Rb1nal R€Vl€W Fridt1~. On. 10. 1980
Volume 35. Nwnbt>r 3
Air Supply's concert given without problems BJ Jeanelle !umllton Air Suppl~ 3 popular rock blnd from AusrrJhJ pcrfom1ed Momb, nij!ht tn th<.' Commun,catton- -\n,; Building before a 11roup of en1hu,1a,11c fan\, The 11roup. "'htch c,.,n\l~t, <>f ,;e,·cn mak mt!m't>er,. performed for more 1han ln hc-ur aher "3rm-up \ingcr 0;1, 1d Pomcr:int \1r Supph ·~ tl>O weU-1..no"n hus ... ~t m LoH· .ind· \II Out l ove.. "ere performed late in the '>Cl 10 the delight of the fans. "ho the band urged 10 come down h> the st;i11e. Lc3d ~inger Ru~,ell Hitchcod ,aid dunng the performance thnt n" ,\ u\lrali3n group·, rcrord ha~ eHr rc:iched numl>cr one on the ,\mcric:in chart, before. and ,lad he thmh •· \II Out c,r Lo,c.. t> qu11e an ,1t·«tmph\hmcn1 for them. Pro~ :ind ne,o rcle:a\c~ were al<.u performed b, the group. mctudmg ..The One Th.it You l..(we ... v.hat Gr.thJm Ru,;,;ell. compo,er !Ind CO·\mger. s,ud he hopes 11. 111 be a future hn. De.in Benncn. ,1u<.lcnt acti,·ttic~ coordinator. cslinmtc 1h31 around SI .500 was IO)I in the produ,-uon of .\tr Suppl\ but ,;i1d 1hn1 11·~ 3 good c~pcri~·ncc ror 1hc \tuden1 board. He :llso wd there "'ere mln~ rc3sons ,, h} the firs1 major conccn in :11 le.a\t fhc ,e.ars. d1dn·1 $ell out. Onh SI0.000 lVUld fX'Wbly be brought in from 1ickc1 ~ales. :md the Air Supply production. "1th all expenditures. C'OSI S9.000. The fact that the group's 1IW1agcr .:ind the bo2rd ncrc sull nego11011ng terms for the fin11l contract until e1gh1 da,s before the concen also hun 1icke1 sales, because Bennett )aid. ",ou un'1 ad,crti~ something you don'1 ha,c. •·
Christ) Stclnlc) pbo10 MUSICAL FEELING- -Alr Supply aultarlst Graham Ru,SieU lends bis ,·olce 10 a mu, kal !MtltttJon durina the group'& Oct . 6 performance In the Commwtlcallon· Aiu Building [llee addlllonal plrtures on pa,gc II ].
Board affirms budget cut By Laura Hubbard 111c Idaho Bon rd or Eummcrs upheld o s1ote-imposed budge1 eut for IC after 1he college. along with the College of Southern ld:iho. 11ppctlcd the reducuon m funds. According to NIC President BuT') Schuler. the- oonrd ,01cd 10 ~~p the 5 2 percent cut. which will amoun1 10 SI00.000 in state ocademac fundmg. Schuler also i.aid the gO\'Cmor i,uggestcd a.nothcr cut for IC. Th~ would reduce the budget another .8S 1,crccnt, ond would ru-nount ro Slt>.JOO. Schuler ~aid NIC t1ppcalcd this cut :ilso. but the board could not det'1de wbeth~ or not to uphold the nddltional ~lice m funding. The board of examiners then doodcd to 'l'Cfcr the :ippcal 10 the state bo:ird or education. The ~u11c board "111 have 10 decide whether 10 endorse the :ippul. Schuler said. He added 1ha1 he" as II bit .. puuled" b) the board or examiners· action but that he wih sull w1111ing 10 hear from 1he suue board of t.-du~tion. The ~tate w11s fart.~d wi1h a J percent mnnd:ucd holdback this )C3r. Schuler Sl id. Bu t this w11~ only a~ O\'Crai:e _figure. he said. so the bigger institutton~ r~h ed s~lc~ cutback~. w11h the JU~tor colleges taking up the slal'k. They (the su1!c) used 1ht JUntor colleges.·· lte added. S<-huler also ~!ltd 1ha1 floe, and tuition m!I)' be raised as carh :is ncitl semester if there arc any funher roduct,ons in M31e rud Ho,, c~cr. b«Jusc of incre:1J,ed enrollment, he ,a,d. u would probably not bc nect~I"\ . .. Rcee~~ion hu been ~lo"ed down b) the fact thn1 m~e peoplc ue roming into the area. Schuler said. .~e added that national d~cisio_ns " outd :ilso plll) a bag p:in to whether or not 1u111on and fee• would be nuscd in future )"Cars. Schul~r said _the S\ll.te legislature had granted SI00.000 to NIC in spectaJ :pr:pn111ons. 1n addllt0n to the Sl.8 million budget. The adduion. Sch1tler ss,d s ccausc of the fa.ct that the college, were not being trc3ted fo1rl) . ·
While a finanoall} s.afr concen w:IS somewhat of an impossibiliry. Bennett snid, 1he,· "-Cnt ahead and "'took i1 int.he shorts" because the students have already poid for ·the loss 10 thetr student act" i1' fees. Futurc eonceru arc possible. but mccording to lknncn. other top name anis1s. such as Air Suppl). arc not probable. Ont~ one-founh or the band s equipment '11.U used for the NIC concert: the remainder,~ 1n California v.hcre Air Suppl~ "'ill perform soon at 3 county fair. Al Goins. immtcnance clcctnCL1ll. and Roger Brockhoff. maintenance direc1or. had no compl1in1s concerning the concert lod Slid they had no problems "ith pl'l)Hdtng pol\"1 for IM equipment. .. F,m1h101t "'cot 100 pcr«nt good." Goins wd · It would take a eons1an1 srr:un of1b0 im~ 10 blov. ;i fu)C tm the Communicauoo-A n!> Building) 3nd the b.1nd u~d between ft,() and t&O"' The ,oonger part of the trov.d became •Cf) invoh·ed v.1th both nets and were d:1pp1ng and singing along At the end of each pcrfomliln.ce, both Pomeranz 3nd Atr Suppl~ v.crc c:illcd bad bi the audience fOf an eneore Air Suppl> come back for their remaining numbers sponing IC T-shin'>
Senators accept election The ASNIC Student Bo:inl (3Jled to meet Oct bec3use it lacked a quorum. but it did mttt Sept. 29 co :1cccpt the nc:w I) elected ~na1or,. Freshmen Brent Bl rncs. Sena Bruwer 4Dd Gregg Sausser llerc :ippro,cd un:i.nimousl) for the first· ,t3r ~n3tOrial SMtS. • I he problem 01 not ha\lng a ,·oung boo th 1n th e Communication-Arts Building during the Sept 24 election 1< J.~ di~cusscd. but bo3rd members ,:iid the~ felt the o,en1gh1 did 001 influence the rc,ulh,
In other amon the bo:ird: -dcctded 10 form a comminee to :idvcnise panicipation in the J'lo,·. 11 Inland Empire blood drive. -ga,c Wes Hatch the authority on ll'Jding in the SUB's inactive movie proiector in on a new model. The rcsen•e fund will p3y the remaining btll. -nppro,·ed all committee appoin1· ecs rl'C'Ommendcd by ASNIC President Ken Kohli :1nd Student Activities Director Laura H.llm3n.
Fon unatch. the AS" IC. m pamcular U\ c ccuo."l rommmcc .,.. ill not be runn111g thl' U.S. prc!,1dent1al clc-::•1 n t be held 1:; ~1)\-e:nbn
America cannot aflord •o ha\e o:ie <;:&:e ,.nbout :a pollmg place bC"Cau~e C\Cr\ polllnl! place 1s essenual 10 any ekm :i
A gn·111 1nius11c:c ha~ ut.en plat"C at '1:IC. ~nd of all p'ace'i m the,,_ n ',ena tc dcl t1on for three fr~hman ~eim In the oe-&h re-amten \S \o l( Con\ 11tu11on n ~,ate\ 111 An: le I\ Ct'! r. that polling pla:es be lo .i•.d " the Adm11m1 rauon B u1Jd1ng an the ,ocauonal budd102 and m the!' Communirn11011-An ~ Budd1r.g Because the document '111.'U so rrcen•h re11Sed 1 ~ems that :ho~ elecwd ofli c1al<;, .... ho are liU?p<Y>Cd :apable af hand! ni: tt<>po:,sih1ht, could have run the elet,il,n pr pcrh Instead rhev left ut ne poll n • pl:art: This is 3 crucial m1\tale becauSI! thttt uu cl ll four ,ou! d1ffcrcnre between two candidate~. Could 1he pollm!? place l!l the foreotten bu !ding have made a differenc{" m the o.:tcoce bc·11.een the t\l. c:ltld1d:ttC\" Such neglect b~ the oificiab t!> ine1Ct1\Jb e If thC) hand e clectton,; f their board in tht!, lacbd:ii.. ical "a,. tht-ll ,re the ,tudcm.s of :-ilC to belle\ e th:11 !ht~ is th e \\ 3\ all thllll!~ :lk ·h:i::dled b\ the ' f1Ctat ...• Whatcwr the c!':1.cu~t 1~. "hether bcini; ,hor. or ::i:iniJOV'er r bcmg plain irrc!>ponsiblc. 1hi~ iniu~uce ~hould h3H' n~ raken pl:u:e Out ot the I \tudcntl> !ltlC? nding \ IC. one "ould thLn\. that the ~~' IC\ cc prr-stde-nt could find 10 people ,, ho would help v.nh the pollmg If 11 \\Crc bcc.iu~c ol irrci.ponl>il-1ht,. then ma~be the )tudenb :-.1c ,hould elect ne,\ oflidab \\ hl, ~ho" more re,pon.,,ti,h:). Ho\\ then , hould the board go ab,,ut rorrcnm~ :ht'> h :Teodou~ m ,take" A1101ht· r dl'ct1on <,hould bC' hdd b"~au,c th ,c 11.h v.ere e • t.:d 111 :in uncon,11tu twnal cll•r11on arc not n~httul ho der\ r I t1· posllkln., D, IC \1Udc n1, 11 .1n1 a fonhrieht. re..,pu1i~1blc g ,ernm nt or one 01 1m:,pon,ihil11v'! ,\ nc,, ck"C11,,n b in dcmnnd
Funding editorial incorrect, student representatives say
fob ~ell do ne
Concert effort outstanding 1 ~ ,A1~11 pubhL ulllt 1JJ.. .1r£' cr111c11cd lnr \dtnt lhcv tlo \I. ro11g, II ,., llffi(' to prirn,c thc:m tur .i Jnh \\ i; II dom· The cffort'i nf the ASNI( Sludc nr 811.,rd lo pro1lucc u well- run , '>'C:ll·lltCndcd t'Oncen 1,1;crc. vc n C\ldc nt on Ou fl. 1hc night ul Air ~upply', pcr1ormant>e \II a'>pcc:t~ of thi: urg.in11Jtmn ct m n.iwlc\\, u1 .u11pll· numhcr or pcnpk \\Cre av:ulablc lor cqu 1pmc ni M·1u p and and u-.hcr111g -.pcttJtor,. The trC\\ :and pcrlorn11:r~ 11ccmcil ,cr) plc u\c d v. 11h th~· producw,n. and 1h c ttmchncs, or the band'\ appea rance cninc1din/,' wuh rcad1tnM number one on the chan~ \\llh 1hc1r ~tnglc " All Ou1 Lovt·" brought tn ,1 full hnu,e for the concert. ,\ conccn .... ith wch a top- notch pi:rforn11ng rn1mr IH1'> been .1 wmc11mc th r., to ~IC. :ind 11 !>hould nut go unapprcc1:ucd.
Dc:ar EdttM \\ e would ht e 10 till.e th~ opp<inumt} to clan(~ ..ome pouit5 eip~~d m the cdu.inal · ASNIC Gtrdles Club,·· "" tht Op1n1on Page of the Sept 2t> Carduu.l Rene"'. Thew points erroncu~l~ lead to ,::,er.ii fa!la,,uu, ""umpuons h ~hould b~ cxpl11n,'d 1h~t .,nc vi th~ l:0'1b ot thh adm1r.•,tr,ltton u to re,.ullluc 1hl' ncglcctrd ;1-11, 111e, t>udgct Thi~ 1, the pnr:i.11"\ rc:i)()n for lt,)1ng 1 !iludcnt lCII\ 111c, ice. Ir "••uld ,ccm rather un1u~t11icd 1<1 ,e::id, !c.r ei:u:iplc. three ,tudcot.s to ChiC'a~o t(' :mend ;i rontt'rca.e "'hen JIJ stucknt~ mu>t p:i, tor the tnp Ob, 1oush th1' i, "'" ,,t , alue or tnrerr,1 .... ll1 1mmen,c port1on o! the Mudent boch. The conclu, 1on or the 3ntdc su!;gt>t\ that moni:)\ "ere not dis:ributcd ind1\1d~II). t>ut on the- t>a~1s cf ,izc and .1ctht1). Thi~ 1mpliCll•1on •~ a romplc1c mi,concl'pt1on. The rea,omng behind the .. h.1phaz.:ud!) g1, er... fund mg of the dulls 1s clear!) spelled oul in 3 >L~ pmnt Oub Fond mg C:,tma. The , cry cusiencc of the, e rnren,1 i, to msure :i unifornm~ in budge:mg and 3 v. ell-defined mC'thod for domg '°· It, mtent 11,3s to thmuutc an) coafus10n regJrdmg thl\ change m polLC') from prtHl'U> ) car<; Also. plca!>t' nute thJt the .smh pomt of :he club fundine critcru. dear I: pro\:~ thnt an, club ITlll' recei,, additioo;u fonds. C\ co if thC\ do not mcel the other cnten3: Higher considcr.mon for matching f:ind.s v.tll be gi,en to grcru~ \\ho arc w;lling 10 help them.sel,c, . such :b the motort::dc cl1-.s v.hich nisec! ~,cral hundred dollll'> 1owuds a re('ent mp I Boanc,illc. l:r;ih. \\'e hope!' this clelr'S up the confusion Jbout th~ 1,;~i:e For fu - her mfomuuon ;ibout thb l'r other rela1cd studrnt :ifUII> please comae. u~ .it uie AS:-;1c c,ffiC'C'> located m the Sl:B b;isemcnt or call ex1ens1an ~66. Sincerc h Bnd Saus:.n
ASXIC , ire pn.-s1den1 Bill Anll,1"',0n ·\S:'\ IC sophomr,•c ~t:r..11ur
(..____c_a_r_d_in_a_l_re_v_i_e_w_ _..J The Cardinal ~le,- b publlshcd .eml•monrhl) b) the Publlcatlon.\ Workshop :-lorth Idaho College. Members of the CR sUI.{/ will Whc U> pre~nl the Delos (alrl) , UCW't!elJ and wit.bout prejudice. Opinion\ expressed on the editorial page do 001 oecnsaril) ,eOec:t I.he ~lews or the AS!'IJC or the NIC admlnlstradoo. ~CR~ entered t i lblrd,clas_i, o:uuerlaJ at Coeur d'Alene, ld,ho 83814. ~ at
American Colle~ Pres.s AJl·Amerlc:a.o New~p11per managing editor ............. . .. . .. .. . ... . .. . ... ... . . .... Jcanel~ Hamllton 11ew~ editoT. • • . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . • . • . . . • • . • . • • • . . . . . . . Renee Reid
associaLe editor .. . .......... .. .......... . ............ .. . . , • •.. Kim Johnson '>ports ediwr .. ..... . .............. . . .... .. .... . ......... .... .. Tom Emond
photograph, edll.Or • ••••• •• •••• • •• • .••• •.... • • • ....••• •••• .. Christ) S1clnJc, cop, eclitor. . . . • . . . . • • •..•.•... .. .•. ... .. .. . . •. . ••.•. . . .. . Came Springer featutt &ad a.d edil.Or . . . . • .. • • .. . • .. • • • • • • .. • . . • . • . • • .. • • .. .. Kendra Sm.Ith mh iser. • .. • • • • • • .. .... . . . ..... . .... . . . , .. .. . . • . . • . .. . . • • ••• Ti.m PUg.rlm aut0oals1. • • • • • . . . . • • • • .. • • .. • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • . . ... ....... Doug Allender
sa1J members. . . . . . . • .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .............. Ma.rt! Plcrtt, Gttg DuPai.s, Maria Farber. BW Bradshaw, UlJJ,l'a Habbud, Glenda You:ng, Kath> J o ~ . Sean Gilmore, M.ike Jones, Kalb) Dunbar, M&.r> Lau.o. Bruce Padget, Kathi lierbker=ao, Sharlyn Dittman, Tom Golden, Greg 1.) Ut, Trad Albett.SOn
Oct. 10, 1980 Cardio:al Re,ie" .3.
NIC hoard members rotate chairs for new term B) Renee Reid The '-'IC Boud of Tru\1ees under· "en1 a change of chair\ 01 1he1r Sep1. 25 mecung. S1 cpping down from their offices 11.cre Jay Couch. chairman. and Beverly Bemis. vice chairman Dr. Jame~ Ban on 11,,a\ elected ll\ chairman and H1chard Banon was elected vice chairman. Gerald Wendt. businc,s manal!cr al NIC. wa~ named 10 remain J\ \CCre1ary trea,urcr. 1hc board alw d1~i/,..cd she prob· lrrn 1ha1 tht rnv and ro unt y r,r,. dcpanmenl\ ha,,• rcnc~cd 1he dul\ 10 rc,11<md tu firt•\ on lht beach Nt-11hcr JI(< nn d:11m, authnrlly. bur NI(
per,;onnel paU'ol the area. The bo:i rd authomed 1' IC Presiden t Bam Schuler to en1<'r into ne11otiat1ons ~ ith t~ Clt~ and count, for fire and police protection at -.; IC. In another aciion. a rcpon on the .85 percent ru1 .... ~ given. and the board rcponed 1ha1 appeal ,.u addrcsM"d lo 1he ldaht> Board of E.um1· ncr, on S(·p1. - ... nd 1he board decided tu take no ;ictk>n .1nd referred "IC back to lhc 803 rd of Educ;mon. NIC Clled 1nuc:a\cd rr,rollmcn1 a, us main arr.cumtni . In olh• r awon 1hc board:
-apprO\ed the Ju,1h.1~ ,, -. ..,..., budgc1 and AS:>.!Cbudg,'1 for l>l -~I - , 01ed 10 :icct"pt thl." Chruae L~ It'..\. Com pan} audit repor. for I o-Q.
-.:izreed 1,;:l .1n addllton in 1h. computer lease .ig.eement. Thi., Jddl· ;ion ,.,. a mcmof'\ .lnd di..: dn,e and "lll add le~\ rhan S:-.000 per ,c.1r ll' the lc2\C. -looked 3t the rc,ulh in the: re,cnt Beard c,t Tru,tc~ ela1ion Jnd 3,:. ecpted thc re<.ulh :,, , 3hd -aurhc.mcd \\','11dt 10 pur,,uc in,uranC'e miner~ "1th HJrllord In· ,.ir.in,c \,1en, and 1h.- icderal g(I, -
"'rnnh:nt '-''tht1..'0ll1h?
th1. \,•k;.in11r. J,h
1~ Ju1,1
-hl'Jrd t-u1ldm1? ,,,mmllt('C rcpons , n :11,: p,,n;it-k da,,r,iom . the ~· B r • I Jnd :h,· t-eJ,'h d,•«•l,•pm,•nt
pr\'t'-'" • \ !~-. d1,,:u,, i·d \\J' J g1h ol ,ti<c11 ,., :h" b.. wt-.,11 ,,rl!JllllJ ii. n lr,;m Id.ah,, F.>rc,1 lmlu,inn 10 1mpr.n c 1h,• rJ,d•all Jr\."J The duh pbn, I\' plJ,'C kn,,ni; Jlung 1hc 1,•ul me, Jnd ,-,,n,:ru,, J h-.:-1.cr r,1<im for , htt1P~ ~1.· .. m, -<INu"~d 1h, pr,,!,X',JI " IC 1P purrh.iS< J d1an,:r bu, tor lhc Jthlc11c team, JI '\IC' >~XI
Racial posters plastered B) Carri e Springer
Nil ·, campu, 1,,.,, ,1111,k bv o rac m moHmcnt Scp1 P 11.hcn dcfama1or. po,tH\ "en: glut·d 011 p!l\1cr pole\ .ind bu1ld1nK, 3nd tacked ,in bulleun board\ I hc ddamu11>ry pm1cr, dcpu::t a running blue~ man .i\ n mo,ing url.et muled \lillh thr numr of lfobh1 I uJ!rnc Cinlll,mnn 11.ht• 1, 11 5po~o1nc ,pmtual leader llm1, Ytr, Gm11·,1111111, n111ncc:111111 or rda11on,h1p to 1hc pc,~tcr, ho1, l>c:cn pro,,·n lol,c. und ht· luhdt•d 1hc p<i,tn, tlw \lurk ol a "\Id, 11..irpcd mind'" , R,m.il m11Yt rn1·111• ,11, h ,._ N('o N,111 ,l!WUp, 11"11 hn1t· u>nnnuon .. 1h 1hc l"''ll·rs .and 1hc I HI I\ lm,·,fljllllUlJI 1h1· 111rnlcnt Auordmp 10 NI( P r1·,11.k111 U;irr1 \drnkr. lht po,1,·r, ma} hJ\c fir~, appc~rcd 1111 1,1m1111, ,lur111111ht! J•l)l·,t 1111111 Pn,,(•r,-h,, ,aid \chukr, thnu11h1 1h1· f'<),1cr, ' " 1<' 111ark1·r, tor th, run I hn,. lht pt·opl1· ,1 h,, pul lht m ur "cnl unnoltccd " '" t: nl oHcmtnl l n,11u c1ur Walh h,unr ,,11d t·•cr1 )CDr the camru, 1·1f1t 11u111·, ,1111u·1h11111 r, 10111111 ltl 1'11, 11n1url' l a\1 spring m~lrn•IOI" and ,1ude-n11 1f',, 11•1d Ku Klu1 Kinn rnrd, 1hrou1,th tht mnll and ptJ\ICr "ere pbn·d uJ1(Jn hulk1ln b11111d, 1h1111111l11111l c,1111pu, · I ht ,11lk11t h,I\ ,1 111"111rt 111 rnual ('<'<1plc- to aim DI • \ 0111g \lllll "hlCh ullrud, m, mhn..11 r.,1·1ul 1110,,·m1•n1, · lt.,11.,'H·r \ uun~ .,dd.-d. no ,1udc111, hJ,e 1<·11nr1rd am 1111\'1,,11 hurrn\\flll'nt ,11 1hrc,,1, t,, ,nd, dun m<'mN'r~ Nit \\a, no1 1ht ,11111 .lrl."a 111 111lnc" th,·,c 1h•,1c" l',,,tn, 'l\trc f •und 1hru1111h1111t l " I 111 11' i\h nc 111111 ",•rt· .,1. \\1d,·,prcJd .i, 1i.,nr11. r, I cm and Bm~ I It< ,·,J,1 numhn ul 1''"1~1, pl:i«cl on ,.imp," 1~ 11nl111•1• 11 lll\\ , nl rccr.lt'nt ,,,,kl\ rt 11111H·•I lhHt \l'H'hll 1,,.,, rt•rn.,,(',1 1>1 gn1unil, Jl<'"•'1 ncl and then 11,•r, lnlwn dm, n 111 111,tru\1111, .11111 ,111d1·111,
O'\ THI:.~ T \ '\D- -Pro~l'cu1in11 ,111ornl'~ Coli n DIiie, 1!1'1\ rh,.. for t~ from ,ophomort' ~n. Darm, \ an Pu, mbroud, durin11 n cpl. :w moc~ trl11l held in th,• SlB.
"1,, 11([,1·," r1tli,·11lt ,/
Cadet take offense at trial
RA CJ,\I \\ ORI\ R,muln, 11f thh M famnlon po, 1cr " ''"" fo und ,•pl. 19 nn a tree near lh e nu... RIIRd. , hr I· Ill I, hi\ c,1 l1tnl111~ 1he pn,1.-r,, "hlrh " ""' 1il11~1crcd lo thr C'ocur ,1",\lcnc area.
bur boto
role pl3~ 1ng 1 >I rc:il
Oct. 10. 1930 Cardinal Re,ie"' 4
Child ac tress adds energy to communit..Y theatre play B~ BruC'l' Padg('I
GOIJIIG MY WAY- -Freshman Allsoa Brown hitches a rid e on the :'ilC cheerlcadlng squad. Tf) outs -..e-rc beld Sept. 30 In the Bonne r Room, and Bra"D was amona sb chosen from 25 women
tf)lng oul.-
Greg DuJ>ul photo
Six tl'omen nam ed
Cheering squad chosen for team The 1980 NIC checrleading ~ t s arc in and acrording 10 sd,,~ Kann Swanson, the selection was 11 tough one "I was very pleased with the turnout.'' Sv,:i.n.son S2Jd. " The- "'ete aJI so dedicated nnd enthusillstic, that it made u hard to p,d six.' s.. :anson ,.aid Despite the tough sclect1on. six gtrls were chosen from ae.uh 2S ,.ho tum~ out. These girls arc Came Woodson and Cathenne ~enou. Post F:alb. J:111U1e Fr:a~r Coe ur d' Alene: Afo,on Bro"'" · Sandpoint. a.nd K~ lc Deni~ Jen nings.. Cof'.alh) Ore. who are all frc hman: nod rcrurrung to the Card1111l chcer~admg ,quad from las t ye11r. is sophomore MarJ \'i1ollns. Post Falls. Swanson said rhe girls " ere judged on poi~ a.nd appe-Mancc, mo, ement (coordinnuon). cnthusia~m. , oice and ongmaln) rn snk: ;a:,d ckdtcauon (effon l S"nn~on \3td th3t sele<1ion of the Judge~ "'•1' ba~ c.>n h~ t~ •ill be m,oh ed with the girls to the follov,ing yenr. The j udg es thi s ye nr were S" anson; Bob Stn,i:leun . music department chai rman: ptlSt chccrkadcr lld\'i\er Ed" ina Gust.arson: Laun Harnan. ~1uden1 ac11v11i~ director: and Kim Lebel. 13~1 )C3.r' s head cheerle.ader. " Thi\ year I "''ould like to eJpnnd the dancing a~pect for the half time jaa routines." ~he said. She added that quite a few mone> -making projecu " ill be done b,• the girl~ LO handle traveling costs to own~· games. · According 10 Swanson. lifter a fe,.. weeks of pcae11ce. she "ill 3Sk the girls 10 choose n head cheerleader. ' Tm really looking forwnrd to this )CM " orking ...,th th~ ~ix guis. " Swanson said.
Dormitory students plan for parties, entertainment Dormitoq lhi ng is surprisingly different. and mam NIC students lll'e finding out nbout ·the pn1 nk.s pb~ed and parties held. Everyone is pan of a big famil~ directed by Beck) Coffm3n, " ho is assisted by resident :id\•isers D:i n Preston. O;mn Waldron. Jamie De1h• and Jim Hach ·1th. • Election of officers was held ~pt. 7, 11nd Joyce McKcnz.ie .,.,35 chosen o.s president and John C:1113.han a.s ,ice president. The position of sccret111')' is no"' Vicky Bro"''Tl' s and Janice Alder· man is the ne" rreasurer. .O?rm students are searching for ong1nal costumes 10 be ,,,om at their
H3.llo.,..een pan:, and then C\'alualed b~ judges ~elected from mrund campus. Prizes furnished by local mer. chllnts will be a"arded LO the best costumes. A special dinner .,.,;n be prepJred and SCT\ed by the St:B. At the end of e,·ery month. a pa.J1) ,.;th ca.kc and punch pro•,ided by the SUB is schcdul~ for binbdavs in that panicular month. The parties.will be in the "·omen's lounge of the dorm. The dormitOI)' ~ be1v.eeo S200 and S300 Sept. in the ...-31l:-jog,atboo. Proceeds ,i,ent 10 the dorm llCti,i ty fund. The club also sent 36 members to Sbtctown on Sept. :,,
C:uhcrine Btt>" n i~ ,,u1 h> maJ..e , ou forget e,en·1h1n1<? ,ou·, e hrard ,1b(,u1 child actrc-.~e, In the role ol Rhoda Pcnm.lrk in th l' C<' mmuni1, Theatre prod uc111,n ,if "Thi: Bad Seed." C.11hcnne BnNn dc,tro, ed the image of th e cute" Sh1rlC\ Temple 1m.1gc Her .lllln& " ,,n p.u " ith the best adult .ictor,;, 1:1nd she put<o an in,'Tt'd1l:>k am.iunt ol r m·r~ into her performance Sl"\."Ond to Cathcnne Btv" n. the ,1.1r of the \ho" 1' the pl3, 1hclf Pl:n-..ngh t MU\\cll i\ndcN,n's plot uni,•ld, .,,,,,..I> . \tep b1 ~tc p un11l 1he :aud,cn,-e thml \ the, h1>1c th1· "h,, k 1h1n's figur-N out. and then the plot tiles. an 1roruc I\\ m . "h1ch b1 l!~clf 1s "'<'nb the pncc of 1:1dmi-;sion. (Need, fe,;s t<" <.A\ 11 "' ould be t'nmln11I t\'I meal an> pan of the plot hel'C'.l In pb1, ~uch a\ "The B.1d Seed" 11 b man<Utol'\ th.at there I a <, mooth Oov, l:el""~n c,cnl~ llo"cvtr. there are .,c,eral .1.<,prcb "hich m1 crrup1 that 00\\
M.111, ,1l 1hc .1c1,,r<. "ere JWlrnard at the 0,·1 I pcrfom1:1ncc. and looked a, 1! th,•1 did 1101 l:>l'lein11 1n thl' \l'lling 1h,·1 "ere 111 Ilie ,,pcnm!l night ,~nr rhangc, "<'N.' wntt'\\ h.1t d1S1Urh1n!! , hc,·:iu,e .11 llll' ,·nd ,11 ru,h ,\'enc the ,rngc v,a, l<"talh durk,·ncd, ,rnd thl.'11 the ,1a11c lights "''re l1<1ugh1 up holf 1!.;&\ 10 r hang1· \ (en,:.,-, 1 he ,,enc 1·hanJ;1e, I\ ere mnwr. but the ,tn.l(l' nt'" mndc a pn'tlu,111,n 1,f lh<'m lh1• 1•v1·rnll effect \ \ j , H' n di,lralhng. 1 ",1 n111c" ,,r1h1 l'hurnct,·r<, arc Ll'· r,,~. ,I J,inil11r (phlH'd tw Rnndy Bn>oh) ,lnd R,•i.:111;1id T,1,kcr (Doug l'oiier• OC\\l . fh1·,c '"" 11rt· nol l'l.'ntrnl hi the pl111, hut d1lnt111otc 1hr ,1ai::c when they oppcur 1111d ,e, th,· mood ,,r the play rh,• final p<'rformancc, pf "1 he 811d Scr,1" on: ton111h1 ond S111urd:,1~·. This pl.l\ I\ well "urth the odmi~~ioo, and th e problem~ M the opening night pcrform.111cc ,hould he Ironed out A "Jrnmg Thi, ph1v" dc~1gncd w me,\ "'"h the mmcl ,111d doc• .so c~collcnlh·.
Varie ty show will present wide span of entertainment '°""
\ special ,·3nety shu" . the prescn1n11on "Chmtmas Revel\, '· nnd on nrn1or111 • The Mc<.\lah.'' arc mu"cal eve nt ~ to look ard to lhi, ,cmc\lcr :11 NIC' The mu~1, dcpa n mcnt ha, \Chcduled n lht of performance~ which will ,•ory "1.dcl, . according h> Rohen Singleta ry , mu,ic: in)tructor. " The spca:il Yancly show will probably be the mnsl cxctllng." Smglcrary \aid. " It "111 dra" 11 l.lrge crowd. " This ,ho" "Ill be Oct 12. ond will benelit mu,ic , chulorsh1p, and funds. It will ha\C prore~s1onal and nm.iteur performer, from the Inland l:mp,rc. The mu\lc "Ill range from country· we~rem 10 jau, ond th1:rc will be large gn1up, performing 3S "'ell as ,mglc ar11.s1,. The show 1, oo-,ponsorcd by the Nonh Idaho Musical Am Society A harp and Outc: duo b) Ranw m Wibon und Noncy Allen will be here Oc1 21 and ... 111 be prt"~nted by the Kootenai Community Concert Associouon (KCCA). All £ull,11me NIC student\ "'' Ill be admiucd to KCCA events free or charge. The Nonh lcW!o Sy mphonic Band and Jan En~cmble will perform Nov. 24 under the duect,on of Singletary Christmas Rt.-vels." presented by Connoisseur Concen~ ond co-~pon,;orcd by the Nick.els Wonh. wtll be held Dec. 7 and will feature old Christmas music. " The M~iah." an orawno by Handel. will fellture lhc Spokane Concert O~hcstr3 along with the l'IIC Choir. Community Fe~uval Choir and a wloi". There "'..-ill be over 100 voices 1n this perform:>nce. It will be presented Dec. 14 by rhc Symphony Society of Coeur d'Alene and the Idaho Forc\t lndus1r1c~ Charitable Found.ation.
For in 1e r ei,,t ed <, tud ents
Coordinator job possibility College degrees arc aimed at many careers, a.nd a pomion a~ a voluoteer coordinator can pro·,e to be a fulfilling Job. Coordinators strive to pl30! \'Oluntcers in posiuons where they will do the most good and 3 l the same time. receive the grt4test personal fulfillment. Not only 1s II a fast gro"'lll& lield but one can ma.ke up to SJ0.000 a year. . Persona.I requirements include having the ability LO work well with people. being intert"sied in helpiog people, possessing organization and oral communicarion skills and having the ability to motivate others. A bachelor·s degree or higher degree in social .,..ork. psychology. personnel administration or related areas is usually required. . For addh1011al information, students should contact Gary Coffman ,n the Student Senice Center on the second floor of the SUB.
Oct. I 0. 19801Cardiruu Re,ie..- .5.
r~_c_r_sp_o_r_t_s__] Cross country team heads for Cheney competition B} Tom Golden SOCttr fan find< lime 10 auempl some basic mo, es "bile Lh<" main ma1cb gC)(.'~ on " ,l"hedulcd. The ',lC socn'r learn b pill) Ing soml' home m:altbe , on Thursdll H, and 1111endant'r b, ~•ude~1s :and Slaff Is in=sing.
A sm"II
'I/JC', ero,, c<>untr,, Lcam will compete against Montana State Unh·er<.11~. LI. Wlut"unh. Un1,w,11> of Monranu and 01her ~hools in the Oct lb EWV lnHtJ111mul ar Cheney. CoJch Mike Bundv 'iatd hi~ 1eam "ould h:s, e II good chance of wmmng 1hc meet only '"U·~L'Ur cnlicge, -.('re m,olvcd bcc3u,e onl} one JUmor colh:Re 1n this r..-.11mn lflok\ ~tmn14t•r 1han NI( NI< took fif\l pl.,c,· Sa1urdu) in tht !:.,,tern On.·Ron 51a1e College m,1LallM.:il in L,GrJntlc . M1k,· Frtc\\ rn111ht five-milt• tnur<,c 111 21').Sq 10 cap1u rc third place. Jcv,e Gore fnllc, .. 1d 111 27 11 10 1.ikc fifth ploll N:inn Wnu1h plau:<l ,ccnn<l m the ,1 nmtn', .5.000 meter rare IA Ith a time of 111:32. Dnnnn l'ur,cll 1111,k third in 21.00. In •ht fin mill (fotkamn, (ro\\ Country Cl.:i,\lr Saturda). Don Blankcn,h1p led NIC runner\ h1 placing 20th 111 27·SJ. \11phnm11rc\, ,vl111 IJun<l) ,a,d ore run11111g cxtrcmch IACII thl\ }ear arc 0Jn Br.,.1h 1..in" ~IU<.'lllc and l)an Pre,tno Oul\l,tnd11111 lrc,hnlt'n runners arc Mik e Fm:,,. Jn\c Gore and Bnan S.ou NIC tro,, co11n1n ., lumn, ort: o1J..o runnml! IACIJ. /\IC" \ '"'"'cu ,c1cran Robin Huot.I rilnrtd ,crnud 1n the Whitman lnv11a11on al .md ,, no .. l Wl''\ number ,,.., runntr Km Mul'IIL'r i\ Oregon \1~tc '\ numbn ,even runner :and " 1hc Ji,-1 NIC rurinl'r 10 run lur ,, l'ac 10 \Lhool. nrnnm11 for the 01h!'r NJ( ,1lumnt wmp,·1m11 fur i,1ht·r 'thfl<1h ,m, Knm Urtl\'t·t\lt y nl Mn111ona . ond John 1·1.uilc,1011 Jrtd Ur;,d ll arn~ "ho run for l! I. NK '1lhk11c lr,ttnL•r Al W1•ldcr. S7, plo, ed l "01h u,crull uu111f"50 rurincr) ~cp1 , I\ 01 th• llcnn JO M,kr m Spokunc In 1hc 50-Sll .ll(C Rroup W, Ider pl1u:d founh T111S711"'"11 "" J7." W,tdcr \aid I 1111l"lt l11,1runur G,·or11c 1-.•, ptacl'd I IQ1h 11,crall 1n thv 10 m,1,• c,•ur,-c,
Recreation buffs fortunate with new outdoor program D) Ka1hl llcrbkc" ma.n
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0 0
"I'm h,,p,ng to gc1 1hc program lo run ,i,.clf... Bennett s11.:I He ~11m:11e< 11 " ill 1akc a~,u1 1-.. o }C3r, tu l(et fullv c,1nbhshed :,:iie main oh,1ad<'. he foresee, 1, RCllmg J)«)Jllc 10 realm~ 1he prognm is there Mo,1 pc.,plc don t kno.. about the l't'<'rca11c,n dep;mmcn1. " he ~id • II tncs 3 }tar forihcm to dt'>t'O, er 1ha1 and lh<.'n anoth~>r, car for 1hem 10 koo" ho" 11 "wu B> 1ha1 time 1hc> gradu11ed ... Bc nncn added 1ha1 he " 1ry1ng 10 find ~ome people "ho are dcd1cJtcd 10 the outdoors 10 help Stan the pmgnm. ~ nncn ml'nlloncd plan~ for 1hc ne:ir fulllR". ~ fore lhl' ~now Oies lhis }Car. I'd like 10 organtLc a ranOl' tnp. ,ind I plan 10 orean.•tc !.Omc ct"OSS-rountl) \ .lciing cxcu~ions ~ ,oon a~ -..c ha,c enough ~no" ... he said.
First Beer on Fridays
Outdoor ,·nthu\111\ts "h,i lJd lhl' r,'\\lur,c~. l\}mµon1un, on<l t"qu1pm<'nl Rt'ed<"d 111 mol.<· thc,r endenv,,.-. "l'II. mQ1 ho~,· mon; lu,l m the lu1urc . ~,au , e ol I nev. ,chool,r<'la1('d 11111do,1r 1m1gram. · NI( ou1d1~,r Rl'C'fcnifon Director Dean U1"nne11 I\ oi,:.i1111m1 ;a "rommon ~d~cn1urc" program 1ha1 will enoble 1nicrc,1rd ,1udenl) 10 combint 1bc11 1.riu.. l{•IIJIC an<l 1'\''4lur,l'\ :ind meet ll"llJlll' ,.,,h \1mil~r m1cre)b a, ,,ell as remo,l' 1lw proMcm ,,f <,ehlll•I hnb1!11) 111 ,·a)c of cmcrgcncic, 1hrnugh II l>ulll'ltn bonrd tn lhl' lull in 1hc bnrt. of the Sl 8 g1mt" ro..,rn, ,1udtnu m3y c11hcr p.1,1 nn act,,·111 the, "ould hkc 1,, nrgnm,c. or ,1gn up !or one ,omcbo.xl, chc ha, nln•3d1 P<"ICd. A duu,,• n1 lht• b111111m of cacih ,hcet ,1a1t', 1hn1 p.1n1('1pati,>n ",olun11~ .1nd 1ha1 the ,1udi:11I pr.iml\c, Ill a,·u·1>1 re,J)On,1t11hl\ IM hi\ .-r her ov. n -..1fch dunng the (:\u1.-.ion . 1 hi' ,ugl(e,1l'd ,wm 11,c, un lhl.' bulleun 1'.>anl mdude ".iter 1np:.. fun ru~. bU.e:. Jnd bJ1 l packm~ lnJl, , Ocpcn<lmg ,)n 1hc1r pun,. ,1uden1' ma1 po,1 ,hcth undcr 1 "lun111rt11" iC<:Uun or a " \h,•n lnp" <cct1on . In udU111on, ijcnneu ,01d h<' h,,pc, to turn i ,urph nll1m 111 blacl <>f lht' game m.,m 11110 ~ ,on of ,ervt,l' t.'Cnlcr for th<" progr.im He plan, on 31't\lmuh111op ;i m;,p fil,· arid a ,mall hhran of maga11nt', and related mformll111,n . The n)(lm al!>O "ould be u,t'd for 3 mceung room cnablm,11 ,1udcn1~ II,} or)!3'11lc the tnp,.
. 0
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i l
Now serving burgers , fries , fish wiches & hotdogs
O 0
Q~:e. ;y-1
c_ ,,.-
0 0
$1 .50 Pitc hers Du ri ng
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Monday Night Football
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i .i :• •
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Home of the Famous : Fort Ground Round :•
Recently remodeled : . I '• •••••~~••••••••••o•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : ID 's req uired
l Spikers 'up and down' I in Walla Walla tourney B) Tom Emond Volleyball is son of like a ro-yo here 111 NIC: 1t"s up and down. Last "eekcnd the Cardinals cniered the Wall.\ Walla lmitattonal .,'ltb high bope,; but c.ime home from the tournament slight!} humbled. In the first match of the toumameot they CAme up ag;unst Columbi.a Basin "ho the\ met earlier m the season. Aflcr plB)'IIIJI Columbia Basia five tough earncs Sept. 2<>. the spikers played poor!\ and "ere wundly beaten 5-15 and 8-15 Loach I.en Atwood d1dn 't kno,,. if 11 v. U ''\ an-132'. or• hat b111 <&.Id there "as DO confidence or team chem1s1n· on the pan or the team. AN ood noted 1h111 thu\ far •hi·, ~•~·n .Cf\·ng and =1,111g ha\e bceo pos1tnc factor,. bu1 1ha1 throughout the 1ouma:nen• thn • en v.cal and 1Dcon~1stm1. Bui in the \erond game of 1he tounament the te:am rallied lo talc :a 15-IJ and 15, 10 ,1ctOI') over the hOfl 1eam. V. all.a Walla Ccnnmunm· College. A1,1ood \aid that Sarah Sulhnn and Sharon Roudl •ere ou1 ..1andmi: ID t!Kgame. Sullivan captured b of 12 till, a-bile R011cb managed 4 of Cl 10 lead them in their fir51 , 1cton of the tournament ''We goa our ron!iden~ back but OOr cher:llill) 1<U ~111 not th.al sood on the flaor cve11 though we "on." Atv.'OOd ~ " The potential i~ there •• e're JU St ha,ing an av.'ful ume being ron,l\lent, .. \he said. But whate,er momem1um the) got go.ng tn lhctr ~nd tru.ldt lhC' 11»1 11 all ID 1he1r third game as Yakima Valle, Collelle sound!~ bea1 rhem 5-15 and S-IS. A1,1ood said that 1his game" :is probabl~ shoner than the quid; loss 10 CBC. In 1heir nc~, match 1he Cardinah. reminisccnr of an culler match this senon dcfeared Big Bend IS-J Oand 1$-5. Atv.ood "as pleased "Ith ,trong pla~ from Sarah Sullivan who ag3in recorded Q or 11 kills for a - 3 pe:ttn1 I.ill a, enigc. "Ir still \\'Osn 't the type of ,'Olleyb3ll 11.e're op.tble or pla~UJg ." .At"ood .,;:ud. In their final match ag:nnst \>\'human College. one of r,.o foor-ye:ir lo<'hoob. the women agnin met defeat :is the, lost b-15 J.Jld 13-15 But this g:unc V.'IS much do~ than 1he score indicates. " We 11c1ually played decent ,·ollcyb11JJ this match,·· Arwood S&1d. And she noied that if a few quesiionable calls "ould ba,e been Cll.lled dJfferent the CardlDab might have very easily pulled out a "in. Stoning Soturdny the spikers "ill get a look :u some leai:ue tams u they enter 1he lirs1 round of the l'IJCAA Rcgton I East em Dt,1.,ion Tourn3men1 m "htch Flathead Valk•· Community College. Ricks Tre.nure \ alle, and of course NIC will bmle for top honors. "II we play ou r kmd or volleyball. "e should do line, but " ho kno"'~ after l:ut weekend." she said. The team is $-8 in overall ~eason phi).
For intromu rols
Chrl!il) Suilnle) photo
Volleyball play scheduled Intramural \'Ollc\'ball is scheduled 10 begm to about two weeks. and if the weather curns foul. a r.icquctball tour· namen1 wall be considered. according 10 John Uwen. mtr:imuraJ director. The intr.imural tennis tournament has swung almost to II dose with Linda Greg or defeating Jane Lee in the women 's singles fin a.I. Pete Conlev defeaced KC\i n Ch.amberlin 10 become the men. S singles champion. In 1he mixed doubles dhision John and J3net Owen ,.;11 be matched against Jane Lee and Ken Kohli 10 dc1crmine the 1oumamen1 champions. John o.. en expressed a l.ick of confidence in winning !he fin3J match.
He said hi~ ... ,re has "carried" him this far. Compet1non among !he mrrnmural football te:>.ms has been close and fierce. Tcam league records :ire as follo"'·s: In the Red League. Unstopables 5-0: Rough Necks. 3-2: Rebels. 3-2: Hits. 2-J: Runs. 2--l; and Advantage. 1--1. In the Gr.i} League. :-:cutral. S-0; Errol'$. 4-1: Disad\ ant.ages. J-2: Su.Killer... 1-4; and Wait's Warriors, 1-4. In the pl:i} -offs the Unstopables shut out the Errors n-o. and 1\eurral defeated the Rough Neck.s 12-6. and in the title game held Tuesda}. the linstooables beat Ncucral &-6.
Sports column to preview The sports pages of lhe CudJn.aJ Re\'iew wlD feature an addlllon beginning ..-llb lhe ~I. 2-t issue. 'Beginning "'Ith uat paper, CR sports Editor Tom Emond will debuJ a spons column which "ill be de,oted 10 colllJllenllng on the sporung sceue at tM local and national lc\CI. Emond will also use the colwnn to ~ect oo anltndes and ~'&tlons gathered Crom CR readers.
JUST FOR KICKS-- Socccr player Farshad BaraJaran-KaicmLldeh gel• a little prc-aune practice before tas1 week's scrimmage with the Olys.
Al Pullman
Soccer club to face WSU The NIC ..occer club \\111 travel to Pullman Satu rda v to 1ake o n th e Wa'>hington State wccer team. Afler v.atchmg the team Jose 1hetr fir\t three matches. Coach Ri chard " Duke.. Sn~der said he is hopeful his squad will pl:1y more u a team and less indi,iduall}. Saturda}. Oct. 4. the Cardinal soccer play= were again be:iten by 1he l..ni\ ersity of Montana 2-1. Snyder noted that the club suffers from playing against four-year schools. "This "'liS the best game the team played so far this yeu. bar none." Sn) der said. ln an earlieT ma1ch. Gonzaga up· ended the hapless Cnrdinals 4-0. Sn,·der ;i.uributed the loss to a total lack or teamv.ork. " We played terrible." Snyd.er sa.id. "If it weren ·1 for the goalie, Ibrahim
Al Anda,. we would have lost 10•0... "I cxpcu the learn to improve as the \cawn goe~ on. I' m yell ing loudly at 1hem 3nd they need 10 pl., y more tcom ...•ork," Snydt:r said. In S:llurday's game Shoh ab Nazif. pour was handed a red card for alledgedly grabbing a referee by the orm to tell him some1hing. Thus. the Card~ had to play 1he remainder or !he game one man short. and Nazifpour will have to sit out the nett game. Sn yder cited 1wo rela1ivcly inexperienced players for sho-..ing the most improvemenl. Allan Mills and Teri') Bressler have re peatedly turned in good performances despite having limited soccer experience. Snyder 1s optimisuc about t.h.e rest of the season as 1he Ca rdinal s ha ve looked vastly improved ove r early SC.l$0n performan~.
Oct.• 10. J980/ Canlinal
~,w..- .7.
Humorous look at humble hunters offered By T-2-nd When fall roll\ around. the only thing mos1 guy5, arc 1hinkang nbou1 h Monday Night Football. oollegc foo1ball and maybe the World ~cs. as long as it d!>tsn't 1n1erfcre with a f001ball game. Sa manv people are bi11en with 1hc hun11ng bug 1hai II has.gro)'n 10 ep1dem1c proponions. Hundreds upon hundred\ of normal human beings :ire the ha pies\ -.,cums of "buck fever." which dr:."'s 1hcm 10 the outdoors like a nearby ocean draws lemmings Modern huniers are totally d1ffcrcn1 than their pmn11ive countcrp~n~. P,,m11ivc man hunted 10 feed and clothe h1m\elf whereas modern man hunt~ to fulfill wmc wn of pnmcval need to get back in to uch ,. ith nature. Although modern hunlcr.. wan, 10 get back 10 nature. they wan, to do so w11h a manamum of d1s.comfon . · lodny·s hunter gets the wdden urge to )(Ct <>UI of 1he hnu\c and ··rnugh i1." Roughing n u,cd 10 involve \lc:"ptnl( un 1hc cold. hard ground and cJtan,11 numerou, quon1111t'\ of pork and bean\. 'llldat, ho-.cv<"r. the term seems 10 1ak:c on a d1lfcrcri1 mc11n104 koughmg II anvo h11.''> hopping 11110 y<:our c1Nc1m pnintcd fnur-whed dm c p1tkup. l111d1111H up lhc duuble-wadc tr.11lcr and dm-1ng off 11110 ,11,.. ,un,c1 ,., - rough 11'1 The hu111cr', home away lrum h1101c 1, n pnlace an ll~clf A hunter·, 1ra1lcr look\ lile :a cro,, between ii roving Rad111 Simek store and a mobile dchcatc,\en llpnn 1i~1k111J.! an tht· rclrigcrnt or , one t'OU ld ,cc "ha1 lonl., hkr o wpcrmJrkcl crommcd anto o vcn ,mall plurc. 111crc " cnuuKh food 10 make 1ht· "G3lloplng Gour rnt I°' come to a ,crecch1np. hlllt Adel r:111,ngh bcn lo m,1.c IJ1lly Coner and all h1, 1lbvnn rrit'nd, happy for o ycnr , ,111cl 1hc hunter,, \rt. I lw 1rnllt• r alw cnnluin& ,ul'I, nnc,,111t'\ a\ " Willl'rhcd, tclrv1,11111. ,11·rM und ,1 full\· ,wdtrd "'''
bo1r IA drv manim 1s al-.-aJ~ nacc alter a roul(h d.l) huntini: ) Tha\ t\ rC)Ul(htng at~ Tl'd~\·s modem hunter 1s prubabl~ more comfona.ble 1han he i, al home TI-~ onh 11ml' he J.!CI~ 1n touch -.uh n.11un: as _,hen be ,tcp, out of hi\ trailer 10 lldJU\t the antenna of h1\ IC'lcl 1\100 M.'I 1 he hunter. unlike h1, pnnu11,·c countl"T'p.trt tbd an ,,au:, game clad an a11nc111e 3tttrc prnl•ahlv lrom fl't'dcricl. of Holl1\\l'<ld ,\ hu1111:r ·~ hab11~1. nf course. a, thl' \\l'<.-.d, A
Starting dates u,idecided
1.-r llw qu1·,1iu11 h "h,·1h,·r ur 1101 111 rhanAr ht un upcnang (hill' nhn Llhllr l>n \ nr lr1 1h1• Jnt, rc111111n a, 11 11'1~ b1·,·n ,anw 1117\ \rhukr ,aid 1hcrc h3, 1u11 hnn n11a. h d1~ru"1011 <'un,(·rning o tJk11dar (honl!t', h111 ,aid he J1X•, t ,1 dr~i"un 10 br rc11d1c1I 111111111 tlw nr~, rnuplc 111 month,. ~111,c the catalog anu,t ito 1u prr,5 3f1er the f1N of thc-
· lll.'(3u,r 1h1, b1\:lrd uw11III ,-on,nk"' lhl' rerummcnduu,,n, nl the ,1 udc 111, ""J la,·uh,. 1hcrr hll\ h,"t'n 131~ uf IOklnp Ml Olllntl\11 poll Sd1ulcr ,1,11 gc\lcd 1ha1 :I Jklp,:om l\lrum bc held Ill dawu,, lht' "\lll' bcl<'lrehanJ 10 "mal.r ,ure 1h11 \I uden1, undcr,1and thl' 1mph,ahon, nf ho" thcv , ·011'" on tht'
()4.•11 · '
ASNIC \'1cc Prc~1dc 111 Br:id Son~wr ~aid there h11, been Mh .1 mammal omoun, di,rn,,1<,n ,11 3 r,111 b, ,1udcn1 boM-d mcnibl.'r, .1nd no pion, have hccn made , Schuler )31d II did n<lt mn.l.e :m, d1fforen,-c l<l him, 1f 1hr .:alcndcr " ~~,n~cd ~nd ,aid n c, Ju,.t ha, Job "' marntarn the integnt) of the \ eme)ter length." Hr did po1n1 out 1h111 most other ldahc:, \'()lhigcs a.re on 3 schedule quite slmalllr to NIC<' and to change to a lattt ~chedulr would call!,e
pruhlt n1\ h•r 1h,l\c "hu lrin,lc r 111 thc mttfdlc nf 1111 ,rar lk nl\n m,·nllllll<'J th.11 m0\1 siu d,·11" prl·ft-r "' thl"lr hn.1b er hct11r, <. hrl\tmm, rathn thlln hil\C' to ,1 <1rr) .11,.,11, them dunng 1h,·11 , ao '""" lie ~,11d b,· kt'I, "uJm13, n,-cd ~ 'l'\\1011 of :11 ka,1 three- "<'C'~, to rr, tc11 lllt llnllh , ii the, "ere ,h.-l.111•d until .,hl.'r ("hrl\tm/.1, !1.-huln -..11J m11,1 ,,,liege, ha, inf: :i p.,,1 I DJ, ,tan ,,n .i thrc.--.. -.·n•ntrr ",t<"m wd1 .I.\'""".' \\ hh • 111~1,•n ,,,llq:,·, II 'II( \\Crl.' "' changc ll• th r,·, ,.-mnt,·r. ,·hukr Y1J a :-0 P<'ll'CDI 1ncn:),c tn ttRt,tr"alt,>n Ml\ 11,,ulJ r,·,ult ~nd 1u111,,n and let', ",,uld thl"II ha, c Ill Ix' p.:ud three umt'~ 3 H;ir 1n,tr.1d the prc,cnt ,,..,
8_ 1 0111 Dl"lld,ha" I ht' NIC Bunrtl 11( I tU\I('('\ 1111, IIUI ye t clt·"dcd ,111 11 tint, tu ,111n dn,w, tnr 1hc 19111 11.l ,chuol r lllnloit , 11c 1,1rdl1111 1t1 NI( f>1 c\1drn1 0Jrr\ 'l,·hu
pnme eumple of the, i. the St Joe RI\ .:r are:>. CJ\1 of Coeur d'Alene. Presum:1bly 1herc: a re high con.:'t'mr:itions of ell. ,n this Jre3 Thi.' onl, high concentr:mc,n, )een :i.re of hunters. fa Cr) "ide spot in the roJd :s occupied b, some hun1cr and his doubk·l'tde lr3tler. C1mpgrounds looi like th.e infield .'It lndiJn;ipolis dunng the 500. H°" an cit C,>uld e,,.1pe de1«1i,•n in thi, , cnt:ibk ma.zc l•I huntel"> b l;,c, ond me . \\ hen 3'1u:ilh t.ill..ml! 10 ,•nc of lhesc andl\ 1d11ah •nc !>hnuld be ..;,.hrolcd-an the ln ot dc:c1phcnng h" ,:ing1JJge S..•mc phr:i,c~ 1h:i1 m1gh1 need dcfinm~ .ire· - ·Seen a lot N ,it:n. I think ther,··, .'I herd up thtrc 'lnoth,·r 11urd, he h3 n·, '>ecn .1 damn 1hml! - l\e gc:-t m~ ell e,en ~e.ir. but I don·, kno~, "h.1(, 1nong th~ ~ear." Thi< ,.1,me mean, th,~ p.1nacul3r hunt,-r C1.mldn'1 l!ct .in ell. 1t 1hcrl.' "3' ,,nc tred up m h1, barn -"I dc,11·11hml.1hat I.dime .1n anam.11 i, the 11hlllc p,.•1n1 ot huntml?," Thi< al-..> m,·an~ that thas hunlt'r h:i, :i rollc:-:c dcen:c :and ,, "ell \killed an the an of hin~ -·'Then.-', no ell. Jn,und here. n<11 c,cn .im· ,1en .. Th" ,.1,ang me.1n, 1hJ1 the l!UI h:is file ctk h. n:::101? up bchmJ hi\ cJmper.•ind 1hl.'rc '> .1 herd n • .1,·rs," the creel.. - -~ ·n a herd in 1hi\ 11u, ·~ pJs1urc. bu, other th.n • ,.1 1 I h.1,cn·1,c.:n a than~ ... In lllhcr 11or1h the cu, 1, lr,•111 (3ltforn1.1 and doe,n I Lnll" 1he d1fien.·n~ hc·11<'t'n an ell. and a C'l.•11 \ nd one bat l'I ~d, 1cc 10 humers: ii , uu ·re rad in~ 11 b r-,c ilnJ ,·umc up,>n .1 C.1lafom1.1n II h,, inn<Xl·ntl~qu.rt"> "\\haa thr hc,I. ~,,u dot111! radini,: an elk .. a, ddin11ch llmt:' 1,, llt'-1 bJ<"l. to I nur dPubk·" adc 1r:i1 er :ind hi,e ,c,cr:il d~ m:inm"
S,hukr ,ttt".:d the ta,, ch.at ha, mi: ,•arh 11r;1Jua11,,n d:i1e il" e, >IU· ,knt, an e.,rh \'hlln-'" J I JOO hunnn,. p.ina.-ulo\rh lor , <-..::uaon~I 3nd nur..in ":h,•1\1 gr1dua1c, H.:i-.e,er. ,c,en.l , ocat1lln.tl progrJm, ha,.:, dilfert'nt condudmg Jatc, On the 01hcr ~,de of the question S, hukr , aid th:it mo~, fa~olh aod ~tudent, prefer the ~ eat her IC'lllhtr 10 1h:11 of 13) for '"c:anonmg He nho 1gr-ced hou~ms can be more d1th,·ult 10 find in Augus1 th:tn an St'ptemhcr .ind :in c:irh ,t:irt ~me11 mC'> cau,c~ pn,ble m ~ for moth er s -.11h M"hool:1gec:hildrcnuhomu~1 fmd \lllC'r< onlll the pubhl' sdloob sun ifter l.llbor D:i) . JII
in ~ -
! l
Special rotes for N/C students
i \ i
i I
Complete We ight Rooms Featuring Noufl/us
Exercise Equipment
Refreshment Lounge ond Court V iewing Area
t \ {
l ! ~
Separate Saunas, Whirlpool Baths and Steamrooms for Men and Women
s;x lndoo, Rocquetbo ll Cou,ts
l 1
Oc1 . 10, 1980 Cardinal Rc,I(," ~-
Yearlong u,eaving course loom s as unknown offer \ IC h.i., man, unique d .1s.,c,. one of "h1, h l.'l.('lorcs the hidden ort o f "ea,,ni: Fe" !)('Opie ruh.ic 1h.11 a .:t.i" 1n \\ U\ mg lS (\ en b<'m): l3URhl ,II , IC 1-ttau,e II i, ,u,h a hidden .1n \\ e.a, mR " .a '" i>-scmc,u:r coul"'>e Fil"1 ,cm.-~tcr ,1uden1~ "ill c,rcn· m.. nt "'•th n.itur.il d,c,. "ill pcrk.:t the lhi~ '1f Jn.,p ,pindk, 11nd <.pinmn..: "hcch, "111 tn ,,ut 1hcir .:rc:itt,r IX'"'"" m 1he method of t,;11i!. ;inJ "111 ,1ud, ,ar,_,u, ""'"'e~ ;,nd ,111,hc, l 1,.1. Dalwll d.1,~ 1n, trucll•r. h~, uugt 1,tt \ IC "nu• I<r1 \ =•rdin~ "' Dabi.111. lhl ,mall cla,, h.\\ '"cn:om, man, d1f11cull11:'> Pn,ple tend to ,,,crt,...,i. th<" d.a" l>,·,Juw 11 1, 41111c oltcn I nu:ht cl11" \nnthcr d1flt1 ull\ the cl;i\\ h.1, o-crromc ,, that ol bc1ni,: can,·clll.·d t ... .iu,c ,,f thl" l.icl.. 01 cnrnllm1'nt In
the 1:nd O.ih,,11 ,aid. the drt1:rm1na1111n ,,t <.<>me ~,udcnt< 111 gll uu1 and r1:,ru11 lrtrnd, l..ccp, the cla-., g<.\m1t (lnc mor1..· ,1,.-me,h.~r n:\>nd ,cmc<.tcr ,111dcn1, "urk 1,n a ,rc,ilt, )rCn <If lntCN:~1. Durini.: 1he <umtHN tho: .:In ~, 1~ uwallv hl'ld m11,idl' "lwrc: Onb,,11 u<.t', prtm1II\C loom\ ,;he hn, rnllc.1cd n,1b11II h.1, hn:n ,~·Jlhm~ JI'\ ,mre l'~t-.'1 .ind h,ts bn•n n,,ud,1tcd "'llh ,ud1 ,,h,~•l, •" tht lmpcrrnl Valle, ( ollcjtl' 111 ( .11th,rn1a, Ihe ~pokJn1· Ari \dw11l nnd ,hi.' ,;ud 1h,11 ,he 1.1u1:1t1 for ,omc ltm,- 111 t,u1r~m \h,: .th11 hu, 111,1ru~1,•d mull\ ""rk ,h,1p, In t,~,kCI \\l':t\lOJl ,Hid nl,Hl\' 11f hn ""rl, ha,i: hl'l'tt nhih111·d in , .1rl1111\ e<>lk, 1!1ill\ ,iruund lhl' "nrl,1 .. , 11111, "''It mm<' 11,·1>1111· ~n<'" .1b11u1 n" cl.1" there Mt· ,11 ni.101 11tll·11·,1111.11 Ihm~, lur ncn lllll' pu ,un. ' D.ihull ,,11tl
Bikers ea rn ' ma n o f year' a ward 'IC ''""'n:Hlt Cluh r<"n·1,t'd 1hr ·• \Ian 1,f the \cu" .l\\Jrll .11 lhl' ~Jlt.>nJI Speed f rt3I\ hl'l1I 'iq11 11 ''•
COOO ADVJSElm,tl'llctor Usa DabolJ explalm t!ar art ol "t"l.,lng to ~IC ~1udcn1 Rclnhllde Pa, nc.
at lhc B.-,nnc1 ilk '11111 f·l.11, tn l1111h lhc dub rcc,·11cd the J\\Jrd b, 1h,· Gr .. nt :?00 '.\IPII ( tub lor 1hr1r 1111rk and contrtbu11on .ii th,· Oonneqlh: :'1 .111on.tl\ .\d~1wr .Juhn Sn11th1on ~a,d .. n ·~ 3 hdl ,,t ,1n hnnnr " Thl' motnrnd.: ch1b•.' m,·mbcr\ ronsist of the mn111n:1·dc repair cl.1,~ and othen mtcre,tcd in the \J)OM 111
I Ill' mt·mhcr\ lrJ1l·kll 11, R111111n1llt
1.111 ,md ,omc rndc• 111,,wr1-yle\ h1r ,., ,111 11 ,1 '" I ht•lr hr,1 ttm,· r,t•r nn .1 ,1rn•1 h1l.r I lw\ ~.1111 lh!' lrlJ>'"" J l(r<·o t t ,pu11·nt1• 1111d tht·v ll'arnvtl a hu 11111! hupc 111 k" h.111k m·,1 n·ar. I und, thl tn11 11ert• 11.irttull1 oht.tinc•cl hv (,lrnlllSI IWo 11t1\1Qr,y(l1:1 I h,· duh rn1,1•d S425. Winner~ of thr drowin~ were Wurrlln Rntchff pf lht Lr 70 11nd Oe n Stork of 11 17S Canam
McLean's neck-popping talents beneficial B.1 Kath,1 Jobaasca
Webster'\ Ne" Colleg1ate D1ct100Ar) defines cluro17ra..'tle a.s: (h;and .,. 17rakuako~ (pr11ctical. operot1\el) ;i system of healmg which bolds that d i ~ results from a lack or normal ncr.,., function and "htrb employs manipulaiion and ~pecific adJustment of body structure~. Doug McLean. IC physics and engineering instnlctor. is a chuopractor Tius LS his IJtb year at IC a_nd he "':IS pre, iousl) a psn-ume chiropractic te;icher ~
Ksthy Johansen pbolO COLLEGE HANDY MA~-- Pbysks ln5tn1c1or Doog McLean muu a.n adjasunen1 on some lab equipmenl. Md,e,tn also uses his 5kllled bands IO -the sore backs of Ca.mil) and friends.
Western States Ch1ropract1c College in Portland, Ore. A native uf Sandpoint. Mc:Lun 11:is alw II lkcnsed chiropractor in Portland , Seatile and pan~ or Idaho. O\\ th,11 he i5 il full -ttme instructor. he treats only family and friends. including NIC (acuity and membcr.s of the NIC ba!>ketball iquad when th e need arise,. He ha) coumeled persons with chiropracttc problems and has on occasion referred patlenL~ to area charopraccars. McLean 1s also J naturopath. who~e method, of healing e mpha,i, e proper diet. nu1r111on and preventive medicine - including vitami ns, mine ral\ , herbal medicines. h)drother3py and acupuncture. Naturopath had u., beginnings m Europe. mainly Germany. and it i\ again becoming f:ish1ooable, especially in England. McLenn anribu1es IIS comeback. and the changing anuude~ towards chiropractics 10 the gtneral libcrali,,ation of ideas and practices dunng the 1960s and 70s. The 1rend h~ become one of "getting back 10 nature.·· According to McLean, all health profcssionah m the states of Wa~hington and Oregon must we the same medical basics science tests. H,c alw points out the suite of Idaho requires chiropraccic students to have four years of college plus four >ears of chiropractic ~ool. ··As far a5 I'm con=cd. chiropracty is o branch of physical medicine that lS taught as manipulative therapy." McLean said. He added 1ha1 the education 1augJ11 10 both medicaJ and chiropractic colleges covers the same ma1eri11J. Ouropractics IS renricted to manipulauvc therapy and also utlhzes diel &11d nwriuorutl supplements .,.,hich has caused a division of opinion. states Mc~: among chiropractors. Some support the opinion of "hands and hand~ alone, meaning the practice of chiropractics should stay withtn that realm Others. i.nduding McLean. ad,ocate proper nutnuon. dit'I. preventive and herbal medicines. hydrotherapy and acupress ure, which utilizes fingers instead of needles. As an the medical profession. chiropractors are subject to maJpncuce suits, bot the insurance ra1es are lower. According 10 McLean. chiropractics is "just as hard "'ort a.s surgery but the risk (actOr is very, very small." . . McLean warns against leniog an amateur uy to correct a c-h1ropracuc problcin. l.JC'ensed c:hiropra.ccors oftentunes mu~t repa rr the damage done by these amateurs. If problems occur :1 professional should be coMUhcd.
BAT exhibit being shown A 22-piece 3rt exh1b11 fea1uring ''THE GREAT A\IIERICA:-. BASEBAll B H FXHIBrflON"' 1~ being ~hm,. n 1hroughou11hc monrh of October on the second floor or the Commun1C'a1ion-Art~ Bu1ld1ng Act0rdmg ro C'reator K3rl R. 'v1orri..on. profes\Clr of Art at EWL. the idea came to him du nng J bus mp ro Snn Diego dunng rhc Chmtmas \Cason of l'l--1 . The idea unfolded during IQ7$ 3nd ICli6. Mt>m l(ln "31d he "'as se-.. n:hing for a gOQd wurcc or ma1eri;iJ 3nd dea ded to crca1e nev. mc:imngs and new ,·1\ual forms from recycled ba\eball bat\. U\mg a bnr :i~ rhe nuclcu\ of each panel 'v1nrriwn 1rie\ 10 pre~ f\ e the pcr.onahl, of 1hc bat while adding d1fferen1 meaning to 11. S.,mcof Mom!>On°\ "'or~'> arc 111led " \ fohy Bat." "'The Bndc Cncd Green Tea,.., On Her Wedding Night." .. nd "Coach. I 1'-eed Anc,the r Onnk "
In Coeur d'Alcrie a rea
Concert tops entertainment 0 ,1ober 1~ here. and once .1ga1n 1he communny t-onccn ~eown begin~ in (.'ocur d'A lene. This ~a<,0n will open Oct 21 01!I p.m. wnh the performance of Kanwm Wll -.on on flute and l'/3ncy Allen on harp in 1hc C'ommunka1ion Ari~ Buildtng W1lw n and Allen arc among the mO\t anumph~hcd 3rll\lS of 1he1r rc\pccuve in,1rumcn1\ and ~\ a duo in jom1 rcci1,1I, 1hcy arc 1111erna11onJIIV acdo,mcd. I-or \ IUdcnt:. v. hn prcter movie\, 1h1: bi ll of fo re fo r ! hi\ "eek a1 I he ~ho" LK,a1111 sn Cucu r d'Alene t\ "Oh. God! Booi II," " Ral\c T he 111,101c." Jnd " lie KIi(,,..~ Ynu'rc Alone" For
772 5(11)5 Al thC' Cueur c.J' 1\ h:nr I ri Cincmu
\ IU.111 IHnc~. mil
" rc•rrnr Trnin," " In v11d Wr: I ru,1 "
and 'CoJ, t To Cont" an: playing. Phone ()67.J559 for more informatmn. The W1lm:i ha'> 3 doublc feature "'"h All Th;u J au" and " The Ro<,e." For more information. phone ob-l ·
• •~
"Acrplanc" and "Lp In Smoke' arc playing a1 1he Coeur d 'alenc Dri,·c In. For more inform3linn. t.64-6&.r is the number 10 call. 1 ht la\l pcrfonTlllnce of the " Bad Sc·cd" v.tll he pr e1-e n1 c d h, 1hc rnmmunn, cheater on Oct 11 1,ec review on page 9.1 Sh11" boa1 1%0 v. 11h l ll SI\ Jc, of mu,i. populur JU11, bluegl'll\ \ :ind du"1l;1J will be prc,e ntcd Oct 12 at p 111 ~, lhl' Cnmm un1c<1 t11,n •Ar1, Uu1ld11111
Dinner to focu on fore ign c ulture lnwm.111nnnl food nnd c.:uhutl.' v. 111 bl' 1he l,1<:u, ,,I 1hc l,111 w nw,:a, ,.,n, dinner ,1:•nt•,
lh< lir,1111 ht held ul hp m on 0,1 I" "'II he a Ru"'"" lc·a,1 ka1u nng lll\h~ h,1m lht· \ Jrn1u, 11•1411\11' 111 Ihe• l'OUOI f\ On 1'1!11, n. 1ht 'll,lh '"" hJw 1hc ,r1<11h11h1, nnd 1111 De-.: 'I \u,1n.1n cklK"'JClt'~ '"II h~ knlllrl'd I h<' l)111rw1 ~1.'rh·, 1\111 01,1 S15, hul !1Llc1, pur.:h:a,cd ,cp.1r.tl'11 " 'II "1.>\l S(I \ 1udc111, h, 11111 111 1h1• d,mn "111 Jll'l th" uu111', on the d1nncr, R,•,cf\Jtion, lor lh<' hr,1 dinnrr nul\l be mud,• m ch, nth,c ol lht ~UB dtl\'\:h>r t,1 \fond111 n,,.,n, Oct IJ. In addicmn, lhl• Ku ,~1Jn ,•,1111c:d1 lilm, "Tiu· hi chl' (11a1r., "111 be ,he•" n in th«: '11udC"n1 Umon Oc>nncr Room O~t· ll ni 2 JO p.m. ~nd •pm. llit' film, tC'lh of ;in <>d1l 1n,l 1rn, ~inJl tlo11 n Jl'"1'l" hidden In one ul twch t" .:h.i1r. 1h.1t ha\(' lx'cn , enc 10 f,,ur l''Llrncrs 111 thl'.' '-'" l<'I Umon h1 the 11('11 n·"•lu1101i.1" 1t1\\c mmcn1. The~ """ adml\\hln ch.1r11c ·
for f o(I lit'lllf•st ,•r
Enrolhnent figure up 12 pe rcent NI(", o tl1.sal ~nrullm,•nl ftjlun·, ha, c 1nuca~d ncarl~ 12 p,:n·cnt '" er ta,1 vc.u·s linJl lii,:urc. thu,. \•nni;m11 1hc 101111 number or ,tudcnl\ Wf\c:J h1 lhc <'~mpu, to l. 1"I • .in incre~~l' ,,t ~2 1 , 111dl.'n1 , from l,1,1 ve.ir''> hnal ligurc ,11 l .<l~. · l\ ccord sng tn Rcg1, 1r.ir llw~o N\,hin, full-11m.- ac:idcn11, ,111dcn1~ 101al l .OCl". no 1nt'rca,c of about 10 pcr;:cn1 ovl'r ln,1 yc:ir', 10131 of ~2 \ ocnti on:al enr\)llme nt 1s , tca<hl> n,1ng "'' 1lh 2M ,1ude n1 s lh h ) cu "'h1ch 1, :an 1n1TI:a,e of about 2 pc~nl over la:.t year·~ 21,0.
. !/ .
:'>IOON ROCKS L,\ .''iDl,G- -:\looa rod,s a.tt pu 1 or • ><cc~-long "<'iCnl."t' program called ·•Space Exploration" beginning OC't, 13. Th¢ roc~s ,. 111 be on c thlblt Oct. 16 lo the fo)cr of 1M Communication, \ru Ba.ildlng.
Moon roc l.· to be shown as part of campus display S.,mc mron rr>d<, v.111 be: landin11 In Coeur d' \ le~ th1, r.:'Ontl- ~u n, t ~ .1 l't"\UII <•f I metecr ,t, '4CT \ CC'tlrd•nt to Cur , ' ci;o1''1 math 1n~truc1or the '-•1 ......al Aeron11 u t1s·s aod Spa,·t' Adm1n1~t:111on (ili\S\)" l•num. :-.IC scrne moon n:,d ,ample', for " mon•h 'Pie rocl ~ "111 be 1u,1 a p.1rt cl .a ~ cC• ·lr.nc '>l'tcocc pro:.-nm eontled sill-~ Ex, plor311vn .. In :iddttlOn 10 the nlOo.11! rods. Dr J.tm~ \\ ,,.,.kl Crom ludJO ph~ \10 In, n &uldcr. Col •111 be ;:l\1og • prr,cnu111,n on Oct lo 1bou1 his r "•"h (or the Saturn "fl, b, " , , 1,, o ,,a,d. \\~nd, .. ,n bnng ..,.nh him "'Ck'> .ind •he ~ l'C'C'C1H pte.urc, lrom tht' >oatt'llllt' ..,. htcb 11,111 not 3.tu,llh p.t'>'> Sati.m t:!llll ' :J\ . I~ \ -,."Ofd1n Ill \ c!'>OO. \\ a.Nld '>lil i:1, c ' " llk.."tU~ 21 Q :i m• .t.11d I p m in the C'u mrnunj,:itton- \ n\ Audi·
, 1c
Part 111nc enr,•llme' nt hgu rc , a l mo,1 Jlluhkd 1h1, H ~r lr'Om 4b:! li, 1 " '~' to 10 in 1%0 Wh1,h " J ,·h;in~e 1h;a1 ,hll1·r, lr.•m IQ".;i , per.:ent dt·,-re ~,e ln•m :>ltl ,tud<nl m l'l" _,
, In kcep,n~ "llh la:,.1 , ·1:u·~ figure~. IC ha, O\cr l\>tC'<' h rnan, rull-ume a,•3demk fre,hmcn 3S ,ophom<>rc'> rcg1,1ered this year
Another p.1r1 ot the program includes rv. o mO\ ie~ 10 be sho" n m the Sl B on Oct IJ :it noon. .. \pollo II: The E.uile H;i._, landed.'· :1bou1 the ftrs1 moon landing . is one o r the mo\1n, and the other is nbout the pl.nc; Ju;mcr. ' elwn , aid According to 'lotl~n. 1hc moon rocks bclong to the ' ;11onal Trc:a,uf\ of 1he ~nned St.ite, and for thl\ rt JWn 1he~· v.tll ha\c a ,~ur I g uard ""h them a1 :i;
, tcOTil1n~ 10 1'.chon. people in the 1rea arc L'IHtcd 10 \1CY. 1he m<Ktn rnd, on Oct Io and <h1ldrcn from ;1rca school\ be brought 1n
• • • • • • oma: •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •
fnrollmcn1 on \atelh1e ,"3mpu,cs dmppcJ ,hi:h1l~ romp:arl'd "tth l'l~~ liiure,. 2.°'b i.1udents reg1stt't'C'd tht'> ~ car "hlle 21>2 enrolled l:1.!>I fall
1onum \ d1,pl:a1 of ~ 1crs. rock ~ample,. th~ m,,on rock) and the Minu1cmon '111,.,I< An.11!1~ Compu1cr "ill be held in 1he fo1 er ol 1he Commun1r.i11on· -\n~ Bu1!d1ng:nn 1hc <,.1mc day. Ndson
• l
1'11(' snJDE.l\"'T TICKETS A\' All.ABLE FOR S1.50
Oe1. 10. 1980/ Cardinal Re• ie,. · 10.
J Thefts on campus increase
screen scene
Religion spoof in Feldman flick ..Gimme 1h31 prime t1me religion:· Both wnttt'tl and d1rttted b) \ l:ln, Feldman ... In God We Truss' displays religion rom1cally poking fun at th<bc "ho preach for profit. Feldman ponntys M Ll)nocent monk. Ambrose. •ho has ll\ed in .:a.n L>Ol:tted monestary, but his shehered hfe •~ soon disrupted • hen he is picled for a m1..-.sion 10 ,enturc to the outside •orld and roDeci mone\ for the debt ndden roona.~tef\. No1~c of the ,1,n) of the " ·Id. Am~ Hi:itures 10 un Angele:. "he~ he connccu "nh Scbasuan i..telmvth cPeter Ba) le a • hi\ke)-dnoling con a.nist pm~,, lllld h1\ rovwg pra. m -t-1lc and won flnds hllll$elf alnoe io the midst ol pro-.111u1c~. wetrdO!i and r1u:ktcs mi poruo street. AmbroM''~ innocence, bov.C\er, i, ~n lo,1 .,.hen be rnet"t, \Ian. a proS11tu1e (Lout!.C Lauer) ar..d aher cour::ku cold \hov,c~ he fA!ls ,ruo the the world of"" and ICl\e Throughout l11i .i,hcutumus citSSl().'l A:".brose become) a d1~plc pklcd to le:id n nnuon,,..1de moo1lc C'l'1lsade complete •nh J!oldcn arrhn lor the <"hureh of dt\lnc profit 3nd preacher of profu. Amagemng T Thunderbird ~ RTt'ed, . l~m~. chenung ma~, media preacher. Thunderbird fotlov., 1hc lu~htp ol the wpl"C'me 1cchnologit.-ol bemg a rompute-r CRichard f>r;t.:). Ahhough rhe rrio, 1e has IOOICI} ued ketches combined 101:ctber and !oOme• hJ1 rntc and overused comicaJ Jr.Ill'>· I.be lllral cffec, 1< hilanous.
Church. Jackson benefit toniuht U.S. Sens. Fr.an!. Church D-ldaho lllld Scoop • Jac~no D \\ 1~10~1on •111 be honored ar 1he l'lonh Shore Comenaon Center 1onigh1 }rom ~ 10 Q pm. Being conducted under 1he 1hemc. ··~Gener.. Store lh.- C\ cnt "1ll tea1ure ;a ptcl.lc bnrrel. c:heese :and crackers. po!)C"rn :i.nd pe:anuts kc ,-rc:am. flCM\ C'and\, fril!d chicken. and checkers and dominoes &rOWJd an old pot·bclhed SlO\e ocrording 10 Denn~ D;l\'1~. Churrh·s Kootenai C'ounlJ roord,rtJt(lr. No admi~1on "di be charged and all ,f the pnC'h v.ill be ..e1:,,,, rhcy •..-n m.in)
\ rJ,h of rheh, l'n 1ht• c.1mpu\ " tx.mg m,e,11g.11ed b, 'IIC', ,ccunh dcparcmcnt. and ,11:wrdtnt:: to l:l) !T\ S..·holcr. pr\',tJC'nl of NIC'. rhc probkm 1s much roorc scnou, th~n II hit!> been m 1hc ~,a.,1. Sn"\lnt, Olfi~cr WJII\ ,11un1t ,.11d ,,n,: ,, pc• r1tcr " m1,,10i:. "h1lc chulcr JdJcd 1h;11 ntll"\'.31 msrru men1, ht1, c been ,i.,lcn ;il,,ni "uh ,1 l~ri::c ._.,pen,"c ccrami. fimH·r pol "1th a didfcnh3cl}1a pt.mt. ,,1~,, nu,. , m,: ;a.r.~ .1 J1<"l.lll\'O m.i,hmc from the bu"nc,, dcpJnmcnr. ~h,11n,.1" o>l· !cite 1.11:>le, .:ind fum11ur,•. and fc numne protrn,on mnchmcs ha, c been brnktn 1010. 10 rcmo, c the ~mo ll chJngc \ ,mn,:. "ho a..,i.,•d m11 to be 41m1ed, rcru,cd 11, c,,ntirm the thclt ol the 3dJ111nn;.1I ucm~ ond 1ntlirntcd thM much ol rhc theft prohlcm ,, bcc:iuw ,,r p.11•r , c,·urrl\ mc3,urc, on the p.irt of 'I IC, m,1 rucrnr\ Youn,: '-'•d Ch.lt hr \\ouhl prefer h1 h.a,~ 11gh1,·r ,e,ur11, \lit r ~mpu,. :althou -h hi\ nt\.'lho<h \\01tld pn1b,1hl) n,,1 ht: J"CfllJhk 1,1 n1.1n, ln'1ntch1r, " '11111\ •nt nc plret·111 lll till' 111 \llu,ror, dun·, (Mt !ti thq on· m1"'"'' ,:qu1p1m•nt I, .. , m11111 ,,11d RJ, ~rune, ,k.m nl rh, n1llcg, . ,,1id
he d1t1n·1 kn~" 11 much ,mndah\m ...,a) 11c1ually going an ··1 1h1n~ \Cnsa . 11onnh,m is be}~~ used to t.1,crvl1.y th, J~ tu al e\l: n1s. he S31d. l>chukr ,31d 1hc c4u111m('nt ,r,,lrn 10 rh,· IJ,t month 1, " l"lrth bt>t\\cen Sl 000 ond S.J .000 ' \ r.•nc ,J1d r he bl !(l(C\I C(lnccrn ,h.,uhl h,· 1>1 1ht ,1ur.lcnt,. bel"au\t r~ pl11ccmcn1111rhc ,r nlcn prl"lpenv will l>c d1 lli,uh · \ ,hulo.'r ,u,d Nit ', 1n,ur.1ncc C\11er h,I\ J S 1.000 Ill·• 111c1Mn1 d1·d11c 111111 d:iuw. llll'Jnini: rhat 11,•m, "llMh k" th:in SI ,00() ' " " not he u wcrcd h, rh,· m,u ranr,•. Prowrn ting ,twuld h1• kfr up 111 rh,.w ,,n ,.im1Hts, a,1,1rd1n~ Ill S1011e. .11111 hi.' , .11d h,· d,,c, 11111 "arn 1hr nu1h" rh1c, c.-nn,uhcd unlc(~ 1bwhnclv needed.
Y1111 1t ll ,oHI h t'
feel, NIC ,huul il
br,umc more sccunr y can~dou, and ... ild rhnr r umpu \ ,ccuril y •111 be lighte ned. I 1•ud1c-r, ,i nd , 1udc111, uhkc air url(l"d hi \ d111 lcr 111 put 0111 un cllnri to rnrh 1hc 1hd1, b1 rq111r1ing all " "JllCtOU( ac1iv111r, tn Bob Thmrp. Ned StuJrt , ur Young ot cxl. 287.
}Car~ IIIJO.
COLLEGE REPUBLICANS Thlb ) car our en rlre counll'} races 100gb dcclslom oo our (otutt - from the Presldcn riaJ ra.ce down to all lhl' loetl offi('('S, '.\o one ~ more 111 'ltal.e than )oung people. It's our future theJ arc , oting on; therefore, Ir'~ ool) common sense lluu "t should beco me in, ohed.
Ronald Reagon
Steve Symms
Go,emor Rcagl.D belic,es the .... , IO s treng then the c<"Onom~ ls th rough less go,trnmcni.al lo1erfercnce. This muns less spendin g, cuing, reg ula1ing , "asting , •• jw.1 plain less go, emmcnc. Who ca.n 1.nn.hfull) say that the) can' 1 "ltness e, crdll~ go, emmeni.al bureaacrt() :and lnttrlerent'e in our U,·es. Do "c reall, need a1J lhls control or, more lmpor1.IUl1l), cu .,.; afford it1 No one can ba, e II more coo~ls1enl record oo ~ation:al Defense than Stl:' c S,-.nrns. He Is 001 • hawk. He simpl~ belie-- es thai the WS) to a,oid miliW) c-oofroofJltion is bJ letting the "'bole world I.no" the) could oe, er la) a band oo us. To suppol"I this belle{. he has supported Str0ng. inteWgent, and , ii.al dc(ensc prognms. Sie-,e ,.oo the llll&Olmous endorsement or the :-iatlom.l VetertJJs or Foreign War.;.
The College Rc p uhll can s ore proud 10 e ndorse che e nclre s la re of GOP candldaJes. B) rc111_ml n11 IO the free e.n lerprlse value,, we ean rrnte IIIOtt opportunJlfcs for aJJ. We can have more real Johs, more of our own money 10 tpencl, heller producr, through tougher compeclr lon, and le~\ ' 'hlR brolher" control. ',orhing could be a bigge r mlsl• kc than l1tnorln,i che clcellon or our local communir) lea.de ..... The, determine whar l)l>C or law cnforccmcnl we ha,e, whal l) pe of Job 01Aricc1, and whac 1ypc or emlronmcn t ...c 11,e In. We endorse the follo.,i.ng RepublJcan ca.ndld11 te<.:
Pr esident- Ronald Re a gon Senator · Steve Symms Congressman · Lor ry Craig State Senate District II . William M oore State Senate Dis trict Ill . Terry Sverd sten State Senate District 118 · Bob Sca tes State Senate District IIA . Cam eron Fullner Sta te Leg islature Distric t Ill . Bud Lewis
Larry Craig
" Govemmen1-ca.used ln.Oatio.o Is destroying ldaho jobs. Th.ls robs the JOUll~ or the funtrc and the retired or lhe right to 1h e ' lodaJ • \l'lth dlgn.il) . ·• He proposes ,. e lni tl:ue 1o-ork!Jl:re to repw:e and food s wnps. Recipients of these prog.ra.ms s boald "'ork Ill minimum wag e j obs lo p•J £or the ir go, emment mssist.ance.
Cou nty Comm isioner . G len n Jack son & Mike McFarland Prosecuting A ttorn ey . G lenn W alker Sher iff . Merf Stalder Coroner · William Wood
Paid For By The College Republicans
Oct. JO. 1930tCardintl Re,le,. ·11·
" Au\lt11ll111 mu~lrln11, Cinihn_m Ru ,,cll and Ru ,sdl ll lcrhtock M>mblnr m~kal talents NI( n onrcr1. Ku"r ll " rote lhl' l(nJup', r urn,nt hh . "All Ou1 al Lo,e:·
Air Supply reflections \fembc,.., ol the near-raparit~ no" d into tunl' ,. irh rh.\ lhm .guitarlsi C.n1blam Ru~"eU.
Orummrr R;aJpb Cooper b,lp, to I.rep Alr Suppl~ golni: ,. ilb bh p,:mi;\lon r.alcn1s.
Oct. I 0. 1980/ Cardlnal lle"lew • 12·
( Tryouts for ''Born Yesterda}.'' I.be 5('C()nd plaJ o( tbe Co111manJI) The• atre's wi.n ter suson, will be on Oct. U at 2 p.m. and on Oct. J3. at 7 p.m. at tbc thcattt on I-Ith and Garden. Wrl11cn b, Garson K.anln, " Born Yestcrda1·• is a corned, lrom the late fort ies that tells 1b r s tory or a crusading nporter who Is bi.red b) a rrook to try lo make his girlfriend sman so she "on't embarraM him. 0
Scripts can be picked up b, calling thl' theAtre at 667, 1323.
AJI pcrformao~ presented b' w Koownal Commarut, Con«rt Assoclatloo ,.-m be &ft to full-~ ,,c student~. These pcrforrnaJ:K'ff an In the Communication-Arts Balldlng Auditorium al cillfercnt date, throagh· out the ~~ar. A special , arlel) show, fl!Starlng professional and nmatcur ~rforme~ hom the lol&nd Etnptn. wtJJ be beld Oct. 1'2. A donation of SJ Is asl.ed for the bcocOt.
S1udents who ha, c been a"'ardtd college "'on. stud) "ith their grant should sign up for a posltioo before Nov. I or the.-) ..mlose their fund_«.
Six rooms are a, allablc In tbc women's "ectloll of Sberma_n Ball Dormltor1 . For lnforma.tlon cont.c:1
Beel.-, Co«m.an. lo I.be.- lut ls.sue of tbc ~inal Re,le,. II was "IS 1Dcorrtt1h ~tated LbaJ I.be.- band Afr Sappl) ung lhe ~ong "Lo,e is Ul,e 0T)gta ... Tbc <.OOI! is la Caci SAJJg b) the: ha.ad ee,.
AppUcat.lons are now belna Kttpted
for a S60 academk sdiolarthlp to ht a,.arded by the AS.'nC Student Boa_rd. Academic ahlUtlcs and partklpatlon wllJ deter mine lhc reci pient ol the !ltttlnd sem~c r award. Appllcatlom ma) ht submitted lhro11gb Oct. 30. Do rnu lack t'ducational moth atlon and il rcctloa? Arc ) our go11I'< UO · dt>fint'd? C.o.1tcr a.~"1~tance ma~ help. free te•llng. co11nscllng and career lnJonualiol\ att 11, al.lablc 111 1he SrudenlS ~n iccs Center lo thl' CD.
Camping gear 18 now a, a.Uable lo be che cked out In the out door n atal, office, In the buement or the Slf8.
Legal ad,·lce Is available t o NIC s tudcnl~. but thl, ls not authorlzatloa for the contractccl attnrncy 10 f't11rt· sen t the m at the cxpcnAe of the AssO<'la tcd Student Bodv. Arn 1tudt11t "lshlng to con,uh .. 1,i. the. attonm mu~, obl4ln II rderl'1ll form from cit~ ASN IC President Kt•n Kohli or Tonv Stc"a.tl , ,tudent board a,hl'tr. ·
s. .
Barban St0nh.t.an. «<retan or 1be s«urit) d~partmc:tll. re,qn~ all ctacknts "Ith lt"mponn parlJllg per· mits &o pl~ go to the.- S«"llrit~ ollltt la the Winton Bwldlnjl b as possible and obtain pcn!Wlt'DI p<T•
mlts, " hlch lui,e urhtd.
The :",1C Bu~lncss Orflce announce~ lha.1 beginning ln October, all hourlJ emplo~ ee'< of tbc tollcge mu .. , Include their sodIll securl11 numbe1' 11t 1hc top of their 11ml' beei~.
Dr. Eggle'iton ..-UI be 1.n the nune' offil"C to help s1udcnts with ~erlous health problem, \foodll.) through Fri· da) 7:.30-8:30 o.m. No appolntmcnt I~
oeees<;;ar), and tb_!s sen Ice Is a, allahlc to /'!IC srudcots free of chugc.
ll eiulng te•I• will be a, allablc !or ,1uden1, 111 the nu~·, ofOcc daring regular ho11r<i.
Ao, ,1udcnl that h•• bl'cn a... arded mon,·~ for the co llc1:l' worl.. ~tud, progrrun and ha.~ not ) ct been rdcl'TCd to 11 "or!( .s1ud) po~thlon should t>ontact Wanl'n Ducote In the Onanrlal old~ oCOce a_• soon as ~,Ible,. Ao) student thal has not eoontacted Du co te bJ Oct. 2.i could ha ve hla llllll<'ollon withdrawn.
Rock n' Roll Wed.
Peabody's Party 75c d rin ks. 50c beer
Fri. Sat.
- freebies 8 - 9 p.m.
Live Music Monday thru Saturday