Five Students Earn 4. Averages Dlring The First Semester A Iola! of •hly•I"' o IU!Hlme students made the honor roll at SJJC tht Ont semes1t1 or the current school nar.
Among !hue ..·ere four sophomore• and one freshman "llh 4. avcra,u. They were Oline Aust.inaon. Dolores Cookse1. Elane Fredr1ckaon. and Kathleen Flultner, all of Coeur d'Alene. and 8ru~ Slmon or Rathdrum. Flft1·tb1ec othe r academic students avera.ced 3. or htshrr. Those with a; point a••era;es or 3 .5 or above were Sherron Capaul. Tett7 Carl· Fnuill ~lathe.., Judy Pedereon. Betty Seacnavea, Cary Shramell, and Patricia SUce, aJl of COeur d'Alene, Sharon Panlou and Plorenee Peek or R 11den Lake, Dani et Deen. Priest RJver Joan Elli•., Bayview Fred \luhs, St. llarlea. and Delores Park, Rathdrum. Those ,.. llh averai;es ootwcon 3. and 3.5 were Judith Ande111on, Nol'llllln c ..tello. Call Fields, Cary F!ayeni:a. Jon lflpplcr. Ceoevlevc laallcaon. L('e Ann Janu1ch. HOdn~.Y Joki. Anlla Knuleon. oo.rothy MuRcw, Jl'D.n Mona;h.nn, Sluuon 0' Connell, Lynn Prosser. Judd Reed, Cory Sackmon, LoVcma Schauer. P.llchael Senle. El· seno Shield•. KarPn Strecler. t..arry Tritten, llyrlc Nallace. Clyde l'oCllPr, Theo Ann Wll· Harr.. 11nd Shlrfo.r Woempncr, all or Cof'UI d'Alcnf'; Rcbcce:o Krouac and Clam Hobbins o f Post Fiii i•; James Blaine. lloncy llyko. 11nd Chcstnr Pnrk. or ko lhdrum. Sandnl Harold ond Conalance \\ell•. Pr!NI ldVtl. Llndrn Cl>I~ ond Thoma• \!Iller. Kellocc. Ocrald COP, PIMbUl81, Bruce l::rlckllon, llurlaon. David fua&01, St. 'lnrlca Ronald Enrlry. Sllndpolnt. Jam.. Cllthcart n rd Wit II nm La Counw, Spokane. Md Dianne \lumro, 'leltlor1, B.C., Canada. llonor studenla from the lndu&tr!al Electronlcs atoaa woro Merle Otmatcad, Cot'\lr d'Al~nc, "1th a "atrolght A" ovem1c. John Cook•ey and John Rrnrro of Coeur d'Alono. ond Richard \\ lmmcr or Kill· Ion. with "B" or betlN averages.
CDEUR O' ALENE. lD.o.110
Refreshment Time
Religious Emphasis Program Sponsored By NIJC Students The firat rellatous emphasis week sponsored by the Assoclllled Students a.nd rellpous groups at NIJC was held February 11·14. The rellalous l'f0il'1'llll opcnt'd on Monday. F'ebru11r.i· 11 wilb an assembl,y loarurlnit Or. Mark Co.ylo•. who Is the execull•·c Vice· p.esldent or llhll"orth College In Spokane. Dave Coleman \\IS rr.a.ster or aerl'monles at th<- assembly.
'~ "
""°., •
Prea1denr P.A. c;,,,, ,,Ol'IO" ond or.,.,., ,....-&.,s a • Fro,..J. R c'-a'd Pe,,,~~ . . . ~I' Chr 'I " Qf"IJOl"I,
r•• tec•t"'"O /Jn• ~"• aho•n o• •he refres~•"' table oftor r•c• "'""1 0"'9' JOO J'#Ut honot"'"9 ~tr. la I ........ m Ed<-nin•t•t Stvo.,.r Un
r.c:•tit•O't ""'G~ L tu , ~ .. ,
Final Ernllment Still AMystery
NIJC's President Christianson Honored At Dinner And Reception February 18
Tl11! Iola.I <'nrollmont for the second aPmealer Keema to sUll be a mystery. The exact ficuroa nit! ftOI k00\\11, but lWO dlffo1en1 counta brou1 bl up ~19 a.nd $21. To bt> 1ale, one can ._. that there ""' ap· prod ma 101,y 5~0 etudent.t en· rolled tn NIJC U\111 nm"8ter. Because I ht r•Jl.&tratlon dl'ldllnA !lame 50 clo•e le the deadline ror lhe paper lrtlt les, II "u not po11.•lble to ;ecure lho ~JI.IOI 01u lf'll 01 to ~<'I I breakdown or th• •ulous 1roupa. Thi.ti lnfonnauon ...111 b• ~l \'en In the next IUU• ot thr hc'101<. Remnnber to auend 1mvetocu• 10nlah1.
Colle• e lacult1 <" 1b. r~. a.nd rrtcnas 01 ,:1. a.nd Mr<. P. A. Chr!SllM9en attended a l\'C,ptlon In the Student t;nlcn bonorL~i; llr. Chrl•Uan:ion, l\ho I• pr~sldl':lt or ;-;uc. Prec«lln' the pu~Uc r•<:~· lion President Cbnstlsnson •u hono1"d al a dinner at tht' Athletic Round Table. The dlnno: •11S attended bf thl' :'\IJC tacul I) membN11, boud or lnlMet'S, other staff members, a.nd tbeu huabaods or wl\ ~. Al lhe dlnn<'r tlmonlal remar~s bononnc Cbn•tlllll&Or. .... re delhelt'd t~ I::. A. !o'clter !or th board or truote.., Front Enns for the '4cull~ and Orin Let!, who ,..,, lbe fil'l't !\!JC president. Ra1 ~r.e Wli rna&ter
Travelogue To11ight . .. At N. Jr. High Auditorium
10.. nfolt.
I:. -n• \u~llnson. Delores P..: •• .Shnron Parrton. Colleen Dunha~. Ed Elehcrt. \ tnec \ o~lker, 8111 Hundh11u~""· f 11\l!Ces Thyrtan. Denn~ Olds, Illian Hr", Stan Fel~man, arxl ~J • iihlelds.
Or. Cn~·tor spokt or a col· loge ~tudent's role In the luture or the 2 lst Century llS being dependent UPOn hl.s ability to mature at the same 1111e as hls responslblllUes lncrl'ase. He snid that we are Ji,·10, In" world eommunlr.y v.lth a scientific environmen t and that dcstlMllon deterrnlnes tho manning or life. Hl'lla:tous emphnsls pro,Olms continued 1b1ou1hou1 the "eek. ~'tresldea, sponsored by the dltfNent rcllglous Rroups, were held each cvenln:a In the Student Union. The Luthc111n studenls, Newm11n Club, LOS, and Presbylerla n Club l'lch held a nreslde.
Dlscusalons tit tM
centered on tho dlf!cren.t aspects ol the vnrtous rell • 1lous bellers.
SU Committee \'/ill Sponsor Art Works
O.ecli Bolletin Boord ~d~nl..
Feb. 24 - March 8 there ar• a,aln ICl!.''ndtd "Ill be nn art exhibit ln the SUB :iporu;orcd by the student union comrnillee. 1101ks or t..orrnine Airoy, Spokane. wUl be dlspl 11.1cd.
• o ch..: th!' bullcun bun rd for rzessa;es siace announct-r:1tnts are not supposod to be irade on the in!Ncorr.•
Award Winners
of COte!!IO!ll<'S.
Dunn: the rec""tton, all Ille gue.;16 paned lhr ucb a recepl!on Uae. In Ult' rec.,lt1n1 ltne """' Presldt'nt a.nd Alrs. Chnstlansoa, Trusttl's \\alter J. Bums, Richard Penman. ~rs. ::<, II. t:dmlllsl"1 and ~lier , Ikon o! lllm Herscbell J. RltLe and OeDJI ol \\0111t11, Ot. ! F•tz, l\ltS. £. A. Seller and Alm. Cha:lt'S Besl. Hefre!lh:nent.s wt'lll set\ ed ,.Ith lJn;. OrrUle K111<1n,, 1.:u. Tom l::mezaon, lll"5 ltsuko :'\11hlo, lllns. ~1a1c Souther, ~lrs. Eldon R. Kol'blor, a.nd )ln;. Kyle \\&Iker. The C1udlral Sen·tcc Club also USllted, EnU!rlaJnrrent ,...., po,·lded by NlJC'a music depanr..ent. v.·lth \US.. N"lda Lien ea \'loUnlst and \llss Elsena Shields "" • ccompa.nlst. Stan F'elsman plfU'ed e medley on lhe accordlon. A \'OCal <'llSemble presented a num~r or selec:tlons. The mernbers wew Jods 1\uwch. Janet Tbomu, Leona Morrow.
Pre••""O' or ol bos.•etboll Of/Jllart/1 wo• mod• at rho lou """'• 0011"".rt• "'SU Frosh-CV Clyd. lt'•lle~. vice ptruAd•nr of Auocrotird St1.1d.n• Sod)'. Hotb $nt rlt. ~:ft. wo-s- ""rr-..d '"O., V'Olvobt• plO)'Ot Ol'ld
)ol\n P 11>/er-, rigl'lr• .... .,. no"Md ployor =nd 0110 ~· .,,,9<1 o r•QPhy,
"'°"' 1n•o•tot•onol
WWP Vice President Tmks To E~ineers About Profession
,...,...i...I s.....,......w, l>wi"9 .... Col .,. y .., ly ~•"'*'
Ccrs Will Be Tagged Or lmpou...ted When Violoti~ Regulations
Of a Wk Echt0t ......... ... • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ju4t A.ftd•r-.on M.oii•11P £4.ttor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. F. Gr•btiov Pho1oorophtfa ••••••••••••••• J•rf'f
•.•.•..... •.
: ':l"1t. \\1 Jh
., .l
collecc and <11} 1•1r•tn resulall na ln lh~ en pu., aren., the eotlrce "111 ~~ In lt'YVlnK nn...nralnsc \!\olatorM nn11 will lab C!lhfol l!IOUUl\W to correct these pr®l•.ms. A fine> ol e>n" doll•• ..-111 bC! aaacsaed r : nr;;t v1olat ns. F'<>r au oquant •I lall • ey llJlY ~r.oon. a fine an r
o.,1i.,, fhclr"
C1tculo11on Mo._~,.. Di~• 011on. Alton fttovt.a &..i11nea.t MoNQC't •••••••• , ••• • ••••••••••• Corl Choo•,,. R•poutfa: Dol0te-s Coolt,.,.. Jo. M.t~u,, Ronni• 'We"-'• Et.,.,. FrHric••-Cl't, She•le John•Of\o Po11 • Ro1ent.r,.,, Bu-~ r.t'O\rM Kor•n Ho.nut!!, 0-,,.bor, Johrl Com••· Doto• y Boho"'- Cl...,dta Otaon •"d T•t'T Lynch.
Editorial . .
\ chkl~ lllor\
r n hco lac.
:woes, or 1rune !An,.
bf! I n:1xn1 nd t'd. ~I
lall ns
nt1 cllJ ctn·el ad)acml l he rowrch .. 111 b<l lulnd 11.'d bv city poltee T1llflle and Mlll.ln1 "' Ila Uon• .. oro po&tf'd on nil do11nt ol lhft adrnlnl lraUon bullcllnc
liadl lall and """' 11ubll h •I 111 th• coll•a<' 1 •1 •r. II I• IUCS••t•d 111•1 all IU l•nta aatn acqu&lnl the tlY with tllf's~ 1ecui..1
a 1111 o '•~ 'O c ro1oc.1 .. T ~ rios Jcf1n11e y beo"
o ,ory s:•ocluc· ve
h1 • O'Y ot •HJ( ond : e Studon• Jn•O"' comm nw !.., guiding foci« 1n 1h1 gr wth.
THEY CHEAT' lier To ' T!ey do too C"11ea1 // ro• llould J>G¥ r::or~ atltnlioa to tu "''"'~'" O/ IAe bOICft rau l•Sltad O/ :i:ald110 tire 1:or <' aad drct. Yo1 coKld u deal Some o/ IAer& arc atrcid to p/011 tk Pctn·PIUl· llaa '• 11a111e tlcJJ cirAI Tb~ u-111 101 chmb tic slltk Ilk tu Otlu:r fool<. Thc11 stCJrd bd••d alld aratch cod sco"'
The ab...,1d11J1 of tbou •ho do plDp ,ind tAcp la..oA. and clll:at, lllld crw So Aatd 111Stdt' that lhtp b<'t'Olll<" a Sogov mes<. Thq sneak •P to the mcdolc lo peck At tbose ••Ao PIDV , .., auc. Blinded bl/ 1111:11 tears and m1 se111. T!cv /a:l to su hoar close Iler ere To IAc IKaAot.:.
1ra1cb tu aouc \l'Clt'l lk diet•
11<>r..<c old '"" dr<cl: p&d I.le acuu uto 1111: dart hole. Th :akcs tllca Aclll>r oad tkr larrui. Tl:c11's L~ a real aol a To p.s.I: a SOOllP =cu 1a10 I.le lolc ts A ·ca: treat' T~CJI 011v ovt tilt lo1u1<·st <creams &'C"O:sc tur d1d aot ba1v Uc tu of Plar:oo tl:c aaar, vet !Arv 111u1 pap T~c $Urn' pt1cc as tlost • lo dld. It hrtrl' then: nort• to pap so dear Ir For aotbina. Axd olilcrs cual brt brna1•0 1:111 The• an E:tv-•·Rctu!r i:h 1cl llgbts I~ 11 llo. 1alo tile bole. tor a ttme. S:t 1"AO Llc "1st of Uc llU~ bl4ct Kats bas ILllf'Cd tu lift' a~..,,. ato tu DarfalLss, a:I •ct::r=s to :U •1:1 au sogo~
Cirdinm Service Club InHell1 Fur.I Drive T
Hotiu For Drill THa
s "
On I
ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE AHHOUHCES FEATURES The assembly plannlnc con:oJ ttee has oonounctd th rte of the assemblies which •Ill be held durln~ the sprtna l t m1. Dr. Mund of the Eco· nollll ca Oepanrnent or th• Unheralty or \\asblncton wlll epuk on !llr Con:moo Markrl.
Tbt elate tor this propa.:i •Ill be announced late:. OD March 6. an An procmm will bt'I p1u•nltd , Md on \larch 20 a d11noc croup Crom Ra!tl •Ill be Coa1u"d.
Tn. lo a man a heart l-8 chrouth h1• •tomach b\ll w~ "anu to r;o throuP, twi 1ttomach•
c Ins f Tbr • d a • ~1ahlp dtln. O r a •lib a ··c.. DTt'la"' r bt'lt '· sood C tDl:lC· let. and wllllni:nua t • ri •Ill br ln•1ttd to J In. El.,ctloM t r lb,. ~u be-
Ibo olbor, and ahe crnJ0111 1eachln1 collf'&~ 61udnnta becautM> It llvt'3 .. ,. HUSO ·at ldonUl,J , pt1tf>O•~. <1n<I belong1n1 ."
nUl'llll> chanc" In at from one aldr. of th 10
i;!nnllll! th• 61.'COnd 81'1DHler
•Ill be held llOOn. TM s.ntce Clab 011:1 •Ill ~Ip lht Cllcl• !( arll l>Otl I I tbr bllth a4'hool bul<rtball tourcame!lt to be btld at '(!JC ;;;r:n t~Ja """"· Tbe 1111& h..e bee ass sl· lac tbt nt'l•l~&prt sl&!Y i.n pepan::i: the 1L11Duals.
REPAIR & 1,,1., s..,,11 • • IKTCRSTAT[ TYl'Cw•no Co
o..h ...,
417 Sh,,..... •••
"Koop 4 RocotJ 0( It .. """°"'"• M()+ie.-t • S• '1
n• s;a..,,,,..
n. ,. •....,,,
.,.,,.~.u,.,. t
Woodcock's Drug Store Cond•ol -
S..odr •
Prei.e_r"p• O"
tl• N
St • C...,,. 4 A l • • •
Century Skirts. Sweaters
T&ey bat.., cka~d. fo ao cnc1/. .W~!rlt'• IACll "'2rt' Nca:ed.
uk d I .111nc b th lll•!r whit., 11nd red unlf4M>1 and all th•11 accesaott~ 10 I " 11m al I 00 on Pt1d4J. 11111 h I.
Blouses, Capris. Coats,
Car Coats, Suits, Accessories
P•O•< ... Ok••• 4 • Sta 100 N .,,. ST•CO
o"ALc""c IO• HD
Phi Theta K~ Tops 'll. Members
Kaustic Korner .,. Arr,
u al lar coni 111.,... on
Sacra•es, Kllle Seale. Gacy
Dames Club Invites All Mamed V/omen
Club St DI b>t p • wbolr r al en, •tre Pftl!laltd b7 lb IOPbo OU! da clua and llOld b7 ll4Pm· bera f lh• club. Tbo tiroOta r~llud wlll IO towanb the "'11Chrl.5e or Nna f I I/In lrtah...n ctr1a, cunnla ll>r ltlcrra, and tbc montblt h ru tc 41nner. Thr dlnnti lhl• onth •as Mond&,y. uu•sla of Ibo club "'Ne t!IOlhrro of thr mrmbtr•, and Mni. F.dw1rd10n, l>a7rr for lht' Bon Marrh•. A ha dinner ••• ~n·N. aa.I •
or ''- Go"ZO?O 7°""4' a•'
rl '• 1~r
•-'"'• Sron.>
eoct-f, S"'°'CW'!" o·cornet1.
of ,.,_ dr'f
'l"O"' ,,,,.
left to
0 1111~. ~'OI" Pon1or1. Oio~ A"'''"'°"'· Boe& ~ •fr to rl9""1 Su. Oonolds0tt. Sonc.+r John1on. Jl#!y Al'IOC'hon. v.rwJlo P.non. JGl'ter PotUJMIS, S.rty S.091'a~1. Dou•• Corson. Luodo lt".acha""-'.
Jo,,., '!"),..,mes. Solty N•yers, and Aruta Kn11rao,,.
President's Reception
•e are trtt. •r a"' an1'*lbNUJ' 14. Bll01130lfd
1<oufdn't all or rou o£ta who lltt martfed 101 have been married> !lkr to com<' ID th<! Oarne• Club at lh• SI! lh" Orst llednnda1 of <'&Ch r..onlh• Brina a andwlch re!reshmmls wUI be atrv"<!. Thi' Jut mettlln£ •a held f tbruat7 S. An ln•ltatlon la bdna 1lven to all •<Xllen !acult1 mrmbNB to aueod DJl1 or tb" meeuni:s •bell II la ain•enlmt tor lbr:n. UoatHll'B !or !hr last ettl· In~ •rm t::latne \'< and .llJT Jr II al la«. Tho nt'lt ~•tine wUI be \ll'dneosday, ia:ch &.
On 'lb I
Cardinal Coeds In Full R egalia
lihramtll, l..arT)' Tr!Uen, and r1fl"'' iito,•n Hof'taon, Joe ... • r ~.,, :,,,,,,.,. $lot•'• Conalance Yiclla. Tbe~ ate U Ont» t.!!.....,.o,o. Po• ¥H••r. I/ _•. Mor111trol1, 0 >JIW el&hlccn other acU •e members.
Olli r CA pusra do. lto•n•N, thr thlr~ dlrrcUna role • lb~ Board or Control, has not Big Enrollments Are "°nr •111 IArlh r In 1.,,.laUnc Expected for Colleges II.a child u to "hat !la rol" In lf1'1111uUoaa of hlcbrr In Ill btt nd owr •In&: fun-night•, two lrlal lloala C!duc11t1on. botb public and mu•I , an~ 11n ul program. t1rl•ate. an eruollmect lncruse Clllllon It la undcrstood that thla In ot 300,000-tro mllllon-•ls anllrlpated. llarlf Is a '1lajor atrp forward. lo An ~atller aurr~ In blrtbil In 'rbla pr 11am I ~·· nt """' UbhllUM IO lh 8 ard C>f 19•0-43 hu boen r.. neclcd 10 Control r r a11prnal and •om~ l'ltenl la colle~ tnnnancf!I 118 a dllnrt I SUll Of tollrn~nta alnc~ !95!Hl0. 5latlollolana anltrlpal•·, bowcnr, lhe f~QUUID a~n ot llll! lhat lht• !1111t lt'all,y •hall' "~rnlnsl rmlna" • ., I in by Jnol\'aau t n collrce rn:oll· lla •tudrnt whu all~nd ..d. Iii urdN to lnrr~o tho ml'nla •Ill com .. about the octlvlll~ I tho sun. rnur ntarl of th~ 1065~6 sc-bool Tht'n hlch school 011lnlons abould t1" alrrd at ,, ar. tho "Lrnln tormlni:'" aouluns 1radua1oa bOm In 1~6 .. m In th~ •m Upt, a alnronr •Pl'b tor 1dmlulon. Btl•eea t(l lhot who all•ndod 1~•5 and l!H7, tbr.l annual lilt' last • .,ulon. Yoor 1u1>- numbN or bltthll tncttaud b;r rort la aroall) •l'llr c tl'd. I llllon, and Ulla Is H~ICd "1111• I 11 In I pror . . of to ruull In a11b81anua! lndlalr bull o • or ealrrm a creuea In cou.. ,., l'JUoll=enta lnnlac hoart)' J' dtd I r Ille ln thr t re~ oa~ 61ud nl ard or cc trol In ID5~6ti. wl:!ch rlt'd lb SUB DISCOVERY Chall_,, 11.&rt'll llllll!IOD) &lld Tt. 0 ,f' Un .... ea.ia II~ I ·bo:ra t l"!llCr• 111111 lb ~I. ,, 1:.e llQ 11111 at t nl(.bt anrr Ill bc>c.'ton u a c h:lll t"i:e IO m. but Iba! Can• ltCC1 lids c!allflll•? 11111 aoO 11 bl"" eu:ytlilna; HOME EC CLUB In our '-' r. 'A"e ar. 701111c.
••-L. f e bNoty 27, 1963
A• la commOll tcowledce r.o most af oar callc~aie nall•o ol lllb pillar or tdacaUo:i, "'" Sludr:it Ullloo B::Udloc la bot nes lo dole:> aod p"'u:>e:c O.'I our ca::paa. Tiiis IDOd :o cant r.:atJ o:i bas crnt<'d MYcral p blr:a le ne:cl7 beln1: c:o:iatruetcd. The e:::l:IP under lllseusalon em Is lite ' IO be Pla)'t'd bJ Ille Ii: dclll Uni :i B !di.a« and lbt' co ttee In cbarce of uUll:zlnc Its faclllUff. EVNJ child bu to ham to "a.It before It can run, under lhla UllU pl! D 1u¥l In aome manner la w!llcb U:e Cid Id d<>l"S lc:irn r.o walk. lhe Slud1t11I Union Bulldlal coc· lttco must leiara II• POll>OS" b1 (a) uldnc lbose •ha 11 servra what I.he,- wont tr~m llu!lr Sludcnt t;nlon. (b) !ml· talln~ Stu~ent Union ComtDlt· teC!B on otnrr coll•a:e campuo r•, lllld (cl direction fr0m thl' 5tudtmt Board of Control Thll probl~m In qur.stlon I Ulla 'IHial happc119 whr.n two or lhr. thrre mnana flf d!t~· Uon d!lfri Ir 111 the third? The BUB commlU!lO on other ct11lr.,~ campuaea la) apon· aor ll1ld crtat ac1!YIU1'11 •he11 lhe campus clubs and orc•n· lllllo119 !llll r.o do ao, lb) cordlnllo ca pus luncllona In th sun •Ith olll r callcitat" wcanlzaU M and, (Cl alrnder vrnta In lht1 SVB. The atud • N~"t11 DI loo "'bral t Ins" aruton Iced thrlr pinion that NIJC'a SUB co mitt... abould do
p Tb.ta Ko,ppa otft~ra 22 aludeola for :::ie::.benihlp lo L'le aallonal •cbolaatlc l>l>COl&f)'Oll f"ttbnlU1 22. Tb<' tl'Qairecc:ita !or me:ibe' · ahlp are a 3.0 &:9de pO{nt a•tracr and be In uppe: ~ pt'r ct:it ot :br:l.s class. nc ne• :e::bera •lli ce lalllated al a b&nqart lo the Stadri:: Un1ou OD l:Jl!cb -: • Stodonl• wbo recell'ed tbe whU• r.iae of Phi Tb«a Kappa wt: Sher: II Ca;illlll. Jo&A Olis. Gall Fields, Ela:ie Trl'dncts011, Joo Hipple:, Fmr.11 Matllea, Oelc~ ?arlt, si.ron ?amoll. f"lorence Peel. Linden Cole, Sanc7 Hrko, Let Ann JllDWlch. Rebecca Krause. Tboma,o Miller, Jatld !Wea, Clam RObbl.aa. 0&11 Sackmati. 8<'tt1
N.IJ.C. REVIE•, Coeut 4•41eN, lcloho,
ltt'd b1 UP<'neace and "" ...., atn>nc Pf<'Jadlc... Yi ~ opponunl 11 to disco•.. the u• dlsco'ft'ncs thu a•alt on11 tie loqu1rtnc mind. !Ibo are we? 1'o an lbc l.otllOITow Oltoda,. . . . . . . lbe )'Ouna. not just lbe 10uu.i: ln
ere.. rro
In"" :
Pllralcal )Cars b111 Ibo JOUDI In •Phil who are .. uunc to \9DIUfl! PUI lbe lbrubold Of common knowllldce and ex· Ptrlcncc Into th<! •ondrous •orld or uncommon dlscove-0'....
Ronnie C. Warren II I nl lr~d
Anybody S« A Contact Lens.'
First Brainstorming Session Held In SU
Little Bits E/011• F,.J,;cluon
lt n 1 b•~n said l .l f\·e-r1 llllln houM ba vo a board at lco s t one• In hi" Ur• . And It
:\t'rms "r tun e a. trw d..isd·
PIH or thal phlJosopby on tb• loose ar~uncl M r.,. Pera,onaUy, t":a ln fator o! II. I think It's a ~ thlna. And I! i·ou should Me r that I"•·• l C<"n bOt<pltallzfd !or St'\ 'f'f f.!' cut s a..nd brul&f"!'O, r'U can probably t rac• II t t'"'"""clatN \\ocen Students. Quit• a rn or t ho:i ore vlol•nllv anU· wh18kCra - lo raal, ao ra r I ti\! nlt I hOld t ho •chnol l l'<?Ord onlY "oman to support the beard·iro•loi; conteiat.
Ono thlnr "• u t &dell tt &Ura up so 111" *ntrore:st. Nc1auvr or poitlthr. a.t least It' 1 lntNeat
And u h• · P or tbcs" claraclmi charactN. It rou kno,. ,. hal I iuan. f r In· s 1anc1>. Jim ~tclntur!C ls Juat "Jim Mio " without his brard. But "hen h~ 1rowa It I catch n i••lr "anuns to cull bl . "\I r. \lclnturrr." Tb•n I think bsrd ""uon ts sort or a ~peclal thrill In anothN ""Y· ll sort or tran•· ports you bock throuch his· tory , to t hose a ·es ··m~n were men•• and not too tlc!d to nantrot It wttb a And It l:ll!nt . burly benrd. C!lllls to mind ull sorts or renowned. bearded P•rson· age... Like, Ille olllcr da'" 1 was 11\lnlt!ns bo" much Toto Holz-r Is cettlnc to look like IJ.S. Cmnl. And w!lh n strntch or the lmaalnnt!on, we m!ahl ea,y lhnl Bill llolsloln CXJuld pnss for l..lncoln !"ell. bet h4S u b<>ud, d e•n "t i..•1 i'io" ii I can d:. up a Robert £, Let• (or t r y •i:n!n lo cet \laurlr.c co pul OQur In his bCA rd), mnvbc Lhr •choOl could entrr the t hrN o! thorn >rt o! a In th• CXJntc~t aa .aoup project. and ··•In a tremt-nd 'us t"L'th pnzc tor pnlrlotl.Rm. Then " ' could Install a T. v. tn th1• s.u.e. and I ~nuldn " t hn\<' to be aolnC hotnr 'O "IUCh to \\D!Ch those 1rternoon mo•1H. or cou r~• I odmll, I don't hll\'t much cholc• nb ut this brord thln~. !l' s •llhN Ilk• !l or !um11 It - so I like It. Bue I can'I r•s!sl the irmpta·
THIS IS ARCH ERY? hes b 1mtd lat f, b. T In th<' sue. Tll nrat "bnt.Ln· e t o rm 1 n~ s..-sslon• • wa!\ hf"ld under tile Joint rnod•nuion or lJr. ll&1cll and Stlld~t Union Commlu... Cbal!':lan. Kart'D llanson. Amon' tbr 60C&eslions wertt ltetal!atlon or pine pone oqlllpmenc, kttplnc the SUB opened ono nl~t a "eek, •ho•lnc co'1l"S, spo=r ni mm.. lands or ~rufosal01llll Blndnc r:r<>urta. boldlllc rotk alnalna Ms.Ion• and talent c:onleJ>ts. Th..- b:a1aa1 r..lnc sesslo=. le •u •treed. orodDCed a number o: • ruble Ideas. It wa d~!d~ tl:al th• ··e:alnator Inc aeulona" be bcld monchl·.,. a r plclna l
New Library Books
"Y to bott l~t."
10. II. l:?. 13. Bure
A'\D I TOOF:TII Ek • T r •~ \101\SISG STAlt ·Ho.YI!. \I\ llll.D~h:-<liSS • Doudas l AB01l l''\IOS IOSOP· O!.S - hlCllB~ kG r;111c11 \IA\, \Ol:SG .\ \lEl,ICA S:, • Cc1>r~e PF.RSOSALIT\' 0\"St\· l!CS • C.olcmo.n PS\'CHOLOC\ OF' Ill· ~!AS GHO\\TII AS., DE\'ELOPME.ST ·Ball I
H. 11\ l.O\ I 15. 16. 1 ~.
18. 19. ~O.
p O:.l"BOV
hel.P ~Oi i or ~ecr etly ndmlrtn~
these rue •d lndh1duall•la around h<·te • bo •·entW'O tau. ~ard cro•!ns. At !cue 11·~ proo! lllOI II' "' tl\Ut " ~ woman·
ft:ra. • •
One ot th<> ...Samons lO the s !JC spores pa rad& b lbe ..,. cbrtY classes ~me o!1e:f!d <>n Tuesday llnd Tlmrtday In tbe un:. Cpan en!frlac the s:ri> "h~ lbla class Is In aeu1aa. one llndl lllmsc-Jr In an lllmosphc:• o: pl.CY and s;sprnsr. Qa.te a cocibha· tJ "· bull 'll'ben on~ obsrrn& lbe colnca on I r a "1111•. che nlllural conclua!oo ls tbal tbP bJeclls to lt'r • llo can slick "" arrow 1111.> lbe •all or Ille bleacbt:&. " ('JI air or lb&' 1 en does ac=ll•h t!:la rat. he la Jl'l!Cled b' lb• cbee" or hi• !ollow arcbl'i.o. so::c or tbl' archoni mlas the walls bt'caaae : tbe cootr loold11c brcets • !cb ""' 111 ~ Ir way. 11ell, that la JllSI !Ir or tbc b:l;.a:;la or Ille
Pttcb t 1 e 111 ar•bt:s. A tr• cbolce bits • Id c ao•u•thln Uh lb!&. "A tbWt•Ote PDllDd bow, It •"17 does ·1 r....1 111u
ll!DOnf; DlhN ·o~bN> or the
Alf S.
_._ '
Going Up
cai::e. O e ca:i also learn a rrc. l dto.&I llJ lla.:enlnr: b tbl'
lion lo attt\·e tor con' ert.'
Armers Plaster Gym Bleachers With Arrows
On F1•bru11.1v 1$, the SUB •ns lllP seenr rur the •ttUJ
mlsor. The Playbo•• "'l•ld~ \ r.":\.;SIC.. I danc•
...... n....
.:::.. •
CJ'll toda •
.. n ........ ~
Id th~
aue::iLl), •b!cll I• ar;ions rod bv th~ Associated students is dest nl'd 10 :tCQulUnl the students •b are Dt!W this se est.I •It ,;o e Ol Ibo ~:\
'\ rL
Whm a 1olt •r mohll • he a p r - b.umelf to
... """
Breakf ast
Study Aids: -
Co//•v• Outline Serlos
Ban quets We ,.,... r/re,. oll
c~ ~- ~· ~··ere--;: •oosT O!!'\C ~ 'i • • • ••••••••••••••••• bocOM, '>01h UO'"' co'O•:iu. bu ··er.C •oos• & " t •• ,
:--0. 2 On& eg;. er s:i How To StuJy How To Tol;e E•orru How To Writ•
r.,,. Pop• rs OP EH - 7 A. lo!.
25.: 7S:
N.IJ.C. REVIEW, Co•uo d'AI•.,., lc!Gho, Wod., f•hNory 27, 1963
Entertain At Reception
V iche Gets One Off
Mv11c: 101 rke Pt••ld•tH'• P.c• PllOI' ~o• 01ovld•d by "'• eolte,,. music d•PG',.,,.,."'· N•ldo Lie" pl0y9tJ o ..otlety of /lgl.t cloulcol Oft ,,._
v1oltn and wo1 occOl9opon1ed by Ela•no Sl-11•ld1. A t~ choor1o11 •o""Q' The Aa'i
.,,,.,,,tit• ''""'
Grove, o Welsh foll. 10'lo, oflf/ Sioccoto E r!Jd• Ti•e gJr/a • 'lfOIJP rli•n did O ,..,~,t OrlO"~f'lllM ol o lo111011,. Ge''"°" lollt turt•, ~ L M.r E,.,
Het1•n, r111Jrh ltef'HI ~vetch 11ng1ng o v•n• ,..f r .. Thlt ~a• lollo••d by ·~ ~..... • 0'°"'
sm911t9 O Ne9"0 JOtt
t""'1 ,
t"'• 8' a•grOOI"'!
Co-.rl!, Art0~r ~d •-Y o" fa"°' ,. ,.,.._, ""1J1 play•d by Srl" Fe 1mor1 ~ ,,.,. accordion Per• fof-'era ._.-,°""',., "'""'r•, •'' ro r O"'' E ••no S,, • d•. 0 ds, Fronek •tt,r on. i\' · """ Hvnd1'toi.J1.,,,
0.,,,. •
v.,,.c• Voe"••. Ea E '"""''• !10n F• Cri,er p.•'ol-.t:i ""'•'• 8" O" Heu, , .. .,. 'A..,.rc Jo,,,., Thoo-o•. :..e-or;cr Morr=""'• 0 Cl""• Aur ni1on, Col ••"' 0. ~ PM .._ r • Parr et•
°"'""""° ...•
CAROIHAL COEDS PERFORM TWICE The cardinal Coeda undrr the direction or Sharon O' Connell, ptrronn~d at haH·Ume or the •aahtnrton 61&te-Cardlnal ram• on Fel>-
Intramural Cagers Wind Up Schedule
Ftbn.att ::S will be Ille lut day Cur tlle p!a'1ac or th• IDtrwmural baaktttall pmu which laYt ~ ~Id this rvuy 18. TM rtrls •ore ytar. Al Iba: ume tbr lop their r~d unUonna. top hat.a, ttama wlll i.. cbtata to 11,11: and carried canes. Tiii• wu It out for the char.::ploosh!p. The top tsm ts Ille £cluca· th• drill ,...... IHI home Uon ~.,,,. •11.b 3 wlria and Pflronnance ror the IM&on. On Ftbruar.r 21. the Cotda no losa•. The Business team drilled at lht &potan~ Coll· 11 Hcond. •lib 2 wins and 1 aeum ror the half.lime enter· loaa. ~o other tftCS baYt They tlllnment fnr the Idaho Slate· outatandla1 r ecou. ar~ Team I . •tllcb 11 B.S.a.nd Oon7.all bukttball same. B.A.. and THC: 5, which 11 Th• Cardinal• will pl1.7 thtolr lndu11rtal ana, pr~med., vet•• Stllhtr or lut pme of the an.eon on and pharmac~. theH tea1 Ila lost a ome March 2 In Moaco". o r pl11Jod a ram .
THE PIN CUSHION Exclu11 ... Yordo.Pt Sliop eve ryrh1ngFor The5eomsrress 310 Lakeside A....
Coeur d'Al11<1e, ldoho
Pr.. crlprlon Sp• clo /l•tr • Clftr A Sp• clo/ty
Cards Win Secoill From Gonzaga Frosh Tb-ti ,., ~c.. rt;& recon! lost •hei thq t~ll
:i and ~!rated t
Gonzai:a Frosb SM9 al Uuill!Dc pme al th• S;lotane C<>Uaeuo
cc Fetnary :1. Thia ,...s lb• second lime 1br CIJ'ds lad<d Goo· uca. T~ pm., W111 a p .. ll::tlnal)' ID lb• Idaho State CoU"'~lCZ&;S
0111' t:S.17
o:: to a alow
a1ar1 In lb• 1111: ball l.lld Ill•
1ra.rcc l>"Jal •llb
Pete:a had 13 lac llll~IN, 7 L~oy \'lcbr, ~ lollh McOalr~, 6 Hem ~tb. 5, L~d John Palt..;1';..3.;.;,_ _ _ _ __ TuJ:llllaM
a WCIDdcrful tn·
all'\.-mall It CCZIDOCta ) - WI Ill OOm&llJ'~
Tu!denmn a 111&A ... ht.~1. O ! ! - otor)" - 11 Ille lNtb .... \old a!loct blcmda.. rOtll4 be an et!- _,,. F'llrt - a 1111-nm m•
n.. freV..Sr
n dcury
proouc rs - 'rem )'QI<
Cl .onl n9
For Your
VAN'S CREAMERY, INC. 30I H. Fovr1'1 S""' - PHONE MOliowk 4·2111 C 0 E U R 0 ' A L E H E,
I 0 AH0
oH o /IJ'"I> Jl'tOP dut1n9 tM '9hlm 90"'- w arn
Coeur d 'Alene Laundry le Dry Cleaners !TM Plckllp •nd !07 -
1.40~• ...t 4-15 16
fJ,• Co101 """'°"' 90...56. Hoyne Ouat (43) O"'Y '•ba,,,,o. T"9 fut1/e blot:lil otr•"'I>' o·a,,." .• t"90dy ro re&'W/ also ..
, , ' O'<lll'O••
prrlxl elided •lib thee 1rall· Inc :~:o. Tb• aecolld ha.I! U a tetaJl.J dlf!OIOlll 111.>I)'. T " Cardlnala !ound th cxuil aad b~o.:i "> Joh:. Puler, Ltro1 VicM and 111.111e COEUR D'ALENE Dual wore the ln~pl111Uon and STYLE SHOf Tl'<! Ande:eoc and Dour Patria Co.It • Or.UM • Foundatiocu •Ne all OY•I lbr boards. Spomwur Thia WH OH Of :be blc WlllS lo. N. F.vrtio St. • C - 4 'AloM or 1i. uuoa. In the wo1t11 t C~tll Rally 1rU llai::s u 100'"' cmna :o bt111 a.n1· bnd.r. beat" tllcb scorer C t t~ cui• •&a
r:'JJ ,.,,
o Bea" Col •;..
In a tie. In Ille openinc seconds of the o vertime. Ian Hunter scored number 62 a.nd aner two minutes Leroy Vlcbe T~ c nil >&I won a hard- added two more. Idaho bit • ..i ..1 s e rrom the Idaho one Crom tbe Qoor and one of Froab Feb. U by one point two possible rree tbrows as le o•trtlme. The final score Ille pme ende<I with the a.JI· •as 6~·63. Ian Hunter IJld lmponant one point marda. Lero1 \ lclle Mt Ille two 11"por· Hieb for tbe Cards was lillke tant baskelll In the oYertimt McGuire wltb H and Herb period. Tile Vandal babu appeared Smith bad 11. Olbtr Cl.niloala to be taklnc tbe cards bands In Ille scorlac column were Leroy Vlcbc. 9, tan Huattr. do•n •btn they led H·5 aner onlJ' five mlnutu of p!Ay. 8. Wayne Dust. 6. John PUler. 6. Ted Anderson. 5. and Tben the J C team came allYe onus Peters,~ . a.nd attor tllr lud chancing
Vidie Stars In Win Over Idaho Frosh
h&ads aenral tlmb, the nrst balr ended •llll the Frosh ahoad 32·29. Th• lead 11tt~awed bt!1wecn Ille two ttama throuchout the aecood ha.If. Wltb Just over 11 c.latlle len to play In the aecond bait, the aao re was ll~O.
Seltb•r team aucceedod
ID aairlDI a.=!
t~• ended
U of I Admlulons Olree1or Vi1lt1 HIJC Mr. Frack Youn;, director of admissions at the Unlvensll.1
ol Idaho, was at NIJC on February 18. He answered quesUons for an.v atudenta wbo hlld any problems about admittance to the Uni versl cy or about transfer of CN!dllS.
Cc:rds RevefJJe Loss
REVIEW, Co. , •Al..,. •• ..ww,, •• 1.,
f•~ 21 \'63
McGuire Pops One
To WSU Coubabes Th" ''lJC Cat~Dal ed .cl lbe lfullla,:on Slate val•e:alty Coababes b)' polola at Ille llMl b<>=e UIH OD Febnlary 16. Tbc bWo:z:rr aowided wllb a score ol 56-S•. Tbe Carda 1110\'od'~ ID 11 IW 25 aecollda ol the cai::e. wlllch i!!>V'1U I.Ill' C&llls :b.dr 1:1111 •lctcr1 Cl! lbl' af'S· a0J1 Mid lbrlr ae•Glb •ln In
The ,,..., ..urted alo• •II.II th<! Ille rorwa:da a.:id «•l•r !:.:m 'l'SU co111:Dlllnc Ulo bacl<bOarda. Late In tbe ball t be Carda bqa.:i IO l!IOft a:id Lbl' tall adll'd :Z8·:Z•. ~ aec:oad baJrwu a close race. wlUI the carda leadtaa 53-•9 •llh on~ minute and !oar.eoen HC:Onc:t. len lo t~
OUT OF BOUNDS By Joe Molhls Th11 .. t\Joh" Pi11l•t0"d Cory Jor;ie"•O"' will 91"• you N ,...._., op•rv• of '"'• ('WtC'Om• ol rfl• COIWino ,,.,.,,. ..... rt 01 o shoo It _...,., o• tti • .,. ..1....
°' ...
The rlallllll Coucani scored ..Jiree polnta and the Cati!• et~ In ttoable •lib onl.Y a "' pollll Ind. lltrb Smllll u.en bit a l<llll allot and 1.1110 Oiiat hit ooo lrom the oar.aid• o! lht k117 u.1 • u tbe cllncber. 1r6U aco...S IWO mr.rt aod I.Ile cao• tnded •lib olll1 a two llOln t llUltdn. Carda lo Ille &CIClnnc c:olullill •t:• Douc Peu:s. 19 '' ~ »cGlllre. 10 1la111e Dual, 7 l.~1 \lc!le. 6 Johll Pitlu, Herb Smith. al'ld !all Uacitr. • .,,,. Ted Anderson ••
Sl9• Loo90090 On •ind· Sien lan~.aet . flit Endaeer's banQut't w 111 11blrld or little ro:rl1n car f r aalo or adopllon." b<' h•ld on TuesdaJ, f eb. • 11. . d~r· Ola••t at G 30 In tho 1111dcn1 union.
Engineers To Dine
Colunna BasinJV
Hunting Equipment THE LIGHTHOUSE
Topped By Cards S;J
In or Ille ~·son wb<:11 lll•1 dtlutod th• C lumt a Duin Ja1••u uiP11
Go~ Jot'9'"'•0ft
JoJm p • •t OrJgi"•lly on 0.•1°" bt11 Jot.,. Piel~. ••cfllot•d 1"io Po,1 foll• HI"' School. No• ••II Poat the holfr..oy mor\ 1n h ' ,,~,. h• tell• "' 'ho plo"• ro fO to ••'"•' •u1otn Montono Of rh• Un .. ••,.It)' cf lditho 10 comPl•t• hit 1Nj0f Hh. hnol tn phy11cat•t1•n. Ollft h ~ becomo o c0och.
.,!~u~:':,~~tplun~' ~;~. ••'• ' OfiOft
To.\;ln9 o loo\; ot tho COlll1ng l)OM01 John 10,1 1 . . Tl-I• Coft10;o v•"'• will "
IOl.l;ht•I COfHUI
ol ,~. , •• ,.
but I thl"\ wo wlll win. Tho I•-" •• hnprovlt19.''
John 10111 " ' ' rhor ho IOcu NlJC. Th .. httndly 1ruchnt• ond "non.I rolorlonah1p ber-.oA Mt l!\11••nu .,r,1 •n•INcton ••• o•••c•oll, n•co 1n h11 001n1w,
Oot\"r d••••u John .. h.1•• • bo1\.otbofl plortt. Mee•lff h
~• 1prin9
I• ,0-9 to .,., for
tto<-• --' boubtl
PL EAS URE Learn to
BOWL W htte You Are Young
·""' S.rrko •
c.o ..,
ol" Ot;f1Hf ' art Owt-Of t<e #OI bDfn on4 ro ud tn M.Me10to.,11M"co-..•.,Co.vr d"A lflf!I• '" 11"'9 to f,1,.1.h hith •cf-tool. H. u. o ftet~ ol HIJC. mo1onnt 1n PE. He plant ro go tq locaho S10,. lin•••r•
tot-"'•'"'·'···· !\o~~'' "'"' to..orcl ~. H11
t1111e -
KEEP G.ROl:.SD" CLEA-" 1U111Mct•
1ng 9\d ,_. .....
He oou""' frori"'r bo11ae1t>o,1I, bow-He pl•n to pl'=" a c~ ""'' ,..,._.., ..a rerum to tht flt- M.111
For a Lifetime of
20 ~.,... " .....
,._.,,t-• wot'"
0 ,,.. MtMtltf c"-'te• I lut the a.:oro~ Cona10<n·~ -'•"-• N•bt ,·, tu•• u . .11. Dou eftJOfte V'O• ;,o. I 1•l"!tl ~ IN't"4ct M• l I -ovl4 °""ec .,. •"'1 h p. "'1 lar rwo ;.w-_. 4 c.t•ons for rM , ..sen oro C.14 "•'• ••O'!' t.&SU • • Jooho tro&h -tlt ~~p ,.....,, lo"' by the Core\ ~.. 01 le••• ~ O...• of ~' .- •
SPORT/HG GOODS JO& ~.. Aw• • M~•·\
n fcbNUJ 9. Tht CllrJlula led •~38 al lht tnd r Lbe C:st !al!. On lbt Oral penod. the SIJC d•l•aae &bo•ed &Omt crut claas as 111c1 held the Hawu IO only 18 i>Qlata. sit')' or ~. Un1vctU"r of 'o Herb S:nHb bad • blc nlcht as he paced the CazdlnalA (OMplet1 h11 .ducot10l'I. Of lh• u+.ool, .. I li\e H flr"r ,,.vch. 1'ltb ::i point$. )lllr.e lolcOutre E,.eryone h. ft1ewtdly. h do.cri'r 10\e rollowed cloa•ly •Uh 21. Both Slnllb and McGulr• lo"'t to gitl 10 \.no- h•'f°"•• scored 10 neld 1cala. Other T.-o~•ts 01e ... ,., ltiel'ldlr:' Gor( i pr1d1ct10" ol <OM•ng g&t!MJ Carda In the scorlni: column u. ••The Gonrogo 90""• •• I be .,.,., were Ian Huni.r, 13. llaynt' clote. Ou1 tou;hoo 90"'• .,n beo Dust, 9. I.troy \'lche. 8, ogoins.t ldGho." H11 te01.0l'll for be- Ttd AndclSon. 6. John Pl.lier, 5. Dour Ptt"rs llJ!d Ame1 l10"1n9 •• wltl wtn Oft• ' #0 f«I beu-.r of.. r ooch 90""•· w.·,, W"Ot\1ng Franll .•.
$o.N1~ "' 91'!' ,,...,, OA S.
COl'lt ..,. ft'\l'OU-"OU! ~
.._ • "'
""° "''"·
To mnu~ ~ Uua
ywr an upt
JooklDg nee,t. a.l.ud~nt.a who Ul lunch In Ul<lr ca.n are rcmmded that •mp<y acka. ,.,...~...._ .....S .ott dnr.J< an to be ~Led
U> JITT>P"' - - · c:cc>tal.aen. TM &dmU>.IAnl.lMm apccU S!nc: adlwrena to UWI ool· Ice< ,...wa.-..
kut:Gll o ..... troc-.
.t.SSEMBL ~ SOIEDULE F- b. :; - Orleotaaoa As~mblr - 9·~5 Feb. :?7 - Truelocue J.IA:ch :? - cardiaah at !JoRcow Maren b -
Art A SSelllOl.f •
\\lnb )ICCoy \larch 7 - Pbl Tbelll Kappn
BanQuet \larch 19 - Ttsvelopie spr!nc dance Man:h 30 - Home Ee DlsL March :?:? -
Mee I
lake Crty lanes, Inc. 2414 N. F.ri St •• C-• 4"AI•. .
MISSOURI LUNCH 207 Sherl'IO" A......
• Co.vt cf Al•M
9 ~11 at ol -O"o. , ClyO. "•"•'· Pr... Tri• •
. ',
••"rod O""C• only I01 ''••po,._..
get that refreshing new feeling with Coke! n.-.~ .. EMPIRE COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO.
. . . . . ....,...,a.'l~el