KYNIWill Feature NIJC Each Sunday In Half-Hour Show To 11ve lhe pub!Jc an Idea wlmt the collcce does tor the sludent and what t~ student does ror NJJC la the ceneral purPofle or the radio propani that will be beard t~ nrat Ume on Sunday. Oct. 28, at 2:30 p.m. on KVNI. Don Cerf monte and K VY! Radio Station have been verr ~eneroua and helprul ln uran11tns ro1 thlll public StrTICe to be broadcast each Sunday. \Ir. Oerlmonte la atncerelJ' 111ternted In this presenlatlon alnce wu a s tudent at NlJC a rew 7ears ago. He llPPreclntes tlK' many fnteresUns and varloW1 c:ampUa acUvttrea. Tllf' 011!t one-halt hour pro•ram lwll been outll ned snd wUI eon11lat or an Interview with Mr. Chrl11tlan11on, the plaJ'ln1 or our c0Ue1e sons. and two musical aelecUons. 'ThN Pollllcal Science Club wlll dlYUlce thelt purpaee and runctlona. Th" programs to rollo" wIll lnrorm the public or what the atudenta have to look rorward to l n th~ WIJ3 ot "F'ut ure Actlvlllca." There will be a calcnd4r or events ror the comln« week. such as usem· blles. aoclal ~•ents, and club runcllons. There wlll be • musical or dramatic con· trlbutlonoratudent talent. The main purPOao or NIJC - edu· cation - wlll be told throu11h panel dleeuaalons and through lntervlcwa with members or the raeull)'. Mr. Stone Is the facu11.7 •d· vlaor In lhla lalesl Hhlc:ve· mrnt. Tho co-moderators rue Oeorge F.vJen und Thoo Ann llllllAma. Theo Ann la nlllo tho ell rector or lhe progmm and Elana Frederickson la the head·wrltor. lll:;LPllANTEDll Some PhllHll !lre sllU In tho plAnnln& pro· cou. An,yonc lntol\lstcd In holpln1 should contact Theo Ann or O!'Orac. Thoy would slncer<'l.Y appreciate all) vol· untooni who ha vo musical or dramatic talent. BE SURE TO TUNE IN AND 01\11!: YOUR COLL.EOE A BOOST UPllARD.
Nominees For Class Offices
Election Cof11>1etes Roster Of Student Officers For Ye11 The two week campo.lgn ror student bod.Y and class or· rlces ended onOetober 17 with o.bout 321 members or the student bods voting. Tbe results Me as follows: student bod.1 vice president. Clyde Weller. rresh1114n pres I· dent, Bob Reiswig. rresb1114n •ice-president, Joe Mathis. freshman secretary, Betty Sen· RT• ves. sophomore president F'red Muhs. sophomore •Ice· president, Norm Costello: sophomore secr.,tar.r. Dorothy Carson. Nominees for the olflces were. student body vice-pres· !dent - Clyde Weller. Ter11 Carlbcr~. and Dnwn Ounvnldson. Freshman president - Bob Reiswig, Jerry Salin~. Jon Hlppler. Freshman vice president Joe Mathis. Cary Jorgenson, Pnr \fceker. Dave Coleman. Twyla Schultz. and Ron Bmn· son.
Students, Faculty Relax At AWS Teo 1'ho annual AllS-sponsored all coUoao tu wu bl'ld Ootobr-r 17 from 2 to 4 p.m. In tho student union. Fla..on. rrom tho eampUs Jrounda wore used for tho beautllul bOUQUOI !lilt ..... ti.<! Cl'ntcr piece or th<! &N•ln11 tabh>. A casual. relaxed atmosphero was ~ated by mualc In the 'background PlllJ'ed by Ebena Shlelda. Correo, punch and cookies "ere •N•ed. The committees wore· l'OSleni - Karen Ran&on, W-nn Prosser and Sandy F'ltcb. dcicoratlons - Marlene Sork· non, Connie Lien. Shella Johnson and Sand.)' Joluison, •ntertalnmont- Loe! Fairchild and Helen Newton: servln1 Clllud IA Dllon, Karen Hanson. Clara RoblnK. Betty f'lt<:hner. and Cat!\y Conners. and the clean up - Sharon Parriott, Joen ElUa. Marlene Sorkness, Connie Wen, B.,117 Seam~es and Shella Johnson. M11n,y students and teachers attended th" runct!on. and It wu Judged a very olce tea b1 those who attended. Students are asked to be stln' thot Ill I campalan m:uertal la taken down.
F'reshman 8eorelnry - Sue somers. Betty Seagroves, Janet
Recording Session
Plonskl, nnd Neldtl Lien.
SOphomore president - F'red \luhs. and Art Ooodnle. Sophomore vice-president Janet Ponsness !llld Norm CosteUo. Sophomore sec1eta11 - Patti Rosenbercer. M1uy Ann Under· wood. Diane Ausllnson. o.nd Dorot!\y Carson.
SERVICE CLUB AT JC The !llrla' scrvl"" club had Ila !hat n1eetlna or thr achoo! ynr laat Monda). Orne.. rs w~re olectod rot tbe 62·63 aohool .reor. The ortlcers Proaldent. Jud> Anderson. vice proaldont. Claudla Dixon, re· cordlni soc rotary, Pottle Rosonl:Jllrger. correspondlnc nc· rNory, Diane Dixon. tro&surrr. Sh~lla Johnson. Tho PUIPOSO of lh• aer\'ICt' club ta to help "!lb manv ovcnts durlna the yur such as basketbell sames. It la spon· ~onid ~ th<' SOroptlmlst Club or Coeur d'Alort<'. lo nddltlon to the- returniOR ole•·cn rDftmbera, thert' .. 111 be elc,.en o: twt-h·e ne..- m..mbers •·olt>d Into the t-lub.
Enrollment Hits All-Ti me Peak Of 587 This Fa II
The tlnal enrollment at NlJC has reached 587 which Is one more than the record or 586 1'hlch was reached durlna the first semester last yur. Students from Coeur d'Alene again head the list with an en· rollment or 271. Spokftne ls •ccond with 75 and Post F'lllls IS thin! with 28. Other cities and the number enrolled are Kellog~. 23. Wal· lace. 8; Prleet River. l J. katlldrum. 12, Co.taldo. 6; Pinehurst. 8; Hayden t..oke, 20, Harrison, ~. St. Martes . 6. Stlndpolnt, 8. Snelt,.rvlllo, 5: Osborn. 5, Plummer, 5,Athol,5; Hope. 2. Medlmont, 2. Bonoers Fetty. 2: Spirit Lake. 2: Ro· Hlla. Washlngl4n. 2. Mos· caw. 3; Anchoro1e. Alaska. 2. Libby, Montana. 3.
T"ntlluve plan& Mr<' no" In pro1rebS ror tho annual Rallo· To.)y G bsOl"'I. '•C°h" c ~ at f:'lod1,1e f orr o~ '"• ,,,... colle99 radio • •Ol'io. ~ • ~ U.Ml)e f.,.., end Ttt.o Ann "'•en Danct' sponsored b.Y the ••, " o •• , k v~.. Newman Club. to ~. ~.....,,.._ n Cl 'KorJ•,,9 &•S~IOl't iot m. Tbe dance 1'111 be held on l-'rtd.aJ nlcbt, Octob"' 26 In Phonos In Ofliu Are PEP BAND ELECTS the S.U.8. t..w ~otor Is In obarse ol Only For BuiinesJ Use OFFICERS; NEWTON St1lOent~ 1<1t :emanal'd :lat cctunc the band. Others on orrtce phones ar• I r bus1111' s CHOSEN PRESIDENT commltteo are decorauons Tberr Is a pay phone Elane ~rtckson. Theo .-\nn onlJ Amid a roll or drums nnd a lll!llama. Sharon O'Connell, ln tM ~nuance •av c' tt.@ csmnutum ror thf> use c( those cl.uh or e1111bals. Dennis Dick Port, Ton, Ziegler. Judy .. ho ba' ~ Nrsoaal calls to :>e1'ton wu duly sworn In as There Is one "tudent rrom Anderson and Diane Dhon, mal.e Onb emer&enc) c:.lls president or tb.e l\'IJC pep e11cb or the rollowlng cities retr~hm.,nts lll!ll•ne Pu v. lll be dclh·ered. A • o· ' t.nd. Also sharing tbe Ume· ldobo-.Emvllle. Siiverton. f'ahl, Eleonor Gar>~y And will be pasted on the bu. t n Ucbt ret band ornces was Tom llelppe, Clark Fork. Wardner. CU.udla Duon. bo<ud r.,_.trVtd ret that PU! Hanson. •ice president. Sharon 8ayvlew. and Lewiston. \lashThe them<!s "Old Black r- o. •..II students are ur' d Parriott. Ubrarlan. and Nelda ln;ton-se1111le. Chewelah. check that bullelln board Macle", and "llltcbcralt" Lien, secrel'1cy. Deer Park, Rocklortl. Omak, •CCOnd one on your 1~11 as h:lve been su;poated. Newport, llnd lnchellum. Ore· Tbe lime or the dance ww ,.ou come 1n tbe east entrunc._.> Mr. Borns, band dlrecl4r, &On-Talent. l'/otl. Ontario once or "dee a dav ror «•II be announced. sold. aner one of those rast Dallas. Md Paster. Den\'C~ and pho~ tt\4.'.:t:>&~P,.s.,. numbers -. h.lch Jeo.vea every· Colorado; New Castle. Penn· Members orthe dance cla1JSes body brutblesa. that "I a.I· sylvan!B. carlablld. CaJlrornln. Each student Is 1asltf'd t reminded "' ch<'ck the check the bulletin by the It nt ,,..3YS sas every year that tbe and St. Cloud. ~Unnesota. Schedule or CIASses which Is door for l>t'fSOrm.l ml!bs&Cf.'& ond pre!lent band won't measure Jn oddltlon to these student>;. posted In the main hall b)' the to lephoM c~JIJI and messages up "' the preceding one: this there are also ten enrolled from tropl\y case. tro~ tht• ortlce $Or>r I think you wUI." rorl!lsn eountrles.
l•. 1~2 Radio Program Writers
l.J.C O "
• ( • ,,
THE N.LJ.C. REVIEW .....,..._., S-.M..tW.,
!lo. C.0090 y ..,
l.crJ'.Dl.S TO TUE E.DII'C)R-.
. . . ...•......••.•.........
Phitt09"tlP'I~• • .
Judy ......., _
G.r•t4 S.°'s• Rfd. Roo•aon C•tc-uJ•tt., Oi..- O..oa. Alton K.t•a.. RftllOf'T•n Doi.,. , c.o&a••J.. J .. Metfiils, Gory GiNer•oe, P.otmt• w.,,~. Cory Mtll••· El_. f,.ifnc.l(a.,., Sh• .. J°""'°"• Pott•• Ro.."lliMP'· a.a., Kt• .,... L ..1 fo•Kh•l.t. K.,. Katt""· ~ •
....._.f!H• . . . . .. ••. . .
Kela.,., -"'Po ..
dwlq act1Ttt1 ~llod OD Moll· da.J (Ocl. IS). The Yotlac pOlJ •u •~I up rlcht tnald~ ot tbe •IA eolt&Dce of t~ coU.p all d1o7 llednudu !Oct. 17),
But. eome• buo we auci : to hue allpl>ed up. om o! 587 11Ddent.a la );!JC oal1 3ll •c>l4d. 2611 did DOI YD:..' Could It be 0111 c11111pal1Dla1 wu &ll It sbould bare been• Ma.Tbe I! PC1Sters 1*I ~a put OD tlll! celllnca 1 ad Coots tbe1 •aald Ila •e b<'lu mon aotlcea.bltt. la 111a1 •e loot •Ilea •• •ilk daw 11 Ille ball' loald It hi Ye bell>l'd ll eTef10M noclaaled tor 111 aatce woald Ill•• stood OD a soap box beside 11»1t locler aad '1Y9n IAelr can:P&iiD apeecbolt In ti. bill? Did •e expect a Ml Otdced t.Dd to beat oul elecUoo caalc 'b1 w YOUnc tabw~ •as II tbe ca:apalco Iha• was
Wo, os sludotnts, ne«I to brooden OU< 1t1 1e<esr~ ond :'loo"" cultural ouembl1os of tlM best woys we hove o' dosng this. The fvt""" assemblies for rhe semesrer .. 111 feoture o tolontod you'll d' Al.,,,.. "'Us1c1on, o s::ieo<er 1n •hi! field of businou, ond o senes of lfovolog.,.s. Eoch of rl-.ese will def1n1to y prove to be os W011tnwh1le o< tho- speaker on Commun1Sm end tl-.e folk singer we hovo olrea:ly "-rd. Those ouembltH ore QCl'le<olly required, ond 01 is usually 1ust human no1uro to resent anything we oro f01cod ro do. Bu· instead of r•sentu\g this requ11ement. we should reoh:-o mo1 we ore being given oppo<tunlttes tho• possibly will nor Ix> ovo1loblo In lo1er years. We st-Id be 9ro1eful for tnes" opportun111os lnstood of dofonsovo bocouso or& roqu1rad to do something. STUDEHT DRIVERS. BE CAREFUL !
°"' """
Bocouso ol 1ho heavy pedestrian traffic 1n tho parking lot s tudent& sho.ild drtvo with e.cop11onol core while on the college ground> Remember, studenrs. •ht cost of tho few moments oaved by spood1ng tlwou;ih the po« ng lot could eosolybo o clossmoro's life Are the uconds sowd wonh the price, Th• R• .,,...,. •d1ron welco-e l•tt•f"I 'O t#'I• ed,ror on- ony auO .cts 1Nt/entt '•• ' ttr01"t9ly ·~ o~t ro t •O" ,,...,, l"IC,....S Tit • co· 11\ldent1 o cllol"<• to r.ocn col •99 of! cta.s: ll'Off1c10F1., .,,,,,,.,, CO"'tPIOu"~' ond ·~UIOf"I, Cl 0110 ,,,.. ehonc• to OC'""""OW ~
'""°' 1e•• ploe• or'""• co I~
FALL ENROLLMENT, 1962·63 •• • ••
fuUswU.,abia past •ed. O=e could ba.'d.11 lllW the . .a;r POSIUS WblCb COTC:l'd Ille •alls ot the callue from nooi 10 Cl'lllQC aad eua ck'· cocated Ibo cote machine's. Cu;pajcn •~ttbu •ere ctTt:i
this semestet1.
llod>4lo• 01A11t •
•troq!J" _...-at .. ojp Uarir aamt"'i. n.e.... lf'lkr. ... Mt rdlec"t \:IC"• · -· ,_... edJ .. tora ~ •-e fMI a nlll.'""C~ paprr ....W II< pol1Uca.llJ
ca:i:alsnlac tor ~bl! stcdet.: bodl' electlt.:is !:as bttD ID
ELECTED OFFICERS HEED <JOEHTS' SUPPORT Thr 'igns or ..... recent an. .,ucj...,, bOOy e ' • ans hove doSQllP«lrod from ou1 ho Po>tQts, SX>J<l'I•, and coir· potgn •Pl'OCfieS O<" thing• of I ., pos• - put owoy for enc>'~ year. Tho ,.suits of the•e "..croons .. 111 be •hit ~ o' · hr future - o fvture In tho honch ol our <epre5e<1•01,....,s. Tne condodo ros ond rh•or Wppot"'" t.hould o I be congro1..lo1ed on tM oHon they mode to make rhos o •ru y oemocro• c olact1on. Bur o democracy os tM vo•ce ol the poop e, ond o""n 1hough we ...,re oil g1von the opponun1ty to vote, only oboul IWO thords of the student body took the Oii ·tv.e "' nr..1. . necouory 10 mork theor chooce< on o bollot, T wc>•h r.h ,,. o larger percenroge of tho stvdom body than hos VO'!!d " · he post, but why con 't we hove 01 least o nor"'ly I>"' cen• ·~· !or tho elections? Now rt.ot ,.., el..ctoon• oro over ond 1ho leode<s chosen, '"9 rumber wt.o voted rs relatively unompona·11. h ts ·~:. though, that wobeil1noC1or'IJ l1ke o united studom body. Vt'he+e,. Oii not your fovor1re cond1dote won should hove no bearing on your suppon of tho s •ucl<-n1 leodetS who ore rhe chg,ce ot :ne mo1ot11y. - J.A. ASSEMBLY SERIES VALUABLE TO STUDEHTS The osse11bly plOMing com.,,i11ee deserves .,.., convui.,. lotions of ol tho members of the srudent body ior sol..:· rrg such o vcrtely of 1ntores11ng oncl 1nformortll'9 ossembl•es !or
cortstr\.ICrive rl-"'9''
( F.d.~o~: ~a..- ""'"
co,._, te UM: f'Cl,no"" H ""> .....joct - 1 - 1. .1.
Editorial ...
~'=' • •
JMtN- s+.4.9.. •t ,_
Al..,. I
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 70
C. t •. t. -~:---
the n'"' •rat NIJC
Hb cluarooci :ond otnca are in t110 llll• bUlldlns . whrie ht' IA "ceulnc on •lth the bUlll· Dl'SS"oflnchlno: Ills courses
E.,c•Utft ...................................... J&J
sa Fore''" . . •. . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2• tioitiite EC'llft•lc• •••••••• • •••••••• ••••••••••••• ••• 2• .,,..,,,,.,.1 Ans •.•.•...•..••....•.••.••••.••....•• n e,....~•""' .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Pr.. Low ., ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I Pt...... L, D.-tt11try, Mw1lft1.t v.,.,1 ..,.,, Ptr.o""°'l' •••••••••• 25
Body.,, F...4e,.. . ..........................
lru6111triel Ef.c1t0nlc1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• -~
I $lb Slrtrt In Coeu1 d".~lrnr. Ille• I~ Dtoloru a.nd Illa three chlldru arc &1111•1 Anllt'. 6. Judy, -1 1 ,, ond Lindo.
)Ir. \\llSOD •DJOY& huntln~. O•hlnc. a certain omount uf Pho•ocrai>l\r. such as taklna mo•lea and alltlea. Bulldlnc mod.el airplanes la another of
r 01nlr,1l
51.J MILL/OH EHROLLED IH SCHOOLS THIS Fl.LL L ·or 1lh•Htl In tho naUnn' and private JChoo klnderprlf'n thlouch coll~c•. lncr ..ulnit r()f tho •lshtHntb consecuttYo Jeat, wlll reach a ll(!w alHlm• hl1b of Sl.3 mlfllon In the ntty allttta and the lll&lrlct of Columbia In th• school 1•ar 1962·63, the U.S. Otrlco ot l::ducatlun estlmato. 1 hi•
tundacico!als of . .themaUc1, elemenlar7 mathu211 l<al an· alyals, sllde rule. and ca.lcu· lua. Btfoto Jalnlac SlJC'a ataU, Mt. ll'llaon •as an tnauucto1 at \leatern \11omtnc Junior Col lu•. Rock Sprtnaa . 11 yomlnc. He rec•h <'<I bis 8.6. dear•• ar Sebia•ka Stlltc Teacher's Collece In Cltald1on. Sebras· ta, which Is Illa home town. HJa nut~r• desre" In mathe11111lca ••• r0>eelve<1 at tbe coll•ce means to us. wt ua
ah"" that •e can accept tt· IPODalblUty. Lel'• 11Ye NlJC com;ilei.. student body support la lbe future. Becky A. Kts" f'
Oreft.,., & TY.-"I Su.Phu
l~'CltSTATC TYPOJ1tnu Co. 417 ~ .. ;...,. - ....,.. 4-)Atl
I• an Inc"'""" ot 2 mllUon over the enrollment of 40.3 mill Ion tor the 1961 62 school year. The Ottfcf' of Education ee1lm1uea thal I. 7~~ mlllfon cl&aaroom teacher w111 bo needed by the public w1d non· publlc f'iemenuuy and aecond· ary acboot. In tbe utty Btatea and the Dlsf.ncl ot Columbl4. ThU. number la 3.G percent &rHl•r lhso the 1.684 mt lllon emploJed lo 196!·62. A •lae nan know& every· lhlnc. e on!!.
SOUVENIR RECORDS ..Keep A Rec,,,J 01 It" ,,__ "'QI.awl •·SS"7 226 coru~
sa..r.... ,.,.. CYJ'\lt.Nf. IO"HO
Woodcock's Drug Store C•'ld
(. ...,.;.
Pr........,cr p
Century Skirts, Su•eaters
A.llO loleclwoolu • • • • • , • • • • • • • • • , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2'
Blouses, Capris, Coats,
t1• N htvnit S.
C..w 4 AZ.••
F,.,1.,,..,., . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 M.,. •••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Car Coats, Suits, A ccessories
Wor119" •• • ••• • •••••• , •• • ••••••••••••••• • •••• 74
"'"" ....................... . . • ••••••••••• !..!!. S87
11r, ll'llsoa la the tieahman class advisor and bu bo•n ualaned to the Slu~ut H •ttl
Bed>elotolSc•eft<• · ••..••.••.••.••••.......•.•... 30 S.,,11"••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• g7
at 918
blA hobbles.
tereated In bu~ claaa otn· aus or are •• ID the blblt of i.111n1 otbeis do Utr)'thlns tor as and aceepUnc their doclsloos• Studelll$. do 1ou c..,., aotlllns toe Jou: rtabl.a as members of this collece • AN! .•ou • lll!JJc to Just atlend collrae aDd never rea.U.J belonre? Are 1ou Colnll IO take all JOU can tlom here and returo notlllna• I! JOU 1.DS•er JU l.O a111 Of tbe aboYe quesUoas I dread loel.1111 ahead to what •W h8j)pea to 1'1JC. Even a::ore I dread looklac ahead to •ha! •ill bappeo to ow Ar:iutca •ben 100 c°"'plele coUece aad attempt to be otu aoclctJ, oar buslDus world. aad ow co•emmeat. lt Is ow de~ ID do ow beat toz 00: COWl1l7 aad OU: C>bllp• Uocs star. • uti ow coUcce. la ~tnm r... uw- t..-1...Sp. the JQTS. tbe ...:aoc.ea :-;uc cl Yes cs-lei a.. 5bol- 'W •
was fl Ibo atudclll
Pe~ an= fault doea Ile •!th u. atlldeDI boctJ. la It poaalbi. tbal some scbtdu:.. are ao Udl1 so &a DOI t.o lee•e e»ea • minu ~ to nu out • b&llot• Al• • • Juat not ln-
P .. o"c: MO••W• 4 4•15
tea H ' ' " Sr•cu Coicu" o'At.EMC, to.- ... o
Guest Artist
Little Bits by Elano FreJrickson J'm
IF YOU'RE ABSEHT FROM AH ASSEMBLY •.. fill ou1 o cord like this and pul h In rhe sugges11on box n rhe holl Absences wrl I be recorded
no news to
man1, but one of our proresson bu a UtUe 1eJ low book called AFRICAN PR0\1£flBS. Prom •hilt I can tell. tltls Utile book ls quite a treasury of wit a od wisdom. 01 COllllSe I hueo't heard all the proverbs 1et - we cet them on the "vltamln·a·daJ'" basis - but there's a 1ood chance tb:ll I •Ul. aloce there 4<e abOut 30 more weeks or achoo! X 3 clsases a week . •• The et proverbs are fun. 1! you ate lllte me and enj01 your pblloeOPhy In capsules. One or those Alrlcan prOTerbs la espeel&Jl1 1eaasurtnc: "Th0Uf)l1 breaks the bean." It mlcht even replace all those TBIMK alirns that were noon· 1.,. around ro1 a while. Whal I'm l11adlnc up to, though. Is that I've been looklna 101 proverb collect loll$ or !ll1 own. !l's Just no< cricket to co on rore •er bonowlnc other people's proverb dlacoverlea. AnywlJ', t round this Ultle orance bOOk called LAROCJIE; FOUCAULD MAXIMS. ll'a too bad I'll never bnve e nou gh o r a lort1 Intellectual alr Lo drop proverbs Uke tbeal! around the SOB. But ma7be some ol 1ou cu mAnaae them with tlie proper amount or calcu IA led boredom and c1n· !clam. Old men love to give 1ood advice, ll consoles Ulem for being able no lonae1 to ac t a bad example. Hod we ourselves no faulta We 1bould Ond leu plea· sure dl1co•rrln1 lhcrn In Ol bNs. If we Juda~ love b1 lta r<>aulta, It la more like hatred thnn urrocUon. There 11 but ono Lovo • .rel Ille aluipo la loglon. True love Ill like • ahoat· everyone lolkl\ or 11. but row h• v~ mot It face 10 race. w., become reconciled with our onomlea because we wont to Improve ou r sltua· tlon. because ,.e are weary of war. o r becauao we roar defeat. In our r<>laUons •l'llb men we pleoac more by our taulta than bt o ur vlt1uea. Mall)' 111ar1lncea ar~ good. none are plcuaot. (Don ' I take 11 to ho rut, bo.Ya ll We ne,·or forch·o n bctta.ra l tu> G fi'Jend or by o 104!. )'Cl OrtM WO llrC content 10 betnlJ' oursehea. lie "ould rather speak Ill or outselvu than not o1poak or ()Ursolves al "11. CoN:ell la more cunnln' oven than tho mCl$t subtle courtier. \lo like our ad· mlrers. we do not alwa,ya like those we admire.
STYLE SHOP Coah • Orcnos . Foundation• Sporhwear lo. N. Fwrih S1. • C..w• d'AS.. .
SECTION _ __ ROW _ _ SEAT - -
Signorvre of Assembly Commo nee Member ~presentatlvea of school THE PIN CUSHION o rpnlzallons are reminded that meeuns dates mus1 be cleared Exclus•"' Yordo.:ie ShoP b7 Air. Rlebeandlhe •Moun~· E•<>rytluri9FOT rhe S..amstr,,.ss meat should be brought Into 310 lo~esodc .\ve. tbe oUlce at least the dllJ' Coe~ d'Al<n<', Idaho before the scheduled meet111&.
Thr assembl1 ror October 1; featured s1uan Churchill. Mr. Churcblll whoheads the music dep&rlment at Le" I• and Clari. !'lormlll. Lewiston. Idaho ir.•t wlth great fuor In 1961 at NIJC Al the October 16 meellD1 or )11. Churchill •ntrrtallle<I lh~ PollUcal Science Club mem· aludent bod,· and faeult.Y !01 bcrs. Or. Jane Gumprl'tht or fortv minutes • ltn Ills roll< Coeur d ·Alene 1howl'd her beliad slnctn1 and i:uitar ac· alldu or several EuroPean coa.p&tllmenl. countries aho ''1"11.ed aa a Re ukt'd th~ audtPnee to member or a Peoplt-·To-People lour. Pcople·To-People tou:s Join him In hJs rtr~t selecllon. "Poor Be sani: a are unotnclAlly spansored by the ~otcrnments concerned . vorl•n of numbel:i from &11 old Colltcllon or fol\ !Ole nnd arc prtvatrl,Y Dnanc<'d by tho members of 1h~ 1our11u: balla=d:.:..:.·~~~~~~ aroup,,. After n brief lntroducUon 10 HOME EC CLUB ADDS the aroup. 01. Gumprecht sum· NEVI OFFICERS; PLANS m111lzeod the he>uslnr condJUons •he .... on hf'I trip behind the FOR STATE MEETING t.ron Curto.In. She remarked Al th<! Home Economics Club how poor the housln~ rondl· lions werl'> In some Roumanlan ID<etlnc h•ld lMI TbUt6r!Jl1, Cltles WbNO st'\'Cral Cf0UP6 of ne• membl!rs we,. •e loomed b7 people U!le the •amr ,;lec·p1nc Janet Ponaneu, president for qu1111era durlnJ a ~>I-hour th• coniinc 1ur. PresJd•ol POt1$n•sa told 1be period. Ao the budlen~ ' 'IC•'ed the slide 6UbJects. i;irls about the s~ home cc· onolOlcs me•llnc to bl! he Id Jo they sa" a va;;I amount of western l<!chnolo&lcal product.. \loscoor, Novembl!r 3. All I~ and skills In use by our rnto· c1rls •ett encouraced to al· mies 10 build 1hr11 PO• er and tencl. Sbealso up!JLlned about one "ondered to "hose bene- the monthl.Y dl11Der meellnp. U was dec!ded that Ibey "oald ru t'&SI and west trade "8"· be cont1oued ihla nu. Prod Muhs. dub pr,,,.tdo nt. In the eleetloaa held Saner announced llat 11une,.11ons llYko .,.as elected \ice pres!· to replace the uu., "Pollllcal dent. Betl.Y Fttcboe1. ttea:sme1 Science Club" "ere open to Claudia Dixon. h1.storlao. and conslderalloa. This """ felt Diane Dtxoo, reparter. These neceSS#ty as the notul'l' or lh~ itrti." Ill Joto Pre. !dent Pons· aroup CO\'Cra too "Ide a Sl'llD ne~& and ~lehll} SltaJoD nr subJecu. 101 thr old tllle. O'Conl>!ll. A bo.nque1 la to be held OctoAll home econonucs m.iors ber 30 al TempUns, and ,. lU and !hose wbo are enrolled In be open ta all .. ho aPPl.r ror one home economlc6 class are 1 cse r ~nllons. The lime . p1I~. eUrtble to Join the Hom• EcoaDCl other P'!ttinent data w lll DOmlcs Club. be announced by th<' club. ~member rescrvllllo"" mus1 be In ahead or llme lo all°" Choou proper plannJ ni:.
Political Science Club Considering Change In Name; Banquet Oct. ll
The campus favor ites:
1962 p,,,ut...r I\ }'"l~ undln I h IJ.L.~ all 1hrN'" t11 1tt· •' :\ Lultrg... VUC"f"JI \111ur•Jh. alu":M" luu·h rt.wlf, 'ho" 13,lr tn <'11~;t;:t~•
llH-111 r1n;;, lb'"' \tlt:anrd ch.amtmd r111g .. ,,,,..... 1h,•} l'n.•for'° uu\o ••II ·fa... filil\ iit our tJi.imnnd rount('t. •..ull.,;.C" C)uffu 011, .1mpU•C" ,.,,.r} "hrrf'" rhon,c .-\ ~lrat\f.'\1 nuf'<s fur L..1h tt.attrrtnK br.aUI\ anti t'ndurintt ,·ah1f". h1r '' i---r :=1rJ .. l..11v• tl1.a1 "nh r.u lt "'IU'"'" i\rtr.Jntfl 1homc1111I ,~,.mt°':"I .a •r•lhm 11f LaatrnJ: "Orth aml 11...- priilf' l1or11 11( u t1iah11u.all\ l..11u"' Ii ~11rJ rnpet lf"d niimr, ~· 1h1• m.a;.:1111111·111 .\r11·anf•d rmg.,;l~f...,. ""C"lrt""Trc-1 n.. the t.l\ontt.-.
l" tlu: \.ttauu.11 Collt·g.- Qur<·ui. ,,r l'l6:!.
A.rtcarv ed·
Pru crlpt/on Specloll11s • Gifts A Sp• clolt y
SCHOOL CLOTHES Coeur d 'Alene Laund ry & Dry Cleaners Fr... Piel.up •nd OeGvwy l07 Fro•t
MOS....w\ 4..lS16
KESSEL JEWELRY 313 Sherman Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Engineers Select Officers For Club
"-IJ.C.. REVIE ...
C..•• l'A.
OUT OF BOUNDS 9"' Joe Morh/J
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In dos•• •••
Pollahcd bruas ...111 pus upon more ~oplc than rou 11 &Old.
"*' -M ere
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T' el ct11n I• r tno· SN!-...\ I• .d n ~ rtdll;f. Oct. 111. The omctr• a10,.. ro1io... i;.r •ld•nl. Dolli Bain. Y\Cl'•PtHM•nt, O•rald Shrln•r aKteWJ, Jon )lonaahan lleuurtr. Sba1un Baluky. TM 61...Sent SaUoml Edu· culoo Aaaodatloo haJ nornl· naUCDS Oct. i:? f r omccra. T11...,..1a · " ' 1 "" dr ~ are u follows presi"'-"' we~ .J <>cw t I de ct - Doca Bain a!ld MAO' lolr:alwrs c! Ill• baateti.11 Ar- ....... '"'IOod Ylce·Pl'H I· t.eam &Dd u. l'\'Ul..C:IJ.A& ....... bt'rs cbrae the ...,. GK' be.:10 QUfn COlV.6U I 61F"'S aod ti» al!u:ata. COEUR D'ALE ME'S Tbe an =•:a.tiers cbosl! EVERGREEN FLORAL weno Dlue AaaUaacm. Jackie AND GIFT SHOP CUd<l.r. Siie Domldaoa. Ot&D01 ..:..Cera. S&lldJ Jotiuoo. Lloda llacba:11u. Pal Meder, Sbaron Pantt>U. Siie SOmua. L~d Jan"I Tboima.. Tbe alt.o1:W.a wUI bl' Olue Oboa, Oul Oreacbel. Donna K~ppeo aad H•lea
_A_,_•_·------ -------------Twenty-five Girls Chosen To Be week's de1-.Y IA :ht! The Cardinal Coeds
Mid-Semester Exar'ls Vacation Oates Are Changed By Late Start
The bes,tnnlnc r claNes ID Septem~r llas e&ISed cba111es lo the pno'1ousl,y announced scbedale rc.r 1111• semester. lolld-~emeater
SNEA Officers Are Named At Group's Opening Meeting
~,.,,,, ldalto Juft Ot Coll•giit cltootu• .\m•r•C'C"' Auocfor on of fnoi,.,..,t. c,.. '~" plonn'"0 lot loll ond .,,,,,,,., -d1~r ,,,..,Inga. L•lt to ritjtt o,.. An~ t,t. Z•1ol•'• •'•crr1cof .,,... ,,,,,..,,,,,,, •'•Ct•d "''C• .,,..,,o•nr. RolcJi POTt of Ttay, aor10o1lhJ(nl •nOINerfn171 troo:.:.';."'_•;_';_•
PN!sldent Norm Costello, Ylce PN!sldent Anton Zl•aler secl1!tar1 Art Ooodalc. and treuurer Dlclt Port announced plans for an Enclneera' Club banqu~t Sov. 6 at the Boot• and Saddl•. Thn purpoee or tilt! banqu~t la to acquaint the men In l~ club •Ith their •arlous fields of cndeaYor. Talks wlU b<t elven b7 Carl KJUe1er. fonost supervlaor ror the COf'ur d'Alene NaUonal forest, Jack Pear1nc. head enitnur ror th• State H11hwa.r Depamuent. and Cl7de Ockey. mechanical enclneer for Tu· aco. The apeak•r• will aummulze a typical da,y of work and a panel will ask qucatlona. foUov.1nc the panel'• ques· tlons, the men •Ill ana"er al\)' QUl'lltlOllll that &re Uked from I hr floor. The Enclnttra Club la one of the meat acUH at t,.,., collcac and la open to all farestr1. onclncer1nJ and Industrial arts students.
. . , , •• 19ft • • pontbl.., !!'I , . . . a.. th!1 ,.,.,,., wOW
SM CMdt...
N•w ofl1c•o ol th"'
orlelnall.v acbeduled rm So•ember I 2. • IU bepn a weet lalCI OD WondaJ, Sonmber 19. BtcauH of tilt! IOIU of a we~t·s cl&ue.o. a chaqe haa also bePn made In tilt! lrnctb of sch!'duled vacadClllS. Classes .. 111 ~ held OD I.he F'rld•1 foll.,.. Inc Tbanuclvlnc. and the Chrtsuaas vacauon will end on Janu.,,- 2. These chances •eN! made ao that ii., aeoond semester •chedule could nolllllin ur>cllanced. College cataloas from a lar&e number of collecea available In tbe ceneral orftce. Students 11111.1 not talte the catalocs from the otnce without ~rmlsslon.
ay n •• c. !y
nt.rH•4 lft
'"•H I•-• ~14
4 It.. PG tllk• ~1 1 t ~• • ,..1~ • end let tt1. . iln•• th•t ,.,. ., •
.tent - Gerald Shriner. Ron \\&1ren, Olen 811.lloy. Stan r<'laman. U-roy Vlchc, and Ann O~ldrleh. "ocretary SU• somera. Jean Monaab11n, rcnnJ Ooodw In. and Dll1ne 1-:nc1cra tr~aau1er - La vorna Schauer. Shalon Salut:r. and 0o10llu CerAOQ. Th~ m~Uns
concludeo •Ith
a talk by llerYOn SD,Jder. odu·
cation adYlaor at tho Unl•oraltJ of Idaho. In lhfl talk he atrcsacd ratrnos•, aenn of 11!apora1lblllt1. and love or cblldC\'n •• neceaa1u.. f11r a cood t.ach.... C..-,il• •• L•~• Of
Tll1a ya r lbe a:lll team "Ill COllll>OHd Of 21 1 llla plus four alteraatH. There •IU be aaotber ur-oa1 la Ille middle of tbe 1ea: If &DJ' otber ctrla are Interested lo Jolnln1 aod at that Ume the num~r of stria Io tbe drlll team m..,- be
raised. Retumlnc !llembera are Juel1 Anderson. Dollie Carson. t..o.I f'alrcblld. Katb1 Cannon, Dawn Ounnldaon. Karen Ha~on. Shella Jobnaon, D!ane .lluraro, Slaron o·conneu. Pat\1 R<>aenber~r. and lilalY Ano Ooderwood.
HOME EC MOVES INTO NH/ SEWING QUARTERS A!l:<>!lS Ibo. recect reo ..11 o.a at SJJC la I.lie cnustentoa o! tbe ~ econoc:lca e!otbtai dei-n-a.1 Imo •lat wu ror::ierl.r ll>e Utn:y. Tbe cio•e was dur!llS Ibo put eeleod 50 that Ille room would be rud1 for tbe a.dalt tal !orlllc claHea w l:!eb bqan
Oc:tobet ~:?.. Tbe deianmcct bu pwcba· ed a 1111mbe: of ... sewlni ables whlcll will pro\'lde •pace !or eacb or tbc clotbloa ~tudenu to ltffp tbelt se•ID& eqwpme111 &11:1 mo:e roo:n tor c11tt1111 om tbe paner111. sew tron.loa board.s, Icoo.a, and clmets Ila Ye also been added. Ao omce for Mrs. Sltllll&bao !1CI Mm. Fredr11taon &nd a l&urooro wlU a lao be Io a ectlon ot lbe old Ubrar1. Tbe bome tconomlca foods departmeot la remalnln& In the present Home Ecoaomlcs room. Durlni; the aumm•r a tblrd compleie kltcbea ..-u added "hlcb conl:aln& a d.labwuber aod baUl In sto•e and o•eo. OD
For a Lifetime of
PLE ASUR E Learn to
BOWL While You Are Young
lake City lanes, Inc. l4 t• H. ~ St. •
c.."' crAJ•"'•
' ,,_...'"'fl ~eS.f'l)I
"°""'. ,, od Ol>C
....... p,_'I .....
get t hat refreshing new feeling wit h <Joke !
:""° ~