.icaRb1nat Review Volume 34. Number 9
fridaJ, Feb. JS, 1980
Board.discusses vacancy, considers fee increase By Teri Worlc) A vacancy on the Student Boud and • potenuaJ student fee increase for the 1980-81 school year .,.ere t e\' topics discu\SCd at a pair of recent Student Board meeung\ held on Feb. b and l l . The opening on the board wiu created .,.hen freshman Sen. Cohn Dilley was forced to resign from the council because of a grade point a verage tluu dipped below the 2.0 mark required of all elected student officials under the current AS:"ilC Cons111u1100. Oilley's rcsignouon follows the earlier dcpanurc of J ohn Stevens last fall. Brad Sausser b currently the only freshman on the board to have secured his posiuon through election. As in the earlier s11u1uon, when Sen . Laura Haman .,.as chosen to fill the remainder of Stevens· term. the vacancy on the p t-ming body "'ill be fillt-d through appointment . In II related matter, the board voted 10 exe mpt Stude nt Activities Chairman J eff Pryse from the grodt point average stipulauons outlined ,n the proposed rt-,'ISCd cons111u11on should that document meet voter approval The ne.,. con~111ut1on. which will be subJect to \/Ott'r appfO\lal or reJeC11on on Feb 22. would require that appointed officio!\ meet the same 11cadem1c standards currently required of elected offit'ials. In reaching its dee"1on , the board determined that 11 wouldn't be fair for Prysc who was appointed under the dictates of the current const1tu11on. to be ousted •h"n con,111ut1on1l rem1on\ t.tkt dTect A fcc lnke ran8illl( from SI 10 SJ may be 1n ~orc for future NIC stude nts and ...-ould . .1c<'ordin1t 10 ASNIC President Poul Bieber, " pu ll in a little more cash" for siudent 11c11vi11e, The move , wl11ch .,.nuld help ofl\ct inflated CCblS m,01,cd .,..,th dancei. and other act1\IUC\ and "hich " o uld help prcvenl future budget defic1lS 1f 1hc incrcaSt> •~ implcmc111cd, "ill be (1i\cus\ t d In depth nt the boud', ncx1 mceung
1n other action. the bo;ird:
-established a dance poli() 10 be obsc.n cd dunng 1ht- upcoming Feb. 22 d3ncc scheduled to folla... the Treasure \ '3llc} Communi~ College geme in the gy m. Bttausc. or problems surrounding the auc ndancc of high school students at earlier cbnCt'S. the St'rtitors said th at rollt>ge students "nh proper 1den1 ifica1ion and one gut-St per studt-nt will be admined l l the door and that each couple's hands •ill be stamped 10 prt\ent the college student from aut>mpung to bring more than one guest lo addiuon 10 IC studems. s tudents from other colleges :ind unhers111cs will be alla...t-d to attend lht' dance Mth uhd school 1dcn11ficanon Fnture dance pohaes ..-ill be dt-termincd b, tht' s11ua11on ~urrourding t he paniC"Ubr e-·ent. the ~rd said -discussed the pouibility of 1ns1alhng a telephone tha1 "ould be free for student u_sc in making local ca.Jls. Slusser .,. as 3ppointed 10 deh e runher mto the question. -heard Coordinator of Studen t Acm 111es Dean Bennell reques t th at 11s member~ help generate mte~t m the proJccted Feb 20 nt<:ht skiing tnp to Mount Spohnt- and in che game 1oomamen1s scheduled 10 1akt- place d uring homecoming
Hempen, Kohli candidates in ASNIC presidential race S1c, c lh mptn.,. ,11,quarc off again,1 11.c n Kohh 1n a h;h 22 contc.i 10 dctt'ffflinc who \\ill wf\C u, tla· 11180,81 A'>NIC' prc,idrnt l111hc ,ice prc•,id,•nuol rncc . 1·urrc111 rrcshmnn Srn. llrnd '>.1u,"cr \\Ill mcc1 Grrg
Ou Pm, Al..u tu he d('ndcd In lhe l(C n1:tal clce11on i, 1hr fa1c uf a nc"h rt'\1\Cd \ !>' IC' c,.,n,ututmn lla· h1la" s 1c,omp:in\m1t t he· propo\cd '"''n~111u11,,~ ha,c t>cc:n opprn, cd b1 1hc S1udcn1 B<>:ml n1n11n~c nt UJ">R the do.-umcnt ' s appru\111 I" 1hc ,1udcn1 lmd\ Rcrau,c of 11\\, und1d3lc 1urn11ut ii pn mar\ " hcdukJ f,,r hl\1111 ..., canccUcd . anti JII c.ind1dlltc, "'II Jd1·am"<' a111o mat1<.alh to 1he )!encral eltc11< 11 Although the· <.1nd1dn1e , "'II dch, er c:ampa1t:n sp1:c,;h1:, ,n 1h1.: SL B ,nd 1n the vt,.:.i11e1nal hmldtnl(, the dMc, ut 1hc, c ,pccd w, \\ Crl' n,•t l n,", n •t pre,, 11roc.
U.S. facing critical tim,)s U 'I S\'n Jnmn M1 Clur,· R hbho, s['('al,n)! f c."h l.l 31 ,1c·, l.\ht Popcorn 1 urum . ,.i1d the 111111un " 'lac111i 11s mu\l \l' \ <'!'C chnllcn<:c, , in,"<' 11 be,amc .in ind,Jl\:nd,nt nMmn " Ht· h,tcd lhl' inh: mal ,·n , I\ thl' cncrp '"' " and lht:' c,; ,n nu, at= a, the th~ m11or con,crn, ··wl· ha\c lhl c11pa~11, 10 , oh e ,,ur r n,bkm, " \l ,{.1ur<" ~,d, " but '-t:' need undcf\1.111ding and lca,kr<.h1p that \\ 111 tdl \ mem:Jn, the truth ," Rcfomng 11, 1h, 111.ih pr, ..· of en.: rg) \h'Clure ...i1ll onh :JDC't:' g\l\Cmtnenl 1n,'.•hemcn1 h~" pnce~ been llm en up. .. Cungrc,s ha, created problem, b) '"cre111n11 the rci:ulat<lt'.) ..,,h,·mc-" a.nd I:>\ !:•"nl! the OPl·C canel nccc,,JI') dout ," McClure n: 11c r.11ed . . lnOatm.n I) the rnumry', m,,,t tundnmen1.1I problem and' \\ Ill Jc~tro, U\ ~urch if .,.e lion t gel ,,If lhl\ mcM') ·i;1, round ol \pcndin& m->rt: than \\ C h:a,c.' \1-<lun: "'11d
" i.lllC'r ripple, The chilling,. ._,c~ behlnd the \IC cunpu.s lll.ll on a w:llque appcllt1Ulte '<bH ~plashed on lhin ~ cspntttd here In ._ line ~bot.
Feb. IS. 1980 Canllnal Review -2·
[_ _o-=-v_in_ia_n____;;;p~ag -=-e _ ._) Any nuclear energy dangers not as ominous as thought In hgh1 of rc:,:nl dc\C:lvpmen~ in the Persian Gulf. the thrc.tl w the United State,' foreign 011 resencs demands immediate ac11on for producing energ) on the home front . ,One avaih,blc relief 10 the energy ens~ LS the increased u~ of nudear pO\\Cr - a power 1ha1 1s bcmg sufkd b. a \cn<.a11onaJ1s1;c media and uninformc-d rebel\ who thme on Lhc terror of Hiroshima and Naga..ak.1. If the general public would take ume 10 inform u~clf on the fact~ of nuclear cncr~ ms1cad of adhcrine to the hypo1hc"i" of a ba,1~all\ ignorant minont). the, could understand for them..ehe~ wh) nuc!cu po" er i,; the cleanest. safest and most pracriol form ol encrr.:y lnO'I~ n 10 modem dav man. • The 1ime~as come 10 uplode some m,1ns about the danger., of nuclear po,, er so t hdl. Americans can begin 10 U5C their own re urcc, m~'1t'3d of importing them from other countnes. First of all, a nuclear power plant onnot explode. The ph)~J~s 1mohcd for such an occurrence simpl) do not exist m a breeder reJ.ctor. Secondly. for a major nuclear accident to OCC"Ur. a h1ghl) unhkeh combination of cin'umst:mces ,,ou1d ha,·e 10 happen simuhancous.ly. Much time and etfon has gone into de,·eloping saregu:ird~ .tgain:.1 such .in occurrence. Accident~ invol\'ing nuclear plants that ha,e occurn·d in the pa'>I ho,e failed to l..111 or even injure n single person. In fact. nuclear power and natural ~os ha\e the lo"c,1 o,erall mt. of the nine basic- energy technologies considered . Otber energ) source~. such as solar energy. ho,·e b~-cn found to be up to 100 time; lcs\ ~afe than nuclear energy. Ano1hcr great myth of nuclear pCl\\t'r pl:mb i., that lh ing near a breeder react0r plant "ill prob:ibl) cause cancer . C'onsidt:r the fnct that a person b expo:.ed 50 ume!> more msllirems (u nit ~ ol radiation) per year from \1-;ttching :i color 1elc,ision than be is from li\'ing within :i SQ.mile radius of o nuclear po\\er plant in Lhat same time span. The chances of dyfng from cancer from that dose or radiation received when hving within 50 miles of a nuclear power plant is 250 million to one The statistics indicaung the safet) and pcanicalit) of nuclear power are documented, are a,ailable 10 lhe general public and speak for themselves. Running out.of power is a high price to pay for ignorance of the a\'a1lable facts concerning nuclltilr power. especially ,\hen the ru.i:ans of alleviating thi.s problem are ,,i11iin the grasp of all Americans, KJ.
Vets urged ..to take action • IC ve1erans.
Did you !mow that it h3s been almost three yeJrs srnce the \ eterans Administration h;is inCTeased education beoefits for our veterans? And in these three ~e:irs. our tuition !us gone up 2S percent. the 3, crage book 2a percent and the cost of li,ing 2J pe~nt. • What ha,e we done ta. change this problem and get our benefits mCTC4SCd ? Nothing. People etpect someone else 10 sche the problem. Tht:) don't 1:ake the time to "nee their congressmen or suppon their I~ ,·cts dab on campus. · Were ,·ou 3\\Me th3t e,el"' letter lh3t IS ~ed b\ )'Our coo~essman has the \'Oic:e of2.000 people? This means our ~-eu a1 >IIC ha"e the voice of .;()().000 people. And remember, this is an election ,·e.ir, 1,hich .... mmake euh voi<:e e\'en louder. Even n°"' the DcpllTlment of Heaith, Educ:ition and Welfare IS tr)ing to talc over lh.e \'cter:ms Hospital in Spokane. This me30s that if you hove a ~riou~ illness. )OU v. 111 have to go , ither to Sc3ttle or Boise for treatment .• What other benefits v.ill we lose? 1f we arc not be.:ird.'then no one else ,.-ill care. and the ool\ "3) to do this is to write our congressmen. Nobody else wDI. Support your ,etcrans dub on C3mpus. ThC) ue working to help you. • The neirt meeting of the ,ctcran!> club v.ill be Frida1.·Feb. 29 at 4 p.m. in the SUB. For further information or ~istance. please contact the rcpresen1a11 ... e on e.tmpus or call Rand~ Lule at o6",5o·4 or Gerald Loe at o64-l 112. Smc.:rely, Randy Lane
NO 1 ~O , AC.TUA.l..l-'<
WE:. M EANi 10 CA U...i 'rl \.S A CARP"Rp?N\ • '(AI S.EE Uf-+ 1 NOT A B-Al.\..'ROOIV\, .• UI-+ , A.T A ~\.. ••• '(A
~E.•, AJ.lt> ••••
Voter apathy chided On Feb. 22 NIC ,tu1kn1:. \'4~1 h11vc tht: opporl unit y 10 particip:11c in a general demon 10 dNem1inc JQ80,81 ASNIC orficinl, and to consider u new con~11tu11on Without \lgmlicant voter turnout. e lect inn rcwlt~ rcncc1 1hc attitudes ol mcrc-ly a portion of the <.tudent body. Common excuc;e\ for not voting. which typu:alh inrlude ,uch \latcmcnt\ a, " I forgu1·· or "I wo\ 100 bu~y"' or "Wh,· !thould I care? I won't be here next yen r onywoy." ore feeble In ligh1 of the 1mportan<'e of the iswcs nt hand. Candidates. too. ,;h.ould rJcogni,e the responsibility inherent in running for these offices. Willingness 10 conduet a fair campaign is on indication of 5i111ilar willingness to re present the interests of nil NIC '> tudcnt~ fairly. Although allcged campaign violations during ln~t fall'\ senatorial election we re never concretely con firm ed (nor unconditionall y di,;provcdJ, candidates and voters should not condone the practice of such an1ics. The .re~ort~d electio~ problems included questions concerning n student campaigning m a vocauonnl classroom and the dbplay or campaign pom:rs for too great a period of time. It is also important for nit students to remember that the righ t 10 complain about the status quo belongs mo!tt npproprintcly to those who exercise their franchise. Aca~emic students who fall to vote shouldn't complain about d1sp roponiona1e vocatio nnl re presentation when election result~ are dramatical!) innuenced bi the votes of an active vocorionnl segment of the student body . T.W.
[_ _ ca_r_d_in_a_l_r_evi_·_ew __J The Cardinal Re,h!w Is pohU~hed ~ ml-month!) b) t.hc .PublJcatJons Won:shop c:lus al 'iorth Idaho College. MembeJ'!, of the CR stall wlU Mr hc to present the oe" s f.alrl), arcuralel) and "lthoul prej11dlce. Opinions eJ'pre<.scd on the editorial page do not neeessaril) rcOcct the , le" s of the wdirua.l Rc~lew, the ASNIC or 11w ~C admi.nlstratlon. The CR Is entered as lbfrd,cla.5s material at Coeur d' AJene, Idaho 8381 4. IDllJ)llging edit.or .................. .... , ..... ,,,, ............. ,. Teri Worie) ne..:S editor ••.•...•....•....... .. •..•..••• ... ... .........•• Slarlenc Smith assoda.1e editor .. , ....... ................. ... .................. J an OeLuca spogs editor ............................................. ..... Tom Emond pbotogmpb) editor .. , , , . , , , , , , , , , , , , .• , , , , • , . , , , , , , , , ..... . , Keith J obnsoll 11.d, erti51ng editor................... . ....... ................ Sharlene Smllh ad cartoonist. . • • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . • . . ...•. Homer Lord ad•iscr • .,.. . . . .. , .... , ........... , ...... .. ........ , .... ... , , . Tim Pllg,im cartoonist .. • • • . • ...... , ......... , , ... 7 , ....• , ............ Doug Allco«r
~s~eSt~e).,'jaitl~~·JWe~~: Kcndn Smith, Carrie Springer,
J:n·~~ R~t~~·.·~·j~~~-~::1«PI:;:
Barber. Greg OuPuls
Feb. I. 1980/ Cardinal Re,iew .3.
Criticism, support vo iced over new SUB ballroom The nc.,. SUB .. ballroom .. appear,; 1u be a d1~ppo1n1m1:nt to wme but 10 othen. u 1s \<!en a, a "a~t 1mpro"emen1 111 fac1h11cs. Although 'iOmc people are unh.spp, 1111h 1hc we ur the Bonner Room /ballroom). Cardinal Re\•1e11 is\ue~ of Dec. 8. 19.,6 and J.n. 19. 19i'.I both quoted J figure or JOO as bem,a the capa~II) for a mult1-purpo~c room A"o 1n JC/78., poll of student\ was 1.u.cn Jnd reported 1n the Card111lll Revic... A figure or 300 wn again mcntiuncd 3\ the dl·$ircd capacH) of 1hc ballmum. T11n) ~tcw.srl. qudcnt bo;1rd •d· vl\cr. \J1d "tr cutb.ich wcr<. needed. then \tudcnl\ ,hould have been ad• v1,cd" and ,atd he had hoped for a l,1 rgc:r rQOm 14hl·rc dance\ C't1uld be held The Bonnc:r Rl)()m will hold nppro~imu1el} 41)() for aud11urium-\lylc \eating. 340 for ,it-dtiwn d1n1nl( and 200 for dn nc1ng It I\ " 1mpo\s1blc tu u~· II for rock donccs." ~tcwart ,01d, ond he li~tcd w e. vcn11l ni ion problem~. low ce1hnsi and ~hee1rock wall\ n~ foctor, in i1, not bt'mg used for rock dance\. 'itc-.art crpre,sed di8oppo1ntmcn1 1hat tlw 8<>nner Room doc,n' t rni:cl 1h1: complele need, of the ,1udenl\ One important need i~ thot or a pince for dnncing. ~,nee s1udcnt fond, were used for the expansion. S1ewort , 01d he feels
that \tudrnts \hould ha,e been C\Jr· ,ultcd as to the ~•?C of the Bonner Room. .. \\ c hne ~ much bctteT f:mli1~ than "e had before - and more nexibiln~ .•• s,e,,.an uid We\ H:11ch director of au,111:ir, '>Cr.ice,. llrtginall) wanted a large room that w11uld se31 500 for i.it-do14n dinm11 Referring tll the , enul,mnn problem Hatch ..aid thal 3l the lime 11f the lut dance there \I.II.\ :i l.1ck of oper.1· tion~I kno,- led1te and that is no .. remedied. Hr alw noted that addiuonal ,eauni; c;ipacny h3\ been created b) the nc.. ,·lpan\ion. The nc\l. dr,rm1tOI) dining room and 1he Kootenai Room 11- ill each s.cat 14-0. Another mcl.'ting room 1o 111 \Cill lb FJu,me\~ in the SvB 1s "pidmit up" bccau\C c,f the increased space and forihtie,. Hatch <aid. An increased dem.ind can be handled by th.: lnchcn. "h1ch ,., more efhcicnt A cold di\plo) case. a ne-. grill, modem dccp·fat fl) ers. 1-. ice as much rcfngern1or ,pace and a ncv. d1shwa~h ing \ys1em all contribute 10 increased clfic1t'ncy 1 he added rooms can be rented for wch tlungs a, hi~h school dances and vnn11u, training schools Forums. let· tu re,. movie,. ron\OC3110n\. banquets and ..rt display, mo) al"° be accomodn1cd l>v the cApnndcd fac,li11~.
i11 i,vl r<1 Io r
Medical position available
l< cllb John,on photo
Tum blin2 n , b\' " The promise of spring in the air tells i\1 C studen ts th.Ill lht'J "ill soon be able to pal •"•~ 1M man~ Indoor game~ USt'd during rold Coeur d'Alene c,enlngs.
Student Activities ~d ~
Hom ecoming Week Feb. 19 - 22
Sk i Mt. Spokane A
('U f't-' l'r infon11afion
Wed. Feb. 20
Price $8
Includes Bus & Ski Poss)
('Of lllll 11
in front o f SUB at 3 p.m . 8) Cal') Coffman ca~r dc.- ,·clopnwol ad, 1.-.cr
Limited Seating Sign Up Early
!i.1udcnt, 1ntcre\lcd In th,· field of ml.'t.ll,·1nl' fn1m .tn 3dmtm,tr3the ,undpomt mtght fin!I a ,a11,hmg c:.,~'cr o, n mcJ1,·al record ntlmm1)tr.111,r. l o<lu) c, 1:" ho,pitJI apprn,cd h, lhl· .ll•mt Comn11~\1,1n on A~11100 or lin,pnul, ho\ n mcdkal rC\'Ord h1r c, c:I') p:111cnt. Rl·,ponsib1ht) for Jnah...,, ,..1 1hc,c rl·,ord\, for prcp.1rntto11 ol rcpon<. for" h1ch thl.'\ ,upph r3\I. m31e1UJ, 3nd f,1r the carc anJ immcd1ot,· a,a,IJbiht, .,r ca,h rc..'\'\rd. rc,1s-. uh the med1,3l record adn11ni~1rntor · \\\irk performed ma, include J)~1Mmg " nh rc,can:h tud1c,. preparing ~riod1c rc1>ort, , n::pre, cnung thl.' hc.l\ptl~I concerning mrd1,·3I l'('\'\,r1h dau supc1' ,~mg nnd 1n11ning a dcpan m<'ni ~,arr 3nd d(".ignmg appropn.itc ""-"rd l ccpmg forms and ",tem,. Training imoh·es 1he required romplet,on of :i four-,e.u degrtt m med1,--sl f<'Nrd, or l'Omplcuon or a one-year l-e n ific-otc or d1pl,1nw cour, c alter 3lread, obtaining n b:i~ :ilaurc11tc degree in libeml .tn i. :ind s,·1cncc Bct'nuse or mttea,mg number of nursing home!> and ho~pmih .tnd the mcn-~ing s1gni!ican1:e of medical rcwrd keeping. 3 Slt'3dih metta,mg demand for medkJI record admi ni,1 mto~ I ) expected •
Sponsored by ASNIC and Campus Recreot,on
Movi e
3 :30 & 7 p.m .
in th e SUB Bonner room
B,· Dea n Hogan
Transfer process detailed for sophomore grads R> Sharlene SmJth Sophomort utl n1 ho plan 10 1r;in~lcr 10 a f"1!r·ycar school a1 the end of 1h1\ seme-,ll"r hoald bcR1n the process of tran,rcmn 1mmedtattl}. occording to Lc~hc Hogar. :-,.1c deJo of student~. NIC 3d, i\Cr\ ha,e been Sllpphed wi1h infom131tOn concerning the d,f. fercnt rcquiremcncs for rcg~tratic:n it mnnv ldnho schools and some o! the near.by Washington ~hoob. S1udcnts should 11n1c to :he director of admb~tons a11bc school ,.htdl the> arc in1crested in nncnd,ng and request 3n admissions applica1ion. Hogan ~aid. The in~1i1ution icself ,.,11 usU.1.11) follo\\ the studen1 1hrough "ith the rt'SI of the adm1S~l'ln procedure The ,econd s1ep in 1ran~ferring i5 10 go 10 the NIC regis1r:1r and get her 10 send 1ran\mp1~ to 1hc 1ns11tu1ion to "hich 1he scudent ,.,,hes to 1ranskr Hognn ,n,d. Ou1•of-s1atc and in-slllle requ1remen1s for 1r:snsfomn~ are usua.11~ the ,ome. The notional norm for studen1~ "'ho 1ran~fer from communn, colleges to a four-~c~r ins1i1u1ion 1s on l) I pel'C'Cnl Ho,.r,er. appro~imaceh s· percenc of studcnh who nttcnd NIC S,?O on 10 funhcr 1hetr educo11on. Hog11n SJid.
Thl' de1n said thai the m.iJ~ of )ludent\ "ho romc to 'i IC .itt from \CW) school d,~tnct~ lnd th111 the\ lite the~ a._~tlOII "llh 1he Also 'IC I\ I ITaMlllOD bct'llccn small high school\ and larl!e un,,~Nll~. Some umnuu "" rcqui.rc th.it \IU• dent\ ukr ccnaan cnir= cumm.1• IIO!l\ su,h u lhl' ACT and S,\ T te,ts; howr.cr. IT'.Ml. 11111 ac:.:ctH •he a,..o,. cute de;::rcc ,. h1ch the colic ,c Qfft~ 11 ~u1dcnt, ha,e wen c-cn:un roursc, The m.1111 uung t\ 10 Gt" t"n the school', m.11hng li~l. Hogan ~Id The school •ill li,1 the \pt'Clfic n-qutre· mcnt!. for :adm,uwn rollci::r hoU\Ulg and financ1aJ ,ttd\ . Students ~hould aho be ,n the pr~~., of fillille ou1 the r1n.1ncul aid Thl' only ..chool ,.h1ch requ,rc~ more 1h:in 1he lcderal lin,ui-;:i1 aid form I\ the l.'m,~n11v of Idaho ll' II Hogl.11 !>£1d This ,diool h.1\ tl~ o• n form. but IDlb: of the que,tion~ on the ind1\ldual form .an- hl c 1ho~ in the fl'dcr.11 form &1h fc<knl I rm, :ind UI Corm, can be p1<.icd up lll he \IC Financial Aid\ Offo:r The a;:irlkatlU!I~ ~hvuld be mailed 3~ -..10n as ~11blc be<"3u~c gronb "hach thC' ~pec,fic ,chooh g1,c out arc
u,u.ilh .11\UdC'd ,,n .1 hr,1 -coml'. lir..H,cr-cd b.bi~. H,,~an ,:,.1d 'lllan, college\ not 1ccl'pl a finan,i.11 aid lpphcall\ln till the \111dcn1 h.1, applied for .1dm1"mn Therefore. en·n 1hou'1h mo<I 11pphc1111on< for :1dm1,,1on uc not due unlil the ,ummcr month,. 11 "" "er h> 11pph fnr :1dm1,<1on JI the <,1m,• ume .i, llnr Jpphr, for Ii Mn, 131 :iid tl,,g.in Jho n,,1c1I 1h31 8<>1'e Srntr l m,er.111 I8\ll h.a, n,1 nppli,·atton fc.:-. that 1hc finan, 131 Jlcl deadline I, \pri l I .ind th.ti the .1drn1"l<>n< deadline " Au~u,1 l2. Idaho S1:i1e Lm,cr,11v·, udm"<inn dcadhnr .ind firwnc,ul ,1id tleadhnc a.re the ~Jmc a, SSL·, deadline dntc, Ul. un the ot her hand. hll, u S 10 apphc.111on fee. Jnd the linuncial .ud
tlo:adhne I\ \ pril I Oco tlll nr for admi"t"n to Lil i, ,\ ugu<I I hhlCrn W.1,hini:i ton Un1 Yc r~i1 y, C'hcnry. rrq111rc, thnt fin nnc111l n1d mformnik,n be m ti, March IS nnd 1h01 apph,;i1inn, for adm1<<1un< bc in by Sepll'mbcr 8. Hog.in nho ,aid 1ha1 1hr rciti~trar'~ Olfi,,· "111 , 1111 ,1c.:cp1 101,· npplir,11lnn< for grnduntlun In :1d1hunn the dcnn ,n,.r 1ha1 ir ,1udr111, hJ, c unv problem, Iron< f,·rrini: uedl1, 11111nolhcr , choc:il, lhl'> ,lwuld nin111,1 c11htr Rn, mund 5tonc. de.in uf NI(. .-r h1m,ell Somr rou,..,c, " hii.:11 urc IJUllhl nt NIC nrc d11"llkd al .1 100 level ul olhl·r 111,1111111nn,. llngan ,n,d. When thi< hopper!\, the ~,houl uwo ll, ncn•ph 1h1: trcd it 11\ l(en~r.11 t:h:( livci.
Marathoners total $16,000 13) Renee Reid Jerry 3nd hts kids rccel\cd u helping ha nd fl'<Jm North ldnhn C11llcgc nnd Coeur d'Alene High Sc:hool "udcnl~ Feb. II and 9. ~IC .ind Coeur d'Alene High students combined cffora und rJ1wd over $16.000 ID pledges ID the third ~nual Muscular Dystrophy Dance Morathon. fhc mnrn1ho11 wa\ hdd in the NIC S1udcn1 Union Bu,ldin,i nnd hl\tcd for 28 hour,. Noc ant) did \ludcnts dance, bu1 they ulso purtictpnicd tn a ~ rabble ga me, and 1hree p..-oph: rocked in rocking choirs. An-ording 10 Tony S1cw:in. orgn.n11er of 1hc MD Mnr.ithon. Coeur d'Alllnt llagh School rai.scd over S9,000 in plcdics to beut NlC'\ So.700. The top fund -rJl\cr h3\ 1101 been dcterrmned ycl, ~lewart f>.l ld, bccnu,c 1hc studcnh have until Much Cl 10 g:ilher more pledges for MD He \n1d 1here -..,II be a mecung in the ballroom on Marth 9 111 7 p.m. 10 annou nce the winner, . Ho,.c,cr, 1he top money ,..inners a\ of midn1gh1 Feb. 9 were NK s1udcn1~ Mary Bel'bc and Dc,.ey Arthur, who ,aid they hove gathered over Sl.900 in pledges. "We mi)scd our goal of S2,000 by S73.' Bt.:bt: ~id. &th Beebe and Anhur ,1grccd chat they ~ol a heller rl!'lponsc from gomg door-10-door than from going 10 the bu\mes,es. They ~id 1hcy w~rc "ill goin.R lo Lr} and break S2,000 by the deadline Marathoner\ al\O competed in other compeuuons. such as dJ nC'C con1cs1s. goldfi\h and ra,.. egg ~allo,.mg. potato olymp1rs 3nd n bubble gum blowing con1c,,1 Chm, Gruwell. 'ii(, and Kim Crabtree. Coeu r d'Ale ne. won the title of Best Dancing Couple. Jeff Pf}~ won 1he Potato Olympic Contest for pushing ~ poi.no chip "11..h his n01oe ,.ilhout brcal.ing 11. S,e..·an topped off the marathon madness by swimming 1n a pool of whipped cream. Donations ,..ere taken so that the event would be staged. and S700 ,..a~ r:i.ised. Local caung estabh,hmenti provided meals for 1hc marathoner~. and bands from Coeur d'Alene .nd Spokllnc donated 1hetr Lime and plavcd for the dnncc~
• • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • H ,•,a, 95, :;
e:. t ,
J '
- JC, C, 1.:ur d' Alene
24-bour show In.formal.Ion. ~ - e,ery Sa1u.rda, an.cl Sunday.
Christ} S1t'lnJcJ phoLO SLOW DANCTX'- College student Angela Foust rests during• dsncc as the MD D:a.nrc 1\111.rathon .. Inds 10 a close. Held In the SUB, the e,·enl mucbed ~UT d'Alene High School dancers against NI( su1dents. The high ~boot collected S9,000 of the cow 516,000 gathered so far.
NIC student tickets available for S 1.50 Pick up tickets in Vocational office or Student Body office in the SUB
Feb. 15, 1980/ Cardlnal Re,ie"
[____c_r_sp_o_r_t_s__] Cards take pirate role, face TVCCawaytonight B) Tom Emond The Cardin3b are going to lt) to bury tre;;sure tonight. Nor looltang for buried 1rea,urc mtnd )OU. but looking lO bu!) it hopefuU}. But 10 bury Trcawre Valley 1hc~· have to play 11h the road. and pla}ing on Ute road,., al-.ar, tough. the Card, -.111 tcll you 1h:11. All but one of their lo,se\ of the ,ea',()n have been on the road. rhe C3rd~ opened league: play again\t Rieks on the road and didn·1 fare too -.ell, lll'>tng o elMconc. 81-79 Th111 problem seem, to tell the tale for the 21-4 Cardinal\ on the road thi, year. but they hope they can end the road Jinx tonight a1 Treasure Valley. Trea,ure V3lley I\ the Region IIS leader far lhi\ ~ea-.on and are a very tough team. according IQ Coach Rolly Wilham~.
•· I hey·rc nn cicellcm ream and h3ve been plavini verv llCII •· Willuirm said
So if 1hc Cr,rdinal, wish to ho\l the Region llS tournament or e,·en get into the rcJ«lonal,, 1 rcnwre Valley mu~, be knocked off. After lo~1n11 to Rick\ the Cards 10 lose any more g.. mcs. e\pecially -.hen 1hcrt arc onlf six game\
c;an'I really nfford ,n Ihe league
But ln,1 S111urd11y the Cardinal~ go1 on the winntng tr.ict in the league b) beaung rival Cullcl(e of Southern ldnho 111 home , ()q.55_ i\C'mrding 10 W,lltams. CSI hasn'1 been pln}"ing up to their porcntial lhh year bu, ore s111f a tough 1eam. After bouling II ou1 wuh Treo~urc Volley tonight. the tc.im trl\cls to Twin Falls 5aturday 10 ploy the CSI Eagle, 11gnin. ~mcc 1h01 p01nt of the \cawn ho, come for 1hc Cardinal\. u·s enher no" or never To ho51 the rcgio11al\ (which ,~ o b12 odvantoge) the Cardinals cannot drop nnothcr league game. To even get into the regional\, the team can't rc31J~ afford 10 lo\c anymore game\. Inn woy th" may put thr team ltgain,1 a wall, but throughout the ,co.Mm they hn, c hccn perfectly copoble of plnymg oumanding bo._,l.etball. Willinm, \lte)wd 1lm1 Ob of tote the Cnn1inol, haven·, bt'cn performing up 10 1lw1r c(lpnblh11e,, and he po,ntl'd out 1hn1 the intcMiry and hullotlc haven·, reall} been present. and that the tcnm ho\ nut hccn phwmg the defense 11 1~ capable of ploying. ' Uut niter wiping 11u1 the l!ll~tcrn Ea(IIC~ 81 -58. nnd after the 1mpre!>~1~c "mo, er (!)f. tht• Curd\ ,ccmcd It> be on the right trad. 01:iun but 11•\t o.n o,cn,me thnllcr Wcdnl',~lny n1i:h1 "K•""'' YJl.1mn Valli·,·. 1/2.\)(). Af1cr the wrei..cnd rood i;ume, the Card im1f~ be tincL at home 10 fact" thcWo~hlngton Slate JV, un Feb. Ill. They bent the Cougars tn f>ullman e:uhl"r th,~ venr, bu, thcv hove n tough ream and ~hould put up a g110d ft11h1 .
So .1 f1er thi~ v.cekend of lcnguc rood 1,1ame, 1he Cnrdinah w11l lim~ out tht'tr linnl four 11omc, ,n 1hf CQnftm•, of the Pern C'hn,tmn~n <.,,mno~1um , llhC'r,· theJ ho,,• -uffcrca onh 1111C lo~!> tht\ ,en,im Mtcr the WSU ·JV,. the C'ard, will ploy ho!>t to 1 rca\urc Valk, Feb. 22 and Ccnlrnl Wa\hl11g1<111 Umvcr,it) JV, rcb. 2o. Riek\'"" be tht' li11nl home gomc uf 1he ,ra,on on Mnrrh I
Chomps dominating force
Co-rec basketball popular In the fJhl co-rec b~lctboll hll!> hccn o fovontc :it NIC, nnd 1h1~ ~e3r I, no e,ecption. Thcrr or,• tw<>· 1c11m lcagu,') "ith nn,iou, and cn1hu)1'1!>llC pfll)l"f\. ..,,,,.. pnniclpntion of the 1eams hh b.-cn rcatf) good." said John Ou en, d1rcc1orofco-rceae11,11ics. ··1 nm ,cl'\ plco,ed "tth the officiating. Bnslethait t\ tough 10 officiate. and the refcrtt~ hn, e dooe u ell." La,t vear', CO-rte ch,tmpton\. the lnt rnmural Champs, ;1re a dommaung fo~ ~g:iin 1h1, year. The laltcri. arc mal,ng o .. ,tmng run'" todcthrunc the
lntrJmurnl Ch:imp, 111 1he Gra~ leagu~ In the Red lc11gu<'. Lud.- Lux :ind The Jl'ru lool. 11, be the fa,,mt~
The ehamp,on~,r, game has been proposed :is 1 prcltnunal) g:ime 10 the Crntr:11 Wa,hington Uni,er,it) J\" gilme Feb :!o In Other l"O-l'l't' acti, itt¢~. ~ppro11m:uel~ JO prople turned out for tn1r.1mu"I \\~thng end 0-.en >illd that he \\l)Uld like more people tu tum out. Pn:hm,n11n matmcs for the "'l'l'SI· lini: ll1um:imenl " <'"-' held l.J..1 .. eek.
Christ., tt'lnl~ pho10 8A.'iG ·E.\1 HJGH-CardinAI flln5 Doug Palagi 11nd Mike Ohon get In to the "s" ing·· or thlngs 111 11 recent basl.etb:ul gnmc. The Otnb .. hun11 on.. to beol CSI 69-55 and .. mface the Goldl'n Eagles 11,arun S11rurdaJ In T"ln foUs.
Face UM Saturday
Reve rsal plagu es gals B, Curle Springer Wnh cha.r:ietm,:,c<, a, unpredict· ahle a, Ru~;ian roukrtc 1hr "omen·.. l>aslctball team ma, llO 10 unc,pected heu1h1s or dt"f'th,. The "omen hil\e e:rpericnced an unu-u~I ~a'°o throughout 'the )"CJr Card11ul gamt."'\ th.:it "ere prcdtl1ed ~ 111n, ha, c been k>,t In !?a.mes 3fil3.In~t the loul!her t<"ams. the C3rdinals Ju, e fallen onh a rev. po1n1\ behind 1he11 \ tt"t:llr....
On Feb. II> the v,omcn·\ team ,.,11 .1i:a1n C"Onfront one ol the tougher teams vn the ~a, schedule. The l:n1Hr\1t1 ol Moataoa v.111 be a d1ffK"Ul1 tcffl! for the C.Vdmals to pla\, but Clllch Greg Cnmp feel~ th.:it the 11.'31':l ...tiould v.1.11 the game. ·· wc nov. feel .. e can beill ao)one. ~nd the Un1,cn111 or 'footan:a t\ mduded." Cnmp \.l.td The "omen·~ tclm had 11130 c:u-ber 1tame loq b, four point, 10 tht t:nl\e!'\m of ~fontana . During the upcoming tv,o,.ed., •lie Cardinal; ... 111 aho fatt three 1c.1w, that the~ ha,e pt\"\ ,:,u~h beaten B:g Bend Communi~ Cl"llege. Wbtn. rth Cullege and \\ :ul.t Walf.1 Commun11_> Collei:c:. Crimp "31d th31 all of these te.ims con,-u,1 o! ~ pla~e~ .:ind th.it they mi1ib1 b..> difficult ior the C;;rdi11.1b g:ime ;igam~ 81g Bend. a ht.:h "'tll ~ pf;a~C'd ;a";i}, m1gh1 be p:imeuluh h:ird. he added. GJmc, :igl1ns1 GonZ3ga "nd Co· lumb1.1 8.1,in. pla}ed earlier m the ~c-.1wn \\<:nt into o,ernme for the
C.1rdtnal tCJm. Cnmp )Jtd lhJI the lo\\es ,n thc~c t\\O g~mcs ma, be pamall~ bec:iuse the f('Om isn·, used to '"nning. ··\\ t"re.:iJ-1 1 team. we·~ not \Ure that "~ 1h1nk '" e e,n win. If "e hnd llOn 3 roupte of more g:imes earlier m the ,eason. "e might ha"e \\On the o,emme game,.·· he said. E, en though the ga me "as lost isa1n,1 GOl1l3ga. Crimp is rn,rty ple1"1Cd "tth how dose 1he C:1rdmols ~1.:i1ed 10 the game. Goruaea. 3 four-vcar college. was the 1c-ad1ng te3J11 tn its conference last }Col' \ti the pf3)er, "ho ~tarted last Har tnr the Gonzaga telm also s1:111ed ;i2a,n:,1 the Cnrd1nah. Arn1rdm2 to Cnmp. the Cardmab bdd Gon7~1!3 do"n 10 the regulatton .: pcnnt\ "llh ·excellent defense·· until Cl\ crtirnc. "'Tht\ g~mc \ho"ed th:11 the team , n pin !>a.II llllh an~ team around."" Cnmp uu!
\hhou2h the v.omen's team pos\~-'e\ .t 10\ing r.cason record it ha~ IO\t mcxt of ,is games b1 "" avcr;ige ft\c:-p.>m1 margin. Kdhe Stoel.tun. ~ member nf the team ~;ud foul\ haH hurt the team drh11c.alh 1hrouqhou1 the \eason Ounn2 one game. the team lim,hed rhe pla,ing ume llllh ont foN.1rd ~nd four gu;ard, fhe 01her foru:irds had fouled out before 1hc game ll3S o,er " Bad fou ling and poor refereeing h,h b<en ~ ~tbad: for the team.·· S1od1on '>ltd.
Feb. 15. 1980/ Canllnal Rt'vlcw
Ath letes to Moscow?
Views on Olympic boycott controversy mixed B) Klm Johnson Feelings concerning the bo}con of the Summer Olrmp1c Games. scheduled to be held in Mosco,,.. Russi;a. are quite dwersc on the MC campus Bill Fees. a wcccr player. wd that the bo~cot: deasion should be left up to the athletes bec3use they ha\e been tuirung -,tbout government suppon and that hc belie\'CS it is wrong to lu\·e someone we awa) the pmilegc. On the 01her hand. Ra) Luwn. a voutional student. said that he undersunds ho" the aihlete\ feel but 1h1u 1he boycott is necessary. Litahen v.as 1n.1rung for the U.S. Olympic Rine Team ,n 1%" "'hen be ,,;as called ,,.a, because of a military o.ssignment. Some NIC mmuctors feel dtfferentl~ about the games . David Cohen. sociolo~ in\tru.:tor. and Gu>rge l\"Cs. Eoehsh instructor. said thu the) wan1 the Olympic. totally cfi:ninated because thC) arc held for oo other purpose than that or poliues. In such C\Cnts as bo:rine. ,ce-wung and gynuiasne.. countries ue favored rather than the a1hktes. according to Cohen. When w~ C\CDb a.re judged. 100 much national opinion biases the Judges, "hich causes the athletes to be Judged unfairh·. he added. Ken Gates. academic student. said tha1 for Amenons to go o,cr to Ru\Sta and "pump money into its economic S)Stem "h1le It tR11u1al is dou1g ~tupid thtng~ is wrong. Shohram Vahidi. who 1s an lronian student. and other studenu feel thBt the boycon 1s necessary 10 show Russia that the AmencaM do noc suppon the m1 asion. It shows the Ru ssia.a people thnt we ,.on·, "we the mv-as1on sining down ·• Shannon Snvder said. "Which is more imporUmt. U.S. pride or bo"' iag do,.n to the Russ1.uis"" Sn,der asked. Vocational student Wa~n Bauer agreed lllld said that the boycon '"" scad a message 10 the Russio.n citizens s3ymg that things arc:n 't a.s good m their country as their go1•emmcnt says. A boycott or1he Olympics will give Russia a bad o:ime rn the eyes of the citizens. Richard "Duke" Snyder. NIC soccer coach. uid b:wally the ume thing as Bo.ucr. He said that it's n good idea 10 ha,-e the \\'Orid's opmson of Russin soiled. "Mnybe this will be Russia's Vietnam." Snyder said. Several nc:i.demic ~1udcnts feel tho.t the bo)cot1 isn' t good because it will have linle effect on the invasion of Afghanisun. Feelings concerning whether or not it is £Mr the 1.1hlctcs 10 be subJect 10 a boycott situation have proven to come from both ends of the specuum. A few academic. l'OCational and athletic studenb ~d the1· feel that the . consequences that come nlong with the boycon arc: part of the job. J ny Mouser. an academic- stUdent. s3.id that n's not (air. but in "a time or crisi~. that's how n's got 10 be." "Tell the w:itcr skiers. if there were o.n~· at the summer go.mes. lO Strap on some snow skis and snow ski." student Bob Wimpconie said.
Ste\-c Tiefisher. a. vocational student. ~Jid it 1s "'tough luck being in the ~ummer games. v.c.··,·e got to do "h:it's bc~I." Ron J:irobson • .\DOther vo..,11ione1I qudcnt. said the o.thlete should just "pack h up for another four year,;." On the other hJnd. omc s.1id thM the boycott i, n terrible injustice to the nthletcs aod th:it ,;ome son of comDCn~o tion ~hould be mode. I WM~Jl..?\A'{ it>o co~~SUT Fl~, ¥IE 'M~\llc.
El.~\\\c. "r"LJ\LE , •
The idea of relocating the Olympic Game~ mnde o big lmprcs~ion on the people here. Some feel that Moscow, ldnho, would be o grent plucc. while others. such ns Ellen l t"A~. an academic student. £eel that the gnmes ,hould be moved to Greece where the jlames be1tnn. Other ideas that have come up range from postponemcn1 of the Olympics for another )'Car 10 moving the Olympi~ to another pince and forgetung 10 tell the Russians v, here the games ore. Although the feelings or th e people here at NIC nrc diverse, the ultimate decision rests with President Carter. As presiden1 he hu s a broader view of the consequences because he is more owore of the facts.
Grapplers meet Montana, look ahead to regionals By Ma.rt.I Pierce
Future Cardina l A Ce"' more lncbes and a couple yea.rs may see basketball fan Jennifer o" en UI 11 CardJnal lllliionn, bat she seems con· tent with sideline action during a recent women's game. Jenoifer Is lbe daughter of ,.'l'CStiing Coach Jobn Owen.
Greg Du.Puls photo
With regionals looming in the near future. Cardinal grapplers still face two of their toughest opponents. The remaining home maLChes in,·olve teams who h:tvc either tied or beaten the Cords thtS ycv. NIC hosts t.he University of Montana Feb. 16. The pre-;ous UM vs. N!C match resulted in a 20-20 score. One of UM' ~ toughest wrestlers is senior 142-lb. Brad Benn. who tS a former NIC starter. Benn placed third in the Big Sky Conference last year. Another threat 1s 177-lb. Neil Friew who ha.s "beaten us every time we·,·e ~restled him." coach John Owen said. "He's a tough kid who's having an outsU.nding )eat." Big Sky defending champion Scott ~onon 111 190 lbs. and Jim Oeusc. who was second in the Big Sky Conreren ce of 1979. will 3lso be anempting to ,,.rest w;ns from NIC grapplers. The NIC vs. UM match " promises to be an outsta.nding match.·· Owen said. Columbia Basin will be ai NIC Feb. 23. N!C ...restlcrs w·ere d.ereated 19-18 dunng the last CB vs. NJC match. · 'That was the first time we· ve lost
to II junior college since 19n." Coach Owen said, "so we' re really looking forward t.o meeting them again." Columbi3. Ba.sin College "will be a threat to us 1n regionals,' ' Owen said. The coach said the CardinJ1ls h3.ve won regional s consistently, but this tournament will be 1he strongest the team has been in. "All our wrestlers are making progress." commented Owen. "We have had to work very hard but we're wrestling well " One of the most improved people. according lO Owen. i~ 123-lb. Wuync Town~nd. Randy Kluver is also making tre· mcndous progress. he said. Owen 1s disillus1oocd by the lack of students attendwg wrestling matches He suggested that v.•restling be taught in ph)sical cduc.itioo actiVlty classes. This "-ould introduce students to t.he finer points or wrestling and would orient students to t.he rules,and regulauons that gO\·em the match. We have a "great program, o great tradition." Owen said " We're capab(e !lf putting oo a show worth th eir ~uppon and interest."
Feb. 15, 1980/ Cardln:al R~lew .7.
LOOSENING UP- Grappler John Floerchinger altempi.s lo shake some of 1hc prc•m.tlcb len,Jons off Homer Lord, who achle, eel • 21 ·8 season record coming 0111 or the malCh agalnJI Rlcks.
Agony on the mat Ul' GIi AR..\1S -U2-pocmd Wes Knacson soaks up some wcU-dcscr-cd
pm~ alter besting his Rlru College opponenl. The Cardinals walked ODI ... 1th" 11:uien
of the 10 IDlllches wresllcd In cbr Feb. 2
Keith Johnson photos
EYE COl'iTACT-Tbe rc!eree lreq,s a sharp look on the oppoaeat shoaJdet. ol CardJ.naJ ~ , Mm Nelson as M Delll'5 a t'fflaln pin.
Feb. IS. 1930 Ca.rdlnal Re, lcw -8·
89 yea r: o ld a nd .:tilJ c hecrinl?
Cardinals ' most ardent fan remains d edicated to game BJ Janice Aoder<iOD " \h
At all the Cardinal home gam6, $eat number 13 al11.&}\ has the ~arne chccnn'! ,pectator aod number one fan prc~cnt, H:izel Cardwe ll. 89. UJ~ she 11.ouldn't thinl or mmmg a game Card11. cll'~ lo\C for the gai:ic or bn~kctball goc•. !>ark man~ ~~&fl .. I pla)ed ci:ntcr fo r t~e C~cr d'Alene High SehooJ ,,,,omen!. tcarr, m 11)08 ... C:nd11. ell ~aid . "We pla~ed outdoor.; because ·1-e d1dn I h:l\e a gym then" Cardwell. a reun:d tea,hC'T. r,>t htt first job 1n 1Q10 She 13ugh1 m a one-room school acro~s Coeur d'Alene Lake in Squa11. Ba) ..The, needed a te:ichcr spring through · ~ummer." )he ~aid "ThC\ didn't hold cla~ses in the v.1oter because there " ere no roo.ds to 2 e1 10 the school " Card"etl made SSO a month teJch· ing. Her durics besides teaching .ill eight grades were to 1.cep the school clcon ond 10 build the lire in the " ood stove "I alwan "anted 10 be an arch1te<i. but once ·1 started teaching. I fell m love "1th the I.ids." Card" ell ~.aid. At the 11me when Cordwell fi rst ~tarted teaching. the on!~· .iccess to the school \Ill~ b) boot acroH Coeur d'Alene Lnke.
father "'"uld t:ilc me- b~ 0031,
:lnd some11~ he- •:ould 10" chc ro"'
b<>at behind. and then en Fridiy after Hhool "':as out I \\OUld ro" from Sq11A"' 8.1, !,• the 0031 Ja.ndms Qn South I hh Sirttt," (a.rd\, ell said Card"~ ·u Kooien11 Cc,unt~ Su· perlntc:ncienc .,r S,hool,; from I Q1~ through llln She \U.S I p nnc1pa1 31 both Huc!le r and Sherman S1re~1 xhools. She "'u abO . member of the fir:\I "', JC Board of Tru~tee~ Bob Moc, dwrman of "l!Cs rom· municlition dt\1Sion .a, ..,ne or ht'r ,tudcms. Four ge~nttoo\ of teachcn ue m Card,.cll'\ familv Her mother u 11 tciicher: her iuu.51htCT 1km Mtlain, 1s an 1n,1ructor at ,1c : and hC'r 2unddo1ughtcr Su)•n, " al o a te3chcr Card"c:11 ~uu tall\ "llh amaiement tn her ,·om: "'hen she rcmembn'<. the 01gh· ' .JC Dun R3) mond Stone pre<,cnted her ,,.,,th :I hfeume p:i,, for he r and a gue)t to all home games Cardv.cll also said she "'ears her NIC \,ho1l J3Cltc-t "1th pride Cirdv.ell chueltkd and s.11d "1th a )p.1rltle m her c:,cs. " l don'1 thinlt the) thought I "ould hH~ ;is long .u I h3,e ,.. hen the\ prc,cnted me ,,., ,th tha1 hktimC' r.1~, ...
•FII t II rt> i.., ,w 11· •
Convocations theme given Whether one- is thinking of a career or the fate of the "ortd. "the future is now" and that's "hat the 19 0 Convoc:nion program is stre~sing this yeor. "The Future is o"" ";11 fc-a1ure a keynote address Mond;iy March 10 ot 10 a.m. from Dr. W. Irwin Th4¥11pson. author. educ:nor and "furunst'' "·ho "rote the book "From Nation 10 Emnnnuon." Tucsda) ·s acch·uies will include exhibits all dny and several showings of the film "Some Call It Greed." nn award-v.1nning documentary nnrntcd bv Orson Wc:lls. lo"cll Thomas Jnd Robert M3cNeil. Tuts film u-aces the Cree enterpnse system O\'er its 100 yeor histor; 10 the present.
Also on Tuesday will be a Popcorn Forum fe aturing a " 1ldlife photo· gr:ipher and l''riter who bas worked for several m3gazines including Reader's Digest. The theme featured for this event ts " From Hobb) to Profe'>Sion." The Bonner Room of the SUB ..;i1 be the site orTom Jackson's presenution oo guerilla t.actics in the job mo.rim. Jacb on. "ho is a lc:3ding expert m JOb findings and emptorment S} see ms. will speak at 10 3.m. The program concludes Thursday " ilh a prescot:ition on JOb !)O"Cr for womc: n. Ellen Perry, educator and 3uthor. 11. ill be featured in this address at 11 a.m. Another event Thursda} ...;11 be a workshop on tbc- step-by-step delh·el) system at I p.m.
Grt·11 DuPul.s photo Hot.cl Cordwell, 89-ycur,old fan
For f'Pb . 19-22
Homecoming week set By Jellllelle Uamll ton Feb. IQ.2J is homecoming week. ond II prom1.\C~ to be a very active time filled .. uh eaung and game compe1i1ion.s for NIC students. Jeff Pryse. cb:iirmon of the studenl 11e11vit1es commntec. said the commit· tee- decided to "get on the ball 1his ,ear" and "ork for more octivitles. · Tuesday 1s the first day of the busy schedule. A hamburger-eating contest \\lll be held in the SUB ot 10 o.m. with SIS, SIO and SS pri1,e~ for this nnd all other eating contests. Pool tournament action (smgles and doubles) 11. ill :ii~ begin Tuesday in 1hc SUB. Pryse soid the Cirque Dance The.a· tre. 3 dnncc: group from Portl3nd, Ore.. will be performing in the Bonner Room from noon to 1:.30 p.m. The day will close v.ich a men's home basket· ball game against the Washington State University JV$ at 7:.30 p.m. in the gym. On Wednesday a banana cream pie-eating contest at 11 a.m. and a noon performance by guitariSt Dave Wopat will both take place in the SUB. Wednesday night NJC Students can
Dances, movies fill a ctivity slate A gre.it \3riety o{ Gcti\'i11es are planned for the upcoming semester by the IC at·th'ities committee. Four mo,•u?s .ire scheduled. including "Br.lSS Target." to be sho" n on March 1>; "Rllbbit Test." to be presented March 17: and "Telefoa." 10 oired April 11. A dnnce is slated for March I, the night or 1he last home men 's b:i,Let· boll e:imc. The band "Brother~ 011.·ens" ... ,11 pla~ at the dance. which
"111 be held in the gym after the game. Jeff Pnse cbo1rman of student · :rcth·ities· comm111ee, said thnt the d3.nce "ill be promoted as sort of a ~die H:i" uns dance but c-ncournged 3.llyone to come A bo3t cruise a.nd b:irbecut are also planned. but the date is not kno...-n. " After a fcv. 01cc spnng iuys. some nmc in April." Pr) se ..aid about the date of the cruise.
i •
1rovcl to Mnun1 Spo~nne for a night of \kiing. Rides ore ovull3blc bu1 Prys<' v. nrn \ tha t only limited sealing 16 ova1lnble. Anyone intcre-.ted co n sign up in the recreation office on the bouom floor of the SUB or rnlk to either Dean Bcnneu or John Owen. There will be nn S8 charge for lhe Snowbh)l,e tickets. Yct another eating contc:~1 will be held Thur<id:iy 01 noon - this 1imc for ~pagheitl lovers. A single elimination foosbnll 1ournamen1 will stJrt 1h01 dny. The men's basketba.ll 1eom will play n home game nga1ns1 Trc:i~u re V11llcy Friday at 7:.30 p.m.. followed by a dance from 10 p.m. 10 I a.m. in the gym. Pryse hod not cont racted n band ~l pre.,s Lime. ' Winners of the foosb:ill 311d pool tournaments will be determined on Friday. Saturday is the ltm home match for C11rdU1al wrestling fan). The tea m will be avenginf! a loss ngainst Columbia Basin. After the match there will be a scmiformal dance limited 10 100 couples in the Bonner Room.
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Feb. 15. 1980/Cardinal Re,lew -9-
VOWS exchanged as part of simulated marriage pact The wedding bells tolled once 3gilin on F:b· I as the Marri:ige and Family a.us. taught b) David Cohen, ac,c~ out ~ wedding ceremon~. . . . Cohen said th3t rhis cl:u~ 1s designed to m3l:e m:image a.s reahsuc a.s possible ''with n fev. cxccpuons. •· Jhe students in the class panic,p31c in the ceremony to solidify their commitment to each other. Usually the cen:mon)' hos 3 singer or guitarist or the choir performs "The Wedding Ma.rch." then Cohen deh,crs the rites, Q,h1ch are follov.ed b} a reception. According ro Cohen. wmc students take the class Q,ith someone the} are ronsidering m:irrying. The class helps them mnkc their big decision He said 1ha1 there arc a fe,,. thor tale the class for on e~} grade nnd :a.ssume that the partner will do all the "orx. Both of the\e siruauons \hould help open the eyes of the students to the give, and-take ,11ua11ons m rcal-hfe marriage. Cohen explained.
NIC debaters to compete in pair of area tourneys NIC', debate team will be :ittendm,q 1wo rnurnnment\, one in Bellingham, Wa~h .. and one in Portland. Ore., in the next two weeh. Thc 1oum3mcnt in Bellingham i~ being held Feb. 14- 1(> and is sponsored by Western Wn~l11ng1on Univcr~ity Appru•imntcly 25 10 30 teamb will be «•mpcting. according to Tim Chrhtic, debn1c coach. The Nonh Wc\tern ~pcech A,soc1a11on will ~ponsor the C'Ompclltion in Pnnlnnd. and JIJ C'ommunity colleges wc,t uf lh t• Rocky M•luntoin, arc 1nvi1ccl 10 atttc'nd. Chr1~11e ,11.1d 1ha1 JS to 40 ,,hool\ w,11 attend llm toumomcnl ond 1hat II "ill be hdd Feb. 21-24. the 1wo \ophomorc debater,,, Mike Ucil v ond Mikr Winth er, arc bolh hcin°1( recruited b\ rnnn) fuur,ycnr ,chonl, aero,~ lht: t't1u111n• for ddrnfc tcum, neu year, Chrht1<: ,111d
The co:ich noted chat the debate team is given pan13I funding 1Sq()(}) from the J\SNIC b1Jdgc1. The rtam·~ la~, competition \\:U at the Univcr,i1y of Utah. where J:lmie Dealy and Mary Stanley placed moth in ove~.a_ll competi11on and v.herc Mike Deily nnd Winther placed fifth out of the 59 colleges and unhe!'illes "ho competed in this tournament. J:imic Dcil) we, named 1h1rd top overall speakC'r. ;1nd Winthl'r \\3\ nam ed 0111th top speaker Christie \llid the team "Ill more 1l111n hkcll be invited 10 1hc Junior Jllntionol Debate Tournament held in o~crlnnd, Kan . The tuurnamcnt •~ cm an 111, national ba,i, Chmtic \01d thnr he t\ rccrum ng mcmbcrdor ncx1 ,rnr's 1e:1m but that 11 " h'" t·:i.rh· tn tell hov. "cll thr team will 1h>. •
W:mning "uthcr ()( late melts man~ of the campus Croicn puddle~. "hicb i.uppl) !itudent.s "Ith mud a.s i<eU OS bt'aut~.
.. Neu; orc hes tra organi:;zng
For the fim time 1n Cocu~ d" \!ene·, hhton. the cit} h3~ a ,-ommu.nll) C'ha mbcr orlhe,tr:i. directed h 'IC mu,1c ln,1ructor Roben Singk1ary S,ngkral) ~i,d pecple fr 'm 3fl "':Ilks of litr m: 111,otved 3nd uritcs anyone mrcre•,tl'd 1010111 Co!~gc- ,tudcnt~ mJke up Jbou1 ,,ne•third of the orchestra. "hill' C'ommunii. i,cople fill 1he res, of rhe porn1on, o n the ,mlll ,ymphony. The orchc,tra t'(mru.t, of ,:nng :ind "tnd in,trumcnh. At the: 11me of 1hc: fourth r,hear,JI. Smelt"~n -..,u d1rcc11na :s ,tnni: 1n,1rumenh The ,inng, nrl' the mtl\l d1ffiruh ti' .a,,urnul3~. and Ssn.:kllr) \Jtd he is , en ,urpri,ed to find rlus many. The ,,r,horra "lll be hnn::m~ m !hi:' \\JOd 1n\trumen1, JI a lat<'r 11me 'lu,ic ~rcc1licalh 11ntten for ~:naU >)mphome\ by old mJstcr,, "ill be ~rforml'd b, the or..:hrstr.a. The three prece, thJt h:i,c been , elecced b) S1ngleian \\t'rc: nil -..n11cn 1ft lhC' n)c, "Concerto Gro.,so·· "'3!> •nnen b, C ,relh in ,-05 Jnd pits three ~olo1s1, agamM th<' floor sn,1romen1, ·\ pu.'C'l' b) \1oun. "Eine Khe·" ' Jc hmu,:c, .. i, a sercn3de b, the ,tnngs. "hile BcethO\en·, · Fifth SymphonJ , de1 lined for ooth secrion,. Singlct3!) ,,11\d 11 concen t\ pl.inned tor '>vmeume m the lat"' spnng An~one
Student named to post NI( ,tudt-nt ~hannn l!um·n ho, been 11pp<11111cd "' the Stott· Acluwn Counnl on Vvcn11011nl blucn11011 Announn•mt•n1 of the •J1[>01111mc11t c~m( trnm ldthu Cu,cmM Ji>hn f:an,' ollirr. ltu!lcn, on tndu,trio.1 t•lcctr<1111C\ mo1or. Is 1hc onh \1udcnt on 1hr rou nul Shr will wrvc 110111 Ma,· J()llt. Tho: purpo,l' nf the roundl i~ II\ mnkt' ,u~!tl/\llOn) for 1mpm,emC'nt ol ,,>(';ttK'nal ed11cn1ion pr.1gr.1111, and tu 11pprnpru11c lundi1111 l1.1r \ IX'J111,n:il pnl.i:ram, Ru1kn "rn1 1<1 ll,,",:- rcb . 11 ond H 10 1111e11d her fir.1 mn-unr, ,1' ;a mC'mher ,,t the counril. · 'I'll hl• rcnll> r,cit11d 111 we h11" I .:an pin~ a pan m 1rnpro\ln): , ncauon3l cdur.111on, .. R1111cn ,ni1I
10 11
Student wms NIC \IUdcn1 l'.,uf Ii.urn h,1~ been ~d,'C1l'd °' ,,nc of the t"P 10 winner. of th, Pn~li,: Automotive Shu" lur the Wc,1crn ~1at1:, and Bnu,h Columbia. 1)11, D\\ord i!. 1hc n-,ul! of o,crJIJ o_,•h1c"cmcn1 on the nren\ of nu1nmo11vc ~1c,hnn1t"., "elding. smnll ..-nginc repair and blueprint rcadtng "hile ,1\11 a high \t'hool student. At NIC Ii.om 1s majoring on d1e~cl mechom~. "'It , peaks well of our program that , 1udenh of Kom's caliber ch00se 10
'°" Mr
•n JJCr Sm~
n t r rr •rem orm.:•1on
-·-----..~----------------------...1 •
' Home of everyday low prices'
attc-nd NI(, ,.11d l.>1:nt aper d1c<el m,,h;ink, rn,rru,1.or Welding ;ind auco m,xhamc~ "ere thl' ('nman ,1udt~ of h1\ wn1or \ear "h1lc.- Kom attended Glenn, Ferr, H1~h Sch~1I. Glenn, Fem Idaho. Kom is the of and '-Ir,, O.>nald R. K,,m cf Glenn, Fem. and th<' gr.ind>i!n of \1r :ind Mr.· P R Kom ,,r Dalton Garden,. Kom "111 attend th<' I Cl Pacifi<' Automouw Shn" in \naheim Ca.hf.• on F.:b. S. o and~.
r , cd ,..
country 8 bluegrass blank lopes & accessories
; Small Store - Small Prices! ! '
i...~.1. : .''.'. , ~h ~ "'.'.~ ~ .~~~·. " , ," "" .. "
.. " , "~ .. J
Feb. 15, 19801Co.rdiDAJ Re, icw -10.
Ton) t.:1 w11rt C) l" ~ ~c, cm! lnnoccnc goltlO~h which " 1•rc lillcr con,un1 cd b,1 hungr, · parck lp1um 111 the MO 01111l'l' i\1nm chon.
Chrl~ty Stc lnley photo
Gu<>s t co lumn
_ASNIC President Paul Bieber calls for responsibility By Paul Bieber ASN1C president The United st:ites. land of the free home of the bra\'e. A democracy where people :ire the go"emmem. A government that is set up i.o llHU e:ich peri.on's voice tan be henrd when decisions :ind 13"5 are made at My level. That means that these l:iws and policies shou.ld be rcfleCtJOns of the Amencan peoples' ,·:iluc). needs and beliefs. Why 1s it then th:it we fought in Vietnam for reasons that were never justified in the eyes of most people? Wh~ is it th:1t we gi\'e military aid to rou.ntries that grossly violate the hum.in nghts thnl "e const:imly t3lk. :ibout? Are these decisions thnt "c 3.5 a coun~ felt were in attordnnce to ou.r philo.ophies and beliefs! Or were these decisions made b> a fe" who were · moth•ated by economics and power? Right no" decisions arc being made that "ill effect, if not control. ou.r way of life in the future. We ~ American S1udcntS must realize the 1mpon:u,ce of mnlcmg su.rc that our elected representati\'I:~ are re~ponsi,-e 10 us. Or we may end up li,•ing or dymg under conditions that we not only disagtte with but that we don't undersUUld. I "'ant to decide hll" I :im going to lh e in the future. '-!an} thmgs :1re donr in the o:1me of Americ:1 that direct!) contradict C\erything our count~ sUtnds for.
Scotland site of sunimer studies NIC students will once ag3in be offered lhc oppo11uoit)' 10 explore a different pan of the world this summer in the four-week. summer stud) program - thLS umc m Scotland. Pnmc1p:1nLs of the tour this summer "'ill follow the footsteps of early cxploren Prince Charlie. Bos"·ell :md Johnson. Sites to be ~en iodude the Urquhart Bay. the home of the loch ess. Included in the tour "ill be special courses 3111i'3ble for fou.r college credits. ·· Any experience you hal'c "'Ill open doors in the future.·· Leona Hassen. director of the l.tudy. said. Students intereS1ed in ;:mainiog additiorutl infonnnnon eooccming the summC'I' tour mny coot.tel Hassen for a more complete itmernry. Deadline for :ipphcauoos for the tour. which will cost approiirnately St.450. is the beginning of March.
, Ho"'' un we be respected t1S freedom fighters in 1he world if we ennble egot~ ticol dictators 10 take the most basic rights away from the people they control? W 3 \ this n choice of our people; I do not believe ii ,.•as. We are not told nil the faCtS about m:iny things our government doc~ in our nn mc. But whose fault is all of this? C:in we lny all the blame on the leaders th at hove abused the powers we gave them? We could. but we mu.SI look deeper. then we will sec that nt 11mcs we !ct our dcmocr:icy go unchecked; if lhis continues, it wi ll surely wilher awoy. Right now our people. cspceiolly the young, feel 1hn1 there i~ nothing that can be done to mnlce things the way they want them. B.S. That is what our system is all about All we have 10 do is vote and speak loud so ou r voice will su rely be heard. What can be more impon llnl than sh3ping our fult' rc and insuring lhat 11 is a free one? If you don't care, then be prepared 10 be subject 10 laws that might create a lifcsryle that is repressive and inhibitive to your growth as a free hum:in being. Our world is chttnging d:1ily and our government is faced with dccisions th:11 we will have 10 live with. So please for your sake aod mine. ~y what you think. vote, then tho~e that arc at the top will see"' e care about our future. and the) "di realire th:11 they o n 't aJTord not 10 listen to us, If you care about )OUr future as a free mdividu3l, help to make 1hc 80s a time when the U.S. government is truly governed by and for the people.
NEW NIC BOOKSTORE N ew Hours M on. - Tues. 8 o.m . · 8 p.m . Wed . . Fri.
8 a .m . · 4 p.m .
~ located on the main ~ to
floor of the new addition
the SU B opposite the Boundary Room .
Feb. 15. 1980/ Ca.rdirw Re,lcw -11·
Did C upid m ist, hi.- m a rk ?
Bittersweet Vakntine 's Day seen iri.retrospect e, Keith Johnson Anorhcr Valentine's Day is O\'Cr. ;ind all that IS leh arc the memories of joy ond sorrov, that Cupid dispersed across America for a fev. shon boon. Children evel")"'here have counted hov. mllny valenrmes they received from their cla.~smares until they JUSI couldn't couni them 3nymore. Today they will carefully stuff their Feb. 1-1 reminders inro shoe bo1cs and dre$SCr drawers only 10 dr3g them out on days of boredom or hoU)C cleaning. I 100 have counted my valenrmcs and will read rhem once more before I Sl3Sh them into hiding. Mothers Gre notorious for ~nding valenunes. and this yea r m) mom really ourdid herselr. The cwd ~he ..ent read. "To my precious valentine wn: At school you ~hould have 'iOme fun You'll drink and m11ke hay. but you'd better get;\·~. or el~ 1"11 be c.ilhng you BUM.·· My mom's salut:111on was mild compnred to the valcnune greeung my fnend got from his mama. The card he received read. "Happy Valentine'\ D;iy 3nd good cheer. When you· re home all you do is drink beer. It'<, really not funny when you 1alte nll my money. so 1hi<, ca rd you can srid in your ear." V11len11ne·., Day is a Mrange holiday in rhe v.ay 1ha1 ii can perpc1ua1e ~, much happines5 while at the ~ome ume II can cxtrnct 'iO much wrrow. Thl' hoppinl's~ con be found in rhc look of a child's focr v. hen he open\ each envelope or In rhc kis~ your girlfriend gives you nfrer you give her n dotCn roses. At SI.SO for cnch rose, the grand 1otnl i~ $18 plu~ S2 for II cnrd so swccl ii drip~ of honey. plu\ S5 for a bo~ of cnndy 1ha'1 will only serve 10 make her gain five p0und~.
It lfwd1i11g1 11 11
The Jrd m, girlfriend ga,·e me 1his year
superb She couldn1 hti,l' put the special feeling~
berv. o!:Cn us m an, beuer "J\" The ca~ reJd.· "To a speC1al and bcau11ful ,1?uy, Our IO\'C I> aS"h1gh as 1hc sh I lO\'C "hen \OU hold me but l v.;sh ,ou'd ha,e 101d me that mehr 11hen n,ur brother;,pl~ycd · 1 Sp) ... ~ M) friend didn'r ha,e it )() good He and his girlfriend sh.ire 3 son of "ping,;ind,pong" rcbtion· ship. The naghr before Valenrine·s DJ1· was n "pong." :ind he found a card rhe next d3)' stuck to his windshield v. uh Super Glue. HIS lo,mg b31') v.rore. "To my boyfnend who·· known as El Creep You·re 3 rhicf Jnd :1 lie :ind a chear If 1-hc phone e,er rings. and it'\ you ding-a-ling. m) words v. ill rum your brains in10 meat." • Most people are used to recc1"ing 1hc ~;ime old \'alenunc's D:11 c:irds likl' "Be mm..-" or "Will ,·ou be mine•" or ;,Mme v.ill ,ou be?" or jus1 "You be v.ill mine•" Persona Ill. I prefer the cards" ith original SO)ing~ 1h.11 Jdd fl:ur 10 an orheN t,e romantic bur boring holida,· r,e· d~-ctdcd 10 ,13n \\orking on card, for next ,e:ir·~ \ alcnunc\ D3v. and before I mo1c into \edu,1on 10 crcarc some mcmnn makers. I'll dcpt1rt v.11h a "dJy,aftcr,Cup1d't,mhsfirc" card. Thc d3) c,f helm ha, come and gone. :ind "ilh ii lcJ,c~ wme rc,cric. Remember 1hi~. if ,ou m,s~t·d )Our l.i~s. the price i~ wldM1 v.onh the ·memo!')·,"
Afrer your wallet is cmpry \'OU know v. hat IS meanr by Cupid\ amn.. It ric:ochered off ,·our hean and pierced )OUr wallet. · ,\!though 1hc price of love 1s ~metimcs 1nfl3ted. I he end re\ult I\ urualf) cnou,th to make the p3tn cease qu1clly.
n.<:. r·o 11J ,•rf'II (' ('
Student officers gain knowledge at leadership ,vorkshop ASNIC Prc,idcnr Poul U1ebcr oncl Vice Prcs1dcn1 Scou Do) go1 n tn~re of polh,~ cnrlkr thi, mnnrh "lien the, ln velcd II) Wa ~hi11111011 D..c for ., \1Udcn1 lcadcr\l11p conference. nit' nntionnll>• orgn ni,ed oonferenec ho~tcd 1:wcr 400 dclegore, Imm col· lciie~ 1hrnughnul rhe Umll'd ~llltc,. Al1ho11gh rhb \\O\ rhc firM time Lite conference had been held, Dn, ~ntd he thou11h1 ii "n, "well urR11ni1cd." "'I he he,t rhing nbuu1 ii \\ Q\ 1ha1 rhc people \\Im pul 11 on did11'1 gcr p:aid for who I they " ere dumg." Dn) )aid . "l'hcy J thc oq,i:1n11cr,l "ere
en \
p1tople v. ho had graduated from college ond ~aw o nc-ed for a good conference 1h11t \\OUld benefit .111 collc_Re,." D,I\ and Bieber 1mcndcd 11 'v.orl.,hop~ in 1hc-ir three da, ~ of mecung~. A drafr rcg1s1ro11on dcbolc v..is one of the hith poinl~ in the conference. 11cc-ord111g 10 Do} . v.ho ,111d 1h11 four of Prc~idcnt Carter'\ 111t1c, debated v.nh ~,1111c Jt1l1-drnf1 offo:iah " I he~ h1>1h hod good .:irgumcnr~." On, ,;11d " I feel 1he ,,nl\ \\ a,· v.c (,'\1llc11e ,tudcnh) can comb~11h,· draft
,, 10 Rel m,ohcd m na 1\lJUI pohllcs Otllcr v. orhhop, (octl,ed on ,01cr reg1tjr.111on. nudC':ir po"er. Tille IX. legal problem, m ,-ollcgc ,-ollcc11,e 1':i.rgain,ng. lot-b, iRg techniques and ;i ,pcc1al pre,emation b) Ralph 'l,ader. One idea p=med in a ,.orhhop "'.is the 1dcJ of teacher and d:i~~ eulu:iuon b, ,1uJcnl\. D:1, ~d th;11 he and Bicbl!r thought there "3S 3 p,w,1b1l11~ of 1mplcmen11ng 11 .ll ,1c This idea v.ould allo"' ~rodents 10 find our v. har other '\tudcms 1hou:1h1 of 3 da\, b, loolmg ;,1 1he college cntl·
IO!lUC pn,lr 10 rcgl\lr.lllon 3nd SIUUY· 1hc rjtm.i:~. Thi\. Dj, tel1. "ould be on lid· \'3nt3gc bccau~c al Q cl3\\ wasn'1 hi)!hl~ rared al 'IIC rhe ,Ludenr, "ould be :ible to l•ke 1he class ni onorhcr Lrjn<ler in1.111u11on.
Dj~ ~:11d 1ha1 half of 1he s1udent i.:o,l!rnmenr officials "ere nor paid for holdmc: oflict'. However. D~, S3td rhnt he II as glad 'IC studen1 leaders were p•1d because II mndc rhe position~ more hke ~ "job 1h:1n nn opponuniry."
llrt' II
Movies , concerts diverse For the 111011c,gner aucnding IC', 1hcrc arc \C'\C:n d1f!crcnt mo, 1c, 10 be <ct'n an (\1eur d',\lcnc lbc Sh\\who:it 1>0er.. "Krnmen, K.ramt:r." "Hero \I Lir~c," \\h1ch \tar; John Rmcr and "Snrurn," "·'rring I ,mah l't111(t·t1 3nd Kurt D,,ugla, " Buffalo Rider" and "Elt'Ctric Hor..cm3n" 3rc ('l)llllnUml! l)n :11 Coeur d' -\kne'\ 1 n Cmcmo Tiu:ater. That 1he111cr·, nl'\\ sho\\ ,, "The Jcrl" 1111h S1e,e l>brtm. 1:hl' Wtlm:i m Cocu! d'1\lcnc is olt'.:nng rhe )ho" "10." S l'or !hose "h11 nrc , ,el. of mo11ci. or hu, c alrcad\ ,cen 311 ~c, en ,,t the,e mo, ie~ pol.one hb n a:>uple ,,r ron,-ert, rominit up m the Opcr3 Hou~ ' On Feb. 20 l.al'T) Gathn will be cnt1:munin11 in Spol...1.oe, llnd Feb 2 i~ lhl' d21c for n Conrcn b~ Ferr.inre and T1ceher. b The fin.1111 0 dnv, of Mor.ch 1v1II be bu,, for lhe Ooero Hou,c. Chuck G1nrd v.111 e thcrc;_ on Mnrch I and Kenny Loggins there the ne\l nigh1. ~o,cr 10 home MBIJOI') Hat,ors<1n, rontraho. and M1ch:1cl Bulle> , pianist." 111 be prThnred by rhe IC' Music Dept. ,n a ronccn Tuesda,. Feb. 1.:i .11 , p.m c Y_MCA 1, offering ,cme,tcr r.i,c~ for IC studcnb. Add111onal mlormauon mn,· be ob1a1n,·d b) t'alling th'l' YMCA :i.t 66 ,3415 4
In Sole
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Comp lete Beds Starting a t $199 90 Days Some as Cash Financing Avo,loble
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5 13 Sherman Ave.
4 Feb. 15, 1980/ Cardlm.J RC\iew -11·
(...__n_ic_ no_n_·ce _ s_____,) The t>nrollment for the spring SC· mester Is approxlmatel) II pcrtent higher than last s prlng's Ogure. Enrollment also ch:arkd a cllmb o, er the fall semester·~ tot.al anendan~, which Is una_sual , accordln.g to ltsoko Nishio , NIC rcgtnn.r. A complete enrollmen1 repon will appear In the 001 Issue or 1be Cardinal Re"lew. The dates for the spring musical, "The Music Man,'' wW be \larch 14, 15, 20. 21 and 22. Students parking their can on campus are asked not to back Into parking spot s because tbe prtctlce hinders sidewalk use and main·
The annual AAUW book sale Is scbedoled Feb. from 9 Lm. to S p.m . a.nd Feb. 'Z3 from 9 a.m. to I p. m. IJl 1be Wa.shlng1on Water Power Aodltorlam at Fifth and Lakeside. Book donations (except texts) are needed . Paperba<'k5 are preferred. Books 10 be donated ma) be left In Room MA2 of thc MedwdeaJ Aru Building OT In Pllgrim's maObo~. The pnK'ffds from the sale att used £or Ki!olarshlps.
Marjor, Bahorson, contralto, and Michael Balle). pla.nlst, wlll be pre~ ~nlt'd by the NlC Mok Dept. In a eoocer1 Tuesda~, Feb. 19 at 8 p.m.
The l'1C grounds department asks s1udenu, ,nd staH using the new Communlcatlon·ArU Bufldlfl.!t lo ti') to a,old .. alldng on tbe shrubbuy o-ut· side the bolldlng. S,e,enl hoshl','11 ba,e alttadf been trampled 10 death .
StudcntS, (aeult,· or staff "ho need blood or who h>&,·e friends or reluhes In need or blood should Stt nurse Jo Marlnovlch or stop al the SUB office to s tarl 1he proper proced ure for w11hdra,.•lng blood from the Sludent bod~· aceounl.
Scholarship Corms are now a,-allable for next , e ar In 1he rlnanci al aids office. April 15 "Ill be the final da) th.a l these forms wlJI be al'Ceplcd. The Forestry Tech Club Is offering a N.'" ard for 1he of r,,·o Stihl 0-11 super chain saws and one Romellte >!'Ith a total \'aluc of Sl.000. An)one "'ho hAs Information on these chain saws call 667-7422, extension
rceo,·e.-. 0
A cu "as reported stolen Feb. 6 from the ,oea1lon11.I building. Th e , chide wu subsequentl} reeo,-ered by securi I) police officer Ed Blanche tie. The law enforcement department also reported a hl1-and-run accldeo l lo Cront of the Ubran. on Feb. 5. No detalb o[ the lnddent were ghen. A ponecl palm trtt ,,-as reported stolen from la front of lhe Com· monlea.don·Atts Bulldlng someUmc between Feb. 3 and Feb. -l.
A ski trip to Mi. Spokane bas been schedule d £or Wednesda) Feb. 20 during bomecomlng •eek. An S8 rec Includes bus tra.nsportatlon a.nd llfl tkkel. The bus wlll lea,·e at 3 p. m. Crom In froo1 of the SUB. Tickets m•) be purchased from Dca.n Bennc11 In the SUB basement. Seating Is llmI tee!.
NlC s tudents and facully/ sta(f and their (a.mllles wlO be a.dmltted to the con~r1 with NIC [D ca.rdii. Idaho's Protection and Advocac) System needs ,olunlc-ers to worlt with I.be Special Oh mplc:., to be held a t Scb•elttcr Ski Ba.,ln on Feb. 28 and
ASN IC President Paul Bieber, Vice President Scolt Day and Student Acth itlc, Director JeH Pr\ ,t ha, e a nnounC't'd offic:c hour,s £or the ,prlnR \emcster. Bl~bcr ma~ be contal'lt-d In the nc" \ludent llD\l!mmcnt office ccn 9 and 11 a.m. on Monda,,, Wedne,da)• and Frlda.1,. The prt,ldcnt al10 be found there rrom ... 5 p.m. on Monda)~ and from II :30 a.m.-1,30 p. m. on Tuc,d11,s. 011J .. 111 conduN o!Ot'(' hour,, on Morula,, W!!tlnc~da, ond Frida, aflcr110011, i1c1wccn 1he hou~ or 2· and 4. Iii, Tue,da, :incl Thu~1lo1 huu,.,. are fnnn 10:15 ~.m .•nllOn. · fh<1 <tu,lcnl urth ltlt'~ director ha, <chcclulcd hi, o!Occ hour, for I 0:.10, 11:30 11.m. on Mond11", Wctlnc,dn" and ~·r1d11,,. P~~c·, ndditlonral hou·" lndudl' .i.5 p. m. 1111 Mondo", I 0:30, noon nn Tuc,1111,, un,I noon : l:JO p.m. on Thur!od:t\\.
be,,. ma,
Appro.dmatel) 200 athletes wlll pa.rtklpate Crom noon to 4 p. m . on Tbursda) a.nd from 9 a.m. to noon o n Frldav. Some tr1U1sportatlon 11 a,aJlahlc • · long with lodging on Tbursda). For further Information contact Ken Llmeridi al 664-5086.
lhe Leaming Sklll.11 Center, located In !be Sherman School Bulldlna, IJJ open Monday through Friday hom 8:30 a.m. to .t:30 p. m. Tbe center now offers a.n aceounllng tutor. Anyone who need, a tutor should stop b) the center lO arrange 11essloll!I. Srudenlll wW 001 be charged £or these lief\ Ices. The NlC dorm bu several vaca.ncles a,alla.ble now. There Is space for one
~lnondal uld form, for nc~t ran arc now a, ollublc at the On11nrh1I aid, ornrc.
A YM CA masters swim team la being formed for people 19 yean old a.nd older. Those lnlcm:sled In being
on the tea.m 1hould call Cary Gresc,b al 667-860S.
woman and three men.
All studcnlS ..-ho partlclp11ed In the Publication Qub's spring book swap arc reminded to pick up their ched.s and unsold books b) Friday, April II. Am· mone,· or tcrlS left after that due wui beconir the property ol the dub. Checls can be picl.ed up In the Meehan.lea.I Arts Bwldlng. DESPERATELY NEED VOLON· TEERS FOR OPEN UNE. E.xceUen1 opportonlty for anyone Interested In hlllDAII services, sociolog), psychology, ete. Good IJ'al.nlng program. No experience neeessa.ry . Those Interested must be 18. Contact Bub Toyama 667,0579.
ln the last issue o[ the Catd.inal Review, ii was ltulcc111111eh stated thtt gradoallon ..-mbe May IS: Gra.duat.lon will be held lnstelld on MaJ J 6.
An eight-ball s ingle elimi nation 100.rmunent ,.IIJ be held st.artlng Feb. 19. PlaJlng time .. 111 be organized alter 2 p.m. cWJy in the SUB. Compedtlon will be held In both men's and women's s:lngles. Prizes are SIS lm,-i, SlO second and
Pinba/J - Foosba/1 Pool - Electronic games
S5 third. A.II\ students "ho borTO,..ed t rul· chcs from the nurses· offict> arc ri.sked 10 please return them.
Campus dub and organ.lza.tlon mem· bers o.re asked not to pol signs In windo,.·s. on doors or on walls. All signs In campus buJldlngs are limited to b wletin boards.
Cadets offer thanks to Canadians Students and faculty of NIC's law en[orcemenl program displayed their gratitude to Canada by sendmg :i ,·:ilenrine 10 the Prime Minister on Feb. 4. According to Bob Tb:irp. l'IIC securiiy officer. the students thought of the idea of a vrucntint ard 10 express their sincere to Can3dD for their help in ge1ung Americans out of Iran. Addressed 10 the C:in:idi:in people and the Prime Minister of Canada. the card was written by s1uden1 cadet Mark Worlel , "hose "'Oro5 e%pressed the feelings of 1he law en£on:cmcnt department. '"Yo~r effort~ in returning Amencun Embassy personnel from trun :ire U'Uly apprecmed. Our eongr.11ulations ;ire out 10 ~ou:· Worley wrote.
Lots of room and good seating
FREE Pepsi given to students with current N/C Activity card _
., .,"'
; ...~
Rathdrum , Idaho
687-05 15
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