Kohli voices opposition over more staff parking By J-ne BamD&oa Complaints abou1 college sena te revisions concerning the staff parking lot were voiced by ASNIC President Ken Kohh ro other board members ar the Oct. 20 student board meeting. Al its Oct. IS meeting. the college senate voted 7.3 to accept chemislry and mathematics Instructor Bob Kablcr·s motion to SCI aside more parting <pace~ near the library. (Sc:e related ~1ory on page 4.J While Kohli said he did not attend 1he <;enate meeting, he said he did not completely understand the problem. particularly since ii was d1~lo\ed at 1he senate meeting that 147 parking space~ arc provided for the 142 full -time in~tructor\. Unused faculty spaces and racuhy
Runo n
l' I Cf)ll
members parking in student areas is noi unusual. according to Kohli. But Director of Auxil ary Services Wes Hatch said thlS only happens when the facuhy lot IS full. Kohli s.1id the problem should be a minor one to the i11S1ruct0rs. because the dike road is not much more inconvenient than the faculty lot. Students often nuke trips to their ca r throughout the day. and he said on Mondays. Wednesdays and Frida)'$, Mudents are often forced to park over 1n the Communication-Arts Building parking 101. Kohli said while the fa cul ty is "alleviaung their problem entirely. they are malung ours (the students) con~1dera bly worse.··
Sophomore Sen. Darren VanPuymbroudr. said the faculr, members h:i,..e a much greater responsibilny to be at class on time. " lf one student is gone. the dass still goes on." he said. "but if the mstructor IS late or absent. 30 srudents don't have class.'· Van Pu) mbroucl:. who is a mrniber of the college sena1e. said the passing of the motion was a compromise on his pan. bec2use the senate discussed talk or gates and bk>chding the lots. Most colleges h3ve a much more severe parting problem. according to Huch. but Kohli uid that Hlteh's reason did not call Cor the scn:11e·s decision.
Volume 3S, Number 4
d ow u
Frida). On. 2-1, 1980
"You can't justify m3king our problem "·orse bec:iuse it's no1 terrible no• . " Kohli said. In another 3Clion the board vored lO send Srudent Activi ties Coordinoter Dean Bennen :ind up 10 six S1udcnlS 10 the Nonh"·esi Student Le3der:ship 3nd Programming Conference No, . 5-8 in Salem. Ore. The conference -.·ill be held at Willamene Univer:sit,. • ·hich will CO· sponsor the eonfere~ce with Cherne· keto Communtt) College. Bennett said "arious workshops ";n be offered. ,1hich deal "ith college 3cthitics and ;iddtng insight into other college's procedures. Wh ile the exact loss of 1he Air Supplr concert had 001 bern completely tabulated. the board rc:idjusted the loss to around S2.SOO. In other aCl ion the board: -discussed the possibilities of get• ung phoro-idcntilic:uion card< Cor nil full-time studenL,. Committee member,- Van Puymbrouck and freshman Sen Brent Barnes •ill look into the problems and ad,antagcs of hnving the cards made and "ill repon 1hem 31 the nett meeung.
Board m ember resigns 13) Renee Reid Ne:• I) l'll·,tcd Vire Cho1mrnn Richard On non ~ubmllled hh rcsiRnauun "hich "a, a,ccptl'd l11 1hc bo.. rd of 1ru\ 1ec, 111 11< Oci. 16 mceung. Onr1011, a 1hrce,,•enr mcmbl'r of lhc board. ha \ bern tran,lcrrcd 10 another Job m Mcl\cow ond ,iud he ,,.11 be un3blc 10 ~crvc on the board. The hunrd "'"' ch,rn\\1.'d nnd npprovl'd the cunqrucHon of a rc:Mroom "uh .. ,upcrsc,Url .. lh1un.'\ lo r'l' VCIII Ylllld,lli)nt. TI1c rc,troom, "111,h "111 be built ncor the bn\t>ball licld. wll be the lir,1 pha~c m the beach de,elopmcnt proJCC1 NIC ho, hccn f!l\en the npponunit, to m111rh Sll!,000 1n fund) fmm 1ht Soil C011,crvntiun Scrv1C)C. II rcpe1n 1>11 th~ pn.11!rc~, ul the ponJble da,,rvorn rc,c;;lrd that the project 1, nc:arl> complell'. Rooting b whcdu1ed 10 101.e pfac,: 01.1 2h Thr plumbing. a, "-CII n\ tht· 1•lec1n1·.. l 1H>rl.. ha, been roughed 1n . .:ind the 101111 proJc<'I 1, due 10 be linbhcd In Occemhc:r NIC l'rcsldcnt OnlT) Sd, ukr inrormcd 1he boord 1h01 he ,111! rra,<'l to &he 0<'!. 22 to meet wuh thr ldnho Pcrmonl'nl Building Fund C'omn1111cc 10 sed fund\ for the criminology lob l>ccnu1>c df the e.u::e~1,rvc nmount of sen ict" NlC pro, 1de<, 10 the QrCa counuc, . . Schuler ~uggc~tcd that he r<'que$1 thnt the ~rote pa, for a halfumc math teacher 111 pince of math ln\trum,r Nl-d Stuart. who donnu: , much of hrs lime m thl' lob. ~hny time, S1u11r1 0111\1 forfeit do, s lime in order 10 11ppcar 1n oourt for the<e
Schuler \Bid he will also , eel. funding for 11n 3thlcuc pl11,·fleld trad.. He '>aid be fch the) (1hc bo11~) should "reurdcr our pnoriue,·· and grt .\ si-.000 aluminum roofing Pn>Jeet going first 11nd , ccondl) \Cel. funds for the SJ00.000 athlrric pl11yficld track. He ,aid th<! S.100,000 fil.'ld " l)Uld be more Iii.eh 10 be .twarded thm SS00.000 for 1hc hbr:11) project. . Schuler 3ddcd thM he will be in Pocotello Ck1. 2-1 t,, meet" nh 111<- Stall' Bo:ird of Education. NIC "a, referred 10 the educat11in board b, the State Board of &an11ncr~. ,'OnCCmmg the ,85 percent budget CUI m:tnd:ucd earlier At the Oct. 16 tru,tce meeting. Schuler \aid he plannl'd '" "3ppc.al :, dens1on that the Bnard or Educ1111on did not m:il.c." In 01her ocuon, 1he board: -d~cusscd the mo,•c of purchM.ing a c;:h:in er bu, for generol use :11 NIC. Schuler fa sored the 1dcn 11od expressed 1h11111 • ould be cheoper to operate and Slifer for the students. A 1972 GMC JS-foot bus "Ould co~t berween S-IS,000 :ind SS0.000. -heard ~nd accepted f\\O bcquc,t~ d1rec1cd towar<I~ NIC. Henry J. " Heine" Bell. who died l~t September. requested th111 ' IC be gi,en a 11>1.al or SC)() <I()() 10 be •; ·•nlcd annually •.o three students who sho• S<'holastic abilit't', Schuter'propoi.ed 1 at the money~ mvl'sted and the interc5t roll«ied be ~ed ·ror the ~holar:sbip. ln:l~ ~ ~lso gwen i: pennanen1 loan from the late Col. John ~ic'E•·ing's library . •gpiprng rollec11on. The rarl' collecti.on consist~ of lludio tapes bool.s picture\ and famous classic:al music The rollectlon \\ill be dispb)ed at the· college:
Charles D&ll.gherr:- mans one of nine C7T rerml:nab located In the MechAnlcnJ Art~ Balldlng. Tbe lllllts arr tied illto the campus compu1er and lltt used for cl~ses l.n,oMng prognmmlng. /
Balance taken from Seiter Hall A SJ.200 bafance -.;u discovered to be stolen Oct. 20 from Seiter Hall. ACt'Ording to Bob K.ibltr. physical science and math di"ision he3d. NIC had the bwocc, -. hich is 3 scientific scale. Cor less than three "eeks. The Menier PC-I-IO DcltaR.ange balance v.~ light gray. had dimensions of about - ,1: x 12 x 4 inches, and hod a blue digrnll resd.,ut. A S50 J"e\l'IU'd is offered for informat ion leading 10 the return of rhe balance :ind the :mcst of whoc, er is responsible for the theft. Ao~ 1nfonna1ion about the bal:t.nce may be gh•en to the NIC security office or the C~r d'Alene Police Depanmenr. ~
OcL U. 1980/ Cardim.J ReY!ew .2.
(.____ op_in_io_n_p_a_ge_ _) Anderson, Church endorsed m November election Tradi11onall). nc" spapers run an cditori.ll :.upponing ccnatn candidates· bids for office. A~ a ,tudcnt pubhcauon the Cardinal Rc"ie11. reh that an opinion on the rwo major rac~ of the clcc1ion should he e~prc\SCd, Jimmv Caner t\ a do,nothin~ pre~ideni 11.ho caused our cconom1c \ituation 10 plummet. Ronald Reagan is an actor-turned-go\C!~nor \\ ho\c kno" lcd~e ot fore15:n afla1rs could \\ ell pu,h our na11on mto a \l;ar m \\h1ch 1l could use the gr3ndio)c MX ma"i\llc ,.h,ch ~h ht: .snd Caner '>uppon . Rea/Zan con\tanth ban2es h1,; s t:1nd on imponanc i'>'>Ue~. such a~ dr ppm:? a , o?untlll) Social Secunt\ :.,!.tern, "'h1ch he once <,up· poned He opposed Medicare but nov. suppom II, hoping to ,wing 1he clderh ,ote. Reagan atw opposed the federal bail out the Chl):.ler Corp. and financial aid for the cit, of !',e" York but now favors both as he seei.s" ,otes in '>e11. York and Michigan. Incumbent Jimm, C:mer. the other choice for president. hos done nothing notable in his four years ns president. including not fulfilling man) 1976 campaign promises. He promised to try to push for :i .. national. comprehensive. mando1011 heohh insurance program." handgun control. withdrawal of L' .S. troops from Korea. and cut in the defense budget. Neither the in~uranC'e program nor 1he handgun concrol were pushed. Caner left troops in Korea and recommended defense spending increases of SI 00 bilhon O\'er the oe.xt fi~c ycnrs. The choice between Carter and Re:ig3n 1s the lesser of t\\O e, 1ls. but John Anderson pre ents brighter hope. .\nderson is not a "spoiler" who some sa~ C'an at best prc\'ent either of the other c:indidates from\\ annine the nceessan 2- 0 elector:il votes needed 10 ~-m the elecuon·. Anderson has the nation's incerests at hean
as 1s e, 1deoced by his energ) plan based on C1.lnSCT\at10n and the reductton of oil 1mpon.,. Andcrwn al:.o suppon, 1ncrca<;ing mthtJry personnel but oppo,es e,pcns1vc m1li1ar} ma,h1oc11 such a!. the MX missle and the B· 1 bomber. linlike Caner or Reagan. Andcr\on docs not ,toop to elect11>n-)'car·t3l·cut-prom1ses made solely 10 gain votes and not trul} meant to be CXC'C'llted .\ndcr:.on a ,inble altemachc. needs the , otc\ of the Americans who" ish to vote for him but do not thinL that he can win. The other maior issue concerning NIC students is the Church-Svmms race for U.S. Senate. • ldJho has onh four out of 535 votes in Congress. and Ch~rch is se"enth from the top of the li.S. Sentate. a powerful position which en3bles him to keep Idaho's interests alive. If Symms were elected. this powerful clout would be lost and Idaho, likewise, would lose.
CR not 'bully ' newspaper It has come to the :mention of the CR that some indi\ 1duals are saying th:u student go"ernment coverage is sensationalized and that tht; CR is "picking on·· certain individuals or specific interest groups. The paper h~ been criticized as waiting for thei.e m1sukes to be made before reponmg on them. For e:rnmple. recentl~· the ASSIC freshman senatorial ra~e was unconstitution:illy condu.icd nnd haphaz:udl~ appro,·cd. The CR reported and commented on these fact.s to the public. as is !IS Job. Another eumplc \\as" hen :in individual. close to student go,·emmeot. took the satinc:il editorial in the Sept. 12 issue or the CR serioush. The CR \\as onh anemptmg a different approach to prompt the srudents-,o get out and ,·ote and voice an opinion on who will spend their mone~.
In fact. the CR doe!> not loo!,; for these mistilkC!>. but 1f thev are made. the consequences is not on the shoulders of the press. In essence. the CR is ooh doing i1:, duty in reponing the news accur:iteh· and fair!\'. If a blunder i~ made. it is reported to the public. not co,ere<i up. · In other \\('rds. the C'R is being the watchdog of government as i1 should be.
Church i, t(rncc rncd obout the people ol ld:1ho. n, 1, ~ho,, n in IM wpporl of senior 1:11iien,. quality education. farmer~. bu,incs~c~ nnd the working people of lduho. Svmm, d"covered scntor citi,cn, JU'l t a, clcc11t,n time rollc<l around and hus in the past ,•oted agai nst olmost every program designed 10 ::11d them. Thb brings up another poinc ogninst Symm&: hi, mobility 10 pas:. or repeal nny hills. What is the poim of olccling ,omeone to public office if he " not going to do anything with it? Chu rch ha:. on impeccable background com· pared to Symms. He \ponsored the bill that requires Congressmen to disclose their financial dealings while Symm:. voted ngatnst the bill. Idaho cannot afford to lose its ideal position 1n the U.S. Senate to :i do•nothing C3ndidate when it hn, Frank Church. Idaho's re31 friend in a place or power
(.....__c_a_rd_z_·n_a_l_r_e_vz_·e_w__J The Canli.o.aJ Re,lcw Is published semi-monthly by the PubUcallona Worbhap class at North Ldaho CoUegc. Me mbers o( the CR ttaff will 11,he to p..-at 11w oe" s Wrl), accuntdy and wllhoul prejudJce. OplnJom u ptttaed on I.be edltoftal p11.g e do not necessa.rll) rcOect lbe views o( the ASNIC or I.be NIC admlnlatndoll, Tbe CR Is entered as lb.l rd-dass material at Coeut d' Alene, Idaho 83814.
American CoUeglate Press All-American Newapaper
man~ng editor ...................•........... . ....•. ..•Jeanene BamDIOII new edJtor .............................. ...... . .. ............. knee lldd
associate editor ................. .............................. Kim sports edjtor ...................... ............................ Tom
pbotogt11.pb) editor ..•.......... ..........••..... ··········• Chmty st.elalcy edJtor .........................•.....•.....•... ........ Cante s ~ Cea.tare and ad editor .....•.......... .... ....•. .. .•.• .• ...... · Kaidta
a~•••••••••:•••••••:•••••:••:••••:•••:: ••::::•·~
Greg DuPols, Mari.a Fatbe.r, BW Bradshaw, .l.aara Babbud, Glenda YOU&:,_.__ Jo~o, Sean Gilmore, Mike Jones, Ka.thy Danhv, Mary Lazzo, 8lllce .. __., Knhl Herbkersman, Sbarlyn DIIUIWl, Toa, Goldeti, Grq Lytle. Trad All,ertal9
Oct. 2-l , 1980/ Cardin21 Rc,lc~ -3·
more opm1ons
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,. :: .. .
.. ..
Cubans should be accepted
Kathy Johusen photo
TRUST ME- - Oa,•e WIison a nd Jeff Richard s p artic lpotc Inn non -;er b:il communication acti vlt) for Speech 131. How well :ind how mur h trust ghcn to the person doing the leading determines the success of tbc cr pcrimcnt. Letten lo the editor u c welcomed by the Cardinal R(w lcw. Those s ubmiu ing lellen should limit them to 250 words, slg.n them and provide a telephone number or address so authentlrll) can be ch~ked. Leners s hould be brought 10 Room 2 in 1he Mechanical Ar1s Building or malled l o the Cardlrutl Review ln care of North
Idaho College.
Wh;:,1 is an Amerkan·1 The .. American Heritaee Dictianar. .. dl•lim.·, \meri.:an as ··or. relating to. or char:ictc:rist" ;f the t.:nit<.'d St:itl, al \meric:i. it\ people . -.. Amcncan!> are people. but ,, hat kind of ptople? Americ:ins :ire m>t ,nh: prcdominJnt race. but rather the pnwerbial mehing pot of the e:irth. One Ciln find people of .111 races m th<.' Cmtcd S1:11e ·. The Lnitcd S1:11cs i~ the h:i,en for all lost peopk. \-\'hen South \'ictnam wa~ taken o,er b,. the Communists. where did the \'ietnamcse flee? Wh,, tool in mam of ihc Cambodiil boat people? Whe re do the Ru!>5i:.in b:illt't d;;111:cr;, ""d fighter pilots defect to? The l:nitcd Smcs. ''"'. 1he l:nhed States is faced \\ilh the Cuban crisis. Thou~and of Cuban!> \\ere ghen the chance 10 le:ive their crowded. Russian-run. rommu111st count~ and settle in the land of the free and the bran·. Tho,c thous;inds of people took the ch:incc. :ind the~ came 10 a counm the~ 1hough1 would "elrome them and ghe them the fJtr go~crnmem th:it (J;,trn ,,ould not. ", o ,,onder the Cubans arc hijacking home. They expected 10 leave ,upre<,\ion and become free. When they arri,ed in 1hc United State~. ,, hat did the, find. bureauc-rauc red tape and roci:ll prejudice. For a countn "hich boasts the S1:i1ue of Li bcm in I c11 York Harbor. the pcopk of the United States :ire failing to live up to the inscription at the ha,l of the statue. h :,a~s in pan: GiH' me \Our tired. 1·our poor. Your huddled masses ~earning to breathe free. The Mctchcd refuse of your teeming hore. S..:nd these. the homclcs!>. tempest-cost to me . Tht· Cut>an rcfuecc!> ,hi,uld be welcomed 1\ ith open nrm<;. into American ,oucl\ '<l that the, c-:in cncagc m and c~pcricnce the freedom of our grcat d1:mo<:rac~ . K.S.
Not really democratic in nature
Time at hand for Electoral College abolition Politician, continuall y urge ci1i1cni. to exercise their right and rc:.ponsibility 10 vote. but huw ninny ever mention 1h01 vote~ cast for presidential and vice prc:.idcntml candidate\ arc :ilmo,t worthies,'.' lb ii ever mcntionl!d tlrnt the c>nly public !>Crvant:, ,, ho are elected for the cnurc nation arn cl<-ctcd bv onh• o ,elect fc\, '1 This hoax ot democracy known :ii. the F.lcc1ural co"ncge· j, .111 n11tiquatcd. undcmocrauc. sct•rct boci111y of political insider~ ,, ho can U\C their po~it1on to choo~c their candidn ll' in,tc:id of thc people':,. Th" :,yMcm , in which each ~rn te ha, a number of electoral \'Otes equal to the totnl number of it, U.S. :.ennttm, Jnd reprei,cntati, c~. ho~ outlined it~ 11,cfullnci.:, :ind should be nbolbhrd. The founding father, Cl>tnblbhed the Eketornl College bccnuse thry Celt th:11 ll group of rc!>pom,1blc cle,· 1or, would nrnh· a murc mtclhgent l'ho1ce lhan the average. uninformed cit11en. This rca~on i!> no longer ,:ilid, for the n~cdia hai. long i.ince caught up with the pubhc'i. nrcd to kno1\ . particul:ir) s111cc the adve nt of television. Many peo11Ie will go to the poll:; thb year and marl a ballot for Reagan. C:irtcr or Anderson. not rc:ihLing 1hi1t they :ire octu:illy choosing J nameles\. focclc:.!> ell!ctor who,, ill do the real voting and i,uppoi.t'CII) reflect th,: will of the m:ijority. h i:. true thnt it ortcn worl.:. out thb \\JI. but II ii. juM a~ true that many time:, it doe:. not. · In the election of 1876. Samuel Tilden won the popul:ir vote by ne:irly 250,000 votc<1. but do to some compromisei, on the issue:. in priv:ite ncgo1ia11om,. Rutherford B. Hayes was gl\'cn the electoral ,•ote, IS.S.-184. ond thui.. 1hc presidcncv. In Abrnh:im Lincol_n·; first elect1on. he only received 40 percent of the pop~I:ir vote. but his 60 percent of the electoral ,·otes gave him the presidency. At times. two candidates " ith elcC'torial minorities hn,e joined forces 10 defeat the mujorit y winner. In I 28 Andrew Jackson had gq clcetor:11 ,·otes but Henry C.Iay with 37 ,•ote:; dropped out of 1he roCt' and thrC\, hi!> support to John Quincy Adams 10 make Adnms president "ith 120 \'O les. Cb\' promptly brc:imc Secre1ary of Staie. · There have also been many close calls. The elections of lSJo. I 4-l nnd
lc.f;Q \\l'rl' all won b~ eleetoral landslide~ :ind popular wins of lc~s than 50.000 \OIC'-. At lca,t one elect ton. that of I 84. "as lost with :i careless ethnic slur. A >UpJ)(lrtCr of James C. Bl.1ine angered some Catholic ,01crs in Ne,, York (11\. a remark "hich wa<, enough to s,,:i) the ci1y·s vote. nnd the city w:is enou~h 10 s,, a, the ~lJte vote. thus giving the election to GrO\cr Cle"el:ind. It h3'i al,-0 b1.-cn theorized that the 1960 election ,,as won (or lost) on 1cle, ,,am. If Rich.ird '\iton h:id been more effeethc in his deba1e ,, ith John Kcnncd,. ' ilon could po<;s1bl) ha,e \\On the popular vote. But m order to "in th~ clcci10n he needed 10 g.iin at least -U more electoral votes - the popul:ir ,ote 1s ,alucle~s ,, ithout the electoral \"Ote to back it. h rc~cnth :i~ 19-b. the Electoral CoTiege pro,ed ho,, fragile it b. It Prc\tdcnt Canc.-r had recehcd 3 mcrc 10.000 fe\\er popular ,·otc<; in Ohio and H.:t\\JII. he \\OU!d still h:?\C \\OO the po,pular ,ute bu1 he ,,ould not be prc~tdtnt tod..l~ for he "ould h3,e lo,t the electoral \'Ote. A~ h1<..1on ,ho"s. the ,,inner-tal.e-all method th:i.t most st:itc<; h:i"e ad,ipted tor their electoral voting is no1 a fair reprewn1a11on of the people·, ded,1on In fact. elector<; are not e,·cn required to -.ote according 10 how the popular vote runs. If the) "ae. the Electoral College would be pointless and a "a.ste of 1:ispayer5· money. There ha1e been proposals m Congress 10 change the system. but either the,· get lost in a filibuster or Just get sho,ed by the "ayside. Some opponents of change argue that with direct elcctton of the pre~ident the chance~ \\Ould be greater of :i no-majority el~ion. The solution to that b :;imple; tr the current ~, stem of indh idu:il sme primaries were changed to a ingle national pri.;..:iry m "hich the choices were narro\\Cd down 10 the _top r,, o candidJtes. Lhey they could camp:iign for three or four months against each other before a run-oIT in November. One of them would hal'e to ,,m. If thi~ nation is 10 consider il~clf 3 genuine democraC). then it must vote hke one. and permit the "hole people 10 do che ,·oting. nol just a hidden
'Shado-u., Box' cast selected The 'IC' dr.1m:i d~nment h:as t'a!.t nine performer, h• prc,eni it~ fall plt1, "Th had..•\\ 13o~ · C Acrordtnit t<• D,rectnr Bot, Moc. th" pla, "ill be '" entn nt the Ame Thcatcr Fc,11,al ne~n \1oe sa,d he ch<>se th1, pl:11· for the fest I\ :ii bec.iu~e it 1,ffcr<. an oppnnun,11 for tlX'<I dramau, .1ct1ni:. ROO.>d ca,tms: :ind R•>Od produean11 10 he ~ho"n :11 11, best H ;iddcd that thcr1.· are oo k:idani;i role, an the pl."· c The ca\! n3med mdude th<" 1n1cn 1c\\cr Re, Dolgner Joe Jern B.ulc, St Llnic Keller \ fagg,c. K;mn S\\;in\(ln · · c,c. Other main pan, l<' bt• plo,ed Jl'C' BriJn. Mork Bryan. lllnr\.. Dean Mile\ Bc,crh l cnndle O.:i;enhardt· \ iinc,. <\hellcy l:'ric\.,on, .1nd Felic ii\. Joann~ .\ni;hn. and J'\1'tani d11'C',h'r for the pla1 " Ga~ 8:iitlc) "The h.:ad,," BM," "h1ch 11.:1, ,n,tten b, \hchJcl C'nstofer. " 11bt,ut ihc :in,,cuc, ol thrc.. 1crm1n;il canc-cr patient\ "ho II\C' in ,cparatt' cottage, on ~ h,•sp11.11', lolround, The pl111 wa, g,,·en the r,,n, i\\\:ud for the tCl7b-77 ,e,"on .111d oho recci,•ed 1 Pul111cr Pnrc 10 10' \I.,, ,J1d the: pl31 "111 t>c e, .iluJted b, J teJm of JUd)IC\ fmm the Rcx1'1· \ founti,n ~K>n on e, c~ 1hm~ frc,m :ictani: i., 1cd1mc.1l pnl<lucuon, C'on1rc11er.1al m3ttcr, m.1\.c thC' r,11m11 ol the ~ho" que,11on3blc. he nmcd. 'If '\h3tf,," B,,,· \\Crc a mO\lC, ii " "ultl prob.,bly be rated PG." Moc said. "t>CC'3u<.c 1hcl'C' ,, some bn1tuage in II lh,11 ,omc would C011'1dt•r vul11or or nff-rolcir \ c-ronhni: 10 \foc in 11dd111011 to the IM1tungc. there Ol'C' I\\Oor thrt:c rcforcnct, 10 hoffl(l,e,u.11 ;ici, b(.'('.iu,e one of the ,~ncer pa11cn1, I\ depicted an the play 3, a h1•J1l(\,e,u.1I HI." .1ddcd th.11 nothing c,phc11 OCt'Ur<. on ,1agc. but thO\<' \\ho m•llht ht' of!cndcd b, 1h1, 1~ pc of ,1111at1nn pcrh,1p~ ,lwuld nm 1111cnd the plo1 "The had\111. Bot" 1, ,chedulcd tn pcrfom1 Nl'I, 14. IS. 21 und 22 m the C1,mmumc.111on \ rt, Bu1ldin11 nuditormm 1
Greg OoPul-s photo PLAYING AROL' iD--Lcnnclk ~1:mharch and ,1arl. Bryan rchcRl"i4! • s«nc from "Thr Shado,. Bo>.." Tbr pla) ,. ill br pedorml'd :'lo,. I.$, 15. 21 aod 21 In 1he Com munlCAtlon,Arts Bulldlng audltoriwn.
Skill.s center alte rs nam e Thr learning Skills Cen1er offici:ill> changed us no.me 10 AcJdemic Re, sour('e Center. ACR. after the center 11. as made 3 di,1s1on of the college The center \\"JS esubh,hed :it the
school. 11. h1ch helped JO the b:i~1C\ ot re:idJOI!, "nnnl.! :llld mthmcuc. Tod.:a, the, uc hclpui;: student'> ,n 01 er !J categoric, su.:h as math ...c,cncc. reading. \pelting skill, .1nd other
college in I9,2 of
mi~llaneous uem,
11 h1ch
Ed" ,na
Gu~taf~on "as appointed the di=or According 10 Gus1:if,on. approlim:ate· ly 12 \tudcnt, "ere coming JO daih to use- 1hc ccntcr in 19'2 but 1od.11 there · are 121 da1h u,cr,. When the center 11. Q\ C\l3bli,hed. Gus1af~n ,.11d ll "3~ mainh a tutorin!!
But \C'R " 001 onh for ,1udcnt•. The, l::iH· c,i1bh,hed JO the c-entcr • " Re:iding Da1:i Ban Ii. tor Facult> . " Th" means a rca,her con call to lind out the IC\ cl of r.·adinq ,kill-, or :. ,rudcnt
More parking view aired at college senate meeting B> l\lm Johnson The rollcgc senate recommended m i~ On IS meeting 1ha1 parting places on the side of the hbr;m be set aside for full-ume instructor... Acrordang 10 Bob Kabler. chcm,.in· and math m•truC'tor. the NIC farolt1 should i:e1 preferen11al 1re1nmen'1 11. hen 11 comes 10 parli.,ng places. Kabler·, mouon 10 set :i,,de some of the spare, on the side of the libnr) W3S earned b, a ~.J \'Ole. Walh Young. sccun~ ·officer. told the serune th.it thc:re are 14~ park.mg places set 3J>ide for thc 1·U full-ume msuuctors. but he 11.ould do some 1m-esrig311ng and repon on the situation at the nelt meeting Another problem brought up in the meeting 11.a~ the ap:ith} of the in· structors in gerting in,ol,cd ,n the faculty assembl} . Bar11 Schuler. 1'-IC president. sa,d moS1 instructors do not come because of conO,cts of ume and that holding the asscmbh· during cl.iss time would be disrupuve to clitSSCS George he,. English 1ns1ruc1or.
•uggcstcd that one hour 3 ,. e-cli. be blotleJ out lcr such 1h1ngs 3Ji facult, :issembh mce11nes di11s1on meeting~ C'on1oca11ons and forums K:ibler ch.11rm:1n of the the facult\. assembh meeting. \aid he 11. ill tr). and hold meetin.2~ on work.shop da, s and 31 different umc-s of the d31 so he can determine ,.hich v.ould br convenient for the facult, The e.1lend°ar 11.as discussed. but no definite starting and ending dates "ere decided The senate is waiting for polls of the facult> and the students 10 be d1str1bu1ed and tallied. Suggestions ranged from stamng earh 10 stanmg late. and such vanations as :i midterm break and a four-da" v.·cel:. Sophomore Sen. D3.1Tcn v·anPu} m• broud ~,d he "'as not m fa,or of St:inmg nght after Labor Da} because it 11.ould put too much stress on studcnu taking fi113ls up until Dec. 2J and then ha,-ing 10 shop for Christmas gifts on top of ~ing 10 get home in time for Chnstmas.
Church rip." <1g,,f> rush RPbellion 8) lAura ll ubbard th.it u nc" 1rcnl\ .il\1• ,a,cd bu1h ,111in1 ric, rrum r1111\ :ind gucnlll ,a d ,1 1h1: O.t 21 po~orn forum th,11 ,..arfor, 1urninq public I.ind cller to \late c,,n1rol \\Ould ulttm3lcl) mean turnm& 11.nc,\ "h,·n I 1111<-d for 1hi, 1rc.1t\ 11 o\er to "lond h11n11r1 oil com 1h,11 I \\ a, pu111nii m> Joh 1111 th,• J1nc. · pan,c, ... hc oddccl Church ,01,ed h1\ uppo,t11on to the Churd,. \\ho lia-, been rcprr,cnlinl{ ldaht1 an tlu· wn.itc '111H 19~1. gi,c !>ll!Cbru,h Rebellion b\ \3) ,ng that h1' ,,·n111r111 and ah,111) 10 "gel the 011 et•mpamcs and other pnv:itc rc,u11,·· J\ rl·a,un, for being prrfrrrcd intcre,1\ 11.ould con trol the land ,r cncr hi\ oppuncnl. !>lc.-vc 51mm, s1:11~ wcrc given .:on1rnl. Church r.in~, ...:vcnth 111 ,cnmnl~ 111 l hur,h ..iated thJ! 111 order for rh c the S,·n.ttl' · \131C 10 kcc:p 1hc lal'ld,. \late l.l~C\ Amon)( the lcg1~la1i11n Church cited "ould h;iH to bc 1ncrc.1,ed 40 pcr,·enl 1<,:rc 1h1: upclJle of rnlnmuuon I.iv., "\!> far ;i, I'm rnncnncd. · Church 1hr rc\lora11on of oral .iultmucng. and ,J1d "ld:iho I\ not for ,ale " cc1ual 1rco1n1en1 for the hn,1ngC', m Speaking before a ,tanding room nowd of 300. Church .ii',() defended Ir.in .ind their famihc, b1 1hc miluan hi, ,1:ind on the Pan:imJ C:il'lal Trca11 Church cru1C11cd h" uppuncnl. \J) ,\, chairman of the Senate Forc1~n mi.: thJt ht: ,. :i, mc,pcncnceJ ;ind Rel:11,on, Commltlcc. Church con· un~blc to i:c:t :icuon in the Senate dulled 1hc hc.inng~ on the ,,,ue and · · 1 1h111k 1hn1 Steve SI mm, hJ\ alrcod\ nunked the ,ouN: in W:i~h,·oted 11.11h 117 01her ,cnator\ 10 wppcirt 1hc ne,.. treat,. mgton." hr \31d. "lie h,1,n·1 bc~n Church \Jid th:11 he (ch the I903 JbiC hi kl(1'13te ht\ "al OUl uf a pJpcr treat, 1<1th P:in.tm:i 1<a\ obwletc .and bag.
l S S.-n FrJn\. C'h11rd1 ID ldohut
At f)(>p ,·orn fomm .~
Expertise, discern et for topics 'IC', popular. and occas,onally contro,er..ial. Popcorn Forum ICl1urc series. now 10 hi~ 10th year. will be presenting o variety of topics. ranging from nc" disco, enc, 1n geneuc rc~earch 10 1he rare phenomenon of ESP. . AccordinJC 10 Ton> St=an. foonder and coord1na1or of the P9pcom Forum. tht> ,ear's \Chedule ... 111 also include speaJi:ers 11. 1th expen,sc ,n subJCCIS such as hunuo ~xuaht~. cultural anthropology and the contro-·er.ial drug DMSO {Oeumcth3 • sone). 11.h1ch 1\ ul>Cd a~ a pain relie;.,er for cancer patients. . S,c_.3.rt, 1<ho also instructs government and co:iches 1he tennis 1c:im at NIC. said "tcnuu~e" spcaken to be offered 10 the community ue Or. Joseph R Pursch. who 1re.11cd Belt\ Ford and Bilh Carter for alcoholism: :ind Gene Perret. comedy wnl~ for Bob Ho.pc. Phylhs Diller and actors from the TV comedy shOI< " Thrte ' Compan} • . "The pu~ of Popcorn Forum ,s to bring a ,anety of tnform1uo~. to the campus:· said Stcv.an. and 10 provide an "extension of the classroom to the community eol Pmious speak.ers have been U.S. Sen Frank Church. Sec. o ( the ln!enor C Andrus and Willis Memam. Ph.D.. 11.ho spoke about rravel in the Cant,beaa.
Oct. U, f9807Carillnafltc,ie"· .5.
Williams, basketball team look to new year B, Tom Emond h may be ; rough 3CI 10 follow Kind <>f like 1rying 10 follo"' Bob Hope for :i comedian. nr ouempting 10 folln"' rhe P11t~burgh S1eeler\ in foothall To.1t'~ the l)pcOftosl tho.1 confronts 1h1s \c3r'\ NIC men'\ basketball 1,·:im · Bui Coach Rollv William, rhink, tho11he) m1gh1 JUM be up to 1ha1 1a,k, ohhoutth he no1es 1h;,t II J\ hard 10 dt·rcrminc just ho" good the} will Jcluall)· be unul the\. get in 11. real g~mc "ruatinn lltc JCI thJI ,he, hn~,· 10 full0\4 I~ m1t o \1mpk one !..a,1 ,·e.ar \ l<'am ,,H·jll th(' rq;ionah ,111d 1hcn "'ent on 1u 111,,d \411h number ont·-r:1111.c;d Wc,1 Tc.r~, S1~1c \llhough rhc\ "'ere bc,1tcn by the e·.~nru~I nn1ion,1I rhampion. WTS. the
Card, '4cre not ~lo" ed 1h31 much as thC\ pl3 red eighth nu, of the top IS team~ JO the count~. F\en a blind m:in· c,,uld tell }OO that th L, 1, 3 \en tough act 10 follo\4. But 'lilC "'ill a1 le11.s1 ha,c 1he taknl\ of b-fool · 1I return ing ~tarting cenrcr G reg Wihjer. "'h<l almo\l ga\Ci up :-.IC for the big lcagu~"!>. namel) 1he P.ic-10. v,. nh 1he l!mn: r\11\ of Wa~h1n11ton. "'ho rcrruned him h,·3\ ih. Ob\·1ou,h rhe, i nm, 1.1fon1 "Ah1:n the\ '>CC II, • 1'\C: gm 10 bc ph:.i_o,ed 1ha1 \4C go! ou r \l anmg centcr bad.'' \\ 1lli3m,
more, J b,"') ol nC'\\ frc\hmen plJIC~ th JI William\ n-cru11ed "111 streng1h..-n lh<e tl·am. " :-1} !10phomor,·,; arc 31 thJI jMnt "here thc: look like tht'} :m ,;,,phom..rc,. Thl•\ hnc 3 lC3T ,,f ma1unl\ and >Orne <"tpcn.:n,e:" Wilham, -.;aid. He :idded th.11 his frc,hmen Jrt• ,ominR Jlong and >tarllng 10 get
But one man does not a 1cam m:ue. C\pCC13II~ in the hiichly cnmpe11u, e nawrc of college ba\kerb ..11 Alo n~ ,..if h :,u returnm'1 sopho•
[-..__c_r_sp_o_r_t_s__] Rough road lies ahead for winless soccer team 0) Tom Golden l'IIC':, )OC'l.'t'r tt'nm i~ facing o rough poir uf ma1cl1c, 1h1~ wcck. Umvrr~lt" ol Idaho', ~occcr team will kickoff ogainM 1hc Cnrdlnnl, nt Ul ~nturd11y nl I p.m .. and ' IC' "Ill mh• On C.t1n1U)IO DI 2 p.m .. Q('I :10 there. Contngn bent NK 4 0, Sept. 25. nod UI de feated th~· Card, ~-2 JO NIC\ fi~1 gnmc of rhc ,co"rn. Gon,ngn mny bt• the 1oughc:.1 ream 111 the league, Conch Rlchnrd "Dul.e" Snyder ~a,d. Sc,en plever.. from 1he Spokane Skvhnwl. ,",Otter 1enm ore now freshmen player. for Gonrogn. and he s,11d thM the Sl.yhn"' k, ha\'C ployed together for fi,•e year<, and )penl a ,ummcr ploying renm~ in l·ul'l.ipe Sn)dcr 1,n1d J20 Mudcnts turned our for )OCCCr 31 WSU rompnr,:d to the 18 that came tlUI nt NIC. The l:irgc
I urno111 at WS U ma, have attnburcd 10 NIC'1, cnrhcr lo, \, 3,0, nr the hand~ or the Cougar,. Mone, 1s not 1ht' problem ""h the NIC \t1t'<'N pru~ram. Sn ~der uid. mhc problem i\ dcdicntion. or nn hcr the Incl. oi 11
NIC can build .i good son:er progrom in nbou1 ihc ~ea.r:,. Snvdc r :e.:i1d . The Mca hn, a , cl'\· )trong ,outh MK~-cr prngr:im and Snvdcr said he c,pe<.'t , thn1 the .1ging of 1ho~ ,oung pl.11ct) ,, 111 bnng a lnl of 1.1lcn1 to NIC. Whuworth ddcnrc<l ' IC 4· I. Oct. In. "i1h Da\ld Sl•b3~11.in mid. rng NIC'~ lonc RO:tl NIC' " as fol'\."Cd 10 forfeu us gn.~e I\Jth the ~nl\ C~ll) or Montana :11urd11,. bccau!>.c.> of nu mer• OU) lll)Unc) )U)iJintd IO the Whn· "'onh game. Snyder Yid.
Wrestlers may be hurting W11h 1hc- lo,, of rw<.> OUl)t;indmg "rc,1lcr~ an,1 <>nly '"" returning 1'179-80 Maner,. Coach John 0"Aen i, a little IC)) than ronfidcnt nbou1 thi) wnson. "back IOJUI) U>Jnd: Nichol)On. \4hO plaCX'd ~t'l"Ond in no1ionab Ins, ,·cnr cuuplcd wi1h the mhcr problem)· m.1~ m?ke the grnpplcr-, 3pp,!;ir WC31.. . But "1th a lmlc hard work, Owen sa,d hc feel,"" tenm will be vcn rompc11t1,(' at the local .1nd rcg1on:il 0lc"el 1.3&1 year·., ,tarter) KC'n L.ang1s and Wa) nc Toi\ n)cnd arc joined by n.'· 1ur111ng sophomore, &lb Siegw:inh. MeJoc Hcrnandcl. Jeff Bae1h, Rand, Klu\'c.>r, Ru-i, Da,lev Kelly Hom Sha"n Allen and D3r;cn \lnnPu1m: broud,.
O" e n , 01d :inot: ... r l.c1 is Ben CamphOU)C C.impho u~<' is .1 good leader, h3rd " orl.cr an d .i , en 1n,p1r.iuonal pt'T\On Ben I ) thc gu) lhilt will "')Ur lhc dnnl. lor u, ," s:itd 011cn. The "tC)tkl"> \11ll be tc,1cd \ ov (II 1hc popular Alumm M.:uch \\ rt,tling tor the alumm 3rt Rl, King. JQ~S na1ion:i l .:-ha mpion : Ed Sn <'ol.. , cc,, nJ -p13ce fin1,he r .11 nJ· uonah m J9~b and no11 wn!)thng at Brigh.im ) oung George King. who '-Qn ,i,th pla~-c .it nationals JO 19--: :md Donn, Owen, third-place timsher in t<r•- :,1 na11on:ih and t" o- tim c Wl'~tern -\1hlc11c ConfercnC'C OUI · sllnding ""'"lcr from BYl:
RoUi \\ llliam!.
oncn1,:,d "uh the CJrdmal ,,, le of pl.1} "The, rc l..-arn1111.: l:,J, 1~ dc lcn,c, JOd \\C re JU' ' ,unm~ tO gel intQ ,,£1,:n,I\, lom1J11vn. h, , ,11d. \\ ii· ltJr.·, ,3.1J that 1h1, <car·, frC'shmcn "iii pr,,l,aMJ tl\e ihe lCJn mor.: dcplh :h.,n 1h,} h.1d l.1,1 ,car \\ 1lh.111:, "J' .1 hnlc lwsuant al>out ,\'11~1men1mt: ,,n mdh1Jual pl:i,.:r, .. , c u ,("(' ,--CMJIII 1hmg, ,,n,, l<•U . t"I JOIO rh, ntN. ,,rga1111cd ~tuft. · he ,aid .. 8111 then l;.nt r ,,n u1ha p,·,iplc ,h1nc ,, ut. I do n' t l1J...e tu m.11..i: 1ud!!c111.:n" hl .... 1h:11 .. Bu, ,,b\11>U,h I h, ,u.11:h I\ rt. ,hl d 1ha1 \\'11lJt·r 1, rcrurnmfl .. He lt•>k, l!,iod. · \\ 11H;im, n,l!l•J .. It JU'>I dtpcnd, t>n hO\\ h,lrd he .,,,,rJ..,. lfhc 1mpro,,, JI the r.11,· he did l.1,1 ,c.u. he, e,,m~ 10 h.i,c J 11rca1 luturc lor '11m,cll ... The CardinJb ' ,chcdulc I\ ~ hnlc upgraded 1h1, ,,,ar al,,, . .10 R3.mC\ a1 ,: ~1.ued. n\'11 mdud111~ 1hc \ lumm game Jnd rcg1on.lls. anJ "ith the po:.\lbihty ,1f nauonal,. \nd if wu·rc .11 J ~Jmc and )t>U ) CC ''"' pla, er~ \I h,1 look nn· much like .-;sch <>thcr. d,1n·1 "l'm. 1t', JUM rhc t1\111~. \ Jron .md Oaron Thompson It'~ not 311 :111cmp1 :11 do111ng. 0
Cross co untry squad to host national meet The first nanona! collcg1:11c cros:. counm· ch:1.mp1onsh1p e,·er 10 be rondu.:ted in ldi!h<> "ill be held b, the !\ IC Card1ll31S on :-.o, . in Coeur d'Alene. On , o, I. "- IC aiso "A ti hold the rcgi.:>n.il ,'Ompctition 1h::11 determine, "h1ch 1e.1m) lrom th1) repon .. 111 :11tend the n311on.1J eh:imp1onsh ip. ~,"Clmling to Cclch l',h~c: Bund, the top '" o tc3m\ Jnd the top I:- indi, 1duab tn,m e3ctJ region "111 ancnd n,1tioll.l ~ :'-IC. 3'> ho'>t team. autont3ticall) comperes. The cour~ n!>el£ ... 1.11 be: loc3tcd on 1he A,c,nd3le Golf Course. the loco uon of 1hc TC$lkln.:al thlmp1un,h1p,- four )Cars .i;:o. Bund~ ,, ill be: the mec: director .uid is in ch~rgc r,r ,ening up t he fi\'e-mllc l'\)urse for the men .:and the S.000.metc:r coor..c for the "<.>men. Bund, :.aid th.it he didn ' t knov. h'1"' the tclm .... ,11 do JO the no1ion:il mce, . The \\Omen·, tl.':im. •h1rh 11.is c,nly foe members. one of .,.hom 1s alreldy 1njured. ,:inn,,. compete ,.,,h le'>, thln fi, e g1r!s , ,in,) Woocb b cc:n.im!) one of the top runner\ JD the region and Bund~ \3id she h:i, :i chance to m.:ai.e All-Amcncan Coni:emms the men·\ team, hc \,ltd JI is " 1,.lulh you111(' and ha, no re1urnmg 'l<lpho!Ik>rcs "ho MH' run nauonah bd re • \\ e hJ\C' so man~ runnC'T"> o( com par.able ab11tr, . .. Bund, said. AC'COrding to Bund). the te:im CJ.n h3\~ 10 ind1, 1duah m regionals. the top ,even arc pcnnmed 10 compete in nauono1l'> He: ,-31d the runners \\ho nen't in re-g1.inah ,.,,11 run Oct. 2<1 in J J V meet.
• • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• c;.-
·~ I • 10 C" eur r:I' A ene
lniuries hurting spikers
Sports chaft er
with Tom Emond WhoeH:r "ouJd ha,e 1hough1 1ha1 ihc Philadelpbia Phillie\ v-ould <'3pture thl' World Series" Probably no1 man,·. 1hal'\ for ,ure Especially rons1dering the~ hold 10 beJt the As1ros and the fa,·ored Kansas Ci1, Ro,·als. Even before the ~enc\ 11 •us 1h·e popular C'C'nsensus that either the i'-e" York Yankee, or Kan\a, Ci!) "'Ou.Id go to the ~nes 'io one reall) g3,e the Phillie~ or 1he Astro\ much or I chance 1n baseball's biggest ~ame faen "llh 1hc magn1fi~nt baning of George Brnt despne a oout "ith hemorrhoids. v. h averaged a phenomenal .JC)() b;ming a,eragt at t!le end of 1he se;ison. 1he Rovah c uld 'lot beat the UP\Cl·minded Philadelph1;i team. And a big c,ent In borlna • a, Muh.unmed Ali's ~nt bid for an unpl"CC't'dented fourth If) at the he3,..,.... ~.ght 11•le again~! champ1Cn Lall') Holm~ As C\t:f) bod: m;i, \\Cit kno". i\Ji's bid lor the utle Cell a bu .short: a.ctu~I) Holme\ thumped on 1he· ex-champion fairl~ liberally. • • Man} people:. v.ilh v.hat I caU 11\ers1gh1. sa: that the reason Ah l<Kt v.a, becau~ of his quick weight loss and the use. or O\«use. of th}ro,d med1cme. But 1he real reason ,s a phenomena 1ha1 seems tocateh up "1th e,er:bod} sooner or later- old age. AJ1 is 36. and anJone th.it knov.s anything •ill tell you 1h;i1.l81s gcning a bi1 100 old to be frohcktng around a bonng nng. The old reflexes and timing that made Ah great. are j~t not there 11.fl)fflO~. Thus. Holmes won the fight. Ah did not e,en rome out for the elesenth round Bui 1hose "ho call Ali 3 fool had better loo~ :tgam For over sq mtlhon. most people would fight Holme:.. or a Mad, truck for th:11 m.1ncr. Let's face i1. for 1ha1 nmount of money mos1 people ""uld fight until the) uc tt3d) for mandatof') retirement. E,en 1bough most people are alrcad~ ured of heanng about football, I guess I mus1 mention somelhing about the fall sport. Our neighbor the l'm~e"'11~ of Idaho 1s ha1•ing n literall) great season m football. wmething 1h01 \'and.ii fans ha,e ne,er "i1ne~sed before. Up unril 1he Boise S1ate game 1he1 e,cn acb1e1ed a 1, p-10 r:inkmg. of cou~ 11 wa,n't in •he ma1or footboll tc)p· 10 ,, 1th Alabama .uid L C But the \'andab. seemingly trs·1ng 1he,r best to m,l to mad111on. "ere de)troyed by ri,.il Boi~e Sinte in :in 1mportan1 B1g SI.~ Confert"nce 100:ball game. I gue\s 11·~ hard 10 breaJ. old habit:.. Whh profosslonaJ footbllll approaching m1d-,eas n. ~me pc.iplc ma~ h3,e Jhc 11ncon1rollable urge to picJ.. 3 Super Bo11 J 1eam. \\ nb the c:ompe1hene,) m 1he pro league\ 1oda~. I hasten to ,a, th3t ;invc,ne "ho pie!..~ the Super Bo" I icams "ould pr,,bubh bet on Cu)ter. 1f 1he odd~ 1'1 Cre g<V'd _Thc am:11mg Buffalo Bills. a hombJc 1e.im l.1.1 )e3r, ,.,re up until their game "1th ·\llama. 1he unh unb,·aten 1eam m pro fou1t>.11l. Buffalo ;ind DelrC>1t. bo1h t.Jms 1hat "ould ha,e prob;ibh hired \!icln ~1ouse if the, 1hou~ht he could help '''" a gume for lh<"m las1 year h~,c 1he top record, m football !>O far this ,car In light of1he rc<'ent Ali-Holmes fight I h;i,e 1..1ken 10 po¢1f) in honor or thc grea1 bou1. I 11001 lt~e a bu11crfh , Sting IU.e n bee. · Who would', c c, er thought, That Ull') Holmes "ouJd "bup on me!
Cam e Springer
1'01 only 1~ Sarah Sullivan limping. but the en tire NIC \Ollcvboll team m· b li11le short-legged. · ay c ~ Ad,ancmg into round 1wo of the _NJ~ AA Regional playoff, with a 0-2 record, the te3m not only h3;> a m:iior _Pl;i,·cr sidelined becau,e or an m1ury. but is confronted ,,uh the po, s,b,hty or ending reg1onnl play-off ad,•anccment. In <'rder for the team to ad,ance to the Keg1on l Championship tournomc lht\ mu~I bc:it both E:Jqcm dhb1on team<.. Rick~ Jnd Tre.bure Valle, No\' 1 ".1· the round l\'IO game at NIC. · · · in \ftcr lo,mg 10 1:11.,1h 1cam~ in the lir..t round of 1hc l\\o•ivund tournament th tM<h _.ire facing J do or d1<." dilcmmo. fh,•_y either ,,m both game~ or foe~ lh~ pc,,1b1h1, of a lie pl.1,-orr or the team will encl 1hr , ca,('n without gointc 10 reg1onah and \'I lthout 1he po,s1bili1, of gelling. a Shc)I tit natk111Jl~. Dunng 1he fiN round tif thc Oct. 10- 11 tournomen1 which w3, held in Ontario. On.• the team Jrop~d I\\O ou1 ,,r 1hrce mntche-. 10 Rieb nnd lo-.1 three of file 31!310~1 Trca,urc \'allc, H,m c, er. Coach Len 1\tM.1od ,md they ruuld hnvc \\On t>oth game~. since NIC 1\ more ~ mpctlli\'C than dh 1sion tcnm,. Th1: odd, of the '"'men '"nn1ns arc h11thh· proht1hlc hcc:JU\C, at'((lrding 10 \11H>00.1hc :-.o, . 1$, g:imt•, pla)rd nga111~1 Whil".irth .ind the Lc11" and CIJr\ JV-. e-.wnt1Jlh brought forth :i ne" mcntol nutlook for tht' 1c.im. 801h game~ rould he C'\,ns1dcrcd un m •ttht to ,, hnt Atwood calh "mcntnl toughne~s:· "\\,: ,ta\cd mu1ut1lly on lop of the ii:imc C\'cn 1f 1,c g,,t bclund.'. A1wnod \aid In c.lfhcr game\ "e dnln't hove lhe men1ol uhilh, h' ''" " C 11 crc hehmd und pull Jhcad · Ho'IICH:r. in the Wh111, orth g:imt'. 1hc Cnrch come f~om u fi\'C·point di~odvantngc 10 v.m the founh moic·h. thu~ pulhnE: J 1i,e-mntd1 wm on·r Wh11wonh dc,pitc 3 lo,~ to 1hem cJrher 1n th<' ,ca~on. Sul11von also 1n1ured her nnklc during 1hc ~wi, and Cl3rk game. \O '"n111ng the gomc without Sullivnn wn\ o "mnjor mcnutl triumph ·· 1\ t"(l(,d \illd "Ph,-,c.illy .1nd 1cchn1c.1lly, ,,c ,uc J bcllcr lc,,m 1hon loM ycor," ~he ,01d. Lil\t \<."Jr, 1cam hnd 1h<" opponunit) lo ploy nt 1he nolmnol tnurnnment. For the upcoming 1ourn,1mcn1. Atwood is ontieipnt111g on 1hc home court a,h antage and n cha ngt• 111 offensive nnd defensive \ trnlcg) 10 give 1he Cnrdinnh an edge. "M1d•'.'>ea~on I\ nut u 11111c 10 ctpc nmcnl. llut , ,1nce whn1 we did ugain\l Treo,url' \',illn didn't "ork. we hove to du ~omcthing." ,he nddl'd Sa1urd3\ 1he '.'>QU.ld b hus11ng ., three 1cnm lnvi1ntional 1ournon1cnt, "'llh Spok.1nc: F.111~. Whum.in nnd Gon,:igo partic1pot111g. In prcviou\ piny. Whilman .ind G\lnt~l(:I hav1: defeated the C';mh. but hopcfull) ,,uh the \l.(UBd oc"'I)· Jcqu1red confidence and mental ~tr,11cg1c,. the 1c:im will reverse ii\ IC1sing \ lrc.1~. 0
In powder puff game
Sore muscles score points Aching mu)cles "ere all that either team reech·cd in a scoreles, tie between freshman and sophomore "'omen :it the Oct. JO po"der puff football game. Four pr;ic1icc~. "hich l'lcre called b, Rnnd, Kinse,. 1he freshm<."n "omen·~ coach. and R·a~ Milks. th!." sophomore coach. succeeded in gi, ing both intrn· murnl te;ims a s1rong defense. . Another intr3rnurnl spon coming up 1s co-rec \'Olleyball. which begins on Oct. 27. A minimum or 1hree girls and three boys are required for eve ry tenm. For more information contac1 C'O-re(' Director John Owen.
Outdoor recrea1ion;il equipment can be rented downst3irs in 1he SUB bec"een 2 and~ p.m. on Mondays and Wednesd:i}·s and 2-4:30 p.m. on other "eekdan. Assorted camping eqoipment. rafti. and sno\, shoe!. are available for daih or ,.eel:end rates. In approximate!; three v.eeks. JS and 16 ft. ca.noes will be a,·31lable for those who v.ish 10 go c:inoei.ng. Those students renting equipment have priority over staff and faculty. However . distribution of all equipment will be based on availability. NIC student ideatification must be shov.·n at the rime of rental.
GO ING FOR IT- -Fresh1DJ1.11 de(enslve pla)er Tammy Pope keeps 90Pbomol\' M~ Cba/fee Crom gain.Ing ettra r ants ln I.be Oct. 10 powder paff gJmt, The two tenms battled to a scoreless tie.
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Oct. U , 1980/ CardlnaJ Re,lew .7.
Rain, snow or sleet won't stop joggers' feet 8) Kim J ohnson
Onl} rain coming down in buckets and "'a 1st-deep ~nO\\ shall pre\.'COI the jogging cl3S\ from JOg~ing every Mond3y 3nd Wednesda1 ,ll noon. Be 11 3 ne"' experience or old hat 10 the joggers. t he cla\s meets each ume "'ith an open a11i1ude according 10 ln\lructor Len At"'ood· She said that the .1gcs of the jt1gge~ rnnf(e from UI 10 40 and the re~M the students have for JOimng the class arc ju,1 a\ d l\ ersified 3 ) the age,. Some student~ join the class because they had II before Jnd wish 10 continue in 1hcir running "'i1h 01her,. Other\ JOin 10 sohe the age-old problem of lack of cxcrciw and 1hcn there are 1ho..c "'ho join in order 10 train for <;pcc,fic spons. At"'ood ~.11d she tcachc\ technique and strcssc\ c:ird10\·ascular fitnes\. She said ,he " more conccmc<l "'i•.h 1ho-.c >Aho ha,e no running expcnencc. Bui they .ne the one, "'ho rc311y get into II and run more than the two days the class requires Compc1i11on is no1 stressed 1n rhe clas,. and studen1s are allo"'·ed 10 run at their o" 11 pa(c after the fiN run. Dunn~ the fir\l run. A1wood '>3id she has C\eryone run 1ogl"thcr for a"' t11lc w \he may cr111que 1he1r SI\ le. Bcc~ u,1: ,he em:ourage, 1hc Jogger, 10 run 1hc1r 011. n p:ice. a lot of natural running group\ arc formed. A1 ... ood S3id this crc:itc\ long-la\llnJt friendships. ·1hc\e lrkndsh1p) :ire the c:iu\c frir ,omc pe()plc to return 10 the cla\, year after ,car "'hen 1hcv :ire in 1011.n. rh" ,emcMer') do,, can \Ct u, ii\ ,ionl for the four-mile nm 10 be slnted for Wa,h. r,,r Hnll,m ccn fhe ,pnng cla,s SCI\ it, s1ghl\ for the Bloomsday run At"'lll'd said the prc ,•mu, ,1udents th:11 ran the eight-mile cour..c foT Bloo m"1ay douh1cd at 1he beginning of 1hc class 1hat they could accomplish the £cat. The \ludcm, run nn Monday\ and W('dncsdn~·s l'.ith c~ef) other Wcdnesda~ a '"drnp·· run . 1 he run i& used for :i chn ngc of pace. Atwood said ~he tokes the JUl(ijCr\ out uboul three n11les ,o they can run back to school. •• A l'hangc of pace 3dd, 10 g roup cohe,hcncs,. •· \he ,,ud.
Greg DuPuls photo SOLITARY STRIDE- - ~IC C'roSS count~ member l.:lncc S1uetzlc logs In some time on the Dike Road ln his cail) run. Jogging is as flee t a s port 111 NlC as It Is nrollnd the cou:nll'.,\.
guininl?. po pu lurit)'
Puff missed out on Dungeons and Dragons fun B) Bruce Padget rou arc nl 1hc c 111rnncc 10 .in undcrgruund r~'lnm. In the ""l(lm ore '1X j!nhlins plo1·inJil pol. l·r (or 1,h,11cvN gnhlm, pl111•J. und a1101hcr ,tnnd~ guurd Ill thl• door Afl cr dl\l:U"lll/1 pl:111\ 11 1th \IIUI' (O mp~nmn, . \1111 \Oen !. he,1ch: 1hc guurd l h • dv n nnl nolicc 1·11u. bcrJUW ~uu han 1hC' ptm.:1 1r1 ·,um 1111 l\1hlc N111w1hde", vou 11111,1 m,1h· )11ur fir\l bl,1" ~11hn ~1ll 11r mppk' till' ltl,111111• lnr mu \11111'1 !ll"l illlulhl!r ,hill \ 1111 r,IIW \llllr OlUll' 'i11,n.·d aguin'1 NO. 1h1, 1, .i 111>1 rnul IJ11111,t.:1111, ,\ t>ra~on~ or t> ,\ l} rani."~' wl~-pluYtnH 11 ,11 game tn· ,cntl'CI h1 <,,m t,,Aa\ and pubh,hl·d h1 I \N ll nhh1l''· Inc OonJill'lln~ .I. l)r;1i,t,1n,. c>r I) .I. I) ·" afic11,nod1,, t'JII it ha, hu·n ., n.111110 111dl.' r ra,c IM ,1h11ul Ii , ~ , car-. hu1 ha, b,•,·nm~ fl<lpul.1r m 'orlh IJnho m 01111 1hc lu\l H'Jr or ,u. t,,,n t,yg;il onllmntcll O .I. 0 pJnh hc,·ausr he ,,11,J ht• h:h thcr,· 11 ould he a m;irt..ct for ,11d1 n tt.imc. but .1ho. ou1 or h<1r,:d11m He leh 1hn1 the da,~1c 11 nr game, 11 l'h' defic1cn1 bl'e.iu,c thr\ dc3h "'11h ronl-n:tch ~31 si1u:111on~ ,,ntl impersonal i:roup, ,u,·h 3, compn1n1c\, baunllnni. ;ind ponzcr d1~ 1Si,1n, G)gal borrowed the 1dcia for O .I. D from the Cn,1lc\ 3nd Cru\ndcs Soc1c1y. which i, a dub thni plav~ 11 ,er\ crude 'er,,1,;,n or D & 0 He ,idded ih~ t'onccpt of rolc •1>l:1ying. :ind lhu ~ Ouniicon, & Drngun\ w3, born. Rolc-p'3)mg h ccn1r:1I 10 D & O. Elch chnra.:tcr is rc:11, 111 lei1~t in the g:1mc. Chnr:irter- GI'(' born. die , get mamcd ond all the other things lhM real people do. Role-playing h 0 so~ c"' hat techn ical term for "''hat children call ·· prete nd ... Thc players mu st a ct as t hei r
dmraC'1 a~ 1'.tluld III order f..r the ga mc Ill j:O prr1pcrh C h.irac.-1c r \ 3rC' pc· 113h1ed tor n111 \Iii} 11111 m r hJ ra,tcr. A D ..\ U ,c11in,t 1s a co mpl(' te ,..,rid "11h hi\\ II\, cJ \11~. ,'f!mmon rt·npk nn, n,1 t·r, ::ind tht: h~c. Thl" mn,1 1m1)o1nan1 p,·f\,in 1n :i g:imc I\ 1hc Oui11(,·nn \1 ,1\h: r. t>r 1)1\I, lor 11 •~ the IIM "hu Iii" m the d<' t.111, of tl,c \l'lllll):
The OM :ins as referl.'C. in1erpre11ng the rule, l" hich :i.n: ,·e'i romphcatedl nnd dct'ldmg all situations 001 co, ered m the.> rules. He must have access 10 literally •olumes of mform:uion ro do
The OM i~ the onl~· person who knows the cnure layout of the ~ning.
.1nd mu, , tell tb(' pbHr, ... h;u their , ho1r.1i:1ers "-c. lcd and he;ir "hen the\ C\•me to ;i c.-.:-rTJ1n ,pot Th<>ui::h it , ound, hard. :nJa\ , a, 0\1 -tnl! 1, the be , 1 p..:i.n of D ,\ D." for i1 allO\\, 1hcm 1n pll\ "GI)(!" Each pl;i,er p<>,-.c,..e, enc M 1'10 char.:i,:a-.. Thc..e dl;ir.i, ·er- :ire t"Cm· pk re peopk. 1' llh dc,m~,. ,o 12! "'" J•"ll .rn.J I, , ~ rt' ur,,. The• ,;,
be human. elf or :in, other cre:11ure th1t DM allo"' , . The, can olso be half-breeds. · Characters con belong 10 se,·ero l different classes; the main ones :ire fighting man. thief, clenc. and magic user.
T,H, qu .:-\ric,n<, n,ked b~ most people ar.:, Ho" doc~ one wm 01 D & 0. and ho11 long docs a game 10~1'! Ch.1rac1cr, do not '"" in 1hc norm:tl , c n,c. hu1 the , do gJ111 e,pcri('ncc p,,1 nh for rcco, cring treasure and o , crpo" cring opponenb. Points ore u,cd ltl dc1c rn1in,· :1 charJctc:r·, experience h:H•I ChJractc:r, u,u:ilh rcurc :ihcr r.-.i,hme high e:\pc:rienc~ le, el, .
The ~3mc ror ,amp.11gn. as play.:r; call 11) '3, h 3~ long l~ 1hr OM like,. The omnn al O & D g ame 1he Gre)h.11\l Clmp:iign. h~ lasted for O\C! .:a decade and is still gomg. D J.: D pant.ipant\ .1rc 1magin,1tive peep e b, nature. Jnd the , .imuons on the g.:.mc .ire as c,u1r-a11<vus J, the 11ua11on\ There 11r,· nauon;II compe· · 111011.\. gamc\ pl:i,cd 1n three d1· mc:n\1on\ "nh miniature li,iure , . Jnd outdo,: r i;1mc\ " here th e player, Jr~ a tualh 1n the ~c mng. O ne c,pl11m11wn for the popu larm l D ~ D I<. the populJnt\ OI book~ sud1 :i., ··nic Lord ol the Rinj!~ .. Tol. 1en in,cnted rhe 11.urld of \.l iddlc Eonh, and G}g,u pr,n ides the opptlr· tumt\ I•> go there Beside s. people need J "'orld "here I he good guys " l'Jr \\hllc. the prmces,e, Jre IO\.c:ly .i nd the stood guy~ 11\e h;ippil~ e,er .1f1er. V. h31o.i, er thl' n!a:..,ns for pl3) ing. the gnme 1s habu-forming. Jnd there ;ire ~CH·rJl cases of peopk dropping out of school and de\·01ing 311 rheir 11me 1oi1. If , he d ecision is mad e 10 risk addiction. ii is easy 10 gel into a game. There nrc sc,cral pla)Cl'S on cumpu~. :ind they :ire Jh• :iys willing to recruit n~" charae1ers .
\\ u i1 in!!
ro r
Tennis plll)Cl'S Erk Ander• ,on and Fran!. ~ alt get [n • fr,- morr ~t rok c, on the rourt\ before 1he fa.\l• app roaching "inter "Cl • thcr blankclli lhe arc,s.
, 1c
Grea DuPuls photo
A Vote Fo r A Democrat Is A Vote For Education And Idaho's Future Tbi_s ocrt decade Is ,ery lmporunt for the foturc of college educo1lonnl opportunities Cor c,el')one " ho rtt('h·es IUl) Federal nnanclBl aid . The prkc of 11 college educ:atlon I ri<clng so f&St tlual onl}' the rk h wUJ be able lo afford the cosl " ithout th.ls m.x.b needed :ssslslJlncc from the go, cmmenl. If )OU llt'C one of the mt.a) "bo fcel lhal I college educa tion hould be a, allablc for c,cryonc 1hen lhls clC<"tlon is of , Ital fmportaJl..-e to) ou. The Republican pllft) Sll) s that they .. 111 cut w.cs, bala.att LM budget, and nalsc mlllUU) ~pending. Lei's be realis tic. I( they arc goi11g to d.o th.ls, then flnancW aid to Mu.dents a.nd schools "ouJd be vlrtuslly eliminated. Support }OW Dem.ocrallc candlda1cs and S2 ve ) Our college education. ldllho has a 101111 &lllke In this election as ma.n) ~pedal lntc rcsl groups Ir) 10 ousl Idaho's ,olce In Congress and replace II whh someone who Is s upported by the oll companies and the John Birch Sot'icty. Idaho cannol afford to lose Se nalor Fnuik Chu rch and here Is "'h>:
PRESIDENT: J immy Corler U.S. SENATE: Fronk Church
Endor sed b) the Id a ho Edu cation Assoc iation because be s upports educiulon for everyone whUe his opponent docs not. Stopped the diversion of Idaho's va.l uable waler to the southwest. Like 1he othe r Idaho Democrats he s trongly opposes the Sagebrus h Rebelllon which would tu.m public land o, er to prhate businesses which the citiicns or Idaho couJd no lorirtcr w.e.
U.S. REP .: Glenn Nichols STATE SENATE Dist. 2: Art Manle y STATE REP. Dist. 2: Jock Spurgeon STATE REP. Dist. 2: J im Fromm STATE SENATE Dist. 3: Skip White STATE REP. Dist. 3: Emery Hedlund STATE REP . Dist. 3: John Burton COUNTY COMM ISSIONERS: Eugene Ingalls a nd David Pet e r s
Suongly endorsed b} Idaho's AFI,.CIO because he b a friend of the world nrt class. l:le i,; ll Slrong supporter of aJtema.te energy ~ourees "hUe his opponent ~oles 100% for Big OU. He beads the ~natc Foreign Rel.a.tJons Commit· l ee, the most po"'erful com mittee In Congress enabling him lO help lcbho's industries and farmers h} opening forcl$!J1 mukeL~ for thcl.r products. Sc1llltor Church's _special Interests are you and Idah o. S} mm ' s specia l intcres ls are 1he A un i Brothers and Tens. A V01c for frank Is a Vote for You a.ad Idaho.
Pa id For By Young Democrats / Students For Church 664-4966
Oct. 24 , 1980/ Cardin.al Re, le-. .9.
Debaters grab fourtl1 spot at Eastern ~lontana event The '-IC debate team brou2h1 home
a fourth-pl.1ce finish from 'EJ>lern Montanl College. ghing debate Coach nm Christie a conliden1 oud,'IOI. for th1, ~car's \chedule. The tounumcnt m,(11\C<I 1.> college!> .1nd unl\·cr;nic\ from \lon1ana. Idaho. Oregon. \\\eommg and South Dtlo1a. The ,tC lC3m 11.as onh 10 point, from the first-place fimsher,. Christie \.tid. ·t m happ, "uh our ,ho,, ing "htle d1s:1ppointcd that ,1c didn·1 finish higher ·· Chri\tic ,.11d ·· Bui it i, 3 learning e,penen..-c ·• Accordtnl! 10 Chrt~llc. 1hc team tra, clcd 10 'B,lhng,. Mont . for the '1- 11 tournament Their topic ".is L S foreign mihtaf' ,'Omn111men1~. J:imie Deih and O.i"c Mudd fin· ,shed 1h1rd 1n sen IOI' d1, 1,10n dcba1c They "ere rompettng with four-,car ,:ollege students who "ere mo\11~ Juniors ;ind semor-.. Christtl' 531d
POLITICA i. t.M BRACE- -Sccrclary or lhe lnicrlor Cecil Andros recch es a supporting e mbrace durlnJ: hi~ Oci. 17 , tsil to NIC. Andros was a popcorn Corum siuc,1.
Anorlwr AII-Amcri<' 11n
·<:110 /, i11 ' JI it/,
Republican wa lk a Andrus talks
. ,.,,ce,res honor ra ting
Tiu: 1111( ne,.,popcr. f hc Cordinol Re view has rccc n1 l) been .111.arded us fourth ''i\ll ·Amcrkan·· rn ting by Lhc A\ w c1oted Collegiat e Press. Th~ .i"ard 1s for the ,pnng 1'180 1~wcs of 1hc Cardinnl Review. I II, A,,u,1a11•d Cnllcgiut c Pre.,, li\C P) " ;i college and high 'i,hool new\p3ptr , .,111111 " '" 11c "h1d1 hu, hc4'n in OfX:'rn lion \1ncc 192 1 and ,, ha~ed 11 1hr Lm,cr\11\ ul M 111111•,ota ('11, .- r.111t 1111d rnnlt'nl , wntmf( Jll d cduing t·di1on.il lcader.,h1p •nd opmtnn 1, ,,ture, . ph ~· strnl n1)p,•ar.111ce .11111 , 1,1rn l 1~1 mmuntc~11on pho111.1traph, • .lrt and u~e ,,t 111ophll , w1•ri! th,: li, c 1·.11 cgnn c, Judged for th ~ o"ard 0 111 ,11 n 1>11,,1bl1• ~. 500 po1111,. thc C'nrdmol lk vie,1 an·umulatl!d 4,!.l5' po1n1, .1nd r,•1c1v1•d " morh nt d1\ll11rn1111" 111 oll Cil ll'l(Otll.., exn:pl ed11or1al lcad1·r.h1p and ,1p111ion lr o1u1 c, Mork\ nf dt..1,11rn1>11 111 1· gh cn fur " imag111 ~tl\c. h\ch. appc:llmg c,r ~nc,tt,ch 111tlcp,·nd1·111 ,tl' h1c,·c nicn1 " 111 un, M the lh-c m.11n cJtcgoru.-.., Ac,w,tinsi ' " th,: Judg~·. C., l·rJnr k. ol the AC P. thr Card11111l Rc11c" ·, "Tlltn!? .,nd ,:dlt11111" " 11nprc, ..,1n• " "(It \ ) , onu: of the be\l \tuden1 n•portmi:. "rnmg :ind 1·111111111 1'11· w,•n rt:cc.>nth :· he ,aid \turini: ",I\ dctl'rmincd 111 ,'Umpn n , c,n 111 c,1her put>hc.illon, in 1hc ,amc , h1\\11it .111.in "h1d1 111cl udcd ,11c 111 , ch,1o.>l c 11rt1ll nwn1, lrc411cno of pubh,:;111on and (HIIIIIIIJl pttlll'\\, C"11rrc 111 ,1.1ff 11wmhcr. \\ ho nl\11 11T01r duri ng lhl' , pnng '>l'mntcr 3rT Editor\ kanctt,· ll,1m1hnn. I humt"'"' blh. Mont .. lk net> R,·1d. !)1 M.1t1<',. , ,m J11hn\On. C'"'' ur d'Alcn,·: l oni rnmnd . U,111m•r, rem, Chri,t, li1c111lr1. CO<'ur d' \knc ( ~rm• '>pri lll!l'I. I kr,1n. !',font., K1·11dr.1 Smith. l',X'ur d. \lent' rcport,'T\ \I Jrtl 1'11•r,·1• .ind GrcR DuPuh. Clll•nr d' \lenc; and ,·artoonl\l ll.\\lg Alh:n.:ll'r. C,IC!ur ,l'Alcm•
01:1, .ind \l udd \\NC 111 1hc I.'\• :, mp,•r:int'<lu~ ~p<.·.it..mg ,cmi-liMl, "uh Dcil~ going onto the final~. In the junior dhh1on. Jeff Kun, ~nd Lc,hc ~foon lin~hcd third" htlc Dar"c Reimann .ind Craig Bamc11 li111,hc!d fourth Rich3rd K uck .ind Bruce Pad!!t'I cntcr~-d mdi\ idual cH~nts and Padget lini,hed -.e,-ond in orJlor~. Their h>pic I\ th.11 the protl'CtlOn ,,f lhl' n.11111nJI tO\ 1ronmen1 c, J mvrc 1mpnrtant g,x1l than the SJtisfac11on of AmertcJn cnrrg, dcm3nds. The 1cam tra,cl\ 10 Gonzaga L'ni, cr,i1, 1003, 3nd S.nurdJ\ Jnd on 0,1. ~h .ind 'Ii i(\\ 111 ho:>I 3 tournament. Students arc \\Ckomc 10 :m end. Chn,11e ~J1d the 1oughcs1 1ournn· mcnt 1'0mmg up "ill be 1hc on,· at the l'nl\cr,111 of Oregon Oct. 10-No, . I. :0-IC ""n la,1 ycJr Jnd h<' \\Jnls them ,., "m it J~:iin.
•\ s:roup of \ludcnt Rcpubli.-an, "all..rd out of 1he popcom forum la,1 Fndav as Sccrc1.1r) of the Interior Cecil O Andrus camp:11gned for U.S. Sen Fro nk Ch.urch ID ldahol. \ndru\ ,pole Iv 1ppro,1ma1ch 100 l)C(lple m the Bonner Room in 1hr SUB , and held a quc\11on and an,,.cr ,e\,111n 3flcr his muial address. ··1 \\ouldn"t l>e a1 a' surpri\eJ ,f you sa" my name on :i stJte·" ide bal101 Andru\ ,.1id. '>Omctimr in the futur, The fom1cr Idaho o, crnor .ins\\ered QUCSIIORS on ISSUCS nbo111 1hc P:in:i ma Canal. re~·dmi: and ln ;ahernau~e to Bunker Hill's polluuon. Andru \ re sponded to 1h1\ l>J prompting the audience lo remember the 1mprol'c mcnts alrendy made. .\ndru, W1?1:c,1i:c:t the- dt'\elopment of separate land use plans for each coun1y 10 o>un er the pr.ibt.:m .,f -.:orth ldlho's high population growth rute und 1h.: di"3ppc:iranc,.• of public land He d1,m1!>,ed the '$.Jgcbrush Rebellion·· ,,sue as what he h!rm,·d n .. folsc 1,,uc. lnd prompted app!Juse •,rnh hi\ ,1rong opposition 1ownrd 11 .
Haman sets upcomin g activities ;\ u1> 1hat ,·\tr Suppl} 1\ gone. Hude111s are probablJ v.ondermg "'hat', nc11 on 1he agenda Acnmltng 10 Laura H.1m;an student 3~1·,111~ d1rcc1or . the mo,1e ' "..\mm· 1 lie Horror, " 11.111 'iho11 ~t J p.m. m the SL B n Cx.1. JO. H~m.tn ~,d lhcrT I i a J)(»Sibth:, c,I th.: mo,1l'!> bemg dropped ~Xl )C31'
NIC woman cooks up book
bcc:iuw of lac!. 01 anenda nce ·Lion·· v. ill pby at 1he da nce slated '1,o, P hum 9 p.m. 10 I a. m. in the :-.IC ~ m. The dJnce is open 10 the pubh, lor S2 and free 10 students " i1h :.he1· .\S:-.IC ,'3rd H•m.1n .ih() ,aid she "o uld lik e a11Jonc tntere\tl'd m being nc\l ,car's acu, '" d1rcC1l'f 10 contact her
U~ Jc1mc1tl' llamllt on Wha1' s C\111l,1n'! For 1110,1 N llcg,• ,1udcnt\ 11·, TV dinner, or mo,·) roni and chc,•,,:. . ll' , 1udcn1 Al ice O.l\ l'npon b IT) 10 help put nn e nd 10 the b:irc cu phonrd blue~ "llh her fi~t hool... "Coal.in· Wi1h '01h1n '." i\ccc,rdmg 10 0 ,1\ enport , 11111.n, stu· dent s do not h:ivc the mone) to l.ecp wcll-,up11licd with food. and a com· mon ri1~11l is going to the cupboords and , aymg, "I don·, ha,·e a thing 10 cook "ith." " Ju~'! a liulc ingenuity 1111d ereativily" ire "''hat mal e up 1he recipe:, lh.111 D~vcnpon said give nuny sub· s111u1e 1ngrcdlcn1s and va.rfations for
c, Ct) 1h1ng from bread 10 ro~e hip tc.i. She , aid ,he ha, come h> u,c 1he,c thing:, 3fl her hfe out 1,r n=sn, as ha, e older and low mcomc =eue, . "Cookm' Wi1h 'othin'" is thl' Ii~, hool. D.1\ en port h:i,, published. but shl' , aid her agent ha:. three no, eb that , he is 1~mg to ,ell. She ha, t>«n ,1 fret"·l:incc wri1er for 22 , e:ir.. and hh ,, orl.s :ippeanng 10 conres,ion and young people's rch· gious magaii nc:,. The bool..s arc on sale nt l~al :ind Po5l F:illsou1lets. and al press 1ime 60 percent of the 101:it number publishec! had alrelld) bttn sold . The sophomore sociolo~ ·PS) cho·
log} m3j.,r ,:ud ,he ong1nall) \\TOie the b<»l for an ongoing wu~ ol 1111-ome. tor bc~lt :i.s "ell 3\ contn• buuon:, 10 1h1? \ \\,men· s Center. "I uanied 10 help (the \\omen's Center)." Da,cnport said, "'but I don"l tu,e the ume or mone, 10 gi\c:· The \\ omen's Center is a local organii:J· 1ion de.ihng main!~ "i1b domestic problems. such as child Jnd 11. 1fc 3bu~; 1he center a.I.so runs a rupe ens~ ~nice. Otigtn:tlly. she S3id she 11.·anted to sell the book 1hrough the mail. bu1 since she h,·cs in the \icinit\ , she decided to tr} and se ll the ·books locally.
While the book 1s \Clling. Davenport S3td ,he doc, not expect 10 mn ke much profit off this prmung. "I "'on I make mone\· off the first pnn1111g becau~ or ad,·ertis1ng ... she ,aid. According to Do,·cnpon . about JO of the book~ .... h,eh re1a1l 01 SJ each. "ere gl\en a1, ay for 3dvertismg. If 311} groups would hke 10 sc:11 her book 1hrough 1he1r organil:lltion. she said the} can con1oci her a1 77J.J4Jl. "Cook1 n · Wit h llloth in" " can be purch:isc:d a1 Econo 1'13rt 3nd Excell Foods. Po~t Falls: and man)' Coeur d · Al ene ~,ores. in cl udin g Wil son's Dru g. Th e NIC Books tore. Mode rn Drug and Rolph's IGA.
Oct. U , 1980, Canlinal Revle...- -10·
'Aenigma' brings college into television limelight B~ Ka1h~ Johansen DO:-. "T TOL'CH THAT DIAL! The next umc you happen to glance a1 one of the fh c telc, 1sion sets .iround 1he ;>.IC campu!>. your glance ma~ become more 1han that Instead ol the u..uol hst of campU\ e,eots and mcllo" music. ,our c1 cs and eors "111 be treated to a nc" 1ypc of proJ!r,i"mmmg. To111II) directed and produced b, s1udc-n1s of the rnd10- n broadcll5ttng cla!>~e< 1s a ne" program enutled '· \ enigma.·· " Aenigma.··,.hich means ··.1 riddle or puule·· or "something hard to under~tand or eiplain" u 2 program de\1gned main!) to keep the coll-ege communit) informed of the past. pre5ent and futun NIC c,cnts Supcn·i\ing thi( nt'" program is John 51Aan<;00. ,, ho ha., taken 01 er the du11cs as head of the Cmcma Am dcpanment "h1l(' Pat R1chard5 1s 011 a )Car·s lc:we of ab,encc S" anwn ..aid hi\ purpo!>e m the program I'> 10 u1ih1e 1he ralents" he feds man~ r..1c .,,udent\ po'>!>C'>'> .ind 10 make 1he ~st u,c of the dcpanmem·., 1houund\ of dolla~ of equipment The form111 of the program o. ill feature four miun areas. nc" s. highlight\. free form and spons The one-hour broadcast will 11r nc", and (ports for 20 minute~ "ith the remaining :o rmnutcs de,"1"!ed to highlighting and frccform features 1h;11 "ill inclu<k things like movie re, 1ev.s ltld a segmenl a.lied "Mark's Bachelor Kitchen " The fi rst showing of ··Aenignu" ss punned to~ aired the last \\CCk of October. 11.s theme bcmg
\\t'Ckl~ on KSPS-TV, Chnnoel ~. Spol.nnc. for ni ,·ear,. nc · h 1, n p~nd inten·ie" sho" dealing "1th ti vo.rict of -.ubJcct~. "ho~c guests arc int<' rv1.:wed hy th) prol(rnm mo<knuor nnd three rcgul~r pnncl nic ~
~~m Th(' Forum ho, r.rovidcd "on the air" c:,:pcrwnce for. NIC hwadca,tmg student,, hut, a) S"an,on P''lnl~~ ,,ut, it ';~I~ i n, 11h ·c~. ,it or seven studtnh bch i\en1i:mn ,.:i;mcnt 1, tll uw appro~1mntclv 15
pcopk for II) production.
Cbnst) Steinle) photo Oillllc Lee J.ccps an "
\dn,,wlcdgmit that 1hc Publk Forum ,cric, ha, co111nbuted to the public rcluuons of NIC. S"an\Un ,.:ild ·· Anc1gm:1 ·· shQuld make a11 c, en grcJtcr contnhution bcc;,u,c i1 ,, 111 bt· m11rc · ·,,,mpu,. ,,ricntcd." ~" Jnson , J1d he h11pc, tu cmplo~ the mam and , .1r1cd talc n1, c,f IC de partment, ,n the product1on,. Plnnncd ure ~unw poctn reading, lrom the Fni.:h, h dcp.1r1ment. home economic dcm11n,1rn1ion, anti musical prc, llntot1on, from the mu,ic dcpon.
c.nigma" earners In focus.
Hallov.ecn The \hov.s will be seen on Chinncl l.l and ...11 reach not onl) campu, tele\i-.ion set, but any Coeur d"Alene home ~htch ha, Cnblcvbion. Toe, att ~hedulcJ to run one hour in th(' morning and again for an hour in the e-.cning. Studt'nt( mecl e-.e~ ~1oa~y to pl.ui the ~hO\, v.h1ch 1s then filmed the next Tuc<da\ e1iht d3)·s ldtcr. allowing for production ume The students rn1lc the proper contact:.. film the ,ton~ edit the t.1pcs and run the camera~. The rollc11e·s rommunicaoon-nrts dw1'mn hns \pon,orcd the 'IJC Public:- Forum, which 1, ,ccn
In filnun!l o ,pon s ~cgmcnt. for !.'~ample, in,1cnd
,,r ju,1 r,•ponmi;: o score. an in-depth ml('f\ 1c11 t·Jn ht· ,·onductctl ,, hh the ronr h or tcnm m1·1nbcr,. " People ca n \\Otch and know "hot " e' rt' do1n11. not ju, 1 hcor 1hc ~core,." he soid "nn~un , .,id 1hat nianpo11 ,•r nnd know-how urc ncl'd,•d m CnC'h dcpnrtmcnt nncl 1h11,c with related talcn1~ urc urged 111 ~h,1rc 1luim.
For high school journali, ,~
CR holds annual seminar Professionals rrom four dnil) nev. spapcrs "ill ~ fe:uured :11 the 'forth ldJ.ho College Journ alism Seminar on No, .4. Heading the list of seminar participants v.ill be Jay Shelled). execun,e editor of the Lewiston Mc,rning Tribune. and Shaun Higguu . .issi~UJll managing editor of the Spokane Spokcsman-Re,·ie". Barry Cough. photography editor of the Le.-1stnn Mommg Tribune, Daniel Wakely. Non hwest editor of the Spokane Dail) Chronicle. and Doug Clari.. managing editor of the Coeur d" Alene Press "i conduct ,emma.r '>e~1ons addressing topics of current inicrcst 10 iou:malists. Vnricd topics ,, ill co,cr photoiouroalism technique~. mtcn te-. mg and "ri1ing 1cchniques. nc"~papcr dc~ign :ind the gathenng and wmtnl! of oe" s. Cough wns photogr:ipher of the year in Regton 1'1M of the National Press PhotogrJphers As.sodation lt1s1 )ear. Region Nine includes the lJ "e~tern states ond 1110 Canadian pro,inces. Nenl Eva rt s. orthwcst free-lance photoiournalist and ~IC photograph) instructor "ill also ~peak. Approximately .300 students from the fi, e nonhem counties and the Spokane Volley "ill be nnending. according to Tim Pilgrim. i,:1c journalism instructor. C:irdinal Re, ic" editor<. Je.inette Hamilton :ind Renee Reid will discuss Modem Newspaper Design and Kcndu Smith "ill discuss Ad,·cn1S1ng in High School Papers. The seminar begins with registration from 8:40 a.rn. to 9:10 a.m. m t.he 3uditorium of the Communication-Arts Building and is follov. ed by a "elcoming address by NIC Instructors Pilgrim and Jim Mcl eod. From 1:30 to 2 p.m.. fa) Shelled) \\lll be featured io 3 question and answer session concerning freedom of the press and other pertinent 1.SSues focmg high ~chool journalists. The final session. including a tour or the C3rdi111al ReviC\\ facilities. ~gins at 2: 15 p.m. An) interested students are invited 10 imcnd. Pilgnm said.
Chance to donate blood co ming Evcryonc·s chance to do a good deed "ill come No\'. 11 when t.he Inland Empire Blood Bank holds its :innual blood dri,e. At'cording to Wes Hatch. :11uiliory Scf\;ccs director. the drive "ill be held in the KootenJ1 Room in the Sl:B from 9:30 a.m. 10 3 p.m. Hatch said the club "htch has the most blood donated m its Mme will win a S50 prize pro"ided b} the AS~IC. This blood will he a,ailable for all NIC students and staff 3.Jld for relat1\CS and friends tn need Brad Sau sser. AS IC ,ice president. will supenisc the dri,·e.
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Oct. U, 1980/ Cudinal Review ·11·
Omr, your ~uard fur:i mmu1c Even 1hough you're m a 1w(}-ycar college ngh1 now, there .ire many a!>JX'<.J'> nf 1hc Army you migh1 find very auracm·c. Maybe c,1en 1rrci.1!,1ihlc Sec for your\clf.
If >'ou're 1hmktn1t nf c,·cmuallv going 10 a four-year college. 11\ nu1 100 early 10 start thinking a!x1u1 an ROTC : ~holar:,hip. There arc 2-ycm and even 1-yc:ir ROTC !,Cholor~h1p, av:ulahk ·n1cy CO\'Cr IUllum, hook~. Jnd lab fee:.. Plus SU'X.l o month hvmi allowam:e. N:iturall~. 1hcy'1c vcr) compcuuvc. Bccau!,e bc,1dc" hclptnJ.: you h>wnrds yuur hachclur':. dcgn:c. an ROTC ~ holor\htp help~ vou 1owarJ~1hc gold har:. of .1n Army Officer. It':. worth looking 11110
WIIOS & ACHOPPER With two years of colkgc under yuur hell, you can get prclercnii:il cons1dera11on for \X'un ant Officer Fligh1 Troinmg. If you po~i, all 1hc 11~~1~ and qualify, you'll go through 40 week, of ngorou!> and valuable 1r:11n1ng. You'll l'am the d1s11ncm·c ha"' ul a warrani officer and the ~1lvcr ,, mg:. of an Anm ,w1a1or. You'll h:l\'c at leaM 175 hou~ of fl1gh1 1111,lruClll\11, -10 houn. with a 01gh1 s1mul.11l,r, I weeks nigh1 quahhcation, and enough cla~room ,,ark m aeni..h nam1cs, mc1eorolog) and amal nav1ga11on to last a hfcumc The result 1s a re\\ ardtnl,!, r<::.l)l)ni.1hk and prci.11~10u:. r-n.111,,n ai. an Ann} helicopter p1kn
S1 AMS FROM TIE StAIIT Whm n1u'vr: k.1mcJ 111 ..,,lk-g.: has alrc:Ju) c:imr:J ,nu a rrom,\11<\ll m 1hc Arm\'
Afew,·carsin 1hc Army can· hcJp you ge1 no1 only Lhc money for ruiuon. but also the maruri1y co use ii wiselv. The Army has a program· in which money you save for college ,~ matched 1w1rfor-onc by chc !!,wemmcm Then. if you qualify, generous bonuS(:s arc added 10 cha1. So 2 years of service can ge1 you up 10 S7.400 for college, 3 years up h) Sl2JOO, and 4 years up to SI UOO. In addition. bonuses up 10 S3.0CO are a,·a1lable for certain 4}ear cnhstmcms u, selected skills. Add u, all the e.xpenence and matuniy you can get, and you C3l1 see ho,, the Army can send you back 10 CL,Jlege a richer person in more "a}) than one. \\e hope these :\m,y OppQrlW1lllC) ha, e intn~ucd you as well a, rurpmed ,ou. Be.:.:iuse then: I\ indeed a lot 1he \rm} c:in oiler a l',nght person fsi(e }UU, for more informa11on, send che coupon below:
Ir\ 1ruc. If ~'l'U 1010 1hc .\rm,
\\ 11h 1wo ,·cars of l'OIIL-gc. ~ ou can ~HU1 two pa, grade~ h11?hcr. lm,1cad uf ~mg an E-1 ,, 11h an empt) ,lecH:.
you can rnmc m as. E- 3w11h ~lflpl'). II mean~ :it....lUI S6() m,,rc a month 111 wur pJ,ch1.,·k And :1 !01 morcopJ'll.mun11\ m 1he kin!! run. Since~ ,,u11 he lt1cr;.1lh wcann~ ,vur ..:duc:111.>n
\liur slc..:,·c. ,uur' 1alcms. won·, go unno11c1.<J h, ~ uur '>U~nvr... .\nd ,1Jnine 11u1 ngh1 can rcalh hdp ,,,u mJkc 1hc mlr.>t of 1h< .\rm,.
ABONUS FOR PAAT·TIIIE WORK fou can i:c1 J SI.i(\l h.Jnu~ 1u.,1 for cnlt.,ung m ~me .\rrm R~l'\e unu~ Ot up h.> S.2.l'\ l tn 1.<Juca11onal lx'llcf11.., fou al~1~1 p:11d for }our R~l'\"C dut, h COin<.~ uut IQ aoout Sl,l\\) J tor lti h,um. a month and ,,eek!> aru,ual training. .\nd 1here·~ a ,pt-cial p r ~ 1ha1 lets }OU ht , our Ann, Rl!',en-c actwc dul\ ar1.1und hlur ~houl -<heJuk 1t·~ M.•lllethinc 10 nm'>tder &.--au~c:,~n 1! \OU ,,cnt 10 a l\\s)-\,:ar .:olll-ge l'Cl..-ausc II WJ', k...~ C\i"!n~l\ C' lhan a lour-,c::ir c1.1ll~c. ~ ,1u knm, t>, "'"' 1ha1 11 ~11111,n 11.·hcap.
TOGODNwmt COLLEGE II "'u r.: 1h111kmg "'u mtl!hl 1.·, en!!•' tunh,·r \\ 11h '-'Ur 1.11lk~c cJuca1wn 1h.: .\rm, ..:an hdp 1h1:r.:. 1111.,.
~-~~==-:~o ~=~
I l '' r lkncl11s. I Ih _ I I I --1 I. ,,"r -,.;.--1 I ), ... \ ""'""· - 1 I ••m - .,irn, - ---1 ,.., I I I THISISTHEARMY1 "
_ 2\H) \\~rr.ml Ulfi.er A1gh1 rr.unmg.
Smr,.-s 10 Swn O :!SS Arm~ Ram-c 21'0 \rm) £Ju,~1wrul
\I >&1,,:,
..________... "Ti 1
1:11m ,111 ,11·t\1R 11 ~ 11
\ I R'-• .,
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OcL '24, 1980/ Cardlnal "Revle• -l l-
';••••• •••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• ••••••• • ••••••••••••
(___----=-=-n~ic_no_t_ic_e_s_J l: '
Students who ha,e been awanled college ..or~ stud) "'Ith their grant should slgn up for a poslllon before No,. I or thc.1 "Ul lo~ thei, funds. Applleatlont att DOW being acttpted for a S60 acadcmk ecbolanhlp to be awarded by the ASNlC Student Board. Academic abUltlt"9 and partldpatlon wlll deter mine the recip ient of the second semester award. AppUcatJons may be aubmJued through Ort. 30.
Ph)skall) handicapped students who r equire special se" Ices tel'l· books, supplle!S, furniture and ' or equipment can ronw:t Edwina Gustaf· sou, coordlnater for the handicapped, In Room 10 of the Sherman Bu.Ildlng. or call 667· 7422 (£%1. 325) for belp OT Information. Anyone Interested la ser>lag oa student committees sbould contact Keo Koh li, Brad Sauner or Laura lfamao In the s tudent go,·e ram eat oCDces. Anyone wanting to go on an outdoor trip with someone to accom-pan) them on such a trip shottld sign up In the outdoor rental office lo the basement the Anyo ne can Initiate a trip b} lllllog 001 a trip sheeJ with delails of where the trip Is golng, ho" long II ..-W last, nnd "hat )OU Intend 10 achlc,e. Trips &hoold be solied 10 )Our own ootdoor skllls.
Do vou lack educatlon&l mothatlon and direction? A re yoor goals undefined? Caree r asslslJUlce m&) help. Free testing, coonscllng and career Information att a, all.able al the SIil· dents Sef\ kCS Center In the SUB. A plnball charoplonshJp 1oumamcn1 wW be held Oct. 26-31 &om 8 a.ro. lo i p .m. In rhe game r oom lo the basement o! the SUB. Students can qu1111£) Cor the regional championships. Camping gear I~ a ow a\'ailablc to be c heeked ou I In the outdoor rentals office. lo the basement oJ the SUB. Outdoor cqulpmcnl ..-ru be &\'11.ilable to check 001 Tuesda)S, ThursdaJ·s and Frlda)s from 2 p.m. 10 4:30 p.m. downstairs la Lhe Student Union Building. Call extension 267 for special arrangements U you wlsh to check out eqalpmeot a.t anJ other time.
2:30-Jp.m. 10-26 Steve Symms: Rq,obUean candidate £or U.S. ~nate
The Spokane Symphony Orchesll"II " Ith special guut artist, The Romeros, • class.lea! and Oameneo gul· tadst, wlll be prueated by the Sympbon) Society of COC'Ur d'Alene and the Idaho forest Industries eharl· table Fooadalloo 11 the Com mun l· cation-Arts Balldlog aodlloriom on No,. 2 at 8 p.m. The cost ..-ill be Sl £or N'IC SllJdcots if lkkcts are purchased al Least three daJs lo ach-.nce.
Barbara Storybann. Sttttl:ar) o! the 'flC Sttll.ril) department, requests all s1udent5 with tcmpo.r&f) parldog per• mils to please go to the s«Urit) offi<'C In the Wlntoo Bwldlng as soon as possible and obtal:a pemJ.tneat per·· mlts, which ha,e arrhed.
i ''
outdoor rttreation progBm and Wlldemess MoWJt.a!nffring "lll p-at a cross eowit:r) kl cUnk ;-io,. 5 at i:30 p.m. lo the Bonner Room the Sl:-B. A member of the 1972 L.S. 01) mpk team, Ron Steele, ... w peak on new equipment. ullng 1.e cbnlques and lclem.arl;J:n.R. Be "ill also present a film o.o crass t'OIIJIU:, sl.tiog.
i Movie: ' i super thriller
i' .i
.' ''
Amityville Horror
' '
'' ''' :
... ... .
Oct. 30
3 p.m.
/n the ballroom above the SUB
I• Dance • '•• •'
Students ,fsltlng the dormllOI) aro asked to ol,e,\ , ls11atlo11 boun, Crom 8 a.m. lo 11:30. p.m. on Sunda} through Thursda, and oa Frida, and Sa.tun:la, from 8 ;.m. to 1 Lm. · ·
Or. Egglffloo "'lll be lo ibe oane's office to help it'Odeots ,. fth se-rlo1U beallb problems Monday through Frida) 7:.30·&30 a.m. No appolatmeat Is a eccssan • and this serYlc:e ls a vallable 10 NlC siudeats Cree of charge.
The aurse •s omc:e Iupswrs in the SUBI will be open Monda) throogb Frida~ 7:30 Lm . to 3:30 p.m. Besides health sef'\ Ices, the ofllc:e will handle qoes1Jo~ roac:eml:og St:Uden1 health lnsun.nce.
Hearing tests "ill be a,-aJ.lable for studrats at the a.u rsc's olfice during regular hours.
Legal ad,·lce Is a,·allable to NIC s1udems. but lh1s ts aoi aothorizatloa for the eontnctcd a.n.oraey to repre· sen t them at the expense of tbr As6oclated S111dc111 Body. An> student wishing to eoosalt with the anomey must obtain a re(ern.l £orm from eiiher ASNIC Pf'esjdenr Ken Kobll or Toay ar, , student board a.dvlser.
i' '' '' ''
: Tbe Oftb bsue of the Cardinal Rr, lcw ,. JII 001 be published o otll Xo, . 14. The sixth a.nd Issac the ~mester ,.ill come out Dec. 5.
:' : ''
'' :'' •'' ''' ' '''
Nov . 14
WITH • •' ••' •• • ••• • •••' •
9 p.m. FREE
LION 1 p.m.
for NIC studen ts with student ID
Everybody else $2
•• •' ••'' •' '' ••' '' Ci ¥8%5¥¥%5¥£1111 SIS &%iii\ ' ''''' SH •'' '\ Thanks to all s tudents who helped • '' with the Air Supply concert '\ \ \
' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• L.