Ort-C1111KJS PCl'king Regulations Will Be Strictly Enforced IUtb 1110•1 ol tbe abullUnc necaaltai.d •lib the bal ldloi procram at 1>1JC now completed, collece olllclals laTe set up parkJ01 rtsnlaUons tor colle1e 1rouDda. Olher resu· laUona are Ht up b7 city ofOclal•, lnaamucb u Colle1e Drl'ot'. a cit)' a11re1, cuta tbrou1h the ca10pUJ1. Ertecll•e l10medlai.ely. all s tudent parklna: behind tbe ad· llllnlalraUon, 11m. and library bulldlnp la prohlbl~. Thia .... la reserved tor collese p~r•onn~I and aerY!ce •e· Ill cl es. On all paved areu on campus, parkln1 la rutr1cted 10 ate .. 1pectncal17 painted to ahow parklna alota. A111 arcu pointed In crosa·halCh p&llejn Is ror through t rarl!c and not ror P•rklng. The aame la true or the 1&11ed walk to the s.u. Stud cnts ma1 park on airoeta, a ubJect to clt1 rc1ulatlons, and In the larcc lot opposite the ad bulldln1. A111 care parkod In prohibited arNa •II I be taHed b7 POllce. Since man.• o l the marklnp wllJ IOOD be CO•Ned with ano"' and Ice, atudcnta are uked to ramlllar1%e them· •el vu with these areaw pr1o r 10 that lime.
WE[).'4E50AY, DECEMBEll 5, 1962
Kildou· .\1emorial Librar_} Dedicated
Leadership Quc~ities An audience of nearly
Flrar Drew
S U Mlnr
•em present al the Nonb Idaho Junior Colleae llbra17 dedication exercises No\'em· ber ~i. The Ubl'llry named for the lote Dt. G. O. Kildow. v.•ho ser,.ed 1'1JC as president ror eii;hleen years. In hts dedlcotory address, Dr. H. llaltN Ste Cfens, vlce president tor academic arrrurs ol lhe University o f ldoho. slnted, "Or. Kildow "as a ,real IMdet nnd one o l our sta1e·~ outstandlni; men In e<lucnllon." The >Peaker srlld Dr. Kildow •as brllUan1 in his anal.>als. wa.~ higbl.Y rernrded wherever he went ud rema:ked "II 1.9 approprbtl~ lo loan his name" 10 tht' Dne llbml'JI .. hlch will ha>e educaUonal value. Dr. KJJdo" ·s name Is In· i<cr!bed on 11 melal memorial plal• la.slene<l to one wall, under a POrtmlt. In th4' new library. A tour or the n"" colleae build.I ni;:s lollowed I.he enr· clses aft~r which NIJC sludenb hosted a recepUon In th• Student Union. The pro~ll\fll featured the nr•t oren sho•ln1 o! the new Idaho Cen~nnial documental)' film, which \\OS well recel\'ed. President P. A. Chr1sl1anson extended a welcome to the audience, and the Rev.1.1man II. lllnkle. In pronouncing Invocation, loaded Dr. Kildow for cl vine unse!flshl.Y ol his umc and talents. succestlnc lhal his name will be hnllowed ln memory . Mr.. Kildow and son. Dr. Klldov., su rgeon al M!ssouln, Montana. were accorded places or bonor on I.he plat· rorm. R•cocnlllon was paid all board members and con· ll&Ctor.1. SIJC':1 band played prelude music and modercd tho aclec· lions, Suor Spangkd Bautr and I/ere 11 e /Iare Idaho. The N>llece choN5 nnc .tmcnca
A number or atudcnta havr reccntl.J reccl •!Id appoint· monta to lh~ nc,.l.Y·oritanlr.cd a tudut union cummlltoc. Th• purpoa~ o r 1hla committee la lo make the a tudcnt union a more rcnlral port o l •c huo I aclhlllca. A Wiik> var1Cl.Y or UOtl\'ltlCI and o r add! tlnnR to tho• prcacnt atudcnl union equipment h.. buon auur• ted b,\' the com· mlU<•• members and othrr lnlNcatnd •ludcnta. AmonK thane arc tho ~·1tda) nlaht 01X'nln1 o r lhc SUB. a rl and music a11prfcl1 Uon. a llNOOhl more ma•ulnn and • Juke bol. A acl or 11udon1 union ruloa ate alao belns Conned. The present llll'111bell o r I.ht eommlltce are Oen Drechul, aecre1at1. t;haron 1'&111011. Connie Lien. Pal Mcfker. Ltoe Ann Januach. Dolli~ Carwon. Nancy H7ko, !::lane Fn!drlek· aon. Marlene SOrknf..a, D••• Coleman. Ron Branson, Royal Shields, Jim Prall. Mill Tur· Muba la I.he chairman. Addlltona •Ill be made to the prHenl COl'""lllfft . . the need artao.
~diartion Speaker
Lauds Dr. Kildow's
Students Appointed To New Student Urion Progress Comrrittee
lc:r 1 and Rick Trvu11.
OIU /ltnli:O<
Debate Toume~ Set Al NIJC Decemlier 15 0 o..ccmbe1 15 lb school debaltr.I !:~ lbe ar.... w!ll COlllPf't• ID lhe :-;orlh ldobo IO\·nauonal D<'lale Touma· 11>en1 an our ca11>11us. Tile evont •hlrh Is th• nnu r Ila kind &I :-;(JC !s SllOOSC.rod by t h•• Debate Club. ln•·lmtlon• ba• • been sent 10 17 atf'a hl1h school n.nd alread.Y ac•·en ha,.• entered. Toms wllJ be compctln' for
Trcl•rs AY<11loblo Tic.eta "-:: tile iuea
lf!!.Cb •"re r.nano;c4 b,. lhe.
uatmbl.J co II • re l"~l OD .ale th<' nJi:ht Of Ille dt'dl• cauon. ~ booka o! tlct~!:s Ina be&ulil"" Chr!M as co•cr •ocld 11:&\e wcntnd•Jle dl'I$ !or Cbnsi.mas c:l•lni:. Tbc pr1ce Is •dull llcltets r r s:.oo and nve ~M'b 11c:ll0ol or
The nrw1 acl1Y11,r •POnNored b.J the Sludent Union committee •aa a mlnron Frld&J. No,.em· ber 30 from t.llhl lo tle,.en. A larao number o r the "'" donla attcndod Ibo c•·en1 and ~fl>lleacho~l llck~l.lO. apcni I.ho cvenlns dancln1. X-Mos Too Doc. 19 p1a7ln1 oatd1, chna. and The Hom• ~.conor:ilra club chochra, and, In aencral, -.inner and runntr·up tMPhit•s Will sPonsor the annulLl baoln1 a Sood limo. The proceeds ClOm tho Juke In lour •llmh.atlon debcte Chnstmas cea on December I !I bol dudn1 tho \\Ock paid ror rounds nnd PD~•lble llnal Ul tbl" home rconamlc:s room. mund.1. Cookies. ruarh. tea, and \la operation dur1n, tho mu or. Tom 001%1~1 la club rres!· colfe« ,. II I b• SN' od by Ibo The anack bar waa aleo open. don1. Jim Calhcatt 1a eocrc· ;Iris !mm two unul lour In lh• Mr. and Mrs. Wea Hatch la17, and One Coleman I the All lh• &ludrnt ••rc ctaperona ror I.he en· tournamfnt rnanac~t. Aansora llltemooo. and ta.culty mr.m~ra a.r~ ttlns. The chairman ol the Dr. Pnddy and ~•r. Slon• .. 111 1nvl1"'1 to all<nd lhla yearl) mlnr was Conni• Lien. also b< workln& lo lhe 1oume;-. t \·~ nl.
Pep .Au-D/y Held nni: pep assembl1 or cb l :ttsr wu be!d on Prtd:I.'. ~OT• bu 30 In pr•Pll· raU D I l tile C"srdlnaJ'a e>pcnlDC Cll • •lib Easi.em 'iuhlDC n Stale College. Th cboe1leaders and yell leAdeta l•d tll<" student body In a number or cheem lnclud· Inc I.he nsM aona. The bllJld r!ILJ'cd and the drill team, <Ir a<d 1n cul-oil J06ns Md awoal ahltts. performed a drill • l\lch lt'prl'Sonted a t
pm.Nice uculon. Concert To<loy CD<'ur d' Alon• planu11 Marc Mu••ll•r •Ill be loatured Al an aH•mbb' lhl• momlnr durtnc acl1v11y penod . A complote &tor7 on hla perrormance will bt" publhhed In the Dc.>cember 19 loaua Of the RC\'lc1<.
Ziegler Now Lt. Gov. For Cirde KDistrict Anton Zleder Is the ne,. lleuunant·aovemor o r lhe Cllcle K for lbe dlslJ!cl com· prt.sed of Nonhem ld4ho and Eaatem \\ashlnet0n. He wa:; circled lleu1enan1· 1ovemor at lhe Paci.tic Sonhwest Dis· 1nct Circle K moednc hosted by Cenr.ralla CoUece In Cen· lralla. l\nshlnClOn. Fourt~en Circle K clubs In Orecon. l\ashlngton, Idaho, Alaaka. and Vancouver. Br1· llsh Columbia belong lo the 1'1otthwes1 Dlslt1cl. Anton's election la QUI le an honor tor l'l!JC and (IS Cl.rel• K Club. A dAnce w!ll be hNd In I.he filudenl union after the Oecem· ber 7 home. pme wllb Colum· b!a Basin Junlot Colle I•· The dance will be sponsorcd to· the Clrde K. Everyone ls urced to a11end I.he pme and the dance.
Priddy Serves On Accreditation Team
.. ...
0....., ....
c.a... v-
e• ............................ ..... Ju4Y ....... Plootopaph• n • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . c;...14 Bocva, ll•d. ROUfooo C1tcvlot1M Mono,.n ............. o.- 01.cOl'I. Afton K,., .. S.,,s1n.• • Monover. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Roo;ier Bero Report•u: OolOf'e• Cooh91, J o. Mothl•, ~nl • w_,,..,. Gar., ~
Miii.,, ElotM Fr"1tkk.aon, Shelle JoMaort, Pettie Aosenbe!9H, e.cky Knu1a., Loel Folrchlld. K•wi HMt on, Sototr K.l1on.. P•ti1 Ol.inbot, John Cornie, OM.it D•• on otMI o.... Col.,..1'.
Editorial ...
. '@ Hc:r.llt ' ...,. ' • ~·ti. • ...r., id ~ Colemun spoke •o .,,., Hotna Eccnonucs C uh rnembeu and '"" p: slcl..nts o' the vcnoon c Ub$ •n •ho schoo • The sub ec:• c
"""r .,_.
for ~r.o,r d1scuss1cins 'ttUS •ho "''""' student ,..,. on eon;e:i• on
thoy ortondod '" Eugene, Or"iO". Tl"')' c•plo•nod tl>or the st.den! oo •" 1 be merely a ploca ro dnnk coif..., ond ralk - n • "'' o bv Id "'1· shou d 1n•reod acr as rho cenr r of rho 1choo '• •OC a I csd 1nrolloc1uol ac11v111os. Our d"legares broughr bock from tho convonr on mony •ort"Nhde 1deos for !;rudenl union ~t1v•t1n. As a re• • o' , ... s mooting and •he delegatl!s' sub~~· ent!.us osm, a s~...den· .moon conun•r•ee hos been oppo n•.,O •o nvos••gatn the,..,.,.. erous POss1b1l1t1es 'or our !.tJdent uruon. Vie ere fonuno:e bo<:ouse ""' haYO a beaut fu ne..- stuo9n• un•on buolcl1ng. NOA ,,.. hoYO •o make 1ho1 bu Id ng i=re •rcn laut •;> Is which surrounc cc:rfee aun~s. • os our du:y •o suppC><' rho ac1tv111es sponsor.J by •ho s•ucfun· un•on ~·t1a< 11 h • I bo a Fnday night clonce or an an exh1b •. -i.. r '" '""' oc:• v1t1es ,....11 morefy bo t~s·s 10 ~tonrnno 1:ie ex•eitu of ~r , n• n• re<r, so rnsi"od of wot!•~ far , _ , , , el se :o I •1 y "' w ,a, o areot tun" t ry hod. why nor lry 1~ ' ours.el'" cluaee. llorryln~. 1 !lnd, ls 1>lw11ya more munlnatul wbrn you ho. •c lo iet up earls tb.e /,y Elane F,.Jriclu on nHI da,y. lie would buddltolocetber aod One or the clerks al the store ,. here I work ls Ille and drtok corree and pick our father or nn ktc!S. He's also nnc•n1 •• oh , ... and crab bonl nc to co back to collece about c-ve171h111c lb.at'• worrTlns us. Plain old self Pll1 aad nei t •emeater and lake up •here he ollt'e leCI off. Be· c11bbtnc alY.ays seems 1o lleve worr1. If 1ou':. ID• alee sides this, he's 1oun1 aad without senlorll7, aad Ille refore conaenlal crowd where eve17· bo<b''• dolna II. la quite b.araastd bJ some or F'or occasloral nrtet;J. and lbe old lfme11 around the humor. we cou Id m&ke up ·'wind ~IOll!. All In aU. he bu quite doll and It " a bit on his 011nd - money up the matte,,., declsloos, sad so oo. Jokes. F'o1 ta11anc:e. that oat': So last F'r:lda1 nlchi. Just "wind up !he RaJ Slone doll bl•!ore 9:00, I saJd somethlnc and It yolla 'truism.·" Now doesn't this sound Uke lo hlno a bout 101ng homo and .. hlttlnc the lu!Jt... He replied a cood club? No due$ • •. The onlJ exptnee rnlclll be a matter-or· !acU1. ··ob. 001 me. 1 think I'll sta,r up tonl&bl and rouod or coffee once la a •bile . • . All klad• or opworry a while." And I 1upp0se be did. I lloow por1un111 IO complaln • • llJld I do 1111 WOIT)'lnJ In a 5imll&t bl' colera led • • • ~e:llbe11hll> !ubloo •• late al algl)t, when opeo IO a111one wllb a ~ l'ni Utfd. and :bere's a buadred SUPPIJ' or WO!T71D& lo do and tblocs banltns onr tllJ' bead. SD ODl·Collll ~rsonalltJ. •bo Tben I •trl7. I doa'I co IO bed wacia 10 ahare all bis aamuand toraet II all. or work 011 Uc espertencu wltb otlleis. The 001.T thlas •e bano'I Ille thine• b&oct111 oYer 1111 bHd. No. I sit wuunc elec· tlr;ured out yet la :M problem Irle U&ht 1ba•e IO see to bite or a racul:Y snoasor. BoweYeJ 1111 Oncernalls) and ffeltloi: we ba'' one or two peulblll· and rbnnlnc endless s15tems des In mind. and we·u be tbat nev~r set be1ond tbe a round 5000 to aee abo11t cenlo& thlna:a 111rted. plann1111 slice . Tt.l thins ts, I wonder It French Clu/, Offlc•t1 II s neceeaar1 tor people like For Y H r Are Elected us to •oriy all the time alone? The new fr~ncbClubotnceis Tbe:e must be otbe"' Ute ua • • for Ibis ,,..., wer~ elected C:IPl!Clalb" around scbool be rt'. ID urlJ So•ecber. lladaooe The r Ian 't IUl)'tldac tllat Potter la president , Monsle111 b:et'Cla •crrtes like • collece' t..aeooo: la Y\ce presldeat. Acd thtore tso't •llY'.blnamore tor Ille ltdloua than tbia buatoesa of SecreWy·Ute$"1tr ttn-fifteeo o'clock class Is worn Inc alone. So I th!Jlk lola.demotselle Pounesa. MonI'll MO It I can orpalzp a sieur SallnlDClon 1a eleno WORRY CLUB (U tr we doo't o'clock clua ucratary·treas haYc eno•J&h clubs to won1 urer. Ad'tf.sor ls 'Madame about now I ll lie ml1h1 cau ei.mll. 11 F'rela Swtata Beta lo che T~ "'eocb Club meetinc 11 a more academic sound. tor Decembtor wu held Del'ibo knows? We could end up cember 3. Refreshments were wllb .. lfonaJ arrlllatlon. Now ow lllm would be 10 ae"ed. A blUlQUtl wlU be held lo eUmlnale tbe problem or soil· the spline for F'rencb Club l&rJ •oil)'. \\e would met-I membera and lhclr cuu~. once a week 011 a week·nlitht, \lembera are• asked to "'1 pr~!erabtr a nl&l>I before 8:00 l!>elr dues no•.
Little Bits
Dr. Ptldcb"• u~icn.,,•ot 'lfU IO natuai. tho d•partmeota ot. E:ballsb. dra•. Jouma· Uam, apeeeb. and a coarse Lo
b,,_11111•. The olllu eT&I· ialors we:e uslsned olber currlcuw. . or tbe colleae. • OnU I the scbool .. as closed lo 1951, II was a IOUl"Yttr l?&Jnlnc acbool tor leacbeisand at lbal d!llt had an •orollat•DI Of oYer 700 o ludeols tralolnc tor Ill,. t•cllln& pro:eaaloo. A1I ac1 or the les!s· !ala.rt to 1955 reopel!Pd II u a two-;l'eai llalol.oa scbool tor ~emulaQ'
tnc~ ·1 .
lo coa·
oftCtloa wtlb tbe O:lhe,,.111 or ldalio. The prue:it C11rJllce111 1s 311. II la I.be des!:. ortM e117 IO reE&ln Ille !ow-YHJ 11a.ma !'or U.. acbool. On ~~oembtor 29 aad 30, D<. Earl PrlddJ •u 11 Lew la· Clark Sor.llal School. L<nrb· IOD, ldabo, !or two da:rs Of lnte1111l•• work. 11~ was oae of !he 1Y&lua1ora tor the reeommended eYaliaUoo for accreditation or the 1ebool tbe othtr roar •ere Ir.I= Moo· t&Da, Croon sad •uldactoo • T. S. ~IT. !ot111et Dean of Ille Unln:at\J or ldabo. wu Ille o:p.ntur or Ill• neeUns. Dr. Doa Patteraoc. p ... tde~ or Ealt1111 WulWlcioo Collep ;t EdacaUon, was cha1rm&o
ot Ille tw~ cwuaa. Ho1n't Flipped
Just Practicing For Interpretation Class e,, S.(• y
baTt IODt down Ille ball lbp put 1110 wnu . .rou mtJ baY9 bOl!Ced I OIHODe •boo ...... ••ll.llla alone c.at11· Ins on a •v:t at.ozblnc two· sided coonrutloo •lib blJDaelr. ~rlaatll 1oa lboaabt Ille PDDI 80UI ti:u bit Ille boou coo bani 11111¢1'1:t1 !'or Illa lllld· semester t<sra aod bu 11..oal· 11 - sball •e aay - '"fllpped bis Ud". "•II. I •lab :o uaure 1on lhlt oo aucb lhlns bu lapP<!Ded, bo•e•er Ukel.r aod locical It seems. Ho wu merely pracllcl DC bla mem· ortzed readln' tor lnterpreta· As
please Jast sutde him to th.. IDierprtrauon clau and the members will take car.. of him rrom then OD. tloo clus. Slo17 tel.Un~ la the nnl The Loterpretalloo clau baa oourse ot study the eta been c!Ylna resdlDo aad •Ill take up. Prepare 1ourswdJ!ns di!fereot •olcu tor se!Y.;;;u;;.;•;..__ _ _ _ __ tbe dlazac1us lo the readlop. S.bstihlt• THdotr1 U you e:icouoter someone at lolls. Cultoo'a £a.all•b clu· the collese wbo la carrnoaoa aes baYe bl-en !Ut'h o•er b7 a cooYersat1oo Uke a oeurodc Krs. IUU.land becac.e ot .,..ltb a maldple perao11&Utr. Mrs. Cll.ltoo•a receot Wries•. Wbeo all Ille PttlODSlllles iu. Ator 1a •dll tacb!A& t.; cet loaae at tile SUit Ume.
edac:ad.oo c=lu=se=•= ·====;
T Y PEWR I TERS ROYA L llENT • SALES llEPAl 11 0..h,,.,& Tn-•t S..,llo• INTOSTATC TTPCWlllTDI Co •11 ~. A..
• " ' - 4~11
SOUVENIR RECORDS "IC• • p A Recon/ 0 1 It "
,,_. MOl!ewt 4-SS'l1
. ,.,p.,.u,,., n.. "•""''
Fou~ ,
ASIB'S UOTttlERS 1217 Hortli
•tart on Friday. December 21 and classes wlll be&lo apln on Jonua11 2, 1963. Clao&e were ortdnA111 ftchcduled to belln an Janu111 7
Woodcock's Drag Store Col>O e• -
S..ndr 4 p,910' p•-o ......
tU H. F.wrio So •• C..... ...AJ...
OPEN 9'00 A. M. TO S lO
r. M.
llJJ.C. REVlfl'. C..... o(Alo.., loia~o, "•"'· O.c-• ~. 1942
Now The Rush To
Advisors Will Begin S,. S.('•
i<ro 'le
""°" ':7
Th. c~on•
IOI ~..,. Tl'IO"l•~~.,, ,.,,, o~~· OPfAO' , , eO• o , , _ oa •O.. ••.....,..,..,... ,,, t..,;. ~. P ~'••d ;,°"" le• •o
"i1.tr.r or• Ml. ~d ¥n. Jo"""9• 8""'"'• .¥11. Fron• E ..-o'"'· ,,,.,. •·• s A"6.r.C)f''t• lil,.t. f~"ll and Yr. Ahd•ratv'! Thi' annual Tbanku:l'lln1 ~- and \era. James Bums. Dance, •hlch •u thla 7nr Mr. and 'llr<. F'rank E:vallll,
ap0naorNI by Phi Theta Kappa, " " held on NoYember 21 In the atudent union. The them~ ol lbe dance WU "Hom ol Plenty" and the dec.irallone consisted of the l111tllllonal cornuoop1a and turxeya. kl'· troehmenll or cooltlu aod punch were served duttnc lnterrnlaalon. The patrons ror lhe dance,
Dr. and Mr•. James O'Conn~ll. and 'llr and ~Ira. Nel• Anderson wl're Cl•on corsace• and bou· tonnltrt• b7 lht members OI the club. Mias Loretta Dunn1· pn, Phi Theta K&Pllft advisor. ...... RIYtn a .. bite rose coraue.
be mat led to the 11udents. Irr
M/J.Semu ter CroJes WI/I Hot Be MolleJ Mld-aem•ter sradea •Ill not dlvtdual lnatructors _,. POSI the aradea or the1 _,. be ol>taJnNI b7 ultJna. Stodeata re· cel'rinc belo• a "C" •W be nail~ a •amine •Up.
Exe u•M• Yordo90 Shop fv<trytl11n9For TheS.omsrress 310 Loke.,cle Aw. COOY< d'Alene, Idaho
Gifts - Toys Small O.po•I• )ti// Hold
u""' Chr/ar'"O
Any ltemt
The lresl>es r tn dO•ry prodvc rs - from Y"-''
1ndepettde~t ltome-ownea OOtry.
VAN'S CREAMERY, INt lot H. Fouotll Su..1
c 0 euR
PllONE t.IOhew~ 4-2191
0 ' A I.
e II e.
I 0 AH0
Pepsi --for those who think young
.o\m I ever Iliad that mtd-semesi..r toll &rt! over. :>ow 1 can r•w and stop ... Orf71nc. F'or a •hlle there It wu studJ, ecudJ. and more stud1. Ot course. I realize tba1 1111 cradea .., not look llke I worked much, but I assure 7ou - I did. In tact, I apent all 1117 apare time srudJlnc. t read Ille chapters while dnvtnc to achoo! In tbe C>Omlna <oa!Y al atoo al1115 and tra!!lc Ugbta. Cl! course, I believe In keeptn1 tll1 e,es on the road~ I •rote 1117 notei; •hlle watltJoa tom ti., park· fog lot to Ult door (so what It I bit that patch or Ice. th• Ume I spent sltuna on the "~' juAI Ion• 11\dewaJk enougb to Qnlah 1'111 notes); and, or course. I spent the last rew minutes betorr class staned leamlns tM material. I couldn't studJ quit• so lard ror tb• reat or m1 i..ai.. be· caas• I onb bad bet••en cl.uses to spend on thee ud and lh('rt"a not mucb t.n:f' !rom one bell to the ~tt. \lbat ta realb rll&couradnl' t put:.inc ta all that Ume ! r lhe Cradf'S I r"cehed. MILJ'bf' I shouldn't rdai s o e>u c ~ and should start l~arrunc a kl• things n'"' r~ r 1n ne1 t set '>f IO&IS. All or th• arades • rttl aot In lhr ortlc1• In tlmr to print the re•ulla In thl• Issue, but thr nut pep~r "IU ~rry the percents of the 3 .$sand abo•e and th• 3.0 It! 3 58. :.>ow I think a Sood •O:d abc~ld be put lo rvr t~ c:.>Jonty (ua JJldrr 3.0 L At tllf' moc:.ent 1 can"t llllnk 01 a cooo • ra. but •bl'n I d~. I'll l'UI It In pro'ridNI lt ctts put llM' ceinaor. Do 70U ba\O an.Y QUHUOn9 concernlnc 1our course ot atudy or NOblf'm& •tlh •Ill' cW!al'ft' A Ital of adYtsors la P<J$tcd on U.e bullelln board, your •d,1aor •Ill help 1ou •Uh •111 probh·in o r quuuoa, •!thin IV'Hon. Allot lllJ' mid· ••me$ter t""u I have been COQ.Sulunc a:y ad•laor Uke cmz:r. Lately I ba••n't beu a bl" to rind m.r adTlaor, ao I la'~ betn consultln1 aoa:e ot Uirt0 •ho a:ei>'t used a:uch. f'1:11111 thllls. antr 6 or ~ sea,.to:.s lllJ' btnl chalet ~appr ..r.< toO. I wonder lh~• ·,r bldtD&. Clie<l Polt1a9 RolH A;J otuaeam att re1111.DOea to pleaat cbeck the pazttoa resuJaUoaa poat.ed oa thl. door.i. Now that tile coo· strucUon bas beea completed the rlllm •ill be atrlcll.7 entarced. The parklas lot la conaldenod a public street and •ill be petroled dallJ ~ pellce cars. Stllduts par1t1111 WecaJ.lf aay reulYe tickets !!om the omcera.
November 15 the SNE:A u · ecuUve commlnee beld a meeUnc la wblcb It wu de· cldNI Its reJU)a: meeUnaa would be held oa wednesda,ya durlnc the actl•llJ' period. U there shollld be a c.inntct •Ith an a.ssemblJ, the meellns tor that week would be he Id the Thurs~ tallo..U.c dunnc act1v!l7 period. November 16 the SNEA club rr.et la room 36. Durlnc the mecuaa thJ..s room waa deals· nated as the repta: mtttln1
Leooer Printing Co.
216 N, F-" St••
Coak • Dreues • Foundations Sporirwear 20. N. Fowrtt. St. • C..w d'AI•"•
FOR BRAVE MEN ONLY E•crr yu: a otout band ol bra•• youn, men much off to the Je'llfcle-r to buy th~ ~a111ctmcnt rin1-una1ded. We at Ane&r'ffd. maJc.~n o( the Wotld•a MOl-t trea•urcd rinp for OYcr a blUldtcd 7""'- salute lhcm. More to I.be poUJI, we b<lp lb<m. Hero• bow. IN STYLES. 5'1lo 10 mpc•mrnt rinp cluancc OY<r lhc 7ean.. To kttp you abrc.u& ot lh• b<•I, Anc:anood qui_.. CoUqc Quttn11 I lilu thr one a bore l lrom all o•cr 1hc eocmuy. Yoa11 bd tbca dwuca at your Artc&tYcd jeweler. IN YA.LUE. t;rtlcM you're 111•1•nnc "' diamond'- your clw>ca of dioccralfll lhc ln.e nluc ol any parucular d,.. tDOCd ue mull iDC!oeed To u.lcpud your in•..tmcnr, A.nc:u..-ed P.-a 7ou a wntlLn pa..ranltc: of yoo:r diamond"• tnie valoe. a pan.at!.., that •• rcopcoetcd and rccocni..<I by la.dins jewelcn c-rcrr-hcre, and backed by • 110-yrar reput.aUon !or qulity. So. eo on and buy lhe rins you,...11. She'll lo•• 7ou !or it-eapccialJy when 1t'1 an Anu,,.cd.
College Queens. From $100
any-1.h.1 ru; yuu wou ., br cal led
upon to repeoat lt , ••
Two of the Our
CalT1n CoolldRe supposedly aald this .. It :rou don' t sa,y
lovely designs chosen by America's
Cltoo• •
place. As prescribed La the comtl· tutlaa a parUameatartan. Roa wanen, and an Ethlca Com· mltltt, beadNI by lol&I)' AM Underwood. were appoint~. Also app0lnlNI was hlstortaa. Judy Pederson. M a money aaklni project the SNE.A ls plnanln' to hold a dance alter a pmc. De· peadlna oo the school caloo• dar, II wW either be on the 7th or !Uh or December. He HoJ A Point
SNEA Fills Balance Of Offices Called For In Its Constitution
·~11 ~
~ f'i/ '.'
Cleonln9 •• • - - - .
O'At.au .
Coeur d 'Alene Laundry & Dry CleaneN m. Pickup .net o.Gvwy >07 - ·
MOll•..t 4-!Sll
313 Sherman Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
S. U. Convention Delegates
Ccns Open Season With 69-56 Win; Columbia Basin Next
OUT OF BOUNDS By).,. Matli/J you rud th·•, 1~ iao~• •lt!rt E• SC will b. old"-* •• Al•o C\lt of S...rw11•• opMOu 09011"1, •• will h1-... locff ColvMblo Boa 1n OPcl Goruo;o. botk °"' h°""'9" floor. I ho..,. h.cl • chonc• to "WOtch both •htSo-.ogiet Ol"lci r~ S.lldo-171 1n •uoc.t1c• tMa no, orid both t.a-., I~ '"' ;ooa.. J"u ftow ;ood' - T•..,. ...111.u. 9y
O.logolOs to rh., foe•"' srud•nf un10t'I cOl'l....,""on '" ft191,.... 0..90". we11• the feotvftld 1p111C~•'• ot o NCeM HOff'• EcMOl'!IC• Cl11b d ""•'· Pictutod hom left to tlri't or• Do""• Cof•mon. do •90t-e. J~t Pona.n•~•. Homo Ee Club pf'esldenr, \41. Horcf.. oftd Don•• Cor10" d•I... 90ro1, Srvc:• Simon, •'""'-"' bodv Pl'W~c•_ldo~"-1'-,- - - - - - - - 0
The Home Ee Club membeis prepared and served 11n llallan dinner or spcghetU, ga rlic bread , green salad. re Us hes, and spumoni Ice cream. The labl t'S were decorated wltb red and white checkered table clothes a.nd c11ndles . Chair· man ror the dinner was Olano Austlnson and committee membera were N11ncy H.Yko, Betty Fltchne r and Ann Laine. Representatives or sevem.l or the clubs were also guests ror the dinner. They were Clyde Wei !er, Phi Theta Kappa; Broce Simon, student body president~ Norm Costello Engineer's Club; Maxine Nel!14n, Dames Cl ub; Anton Ziegler. Newman Club; Marlene Sorkness, Presbytor1cln Club; Bob Reiswig. freshman class president; Elane Fredrlck94n; student union committee; Juci,y Andemon, Ca rdinal Service Club: Sandy Johnson. Lutheran students. Fentured speakers 11l tbe Rome Economics dinner on tbe evening of November 28 were Dottle Carson, 011ve Coleman, 11nd Mr . Hatch who were NIJC's deleCl'les to the Student Union Convenllon In Eugene, Oregon. They spou about what other student unions are doing and sa ''o susaestlons or bow our student union could be Improved. Thoui:ht SUU'ter
Education la man's going rorWUd !l'om coc:ksul'O Ignorance to tbouchttul uncutAlnty.
Del Gittel J l7 Hom-. A... • C...vr d'i'J• ne
For a Lifetime of
Thorad11 Nlcht Leasue TU.Ill Standlnp Aoythinsa Gutters KellY'a BQYa The SP<!clal Set Lushes Inc. OUlucks K.rlpl·Klckers-4 Rcbela Tomcats The Bli: Four Gulterballs 'I-Honks The Four Finks Gunners Mls!lta Bnll l'!llbles Inell vldual Slnndlnas B01s A verace B. J11cobson 169 R. Thompson 162 D. Kellner iq9 o. Rll'111nd 148
J. Reed
Girls J. Bubb
Avcrn11e 143
S. O'Connell s. Collier
127 113 o. ouon 193 T. SChultz 102 A. Noglo 102 llednesda.v Nlgbt League Team Slandlnp Avcraae 1. Tbe Arlstocral:S 582 2. 1'hc Ten Pina S81 3. The La!Iln • Lo rters 522 4. The Gutter Buss 494 5. The Franl1c Fow SIS 6. The Pin Busters 53~ 1. The Slst:r IJ&lem 388 8. The Four Bo's 562 9. The Rish Handicaps 438 483 10. The Flub Dubs Ind! vldulll Avera118 166 l~eller 156 GUI 155 Stone 152 Hanson ISO Ellis 150 Tangen 149 Male.r, Gene 146 M:uker HS Preston 1-13 Watson
The Card.lnaJ~ opened their sea.son Satu<da.)r atabt by ddcnlirlg tbe Eastern Wasluoston Slate Colle1e J'I""' 6!>-56. Bob Ellleblaer led lbe club lo points with 19, followed by team capt&Lo LeRo.r \'lcbr with 16. Team bosUe pald oa Crom lbe Tery Stan oC the pme as the Canis led nearl7 all tbt! tray. Bait-time score was 31·28. With ten lllin11lea re· mll1nlns In the ;ame. £1\"SC bep.o :o posb tbe Cards aa tbe scene narrowed to 4.9-43. Vlcbe and John PWN then eacb acored twice to push lbe lead to ~•~s. From there H WU SlJC all the ...,. Coacb Rol.ly ll'illlams started With Bob Emehlser. 00111 Peters, tan U1111ter. LeRo.r \'lclle and Johll Pl;ller. but kept e•eryooe Sola& In and out to see bow the club looted lD action and aa an astempt to slow tbe San.sea. Our1A1 the Crst bal! Vlcbe twLSled bis aotle but retumod at the the start or tbe second baU. The Canb proTed weak at tbe Cree throw line blttlnc only 11 or 31 •hUe Eastem lllt a ro: 14. NlJC bit 40 per ceat or their aeld soals to Eastern's 3S per Cl@Ot. :\dded be! cbt this yeiu prond s11ccessflll u NIJC oatrebou.nded EWSC 41 LO 31. lodl\1dual Scores NlJC - Elnehiaer 19, \'lobe 16. Puklr 10. Petelb 6. C11tlberc 4. Rasaeli 4. Bers -t. McGuire ~, Rooter 2. Eastern Banc:oelt J 9. Kell7 8, Kl.aabermaon 11. Weslerfleld 3. Hen" 4, Bill 5. Slate :?. Lr.Ro• 2. \\eat 2.
Four Men Are Ncmed Ccninm Yell Kings Ilave 1ou noticed aom• oeep
,..,lees at cbeerleadlnc practice here lately? No, the cbeerleadl!lll voices 8"' not cbanctnc. It ts th<l Cardinal Yell Klni;s. These rour strons YOWll lllltD - bUlt Turle1. J102 C.thcart. Jerry Sclllnc. Tom
•loi• t•'9e 0
Throo;hoi.tt thla HiUOtt 1 w•11 p(edlct f+i• ovtcOlllW ot th. •""•... I •01 boc-' l"lyulf 1Mo o <O•...,.• ond •~ '""Y not Ii\• pted1ctlo"'' But I'll f'T 'O bl: II,, •"'4 c-11 '~"' ot I H• tl<ii~. For tt.• OG"'- wi"' th• So•o99t, I •'i..nlt f1rt.1-holf •<•~ wlll .. clo ... o-rhopa ... "' '•"tlino. lf'll th• lu1 holf. o"-• ""' l>oy1 Oftrccrie f1nf go~ liti.u oncl tighrneo. -.
•111 now OUI ond •'"' Thit Cordi"•'• ett aol14 le¥01il•_. to hon4 Columbia: Bo11n o d•Jeot on O.c~btr ]. -,,..., will be our po-m•. Sorrr to •cry tn. 1 locdi et Gonaogo. tNi b.ttu ,..., loe1it. t·~ afroold rh•y .111 gt.,."" our futt ltou. TM 1h1ng 1'hot lf'll;ht h. ploy~no on our Uoor. Bwt I p .:IJ<t 8'f(ld'og1 owier Couh. lOJ't hop. tftb h ,,.,, hrt.1 •"°"11 p,.dt(llCMt.
flt•• ...,...
$H ,,~ ot th. 9141'1• I l Tot~ bell pl•Y•'1 "Good Lvd1" o"d COll"ltmbtr ti... ._.,. (on91atvlott01"11 ro th. kNr ntw ••y •11
- . or. bec.\i;1"0 you al LtocMta.."
llORTII IDAHO JUNIOR COLLEGE VARSITY 8ASKETBA LL SCHEDULE 0..:. 7 - Ftid<ly - C..1-IM• 6o>1n C.olloge J. V.'• 01 C..ou1 ' 'Al""!< 8!00 Oree:. U - fmloy - Gonaogo Uni¥tt,ity J.V.'t or Co.ur d•Al•no, l:ou o... 11 - f,._., - .,..enotdwe v.u.., Coller o• Wenotct -, 8:00 Doc. n - So.,td.., - 8'1 8-4 c-....1,., Colle911 • 'Mon• lae, 7:00 JM. 12 -S.tv~.., - Mont9'o S1ote Un1.,.nhy frosh et Mlu~lo, 6:00 Jon. lS - TwoJdey - ~1tworth Junlor VoHlty ot Spo\on• 6;30 J-. 18 - fn4or - llolh•nv,.., Stote u.... ,.,,., Fr<>1h 0 1 Pull""'n. 6:00 )m".
19 -S.M#y - l••h·Clork Nomal ot CO.ur d' AllfM, 8:00
J-. 2S- Frtcley - E'#SC Junlo1 Vonh'f •t Coeur d'Alene, ltOO J ... 16 -So1Unloy - Bio 6'nd C-l'T Colle90 01 Coeur d' AleM, 8100
1 - FrulG"t - Whlf'W'Otth Jwitot Vo"•:r OI Co.tur d'AI•"-· 8:00 F.11.. 6 - ..... .-., - L.•1~.0orla "°'ormo ot ltwlatonL 1:00 hb.. 9 -S.tvrdey - Col"""blo Boafn Coltoa- J.V!a e t t'Hco, 6:00 F•b. lS - Fredo, -Unt.,..t1lr, el 1Nho Fro.>. ot C-vr .l' Al.-ne, 8:00
Feb.. 16 - S.bJrd.y - W$U Ftosh or Coeur d'Al•n•. 8:00
fel>. 21 - ,,,.... ..., - c;...,.90 u.1....1,., J.v:. 01 c.11 ...... 6:00 F,b.. 23 - S.tv,_, - Mon.ton• StcU• UnlYera.ity ff'O ah o r K•llo gg, 8100 "'-ir. 1 - S.f\l•Mr - Unh•ully of Idaho Froth 01 Mcucow, 6:00
Hanson - •UI be a.s1LStln11 the tour cboerlt>IM!ors at the pmea. TheJ •Ill al•u bo dolnc aom~ cheertn1 on tbrlr own, on~ ol which will be tbelr specialty , lhe Canlln:i.1 Roar. Jim Catbciart Cl'llduat•d Crom llt'st Valley bich school and attended tho UDl versu1 or \\'as hincton la.at year. Jim 11 a sophomore ~ortns In business admlnJatraUon. Re la a member or band and 11!1 sccrot&ry·lreaaurer ol the CebaU) Club. Jeny Salina also paduo.ted rrom ll'esl Valley. Jerry spent
two years In the Navy L\nd wne n coxswain or a lone boGt. Jerry b<llonp to tM v111Joy car pool. a •cry ellw group. Tom Hanson grodu11tcd trom Coeur d' Al~ne lllgh School IHI Yt'1lr. Tom 111 a ll~ahm11n
C-lete Line or
Hunting Eq uipment THE LIGHTHOUSE SPORT/HG GOODS lOS Sheffl'u Awt.. - MOh..w\ -4-Snl
mll.)orlnR ln bU1lnes11 lldmlnlstratlon. Torn la a member or the bond. Milt Turl•Y la 11 rre"hman rrom Kollou. Milt ls mll)orlnc In edacallon. lie la 11 member or chorus. When uked why thoy wa.nled LO be Yl?ll kine. 1he1 a.II said they would llke to help bulld school epldt and auppart tho team.
O•et.ty """ S.Me."
"'""• MOl>e•I +.il~S 01 +./>476 c:o.,,, d"AI...
2tl SJiienn.11 A..,.. •
PLEASURE l earn to
BOWL While You Are Young
lake Ci1y lanes, Inc.
Get that refreshing new feeling with Coke.I
2414 N . Foelilt St. • C...ur d i'JeH
Hnt arlorte• only For-Free 90"'•·
8o11Jt d under aulllcrllJ cf Tllt eoc.c:cl• Co01pan1 bt