North Idaho College Cardinal Review Vol 34 No 5, Nov 9, 1979

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Friday, No,•. 9, 1979

Volame 34. Namber 5

Bieber to appoinl

Senate ·seat left vacant By Teri Worley A vacancy on the Student Board created when freshmen John Stevens dropped out of school will be fil led through appointment, ASNIC President PauJ Bciber said al a Nov. 5 meeting. The opening will be filled from among first,year students who file applications for th e position. The final deadline for submission of applications. which arc available in Room IA9, is Wednesday. Nov. 14 al 3 p.m. Although some board members expressed an interest in wing a more :ictive role in the seleetion process, Bieber said it is within his power to be the official ,.,ho reviews the 11 pplica1ions and recommends 10 the board the name of the person be feels mo5t qualified to assume the office. Sen. Mark Baune said that Biebcr's concept of qualification might differ from that held by the other members of the student government, and Sen. Tim E1henon suggested that those interested in becoming a senator appear before the board. In response to these and other suggestions and observations, Bieber said that be would be willi ng to li~te n to recommendations but that the final task of recommending nn applicun1 to the board rests with him. Bomrd Adviser Tony Stewan concurred with Bieber in that the applic:antS' right 10 prlvncy might bu violated if n number of people were to be involved In revicWU1g the applications. In a compromise measure, the boa rd decided 10 release a list of applicants to the senator~ M> that they might background themselves on the applicants to insure a_n informed decision. ASNIC Vice Pre~ident Scott Day stressed the iden that the sooner the board fills the vacancy the bet1 er . "h is lrnpcmtive to get onothcr board member before 11ny m11jor decisions arise," he said.

Cb.risiy SteJnJey photo

Heated debate Mark Bryan and Gerald &lley rehearse their lloes for Nell Slmon' s play "God's Fnorfle," wblcb will be opeufng tonlgbt. Ped'offllJUlces will conl.l.oue Nov. 10 and No, . 15,17 ai 8 p.m. ln the aod1torlam ol the commwucatloo-aru bulld1ng.

Under Title III

Career counselor to be benefit of grant award By Sharlene Sm ith Nonh Idaho College students will now have II full,time cnreer counselor 10 hsist 1hcm because or a $75,000 Title Ill federal gra nt which w11, awnrded 10 NIC. The grnnt, whk h \\ II~ given b) the Federal Office or Fducation. will also enable the school to further 11s planning, mon11gernent and cvalu11tion program Un der the Strengthening Developing Institutions Program, the ~chool recch•ed $25 .000 for career pl11nning nnd coun~eling ond SS0.000 l?r pl11nning, m11nnge mem nnd cvnlua, lion.

. In. 10 qu111ify os II developing 1ns1nut1on. t'IIC had to meet three basic c:titcria. The school had 10 be, aet?rdlng 10 the words governing the h:g1sfation, " outside the rnoinsu:carn of a~adernic life" and "Struggling for SUr>•1val." NIC also bad 10 be a school "hich has a " commitment 10 serve economiea_Uy.. deprived and/or rninonty ~~dents,_ and be a school which has .the desire and poLCntw 10 make 1 significant contribution to the higher

educauon re-source~ of the nation ... Funher, the i.chool h11d 10 rank high in the number of Buie Edueauon Opponunity Grants awa_rded 10 SIU· dents :md low m the amount of money ~pent per year per student. Although thc- school applied for the grant on IWO othf'r OC'C:lSIOOS, lhLS LS the fir)I vear the school "as St'leeted to reee1Yt' .the grant, according to Jo Wt'bb. a.s:.istani to the p~~denl. Under the program. four-,·t'u collcgt's, pri\'ate insutuuon~ and l"O· ye:ir colleges could appl} for a poruon of the S120 million "ruch "-u .1,-ai!a_ble for the 19~9-SO }CU. About 650 schools applied for the gnnt, Webb. who "ill sen e as program director, said. and 14 pe=t of the monev 11watdcd went to corn· munity colleges. The SS0.000 will be oscd to design a system for planning. management and c,'1lluauon based on 1nstitutiolllll data. This :an11.lysis will lc11d 10 a long-range plan. The mone> will also be used ro develop a management infonnation

svslem ud for i n - ~ a_dministnti,c training m t~ planning process a_nd perlormao« e-.ahutioo The S25,000 •ill be u~d LO ~clop the college· s caree r planning and C" capabilll.ln by providing a s~~tenutic program fcx career pbnrung. Webb said. The monc, "ill al,o enable the college to addinoa:al testing St'r-·1cc> to he1gb1en student awareness of indi,i.du:u i.n.teresLs and llptJ· tud~. Also 11dded ",11 be the i.DCTCaSC in raculn 1n,ohemen1 in tht' cueer a_spects of the educ:u:ional e:rpenencc. aa:ordmg to Webb. IC illso &pplied for a grant fcnreeruitmeru and admission guidan«. HO\\e,er, this portion of the original gnlllt w 115 ru.rned 00.."\l, Bcause of money made :.-, ailable by the grant 3nd because of money =de available by Sl'iu:hing of positions. NIC,. ill hire s full-time progr.unmcr/ systems analyst. Kelvin Davis bas been hired as a half-time


rcsurch associate. and Gary Coffman

will serve :is the full-time career counselor. Money available by Coffnun's change in position will allow the school to hire an assistant auxiliary seniccs director. In order to insu re that NIC follows the gnnt'~ guidelines. two external 1geDC1es. a guideline consultant and an eduaoonal consultant, were hired forS9,000 and S4.500 respccuvely. Both agt'ncies, bUt'd in Kansas. "',jfl be pa_id with a ponion of the grant money. Webb sau1 that the school will apply for a three,ycar grant for the: 1980-83 school yea rs but that applyi ng fo r grants is ao uphill struggle, and usuallv institutions 3.Te awarded only n third to a half of the amoun t of money they apply for. A long-range planning ~ mmin~e c.xi.sts on campus. The comrn1nce will assist Webb with input as t.o what programs they want inc:ludcd in the ne"' application. which must be pre· pared by Dec:. 10.

At Bonners Ferry

Censorship threatens distribution of information Ccnsor~hip is one of those vague terms that fe" people out,;ide the hmu< of journ3h~m e,cr bother to thin!.. about Fe" joum3h.._1s. in fact. lose ~lccp o,e r its rJm1f1ca1ions because the, c;eldum experience the prot,km< prc,cmed by 1hc curtailment of free elpre-.,100. • . When a c.i,c of cen<,0r~h1p ,mkes close 10 h"'me. hO\,e,er. J,)umah<;t<; ;in: up 1n arrn,. and cho,c o u1c;ide the field v. ho arc in1erc,1cd tn the prt\lr\llllon of freedom of the press Join in 1he outCT) . !>uch a c3~t rif ccn>0r, h1p occurred tn a recee1 i.,,u.:- of clie Bonner.. Fe~ Hii.:h Schou! student pubh( auon. The Badecr. :ind t>ccame a rra1 ,r topic of di\cuv.irm at :in Occobcr :",IC JOUrnalt~m '11. 0fi.\hop. In 3 ~tor) n:l.;1ing !ht dclclton of a ",ul~u slo2an.. from a homerommg Ooat . a Badger re porter used I rommonh ur,cd scron) m for thi: more grnphk phta\C. B~ handhn~ the sttualion in this manner, rhc reporti:r pro~ided co,crage of ncv.\ 11cm and )e'l pr~l'\ed the ~ood ta,1c ol the pubhca11on The Badger is publtshed b1monthl~ u s )Upplement to 1hc Bonner<. Fe rr, Herald. Becau5e ol iis statu~ as an in<cn to the l'11mmunit, ne,, ~paper . The 83dger found itself subjce1 to the "him'> of tht' editor cf 1ha1 public3tion. who judged the acronym LO be obJec:ionablc and prompt!~ obliterated it from 1he final cop} "ith :i black pen. As a result. the paper \\3S published and distribu1ed "1th the un..1ghd~ black mork. "hich conru~ed the meaning or the Mor: and dim1ni,;hcd the e ffect or the page's appearance. Good journ:ilism must :idhere to 3 code of e1h1c:. upholds stand.irds of excellence in ta~te and co,crage; good journaltsm l'> profes-sional JOurn.ihsm and ca n occur at an~ le,el. including hi,h school publica11on,.

(...___o_p_in_io_n_p_a_g_e_ _J

In perpc1r.1tinJt thi, Jct ol ,cmicensor,hip. the editor of the Herald nh1t,11ed le-..." proh.-,,11,nahsm thnn did the high ,chool Journ:ili,1, involvl'd. \ lth,iugh hc rcl)('rtedl) :irgued that u,injl the acronym viol,ucd 1hc ,1:ind.1rd, ol :i lamih put,!11.·.111,\n, the cd11l,r mu,t ri:Jhll' the method hi: u,ed to J1,pla, hi\ d,,;ip(ln.l\ al did nothm~ to up14r.1de lilt' qu.,tit\ of tht,tor. - or or hi\ O\\ n paper. 'What w(111ld lmve p,.l'-Wd a, .1· phrase n11:an111gk,~ h\ mJm tran , formt·d 1111,, a " !ill· m·thc-blant.." p1111lc ldt to the c1,mmunm··, 1mJl!tMtl\1n. \ t the n·n bcM. h/defoJtt:d ht<. tc,~·th,1t1•1X1 mmcnd.1bk purpo,c bv mcrcl~ dril\\ in!? a1tcnt1\\n to thut ,, hich hr , ,,ught 10 hide-. in -,hnrt. hi·~ ··l'Qrrcc11,,n' 'ltu,·I.. ou t lil.c a ,ore thumh ,tnd provl'tl ju,1 .i, ctfcc1in·., the grJn·,t nu:,ral.c hl' nude WM, tn n"usntn~ 1hc .11h1udc 1h.11 he \13\ \\Orl.ini \\llh " J..,d," \\ho didn't l.llll\\ ll'h.11 lh C) "ere dning, lnfor1un.11cl~. th,._ nttitmll' i<. prl·,:ilent Jnd " l'ht•n enhanced rarher d1,petlcd by the bchavtor of high ,.:houl ,tudcnt,. \.\ ht·n -,111dcn1 joumah<.h ta,11: futh hn11dk ., potentmlly iuuchy ,tun, hn\\en·r. thl·tr .1c11on, ,hould he ,1pplu11dt·d ra1lwr tlrnn l·,,ndrmnrd. The rl'(lOrter, on The 8.id1o:cr\ -,11111 h,1,·e l' 1pcricncetl a fru,1r.,t1111( 1c,,un from "h1ch the} ma, derive vo luublc in.,.14ht,; o limi1cd nu mbcr of joumali,h mu"l cunfrllnt ,·cn~or,;h1p d1rectl). ,tnd th,,\c who do 11111y emerge :J, ,;1ronger ddl•ndcr, or freedom of the pre·,, nnll hcllcr juurnrtlis1,. The manncrm 11h1ch the high <;d1ool rc(lortcr, in,lllvt:d 11111 no" conduc1 1hc1r battle aga rn,1 cc n,11r,h1p ~ho ultl co nform 10 the ~1a11dnrd, prnic,,1onJI jnurn,tli<,m An} 11c11nn ringed wi1h "h111111g-heh1w-the·bcll" 1ac11c, \\Ould -,cr.c ,1nl} to remforcc the idea 1h01 rht·.>' rc "Jll'-1 kid,." Whcn ccn,or,l11p occur,. the 111d1v1d11,1I ne" ,parer in q11c,11nn i~ 1w1 the ul11mate 'rl.ttm of rhc ,,ct. For 1ht' <;;ih• of the di,tnbul 1on inform:111011, frt'cdnm ot rhc pre,~ mu'>I "in the nl(ht ag1111"1 ccn,ur,hi(l, T.W.




Building opening brings call for respectful facility use "U~e. don·1 :ih1N:." could 11ell -,cne :is J guide 10 C3re of the ne'4 communication•ans bu1ldinl! ;i., "cll .ss to other campu'> fac,ht1es. Grafliti l\11 bathn-om <;tJ!I,. hL·lpful hints caned on r l:bsroom desk'>. phone number, and otht'r per1111l.' nt informauon prominently displayed 1n loc! r,'l<m1, arc :ill e,iden,c 3 r:ither ju,enile mental set. B~ the ome mos1 or us armc :it an m'>mute of high<.'r learning. "e \\3nt other, tll ;1,,ume that \\C Jr«:' sndt,•d npablc of higher achie\'ements. To pro,c our ma1um,. let, r~,plct the propcny we s.hare. Le1·, keep pen,; and (lencils w Mtepaper. pocl.c1kniH·s in pockets \\hlle in school and our br:iins engaged in kno" led gt :it·qui~i11on rather than in dreaming up dt', iou .. mt'thod, of d..-s1rucm,n. The golden rule ma~ be paraphased ns follo"s: Do unto the propen) of others 3S th~ "ould h:l\e others do unto thine 01Ln propt'rty.



Name suggested fo r new building Dear Ed11ur· With 1hc ne"· ,-.,mmunic:ition-an, bu1ldm~ no" a reality on c3mpus. 1he time is nt':irh Jt hand ror a decision on "ho,;c ll.lme 1hc building ~hould arry. I :im ren:un th:it mJ.m ~pk "ho h3,e bttn :issoci.ucd v.ith 'lilC d~c to be h11nor<.'d b~ dedic:iting 1hc building 10 ·hem. :md I 3.m eqully c:en.aio tha1 man~· nomm:1111:,n, w111 be fonhl"ming. But. forthe record. I urge those "'ho decide such honors 10 senously consider the name of Ho" ard Schooler. 11.ho died l:ll>t , ear. ,\ m3m1en:ince d1re,-ior for IS ,c~ at \ IC Ho11.3rd cen.:unly fills any time J.,~·1Jtion r..-qu1rcment with the rollege. But more 1mponant. Howard \\3.S 3 dcdicltl'<I employ re. 3 man "ho c:ired for :ind respeeted others - and a friend to 1ho~e "ho needed one. I t.1nd l am sure m:im othc~J would be proud 10 ,iew such a structure tha1 carries the name of 3 humble such :is Ho,.ard Schooler. Sinc:e~I,. lim A. Pilgrim

(...__c_ar_d_in_a_l_r_e_v_ie_w__J The Card.l.oaJ Review is pubUsbed scm.1-monthl) b) the Publlcatlons Workshop cl.:lss a.t North Id.ho Collejte. Member'> of Lbe CR staO' wlll Jtrive ID pttKDI tbe ntl'"S fai.rl), accu.ratel) an.d without prejudice. Opinions expreued on !he edlc.orlal page do not necessarily reOect the views of lhe Cardinal Review, the ASNIC or tbe ~1C iulminblnllion. The CR Is entved as thlnl-clus materW ai Coeur d' AkM, Idaho 83814. managing ed.llDr ••....•••. .••..... .•.•.. . •••••••••.. ..••••.. •• . Teri Worie)

ne" s edilOr ... , ............ . .... .................... .... .. . Sba.rlene Smith assoda.te ecfoor .. . ..... ... . .•.....•.. , . ........••....•.•..... .. Jan DeLaca sporu ecilior ................. ......... ..... ..... ... .. ..... .. Keith JobDND photograph) edilOr ......... . ... ................ .. . ..... ..... Keith J ~ ad, ertlsing manager.......................... .... ... ....... Sbatlaw

~£Z~~:L;Cj=d)>.==i4? Renee Reid, Keach& Smlth, Came Springer, Cl.ndy Wooden, SaJly TrtlDble

No-,,. 9, 1979/ Canllnal Re,·le" -3-

By S34.000

College loan funds to be cut B} Jeanene l:famllton

NK "ill soon lose SJ-1.000 in the Narioiul Direct S1ude111 Loan progr.un a.s a resuh of its inabilil\· to rttOVer lhe lo:ms. . Jim Upchurch. NIC lin:1naal aids

Winter warnirfg The Wien branches of an achin g ponderosa pine wbwper caullon In the ears or NIC 11ade nt1 , wbo,e chilling bone! remind 1bem of lhe anowy months lo come.

At Popcorn Forum

officer. said the school has not been able 10 com pl) "ith the Offiet' of Edut>:11ion·s Bure3u or Student Financial Assistance requirement of billing students after the~ lea,·e the school. The college is responsible for noti· fying the students JO d:lys before the first payment. then in regular 15-d:iy inter. als afler the pa)mCTII is o,erdue. t.;pchurch said. The students are gi\'en up to 10 to repa, the lo:i.n ,.,,h monthl) paymenlS, :ind man) p.iy the loans back ID less th.1n 10 years. The office computer is programmed to bill quancrly "'h1ch 1s C\·en Q() d:t)·s. so \\·hen the students r~1,·e their bills. the) ma> o"e lhrec nmes "hat the\ upce1ed. With 123 student loa.ns j!ranted 1351 year ;!lone. it would be 11ery difficult, if 001 impossible for the staff to send and record all billing. t.;pchurch said. ··we have not bt>Cn able 10 comph because "'c ha\C not had the mone) or personnel. And as a result. 1h1s demonstrate~ 10 the Office of Edunuon tha: \\C ha,e not been U)IDI! "'hat they call 'due diligcn~· in reco,ennl! the: loans •· Because tod.3\·, la.lo, are --~tc-rd~~ '\ rcp;nmtnb. the amount of !.tudcnl\ reCCl\1ni; i;ranh h:., dropped con,1dcrabh lr.oml:a,1 ,car·, l:'J t,,r. The loan, - u • r2n1un~ from

S500 to S600 - go i;c ne ralt> to students th3t would not be eligible foe other types or limmci:il :issis1once. Another mojor factor of the problem is th:it m;iny students just don'1 rcpa) their loans. "'hit-h afferu the amou nt of fund money the college h:i( 10 offer. t;pchurch said there is11't much NIC can do to the debtors. "If the college hires a rollc.:tion agent) to track them do" n. they (rollccrion ;igencies) tJke SO percent or the amount ... he said In the future. the students m:iy be billed for the :ige~ ·s fee. A contract "ith WAC HO VIA lndu~uie,. a billing Jg.:ncy. was considered b, the board of trustees to sau~fy· the ~tipulation~. but certain contract problems iO\oh·cd and a final decision h:is not ,et been reached. · Joh.n House. informauon sen•ices director. said the problem is wide· spread and "those studl'nt, not paying baci. the lo:ins :ire direct!) huning 1he people "ho "ill need loan, in the future." "lfit ,,eren't for the NDSL funding, mom srudents "ould not be able to attend rollegc ... House s:iid that ,, hen thev reduce the number of lo:in~. !he, rc'duce 1he number of people "ho coinc to NIC. A dcc1s1on on 1hc ml'thoo of billing \hould be de.ired up before next m"111h', bc,ard of 1rus1ce, mc-cting ~o the C\>lh:ge can Jg;un nd,antage ot the Iron progr.i.m.

Extension of ERA deadline dominates debate II) Jim OcLuca Cnn~rc.-\,' r1l(l1t tu make nu Ct H•11,1on on the r,11ilit atlnn pmod fur tlw Lquul Right, Amendment wu, thl' mi•Jnr 1n11ir tlcbnt1:d 111 iln 01:t 2'1 Popn•rn f·nni m. M1 drnl'I Du11111 lh nnd Mtd10,1 l·orri!>. t\O.o n1t11r1tl'\' "'h,1 will he 111\ ,1h•l·tl in II No,cmbC'r 1.rn \lli l rnmcrn11111 I R \ , l·nhithtcnc,1 NIC ,tudc nt, ,,11 111, h1111 lr,1n\' ·, .111d l11·m lih Amt'rk.i wtll l.ic,· 11 I K\ 1, ,1th1ptl·,I l\11h1, 1111w lK ,1~1,·, mu,t, 01< pro t R \ 111 ,,rdcr l, 11 n 111 h1·.-,1m1 11ari ,11 th, I '>. t ,111\11tu11on ,\, ,,f (h1ob1·1 l 'l''X, l~ ,t.itn hnd r.itllh:d IR'\ thre,· r,·, .. nJr<i pro;, 11,u .1th1111.itnu1, and nn,· ,1~1,··, hc111\'nu11t 11un•111nr hn,I \Chl(.•d th, rc.-i,i,,n of the .1mu11J111,·n1 I h, 1 RA \\,1, 111,11)(•,cd March 22


Id.tho. "lurh '11\l'"' h<'lnHnfh rJ11l1nl tht 1-- R.\ " "' d,1\, .,Iler th, l""ll<,,Jr, ,uhm1,,1on 111 th111 1q:1'1Jtun•, \\ J\ on, ,,t 1h., ,1.11,·, that .1111.'mpt,·d .ind 1311,·tl h• 11111lif\ i" .1ppro,11l u1 the ~mi:ndmtnt u,«irJi n~ lo O,,nnrlh, 1, ho i, in f.1\,lr ,1£ the l: R \ Ilic p.iint 111 qur\tl\ln tll\\lh e~ C:onllr<'~ " pov. c r 1, h1m1,•d 10 pr,,pu,1n14 amcntln1ent!>. and us c\tct1)1011 ot the ume period from the n,1rm al fi\e ;ill1.1ca1cd ro ~('H 'll vcar, 1n the ~a:.<' of l:RA. Fam\, "ho 1, ag3mM 1hc p,,..,..,nge of FRA, , aid !hat in c,,cncc he feels 1hn1 Cungres...• act could be compn.rcd to a ba,l.~tball g11mc. If the lo~mg team put a .hd on the" 1nmng team':. ba~ket for the ~al.cur catching up. th,~ .icuon would not be rons1dered £air · Farrh said. Farris n1d he fcch that Consress is 1mng to ..fu ~~e ru.l~s" ~o that those "ho want 10 , ote.1r., way c-:in play and lhosc who opposc it can' t pl:1) . Donnelly rountcrpo101ed Fllrri) by S3) ing that the


t'~tcn,100 1, not onl\ fc-a~1blc but sht1Uld t.1.- " solt'h 111 the pimcr "f Con~rc~..... • I a.rn\. ho"' ,er. p<>rntcd out that ID 1-q it •""ll d,·tcrm 1ned that the eic,ull\l' bran,h of 101 ):O\rmmi.-nt h:id no role in dcos.100 " I H'n the prC$•di.-nt ~~ D•' role tn th1-, o:hcr th2n J ,., mhohc on<'." F:arru u1d l) nnclh. \\ho Y.rd he bellt'\c-, tilt- r.atrf1cat1 n l\ •·,~•h m," also ~,d 1he 1u ::'\ arc ~t 11 fuodamcn1al \l( di US<' thC\ "dc-.11 ...,th po,r. er. hrri, argued that ta h:.-e B roc·nct f>llc-h u t~ l:R \ tht'rt" mu,1 he ..lin nfi rand llC'Ct'pancc - and the ,111< r mu,1 be e1acih 1hr ume u the ll,'C< ptanrc •• I k 11.1,.., pmntC'd out that this \\11\ DCI enfort'Cd ID th,· ,,1'C of \1&,1&', acn-ptanC'C of the l:.RA Awh onh 3,-c.-p1ed ,c,.1t0n O!K' of the u.:inndh. "'h,, \:lid he felt 11K- u:npsrt of the ERA "ould b.• prufound. utd that ior a s.tate • to prll\'Oke I\ all nght - b not " .. The problem i\ the Jc,cl of nJor~mt'nt and the It"\ c-1 01 ack.n~IC'd:mem c. wocfuU, lsd.11:~ m ('(IOIC\l. • Donnell, ...:tid • \ ~•mph: m3,orit) "ill pa\:> the ERA. :icn,nllng to Donnell~ '<;ormall) .'I NO·th1rd~ r:mfkatioo 1s rc:quired This 1ostJn.-c 1s the first time an amendment bas on) been requtrcd to ha, c: a Mmpk m.iJOnty. )lresst'd that no amendment lus wen molt t.hAn four , to adopt. :tnd mosr only we up to one a.nd :1 h:ilf 1-eim.. Farris s uggc)·tcd thlt since Congress "as allowcd to u1cnd the r3tific:1tion penod. there might be lmlc 10 bar them from is.ho chinging Ille mode or \ Oting.


The law stBtlDg ho" long Jn amendment can be up for nuli.:'luon 1s rn 1ht' preamble to the cons11tu1ion Fam~ ,aid he ... undc:rcd if perhaps Congrc,, lch the, did not h.i,·e t,, h~J the rull' bo:cau\c it "J, ncu in the ron,titutionJI h<><h, a"o pointed out th~• the Dcp;1rtmcnt of J :~t.:::c b, c, n,cded 1h31 had the rull' been in the 1cu r1:hcr than the preamble ERA "ould be "dead m the v. ater • F msC'Cl:t:pa:-cd Cor.::n:"· c:tten,1on to the adage on the bumpc-r suctcr ~a rnt: •·conqrc,~ proposes ,1atl"S d1 pose • °'-"r..oc argued Ill fa,-or of Con'lrc,< decision b) u tni; hat 1hc ER\ ,..11 make m:in) Justice, .II! L'I l<dged and thar t "111 Insure trcatmcnt I and • oen irnder b". D n 111 u111 that for " srare tu rC)cind 1b cka n " • mpr pn and mcffccmc ... U su1e1 arc llllo-;.'!1.1 to do this 11 "ill be o nc\c-r-codmg ~cnano of uuhtng. reso~IDg. re cuwm arid •cttnng.' Don~llv 'l:ud . Fimssaid hcfd11he ••gr.ind 1llu~1on "a\ thJl the ER.\ ,.wld FN\ICk: equal par for equal work." He 5lfn6ed :bat the v.ork la\\ 1, alreod> 11!) ed lh~t Idaho adopted the la,.. m 1%9 Md W~,hinston adopted II in 1939 He alw said to oppose ERA is a vote m fa, or of m II right~ and that he (eh there were s uch things as the draft that slwuld not be included in the ERA. The next Popcorn Forum is slated for Nov. 15 and "ill fe:iture a ma.n and -...oma.n ,, ho toured China. The, "'ill present a JOOO,slide show and exhibit sou,enirs from Chm:1.



In tax money


to lose $166,000

B} Kim Jolmsoo other distnns e-en lhougl- it should Divi~ion chai rpersons arc being ha,c been released from the frtttt. asked to chop appro~irnatch 4 percent The I percent Ill 1J1Jtuthc "htch from their budgets accwdmg 10 :"/IC promp·-.d ~ge or Bill )bl>. \\llS Prc\idcnt Bin; Sf'hulcr. ~app ed 10 take the burden off Schuler \ltd the nct:d fnr • cut of Jbout S:66.000 wu de:-:rmtned la.\t propcrt ncn and put u onto the suie· ~ :.!>o.iLdcr<; .,. eek" hen the college got "'llrd that it So far Schuler ~td, the swe .,.on't be rcce1v1Dg a\ much money u Stnt ~IC ~ u1r, amount of mont\. 11 c:ipcctcd from lnal property tu~ 10 co-. er 1n0111on, ~alu1c• The pre~idcnt blamed tbc need for the cu1bnck on Idaho Hou~ Bill l&b, and cnroll~m tncrcue. which puts 3 two-year frrc1.e OIi local • ActuallJ they haven ' t i:tven us funding and "hkh "Ha bill an) :htDR because the mone) •on't from 1hc I percent m111at1\c . This ~ en CO\°e r tnflat!Oll," Schuler wd. meJns the college annot ul for more Tbt ~ · : 1 1 , budget I:, to be CUI 1n money 1han it ra-ci•ed sn 19" . t1<0 aain areu the general m11n• According 10 Schuler. the Kootenai mw:cr and oper.umic of the rollege County Commissioners. actmg upon and I.he IIWIIICIUIJ.:e o( 1hc )IV"Tl a11d legal Jd\·ice from the prosccunng groun~. :1ttornc\' S office :llld the ld3ho Tu The fedcralh funded Head ~tut Commission Office. bt1\'C deoded not and , j,rognms of the ~hool 10 allow NIC to be included in Ho= ,..on't be affected, the pre:.1dcnt ~d. Bill 280. which would hnve exempted said. the college from the freeze. The roUege 1s really affected be· Apporcn1ly the romm1ssioncrs de· cause of 1hc n""' commuruc:iuon-aru cidcd that 1he longuagc of Bill 280 build!Dg 11 recently took o,er. said wasn · t worded precisely enough to Schuler. This added n~ u:pen~, to overcome the more precise language the school that '-IC had pbruled to p:i) of Bill 166. Schuler said. for ,nth the mone, the, ,. ere to He snid 1hc college C:lllnot go 10 receive Crom t.he propcrt) tite) court to get Bill 280 put into effec1 The building IS oS.000 square feet. because to go no" would delay o.JI g1\ 1ng a 41 percent increase of unit~ of government from getting their maintelWlt'e to the college. Schuler tnx money, and Schuler ~id he would S.IJd that the sd>ool m~t ronSJder the not cause such a problem. Cipc4SC$ of [V, 0 ne'll' t'USlodians, I 01:'4' Another ren.soo wh) NlC can't go 10 ,ce~lan . furnnure and iniuranee coun is that the commissioners didn't which a11· add up to SIS8,000. get 1hc mill le\')' set until Oct. JI. a month late. because they had 10 listen He said that he .... ants 10 get more to 1housands of tu nppeals. st111c aid m ~ next scuion. since Schuler snid they couldn't set the tha1·s,.h11the I ~ t in11ill1ive levy until they had :issessed the v3lue intended . .ind if he caJ1 ·1 get that. he of Koo1en3i County. wants 10 get the House Bill 280 Guidelioes for Bill 166 were sent to reworded so that 11 will be precise nil the units of government without enough to mal:e NIC exempt from Bill incorpornring Bill 280. Ibo. Thus. NIC "as lumped .,.,th all the



On thr block


Health field option eyed A career information column By Gary Coffman career dC\-elopmeat adviser

Students who would like to be members of pro:fessionallv trained rehabilitation te:tms ~·ho help mand handicapped persons should consider a career as a physical lhcrup1s1. Physical thernpists work in either hospitals, oursing bomes, specw rehabilitatioo centers or in the patient's home. By lookfog at a patient's medical history and the present state of he31th or illness. the phys:ical therapist performs a tteatmeot progr.un. :~rec different education;u eTograms are available for physical th erapy may 3neod a four-year degree program at certain colleges and umversin~. or if a S1udent al.ready has a bachelor's degree. be may 11ttcnd a U-18 month ccrt1ficnte program by special schools. A m~stc_r's de~ p~gram in physical therapy exists u several universities. erperttse 10 speaaJ skills such as administration and rcsearclJ design are also taught. Opponu nities ilIC excellent for physical thenpists, acconling to the U.S. Dcpan_ment labor and the American Physical Therapy Association. Physical therapists arc tn demnnd. and all signs point 10 the likelihood of continued demand.


I··- --------

I ·,

Some prv1lral Jo~crs, posslblJ looking for spare nll.'lb, u.'lt'd a ' 'borTowed" • Ian to put the fl. ShcmJJan llall dormltol') up for grab<i lut week. For1una1ely lor 11nfortun11lt'I) pcrhap<1J, no one Jumped at the offer.

CR given second straight All-American paper rating "All,Americnn" is II term that stoff members of the NIC newspaper Card inal Review are learning to expert after receiving word this week Lhat ihc paper has again been given that award. According 10 joum31ism Advhcr Tim Pilgrim, the p;iper's , pring issues for 1979 .,.ere named in the award by the Associated Collcgiote Press, a college and high school newspaper rating service based at the Univcr&ily of Minnesota since 1921. Pilgnm said that the Cardinal Review g111hercd 4,295 poinll> out of a possible 4,500 and recetved four "marks of distinction' ' - one more lhan the Fall 1978 issues. which earned the paper's first,evcr All·American. " It really blow~ me away that the kid~ jOI the nward two se mesters In a row.·· Pilgrim said. " There's only one other junior college paper in the Pacific Nonhwcst 1ha1 I know of :1nd only a handful in the whole country that get back,to-baclt All-Americans." The marks of distinction, which are given for " lively, nppealing or effect ively independent ach1evement." were in coverage and content. writing and editing, physical appearance :llld visual commun1~1ion, and photography. art and use of graphics. "You really write !Lice pros," ACP judge Mn.ry Skar said of the NlC paper. Cu rTent Editors who were staff members on both AII -Amencan papers arc Teri Worley and Sharlene Smith, BonnCT'I Ferry; Jan Deluca. Cataldo; and Keirh Johnson. Arvada Cola. Marti Pierce. St. Maries. and Tom Emond, Bonners Ferry, mum from the Spring 1979 staff.


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No,. 9. 1979 ' Cardi ruu Re, ic" .5.

Turkey ra ce slated



Co-rec participation on rise If 1he co-rec football and rcnn1s pan1c.,p:111on "ilS an} ind1ouon for future sporu ~ents. :i large 1umout should be expected. En1husi:is1ic indi, iduals ha,e in· creased rhe in,ol,ement of intramural spons from pr~·1ous yc,1rs Both tennis :ind football ha,e reccl\ ed surpriS1ngl) l:irge wrnou1s. :iccording 10 Director John 0-.,.en . Footb3ll 1umou1 incr~d bv more than 40 pbyers and C01l.S1Stcd four more teams th:in last year according to 011 en. Both "Tcstling 1e;ims pnr· ticipated in the finab. "ith \\reStling team number ,.,..o defeating ui. opponents 10.- with the help of outstllndmg playing by qu:u,erb:ick Mike Wood. Powder puff footb~ cb.1.mps. 1he sophomore girls' team. be:11 the freshmen team 13-- .


Fu1ure l.'H·nt, m 1he tir,t ,cm..-,1,~r \\ill rnclude ,olk,ball and 1hc n,h, rountn turkr, race. "hKh t, set for ;>.o, fo O"cn .,a,d h, i, un,urc ,,1 ho" the rare ",n be run.

··1t m:i, con<1~1 uf three .!trl~ and three JU;,. running on e:ich ·,cam. or (Inc eirl and two men runnm. ·· he :,;ud.

Intramural ba~l..etball 2ame:. "111 ~tan "ah the beginning or'thc >•'IXlnd semester A~ nu11. ba,.l.etb3.II ui:im, w1II consi~I of onh men pla~e~. but the possibility e:rulS 1ha1 \\1th enough mtcres1ed girls. a po\\der puff team could be arranecd.


Owen also ha~ tentlti,c pfan~ for noon competition "uh free-throwing events and one-on-one games.

Soccer squad looking for victory ,n final contest against WSU By Carrie Springer Christ) Steinle) photo

WHITE BADGE OF COURA CE--Saecd Mcbrsadch, who Is sidelloed from the 11-0<'cer pmcti with a le,i lnj1try, goes through the casH,lg,iing tradUion " llh fellow aoccer player Mlljld Madanl. The team plays Washington State Uohersh) on campUB Saturday at I130 p.m .

Three go lo notlonols

Harriers sprint to third Dy KeltJ, John!lOn While chi\t ma y <1mn1 111 ,uch ,pnn , 11\ hor ,c~hoc, nnd hntchct thro" mg, the bul~ ,1r the NIC 1111•11·, (I'll\& c11un1n 1cnm had t(I ,c:ttlt• fur a ",h,," ·· JX'"t,on m the NJC"AA rt'Jl11>1rnl mci.:1 rc,u lt,. ·111C! 1c am fini,hl'd 1lmd behrnd the College nf Snulhl'm ld3ho and Lani• 10 Communlly Cull1·g1· and fell ,hurt of II top two pu,imin nrcded h) nucnd the nu11nr111l mc<:I in Wld111.1 , k. .111 ll o11cv1"r, 1hc 11•,un "a' no1 IOl~lh ,hut ou1 ('If nJllcmnl l'l'lmpc1111on a, 1hrcc SIC runn1•r, ,,ill huard a plane 10 rrpn',l'IH 1hr t'l•llegc 1n the- ~unnu"er ~tote on 'iatunluv Runner, 11111 W yil ll, Ro\1111 lh10d nnJ Kn, Mu o:Ucr nll rrutdc It under II!<" IS1h pl111·c nrnr~ 111 qunhh ti"'"' for on mdividu:il .mendnn<'C al SJturdA~ " com1ie11tmn ll1M1d, "ho r.1111hi: S·mlk 1:011",: in 27 It> 1,, pl,IC'\.' e1S!hlh. l\.l ucllcr r:in 10 thl' tune <'I 27:'1 2 111 complete 1h1· NI(' 1rllog1 "' 14th pl~c,c. "\V).ill and 11111\II ran 1hc1r b,•,1 r.1re c,cr," Cooch Mu.c Sund, -.lltd Whllo: 1hc m1wr;1hlr \\(',llhcr C\\11Ji1111n, of ,n11" .ind Jriuk .11 thl' UJ\ ·, c,cn1, r,1ultl bt ,-ounlcd n, J po"lhlc ln,1\lr III thc NIC' lNm pl;mni,:. Bund~ t>clie,e, lh:it the rnmpc11111>n "'" J1•wn mg .if lhl' "m '"Thl h1rc1gn kid, of C · 1 \\t:rc .:,cclknt." BunJ, ).lid '" \\ c 11crc t>cat b~ I\\O lic11,·t t1•oi11, " Thl' NI(' wnm (hd ,ho11 a 1113rl cd 1mrro,t•n,cnt o, c.-r the rt'Rlt1n:il mt-ct >1-"-'"-' of ,~,, )l'!lr', team Ii" Jll3clng runntl'\ m lughcr pl:i,mR po 111011\ 10 rt'Ju('(' :i "-."'Ort' of 1)1j pou11, ,n 1•r8 11, ll pllinh thh ~<'ar .w ~.,11 "ll' no1cJ for thc pn.',i<'U> reg1on11I m«-t mar\. and t>cc..,me~ the h1Rhc,1 plJcc finishl'r ,II an NJC \ t\ regional mc1·1 in NIC h1ston Coo~h Bundi "·'' 1u,11finb1' ,.:111,fil•d \\llh the perfom1an,·,• of th" )'~ 1e31JI bu1 mu , 1 re mom opllmi,tK "hen dl\,u,~mg th<' N l l CTI)<., (',.'Ul111' 1e.1m. '"We hod ,e,cn Mroni; i.ophomore, 10 3C'l't'nl the team th1) ,c:ir" Bun,h ~d "but th,• team I\ golnQ lo he prcll\ kln llC\I H'3r •• NIC'", lre,hm,·n pu1 on., g,'Od ,h~11 mg :11 llbi S.11urd;i, ·, e,·enb ..,. ith G.1n Bl.. c'l • Eaylr and Carl UulT\· fln"hmg "11h 11mc, JO:O., and Jl :OJ While :i wa,on 11! L'l.1mpc111iun for m,,,1 " ' thC' l'rq men·, en,,,. ,'Ountn tc.. m ,, over , m•,1 )C:tr 11111 bnng .1 n,•" lmc of runner, I(> the c," b, thl' bkc a, , IC' t, the '1ll ,,r lhc I qM) na1iu11nl crv" ,'\luntn m~t. •


Wtth onl) one game left of the soccer ~=n iUld a record of lhrec "ins and four l=e~. Co:ich Rich3rd .. Duke·· Sn)der stttsscd the need to wm the last rem.umng g;imc of the 1<1-9 season In order for the ~ r tt'.im 10 be eligihlc for th( champ1on\h1p tournJ· mcn1 n1 Whhtn!!t On l ' n1• vcr-\ll) u Ellen~burc the team mu\t be in founh plJcc or better 10 qua hf\. 11 the 1cam ,.in, 11, b,1 game of the ,ca,<'n Saturda .,;i•tist Wa shing1on Staie Unncr,11'\, oi:ld quahfy for the rourn3mc:nt Sn o.r .aid. "I feel th:11 m, 1m11ed ro.1.~hm1t abihuc:~. the lad.. of conSt\lenc- in plJ,er turnout for pran1.:-e :,.nd pla~er\ v.ho are 1rrecula.r for shll'\ine up at, m3, "'-' the mam rc:i.wn> '-'h~ p"t<·n11al v. h neH'r reached... ,.,, ~ r -... a

While the \OCCCr 1eam ma" not be ha11ng JS good n season· u w3s expected, Sn)Jer hope, that it will end "uh a be1ter-1han-c,cn rct:ord. Sn1·der srud he feels that If there hadn\ been ccnam plJ,ing problem, during th e g3mc, Jg.1in,t E.1,11Hn Or<?~on lln1l'ct\lt, .ind the Um,cr;i1y of ~kmtana. NIC'\ \OCCer te:im rould ha,e be.urn both tc:1m,. The h1~hligh1 ol th1· '>CJ~on. Sn,·dcr ,.i,d, 11 J\ thr first l'lnlf of the i:.imc plJ}Cd JgJm)t Gon1aga Uni,·cl'\ll). a g:imc m llhich • IC cmcrgcd 1hc 5-J \ICtor... "\\ c re.ill, had 1t Wl!cthcr. ·· Srll'dcr ~a,J ··11 11 is the fiMit ttme I ,.,11 th, gu~\ p!J, .1~ .l t~Jm. •• M C's soccer team mu, ho11c pluH·d 11, \\Of'\t b.1mc ol 11i!c ,eJ,on in the opcnine kJt:U<' g.imc Jl?Jlll-r the t:nl\t'rsi1~ lt'aho. ac:c:1•rdin1? tu Sn,·der


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Nov. 9, 1979/ Ca.rdlnal Re,·le• -6-

Cardinals look to season; squad ta lented 'on paper


By Keith Johnson Whik the MC men·\ basketball team's first game IS still o,er three v.ttks a11,."1y, Co3ch Rolhe Wilhallllo is busy preparing this year's rompemors for a more than opttm1st1c year ahead An-ordml,! 10 W1llu11ns, 'I/IC actmnes dtrtttor. "ooly ome ,.UJ tcU" the possible -.111nin,11 \kill\ of th1~ years tetm. but the!· "look really good on p.1per.'' A strong dc:fcn~ •~ the key to a good baue1ball , ~ . William, '4id ll<>lln{:l wt "if you nn't play defense, yoo can'r p'2) •• on thc Cardinal !Clim. Wilham) s:ud that there 1s an alll10St equal spin ~eca the number of ftt~hmcn and sophomore~ on the ream thu )Cllf, • i th the brunt of \,[C"s ,treogth being dr.i" n from returning players. B) utilizing thest' returning pla)crs, flMtlng freshmen ha,e a bencr chantt to learn the tough dcfensi,e strategy es\Cnual to ,1c·, gilll'.c plan. Although the Cards are sull a young team as w u prxucc umc is coottrncd. William~ has a possible ace in the hole • i th a o-foot-10 sw.ure. Freshman Greg WiltJer. \'1ctona. Bnush Columbia. IS the wlm mcir..bcr on the Cardinal team this vear, and Willwns s:ud that "be IDO\CS •ell ..;th the ball" but that like the remaining freshmen. be needs to C'O\'Cr a lot of the fundamental techniques. Returain11 sophomores include John Bell, Portland. Ore. and B,11 Dougherty. Boise. Combination fONml and guud Wendell Dcatoa. Shelby,ille Ind., o.lso returns ",th guard Oaudc Butler. Anchorage Alam. 01hcr sophomores indude KC\in Andenon. a center from Andlonge and Jun Barstow, Eaton Rapids. Mich.. who is II tranSfer student from Kellogg Commun1t) College. Battle Creek. Mich. The team also prncuccs ,.ith Jcrr)· Bntta1n, lndinnapolis. who is II transfer studeat from Butler t.:nn"tTSity Kerry Schterman. Coeur d'Alene. brings 1he number of sophomore pla)ers to a close. Fre~hmen fonntrds include Rich Rollins, lndi.anapol15 Bill Schuit, V~e}ford. Wash.: ond combinotion fon-·ard-gunrd Ke,·in White. Rathdrum. Rene Taylor. South Bernd, Ind.; DOJl Weech. Hayden We, Rod} fun . Columbia Fnlls. Mont.: and Denni~ White. South Bend, Ind. make up the freshmen guar~. Marcus Warren, St. Rose. La.. teams up with WiltJer to muc up NIC's l"'O freshman centers. NIC basketball fans will h11, e their first cbmoce to \tt the Cards lD a_ctioo .igamst Walin Walla Communit~· College on No, . :i.i m 1he NIC !D ffl at , :JO p.m.

Keith John,ion photo

SPIKE ·EM- -VolJcJ bal l Coach Len Alwood hand-'l out some wonh of Atnate&}' during a time-ou t 11 a rcC'(!nl march up. The NIC team I• on 118 way lo Orcaon for •,cr appeannee at an NJCAA Region 18 roumamenl.

At regional tourney now

Spikers eye nationals By Ja.o Deluca

Having to live down a reputation of not .. inning in volleybnll is noc Bn ea~y to~ Thb year's team. howeve r , hn~ disproved lhe te3m's di~mal record O\er the ,Past t,.o year~ and more; it qu~lilied weekend for the rcgiono.l touma.ment. The Cards left 10<!.ly for the Region 18 tournament at Mount Hood Communuy College in Gresham, Ore .. ond 1f their succes, continues LO be as good . as it has been 1h1s season, they may qualify for the nauonal tournament !'io,·. 22-24 in Miami. Fla. The Cards lost to Ricks College and 1be College of Southern Idaho last v.eekend but defeated Treosure y 3 11ey Communil)' College and Fla1head Community College, thus retaining their s.econd-plac.e status. Co.ieh Len Atwood s.aid that against Rids, the Cards' m.ijor rival this year,

YEP! IT' S A \\-11.SON-

John Bell hb "basketball on the brain " as the Cardinal team prepares for another actionpacked SCJlSOo. The first Card game Is No,. 2-1 at the ~1C iom.


er team llerally . 'gave them the ball" by ma.ling six servillg errors and five net errors. " It 's ha rd 001 to make blocking errors because they"re (Rick:s) so talJ," Atv.ood said. Atwood cited the outstanding pl:iy10g efforts of Sarah SulJivan. who hit

59 percent ogo m,t Rick~; Lori Hinkemeyer, who hit 54 percent: ond Joyce McKcn11c:, who totaled u JO percent h1111ng overage. Atwood prn1'ed Lmdce Ltiwson by \nying that ,he I\ ··one of the prime m<>tivator\, bccau,e ) he give) more than 100 percent all the 11me " Ca rdinal Hinkemcycr said uiwson h the "in,pir.ition of Che ten m." " When \he'~ down, everybody i\ down." HinJtcmeycr ~aid. Atwood. whn focused on more etrcc11vc rccrunlng thi5 year, said she docs not believe thb to be the rea wn for the Cards· succe~s. "The gi rl, ore JU~I more 1nlcnted lhi\ year," Atwood said. "Everybody from the very beginning was receptive and friendly - 1hey were open lo all suggestions.·· Hinkemeyer. who said she thinks Atwood is a good coach, said that she has confidence tha1 the Cards will do well at regionah. The key to success seems to be evident on the Cardinal team. Many team members said they feel ihat Atwood holds the key that opened the door to a sucxessful season this yeiar.

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f f .J

No>'. 9, 1979/ Cardlnal Re-iew .7.

F or "heelchair students

Disabilities no contest BJ


'-IC h35 its share of ha.ndic::ipped

Christy Stclnley pbou1

STUDY ON WflfEI.S- Dl~led 1luden1 Craig Clauson takes some Cree llme In lhe SUB to look OYer his nocu.

Debaters keyed by effort emerge victors at Eugene By Kim John10n Hord work 1s apparently paying off for the NIC debate team thi~ ycnr. Coach Tim Chrl~tic said it '" make, ii 111ce 10 be conch " wh en he 1111 ~ studc n1, who ore coopero11ve and ho_rd worki1111. He s111d he expects the rc\1 of the year 10 be n, \uccc,~ful o, the fir~t pon. Thc dcbatl'r\ " l.'rc ,ndr.,,•d wn·c,~ful at the l:tr)l,'1>t 1ournnmc111 in the Pndflr Nort hwc,1 lw ld nt th~· Uni vcrshy or Oregon. Chri1>1te ,aid lhat the junior team nf J ,111111.' l)cily nnd Mary Stanley too~ fir,t 111 the s,,ccp· s1ak111> fur ron111111n11y 1evllegc1> and rir1>t in junior debntc, "hill- 1hc M:n1,1r team of Mike Wln1h~·r 11nd Mil..c Dell) took third in debn11i He 1>11d thnt Mike Deily tool fuun h m wn1or cxte111por:incou1> 1>pcnklng and Stanle)• rccei, cd an '"ciccllc111" for her junior ex1cmporane0u1> \penL-

1ng and w:1~ ,econd-lop speaker for the Junior debate Winther v.u \econd for the senior debate. Connie Wilmer, ,uphcimore. retched an ··e1cellcn1'" for her crpo,1tC11"\ TI1c team competed 1n o 1ourn:1mcn1 31 Con£oga Un"·er~11y m Spot ane on Ott 2b 27. "hl·rc 11 "on the S"eCp\takc:. A"ord for eommunuy college, I he ,earn hope, to ~o to the Cohfom1a Swing 1 uumamcnt. "h1ch ~ '" o JcbMe~. one .,1 UCLA and one a1 u~c. but 1hc IC31n°\ budge, mu not ollo" the tnp. Thi\~" mg will 111\.e plat't from Ott. 26 II) the lint wed. of Janum. An l!t\rher debnte "ill Ile held 1n the middle uf No,cmbcr :11 L1nfield, Ore. TI1c tenm hoph 10 p:micipate ma total <ll IJ or 1-1 tournament, th,~ ,·e11.r


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s1ude.nl5. .i.nd !"llo of them arc "heelcha,r-bound and arc stm,ng in 1ht'lr o,.-i1 v.avs toO\en:ome their h3rdsh1p<,. Craig Clauson. :i frcshm;in from Rathdrum. :mend~ '\IC lhe dan .1 •eelr. and ames 12 credits He is undecided as 1owhlt his l!UJOr "111 be. bu1 he knov. s he 11,,jlJ go on and get a bachelor's degree. 0:iusoa lost the use of his legs in :1 car accident oa Dec . .:, 1ci- . Has handicap. ho,.·C\ier. doesn't dommau: his hfesn·le. He IS m:irried 1J1d 1s ri,sing lh~ee children." ho :ire agei. J. 5 and 6. Cbuson is lndependem and drhes his ov.11 car. He ~d that 11.hile most people trea1 him as an equ3I. re:u:-uons vaT) depending on 1he cm:umst.lJlces at hand ··E,eryonc reacts diffenntl} to diffen:nl sisuations; it 311 depends on one's outlook on life,'· he said. Clauson has onl} one suggestion that would p<Ksibty make life a little easier for him and others m similu si1uati11ns. "Lei's make I.he v.holc world 03t.'" he ! Rnbert Brooks, 18. i~ "IC's ··v. hecly-poppm.. 11 hecldl.llr s1udcnt. He 1s known for pu1iapa1ing in fas1 foosball games a.od saateg,-filled chess gnmes.







Nov. 13



Anderson Brooh I> .1 ,1udent in the '"''"' ,·Jr ,uc:irionll mdusmll ell!(1romc, pwgram. After he re,c,,c~ hi, 3\-......."1.11c degree in industrial electronic,. he hope., 1,1 ges J j,ib 3:, .i 1erhm,1Jn. When Broo>.s w:i, eii?ht. he \\.1, h11 b, :i c:ir .1nd h:is b,-cn ml wh..-cl,h:i1r sin~ 1hen He feds most p<'opk lr<.'31 him a, Jn ~-qua!. He dn,e, h1, ''" n \l'hld<' and !hes a1 h11me ""h h" pJrent, in Coeur d" -\lene. Tho:rc Jre 11nlv a fe" ob,1Jcl.:, he h:is come up 3gam~1 31 \ LC .1nd lh<>'><' .ire srltn-J..e~. Th~ b:isemcm re.:rl'J· tion room or 1hc ,11<·a1ionJI 1e~hn1,Jl building b pre11~ e:is, 1,, mJ,1er bec:iu~e he C'3n usualh find ,omL·onc gomg dO\,n tha1 v.ill help him The other troublesome StJ1rca,(' i, 10 )'.IC', book~orc. but 1hat problem "ill ..o.>n be a 1hmg of the pa~t "hen 1he nc" .1ddi1ion 10 1he SUB open,. Broo~s s.iid that he h3, It, ,•d m Coeur d' ,\lent' all hi~ life and th~, he loves it here. He doe,. ho"c,cr. loo~ foNard 10 one daJ lcJ,1n~. ··1 would like to c\'pcnence nc" people. place~ and 1hing)." he \Jid. So. e,en though some find 11 difri,uh 10 imagine being h.ind1capped. Broob and Cl3u\on \\Ould tell 1hcm th:11 all pcopl<' are handicnppcd m ,ome re pcct. c,l'n 1f 1hl·ir debili1ation o:xists s1mph in an a1111udin:1I problem.

10 o.m · 3 p.m.

PRIZE S50 to NIC club with mos f people donating in the club 's ·name.

Popcorn Forum in the SUB Wed Nov. 14 10 om .

Lecture and slide show

Jomes B. & Coro/ Crowe TOPIC 'A TRIP THROUGH CHINA ' Chinese silk and ar1-work display also given.

~o, . 9. 1979 Cardinal Rc,ll'w -3,

Want shah returned to Iran

Iranian students say media paints flawed picture By Teri Worlc) Tht' American media is guilty of projecting a false 1ma11c of bloody. senseless dl"ath m Iran. a,-cordmi;: 10 '" o lr:iman 'iUdcnts attend mg , 1c Kamb11 "11,vaffagh and Shahab \ uafpour con· •~ndcd 1ha1 Amcncan$ Stt onlv the biood~hed that ha, tran,parcd 1hrough rath;r 1i.2n 1hc :reason$ bdund che pohucal ucamans 1h11 ha,-e occurred ~incc Ayatollah Ru bollah Khome101 came into po"er The )tUdcnu, ~ad 1h11 American rcpcins of the Iranian si1u:mon art' 1n dtl"CC1 co::.'llCI •'llh !.hos.e ga,en m Iran ian pubha.uom. ··Those bcmg c1ecuted dC5CrVe p1mii!lmcn1." Na1ifpour s:ud. "The go,emmt'TII {of Iran) don not kill "'ithou1 reason." Mo,·nffagh S3id that mou oft~ •bo Ja,e bttn su bjected 10 death b) lr.inian linng squads members of the regime of Slwl Molammad Reu Pahlavi or agenlS of the supposed!) 001r..cilsbaDdcd Iranian secret police. SA V AK. Agents of these defunC't lrantar1 institutions, lhe s1udcn1s snid. were responsible for the deaths of numerous Iranian di~enters m ootoriou!> • torture houses. " In nn article in a J:inuary issue of the Ca.rduw Re,•ic" . two Iranian students, one of whom is srilJ :111endmg NIC and" ho declined 10 be miervi""ed a second cime . related accounts of thl'se death chambers. One of thl' pair. a student who "llS 1denulied onh as Reza. snid 1ha1 he hod :IC"COmpamed the p2reats of o fncnd 10 reuic,·c the ood, of their son from su,b a pince. He said 1h01 the bociy "ns mutil:ued .1nd 1h.i1 the torture 1he deBd mnn w b subjected to had culminu1cd in his t>cing forced to roMumc ha\ own C\l•.

· Mo, nffagh. o frcshmnn compulcr engmccnng student, "11d that" hile .. torrurc hou~cs" arc a thins of 1hc pa\! under chc current government. :, )pc,ct:rc of "h:u the) rcprcscn1 ...d still h:1unts the Iranian people He )31d 1hn1 there are reports th:11 an underground pn~on operaled by the shah's go, emment exists aod thac the exact loc:icion of lhlS dungeon has mot bttn determined _ · 'The, II he Iranian people} don· t tno" ho"' to get an, .1nd there are people dying there ... he s.aid. The p3ir abo S3id that the Unned Smes ,.,11 be ublc 10 mamtam :i foyorable relationship "ith lran only 1f this country "'ill ha.nd the sh3h mto lranun hand~.

L11nar sea Cumulus t'louds of a cold Coeur d'Alene night mll.Sk a.n autumn full moon as ii ,.ca,cs hs wa, through the ,.-11,cs of moisture. '

The ,hah and hi~ f.amih. "ho ned from lrnn m Januan- re,entl} &rrl\ed 10 '-ic" ) orl. an an apparent scuch ior treatment for chc c1-mim.1reh'~ can«r.

,\!though the NO\ . S issue of Time \ Ca le<. 1h01 a doctor from Nl'" York ~ad 1h11 t.he illness "lU "noc 3 ruse .. to allo" t.he refuge m ..\menca. the 1"'0 studcnl) disputed chat contention. "I don·c chink he's s1ct,",illagh said. adding th:11 the L'.S, govcrnment'l h3rborrng of Iran '• formet leader could threaten U.S.-lramnn reln1ions 1111d mterrupt fuel \upplies. The shah's prescntc in 1hc Un11cd State~ has stirred coo1 rove rsy here and abroad. Iranian students ~•zed the Amencan embassy m Iran and at pres.s time. still held over 50 hostages in proce:.t. Jnd ~e,en ilDri·shah protesler$ chained themselves 10 the Statue of Liberl)'. where they staged a chree-and-one-h:alf hour ,igil demanding thac che s.h3h be dch,cred into Iranian cuuody_ While the :.tudcnb ~n1d the Iranian government ,..ancs the sh3h returned 10 that counuy so th.11 he ma, be placed on trial. it i\ o1pparcn1 that they have fC\\ dQubts :about "' "ould OC"CUr .1fler such acuon

·· th..- ,hJh "''uld h.,vc l\1 till JO million people (in lr;in_l tn ord.-r 10 e1.,mc bJd and hvc," according to i ,111fp.111r.,; lir,t•)c:lr rh1l cng111c11:nng s1udcn1 and M," ,,ffagh', 1"01is1n 1\llh,,u~h 1hc ,tudl'nt, ho,,: been nb~enc from their hM1cl.1nd for appn,,1!1'111cl) n ~c.1r. they ~ay lh.1t their p.m:nh .ind lr:inaon nc" ,,,..11cr, indicate 1h.11 the mJjori" of lruni1111 catl,en, nre "hnppy" hvani,: under thl': prc,cnt n·~1m1·. In ath.llt1110 1,, 11, purponcdlv faull} portn1yol of lnu11.:in <'\C'cu11on~. th~ ll.S ml'tho, 1he1• ~Id, ha~ d1,1orll.'d ocher fo1·1\ of 1hc lr,111inn rnunt1on. mdudsng lhe pl'(',en1 p1hh1l1n of the womnn In lrnn111n ,1-w.:1<'1)' and lhr ha,ls for rompari~on bccwccn the form1•r und pre,('OI l<'(ldcr~hips. The ~ludt.'nt, ~0111 thnt 1h1• Amcrirnn media'~ pircurc of Iranian wvmcn donning veils I, maccurn1c. Movnffogh ,nad 1h01 thc lrnnio n «>ncepl maintain~ that "omen ~houldn '1 t,c "wmbPI~ of ,ex·· and ~hould en Joy "cqmal freedom. :, and Na,ifpour said thoi Iranian women arc 1101 req uired to wear veils. The co11~1n~ nl,o ~aid that lhls country's news d1~,cmm~1ur, 011emp1 tn compare Khorncmi w11h 1hc shoh. Whale the shoh lived ln a palace and held " large numhcr of ~crvoncs. Nn zlfpour sold. the ayutolloh live~ inn ClntMoom house ,n a ,morn lrnnian holy ehy. For th,:. ond ocher rca,on\, he ~old. tho two arc beyond compnrason. Buth ,1udcnl\ laved In Cnlifornio la~• yeor, where chey attended high ~chool, pnrticipntcd In onti,,hoh marches nnd experie nced o grcac deal nf an11, P1:rsmn sen11mcnL S1Udcr111 there, they said. l'Ouldn ' I understand that chcy weren't personally rcspun"blc for cscnla1ing fuel price,. The pnar, who plan 10 reiurn 10 Iran foflQwing the allommenl of their educo11onal goals, ,aid they 111ould lake 10 ,cc the pcrpctuacion of on J,lomic democracy for their country. and Movaffogh said lhnt he believe\ hi, country will be "the most J>O"crful councry (in che world) In 10 or IS yenr,." Nozafpour and MOvJffJgh snad 1h01 they lx:heve it possible for cununucd friend~hap 10 exist bciween che Un11ed Smes and Iron. They added. however that good rtlJtion ~ ore rontingenl on interaction bCl"-een ind1viduoh m\lc:ad of govcmmcncs. If 1hi\ belier i, indeed u reality. chcn the cwo 1cuden1~ m3> well be con\1dered lrnnian cmis)ories lo their rcllow NIC \tUdents.

HeJpful hints given

Winterize to avoid cold e,

K~ndra Smith

Winter 10 Northern Idaho can be severe, and if a pcrs;on is not careful. hi\ hea11ng bill might rise at an alarmmg rate. Likcwilie. the cost of repainng one's wmter-d:amaged car could be aftronom1cal. If the car i\ well rru11ni.11ned, few ~pecial preparations winier are needed Snow Ille) arc a good IOVC$l· mcnt. cspcC1ally 1f one plans to drive up to or Mount Spokane 10 ski. If the ba11ery in a pcrwn's ca r 1s old and wcat, 11 may n01 1n the cold. If one buys a new one. he should make wre that the ratings of the nev,· one are at leas, equol to tho~c of the old one. Antifrcci.c ~hould be concentrated at about SO percent. The defro\ tcr, w1nd~hield wipers ond window wa~her ~ystem all should be checked. The washer tank need\ a ~ood ,upply of \Olvcnl/ant1free£e. 1 hi s is not th e same a\ the antifrec,e in a radiator. "Grabby" brake\ th at ma y ha ve seemed )Ofricicnt during the summer may be dangcroui. on icy or ~nowy road,. Some cold wcnthcr gear to carry m one's car includes a. good ice i.craper whh a brush, urc chains, a tow rope, tra ction mats and a shovel. Mcnvy bag, of !iPnd m the trunk increase traction but may wtm,cn braking and steering.



pment urfrom lea.king through doors and wmdows. lf one's f;na.ncial ~top ~ not provide for s!onn doors :i.nd w\ndo,. s weather stripping is a leu CJ:pensl\ e altcrnatne. To ,nsull v.eatbcr st..-ippmg, one must fun fmd the air leaks.

If cold air comes in under a door, one m:ay need a nev. threshold. Thresholds come prepackaged bur ha,·e to be cu1 wnh a hacliaw in order 10 lit a panicular door. Wcatht'T stnpp101 wons the same on v.mdows, and heavy dra~ can aho cut down on energy loss. If one i\ lucky enough to have a lireplace m his apanment or hoo~. he may al!>O be losmg most of the heat that 1s proJected up lhe chunney. To prevent this Ion. keep the flue dosed when the fireplace is not in use. If a pcr~11·~ energy bills are snll sky-high, seumg the thermosl.11 down JO degrees or so when one is a.sleep or not nt home will save coiuiderable ener~· and money. Wmtcnzing one's body 1s 1mponan1 if one h11s to wolk 10 school or plans on being outdoors much 1h11, winier. Air is the real m~ulator. clothing just traps the air warmed by the body t.11ycrmg clothes best achieves the desired trapping of nir. The more layers, the more air 1s trapped. This

Keith Johnson photo

caffold and ' k~ light Won.en contlooe thdr apward and oa..-anl progre nears t.he complelloo ~gc.

as' 1'1C SlJtl addition

College avoiding 'hot water' by carefully keeping cool ,,c

8) Renee Reid

1s pbm,I! us part m ll>c encrgi, crms and a,oiding II SI0,000 line b~ keeping claurooms at a C0111U.Dt o5 del!l'CCS \ ccord,ng 10 ~IC President Barry Schuler. the fedcnil go,emmcnl require\ that all public msmul.)Or.~ must operate thetr beaung sysiem at no higher thnn 65 dc:i;= and WIT cooling system &t no lo,,.er than - degrees. Hot 11>11cr hcaun; ~hleClS also be set at no higher than 105 degrees. Penalhell for not complymg • •th the federal UII>, V. h1ch ld3h? Gov. John E,,nns bu s.ud 111st11uc~ in lchho •ill ditcal, follov,, ntnge from SS,000 10 SI0.000. ~hukT wd lh1t the '-tbool rum on i central heaung $\Stem :i.nd that the difficult part l) l~p111g the roo:JU &t il COOS~! o5 dt~. It I) npttiall) Ju.rd int~ older baildmgs. he said. because the heat 1s controlled b, 00(' or tv, o thttmosUts imtQlf o! a thermostat ta:i each room tlS in the ne" er t-ulldmgs. He s.a1d that the \CC'Ond·lloor roollll rend to be colder. " Facalt1 ud ,tudcn.ts h a , c ~ thun ,s too cold 10 u.od:." Schuler S!lid. ··r·m aJ,-11"t cold. The heal doe~o't .cem u, be nmform bct:ausc some room~ uc C" tlu.n ~ h..U.ays," ~IC student Kathy Brv.o-n wd. , 1c Busincu ~wager, GttaJd O Weadt. said :here ue noc figures available a5 to ho,r. much energy money h .sa~cd by ~ g the heat. The college •os U11p«tcd earlier ui Octobtt, and e3':b bu1ldtng was given a Cerufkatc of Buildmg CompJ.w,cc. So. 1os1e:ad or ,opcadl.og ~ on rccordi. 1.11d food II may be more beneficial for srudcnb to pu:rcli&se a a,ople OI sv.~ten.


Ir a long trip thro>ugh )O\l\\ 1s planned. it ma1 be wi~e 10 Call) , omc blankch or ~ICcpmg bog~ 10 C3M.' one gets Muck. Lca"lng the engine Idling tu keep v. arm lb ln,•rilng i•orbon mono1idc pot.\Oning. If at all po~1blc. try to a,oid dm·mg on it)• roa~ m sno"' or sleet storm,. Do noc let 11r out of tires "'11h the: Intent lo~ or 1mpro, Ing tnction: 1l c:in be dangeroui., and 11 "'ill ll01 "'ort, liquor will not keep one "'11m1 "'hen llranded: it actually speeds up hrat lot.S. Do not warm up a car's cngme in • dosed garage, and do not "lock" the bratct whllc driving on sno-. or lee. Wlntcri1ing one's home ca n be fairly simple and will iAve monc) m the Iona run. Storm doors and win• dows att a good Investment and v. 111

l'ff('('t 1~ good up 10 t f)Otnt Ctm1h111on ~hould Ml be cut off. and one should not l>c pcr..p1nng La)enng :ihn leb a pc~n peel off la) c~ ,r he Mart) tQ pc~pire, atunl fiber~ such as do-.-u, conon ttnd " °"l tend tQ l ttp one warmer than most S) nlhetio.. Cotton rurtlcnC('I.~ 110d socl s arc good to "'ear benc:uh v. ool ~cater.. and socl.s to pre, ent 11..:h1ng. Slender pc.iplc n~ mof'l' cfothing th:in lhO)c who uc oveNcight, .ind the colder skin of women usu:all} rt!QUi~ 1h1cl cr glo, es and sock:. th:ui mt'n. W10terlung your cu , homt 11nd boch :are not 100 diffiC'Ult illld .::i.n be done t',cn on a limned budget

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:-io,•. 9, J079 fCardlnal Rc, ~ w · 10.

h bas been said that one of the most interesting upccts of a h11m311 being is his capactl) for con, ers.ation. Froci the tune a person blunsout bis first "ords 10 I.he bmc he mutters his final nlbblcs 111 .l d)ing breath. the lnctihood of a bum11-n betng re,oh't'S around bis abilm to commumc21e with the world arour.d him. · College is one co,~ronmcnt that proudt's an tdt'2I atcospherc Cw~ practice of con\Crs:ation ~'3u~e 11 is httc that a person IS exposed to nutn~ difTt'rcnt opimons and thco:ncs. The a,-cage college student prohllt>h nc, er e,·eo rc.alitc, JUSI ho-a much he i, dependent on his c:ommuruC'lUac n abili t~ durtn~ the cou~e of n Ja,. O!lc \t;n U!Ilili;i.r loc;allOD ol llltt'Me C,,ll\\('fS)ll(ID aod opuucn ,'OIClng ts the NIC' Sl'B ,n,~ th<' SiJB',fin: opcntnl! \tudcnts ha,e i;:a1hercd durin~ their frtt hours to s,p 1 ('Up or coffee. ma, be do some ln,1 minute cnm.m1a~ ~ bounce ,Jc:a~ off each otht'r ahoc11 life and the such. It sc-crm that the 1mm.11urc hmci-. o[ hu:h \chnol b\C been bhcd at a c:olk~ en,1ronmcnt. anJ i.iudc:m fttl freer to tall. about \UbJC.:I\ prt, 1ou,1, coos1dcrcd C1thcr bcn:1e or tJboo. Top,c-s h l.e homosc•uaht~. de\ bchn,i,,r. philosoph~. cconomla. pohlk" llCm\ ID the DC"S and •-orld ilff.1.1rs. once con..1dercd dull und bonng. ire DO" brought out 1n the open bv ~c.atlcmic

Conversation best device for learning

in a ~i cuss,on geared not only for relaxation and learning but perhaps for an arrival at some kind of com mon truth. One of the most en tertaining forms of convcna. tion is the mutual c, <'hange of experiences. It seems th:it l'\'l'l')'bod)' cnn contribute 10 these types of somctim<'s funn v. ~OmC'tl mcs ~ad relations of humBn11y. One "ho (tam II l'On\'er<1ntion w11h a \tatcmcnt .1bou1 Freud'~ thl'c,r.• c,f rchgion could cn:;ily end up ronunuing that cunvcrsntkm by himself.


While thht' subJcctS are o.lJ qu11c 1otcrc~ung m 1he11 ""n ,.:1,. m~t student\ find more 1n1crt',1 in coa,e~uon ·,hat dU'C'Ctl\ .1ffce1s them. Co11Hr,a11on, arc i , er\ flexible me;1ns of ro=un1.:a11on m the ,. .iy the, can be in111a1c:d b) the ,tmple comment of one person and the dt)J!!rccmcn1 of another Thu bad. :and fonh ,.ar of the word, C3n lead to ccller m~1gh1, compromise or faucufh. Luckily for the collc,cc student. mr.turity usually o,er snibbomn.:~,. :.i.nd 1he mo~, that,~ u,u~llv hun 1> the trcd1b1hl) of ;1 re.. opinions. UnConunatcl~. not unhkc the hfe of pohti~. the pc-n.on "ho usuall~ appur~ 10 be the most informed or mtclhgcnt 1s the person ..., ,th the best verb.ll dc!l\cr,. Whtie some maJ consider 1ntelhgent, ~criou\ ronH·~tion a \l.l\tc of tune, there i.s much to be lc:irned lhr,>ugh the exchange or ideas and pen.on:il op,mon), It 1~ the person •ho ts :i!r.11d ro ,01.:c an opm1nn that m1ssc, the s.amfanion gafocd by participating

llowcvcr. when n pcr,u11 inllintc, n c11nvcr,:111tln nbt>u1 wme .1mu,ing 1h1nK 1hn1 lmprencd m clM,.

people tend 10 pay more lntcrc\l to the •,ubjcct maller With the right moncuvcnng. the c:onvcrso· uon could pos,ibly end up on the sub1cc1 of Freud. Some pcnplc believe thnt h3ppmess ca n be found either in the total ,um of o bank :iccoun1 or in the glimmer nr fomc ..cen on hrn:idway light,. In .ittuahty, happ,ne\, m CJ\icr found III the ~hanng or ltve~ 11nd common experience fhr<>ugh the medium nf convcr\a11on, penple can learn mqrc they could ii they were to read every othtr hook un the 'IJC library ~helves.

Structure note open

Minority work on building 'inferior' : G .0. Wendt . B, barlcnc South ami Tom Emond Bu,in"s \l.inai:cr Cera.Jd O Wendt told :he 'lilC &a«! of Trastcc~ at its October meeting thl.t the "'1>~1 pan of the pn11cc1 m the nc" rommumc:i:1on· ar,, building " b tbe ·'EDA (Econcnuc OC\elopmcnt Adm1n1Str.ition l r:iinoril) dca1.·· Wendt slated that ha,mg to h,rc 10 pcr..-cn1 minority "orkers "ga,e us ( 'l; ICI :i lot of problems·· According to federal reg~tion. 10 perttnl of the businc..s on the building had to be ghcn to rrunont~· o,,.ned bu\inesscs. Prcsidem B:im· Schuler said. · Wendt S3id that the school got .. inferior u.ork .. rdati,e to 11.·hat it could h.i,c rttci\'ed. .. We need to get the regulation chJnged." Wendt said. R.i~· Stone. de:m of the college. said

that so::ic of the pcc,-ple ,.ho -..c,ri;cd for the msnonn cci:tnctor a.ere not cifK"'!'lt btrt :h.3t ~e ro:it:-xtor •-as e'lic,eni. Sch u er said tha: the minont~ C-.intraClor•~ ,e~ profici~nl and that '1e orrccted the deficiencies that o«urrcd.

, (1'11, llut the builcfu:ig is completed and the college has Ui.en it over. many of the instructors an: b~ IIIO\'ing into their ncv, rooms :i.nd offices. Drama. speech. m. music. radio-TV and photography ",JI be housed in the ne,,. botlding. Music lostrue1or Rohen Singlew, !us lllO\'ed into the oe-a building and is holding his music dJSSCS there. He said lh3t the cno,e "'~' smoothly and ,. ,th lmlc crouble. Singlcwy credited the e3S) mo,e to the ,olwuecr help of

th~ students :&nd the mainten:incc: department. Before the ,en!ure into the new suucturc, the mu\lC department never really had adequate faciliti.cs. Smg!c· W)' said. Also 11\0\ 1ng 11110 the budding is photograph} lnstn1(1or 'ical Evans. A ,.eek ago E, JtU the ta.,k of mO\'ing photograph:, equipment into the new darkrooms and finally finished the chore :ind started cl:isses Tuesday. faans commented tha.t the lllO\"C ·Nu DOI puucul:irl) d1ffK:uh and that all problems "ere anucipatcd. Bob Moe of the drama department has also mO\·cd into the new buildmg and seems pleased ,. ith the new :nmosphere. Aa:ording 10 Moc. the mo~e from McHugh House. ,.hen: the

dr;am3 dcp:.rtmcnt • as pnr.iuu\l~ hnu~cd. 11. 3\ .. rather pica ,.1111 and sm•)Oth."' Although Mot and some: of the drama department hJvc mn,cd into the nc.. \tructurc. ht ~aid that 'illfflC 11( the ,n~tnKtors would r.uhcr .. a,t uo11l sprmg '>(mcstcr 10 movl~ their cl3~~s. Moc foughed 11,hcn he: ,.3~ a.sked 10 compare the ne"' building ,.;,h the old faciliti~ 1n the McHugh House. Moc ...·ho 1s 10 charge of the net' building, said he appreciates tht patience of tho~e :z11cnd1ng .. prt· dedica11on and pre-official" eveot.s. " We have had 10 we some meas· ures. especially in regard 10 ticldioJ :ind :idmnnng that ,cemed ao~· ~ry. ·· he said. He inditutcd t1t.a1 this bad 10 be doae 10 tc-.1 I.he sys1cms and rcguJatiolJS.

Disastrous concert exceptwn

NIC student activity ventures termed successful e, Jeanelle: Hamilton Dcspllt: lhc: fact lhi.11 a l.irgc )hcc of the siudenl bod) doe) not aucnd or 1he Jcm11i~ put on b) 'IIIC. w far mo~I can bt• l~beled a5 succcs~ful. The Rick Mendo,~ concert 1hi11 was held in the SUB can be ronJ.idcrcd the uni) forlurc thuJ. for. Anjl ch1\ by no mean~ ,~ 1hc fauh of 1he \1Uden1 n<'tr>lllt.'\ bo.ird, occ1>rd1ng 10 Jeff Pr) Ce, ASNIC \tudcnt awv111e) di· rcttor TI1e Rict Mcndo1a Band wa, '>Chcd· uled for the gc1-acqua1n1ed CTUi~ by 1hc former JCtivi11c, dircc1or. RJV !;dun Sc,,11 Oa}. ASNIC v1n· presi· den1. 1rnd Pryce \31d they v.erc forced IO cantel the group', book1n11 because or locl "r tommunication. 'rhc band agreed to cumc had and perform for 1hc college. bul the \lluotion wa\ further co mphciit ed "hl'n 1ht \ludcnt promoter\ -..ere forlcd to hold 1hc concert 1n the SUB hc,.iuw llf the unnv;11luh1hty or the .1ud11onum fht· ,nnccrl hnd a vcr) poor 1urn11u1. lnr"cl) hlnmcd nn th,· foC't lhu1 NIC 1\ a "~ommut,·r t'1mpu, "ottord1ng 10 l'rytt


" We are b;igging all con<'erts in ;he future t>cc:a= there JU)t isn·1 an} \ludcnt input ... he said. 1 he cooeert doe\ not reflect che ,ucre)\ of 01her aai,ir,~ offered at 'I/JC. The get-acquainted barbecue and cruise 11,ere succe,iful. along ,. i1h mO\ies s~n tins \'CaJ'. The movies 1h.11 ·uc sh°'" n are in 101al demand 21 other $Chooh and the pr1eeor1hcmovicsma) \II) rromSIOO to S400. The Halloween dance held in 1he g}'m w~ alw a \Ucce<i\ . The board did no1 have 10 pay the band or the police al lhe dance and profned from che da nee bec;iu \C of I his. Future activitin art not plJnned 31 1h1s 1ime. ac:rording to Da} and Pl) tc "ext week a rommntec ,. ill meet 10 d1'>CUS'.> ncv. ideas. ASNIC Pres1denc Paul Bu~ber and Pryce have JU\I retumed from ISU m Pocatello, where 1he, ouended a natmn:il aCliv1t1C) conferenC"C. Th~ c1pcct to be able 10 con1nbuce man~ "t,xcitmg" ideas to the Student Board "Whal many students don't rcahze i, 1h01 1hc anivu1~ are budgeted the

critic's choice


Student play's bright spot

ptt"lOth )C.:tr ..11h :i

Some students m:i, c.impl:un b11c:iu..c the, 3rc not pamcip.111n1: tn ac1irn1e'>. "bu1 the ASI>. IC card "111 .sdmH studenc,. 10 ;ilmos1 cvc~thing... Prwc s;iid.

ccrt:im :imount of

fur.d.... 03\ SJid The ~tuden1 go,.emment :11loeJtes

monC\ to all clu~. 3nd students cre31c these· fund'> 9. llh ~me Slo added to the 1u1tion fee.

Music groups to participate in workshop at high school The ,1c chnr:il department "ill hold l cont't'rt chm" "llh the Cucur d' \lrnc Semor Htgh School ',()I. lb ,n che high ~chool aud11<mum The dmi, ... ,r b<e b.lSK311, ;in cxch:inite 14\lh the: high ,.:hool and 'II( depanmcnt\ \crording 10 ..;1c lnstru("lor Ru:k Fros,. the I\IO group, "ill sh3rc their mu,,, ""h e:i, h other I: 11,111 be a lc.1rnmg cxpenence for both chorus group,. :O.IC, choir "'II present 10 1hc high school s1udc:n1s \ l\.ildi', "Glnna ... Th1\ "'" th• n be follov. ed b) a special sc,sioo ot :1ud1enec 1n,oh ement. group m1gh1 1he opcrun~ m,,. rmcm Fro\t '>:lid thll during 1h1, time the :itain m a different \tylc. Then the .1udicnt't' "111 be ,1,l.,·d ,r the, ""''led J d1fkrcnce. "It ,. , I ceoch ho-.. tht mu~ic t\ put together .. F~t )a1d. and addcJ tha1 11 '"" ;al .u b.. J h,t<'Dlnl! ctpencn,:,: \her the ehnt, the ,1c Chorale 14tll perform tl,r th<' high ,chnol ,1udcn1, I a,t ,e:ir :'I.IC held th1, n, ,~,hop Jntl \\l'nl ,,n tour An-.,rd1111? lu Fn,,t II ",1, ,l 11 1.. :ir r.1.: , , .. 11 -,nu:1• ,.,c:r,t



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llt.:)llHhurd1', h11lli.it11 pnrtr,",11 ul lht• bltnd lh:n dn~ "one c,I u-,cr;il pt•rlo1111anll'' th.It ,umhinc 1,, mnh th~ ( 11,:ur d' Akn, ( ,•mmuml) 1 h, atcr', r111h-JHtr, "Wuu llnti1 l>orl.. " .-11rtl11 ,•I lhl• l;ihd ··,·n1n1.,inmrn1 •• I h,· plut ,,r ··w.111 l'nlll l>,ul.. •· u , h1lll1111 "'> ,t,·l"I ,ct 111 3 ~mall <,r.:cm, 1Ch V1lh111, ,1par111w111, rn,11\n 11r,11111d lkndH·,·, i:ri11luJI unrJ,chng ol • s.-hcmt tin 1wd 111 n·11n111 .i drn'1 lndcn dvll lh<11 hi" talkn mi.1 hn hu,t,,1nJ'\ hand\ aml he "1hw,pw111 .,11,•mp1 1u foil ,, n mh lltl' phi) cvu1,·c, M ,1 chm,,~ 111 "111.11 11\'ndrl'\ "ohk 1i, 1ran,tMm her arpuen1 h,111dllJ(l 111111 011 odvon1011r h l·n ,11h,• ull\lOI" 1111u1t1, ,,r th<' ""·11.i,11<·,·1,,f Or1,tl·nh ..u,J1 ', :1,11ng a\,1111, "C'n tu "'mlhnw h, di1111111,lwd. 1h,· ,l.111 ,11th" h11h ,111, ,ha ,111h1cd pcrwn, portr3" un,· ,·nca...·11 111 d,'" ,,.1uld lllt'III pr.i1>c 01hn pl·rl11rmJnll"' "·n ,. 111 wpp<1rt llq1cnhar,lt ·, in :i .-,mml'nd:iblt 11rc-wn1;i1111111,f u r.11hn mtn,.1td1 "''ll'll pint Ucnni, Cr.1111, "hu nl"' chl'l.'d<'d thl' pla\. " '''"' tn,·•n!: tn h" n11nor r.:1n ;a., t kndtl\ ·, htl\h.ind. ~111111. 111111 ,\llt,a lloJl.~11,,111 aJ1111r,1bl~ p.,rtra" (.jtona. a ,m:al nc111hh111 i:1rl "h11 ,·,1m,·, 1<1 till' hhnJ "l'm:in', 11d .11 m<>r\· th:m ,>nl· ,ntti:')1 moment in thr ,1ul) l il.c .1tl 111h.:r ,11inn m111h1nJ.! th,· ,km.:nt "' ,-nm,·. " \\ .111 l n11, D.1rt." h,..,. an ampk ,upph nl "h,,d 11u) \ " I he ardl\ 1tla111 or thc pla,. H.1m R,,:it. Jr •• ip,m,avcd \,1 Doug l'a11.. rnc-" "lllhl" ,l.1ll 1n pl.11 mt: 1h31,,,n11nll 1n1 ;inJbh 1n\1tH, m 1he OUlhc11l"'-' o. ,en,..- ,,1 l1>11tht11R for the eh:ir.ictcr '1nd kar h>r 1h,· late or hb

3 days lift 3 2-hour lessons with Schweitzer' s excellent ski school staff 3 days rental of skis, boots and poles SSS\ii


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R~cnd, h crhan and form1:r I(. ,tudt:nt Neil Connn are '.'>l.'Cn a, lc-..'>t'r crinnnab "hu bl."l.,11nl' entangled ,n n ,·nmmal e,pt,111 ii:sm~11he1r" ,lb. E, crh:srt', final appcnran,-e a~., ,-unman \11th u hc:an g;un, ~umc 3udu:IK'I.' ,,mp;ith, tor the p:11r 1 he rlthcr fa,t-pa,-.:d plot of th" ('ommun1t) thcJtcr prc:.ent3t.On P"" 1d,, ..1 r,tc.a.,~nt rontm1 "1th the ,to.-. dra" n-l,ut ,to!) hne ,,r the gt'Ollp', 'St'a._wn Opt"ner. A Man for All Sca,;on, • " W311 Until Oar._" "111 be prc,cntrd 1om&ht JI " .1nd ",II be st.-gcd for :i fin.u time Smturd11,. No,. 10. 111 the ,ame ll\lrtsm 11n1e

Register at the Alpine Shop in Sandpoint or moil name, age, address, session desired and payment to Schweitzer . P.O. Box 815. Sandpoint. Idaho 83864


No••. 9, 1979/ Canllnal Re~w ·l2·

( A blood drive Is scheduled for TuC$day, Nov. 13 In thc gym fo, er. Stud en ts , fa_calt) and stall are reminded to support the lime. Blood 11111) be gheo In tbe name ol - a e lo need, Oedlcatloo of :i'IC'1 Dit'f aoclhoriilm,• which bolds 1,100, wW taR plact oo Dec. 9 with the comblned e!Ioru of the

NlC Choir, Coem d' AleK Commnnitr O,olr and lhe Spokane Symphoa) . The two choirs anlted wlD compdR aboat 100 ,·olccs. Marge B.atnnoc1. voice teacher, will be Ceammi SoaaJ on the concert pr-ognun laclude "Gloria" by Vivaldi " Cbkbeller Psalms" b). Leonard • Bemsteln aad "Alto Rhapsod) '' by Brahms. Students wbo wish to ba,e thd.r bear ing ch ecked s bouJd see J o Marlnovlc.b , i;tudeot health narR, In the Winton Bulldlnj from 8:30 Lm.• U:30 p.m. and l:30-4 p.m.

Student s recehtng Vetct'n' f entitleme nt s are ln,•lte d to Joln aad partJclpatc In the Veteran'• Ad.mlnl· 11tratlon Oob.

nic notices

Anyo ne appl) Ing Cor a ccond scbow5hip sboaJd ba,·e b15 ap-pOc:a.Uan tunied In to the 8nandal aids of.6ct, by :-lo,. 16.


The :-.1c Card1mJ Chotr and Chorale ...mcombine (or a periormance .. the Coeur er Alcuc Blg:b School on No, . 16.

Begl~ Mood-8~. No, . 12, all cars that are lllegaJIJ parhd In the Sherman <'hool lot will be wheel loC'ked or 10... cd , law e nforce ment wtnirtor NNI Stuu1 said, The Q.-c ... be,d IO<'k3 o,. nNI b1· the ~ I "W be_, as«! 8n-t., theo the other ~ .. m11e 10 .. cd ..... ~. said, " lt't o~ a Rrtt come,

0.nt ~ncd basl • "

ShMk-AlS. or 5talJ ..-ho nttd blood or wbo baq frlnids or ~la1.h~ to JXed o{ blood shouJd stt \1 C I I ~ Jo 'darlno, Id, or Stop aJ the SUB oilke lo start the ;,roper procedure for wllhdnvtng blood lrom the mident bociJ IICCOUUL

Gary ColJll\All Is DO" . , al_l_able r-un time 1n the Wlntno BulldlnJ Coun• ~llnll N'ttlcr for uslstan<'C' wi th <'~ r de, e.lopmeot and Ufo plannln.g . Any &tudcnt C'll1 stop In and explore carttr altcroatl \' ct a nd th e prol'cU of cf. ftttl\C! dceMon maldng.

Tbe l.ear:11.tng SklD.11 Centtt. located

The ron,oca.tloiu Ohn " Yesterda,y, Tomorro" and You" wlU be s.howo :-io, . 1-1 at 2130 and 7 p,n.1. In the SUB .

lo the Sbemwi Sdiool Baildlaa, lJ opu Monday tb.roagb Frld_a) from g:30 Lm. to .$:JO p.m. Tbe caner oaen COlll'R$ In, ~ . ,oc:abcJar) , 5P<lllna, baslc math, co!kge studyblg and U!etlme readhig. One ennills for lhese ~ Jost u be does (or my other class.

Tbe l urnlng Stills Ceoter also olfff'S tJJIUl'iq Stt\ lees Cree of charge.

Dt, EqltSton Ii on rampo.t In the WlnlA>o BuJJdlng from 7130-3130 a..m. on Monda)a, Wedocadaya and Fri, d-8.) • Student, can tiff him for oo

charge. No llflpolnlJne.ot I• oeceauy.

The NIC Regb l1111's Office rcmlodil s tude.nl8 Nov. 22 lt the wt d-8y to

withdraw Crom school.

U.S. Rep. Symms disagrees with NI C Iranian students U.S. Coneressman S1e,•e Svmms. R-ldaho. said thll1 be disagrees with the lrani11n students who feel lb.a t the present le.ider. AyalOllah Rubolla.b Khomeini, is any bclte r than the deposed Shah Molutrnmad Reza Pahlavi. Answering questions Nov. 7 I.D the SUB. Symms said that bloodshed under the aya1.ollah is just as b11d or worse than thilt onder the s.bllh. "The shah provided stllbility in the Persuu1 Gulf." S4id. explaining llw transpiring events are not in "our best interest." Symms said lhllt be didn '1 think it right for I.he United St.ates to send shah back


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11-2~ Oa\'ld Dolan: "Biblical Prophe<-y and the Middle l:!_a,t" Ve1tran1 and non•\-eleraa ,tudn .. who are re«1Mna veteran heaeOi. an cllglblc to draw one,1o-one tatortna anls lanco In t he amounl of S69 a moolh for a lotal of S825 for one academic rear. Thl, lncladff wldo,r11, wldowera, , poa1e1 and cblld ren s tudylna under I.he VA'• depeodeat'1 educational 111l•tance provam, For furt h er In for mation aee Carl Meyer, Om« Vetenn•, Affaln, NIC or the NlC l..eumn& SldJII C:.ater.



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" It's the least we can do for him after all he's dnne for us," he said. Symms said that be agreed with U.S. Sen. BlllT)' Coldwater, R-Anmna., ...-ho said, ·'w e (the United St.ales) should tell Khomeini to go to hell."

•• •• •• ••• ••• •



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