The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 17 No 1, Oct 10, 1962

Page 1

College President Extends Welcome To Student Body A .. o t cordial welc:o:ne IO all or 10u u Jou Join ua on tht SIJC C&lllPW. Ibis tall. Those or 1ou wbo are ron11er atudenta wUJ nol!ee IHllJ' rtne add Ilions to our school plant. These racl uues are m011t welcome and wUI make 1our work much more pleuan\ and, w• holllt. easier. To those or JOu who are new on the campua. . . , I &&J that JOU are now members or a m011t congenial s nldent bodJ. Taite achan\ace or tbe Ill~ OPPOrluolUea wblcb "Ill be atrorded JOU !or youz l>lttsooal cro,.tb. Put rorih a mue utra errort aod el\IOJ the re.Unc or bavlnc done well In 70ur coura• work. The racull1 and admlnlatra· Uon !eel that we have one or our ftneat student bodlea. Your wllllns aasla1ance In !llllplng us move our Ubrar1 IO lta new quartera aod JOur abllll.1 to adjust aa we mo•e to new claasrooma Is mo>1t alncerel7 appreciated. thla be a moll rewatdlnc year lot J OU. P. A. Chtlatianson



1'ElltlESOAY, OCTOBER 10. 1967

New Buildings Among Many Changes This Fall At NIJC


Foll Enrollment Should tit Lost Year's586 Totol Secauae the rau semester did not start unlit a week ancr It wse eehcdulcd to s\art thla year. the fit111l date ror rccatratlon has been trot l<n October 8 Instead or OctoIK'r I u bad been planned. Complete lnlormatlon oo this 1ear'1 ersollment will not be avaltablo until after the llnal reslauatl on date. A cbock or the auemblr seal8 laaued, h,,..ever. rueala that enroll· Mnt now atanda at 581. Thia la a dectt'&H or !Ive from last 7ear'a ra11 enrollment or $38. All the r1!aaone !or this lower enrollment not readllJ apJ)t.reot. but one decldtnr !actor ta that the araduaUna class from Cocut d'Alon~ lll&h School last •Prine ,... amaller than the 1oa1 belort. \\Ith lbree d.,.a left to re11'1er, It la allJ'bOd.J"a aueea a• 10 whether or not thla Yttr'a torollmeot •Ill top that or tut rear. A complet.e and dttalled •u n07 or Ille allldtnl bodJ •Ill be Pl'ffeoted In the aei:t I '8UC or th• J)t.per.

Faculty Mixer Draws Most Of Student Body On September 26 the racult,y IPOMo:l'd a cet1aiualnted mixer ror the atudenta at NIJC. Thl1 .... tbt It rat or two planned. The second OD<! •Ill be held at the bealonlnc ot DHI semester. Thone •ere Ct.rd pmea, volleybt.11, b&dmloton, table cam• and danclnc. SQuue dandna was led 117 Mr. aa:I lira. Orin IAe. dt.oct lo· &ttuclora at NIJC. Donuts, co tree. lllld 10!1 drlnlts were aerv..S by lacul17 membera. The real or the "veol°' wu ftll..S •Ith dt.nclnc lo the music or Doua Nua\ad, a local blind. The stud cnle thllnk Mrs. f'lneh, aeneral ctnlrma.n, and the r•al or the !acult7 !or lb<> 1101 Ume had by all.

l:itudenta rttutnlo1 to NIJC Ihle !&II ba•e d1'cover..S m~ cbanaea on campus. Several wart' underway "hen clas&ea ended last 1prtnc. but others occured over the summer. Al· thouch ae•cral a trl lte& durtna the summer hampered McKJm· K1ae1 Co. and 1ubcon1ract.ors. they pushed work much ahead or 1chedule and almost bt.d bulldlnp ready !or fall claaa•. V.beo II •PP&ttDI that a nothe r "eek mlcbl male tbe cl.uarootm In the addJ· l\on to the admllll8t.rauoo bulldtna avaltable, school aulbortUea delaJ'ed the open· Inc one wok IO September 2~. The library was ready !or use Oct. 8. On the east aid• or the campus. tho new auto mechan· lea bulldlna •as ll!ady for llmllNI UH' on Oct. 8. Tbls oe• bulldlnc also con1a1ns a carace and tmlnienance shop. which ba"e been to use !or aome Ume. Last week J)t.\1nc wu completed In !ront or tb•e bulldlnp. Re1wn1n1 atudeots also noticed tbat the rr .... e bulldloc used for electroalca l lM! iieat 1.. 0 Je&ra had been re· plac..S by a ntw block bulld· Ina. Thia •Ill be the Indus· trtal art• bulldlnc, and It will soon be ava.llable for tho.I deiienmont. which •Ill move rrom a b&lcony In the mechan· let.I arta bullcllna. A landma:lt on the campus Is preaentlJ btlna razed. The

old red bam used H a aarace dat.ea back to early Coeur d'AlelK', t.od waa locat.ed bl'· tween Collect Drt•e and the dJke road on the south aide or tbe campus. Another chance comln1 up •e11 ahortlr will add a new depanment 10 rht vocational education proazt.m. A bod7 and reader dtp&ttment •Ill beClD claaaea u 1oon aa auto :cecbaolca eqwpmeot b moved !Im Ila old quart.era lo the m~hanlc ari. buildla.c. M:. ron::erl.1 ao auto a:ecl».nlca ta.11Uc:ior. •Ill bead Ibis oetr course. 0 o e cl». nee IC1111edta1 el,y oollced b>· retum101 atudeota and racuJ1y forced a chanp lo b&bll ea\abllahed year with tbt opentn1 or Anna £dml oater Student Untoo-tbe shoncut 1o the s. u. Dunne lht summer Ilk- door between the ad buJldlnc and the um •as bricked up, upuaUna the 1110 bulldlnca "lib a solid . . , Dl'J •all The um fioor •as completely redone dunnc tbe "umo:er. All old !lnlah • u rtnlO\ed and the !loo: aaoded for the ftrat Ume ala~ tbit but ldtoa opened tn 19~0. All came Unn •ere ••Pt.lnted aod the enure lloor rit·ftolahed. Tho Ca:dlnala wlll bt" plaJlnc on a ltrat-c tau noor th la winter. Four additional bu· keta and backboards ...111 be put up this rat I to 11lo"' more parttclpauon In P.£. classes this je11.t.


Ma n1 departmenta ha• e cht.oi;ed location tbla rail. In

addJUon tO tbe "'OYt' Of the library, lndustr1al &rlB. elec· 1ronJc:s t.nd auto mrcllanlca, >thens b4ve or •Ill mooe soon. The pf\Jsla dept.rtment moved rtom t~ mechanic arta bulldloa Into tlM! new clan· room addtuon (Second noor). The blolou deportment mo,·ed from Ille ad bulldlnc Into two new roo:u co the same noor or the new "Ina. TbHe tOOtlUI ate t:er•d 10 i::alte 11 eaaltt for 51Udtnl6 II de•ka to watch den:on..ttauoos at tbe r..acb· lac desk , a.lid alao ciake POii· •Ible secuoo101 or blotou lectwea aad labs. In 1he bocze economics do· part:n•nt. studeota not.e that aoo1ber coolr.101 s\aUoo was added lo the exlsl!nc room. The former Ubrar1 •I U be dh•lded Into rwo ctau rooma &Jiii offices. "'ll!ch wlll serve lhe home ec department aa 11ewtoc rooms. The bus! ne.. d~putmenl also bas expanded quaztera. Rooc 9 Is oow a larae cyplnc :ooa:. The roru:u typln" room ao• boll1'ts •ofrtce 11111chlnea. relle~lnc another concullon proble:n •·hlch has tone n· 1$ted. Tbe old machines room ts still In uae Across lrom tbe adrn11ua· trail ve or!lcea. lhlP former "'omen's lounce Is no,. bo!ln1 used !or prlntlna. paper atoraae and an orttce ror cu11to· dlt.ns. The small room adja· cent. lormerly provtdlna orttces, v.111 serve a• a counseUnc faclllcy. As soon aa room C·9 la not required tor claasea, II will become a P.E. room. Thia

room under the um bleachers was con•·erted Into t.n emer· gency classroom when the tudent union moved Into lta n•l'• quarters last rui. Chellllllry students wlll luive a classroom now as well u a lab. The vacated physics room now serves chemistry uclu· aloel.)'. A new entry was bullt 10 Ibis room In the cechanlc ar ta bulldlnc. p~ '1dlna an entr.r lot.o \he pho10&tap1\7 lab. Another major cllan" this awnmtt wu tbe con•eraton or the heatlnc plant 10 natural pa ruet. Also very ootlce· ablo 1' Ille new Pt.•lna and curblnc on the 11reet J)t.81 the atudent union to IUahwa_y 9~. Clvtnc a third all-weather approach t.o the campus. ProJecl.8 sll 11 on t hi- aacnda this !all or next sprtn1 Include Pt.•lnc or additional parkln1 area around rhe ne" llbr•l'J· classroom wine. s ,.alk el· teodlnc !rom the new voca· tlonal bulldlo; to the dike rOlld, development or an athlel!c fteld !or pllJslcal education use north or rbe S.U. to the brtdr:e on HJ1bw.,. 9!i, aod laodscaploc t.round tbe s.U. and other new areae. Collece ottlclals are very pleued with the errorts or \tcKlm·KIHt and other contractors to make the but ldtncs ullilable this !all. Their controct extends Into f'ebruar1 and their cooperation In complolln• their worlr by October makes o!ftclala, atu· donlli, and la cu Its more appreclat.l ve.

THE N.I.J.C. REVIEW ......., o..io9 ... • .,..,

,..,.,.... _

S. U. Manager

H.l.J.C. REV1flt



~· Aler'le, !do" , Wed. Oc.tobef 10. 1962

ASB President


.., . i - c - si..1.... ...... NORTH ID.AHO JUNIOR COUEGE COlUR D'AUHE. IDAHO

Editor • • • . • • • • . • • • • • • • . • • • • J11d7 Allder11110 PbotopaPb7 Edita< •• • ••..•••...• Gerald• Clrculalloo Ma.oacors •. Dlaoe DI.ton and Alton Krause f<eportera' Dolott• CookuJ', Jo. 'llalhls. G&!1 Gooderaon. Ronnie Warran. Garr1 lllller. Elane F1edrtckacm, Sbella Jobnaon. Pattie R09enbtrcer, BeckJ' Knose. aod Loe! Fairchild.

Editorial ... YOUR PAPER HEEDS YOUR HELP The r>erw•P<lP"' ,raff NO .J ••~ 1 ••lcome you os ,.,..,,..s of the A»OC•Ole • Si.-· r Body of ~n ldoho Juruor Co ege.

w. hope rhot you """ oll consrc!M 1ho Review O• yOUt paper ond on 1mporton1 !)Ori of yOUI s0-1 W• wr II wolcOlllO wo=fy ony sugQAJl•ons or help you 111oy hove to offer. The Rtov•lw rs o biweekly Pooer which 11 published by •he students themselw>. fl foorure< HYCrol r•ll"lor columns, 1nclud1ng "Meet tho Profs", "Your Oflrc,.,s", end rhe "Mor· box." Tho students' le11ors·IO•lhe·ed11or oppeor 1n 1he lo•rcr column. You ohon hove good 1deos or grievonc•• connec1ed w11h rhtr collogo ond 1h1s is your ""'ens of exprossrng rhrn. So we urge oll of you ro wrrre your le11er-10-1he.....tuor. In odcl111on 10 these or•vrously mentioned columns, we hope 10 hove o regular spons column oncl o feature column concemong campus on1ics. The Revrow begrns eve<Y year wrrh o hondrcop becouH, srnce thrs is only a two-year school, 1her11 ore "l>'Y f11w s:ofl _,,,hors remo1n1ng frOllT tlw previous year. He would lrke :o ... many or you 1011\ the staff because - do need you. bu• else becouse you will find thot ne'Nspeper work rs fun end rnror•s1tng. Th• only r•ol requrr_..,ts ore rhal you be deoendab• ond w11llng •o work. ~.e wont you re romomber •hat 1!1o Rev11 .. is your spokes'l>On. h Is published by ye>, lor YQ<• ord • s up ro you re s _ . i I. -J.A. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES DEPEHO OH STUDENT INTEREST As the size of ·~• ., ·11or Co ~ C""'PUS, focu ty, end sruden• body 1ncroosu, • •r• rs re be o" rncreosed c!e....,nd la< ""'re ord bet111< socrol octrv111es. This wrrlt>< ogrees with rho generol lee 1ng tho! J. C. '' seve<efy locking 1n o v0<1ety of oc11v111es. The<• •S certoonly no lime lrko tho present ro re-nody this srtuotron, bu1 merely havrng more octrvllles rs not the co01Plete ons ... 11<. Experoonco hos shown •her the number of ocllvl ties hos been res 1rrcted becous11 o "'OIOl•ty of the students drd not support the OCllVrlres we did hove. Instead, they were content 10 complorn cbout norhrng to do. The onswer, then, lies no1 wrth 1he focvlry 0< student officers, b<it with the onr ore srudonr body. h 1s up 10 eoch of us to support our clubs ond church orgoni !or ions end ro ottend rho oc:lrv111es sponsored by the "o<lous groups. If end when we nov• 1h1s unrted support, more opportun111es for octivrtres will be offered to us. - J.A.

70 Erroll ed In Three Vocationm Courses This Fml With the addll1oa of one new aad modtrn YOcallonal build· 101 and one new course la YOCallcmal education. tbe NUC TOC&l1onal school wW ac:commodat.e approxl.mateb' 70 a1udea1a thla 1ear. Sllltta re111ra1nc tlectronlca students and 20 oew onn ln elecuonlca departmenta 2·7Ul pto p&lll w UI be 1&u1bt bJ Hulan Siebert (head or the dept.) and Gordon Bwdlclt. $15,000 wortb of new eqUll>' ment bas been purchaHd ro1 Liie elecuonlca students, •ho wUI occupy 1.. 0 claaatoo.'llS and a now lab In tbt new vocattonal bulldlnr. The auto mechanics course 1au1hl b1 Cloe OaJne (deiartment bead) and Floyd Freeland hu nine roturnlna and U new ones. The auto mec t.nlcs wll I also occupy a part or !ho now bulldlna, whlob has a Uno rr.odern carap ror them. $4,500 worth or n~,. equipment hat

been purchased for the me· chenlcs. The new course I.a bod.T and tendu worll: will be a two·yeu cowae Ull:e auto mechaclca and electronlc:a and will acquaint 11uden1s with basic skills la Ibis neld. The ~" clan ls upected 10 ha'<e appro&.larately 10 stud~!$ tor the nrat 1eu. ss.soo to $7,SOO worth of'"" eqall>' meal bu been piucbued !or this new coarse wb!cb Will be l&usbt b1 I!. F. Powers.



C. t-f-0•di lolr, Hatcb. ou: new awdent anion maaacer. wu born ud ralaed In South Dakota. Rt padua t.ed from Doar • Collec• at Cate. Sebrdlta In 11H2. whertt be recehed hu bachelor of aria In applied music. ~Ir. Hatch was In~ Ht'flce !'rOlll 1942 IC 1946 aad C&I>' laloed a mioe ARer bis ..etTlce be an ended I be CalTetsllJ' of Chlc:&c:> and recl'lved hJa matera dear~ la business. lolt. Batch hu tausbt mnslc &ad latld. and Is rtce PrHide!ll o! Ille !ST A {ldallo State Truolffl Aaaocl&Uon). Mr. and Mrs. H&lcll. toSetbet •lib tbell lhtee daacti«rs. acn 10. 13. aod 16. UT• on a we ant AtllOI. He na a dairy tumer ror 10 :!'ft:S aod bu been a -t-B leade: !ct aevea1ara. \\"beii ulr.ed ir be bad &117 co:nment 10 malte, Mr. Halcb aald •·1&y •1!11 aad I ban &lnya been laterntt'd 111 youna people and •aol to bel: lh~m I.a •111 "•Y pcaalblr. I enjoy beln~ coaaectt'd witll tbla collece and appreciate beln1 able to start out la Lhc student union wllb a n•• and well equipped bulldlns." Be a.ska studtnla to rollow the rules and beba ve u l&diH and aenUemen In Ibo student union. students are reminded not 10 parlt 1n sueet lnteraecelona. They ue clr:;r streets and apace must be len tor tmer1eoc1 veblcln to move treelJ'. City police will r.a1 vehicles vJol&ttnc parll:lac rasulattcma.



SOUVENIR RECORDS "Keep A Record 0( It" Pl>ooo




Folk SirYJer Next In Assetmly Series T u b :w • ..mrur co~-mlll<>e, tll • r - nt 111;ua,. tea1&Unl7 nlecled the

usemhlln tor tbr comln1 acbool 7ear. F'olt since:, 6111&11 Cllllrcb111, bJsll17 pralud b1 !acull1 and tomar a111deata, •lll ped~t?!I !« the atadeCI bOdr Oct~r I~.

n. :;O\'embtr uscmbb' •UI prr.c.CI lrlt. Franklin. who •UI speak lD Ule bm!nns uea. Mark Mueller. Coeur d'.>J•llll' W,b Scbool student. bu bun 1111aced ror a December piano CODCtlt.

The nrst or the 11'&1 • M!:iea of tra.-eloraes will be pruectecl lo Ule public. u -nil u lhtl awdent bod.J. Tbt.Y •UI bt twld lo nenlna w llh a 1bl111-nve cent a4::lulon chazlf. Stodcnta •lll be adml tied on their acll TIU' canla. Otbet uaembUrs ue beln1 planned oow tor the aecoad 'tmHt•r. t;tlldenta will be nott~ed lo ad\'anct.

LIBRARY HOW OPEH FOUR HICHTS A WEEK Th• llbrarJ' In the re· CHll1 completed llOUlh WI II& wu opened on ~tonc1a1. October 8. It •UI be open durlnc the rtlUIU school hours and Cro:ri atrven 10 tea on Mooda7, Tuuda1, 'll'ednHdlt and Thur.clay ••enlnc•. Tbe llbrazlacs ue J.!ze, Cbarto11e Ra1ea and i.::a. wtllabtlle Balter.

Bod)' President Student Bruce Simon was born In £\'llDftlOn. IU. and hu lived In 11\ls azca tor lh~ IJUI ten J'IU~.

Bruce craduatod from Hath• drum School In 1001. lit Ls maJorln& In u1onaullcal enc1neerln1 and la"t 1~ar carried a (ollll'-POlnl ,.v,1ac<' b«h Hl%\Hl4'19. Hls main lnl.4'r"-'' outskJP or acbocl work la mual~. II• la a •err talcnltd elnaer and cullar plaJ'er. He 11 a member o! a U10 •II.II bla t.t~thcr BalQ' aod Gordon Syllt-. lie Is &lac tau dru:nm er In tho taod lltld a mem b<'r of cbOfWI. He Ills l>f'•n •er7 acUtt In 4-Haodwuatateaonc leadt'r. Lui tall he wu a delept• 10 Sallonal .\•11 Cl ob C"ncteas In Cblcaco. ff• Is 'Ice pros· ldeat or Pl'll Theta K•Pl'• at


Bruce las at•eral lhlnp tbal ht! would llke to see accol:lllllabed thla 7ear. He !eels that •e abould have a aehool annual but meet of all be wlsb< to pro-oi. chnol ll)lllt. ~~~~~~~~

Hlpt Sdoool Storh Nlcbt •chool cla•!IH In bua· IDl!aa sot underway lhl wuk. Accouo1ln1. ornce machlnte. and typln1 aze btln1 tauaht. TWO taJlodnc CIU•H will besln Oct. 20.


llfTEJISTATC TYPc-.urrc11 co •17





~. 4..)Alt

Pepsi ··for those who think young


Woodcock's Drug Store Co.,.j,. - s..~o Pr .g p+.or. tt6 N


S• .. Co•• , 4AHi"•

NIJC hu added aeul:f

a dozen atudrata Crom rorU.n countrl• to the enrolh::eat. Meet of them relWoed trom laat J'e&l, bat tht!r11 are also a few new students from


C&nada. Enzolled this year are Mos· ta!a Farahancbl !lom lraa. Joclnder Slnah. lndla. Ed· uanlo Picado, Costa Rica Terry Bell, Robert F'ox, Kellh f'tcdrluon. William Jrnnl'John, Diane Muraro, Inn Hunter. and Don McEachcm. all Crom Canada.

P ... a .. c MOH• •c


100 N ' ' " SU•CU Ca~u" o·A&.CMC. toAHO



H.1.J.C REV1E•. Cc•ut c1·Ate"1•. 14olio, ••~ .• Oc10!., 10, 1962

Anti-Communist Crusader

C •O'! ~ ~ ou1•n, 0-nr1.Com""u" ' ' crv.od.t, '' -~" oi•~roducton ,, o F.rz, ....o~o(

o,_ r ..

AIJ Ill~ ltr t apeakn In th,. !all &t'll'Wtl l• r'a llnf'UP Of l•c• ture11 . SIJC wu hoet Oct.<>bt r 3 Ill C.1~n \\ , SkouHn, an r1rrrltnctd llPl'akN, A naU\ r of Canada . Mr.

SkoU11r n recei ved his ...Suca• lion In C.'an&da, /.lcilco, and th~ Unll"CI St&te>s. HI' 1~cehrd his rlrcrf'C In la• at G«irc• to• a UnlvN lty, \lashI nc l n. O.C. ~11. 6kou•en h:la a lone lbt or qu1>llrlca t1 0M "hlch plac• hi In • 11ou11lon o r ror.,mo11t auth rit r on anll•co munlam. 11~ Is a cradunt" o! l:u• achoo!, D rrn<l"n<'d •'duc1>t '' • autho r f TllE "' AKf ll C:O'llolllS IST, ex·rollc chi•! o! Salt Leko Cil.J', n·l'RI u~nt , anti an I I t "~ ~" 1 ,,. , .• "' conn· ~ l ure. n 011<1nlnc his ••Mrua. ~. Skou ' n hurll'd n chall~nc» a t th• hurn~n 111<• 10 llv~ and pr ' """Inn hlcfllr-<l c•vo lO(l r d arvl l<tnl"'"'•ll••I Dee " 1 tvch• D•Jlt 1~• 1 advanct•JI. Ills Chall DI !l~t !llO d 10 •IU•·r ~ . '"At• \\~mat uh•, ncu~h 10 11 11 tho li;anlle •rl•ntlfic •h~<!• 11 " hu i ~ toe>ll'd fur ours~h •••" 'Ir ~ 0 ., , 0 11 1, 0 alll\l ttftd



o,....,, . Foundotio• • Sporhwur

:o. H f-·~ $•

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)11 . . . _ ...... .




political 'JC••"ce a.t>Qttm..-it or NfJC. •.>a l''llQtM"IJCJU~Oly.

the reason "by social sclencr hu fall('d lo 111&Jataln I~ ener•ellc atrldu ot 1>11..-1 1ca1 scJt'nce. "SOclal sdenc<' 1111:1>11 ~hlnd PltY&lcal scJ· encr.'" he said, "because pluskal scl•nce Is accumula· live and &oclal aclence la noL. The physical scJeaces nrf'd not i.. tried and tested 0._ 1 and 0 ,.,. by each ,.,~. rallon-buttbesoclaJ acl•nces tav• to b<! rntudled from thrtr ..,11 fundarnent&b lr1 t>rrJ acc. SocWlJ. •• do not •PP"at to r>roflt from the eipcrl•ncl!lt or the put.." T iiie , lndtcatN !oar. SkoUHD, 11 • hr CUba la In Its pieaent predlcarnnt. "~ the Conco ros~ UP In IP60. •l\J "thlnp In Laos •r~ louny." TIM! only aria"" lO out ftoctal crlala •llliout nuclear ,..,ra re, b••ll t •ts ~Ir . i;iioll6•a, I• D courac••Ous, thorouchl1 1nr<J1mcd rubllc. Tin" Is runnll)~ out !or Kh:u•heh•·•·, L18"1l-A ' Ir. ~•ouaa•. ' .... • ""' q•~ lbat l&\lhy Nikita 11 pmbUn1 so d••l'l'nLt"b In Cuba today. "JIM• Uon: t. - 11111 Gamble" 1• th~ KIUu5hchc• <1111rna, said th•• ~ Ill• l~cturrr. ~r. Skouun drmonatiated on thl' ~lackboard h!a ' lr•s on a political "prcuum. He based 1\11< " slide rule •Pl'Ctrum" on t h< amount of control vsnous c Htn rnt.s hs" o'~r theJ: rcople, plac1n1 dlct&lt·tsblp~ on the rar !en •nd c.! tbt- rule. anarcb!• on tb~ rar rti;:bt. and d~mocro.Cll'& In the! cldd!e. lle tC'1>: ose111e<1 dc:ooc.·ulu b> tbc •lnrs o: tbo A- lie-an ni:le. and "tnl 011 to r.ipl&ln tbr 11.JlllbollsD> la ou1 nile otlf. Tbe lhn>e e;:al hrads stand t r tbe nparaUcn of o:c.: co•.,r .,al '• ro-er Into"'"'" branrbes .,\ecauve. lci;bla· '" • and Judicial. Tbe nro •lnp IOP IHU" 11:avess· l\tsc, the! phlloso:illJ th&! ' t lllna could bC' bt'tt4'r.'' H '

- -""-- ------.;;...-'===== = = = ==

MODERN DRUG CENTER p ,.•crlplton Spec/0 1110 1)01 N


H• 100 •

conserut,sm. tbc rhlloM>p lbal "we USt DCll lDOY<' fut a& to scu:rtncr Cree<lo "r. Sl<ousen prescr.!ed a Ills: rtcal outllne or I'"' d~ Hlopcent of moder~ tot&ll· Wlan pollUcal pblloswllles and tbrlr rela!lons to OM anotber. delvlnc Into !\azl15c, Msoclsm. Socialism. Pllacls:n. C01111Durusm, and thr ic::uu· zaUonofll:ir Social uemDCTats or ~blaos. ).Ir. Sl<ocsen, In clo.ln;, capl)fd out a tuturr to accocpU.Sb fl'l'odom lo: owuhes alld all other peep I es - "A111tlllnc ltt.S than this Is un• rthJ o! w AJHrtean people." be said. '"ll"t cast not rest aall r•e1r lwmn belnc alhe Is rrttl" A1 annoanced at the unm· blJ, he a:et t r an boar or 111formal dlsc:aH.on •1111 ln~:­ eatfd etudtnts In room ~S. The atudent.s' qantlona cc•Ntd sucb subjects as !ood nt'fds of tbe world's under· ~d bllll --A ~ nourts ...· OM, ouw ......1 •• u alen eltl.7.tns could do to counttr coll!'llunlsm, The spl'&ker rnpondl>d "1ftb an· S-NS lo all questions put to bins and, In adtllesalni: the sudlence, a tat f'd tlla1 th~y as Lnterested Aittrlc.ana sbl>ald elect tn1lr cocrai:eous and co111~te111 lrad~ra to rcprnent t~lt lntere-sts, Cllt tt:ose wbo Just ny th\'• all:lll be. lie cited a~ tbe main Points o! bl5 talb Ille tollcnrlQS two ~ma:.u "1'e caii •la. Tbr ·e b DO UCUS<' f~t tat.Inc co::.mun1sm htac d •n " •i:d "cas· slve p,,ace!:il p:cssi:ro a:e &\allal!!r •lllcb c:oald aciocber cocimucbc •i:!:!>at lamh111c us le a t::tj01 ..-Ill." Iba nrerlencc and ccnt&el vlth C0111mlllllam came under bls acU'1Ues In the FBI, la .., t:lcb be s•rl'Cd In va:lous capaclUe;,;. He Is the aotbo1 'elchl books.• lib Tile .Vaku! c. > n:s: 11a,1nc t>ttnplaced >n the Ust or best aellera. \ tr. SkOC5CD IUS us!ated la ::.OS lecture tour by "*'~1111 persons trom Kelloct. Hla spuJUnc •ncacements last vear ln•oh-.-d o•~r 200.000 l"'OPI•. 'llld on A ···rt"' f T \

G1'11 A Speciolty


Thcrt''S no future In any Job. tho future Ues with the 11<'1 on


'"ho holds the Job.

Th band and chorus bur bvth bl, ,. under the dlrecUon of Burn• this pa;;t •ec•. Tht'y ate both pracUcJnc for th d~lcatlon ctrcmon.r of the ne .. butldlnes. Tbc cllOrus Is also worldnf on possible music ro1 the coacut In December. Selec· lions are rrom •• ~Y Patt t..ady'• and "ll'est Side Stoo ." lbe band Is colnc o•u mtll>IC played


Lui Y<'t.I with bopu


"Mllle1Utnla" fo r

tbe Chnstmas concert. p:oerams last ,..,., he rt'ached O~et

.CoNl~I~ -J1 ~ 1-~\ i ~~

Cleoom9 F or Your


j II

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pces Ill )'O'Jr slw\U.

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'D Students Are Receiving Grants Or Scholarships

SCbolarahlpa and Jr&nta " '"''"' lrO<ll s~o to $300 hll»e l>ttn ....rdt'd to twenr.rseven "llJC students tor use till•

tall. Donora and reclJ>lents are AS lollowa Eacles Lodgo • :;haron P a rTlort or Rnyden Laite. Elks Lodge.. Gary !iackman. Coeur d Alene KJwanla Club. Delores Park. R&thdNm. Idaho F'lrst :'la· Uon&I Bank. Cary Poston. Poat f"alla. Home Oemonstra· llnn O>uncll. 8"11Y seuraves. cocur d'Alene. Lat!ertr Trans· pO!IAUon Co.. TOCI DOUIN, Coeur d •Alene. \\Uhlnct<>n water Power co.. Richard Moore, Poat F'alls. aod Gary ~ramek.

Coeur d'Alene Kootenai Count.,r Medical Aaaoclallon. Chester Park. R4thdrum. Rolal'J' Club. F1or~nce Pcok, Hayden Lake. Ea Ille• Auxiliary, Marda Sloln Coeur d'Alene. Potlatch Forcats FoundaUon. Ronald Branson and Dorothy carson, Cotw d'Alene. Crow Acenc'. Bonnie Jean W-Ue, se .. man Laite, ll&ahllljlton; Ch&pt~ AG, PEO, DaY!d




l\elloss PEO. Jean Harrill, C.taldo, Hecla·Banlter Hill Schol1111hlp Fund, JoAnn Nal· man, ~llou. Judith WhJ~. Cataldo, and Rose Wilson.

Plnehurat. Porest FesUvtJ Committee ol Coeur d'Alene Chamber of Commerce, Bett.r Sea craves and Connie U en olCbeur d ' Alene and Patricia Roeenberaer or Hayden l..DJce. ReceMns athletic scholar· ships lro::i the NIJC Booa1,t,r Club 11ere Tem· CDrlberc and Robert Emehlaer or Coour d' Alenf', Ian Hunter o! \'an· COU\'4!r. B.C. . )(lchael Mc Guin-, \\elPPf'. OOudu Pcttra. Spokane and Herb Smith. SUU.:,:le;:.;..._-:--:--:-:-\"ou must look loto pcoplo

a• •~II u aouourn.

Bt 1hern. COllSAGES '



EVERGREEN FLORAL AND GIFT SHOP Strv~ MC..~••'- 4-)14!> ~ •·b47&

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OPEN t:OO I\. 1-A. TO 5,30 P. 1-A.

Pattie Roseriuger Coach Expects 35 Be<ted President Cagers To Answer OfLynnAWS At tlJC Pr.,..•er called to order th<> nr.i .,ccUnE or Aaaoclated llomen Student•. Oclo~r I. The purposo or II •u to elect new omcera ror lh• 1962· 63 school year. Elected pres· ldont waa Patti~ Roaenburser vice president Is Sharon Parlolt. Hcrctar7 la Betty

Scatravea and social cbalnnan 1 Connie Lien. A.ll.S. 19 an organization for all women. It pl&n5 !uoc· Uona lhraucbout tbt .rear. OM 11 the rail lrlendsblp tea to aequ&lnl the atadcnt.s and

!acuity. t\ aa or area1 lmP<1rtancP rot all •om~.n lo support tltls C>r· pnlzaUon u most or the runcUona planned •Ill not be 'IUcc.-.s!ul • ll~ou! Ille auls· ta nee or all"-"-"-~·---

Political Science Club Draws Large Student Turnout The polJUcal science club tatted Ila propam tor the scme111cr by holdlnc a meetln1

October :? to elect ortlcers. Fred ~uhs "as can led o~er as president lror:i last ,;e!!lestc. ~llss Dawn Gund\aldaon •as elected \·lce·presldent. lollss /Jary Ann Uode"' ood W'&S eloct<.'d historian. and ~Uss sarah Kolaon was elected 3ecretal'J'. M11. Scates and •tr. ston~ aervl' H odvls<>IS !or th~ croup. It I• 111h11cd that anyone wlJlhlns 10 seek membership In th~ club m&J· come to the nest rieetlni to be held on Cktober 16, or contact one of 11a membcra about Jolnlnc. lntNcsl was voiced by the members to a 11uccesuon tttt durln; the semester the recu· lar mecllncs be eupple:i:ienled by baDQuelo at nrloua loca· t!ons In to•n. It •as felt that this would provide a

Coll On Oct. 15

JJnlor COllue basketball coacb Roll1 llll· IJL!lllJ walta tor Oct~r !Sib, when nearl.7 thlrty·QYe baa· ketball pl17ena •Ill uan out to vie for a 11pot on what should be the nneaL ball club In NIJC 1Dr7. Not only ..-ut Villllama creet toar of lut 7"&1"11 starters. but alao a oucbcr of collece transrcrs and too blsb acbDol basketball pla7en1. Tbe :n.m w!ll be blue:. at:oni<.r, and fute.: lbD l'TC: bet "'f. Despite a r uced scl:ed:Je. 'lillllaaa aald, ..Tl:ls ebauld be a • lnnlnl StoallOtl.'" lla::ie to boa ca= ea b"' been acbeodaled •I th frubman Son~


t<ac:a trQCI Idaho, Ooma&&. !do:tam 6:a10. and 'lrNhlns·

,.,,,_.,n Club Fills Slate 01 Olfico,. Tte :-.;,,,.,,"'" Club or s. "" Idaho JQ!llo: Collece lie Id ll llml-ol·tM · me•tlnc oo Octobu ~. Coloru!l Jol!n JdcFarland . the club moderatcr, tnuoduc~ Reverend ~ood IA5sell u successor to Renr.nd Rodcrlclt Gar•e1 In t~e· cl~ of spl.rltusl director. President Ar.ton Ziegler conduc:fd cltctlo1111 for of· Dees or 'iCe"PrHldenl, ll~CI • w 1 treasurer. and sodal· pub II cl 17 representaUve. These we:e filled :e•1>eetl •eb' bY Paol Plant, Elane Fledriclsoo, a11d Tbeo Ann 11Ullams. Sbar:ln O'Connell. niro ;\no

1rllll•=· and

Diet Part wt:e

aaalv.ed :o a c "'1ttee IDl planllllll u.e annaal srwmn c.ub llallo•ec:i Dance. To




1411 State. Game ba•c alao cr-n4a Ullo , ••, ...... ktpl been slat rd •lib Lell'le alld 1oo1c1nr neat. 1tuc!Mta Wbo Clark Sormal. !be ll'hltworth • t luncll to ea" aro .....,,.,,~ Ulat •mpty aaoU. J\"a, Eut~rn WaahtnJ~o JV'a, Wcnatch!!e, aad Colw::_...ppen. and """ drink boltleo ..... to JM cS.;>oolted bla Bula CO!lqe. Openln1 ID propc wute CDnWnon. came will be held< I n.o ~u- IXpcocU lo St>odlle Eutcro .-.....C. IO tlWI col· Waslllnctoa Sla:.e Collcce. l<r ~Uon. Douc Pet"l!I, 11161·5: mo : Yalca.ble p1-J'e: an4 lftdiDS Bo ~J&llOYICll, Kellon. A· tbelr acorer. !"ad•> list ·! .,,,, DI.lien io 11U lboae rea:rlllaa. F'oUowtn& Dam<'S art! Ttff7 Strsaab&n him att ataners Joi::: Pt.t ie . and Bnan Ba:im. Lel'OT Vlcbe and Dono Deanls. All o! tbeae bo79 hue Arcb.le Ruaa.11. Ken Yout . ! au: ttJ oeelt to run and lsvln Duat alao r•tum u C:O..&-COWlltJ', lettermen. Comlnc ll'Om Sao Jose Cit' WEDDING INVITATIONS Col lecc and Yuba Colleae 11 OFFICE SUPPLIES Bob E:mehlse>r. a former Coeur d'Alene baJ1te tb&ll star. Mite McGuire bas tran..~· 21 ~ N. _.St.. MOJ..w\ 4.Jlllt terl!d !rom Le• la and Clar Normal. and Bill BerJ co::iea by qy of Colwnbla Bulr. Herb smith clllll<'s rrom lb


Le(ifer Printing Co.



: -3.


, 1nds 1! Ph."·

educatloc are utfNod

t 1

tile :ilJC stude111a. Jn addiUon to lb<! ""CUlar P.E. caurses llllltructed by Mra. seoiea and llr. II Ill lama. bowllni and dance class ca1 also be 10.ken for a Pl\.Yalcal education credll. Mr. llllllams said that tum· bU111: .. 111 b(' olrered for the Orst 11.. e. and track "111 be conslder"'1 I! enoucb or the studtnts a~ lotcrostM. Tho dance duaes Instruct· ed bt a. and Mrs. Orin Lff ue bcld o:i llondA{ and ~l'd· cesda,y e..-elllncs !:.'.> ~ 00 to 9 00 p .M. ClsasM In modern clanlcal. and fallt-do.nclnc ate taur;l:t. Students la tbe dance clusn .,,, aslr..d io ch•ck tho tcbedule or classes ... blch Is 1108 led to the mal n ball becau~e many of tho dal <'ll hue bffn chanc...i.

8•1llH11 Teoch•u Meet Hl&hllsht. th• annual ol th• Sorth ldah Business Education \ssn. at stJC. Oct. 9 was a ll:t"~llDC bu~lces:o eduat!>ls conducttd bJ Sbltlo,r Stahl or ln~rnaUo""1 Business Ala· cl:lnu. Dr. Robtrt KeasPll, hnd ol bualn~• roucallor. and omce ado:lnlstraUon at tbe Uaheralt7 or Idaho, apoke al a luncheon lo th" S. IJ. C°""I•'• LI"• Of

Hunting Equipment THE LIGHTHOUSE SPORT/HG GOODS JOS Sh.nMa A"• • MOhe•l 4-5711

Uolveralt::r or 11&1hl ccan.. and Ted Andersoa, Gon:r:ap. 1U1b 1'Cboo!s tro= Aocbo: · ace. Alaska IO Cof'tlr d':\loe brtnc us a hoal or .701lllC tal l pl17ers. One or the !cadln• rwne• Is Barclay P oole or Shadle Part lo Spokane. Poole. •ho once pla)·ed fer Kellon. was namtd to lil>O·'a all·clty team. Otber wel I kno11•n players Include Terry Carlberc. Cotw d' Alene. Ian Hunter. \'ancouver. B.C.. Denn,y Yale, £&$1 \"alle1 ot Spokane. and Russel Ellla or ll'eat \'alle7 or

sullllble atmo&phcre tor JUHi •peakrra. and also 11\·e the tudent8 a chance to dress up ar thC1<e tuncUons. There .. ero also "~'·era! other 'esuons ror club acu \'Illes. and these were entered Into th., club mlnutu. It was \'Oted by me'l!bers lhllt dura •Ill be collected. A ba11Que1 Is phloned tor the Spokane. Don Zlmmermaa • UJ October 30 mcctlns. and all also be reme:obued !roe who would llke to come are Kelloe;'a 1959 ldabO state CC.rdlall.1 ln• lt<.'d. cba:iplonshlp ttoao:. Those 111udenl$ •bO ban Otbn pomlble players !1>not 7et submitted blch school clode John .-olloatoa, Kel· and colleac trarecrlpts, Pllrs· Jou. Jim Lawson, llea1 An· 1ca1 esarn record&, or tubercu· cbor&lll! . John P!ler. Poat lln teal results are reminded Flllls, Don Brown. Seanle. that tbese materlala mu51 be In by October 12. Failure to Randy Norlander. Anchorace: Tom Burtan, Freeman, Jim set them In will result In the Schow. Plummer. Gary JorJlltur11"nt ~tn1 •rn ~ pipndPd f t°"1 censon. Coeur d'Alene. and class~ •


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