The North Idaho College Cardinal Review Vol 31, No 8, Jan 28, 1977

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~iCaRb1nal R€Vl€W Vo lum e 3 ). ~ umber 8

Frida~. Janua r~· 28. 1977

Budget items confront NIC Board of Trustees Budget !llllller.1,, 11 rcpatnauon clau'-'- for lurc1gn i1tudc111~. building reports and a pon1bk add1uvn to the cur1iculum "crc among toptC$ dl\('\l»ed 01 tk January m~1m1; of the NI(' Billrd ar Trostcc.\ Mw1ng 11 fl,.· prt:!>idcnt's ot'licc Jan. 20, the board optned ,..Ith dl\CU\>IOn of the purrh"c ol 1no1hcr schonl,o•ncd car. rlay dcc1dcd 10 purth~,,: a 1977 Chc:vTO!et lmpalo al a Co)I 11( S$,6SS. 711 10 he 11th, ,•rl."tl In al>uut I)() dayi Pra,d~n, !Jury Schulrr rcponcd un the l,taho l.<'g1slaturc'• dcci~ion ton~>tming ~OC'atinnal and actd('m1c ciranJion lund1. tlurthcr rtport of the lrgi,lature·, dr:• <1\lon opprart In 1no1h•·r C'ardlw Rew·'"' iltll)., J,J A rc,1uc,1 from Lt'ona 1-!DS}('.n, fOffil!tl l1n11u•gc 111,tructor, concerning a rcpa· 1n111nn claiuc for for"1.11n \(Udcnt, wu d1,ru~,cd b) the tru\tt'e, In ~ mcct11111 "ith Bu~inc~, Manager Cicrold Wrnd1 and a n111c 10 the t>oard. Ha,,cn c•prc\\ed roncnn tl\cr tran,pon of b,ld1c, ol cachan,ic ,tudcnb in the c,cnt of dc:ath ,.hllc alll'IHllnH NIC Ci11ns ln,urancc pro11ram• at olhrr ro(kg,.., and uni•cn111c,. ,h~ w111tutcd the J)O'\ll>ilil) ,n~u ran,c n1,craar 1n ~uch cuu In co"C\t)<>ndrnrc ,. Ith thr 1n}ur~n,c c,;,mpan~ cmplO)t'd b) 'IIC, Wendt learned that no iu\'h CO\t·ragc 1, .i~a,loblc i.11h that ,ompan), hut added that lla.~tn ,h~cd him roric, uf poh,1c} olhu \~ hool, offi:r that in,ludt r('p11rlolion cl1ui.o In di~iuJ>lt1n or t11c 1op1c, th<' b<»nl mtmllt>r.i. qunuonccl 1hr f1.1mc<1~ of c,M:r•


11111 !orctgn atudcn~ In l<Ucb a •ay. bot not native ,tudenl\. ~ also c:ha!kngc,i the college's rMpon51b1lity in iuch OCC'U<• rcnct$ Membcn. then dtcidcd that rcpatnauon 1, not thr r~ihiht) of the coll~ The bu1ldmg romm11tcc die 21 CQfflplt'lion of Q)ll$1nlCIJOl: of the ti Nll11cd V0('1Uonal 8tr:ld1c11, 0&TCna:

lluugh1, duuto: of the Hattonal dcpan· mcnt, uid he ,..a1 "b:a.sially i.ith lhc n~ ffflhf). 1Jght5 111 thc far north tennis roun •~re in~11lled. but due 10 cold condl11on,, Wa1h1ng1on \\ arc:r POiler "'" u11.1blc 10 hool the four lights up clectrltall}. Schuler arnounccd that the fOA pro, posed ,:rant for I DCT h1UD&nt1kA bwld~ 11 ~IC ,us 11:JCC!NI, He :added, h-,~r, 1h11 dt"pc:®tng on further alkario11$ ~uig ronsidttcd bY the Carter adm1nistt1uc.a, the MC rcqu~t mA) be rt-<llltffd a1 tbc


AI\O dlJC'U.ucd under lhc title of bwldaig tC'ports .. ere:

•pMsiblc uMet. foe thc Slt.:rma.n sclxd building UI thl' C'Offllfle ar ,problem, "'1th SOlll<' OQOf ~ 1111hr rest rooms of tbt' 11c11 science building , Dean lu) Stont' spolt' 10 llx board mrml'Cn aoou1 the pouibilit) I)( adding 1 comn1crc1al art rrograra to :-.1c·li an department. JIX' JOD.1.,, a Spal.a.M C'Ot:llmcmal UUSt plannin~ to ID<!',r 10 Corur d'Alcm. ,.ooJd 1cach M>IIX' of thr courK.S lead~ 10 a "" o-~.:.u • rplied !,Q('Jltt dccrtt.

Petitions du,, toda ,.

Primary elections scheduled l'riman cl1:,-t1on, f..,r .\S\I(


I.lid ,·,~ fll'\°\idcnt wilt ~ held Frb. I>, IC\-c>rd1nii 10 fohn H<"nJn, , Elc,t1on C11m• m11ttc ch.ttrman Hcndrh )li1I pc1111,,n, "ere J1,1rit,u1ed Jon. ]4 and att dut' b.:i.:~ Jan ~', t,, 4 p m. '"llh S(I '1(1nAlurc, ,11 ,tudcnh huld1n, t'U1Tcn1 ASNI( ll'l unh An·ordmg 1,i 1hr AS~t(' Con,utuut'n. ,1 candtdAlt' tor ASNIC rrc,id<"nt "' ,1<'r Pft'Sldt'nl mu,1 h.a,c l>cl"n a Nin.> fidt' 11udcn1 ,.t!T)mit .anJ pa,~11111 at lea,, ten

Candldal1N r°" ASNlC pn-t.ldt-at or , ~ presldt'al moat ba, t' thrlr pt'tll loo• to l!Jec1SN Commltltt Chairman John Hen· drb bJ 4 p.m. oe Jao , 23, CudldaaN fOI' ASNIC


oflk,c • - -

cttdit how,, 11 ;?,0 t~ SC~lt'f Ull!3cS1i• atCI) pnor ft' the loCmtslcr 111 "lu..--11 htt,,..-amt'~ 1 l>onA fide cand1da1e. St\ldt "" " ho ha, c bttti offici.a lly ea· rolkd for matt rhan su SC'mc£tcrs 11 ., re :ire nl'I cliglbk to w:n c on the S1adrl:11 lfoord. Htndni ...aid ~mpas::n •J>C'e-·'-,;s •ill be ~i'"' F,·b 1 at noon u• th SLB '\l>\IC ~sidcnt S~·!,-cv" "'id at rtt"' n,.,,, •'lat no can~d.ltr, ',:ad ,~,ot'd nml)l,,n pl.ttlorm,. Hl>'"..-cr Sp,,ll,.-n>o natcJ 1ht' Sl B eipu~on "1ld &c .,s-.rc Con,·,1u11on m.s, t,c C'llmp,u~D



Hrndn1 .>,lid th\' ~tncral cleru.:ic, l>t' Feb. IC> ,rnh one pollin$ pl.s« ,n ..\dmu1u1r..11"" BuOd,ng and ont' 1n \'""JIWnJI 8~1Jd1n U pre..cnbcd l>:

.,.iJI the the


o.., c Kramer pbo10 Jdf P.•dl,• l:o k'Om:I an~"'"· appno to be IC'lllnJt fonncr Cant "miler Manual Brown ....u ..-er. Thr rwsc lOlllft dld,,·1 lal.c P11....11·, wh ls· . R.\ lhr mrn lroll'I Chen\'\ .. OD • » I~ dt:al 111&1ch J111. 16. Oalf' R,Lo1< ,-on bJ I pin, Gan Gt'rmund.~n \('Orea a de.-l~lon aod 0.. O"cn fuaibt to a dra..- to pro•ldc NlC't On.I) other ~rfnit agaln\t tbr 'IIAIA nalfoo.all) ru1.,11 EIIRln,

Popcorn Forum guest labels Carter 'flunky' I

President J=. Cu= h a "Roctefet. kr esub!Ghmcct nu11b," :a mcmbl'r of the John Birch Society ~ Jan. 2o ~, the -~:tth !',lC Pop:ar11 Farvn.. Wr11ct Alu Sucg Ulld an .s11ditncc of aboc11 115" pcr10111 (11 rhe SUB thal f'lnidclll Car.i:: .-U Cllly rlct'tcd bc:a U\t

be b ··raun, • rool o4 the Rocicft:lkr " Canu 11 :a mcmbn of lb: Tnlat.aal Coammiall. ffl'ltcd bJ David loc:ldctkr, t'llairllw) of rte Cbase-Manh.11un Bm w ~, .. Yon. S1ang r.:ud. The Tnbtmll Commu.sion', JIIITP05C· Sucg Yid. h to mtrgc hp1n. Wotttn Europe: a!'.d Amcnca i='.o OM iatlOII aod tbt' ...arid." "Juil aboilt t'\'Cn 1nd.ividuJl CJrter 1:;u appointed to lib al,uiet •~ :i. Rockc:fdkr "I.ill<' OH'! '

fluci., ." uld Si.11.:. "bo write~ for "Am~n Opunon" and"~ Elt',icv. of IM~Cll-i;"m.1~.

Jbt finl w,glble ans C:1nCT did •ere 10 appctnl a~ Iris ~~ of st.ate 2nd ltt•-"Ul'J' the d, of the l>olird of rhc Rod.t:fellff FouncbtlOII lnd :i.n Clcculi•e comr:uttcc mrmber of the fouod.>taon, ~pttmcl, SW!£ he bchc,e. thJt tilt' beads of the FBI and lhl' CIA, tht' ~1dcn1 and his



c.1b1nct. corp<•ratc uc:cu11,es 2nd nun}

othcn ire all p2r: of a coa\pir:i.c} 10

Sung s2id since the "pt'Ople at the 1op" can't tell the ,\mcriC'3n people th:11 they ".>nt to uke o,•cr the, "ha.•c to use subterfuge" by sending ·ou1 ogcnts ,.ho ,a, the,· .ire fig.hung 1he ·people a1 1h..1op. C'ollcgt' ~1uden1s, " 'ho feel the pre~st1tt of the "pcoplr a1 the 1np... join th~c movements to figh1 the estlbh\hment. Stang u1d. gnd then "suddt'nl,, the rst.ibhshml'nt h:I, morc J>O" er thlln be. lvrc ..

St.:ing \ltd Rjlph N:1dcr, t'On1umcr a1h0i.'a1c.1\a "hp1cal dcm2goi:1c Ounh. a nmpu, hero" hu " li11h11ng the c,1JMi,h· ~nt" )cl bc1n11 linanrcd b.1 the (',>mcgic Corp ol ;o.e,, \'orl.,. ho jrc 1hr 'people u1 the ,en 1op •• S1.>n(I ,aid the c.rncg1c Corp i, "no1 s1u111d. •• the~ arc linJn,ing N.. dcr to anJd: lhC"m 2nd push for a nev. go1r:rnmcnt bureau -..•h1ch v.ill CTCate "mort' burc2u· a:1~" for the people >'"ho run the rmtrnmcnl , S1Jne ... ho'~ S)'nd1,a1ed d3il> rad,o co.mmcnUf\ "The Alan Stang Report." i\ brvJdca,1 o-cr 100 u:i.11<111.s rn rhc na11on. 1tia1 ·,hp1nn111oiaJ1Dnaru 111 the top" U\C' agent, \uch )~ ,'liader to "keep pN>plc 1n the d2rk unit! the. nn ,cuc so much f>O'"cr lhJI "hrn rhc public fin.,11) .. akci

(.a rdinul Re,it-" - 2

Frid a ). J a nu a r) 28. 19 77

[.. .___o_p_,_·n_io_n_p_a_g_e_ _J ::icmeswc rerwlf

Student Board inactive lh Jud, D lla.u

,\.,. the ,n ,nd , me- t, Jn<1mph,hmcnt, I rh, \ , ,uJI lo"~ JI the br,anl m1nu1



On DI th

11 r!J1.1Ral " "'10"' ol •• t"On<ldm 11 1tln11

L>a,t- Kn.mnpholo ht paw, lnt11 a lllllc klln11. Tlucr, the

1 ow,g cou. .., cub 11 . tampN!e Game I llffll n.-a, Na pl •. ldalw. m,J.,,•, hi, lhlrd CR 1pptaJ'1UICC,

Follo•llnll the boJrd· fit) I hlundcr I the ,,.-31 .. h.,ld1ng n<o eh«rlcadcr tryout.-• c,,mmutcc "3' ,er up 10 meet rcgulJrh to d1 cu chct'rlcadcr policic, Thi, comnuttcc d nut •rpcu to be mcc11n r•·i:ularl, and dcfinucl, hu nn1 m.idc anJ reporu to the i.adcnt BoJrd .\ pparcnt pc:rwnahh conll1 1, conr ntt'd h<>arJ members dunni; dclibcn n I "hcthcr or nor , I 1udcn1, ,hould J an che Idaho tudcnts ,\,wciation F, I). af rr c,cnl lcnqch1 d,.,_u,,,on,. b<>•rd mcmbN , ,~d Ill 10 join rhe • uwuon l cmb.-r,h1p fee for th~ I \ ;, S425 "h1 h d not 1ndudc ira,c.-1 , murcl and l<Mld ~ pc~ m,uncd on inp, cnrourc 10 I A m«11ng;


Tho;c "ho regular!, Jttt'nd !>tudcnt B~rd mccnng, "111 r\'QII rv.o heated

,ca r · Board mcmhcl'\ met 'o, Ill 1rnh Will) \ oun . bl< cnfOJnmcnt ansiru,tor and '-I Prc\idcnt 8~m hulcr 10 dl\cu , the .,.hr"t'l loc:l poh~ . In the m,d t of nacd \OICe and 1rn11onJI enc, from ~tudcnL,. J polie1· "• dt'\cloped thAt t w mpli,atcd a ,1udcnt must hJ,c 11 pnntcd on h.- d1~ hb rd to kn "lut chc e pc.:tcd fin rna1 be. .\1 1ht' Dt•c. I mcenng. LcMa H~,)en. Como.:Jt1ons Comm11tc,.• cha1rpcl\ n, ppcarcd hefort" chc b rd 10 dt'lcnd 1hc Cc,n,oca11on program . ln<1ud of defendm the: l"nCS. Hi , en IOllnd hcl"\elf <>n for .tn opp&rt"nl m, undcrsundtn CO!l('('ffl.lft s1udcn1 reprc,cnt~ll\ c~ dut,c, on the C n1 oc.:auon, Committee On 1hc more po,m,c \Ide. "e find 1lm the b11.1rd ftnaU} 10 appnnc the rtorg.tmuuon of the S1udcn1 c11111tC\ Comnuuec rtt0mmendccl the car pool pc)hl'.'.' and tal~ccl abo ut purcluisin a nC'\4 ,,age curtain. tudcnt ,.>n 1a~c .:a I a, the bond's pcrform:uicc h~ .ant'ndmg one of their ttgubt mc,un~, hdd mcgul.:arl~ Pcrhap\ ~ htlle student pressure "'ould re\Uh m a gre,u:r 1:tll~ af po,1111c l>oud .1chit",emcnt

Student senator urges • • feedback on revision lk.>r Eduor. I "ould h~c to III c 1b~ opponun11~ to mform the students :1boot the proposed facul~· ,;ons111u1t<'n. fhc c11 11ng conm1u11on 1ndudc facull'\ 1dmin,m·:1tol\ and tbn:c 131 tudcnts on the Collc~c Scnuc In 1hc pr<tp01cd ron\111u11on chcrc .:art" to be,... ni more s1udcn .:and r,o.o l?l masntclUJIC'C ~r,onnd •ddcd Th,s ",II pnJ\ 1de foe better rommunic;iuon :unoog the four maui groups 011 c•mru, \\ uh li1c ,-, ,rudcn1' ,oun n Lh~ College Scn.ate. "c i.m ha,c man, input in th<' deci,,on, of spcndtnR \ludt"nl mon~ . The proJl"'ccl ron,111ut1on "ill be , tcd on Feb lo ind faculty, •dmilll5tr.llors. \.tudcn and n101n1cn.antT pcr1onncl ...;u ,ate on 11 If ;in~ one group ,-aces "no... tht' at 11ng ron\lllUllon "ill \ta, 1n cf!ce1 I £cel II c need m ~ mput 1n the College Sc1Lllc. sol urge srodcou 10 obt.1i11 copin 01 1hc propo1.:d • 11\tttuuon. to d1\CU" the d<'Cllment .,.·,th tbi:tr fneod!. and 10 c:as1 their l'(ltes Feb. 1b, the same da~ of the s:-:1c p=idcn1111l elccnon mcereh.

Regi tration fia co at NIC 81 · u le l pperl \I n1 '- IC tudcnl could

1mc 1,, the<• le

Jan I 10 re t\ l<r for cla"~' a, th.-1 "crt· told the\

Theo d11 3, n filled.,. nh 1n er. fruitruhon. humih.ittnn .ind dhuprimnlmt"nl for """'' ,cudcni, -._ho n,mC' 10 regl'lt'T, The IUICi v,crc l ng . the pcnpfe "ere re\tk,, .i.nd .i.~ 1hr h r, led .i.lon11. the horde\ of tuden,~ be n to hghl 1hc1r Wit) 10 the 11, 1ndu" ul rhc R , ,1rJr', Olf=. , rm.ilh nice people "ere ~.iddenfv tr~n formed into 1njlf)' army J nr,. fi11h11n11 for 1un "al 10 a ~p;&cc too ,mJII 10 hold 1hem all S1udenL, \lood olmo..t mo1111nle,, In the m.,1e-ltlc hncs -.omcumeo; for n hour 11111m Tho~" ho c.ime I 'l ~ m were luclry rf 1hr) fin11hed b) J p m. Some students ere forced to come back the nr\l di) . 'iomC' ant tn rhc ind and "ere rcfuw:d pa, kcb . facn 3fter 111 th.ti "'a111n , some tudC11ts e re nm alto.,. cd admuuaoc:c into dauc\ for "h1ch the~ h~d " 11cd · ne ('If the ~ • hould h11 happened For a \Jl\all ~h .uch a., 'II( , regislnhon \houldn'I involve landing m line, for four ur fi, e houn. II ~houldn' 1 1n,ol1c goinl( through those long Imes r,,.,cc &nd ma)'be gc1 1hc dntred da~cs The Rcgi,mar·~ Offi.:e a recs that J•n 4 rcgmr1111on \hNlld h vc nncr h~ppc ncd It was called ··1 mi undt'T>tand1n11 •• ldc:all) lhc m.tjomy of ,tudent<. ,hould hoc rcg1 tercel JDn. S-o, ooly I fe>1 ~ l d ba~e com Jan 4 Bot . itudents ere told b • Lho:ir ad\\. b} the Rcg1)tr1r ·~ Office in the o, 29 nO(iCl"'> and b~ 1h1> paper IMI there .,.ould be rcg1 tr .. uon Jan .J for 1hosc ,.ho wanted to rc:111\ICr earl~ . (The:) "CTI: >uppo,,cd 10 lu\C ad\' ~hcdulc... 1 The d;i, "-a~ to br ;i sure: "'"'J.Y geuin dc"red cl.a>..c, before 1hc) filled . IMtc::ad . cha"' occuned . Every bod} lltf~ th.&1 lhc Jan. 4 rCl(l\tr.Uton me \houldn't hu,e happcnt:'d How,,,cr, n po,,,twcl} should not happen a11.un. Wnh the mcm~ of this fltiCO an mind , MC \hould return lo prc:, rc:111 1raiion brfort' Chri>1m.n. Then . more Jan , ~ folli~ ill t>t, 1,oidcd. It "' tou bad U-.a1 manJ ,>Cffl~tcrs "'ill pau before >luden l anger die,.


['-__ca_rd_in_a_l_re_v_,_·e_w__J Toe, Canlliml Res.iC"o' b pabl1$bcd tem.1- mouthly by the P,rbllcadom WOfbbgp ma al , ortb Idaho Coll~c. ",1cmbcn of the CR staff wiD strh e to prnc,ul !be nc,n falrt, , ucun.lrly 1ud wilho11I p r eJu d lcl'. O pl<alo n n prc ed oo cbe t'dllorlal pa1c do not nCft55&ril} reflect the I I "'' of tlH- Cardlaal Rn le,. , tM AS1'1C or 1hr NIC admllllllrUlan.

Tht- CR I Clllen:d • llrl1 c

nw.crial al Coeur d ' Alene, Idaho 8331"·

editor .. . . • .. ........ , • , •..... , ••.•••....• • • , • • . . • • • • . • • . • .. . . . . . Jad.t Dcffaal

assodlll.C editor •.•••.•.••...•.•••.•••. .••.•.•.••.•.. , . . • • . • • • • . . . . Chcr)I Nlcal.a " ~ edltar.. . . . • . . . . . . . . • . • • . • . . • . . . .. . • • . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . • • . . . . Stu.le Eppaw

~.£.: ·:·:·:·: ·:~·:· :·:·:·:· :·:~·:~·:·: ·:· :·: ·: :·: : •:~·:·: ~·:•·:·: E isor . . . .

. .. . . . ..... ,. •.• , . ,. .... , . , . • . . •

staff mt".mbers • . • • . . . . • . . • • • • • .



. ,. • , •..... • • .nm f'll.,ta

• .................... Jolla

Debbie fa&cr , Oa,c Bowanl. Bob Tharp. Eddie ltWom. Maaak


Naala. J - llahw,

Frida y,Ja nuary 28. 1977

rCamp~~_,Forum 1

Boswell given membership on Idaho advisor)~council

hi an effort to find ho,,. studenu vie,,. registnuon at NIC. 1he CR astcd random studen~ the following que1;tions "Were: yoo J.11tsflCCI "1th tht- rc:gmntion proct,, durn 1h1) ~me~leT and do you ha,e an) 1uages11on~ for • change'" Sophia Bur1on. Rathdrum "'No! I 1il1nl: Md tim.: tht')· have pre-registration they should~ m~ orgaoJzcd, We "·ere in line from 111.m 10 J p . m . and then "hen I got to the ..-mdow I '"as told they were: no1 handing OUI DD) more pac:kcu . Alw. l 1h1nk the~ ~hould ha.-c: I.he: card c:bcd.s all in one hnc: ·· Andre"' Oh.on. We\tmond : '"Yes I came on Jan . II and hJd no problem~ 11 all." Mcll\\l Acker. 81lhn1li, Mone.: .. No! I 1h1nk thc,y should hAH pre rcgis1ra1ion bdore Chmtma~ vaca1ion On Jan. 4 they pcrmillcd nc"' ~lUdtnl~ lo go 1hrou11h the lint ind 1h11 ..-a,n't f11r. Tht-y ... ere \Up(>O'<ed to rc:11t)ICr on J:in. 5 and o." Carl Slanchcn e. C'ocur d'Alene· .. No'. Wht'n vou don'1 n:g1\lc:r earl) and go lhr<>U(!h the jl\m, II is a IOI U\ICr, The <'arl~ ont· trci;iinrauon on Jan 4) 1n the hall\ was a f•n:c: You had 10 enu:r lonA hne\ 1w1c,c: I heard 1hcy u\td 10 rcga.1cr pnur to 1hc brt•k 11 Chri\lmu. I think that

J~c:c Boswell. coonlma1nr !or 1he Nonh

is I good idea." Susie Cann,, Rathdrum· ":'>o'. I lhooght I ~ should have le1 11s prc·rcglStC1' and I

1hoogh1 the: registrallOll through the gym .... \ prett) bumih111ng because: the\ chedcd your padte1 out four limes like you didn'111a..., enough 111tc:lligence toropy from one card to anothC1' " Pa111 Pon2Ci:, Lc:,,.iston: 'So! Mickey Mou~ unorpnrzcd.. too imny people 11 one 11mc. h }houkl ha,e bcc:o done: at an earlier cbtc. ~ } of the nc,r,· srudenu 11,c:re confused," C3rol Keefer. P11s1 Falls: ":-.0. I came TucsdaJ and ... u hen: fl,e or \1x hours." Gerald Gourht). W:uhougal . Wa\h .~ Ye:,· I didn't ha,e an~ problem, at all. But I rcg1i1cn-d late: " SC'Ofl Poole. Sea.rue: " Yes! I had no problem •1th 11" Steve: Rrmmc-n, S,111dpoin1: " :-o• Tlle problem L\ that no one comn "hen thn are ~heduled. Th~ create!> a tu,~le and ·1 "•• unable lo get the d.llt.0 I needed:• Chrr Er1chon. Po11 Falls: "Yes! It "orkc:d for me." Tom 11: amps. Po,1 Fall\: ··ye,! :So pr~lcm,. Go! the clb"CS I 11,11n1c:d.''


kaleidoscope '>ludtnh "'"1111111 lu talc wme ,,. 1>-rrcdll n,ur,c:, rtUl ulkrcd at NIC may rc:gl~ter unlll hb I .11 tht· L O I, ln,111u1c a~,urdi1111 lo Or Bnb S10111. m,1ruc1or. S1,,111 ,,11CI tnllf'<'' ,ul"h I\ rour1,h1p and m11ma.11r 11' -..ell a, tht•w o...,ooa1ed "ilh th,· Mormon 1111h ore: ulfr,cd. II ,• ,o,d NIC d,1~, not acccp1 lhc,c 1tedll\ I\ 1rnn,rnruhk but nolt'd w,~ul unhrrsh1c, .1nd n>llrgcs in 1hc n1111>n "h1,•h 11,<1·111 1hrm fnr,illcd ,1udrn1, pa, S2. 75 10 talc .:in, numb.·r ot dn,,o al 1hc m,rnutc. \1uu1 nnlt'd lhJI ,1udcn1, arc "'·1,-.•mt 10 , "11 thr d",u"'''"' ,11 on, timr S, ht·Jutc, ar,· l"'~•ed <>n ompu, bulktm ll<'atd, and Mc: al .., "' ~llat,le II rhc 111,111111..-. ~211 \\ G.trdcn

The AS,IC S!lldcnl .\cmuie, CJrnmtl Ice h;n 5'hc:dulcd M-,cral e\cn1, for lhr

,pnne .emc51cr. .\ccMding 10 Joni G1tt>ert, srudcnt ac111111n d11«1or. J1lO\ i~,. bc shown in the: SUS Feh. Ii, \1arch I" and .\pril ?L Sh,· addNI 1h~1 1>J'C'ClfiC me,,. IC' 111~1 •ill be putihmcd l,ic;r Gtl~n alw '>.11d rhc- Dance: Commmtt hu been 1,n1ng foods tor r...o mo:ith\ fo, a dani:T t't·b . l5 at the Ells Club tn Coeur d'Aknc: The t,~nd 150 Proof ~ sdicdulcd to pla~ and G,l~rt I.aid 1111' dub'\ b.u •ill ~ drinh "' 1ho~c •hn are 19 o r oldrr. Ha, 1ng the dance al ,he Ell\ Clob ID\ oflbc ~m -111 pro-idc a cbaegc of atm<>,phcrc. Gtfttttl ..aid


Com.mittee loses interest • • • • • in constitution revision ~lullcnh prohabl\ "'1U 001 \UC< ,,n • ne"' c,>n\1111111,,n Feb. It>, 1,a>rd1n11 10 D.11c H.1u11h1. Cl"ln,111u1i,,n Re'1•ion\ Commmtt chairman Hau11h1 ,,11d .11 the hn 20 S1udt."nt R<>ard mccllng 1ha1 cnthu~11,m aml"lng comn11t1ec: member, h.t\ bc:t."n dra,ucalh rrdul'td and ,uggc,1NI a nt'"' ,-umm1trcc he 1ppo4n1N1 8 00 Br,~ n. l>1udcnt Bo;,rd ad, ,~er :md ch11rman or 1he Campu, Ga1·crnancc Commutec:. \4id then~ Fa,-ul1, .\»cmbh Can\h lUllon ha., been C'Omptcied Bro,,,~ \URl,!nlcd ,todcnb 11,111 .. 1lh pn?pann1, the ASNIC C'ons11111tlun un1il a final ,·01e hlb ~n rako:n on 1hl, p ~ d conu1tuuon. Wt."s Hatch. t>.>a.rd 611.1.nctal manager,

rtp<>ned th~, ,tudcnt tee, for ic<'Ond ,,·m<">lef probabh Y.ould 001 rca,h tllc prot'O'ed t>ud£CL .. The-re·, 1 c,ablOD ID tbc s.: .000 pUltlK'llll<'lll lulld... Hatch uiJ. .. Bui I mu,t ,·aution ,NJ 1n allO('alln~ futurt buJi.:ct requc:,b... , ln .,1her a.r1;;,n, \\ l'OGE Chauma.o H;,ui,:ht reported 1ha1 h,, comnullc:c is ro=tly ln"C'>U· i;u111g the <tatia of the boobt~ ilnd ,u. ettect, OD the: \rudcnt . ··Ekct1on Committee Chainnao Jo)lo Heodm p~ntc:d the ele..'tion alendar -thC'board ,01cd Judi Janes and Dcbbte Ga~lord 10 the Con,~on, Commmcc.

Idaho Collcgl' Continutng Education pr1> bu been 10 s.el'\·c on a highl'r c:dunuon :idnsary romm,nc:c Cor the Idaho Sure 80Clfd of Eduaoon.

Bos,,. ell wu sdttted to SCl'l'\' a.s one of 21 mcmbets OD the !'0$1-Sttondal'\ Edun, tion Ad~~ Comminec. ,.h,ch .~ respon· siblc: Cor malmg recor:unend:itioM to the Sute Board of Education ~nhng higher

eduauon. Ao:onfing m ROSt eo..mau. Pl'O!?"'m admm1Str:11or (or tht lcb.ho Sute Board of E.ducauon. the C'Offlmtnec: i\ romp,">Sed of rep~nt.i11,es of b11ihc:r cducarion and 1hr -icnenl publil- and " ('('11\ld~red a

• 1h1nl. unit" concer.nng 3c1i\i11ci, programs. cumcula and -11her area\ relating 10 higher eduo1ion "11 I ) an honor 10 II<' ~ppo1nted." Bos"ell said. '"btt;iusc 11 11he comnnncc:l g1,es an opportun11\ 10 gl\c roordin3rcd plannin~ of all .t,pccr, or higher edu· anon " Bo«"cll 11,111 ~<'I'll" a 1\\1>-\t'Jr term 'IIC Ptc:-;idcnl Bam Schuler ).ltd &,;. "ell', appo1n1men1 ,;inwres 1hJ1 1'0t1h Idaho Colltge "'11 ha,e on effffil\t ,o,cc 1n ,nOu~netns (he~('\ d<'t'l>IOn> 10 bl" ffl3dt .1Hc,11ng Idaho'< h1ghrT t'due~t•<>n pro, gram, 1n the ru1ure."

.Yo bool, b,n-- back

Students lose privilege B) Saslc _Epperlc


The: "11C didn'1 bu1 bacl. usNI boou f,ic =nd scmesttr lhb m11nl\ be-cause of the d1ften:nt i.:hc.dutin1t, IC• cord1n1t 10 Joan P.)lc. b«IL•1e>re rn.1n<1gt'r, Ch»c-!> ,1111NI soon 3fter the c:ml of ,-a.anon, D01 lcanng enough llme 10 order nt'lli b.xllu II 1h..-re acren't cnoogh u<cd onC'\, r, le ~id. •·Tbcff ,.u no ... a,,"'<' could 1n11,1p.11e boa man, t-oo:..., .. c: "'ould be: ge111nl,! ba,k from 1h<' .tvde111,," ,he ,aid. ThC' b<-1 ,.ttk of the IJII <.emt.",ICr I\ the lune the: bcxll, u-c boogh, back, ~ le »id. DOI ~nC'C the: Dl.'1" ,C'me\ttr •• \l.lrtC'd In 19i~. l'yll' ~id. 1he bookst~ did hold :a b(>( ba~·b.vl.. bc:<'ausc: th\'l'c "~ an e11trre •ed. 1.flcr ,-,.,~uiun b<:fore dh,es sbned. lJ there "ettn'l enough boob .11 the t'Dd of the bu,-bad.. 1hc:re "u \1111 thret 'acct.• for I.he. ba<>hlore 10 order ne" ODtS. she said P-·le said that e-·cn thoagh ~ ha,<'

b..'Cn pD\lcd m 1hi: p.1,1. 1he number ot ,1ud~n1, returning bo<-1.., h.1< b<'cn ~moll .11 thl' end or the first \~m<'"er. " \fan, eampu,h don't h.1,e ,1 bu, ·b3<'L h , • \cl'lkc tor 1hc \ludenl\."' she ,a,d . " lei ,ti) fc" •tudcn1~ het<' h.1,e <',er 1.1ken ad, an1agc ot 11 " P~ le ,.1id ,1udcnh ,tre .1blc 10 £Cl mare mon,·, for their boo\.\ "hen 1hc, ,ell them 10 other 'ludenl\ . no, 10 lh< ·1,oo1.,1ore 'The "Off bu,, 1hcm b.1d .11 half pnC't'. ,Cl J <ludcm c.1n icll them h1m'ICII and rc.:c:i,e 1hrce-four1h~ or more ol the ori! pn<C' tor 1he bo..>J.,. ,he i.aid. Pin• \.lid 1h01 311 11 IOI.~ I\ ",l linle imllJII' c • on lht \ludenl\' part 1n sell 1heir bool.\ n,.,., If canceling the bool bu, -b•ck "outd ha, c lefl student\ 111th no, 10 -c:11 1hc1r boot<.. II" ould no1 ho,c been dont md.

State board refuses funding for NIC auxiliary services The- Sute ~rd o! Ed:ialJC:I h.u •ctocd a reqac~: b) colic r: Prn1dc111 Barn

Schuler 10 pr0\1de Slate a,d 10 "IC , studenl 1-u.a:illan sc:nYa A lllouJ:h stilt' Aid f • thew K:>'lcn lD 1ns1111111011J of b1i;bn lnr11lng ,. Ill be phased oc1 compll"I~ Ill ldibo '"" 19~. Schuler madt IUl appc,1 to lhc: l.egl\b!ure tlut ~lC be phas.c:d tn untJ thu lime He said d,e rolkgc ha, nc.c: recc:l\cd fand11111 for ti:..boohtorC' and dorm, bC'C'llU)e II ti not I .\U!C' ID\IIIUl1on Sdill!tapc:,..ifall) l'Cqll('~tc:d S39.000 to help p:, the ln!CfC'\I on rhc SUB • ,.\hhoug!i ~IC-1, Sl'B bu,h purely ,ub s1udt111 fea. nun.- other ,1 ...1cs fund at lca,1 1hr constru.:uon or th~c building, lca\lnl! rhc nuintrnanct> up 10 the: >IU· dent~" be, ~id. ··The ,u:e bo&rd fell 1ha1 the 1,1udcn1~ , hould be banng 1hr ros, of th~ of thelf c:due1mon Slll(C 1'::~1 c~e I S.:h::f~ ~id.



The pha"ni: out Ill funds . .according 10 1he ,·olh.•1:c prt-,,dent. "ill m.ikc no d111crcnC\" 10 'IIC ,incc 11 h;1, OC\Cr Ct(CI\C'd ~m. bul forrho,,l' UOI\C'r\lllC, ,h~, h~• e. the d11fercn<e in 1u111on rould be: 3rnund SSO, ~.:ar more pcr \tudcn,


II<' u1d rhe, •1111 hJ,r 10 make up ror "h11 tllC\ no h•ng,•r !l<'I r,.,m 1he \l3le rft<' 1,1;i1e 1>11gh1 10 be "1lhn!: 10 Jld th~ ,unllial'l '-<'l'l l<T' 10 >ome Mgrc.-.' · Schu· ler ,,ud "Stu,frnh need 10 eJI Jnd bu1 ho<•h Ir 1. J le~111m11c need " Dr J. P Munwn member of 1hc: S1i11c Board of Educ111nn. \aid 1n a telcphonr 1n1el'l·ic,"' .. 11h 1hc: CR 1h,11 U1e board'\ deci,,.,o 10 phase: ou1 1h1\ (undmg wb , good one \iun\on tdded 1ha1 11 "a' 1he onl)' "J) equlhte 1h1, funding "'11h1n all 1he colleges 10

Cardinal R<',·it'w - l

Frida,.January 28. 1977



er sports

Wrestlers victors in recent matches a, John lbmllloa

It W4~ JUSt p.i~t \UOdO\I n on 3 rain:

rhetco=•i=n Or:!) 1•"0 cn..-pan1 ~ am,cntN 111 •od a dud between tv.o undcleated "rc~thng team\ ",~ about to t.uc pl.1n-. The c,,1umb1a Ba'ln College Ha"'u had come "inging into sogs, Coeur d'Alene "ttb an unbutcn ;treal in duo I compeU· tton. The ,(l,;i" powerful NIC Cudinah "~c •ho on hand "ith 3 perfect record of their""" The highl, accl21mcd duel tu rned our to be quite oM-\ldcd 10 the dchi:ht of Oard boo,tcrs One stdcd. but lackinR n,,1h1ng 1n qualtt\, ra,i-p•ccd "rnthn~

Card,n•I nutmr.o b.t~ also P4fUOp.2tcd 1n se,-cral toa~=ts m · = 1 •ccb, ..,th 1hc- brul~r'q! dual rnatcll •tth wtcm


\\'a\h1ng1iln 51.211: College Ju =o bctng


:,OJ(" "'lln

JII·<> u four Card i:nipplt'T<

r•,ll!d up pm, and four 01hcr\ regs.tercel dcc1~1on , ictf:,nc,. C•rdinal Ccmh le\ Hoi:an wa, qukt , hl'"<''<'r to point out thu thl' Ha"l m~t men ·· er.- in m bind ,n tht' tnJUr~ d<'p.rtmcm.

"The, ((9( J had '" o al thm , ar,1r.· mcmhcr, 1n1urcd ~nd one h~d other rc·,p\ln,1lt1l111c,. ·· he reported .. Their •b"'nc~ had to ma~<' • dtllcrcnc,- ,n the oc11,:omc of thc match.·• [,·en "uh thC'f',t oth,•r ,.rntlr" CB( didn't appt"ar to ha"· tht' ,trcn11th or depth n~C'dtd to Jump tht ( ud1nal~ a, eight of tht ten nutchc; "crt• ""n b, the home

dub O~lc Rclo" Don Oucn. Paul lbmthon ~nd\ l>chulcr "t're the four" 1nncn br pan, for "11( a_rul Georec !\:in~. Jeff Po.. dl. John HenJn1 3n,I li3t\' Gcm1und,110 "rrt'

CBC"~ 'IQ:rulg and ·he Ca:-trial •rcslkn .:umcipaung rai=!s campct!!IOll opt,mbually ' We do lu>-e qii111: -a fc,w ~id• ·uth po,r.1-stcnag potcnual 'Coach H11ga11 c:,;pb.Ulcd. relnru:B 10 the 'JCAA cba111pp1on,btps 10 ~ bdd III W~1on Minn o>\er \l.udl J ~ ~r:11 5

the b.t~1

1'11 tu.c •• t..J.etball ud s:o bomt'. Gnuh Phillip~ ltopl rip" off• r('bou ncl •Jlaln,1 • Walla \\.ubt (umtnnnll• toU<1:c pl.a•ff In tht' Jan. 2~ ron1e,1. \11kc \t.,.oocl 1,-1-11 walth t • tht' tti.11. ~IC lo.I tb, t&JM IM-63 .,h,·o Walla Woll• .. ,.nt ii.head In ihl' "llllln11 wcund,.

SIC p,metpa1ed •·t1h l"ll'O fuU sqi:ad\ ai the l'nhcri1h of \ lonun, ln•t1.2t1CJ1al (IC'Jffl A and It'~ B l ;and took bot."~ and lounh 1n ttam =n,i:. lnd1ddually \'cm Oilulo.. G ~ Ku,g 11~m1llon and GermunJson tool. rs:,t-p.u'C htlMr, "hik Tcm \\arfidd ~ O..c-11

11itmercd "=nd·(>l•.:-c dforu. .\1 rhc '\onh E&.,tcm Colarado Colqtln\ltau.-11.11 ,n Stl"rltng. C"1o. Ja11. 14,1 S '\K had 10 pt'l'form •ell bt-na~ aminl1n,• ~ Hu,:an tltt, "tre 111 thC'lf "IOI. l'cst t<'IUrnJmCn1 <,I the )at ' The Card1n1J\ rll:\C' 10 !lit u.u and d:d pcrlorm ""II tooui:h 10 finl p'.;itt 111 the rompct1t1t>n 10 pro,e it, Stdlar per· lormt'h ,1nd GC'ttDUOd'iOCI !Dill fints and p.,,.t'IJ made H to the finah but


fonctted the m~1'h beauie ol IIIJUI'),

Cards to battle CSI in contest of feathers 8~ lkmJc Wll!>On 0;,.. ~ ... mhe b.arc.l 1nd lt'".athc-Mi 11111 nr 2Q tn !he ball.le of the bird, • hen the

MC C'mltn.l\ fan: the top r.inkCIJ Jun,or rollC'gc" IC'31D tn the nJlll>D. the CollegC' of Soalhern ld.aho Golden E'.ai:;I~ .

I he F.aglc,. host the C•rd, ,n b ,n Falls u11 thC' i.ccand nis:h1 of a •cdcnd m> th<" road for MC {rc#5Ut'l" \ alky Communtl) lollc~c ho,1.1, "C hn 2!S m OoUlno, Ort' Both 11.1111n .ire ronftr~nC't' g.imc.i.. ··1 don't 'i.n01l ho" ,.c·11 do"!!''"" l"'tther team:· roach Roth William~ i..11d, " \\'t' haven't pLayeil other )i.:t lbh )car :arnl an; thmg Clll h.appcn.'' ··Buth ::;irucs .. mbe wugb. especully :ag,1m~1 CSI, .. uh tbC'lr 1• ,0 record. but I hopt' ,.., do ... cu.' hc added. The CJ1rd, ~re I J.~ 0>crall ~nd '>-I alter C'hra~lmH b-reitk. '\IC l<>St (h,: prD\ Jan

2510 ',\ ;iU2 \V..Ua Community College b) 2 \C'OrC' of t>4~. Afw lc:ad1ng most the gJmc, ~IC tru:'.ed ~ ~n~ opponunn~ • 1th SC't'Otld\ 10 go and the COtllOI lhpp,::d



',\;enau:hcc V:uJcr Communil) College rell t·•'ICt' to ',IC. ,n Wcaatcbrc Jan. 15. ·1t-n ~ in Coeur d" Alene Jan. 18. :b-'>2 "' \\"erwche-c u~I} ha~ ova<IO potnts a g,.roe. but ,.c held them dot<n." \\"1ll~mi ~Id. \rnhm\ ~id the 1e1.m bu played .. cu rc-,:ctJy :i.nd is f11rly •ell-b:al:l.nced. ·· w e have mt1st' games ahead." Willi;ims ~ ··We must v.1n them CK b.t,e nothing. h'\ ;;oi112 ID be dmn1 !ll 1bc mtty g:it1J and thc:rc •ill be some 1:ood ga=," Y.ill<ams =d h e ~ tbc IC'~ on -'U1 fflO'it OI rhc b12 games. but added n ll'ilt nor



Dau, K.nunn photo KcU~ Moau clhu lnlo the, lna-amaral swlmml.a1t compel.Ilion held Jan. U at the \'?,fCA. Moeni •u on I~ !hst-platt rcam and ~ Gc.rmWldsoo and J ~ Vl>1boc dta,ed Ont-plate lnclh ldual hono~ In 1be competition b, caplnrlng three nnu eacb.


be an caw S, ,me of the pmes Willums cited ..111 be a~a,n ,t R...J..,. Collcl!e Fcb.5 a.nd T~ure \'a~ Ja.n. 12. both confcretKC gmic, il.Dd both at home \\'1lh.1rns ,:ard the tndindu al pl-a~ cu ha, e impnned I.lid ;u. a lcam they are oom1\1cot "11b depth. factors •·h1ch he Y•d .. m help ,n February v.hen rbini;:s get

.. h.atry ••

W lh•m• al,u lalk,·tl ,,hnul rhc, ,m•II ,tutlent 1urnou1 lll gJmc,, ·" hr ,.ml he

h;cl, NI<.'. h~s" >< t)' stroJlll( dub. •• ,\ Int ul s tu•lcnl\ ar, n11,1-1ng 1hr hoJI hy nut •IU·nJtni, g•mc,," he ,;.1111 " ..lo~I 1tudcn1• Jr«• nut


ul nur

s11nn11 Jthh•tll pro11ram, .ind the IJ< t •e'rc 1n u sm,n11 r,11ton ,,,mpar,·d tn th!' rest ,,t 1h, n.,11on ," W11l1.ant,, ,1hn ~lltlrtt•. d1r,:C1or. u1d. ~I( "'J~ 2.3.11.,1,car 1n h;a,1.ctJ,Jll 11nrl W 1U11m, SJ1d •.•.l1t·nt"H·r ~ team go..~ !J\cr

SO pt't,cnt prOjCrum.


1ohm<, the s,h,.-,1 h.1, • 11,.,d

"When ~Ptl lnol al the; nltton~I , h~mp,

ton, ·•c',c lud 111 ,.,csthng. yoo c•n rdl thcrt' t\ an unuiually good pr"llram m ,n a1hltt1C'> h~r~:· Wilham, •,Ju, Compiled st:itiltlC':\ for the 10 games ,hoa.· the Cardi. dnm,nJting their opponc11rs. :-; IC ou t•SCOJi:d 1hc1rfoc,, 111,ing


them • 711 b poin1 uvcrJge per g~mc Lo:ad1ng Card scorer "'u Rand\ Wilkt'i ..,th JJQ 1oul po1n1i for a 13.9 nenjlc. Joe Hanwa~ ,econd high witlt Jn 11 .6 a,eui;c. follcr,,ed by ~rk K,cfcr isnd S•m W;ud, each wnh a 10 J a,eragc As a tt'.am, tht' Canh ,hot 47.6 pct<'COI from the field and f>S.b pc,,:cn1 from the line as opl)O\Cd ro 42..S pcrcoent from the ficld and M (1 pt'r(cnt from the hnc (or 1/tc 0

opponents Three Cud, ,hot O\eT SO per«nt from the field Willie Young hu S2.7 percent. GrJd) Philltps \hot S2 percent and Kidcr •hot 51 I percent

A dwlffl1tc bu btte ls....t by IN nunlng ~ al :,/orth Idaho Coleae • • mcam of boo!idnc poor ctodral a,in,1antt a1 Cllhlctk coaiaca. The nlllWI an Ulr1llai 001 In l'ortt Fell. S !or lbc bukc1ball aame •1111 lllcb Colleac. The, pollllcal 'idaltt ud pre-taw sindmu. hue aa,cpecd l.bc duillm,e •W art.t'mpl IO c.uttd 1.bc a, l.bc Feb. 10 pane .

11-· .....,.

Friday. J anuary 28. 1977

(___c_o_-_re_c_s_h_o_rt_s_ _J C'~m: basletbaJI competlllOtl begJD ""O aetti. ago ..,th rao t."ight-tcam lr:agucs 1moht.'d. Games are pl.t~cd lt o·-15 ~nd · p .m. ID the S?)m OD MondJ)~. Tu~,s and Thursdan. c~m~, ,.ilJ contmu~ thnluJ!h Febrwr< and finish .._;th m.11ches be""C'CO tbc top iv,o tams m c:ich lcagut.' Ft.'b. ~ :and Much I. C~m:-b:auc1ball )l;1ndin~ J.~ of :ZS .art' ,.,.


follov.,. .\BA

ROC*iC'S 2-0 l>o'dod: \ c,,.s 2-0 • ads 1-0 S1ar< 1-1 lnJectOC'S 1•1 A11.nh arts (). 2

Tniops Hoops0-2 Piglrts0.2 NBA.

The tnlrJmurJI ,,.1mm1ni: m21~h "r~p· pcd up JJn, 14 \\Uh 1he INl'l SJf('. F~,, Jr,d Etf«uH· ~11immmi: 3"~' 1<11h lifl1


i-cll, \ fl,eo., Jen11.1t \\ 1lwn R;i, Ber 1,•n .nd lr-e S~"" 3m.1,wd 1/-1 po,nt~ for SFF -,u1d1,1;incin(' the Wrt,11.-r,., "ho >\•led N E,cn1 \\tnn<r< for 1hc conlc>t "en: J> 1,,1111'": Jl"nmc Wd,,>n. SO., .1rd r~,,,lc. Kdll \ll"'t.'n~ ~-13,d lr\'c,l'\lc. knn,c \\ 11'.oD. 100., .1rd fl't't'\I\ le. SFE !00-, 3rd fr,~,, le n:13, · t.i3r< Gcrmunchon. :,()., .ird l>rt'J,1ri11'c. Jennie Wil,,,n. Jrd buncr· n, .lnd Gu, Gcrmund,-,n.' ind" 1du.1I


medh:, rcla,

lndl\1duj1 ,.,nner, Germondson 2nd \\ ''"'" .1long "11h the members ot SFE. \I Ill be ITUI~ 10 fr<'\" ptUJ .11 Link 81g \ lrn (OUrlt" or the -.:1c Rl.'l.'rt:31100 Dcp:anmcn1. The 'II(' o:o u·,· che,~ 1ourn2mrnt 1s dr.1Jlo.:Led ... .1111nii for r<'suh, of .1 m.t1'h b<:f\\ccn lcshe K1ng1on .ind Jefl Po,, ... 11 PIJ, ,ng 1hc \I tnncr ,,r th3t m31ch for the champ1on,h1p 1\ PJ.t J :im.w~eh

Go-~ads 2-0

Stallions 2-0 Facull'\ 1-1 \lien W re~bei 1• 1 Smo~ 1-1 Cold Zip\ 1-1

Paal Hamllton throw, blJ weight a pinning mo, e a,lllMI Collltllbta 8utn College's Ka Bmky. Hamlllon aock Brisky and Cuch defeaud S.,,b 3&-6.

HaPP' HookcD0-2 Tnpk Thre~I 0.2

S1gn·up for .1 1oblr SCK~r tournament '"II be m lht' SUB Feb. 1-J. C'om~uuon ,, ill rua in mt'n and womcn·s singles :ind doubles. Tourna men1 :1c11on "Ill be Ftb.

"-18 lnform.11ion C'Onrernmg JII co-rec ;ie1iv:· 11es 1s :ivo1l.oblc 01 the Recreation Office in the ba<emen1 of the SUB.

Cardinal matmen active in holiday tournaments By John Ha:mJJton OH·r 1he , cme,1a lue~k. m~I Jtudcnh v.t-rc at humr tallng it e11y Nm tht NIC v.rr\lk r, Ourln11 1he holidll\\, Card maimcn rnrn11<•1td 1w 1L~· a, • full learn and nnc,:wllh i u,1 '" o " Tei.lier, II a maior college llll'<' I ,n C'h1r111111. NI( o u1d1 .. n11ct'd l ht' four team field 01', IQ at 1h1 Uni•cl"llt, of W11,h1nw.ton Junior \ 1orl\l\ Im 1t111ln111I 11 Stank Jeff 1'<>11 t'II. 142·p<111 nd chomp111n ,-opJl('d thc lourn e, , aut,lnnd ing "re~1trr 1-.ard <,on Gr rmund,011 " a, ru nner up for thAt a-.ard ta~ln11 l!f\l plar< at l'IO Tv. <1 nul\l·and1n11 ,cnipplt'I"\, o.,o ~nd G,·rm11 n11'\111, l< l'f'<' NIC', n•prhenll 1, ... , In 1h,· prr,11g1ou, Midland~ Clu~u: h.-ld D..-, 2'1 JO nn th e ca mpu~ of Nllrlh1< e\l<'m Unhcrhl\ 0,1,n 1<a, C'll mtnaled h) h1~ ~ca,ant'd

opponent 1n the ISO,pound cla!>" 11· • d~p1u- lt.'Mling al one umc 4-1 Hu.,~ had 111ten ~nd place: 10 h,, "'e111ht d1\l<ioa m th~ f)O'l't'rlul B,g Ten Int ,r,ar. CrT111und""CI """ h1\ nutch bot 1hea joint'd bl\ trammati: on lhc ,tdc:liae after drorptn" • d=,an 10 a grapplrr from cu1era po .. rr Lehigh Cn" crl\l> . .,u..unt Coach John Ov.en "ll' unprc!,~ b) the l':ards' perlorman.r 10 lhh mc."et •htch he 11."rmed .. ,he tou be,1 collc r a rc-sthn1 louraamral ta the na11on " ThC' C'1rd1nah llanened G1111"J H.ubor Jan b .)4,9 ,.,th a strong te•m effan Mllf1 C'urtt,, O,.ni and Gftm.oDdson all rad.C'd up p1as •blle Cbarlu Fnln. G(ori:r t,:,ni; and Paul H~ms110SI all lC'Ol't'd


dC'Cl"OR\ ,

Thinclads strong 1n AAU meet I hl' C'ord, did ,,di 1 1 thl' crack mttt Jan 12 tn M.,..,...,,. C<'-lrh "11l t Bund, , a.1J . !l.rl,hall R11a , plart.'d lounh 1n the 60 mcier d~,h " 11h a um<' ,,t i:, ~o Bund, s.11d lh" umr "a, .-,«llcnt. R1, a., ~st Ult.' r..,-.,rd 1tmc ,,1c,. •:,, quahf) 1ng h,m for the hnal,.

l.efa-.o !.1rl.lud aad r.file Dillq plK'C'CI c1grh •nd a1ath coase~Ull\el~



'1111.:m•I Jun1« AAU 2CHilOOM"trr Owapion,h1p "11iJ:u1d', lllk 11.u l: lJ:.3o

o,nc, ·~ ·~ i:IJ.4Q.

Oa,r h111mcr photo llt'1U"\ Jimffln, 'llC thl.Ddad. completes 1.1101hcr lap In bl~ Intramural l'>lmali.a: t{[o,1. ~ i 11tmmlne <'Ompctltlon 11..-ld Jao. 2-1 " u domln;,ted b) • scam callinjl lt\df Safi. ftil and EffC'C'li, e. ftnbht!CI

,nlramural " tt<illln; >.l gn ,up ,tart, ~.di, , h :b. 1 and encb fd,. J I.II the ~ n i t of l B. \lat r ht> , " Ill lal.e plat't' In 1hr "re)tllog room from 3.4 p.m., Frb . · . 10


FridaJ. January 28. I 977



Ski buffs hit area hills Wii,kr IS tbt time of )Cit ,. h.:a CO('Ur d'.~kl!C' alh-e. It LS ac,tlcd in 011e_C>! 1hc m<>St popular .-inttt ... on.d~nds ,. ,th ca\\· aa:c" to m.t~ u-ea ,\, rc<Ol'U anJ




For the ~\1 and kldge !rut- "h\.l sip oa 111ce <'Ill)' oi h.,r buucrcd rum. o

.....,.1,c, ol s\a re>«U .ane cuil~ a..~ublc..

~ t k~r lie!cl'\-O I "bok ,Jort o4 CTCd,t. He get, op .u fo-e ,n Ilk' mon11ng. at!d pou!$ cups QI C'llffce In his mooth ,n a ~n~ nfort to up The u:1 bum then wn bh phN1c off 11tc bool. so hr •00·1 be bothered,. h1lc he loads 11:c u~. JJOlc'. l,oc1i. tlJi . .. ,re. do11 aod W"lllr fl.ul ,nto bu impot1.:d lottscn


car Ht lffl\n 11 t~ •ll mm JU\l •~ thto tau dc«ftt pl.a ·c L\ I.Alen Hs, onl~· allct'IIIU\'T b to parl. a m1k u, .:a) 1nd ,..11. 10 the;e. Aftet 111.Jl.!11& It to the l<ldgc .. ht'rc the 1li {~ily p!IU on thdr 1ppropn.:a1e ,u !awans. the:) then uand "' the l.'nJ of a stt=gly rndlcn IUIC "'"lllinJI (or thrir 111r111 10 ndc lbc clwrh!t to thr l<>p i>r lhc awan1ala

A pllr or lnlnUllan.l rhals Ogbl !or COD.trol oL Ult' ball. ThJt lnllll c,ootlnac e>~ Monday, TaC'Scla) ud TbandaJ ,


benotta 16


Aher pabeotlv •••tln1t, b llt""t'r fail, ch.JI N w lirtlcT nM:m~ of the,ly c.a,s he ho enaalfed 100 much pop o:ic

With much dc\p.lir the f~m1J~ rthlms to 1~ lod~e and onr,:o •ll••n end, up ,. ailing at the end ol the sl.1 hft hnC' The-, ,111'\ 1\t' the ndc h."1 1hr tnp of the

mooat:un and begin to pn:par;.- IOf their 11ip d010n lh<' moonu1tn After a quid t,r1tfini; '~"mn, t ~ dc,,Jc- 10 follow- l'ICh od,~r do,,. n tht' ,le!!'(' and to a,llid all bumJ!', pc<>plc anJ ,~,. Of ~,une .lt th,· b<>th•m or the hill thcv .:art one mcmt-<r ~h<1ft The fll"\I thought i, ,hl"Cr p~nK' but 11 " qmd,h rthc,cd ,u the m"""i; mcmbl'r of th,• f•m1h 1, •polll.'d nding b~tk up 1h1• m"11n131n nnt 10 a ,nov. t-uul\

Thr rem.under or the ch) ls ,pent II'\ m31011~1 all mtmh~r, the lam1h t,ad IOll<'lhl'r lon11 rnou11h lor lun.-h ,\her brt.ak1n11111 c•t. t1l.in111hc.- do11 for a "ilk, .and rcor111ni:tn11. lhl' !1m1ly rtturn, w 1hr m1"1nl~tn Thc1 .are .tblr to 11c1 in a couple more 1l 1 run, bcf1,n- the hlh .,rr forrl'd 10 clD\t' carh du!' ti> 11 hllk c11ltl v.c11hrr (l:tllttard '"'" oO-nsllc-prr-h,111r ,._,nJ,I Ahtr a ,la.. return 10 1hc1r car . 1hc 1np hnmc h filled """h ~h.alll'r about 1hc fun 11mc 1lw~ h.ld and abuot plan• fur nut ,.cdond', inp.



Intramural play appears barbaric 8) Da,c Bowud The~ come ,n ,u~1ns dcgl'ff\ or sue. 1gc. nee. rc:hgaon ind amount ol lalier ,n,unn The~ arc ba~kctball pla)·= and ca<h Moncin . Tuc~av and Thunday 1hcv dc-nd upon the g,mn:u,um hkc a horde or arou~ barbarians. tnien1 upon dcc3p11a11ng lh<' cncmy nnd immctg1ng nnguanc but , ·ictoriou, Well. maybe no1 quilt' 1h11 dru11~. Vietof) 1! pcrhapi. noc I\ impor1an1 as the liner point\ of bultctb1ll etiqucne Pia) er) run abou1 lil.c hvpcracll\t

ga.zclln. \.Cttant hl.e de1Dcllted banlbcn, lll.c cold 11luscs ill a ~ l"ll<'ffl ud, »rcn the game:. absorb beer tile lkhJ· drat~ )p<>n~ . The ,iamc\ arc a , a,11\ c11tC'nauung mcna!:c of cruaneu and IIC\CT bc-f~ s«o contornons "'hkh mal.c Houdia.i looo. liu a ,ull Spttat- are ,.~me 10 ~ - e lbe battlC\ The, l('DCrall~ start II ~:JO p.ra. and end about S:30. Then: .ii.: It, lea~. so pknt) or acuon i, u,ured . Hopdull) , <amc o( 1hr pan,cipanb aiU suni,c.

Campus has new sauna; no student sweat until fall The Finns do 11. ~ S1<edcs do 11. Hopcfull) nc.rt )Car you 100 .:2n do it Wh•t• T•l.e a ho1 bath in tt-4' n~ 54una recentl} complct~ 11 NIC. The sauna. located in the former bucball cqu1pmcn1 room an the b3.el,; ol the 1r11ning room.hone or No new .l.dditions 10 the JOffl. The ocher IS a Lc3pcr Leg ~bclwle. USt'd forlcge-.~rc= The sauiu ..ill be open ror .ill srudeots neu year. according 10 Coach Roll> Wilh.tms. ,r a secure ...Y or entenng can be 11,orltd out. At present, entnnce IS gained through the tnuning room :tnd um ,s unurisfactOI'), he said WilliAms S.1id anyone will be :tble 10 use 11 and amngcmcots for both nw~ and female use v.ill be made. Before the saun3 lS used b, .tnyone. secumy in the inm,ng room 11.111 have to improve. he s:aid W1lli.ims csnrn11ed lhe cost ,r rough!,· SJ .s-00 and said ii 11,u budgc1ed under th~ ma,ntenaocc dep.tmncnt Plans 3rc bong made to consttuct a secure cntnncc. Tl>ett ,.ill be no c:lurgc

for the use of the saon.a unless 11 bea1rDes ncccssar) for uplccp. Will iams said . It ,...,0·1 help J'OI.I reduce. it ,.on·1 acne. 11 "on't loOber )'OI.I up. 11 won·1 cure a bad cold 1ad II docs pul a strain on your he.ir1. the co;acb :wd The ae,. Leaper ~g Machine "'.tS rca:ntl> purdwcd by the pbysic:al edu, nuoa depanmcnt for appnw.matdy S'llO. Wi1fo1m:. >-1id. He ~d it's .i type of ,.eight tnining m:u:b1nc used to increase ,·mic:a.J for ju mplll g a.od rebounding. ··1a tbe months n's been here. it has had man: u~ than :uiyth1ag cls.e in lhc ~ m." W",Jli.tms said. The machine can be used bJ anyooc. bui nwnh benefits athletes. Bestdo belp,ag bukctball players dC\ clop leg sangth. the macluac helps ,. resdC1S gain stn:ngth speed, Williams s;tid.

Sprin1cr1. b1gh jumpers and 1riple Jompcn ..'ill also benefit Crom the m&· ch,nc' s use. W"tnmms said. u II gi,-cs them ipccd neocdcd for their C\-CUlS

D.,Yllhl1J ~ and aD ~ malle. --o,-cui11ec1 ..... ~ a pad.ed dd shop. l1K- outdoor a:port Is !al becoasfaa a Camlly fa,

Germination 5ttih an onlJ dormant plants, wn,ppt'd In wlls that ~ u .. eu a..\ pro1ttt. \\1Lb 1he proper nouri<Junffll , and onJJ andtt perlttt coodluon,. 1ht- wU bttaU dov n ud I tmdtt arec,n plan1 pttl.s oul. S1n1ebln11, l11.1urfou:sl) in lhc "arm jl!All.;:J,1. "e =d al llM: bnul• o ( • M,. " orld. Ut.c ~ ~ . " <' hl\r bro~ lhe sh,,U.


l 'ndc:r the ausplri~ dirtttlon and staldancc of D1,ic1 Sharp. " e dlSCO\Cttd 1 .. arid or emollon and r 1pre",lon talltd poeu,. As IIKDlk ~ of , 1c-, creaJ.he wtllizlg dub. Orud. " " are prood 1.0 pnwn1 1bc fndu. or tha1 dlsel,\er, -. a trilxn.e to our germlua.tloo.

A Dream Once upon a ucuurcd dream. Of cloud< and queen~and dr.-gons And m l ' ~ pa1n1ed ,n hues of blue and JP'Ccn I u,. your sm,lc I heard your voic:e I heard you <'Ill my name In m) happ111,.,s I reached for you Bui ,v.okr and found you gone r he an11uhh bum\ deep wtthin my hc,r1 'i t i sull my drcum !lot'~ on

Ending or Beginning Due" c nvt to speal olit for fac:ryth,ng " c do not knoa And ja)I " hen "'e ~cit~ ,ntm~ Too la1c 111< 10 shol,.; ~ Home l'•c hued 11 Uke$ u~ to~oureDd1n11 ~

I Have A Melon


I h~, <' J mtlon

1n m, bclh I lorni.:.ucd v.11h .rOo,, cr h~ ><'.l'DI jlrO\\ > an m, '""'"

"hen I ,il\t' b1nh rn Ln,l\\ th,_. \C\'fl'I c,t ,"\(h.• ~nd '<'~•on

ur "orm r.1 !,uncrfh

N ztptia l Frills

..r1,1,· hl hfc

I o"<"sll 10 gardcn,·1~ he fore"'"

Ouri Tli 1•111

fM\ ~('U, h.,\ C p.u~

'il!!Ct' 1~ door• 11, dmt'd Th<" room, ('(Ultenll rrm.1 in

Most 1&rhinth II\ left P1.:«S

,hrt'd\ and \Cn~

llr Jllt.11 fnll\ I nni; m di..arra, , fttlin5 f.a1kd and IC:G(JIIMI The ,etk,u, prn.\al rOU" That ~ 1n;pcd 10 bbcl hm 11:ib~ , Btt.a1h amhn~kd Pil, du read\ 10 br bumt Thr ntl!I ribbo:l, and dcliatc 1att


H~,c,b,o,&n~l , 1:1!knl~ \\ iltlll£ • 1th If<' \ II huih of a fraP'3i:t NllqllCI. Stttpcd 1n tl:c smrll er=


Thoughts Thoughts bum anJ d.antt

A M:ua GrttnJran, "Good Mon ung~" mt

<, , 1s boa And ,ou•"


8.lfflJ ,natght. h.i\"U!i gi,,ca up l'ttl<'DCl•n.: u~. !',am~. ,utcly "'1aAd!Pi." Ol'K' t-y ome, f. mal~ and fnmds All of " hom on Stall rcmcmbn t.bc c, -c111

cu SICJb ad,4DC'C fClr'"ud


Allil the bndt', 5'1-t'pl bKl m l1llX l!c,mt'mbcn t.bc ;&Jter. tbt' bnd J~ And the •'N~ m.aa "'bo $1.1pped a-.1} She rcadat'-> out ~ giurlcd. naglc:ss hand i\nd clo, r, 1hc1r bool

Jonuth o n G ill

.:irngnoo.11 ~1

L,1n11 ope:. n • guest boa\

YI•1n11 blic._ ~ an That )moulder long after The- hrat 1) aone

,\to A ,i dea.d from b.:~ of ,uffictl'nt ~l~t'p. I rn1;1 I 0111111 \lum1't'r OrJ to firu! :l:C'l'c" 1U,thin~ on the tubc8:11 a (11;,u •

11·~ pag~ a.ll

Acro:n m~ mind, Wi1hou11 ) taJt

Goocl ~lorning Captain

('ele:- It> Gt>a 11, t rea 11

lfttl Su

I= the cooc I room I wm on d:e sho,.tr In hopes 10 d!'014n ll"llte m, Knn·, ,\ llll)(l).C

rc-p:-11 •

.\ \t1 11 vmh ll ~ ~pon.


Cllp~ 1n .YyL •

Share ,ome 11111c: ,.,rh 2 rncnd ..

" If I ~d ooc H:i, c: f ~t 7 A ,M J.


M o na ( .u 11 n ud u .'

The Wind's Game A long ume ago. the wind whispcn:d my ~me He,. h1spcred and whispered and dared me 10 pla, his g~me I thought of ho-. bad 1... outd lilce 10 know The s«rel of his hov. ling. lhc,. a) he docs bfo,. He spuncred and hissed and th~ din 10 m) face. And laughed .. uh, ho-.-1. "Let's get out of this plAce'" Wr: ne" up hi11h. 11.e nc"' and .. e uilcd. And he ga,·e me his breath" hen mine hAd failed He me hii world so large and great. Wonders no human rould ever 1m1u1e I learned 1he,. ind's scaets. one and all But I nc,er h1,c told them for fear C1f bis call For 1ha1 .. as a rule of the mighty ,'i game, And 1f I do tell. I'll ne,er be the ume. One v. ord of ht\ sccrcis and I'll be pul to death Then he'll lilkc me and make me into some o( Ins breath I'll hov. I and hiu ,nd whisper and sputter. So don' t ask ortus Sttn"lS (or not one can I utter.

Joni Gilbert

Revenge B~en pro11115oCS Ii~ treasured drums sh&ne1N1 bitter feelings erupling lute bridled by sel£,control I realize ... hurting you only mllkcs rny ache g1ow stronger

Dana AntoneUi

Calling Home Daddy. (I'm nine1ccn yeart old and l s1ill all him Daddy.)

Culture of Destruction

Daddy. I'm Just fine bu1 l spent all of my money .igain this mon1h. I bought some hllcing boob and they're great. Supposed 10 losl :i lifetime. Famous last words.

'iocie1y our God Almigh1y. We pledge our souls 10 thee. You arc rc:illl)•. No IOOll\'•jUSI tomorrov.·s, Al ..·a,s 1hc need 10 achieve. never just 10 be. The induc11onof sorrov.s.

We hove I Prcsidcn1. Wos there an elttuon? Forgot 10 mAkc my selection. Had~ IGSle of Americ:in Pte. Don·, ,.ant stt0nds. the pncc. 100 high. Heard of the land or the free. been ages since the cherr} tree.

D:iddy. l'"e go1 a major Arc you ple.:ised? I've even got my mind set on a school. What is it? Must li:nc3d m0tt bread. 10 spread 1ha1 buner. Makes us look bcner. doesn't muter hov. ffllUI} "e ICi,c in gutters. Well-kept c:irs in dri\'cv.ays thri,·e: hungn children in st~b sun "·e. Ma~ production·~"'CCI poi,on-. but v.e need ten dozen.

Dadd>. , ,..,uu to ..Tile and maybe leach. :and go1 this 1hing 1n my head 10 go 10 school in 3nOlhcr st.ale. If it cosb too much, I'll ~IO) out a yen and wort. Whal do you think? h's h.ird.

Daddy. did you get on elk this year? I wanted 10 go w11h )'OU but , .....s bUS). rm bUS) thi\ )'CU you kn0\4 I don't get home u mut'h as I'd like Doddy. arc you there? Are you ~lccp1ng? Jus1 ya" ned.

Pet rocks thl'O'o<· non 115 10 fondle "'hen alone amusing. but not soothing. With s1erili?ed hems boughten flesh is sought: ,.e compensate for IO\e, that nov. is lost.

Marron rcflccHrulhful 1magel), don'1 lilc v. hat I sec. Wha1 ·~ become ofhurmm1)·! Animals ~ur.·l\·c:d. but hair of us died. Sorneumcs at night I tr)'. Bctu een nightmares I dream. that "e can be free Thal 10\e IS ah\'e, tho none t.ake the risk. to ~h°" it esistS. I'm fighting for sanity. Gladly e1ch1nge tranquili1y. form.\ ,·ani~· Will you accept me. if I brc:il the tTCCd' I \\ant control of m~ dcstin)

Dixie Ledbeucr

Dutd, ... 111 )'OU be home lh1\ weekend'! I( you are I'll come up. I get offSunda~ ahcmoon and ,.ant ~o much to ge1 C\lol). ThingHrc hectic th1) )t'ar. I'll be hunting. bencr lei you go befOT"C t run up the bill. Dadd}. u·s collect and I'm runmn11 u up. so good,bye. Good,bye. S,s.

(I'm nineteen yea~ old and he still calls me Sis.)

Ce lei-t<' Geaudreau

To Dave, That Young Man Cons cious ness Creeping gent!) in10 steep i1 1ha1 young man consciousness Saft and ,..~rm. the body s1re1ches. Rolling ,.,th e}·CS closed A s.mile c a = the face • •hile slo,oly the eyes open Her bands explore mo,,. n contours. finding peace. Warmth is spreading/rom 1he de pth of ,lumber wi1hm Toevcl') hmb. nual::ing 1hem seem so soft . pliable. as 1( reined b) 1he able massage of sleep. As mornsn11 and sunshine p,crcc the room so cons,:1ou,ncss cn11:rs her bemg. She s1retches and so docs her smile A sof1 purr 1ickle'.. her throa t a.. regrctfullv she unfolds herself from 1hc 1ousled bed Fir.1101hc mirror for rc:i.,surancc Ouffin11. 1hcn ,moo1hsng 1hc )i lkcn 1nuls She poses 1hcrc in starlmc~, . arched bul not aloof. s11II cozy from ~lumber Another s1rc1ch. :,. "'art \he lau gh\. ,lo,,.·ly like a purr... .. A ca11h1s line day... Bui 11' s funny. )he wu a bnch yc,tcrchy.

cc1........ Gca udr('OII

1lfy 1lfistress ~h \ h>trcs,. ,he c:sr~se, me. .ind\\ h"pc!" 10\ e 10 mc Sheu W.irm and Gcnllc. Her Fr.111ntnct'. ,,.cct t-u1 ~h3rp• cu1s anro n" nu.ii p.nuge}. filling m~ head and tung,. C1>0'>

Sand Prints The ocean m ODM, Moans of 1hc deep. dark :as the womb. dark. sunless. D:ark. And ,.ho,.111 kno,,. our sun-warm hmbs bucd to the light; Shadow-pnnts. gone with ndcs old as the moon .. Our momco11n umc. Sun t.sdc the ocean sings On suntippcd 1>'mgs the seagull Oies into the light. Bared 10 lhe sun "'l' give our hmbs 10 pnnt the und. mO\'e " uh the tide; And Joyful. cliog to a momcn1 in umc.

M~ Girl

Fiance· ... Wife .• ThC\ don·, unden1.1nd Thcn w uh C'old luge and Fun \<h Mistress· Thr.ish~ me Beallng. Slapping and Teanng ,ll m, bod~,

1£ she c:in · 1Ha, e .ill of meshe ,.on·11e1 anyone cl)C ha,c mc. Shes:, i.clfish and ,1on·11e1 goor sh.lrc She ,1111 not relc.uc: her hold lln me.

Tides ebb and flow. Gm ns of sand gm m 1he 1eelh of 1idal •n~ Flung ID the shore. seeds of the deep we, gl\·e our seeds 10 multiply. dnft with the tide. dwidc. and ding to a moment in time ••

I curse and S\• e:ar I beg 1hc Lord 10 let mc h•c·

Moon tide lhc \ea gull dsncks. dives 10 1hc brine shrouded in mist. A foghorn blo..~. A "'••·c "·uhcd dull upon the shore. 1hc sand and ulL Sand pnnts fade. claimed b~· the tide. our momcn1 in rime

~laria fi o la

promise Ham 1hn1 I" ill gt\·c her up. M sudden!,· ,h 5hc crup1ed she nlms Hl'r perfume :i.gnin fill\ 1hc :i.1r. Then sof1h she t:>.lh 10 me ... I rc1um 10 hC'r • ShC' Holds my Soul. M:in ncnnt s1e das Meer. Men e:i.11 her 1he Se1.

To Love Auburn hair framed her pure foce, and her brc>'l'n C)C.S, dark and rnmanltc, held me 1n I trance.

My 1hough1~ brotc owa.y from lhc cl.u,room and I fClund my ..clf on 1hc while und of• ,ccludcd beach. The ""hing ~urf was no malch form~ pnundmg hca n I knc,. ,he ,. ould ,oon JOln me 1.. :1.ilNI. ilnd ~\ 1hc hlaZ1 ng wn l'rc>\,ed the sky. m) ,km burned in an1icapi1UOn. Ohndcd by 1hc beaut)· nf her ,mile. I could nu1see 1ha1 ,he wa, looking at ..omconc else. Alone. I wa11ed The ,~d°"s gttw long and the ~h blood-red. My blOOd ... for long af1 cr my )Qndy bed had gro-;.n cold and "ct "'llh 1ear... 'I\IOn~ oflovc. in my ~lecp. ke pt me warm. Auburn hair framed he r pure face. and her bl"O\\ n eyes. dul :and romantic. held me an a tr.rncc

J o 11a 1ho11 G ill

Rebirth rou ,. hisper 1hrough 11me in, Olc:t"S of ground ~hrc. buml s,enn.i. nnn:ibu. and" hne ... With Oinc and finger. fc.i1her and rv,1g. \OU i:rc1tcd 1hr,,hing. bell0\1 ing bull,. line-booed :in1dopc. and )lll'C tonn 10~0\lr neu .fou 1d \cn,1111i~ ...




In \hJdw .,. a,hcd ch1mbcr1 hell\ 1u1h 1hc ~n1 of a cinn:i.mon lire ,uu ga1hcrcd the ,,hes. the \Cawns ofbinh and death. and ,mcart'd them on the earh 11tu ..

And no... in qu,e1 mcmcnl\ tunes of 1-linns. ol dre11mmg. I C10 almO\I hur \OIJT \'OIC,:~ Wh1>pcr ••.



All-Fathering Darkness


The m«n1nj! nc,,. ~11mt, tm))l'ntt~Nc log ,hroud, uptOm) l<lfldt"'. br.:.11h10i: fn,,.111) , prc"1ng 11, i,:ra, face aga1n,1 thl' pane, foo\ 1011 on ••

Br<>th<'r P1I01 b<h1nd 11tt. r_Jp•' pctr\ Al hi\ l111lc llo,; ~ and "IJ'IC' lil\•4u:, land, ag11n.11ht' \C~t of h1\ pan1\ ""h t'\CI'\ Halldu11h, tumt>hng from 1t,c brc1hrtn 3r'.d mtrcn t~thcr and mother !loci en. ~, dccon, ~nd t herr dNr deaC'Offo\C~ guud the .mies of the dead. "' a, mg" "h 1hc ch•nt ~ccpini; time marking 11mc


B C\\Sft

1h,• r,n,·. '"""hie "cb, the ,1fcn1 ,ptd, r in loit ,hroud~<I mormn11,

~to,t.· ""·t,· from

shade~ and ,h~dl'"'·

ll'" Joorw1ng,

I fccl 1t\ ...:nmnu,ng CH\ bchmd the Oltt' "ii) mmvr. and pull the autu mn ,hadc\ dU\tv .. uh summer ,


b, the l~tc. pale ~un. burnln111hmugh ml\!~

,nth~ high mc,1tlo"'· The, ,c,entb ,eil to the wind chime~ h1• lhf.' \Ill! pond nf true rencchon,. Bnd crcMc the cloud~

a lut nmoulbgc 10 "h.11 onf~ I lno-,. .. The truth . cold. ,n the fo11 shroud, of morning ch,lh thr fathomless deeps

the good re, ert'nd beam\ ou1 at h1\ follo"crs 1ahu-, a hnlc out \lf focus al" 3J s shJdO\\ cd b~ ·shalt nou .. , Sons and cbughtcrs. pau,u,g from ~odom couplmgs ol 1hough1 prcpanng the SJmli~ of self on the gilded altar ca11erh 3\\Jiung the htan~ of tht'1rfailul'C$

ofm) wul..

kar\, fom,ca11on) .1nd Om, God. ,·~ .. lht' TEMPT ATl0ll1S 1 80\,cd rt·pcnncnri~I heads scel absoluuon


Qbovc the O<tt>bcr hill ht" irh thc ,u,on'\ fire .. (l't'J\C

1hc cloud,. mnlh


to th1' muml•nt 111 11mc

Silence up<>n the, rafter\, broken on!, b, an occ.i~ionJI ,1!th \h1f11ng timber -.c,ghcd "uh IO<l> 'ICawni. moHs "1th me from room to rac>m ..

1nd 1hc eood re, crcnd dims the Ltght

and rnokcs rhcir d.lrlnc\S" nh h~ e~ c, and dip~ his fingers ,n the blood


Jnd bl,·-.e, QU thc 11ci.

1tw 111:h1h l>ind their ( hri,ti•n lt'\c \men

It IJn1i1ui..>hc\ 1n ch21T), lurh

,n cedJr ~~ ntcd cl~t:.. "~llh,

Cannery Roir ~

\\ LIi



)!TJ\ Jnd ,1lcnt ,lid ch<.>,h ol loni: dead"' <ll"d,

c, cd .and bfJcl mouthed, the d~ 1n~ b;irn, lean ,mo the sea" ,nd. nb,olct,· .1nd ~loof, 10 clamor c>I progrc:s~. milling peopk. ch,i1ng t":lmen,. Jtnl(lc ot tTinltcl) in br.1\\.1 bounqucs. polbhl'd decor in come-on coffee houses empt,

0 Sun Lo re/\· Da ,. 0 sun IO\t'I\' cb, ,ming on 3 rock In J litld lc2mng on J I\Jrtncd fence post "1ld n01,crs radiate 1heir grOl\lng hone~ bret'ztt


Holding on to ~ams

p<>1,cd 10 tr~p tht moth, blinded bJ t(>Q much hght Jumbles 1n10 tilt' ~hada--, .

\lu r i;;1 Fiulu

Germination staff

gl'V\\ n old. and obsolete :u

\\3\CS of

'" alcning hillsides .. ,11<11,\ bud and s.. ay "uh slO\l old nnb.bcats I feel ~g~ on this ~ ct 2n0ther spnng di\ '"t ha,cn·1 shared

"h> IO\C don t ,·ou come out and plav Dori

b.:h,nd old doo,..,, hid,:, in the ,,,tr bed hkc u nohclc,..pider,


.1n11qu2tcd rra\\lt'rs. hncd facc:s of onc:c fu.51) fubcnMn. obsole1c as 1be fishmg nets

on imoltntain~ "alls in rustic beer parlors. "here mcmoncs move like fog shadows O\N lhcbll)


Technical Adviifen

Deborah Yager

Joaatboo Gm CA-lute Gaadreu Maria Fta1a





th,s old Onoocr d11y••

\l u ria Fiala

CambwJoc, Is publlsh,td ~ IIDd la or lM CatdluAI Rc,lew.

• prodact ol doe ""'

Friday, January 28. 1977

Cardinal Review - 11

Fling coordinator terms second seige 'awesome' Gentlemen. v.·ind your nmpuhs. To dare. eight collegh. 1ncludlog the Uni,ers11)· or W.uhington. ha,e 3m:ptcd the NIC Calllpult clullen~ for thi: annu~ Oing 10 rhe spnng More entr3nrs •~ expected before the Feb. I entrance deadline and a«ord,ng 10 Pro)ttt Coord1· n31or Tim Noonan. the con1es1 and competition should be "a•esome:· Noonan said 1h.a1 the longest beer llcg thro,,:n ..-m be listed ,n the "'Guin~s Book of World Reconis" and Llut he hopes a national ne110ork ,.·ill co,•er the sports spcctacub.r. .. I koo .. we are looking forw:ud Lo eqoafiing or bc3ung our cu.sting record And 11'~ gotng 1014ke a lot or ...wt for these other school~ to c:omc up v.11h a ca14puh ap.,ble of bunng ours." Noonan s.iid. NIC won the 1mtal contest last April by loumg the empty beer keg 520 feet. "It is ondoub1cdlJ a unique C:Olllt'Sl.

rcqu,nng mind-bending sohd thin>.Jng. eniunl'enng analvsi!. and design lnd 4 lot of pre,c:ompc1111on C'Onsirucuon." Noonan s;1id. "but 1f> an ,dell ,u, 10 ha,c ll 101 or fun and put \Oll'IC cng,necnn~ lhN>I'\' 1n10 pT:ICl'\('('." Tor contt'Sl SIie and da rc "ill be sci in tori~ ~pring after nll of the competing colleges ha,c "orkcd out the spccilic battle pl4ni. The toss "ill probabl\· be held ,n J31c Apnl near Coeur d'Alene The Rainier Bre,.•ing Comp•n> has reponedl\ 1ndia1NI "illingness 10 promote the con1es1. Rcgis1n11ons require enimng cntopults 10 be safe and not 10 use chemical. clectric:al or thermal J)O"Cr. Si1c of the c:aupulr ,s also lim11ed. The conie,1 is the COlll'Cpl or engineering srudenb lnend,ng t'l!C

Student attention necessary for efficient snow removal B) James Rohwer

Can>I E--aru photo E•n lhoqb the wlnta wbl~ 1taff lacb Intensity 1h11 yeu, the NIC mow blowa ~tJJI Is o(ten pDI lo l!ood ute by punch 1upe" !tor Al Worthington.

Andrus' recommendations don't meet college desires By Lorrie Amos For mer Idah o Go, . Andru s· rccom· mcndauon, al the Stale Lcg1slo1ure hear· mgs Jan . I~ m Boise for federal funding for NIC ..-ctt not favoreble, NIC Pre~idcn1 Barry xhulcr told the College SL'natc Jan. 17. Andru, rccon1mcodcd a S6J,OOO 1n· lTnsc Mer the 1975-76 NIC budget which mu,1 Include faculty P•l rohh and 5Cn'iees. Schuler. " 'ho 1111:ndcd the Lcgi>· laLurc hearings. 5aid he initially n:qucs led appronmatrl) S.S00,000. Schuler :.aid Lhu m,nlmal recommend•· lion, "reall> pun us ID a criti~I position."' NIC mus1 no.. absorb lbe n,hes in utilillc>


and or he added ,\ndru, aho recommended SI .000.000 ID bu1ld1og funds for the proposed Humanl· lie~\ Building. Bob Bro,. n reported tlJAJ hc.rtng\ •·ill be held C\CI') Tue'>day1n ~ Walnut Roon, ron«mlnjt the proposed f11t11ll) ccnsti· tuMn The he:iring, "ill be open to the studenl\ .tnd facult) mcmbttl. for com· ment\. Mike Milkr. on 'bch,1Jr of Gilt) Spur• geon. p ~ that th<' Colkec ScMte mc-t'ling b<' changcd from the ftr5t Monda) 10 the lir,,1 TUC>da) of ~c~ month. It "ll voced on and appl'O\ 'ed.

Most r,.1c rnidcnts we shoveled side· ,.aJks and plowed mttb for granted. but snoa rcmo,·al on omp!IS is more comp!i cated than mo~I peoplt' m1gh1 thiok. According to Al Worthington. l'IIC grounds supcl'\1~r. fhc rcgulllJ' college empl~ ..-art llly,t,bc:rc from S to 16 hours each day to get rid o( the "'hile stuff • along \\1th pcrfOCTlling 1hcir usual dutic,. The best hoars 10 rtmO\c soov- arc after night c l = coachidc at JO p.m. or before rlasso begm in Lbc monung. Wonhington

The ma,or obstacle to mo.. remo\'a.l is 51:alled C1" in p,uting km and movtng rrafft<: on the strecis, he added · Students al :,l'IC OJI help snOlt crew, b) Fling in plo,t,~ aress .. he" possible.

('-_c_a_m_p_u_s_ha _ p_p_e_n_i_n_g_s_) Womu', Buke1.ball. lalJma Valley Coll<'CC a1 ,1c, 7:30 p.m. ID t.- s,,a.

Wrestllog. Westero Washlngron and LnhrnJt} o! Montana at l'l!C, S:-15 p.m. In the ~111.

Ju,. 29


Liquid <'heer time

Wocnn', Baiul.ball. Colambla Basia a1

holiday 'spirits' .,


By EdctUc Rkkca For 111.1.11y NIC students it"~ a 14Cl. "ct Chns1nw. lo a rttent poll, the Cudinal Rent"" found that man1 Mudonl• drank their hoilda)· M:I\On l"'I}, Some drank at home, some drank m bars •ad M>me drank cvel)"'here the,· "en t One student "ent so far as to · say, ··1 • cat Jeep1n' but" hen the wn "<'DI down, ii •u M1Uer nme." Aaothcr S.ld." I dl"llnk a IOI or Bud• ~ . h 's the best." Many of lhe students "'ctnl home for the

holioa)'> bur a>U&lly ended up m I bv 11 some umc or another Some tried s luing bot "c:rcn'1 ,er} successful with poor sno" conditions throughout lhc Nonh..01. Not all studc:nt:s panied as some ~hopped and some JUS1 around a.tJd mNI 10 rtt11pcra1c from the hccti.: rouune or study and linab. A few >tudcnis said the) "just messed around." One lady =d she almost v.ent ~

SU ,'iog

bomc ,. ,th U<'k kl<b

They shouldn '1 pull 1n bchmd 1he p!ov. v. hen II is opcranng and the} should give s11011 plo..s t'tc right-of-way." ere" member Dick Sharples \Otd. .. A lot of nmcs 11 would help ,r drivers "ould ask the pl°" operator,..hen: 11 " ould ~ be\l 10 park." Sharples said Wonhing1on said Idaho Forest Indus, rric~ and city plcw.~ aid his CTI:"''> ,•astly by bringing in big equipment that cul~ remo,al ume. ··They are 1·c11 coopcrame in helping us ou1:· Sharples s~id. A«ord1ng 10 Ger:ild Wendt. busineu mQnAger. CO\ls or sncl\l rtm0\'31 ore not rcconled separatt'I\' 01 the collegt' so a 10141 cos, figure is not a,~ilable.

:'11C. I p.m. In tbc &)'Ill•

\1ea'1 Bas1clball. Rkb Colltae al NIC. 7:30 p.m. In lhe II.YID,



Women', 8uke1ball. Spokue Fall, al l'l!C. 7:30 p.m. ID the a,,n,

Wom<"a's Bukctball Wenatt'hee Vallry CoUrer at :.1c. 7:30 p.m. lo the g>m,

Com.mun!~ College


ASB Mtttlna, S:30 p.m. ID the Walnut Room..

Feb. 10 Men·, Bau.etball. Oah enJt} or Idaho JV's at NIC, 7:30 p.m. In rbc gym.


Wrcsdlng. Wb.lrwo11b College al NlC. S:45 p.m. lo tbc &)111,

Men'• BailctbaD, Eutcra WuhlnalAln S1a1.e Collqie .n~, at ?\lC, 7:30 p.m. ID tbc

ASB Mectlog. S:30 p.m. In the WaJ,,111 Room.


Cardinal Re,iew - 12

Frida y. Janu ary 28. 1977

Burr to deliver paper at regional conference Roi:cr Burt .. Ill m;1c I praenuill<.tll Fd• 25 to the Idaho Polit1e1I Sc-1encr ,,sooauon. The spcc,eh .. ,n be 81m'1 )p«ul111on) ronttnung re!auon, !,tt,t.-«n the Lnirc:d Sratrs and nations 1n Socnbcut ,hia under J,mm,· Caner·\ admuuunuon The "llC h1110~ and Enghs!:i tnSITUClOf' ,,..ti selected 10 prc,ent a p.aprr 11 the h•ociation·, conference 1n 801 e. He "'IS to anoluc the po)siblr direc1101u S«rctu) of Sta1c-des111na1e Cynu \ 'antt and his staff will tilkc in the COIIIU)t four ,·cars. · Burt, who spcnl SCH'n ,·ell'\ ID Soutbcosr Asio u a Fulbngbt ICC1urer and Peace Corps volunteer. said hi) p=nuauon will be based on some rcscarcli and "guess work' obout the Ca.ncr odllUD.ISll"ation Burt s.iid he ..;u stres.s the imponnce of cst~blishang relations ,.. ,th Viet Nam. Ounng his t'amp:ugn. Caner said no relo1ions would go on berween thl' Unired Sr31cs and Vier Nam until all MIA"s arc accounted for. Mcan,.·hill'. bOllcH·r. Congre~s declared :ill MIA 's offidalh dc:id. Referring to this. Burr so,d be th,nk s dlplomuic relations" ill r,entuall~ be e\tabhshed an,·wa,. Burr Jlso expressed concrm about the Unned Stoics and rclohons ,.,,h a.eooos "hose governments arc UDmoral b)· dcm1>cra 1tt' standards. He said the Unittd Stairs' militar) :ind financial suppon 10 such na1io~ I ) the Philippiors. Th:ulond and lndonc~11 !>hould be quesuonc:d He described C, rus Vance IS ' a pr.igm3tic man. not po,>crful figure. but a good manngcr " Vance. "ho "3) a \upportrr of the Umtcd S1.11rs· ,nvohcmcnt in Viet Nam. r«cotl} roncrdcd 1h11 the 1m·oh·cmcnt there ,. a, .i mistake 0

There " men: 10 fottitn relanoM than most ,\mcnran~ tlunl . xco:d111i;: to Burt. •• \\ r tcAd to :h1el. of fomgn :i.ff.&l~ a< pcruto1Pi oaJy 10 the ~tddle E&s1 :and Eumpc." he~. ,rrr<uaa 1hr imponan« of rr!JUOM i."1 SouU1CIS1 Atia ~'t'lopmcat of such diploma11c rrl1· 110n),. ,11 be a gr:adual proce,;, i:r the four ,·can of Caner's term. Bu_rt wud . • Burr. ,. ho )ludicd hiilgry at the Un,wer i1t) of l'tah aad fomga afuin 11 Ohio Urmm•I} wd he is 1oobng f'onrard 10 anendmg ~ coafercnce e,ca lhouJ!h he is 001 a ~nust .


Stone gains input from college visits By Allaon Beck

Tnl\eliJ!g 10 colleges In the nonhwc,rcrn states ha, helped Ray S1onr ,n his dudes • here ar NIC by prondtng him wuh Input and ideas from orher ,chool\. Stone. dc:in of the college, has been a member af the Nonh-..est Auociallon or Schools cand Colleges C1'ASC) Accrcd11a11on, Comm111ec for 10 year$ and has e,alu:ucd 16 schools in Washington. Idaho. On:gon and Montana dunng thor


\ Rogl'T Bun

Ackeret r esists typical n ursing r ole Thl' nl'\\ nursing in\1ruc:1or dairM that ~he dlX< no1 fit inro the chchc:d con.:-cpt of nurst'>. Judnh Ackerct. Topeb. Kon . sa,d she ,s nor a nurse w11h ·one hand in a bed pan 3nd the <1lhcr holding 3 1hcrmnmrll:'r " Acl.erct n1d htr fll'(t lo\ e is English and \hr rnjo~, "'ri11ng in ht'r )pate time "Communicirnon ~ 1mponan1 to borh Engfah ~od nursmg. · ,he wd. ~~~~





t $1 PITCHERS t TODAYt - . . tJ t a nua~ _') ~ )l . ._ 15


NIC students

and f faculty






',!.- ... ,




t t tf :


t f

FORT t : GROUNDS t t TAVERN t ~~ ... ~~~~~~.J


Da•e Krlllllff phoco

The NJC Machine Shop rad llllcs In 1hr Emel') Hedlund Vondonal Bulldlna i. alttady belDa put to (llU llSC. Tbe p,ojtrw.m nc,cnll,- mo,ed (Nim Its old localloa IC1'0U l"lllllpaa. Roy SchumMher lback11round J, Scoll Mood) and Joe Olne work at lathe,.

·\ UOI\Cr<.11; of Kmsa.5 graduatr. Ad.C· ha\ ... orkcd as a ~1aff oul'1,(' and an inmuctor for pr:ictic2l nur<.IDg prognirM 10 , oc111ioul-1cchnit'31 sdiools. She =d \he 10\ cs teaching and finds the ~•udent, hert genuinrl} t'Onccrned and mrer~tcd. Origuall~· a farm girl, Ackeret ltkes the opportumt) for ··Joafing.. th~ .uc:i affords. Her hobbies mrlude camping. -•ng ;1lld reading Coo,1denng the moun11110, ihc said, "I'd tile to we up hiking and crO!.><OUntt; \tung. • rel


The bu,, of the accrcd11a11ons rceommo:nd:mon il, whcthrr the school Is doing "'hat 11 cla,ms:· Stone sa,d. speaking ~bout his duues and cxprrirnce, on rhc comm11tcr in an in1t·l'\1C\l lust ,,.el'k. 'llme other mcmbcf'o of 1hr comm11tcc and S1onc m.tkr t•·o or three di) -long ,n,~ 10 ~hools up for accrcdit.lllOn and c,aluotc different arc:i~ of the ~hool. The\' then m.u:e r«ommendiarions to the ac, errdim,ons commi,.,1on 31.'C'Ording 10 their findings. Stone \JH I.he commiucc -..·on., " ,c.-n· profrs~1onall);' and the procedure roi. Jo,.rd con,ms ftnt of the ~hool, a ~lf.,tud> 10 pre~nt to the commmce upon ii.'. am, al Members of the team each take one art:.1 of the iehool, such as admirus1r.1uon or one depar1ment and ,.ork with a counterpart

f ~: ERRO!:tJ4D"B 11!$ ERRO RITE'"

~!t:~~~TOR E


from the school inve,tig1111ng that area There 10 d1111sion~. Stone "'ork\ wnh ,chooh 1n the area. of sOCUII sc1encr, and hurnonn,t~. He 111,d he 1nten:1ews pcoplr and vie,o\ the foc11ltic~ but doc, nor a llc nd 1ny cl.&\SC\

According 10 Stone, evalu~unn m11\t be hoed on the following critcna obJeell\n .iod purpose~ of the department. tu fac:1l111n. fin:ince~. rn.itenal,. cqu1pmcn1. hbrJry. program\ ol nd in~tructional ,tcaff. After the "isit h m.idc:. each team member ,,. riles the c,·a luallon of bis findrngs a.nd recommendations for the dcp.anmenl All 10 reports arc compiled into .i ,m11k report which 1s 31,cn 10 1hc collegr and prc..:nlcd 10 the comm1\Sion. The comml,,1on ~1.5 accurc:hnl( 10 the rerommcnda11on~ of thr commillcc a.nd ha~ )Cvc:ra.l opuon, u 10 11.\ cmsr,c of action. Stone , .. id the commi'l\loo ca.n :a~ dll rhe ,chool and schedule 1hr nett a.=t'dll•· 11011 ,mt or dcnv accredi1111on. The m.uimum rime allo,..ed bc1,.ceo vuiu ls JO )Ca.n. The 'IASC hA~ diffcrcnr ,m:rcd1tauoni teams for dtffcren r sixes and kinds of ~hoofs

Members arc nol paid for their Umt', bur tr.a,cl cspcnsc~ arc patd School, bctng , 1,hcd u~uall) budget ror rhe \lsit and their NASC member.hip dues pllli the funds budgeted pay the ripen~ Bell, Md.A in. bus1ncH inst rucror al NIC u also a member of 1n acettdita.tlOIIJ tum for the NASC She ha\ been • member ooh a sh0r1 time and was sub)CCI to a ncv. b~ the , , ..ocuoon requinng member. 10 a.m:nd classo i nd ~cminJr. on 1ac..-ttd11a.11on pnor 10 lhtcr fil'\t \Ult S1onc ,aid 1hc dlSJld,·an~JIC' ,.,,h brinlt ;a member of rhe comm111« u rhe amounr of 11me 11 take, He added 1h11 ht h3, learned J lor from hi\ , i~1t. and has brought man) idea> bJcl- to NIC'.


Friday , January· 28. 1977

Cardinal Re~iew - 13

NIC sophomore claims Idaho-Universe honor NIC sophomore Leslie Kingson o.:is receo1h cho\cn 11mon11 13 other con1cs1ana u Mrs~ ld.1ho-Unl\cr,c .11 :1 page:int held in Coeur d'Alene. The con1cstanu •en, judged on pt"r:.on:at 1n1en·1~ .ind pol~ nnd appt'st3n~ in w. im ~uil\ and c.-cnrng ga.. ns. K1n~on bcomc eligibk for the con1cs1 :after filling OUI an entry form :and ,cndmg in pictUrc~ of herself She said htt orig1n:at io1en1 rn ioqumng abou1 the


P"il"""' ,.u to en<OUngc ocher

..• -...

-:~. '.

......, .




SIC girls

put1cip.11c Dunn!! her reign. 19-,c:ar-old Kington ..-,11 utcnd a Seaulc modeling "hoof before 1ak1ng an upensc paid lnp 10 Chartc,ton. S C (or 1hc Ml\\ l:SA th1\ TIM- v.·inncr of lhii compt'tilion ...m go on hl the '.'viJS) Uni,cr\e P2ge2n1 th~ summer. 10


Kington "tll illso I)(' rcqu,rcd 10 m.1ke =era! spttt.11 :appcar.inccs throughout the SUI< durinR the coming ,cnr Cum.-ntl) ASNIC \Ice prcsidcn1 King· 10 go \ln 1(1 Bnglum Young Un,,crsiry .ind ~tUd) 10 be .1 fam1h or m.1rri;ig,: ,;,oun\Clor. Kington 1~ a bclc1b:ill chccrlNdN .u NIC and .1n Jcrhe member of the Mormon Church. She abo scncd H K oo1cnJ1 Coun11 Junior \fis~ m 111;5 She is 1hc d2ugh1er of Honon King1on Alasl.1 :ind J.1cquclyo li. 1ng1on Cotur d" Alene. also a srudent .11 NIC The p:igc~t', fi"t runner-up t> tori Jukich. Boi\c and sc..~nd runner-up Sa· bnrui Mue,. Corur d" \tcne Julie Ann Whrtnc). Pcxt F.111~ and Rl'bin B.1un. ID Fall, ,h.ircd the title of most phorogcruc ton s:ird she pl3ns



u-tJJr Klnrilon N:ffh<?~ a 1tnll()lng roud from her mother a!U!r winning the Miss 1.clahol'nher,;c 1hlr 11 lhl' North Shore ConH•nllon «:enlcr Jan. IS, Klngion .. mgo on to ~ a t Idaho In lhe Ml\\ t;.S.A. Cflnle,1 In Ma).

If you're thinking about your future you will eventually come to think about money. I,\


du;o11on Md

<Iha Thai, ..-t,,, ,., h..w

int d,ft,.,,'J\l s.n-:ng, pl.,.re .. .:.... Jd:'.'J,"111

•· ,,m

tm.." .and r.i:.."

l'bn for i,,ou, lu!ut, ncNi A Wlolflll\ l>\.'1)ur\l I, th.> diEa.-ri.,• t..~~"' "'-V and • pl..n ol .... _ \~ill>U.,\llo'J1l1.'11o~l>~lul cmf:1 ('OOn,r

for th.> lurur,,

We·re the students bank.

302 Shemwri A 1~. 1603 N Fourth S,. 1106 Slwmian .4 t'().

Rick Ba»t II photo

11... 1\1111,.

uru,., t,.Jl!, "!Ilk \QI '" 9"IDnil 1/C'<l

664-8165 667 -0.551 667-4611

Lrsllc- Kla£IOII, rccen1 ..1a.nrr o! ux MJu lcbho-Cnl~ene pageant. Is also ac1he on nunpu u an '\lC dieedeadcr. Shn,I Klat1C\old and she lead the Jells aJ baskc1ball guies along .. 11.1a Cbru1y TowtlSClld IJg RoDGKI loot ple1anc!J.

Students: We u;ill... mah·e your planP. boat. car rental hotel and more/ arranl!ements -- P re11 de/it-er _yo ur tick ets right to :ro u -- A II rcithout charge! A!ik abow European charters --begirming at S3.59 round trip.

TIME TO TRAVEL 4055 Co ,··, \'fa~·-667-2506 · -' ear the Fairground"

Frida~.Januo!") 28. 1977

Cardinal Re,iew - 14

Who's Who Among Students includes 27 NIC sophomores e, tome AID05 The 19"(). •• cchuoo of Who', Who Amoag Students 10 American JunlOl Colleges has hone>ml !sorth Idaho College 5,0l)homorn The ,1udents ,.l'rt' ~eltttcd on w btus ol lhclr out11.1ad1ng scbol.uuc rttOrds and 11cthe p3m,1p~uon Qnd leadcnh1p an curicumculM acmrtin and prognnu on campus and in the communn~


Mlcbul B. At"ood, Coeur d'Alene. 1s :a general \lud1cs major He 1s son of Mr and Mrs. Donald Al'"·ood. Coeur d'Alene


Zrlla Cou ln Cotur d'Alene. is a nursing major She is t~ d.,uglllt'r of "Ir. and Mrs ElmcT B.tll, Delta. Colo.

LC'< Ho~o dean of students. sud Who'\ Who i< t'CCOl(nition on • national level of ac:'C'Ompli\hmcnt~ of sruden~ while a11endin1t NIC ''Being D!lmC'd 10 Who'\ Who I\ undoubrcdly lhc highe,t hon\'lr rhat can be g1~cn 1o 1 ~"n anl'nd,ng ID) 1un1or or communit, colics,: ~nd the <tudcnb Dijmcd 1hl, year art d~er- 1011 of th.\1 honor. he ..aid

Deblnc Dee CaribeTg 1~ maior from COt'ur d'Alene.




Jody W. Dc: flaas, Grc:c:ncrcck, 1, a journalism major i nd 11~ the edl1or o( tht Cardinal Rcvic" She: ii lht' daughter cf Mr and Mr). Fronk DcHH, . Gl't'c:nrr~k

Clark Ness photos

Debonb B. A, er~ , Cataldo. is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Douglas lc,ghtncr. Vancouver. Wash. She is :i. music maJor

Jewel E. Bo1d, Hayden Lake, is maJOnng in busi.oess :id11UDis1ntion. She is rhe cbughter of ~ E. Jordan. Butte, Mon,.

Patrkla B. Balley is an education major from Coeur d'Alene

ik!J) L Brie$Cb is a nursing maior from Coc1tr d ·Alene.

MJdlad Lee Dlllv ,s .a communications maior from Spokan~. He: is the son of Mr. and Mrs OennL\ Dilley. Spotonc.

~ E. Cadec:, !uydc:n Luc. gCJ\l'ral srudJcs maJOr.



l..a.affDce S. .,__ 1s an cogiDccnllS maior from Osburn.

Frido, . Jonuu~





u-e C.)lonl "

an enginttnng

.ttttanal \Clcncc m11or from Kellogg She I\ 1h17d.'luith1erof Mr and Mrs Mom\ Whilt>. ltellogg.

Joni A. Gllbttt.. TI,ompson Fall~. Mon1 .. I\ 1he doughier Qf Mr and Mrs Roger Cllbcn Sht 1s I general \ludie~ mAJOr


PCM) Ann Hunt i, .an offke oet"llpations m.tJOr from Co, ur d" Alene. She I i 1he d3ugh1er or Mr. and Mrs. Franris Shrhe. Coeur d'Alene.

Gco11:c R. Kln.11 I) an eltttnral eneioecnnii m11or from Great F:ills , Mont. He is 1he ,on or !I.f r .1nd M l'\. uurcn«- Kin~ Gn.-al Fall\.

Doloru Ami bham. Coeur d'Alene. is majonnsi m nursing. She 1~ the cbughter of Mr 4nd Mr,,. 8 111 GIO'\~. H.a,·s. Kan.

Leslk Rae Klqion. C~r d' \lcnc. 1~ 1he dH hler 01 Jscqud,n aod Honon K1n2ton She 1~ • gcocral s11Jd1~ m~Jor and =ntlJ "'1)" :he ''") ld.iho l,;nl\cr.e pa~ant

Bell\ Harding pho10 OuL J. Ness LS '1n 1gri.ultur;1I m.11or fn:,m \\ one, He 1, 1hc \<'D ..,, \ 1r ~nd ,1 ~ Elmer 'ic\,. Worll',.

Lt't' Spt'rr~ Coeur d' -\lenc


;1 mJJor from

Gary D. Spuracon Coeur d -\lcne. Alllton I::. Gllmon.-. S.indpoant.



JOnng m pn, l3w. , J'l'hll,;I \Clcn,e G1ln1on: I\ 1hc d4ughlcr ur Mr. 4nd Mr.. R1ch4rd Glln11:>rc SJndpoint

Ke.1a E. WK I) a v.eldmg m~Jor from Oibum. He as 1he ~on of Mr .ind Mr..

Jo1rt' \nn Jan u. Ha,dcn L.uc. ii a nur;1ng maior ~he 1, the daughter lhor.i N,bcn T.i.-oma Wnh


Rcbc,cn Jo

Lr- .Po-.t Falli. ts !Ji her r.-.<r11ng pro-

l.ur ,car of thie l't"¥"tettd

p- llf•

1> •

m:iJe>r He 1\ thl" son e>f Mr. 1nd .\In l C. Spur~t,,n. Coeur d" .\lene Spurgeon~ :al<o th, \S' lC prc\1dcnt. J,


gum !,he Ii the d.\ugl!!c: of Mr. and Ma.

lknC'd1e1 ~:awn. Poi.I falh.

l\1an K. Kiefcc. the ,on of Mr . .ind \!rs \\ 1lh1m ~ refer. 1s from Rathdrum He 1> a

Debu Kue While , Kellogg. 1s the d.aui.;hrer of \fr Jnd Mrs Morrts M Whuc Kcllo>)g She " maioraog Ln ,cC\>ndJn ,-duc-~11un.

Friday. Jonua n;..·..:2:.,;8:.,;._I;,;.9_ , _, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _c_a_rd __in""'al l Review - 16

[....__n_i_c_n_o_ti_c_es___] AJn C'lab or O"IIJUlh,atlon on campas that wan~ IO nout, ltllMDU of meeth!p ibocald

s ubmll 1hc 1pproprl11 c malcrlal to lbc Cardlnal Re,lcw u earl~ u posJlblc !hat 11 ran be prin1c,<I ln 1hc nolkff.


Looking for a Utile cmtrmco1! SI,µ, op DO" (or lb.- k'!Cllc.- dau. Plaas arc being mad.- for an IDlcrullDII H• ml'Slcr. For mon' infonnallon wJ. to CapL Cark l\c~ Wcdocscla) a!temooo3 In hb oflltt or In the Wt-S1 CarcUnal Room of 1M W1D1on Bulldlnfl.

:'\1C stodn111 att n'mloded thal tbdr iD cards ad.m11 them 10 all local JICffOnn&DC<':S ipon~ored bJ lbr Commao ltJ Conccrl



Wally Yo11Dg, law m!otttmnl ID.stnarlor, reo:ib,da 111 11acleDII 10 ober lbe ~ m '\o ParlJ.og slgia. Be Pld that ·a1thoaat, ,1ola.lO,s lo - . . ha,~ not bttn lklr.«ud. "' itb lhc C'Offl1ng of mow, eaforttmcol • ID be-"'~ to t'a.ahlr plo"' IO cct lhnNrah IO pD.c the snow In LIie pn,pcr plKa.



Ind• lhc

dri, .... ., tbr ~ behlffd ti. alrl•' durm alld w IOlltb Rd of C41leac Or1,c.

Earl)" miscalculation leads to Groun.dhog's Da)" m_yth I\ 11h Groundho~·~ Da, in \t):!hl "e OD 1he l ard1nJI Rc'1c" 1hou1lhl ti '4Duld be• ,:ood 1dcJ ,., 11rt a liN•hand report of 1hr di\ We ·,, n1 ou1 on!' of our ronni: l'<'p<>rtl'f, and Jhcr man, 1cdiou, hoo~ or ~C'ar.hang. "C tin.ill\ go1 thi~ tnlCf\tc\\, Rcporccr: .. Well Mr Groundho11. ,ou arc onl· hard lrllo\\ 1u 1rad. du" n. You mu\l c:nJ~ ,·ou, pm·a~ ouc here in the mud011·.'· Groundhog .. Ye,. I do cn10~ m} pO\'I('.\

Rcpont'f "Would ~ o.l4I mmd IC I ,.,kc.-d mu I le" quc~1100) ... Groundho~r 'Oh m~ no. nor .it all. I &l"a,, come ou1 • linle c:uly. Thcrc·s ~l"·n,s wmeonc around here snooping abou1 It', JUSI 1mposs1bl( 10 gc, :in~· ,.;n,c,= 1 thi, 11me or ,cu ·· Reponcr: "Tlulnl you. Mr. Groundhog Wcll 1he first qul'stion J ,.ould like 10 ask is ju)t exac1h "hai is GroundhOR·s Dav•" Groundhog, .. It.\ "hen "-e groundhogs come our of hibern4rion and ehcd: w "Cather If "e Stt our shadO\\s. "e go back in10 hibem.i1ion for six more wcl'b of "in1cr On 1he othl'r hand. 1f it's cloud,. "c llc:gm ipnng cleaning. Do you knci.. hon dust, a hole can gee after only one "1Dtcr• .. Rl'poncr ·• Ahhh. ,cs I C':ln jus1 about imagine Well. to get on "uh the

tDIC'r\ll'" Ho" did Groundhog·., Day oni:u:i.arc?" 1:,ou11dhog: .. Well. n's quite cmb~rru>ing ;iccualh Yoo 3 ,cr,; long 11m,· ai;:o mr gn-;i1,,g1nt·~:i1•grr:it•11l'llnJ fath,'1' n1.1dr:: a \ ~ bad r.1kub11on and cmer,gcd from his hok a rauplc mon1h, 100 carh . Fl'bl'\l&f\ 2 lO he c-'lln," R~p<>rtcr: "HOil 1s I.bat cmbarra.u1ng1" GroundhQ!! .. h Ill" h.ip~ncd to be one of th~e }'U~ tMt thc wn '"'U out and he ~\\ hu. \h.ul.... So IUIUJ'I~ bC' though! 11 \\.ts spnn>: :ind s1.11,·ed OUL He ne.1rly froJc hi\ buns "hem •inter rcturotd." Reporter: • Continue " Groundhog· " Well wbeo be fin•II> realized "h..1 he had done. he ,.cm bad: unoc~nd. On!~ noc ID his bole. Hi.s "'as frozen on·r. So. he slipped Into another Thal°s "here he mec Ma.nha. •· Reporter ··Ma.n1t.1•·· GroundhOR, "Yti. m) gre,11.gicat•grcac• grcit·grandmothcr:· Reporter: "Well. u all sounds iusc 2 linle far fetchl'd ro me · · Groundhog; "l beg your pardon' h has all been figured our quice ~cientilically &Dd 35, for m, grandparencs. they ,. ere m, gnndparencs you knov,·!" Rcportt'f' .. Well. that's .ill .-ell and good Mr. Groundhog but Mr Groundhog? Oh Mr. Groundhog. I was onlI kidding. Come b3ck. Mr. Groundhog.··

Neu· albums b..- your ,-.:,;c:o..""'~&""' ··..,,, farorite ~riists: Queen ZZ Top Gar.,· Trright Em m Y Lou Harris Coming soon-- J\'eu· Jethro Tull ·' 'Pu· Pink Floyd J\"eu· FIPelicood iliac l'our complete rPco rd. 8-track and casseue store is

GREENTREE RECORD CO Fourrlr and Harri...:on Hours 10-6 } 'es -

\ eter&M Rep. Cope Bradlc~ bu been tnMfem:d lo the "'l!lonal ol'Dtt ln BolSC", Cul Me,cr .. 111 be ba.ndllng a_ll of Bnuile, ·, · .. o.rl. so atn qontlons conecm, Ing , .,, waJd be ~1c,<110 him. :-le" sradeuts should«'I lhrlr llNt \ A r bttl< In aboa1 six lo dgbc ,. ttl.$.


\ ctcraas. \JI grade, m1"1 be appUt.'Cl to Grade Point \ • cra1tc or ~ ou 1<'111 be rcqalnd 10 rep•) Ib o \ A the monc-~ tl'C'lC', cd for the "' hole ,rmoll'r, \n, qal'Wol» conttmlnR thl\ , bould he di· r«Uct to Carl ,1c,.-r at the- \ \ Officc on campus.

\Jan S1an111Joumallll,

S--~6-7p.m. Ch.umel 7 1-29-n

Goo,ac- Ream and J1UH1 KlmbaD, Nonh Idaho W111er Qaallt) Pnia,am


"Polltleal ConJplrade<1" Part I ?,Jl,77 Alan Slang, Jou.mall•I . " Polhlcal C'on~plraclc•" Part II

Each cha rgf> <l ~ "' I 0

Cohen, Stone gamblers All me for 1hc honorable Judge". Burch Kaia. "Titc 2S1h dt\lnct ct,il eoun b no... in )C1'Slon y.,., ma• all bc SC3lcd.'' "Wc 111 no.. hear 1hc D.111ill Cohen •el"'lu\ R,, Sllm, ca.c:· Thc ITU.I C!f Dc3n Ra, mond Stone rook pl4tt Jan 14 1n the SUB. Dean Scone: ... u bcmg ~ued by Do1v1d Cohen. NfC soaolo&> teacher. for b~ach of concncl· 3 S5 bee which wn doubled to SIO tn I basll:clball ,c.ame called HORSE and SJ for psycholog1eal d3mages to C'ohcn. SJ auorney fces-· Tony S1ewart awna prosecuting auomey for Cohen-and SI for coon rost1. The defense altornen (or Dean Stone ,. cre AIIISOn Gilmore and Gllr}' Spurgeon. Thc,r defmse l:lctl(' was 10 try ond prO\'e 1ha1 the bet ,.as a misunderst.anding on Cohen· s pan due to his 1n11b1hty lo keep score in 1he g4.ltlC. The prasecu11on called D.1n11 Aotonelli to che stand. She lCSti.ficd under oa1h of the NIC cudin:tl it211ng that she v.,tnes'led Dean Scone arnising Cohen of chuting and "'alki ng off rdw.1ng 10 pa~ 1he bee. Robin WI11wm was called lO the sund . He testified Cohen is a tlllln of his word 2nd would ma_ke no commcn1 eoncenu.og lhc integrit) of Dean Slone. Da~;d Cohen W1lS nen 10 w e the scand.

Cohen upl.imi:d wha1 hJII h3ppr nc:J during 1he game. $1.llml! 1h~1 Oran Stone r~fu't'1I lo> pa• lhc SIO rloul>le,nr-nu1h,n1t l:,e1 ,.hen he a,-quircd 11tc lcllt'IS H·O R 1n 1hc g .. me Cnhen u1,I Oc.1n Stone .m:11 ,,•d him of chcahnJ!. Cohen ~Jid 1hr Dean's ,m:u'll lion had ruined hi\ rcpulJ1ton. lie: \J1d 1hu the rc:sulc of chc 11ccu\.:allon lcfc him 10 face a p~ych11logical diwrdr:r or seconc!uy Im· po1cocc. GM)' Spurgeon quc,11oncd Cohen and tned 10 pro•e th.:11 Cohen was unable to spell or ,add Al chis po1n1 chc p~11on reseed ,u t'Ue.

Th e d t' fCn\C called Dus11n Gr1flith. Cocur d.Alene Chy adminls1ra1or. ,ad Tim Noon:in, NIC cngmccnng scudent, lo the s und . respcc:11vclv. Ntilhc-r 1est1mony oppegred to enhance Che dcfcn~. College Pre\ldcnc Bm; Schuler stated under oath th.JI he knew Dean Stone: tobe • fair and honc,1 ffl.ln. " Both lltrt' eng.agcd in gambling which is illegal m the suatc of Idaho:· Schuler

n id. He n td he " ould have 10 take d1sciphn_uy oet1oru aga1~1 boch. The lltldientt ,pplaudcd. Dun Scone coolt the >land and tescificd lhac he: t\ the bcsl HORSE plaJc:r 11 NIC. II 1s e\'C,ryone e lic thac cheats. he said.


He ~ •d Cohen could not keep trad of the game: . S1onc ).Ud he and Cohen had the le tte rs H -O· R on Che doublc•or•nothing game. Cohen shoe 1.11d acquired • letter S but refu.ed 10 :iccep1 11

SupplJ·ing .Yorth Idaho 's Office and Business .\'eeds Calculators ABDick Products Copiers Cash R egis ters

Dean Stone ~;ud he told Cohen he •ould JU•I forge 1 chc bel and chcn left the gym Ac 1h1\ poin1. bo1h lhe p~lioa aod the defen~ m.idc chcir el0\1ng sua1emea1S IO che JUI"\ Tor Ju~· resrgncd 10 the ch•mben fer deliben:ttion ill I p.m. ond re1umcd se>'CD m1nutti lacer. Th e iu ry du1ded 1ha1 because both Cohen and Dean Stone c:ngagc,<I in thc illegal aet of 11ambling. each ,hall P,Y S10 10 chc ~ holanh,p fond.

* * **

4 17 Sherman

A HORSE play.arr <hall tate place ft!,. ,41 dun ng half ttnte 111 the b:utetball paie, DoruliOM .. 111 be c.uen. I the u:nllct.

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