.a.. EnfOlt'CtllCnt Dcpanmcot. v.· hlcli is obser\'lng ,15 I I th annl\ ersary. It.I$ II mcD and womt'n p=cotly enrolled. ac:cord10g to Wall) Young. cadet 5Upcf\isor. The cadetS anend one class, mmuw justice pnacticom, an Fridays. They receive assignnlt'nts far the fall~g ..-eel: aod spend the time 001 o( working both in labs and on dul) . The cadelS, sponsored by the ciiy, permitted 10 ride lo patrol can with police :uid learn 10 opcrutc ra.dtos and other equipmeDt under supervision. Thu ,n.r, 111 :ui dlon to broade.D tbetr cxpcri~. the adets have been allov,·cd to ride with the KootrD1i County Sheriffs Oepanmeot. This is bcnc6cial because of the &mOUDl of COU.Ol)' ""Cid: tlw is IIDW clone in this area. lo lldditioo 10 coumy and city police. the aidcts ue.. also il.11111>--ed 10 ride with & ydeo Lau, Post Falls. Rathdrum, Spirit
1.41.e. Kellogg. Pinehurst. Osburn aod •W11Sh1ngton police forttS. The cadets gn-cn as much authority :u the IDCl1'1idual departments "'ill gnat them. Young ~d. The cadets uc also cdnatcd 10 lab$ ,. hctt they study C\;dcru:e oo various aimcs. They lcaru bow lO loot roe fingerprints and piece togcthrr evidence.
Patrolllog basketball pmes. W?Utling matr~ and oa:ast0mll) a dance uc some of the daties of the cadelS. They arc also required ID tiw:t illegJ.lly patted ars. According to Young. this is one of the hardest jobs I cadet can Juve bcause other sw.deots t.eod to lJlt.agonae them (or the job they att doing. They have to clioose bct,r,eco 9'bAt IS CCCTCCt whet-e their job is conccmed and ....-bu their fncnds may think of them. he The cadets ha,e been strictly enforcing the rules for the ,'WltlrS· parking lot on the north side of the Meclw:lal Aru Bo.ilding. The visitor paniog lots arc for visit0[$, 001 for srodeots. Young said.
point, c:a.lffS predominantly to local skiers but is t:y1ng 10 entice 0111-of-towner~. Operaong seven Schwc11~r al~ oilers oawr lll 1ki10g 11 Colburn Ba sin tn the advent or fog. The re1on a.lso recently doubled the si1• of its cafeteria ind Buristube (bar) 11 the bl5C of No. I. its longest lift. Schwc1tur's Overnighter and condominiums offer overni&ht lodg,ng 10 its guesu. In an effort to lure larger crowd, this sea.son, Schwcittcr will host ,,.o aur.:1.cuve events in January. On Jan. 14 and 28, the Rairucr Snow Bust aod the Mcmt Stiles Mcmorul Race rupecth·ely. will be held. Mt. Spokane bouu of rwo oew additions to its resort lhlS season. A oew uail. Rulon Run . named mer Ruum Downazd, who w» killed io a J952 rue tbal destroyed the l'irsl big lodge. w~ OJt this sum.mer. Encnding from mld1t,ay down the No. I liftlUIC to a location ng)n abo-,,e the No, 2 lift loading station. the new tr.di ooonecu the top of No. I to the base or the /\lo. 2 dw.rlift. The s«ood addition to the r~n IS Grambo's, a nc,,. gourmet rcswannt. for t.hc gucru' dining plea.sure.
end or the mountain. is Mt. Spouu'1 an,wer 10 Schwel!M:r'\ Colburn Bas,n. In foggy weather this run i, used. bcnu'IC n ts Jolt clear when fos blawJ <Mf the top of Ml. Spokane. Likewis e. Silverhorn Ski Area , oui Kello&g, added three new buddings lo a resort 1h1S yur. A warm-up hut 01 the loot o( the ocrope l<>"' for rt1ccrs. ska patr0I quanen _. ,n equipment shed have all improted mr resort 's facilities. Silverhorn 51.ill offers lower prkn 1h11 any other area. While the other areas' ralC$ arc aboot 11 or $JO, Silvcrhorn's r:ncs renwn bclow S7 Ldt tickets an: Sf> on wecli:days and joJS on wcckcod5, while children under 12 pl! S4.7S cblly. Accordingly. 49 Degrees NorLh. 1tll Chewelah. Wash., ts 1ns1aI1t11g • - Ii*. w/11ch will bring the tow capadtyo<aDr,. to 4, 200 s uers per hour. POSttloned 10 the right of the
c1isting three cha,rfi(ts, the new S,OX)-(1:11 ldt wdl scnc some advant'Cd 1c:mJ.o _. one beginner's tr.di. the Lost DutduD&I The ch1.irlifl. which has a •crtial ""' 1.SOO feet. iJ Sun Valley's old No. 6 , ColJe~ litr
Dec. 8 , 1978 / Cardin&J RC' icw .9.
Keith Johnson pbolA> SJLIJ) Smith, Connie Edgar and Laun Beew ~atdt md lam from ~1C'i Rown Smith, MNl!csl Lab d1teC'lor.
Seluce 1cbolu Sally Smith prepare. bl ood umplft for geneaoloa,y leA,
Campus police report activity
Student heredity reviewed
in chromosome research By Terf Worfey Al1hough people routlnclv Rl•ncc Into mirrors and sec 1hclr lm1ac rc nec1e d there, rcw people ever ha\ c lhc oppor lllnhy 10 view themselves from another pcn pcc1lve - through the eyc or 1hc mlmbcope. S1uden1s lo NI C ln\ l ruc1or Robe rt Smith's Heredity and Man coul'!lc arc an cicep1ion 10 1hi, gr nrn lhy. Ounng one of • ,enc, of eight laboratory nslgmcn1 • rach ct.u member examined, \•la mu:roKOpc and photograph, his own chromolOmCS
..Studying r hromoiomc · ls OM tech· lliquc used 10 dctrrmine inherited 1bnor· malit1cs,.. Sm\1h "1d. Ch romo)omes arc microscopk rod· lhapcd p1n1de!. lc>eatcd In the nucleus or cell,. These budtes carry ge ne, . th e httrdatf fae10~ 1h11 dc:1crminc mdh 1dual lhib pauc<I on lrom parents to off) pnog.
The "'~• · long l1bontory D)S1gnmrn1 with s1udcnts drawing ~mpl~ of their 1)1,1,,i blood From this blood, ~udenls
Uttatted whnc blood « Us to place In a culture dcslRKd ro 1110-. gro..1th. At a , pcc;flr nagc of mllOSJs, a method al cell di>ision. cell &l'Ol<1h hAhed and ll'Udcn1i, prepared mltro$COfX' shdc) o( the
cell,. Tl' mal e thl' ehrom~Offl('X: ,.,lh,n the cells visible. th ey -.ere colored .. itb a \pccial stain. After cum,mng 1hc chrum~om~ under 1hc mtCTO)COj)(', ind1"ldual~ anached cam· cnu tn 1he n11croscopt\ and photographed the chroml)~omes. ThC') taler \"\II out ao<I hnc>d up the photographed t'hromt>SOmo ro study them, a proc'I"~ I.D014'D as br.·o1) ping Wha t "' n the purpose of the U• pcricncd "The C'Xpcrimcnl "'u d.c,·,scd to shO'A ,tu den ts ,. hat nomal chromasomt's tool: h~c 1n a number 11cnd , anel) of i.hapcs and sires." Smnb said 'onnal human cells contain 2J ~·~ or chromosomb. The stud) re, ealcd no at,D<>rTD&liucs tn 1he genenc 1,LNcrurc of an~ member of the clas) One ~~1ble gcncuc abncnnah~ is Down'x: S)ndroml'. common!) rtlerrcd 10 u mongol1)m. The -arch of chromosomes, Smith
u,d, progTO~l\e, d\naffllC field mark~d b) oe-. de,el<'lpmcocs :i.lmost e,e,.. d4) "
The Heredlt) and Man ebn "'ili 1ns111u"d l:i;st )Car at NIC and is open to am lntcreSlcd m1dcnt.
Thclt. general m&hief and ,111 acridtnt v.-u rcponcd by the catnpllJ i,,:cunt> ~er the tut couple of •'C'Cu.
Sc\,eral NlC students .. ere apptebeadcd ...,th eight large ~mcnl bl~ from the construction site on ZS. DnV111g on the sttdcd attu 5011lh and cast ol thc tcnnu couru •u rcpo~ on 'lo- 2b and 27 Some b1<11 damAgc IS eJ1pcctcd.
cnJnll<'n to the Admmistn·
tson B11lld1n1 and the ..Cllll("n's side of the domut~ •en bind.rd b, large also OD h o- 2".
A one-car tmdent on 1hc dike road ,.. ms reported on Nov. U. No one wa$ hurt v.•hcn the car collided ..,,th n tree. but the car iuffrred cons.1dcnblc fronl•end dam3gc. The ti~ requested on No, . ' thst the logs on Rosl'nb~rry Onvc be removed because the) 1re a traffic haul'(( . T• o stop sign viobtions were given 10 dri,l'rs on !\o,. 19 A speeding 11dict -..u gl\en to s driver on SO't • The dri,er tool. off speeding apin. llu,:,aUJJt gn\CI on the patrol c:ir
Dec. 8, 1978/ Canilnal Review ·10·
R emsen p ress conference
Sub construction delayed By Teri Woi::lcy
'Finalphobia' contagious disease
for students dur£ng final exams Is yoo r roommate ronsidcring suicide? ls your stomach undergoing con,•ulsions! Hnve yoo seen students ruomng d<l"n the bllll scrc.1ming .. , can't tJiltc it nnymorc' .. c>r maybe just laughing hystcric:illy! If so, ii must mean finals :arc np· proaching, 11nd the crttping disease called .. finalphobia '· 4s set in. The first signs of th~ dreaded disc3Se can be noticed around the beginning of No,·cmber nnd the effcets gro" worse ms the semester continues. In the early s111gcs. a .. firwphobk.. C3II be identified by a lost and haunted look in the eyes. The words ..,est." .. quiz" and ..cum" produce convulsion-Ii.kc shllking of the body and tightening of the muscles. As the semester wears oa, sufferers 111a1 uperienre a sJo,.·.down in reaction tim;. When questioned. they may respond with ll ~thcr ducd .. Huh?" Ad,·anced "firuilphobia" ,•ictirns find themselves with an overllll sense of panic. tension 2nd nausea.. A short temper
2C't'Omiwi1e:s thJS advanced stage. and the mention of finals could produce violent anach v.nh a murderous intent . Many ,,ctims arc no longer responsible for their actions. lo this ad, aneed stage. thoughts of =pc and suicide take over lhe victim and NO DOZ seems to be in short supply. probabl) because of long nights of stud)~ng. In a.a ancmpt to alleviate the problems of .. fin:alpbobui.' · many students can be seen at various night spots such as Pe<1body's and Conon Oub. but the ancmpt seems to produce a str:1nge .. hangover "'hich doubles the effects or each. ls there any hope for these poor unfortu!l4tc .. finalphobui" vic1ims? WeU. finllls only run four days, and lifter Ulllt lhcy'll be .. FREE! .. (a.s free o.s o~ can be amidst tenn papers and regular clo.sses) for 16 weeks until it's time for finals and .. finalpbobi:1 .. again.
Medical lab technician program
The construction of an lldditlon to NIC's SUB will not begin until at least next August. ;\SNIC Prc•ldcnt Jim Remsen told a NO\•, JO ncv.,wnhng Bcc:ause of mistake.s in contracts. the cxp:insion plan< ha,c been rt'~ubmincd to the Department or Health, Education and Wl.'lriarc. Remsen said. He oddcd that thl~ action " ill delay the ope ning of eonstrue1ion bids un1ll :is late a, next April or May The ~tart of con5tructlon will mcmn a S2S per semester Increase In student fees for the fall 1979 term. Remsen said 1h111 a l'Ole taken 111st year rttc1vcd an Sb percent vote In favor of SUB 1mpro,emcnL .. NIC srudcnts want a better sue:· he: said. .. We're in the process of finondng II now.·· SUB e.rponslon will provide facilities for a larger bookstore and caretcrin. offices for student servkcs. :i. televi~ion room. 11 gome room and a ballroom. Remsen said 1h01 I.Ile present structure will be ex ponded wcst· ward toward the river and toward the pMking lot to meet the e1ls1ing sidewalk. The only adverse effect the passogc of the I percent initiative wou ld have on the SUB would be the possibility that less office space 11,•ould be rented out than earlier anticipated. resulting In a loss or income for the SUB. according to Remsen. Remsen told the clus that Dr. Hoolt is scheduled to perform at :t February concert to be held 1n the NIC gym. The band will cost S6.500. a.nd with the additional e.rpcnse of ticket production. electricians' fees, and meals for the musicians, the tot:al ~rodent rund expcndi· rurc for the concert will be SS.000. H_c said that the Student Board budget had allocated $4,000 for the concert. Therefore. any money earned over the 11dditionaJ S4.000 required to fiD:1Dcc the concert may be coosidccd profit. .. We could make S6.000 to S8.000 profit if all the tic.ketS arc sold,·· Remsen said. The Student Board plans to have J.000 tickets printed for the concert. The tickets, to which NIC students have first priority. will sell for SJ.SO with student identifica-
tion cards and for SS without studt1t identiOcntton. Although he has encountered no ncp. twc response from downtown about Ille concert. Remse n stud he would ruct u nfavorabl) to such complaints. .. I'd tell them ·1ou11h'," hc said. add1111 that he reels ii is not up to somco1>e downto"n to tell the Student Board whJ1io do. Rcm~cn said that no arrungcments rcr the sale of concession, hove as )Cl bees made. He said, however. thnt h 4 poi\ible 1h01 one of NIC's clubs will be llll°"-ed 10 sell r-i and drink 01 the event He ot,o ,old that o pos,tblc w11tm,ap bond 10 Dr. Hook 1s Seotlle·based Gabrid. On other topics. Remsen said that: - bcause he ploM to "mo~ oo.. nat year and because NIC student office, holden arc restricted to six scmcstrn GI duty. he will not seek another tcnn u ASNIC president. - cheerleade r tryouts we re closCII bec11use NIC Instructor Robcn Singlew, believed that such nctlon would insure tlw s.elcc1ion would be based on 11.bility nlha than popularity. - actions token lo Increase a wucncss or NIC srndent govcrnmc11 include the .. Dear Rick .. problem/solutiDI board in the SUB and a list of am shopping plnces compiled by Sen. Mui Zeller. - a communica ti ons gap be1wcc1t academic and vocational students Is DOI nonc1isten1. Such a gap. he said, ..wlll ml"a.ys exist.·· I - problems with the student insunoa prog~m IU'C created by students who docl't nu out claim forms correctly, doa'1 underst:ind 1hc benefits the insurac« offers. or think they arc: e ntitled 10 iur benefilS thlUI they nctuall)· are. He wl that he lllld NIC School Nurse Jo Maria<> vieh actcmpt to help students by liddilc such problems. - alleged student discontent ,.,th~ Virginia Fulton cannot result io tct dismissal from the Student Boud btolll she ho.s not missed three con1ce11uir meetings.
highly acclaimed by Weber State The sueecss of one former N!C student cum:nlly enrolled in Weber State Univer· slty's foor•ycar medical laboratory tech· nirun progrum bu c.rpandcd the horizons of students enrolled in NIC's similar rwo-year curriculum. Robert S111ith. coord inator of NIC's medical labontory technician program, said that beausc former student Chru Park is "doing .. en" in Weber StAte's prognm. the Ogden, Utah school 1s .. happy.. with NIC guduatcs u, this fidd.. He added that Weber State would welcome inlcrcsted NICllledical laboratory tccbnici1n graduates to apply for its continuing program.
Since Weber Scatc is a state lastituooo. Smith said. it primarily serves Utah residents. Tbcttfott. only two slots ~ reserved in its medical 14boratory tech· niciao prognm for out-of-st.ate students. Gruduatcs of N!C's medical labonltory technician program may work immediately llftcr compJetlng the college's prognun or may pursue a bachelor's degree u a four-year institution. Terming Webc.r Sa1e·s medlcal labora· tory lcc:h niciaa program "eac:ellcnt."
Smith sald that he will assist any eligible medical IAboratory technician student In applying for admission there.
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Dec. 8, 1978/ Canllnal Review -11-
New Year s resolutions
Traditional vows questioned By lkbblc Schaffner Are Ne,,.• Year's rcsolutioo.s becoming obsolete? One begins to tlunk so mer a.sting nu.merous people about their resolutions and getting only answers such llS ··1 don't male Ne,,, Year's resolutions ... 11Dd " I c:an'r think of any.·· Seven! explanatiollli could llCt'OWlt for lhis decided lack of resoh•i ng power. Perhaps Jan. I is still IDO far away to concern anyone. This theory probably holds true for those studenis who start studying 10 minutes before m.ll tests and keep OD iwld supplies of belated C3rds for all occasions. Maybe people don't see any point in makfog resolutions that are bound to be broken. Everyone is familiar with that son. "This year I'm going to lose IS pounds." or "I resolve to cut dov.'D to one six-pack a day in 1979." Why strive for the impossible? On the other hand, "'' hat's the point in making a resolution wt's a_lmost impos· sible to break? For eumple: "Tills year I'm going to brush my teeth at least once a month,' ' or "I will anend an absolute
minimum of one of my ct asses per ..-eek." Wbere·s the challenge in Possibly. students at NIC arc tired or tr:tdition and W:lllt to make ll dean bred with it all. If that's the=· we shouldn't be surprised if St. Pamd;'s Day and April Fool's Day go unnoticed. a.lso. This lllSt theory would probably cause the :lllcicnt Persians. " 'ho initiated the general idea of New Year's resolutions. to rum over in their gr.aves. The Persiitns gave eggs to their friends to symbolize new life er "rurniog over a nc,,. leaf." later. the people of England cleaned their chimneys on New Ycu·s Doy to symbolize the sweeping a"•ay of faults and bad hobill.. and the ad,·ent of good luck in the roming year. From this tradition or the English, we adopted the custom of m:iking New Year's resolutions for 3 better aew year. So. lnlditiolllllists and non-Ne,,.· Year's resolutionists alike. "Mert)' Christmu" and a .. Happy Ne-,,, Year."
F or Dec. 11
Musical concert scheduled Music will reign supreml' "' th<' 'IIC Colle1ie-Communit) Band and the 'IIC Stage Band perform in ronct"rt Dec 11 at the college gym . The collcge,commun11, band ha, -IS members and blend.\ colk~ \tudenb and area residents 1n its mus,.:al p1"tnta.tion>. indudc classiThe group's ronccrt cal. orchestal. m.uctung. rontemporuy and Broad.. a) numbers
Pat S ullh an photo
Ripplin g prison Tht re«11t weeks ba, e been • pcrfcl!t cramplc or W1predktablc North,,.est weather. S110', t0ld, warmth, rain, sl~h and once agalo i now complkatc the outdoor "'orlc oo the ~" hwnanltlet 11nldurc.
The Cardinal Review staff wishes students faculty and employees of NIC a happy and rewarding holiday season! ~ See you Jan. 19 with our eighth issue.
The staec band ,s 1 20,mcmbcr juz b;ind which performs for NIC sporting c, cnts and at "\cc tangs of monI area O"RllDIUIIOns. Admission price is S2 for adu lts and SI for student>, but NIC s1afT and students v.,11 be admmcd at no charge. Proceeds from the concert will help to finance the stage band's trip to the International Jnz Fcmval a1 Reno in March.
Christmas decoration tells of painful, cruel existence By Wutta Torrcec You may Dot re1hzc this. but you huma.ns are ~cry auel to IM. 1 am kept io danncss for 11 months 10 a crunl: in the attic uoul Chnstmas. Christ~ lS I ume of J"'f. but oot for me. It is only the beginning of a month of torture for me. Fil'Sl of all. you beat me with your to get all the dw.t off of me. Then you !Uc me do..-nswn ;and sruff me full of 1ll bllds of goodies WJth the v,TllppttS still OD SO I OJI' t eQjo)• them, After I am full) bloucd, you !wig me:. I bang U'OI.IDd for days. nevfy dud. until a kid rips my body down and pumps my stomto:h. Why do you do all of these things to me! Do you bate me! Aren't I pretty enough to be treated o.iccl~ ! lsn 't my coat, "'hich is usually bright red. green or 11,•hite with man) decorations. fanc)· enough for you! You hu ID4l1S pride yourself on being very
humane a.nd we in stray ots and dogs and UQt the:m well. However. you abuse my body and ioilict cruel and unusual punishment when I lu,-c done nothing to deserve iL I lu•-e alv. ays done my very best to make you happy I'm always trying to look
pr-eny. Wait a minute! Isn't there something in the Unltcd States Coost11u11on against inflictiag "cruel or oDUSlal purushmen1"! Maybe I should go s« President Jimmy Caner. While I &m thert. I should tell him how you humans arc murderers, kUling hundreds of thouunds or my distant relathcs (trees} every year just to make fOUJ' houses loot preny. There is onl) one lhin.g "-'OTSe all the things I have mentione.d. Tlut is when you huma_ns C'OIDlDlt the unpardonable sin of throwing me away so you can buy a new Christmas smcltlng 10 mLStrC:s.t.
Dec. 8, 1978/Card.lnal Review
(...__n_ic_no_t_ic_e_s_) Pui<l.o& oo cro,swalb or Ill the uaa In Croat or Ore b}dr&11U ud utcadlng patklo11 oat Into the l1ltt1 may ~ I ID t.ralDc llckcia, att0rdlug to Wally Yoa:na, law enforttmmt IDIUVC'IOr. The 61.rttU belong to df!, and 1M campu ,ttnrll), all bdnit ...-orn•ln dep11, tlu, wfll luae regular parking tlcuu, C11mplctc with C11wt date and wanut, to vlolalors. Tb~ tldccU ue DOC ibe ldad that caa be Ignored, u bas bee.a !be~ ID the pl.ii, bul Illa) rcsalt ID the SIDllaJ being taJcm ouJ of clau Ube or sbr cboa5ct to dJucgud the ticket.
The NIC Vetere', Oub ~ fts DeW Officmi, elected I)«. I. Slwicoc Lohmann, nunillg smdcut, Is ptt$lew>t; Marvin Kelly, ,ocatlonal· dent. ls ~ plUldent; and Rod 'axoU, ~ocatlonal rtadmc, Is ~ - ~ r . Tho annaal proJed will be to gh e a Climpl etc Christmas dltmu. C11mplctc "1th a ltt<l and trimml.ngs, lo a need) Coeur d'Alco.c (amU). Arly ~Clerw.ns lnlCttSled In jolnlDg the ch1b should at11!11d the ne.n mcctlng al Chelsea's on Ott. 15 al 5 p.m.
Studcncs 1n1-1ed ID rec:t'.lvlng llnandal aid (or 1979-80 sbonld pick 11p a Middle Income Shldcuu Asslslantt appllcailon al
MC', F1nandaJ Aid., 00ft. Jlm CipchD~b. l'llC Ona.adal aids dJ. rttlDr' said thaJ stodcalS moald DOI nun appllcatlom ID 11Dtll Ja.a. I, 1979 and added that same lnlo:nnadoa sabmlttNI an rRS 1()40 Corm sboald wo be a-' on lb~ appllcatloM Uthe go•'l'nllDftll IY damping down on COtr1lCIJleg.
AD members o( Phi Thela Kappa ue 1.n,11.ed lO come to the Wal.auJ Room ID the SIJB on D«. IJ, anytime between 12:30 and 1:"5. Bdng , our 0"'11 l=di, Lr yon wub, and ...-e will pro,'1dc dcscr1 and • drink. We, ta, e • rew ltaa.s of buslllcu to dJscou membership eertJOcates 10 dJslJ'ibDlc.
Want ID get nay Crom the boob for a few hoou a week! Wan t ,ome new fricndJ? flDd OUI aboal opportun.ldts O~D to ) oo th.roogb Cam:p fltt. Lcaa or &S51sl a dab or ,olantcer your talents to tbe council. It could co11111 toward c:oorrc credits. Call 66i·061 I for more ln!oima· Lion.
S1udea11 receh•lng n.,.ndal aid arc ad,ucd ID preregl'1« for nm semester. Accord.Ing to Jim U~bnttb, llnancW aids dlrtttor, prcreglstnallon sLVU Dec. I.
Appllca lloa dudJLac for lbe National Wlldllfe Federa tion's 1970-80 En,lron· mental CollSCf\aJ.lon FcUowshlps Is Dec.
31, 1978. For Information, lnclodlng a 1111 of priority topics and appllcallon Corms., wrlt.c the Exec utive Vke President , National WUdllic FMCnlloo , 1412 16th ST., N.W., W8'hlngton, D.C. 20036.
Some dorm rooms ue still a,aJl.ablc (or 1tudcu1S ocedlng bonsing. Foor openings ulst on the women's side. Contact either Gar, Col!man al lbe dorm or Wu Batch al the SUB for more lnlormaUon.
Cha.aod 7 6-7 p.m. 12.9 Jeff Wraag: "Cliamploa Sky Dlvtac"
An} s1.udcn1 on ,-etcrans' bcncnts who drops a class or withdraws from 8Cbool bc!oN> (lnaJ CUl'.M and doc~ DOI rccclvc a gradt' for that du, .. m be tt-qulrcd 10 relmbllrSC lhc Vctcr&M' Ad:mlnJJlratlon Co, that portlon or fancb. Con tact Carl M eye r a t I.he Kootenai Hol!Se fo.r CGJ1hcr Information beJoN1 dropping a dass.
John That('.hct1 "U.S. Spatt Prov-" 12.23
Cbrlttmat Show, Rick FNN11 c11nctJq NJC 11adcnta1 moalc 12-30 1979 New Year Speclah Spokane New, DINdort
Dean MtU, KlJQ,Cbaiuift 6 Jeff w-o, KREM·Oianncl l
The Lcamlng Sldlh Center, local.eel In the Shermu School Bolld lng, la open Mondlly through Fr1da3 &om 8:30 a.m. ID
4:30 p.m.
AJJ s tudcnu wbo borrowed crntcbn from i,1C• health dasl plcue renun them as soaa as posuble as clasa ls In need of them.
Dr. IUdw,I £qi~ ,;W be on aunpu Monday, Wcdnuda} and Friday bcnott11 7:.JO and 8:30 a.m. Arlyooe •lshtna lO 1« b1m ahoald flnt conlllct h ~ l d i . school oane, aJ bcr oflke la 1M WlolOD Bllildlng. Brr olDtt boar1 are Crom 8,30 a.m. to 4 p.m. wcekda:11; bow~cr, d,e wfD be aJ the .-ocadoaaJ hnllcfhl& from I lO l p.m. OD th~ clays. · -
Att ) ou irouble deciding OD a major! The COllDH.llng cent« Is admlnl· 1tering a ,,> 1J11eres1 trst that could help JOD ID dllddc, and 11'1 free, frff. free! See NIC CollDsclor Peggy Fed)e ID ibe Wln1oa Bulldlag.
Student, lnlcrt'Sled In applyl og for 1979-SO sc.holanihlp~ or those lntef'CSlNI lo traMfl't'1ing lo anulbu lo.stlrvllon of blghcr lcamlng should N>nlaCI Jim Upchurch for f1nandal ad\ic'c. All tcbolanhtp dcadlloce ..-(U be April JS. 1979.
The ccnccr o!Im1 cou:racs In EngllJb , reading, ,ocabnlaty, ,~UIJlg, bulc math, coll~e studJIJlg and lllcllmc reading. One cu.rollt (or thCM clauctl Just aa be doea for any other dus. The Learning SklJJs abo o!Tcra ! Rrvlccs free of charge.
S1udcnl!I cnl'Ountcrtng problem. In daa or In their ~1110naJ u~c• an, llflld to con'-"1 their advisers. Any .11udcn1 1101 remcmbtrtna who bit advlMr IJ may nnd out who 1baJ penoa II by con'-"llng lbc NJC Dean or StllMIIII Office In the Win ton Building.
Cotton Club Hoyden Lake, Idaho
SLodculS who pa,1lclpated ID ihe NlC Pabllcalions Cab boobw,ap t.bls WI and ba, t' not , cl picked op their books or monl') should do ~ by the c11..:I of the semester. Tbc clob wlll not be bcld responsible for cbccb or books DOI picked op by t.bls thne, as Cunds wW not be a,·allablc. Allothcr book swap will be held ac the bcgl.anlng of the sec:ood Rmes:tcr.
The ollke of career IIIJ'omalloo and plann1ng ls DOW open ID Sladen.l l dcslrlng assistance or 1.alorma lJon con · ceming Lhcu edncatlon. c:attff ll!c
Music Tuesday - Sunda y
8:30 p .m . - l a.m.
Wednesday 2 for the price of 1 --Any drink in the house--
goak. Contact Gary Collman In room S..l of the Student Unloo 8..ndlng from 9:30 a.m. to U:.JO p.m. OD Moncb_r-fdday.
Can or bottled beer - 75 c Pitcher s -
V olllDt.een att a.ceded to wntk with d~clopmcntall) disabled adnlt1. Contact Gary Gi.fford a1 the Ado.It and Qilld Dc•clopmeol Ccolcr - phone 667-6406.
SIU~DIS wbo hne- DOI yet picked ap thclr S~ Slllden1 loceadvt Grant [SS1Ci) chccis shoo.Id do so lmmcdlatd~ or they will be retamed ID Boise for canttllatlon.
$1.60 befor e music
$2.50 after music