TB Skin Tests Will Be Given Dec. 11 To NIJC Students Ed. 'IJot•
Th• lo/10'#1"9 ot'f'1cl•
""°' ,,.,, "•~
Don 80fl91tr01t•
.&u•trOl""t 011ffror ol ~rad·• ~ ·sttu:r Health
'"- Parr
u,, r.
Stud•"'• cl• "',,.d ro ,,.,.,,
p1cfc vP teJf cott/1 ffQM Jl.t.
&"'a befOle tft•
"" ..'' ~d•
'••t•. b.
Va rsity Basketball Squad
dr..1t1l'JIJ ,,,. , • • '·
On "onday, [.M:. 11. t her e
•Ill be a skln·tnUac protr•rr at thlt JunJor Coll~&-~. Thia la o coope>raUve propam 1ponamrd b7 lhe Junior Colloc• ,.llh part lclpallon or 11>e •ludonll. tile KootenalCoun11 TU~roulo1l1Auoclallon and tht' Panhand l~ C.lalllcl lleallh UnJI.
The pur l>Oll~ o r lhb pro11am II lo find out how mlft7 or lhr Junl11r collocc aludenta have had aomo MPNlen~ "Ith lub(lrculoefs. The material used for lbe •kin tell Is PPU. "htch meana Purltlfld Proll'ln Dcrlvatl•r or tulw'r· oulln. ll la not tuberculin lta•ll. but the p rolAlln part or 1utwrculln. Tlll• PPU I• Introduced undtr the Ural layer or the akin and If there la a reaction to lhla pr1Jteln malerlal, lhr IJKll will 101 r•d and poulbly awell allchlly. 1 hi• tl1•n la a poslllve «kin tut and IL moana that Ulc PNIOn ha& had aomc ~JJ•Nl• f!nc• "'Ith lubrroul1.111a. rllhN llvlna around luberculoala or b••n Mpoaod In some 0U1or woy to t hr Oll<•nl that the p111ann hat drvf'loped anti· bodlu. II lht• •kin lral la po.lllvr, thnn that PNton •hould hue • ct1oat ••lllJ' to lnauro him· that lhli lubrrculoala In· vador• ha••• nol ~nlN•d tho lunu. Th• •kln·t~1lln1 prol(rom haa bron 1oln1 on In Kooto· nal tuun11 for appro1lmatol1 a Ycnr. or ~II tho 1•ooplc "ho hal'O been akln·toall'd, loe lhan llY. lw•r had poalltve akin t•·•I•. Thi• lncludu all •a•• aroupa fron, M\\ born bablea lo l'f'Ol•IO IJCUl l 90. Th• ar .. 1110~1 prrct•ntas" uf 11oatUvea ocaurw tn P•"Plc or the Ul'llN ftlO lrOUl'tl "ho b$HI had mor<1 llnie to r\S-t> ttwtn .. ulvu to n1ort• p~uple. Th• akin tots Rr<' to be a port of tli<' h•ollh tnrornialloo nvallablo toc0Ur1• •tudcnta. i·h~} "Ill be ih·en M~nd&.\ morntnc. 1.irc. II, and th•• "Ill be read on Thur;da• or frldu, Dre. l~ or I~. l'r. llurM hu lh~ akin teat carde ond la muklnG arran~1·mfnta
for thll ,1roi::r•m.
NE\'/ STUDENT OFFICES NO\'l llAVE EQU IPHNT " r cqulP'11rnt anr1 furnl· lure f\G.s bt"en 11 l\ t:"td tnlo thf &llrlrnt olftCU ID thf' nn S.lJ. 'fh~ oltlcr for atudont meet· In s has bc>rn turnllh•d ... 1111 la bl li ondcha111, •nd studonl beon held thn~ •lroady. Thi' a1uden1 publlcatlong office h.>~ bt•n equlpt>td
1trUh l:SP~ \\ flltr!" and l)'l'.Hn&
tables. In 1dd1ttnn. a lt.r&e •rl •I a heh u hu been built •c•lr.i<t <>™' ... u. Th• no\\~""~ ' acarr has d•c1dNI that It 1adn11ablo 10 th• publlca.tlnns ortlcf locked. :'.lnl>' stwtenta workuu: on :he !'lt>Or • 111 b• per· tllod ID thn room.
NIJC Music Groups Active In City Christmas Affairs ....,_ arr
53StudentsExceed 3.0 Average Grode At Mid-Term Point
T1t9 '~· 00•0.. ~!ff
·rhr choru• and 111 .. band prrparlllj! tor their rnual Chtllltn.o concrrt, lo be l'f•· ••nl•d Doc. 20, and not Ore. IOor.wao pr~vlouAlyplannl't! Tilt' •ludrnl bod) I• r•mladod ttuat "'""nlt and lrl•nd• "'" ln•lt•d to 1ut•nd. In ••Millon lo thl' conorrt, th• ch '"'' hAa ~tanned • ,,.. c~ptlon and dancr t : lMae ..hu att•nd th•· cnnrrrt It \\Ill II<' hflld In tilt! llU• donl unl"n buUdlnl. rnl\4'd M•ri blc {IC• pa11n1 IOI <."hrl IUJ&a "tao. Th.v hO\O brM asked lO aln~ ll al lhr Kt•anl• Club IJ&rl•. Thr coll•"" ha& b••t'n ubd to BUPl'IJ' • r UP for thr alfoll fur arw111l yura, and ah•••• enJo•od ace.rune the tn<l·
1'~1·196: t.•~··
Thi SlJC r~ I! trar' rflc• r\'porr. th•l 53 full·lln .. SIU· d1 nt:-.." er"' dolnri 3.0 ur bt•tter urk at th~ ~nd nt lh1 fir t
Jrm lloth and bl3 Quarlfl hau atrrrd 10 euri>lY muuc O<'c . 9 IN lbfo Orcan So\"l<'l'. \Ira. F"lnc h ma.' bi' C'Ol>lact~d by all) OChN to,. n club "ho "!sh CM1S1mu mus IC' , The Mudrnt bod• Ml1 also nollce lbfo Cllafll:<' In rtano& on tho atair The lat,,. •nd oldrr model 1• b<>tni rertact'CI b> a &mAll, t:<"•er ct•nd 1•141\ ll I~ 11 C'C>R\'enl~at slzn, And tnll\ bfl pUt Into the •lud•~I uni r. Murh!010 Show~ Fllma To M•thoJl1t Stud• nt• Johnstonr•• ''uthh. ,.•. a ~ Uttcal C'IC'RCf .)Vr Ire sairob\, K•nn. t::ast !\frlca, rec.,ntb' 1>b0>\ cd a f1l on Unca 10 " ml'<'llni: of the Mothodtal Club. Th• mo\'lff'11tur«d tll<>•tld· ~.,~rarlu-. and ~op!• of Al'tlC'I. :>tlM>r movlc• will be sho•n by •tr. 'lltrthl~ra In the futur•.
TOP RED INVESTOR Tb• mOfit famou9 ln•entor In So•l•t Russia "' Co1trade R~cu~i-t
Translauon Rrc. ')ft
td·••mc•ler Lclldlna thr ~ruup "1·1~ '..>lnbn 11a111on "Hh a 3.8~ el>ldc point a\·l'rarr. Judith Pcdet!>on. 3.81, and 'Hldred Tremblay, 3.75. OlhNS 1\1' raauu; 3.5 and nbo\'C Judith And.,r;on, Ann ;Jnrnard. xorman Co•tl!llo. ~.a) Han. Ocrcne •.tclnt)'re. Jin •:annln~. C.hesler Pnrk, tJonald Pfost. Joann f'l•knr:;k1. allrl Jruce Simon. Those •llh rrode toelnl 3>o· m~es of 3.0 10 3.S"•re ru1ne AUllltn.son. John Cami•'. c,oroth,J Camon. \'em l ollln•. Cb:ules (;alby, l\enl\Y i..a' Is, i,un Lun.1.uth oennl~.1.ilanc OU.on. KathNln.. Duncan. !Uuc" frlclUion, Lo111 Fitz· SI mona. Tor•H CiOOd.,, In. M.ur Cir•on•. l\ellh Guenthrr. Re•crly Huue. s1ndr" llur· l.d, Joanll4' Jacc.tinon. 1..Jnn Johnaon, Kirk KoulN, l .·:l<'la Lamphere, Thoran W.nr. lnatW l.Atu.altT, Judy 'l•C· nuson. Jun ~:onoKhnn. Juli~
r atuarth• i;.rls •W 1t'ad , C'&n1tnl cbtt:ia, aocl.l>C tllls aeuoo Tht !out clr:s .-en chG1St't1 b7 the atu;ieat bodr"" 1'0>. : : !: 11 •cll·tt,.loed " p al b pe· h1i.. Jolnlni' lt::ucbttrlr.!idr:Katl!J 3: • url Kann Peter· '"'" .-111 b., Su<' C ller ""' ~ Ann Uadtl'ltood. Tll Quutct • U1 I>< n bd at It. _ , , • •lb •lwli !'el'"' cb~ers. Tbe1 pe !;:o 1uce tu:ooals tll all Uie ,,.,,,,.,. am \OC3l SUP""'1 wbfon 1111!1 nll r r < 'lf~r. r ~ <ti. Oud
Spanish Club "tll Donate Clock For SU Al th '> >.27 Sia 1- Cluti "'""line. ,...,.bl!:s dtscmsrd plans to bu.• a clock for t!>e Student Union butldlo~. Pt..111de1U Cb11l•a Adams appolr&od !\lck Adams and AlbNt Dlaser lo bead lbo acll•tlJ'. Th• clock •Ill '""'" u a tt"!mponuy
df'\ tee
U&Ul onf!'
Slmllat ID tb05<' usrd In th<' clu&rooms csn be lttStalled. Th" club, to cake It 1><>5Stblr, plana to e1thtr h<!!d a rar!le, ot ~ont.a.c:t a 1to:t- • hteh wtll liOll • clock It roducod P"""·
AWS Christmas Formm Scheduled InNew SU P..
c·· tbe
'fO !tb
., :wt f ~ 03 r b7 COi underrray SOY.
of coinIt • .,. d ..clded 10 l:o:i! the dl'lltr tn the atudetll union on O~c. 2:!. L<>llC or sbon for :ala and c ·a.cu be> aprroprbte. T!lklnc at cclcted pictures or th• cocples by the school pbotosrapher '""" slao discussed. Com:ruu.,.. 11 ln<:lud• d•conm~n. Otani! .\llSllnson, Mary D•ll R~rlcb, Ann narna.rd, 'Olrca H•ns•n. 001u,ca~n . and tullJ n ¥.au on. tntN"' lain •nt. Judy And•rson, Patlf Ru,•nbera•r. and L.Ynn .Johnso:-... ttfre..&hml•nt5. on.wn Gunvald&c•n, OiaM Day, Pa· lflclll Lau;ph•re . and Olan~ •uuro. "nd publlc11y, Gbdrs Orn. t.i nn Johnsun. and Sharon O'Conn.,11. lt:ef
1..,Jph Port, La\'orn.a schauer, PlltrJcil. St-alt!', c;onntl" stol)en·
SUCf', Karon Storlie. Kathie
Tarcen. John Y..•c•r. Clyde \\ .. lier. Fern \\cpplor. Theo >11IU1U11a, and Sara Wood. Ne"' Bui/Jing S/t., <\re S11rveyeJ By Stu.Jen i• The sur ,.eyln' class Is doInc some ''cry pmctlcal flold work for the colleae. They are presently dolnc surve11nR work on th• locatton or th• ne" bulldlo•" lo be bullt for the college. II the surveytnKclA•s wa•n'I dolnc tbis wotk. D prof~&· alonlll ensineerlnc llrm would have 10 be hired. Cati SAndaker's e rr., I~ '"hudt.nc up'" t he project . acc:ordtns to '"· · 1o&er, surveylna ci.a..s IMllucto r.
THE N.LJ.C. REVIEW .........., s -1 11 ,.,,
.. ....
aw-. ... c.a..- v. .
COEUI IYAUNE. E4ltor _ _ ___ _ _ _IOAHO _ _ _ _ _ _ __ J ..........
a-.a.- -.W - - - - - - - - - - . ................. -
....,,cl•w..M•n E4p• R•~rt
JOOM• J.coMon. M.rilyn 'ltert on, J•y Jurgef'lten, LH fl• H.-4iln1, Oororhy Bel'°"• MM Mm• Attn 8omeH. V•tfl!I"• l.Mcea., Jv4r A,,.4"MR, 0-aori. JCo~y °""'9<-tr'. Jo.., P •• -.,. ••
Editorial ... Future Teocbers Sbov/J Join SHEA
Losr mon•h the 5,....,.,.,, No•eon-, Educo•·on Auoc: c· on (SNEA) chopl<!r or NIJC concluc:r.d a "'"mbe.-snep dr "9. u,.. fortunort>ly, rho d rive only""'' whh llrnl •lld •ucceu. P...t.op• reason for the poor sho"' '"O or •ne cir"" ""'' rhor mon 1 .ducore0" mo10<1 didn" ·-·~ odvon~s el,,,.,...... bership In SNEA. Tt.e odvonroges of o n no StlEA G!e and rho lollow•"il porograp/ls cons der oi rho r.oe -. portont of rhese. Firsr, SNEA offord• furvre reochers on OPl'Qr"ir •1 lo gel IOQetnet ond d scuss ·1,e problem•, P'""'"' ond f ~.,.. t1'cr. mus• be..,.,, 1n 11>1! educo •eonal fee Id. The mocle•n reocho!t does nor solve .ducationo problems 01 by homse '· but ro·- l'1e drows on rne O•perlenc:o ond knowledge of his co eo;ues ~ rnee•eng "Nse proble.,,s. Secondly, ..,.mbershep n SNEA per.nets a s•uden• ro rece1'4 rne rnon1hly mogoze"" NEA JOURNAL, o publ.coht>!' o; t"9 No11onal Educollon Assoc:Jo11on. The mogoz1ne corr es • ::>e y omc:los on a wldo varie ty of subjects perto1ning ro ecluco·.or. In oddi11on, SNEA members receove DUbllcotions o! s·o·o ea...-
"'°" •
co•iona or;on1:c · ~ons. The lost "plug" •0t SNEA to boo presen'ed .,...., s ·>,a• "*"bcrshep In ·he orgoflo:orion ,. reccrded on stuclen•s' Pl!"· monenr coll-. records. Tooc:hers. ro-be·should re""""ber ma• en rhe I 1t. • , wh.n they ore opplyeng fc>< reaching pas111ons. II woukl Cf'rt n behoova rh~m to """" SNEA >t• os """ or 1hc:er c;o • acr r es, The forooo•"ll orgumonrs ore only o few of rho many • .,.,, CO<Jld b,, pr1><on1ed roencooroge educ:atlan majors ro 101n SNE <\ Sruclonr · who aro Interested on jo1n1no ,..;, ouocea••on should ,.,. Rondy Sorbel, presod•"" ol •he NIX c~·.,., O' Ol1lt ol t olho r chopt~r officer• - J~~I. S111Jenl1 Like Bonr/'1 Mu•lc
i0nrhi, o number of 11...d.n•• ha1ii.. YO•COO ,...., op neon,...,, '"" 96i.O' ver11on o'. •he N X bond () ''"' r
Is o !1""1' lm1>rove"*'t over os• year's bond. Th,. •rotor (.,ho adm uodl~ knows no•heng about mvsec) thinks thot these s1udnn1 commenrs reflect the exceproonal 1oloms of'" s yeoz', band. ror"er tl>on any lock of obol :yon I foe por• o! fa 1' )1!CI' • • band Ape:ioron1 )i. •he new cr.:>c o' frostvT.-n conto1".s some 'S•i.r denu "'1tn real musical f-! ont who ar• boc1<1ng 1.4> the V · perionc:od mu.,cions from last year's bond. Ir seems safe ·o soy •he• during rhes sc:nool >'11<1' ~Ir. Sums and comport> '" I '""' out o bond rnot .,.., c:o ege can 1..., . .!')- 1)10... t p t!SIMI !Q ' C<b IC - J U. 4 New RHponJ/611/ty 4wa/t• U• 411 ••••• •
\',,,. • t..g;nn,no of bos< fboll season c• NIX. o ne~ respon .. b1 etv or ses ·o· us. untDr'.reo'f'IJ., mo~y P<"GP1" fail •o recogn :e er os a •espons•b I ry; sone fo •o recogne:f' 1· or oll. Th s oble~· on s rno• oi supper• "Cl and our c'-rleoders. People have said "sc:,_f <peror" " a 10"8. Othe•s tnNely sra•.,, "School sp ro•, •hol's •nor?•• Perho">. os you119 odu ·s, ... e •nenlt o' sc:hoo sp r 1 as ' !'Cr. high schoo rL.i.besh sc;ueo •no g rls ay bucke•s a' ·eo-s when their hero messes o •oul shor and loses ,.,.. game. Cr """ moy pecturo 11 as o meons ro effecrevely become hoarse. Th s 1llus1on ••unfounded w...,n we consider ourselves os ..., reo on>, respons b'e _.,,bers ci a wel -o<gon•:ed s·ude~· :>Ody, "'ho Sf' obs or• io <u!>OO'' OUY sc:*I. •.i...1:oss r soy. •e ccnnot DUSh off tne rwspons1b1I"' a•
°"' ....,,,,
supporttng our f,,gm to tno ;c 4 'workers•• 1n schoof as ~ dOft'9
c~m·ng ' ll!h "'" o• •he pooer. onnuol, and cena1n cubs. 1 1 •• or~ or • fl() cjo..,1.;•. vrry P'f'OUd of OJr ,.....- s~c.dltn· ~ on~ ~-. "'""Y peep e hove wa<'<ed hord onci long ro ·a suc:c.ss. Th. victory which was ach1oved did mater10 r:tt out of on Alocldin' s Lemp. Thus t es "'"" our 1_,.._ Their veetory orid ~uc:cess depends no· O"ly on '""" """ ob1l t•es. bo,1 ol>o on •ne sp•r 1 ond CO"' •Oence of rnose .,,.ounrJ •ne-. ln conc:I.-•.,.., f •e w•sh ov •eom ond <:'- eoders •o be among rhe best •f>Me IS, ""' must .. orl< olong side rhitm .,.,r.,
~-"• ....,, '" .ira U.,.lr - - . . n..,.. l<I~" do not .rdlecc. '~ or l.he ..U· tor~ s1Det "f' fed a ('O{l p ob..Od
anw" to u.e "1&.u" ' ....,. - " ' . -... 1...i-
The -.,,....,. .. .,,.
)It. J .... ~lllW>, EdUor. :\UC RPTle• Tbll!'<d~. s onobe: 30 I llltuded a m••lllll of the !'tu.doll& BQard of Coal: 'I. A =auerwu d3c•ffll•lllcb a mrmba! o! Ill~ ad:dals<nUoa r~-~ 11cuo bedl&cmsed •Uh thr s:adrr.t boob". AS I I 11110 "" all koow, 1111 ma::u dlscus&Pd by Ille c::: Boa:d • lbr Sladf'::~: •con:: JdoH cox~:: tlW Sla:1rlll Bod1. 1117 I~ el•c.ot ! &fC:tq? This La Jnl thr ppos!to u to •11111 d •dal. 11 La l~ di;:,J ' II f::I d!lec.t to kttp d. D·l •· t 1a: llllll • 200 ciMr •1-c:ted lllH• rel· law aiadein. UJ tepoesecl us. 111 m:t ~al tbel: Job " ' c:r'1r•• ..~, I tU.. l! Jmc=•lll.. I ~ PY• l~ • Is to •1:::111 f:l!Ul 1111 :naamblt • lsb c! Ille auc:lul bodr. u tbe1 pr Ill!<! 1o do
Your Officers
AWS He~ Propos~
St•wl•"' body •lcP pru1ao111 Blll Hol•teln •aa born In 1.nd •ad bl< tlYed ID c .....u.rd'Al•n• UI bis IUt I• hl&b ecbool be •aa an
For Faming An tlJC Girls' Service Ch•
&CUT• mt:t.r of 1111111 club&.
sucb aa Ille letterman club . U.ck, Yatslty !001ball Tau Slim• and h• •u claas tee· r.tan tn hl.s ••nlN ,.., BUI ts also p:taldtnt <>! th<' bowllns lt1rue a!ld •le• p .. ~1
WWP Demonstrator Spe3ks To H. Ee. Club
I am desac:!li:& QllC'stlc:a lro=i t!le atlldect ~i::<•Unla· llYP.9 to ladl..ldmb Of I~ &llldfal bcd7 CDl1«11UllC 1111 ioatlers dlsc1ast'd In the lblWf'. ID lbc.<I. I am de· llWldl.al so=lbt11:1 at-Ila: to !bf' A,,,.:lcall IJSle& 0: COT• e:::imeat.
R brn
t:dllDr. Ille R~•lo• Tb~ otbrr day I sa• 11 POI· Iha! tbP SSEA l::ul PCI up 10 toe:~• •ere.I 111 Ill club. ni. i:-te• . . . ..,, alltt.eU"•· ~r
Tile IW'lt d&J lb &&!ff POI· l•r bad " 11 rntoo on 11 romuts aa I tb<>achl I bad ten belltDd e 111 htcb acbool. &lid lo p~s of pal>-
llc uu.
911xlonta o! SIJC, C::OWD up, ~=
do •• act crown up J11111 nn1 one• lo a •hU..• Also• .,.117 do llGI Ille cl&H• IOOlr:S of tilt- coll•c• tan rlap lo lbe:n1 .-117 doos DOI '"" studODI bod7 at SIJC pled(f' &l!OcllflCf' 10 (bP nar bot re ucb. Ultroblr. r la II cr.t of dalfl, 100 !11!J01t •.
o· z::I~ II atr Ille slud•CU aboa too muc:b •mo<lon ln tile form or ruPttl Cot Ibo rla; and •bat ti 1taods for• In i;:adf' •cbool alld ll!;b &cbOCl t'aCb clu •;,am bs:l I fiac. Usll&llJ ~ h<>z1e !lKlm tnclle: •Clll!d lead tire cma ID thf' P!~'° Cif AilrC11.oc:e aad at lh" llS5':?>bllH tile ~atto1111J .,llUlem would ~ OS "31.c!' "1'!"
c"Cl ~
wry~· n suv,xr. "ll
a.: "-'•••I.JI df':il Df lb<' ~••111 Club. Lui Jnt rwo acbolarablpa II poulbl~ rar Diii ID aUtad collep t.t SIJC Ht :ttrl.-.d 1cbolarlhlre rrom ui. Kl•allls Club 11111 lhft CORI d"Alene Ptesa Tbb 1nz am la •e»Una bU •11 1hroucb colln• al I~ sa.t1wa1 alore Bill • W coepltle hi• •do· Clll~n al lbe U o! I and upon &RdaaUo= plalla 10 i...cotM a.a elec:tr1e&I en&Jn"'
AntlclPt.led enrollment• In pd>llc and llOllPQbUc achoola rr- klnd•rpn.11 thtoucb imdc I al'1! tallmalf'd al 34 200.000 ... lncreaae or 400.000 In cradea 0 throuch 12. Ille lncrf'uo la upecied to be 700.000 - from 10 100 ooo 10 10 aoo.ooo
a 111 c.r thf' Pt«lct ol Al· l"ll•r.cl' •ould be rtclttd.
\"ha1 bap!><'Dl.'d laal y..ar In tbla achool? Tbtrl' ••r• onl7 two Slit• and Slr!Pt'S di.a· pla)"ed OD tb1s c.ampus. Tbla r•a: t.hel• u• tl:ff:• St 00!1 bue u.rtt Oaca and
It 1 >U han " ·. I.red •hat th• t1.b11loua ncenl.• drttlln1 throuch the h•tl• h11ve bun. II "•a Ille llome i.:conomka Pooda clasa •I •t<rk. Th• It " t:conomlca Club apon· aort'd a pl• a•I• on So•. 22. llll<I "ti the plen werft a r~· l'Ull of lhn cuttnMV arts of th• cl&u. N v. 29 1'&9 Ill<! •lal" of lh• nlblJ •tinner m••ttna. Chill, ct••n utad, ...iulch<l Lorralni. (• ch•u• plft}, •nil bak•<l 1$(1f1ll'!A WNC 8ll:IY1td.
l'•1ir !'rice of \\uhh111ln11 'lal•r In &t<okano •H Ibo •l"'t.ku. She demonatrated man1 tnl.ruttns C.'hrl•lmlll d.,cor•tlona and 1tll l<l•o. Some o f lhnm ,..,., a wroath rnndn nr plastic baaa. mantt" dPt<>rallons. and ntlou• kinda C<f Christ· ma tre<!s. Ala« pru•nl at the m•ettn1 •• 1 Miu f;unlc~ tl'l~ln. lh~ Knutenal County II• "'" D•rno11.11r11tnn Aienl
SOUVENIR RECORDS "/Ceep 4 ReconJ Of Ir" ,,._ MOll..-1 ..un 226 SMnt.a 11t A.,... COEUI D'AUNE. IDAHO
stld•>lll •Ill On@ at'<! IQtHOM SIOP lo ~.Bpec\Wbll~ !bl' Oac ts btinc tlll.sed or low<r«I. 11"117 can no1 .,. take J1111t a Ttf1 ut• portion 0: oar ao· cillcd precious time and boll<Jf the fiac aDd what II &l&nda !tit• OthPr Pt'OPle bt· foe u p•e r:.uch =:.ttt tbaa Ur UJ:r It takH to p!~C<! a:?eciacce. : ataad alltllllr '" lb<! nae ls raised (.I lowered. Leslie Hawtdtu O> :>OU
P.. a .. c MO.-•••• • ••• 100,., , , .. ST•CCT
Cocu •
:> e.
°"' ...,,,,, ..,,, CA
,.,.~.,,, ~'-s ~
Al a mtttln1 or tbe A.W .S. •o s ,• . Z9. )Its \lul111 S•I· aon apole 10 1110111bers conc•rnln1 the fotmaUoo of a 1trl '• eer•lce club. ln con· JoncUoo •llll lh• local soropUmlat Club, ti. ooul' .. b• ata:.llar to the coU.c•'• boya• ao" lee clllb, Ille Circle K. Th• entire PUll'O H of lh• club " ~ uld be to thr collece and coramu.nlly. \t~mb<-r • lllP • ould be llmlt....S to :o ll! 30 dtla•bo IDltlll 1.ll main· lAln al l•aat • c ..••rase •cllolullcally. PtoJc!cla underllhn byaucll clubs not only Include mone1· raisins: actl•lllu. but alao conab1 o! uah<'tln1 at concerla and craduall~n. llkl111 Ucktlll 1.1 la•kt1b1.ll 11.111u. 1.Dd tr•ln• at teu.
e : hond1 "11 •
Vioodeock's Drug Store concr... - S....drie• Prtier;p1;-
S. • C - .i·AI<,..
TYPEW R I TERS ROY4L REllT • SALE.s • REPAIR o..1t.., & f}'l'fn9 s..ni1.. IHTDISTATC TYPCWIUTO Co 4 '1 Sb.-..t11 A.-.... n.-_. 4.)411
= ..
OR. PEPPER n.. Fo .."llly -..,..,..u~·
A.loo Orclen To Go
New Dining Hall
REVIEW, Cow1 "'41.no, ldcho, w..J.,
o.c...i.., 6, 1961
New Bookstore Opens
NW bools•toc't' 11 ""! IQrge. tf will occot"l"IOdot• •tudcntt fl'Wch b.tt•t Oflid •HI "5Gi..e Hf'Y\-Ce ~ Hllet. 0n. of rli« fj,.f Ct.1'10Mt'U In the ~ ~NO-"t''' •Ct Pot 8nuf91t, she_., cbcrw .,.,f'h u.ra. •volt"" Berg, boolc-
Getting r.ody ror th• opeflfng of ,... ,..•• cof•t•rlo 1mcl 4tfllno hafl tttuitly, s tudent hel1M"n or1.1l ltltch•l'I 111ff • r• 'ho"""~,. V•&-1We 1" If.it'"'•'•~ ••rtlno CO\l'n ftf •n4 ltltchtl"I. '" ""• foregtwnd Uft b. "-" t/\e Mnrtl ••ru o f tobfu en4 choht UH~ 10 tq\lip "1• nt• llfinint h811
Rogflr 8019 Wiii Hoot! Vot• Club Thi• Yoot
STYLE SHOP Sport.weer
The \'rl.,rans · Club eleclf'd ortfcf'r al a recenl a>•Ptlnc. t1eld Thu11u1a1. NOL 9. Thon
106 N, F-rlh SI. • C..wr d'Al•••
chos.n Lo hold poslllona • tre
Coelt • Dr••..• • Foundation•
M Oh.t •~
FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. COMFORT AND BEAUTY! Hip & l<url 8.outy Sol.,.., R9Jvcln9 Solon, & Sc/tool )11 C4 'A An
Dance Instructors Oacnci"' classes. bo!ld n· er1 l.fondar and edoesd&J' IUCbla In the IO'fll. bu·• ~ COPle a ••r1 por1ular for:r; ot PE 11 sue. nu1hl by I.!:. and MrlJ. Orin U>& the clu·
KORt'I Bnr1. prt11ldf'nl. V.a7M Crumb, •lc-1>ruld•nl and Cbnrlrs Adame. eerrrlar7. w. Ort'aDf'Y •Ill arr•r u advisor A bMrd·1rro,. ln1 conl..al "Ill bt' IPDIU'Orf'd b) lh~ rroup aame lime In JanUAJJ. All vett'rans alt' ln•llf'd to allNld thr nr.11 mertln1." hlth "Ill br announc.cl al a la"'r dale.
Onh irradu bel01< C •re a~nl out by th "''' trar 11
MODERN DRUG CENTER Prwurlptlon Speclo/1111 • Gift• A Sp•clofry 1707H f..,,,t,
Pepsi -· for those will thinf. young
College Queens make great discovery in New York! aes atan at 7 00 and rad at afler •lllcb foll.,,.. aaott.er b::llt·bot:it d aoclJll
a 30
danctnc. Tiie )load&J a.tell& clua boui. a roll ot u•utr cierribere. •bile 103 Ptaple Ill· teQd Ull! 'hd11Hda1 aesaloc suanaelJ' ena11,b. -:• 1110· deata ocuumbel Ille aula. Both folk a ad lallrooaa danclns •N bellll f ur.uttcl. TllOM! preseated thus ta. lnclade rolllld. socl&I dADees. wea:· •rn &quatt d.aacc.a. Yari&Uoo.a t IM fo1 UOI a.ad wal12 \"Vlatiocs.
01 .....,..._ ~ ~ the city-the lun and the excilem<nl. But tboJ .Joo lr&nied about d1&111ond rinis-d iJICov<Ted there u • ... , 10 hr arc ol lh-r diamond rou bur. They NW bow Att......d para&!- "ert diamond in 1<rilin1 lor color, eel.. clar ty a.ad u.r&l •rt·1&hL They • er-e impreued by the P'OO/ of HI c ol!rrt:d by Artun•d'• n11ion11ly ad,crtiM:<I P•-JU \ 1!..c P!.u. b.<k..O by the q11al11y repu,.lion of t!Uo 110 7cu old fina. Aod, th•y •ct< m.,.t dcllahted "'th .Vtcu>od'1 .......litnll ..-nmt'tll of award-winning t1yle1. 0
\: '"' y.at local Aruaned Je•d<r and """ all the •onder· ful Aru:arrcd ••ylr.o,>n<ludrnc th- ..tecrt'd •• tho"IO ba1" by ti>< Col~ Qu...,.._ Hc11 tell you why Artconod i• the d...-tul you11 bcwrcof l.lld proudol aU 11.e ""'t ol your hie.
A.rtcarvede 0
223 si. .......
Thi•• of m• t•n lo'v•h• •t Artcarv.CS •tyl•• • • choaen
An1•1"lC9•• C:oll•g• C Y••n•
••• ~t•f'OU'Y
Ev111,.., ng Star
Kessel Jewelry
Traditional Oecorat1ons At Thanksgiving Dance
Cardinals Choose Con111J1ity Theatre Peters To Captain To Present Play At VarsityThis Year Student Assenmly oou Prt•ra. Ibo 6'3\.;'' crt>lrr ortbe SIJCc;ardlnall, ba• b<>er elecltd tum captain rcr lb• 1961~2 bUk•l· ball ,..,. 50n, 11 .... receatl.1 annouocf'd bY c ..ch Rolll~ lfllll•ms. The blc cenltr wu el...,ltd by a vote of hi•
,-arslt-Y ,,.ammate-a. OOUll It
a rresbman from
$po~a"", ll&)orln& In forHllY Th• opoln& appearance of IM SIJC Ca11Hnala. a prac· lie• c11mt .. uh th• ruo club of Kellor1. provtd 10 be a 11trlller •• the card• edsf'd tht K•llosa 1tarn 7~9. Thr off•Mh'r epark ror the cardlml» was fruhman ,uard, John 1't1ltr "ho led NlJC 1cor1na wllh 19 points. Th• rceult• or 1h• card!· nals ftr~t two lnt~rooll•11lalr R•m•a (Idaho Frosh. D•c. 2 llhllworth J.\',. Oec. 6 wNt nol knO\\n when tbl• P•IM'r wns Nlnltd. but lhCY "Ill be reported In th• neat l•eue. Doth aomu" tr• playtd "" ay rrom 1he card InaI•' home
Tiu•• more pmeu.re sch•· dultd for the •t.rStlJ team b<>for• IM Chrts1mu uca· llon. T~7 aze · oec. 9. F.l\SC J.V. (th-rel. oec. H. llhll•onh J.\', (here). Dec. 16. Sotrt oar:~ tlnlTPUllY Coll•&" (Selsc.n. D.C •• ~re. AflN th• s 11• [)G o cam•. t!M! Cardinals do not hue any camu e<"h...tuled until tb" aecotd •eel!. In January. Horn• pr•• of lhP Cardi· nail! bf>dn al 8: 00 p,
MISSOURI LUNCH 210 Sh""•" Aft. • C.• wr ~Al•M
Tl>r torn•"'I r cl•inl Dane.. It..
A on"11cl play whlcb Is appropriate for thlJI nason ol the yffr • lll b4! p1uentecl IO the SIJC aludent body on oec. 15. Tiils p1-J. entitled "Strance VICIOO'," will "" p:eae nted b.J I"" local COC!munfl.J Tbeai.r croup. o! which deOremll Is lbe bead. Tbtre are onJ.r three people In Ibo CUI of cbaraclera, lllcludlnc Dea• Cottpton, •ho plays the lead as s.nora \'erdt. and Kath¥ Heriza, an IHl.I Acadel'DJ' auldent. •ho w llJ play the part Of the HI· vanl 11rl. carlolla. The communlly Theater croup wlll a1&11• a plaJ' a1 lb~ Junior Hiib school on Doc 8, 9, J5, and IO. enllU•d "~ven Nuna at ~ Vecu."
Politi cm Science Club Sees Slides Of Russia
At the la.It ri••tln1 or Ibo.
Pollllcal science Club on NOY. 28. Mr8. Kt'ruutlb Bal· nard wu the cu•at apeater. She wu a tucher !or JS yea.-. In I 93l 6he and ber husbaad went IO Rul<Sla alon' •lib other croupa fo1 General F.leclrtc. ThPY ""'" paid 111 Amcrtcan
•ell-to-do !here. Durlna 1heu si.r In Russi• 11 ey 1nok sUdu of the couo111 and the l!<'OPl•. and ehowed them al Ibo tt.eelln~. The next panel discussion •Ill b<> about dtsaimament. On lhP panel "Ill b4! Sorman Coet~Uo, Patric I• Ed,ar, Jack II llaon and JohnstonM \luthlora. Rkhard Deck ,.Ill bf! lh" chatunan. Outlllll acthllY period•. m•rnbn~hlP dues "Ill bf' col· l•ctcd In lhf' ne• 61•d•nt union bulldlnc. Th• du•S are $1.00. Th• n•ll me1•llnR ..-Ill be Dec. 13 at 7:00.
Poose That Refreshes
T " pu.-rt'd 'bJ
wu •r:J cood. ...... d
dancln; and pa'1&1dn£ cf r•· !resbm,.nt•. Th~ a.ttdf':ll anktn was decorat~ In a Tlla11~d•lnc
U.r.ie. At Ibo !a: tnd ••• a T~rf lc:p:~sal•~ rilctwf' ' a P!lr.lm cocrl... Tbr pancb table canled out tbe lbri::.t'! w 1tb decc.....UC>!>S ' !ndlan com. cowds. and an •lll=:i a.rran&e.::>e..ct .. )Ir. som•a band ~:.)Tldrd ~1~llf'::.
the coapl@B • ..:b
-le. Tbe
)(! ..
a:id ws. 1.tcf'alland and M:. and tt:r._ Ulla,...
NIJC French Club Is Selling Candy orr.., r r •
Phi Th1•ta l(appnna are re· mlrdcd thnl lht'J may pick up th&lr copln or the OOLDJ:;l'
l>EY mapSln• In room 8.
Tho! a rhomor• •Ir~ took tilt' l!nl two 1am•' b• lop•ld«I sc or~s. ~l·O 11nd 21·1.
Cl:>b pr
r today Ill J·OO p.11>.
Tiit' 1c~dul' for lht' lnUa· r•l •Oll•Yball lracu~ Ila• b•~D ~t Ir I aln tn·
Fe! euu1.I a Id
yean now. tbe Cl:lb
hl(I: q11&1Jt1 caaa,
A rna-• ·•P c• e I•
and ••pc.~ r. ,,,. P,tncb Club I t:scrli:r; a eaC111 u~ In ~· to ralM I n:a Im Prrncb
t•.&QC"& .. '
To !acUJta~ tbe 0: the c:andJ. t~ t• ••ct om decll1..c1 lbl llWJ •Olll1 tan & con:.H: bf':W ttC tbP tw Sl'OllPS· 1'1lr tc: or:p • llo ••111 all lll•iJ: C&l>d1 lut •Ul llf~ nd~ a Cl:rlslmas paltJ ! tbr
°" ' ..1.
MO-.wt 4-)14
111$1.~A... ·~
•IDDe~ .
Tbe F°nDt'JI Cl~b IC JHN pu1 do=ied sac tbl:isa to t!w acbool u U.. bird batb. tbr i;::ic b boW I set, &Dd a U••· Purchaau can be csd• tbrouab f'r•r>Cb Cl ob ~111
For o Lifetime of
PLEASU RE Learn to
s,..1. 1 ~tad•nta are lo!Ct"d I PaJ lhtU llbrar• fine• al>d rot ovrrdu• boob rr rtl.J
Fot The F ~n•tt I"' Dt
While You Are Young
Pro4'#cu Uu Corft•H•
h Mort Fun
tM Fr•nc Cl o • • • 011 roceptlf. Tbe.J &:f IM I 1· 1owbc Mildrt'd 'n• bla1. •lce-;;u1ld•t11 alld K.. t IUP~n. ..crrlarJ-llff•
MO C2nt
COlUl O'.~Ul'll. 10""'0
Coeur d'Alene Laundry & Dry Cleaners Fr... Pickup end O.Gvery >07 ,...,
MOIM..\ 4-:1516
Lake City Lanes, Inc. 1414 N. ,,,_ SI, • C..•r d'AJ ..e · ~
..·•ll.ael . . . . . . , . . . . . ,
6 ·10'. 36574
Gifts For Christmas Sox CoaJ'f by:
Co1mellc1 by:
- i:.
Slllfo/J1 by: Pen & Pone// Sol• by;
ci-r,i=R• RESS
60 million times a day people gel that refreshing new feeling with ice-cold Coca-Cola! EMPIRE COCA.COLA BO!TUNG CO. CC>;;Ult O'AUNE. IOAHO