The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 16 No 13, Apr 11, 1962

Page 1

3 Delegates To IEA Convention At Boise Enioy Trip J•o


&lld JO&llll

Plekatsld aueaded tile Idaho EducaUoa Aaaoclat1oo coaYell• Uoa at Boise oa M&Ich 29 aad 30 aa the SNEA deleptea Crom YDLIME XVI, HO. 13 NIJC. Rand7Sorbel, pruldent ot SNE:A at«inded alao aa a noa-ottlol•I delepte. Tbe1 attended the delepte aaaembl.r Fnda.J' IDO<Dlns. at •lllcb Ume tbe rePOrta or Ibo atandlns cc.auz:Utef!a •ere read, Followlnc the SIEA luoc:neon at noon, the SNEA deleptea and the ~'TA delept~ divided lnto 'hulr aeparate arou~. Ourlns the SNE:A meellns there waa a panel dlacuaalon on laaoea Important lo SNEA such u ralalns memberablps. Fol· lowlcs the separate meeUnp, the two llODPll merced apla and had nomlnaUons ror &!EA otrlce19. Tb~ delocatu lhen atlended the depanm~nl or clauroom 1tacbel9' bal'M!u~t In the e•e· at cs. &aturda1 there wu deballnJ andYotln1on lhe recommeada· Uona of tbe ataadl111 comlllll· teea. One recommendulon that waa or pertlculaJ lmportancl! to collo~o students wu tho rocommendallon 1hal the SHEA chapters be conaldered aa lo· cal units or the !EA •Ith lb• pr1vllesu and benefits of lhe other unlta ucept that after the 1903 convenllon lhe 611£A deleaatu .. ould hue no vote In lho d•l•P"''• aaaembl7 and no va10 for IEA o!tlcera. Thia proposed recommendation waa dtaouaaed In tho SNEA meet· Ins on the previous d•.7. and tb• delecatea die• up an &JDend~nt to aubmlt lo the delepte'a aaaeml>J.r. Tbla amendment ,.ould allow •oh oollcae chaptN the aamo bencfllll and prlvllecca or tho ocher local unite of tho !EA but onl.Y one •ot.e lo the delo.-io•a aasembl.r aoel no •ot< In the •lectlon of IEA offlcere. Thia am•ndm11nt waa preHnled and -~ al the delepte'a aaaembl7, Aa waa explaloed durlnr lhe SNEA moetln1. Ihle rroommondatlon wa• part of n nntlon•wlda movomenl to mla• lh1 11andarda or lhe NF.A. There WN• ma111 laauu d•· bated and • o"d on durlna the d•l•c&ie'• aaaf!libb'.•nd both NIJC d•luatea ban oom· rnenh-d on ho .. lntrruuns and \ntormath• tha enUrt\ con•oa· WELLER RETURNS, lion ..... WILL LEAVE AGAl/ol AWARD.::.S:..M _A_D_E_A _T_ _ Clyd< Wtlh:r ,.......ntb II· APRIL 4 ASSEMBLY ttndK tb< DAllODal Phi Theta Se•ora\ .,,ard6 were made Ka~ <OD\'OtlliOD in lltlozl, befo"' th~ ...embl.r April 4. !ilia. Re Id\ lolardl :S and reCircle K l'"'Bent~ Or. KlldD11 turned Apnl I 'l\'elltt of. an A111er1can flat aoel an Idaho nc1a1 cl•l~t~ cl 1 b ~ ~-uc tlas for UH In tbe Student rbapter ,,,., tnp took t•'O acd a ball Union. Mr. C>akbt'rr awo.rded hand• &>L H• .alt•nd.-d _ , , _ booluo publlahed b1 tbe Chem· m~uncs and tilt el~on ol \cal Rubber PubU.hln1 C'omp. nauonal offl('On., aad ,.... a lo ban In the Ueld• nr 'll•mbor of :ht c:o111U!utiGD&I obemlatry, p11,..1cro. and math- <Oll\IDll\N If• alao tDJOywd • ematlai. Reoel•IDS award• boot nd<! OD tbe Cult ol Wu>••"' Sorman Costello &lld C'O. d.aaCft. eel aaetloa at Cl1de 'lleller la cbemlatry, whlcb Coaltdttate IDOQC)" 'll'U Ed•ard Sutler In phJalca, aod Utd Brue• Simon. In matbematloa. Weller "111 IU\O April :ill 8111 llarrleon, rel)l'eaentlnc for Wuluciton, DC. u one ot the Clln•dlan atudcn~. pre- four ldahO&lll to al\A'ad tbt aenled OreaMJ' "Ith an 4-8 cannaLion. American blator1 boolr. .. r1tte11 b1 two C.nadlana for "thrlr Oll EROI c;.vu TALK •Plll'Oclallon lo him U a Sood· 0a Apnl 3 the PoliUcal •Ill arobaaaador aad frlftad to Socntt Club! a talk OD C.nadlan.." lndis <Ulturr bJ Mt Obooral. aANQUIT PLANNl!D u !'>LIC •tud<lll fn>m lndiL '1'114! Pohutal Sei<D.., Chlb I• Ill! sho-.1 &lid<• of LDd>a. banqu<t 1'1..ct.). A di.acuss100 of tbt ~nl Coa April 17 in tbe SU. Tbe di"' affair wu abo on th~ procnm ner Wiii be SIT.I per penoo Re lndl.o'a re.aaom for


Trustees Made Honorary PTK Members

Foullfotion Being Poured



--Ill • EYu)-oDt la


lalt1os ...... c..

Team Teaching Used By Student Teodters There are a number of NIJC and Un1'el'9111 of Idaho edu·


HA•K 'll CANCE SCHEDULED FOR FR DAY l"ncla7, AprU 13 b tbe date for a Sadie IU.kina dantW aponoor.d bJ' tbe AWS Tbe cl&DC'C' will hr MW ID !hr SU from a 1111UJ 1:i p.m. Tiie ~ comm!Utt would liU all ~ wbo lllead to <Ina ID tndil10Dal fuhlon or ~ U! ~beer cbaractcn ~ s>rlto m.J nil>or .U. th• bo)'>. or botb ....,. ..,_ •as

ca,.., Olf'W'I• .A..:r.>cb

:51 A.r9o noe. Ee Mo or• T1le Home Ee CW> beld • Carftr Oumtt far bJP adJool Otis Oii NriJ !!. with ~I at~ndulc

ll<l<a Dold•. a W~n DaJn A.ton. home ""°aomut, opob OD (Sl'ttN and told of ber • Pcopk to People" IOW' ol U... One"1 a...S South Pad!· le A.a ~'1.IC lirla e-i>le pnl\ided tf!Uru.LilmeAL MlSS COA

t~ T ~y

DEADLINE FRIDAY ~ llUdcoll who "'1th 10 eni.r the )ha Coeur d'Alene t"Ontn: 1hould coot.act the ttC lstnr In the awn ot!tce £n trla must he la by rbe more· \aa •f Fnci.J, Aprtl 13

cation atudenta partlclpaUnc In a relaUveb' ne• teachlcs metbod called leam 1eo.cbln1. This project la taklnc place lo el•ht~ crade mathematics t.1 tbe Coeur d'Alene Junior Rlttb School Jlndcr the dlrcc· lion of Mr. Ames and Mrs. Ooad, el&hlb crade alb tea· cbers. Thia Is the first place lo ldabo UP"r1enclns this metllod or teacllln1. Yoo probabl.r are •Ood!!ring •bat moar people "bo beat aboot team teachtnc think Alat la ft' Brien,, here Ls the scbedttle. On lolonda,r there are two oce-how lectures to about 140pupUa lneacbcroup. Tiie lectate co•trs tbe week'• WCA&, Tllell, 00 Tllead&)' and 1redoe9da1 11'.q att@nd their 1acuw matb clsasea. •here ~" re't'few their bome•o:lt. Tturaday, lbe7 aU ha YO their tnt al the aa e time lo aboul bllr an bow. 011 l"rlda,y tbe s:adu&a are aeparai.d by re• aw:.a o: teat. Tboae •lib low cmdeA chen zemedtal wcai, •bile tbe cill::era are sioru ewlchment work. EYe11 "'•ek on Friday the7 az• re·


Naw that 1ou know what It la. tlle ~ll ~roblem la ·•w111•" Tiii! adnt:ta&U UC man1. bowenr, lbere ate twa wblch are omatsndlns. The l@cture Is C"ITeD oDl.J twice, rather tbatl rel>"&ted Hp&ratel.r for eacb of the ten claases. a.s la tho usual procedwe. The •bole croup Is teated 11 one time. Fwthrrmote, the tea· cbers can pool I heir ltnowledce aad eiperlenu. The ?I-UC atudects partlcl· Plltlnc In tblll proJect aiund meet!DQ,planthecounse. cot· reel lesta and homeworx. lteep dlsclp!Jne, adv1H In the class· room. The aiudenta are Oerl PruJn, Oracle Reed, Barbara Clerc, Jean Moaasban, Ilene Warner aod ~ Hart.



Silver Spurs Dance Group From Spoken Gave Vcried Progrmn Tho !acul17, al:lldenrs, and peats •l~ed a resume or dance• April ~ b7 th Silver Spurs, a aroup or Sp0kanc hlah acbool bo1s and sitla. R#d Henderson, director of pbJslc&l education for Sp0tane schools, IDl1odaced hla poup aad pYe lote:eatla1 aldeUch111 u to the requirements for memo berahlp and lhe maklns or costumes. The Sliver Spurs tlzst present· ed a colorful square dance. Tbe1 n&it did a Kenlucb Run· nl111 Set of 811 Sel which waa acquired from one of their ma111 tours. This dance Is done In tbe Appalaclllao Area and looks ve11 t1rlnc. The aroup then prenoled a medle1 of Mexican dances. Most or them orW· naled oeoturtea ago. Two ducl:s followed: one 1woaomt l)l'eaenled the rhumba and canso. and another duet did the colorrw 11extcan Rat Dance. The neit acl waa a Filipino dance done •llb bam· boo polea. Thia dance requires exoollenl tlmlnsand aalU11 on the pan of the dancers. no bo7& presented the lndlan Wu O.nce Crom the Northwea1 aoel an Indian Roop Dance rrorn the Soulbw.,at. Another duel fol· 10...ed • a colorful repreaenta· lion or a SP&nlab 8ullflsbt on nee. Colorful cos1umca set the scone for the Persian Markel Dance with the aid ofthe cir Ls, of course. They also used tlnkllnc flnaer bella to add autbentlcl11. Four bo15 In atrtped Jacketa used the old propa - atraw bata and canes - to present tbelr version or lhc Old Son Shoe of vaudeville d11.7s. For their final set lbe Siher sours presented three waltzes • Lad.)' of Spain (choreos:rapll1 b7 a member). Silver Spur Waltz, and the Three O'Clock Waltz. Th• croup wW make a tour of th~ \lest this summer. and they wl1111lso dance for a weolt at lhe llorfd•s Fair In Seattle.

CDA FIREMAN TALKS ON CIVIL DEFENSE FOR FIRST AID CLASS A representative of the loco I Cotrnr d •Alene firo dnpanm~nt ~poke lo the First Aid claas March 27 on civil d~fense. A number of lnteresllns facta •ere elated. Ool.r receotl.r baa the local c=munlt1 ciad• •111 stepe towatda orcanlzlnc cl•ll defense. No-.-. howe•er, a measure bars been passed which will enoble the clt.Y and counl.1 10 work 1oae1her. Tlll.s prorram will tochlde a class Jn monltorlns rad1. .cuv117 Crom an atom.le blaat. Jn add111on, the claaa waa 11ven lnfor!TBtlon on the stepe 10 take In case of atomlo at· tack. Ther were reminded that fallout would reach this !IHI• from Spobne In two hours. Tb• 1mp0rtance and value of fallout sbeltem wu 1troncl.r empha•l.Ud.



s..rrt1 .w, o.-. ... c.a.,. y.., .,.-.--. . ..

Co-• il'AI*"•• lffho, We4., """' 11, 1961

Home & Club Hear Speaker


LET'S WATCH OUR LAHGU4CE An echtor a' wr•f1on by Aisoc1ot,. Ecs~ror Mot11yn ,aJotson 1n rh<! lo>• is· u of tt>c Review btough• our rhe foe• 1'>01 •l>ere hos t.-n o noltceable onc:reoso on profonory or NIJC. Th•> wr1'0< og<ee> worh rhe >IOletnonl> presenred 1n thot ed11or1ol, ond feels rhor ,,,.. profon1ty s11uot 1on or our college ,. ~°"""II SOflou> enough ro worronr furthPr edlror1ol con>nlnrohon. Ir si-ld be notod rhor rhe uH of profon•ty ond obs~ longuogo by NIJC stud""'' ho• not been confined ro 'o'OCOI ex· pross1ons. In rccmt month>, o number of srgn• one! o~ mnnr< oround rhe compv1 hove hod filthy ""'"""' *""'en on rhem. Eorl1er in rho school yeor , . , _ uwd red •o mor rhe woll behind lhe folding bleoehors "'"" obso:en. words. Probably rhe most d"gusting instances of vocol ob$cen ty hove OCCU1Ted in rho gym during 1nrromurol games ond physocol educo11on clossos. Ir 1s 0111den1 rhor the person' ..+.o u.e p<ofon1ty on the gym oro doing so merely 10 goon onen• on. For rht s reason, perhaps wo should feel sorry for them s nee 11 really is rather porho11c ro soe srudents w+.o ore so desl*Qte for onen1ton rhor !hoy musr rosort to vu Igo" ty. It is l1kely1ho1 s1r1c1enforcement of rhe school rule oga1ns· swe«1ng would nd our college of -bol profor..,y, bu! 11 .,,[ be more d1ff1cuh ro s rop rhe instances of written obscenory -the reason being tho! rhete ore o 1- rather odd s tuderns or our college "'ho seem 10 en1oy sneok1ng oround the sd>ool "'""ng filthy remarks on po<r~s one! bulte1tn boards. Two s 1<•ps rhot moy be roken by srudenlS ond foo.olty me,,,. her> ro discourage the use of prolon11y ond obsceruty 01 NIJC ore: (I) Studen" ond reochen musr def1n11ely >'-' rho: they don'r apprOYe of bod longuoge when others use 11, (2) Tho school rule ogo1n>1 such longuoge must be srricrly enforced ond repeo rod oflonders musr be pun15hfld; not 1ust worned. The longuogot of o few NI.JC .i!Jd<tnrs hos reoched the point whe<e 11 would nor be e1<treme punishment ro drop them from school. Offensive longuoge •• nor rolerored 1n other public places, so rh0to 1s no rooson why it should be roloroted ot NIJC. - - J.M.


STUDEH TS' HECLECT CAUSES CHAHGES ••• Reconrly, mony srudonrs enrolled 1n t.'onday ond Wednesday night donco classes hove bttn negloc11ng o responS1b1I11y mornly rhot of ottonding clossosl The good ottendonce ond enrnuslosm p<osonr losr semosrer hove been losr somewhere during the wlnror monrhs. Do nee s !Udents do nor evon hove the "skip" influonce caused by poor 1rovel1ng conditions during wtnteror tho worm spring sun during afternoon classes. Indeed, rhe only drowbock 10 donce class is 1ho1 of missing o vmy dull evening at homo. So-ol w"ks ogo l.v. Chrrs11anson v1S1ted >lt:Jl'doy n1gh1 clossond found on oppoll1ng2S percent of the students present. Then, on the following llednosdoy dosses, o number of snr denrs skipped our nghr ofter roll wos !Okon. Duo 10 such neglect 1n attending closs, o few changes have been r"Clde by the •nsrruc:rors, IN-. ond Nu. Orin Lee. F.,.,, attendonce will be roken or the bog1nn1ng of ond ot various 11mes ~ring eoch closs. This will prevent sruden:s from 1eov1ng before closs rs off1c1ally ended. At>d fu>0lly, :he class will p<esent o donc:e festival at rhe end oi •ne semesrer, per· 'orm1ng a res""'8 of rhe ~· • donc:es for rhe public. Therefore, stud<!nrs mull orroncl cloS< 1n ordet 10 keep ...,lf ,nformecj on rno larosr steos. h .. as olso clearly onnounced rho1 ~ who did nor per'or"' on rhe fes11vol would 'oil doncu>g closs. In cone 1~"°"• "°""'ps you srudents Who ~ avoided your dance clos>0s hod berr• start mok1ng up mo losr ottendonce. Or, you may find your~lf wirh rwo very eft leer ... han " s your •,•n 10 ..olr: before on oud1encel - '"" Corolo91 In 0((/ce C&Wop ~ other coifeies Student.a who pllO to tr&» .,.. anllable In the ~sistrar'• for to out-o!..ute coU•aea nul offl<e upoo r!!uet&. year 1hordd submit their •1> Stu~ota who mioke aut.aiM pUutlona now the buUdlnc are u.ried to we the ub caaa Pl'OVlded.

s.,,.,, .... s. u.


Leooer Printing Co. 11l N. - h St. • Mot..._. 4-JI09

For The f1"ut '" ()ohy

Protktcu Uu Com-oflot1


MO 4·2121


~ ~6-ra of f'f-• Home £~ Clvb ._.,,.,, .IAl.u 1M0.4.•t at~. Hetee Ee tvte1, o,.. ai'tow,, oboV9.

Dolgle. tti.• ""911 \t1u Dulgl• ha 1•h ngfl.)n Sro'9 Ou11'J' Council In S.Poita"•· Min Oolgl• O"' 5 - O'C,_..11, J.,d,, ~'"""•

"'°"'• ..d•C'GnOm'•' fot- ~ -'J Plc ...


t!. Lad did CllMlua!e • rk ID



Gmdaa.te atadlea also doa. at tl. o1 ldabo aad •bare lie re· cdnd Illa Miuwr ol SClenee D«cne. Illa raearcb DD earl.boa la the 04l7 aclntl!Jc abld)- o1 !bat o.~1 aad•rtabD lD tM UnHed St&~, ucladiac Alub. W:. £T'&Aa aerred IA tb• Ell· ac:o.Uoa&l 01\1.aloo of !bl> N&doa&l P&:t semc• &Dd to.i.r CODdacted I. wild~ fDterptfM Ill .s o.llo Lad MoDtua. F'ot tea :r-ars Illa ld.UD& towa I a Glac1e: SaUoaa I P o.r k atttaeted peal& ltOCI o•tr 30 at&iu. In 1941 llf mam~ Edaa F'lor. Tb•1 bo.•• two cblldreo : a claochler. AS>tll. 1 e. llJld a o.on, Frank Jr., 11. ID o.ddlllon tbe7 are lb• loetv J)&ttala o!Sbo.toa


laDa Stale U..


Woodcock's Ong Store ~nctes -

ZU~ A....


w ""

Eve""' l.o""•·

Ud P'101d Lnh. whose ia" nlal ••,. Ttcll• er o.a o.ecldeat. Ml. l!:Taaa apent two JPt.ra In tllP Medical Corpa ct lb• asmy. Ht bGIIt bl& (ac.1.l7 bomc lo Coelll d'Alcott and bu r:aucb1 tor I~,_,. al NUC. Tbf! ta111ll1 au111111eu on a r.acll 11tar the BrlUsbColnmbl& bord•r claae to Olacler Sa· tlooal P&tt. •IM>re lit. £91.M bcta.Alzes o.Dd collON:ta •t.r• tor tbe NUC btrballnl!' ud akin coUON:Uon. lie la an o.utbar111 on tbe ra11110.I Ma· tor1 ot llat o.rn. OESA TE CLASS OIVIOED FOR INTEl?SCllAO DESA TES Or. Prldd7'a debate clo.u 1io... besua 1belr debo.uac inc· lice ror 111111 .......Lt.. Two lntruquo.d debo.tea hue beea beld, o.noth.r Lii acheduled tor A11<U 12. Members ot eqWMI one· Jl1t1 11&nnJnc (caplaln). Jim o•


Sundri•• Prescriptions St.• C:..vr 4'Alo..

N -

CoJIDt'U, Jack \\lllloo. Jack Le Oor1, Tom Po.r:rW. and Ron Olan. SQuad two conalat& of Oo.•e Llnd leJ(captalo l, Due Le•la, Robert Elllebl&er. Dell Sebo.oz. and Ja- £ape, Oa 11quo.d tluee are Thtr.n Lane (co.ptalol. BUI Holattlo, Kent H•ber. Don Dlurfcb, and B1ron Ptlcb. Sladente are weleome al the debate aeaalon11.

Desert Beouty Solon EASTER SPECIAL Perrnanenh $7.50

109 s i . - ....... Ma.owl. •4993

COEUI D'ALENE STYLE SHO, • °'-' . Founclatlont s,


H. Fo.irt• St• • C.- 4'Ale ..



T YP EWR ITERS ROY .AL RENT· SALES AEl'Allt Drek"'t & Tr,r•t s...,11.. INTPSTATl TYPfW1ttTU Co.



A.._ • ....... ._Mii

Pepsi •• ror those P•o"c ... a ..... , ....,.


0'9I •lOO A. M. TO S:JO P. M.

woo think young

100 N , ,.. St•cn











Silver Spt15 In Squ"e Dance

Pictured obo~ dur'"9" Ovely 1.qi.OIW done• ore ,,,.,.,oe,.. of ttt. S1 /..,..r Spun donce ft'O&l?9 /,o,.,. SpoKone durl"? Iott ou•~blylW09"Cm The 9'°"P la ol hlgi> a<>-1 •""'•""• c~ 13 to P.


S.C••toMil S.d.,.u Girls ToSi:lnf Govt. M.til Tesh

Studenta In MUI Dun111aan·1 eecntarial c l - have 1abn ldJlbo lderll Teat,



ldAho l>t'pu\ment ol Public ~oce Tell, and lhe Fedeial Cini ~ ~ '11iey pun to t&U lhe WulwilU>O Menl Teti IOOI\.




n.. Frio..ily ..,.p,._,..u,,.,-

tl.IJ •.C. REVIEW, Coeur d'Altn•.


WH., Apn1 11, 1'42

HOME EC CLUB GOES TO LEWISTON FOR DISTRICT CONVENTION Flflttn Dome Economics Club members aueoded the Nol1.benl Dilt. Home f;c,ol)Olll· lcr convenllon tn Lewillon on Marcb :»31 A.c:almpenied b)• Kn. Slnn&lu1>. advisor; ?lln. CbtUtl.ansoo; Kia Eunice Meakin. eo11n1Y extusloo qen1; •nd Mm Burnsud. culs 11.Q'ed at Lb• Lewis and Clark Holel 1be c:om-muon featured '11?IOUI ipukus. nsuaJ &fell. a film on cuttrs m home ecooomks, a ~ and a di. CU81..D of DOW fabrics and l<!X· lilts. Th°"' a!Undln~ Included Sue Jenaen. Amt& Bowbod,




Aastmsoo. IUl.bJ' Cannon. Di· ane Dixon. Shuon O'eo11Dcll. Jud.- Andenon. ilU1 ~U Rarick, Janel Porwiea. Marilyn ToWlle Carob'll C:lnllcn. Gloru Pratke. \'en Collioa. and Lois F'UZSimmons. MARINES TO INTERVIEW A ldannt officer m let' view NlJC bo)1S on April 12 from II to 2 pm in SU.

Cindy's listening to flowers talk Do nowcrs 111llc? C'mdy knows they do. In a. quiet, friendly wa.y Ibey Illy - Hl'llo/ w..·,, heu. The older she gets, the more Cindy will disco•-cr comp3nionship. iind wonder, in things 1.!1111 grow. Q3rdcners undersu1nd this feeling bcsL They've worked their fingers in warm, musky soil. Watched a shoot catch its first sight of diiy. Standard has been gardening, too, forovcr 30ycors. TodlayourORTHO Division m:lkcs 60 produets to help g:irdeos grow bcller, more easily, all over the world. To give a bwn that luxurious look. Help a. tree wcor its mantle mocc proudly. Orcoax 3 c:ascnde of blooms Crom a rosebush. St11ndard's gardcncr-scicn1is1.S never stop looking for bcuer ways to nourub ond protect your garden. In labonitory ond test ploLS lhcy're searching, experimen ting. proving. Out of this rcscucb bllvc come miiny gardening "fi~ts," which you can sh.are by rudmg ORTHO Lawn and Garden Book, av11il11ble at g:irdcn supply stores. AtSta.n cbrd "'c're mtetuted in everything that grows ... whether it's a hillside's bright blanket of Dowers, or one proud pl11n1 in o window box. planning ahHd to ••rv• you b• ll• t STANDARD OIL COMPANY O F CALIFORNIA

Vetter Essay Contest Demtline Is May 15 ll&;J I) hu been se1 as Ille d~adu.,..

ro< •ubnllmac .a1:1.,.

lo be Judpd lo the \'el1"r es· MU CODlHI, Tbe CO<llUl ti naa~ by lhe Je...., and M&11

\'euer fund, •hlcb was eslabUsbed by Jeue \'rll•!I and lills. Jessie M. McOuth,r, bis

:!auchtor, at :-OIJC. Awards o!teted In the contul Include a ~O anmial a•atd. plus nnit atJd second plao awards ots~ and $1~ reapc,cl·


To ~nt~r u~ conl,.1t, ahr dtnls ""'61 •rile an HNJ on "b11pr0Ye~n1 In local or slal4! co•rrninenl, or bellN and lllOte errtclent Ol'OtallOD or Ila~ aupp0rted l,.Ulullona. or with a propos&d North-6outh Alale bl1hway." The eaaa,,. should be be111cen ~000-3000 worda Iona. and lhr name ot lhc enlranl • hould not •l'PCAI on lhc

ShoiNn In rn. MO plctvrw• abav• o,. '~• .~,, ... lrto ur.,.J 0 waut"te or the of'nvol Fr•nch Club bonqi..•r. On tne 'efr o,.. Pot L..O""~'•• Diane Sr\lrPI, ond Joortn PleLora"41, dt•••..C ,, ,:r._-.#~ Oft f~ rlghr ON Revtdr SorO. • )A ,,

i::tv!id. or:;0o-:; L:dP.;.•n VoCOflO!'I ••orh "''"



MISSOURI LUNCH • c..., .tAJo,..

210 si....... A• •


The aonua·l n;~b Club ban-

quel wu held March :?l In

r.'tt~~l ~l:n d~~ ~


Skeet Tearn Wins Handicap Trophy

WIONISDAY LIAOUI TOP AVlltAOIS s •el ·,. • r9CI Doll Anhu.r 185 20 Pbllll" In I Ci.a. <lol.l' CJ! ~alt Zlmmt!rmao 181 shootlttt to eds• the E:1U '> • 2 T..,.,. 171 IUlll !or Ille HCOIMHalf cba:p- Ken T1lamM IQl lo,.blp ln lbP Coe111 d 'Alt!lll! vent R.beanu l!Ml Pteu SU.I Tou:a.,.,01, The Ont~ I~ NIJC _,,, nrU&bed wllb a to- Bill 1'1noor l:WS 1&1 ot ~ Polnia. all beUtt llerri.U Do Yb 1:i:1 llan MCOlld·place Eilts Cl)'de \lo elltr 154



peeu111 or Fr&nce, t11>lcal F'rencb care red-checked table cloths, and 10.eb caodlea. The banquet WU YeZ)' nll alteaded. AcUYlllea or the uelllAC becaa • llb lbe sl.V.,. or French So.: IHZ. Beca1ae S-IJC •OD l .. t :stsonp •lib M. Ket11111 Kleber. !al! cba.=p~p alao.11 will the dlrecior. aad M. Paul aeo- autoo:iaUca.lly ,.,.,.,,,., tbe l'lt51de111on acco::il'&ll11ac oa tbit plac. ttopbJ' In CM SltHI ICJCU" piano. M. Kalph Bolmbers pren.. lndl•ldal ....,,... sented soeral enter~ bus o1 Ille le&tll will alao numbers on lbe accordlan. teceJ.Y~ awards. Then M. Jim O'CoonMJ and M. lolei::beu Cl! 111r SIJC team Kermit KJebut 1>1esen1ed u .,., Jim Ac:c!f (caPl&lnl. Kl:k amusl.,.dlalocue eaUUed "La Keulet, D. .e .~ndt:son. O&z1 Grande Faute ... Par ,,., Don Alnandrr, lolooAnothet pleasant pan or the le !"ender. and f.d Jacobeoa. Pt0crarn wu the Latin dances AS~EO TO ll!tl"G RU...... C~ performed bJ' M. el Mme Bliss Stu~llll ~ ubd 10 bnnr Bignall. To coachxle 1he e•·etuJIUIUI ~ tor U... Phi '!"Mia nlnc. beauuru1 scenes rto111 F'r&nce were Pf('sented by Mlle Kappa nimmart ll&lt comlnc Beryl Jolutson, who commen1ed up and m.1: lf'av. 1tema Ul on the s Udes In Prencb. Her room a. comments •er" 1raasla1ed by IOUQUETS. CO~ES I GIFTS M. Chesler Parll, M. V.anen FO- EVQY OCCASION Keau.,. operated lhc pr0Jec1nr. EVERGREEN FLORAL Watneases rot lhe bt.nQUCI AND GIFT SHOP were Mlle Palrtcla Lamphete, """ o..r..., ..d S...ic.Mlle Joann Piekarski, and Mlle Jlh.o,...e Met.awl .._.lf•!. Ot ..... Jft Diane SlutLs. Wllllers were i.i. :ZI) 511.,,._.,. Av.. • Co.wt crAJ.,_, John Brsndvold, i.i. Due Lindley, 1.nd M. RandJ' Sotbel. For a Lifetime of Mme. Pe cu Smllh was la dltt~ 1tlct du banquet. Panons and patronaes 0.11.,ndln& the b1U1Que1 weie Mlle oertrade Gilbert, ).Ille Beryl JoboLearn to son, Mlle Slella Yates. and W. Paul Henderson. The F'rencb Club would like lo llaalt all those •ho •orked so dlllc•at.l.T 10 malt• lhl.s bat1- While You Are Young qae1 a success and IO otrer special tban'i:s 10 Mme Florence Schlock !or the dellclocs dJRMr, 10MlleGertnlde Gilbert •bo mde lbe menus. and IO M. and Mme BUss Blp:ill ror all lbelt •otll. Students are uked DOI 10 cut ~ the i...... on the ~ 241' H. _ . St•• c.- .rAJ.o. 10 the 1111de111 unlan..


SCHOOL CLOTHES Coeur d'Alene Laundry & Dry Cleaners Free Pich.op •nd !01 fTo• I


MOh• wl ...JSt•




llOWLINC l a Mot. Fw A>


All NlJC a1udon1~ ••~ cllal• ble 10 entN lhe cont~st, and lho 1.watd• will bo pruonlod al atadualloo on June 1. F'urthN lnrormallon on lhf' contcsl may be obtained In Ille ottlcc.

p,'""'"''• YC11.1r Adwms•r•




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