The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 17 No 3, Nov 7, 1962

Page 1

Speaker Stresses Importance Of Law To Mon's Freedoms On Oct. 30 I~ PoUtlcaJ Science Club t.ld lui Oist or two scheduled dinner banqu•ls In lhe Caplaln'a Cabin Room at Templln'"· II". S. Ha•klm. Coeur d'Alene law1er, spoke on lhl' aupreme court, Cbl..r Jusllce John Marshall, and lhe probl•m of <l'creaauon Jn lb!> aoutht'rn<'I. Spec!&! ~u•&t• •NP Dr. Robert 6C1Lles. Mra. Ruu"ll· \II . Ra1 Stone and '.!ta. Fr~d Muhs. Bill Turbin pve 1M ~nedlcllon. Mr. Hawkin& •u born and raletd In our area, and his ~PCtlt'nce lncludMJ ..ev~isl 1ur11 In the south, and >forld· wide travt'l. H~ le a IUIMhmle or thr. UnlVNBll y or Idaho lllJi school. After an ••crllPnt dinner, lhe p1·4kcr or the evenlnK wns lnuoducrrl tu the audlN1c• by Prt'!lldent rrcd Muha. 60moofU1r main ldf!U brouaht lortll by Ill• •P•nkN werr that man deaNvr11 Jusllco and ueaoo. that law le the strong· c.-al II nk 114!1• e~n freedom and man, and t11111 thl11 coun1r1's

aovnruneot '" Jt ot 14.,. nril of rnt'n



wllh <'<JU•I Juallor ond llbt•rlY under law for all n1Pn. Hlft r.•mnrke on Chlr! JUAtlcr• Mnr tnll brouRhl lo U~ht the tremrn· d<JUa arr.ompllfthm~nh or thfft

rurlr c ru•ndr lor liberty undt•r law. Nl'll Tu~!<d•Y'M mrrllnc will be h"ld al th•• c:ollr~u n uaunl, and a drbatr will tw hnld on an lmportanl l"'u~ of 1odny.

Chorus Will Present Oratorio At Annum JC Christmas Concert ThP ohorua lhl• Yca.r pruml· 8~8 IO bl' on1 Of IJH' be•t of a.II tho Vt'ars. Tl•~ Chrle•rnu ora torio Sari•t·Sat» haa bern ordorcd lor the choru~ for lhl'lr 1•on In llln C:hrlatmM pro~ram. All aoon "" ll orrlvea, lhti' v.111 b!'aln v.ork on It. 'l'hu ~lrla cnsembl<'. currNtll.y "orkln1 on a numbN

COEUR D' Alfl'IE, 10.l.HO

\-OLUME XVII, 140. 3


Cardinal Servi ce Club Officers

K Club Officers


T""- ,, ...1.,....lecfed ofl cers of "'- Cor'd•nol S.""'C• C wb o'" pfo"""t0 o eofefido, of •"91't• corn ng •cf>too/ ~o~. 01'11 fl•ft f O t•,Y.r1 o,on. 0, . ,.,,.,, C~,.cpON/ "9 HCl'f'*Qty• 4;Jw 'a )o/Tt'l&OI", rt•OIUI'.,, Jvd~ And.r.aQf'I,

1.,,, "'P"•• iditM,

Clavd10 ')uron, v <•~,.• d•M.

Pom,, Poi.,,bftr?Sr, ,..Cord•ng .. e,.•fttty.


ENROLLMENT BREAKOOllN F1u1 ~atu, 1967-6)

1.1... F,..i. Sooh



Boc.h4fo1 of Artt &nin .. t. A.dill1n1t.rtohon


" 11



S.C1•to1iol Sc••nu HoMt Econom1et.

11 33

Forutry &.i•ll\•u (ducotoon Ai.Ito IMchonlu .,.4 F•"'-• (ltClfOf'llU





160 -~







1 21










I• I 10


16 153

On Oct. 26. Phi Tb• la Karl'\a hatl ll• Oml ireUn of tit· )l'OJ, ot "hJch II •·aa ~cclded to hold meeUns• on tb~ i;OC!ond and fourth ~·rldlJ'~ or eact. month durtnc acll\'1~" ptnlld. Tho pwat'nl omc~ra. ,.ho \\NI' •l"otl'd Jul Ml.reh, arc CIYdt' llt'lltr - presldl'DI, Bruer Simon - \'lc~-t•rt'll ldenl, Dultl• Cll.Mon - s•er.tur trl'aeurN. Judi .\nd<!raon 11oclal chairman. and Diane .\u#llnson - 11111orlan. Durtnc th•· m~~ung th• Idea or 111oon-ortn' lb<' 1 hanu-

ih In' Dance "aa broUJbl up.






2• 8




''t;l'i• 'sftOhtdJ 1'"9 Norf'llllOI' Cost•llo, pretldent, It• •'• Vic• p.res1d."t. S1g ... 1 o-1\' Ilia"' Phill,pa, r.-.01ur.1, "•1t•'O"I, 1Kr•10ry.

~·won• C/1.b .. Left to



6 2



C11"C" • I< C ~ c1' ce'"I '1ov• a bl.dy scn.d11l• plot1.d IOI th j1 colfetJtt ...., •• 1te....,, C• Q'ou;:> ..,r,,C'f>J •s oll liot.-d .,,,,., rhe Co.vr d 'Alt11Mt

F,..i, Soph ..... '3 •1



l"du•m•t Ant. aoct...101 ., Sc.1.1\c•



P1 .. t.ttd•• Pr•·Dritol, P1.. Ver., •It.

tr ..m "lies I Sh1• ~tun"'. las 1'MJ alt!o tolk<d about nlld· alrradJ a1ortod pruetlce on In& • d•l<sat• to tb~ oaUooaJ lh<•lr Chr1almu nurnbe~. 1"hls con• •ntlon •hie ...111 be year'• en.,;mblc la "°"'posrd h~ld .!_II' Flurtda tbl$ l <..U. of l)elorla Park, Lo~l ~·a1r­ chtld, ;;Juuon Pa.rr1011, Theo OEOICA TIOH PLAHHED Ann II llllama, Dlanr Au~un­ LA TE IH HOVEMBE R The lodlC..I. •n f th• .,.... aon, Sl'oron O'CoMell, Jaa..1 llbnuy. nd cw too> addlUoc Thonma, t..r.all'v l.e,.rndofske, F1or•nco P•ok, Loona ~tarro" , and the oral build~ a.nd Connh Llrn "s•accomp-. .. 111 be held tn lh~ Jaltt'r ran of 1\0\ ember. Tb<- college anlst .. 'Ira. ~·Inch la n•r) an~lous chcnm aQd band ,.llJ entert&111. Furtbor lnro,.,,,.11on • lll be In 10 f\'l 11 bo~e· arou11 s1a11...i. In tir~· nous Yf'Dl b lhu boys· tht neil ia1ou1.: of thf' l\f!'\lew. ~nft(\mbltt h.als b~t>n an &1'»\"l Fre• Tlchrs Avol/aOlrt to tho muhlt' de11artl!l<'nl al For Civic Music Conc:etts XJJC. C:horoa ofllccn. Chde "•'ll· Stlldt'nt are re1 ••nded that N. Nt'.aldt'nt. Ch\'l Parka. lllto Ai;11octat.-d Student Bo01 vie• President, Ll'ol Fair- µurc!usad a numbc-r of Sor1h child, sorhomore ltbro.rtan ldahoCl•·tc Mu~lc \uoctall on Shnron Parriott, fre~lunan mrm bershlp~ so' hAt tnter f!tited librarian. ~nd rut of lh~ ~tndents nun· attend the con· ohoru~ •latl to t.1'JPre~.a tholr C<'rl..• W.• a<-oson. Tickc L.' IS"rr~cloUon t~ \11. Bllrns ma.> be picked up IL the !or his 1'Crk "'llh lhr Chorua rnltlatrar'a olllce befom ucb durlnr; the abs~ncr of ).Ir&. conctn and ahoutd b<' "'turnl'd Finch. 1mmedla1,•l7 al\.. the proparo.


Wl:l'lliESDAY,HOVEM8ER7 1962

1• ! 36


First Radio Program Indicates The Series ASuccessful Venture T 'Ir>. ~I C. Ci..r"-Aii.. CotmN, tDI coul!cera~IO Pt!>' '"""· t o!t ID a Jrl'&l &t&rt. Th• abO'lf waa • tlllal succns.

TM rrocnu:i hl!can wttb : " balld rl:1.1!c1 the fipt sa~ Ebl!llA Sl:teld1 P1aJ~ !YO pblno Hlecuom. "l pr ,,. tu." by l•betl\bold, and "'Noc

unnc, Opus ':! ... 1:~ Wl ll.ur.s ~ two folk song:a, ''Tbe Fcu ." and "'tl'tll, 'Ael!, Wel!." Theo ACD l"!llia:u and Geeri:eo E'YJea lttl r<le•ed Pn!sld'111 Chr.s tlo.n;on. Pruldt'DI C:t.:atiaa&o:i Lbr No;:ns cl oar adm I ..ti!: the . Fred ).lulls, p ratdect or :be Scltnce C.1ob. dlecusst'd the bJec:JTrs and 1012" o! th o.cth1Ues ot tbt' Potll!<'!ll Sdenee Club. I"" pr~rom ealed •Ith I.Ir. s:ono r<2dln; • POftl en· titled, "Collc;c b> t he Lcte." It Is hopt'd that 111ud•nts 'Ki II t:ine in SUD<lll)' al ::.:io :- . 1 rad!o tal!?n II)' Chop n.




COUPOMS WAHTEO \\ o '~t:1 8' tt:<


Crocker c .~ '"' U. 1&$kl!d I~ a.a•<' them and t,nni: lbem to roam 8 tl>llss Dunnlpn). They •Ill be us~d by Pb! Tbrta 1-:appo I r> £el a colftD l!Ulktr, i.hlch "'UI be ""'"' !or th<' student 1ctl1'lll"5.


The Clrcle K Club I:. a men' s that 11ervlce orcanlzntlon wotks ,.tlh Ila sponsor. t!Ho Klw"nta Club. to pron1ote better condl tlons In the school. the coa1ir.unlt.Y and the world. All lom>er Ke) Club members DI \'IUIOUll hlah ,chools are nYltl'd lo Join lhe Circle K ~roup.

On hdnesdl.)' , November 7, tbe ..-ttkJs meellni; or Circle K will be! held .. 11h the sponsoring Kl10anJs Club al the Kl,.anl& noon luncheon. ~ Circle K im>UP tak~ roU at a -e::ibUrs. The next asaembls of NoTemt>er H will be a busJ da1 for Cl rel., K a:embcrs. Be•ldes 1akJnc roll 11 the a.sstt:bl~. lhe1 will he!p 1he KIW'llnla Clnb at Ille


larmc: -bualneaemM IWlcheon Ill the llAD at ooon. Tbe C1rde K Club of SIJC Is 111"ru:!ni 101 Uie re£1ooa! C1:cle !\ c DTellt! n 0.1 CenPll!ICILie Elad~

uaaa, 'l&sh1!1CIO:> OD November 17. 'Ibe roose o! the me<'t!.lll: at Cc:itr:al.a Is 10 o•pn!z the Circle K c: lll>S o' the N · Unrest lalo a runct D& bod1. DeltE:lt to: the 1121! c:al C ·c 1 K con•en11 n •UI be •n at tllle ll!ttl qr. Tilt' !\UC chapter 15 o.U01red to aeal \wo drleoles, two al: rr.11tes. acd u DllUIJ'C'Jcle Km bers u c&n


~ t "

Cut"' a


Three Dele2ates Sent To Student Umon Conference In Oregon On s oncbe: I ·3. the :innual Student Union Conrer..nce •uss bfld s: El:C<'ne, Oteaon. Fred ~bs. Da vc Coleman, and \II. Hl\tcb 1rtl'I! !he de)Ppl9l1 (l'(IQl


Th<' purpose eir Ille conrer<'ace •u to discuss the prob'""'" ~f tM •tudenl union ot• nclals at vutous col leses and all!o 10 excbana• Ideas wnJch haYe rro• ...s bencllclal to lhe dllterect scboolli. Because the deleaates had not returned "hen this paper went to press. a more com· plete rcsun:it• ot the A.Cth,.ltJcrt will two c:hen In the nod laaue C>t Lnc fle\'lc..-.

CommunityTheater Invites Students ToJoin Activities Are you an actor. do.nccr. singer, ;ood al th~lrlcal mrilce·up, ael deslanlnc or bulldlnc. co11tumln1 or M.Y OlhN port or lhe theater' lf so .vou will be a welcome mcm· be: orthe Coew d'Alene Communlt:)' Theater. Doan Complon. president of lhe local croup, Issued n special ln•ltnl1on to NWC students to participate In the aeU\lltles or the t..og Cabin Pla.Yers Ibis season. "lie are plannlni: to do three or four productions tills sea· son. begjnnlns with "TA~ Ra.IR111aker." v.· hlch Is sched· uled for ea:l.f In December.'' Compton said. "Thia pl111 Is already and In rehearsal. Within a short time Wt' wltl SlArl CSSI· Inc and rehearaal on another play, "'hlcb ,.Ill probabl.Y be "nc Corn Is Grun." Ten1"tlve plans Include the folkoroe ra "norrn In The 1·a1t.:v" anti a summ•r"f<tock mclodl'1lma r aiuo.tcal. ""e have recently secured a new lhcatrr Je ... e In Hayden t..ake. AII our productions "'Ill be presented In lhe Intl· mau born a1moa11her., or the ne10·look type or lhealcr beln1 wsed tor summer stock ln New York and CalHomlu. ";\e aro IJQrt!cularl.Y lnler•oted In ftndl111 ne,. IAlcnl al NIJC for In 1>U thr~• of our neu productions we v. UJ need collue-aae llClors. singers aQd In "no,,-,, I• T!e l'a llcv" both alnaers ond •Quore dan""rs "Ill be cut." Compton soJd that oey stu· dent tnlercsted In 111\1 aspect of 1ctln1 or producllon would be "elcome. This wlll lncludo lhose w!Wnc 10 participate In 6CI consuuetton. ll;htinA. mrike-up. costumlna. "There will be try-ou1s for our s~cond ehow wllhln the nc1t two .,_, e~ks, •• Compton sold.

THE N.I.J.C. REVIEW , vW•..h.d Suu-Mofllttdy Ot,.ti•9 ,._,. C.U•t •

t, .kM.tMI•""°' Stvcfe111h







Edi rot Pho•oor.-.u • . . . • • • •

Your Officers


New Face In Student Union


Jv4r Art4.non

GH.'4 a.~"'• R·O. Ro.ts.on Di.,. OI ..... Alton x,.,.,,c R.,ort•u 0.1..-o• Coo4uy, Jo. ~1•. Go,, W.f'l.ti", Roftft+e Wor1titt. C-., Mllfe•. £1..,. ft"o4r1c."t°"-. Shetl• J • ._..._ Port·• Rou"'b--'9'•· S.cli.y Kt••u~ LM I F.. rdJl4., tiet.OI". Sore'\11 1<.1,... [).Ml:.1.,,,, J~ C.""•· ''"~yl0 to.,.

.,,_.,.,.,, ..............



Editorial . ..

Clyd. "• ""


,ond no• I .. OCILIO ly knock on cloC>t., I D nc:·· •C-°"OC>n?l r\'Oeh1ng from Cub.I. /lo hovo bceti alt'' y o! 1 s opp1ooch1ng menoc.,, bur hen bee• no wtav - $her. of war ·• to S10P 11. '•CJW, v10 ence ond e»• ol !e may!>. ·ho only rood 10 to>c 10 . .... d1Htrvc11on r • T).rovghou• our onH" lvos "" hovo "a•Chod ti-.~~ c;f communism !l'llll"Q closer ond cfo..,, 10 •1 mark- F no • hos Mached o po1n1 so c:lo•.e 1no1 IMO<(! s no cho ce •or us oxcop1 10 f0tc1bly pvsh ii boc>. 11 1~ always co•let 10 · oy who• sl>::>uld t-ova been dore. Possibly OCl!on snould '10vo bectn token ·oone•, b..1 there he. olwoy• boen the f_., 1ho1 commun1>m could be s·opped w 11>out vlol11nce. No.... rno froe world ha• 1aken rs s •O?'Cl under t~ l!>odersk1p o; our Un1Md Sror s, ond 1• s up •o ..s, even os s•.-den•s, ·~ o'f"' OYT full suppon. -i-e may be no -C

.QI · .

""'° ..,,.,.d


opportunrly for us to express rhis suppor! phys•cc y, bu· .,. st I hovo •he appctru1>1ry !or mocol supper•. Are.•• can Pat· Tho Lord hos sovod •he world for 2,000 years ond maybe, w 1 ~of us os~ ng, He'll decide on ono• 2.000.. The com."""" <: doc1r1m s bo•od on a complc•e dosbe 1..! '" o God, so, na•Utolly, Pf"Y't' •ould bo r""•t log1co _,,_.. RAnnr "'" r t trrwnn ,.,r •h1<1;: ...,~oi;an• er• s. ~ i:n.15• r ' · O' - 1r frOI""" 1 * be ours..

FROSH HEED TO MA/CE MAHY ADJUS TMENTS lJ I • ' •I ,.. • nc 1n " • v*wY 1r

., first Yf!'O'"

hod •o aat-.~ o groot nul'lber of od1u• unenis. Becou.. our co 1"9"' rs small n root on 10 o 101~ univorsirt, tkese od1v1·mt1'1' hovo been o Im o oosHtr ro mo "· bur '"">' NM> still ti.n '...


..C JOO '°""~1ne. hO"t

probl "'·

Ono of tho tors• thing• o s •udc-ni who hos 1u" e11:eced o college f0< the f•r>I t ..,., mu" loorn IS rno1 "'e can't ge• along on o popu or111 1oc0td which .. e nod esrobl1stwa '" k1gh >c'-1. No moll r who wood bean or .. hot .. e'd clono, we of bogon our fost doy of college in 0><0etly 1he some place. He hcivo boon g1von tho so,,.., c'>oncos and will be conr1nuol' l1'""" ,,_, somo choncr.>. h is stflcr1y up to us .. hot ..e do Y111h•Mm. No one wolf become papulor by ,.,.,efywolk1ng 1n ond 1ok1ng ovar en Of1'0r"llZOllM Ot a rneeluig. Becou!.e rli.1s 1s only a IWO•yoor school. 1horo 1• re d1s11nctuw1 between rt. frosh,....n and 5ophornorc cla~scs. The only dist1nchon hes "' tho foci tho! •no $0Phomores wer11 ke<o 1051 year ond kni>• how 1h1ng> or" dono. For rk•> n•a•on, r is up 10 r"""'"' ro get

mo boll roll11'1g.


~ orgon1zod, e~one sno1Jld be 1he welfarl' of tho orgo111zo11on ond no• lo< pc?rsono g ;;<y. y,., shou d off rct"'8:nbe< rnot 1• • o wovs be>!!~ ra •oko rho los· ploce and be cslced :o ,.,.,..,., :a rhe 1ron• •""" 11 is •o ·~ko 1h!I f•rsr p oce end be osttd •o""""' to ma room for s~ o Sf!. Gossip al'"7• t:ra<rels taster Tile troubll' wllb oppc.:tun111 Is ttat II comes dlaculaed as over cnopeYinea tb:at are aUshtlJ aour. bald w a.


w1 ll1ng

rho oc•1v1ty

·a ... c<k toge• for


' -·'

1217 North Fourtlt

lll • 'llaoda Mybro la on• or tbo S&llaoal 4-H CoDcroa• Ill• b,.1 ladle aeen behind In 11161. Thla1nr. al :>IJC,Clrdt la t!:to food coun~r In the B1111lent pr.sldent of tbe Circle It, 111111111 bulldl111. 61lo docs part a -ber o: tile band, P"51· O( Ille IKullll. plal\JI lb~ IHOUS d - of tlle 1redtts.S., "1chl am P••IJ&I. . tho m.,. ta. POOi! bow U111 lape, tiow la OD Ille l!IWP&f&U n la not oe• to !llrs. "Arlat«tata" in... la presl· Mth:e. Sb!! tad a foontaln dull Of Ille CWIGll anll prul• luJ>Oll In Liie Po.uben Bui ldlnr du1 c.! Piii lbtta Kappa. In Spobnr for 20 1na11. lilt. and .lln. ~h"' mo•ed t Mt. '&ell•r la ll&lortns ID cl Y1l endoeersac and Coeo1 d' Al•D<' two ,.,.,. ac:o. to c:onUllue !:;la edacatlGO at ~1 lhe In Ill~ Blackwell UR tiah·u'SltJ ol ldailO IHI a Riii .,.. OD IUllalde Patk Drt ... De' re comlns to ~1JC sclr~-s::lp afte1 .,...iuuloo !rue sue. 1i&r1. 1J111re •u lo cllarp or Cl11le ...,.. ot sue- "It 1a Ille noUoude:att"""1t at J. C. a S:_...l:U: acbool and ID U... Penn.1 Co. In CoelU d'Alene. •U: II'> •I lb~ bo-n•r lilt. am .ll!W. "'1bt.. 11&'1! two ....... bo1a UY1nc lo &pokaoe. Tbe older one la ID&lrl•d arid OUH84R HEW PREXY bu tbree aoos. Mrs. !-tyhre OF SP.+.Jol/SH CLUB aata, "!11.7 fam.111 Is atrtctl,J T Sp,..c.. Cub ot ~1JC male, blll I u1 anlnc lac11 and held Its first ..,.una on ruffles fol the cranddauahl'11 Oct. ~. Tbt fl.ISi DrclN Of lhal I.,..,. ba•e aomu day," The olde11 arandsnn"a love bWlioeu •u election of ofD~"'· Pete Dunbar auc· for bo11ea bu elven Mra. MJblt' .,, UCJBe to Sil Malled ceeded Bill Jac:obaon as p1Hlden1. Jeaae Maak wu e lecl· on a hobo7 tlllt ab~ hu 1nnted ed Ttce·prealdent, Elane F ,._ to pursue for 20 yeara-shn la drlckson. aecreuuy-treaawer. rslatns horsu for him and the l..e!Ja Poland, social chairman. olMr arandehlldr•n and 11"11elf to ~nJoy. A candy sale to raloe !Wida •II•. MJ'hl~ enjoys her work for a cJ.oclt In the SU 8 •u planned. aod an lnfonml 10t· ve17 much but alle c:an do tosirtbn wu tentaU•el.l'•cbecl- wltboul an7 more experience uled lor tbl.t aemeat.,r. Cole>- auch a1 tbl! one lhAt she had Dell!cF'arlalld, clab mode1ator, IWO •eeb a,o. Shi! was fir t pmed the qoutlon of pwcbas· to dlaCIO•tr tbe <<'cent bu1&1aI1 Inc Si>anlab Club p~ and of the atadent anion bulldlnc. orclerB will i,. taken at the Tbe frlahtenln& lh1n& to b•1 •u lhat poaalbl7 tbe one Dell lllftt1at. c1 ones) •ho dlu 11 a:lsbt .!!!!_bf- ID ~~· S. •

aallod the pollco and awa.ltod their atrlval outatd~ tn• bulldlna. Mrs. M.l'ni. thlnu lh• etu· drnL~ ftlf a wood•rllll 11oup, lh•1 a,. coop•raU•t and euy l o l'Orft.

Coll• t • SHEA Groep It H. .ed Lolulde Gepler lo lh He• Co.. rh•tlH Tbe .,l'tlllH!ra of lhe Student :'> •Uolll>I t;;ducatlon Aasocla· road and appto•ed thei r conamauon at the meetlna held lul f'rld91. In the conelltu· Uon II wu atated lbat the local clob name would ti.. !he 1.-kealde Chapter ot Ille

SSEA. Other buslnaa b111~hl up waa that on !'lovemher 25 Bonnie F'er1U9on •Ill be •Df'Abr at a ape<:lal club a:~Un


•u Olade lo members •ho aren' t paid up to aet lhelr duee In. Aa a tenrcl they •Ill reecho a ye11'1 aubaertpUon lo the N£A Journal. A laal ap~I

th ~

The onl,J exercise some people CCI lll Jumplna to COl)o clualons , runnln1 down their !tleods, 11doeteppln1 reapone· lbl!Uy aod puhlns 1belt luck.

TYPEWR ITERS ROYA L RENT · SALES - REPAIR 0'"'"''1 & Typlot S..,,llu IHT£.ltSTA1£ T'rrEWA11u Co. 4t7

SJ..,,.... ..

A•• . .. ,...._ 4)Al l

SOUVENIR RECORDS "/(eep A Record Of Ir" a.-1

"'°"' ..

zu-... ....

Pepsi -- for those who think young


Woodcock's Drug Store



~ foroh ..,~- ,.._,, ~~~


Tiie Ttce p·uldent of Ibo stlldonl bod.)' to: Wa 1ea.r la CIJd• 1rellr:. Clyde •u be.ire 111 Coeci: d'Al•ne &Jld bu lhed !:lt:e C<ltlt cf h1a lit•. C11d• Is a 1961 cradtiai. of Coe.IO! d'Al•.n• Hlcll Scbool. 114! •aa en1d•DI bod1· d•nl p:esldel'I o r bis aopbomore am Jwdo1 claaaea. He air.a took an acu-.." pan In tbe too:t:all. ba'ktlba.11. ud track ll>Au and pit.Jed In lh• acbool baAd ud orcbeaua. Ci!d• wu YUJ ac:i .. In ,..R &Jld wu a del•cate to

c "'°,,.. -

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P'W'N" .• 126 N _ . . S• - C - 4Alo ..


·-d!!!!1iflr --.;.;:



NO~ it. W'


00 N ' ' " St•CCT


Cocu1111 0°A1.c.,.c. toA..-o


Home Ee Club Officers Chosen


Little Bits

CAREERS MOHOCRAPHS PLACED IH LIBRARY /,7 Elone Fredrick.on U our countr) ~oe.. to •a.r, BY GUIDANCE DEPT. OU' cuesa Is thlll a cood ~o pcr Onr Of the •aluable featUtP$ cent of tills &ludom bod.r ..-111 offered by the guidance de·

be ral1Jin1 around the recruit· llllt otncea. E•eo the .,.omen wouldn't be coruent to 1otav at home aod knll and Pl'1l1. i·ve hellfd more llllll of I\ ACS nnd >IAFS and l\'A\'ES limo e\er befoll'. 'Most enryone ~

Austinson Gets Office At IHEA Meet In Moscow On Frida' and s.tturdn1, Nuvomb1·r 2 and 3. IZ :nem· bN• of th!• SIJC Home E.conomlcs Club atLendNI tho l!fat.o "'""'' I· cono• !cs A1Boclat1on's mcl'llm1 In ·~oscow. Ourlna th~lr stay, lllC 1:lrls "N< cuoat.s or the Unl<oraltr of Idaho Home Economics Club. Th~ coll•f:< club S<'Ctlon or lllr 1.11.f:.A. hnd n br1>akfn.~t cNlnA on :>o.turdu momlnc. Ulanr Au•Unaon wa~ Plccl<'d tu•nurcr or thr coll~i:o· club. Tl"' otMr om err. arP !rQm Ill «O Colh•Jt-. UnJVl"MllY nr Moho, ldnlta bta!A· Colleie. ond ll<•I"' Junior Colkr.c.

I 1lfo\\I01 U11 bu~ln••111a mt~f'l­ lhrr• ~ 1-r• two lllu11rat!.'d tnlke. On"


by Or. A.


llrlcku, "IVJ Is th, ••xrcutlv"

secretarJ or the AmcrlClln Hom~ £1.'oM:nlcs Al!aoclaUoo. The sub)rct tor hM talk "'llS "'ol hat Yeiur Protecslonal Or· i:anl7.atlon McaM to You." The Bf'COnd PtCHntallon Willi b1 'lra. DorotbJ Sherrill \ll Iler, rPcordln1 aecrel.tll)' or the A.11.E.A .. whose talk WU enlltlerl "Plaln Talk from a Pock~t Bo<>k." Th• conv.. nllon concluded with a lunch•on In the studeot union dutln, "hlch Dr. llt>len S. Mitchell. Della l::nledtos or llomo Economlra 3t the Uni· •l'ult1 of ~lusacbusetta, a poke c.n "Lire Tod~· and YestordRy In NorlhNn Japan." Tho~• wtio atlendl'd from Coeur d' Alenr ..-ore Mn;. Clyde Stranahan, ..1io Is presentlr •crvin1: . . prr&ldeot or the Idaho llome Economlca Asaoclatlon. Mt•. Lynn ~'!t'ilr!kaon. J1>n1•t Ponsnr!s.. Anita HO'll'· land, Shoron O'Connell, Dlane Ohon, IJJsme Au&Unaon. Judy Andr-roon, Sett)' F'ltchnrr. Clnudta Ohon, Sancy Hyko, Nanc' Clrn\\. Lyndell 'lann.

llnd Ann 1.alnr. \~up, 1 ht• < towns do f l l t l A•h, l\ons., CtUP•I, T~i. ()1flonr. i;hoo, F'la .. l\n) . 0., noud,.. \Ila • F'lvt.







orEN • 00 A. M. TO 5· 10 P. M .

l)llrtment at l'lJC Is a s"rto or coreers monographs nub· Usbed by tile lnsUtote tor

Reacarch In CblCUllO· In these monoi;raphs JOU 'nr1' ol:ICatn complete lnfoll!1'llio~ about a var1~11 or careers rar1n~ to 1~tbe1< 's a t:omen· ..ueh SJ; Ph..nlcal educaUon. doua apldt &foot. bo::ie econorr:lcs. coHrnmenL But CIJ nelll Isn't mllltarJ work. rndl<>, 11.1chaeolo111. scien~ and mJ object isn't fashion des!,nlns. sur~cry, whlplaahlnc you ln10 a fll'll2Y medical .secretnr). and a nurr.· at aatloaal patrlotJi;m. A rrenzs o! school spin: Is mare and p!A.nne:... You don't ""'" to be noblewbnl t hod In mind. TllU acbool spirit thine ls a !! JOO JW>I 1111nt to come to n.aunt your talent< 01 i•t Into subject that sets edltouollzed to death every ~ar. llast or Ille llrr.~lliht. well. come you are prOO. bl:r ....,, or rlGht ahHd. Everybody Iii< belnc 111rud about It. Most l» show oCC. l'ohJ, I ..ouldn't of you probo.blJ resent peoples• be '4rlt!ng this column It tbe; con..t.ar1t tnfrlnclnK on your ~;11n·1 etve me a ~-Une' tJme-whlch Is all token up by school and )ob and homework and T\". But, alas. It Is ..omethlna ,.,u·n havt' tn l><'ar •Ith u lone as Jou'"' D.DJWheto nur a school. And ncter "'u Cllldu&Ul, the alumni assoc!&· tlon wUI start plai:uln~ you tor due. The old 11lo;;so "'If you cnn't ncht ·em. Jot~ 'em•· ls very '-Pl le this ca~e. IC you·re to hllVI' anr !X'acc- o! mind at all. voa'll just ttave to clve !n and Join eleht or nln<! clubf<. Then •cai ...111 bavi1 school spint aod you can hold up your heud and duh !mportontlv to Jnur n;raUni;s. And peopl• v.111 •top n:igg1n.

120711 Fovnh

lhc opportunities. ~cl»o!B, QU1'll!lcations. be!lt paid job•. s11b1ecl5 lO atlldJ", nnd tin" to rl stnrted In your ohoaen care~r.

T~se mono17aphs hn vo a complete :ms• "r to any q ues· Uan YOu may ...., .., about n cnr<'er. T~y an&\\er youlh'> lne,it:i.blc.- Question of .. ,.bat :;hall I ~?" b) 11hln1: n pan· oramlc \II!\' or ..,. ml the!<? la to bl'". Y.:iu mllf oblllln the mon<>craph of the career of your cbolc• br asklnt: •lther or tM Ubnlrlans !or It.

COEUR D'ALENE STYLE SHOP Coak • O"'"'°' • Founclalions Sport.wear 20lt N. Follrlh St. • Coea.t d"Al•n•

Tbere·s anotht>r ad>lll!UC~. too. You'll be so bwn, tb<! .Yl.'ar will Or b•, and bet re »DU know It, sunu::e: •Ill be hell.' and l ou can tf'S! up. It'll quite ob•loa•-fr m 1our reacllon to this Cuban cnsls



tho •"xlen:


elecllortii of last C1Dnth-tha1 the! enthusiasm for •chool I• In you. So doo"t Ptttend you

ban·o't cot "bat It taku' sow. the pas:J.n' sentin:en: rour countrr tsn't 1:1>la1 to •ar )U51 vet, but your ttbool la ~Jo, on the rsd10. 'A'bat"a It to you? Ob, nothlac cucb. lllllfbe. But It sb uld be' I! you p:uis b7 those • · • E SEED TAL.£1\'T" &l&ns "1th not ao c:ccb 11.5 a ~rick le n10t>t con-



Which .

is your favorite?

bccaaso JOU know you"n had 10 yurs ! eel!'> luaom), }ou'rc ID tlll! aac:e

p,.scupllon Spocio/uh • Cilfs A Specialty

In lho reporl on " apec1ne career. you Jct thr fccl.4 nbout

you-.rou can nas tbem. now. to 11ork on 1our commltttts.



b<>r or Others.

catef!'rJ u a draJt~i:er on lbc da7 of a .-ar decl.uallon, n! DllllJC "l!Odra.-5 JllOU$laebel

on ttw! 'tine.~ Sam If nt~ \'OU'' li~DS. lbt-e 1ou been foellns: uo· lllll :ecla!ed lately• II.ell bi.•rc'& the place •here ap~r~ cJal,OD IS guanutteed I ll:utk wn~ CODl;cnia: peopl~ ln t .e ft•ld of .rour cl>olc~. """ be np~recl.ated • • . Co= on. l'l'Cl>l•l TbeJ need scrJ.t>t "'rtt•rs. l~chnlctan-, pMld ad u~lcal t.&J Ill, 11'<1 : nla.J• t 111.e~

11 I ' Ji,..t '"'"""l '-"•llq,• Qur•n frnm \m-rirJ°• c•mpu-.-. arr d1 ..,. lvr l~ul~ aft#{ Lritm -.and ¥.ith thrir r~minitH-· "'itc· krm. 1h..., hoo f.UM'n th '-" '"'"tu141t•• \ rh .:anril 1Jiomt-ml~ I.\.~ d nr


I lw\ h~c th~ h~wt on\r el J,, nul onh for d1t·ir l1J~li11~.I)' b.r.;iu111UI;.\Jtt. bu1 .al'-o hr• Alli' rtw nam1· \rH an rd mrJn., a 'rnlur\ of uu I I r ft ~11 hip rhr) lno"' 1h.11 .\rlrilr\\··'1 i'4 °" J1.:1mt n.I ,.,,., rau t U\ •1th conf..-lrnr,...., ;s • unfi,J,•m t• guuJOl('n:J },, lh~ l'•UI \ aJ lf! J'la.n ""'hJf h I« IJlUf'tJ <UUJ l"nnftrmt"(I h\ U'4. \\ lir thrr ,. u1 .~u.::..i:.:1•mrnt nn,:: 1 111 uur future',,,._. ..' ., ... tumor rt"'• • ••m1• 111 aniJ .. t"«" the .. ,. nu1 ·l.mmlin,: \ rh-an 1-rl ,.,, I~ pr11r•I h m 'll.11.

~:~so Ir~ II~ ('


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C., E




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SCHOOL CLOTHES Coeur d'Alene Laundry & Dry Cleaners me Pickvp encl Delivery l01 Fr0&t

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KESSEL JEWELRY 313 Sherman Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Varsity Basketball Squad

BOWLING WEDNESDAY LEAGUE Al of Oct. 31 Top Bo11 AYerase 1. Cl.Yde Weller 172 2. Tom CUI 1&2 3. 0.Te S&ono 154 4. Tom Raoaon 149 !i. Vern ElU1 149 ToP Girl.a AYerase I. Carole Matter 147 2. Kathie Tan1en 147 3. SandJ' Johnaon 121 4. Ssllll1 Rarold 115 115 5. Sharon Pantoii Team Stalldlnp I. Arl.a1oc ..1a 2. Ten Pins 3. Four Bo's 4. fuollc Four 5. Pin Buaters 6. Lattin' Lotte,. 7. Gutter Bu11 a. Flub OUbll 9. H1th a..ncllcapa 10. Slat,y Uslera


Lemler Printi"d Co.

216 H. "-"+t. SI•• MOiie_. ~lot



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be•" C.Ol'l!'lpfet.L

The tehe4u&.

h ..... 4 . .................... gie.

HALLOWEEll !WICE HAO 'llLACX lolACIC" THEME Tbe SOB WU lb• aite or lb• pre-Ualloweeo Dance, F"T1da7 Oe&ober 2&. apooaored b7 the Newman Club.





the theme ··Black Ml etc." W1tch Ralph Port helped to





C-l• t• Une Of


Hunting Equipment



.,F.t °"4ifi+., ..d -


Cornatalka, pumpkln a,

&bo•ta an! 1obUoa carTlad out



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SPORTIHG GOODS st...-o ;...... Moi.-. "°'nl

All Lutbel&ll 1tudenla or &JU' student trllb Lathefan atll.Ua11on are !Dotted aDd asked to attend the Lulberu Studeal Aaan. mee1111p.

Tbe7 are

held eTel')' Oml aar:I lb!zd Frlda.r at ael1'1tr period. Putor DO<Pal aar:I Gem Ebel 1 ue the ad 'fiaora. cers are Sand.J Jolmscu1, cbalJ· m≪ DOana Koeppen. sec::etat:r·t:ressurer: Sbella Johaaoa. procnm cbalrmaa. aar:I Karen Hanson. pubUdtT cllsirmaa.


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PLEA SU RE Learn to


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