The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 16 No 1, Oct 11, 1961

Page 1

College President Extends Welcome To Student Body A.a pre lden1 of lb coll•s• 11 la m:T pleaaure lo welcotl'e 7ou. lbt wcu1 atodenl bod7 ever 10 attend NIJC. The atleadaoce a1 1be collece bu been 1raduall7 lnetea•ln6 each 1ear for lbe paal nine 1eara Thta 1nr '"" lncrea•• la about 24 percent o•er lt>pre•loua 1ur. lhe lar101 lncreue •e ha•• e•tr had Al thla wrlllnc 1b<1e are 575 daJ 11oden1s anendlnc th~ collece and all uelllnc clu· aea which have aiarted 10 far are full I ll"ed not tell 1ou that •e ... 111 be cramped for room thl1 JUI Mal\)' of JOUI cluna wlll be crowded and aome or 1ou ma1 suffer aom• dl1com· fort You all aware. how· e•tr that 1hla la onl1 a tern· porar7 1lluallon. aa we have been provld•d with the money to bul Id more bulldlnca. l\e are 1110 pltaaed to wel· come to our alud•nt body 14 atudente. tncludlnc f0<olan ~n from Canada and one •ach from Africa, Iran, India and cas ia Rica. 1\1) hope your 11&1 at the collewo •Ill be pleuan1 and prarttabl~ The b<!1lnnln1 or th• collo1e yea1 11 mo1t au1plcloua. r.c· ulty member• tell me thal the atudonl a111tude la eacellent am other alcna lndlca~ a propllloua school 1n1lon May I remind you apln that colle1e work •Ill be much more difficult than hlch 1ch<>ol some may become dlacouraced and conaldrr dropplnc clauu. If thl• ahould haPP"n 10 you II would be well to lak'" oloc:k or 10111 dalt.r pro1ram •Iii per hapa you will find IOnl!! olbf>r oulaldt acllvlly you could drop which I• IH• lmpor1ant lhan your colloe cluau You mu11 learn 10 develop a unn or values which wlll help you evaluate "hat la rully Important and "hat I• not The collue f1cul1) I• ht>ro 10 aulat you. but thr wurklnc out or assignments t• your Job. If ynu nrrd ad•lct on any maUN con•ull "Ith ~our faculty advlaor If I can be or ony •••l1lancr . my omc~ ls al .. aya OPM 10 atud~nts and raoulcy l w le h ror a II or you • •ery aood achool ycnr


YOLUltE XVI, 1'10 1


"AH u

11 1961

Registration Lines Were Lang

Foreign Students At NIJC

0 0 Klldn"

Former Red Prisoner Relates Experiences At Student Assembly On tht anernoon of Oel 3 John Noblt , a for rur prisoner ol 1he co111mun1a1a tn RWlal• arok< 10 a a1uden1 &Hea1bly Mr Noble re-lated ao~ ol hla uperltncu "hll~ a prta oner ol lhf' Rt'da, and con· lraated the> lhlns condlllona In lhe So\·let Union •llh lhoae In lhe Unll•d s1a1ea I.Ir Soble alao pointed oul 1ha1 Am<rl· cana or1en rtcet'e a falat pie iure of Soviet Liit John Sobl• U•Phaalzed tl'al "COd aa! palllo<tam" a1e lhe t•o mas1 Important n•t'd• ol 0111 nallon If It la 10 remain tr•• \Ir Sobl• clOlled hi• lalk by hulnJ the audttncc Parttcl pace In tho al •¥Inc ol "Cod Blesa America " Allhouah the auembly "a no< an all·school u .. mbly atud•nts a11end...S maey Jud cine from the ovation sh en Mr Noble . hi• la lk was very "•ll rect'IYod Sludt-nl• ar" CO\'C'n-d by in·

•uranct durtn.: NlJC f"n~lton11 l\nd wh.Uc trawling to o.rW trom ..,hoot



Tht lacull\ of :.OIJC aor'd a ae1 ac4ua.ln1ed mlnr for tbe 1lud1•nts SCIJI: 27 Thtrt "'"card cn1e1>, ta bl• amu. '~lleybaU badinlntoa and danclnc Ourlnc a ahut 1n1orcliS».on Ce-ors• LtPard a }anlt<~ at :-; IJC. did a JuuUm: act Dancaq

r111tc1 lht



rt'1 or tht e\tatm: botuS Donuts and soft dnnl> "•re "'""" bT tbt !3culty


Tt•· aluden:, lhan~ tl>P !ae· ull• le~ lb• !lae llaw t=>t) llAd and a U : •lllZtd party

ASSEMBLY SCHEDULE THRU DECEMBER SET IN' • nl am enlli:h!t "' >1 lrtualU' CUAtanl In lhe 11uec:b ac dula I ~l~ U1 On ()el II M.111 c HD.l auists I r:lln&IN t the ldato Hut Sall I Bllnk In Cntnr d'Alene • ll speak on µ ble o1 !Inane • Tb• L'sea:bb or 0e1 18 •Ill fea lute :-OIJ<."a ! retp atudel'.lls Oa ~ ~ 3 lu:jents will b< ln!c..-=d "Ac: -Co unlsts Al 1f :k" In a apercll b;r Con ataru lne Bol<b re(f So• 1~ t.:inp Jae<; lol.lckf,,,..le owrallst aad ealr:taloer A spec1al p:ocra la b<ln& Pllllllled r r be:

Phones /n Ollie• Aro

Only For Business Use Stuaut. are remlndf<I t!ml

olflc< pho.,..5 ar< ( r bu$ln<'S$ onb Thon: I• a po.) phone In lht" wa' oI tbe

l.)mnuturnfot the u~ri: or thO!t~

"ho ha\r P<'t11onal calls 10 ma~e OnlY e1t<11ency clllls "Ill ti.• dtllvtrl'd All Olh<r~ "Ill be P<>81Pd on the bullrlln b1>1a1d reserved for lhU put· pose All &tudtnts ar' ur1ed to chtck lhl\t bull•lln boftrd (s<cond one on your l•fl as ) ou comt~ ln the east entrance l

once or t¥. lct• a daJ for "tall

a_nd phonP mts:5a1es.

kJ'EP t•UOt 'U' <I l \ ' T

NIJCmd U. of I.

Jointly Sponsor TV Course in Biology '




f: .. ahlhal Ibey

Enrollment Hits All-Time Peak Of 575 This Fall

J\I l!lclal clo. lnl Of rec11lfl, n Oct. ~ Reel uar :.Olshlo repor11 thAt S75 daJ oludcri16 had r~11a1ered 1 • American liaUtute o! Bio- at ~IJC this fall. Th•• Is an loclcal SC!ence11 In o!Ierilll "11 tla:e bl Sh re r lhc collue an "1'111 ae llt'I bour courae and Is 11~ tt.e previous In bl O&:f b7 le ertslon recwd r "63 a year nco. T ••ctaaan "a are bcln& Er.roll...,01 al :.OIJC baa been stawa over KXLY TV Char. lncrculni; steadily over 11>P nrl " betw<en 1 30 am s·oo years In l~H 101&1 enroll· a co M nda1 1b1oacb Frld&J ment •u about equ~I 10 tl>P Lob and leal eluan are In· lo lbe SIU of Ille current fac· atructl'd In this a•u by alt1 In 1951 there •er< Ii~ E,.ns, "Ith lltr aid of Mr regiat.,ed BJ l 9S8 397 "ere Ba:ns Tll<!ae c!aana are 10 sol"' to ~IJC and In 1959 Ille me~: here at th' colle1e- on total rose 10 416. ocr ~ti orr7 l•o weeks. P<rcen1&1e• tse the inThe lna1tuc1or for lhe T\' creased entollmeat thla Coll a •c11t:.n ot 11><' course IB or. Is aboul 2"'» oTer lasl fall. A RAJ KOPP<'lman or the t;nlver breakdO\< n of reglstrallon sia· ally or C:htCUO He la 10 be llslJCs and lurther anat.rals Of ald<d on the prQCram by otMr the student bodJ will b<> prelop men In the scientific sented In lhe nett Issue, field

r<C nUy ann


ue coope '.&line "lib the 1>2 u Ila! Selene" Fouadallon aad

Ac1/v11y CalcnJat Po110J

An aallvlty cal~ndar hru. bc·•n plactd above tht• •outb to tho a.ym1W1lum. II 111 be us•d to deslcnnt• lh• d•tes or stud~nt acth Ities ~ntrance


s1udonts and faculty me1n· bora who pouk on tho west std• of tho •chool 1He Mked 10 ~•op lhree feet back from 1ho curb 10 protect the bed•

District Tax payers Approve Boros For Two New Buildings

THE N.LJ.C. REVIEW C..W..• ",,__-. .....

hww..4 s-1-M...tW,

o.1oot IM



J1• M•wntt;


top-,. £4itM

Co"l XoPP"'"

1tcvle110ft Mel!•tN Potr•<•o Edoof ••tt•u Monottt Rob.n Moddm J.-M Jocob•.,.. Mo,llyn tohoe, J-, Jwt~ un Lu ll• Ho9i\1n•. Ooroi1hy S.lton. Anaa Merte E.,..,• ANo


YOUR STUDEHT NEWSPAPER 0ecouse 1h11 Is 1he fos1 issue of •he Rev,,.... for rn. 19611962 •chool yeor. II Sffms OPl"'OP'•Ot• '""" 10 f...,, ltot'Z9 1he new srudon1s wllh 1heor school poper The Review •s o biweekly newspo1Mtr. usually oppeor ng owry 01her Wednesdoy It Is wrmen by s11.d&nis "'•11 •he 01d ond superv1 soon of iwo focuhy mombe,., lh /,end• ond llr Ookberg,


Tnero is cons oderoble cos1 rnvol....d on 1n. · bu1 solo of odvor1ls1ng spoce roduce• the omount 1tia• ""''' be pold by tne S1udon1 body A portion of 11-. 10101 rec:e1p1S from s 1uden1 oc1ivl ty fou Is used to f1nonce 1ho <1udent publlcollons (newspnper ond yoorbook) The Review wos formerly pflnled by o commorc1ol pnnt ng form, bu! 1h1s yoor 11 wo II be prontod 01 !ho college A dofferen• pr1nttr>g method. known os offsol p<1n11 ng, woll be used Off,.. pr1n11ng oqu1pmen1 wos 1nstollod 01 1he collage 1h1s pos• sumIY11h 1he new equipment, 11 will be possible To do color pr1n11ng, bv1 the poper s1off does not pion 10 use color unt I lot"' '" 1he school yeor In oddt11on to regulor news reporting, 01her fecnvros planned for 1hc. l'OIMI' this yeor ore ed11oriols. sports coverope. "\lo ol· box" (leuer> to-1he..l1t0<), ond spPc1ol col""'"s 1ncl ud1r>g "MM• •he Proh" ond "Your Officers" The ed11or1ols "'1 II be w1111en on o wocle w11e1y o! sub1ec1S ond will usually be "weighty we<ds of wisdom" obou• c;urren• coll09" p<oblems ond con11overs1es Tho sports sec11on of •he poper will be kepi 1n 1une ... tr. the spor• 1ho1's 1n season one! will olso cover P E oc1 v1••es The "Mo1lbox" column woll be included 1n 1he pooer v.hen s1udonts or focuhy members write le11ers·tO·•he..l110t Ir s hoped lhot studenu ond 1eochers will show o grecJler •ntl!'est rh1s year 1n expressing •heir opinions 1n fotter.$·t°"'rhe-eduor Of course, these letters must be signed by 1ho wroler before 1f>ey will be ptonted Anyone wishing to w111e o leue.. 10-tn&, ed11ot moy 1urn II on 10 ony member of 1he newspopet stofi A1 leos1 lwo r911ulor columns woll be used 1n the poper thos yeor They ore .. ,....,, the Profs" ond "Your Officers " Thev ore dosogned 10 ocquoont 1ho s1uden1s with 1he loculry ond the student off ocors . New columns one! 01her feot11ros will probably be odded to 1no poper during 1he school yoor Studenis should beor on mind 1he foci 1hot Thos newspaper is pr1n1ed for thoor onjoymonl Cr111c1sms ond comments on woys of mok1ng 1h1s poper more on1oyoble reodit>g ore"'elco,,... .. J M



STUDEHT DRIVERS, BE CAREFUL ' Secovse of t"- h, ovy pede>troon troff c 1n 1he por~•ng lo• s•udon1s should drove with exeeptoonol co"' -.hole on the col· Iago grounds Re~mber, s1udents, lhe COSI c f the fe.. "'°"'""''S so-d !>y spood•r>g t~ough •he porku>glo• could eos1lybe o clossmo"e's lofe Are""' soconds soved wor1h the proce? .• J .Yl


1111 ou1 a cord like 1h1s and put 11 1n tr. s..oggeS11on box In the holl

Absences will be recorded

SECTION _ _ _ RON _ _ SEAT - - - -



SlgnoTuro of As>embly Commonoo Member

On AUC"..Sl :?ll tM IU~rs Junior collue cllstrtct appro"red tbe l.uuaiic• ol ZO year bOads ror • teul or $48S,OOO with wblcb to bl1lld a .,.,. UbtalY-<lasaroom balk!· Inc adJol:U:is ti.. ~esea& classroom bulldl"' r;.i tbe aoulb and a n.• •h01> balklll>s KSt or Ille ~ucc plaot Tbe Ub:ary..:IU&t.>Olll •lnl will be 140 n by 69 n • two stories lllsb. and co:u.-cled 10 Lhe P"'Unt baildinc by a COYUed runway. Tbe library •Ill be 011 lbe !owe: flOGr and l he c l & U l - •111 be 011 lbe ap1>4'r rtoor . Two or I~ ela&arooma •Ill be ru blol°'leal •clenc:u. aea&Lna about 24 eacb Tbe aeal& wlll be al cl'llduated bel.i>a Tllore •Ill be ont la11e claau~m aeatlns aboul 100 a1odent1and1ueral otllt'r Tl1t• amaJl•1 cluuooc:a room w!Jett &be library paw la wllJ be dlYlded IDIOIWOIOOIU •llb lbe aewlllc laboralol')' oo ooe aide and a rerulat claaa· room on Ille otbt'r Tbe pru· rot bloloay room wUI i:robabh be aaecl rg: art 1tructwe aJld dulr;n Th• new abop balldlns •Ill be 135 rt. by 105 tt and •111 be bllill OTH a C OllCttlt Call ou1 abelter appros1. .1~i, !OS n. br :is oi 30 n Tbe detaJl1 of lbe IHU.ldl"' b&Te DOI bMn co::pl•Lfd bat tile µeunt plans an11c1pa~ an e:r ll""'nt al 80 elocttollles 1tode11U aad about 30 In tbe aa1omoblie ""'d•nlcs dcpanmeli Th<" bullcUns • lll a bo c oot&J11 oltJcea ato.~tooma t"IC It ls ll<>l><'d tl::at b1ds 011 tbea.. butl4Jncs i:a1 be call•d ror 1b6ut the {l1$1 ot Jl"!WJ lrll 1ha1 the compleu on date may ht' abnvt 1nr rr now

or tz

HIGHT SCHOOL CLASSES FILLED TC CAPACITY; MORE BEIHG ORGANIZED \lost nl ~t c~ clu ou al SlJC Ibis 1all &rt" rtlltd to cai;oaclly and more ar• bt"lns arran,ed omee machines and 17plnc cla.sses hue 2~ reslatered. The clus ls bl-Inc tauaht by )lr.l. Jerry York TWenty ·tl•c ba1'e e111olled In account1n1 tauaht by Henr, Mu lier. a C~ur d'Alene pubUc aecouat anL Tb" machine& and 1111 lllC elustt ""'el rtom 1 IO 9 p.m. l!onda1 and ThursdaJ' nen.lncs and l\&Ye 2~ hours o1 ID:;trUCllOD aclledal•s Accountlnc stadenta meet \load'l'· ' ' erunp from 1 to 10 p,:i., and :bell COU19r '11111 run rar ·~ hours Two sect!caa c.r tallorlnc: are bt"lnc taucht by )!rs H•l•c Brandt a:id a:~ rll!ed. wllb Wlt.lllac Usl& for nest aemes· ter. ni.y =:tt! oa Monday aod l\~d~J' uoa111p !rom 1 :o JO p.m. .A real estate class la alao beln& ct!ered In con.Ju.'lCtlon wltb tbe state 1eall0t'a asaoc!atlon. lD lW ~!OCHS or formaUOQ are twoSpr.llbb cooraes Ooe lD !be pzoce•s or rotmatlon are two spa!l!Sb coaues one "W be In E.lemeatary Spr.n11b and will eatl')' u;iptor dl'1aloa cr~1 rrom 1be u or Idaho. The other b a noo-credll coune ror adult Other co1m1es will be ••· ranced ... the de Mand ro1 them arises,

N 1J C REV10' C-• ol'Al..,o I..,_ Wod. O«oloor II !9'1

Your Officers

New Student Ulion Scheduled To Open About Novermer 1

The •lllden1 body pr;!•ldeDI tor tbe Sortb ldallo Junlcr Colles• thla year la w BW nrbln. ot coe111 d'Ale,,.. BW wu born ln Merril. \\lac Tbe Student Uoloo bW1dJn1 alld aner ll•tni tber. ror 10 should be ttadJ tor occ11pency years. mo•td 1ocoe111d'Aleoe. a bout tbe t or November BW altelldtd C~w d'Ale~ ahottl7 tbt"19&!1er. Sine• aeboola and la a 1960 crad· or tile bulldioc aDd lta cooleni. oate. In JuDlo: year ot are beln& paid rot rio111 alu· hlcb •cbool. Bill wu band dent hinds, lludtnLI ma.r be lnter;!slfl! In some details Its coaatrucllon. Studrnta •bo were hont laal year ue well aware tbal tbe dln.ln1 roons under the north· eut bleachers In lbe '111> wae totallJ' laadequate. A 1ea1 . .o lhe Collecc Board authorised 1bc le ..:rlnc or a S9 per semoaler etudeo1 ae"lcea ree lrom each student to start a rttnd ror a new Studenl Union build.Ina Under a new Idaho law pa.ssed al lb• 19$9 sea· elon or Ille t.eJlslalure , a North Idaho Junior Collese oorml101')' Houalnc Comml•· alon wu apoolnled by the Oovernot. and !hill commlaalon 11111 Twbl• wu and la to ha vc complete maa1•1. In bla aenlor year, ch&tce or lbc conatructlon BUI wu •l.cted atudenl di· and use or lhe student Union rector and pttaldtnl or 1he 1114' bulldlnc le peld rm. unUI band The preaenl meml>e111 or Ihat \;p0n sra411atlon from NIJC co111mtssloD are t.arr1 Oard· tMa 1ttr, Bill plana lo con· tlnue oducallon al "bll· nt'r. o, \\ E.dmonda and Oeor1e SOnnlchaen. all or Coeur d' weirth Unher11t1. whett h" Thi• commJsalon 1r· will •)01 In 1beolas1 Sloce Alene, raoced •ltb lho Rome and be plans 10 become letber a mlnl1ler 01 a mlsatonat1. 8111 uoual'- Admlm.traUon. a dl•lalon or Ille Health. Ed· will 10 10 1~10 1ean1 ot semi· nar1 an.or craduatlon rroa ucallon and Welfare Depart, meal. to make a so•ernment lfbll•C>l'lh Blll comldua b1a o!flce as loen to cover the coe 1 or lhe lludeal body prealdtnl • sreat buJld.1111. reu, e1c. Thia loan Is ror $100.000 or u much honor a..S be bopea be w111 be abl• 10 ruttlll tbe office •lib 1bereor u la 11tedtd. and lbe collese atudeota buo thlny lbe beat ot h1a abllllln . BJll Ute Ille allldtnt 1eara In which to l)aJ' II back, It LI HpeCted tbal It will be body to koow lbal be wlll be read7 to help 7011 In &111 war ntP&ld In approslmaleiJ' hair that time, or al a~ time Iha I 1ou tl<'td Shon i, aner acbool •as 0111 blm-llber l>t"nlO...U,, ot ID last aprlns contracls were br'ialt or I~- atudODI body. awarded ror the construction or the butldlnc totallnc approd•t•i1 $91,000. NIJC C11cle K Club \Ira. Stranahan and MI. Chrl1· 1larwon hue been apoolnted Is A Service Club u a commltlee to arranc• the delails ot 1ett1n1 lhe bulldln1 For College and C1 ty ready 10 use. In addlUon to Ptobabl1 moet 11uden1s do the kllCbeo and dlnlna raclU· not kn"" "bal Circle K Club ties, lhe bulldlns wlll alao Is or what 11 doea . Clzcle K bouae the bookatore and atu· la a aer•lce club eoo111orod deru body ottlcea. by the local K1••nla Club. Work la lho c:un< of lhe Circle K laabloarnllaUKJ•llh OIC&r the Circle K International. drlnklnJ cJ.uau The objt"ct ot lhe club LI IO WU~ help out ID the collece and commuaity The club 111ee1a In tbe Home F.cooomlea 1oom .acb week "KH p A RecorJ Of It" 10 dlacua proJecia •fU'ODe ..,C)I...,.\ ._SS~ 11:!1ht hue. Al tbe last meet· 224 Sli.rt'fWi• A101 Ptealdem Blll vaa&hn atreaaed 1be POlnl that lbe C-. d'Alo.... '"•"" club abould besln a me:::beralllp drl•e lmmedlatel.J. be· caaae It aee=s. lbete are on1J •••to 1etu:n.1n& me::ibera Tbe qoall!teallons ror memben1blp Cond.. - S..ndne• are· I. Good Cbazacter P•tiCt'p•iont : lolal ba •e a crad" poln1 uerase c;! Z O or belter 3. tU N Fowf,., St. • C..1111 ti IJ..•• M3t ba ..e allended NO<lb Ida· bo Ju111~r Coll•se ror al ~ut one aemesi.,r. COEUR D' ALENE





Woodcock's Drug Store

STYLE SHOP EarlJ' to -

"""' earl1' to

rue. IUld you'll .,... a pod deal lllat t C'O an In the day. um.

TYPEWRITERS ROYAL RENT SALES REPAIP Oroh.rtt & Tn•rit ,Svpplie• I HTCllSTATC TV,CWRtlCll C O. 417 SJt.,,._.,,, Aw• • ""-"'• ...1"'11






F.•• -d ..


C:O.n . Dr.-. . Foundations


1°' N. -~ 5' • • C:..W d'Al-


P.. a. . c '°"'o"'""' • ·•~1• oa N

.. ,. ..



N !.J.C. REVIE1'. Coeurci' Al•no, ldo~o, Wod, October II. 1961

Nominees For Class Offices

E-6-qLLln.E.6. - • CLUB & CAMPUS FASHIONS BY 0. E. SCHOEffiER Fashion Director ol ESQUIRE MJ1ulae Correct campu~ fashion beirin• with the b.'lllic dTCM suiL The b~ck­ bone of any undergrndunte wnrdrobe is n minimum o! three buic •nits. ae..,, then, are the trio 'hnt •uit all oceASions !rom evcry-dnyweaT to ~-e.ning <1ress.. TOWN TWEED .. lier•'• " fre-h interpretation or ll smnrl but CMUaJ •Utt lhat iJ! \•irtually o campua cl:1S1ic. It'• 1n an olive tweed with s briirht Tiger Tone O\'Orpla1d: " •·•r!IOtile addition to your wardrobe that pulJI )'OU •t eBSe in town or on umpUA. l"'-""''4"'::::.1~~~ "BLUES MAKE FASHION NEWS" ... The ,vbeel of (Mllion Nomlno.• for 111,1d.nt body 11fc••PfU td•n1 or• 8'11 Hol·

l'l'IOr• clou prc•tdcet. Jerry Ryo"'• Terry Ct•"' ond Gery Hollod.oy (Of'lod Mox PNdent·c. ob&enrt oll 1-00~• clou

• ' •'" ond Mik• N•our. a>iown I" rfoie 1op ,,,.. left to right.

C•p.tfl\g fo,

''"d•ttt ""'°"

boor~ offkn

ore, left 10

VIC.·Pr.. fcMtU e:ondidotn .

~:;;, ,~~.ioJ~h!.·!~'~JJre~,rPt~w~.~ t=u:

1•'• Lorry Hodt-• Terr, Von Slot•, ontJ Connf• Nolson. In 10,. 2. l•h to 11wf'tt, '"•" R1,11h 0.nnl•.. Joonnt Jocob-

::~~:~ ~j;:c.~11:;.:f "tc~:'1~~.01Ed ~~~:;:;~~o~/b!':;

Pon o'" (ond Ootin Otnnlt., obunt), condidotu for

NIJC Bond Nomi notes Officers; Still Needs More Clarinet Players On Sept. 29 . the 44 piece bond nomlno1cd the following members u officers: P resldent--Terry Clem. Oordon Syllo, and · Don P fost, Vice· P rcsldonl·-Tom May nnd Clyde Woller: secretary-Looi Pnlr· c:hlld. a nd Lola ~'llzslmmons. T he aroup, under the dlrcc· lion of Mr. Bums . la nt the present limo rcadylna Itself for baa kelbnJI gnme a ppear· onces. a (ulurc concert program. ud ~ tri p lo a Spokane school. T ho band re preao nta Lhe a rea well . Including memb<:ra from Kollou. Post Po lls, Spokane. a nd lhe Volley. 11 owcve1. Mr. Burns announced lhn l lht\lt' Is o need for more c lorlnol plas· era: no oxperlenco Is neCies· a ary . Anyone else who•dshes lo Join the bnnd la also wcl· come. f or The Flnut In Oolry Produc'' Un Camoilon


MO. 4-2121



OPEN UIO /\. M. TO S:l11 P. M.


freahmon claH offiur condidoru ere sttown tn r~ front row, lch 10 riph1: fo1 Mctctor,•· Kordl tionnn. An99ro ThOl'llun. 0..lll'ft Gunwoldaon. Sh.oro" O'Cot111e1I, and O'one Aw"1naon; (or prct1dcn1°..(l~dc fictte,, Mculyn Wohon, Terry Botu1; f01' •lee..ptHfdcnt··[).nrtl• N...,ron. Ron We~ · rcn, Ann Bomor~. and LeRoy Vic.he (ol'ld S.Olly fn9h.h. who •OI not prc1ent).

On Oct. 2. nominal ions fo r student body vice-president. clAas officers. and the freahcen members or 1he student union board wesc recel •ed In an assembly held In the um. Nomlneea for student bod1 vice-president ore li!lke Ne~­ aer. Bill Holstein. and Randy Sorbet. F reshmen nominated ror the Iv. o openings on the student union board ue Ted Cun le. Joyce Riggins. Mart Breltt.11upt . Shella Jobnsoo. Jim Judd. Bill Phi Ill PS. Sue Coll· lor, Lorry llodse. Terry Von Slale, Skip Scholl, and Connie Nelson Nominee& fo1 sophomore class officers a re aa rollaws· for presldonl·-f'rcd Kroelcb . Donn Dennla. Ed Jacobson and Gllry Pa111ons: !or •lcepro11ldonl··Jcr11 Rsan. Mai: Prudente, Torry Clem. and Guy Halladay: for aecretaQ'nu1b Dennie, Joann!' Jacobsen and Loci f'alrchlld. Students nominated for l'resh manclAea officers are th<> !ol· IOl'o Ing. for Dresldeo1-CIJ'de Weller, Mnrll.rn Watson, and Terry Burris. IOt' •lce-presl • dent-Dennis Newlon. Sally Enclhih, Ron \\arrl'n, Ann Bunord. and Ll"Roy \'lche. !or 1ecre 1orr-Karen nanaoo Ant:ela Thomson. Dawn Gun· valdson. ShaN)n O'Connell aod Dlant' Ausllnson. ElecUons foi lht'st' office~ will be held \\t'dneSdrtJ. Oct. 11. Vererons Musr


Form Ono A Month

\!e1erons allendlnc school under the "G I.BUI" Ille re· minded that t hey must rm ou1 \' A. Fotm 1996a on the Wit d'v or each month. No cbtck$ • Ill be Issued unUI 1bese rorms are recei \•ed in the Seattle office. Tilt' forms are ••ailable In 111<> rel!lsuar' s omce

back 10 blue for dres-<·up ..,...,r.

ing" 1hree-bul1on front :and notched l•J>d~; in perfect l.a$te for both dartimo or drCl•Y e\'ening wear.

NATURAL SHOULDER NEWCOMER ... A .ixilcing thl'e<.'-pic'<e •uit with nn olive bronil! suede fin1•h. lh vest feature.. mAlohin11 •uit fobric on one •idc, pat· terned fnbrac on 1he other. It's a smnrt, ruucd. good·lookinsr •Uil in 11 trndltional styling.

Lynn Johnson Chosen To Head AWS This Foll; Committees Set

TWO ALTERNATE SUITS alway• correct Al a recent elec1lon tht A• for campus wear .•. One ia the cl-ic soclated \\omen s1uden1a gTcy flannel. an old ~lnndby. and always (A\\Sl selected the lollowlnr depcnd:lblo for dnylime or evening wear . officers and commlueo mem· Tho other nltornnte I• the al~urquhardt ber•. pruldont . Lynn John· plaid. It nlford1 n sprightly chnnge of prml son. vlce·presldotl, Diane i! you are Inn posilion to •JCPand beyond \lorllto; secretaQ' Sbatan o· · the three auil m inimum. Connell. social chairman. ldike McDonoulJ)l. pos1u commit· le• members. Bernita Lien. COLLAR POINTERS ... Your shi r t collar Dlare 011.1. Anna !darle Enns complement..• your aulL A baaic wudrobe Dlaae DllJ'. Aana Marie Enns. DorolhY Bolton. food commitof campuo dre~• • hir ll! •hould include the tee membe111. Cberl Rersber. smnrt, elegant. cr isp looking tab (thero Karen Ransoa. \l.&Iprlle 11re sever al \'3r lntioRJ1--lh c BTltisb U.b, Thaclm. Pal Drlscbel Do1tle lite grip tab with shor t poinl. and the anap Carsoo. \laf1 ~11 RArlck. eotab l T h• t>.t{ord b11/tt>n do1t'n is still the l<'rtalnmenl commU1ee lll('IDperennial campus favorite a nd th e 1hort bers. sarab llood. Donna Mc· rmmd rollor i~ always nent nnd correct. Danleb. Judr Anderson . Salb Enallah. Diane AusUnson. Sharon Rlcbardson. Clea.n-up cornmlltH lllt'mbers. Shiela Job111100 Panie Ro:>enburcer. TIE YOUR WARDROBE TOGETHER. .• L.•nn Johnson, Clalrt! llatetll. your nednrear &bould coordinate with ~uit Shuon O'Connell. and •hirt ESQUJBE's Fnll campus Tb• above·menll~d com- cbo1«a •re TIO'<"'ntcl •tripta in bright. mittee rcetnbers and omcers contnsllns and ao(t mellow colors: the bave beea buar ptann1n1 for the A'liS F'rleodahlp Tea, lo be c:laNic r.pp with a d..,p olive hue; wool held Oct ~ In the &:flllna&lum. c!WliJo in tmart "nt'\\ blue" and oll\•t mixwrea and a HCOnd challl• In ~metric Th• maior probl<'m or UI• tutu:r• ·" not \\hat type hom" ton"' of tiger and blu_. knit to note is a 1trildng looking model In winier tiger lo butId but whAI JU I"' r&C<. ,bade.




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Here'a a three-piece blue ••rge •Uit .. sartorillllY •mart. tradilionnlly $lyl<d in Ute naturnl shoulder aitbouelle. It'• an elegant ,·<t<1ed suit reatur-

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New Instructors

c-r 4'.t.1..,.

14o!.o W.,j, 0<"'1..dl 1961

NAT. POETRY ASSN OPENS NEW CONTEST TO COLLEGE STUDENTS Tbe NaUom.I Poetr1 Aaaocl&Uoa rece11tl1 1.11DDDDCed tbal II la DOW accePtiDC -DU· actli>U lor l:a 1.t111ual c .....,.,. tlUOD. Tb• CI091D& date for llw aiabmllaloa of nrae b7 coUep elud•~ta Ill.a been sfl lot SOY,~ All aelllor and JDnlor coll•~ atadenla ai. tUcibl• 10 eater tbe compelllloa Tbe ttree M7 be ID UJ !or.ti 111&7 be wrltt•n on &JU' lbfm• Row•••r , shorter po•• are p~!er"'d by tbe board Of )1adpa ffe&QH of 1PaCt

Umlt&UOllS. A bulltUD !tom lbr National Poelr1 .'\HOCl&tlOD II peeled on the •la-hall bullrllo bean!. II sl.,.. further lnlot!D&Uoo abnul 1ubrol111n1 manuacrlpt• four of the n ew ln1 1rvctOtl ot HIJC .,. shown here. L•ft 10 utf'it: RoMrt Wr1oht. phyalu de,ort""'"'· -+io ce-n• rrom P0r1toncf, J.cll Ot• ....,., &.ti all

Evans Participates In dePo'1"t'Mnl, on f.oH of ob a.nee the poa I ,_.o y.011 frOllll HI.JC to teedt '"' Jopon on o Fullbfloht g•onr, Sotoh Culton~ ducot1on 4epo'"""'"1 .. r.._1., .. First Telepack Meeting

Lowl1 & Clork Cofle;e ln Lewl 1ton, Horfort Sle\ttrt. olectrotuca who come from Poolond Electronic Cotleoe In P0rtlon<I



Sept. 20. Ml £nna pe.z llcJpated 111 tile nr.1 c-mlltee meetlac to be b•ld I.II Idaho nslnc tbe Telepack a7a1e111. Wllll Telepack, tbe committee mei:bers wur able 10 r.cs&l11 111 their °"a u.u or tbe atate and conY"Prse b7 t•lepbone Tb• 111Htlc1 •u llrld (oz the m•::f)ers ol lbe ldabo EdD• Research Comalll.,, cation&! A recent series or thtte OrlForty cborua membera, under 0: wh1cb Mt. £Tans la a •mthe dlrecllon of Mra. Floch. e11tatlo11 usembllu were~ bo>r Tllr cocualttee lancUom ba•e besuo the 7ear with elec- to acqo&1111 the studer:u •llb to: 111e ldabo sate Ikard or Uoo of olllcera Choun were with the collece. Its orpnl- Educ&tloa. recoc:me.Ddl.llS proJ· Ootdoo 6711&, prealdent. Ktr· r.at101111. and the rules o! coa- •eta lot edacall~:i&I re .. ucb ducr: are en!on:ed al tbe mlt Klebert. vlce-pruldent ID Idaho. and Loel Palrchild. Ubrarlan colle1e. c~u•• me:bers I" Poca· Mt. McFarland, claima11 o! Accompanlat for tbfo croup la iello , Boin . C'aldwrU. MDI· the orleo1at1011 committee Bernll& Lien. while Karen cow. cont d • Al•n• par· conducted the auembUes ea ... en acl& u allernate The nrst aaaembl.r wu held tlclpated by Ynlce b 1br CHI· Three enae111blea have been 111,. formed: two boya' 11oupe, one Sept 20. Durlnc the usembb'. Dr. Kildow , pruident of belnl led by oor;ton S1lte. !i!JC. welcomed the studeo:a Mike HeeHr Is HomeJ and a sirta' e ..emble Be1lnnlnc u a lull. well· and lnttodoced the tacult1. balanced cborua . II wu de· Re then cue an address 10 En9/nHr' s Pre11Jeot acrlbed b7 wa. Finch u beln1 the 1tudenll In which be au1At 1 rret-nl ""tf'tln.1 . memlbe "but rve ever bad" and 1uted el1h1 at&ndar;ts by bers ot tbe Eo~netr'a Club bavlnc an "eacellent 111en'a ..-hlch to meuure an educated el~ed tbeu cttlctra tor th• person. Dr. Kildow pointed 1961-1962 1cbool 7ut aecllon" Al the present llme tho out that a person can have a !UsuJ11 ot lb• •lrcUon att choru1 bu been enJo.rlns U1h1 colle1e decree and stlll be Mile l\eeaer, pruldent. Blll mu1lc and la now etarllns 10 uneducated. Holstel.ll. vtce-prHldelll Aller Dr. Kildow'a talk. As- Gale Fernen. aecre1&17, aad elcbt· read mualc of a more 1erlou1 na11.ue. Future ac· sociated snident Body Prul· David Anderson. treuurer llvllle1 planned for the mem- dent Bill Turbin was 111110The eodaee111 are planlllns ber• Include a Cbtlatmu pro- duced. Re pve a short l&.lk a dinner mutlac for the even· 1ram 1tven In cooperation with In w blob he welcomed the lni of Oct. 10. ID addition students and Informed 1be111 of the band. lbe clubs and other orpniu· 10 a baslnua mHlln1. two rt1ma •W be abown at the tlona av&llable to them at dinner. NIJC. FOR THE BEST HAMBURGER Tbe second assembly wu held Sept. 22. Cbrl4tla11IN TOWN, GO TO THE Spec/of aon, deao oltbe tacullJ'.spote to tbe students about their MISSOURI LUNCH cor:xluat whlle &t school or •bile attendlnc a school function. Ml111eocrapbed copies or •nd tbe bulletiD "Stllllea1 Affairs" were dl.strlb11ted to lb• atu· den:a. loll. Enns a.lao spoke at the Hunting Equipment aecolld asaembl:1 Be u- Coeur d'Alene Laundry & Dry Cleaners plallled the aasea:bb pracru:s THE LIGHTHOUSE ard p\'9 1 brief pru1e• ot Pickup and DMvery SPORTING GOODS tbe auemblles tba1 are belnc 101 " - i MOl..•I '-JS" lOS st....,... ,. A_.•. • M~ · \ .s...sn1 ac:bedllled. Be told tlllO smdellla tbal asse::ib!J' dates wW be na.rted 111 purple Oil thecaler:xlaz o1 stude111 actiYI·

Chorus Nemes Sylte Orientation Series President ; To Give Acquaints Students Concert At Christmas With College Rules

Yates Toured Europe On Past Summer Vacation On Seven Week Trip Yal<>• lei! tromChlcaso fill lntland la11 Junor Ul. One bait bolu later ahe landed at SbanDOll airport . f'r•!ll there abe went lo LOn· don. IU>n on a culded tour ab<' 1pe111 tea dan atelna point& ot latrNSt aoch u Portu1ou1b. SaU.butJ and S1ooebtn1e. Oil bt~ OWD IM tO<lftd 1119 la le ot t~•D lr•lar:xl aad scotland . Aft<'r that )IJaa Yatea eoJo7..S cool weather lo Oalo. Stoctbolm,aad Helalntl, Ftom Copea11&1n abe weal b7 train to BreDWD, Gera111 . to boar;! lbe boel !or bOIH S.YID da)'& laltr . and HYfD wttlta from tbt bectnnln1 ot lbr !tip. )llaa Yate1 attlYed In sew Ywt Cit• \II


NEltMAH CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS. If/LL SOON HAVE ITS OWH CENTER . Al a recect ~Una the NIJC Sc• an Club elected the lollo•ID& o!flcua: •lc• ·oreal· deal. Jllll O'Connell. ti.uurer &lellaot Gar<e:r, and sec· re1&11. )l&Q' Dell Rarick , The Plffldenl. l.llh Soenr. was elected aJ a mttllDI last sprl111 All the omcers, wltb thr uceptlon of the pcesldeal. at• lrHhmPn Besides tbe el•clloo of ot· tlcera. oilier bualneu dl1CU&lled at th(' 111ee11n1 loc.-lud· ed aoclt.I Plana tort be comlna acbool )ear .. Tbeo 11teslelelll or 1be club also Wormed the membe r& that tbt N••-n Center. localed atnorsl blocks !'lorn thf collue. • W aoon br avail· abl• to them.

TWO BOWL/HG LEAGUES ARE AGAIN UNDERWAY Pl\Jllcal Educalloo bQwUn1 c1Da1t1 commenced lul 10eok. The clAaau •Ill bc bandied on al111oe1 the 11.111e bl.ala u lut1ear. BowUn1 will be scheduled twonl&hl• a ••ek. Wednuda1 and ThursdlJ'. be1lnnln1 at ~ ·30 p.m. and lutlns until 6:30 each evenJ111 The turnout tot bowllo1 bu been hea•1. "Ith about 100 1tudenll upecled The bowlere are 1110.tb ND, but a tew woman are a tao expected t.o bowl.


Leader Publishing Co. 216 N. i:.wti. St. • MOM•I 4-1109



Ilea. Tbe t1llaJ assemblJ' wu beld SePI. 2~. 1o1aaers or allldellt condoc:t were fmt ber d1scDSsed and bo7•' P.E. classes were tc:beda.led.


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