The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 16 No 15, May 9, 1962

Page 1

Engineers' Ball In S.U.Friday Night To BeSemi-Formal T r r b&ll • 111 bl' held In I e aladenl u Ion on Pt d:l1. lolJl7 II. The b:rn:! ..111 bl' "Tb• "111l:S of Swl ••. a nne cocblnaUoo of lcil 1&lc111 rr ~IJC and Coeur d"Alen• IUcb School. II la to be a II! 1-tor:r;;il. ce< "' affair. Dllnclnc •IU be rrom I) 00 10 12 00. Rdrosb t'Dla will be &«Ted al lh danct1, but a dlnno1 •Ill also lollo" Ibo da neo and will b b Id al lh llopp7 Hour Club on lliKh•ay Io wu1. A l\lllO:IUbf.rd t... b n anancecl tor $3.SO o co 1p!r. The dlnnor !::is IK'rn arronsed In lhla w111 fo:lh c ••Vl'nlt'nc" or lhui~ altondlnn, Inc~ 1000 tOOd nnd a<>Od atrvlcn at such D IA!<! hour for no lllllll7 baa b~l'n dltflcull lo find In lhc ""''· Thone &t1ln~ 10 lhl" ll•f•PY llOllr do not h1vr lo bu7 lho dlnn~r which hu., bt><'n arranr.ed (chlCkl'n, llah, fit rl1t1•. hAm, Eparcrlbs, etc., In lllcl, all 1ou can Pal), bul 11 wlll be by t111 lhr b<!al n.t•al. Thrre "Ill be ll•r music untll

';Ol.UlolE XV:, NO. IS



Coeur cl'Alene Grieves Loss 01 NIJC President, Civic Leader ~ euue,e &Dd coa:m!Ullty •etc •hoeked.laa1 Tbmsday, :.tay 3, abortly atte1 clasau bad beCUD lot 1h11 da1 to le&rn that their eollece president puud ..... , after a heatt atlack. Or. G. O. Kildow had ae"ed u president of NIJC aloce 1944. and waa alteady proculnenl In educa· Uooal circles In thlll area before thal. Or. Kildow waa workln1 ln hla yatd "'hen stricken and

and Hieber SCbno!s. Re 1ernd

effort• ot the rue depar!J:l~I "llh • ruusclt&lor •ere llOI sueeeasluL He •u 67 •nd

Qrwstod hie as =n:enc•ment spn.kc ud his aru::=l Ttalta to 111ea hldl achools ou cWd· aoco • :t and teaUns l)IOCraca i::ade hllD pet$ r:o.111 known :o tbocsantla f l'icrt ldallll 70IUIC peorl" OTU tte ~5. Bia • Ofl ln t c Qeld o! suldara.'.' "u lnstru:llell!A I In tbe ~I: lenl rttcl:ed In Idaho. His " a on com=n11J' at.rnu-s or all u:ns IC&d• hla loss to!t d~pl1 by lll&Jl1 ot· 1&111%att ns and Re n.s act:Ye l.c acoctln.c. W&S

on a nubu of eOlllll:llltts oo i.ccredl:atte>n ns11a to •uh· lncton colleen. and this •Inter wu ukt'd 1~ talk lo 1be lntt'11111 Cocumr:eeo on Educ:allc.n of tl>P Wuhlni:ton Stale t.ects lsture aboot Ila Junior collec., problem. Or. Kildow ••• probabl.J lbe mast •oucht-aner apeakN In the uea !or a wide varltty of orpnlutlona. Most hl1b schools In the area h ..e re-

aloce comlnc toCoeurd'Aleoe. Rls teachlnc uperlence prior to coclntt to 1'1JC started at Spokane t1nlnt11!11. Re 1auchl ,,..o 1csrs In the \1&nba11an. Montaoa Rich SCbool and WU llSSIStanl superln14'ndent of the Out t.od1e schools. From thete he wen1 to \\orl11y u superintendent tor tour years. and moved to Post F'allll !or 15 years In the sarne capacll..r. From Post Falls he came to NIJC as

on" O'C!IDCI., Thoac plannlni: ID allend th dan~o mull alr.n the rrdll· Irr In the office • soon u posslblr, and lhaa" plannlnc lo allt'nd ""'am rpsbord wlll ~ ..... lo bd7 their tlrkoll al lmal thr~c da!'ll In od•anC<'. Tb tc •Ill bl' no llckol• aol~ lot lh dance, on ls tho dlnnt•t. Aa us111l, lh r~ will ~ a r u d


. n ~ r c.

, r


Dance Classes Plan Dance Pageant In GymMonday Night Jt1 bo r ( t ni \tuno " n t In• •I nl~hl d nee dau a arr 1 rr1'1ltln1 a done< PU<1anl whlch la ID be hold un '111.Y , .. ln U11' l.)m, Mr. and Mr • I«'! ha"' ''"'" 111r• d u suo1uam cou l111Un1t of a v11rl IY ul rlano1•a. The pa~«> 1n1



~ llh


11rnnd march t" all lh• dnnccrs •nd .. 111 "" foll111rnd b) lho J

tile Pol~a. 'I 110 colorlul qunro dAncca, Forward l P



~:1·a~~i·~ ~:=1

had annou""l'd r~~lftl.) t Ille board o! ltwl~es 111a1 be planned 10 retire after auotbM \ atler &ttln1 tbe collep CP<'tatllllt In lbe oew tae!Ulleo no• undtr conauuction. ltt bod,. crlod !one a.od Ult'll.'S.. b lo ah ~IJC st....St!J' In bolh tac!UllH ar:d academic alal111c durtnc hla 18 J'l!&tS as Ila f'.ttSldent. The drath at Or. KUdow • Ill tie lllOurned ne.Uonwlde aa arwa lt'&clles educators ..-ltb aboal lie bad WC.rAed. H• served aa pr~ldent o! tbe A trlcan AnoclaUon o~ Jun tor Coll•ces In 1959 and hu 11(,N> on 1bt' oncut!Yt> baard IOI a DU!llbel al 10&1$. lnlbos• POSIUona he did mucb uuellnc on AHoclallon buslnras llnd OCQD1rod. t•PlllO.llOD aa an ou1111an111nc apeaktt and cducat~r. lie bu alao been prominent In •1111• educational clrcl"" Gnd -.:u chatrman o! Cht· sta.t• Advl30f) Commluec for \'ocallonal Educallon In 1961. tn r~clonal • t>tlt., bet ••• -it-rv· Ina u a n.ombc!r of the accred· llllllon commlllec or lhe !iortl>wosl AuoclaU n of Secondatl



a put ilt'Sl~ect o! U:e Rotary Club, ~ad put i;.rnldetl ot

lbe Kootcmal Co111117 Tubercutocls Aasoclallon. II• •aa a Te~an of II' r.d ';\u I and a i::embe: ot the A0>•ncon IA&lon past In c.oe111 d'Alene. He wu also a n:ocber cf the Masonic Lodie In~ rlo7. or. K!Wow .... Ul>C'Clalb acuve In church •<lrk :ind a m•moot of the f'lrsl Ucllcd Church In Co<•ur d'Alene. He •aa a momb<'r ot Sto•stons al Poo;t Falla and Coeur d'Al~nc, and act'ed sb Jeer& as 11.rea vtcf' pr~14il· dut or th~ Nallonlll Council of Prr..byterlan M•n. Ho i.u~hl an adult Bible class

lo tho C°""r d"Al•n• cliurch


In I 9H. Ceorp OU•er Kiidow was bot a Sl'pt. 24, ISO~ la Clar· lmout, JClSlana. His .. ronls ~ed to Coh111e. 'llutunllon le 1909 acd be r.tadaated I: !:Uh scbool th ro. Ho recched h1a bachelor'• and at.c:'ll decrees lo act•nc Ir 'lluhfof!Oo State Unher· ally. lie also did llt&daat• •ori. at the Unl•era1t1 or 'liaahlni:ton and al American U11hcrall7 ln 'lluhlorton. o.c. Jc 19H. 'llhlt•ortb Collece ~taated hie an hone.racy doc· to:oll! In recocnlUon of bl.a work In edueatlon,cbutcb,and community. lie and Allee Grim were ll".nrrled OetDIM>r 11, 1919, In Anaconda, ~tonlana. •hetc be a reaestch cht'mlel for Anacolldn Copper \llnlnr; co. A son, Jobn, la a sur1eon In Mlaaoula. Montana. Two ~au&htcts, ~lrs. Charles R. Robina (V.lnlfrod). and Mrs. D•lo Goodban (Sw:annf!), U\• In Freemon! and Carmichael, Collfornla tt'SP"Cllvely. Or. Kildow I• alao survh•d by a brothN, Oscar. 01111 t.ake. W~sh .. a ,1a1e1. Mrs. t>aludll Wllder. Olympia. Wash •• and nlltt' 1tandchlldren. •Dr. Klldo\\ • death comes


a.s a terrine loss 10 '"' col· Ie1e and entire comt:lunl17. • E. A. setter or Post Falls, chalrm&JI or tile NIJC Beard ot Trustees, said •h•n lbe ne•s reachf'd hllll. "Tbe suddenness of his oeatb lea Vf!s us at a IO"a for words. There bas been no one "ho could have done more as 1 citizen and school ndmlnlslta· tor lhlln Or. Kildow. Re h~d worted llrclusl,J In bulldln1 up the college- It was a.clunlly his Illa.·· P. A. Chrl$tlanaon, dean of the collei:e 11nd actlnc pres\· dent, said. "The death or Ot. Klldo• comes as a 11teol loss lo all or hl1I many trlends and In a special wa1 lo lellchers and siatr who hove been usoclatl?d with him to: aaru- al Nortb 111'\ho Junior Colleu. ··v.e all respected and ad· mired blm as our president and •aluod him soeclall.1 as a lrleaa. Re • u & ready and wUUn~ lo asslal us In any W&J' with ow problems. Re had dedlcal<"d his ur11 10 lbe helplns ot others. Rh• paaslnc leaves a void In our cornmunll1 tbat wUI be most dllflcull 10 rut. ··ow heartlt'lt sympatl\Y s~ lo bis lmmrdlalt farnlb who will miss b1m soreb. "l\e, aloa& •lib all wlto knew him. t.altc comfort from t he tact that he led a most rewanllnc Ure and that we were prlvUeced to have known and worked under him." supt. Dallas Ator or the Coeur d'Alene school dis· trlct Sa.Id: "Ow cornmunll1 has lost a truly t reat educator. Bo bas been considered •ow dean of education' bJ local educators. Ot. Klldow·s national nod st:ilc n!nlla· tlons In educallonal olrcles hove spoken for themselves ovtr a IH!riod of m•nY. ma11.1 years. Most seriously, Dr . Kiidow will be missed by educators llnd students ln our local och~I districts or northern Idaho. School off!· clala. atal! members, pa11ona and •tudenLI In school dis· UICI 211 Join with the lond onet< of Or. Kildow la l~lr bt reavemeot. •·

Morfter'> Teo, Sryle S1"1w Tltl• T!wntloy A~T , · annual "'!'!CL• ·r·


and atJlf' sh.,.. ,..Ill be ~re· aented by tbe .usoctsled \I omen Students on Thwsd•Y. 1i1a110 be&tnnlnc at ~:Of) r. The models tor the st7le ah... 11'111 be a:emlK'rs or A.ll'.S- and lbe pbJs:cal education e!uscs. Thc7 wlll be modeUnc rom,.ls. suits, anernoou dr<Sses, and sports· we:.t. IJ:lween Chane.r ~nd S~lla John.son are 111<- nano· lOfS (or tbP f:'Ve"nt.

Jnvl1Dt1ons hove been uent lo all the mothers of atudcnL• al !SIJC. Plan.• hiue b..'<'n made 10 offer n summN school pro"am at NIJC this yenr. Com1>let~ lnlorm•llon on this matter .. 111 be carried tn the nex t 1-te,·lti"•

tasu~ .

lntonnatlon on rhe pro~tain la al~o • vailable from lh•• rcctstrac.

IUJ.C. llEV11 W, C-• 4"At•••· t4o... , We&., Mey~. 1962


ASB Nominees For President


~ S-..M.otW,

o..a.. .... ~- y ..,




Orte or,._ I

r r Ctw-,..d abow-. "" I bit t'w 196:'-63 •"-'d•"' Pict.1Nttl etw ,,_, r r/i• ar• 8t'VC'9 S1m(V', Oentua N.-.'""• Lorty l('•u ..r, Teri'\> Von Slo'•· a"d T•tty IY"«'r•~• • ,_ c.1tW/ doto:tl 'fllete nOt!'f1rt0twJ (Jf o t•c•"'' ou•""b/v In t1'1• 1 r~nl un ~. Tbe I• itch.di let} '"" \•c--. '8 ftr11• "cond16o,...

hoJy- ,,,... 6err ol NIJC.


be CCC•t>,.d.

SNEA Have Annual Banquet; Teacher Relates Expe11ences

Ano Union ls OFF.ring

fl ,000 In Sd>olorshlps ---

Tit ~!JC cbapcer Cir lbf> SllldeDI :>ialloml £ducallon MaoclaUon b~ld lh•lr annual tanquet oo APfll 28 In "Sallr.:ioe" or To111"• care. Cuesl apeakN ru th• PY•DlDC •as lil.-s. JOt' DllosHn. a local lrscber. Mis. Dneu•n ca •e • n In· t•tnll11& and unt1ue speech. She cle•orl>' 111. . uated hrr ape~b b7 •nrloc different lilt.a to ro1usent different


O' O

DOWN WI TH DOUG L ONG/ • os wtiter, t'IOfed

u rn







~ n• S.lfUC>fi::w'I.. tSS~ t')e fo "9 -rosor• Yror.:i 001,,•s o..J' 1ha1 T"')C s ·uc· OI""

bo rernoched w thin •:ie near fvtore.

It s • s Plt"'SOl"l's

on that oWO.''""'"ely IS Joys will p<o.

• s ·x·


i{,~.~~~1~~·n1 ~~~~~

bo:wd pant., !au> rha• haw~" ]a•hered uP 10 s e>O•"'• u is seen that 1 he proM!r• r meidy s nc· •ne bes·.. the only ~ e111on we "Cl• a• th•• · 1:ne." .,.he Re" ew

Howevor, t

1tors. uncmo y Of>P'OCIC;ht lh. Long"s gener01i.1ty n gan 1 ng 'l'O ' ~ovtetN tho o)Cc lvseve P'o!Llic.::11on righu, to 1 1~ pro•ound ,101 mont. ~iONttV'}r, 1n al tou"'I01s, ,, mus? .:>e pc1n•ea ®' thal a con .. de•ob" numi,.,r l \'i< L~·, COf'tempo"" "' (• uJ1ng 1h1' r • r do not •"tJro his ~um 3-'TI c.~ min pr "enl s1tuo'1 n. P,rcou•1 rho ~rose"'t '\1tuarton t!. a nl011cr of soch v1to cone rn to fNNY c111:cn, 11 ,.. ~rahve 1hor tfit, reod1nn p;Jb 1 b.. cloorl7 and ,oorl'.!Crly 1nlormed concD1~1ng '"" >ubjecr It ·~ 1h.,refor., tho humbl ou•ros" of ft" oduonol ro 1 ' out 1ho1 t.'r. Lnn!J'• v1ft"l't'S, o-i. e~pro,._od mt.._, fore901~ r t it. ~"' co p <'IC!ly absurd. f1nt t'rror H' Mr. Long '> c;ro1011Vt.,, 1, I~ osse:rt10'"' t the "µoson1 1rend points out 1ho1 tho ~1tuo!1on ""111 o-nd w11~1n t~ noor t~1urc ... h s opporft'nt tno1 m deter· 1 n g r'hO d1roc•1 1M Ct.1trcn 1 trend. 'k. Long toiled 19 , 1 acc0t1 • ' worio.• ~ f e'r.rT'leit··•c 1 ·ernol tarces.. • •u<:n forces """' " 1nd1cottod by •he •ece 1 l1nd1r>ps o' Sona•<> S.,bcon •llCO for •..., lnws•1g1J1 on o· Conv,1• r'rip~rit C:1°L.tQ'



acbea of th~ t•chln& p:ofesalon. l;;nurtatnl!'... DI for tho nenlnc waa provided bJ R~rt Ollon, pr1nclpl~ of BrJ&n school, and a rroup or 1011nsatera. Cullar aol.,. rl•en b1 \Uh Hiii, B¢b Decker. and Ronnie llodu. Tbr Bryan Clrla'

tequeal an appllcallon b7 rnall or pick II up al the Northweo t

Quatltl Pl!rformed • t • • r a I

Or. PrlddJ NfJC Pl'eCh In· suuctor. recentf.1 •~tied Con· co:dla Coll~ae lo P<>tlland, Orecoo u a m~bl'r or an accrtdllatloo coi::mlttee. Con· conila Is aeekfnc accred.lla· 1!o11 bJ the North•tal ASSOclatloa oI ~oodar)' and Hieber Schools. Priddy .rapected the col· le~es bwaruUes de11&rt.'!le1tl. • b Ic b illClcded Eocllah. forel,o laocuaiu. art, "'ualc. •PttCb and drama. Otber


commit!~ ~= Clau

memill'ra Coll~et.

Bol5e Jlllllo: Collece. Cnl•er· ally oI Portland, ~ortbero

1aken o' 1htec '•JC •'~"· ""'on'• c1•o:rn» do not '"""' '.r. Long's t• r. F..,, • , •eoson "'" •houd ~·hP•o I •lock oo •ho Pf iii> a or 1ne ~sen• bo ,,,_ sa1 tt.d w t ho f-NO'f mea~ur~s

auxlents abe la• tauchl, and thcl •arlous rewards and hnrl·



North Idaho Junior Colle10 hu bco11n nollfl~ bJ the North •~l \Itta.I II orktr< Union, Ind. lhat 11 '" awnrdlnr a num· IH'r or acllolansbl!lll totalln& $1,000, ror .. blch Junior cnl· lur atudenta lll1l.1 be ~Uelbl•. ELIGIBILITY • Any atudont In Ille rraduallna clasa of a b.11h or collnc p,.parator1 achoo!. or In •Ill undoraraduauo dus (eicepl aeoioni) of a reco&nlZl!d oollece, who Is a m11111ber or a son o r 1lau1hlrr of a member In cood etandlnr - 1 fllo lD application for lM

cal7peo numbNs. Thi' '"Llltlf' Hill Btlllu'", BobbJ and Olnr11 015on, presented two cute 1ones. l"'h..: Som•lbll1C Lb.It wb~o a recn1l1 la al&ndlo1 11 atte.,. UOll, 1111 . . - alwyi do-.

Vfoodcoc:k's Drug Store Cond·•· - Sundri•s Pr010ipti0<11


Tholle eUclblf' 10 •llPl.1

\lel&I \\orken• Union ortlce, 319 Malo St. <Box 9~1. Kellosr Idaho.


Puntture: A lltUe bole In a Ure usuallr found a


SOUVENIR RECORDS "tc.., A RKettl Ol Ir"' " ' - MO'-'\ 4.U'2 226 - · Jwe. CO£Ul D'ALENE. IDAHO


N F...i. St. • C..w 4"AJ. ..


P Ma•c:

Ma....-. ..,,...s1a

100 H. •tM 5t •lCT











O,.fti.1 & Typlnt S....llu IKTDlSTATE TYPEW•ITDI Co.


4 11 Si<i•MN• A.-.. .. ~ 4-)<t ll







..,.,,..,. u,.,.,. Tio• Frie.,jly


lance from a 1ara1e.

llo!11am Colle&~ and CDJYer· slty of lclabo. Coocc.rdla la a jlllllor co~ct 1.mllaled 11 1 Lut~ ra11 church.






Alto Or.Jen To Go

Discuss Plans

Barxf, Chorus Will Give Spring Concert For Public May 10

Vlclif V•''"'• bt.11ld1nq to'•"">O,, for McK1,,,..'<1••t Co •., , .. ano.... n 9"'tnP •n•ltucrioru I!) Hur;t Terralm9. moaonry ccwHroCh:>t. Brtc1flov1n9 work ' ' pt0<•1tding 1oa1dfy Ol"t O..nlJ1n"- flue lar09ly ro ~t"Olly fJO<f. d ,..orii 1n9 !#90rlt•r Me<"°"'COI -oulp...,.nr 1w -"9 u'lftd fo -o..,..









~~·· ~~ ~

Careful ~\ ~ ~::,




,. •••

Your Officers

On April 26. 'Ir. and 'Ira. ThnfM Marlin. ltrst aid ln11ruc:o1 1101 Po 11 Falls, •P<>ko to the< ltrot :Ud clua conccrnlrc artlllclal ruplra· tlon and bandnlnl techniques. iu. '~run comiMnl(od that a111nclal r~aplrallon la •er1 lmrortant In thla .,.,,. alnc• o '""' pcnrJ• parllcli:ot" In atN por~ . II• said that the main r>olnt to rcroembcr 19 to bcoiln tmrovdlat<> artlllclal ru1•lratlon. lllthoUt 01u•n, 11 •tcllm •Ill di• In &lahl n1tnut«".s. and trcrh o fl&t~nslve brain dama~~ In fou1 to lhe mlnut• • II• tt loo atatt'd that n•outh·to-mouth I.JI no~ th• prl'fO'lrnd tv110 of artificial rr• J•lratlon. The cla&B ~n1 ahuwn rn11u\h flh""~• ~r.d fot n1l11lla and chllcht•n In admln· lft!Nln~ rr•U•ttnttun. tn dom<1nftlrutlnc baml11i:tna: 1 tho c11upl1 aho~od thr UHl'8 of lh11 uJll'n trlnnRulor bundov fur b11r1111 of lt11 hand• and fc~t. for h"ad lnJurlrft, end In cum• hl!lllllon •11th rhv cra•nt blind· ac" for ahouldor and h1J1 ~ ou11rl1. Claaa mt•mb\•ra 1nc· ttct>d 1111lu the btlndn~1'J1 .. hllo ' Ir. and \lr•. \lnrtln dlrt•ctod &ta 0, lf>Hit\On,:;.

C/Hnrn 9



SCHOOL CLOTH ES Coe ur d 'Alene Laundry & Dry Cle aners

m. Plclvp . lid lOJ "'••t MO~•..-\ 4olS1'

N.l.J.C llEVIE .., C-• d'AI.,.., 14ol>o, wed., Mo., 9, 1962


On APM _; t~ c .rua of XUC 1000. b ea t th E.ut \'alle1 Hl1b SChool at OUs Orcbanls. ttc:n ~n to the Pn•.at w•u Wi;h SChool. whcrt tbe7 cue a ix.:11011 cl tb" aprUIC concert to be 1>rracr.ted to tile stlJdcnt body of xuc and the i;encral publtc on !.!a.J Jo. Tll<' cborua wu eo:buslu· tlcal17 "ce1Yed by tbe atu· drllla. C.cne Kraltcz acted u muter of ~rnmonlu ror the r.roup. Bernita Uen •u th< accompe.rust. Tbc g:ocram 10 be PfCSCnlftd bu be<'o tentatlYclJ •ct as lollowa· Tbe ch01us i.111 lle1!0 •lib Cole. .n'a "Hc1 l..ook l'• Over", then an to t..u bort • • arranacment o t "Ueklel Sa• Del·h~I''. The mixed en&emble "111 then a Inc Plchtt's "Sea Cha.Im". Amell& \lbekenp ~nd John· stonne :.tuthlor~ will then present several selocUona of Alrtcao mualc with accompan.r· I~ dances. Tiils will be rouowed by a COCllcdJ aklt, whlcb •Ill lH' lollowt'd by tllt' chorus' lu t TELEPACCONFERENCE nua:~r. liannc's arranaemf'nt PHONE PLANNED FOR of "C..,el~". NIJC STAFF MEMBERS Tile baod. It'd by Ja Last week an auto mechanics Bwns," Ill open tbeu pr<>iral"' "r. F."ran: and ' '"'· t..anae team rrom NIJC comp...ied In •Ith Duble'• "!ltaTuta Ml tor two hours on 10- lelr· tht' preliminaries ot the state l.larch''. Nut Is Coneld's phone with personnel from P I 1 mo u t h ttouble.,.hootlnc "Tro~IJ<'ls Ole". Colleen •late colleaes and tbe contest. The tnrr. took second Dunlltl- •111 do tile Toal pan unl•l'rsttr. place and on a Jarre trophy, ot "How Hkb Th<' :.toon", ~·:. E. .. ns ts on the Research •bile Dc·nl!I ..,..,ton pl&15 Ad•tanry Committee tor tht' whlch Is on display In the oho• case. uumprt. ~late Board of Educattoo. Tf'arn mf'mbers were Tom "fU!run' Tbr Blurs" •Ill Al the lut rottlln1, tbe be plaft'd DUI •lib aol$1.s 11~up h<'ard a rrpon on the Levendo!skr and CarJ Krebs. Toe UsJ. Dick LcFrancls, cost and lnslblUt7 of cdu- Tht'lr Instructor, c l•ve Ca toe. Terry Clem. aod Gen Id catlonal te~•laton, and they accompanied thl'it on the Kunedy. are cuntntl,7 .. orklni; on pro- trip, which wa.s sponsored br The suapbollt" Qaart<'l wtll bab17 th<' toremO!lt problem of \Ud·Ta.. n \loto,.., St•en thea plsy "Swine t..ow, sweet the Slate - the dollclency In te1>ms comP"ted In the P'" Um· sans''. TIM>n Tom i..:a.y will communication arr.s 11rammar, lnarles . do a tro1r;bo.,c aolo, "It 'a Thi' rte.) of the hlch 3Chool Because cont~'' otnctals Talk <JI the Tosn". The aradustes. lalle<l to notlfy tbc NIJC team Dlueland Enaecible wlll Tllt're "Ill be • conference that only l11st·yC11r mechanics play "Dlilcland Jai:b<ortt" u phone lnatalled at lhP collece student& were eliclble to en· lllt' la.It •eloctlon ol tt.~ band. aoon. It looks lite a re cub r ter, lb" NIJC team wa' dis· Tiit' IXOCrall> •Ill rod • Uh a phone except for the micro· qualitled from tbe state rtnala, band and chccU& !l111le. "Hl1b- phone. which ts on It. The slnce both t..evendolskc :ind 1tshta fl...- the s<>0Dd of memllt'l1l •IM'&k on" tre11 lell!ied Krebs a re second·.rear s t u· \lustc". by the state. Tho chi>lrman dents. T he team wlU be al· apeaka from Boise, i>nd he lowed t o keep t he troph,y, HIJC UI Mombers V/Both mechanics recocnl%ea nch member as he howe ver. Seottl o Worftis Falt also 1ecehed Individual bra 10 speak. f'l•e ,. boor ' 1<1cal t ·H "ls Trlepae Is uie name elven trophies. ,rour alll'nu• d t lrerld'a lh1s Hrvtce. 1 Dd It a llowa th~ Glllne stated !bat he was f'Ur lo Seattle dtulnc lho aate LO carry oul Its bualnesa "vecy ple:lSed" •dth tbe weeteod of April :i-:9. Con!ram 1>!ace to place 11!.u H· .. tudents' perlorm11J1ce , and D1e S•lson, Pally Roaenllt'rcrr, Pf'Dll1Yel7 and more •rtlclentlJ. that they all had an er\lonble Sllrtla Johmon, Karen Hacaoo, ldal!O Is tllr flrat elate to em- lMP· Katra Pe~rsoa leR by pl01 It~ education, althou1h Hom• O.anges trata Fnd:l1 Dlcllt. AnlTlai In :>nttltl, t!zJ wtro trans· aome !:ti lnduatrles uae It. Tbl·re bu rec~ntlY boen A R COLLEGES NllO L chance- of names at SIJC tor poned lo th!! C..1: 1111• bJ cl:ar· HALF OF COL E FROSH t• o p<'Ople. L.ynn Johnson ~:ed bas. Accud1n1 to an article In a announced that she wlll from \1e1rtn' tbr uhlblt.5 r1om ten to ten S&t~n117, t1r1 then recent lsaue at Tt e m•cazlM- n°" on be called "~Ir•. f.on Proaaer". Aod hon Prosser J.rR Tia lllr popalat IDOllOl1lll (M:Llcb 30, 191l2l. Junior col· IP&u arc "ll:<t 1.utest·rrowtnc Is 10 be known ss " :r." The Ca: tl:e lnlln a:auoa. Tbl! cir la .. .,., put o! a 11~up seprct of U.S. hla:h"r edcca· chan;e was 11cll\'llted on f'eb. lion." o! U6 ~-!hrs fr Koo~aal Tbe arttcle atated that "laat 28. proved to be a bl~ Spobac cowiues,. bo toot fall U1q emolled :Yo. of all sttfl)tl • wh"" rec,.ntl7 made pubUc. a SP"Clal l'H''lllrh r rt•:~ U.5. collc;e trcsbr.~n. and train to t!w- !JUZ t::11• cnr~ll h&I! of t~m b7 J u1' A Flll• r 1&'70." II wu POlntec! out that Junior One tbt.ngabout Khrushcbe• • SIGHS OF SPRING COllPCCS "are bl lled as the he .!i the- fi r:;t man "·bu t"cr 11hat srHl:e s!&1111 o f •Prill•' 1otu1loo lo two natlcnal p:ob- nanatrd to POI half a bllllon Bo7S &!»Dd all WHkeDd WUb- loms tb<' &hortace of akllled people Into an lsolalion boot h. - Rt'llder's Dlge<I llllt tbelr can. Cl1la cbaue 1ecbnlc1ans and tbe enrollr:ient t U color o f thell bait. T he bulce at lour·year collea:r3." Final:. .. Ill bei:Jn :ua_v ~3 . a~rnoon tlnt ald clus loae1 Accordtnc LO Tl~. u. S. Jun tor collti:c3 currt• nt17 num· on~half Its population. The dike road and woods become bcr 878. caurornla h111 69 popuw places !or ..-oJlta. T be Junior colle&:oa. more tMn an.r Olhl'I stAtr, and 11 planntni: to buUdo~er dJarupta tbe sUence In t he Ubrarr. eipond tht• numbN 10 100.

NIJC Driving Team Wins Second Pl ace



It u t h Denn I •. aorh01110re clua 11 ... tary, Is an l'l•it"Dtan •ducatlon major. H•r main lntt'rttt outald~ of 111!r achoo! .. ork ts c.ustc. Her fuorlt• io1>0n Is aw1111mlnc. shr la a momllt'r of tht' band. Phi Theta Kappa, SNEA, and tho t..utllt'ran Studen1:; M octallon. Huth wa& aoclal chatnnan or Phi Tllt'ta Kappa last year and pasi pieatd•nt of tht' l..SA. ::;Ill' lh• a la COt!W d'Al•ne •Ith llt'r parenia. Nut tall Ruth plam to attond the t.:nl•rr.111 o! ldabo.


&wn1, A,_J Scianc. At '\: B11r' Ana !.!I' Zl" ,1; I< ldalw Academ,r :>t Selene.. a ea<>! an a I I be lnll<r.<tlJ campv.s a1 )dascow Arllt :s·:9. Tiit' acade~ ~laced a clra<"e c!l3l!l&J' and inknia· 1 on desl in lbf' stlld•M cnl::>n b lldlcc : tb• un1..-c:s11~. \ •mbL-s were P!eUDI frOlll a I sections ol lbr stair. Gui to boJ' !:irlld, anu • loctmc •nc:a,eme=t 11nc·

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Bond On Concert Tour


Show" obo"• 11 rite NIJC bond 01 tli•y OCC'Of'T!IJO" "d th• rwufe,.. 1n o ,.cenr ~one.,, n '"'• ~'·Mor••' 9'Y"'· The conc•rr wen ,,.,,,. I ,i,.., on~f bartd tour Ut whteh rh•)' lour or• .1...


MATCHES ARRANGED FOR COLLEGE TEAM NIJC wl!I field a 1olf !cam !his sprlna. The squad or nix membclb .. 111 be coached by Mr. Keatln11. Presentl.r a sroup of prosP4'Cta are tr1ln11oul by pla.)'lni: a aeries of fl\·e rounds. T'-e six •llh lhe lowest bandlcaPS •Ill comprise the Cardlral team. TentatlvclJ, Dennis Reser. Rollie Johnsoo, Ila ve Henne. Art Goodale. Norm Costello, and kick Troupe i. ve been se lecled. ~:r. llllllama Is ualsllna b> schl'dulln1 matches wllh ~n­ eral nel•hborlna collcaea. The Cini! match I• sel fot Mil> 5 at the CC>f'ut d'Alene Public Golf Course wllh lhe Unh'er111yor!da ho rrosh aquo.d. NIJC 1111veb to \IOSCOW MllY 8 ror a return mlllCb. Also planned ls a novel match bclv. een a leam mad~ up or racully membera and the N!JC qund. ~~~~~~~~

SoH!.oll, Tennis Occupy P.E. Classes ' Attention C0&cb W!Jltllml has taken 1111 physical education clllaaes ou!Slde Into tho wldcop n al)llces the lost couple or .. eeks. 114oebclll llnd tennis arc the present endeuora or the classes. Coach WlllJamt ha~ been u.rlni; to develop a !en-handed tt'am. but at last report be ls havln1 trouble nvertln11 the rl~hlhanders.



C•p•s Cl16s

New Student Handbook Plarned For Next Fall


T' l"d•nll •ho rubier D6t7ear wJU be baaded a n~• bantbool; aa tbey reclster. II will be prl1:t<!d d11Zlnc

Tbf commltte•


•ci:liac on the. i.Ddbook ar~ Oe:Ws Se•toa, 0.•D GCllnldson. Ed Jacobaon, and Riebe. TbP baadbook •Ill

lnc:lllde a calenda: •llb a socl&I ennta u knowr at 11.e, a con:plete lbt r.t all the club9, tt:e tladent body comUto.Uon, tbe pollclea or ti.- scboo! and requirement. ror events. Tiiis ba:lclboot "HI nol take the 'lac<' or tbe collece cat•10.,,.., boae•er. aaJU

Govt. Classes Y/1tness Federal Court Tuai Dr. Fer.z'• two American covernmenl aod OC>f' American history class es attend•d the sprl.-. •edblun of federal court. The students were ab!"' The Cardlnnl Service Club. to se~ the court Ln operation. a <Iris' club sponsored by the Judge Clark, wbo has pre· soropllmlsr Club of Coeur d' sldecl on rbe bench ror o•N 20 Alene. orlclnaled earl.Y tills yea.,,, greeted each clue, and semearer "Ith llS fnnctlon announced to lhe court roo,. correapondln.c 10 that or the thal they were lro111 NIJC. The men's Circle K Club. II helps e!Aas 1-d an opp0nun111 re out ,. Ith •·arlous acth'ltles •tt a Jury picked, and also concemtnc the school and the see tilt' crlflllral 1rlal or Z&me· communlcy. Also, U someone U.s, who " " ODC! of the men or aome orpnlu.1100 Is 1n whu robbed th<' ~th St. Banlr oeed or help, the girls rtllc111J December 1:, 1961 otter to help oul.•. Lance. ardent adTlsor IOUQUETS. COUA6ES I GIFTS FOil EVUY OCCASION of the Clrls. helps the: very EVERGREEN FLORAL mucb and INlll'UCU them on nrlollS ~roJtc!.$. The club AND GIFT SHOP "fa. Q..lity - ' S...ico' Is limited In membersbiJ> to "'-• M°""-.4 ._)f4S °' ._..,6 W cirls. so tbose lmeresled must Pill Corth appUcaUons 2U SI....... A... • C-. ll>JM. earb ID the ser:ester. Pruent ottlcers are president. Ancel& For a Lifetime of Tboi::son. 'flee-president, Judy Anderaoo. ttea.s111er, Shelli Jobn&on. aecret.ary, Patty ROllubercN aad conespondln& •ecretar.r. SDSan Jensen. Learn to



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Ftld41 eY~Dln.1 Ille H"le• clubs or lhe collu• enJO.Yed a tun•packe<t i-r11. T1"'re was danc1n1 and rerresheenta, aner "hlch !hr cues ts •nJo.r•d the mos lea I talenta ot Bill \anslln on the < '°'n afld 0.11 Parsons l..Ut


April ~7 ,. td 28 the 'lonrlay nnd llednudA.v nlahl dance class ~ludenta were sueftll of lbl'lr 1ns1tuc1 r , ~r. and r • Ouln l ~cat the Showbonl Drlu-tn. l:.11cb aluMnl and a '~""' • re ad ltled fret> to ••c lhc mo\'lftl .. Totn Thumb" IUW1 '""{ f'-"«Jdo

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