FIKdty lmlc.-es StuderC Attitude lq1rOYedTiis faU Al a reunt tM:llllJ m•ll.111 a a~r or lh• ceacbera c:om•ented oo th• eicell. .t aultod• wlllcb the 1toden1 bod7 baa tbla ,.., towazd atocUu VOUJ!IE XYI, NO. ' and acbool acth1tlea. Tiie tacolt7IDll'ebera were In apeeme111 that ao lar 1he7 were. la seneral. Hf7 bap117 with tile oaU17 or work bela1 dona 111 their cluaea. alld that It bu beta a real pl . .are • orkla1 • lib tbe atudoata. A• pr.,ldent o1 tbe collest 1 am e111emal1 pleued at tbll rePOrt ror I know l'Iom m&l\7 7ear1 eiperluce that tbtr• II no aubetltute ror a proper attitude toward school work. It rukea ln1trHtl111 apecolallan to 111 to rtcure out •111 one etudent bodJr 1bould be an1 dtrlerent than another In thll respect. It la probablJ' not becauH tboro II an.I' peat dtrlerence In lbe a verasa lniolllcence, nor would II be btcauu Ibero 11 anJ' eubatanUal dltrereooe In tbe 1ubJec1 mattor beln1 tau1bt. And 1lnce our 1tudent1 come from mAnJ' 1chool1 In dltrerent perl1 of tha world II c1nno1 be b~cauae ot a117 pre•lou1 local lnOuenca. MJ' but 1utu II that th11 commendabl• atlltuda amon1 our etud•nte la du• to pos1lbl.1 tbrr• factors 1. 6t11dente aro becO<Ulna mor~ and more a•ar• ot the lmPOrtance ot hnln1 at !tall two 1oara ot 1ood baalo POSl·hlch•chool tralnlnc ln order to tlnd accetxable u1plo1ment. 2, We are llvlns In porlloua limes and lludenta art learnln1 that HrlouantU II Iha Order or the da7, - tht• l1 no llma tor trlvollty, and 3, the culdance peraonnol ollht colleae muH 1cn honest ortort to ue that all atudrnle aro rroPNIY orl~nted ix.ror~ tho1 unroll, lhu1 0Umlnalln1 muoh ot tho di•· MIU ltauko Nishio, !\ l.J.C cont~nl commonly round amonQ rt1latn.r, bu recently rect1nl111od 1tuden11. turned rrom the onoual mtfllor Sine~ th11 11 thr Umo when or th~ l'llolllc Cout A..e>ctmoat or you will btt aattlnc atton or Coll•1l1to llt•slltrara 1ou1 mld-1omoater credu and Admlulona omccra held thNo m113 bt 1 ro who 11 Ill tn Portland, Oreaon. Tbe booom~ dl1cour1nl'll and want 1roup, 11 hlch mot rrom No•·emto drop 1 c laaa, or nttn ber rtnh 1hmuah ol•blh. had aoMol. som~ or th• 1ru1ea1 It.a headquan•ra 11 th• lo•el.J nam•• In i,;naltah and l\mNI· sh~raLon•Potlland Rot~!. AllH un hl1tor1 nunked ont or N11hlo (lll'lonall.r attended u mOtt 1ubJec1a In collr&•· 1 membtr or lb<t restatraUao I rt mombM when I """ a coa11r:lt1•~. Tbt 1eneral &r0<ir atudont In colltao our Prt•l· . .01on1 Included dlSl'uJISIOlll d•nl told u1 that •bu wt of rroblema In lb9 ,.llsll'll.UOll llop out or a ll1httd room on rre>ctduru. a dark nl1hl and look up at On lol>.'ndlJ' tb<t eeaaloll6 lnlhtt •kJ' onl.J tbe lar1er, moet cludtd "adclaslOllS alld Ille ob•lou1 11&1a a,. vlolbl•. but rrtoEc ar•u of affieclc creu we continue to look. mo,. dtta" wltb chatr::an SUn and more atara come Into Bert) aDd "lelcdl'&k: I.Cardi, •It•. until the entire mllll,J tbeU JfOI< lb 1111 caltlnUoll" •ar and thouaand1 or other .. Uh lira. C"armrUta stules 11.ara, "hlcb wt could not H• u chal.-n. at nrtt, art 1pread out In one On T11uda • 1be erour dipanorania lit re111lllded u1 Ylded tototocr amalltr 1r .pg, 11111 oui •1>rroach 111 callut tboae nom tu11101 eol~"'s. work .. ould be Uh tbat . For tbOI< frOlll toni-year instltll• t he nt11 few montha thine• Ilona •ltb <nrolllr.<nt be!os ml1h1 aprear qui~ dark, but 1$00. tboa< nom roni-,...r 1..•ould Pttltvtte, our 19- •l1t11ttao1 "ltb •n:olllr.e111 b@1rooalbl11Un ,.ould craduall1 "'ffn 1~00 alld $000, ed tak~ •hire. and bl tho lime lbOH froa rour-.rear lnsUIU•re 1'•d.r 10 1raduate, we tlOD& "Ub en:olt.111 onr would have a much cleartr $000. Thu< 1rouPS dlllecsstd ldta ot what tht fllturt mlchl the rroble• ot tbe reslAaahold !or ua. Ma,y I consratulato )OU on lion pro11t1m In 1hr lnalltuUons ot nch s-n lcuw stu. 1our atllludtt thua tar and txOn 11ednrsda1 tbe croop met P~H lh• hope that It will 10 dlaCUH tht lepl Upecl$ continue or re11aual1ooand admission.a o. o. l(.lldow Colloe Prealdent problema.
Edminster Union Is Filled To Capacity For Its Dedicoti on
S. U. Dedicated To Trustee
tishio Atter.ts Conference
w• ..
Thanbcl•lns vacation btalns tonlcht and end• i.tond"'7
Ch rlacmu vacation wm bolo Dee. ~3 and run 1hro111h
Jan. 7.
Eft "''••. ,'O .,1'oftil t'lt• ,, .... atwtettt un .,. bw 14U11 •U ..4 cetd. *"4 It aJt...,. tetl Ot tft\.iff'"!l l~e h.,.., t~ he .. ,...,, hoHJ ho.;.1 • " . - . "4•
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In , •• ,. Joh to Ch- •• i:l11JS.t• I 9ft4 R1ck•Pl1 ,,.,.,,.,. Ner4 .... i..u. 91\4 E4 S. ""· <he r!'!9' of ~. col .,. ef ""'"'"''· Ot!-eu. oh PO 1 ;ht 9't
f,.. .. a.. .... of Ba••f'I '°"''"'ct°" C. • r"'9.. Cflf' '•M•>t ,_, ~ ,,..... ~' ~· H... 4ori•. OHC•_... ..... J A9't ~ C~H' J.ot
c '• ...,
._ OHC en4 ....., ef o,.""°",.... 0. • E'-'i•. DHC - • • . Coor,. S... cfto,., OHC ""-"'bt'
E..m-e Hte~• ett4 E4 Ja"let. •td'll·
...,fl .... lltic ,,. •<•. ._,,... "•"·
. .<~•u ,_.,tee-tot. R••· lir-.n
EJYJlish Comemenne Amt.6es Assermly With Vcriety Show
c•,...twlo• .,., ""- J. Re)' Cox.
O!i-'"' "-•'ft .~,
E UM g r-
IMlilU' demoesuated
armtra alld acc:rn:s of ·~ o:: llle S.'illlb I.lie S!:e sa•• a: amaales :12lldll" ll of te: uP"tlt!ltt on a htrrt~ Qslll."' boat. t!>e Ez:cllab t:ta::an, and be: ttJp 10 niPOU. Slit! qllt'ted a dt11nit10D o! 10 F.111:lllt:ua tr c a \1ctortaa oonl, "Ao Ecdhbmao ls 1 Hl!-:adr Ill!: ~ tie • oraltlpe ltl.I :W.a Machi=le r:lsed i;.111oc:U> • •acal ac~:its, am! aatit<'
cab lbla o::c o: tbe ma ' '1115
in ..ocotlO"I
te 4o tit• IMW
11r.~ a.11 Twbo", A.Se ..,_,,;....~ 0. le • Atot, .,.,._ fO"'• t!!• '1.o ,., ...,.... Rn wuUI•~
..,.., •ft ,.,
blY, Miss Macteu.I•
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" Ja<"Q 'II.. ,.,..., dtepl&yed L r II L ! lft UI< 11uden1 body lo • a&H blJ so.. 11. 1o1r. h'T&lll lntloduced lollaa lol&Ckt!IWf u "lb., Cle• o prtnCHI ..r T\ In ~lalld .. In £n&lud, &be utlrlc:allJ eomr:eMI OD l e nn. OD brr own IC'lnlAIClr> r;.r IPll• YU BBC. Dur11!J tbe t:o;r-J
• 11\L •· -"'•
eit4 Mfo-4 ct••· Ort. G.0. ICil4ow, CO ego ~Uhl.... t lft ,t\o •ICl'\i•e Of
t: r
Former Review Editor U of I Club Officer JeaMe warutlnc. a 1960 ltaduat• or SIJC, wu rrcentlJ' elecc..i ncretal'J' of CoamopoU11cn club at the C111<ersllJ' or tdabo. She la 1 former editor or tho NIJC Re•tew. CoamopeUtan crlub la an orpnlUUon ror American and rorelen students.
c • r O" I •~•1 d l"•lt. nd , Tlanuai•ln& Dance 10lllcln IO be 1hen b;J tile Alaodaled II omen Slm1e"'8. The drTaa-up af!1!r •Ill be held In tte 61l:de~ Cnio:i l'Io:a O c:.tll 1. p. lb\1 £tonc•a Bui! •lll pla7, acd ref•eah· i::ez:la •lll be 1el'Ted i.:embc:a ol tl:e A 1r.S. •ho a:e•arllc.c to a:ake Ille ~anct 1 1.ccus illc:l~e Ac:: Bar· oatd, chalrean of lbe dee oraUoo comi:1Uer. Da•c Guonaldaon, Conoie Nrlaoa. and &a:n Ra::sen. J;!UbllcU7 coa:mllt<'• am! Mlcbe!e Mc0o11~h. e:1t:tain=e~t cl!&l..-n. P1•16yre1iaa Cluo Ploa1 Muret Sooe T"-- first meettnc or the Preabylerlaa Club was held oo Oct 17 Tbe7 dllcuHC!IO b&YIDC a ml.Ur ror all Preab.rterlan atudenta when the new 11uden1 011100 opeoa. TM Presb7terlln Club a.nnuaU,. •P0111ora the !.Ilsa :>UC CODIHI Ind need all the belp tMY can cet AU Pres· b71erlln t Ludenta and all SIU· donte with Presbyterian pm· rerence are uhd to come to the ae11 ineellnc. 10 be an· nouooed
Dtdlcat1011 eierc!ses tor lhr new AnM R. Ed tninster Student Ullion wue held from 3 10 -4 p.m. No•. 13. A crowd ot students. teachers. and 111eats tllled tbe aYlcllable natl ln tbe buildloc and many olhens stood throughout the ceremooles. si..te sen. J. RAJ' cos acted u master or ceremonies ror I.he event. sen. Cos Is a former student bod.r president or NIJC. The program openod "Ith lnYocltloo by Ru. lllnkle. F"ollowlnc the Invocation the audience particrlpaled In the alnitnc or the sta.r Spanaled Banner. \Ins. f'\nch, NIJC music ln&fructor, led tho slna:tnc . Next on the pro1ram was the lat:todoctlon or su.,ta. Repre· aeotaU•ea or the archltecl'llral and coouacUnc nrms ernplo1ed In the conatruellon or the bulldlns writ prennt. Sneral or lhtae peraona attellded NIJC In past 1•t1. Present and pUI membere or the oormltor1 eoualns co111111!19lonwere also recoanlzed. Commission membere are now o.w. Edmonds. Larr1 L. Card""· and Duane B. Hasadone: the late Bwl Rapdone "'"d Georce Sonnlchson were niller membere. Members or the Board or Trustees were also Introduced. Board members arl!: E.I\. Seller. cbalzrna.n; I\ .J. Bwos . vice-chairman: Mrs. R.W. Edmlostor. trustee; Richard Penman, trustee; Chas. R. Russell, trustee. F'oUowlna Introduction or cueats . the college mixed ensemble sane. "Where In The World But In America." Dallu Ator. superintendent or SOhool District 271 (Coeur d'Alene), pve the dedlcato1"7 addrns. Mr. Ator Is hlmaelI a IP"'duac. or NIJC. ln b.11 lddreaa. Mr. Ator praJeed Mrs. Edml..ter ror her nu• or loyal aervlce to N!JC. The otncla.I dedication or the new bulldlac to Anna R. Edmlaat•r . . . llllde .., aw 'I'l:lbln, 11Uden1 bod7 presl· dan1. Tiie dedlcatlonwaa tollowtd b7 lbe alasln1 ot "Here We Rue ldabo," b7 the aadlence. Followlnc tbe ah1cln1. bened!eUon was a:tnn by Rrv. 'll'lnltle. After the ceremoalea. an open bouse wu held trom ~ to 6 p.m. Tbe open boaae, spe111ored by the drill team, wu well attended. Cookies. punch, and cortee donated by tbe women studenta served u re!reahmeata. Smoltin9 RHlll<:l• rl In recent weeks . se.eral students have been obaerved smok!nc 111 the north onllance 10 the C)'m. Studenta are reminded lhal tbla area Is out or bounds ror smolr.ln1.
°"'""'.......c.a... . . v-
,.......... 5-J.MeotW,
Anti-Communist Crusader
,u. !<ol<': T1'e ..,_ ,.,.
....._....... _ '•"•<•• •••-•• ......,., ------------
J .. .........
...1 -
e, Re-... ICIMS.. £4...r O icvlot...,-.., - - - - - - - - --
-. 1~ eaou~
L.ulle Howldnt, Dorothy Boh~rn. MM Meri•
Mii Bomonl.
Th.. "'cnnr doclocarion of rhe Anno R. Edm•nsr~r 5"•ucler>• Union mar.ocl on 1mportan1 llo•rc1•"' In rno his•c~y o' I JC. Tho ,,.,.. sr..O..n1 ..,,..., c.,.,01nly ,,.flee,. ""' rop d ;rawt of '"" NIJC s11.iclen• body n rh.. lcsr decaclo. • o 10 re! eas :ne spo r •r or pogress•"""'°'" • ,rh which NIJC ng I pr:iC lems of 11s conronvoll1 1ncteo11ng en<ollmen1. Ir o< deculoclly f1t11nq rhar our ,,..,. srudcri• un on • b!ren docl1eorod ro l.'.s. Edm1nsier. Hoor mony contribu1oons ·~•he collego ,...,,., eff..crively summarized by Or. K dow w'-" i'MI .... rc•o tnc foll0'4'tng sratemen1 1n t~ P•v1tftlrw issue of -bv.. "It would be d1ff1cuh 10 '•nd ony 01het song o rd v uo • "''-' ,..., colf._.11" a .. es so much. " '/11ri rh,, d.>d1co11on ceremonies ,,_ con-.plc•cc', the siudem union buoldmg ,. " off1c1olly " o por1 of our expend n;i N JC ca111Pus. Cenornly 1h1s year and tn furure •ho bl. le! ng .,11' prove ,rs os rhe con•er ol soc1ol life c• NI.JC. - J.M.
ler U• Give Thanks ••••• •
v1ng o ....a ~ itimulotes ~ne writing o' ~ c cs concern ng Pilgrims, •neor couroQl', ond O<ll' respons1b1 •y •o be rhanHul for our freodom. All rh1s Is f1,,.. ond rrvo, ~·. do we ttvttf' consider the thing' NO do not hovl" 1n our country? Lor us rh1nkof au< school as o group of .ruden•s 1n onorf.oro,r counrry. w,, mlghr be 1n o lond whore only ovr ob1'11'"' d..tttrm1ne vocation -· d"'suo .. oro unhectdod. \\e .a··~ clos.os one! clubs du gnorocl ond locl by •he gov..r.,,,,.,. •• Cand11'onS ou•side of school m1ghr also chango '" • " 1mog1nory .,.,.r.,nce. Our perenrs ma~ roil 'o hours o day only ro how rno crop• orcsod by locu"• or droug~r. F~.,,,ne 1"8n lolloN• swiftly ro l1tc1111> bodies •hrunken ond mond> dul . i-tow.,vor, 1n1s 15 bur o small portion of ovr """' I r•• "oc;., doy rntghr be a srrugglo lo< o~•sienc<', a> trochoma bl.ndo cl,11dref', le1><osy de<iroys o bro"''" C' sh•~•. ond ., .,p;,a-. r •1s rnolm• o ,,.. ghbct. ltc• rn•li'• also roke ohr• co cr>il menrol rolls. Ir rnoy .,.,.. os o bcrt.d caner•.. ,..o , •"•'C • ong ocrou the P<Dotoe ro cur us off from relc:• ves and rri.nos. Or, 11 moy com" in rhc! form of riots or raids oy r.,bels from hills. y.,,, rnc cond111ons plopuo ""' mo or pot• o! •ht> word could•• s• In Am•,,.co. Tt-1s 'oc1 alooe should encourope U> 10 of•or '"°"ks 1his Th:inksgovonp 1n o dorferer.• moMer. -•' us never fo<ll"' OU< freoclom.. Howewr, •• us mci<o • ewn 9' tor, no1 bv 'aunr ng ov• boun'l>OUS goods, deecls, ond '"11'" bu• b~ "'membcril'G ..... b:essecl absence o' :re•tt s.courg. which 1nffl>st os,t of ,,,_, ttari .• - ~r n 1110t50t"I
Tb" 'roup bas b~n plaMln& outsldl! acll•lllu fo: the cocloc ,..,.,, ed wies .Metbodlsta ro com" and Jotn lh•lr orp.nlz2lfon.
l.oam Music Mo tltoJs Nb "'-' ct-.•. caua:ht by i.111 Finch In cutelallon sit~ eda· cation majors' cuntcolu0t 11a.. be<'n lurnlns baalc methods used In teacblna muotc In the elemen1at1 ltl&dea. The u.Jnln' ccnafst.o ol lnrnlns to chord on the ptano and to piaJ various lnsUu· ""'Dia lneludtns the auto-barp, ' 11& bells, ukulele, aod olb•r rr,,tbrolc lnslnmeals. \le'llb. •
•! the mu
tueY •llld•nl WOll Lii
lbe b&t
He w SU Marks Bi g Srep
be po1'Uc:all)
TO Tbe Sdltar Anet r'1M!lc' o! tbe acbl>duled dedlc&Uon cote:oo:lea
Editorial . ..
METHOOISTS URGEO TO JOIN GROUP Tht- • • church sroup bad t!loCUun fol Ort!Ctt~ al a rect'nl lll"l!lins. The ortlc:t'"' .,., as follows: pre..~ldent, Chester Pult. vlct!-prestdenl, Jantt Ponsness. and secl't'· lll1Y·trouu10r. Johru;tonnc
J "dy Ao1u&en•. Oi••
Korlty °""'c•. Jo.. p-,.,Qnkl
a.ltool '- Wp
tbrJr aa.mri.. ~ k'U"" Clo not tttlfoict '1.C "' 1 o f lM edl· htr. Moot .... fed • t"elJ C"f'
Rot.ut ........
Pepotteu . Jo01W'lo JocolMon. M01ilrn Wotton. Joy
. ....
trU.el"" 19 lM ed.U•••l"liil .. , .....
"OJ' M&bj<cl -
REAL ESTATE MAN SPEAKS TO CIRCLE K At a meetl.a& on So•. 9. Circle K decided IO b~ aod rent 2S pillow• for the buket· hall p.mea tbal will ~ beld Ln tbe am. lolr. Rlebt' Informed Ille cl ub that rro:a oo• on t~ club will hold lta m•eli11p la IM new allldelll union. B• tile• im:odne@d tbe cueat apn.ke1, Cl•nn w.ran. a IZl!lllbet of Khranl.s. a motel owner. and a real u1ate aalnman. Ml. \\'1a1t•a tallt wu Yel'J" helpl'cl to altldeata enterlna t he tu! utate bwolneas b1 dlacasalll& adnnia,n and orPJ>J,zat1011 o! 1be real escau l'.leld. itlSE OLOO"L A Uule owl HI on an mk.
Thi! more he h~•rd lb~ less he apok•. The feu bl! apoh the "'"" he h!'ard. llb1 can't ,-cu be Ultt! 1ba1 bird'
o! tile llt'TIPw,
I uhd =n•I! •1:7 tile- stD· deDI bod1 WU n I ,1.... "" 011p:.rtum11 :o HI.ct a 1111me I r 01; • oew bul.141a&. I •a:l It cln1l1 IDllkotood lllll! I ao rcaoaa.I !ttUcu apinsl l>tta. Edml!lste• ROIJ· &nee l: ts to M oc: 1todcct 1'111 n, comtrgcled •Ith
t mom1, lat 01't au, •111 didn't •• r.celYe an OPJ)Otlnall.1 to ael.ect Its na ' To • • thb _, att a tr •lal su.r. t:d bHs I la•t ta •ltll tan aakrd tile aame qccsUon. Fe: o I CAtt' Acd I 4..,. Illa! thtta ca~ i.Jaa. •Ju ··~ •• cot ct.ace to vOlc.. our oi;t1nlon7 WJu dt! aoce "'ecbo:a of Ille Stade: Bean! of Coctr I : .... caln alleat •!lea Lbe1 dld DOI &Sftt •Uh U. dKb fl' IS Til!S DEl.'OCRACY' P 5 I • oald lib to &HI tlw cartOOll, "Llt".le .Iba 0.11·
cl••• •
pUI" l)l1Jllecl
-Don Ploal
iidlt r Tiii! Rnln Betm: an I ' atate al drat I bad Ilea:-:! adnnce r.l'O<ls of Illa '• ae:Wn& abllll1 to t• t o • ,.. rs on an ••ltc.,.11 !ow i:a1 •cal• and &lllf tllln ab;1 "" In lb<' clasaroom» t:pon attendlnt acb l In fdL~O. I a D loand I lhal lb .., DOI onh l:ad teaCMIS fa lb<' acboob bd 1:;a1 I 1 appeattd ID ~ YU] ded t'llted 10 tb"h Jobs An•• irhln& a srrat dnl ot t!toaih1 lo thla ~rplf>&l:tJ sltaatlon, I tlnal)J dlllconred Idaho's accrr1 •or acqalrios dnoted tncbt:s. Jn tbe tlr.11 place, a m.i r tacto1 lntla•ncini a t•cbrr'a residence • aald be the Ideal Urlns cODdlUcas No one baa to worry abacl dytn' of tbllsl c.r awatr111te In 1'> l°.btrn Idaho !altbouall I'•<' beard South~n lclaho caancil offer tbls 111e&1 adnntase.) Alone with Ideal 10, cac· d!Uons, lbe ta.xes ar• u· U•=lr low. ts?t!C! school
~ .rtw CN••• e;i1lrl•• ~ . . 9'\41 c~t ' eft • .C. hrH .... el ""• U..S.. a C.aM9tlM a.&'7Nff, _,_. •~• •' -" HtX .....~Jy "1<-"tlr He ..._,._. Ul!!!!:-..r. st•' u -4 t~ c•llll ,.,.., 1 1 ~h0ft ,o 4 f.,9•~· decrurt U•IDC do llOL come L ldallo. l••lnc no one but lh dfdlcai.d lurhu :"010 I Lblnk lbal llill I rnlb qall• anfllh r Idaho t all."aCI sood leacb•:a ID Lhla a:a.i:acr l:lul alter couldu· lq lbe llet, I ta.. dttlde<l t.o a l:cll a rn aUoa to tbe cbilrman r ..,, I: lawn'• ach!>ol bo:ud, 1a11e1tin1 tbllt aU ll'aCh•r'e aalarlH be CUI In half. Thia •Ill I tee 1=st1,J leaCMIS I lu•c. but .. 111 btaln ii.. -In ecol or r rmlnc a •~It r dedlcalld tncbers. The •acanclra •oald oon1ualty b<t nlled le b)' only declJcatod tncb•rs and •• • Ul ban achlHecl a acalf or 1.,.ch•ra that are far more dedleakd than Idaho's, m<r•l:r bY ctfortn; I~ l<llf• l&Jarta. .lblU' peoplo a,y U:1nk I am
alud DI •bml! ioal la IO becoce a Lftcbrr, bul am di•· aatlsrtod •Ith lbe aal&rlea U1at ani belnc of!11e<1. Tbe1 rlcbL and wronc. Fl nll lh~1 ar• •ron1. I ana nc.t rolnr 11> ~ a t.ucbu. I plan to bcl a achoo! baud cl:airman. Second. &bey are rtsbt. I a dlu&t!arted •Ith teacbrrs' aabr n. I plan to cut all aalatln In halt, and U:m atttllCI lll&JU' lllClft' .aoble inclars to educate 1lJJ child· ren. I may 001 bave a lllch qaallly or teacllrrs. but 1bo1'll bl! dedlear.ed. All Ellll~t• :tl!d OVt Of Slate 1 •
Colleae Clubs Sponsor Needy Kentucky Family ~l .,h, panf .h, and 1':conorn1ce Cfuba are apansorin1 a drho f •r l(l78, candy, and dolhoa "hlch •Ill be IP.Ill 10 a nn<ly family In f(eatuch. The raml!J alao n•l'd• ahtoela, •Prrnda. and 1hooo.
T' r 110
Jn escbanu !or lhuc . ,. lldu the Kon1uek1 fa mll1. '"UI aend th• colle1e a bo1 ot .,..rcreem. lacfudlna holly and ml1lleioe. Th~ lilt of artlclu needod and lb" clothln1 1fr.oa aro II ot•d on tho bullelln boo rd Donations ma:r ti. lei! In tho flom.. f.conomlCI room. All donallona •Ill be apireclated •
SOUVENIR RECORDS "l(. .p A Re c.,,d
Of Ir"
" -• MOt-•..~ ..sstt
SMn..• A -.e D'Al.Vlf. IDAHO
K91:ll Cuel:1be:
Aft•• conald•rUIC theal!, and oilier le&ehlns condlUoes lou!ICI Jn ldaho. l'•e concluded thal lbt decl.dlo, fact r lllU!lt ~ !bat the moat dedlcat.ed teach•ra com" 10 ldat:.l In IUISll'er 10 a teacher·a paU oUc duty IO edl!CU• all, l!TCD llKJse wbo do no: want •111t~ln1 to do with edacaUc:i. Tb• peQple who teach J1131 be-
they waat to ..a~
Woodcock's Drug Store
- S. .
Si.rid•• 1'.....::rip''or!·
P• DNC MO"'-"•• • •Sia
'" ta
100 H • T.. S T• CCT
Th• havllli
mmbf>rshlp drl•e
ll:1a ynr Sludt!llJI •Ill be aelllcc rcernbcshlp ca:iia In Ille c:i d tll:i acth1ly ~HI• od5. TM duu •ill be 53.00 t·: I.ti! 1n:, •Ilic!> 1nclcdea tile ata~U .., <i<L td tl:ae c.tai,-te"t aa""•
TY PE WRI TE R S ROY >.L RENT SALES • REPAIR 0..H"'I & TD- "'3 SwpplMa flfTCllSTATC TTl'nfl!fTDI c o 4 17 g,_.._.. A.--• • ,.._ 4.)4 11
n uom
OR. PEPPER n.. - ....
Co cu •
0·1u.C.Hc. loAHO
Candid Camera S. U. Dedication . ..
. . . Dedication Danm
Candid Camera S. U. Dedication ...
.. . Dedication Dance
Wherever you travel ... from the Klondike to Key West ...
In any state ... in every state you're in Marlboro country Marlboro ;, 11,..t in all 50 dotet in tlte Flip-Top &ox ••• y ou'll RnJ tit. K11t11-•I- pod: wherever you travel, too. o n J now
More than 25,000 smokers all over the country are switching to Marlboro every month, and if you wonder what's behind all this popularity, you probably haven't tried this cigarette. Marlboro is the filter cigarette with the unfiltered taste. The secret of the flavor is the fa . mous Marlboro recipe from Richmond, Virginia ... and the pure white Selectrate filter that goes with it. Ask a regular Marlboro smoker and he'll
tell you this cigarette is plenty rich and plenty mild. Try Ma rlboro in t he Flip-Top box or the King-size pack. Either way, you get a lot to like. THl llA•LBOllO " ' ILTUI ,l.OWlR ..
Thil 1110WY wbite IDllLarW-combed OUl (Of' W pbotosnpbtt-iil &he from ocw M.riboro ciPRlta ll • p~ from pun ve1etable fiber, rec:o1niud now •• the
m..t of all flit« 11>111.eriaJa.
Thie m11terial iit made by Ten~ Eutman. adivitionof Eutman Kodak Com· peny. llUUlll!Ac:t.unr of 6Jter malArial for the cipttlte ~. at lta planL in Kinpport, where para 1-ic insredJaita of nabln and tr.b • are Mpecially plen·
ti!u.L Thia 6li.r, teamed up wilh the lamaua Marlboro recipe, a.liven &he p>od8 on ea vor
Ensemble Entertains
In 1900.
Ofl•tlnt f'loU•lnl enH,hllttl'!\ettt et th• S.U. M4k•llon .,..,. rhe cotl•09 • nu"' b-1• •"' Mt• Flnc1'1, •K•l 4h •ectot. Leh 10 tit~'• front row No41n• DYthle, Oien•
SPANISH CLUB WILL S!'E PERUVI \N ~IOYIE S At tho NOY, 13 &panlth Club meotlna. mombora tel • derl· ntto dato ror tho aho" Ina or Peruvian movloa and natl\• ooetumea and art. The acUvlty "111 be held In tho s1udenl Union on lled· noadar. Doc. t3. rrom 7·30 to 0:30 p.m. Tho next moetln1 or the 61'&111-h Club "Ul bo b~ld Nov, 27 durln1 acu' lh period In ROG'" 2$.
sa..- ,.,. . 1.40k• wl
FOR YOU R CONVEl\IENCE COMFORT ANO BEAUTY! HI, 4 ICAltl S.Outy Sol..., ~.... Solo.., & XMol 111 UA A..
GotHft Syhe. &n.c• '
Rf9onm Conference
The Pollllcal SCleac:e club bad a p&ntl dl9c1111lon or 1ha problem, "Should R-.1 Cl\lna be admllled to lho Ulllttd NaUona?" on No•. 14. Tb9 moderator waa Pele Chenier and tbll pan.I membt11 Mr. Youn1. Mr. Mlll•r. ~ll. Oerlmonlt, and Mr. Nutl\lwa. At lit No•. 27 mtttln1. Mra. Ktnntlh Bainard II 1oln1 10 •Ptak on RllHI• and her alldea. Bh• U•td tbert 13 month.I before v.orld lier n. Sha hH ma111 1ntereaun1 aou•enlr1 to 1how the 11oup. An.10DC lnterHted In thi. olub It ln•llcd .
M°"'•I "-IOIS
Pour NIJC 61odent Olllon Boaid me=l>•ra and tbelz ad· •l•or alleodad lbe Stlldent Union Conft~nc• of ~cton 11 lo BeW01ba11 No•. 2-4, Thoe• uanUnc to Belllntba11 Included i.:11. Stnlaabao. Cllrt Aodtraon, Sue CoW•r. Jo1ct Heine. and Mlb WcOonouab. There ••re 250 deleptH rro111 40 dltrereot coll•1•• wbo aueoded tblt conrereoc:e. Tbt purpoae or thla conference "'" to nnd out th dll· rereo1 probleu and acU•lllH tbat other ecboola Th• hl1hll1h1 or the lr\p ••• Iba Journo1to \'ancou••r. B.C. Here the deleptu at· lendod a dinner and heard mall)' lntereallnc apeaktra at thn Unl,.ertll.1 of 8rlU.h COlumbla.
Former NIJC Coet! I•
E1qulre Cir/ Co/11.,t 8ovtr4' Arehart or Coeur
d'AltM, a 1951 cra.daa~ of NIJC, hu bean namad aa oae at ft•t 11.rla wbo wUl compete ror Iha Ulla ot b<llili• Gld In I cooltll apeaaored b1 Alpha Tau Omep l:ra1-l'll1t.T at tbt On1Ytralt1 Of Idaho. Tilt c1Ila will be Jadctd br a rtOUP ~ Dquirt m&P· &IM caln1 onl.J plctur• o! tbe 11rla. Rtaula cl tbt coateat .. w bt mad• public 011 Dec :.
leader Publishing Co. --~St ,
~. Je.-ry Re-•
FRENCH CLUB PLANS FOR ANNUAL BANQUET Tiit f'r~:><: t~d ""orcanlz~ their Frerich C l~ b ror tbb 1t'tll aod are W.1 •Uh se•tral lnterntlM N Jecia. Becacae o! tte lar&r eruollm..111 Ill f'rrD<'b clau t•O ClaSIU • PrP f '1lltd Ud a n.- teac~r. Mrs. ~I wasl:ired
To :acllltat<! IM r::•
drl•e. a co0'4'at •aa crpaized by the two stctlom Tbe nr~I uctte:i to set all 1he daea le •CMUd baTt lh• r,:h1lec• c.! cbooelnc the clab Plttlde:t from that caas. ~c:loa A •01>. and 1be1 •lected TbeO GardMr 17resldrr.1. Cheater Para. Kr~ 0 . .1. and Joan1> Ptelr.arskl al•o noitlna14><1 for lh• omc... Marr Qreeoe waa el..cted ••<:r•ta1'·tr... u-
rer. aad \'•ra Colllu wu a.ltcled u Olrectrlc• Ou Club Pranca.Ja. J0&1> Pltiar ti wu tleatt<I F ronch Club 1.porur.
,,. N.
ie'J!, onrouec1. by
Au•H""°"• Jct0n, Cotr.." Ol.lfth•, O.lctn DtLMco, Lo.I Fo1rc.halcl, Ko,.n He"'-'· bo<• ro- R1o1tt
SU Bocwd Attends
Polltlcal Club Panel Discusses Admission Of Red China To UN
191Sl1 the ~ wu 39<;\. In 1910 ff<,\ an expec:t.ed to enter
o! Ula )'OWlg
people of lbe 11. S. '""'
l•p. In IMO
- New Kitchen
• MOi..o\ 4-1109
Plans ror lbt ruumal fteccb Club lanqael •tro di ca ed.
FORMAL DANCE SET BY AWS FOR DECE BER 22 At t!ie \ •e-twr .4 • ..-.. ia o! lhf AHOClaled 11 ome:i atl>deir.s, p!.ana rar tM a~&! Ctriat:u Dence •ore dla· clcsed. n • Ul be beld OD F'tid&1. Dtctr:be: In !be r.niu1u1=. Aa ~ 111e•locs , . .,., Ille danct wW be !o:ma!, ~ fo: aclta and !onul d-aea.
Wliat ilocs lliis lu\'ely College Queen
Mnl in her diamond ring? ~Sm f••1 \l n•C"t ACW"t1C'.&1 '•Uonal Collc1c Queen, rcn•f.d brr (raunmr l&~~ ••well at hr.r practical atn.e wht.n 11lrd aboel d IJDOnd rlap. 'h• odrct«I u her lavoriic 1he loo•'1 Alt<Al'«I E•..W.. 'tAt- on• ol Aruan-ed'• award· ........U.c "'"4u. " y dJd ah• <hoow it? Becauoe or It•
bnall;t.alla, buat1 &NI
A r tcarved· 0
.....,..,,,eel q11&lity. You •.., every
rlac I••--<-' 1n ~ru••I for all th• }e&n 10 by ~ ...... • 1 rapect«I nnc maker You hu1 "Ith nic!idmtt - •rat j& w tb prid._ \ uU .,_, local Artcanal Jcwr.lrr aod .,., why Artc.oned ~f m11lioot for more diamoad r c• iu... ti>• thu a CRlUJ Pnbape 1ou .&n .u.11 hi.Dona for rouu now! ~nc&r<«I
• WOOf I. Soft' f-.c.. O..ot. CP-ll
,,._..., _St..,...,... 216( 4-"111
Vor4t l'70 H..Y
-..-..... c.....,.., ....... er-,,-A.M ..... ., ...,.... .....> ,.,...,..,.... l«• dw. I . . . . . . . . . lOt .................... p06LiC' h,,.,..,____________ let~
A4Cl1......__ _ _ __ _ __ _
MODERN DRUG CENTER Pr.,cr/plfon Spec/o//1u • Gift• A Spec/o/ry 1207 N
c.,_ __ _ _ SEE OUR
Try O•f llew Diai•g Hall
Origird S. U. Plcmer
The c.,.r• ........ Mr eft4 Mn Gtle '4 '• , ..clel f'IUU a t rit,e S.U 4• 41• CO' .,.. u.......,_ n Ml. Mh h '""'~' '"'ion ... .,..,., •t th• U. ef 14•o. a..v.t el Ct~lt• C " r,., 1 ttl .,.. to""'• t,•I .'41. Ml • .,.1111,.,. .,.., whtfl
,._._ _ •.;.I'-""------------,
f nt , ,..,",.,_'.,..
t ~
. . . "·M
tt1•• • .__
l1h•. . NUC ah#den1a Oftcf o foc..,ltr -.ebet '~ •rr out ''• lwm1tv,. '" f+oie n.- SU 41"'•"'t
Noon Intramural Sports Program Initiated On Softmber 6, an orpn!· :r:aUonal meeUnc was held ror the rlrla' Intramural sports proaram. A lat11e number or stria attended. Durtnr the mooting, the clrla wflo divided Into clnaeeft. The rr011hmen claas el ected Shella Johneoo u cepl4.ln. lllh \lcDonouch waa elected aorhomore cal)t&ln. Tr.ntallnl.1. there will be l.. 0 dt.71 per Wt'ek ror ClrJ9' ariorta at noon. TheJ' will play Indoor pmea auch H •0Ue1 b&ll. Aho a coeduea· llonal cl.u1 ts a posalbUllJ'. Gilli n:&J' allll slrn up tor ltw lnuamura.I oro1111UD. llOUQUEn. COllSA6ES I IOIFTS FO- EVUY OCCASION
"Fot Ou• lity al'Jd S.1YT~" MQl.ow\ 4-l l<S °' ....,. 21J Sh•,..,,." A.,.. • C..wt d''AJN•
MISSOURI LUNCH 110 ~ A... • C..... ~JJo ..
C-l• t• LI•• Of
H unting Equipment THE LIGHTHO USE SPORTIHC GOODS lOI Sh•- • A... . MCI.owl
1' I -t , lri....._,1. f '"• NtJC tuJ1"el1, th• t NI IC """ 14.J\o f10.'h. Otc
m., •.
....,..J v.. tA.•• O..c f, [wSC J.V,. "'•'•• Ott. U, L. V...... ,... O..C 16, ~••,. ~. U•u.,..01,., Coif•.. {Nel10ft 8.C.). h.,. ,_ U, L•• iewC:let\ k~. t~o• J.n. JlO. Nttt• D-ae lJfu. .,.,, "c.u.... ""-•• ,,... ?7, C..u., fr-a•t.. Hii•tt Ftla.. >. E•SC J V ._,.,. Fea '• L•• t.C:l.,t.. he._ f ,._ 11, Cel..,..~• ••1111111 11,. ..u... J v.. JM,. r• ._ 2.J. GIA••,. F""'· h.1e. Mo•ch J. c..i-... a. •• c.i1• ., J v A ...... ,..... •• I .......... 00 .._.. ••UPI tfte , .... 13 ....
Cardinal Squad Cut B 0 W LING To 17 As Dec. 2 L~""i..:;.~~!Gs 0penerApproaches !· ~t~-<i!·sl•ll s. 8".llabJ1>rt'l'I 6. Clnucb K•J& ' . PIJlbHd• a. Hob Rollers 9 Salldb&CPtll
::: 9·'1 9·7 '1·9 6·10 5-11
JO. flllM' ul
I I. All•1 C-IS 1:. LU F'llUbH
)-II 2-H
: 3 i .
S. 6. .. 8. 9. 10.
•• Con:.... ,,............u .. 6 00
JUST SURVEYORS TlrHd&J and Thur•d&J' ar ternooa la ool hlllbllb d&,J, It II JUBl the &UrY81IOI CIHI drtaaed !or th• n~ld work lhlt tM1 lllW.l do
f.or Th• f l,,Ht '" Otl ry Uu Co'"e rl ...
Pro~uc t 1
CARNATION COMPANY N 206 l!i1'4 l/O 4·1121 COlUa O'ALlNl IDAHO
J m Olaen Dan I Colbell Doac Lotic lltuce Ertckaon Pal Braden Ed Blll Jacobac a Jo!lll Hlll \'ero EUia Ro1 Chap11uu1
165 160 158 15$ I $.l
149 148
Hl&hll&hta ol So•. 2nd, I 961 Bill Holat•ln cot a rabuloua S autlea In a r"1r. ROil Earle! plck..S a 5-8-10 apll1. HOME EC CLUB • l l HEAii UP
~ Ha=e l:.C Clab will hold
lta mon:t11 dlt111er tr~= s to 7 p.m. SOY. 29. Gue.t apeahr •Ill be Kra. Dorotlll' Slllltll, Wuhlnctoa Water Power home econombt.
•bo •Ill be ln•lted. Cllall· maJJ tor the dinner Plaltnllll cocunlltee ls t..auaa .E1W lo.
For a Lifetime of
• e ._ c;en.... ,,• .._ ,.._ n , ..,... •• u .... ,f.....,".,., ,., . _.............. ~.... .,., 1•• ,.,. c.11... c.-. 11... 1.,
1)-1 13·3
The va111lcy b&aketb&ll aqaad bile been trlmmed to 17 plaJ'e,.. who wUI rt!Preaenl !>iUC In tn1erc0Ue1la11 compeUUoo. Tho loam hu acheduled 13 pmea, wllb ab o! the pmu lo be pl11.1ed at bo:u. V&111l11 coach RoWe UI· U.1111 bu be•o •ork!na tbe pl11.1era bani lo pre~Uo:i tor thw opener with lbe Idaho Frosh t1&a on o.c. : Tb• came will be pJa.yed lo Mo1cow. The loam bu been prartlcln1 uery weekda.f &ft•rooon lo the IJ'ID. Tbe PIMlttce ae11lona hl•e 1.n<:luded drills dulcned to "ork 1be Pl11.1ore Into top condlUon. Ph1ekal condltlonlna will be eapeclali.1 l111pertant ror the Cludlnala (vaml11l ttus year. since lblJ' aniat compe1111a1e tor lbelr lack of heldlt wltll apeed. The 17 PlaJ•m picked b7 Coech ~ U!Jams !01 n.-sJtJ' dal]' 1.Dclud•: Diet Kaapp, Kea \'oaor. Pal Se&le. JertY Rrao. Doac Prtera. D<lml DeDDl.a. LtlOJ' \'lcbe. Archie Ruuell, Diet Lillenb:tp. Ron Wutzke. Lou Je~s. Joe Smatlaa, John Pb.ler. Blll Streeter. Anderson. BILI TUrbln, and Bill Plooske. several or tbe squad members are returllillc trum last 1ear' a team. sowenr. tbeJ' will t1od pleatJ' o! competl· Uoa t0t atartlllc berths (lom tbl an plaJ'ers. A Jtllllor fttSltJ' tean: •Ill be entered lo cit)' leque compeUllo:i.
While You Are Young
Tltl• w..i.·, Bo·· hev Guu t of H0tt0t SANDIE ALEXANDER
p,....,," ,., .... - ... _ ...
Coeur d'Alene Laundry & Dry Cleanen
m. Plcbip . nc1 Delivwy
MO.....\ 4-l516
lake Crty lanes, Inc. 2414 N.
F.ri SI. •
get that refreshing new feeling with Coke! -
no CO<a-C1D -