yew ""'
Students Denmf Serious Artides '
I nave r• c: · ved
· ln·
t : Un& com11:rnta 1rp.rdJ1>c m,y last artvrral papN artlcln. Tbr ract la Lllal """'" of ti: ata~ta or sue H 111 tblck list I • "~!- !!"
ankles. I( b&YC allW co r 10 lh a blanllJ ~111 a:xl •rll-daea «1 conclus1 • I 11ould llke t concratulate you on younrr7 t ru• decl loc. ,l\.5 a r~ult of lb!& df'Clal n. I I= Ye occuPlc!I my brain I r hotJts - truly - and I llave dccad...S lbat Ulla article allOUld bft deYOt"d IO a v I'/ £otlo a o.:id pr a nc pn>blt= conccrnlru: oolll'I&~ Clrnta. Tbo:rl ze. I woold d l an bOno: IO br alla.c-.l IO C'll · llclllci )'G D ti: I b tel f t.he ne:ai:e ooll<'C &tu dent ' a diet. Surely 7011 riecallll' that the a\"l!racc collec- atud•nt does nol eat lhrc~ •tll ·balanctd mt'llla a dar n la reqUl red to de rlop a healtby Ind and body. Pc:naps tbe onl! meal !Mtb •• 71 OH tbl! ··~c.!·
oft ''
•rectr.d'J -
pf ayer Award At
Booster Bmxiuet Th
brln-SIJC Boosttr Club. wa held '" l o Sludent Union n M:.rch • ; • Douc Prie:s. sopho or b:l • ~·tt•ll SIC ll'CrtYcd lhe Qr I OUtstandlnc Pl&)"c: .'.••rd pr... a nlel! 11 brr ' tb :SIJC Cardino.lo. spelllccr -.. "" J. N I "Skip " Sl&hle.r • ..-b la th" alhlrtlc dtrector for lhe Un • -.1111ty of Idaho. He spoke on lht' rcc:cnt NC,.\A bll ketbnll loumaincnt. the tuwre or lh• n""b t~nned Blc Sk) alblt· uc Cor.ftreDCt, llOd the ou• · &tandiru: apona t<>COrd of both tbc hi di scb:lol and coll s ca.:e ,.....,. I~ :\or.h ldabO. Special i:uests at lb a!Calr Included P. A. ChllaUan n, FJmrr JJrdlln, Coeur d' Atone Htch SchOol basketball coach. C. 11. Toll'11, PoM Falls coach: iind :-11JC coach. R~lh
tban tl:tt ot.brr two i. loncll. Th:l& , I have •• tbrouch rrae111ch tlod poll tak.111' •• ooci• t o eomrldchl1..Suca 1 onal (?I lhcor es rcprdln1 th~ lunc'l or t he a n rac• college aludcnt. In thn llml plact. I
dlaco• rred thal 8 oul of n•rr
10 &ludrota bnn1 ..ndwlchr mad" or peanut buti.r and J"117 In l brlr lunch. It hn been cllnlcall7 proven that pnnut bullu 11nd fdl7 CAnd· wlcbes oo not OC>nbln all t.he no<: a r7 Ttla!Dln• and i:nln• rul• t.o 11 •c 70u Itel 2 l·ynr·
old f~rll ni:.
Peters Gets Top
Relaxing For .\fid- Terms
\\.hllll'\!'f lhal
BUSINESS AOSTAFF ATTENDS CONVENTIONS F'nda 1, A;1rll 5, }Usa 11111a O!ll>rr: and Ml•• Yales atlrnded tbe Eaat~m 'll"aahlncton Busln~ Ed,catJ011 MeeUns; lo Spobnt'.
p ,
.f) 1'1
~ w
Keallni. tor:ner :\IJC o.t~J•tlc dJrtctJr ll!ld 110• i:ou coach. Jim Bums. Cardinal band d11tctor. Abo ttorrorrd w •• th• XIJC cb~rle:ul r • Mary ,\nn Undor·.,ood. Potty Ro n·
1:1•rn b• lh• f'dltc.r-dl recuu of Tbe a~" Publl•hlnc CO. ..nulled "Cob•rb• and Con· lonnllJ In Bulllne• Educa· uon " . On f rldaY ~•mine croup ltU1'1t'd l.o M>&COW LO llllf'Dd " ll<'COnd
Qr l
lldlllllll&; Ken Morin, Ida!¥> fmsb coach; Rieb Porter. htib aconn1: \'andal .atar. \\a•r n
b••re<•r, D1•annr E:nd rs , Dun Gunvaldson. 11nd Sh•llb John· fiOn . Th• Cardinal Co <•d• wore lnuoduccd b• lend• r Sharon O'Connel L )l.ulN at c~r~ r11 r r the lr'Y! -,i •u Paul Ammon. b I I.
t'llDE wblcb •U
spon.orrd "1 tlle t~abJ B in a Ed cat AuoclaUoc.. This, tbe r111ern111 aucb CC>n· I lf'llCI'. . . . h• d OD bOlh I' nday and Sal rdaf. TIJ!' Ct'nltal llM' waa ":Se• R""ponalblllUH lo Jdallo 'd \'oulb, " and wu conducted bv lhc Idaho DullnHS T.-ach-
Debaters Split In Match With Uof I ~
deb' t••
n Morch
27 nt NIJC btt,..een tho S!JC dcbatt• lt!llm and n h!lllll h m the Unl\erslty of ld.\!l'l. Th qursUon debated "US' R • aol•<'d' Thal tbe n r.· nlsllc nauons of the should establlsb an econ c ~tz.ler
11 <b7 ~ t.111 r I areA h1ch schools ar :SIJC I r the annual Outduc" Cooler n • •Ill br prnpared a.nil tJ:rlbl' II e Eco
1 HE N.I.J.C. REVIEW Pw · >th.d $.Ml-.Moitthly Ovr;,i9 tt.. Con-t• Year l y JovfMliM'l'I Sfvdeflh •t tM
9vttN"&S .....,.., . , • , , , , • o , , , • • , • , , ,. • • , , , , ,
~p !'t
0o1 .... Coo'i•rr. Jo. M.M! '· ~. • arN'\,. El_... f•Ntlch Oft, !th.ii• Jofw,, _.. Pott• Rnf!l'IMrger, e.c.., Kra-u
'""" MMI T•• ,., L,nch..
::o",~ FreJrick>~
pon red I oc porionol orgo'>1za11on•, sue'> as ihe S.t•. E.ti. <:°""""'"on BaiS<- , are ox1rem11lyvotuoblo because yot. are g """an appo<· !1>niry to,.,...,, ond rolk woth people who a'l! o •eodt wet'• "II • your chosen profosslan. Also, yo.. aro able •o "'Ole! and soe<:• whh rn1denrs your aw~ oge •o .eo 1u•• who• rhey ere ·~ -; their rospec: rive school< . A• me Phi Tiiero t<oppc convcn•1QI", ,;.. ch
a"enc«l • S.oule, wo loomod whor role Ph• Tnc·c ~ p cys ,.. ·ne school life 1hroughou1 ·~o caun"y, A• 11' s ~ c ar .._. ~,. :n.-e were ro;:.rescntot1ws irom os f.:-- c-..-oy as ..,ew Je"'s.ey o->d Texas . Really, who• I om Q<!'llng a• Is '">O (ex• ·rot o 1·uc1<r• orgonlzo• ons aro wcni...+. lo " many ..oys and should p cy on lir.oor1ao• pen n yaur 1chac fr. Po>s b y you ·...e-" al'ended s..C. o conven• or, be• •ha oo 1ogo•os se<1· i:y you< club 0'8 I - - ID Shc<O ' --.,, _,., f you
shQ... ~I
· ., .. · "
TltrH T••"' Coptolu
The second semester debate cla1a la no" beclnnlnc to deta~ the subject of the March 27 debat e. Orsanliauon bas been nnlabed and t hro captain s have be&n choeen. Captains of :eama one. t'W'O . and three. a re Ron Branson, J ohn C. rnle. a nd Carl Kappen, respectl\'el,I . Team o ne wUI detate o n April 9. team two on APrll II , nnd team thrte on APrtl 16. The debates will be held In room 30 at 8:55. Visitors are welcwme . A ~------a hadJ' business never yield• a auDJIJ' lite.
~µt• 10. '
Co11 i·m tion Delegates t'
"'"""'" ~Jt_,,""" • . Ji.Inc of thl' put. Plrst lllln1 •• •lU bl' d~" al!d s bl' sUc:kl111
bod7 • II
p a naa
um lM bullt' :0 b<9rd4 •:-ant to. •f' can slt and ro1111t the dar;t 111 t'lt In all our bc>o a d re Ille cmmt t :- aal bl' ll:ac llllf of • II •&S Pebrm:;. Bat. f 1 .., l' ,.,,., n. 'a....,l'l•t "'°II f®i:d the C :p-11116-'° COt: t C 1>a. In bet, II lo!·.. St'J'!:I r we•<n't ..:andlr.c here cut ni :::J m:, t.h1s uld Ukel7 hu to:it' tt. ••7 f UH! IHJ:ODllt~ C~IC:S. Oooa, oucb. All r Cht, I'll scb~ll'
wnte "'"""
O.!.oi. T..., S.locr.
ria/ . .
£ , IN
Little Bits
Artd f ,y
mos. repon& al!d t
Eill1t0t •••••••••••••• • - • - • • • • • • • • • • ,,.,.., ~"°" U..\ evp E41tot. • • • • • • .. • • • ••••• • ••••• A.. F.'t• Phot09teoif'ttra .. . .. • • • • • • • • • Je4',., o.c_,.. ... :'lte• 4'9•tt11e.,. V rcvletion Mc,,...,. ••• • •••• • ••• Ot.... o;....., A ran 1Ct'9'4
K•.n Hori•oti P• '• 0-........,, John Cam« O.Wcft,y
N. .JC. R
Sp1ln9 Season OponeJ Wi rh Annual Dan ce The SOPhomore class span· sored a Sprt.ns Diu Dance 011 A,prtl 6 . Tb!s dan~ mcked the omctal ap1tn1DI or the spnnc season and sprt.n, clolhu "em worn. Oeneral chalrma.n "" sapbomore president,
and Dtane Ausunson ....s In ch1uge al the decot11t!oe:; . The clan~ was held In the Student Union. The Z epbyts band from Spokane played tor the &!!air. To bo prepared !or wa.r Lo one of tho moat errectual means of preK~ lh. peace.. - W~ll
Hut' JUU atil~ • even thl' SUB b:ls apnq f ver, ll'J lard to> iuclct a bu1lclia1 setllnc all uncoord.111&led 0,..1 epnni. But ur SUB rl!llllJ bu;. !1'6 btta Jual 1 ·1 t liPlll•llnl ~•t'I lb Ill In lh nrm cud, balf full cf 11tl'P7 pooplt, Its stereo bu n&. arid !ta &n ulllb!I l®nlloc there on usl'la. And tltti alttP7 Pt'CPlt' In lbr S1JB ant Ille alnp7 ptopl Y!IO had:i': tM ce:17 to ::akt .: u le as the SUB••• •ell. :.oey're t:s: aor: al nine •~ll!ld. cocple!tl1 atnckm br al' s.F. Tbr o::J7 cr;ii:p :!:&! '4 llll=r the Iiciul •• • arid 11>e1':e a l::or111 • la th tat'l1!17. If a:iythlnc. 1Pr101 acts Ult a .-tldn on Ille 'lbJ. I° Yt DIYM 5et'C 10 r::aey p~ qulnes, odd aaalsn;:-.n.1.1, pr.>jt'Ctl, &ad Whal· 01.. If ust o::ce, IOt:l' pr rnec • """Id opend a dua pen d diaped OYtr ta dea1'. Pz:!!lC out t~ window • and uslr;n ~ i.:i d~ :lle same ·I'd be Ill• bapp,,.: 11:ider,radiate alln. Or If J.111. se,,,.oar and Jo~ Alldel'9:l!l would lMltl ol "l!t>bum and ch, well" lhe paper Just once. I'd bl' pOl<IU>elT Ille !"Oii ecstaUc colu nlat alt•e. But spnn, rover neYN Eel& to peopl" Uke lbla. Th~y live lo a pe:p1ttual br11k 11•· tumn clay. ~Jay be the) 11•n l' a purpon, 1hou1h. SOciebady has 10 mint 1ter unto tbe achlni sprlns re .. er 'lctlms or tbe world:;;,';.__ _ _ _ __
Trovolo<JU• Aprrl 39 The next trurlocu• "Carlbb•n Porto or Call" bJ .ll:. 0-iaht :;1cllol' will be held I.JI \be C- OD AP:'.i 30.
On r.l&rcll 30, the CO ..JI d' Alr.:e H " E onomlca Club and 11:.e :;1Jc II e Econ lea Club w•rw tesaes !or tbe •Acual s :I ND Olatrtct loleel Ins f l!le Idaho Ho o Ee
f'abnc.·· A lunchron NC1J41red and aornd by tho .iuderit union •tall wna held at no n. Mu. f redrtkaon presided at the luncheon. Mu. Ealh• ' Wllaon, elt~a.lon nutrtlloo ep•clallal al the Uru •~rslty Cll ldsll>. •ooh on":>ewa Jn:>urnUon." Party·ltve were ru!eterod 1 r th~ tll~O'tlCC.
ANOC'lat! II. The eetln1 •u bt'ld 111 tbt' &!!Idol Union. the amine lnlslnrH t<lt· 1111 wu coclbcted b7 Mrs. LucUle Crll.J', wllo Ill nortbem dJ••rtct oouaal"'r. ":._ Ellen f'rrdrtb •D, 1iJJC CMORUS llJLL IUKE ITS Instructor, Is tbe altematf SPRIHC TOUR TOMORROW dl»trltt co Uor. Durtnc tht Th• <1111 nrto~r •I 1 ct.. rua momlnc, ialka were by Miu Mlldred Hati.rlJ', "OhO •Ill be tomorrow end lb• 1rvup It Ille a.Ult• bo e dem<>mtra· will travtl ta Worley, Plumm~r II n leader. and Min E11lne and 6t. Martf.01, lnclud•d Jn :>tell o, an lnllructor In the lhe prosram wlll be a Oay Unhtr :7 of Idaho Home Ee r;1ne11u aoft •hoe number In dopart nt, The Utll!ll of CO•lUll>e llrld a ll'&<llDI r1 atur• th• r pre t'nt&llvn11 "ere "Ho" Inc Otn• K11Ut-r a ·coll"panlod lie Creal<! Our ln:age", and by \Ir ... RQbrrt 'lltlrht. " ' ; ,.., In F'ulllon and
• eo •• ,
llfTVISTAtE Ty,rwanra Co <1 11 Sliet,..• 111 A••
~• &.).411
D ~ • 'IK
"Keep A Rec01J 01 It"' ~._.°""._.' <LU•?
Fr .... ,
726 ~·A"• 10....0
CO£u• o·
• '•PP"f·Up,..·
FISHER'S CLOTH/ ERS 1217 Hart~ Fo•rtlt
~-~ 'TU!. l'A~~!~Jl~~~
o... FTm, & 1.,,..., s-,,,,u••
Woodcock's Drug Store Co"'o~..
12' N
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hurt,. S+
4 AJ•"•
P .. o.. c
M O M ••~
100 t4
Coc u•
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S t•CCt
Gonzaga Chorus Entertains
H,fJ.C. REVlE•. Co•w• 4•..
"• Id · •
•t" ...
TM Clf>nzap UnlYrlllLJ ConcMt Choir pr•s•~d a 1hr!IUn1 prorra111 ror th• Al>rll 3 oast.:11bl7. The choir, conalsUna or 14 cale and 14 r-le alnarrs, la newl>orpnl:ttd al Ooniap and I und~r th~ dJr•ctlon or Robtll Cook.
opeoJnr 1V.1abtt1, th• choir Hna t•o 110np •lib l~lr
re1111oua thei:iea ror tbe &a1uu
•euon. F'Ollowlr.c •rre a croup or rour !olk llOCJf, nro •l>lrttuals. and a ael..ctlon or rive nurstr7 tb)'mrs arranrM by Ralph H Un IN. Two ••lm:Uon1 .ach "'"' ~uni bT eololll• MJaa Chrrl Lre Orr or Cottonwood, dabO, and Jobn Mcl:;voy or Paeland, Oreeon • .MIA8 Jrrr L.rn lll!ll'S or Spokane Planlat, ar· companl~d lhl' chOlr and alao pr.•1tntrd o aolo nun:btr. Thn cb>lr g&\I' an ncrllrnl Pl'llOtllllhC<'. and lhn cuncrrl "DI 1rnath rnJO) rd by lb~ NJJC •IUdrnt
THE PIN CUSHION Ex lu11,... Yer ·99 S op t>•ryrl,,ng · 0t Tl•~.)...;"'·,,
310 Lo~u•do Aw. Coe.n cf Al"""• ldotio
Shaving Vitm To Ecooomy Of U.S.
ll'rnd1, •bo la our economics 1ns1Nctor at SIJC, I bav•
compiled tr:Ualve •olumn or
conctnunc lh• sltuatlon. Tbrn I con1ult-s Friend•. a1udc1& Dot:c Lons. wllo ..., t.ann All·A,,.•rlcan ::anllOOd. rapc.nalblr !or cleannc 1h lend me 700r t7es. I druUc sltua.UCll wt;!cb "" pen la laad IO deh'e dHPIY exou::irr"d Ill! t 7ear. IDIO I llUb)ec:I of srnt !nSl&l!atlCS Pr?Te that 10 OOI ltreel IO !be C.llle:te Sa~tr o! 10 people .c lhe Uclt<!d Razor Co. Tbla 11 the sub ect sat• •II> abue •lib a or beatd·cro•lt:J. safety razor d~ ao cal:r •ben I rtctDliY cade a cballe::cr a iu.:ir bl.Cr baa bffn Pnl· co a ctrt.aln pan7 al ~IJC. >11 petl1 t111ullt'd ill tht' ram:. con&!stt-d of both o! 'Thia atales a •lll'PIJ aad us aro•IDa beatda. lbt other ~=-ad rallo er 11e t.l oae. Jatl7, ~WrTtr, dKIJDt'd lbt' one ra:r~: ~ cce bl~. f'll:oosluoc. sub!tllllU~ "°~ lt rcalail1111 ns t:uis r nrard 1 tact lhlll Ille raz r blad<'ll prode!I ID aald Pllttl •• pl&l • 'llrll, II"• Ui:ie ror •e Amrn· ar· cad• or atrel, bd11' n· cans 10 •IOP aadare •lat ttr.. acll:r 3.86 Cl':IU::.leis Ions ,,., l.l!S Ct'lll!:coters •ldt. aay di> 10 lilt' eco!IO!:ly al Ill Tbe qualllll7 or steel con· b•loved couolty. Aner C(ln· sultlni: ae•ual rdrr..,cea ID aw:i..S 1n mUJ111 ra=r blades NU IDIO -03' io. . a year. lh~ llbrar1. mU.lac 12 lone dl11Dnc(' cal. i. Sall'"<>n, '11'1 lltoul lhe sals of lhn<' 'VO< blalks IO boost our l~lll'I. and cons• nns Mr. mne>c1;r, Ille U.S. would I» banlnn>l In approi!mLl<'l1 one COEUR D'ALENE rionth. ttu... da,..., anen bou11. and !ot11·!l\t' ml11111~t1. Tbal STYLE SHOI' la, lf yo:: ncu~ lbla In Paci De Co.k . o,...., . Fo....O.tieftl 10. N
Spo<tww.., -~ S1. • c.... o·Alo..
b!ad"" said on Lbe t ret.D mule~: also b111111bl ID a iew or tbtee ctlllan and II•• Chl~t'U 1r.i Int :rnr. ldch wu wdlapensahlt Ill balaactnE P1u1den: Kenn~·· Ra:i:or
So. •e can p la1nl.7 aee lhat CJ clall~ce woi:ld aot l:&Ye
Pte1c1i,.r10~ S,..c10/u r1 • Cd r• .A s,..c/o/ry
1'°7 H f-.,,,"I
c.... 1"....... 1.w..
a!Itcted IM eco=y Ytry CDC!I; bt:'. II II ar ... ~ ,.~atici: II • .d rtti:ll t:: loiematl Dal npuc:isalocs. Tl!t'fefUR, I • llldra• 1r<1 lbrer d:clenie bt'caaH I feel I I t!lft Aet'!1C'&ll tll1n( tl do. lt oo:t at Lalla Ibo ,.,,. ovt of rn.:-Uni ~,..... , _ , _ Ula!,_ ...... .
. ,.
"P1ore~r 0 111
Ofter tlPo'I c ru- . - ~ • " nt •pa cd, ~ 11.l u>rng l.'G a bl°" <'l'O<s, On !Ac ,\/JC I=•· AltAocgA llt! bcfl;' ~lade res P~•v r:.od lh1a, Hu ;KllUU tad G'ft!OI Aopu '"' ll::t. Gro::ing •• t~t \'/JC laira. TU s::i4/I gra u gr~• •trc.-g ud lalL Tlt07'gl ll"Ud a•d i:vc - AL l:'tat~<rtd rt all.
TA<•t la Uc SIJC lo.n Ru pc:tt•:.S f t t t so Nrr J,J·r.d. flccraUll'CI.,. Tl<' adlllD
o/ rlu
Be /1s1dcd It :tt,rtr ..111 • \'01 cc. tAal POOr ol' blade of grass itas cruhed ~ 1111 \/JC lul'
Pleue alley the otr Lht> If&.&•" :>Ian. Lei's Sl\f SUC a Ch&nCt! lo pres~nt a !:')Gd IPPt'atance. Thu• 18 samt<llln1dlsnact1a1 about a l&'l•n covtred with "'11&m• tralla"'. \\bat d> >"u aa:r. Student ' LN"s dl•· o:ivN 110methlns nr• •• slde,.alkal • M.>al •
Anyone plaruuns IO iranarer to ancth~1 collece or unlH!r· &II\ l& lslted 10
U thNe .. ere no dlrrtcullles. tb~re
would be
no triumphs.
JI•<' their
n11mr and la&UtuUon to the r•Slilrat ao 11he ,..lll know •brr. 70ur transcript Is to ~s•nt.
Leader Printing Co. 1 • I<. ~~ St • MOio•..\ 4-2109
A. M. TO S JO P M.
Pepsi ·· for those who think young
.; ....rt•
TM treshes• rn ibory procvc rs - ,,....., ~ ,,_~,....,.,,.,._.._
00' ,.,.
~ r: -_, ~ I' ........
Fo•.",....,,., - PliONE MOh••~ • ·1111
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10 4 HO
it""\,, . j'~
SCHOOL CLOTHES Coeur d' Ale11e Laundry & Dry CleaneN "'" Pld11p •""
!07 r.-1
MOio•• i .. m.
Of Spring
L eads Drill Team
N.1J.C.REV1<•. c
. '"•4..
I". ">u
Eyes Head1Jin
Kauslic Korner l>y .,.,.,
Home Ee Club At Spokane Convention F'lnero ro.-:ben !t'I.. \1JC Ho1n .. Economics Club attended the lnland E:tPI re R~::ir Economl ca; 111 eettna In SPOU.Oe co APrl I ~- Tbf' luoc:b«>O ca:· In~ conn ..c:led wtlb tbf 111land Empire Edocators Assoclatt~:: con .... nuon. ...., held ill ~ Palm Rooc ol lhe DeH~ Saharan meter lodse. Tb .. spni. .. r wu Dr. Jemie Rountr ..• who la 1i. !.leer Dean o r HOIDt Economlca at the Unl"erslt:r of 1\'uhln&SOn. The IOPlC for ber talk was "The Home Ecooorobt acd Tomorrow 'a World." Eater· talnm ... ~ pre5en1ed bl th• Sw~CI Teena \-Ocal croUP rrom John Shaw Junior HJcb ln Spokane. Alter the meeUnc the r.:ett· be11 or Mrs. F'tedrlk~on· .. Art clu tour...S tb.. Bt•I! f)Jmf·
A common comp1A1nt from t hose who are new to an lnadtullon auch as ours Is that 11 Is almost Impossible to ~me acd\•e ln student ltO•emment we to the !act I.bat It Is dlmcult tor a rreshm111 to 1 el to know CM hers who are ellher commut rus or nev. to lhe cit y. In o rde r fo r this problem to be eased, t.he St udent Union Comm I ttec h111 e r eat ed a recrul tm ent progrtm which the Board o r Control \\1th the SUB Comm expanded to In· elude all those o rganizations on ca11111us. This personnel program Is destaned In the follow!na war. during each re;latrallon , fall and apr\na. a form wW be c:!veti to every tur~ !\tOrt'. Those wbo attend"'1 lro::. student wblcb will list all thox aclivltles. clubs, com- Co ..ur d' Aleo" wt re Betty s .. asra•••· :>ancT Hykc. 'lf\:mittees, etc. on the campus In whlcb a student may be llene Pi:Pabl. .o\nn L:uce. \larlba Carmeti, Kathy Sllller, lntereated. The student Is lnv!led lo Bf'UY Fllc:bnf'r, Jud.J Anderson, mazk tho~e be or she Is ienu· Sane:)' Gro•. Kai~ Gannon. lnely Interested In and till J o Elhn Mey .. rs, Audre~ out their name, address, phone Bramall, Valene Anton,;on, number. etc. These Corms wllt Mn~. Fredrlk o and Mr.;. be d ePOsl ted In the oMce st Stranahan. t he Ume of pa.ylni; all fees and will be coll ec1ed by a Clou Worh On oommlltee or the SUB. The Go ral Rtodl n9• SU B Comm wlll refer those Interpretation Vl bas reeentf.Y nan-es to the aroups marlled OOIDPl ..ted • unll In cboml on the !older. It will lhen be fl•adln1. Arr.oo' lhe seleclloas up to the respecUve Organ!Za· read were "The Cructfiilon" tlon1 to Invite personal!)' and a f POe:ns. Guests thon pN,;ons referred to thf'CI •ho participated wllb Ille to tbelr ceeungs and Intro- class ... re· sue smdentS. duce lht'»e students to the lira. )olytle ll'allacr aod saner present members. Pauenion: aoa. Mn;. .IU!p."'!t t r an Incoming freshman l~ Tidd, wbo teaches at tbe elven Ille above-menuoned Sh.. rman Grade School. opportunit y, It wUI be very )Ir.;. Tidd Invited the Interhard ror him to Sa.Y he hasn' t pretation clus to gtve readhad the OPPOrtunhy to become lncs to her third 1rade cl!lss. 11.n acUve member or the Plans were rnadf' to gtvr the rec1Ull on llPrll a. ASN IJC.
BO\\ LL'\(; :\E \\
~ mMllbtrn or lhe Cardi· :ial COC'd.1 d:ill r~11U1 electe-d Pat Me kcr as lbe les~r le· ne:i1 7nr. Siie •W soccf<'llStwon O'Conncll, lbe ~"'unt lndtr. Pat, a 195: ,radual• or Boooua F1>1t7 Hiib SCbool Is o.i<ir. 111 lo Soc:lal Worlt al :\lJC and would Ulle to attend the Uolnllllll or Idaho or Eultm \lashlnaton 6'at<> Co lltlP! anN compltllna two al J.C. lo ~ acbOol, Pat was dnll 1ear:i leadtr, cbeerleader, pr~de:it ortheGllla' Leacue. and a mcber or th• band. !\eti an Club, Pollllcal Sci· enct' Club, Band, Student l"olon C;lllllllflte<' and Ca:di· aal &!n1ce c.ub Tice presl· dt'tlt are amcoa btr acU'1Uea al tbf' Pat aald lbat .. sbr hocus lbat ne:it :rear'• drill 1t>am will i... aa cood as lhla rnr and that ah~ •111 111!1 the cooptratton -.r all the mem· bers.••
Tf'llll Standlna . Th• Hiil· bJue • T' • x · , Th• ""'' .• GHIO. Tbc Fef'bll" fo'our, Th~ f'our l"lrUIJ, ThP Allrv Rum~::<. Tb• Outl<rbup, "1i.T011r.: ... Mei' 1U1b Avouau: Sit · •m•, 170: "Uaor:. 159: II ll•r. 159; :.!Iller. 157: llAMOn, 152. ,., ..,. HI h Oame: £(rven1 , 21~.
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Tlltr~ la nothln& nob!~ ln b•lnc superior to 11<>mr 011.. r True nobllllY ID ln b<'lnr IUP"rlor to yt>ur !<Jrmrr aelt. -IUodu rro .. rb
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Track Team Placed Several At Pullman
:>IJC' track 1ea.m made a nodltable aho-101 la tis l!rst oo:::p.. uuon. tbe :1at 'll'Stl Indoor Meet at Pull:::an oo ~rcb :?3. Tte lea:JI coa:· peted in \be lrosll d:T1s100 and placed In thr~ e•enl6. Bill Sttet'ttr ca=e In f.oartb In lhe b~.iad Jamp at Z0-3 t !eet. In the 300-,.ard duh, Jerry Salin; placed founn with a ume of :3t.I. The Cllldlnal Idle rtlll)' team or John Pl'll<r, Kennll Liebel , Jerr1 SIUns, and
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