College President Extends Welcome To Student Body Aa we pauae brlen1 bcrore 11aruna a Dl'W stm•ler of the school, ma,, I takt thi. opJ>OrtllDllY lo Cl~nd a ID051 co rdial •elcoc:.e to all of our new atudenta wbo maJ be with ua fo r the first ttrne. Yoo wUI Ond oar atudenl bocb- most r11endl1. •lib a aellll1nt desire lo help 1011 In any W&.1 they cao. l'e,.I Ct" lo call on them at 1111 U111ewe pr1de ou raohes In tllo tradition that we are a friendly school • llh the wdl belna >I each 1tudeot uppenmst In our plans. To our rt lurnln1 studtnta. C001171UJ!aUOl1ll lo J'OU wbo bue 1 c:llleved tbe aoats JOu H I UP ror yourselYO last !all. To tboae o! JOU who h1t•e rahertd, rededicate 1ourar lveo and car17 lhrouch It la 111111 n~t aomcater. never tao late to make a now a ta.rt. The achoo! aplrtt which la t'l'ldenl thla 1ear la probtlblJ lht Onest we hue ewer had. It la evident n •t only 10 thou of ua who •or~ •llh JOU but also 1o our roany •l•llora to thr campus. Thi• la no doubt due In a larar pan lo the nn" ooope111tlon you have al•en your exccll rn1 1 roup or ltudcnl leade111. The r~puta· lion or the North Idaho Junior Collece I l.ar1rly del• ll!llnnd b7 th~ IO"Ulu OI YDU I elfOrta both academically iand In acU· your e.tlra-clau r,,.,
XVII, 1.0
VocationmRehm ReglAotions Change Th• enaclmrnl or l'ubllc 1..... 87·815, Oo1ober 15, 1862, 11>ak"9 \ OCa Uonal rehablllla· Uon tralntn1 a• allable !or lbe n11t Ume to \ ettrans who ID· curred a dl aabllllJ' aa a rt'ault or oen'1ce In 1he armed rorc• durln1 IUl.1 period covered by tbe Untveraal •t1ll1a ry Train· Ins and Service Act. T ht perloda or oe r,.lce Included are (I) Joly 20, t 9 47 10 June 26 . 1950, and 121 Ftbruary l. 18$$ to the preaenl. If you are rece!Ylna compenaa llaa rrom tht 10\ tmmtnt .... ol a dl sabtllty lncunld durtnE tltbrr of lhtae Ptr1oda. ma,y apply ror vocational re· habWtatlon at your \'ete rana Admtnlatratlon o rnco. Appllcanta .. 111 be pro\'ldod • ocattonal counat lln1 In o rde r 10 dettrmln. "bat tralnto1 ma,y be n ted~d to o•trcome Ill• bandlcarplns en ecta or tbelr d.lsabtllu n. and to aaalat 1he111 111 aelect1n1 lbelt tl!tllre occupaUon. The \'eterana AdrntnhtraUon • Ill pe.r ror boolr.a and llllllon and a subsis tence allo• anc t du rtns the Ptrlod of tralnlna. Train· Ina wlU not be Pro\' ldtd under lhla Act lor • tttran• •hose dlaablllllea are rated at !us than 30\ unleaa they aho• clurl.J thal tb~ dloa· blU11 CIWH• a pronounced emplo;rment handicap.
Mrs. Stranahan To Be On Leave Oiiing The Next Semester \1r.o. bHd ul ll
Dinner Planned For Pres. Christianson ..r A "".
~ ·~--~-'"""
dC'parUlll!nl al ililJC', I• taUnc a lea•·e of absrnca I r tba n•••t aom~tnr. She ls i:ila1 10 Arl7ona •Ith htr hu•b&nd, C'IJd•. •ho 11 takla1 a aabbatlt'&I (H\' from hie poat U Kootenai CounlJ' Extr::sloa A~rnl I r lhto Unhtrall.)' of ld11ho •hlle l:o an~ ~ 11 lnl~r ult:ial n adlool at Tuscon. Arizona. !Jr. and !rs. Stl'ILD&ban ..... alao ~tannin; I \1all ~ra. Stra11Ahan•a 11&rt>nla ll!ld uro alat~ns In Ptioonl\ and Scoltt.· dale, Ar1Eona and Mra. Flor· encr Slll\lek, •bo wu I.lie lor11>M food dtrttlor at Ult ::>tude:>I U111 a. u POHlble. tbey "ould alao Uh 10 a:>elld 1..-o•ttb ln!Jtxlco and t 11 t 1>l&11nc eoir. lolr. and 111. Cbatllr H~~. """ WHO fonDU c11510C!lam at :-.JJt:, will be 11aTl111 at the sninahan ho t dur1nc their abarnct. llrs. Frcdrtkaoa la taklnc o•M tbr arl aad IOOd classrs !or :.Srs. Stranahu. !.Ir>;. Zora Ca:ipton. wbo la a I norr In· 1tructc1 at tho fila~r 5ew1llc C~ttr, •Ill lnalruct Ille clolh!nc claaa.
THMll(S A 1lnctrr &banb 10 al I In the collec ..-ho hc>lt d ... u,., tht Ptraa banquot a succ~
NIJC Cooperated With Coeur d' Alene Press In First Annual Sports Banquet
Winning Bowlers
Our community baa pro• ld•d ua wll h ucrllent faclllUt!a. \Ir have a DM ln•u ucllonal a tolr ond thn recc11da or ou r 1raduotra hu ah~n u1 an r acellrnt rrputallon In edu· a tlonal clrcl r•· In the •orda or you r aludtnt bOd.Y Plt'llldtnt, lt'I UI make 1111 · " the Ontst Junior Colle1e In the count11". P.A. Chr1•11a.,.on C'olle1r 1'1t· ldrnt
WED'IESDAY, JANU.r.J!Y 30, 1963
s. \\ea Hatch s. lJ. taaaccr
Un •er Q' Pro!c-sa ,.... la C : d' Almt' alt' s;> a din r and rttrptloa to b r P. A. C' r.a:la:ison. llrtaldmt 01 s arth Idaho Junl r C'oll~cc. The !acul1y. alllll, cus:odla a, Clll.latc· cancto mt'D and • l:nsb&.llds r .-l•o 11" 1ll'11ted to the dl:llle • wtl bt F•k•IUY 18 at !he Atlllt'Uc Roa:ld T11blt Tht rttrpU wlic!: •W 11Ul b(' op 10 lho p bl c •UI r 11 .. I • dlnntr at :h• Student Union. A ln\1ll1Uon la bclnc n~ded to the azoaps •lib •lilcll Mr. c.1a11tla:laon I: 1 bttn COi>' aected - both ~rJ!essionaU, and 1ll Ille lb'.
=a a n
twid a•ud:i •hlcb tn• bttil chm d::nns tbe tar.: st1i::n· t•:. BlllJ' A1h•ud rectl•ld a pin f r 1:0 •Ord& per 11:ln· 11: c and \'endla Pc:son, Gau F'!tllls amt DllLM!e Muran recrlYed tbelr 100 •P.::: ptm. Thr&f' i;l.1 a took dlcmUon five utes with at .ns: 03 per cttt acc::racy. Dolcte Coobey IKU•ad a Gre" r;tn for elnctcncy ln Gr~ al::crthand tbeoQ'. Wada 'hl!Clake: and Billy A1l•ard tach rac:cl\'ed tbetr dtctophonc certl!lcat<-s. Ed Jacquot, who Ill a 1960 craduate or sue and crad· ualed ln I OG. fro :.he Uni· nrallJ' 01 1=110, la tachlns 1o lb• llleb acllool In r-.rtn:" Oacon.
The Or.11 annual Coeur d' Alenl' Preas Sports Banquet, whtch •as c:o-..poosorod by ;>;UC, •aa held lo the c:rm on Janaan ~I. Smee Simon, -.;uc &tader.t bod.T president, welcoced the 0:011! lllaa ae•ea ha:il1ted ,.par!$ enthu· 1laata who attend...S the ar· lair. ~a:b(' :s or the cardinal scrt1ce Clab aad Circle K mad(' the &lens and postrr.o for the rvent. and tht sen·lce club rtu1ber.< poured the •atN and coffee. The banquet ns catered b> lb• Student Union stare. The Press co:itracted !or SOO ~l!llora to be ser,.ed. At t last zr:lnutc food ror an ad· dltlcnal UD persons was 11!· qunttd. 11 llh the http of 1•0 additional co:iks . ).!rs. )tyhr" and \ll!I. Pntzc r PUI out 0\CI 6SO rnrels. A kltchen ere.. or 18 pill$ I~ ~rn tc.- club rtembeni aer•rd lht- nrst 500 In lt111s than :?O ctn utl'!'o' 1abln aod cbalrs were set b• '\or Charriel. \ ern f t and Jo•' Sadler. This b tr aps Ille lat,cst benquct I be serYed at on• sttUnc In C<>t'Ul d•Atene hlaton-. One or the fealufes or tht bunquel •1111 tht' ;>;orth Idaho Janlor Collt'ce "Cardinal Pep Band". ~O mt'mbers atrona llltY pro,1ded music Car thoae wbo arrt' cd ear.y and throuch· oul l.~c dlanr • hour. The band, a tr~l'ndous b.I: •MreHr tht'1 h&Tc appnred tMs ,JHr, pta111d r ! o•e: an bour and fnturcd " of nctit llODI'! to tbe nominated team•. "Go, \ aodals, Go." tor \ trnon La..-, Dee And:oa and C...11 K:a er and "Take \It Out To The Ball Gsrne" In boo t or J.:aone Wllls and
Cl:ar.n O:euen. Spochl tlw1b we:~ utendtd to all tand tll'btra b:J DaaneH1pdc " I r t!:el: pa."t In the t:• (tll.O. Tl:e lallQ et •as tuchllchled bJ !ht P ICHl!Cl! O! SCI Yt 1111 oaut.andtn1 alhlttea - Jerr1 K111mtr of the Green Bay Packers Vtmon lAw, Pllt.s· bwch 'Pt '
tonal Alhlcte or the Year, .. Maur) \\Ills or :he Lo" An~c I"" Dod~er.;. Dee Andro•, Vnh·enitty of Idaho Cootbtlll coach. and SPtnCN Harr1a, manacer al the Spokane In· dlans. The featured sptaktr wu Cbarilr Dressen. who la P ""'enr.Jy ..-!th tbt OodCe'9 and bas had Cort.r·three years •I ba~eball experience.
College Board OKs Hi-Fi Sound System F<r Student Union \Ulo Hartis and lion Bran on Cll-Cbalrmen or tht hl·n com· mllttt have announced that tht Board o!Tru5tetaapproTed ln•tallatton of a hHI In tht Sl:B. It wlll be lnatlllled In aPPro1lmately three weeks b.• Pacific Eleclrlc and Northwt3t f lec:rtc or Spokane. Included •Ill be an AM-F\I tuner. 11>lcrophone, taprrt'corder, turntable, and lhrett nt• or ~rltcll.1 matched 61t'rlophonlc apeakt'ra. Tile student union dance committee reponed to have •chedultd chaptrones fo r the ruture weekend mu era. Connie Wen presented a letter which will be scn1 to CacullJ' mcm· bera concemtni: chllperontna. A nlectlon or papNback books "Ill be displayed and aold In the book&tort In coporaUon with the bookslort. Elane Fredrickson rePOrted lbal Wlnb \'. \lcCoy. director or the Spokane Art Center. •Ill provide thr art 1ubcommlttee with a Usl or area artist& and recom1undatlons ror conductlnc art lblLs.
CHILI FEE D HEL O A chllJ rted sponsored by It Student Union Comntltlte wu bdd on Satu"'-1 nlcht, JanuatT 19. after the Le•ls and Clark Sormal· SUC basketball pme. Ho& clt!U •as stned bJ' the committee under dl recllon oC &tro. Myhre. A la 11P cro.. d allPnded. Danclnr waa 10 uke bo1 music.
Sampli ng T he Frosting
""""'°".,s-o........., ,,___ 0..-. ...... c..i... .. . v-
The Kitten ... No More 'Bmtnitten'
Meet Your Officers
...,.,,. A."'4ttt.0n
J•t'' O.c••t. Oun• H.,...h Stoel.A~ ·~
C.,<vlol•Otl Mcro;en ••••• • • ••••• Bu.1IM u. lotonotct
. •
• • •
o.,.,,,. Di•""• A tO"I
• • • •• •• •
R.potten Oolo.u Coo&i,.y, J .. Mitrhh.. Ronl'l1~ Wwren. Go,.,. Miff ••, Elof'• Freduc'it.on, 51ie1lo Joh"'-°"'• Pottle R:.~b...,. O.c\.y KNut.e, LMI fo1rciuld. Kore" Ho•uo.,, Sorot. P•te Ovnbo1, Joh" Cor1•11• CI01.1d10 0.•0f\ o"CI Oo•• Col~.
ffaYl' )'OU b<'S:"ll &bo<JI lhft
new eoani• tl'.at'a belnc ol· toitd accond aeml'&i't? 11·a calll.'d "x.. w Alcl odlt o! i.turdennc Spol\8 ". and lb• In· SINCIOl!l " Ill bl' IM"'. S and •tr. 11. The onl1 question &till C!P<'ll ~r dcba:c II wb<othet r 1101 :.'o crl'dlts ru~ tnu:sft•4ble to I ~ u. or L )bJbe •e •boold Just HUI• : a ·•c.s1 Club"" - to n e aut acqair• one or ll>ose DrT ,. tile- .. es cur lAS!.ruetorw !=Int ~ a"'•UJtc. <J: =,-bt' a !lt'C~I 'DJtlUtl D railed •• Achlnc An\lrs alld
Ard:tt A:IOll11DOWI" - lo .JOG bne to be "'plu-
lc:ed • II PUG Cl)' Ind t " " • that r P. £, departmrot baa DDAIJr ~..~ 1llo•11 the correcl way ta play "bold II ten". In !act 10ll m!cht aay thal Ill~ llllL"llCt r b "b&d::i!Utn tt.e:i'". trtat realb lcll<'~cd !Ill' was Mr. • b&• J t t ""1 I a cut .t.l:s. s ·a.
I •
!'rrd •as bom 111 \ •tadale. 'l'aablniUm. ials<d ot llamson,
cbea: I v~ N w the •W • ft'U that tti.7 &a
Kootmal llldl Schoo I. II<' cn.Jo7rd olay1111 !ooU.11, bukfltall, and <>lhM hl&h acllool spcns. lie roc•hftl lbe Oalstondta1 Stod•nl A•an:l •bcn he was • senior. Allor F ttd &raduill•d from hlsb KChDul In HIS?, he a11endtd JllJC: rur on• y~ur. Theo It •as n•crsaarv fur hlni ti) 10011< 11nu1 lht1 ~•cond ... '"''~' or 1002. lie acllln rr1om«1 to SIJC. II• •Ill at1l'nd f.auorn ll3•hlnaton CoUrp al Ch...,y, \\uh. lb<' cut quanor. f rf'd 11 10 caJot In aonolou • ltll e:phu!s oo Ju••nlle mldance. Aflet ho rt«lns bU B.A. deer" at E&al.rn 'l\a.JJl11cton, he hCP• to do P<>•t cradua1.. •orii ai th• Cn.lveralty or Wuhlnston. !'rod and 1111 •Ill', ltoaalle, ban•• aev•n·rnonU1·old dau1h· tc:. C111thla. f rtd ••nJoya hunUnc and nahlna when Ids wor• allor.a Ume !or any
ba 'fl! not ams.'U! than I wo:zn ·t alow•r' I CM al I hl'tl• lhl' <XU>· ••rsatian l:i th• '1111 •• '"Do as I aa.y. bo•s not a.a I .•. " I aa7 more? II r •al!Y brraka r up I ll1lllk abDlll lhl1 sltuaUon. ltlcl:I 001r I can fecl D abcp pain neat "'1
r. O: COUid lltal Ile CallSod .y tM puou: buurr and Jelly ustard and•lcti tbat l
bad (n• dic:iet>
NIJC STUDENTS ARE ELIGIBLE FOR ELKS SCllOLARSHIP AWARD StudenlS at !lorth Idaho Junior Colle,e are ell flbl• 10
l'lltcr the Elks National Foun· dallon "Mos1 Valoable Student" gcbolatshlP sward COil" te•t •hlch Is presmtl.r bellli
ho Id.
The lll'PllCIUI:$ !or UI,. achola,,.hl 11 must prtl'&tt! a delallf'd notebook cont:i.lnlftJ eclucaUonal iec:orda and a nu111bcor orl~ller~ ol r•coamlen· daUon. AppllcaUon• f<W the oontut may bt> oblAlned In 1ht>omc•The !lnal cl<>SlnE date for lht !!>(Tl -onteal I• !'irlmlat:r 5, 1!16:..
T1w thins to late r chtt· I '1111tor eo Ins l lbe col lee• and lru & ""bal pal• In I I all 1he UCI" hr b I nnc a rth1ac aboot the ch \l"C u"t
TUKI PRESEHTS GIFT T' I "' ~ '"' I dl'pan· rec1 l•~d a vuy bttutl· !Ill p11ncb bo"I and cupa de· cc.rated •11!1 Chr!stmu Holl1 as a Chnaa:u clll frut1 Mlaa :\lsbto. Se•oral 1cano aro. Tukl . . . .Jso lnstNmental In attUno1 lb~ alhcr '"" ae"lc. wl>lcb la ultd by all lb• co:l•cir rr.srU....:a~.
t • I I be s
f r..i .lluha • la t at SIJC. Ho hu b•<'n ' " ' aclUe on th" cam· pus •nd 11111 tie mlaard. II<" b a • bN ur Pnl 1h•ln l\appe, p1.,.ld• n1 or :II• Pull• Ucal Clab, and cllalr1111 a or lb<' SI dent Onion Coll)· This
\\ben !'red reiumrd 10 :<IJC ln 196:?, be thouahl that dur1.Ds bl.a abaonc• lb• atandatda ot tbe colltce bad bffa
ireatly Improved, aDd that tbe teachers were lllricrrd7 li:::.rnttd lJ1 students lb&l par..clpate-10 acadf' •~ a..
•<"II "-' '"1111-currlcular Uvlth'!<. /\B chairman or lh• st com· mlll<'~. ~ rl'd potn1...S nut lhal th., CommlUN·'• 1•u1T'Oft• I• tG i1ro\'ld" tunrttona wh•n other aothllle!I ar< nOl ll\llllablo.. !'unctions nro rlannrd so that thr' •lll nit lnt•rrrre •Ith :-t'cular rcnnirnllomi and club ncll•illu. The Studrnl Union Co Inc bu bad aom .. d1meu111 re rcnnl· rln& th!• v•ar, but II•• II®~ IO rP111ed,y lhla nl'lt llOl!lt$10f 80 lhAI thf' CO !tin" Clan ope11ur moro •trlclrntly and pro•ld• the •IU•l•nt1 "ltll nddlllonoJ rtt«'>llon. ~IN! 501, "NIJC' hilS a 1well bunch of kid• rnd h<' hu rn)oy~ knuwl n1 t hr•rn," Norno-loklna mruuru "'" b•lna lnlllAINI lo try and control dama1e to /SUI\ fur• nlturr ind l'<Jull1mcn1. lh• hard.,.-urklnJ lre,.hmnn class prcsldcal La Uob I •I•• wlc. who wu born In l;ot'Ur d'Alenr on JanuafJ 9, I ~H and bu lhtd In Corur d'Alm• all bla l!fr. lie •&11 tr4•l11111•cl Ir= Coeur d'Alcno Hleh 6<hool w11h lhc cln " or I 9G2. Bt>b Is majortn, In lorutrv al SIJC. Aflfl two .JU"' •l this achool, hv Iii prraonlly plannlnc 10 aund th• Uni • •NSllY or lduhn to> r•c• h•' hJS dP11•e. "Rabbit," u Bob !~ u•uallr kno•n. h .. sho"n lhal ho has a teal lnteruat In the dutll'IJ o r his otnc" u a re1ucacn1&· the or the frt'•h=n <:b'9. ffc a&Jd that h~ b happy 11nd honored t~ II••• ~en rl~<ted IO hb p.; Ill in, and hOt•es b• I· dolnc a .... d •ob.
n.. .,.,,...u,,. .. F.loo41y
VIV'S APPAREL Century Skirts, Sweaters Blouses, Capris, Coats,
"K.., 4 RecM/ Ol It"" Moi-t ..ssn 1U si...-. ,.._
Woodcock's Dni Stere C4ndie< - Sundr;.s PrescriplioM n6 N . 1-tlo St • • C-... 4"Alo ..
Car Coats, Sui ts, Accessories
PMG• C MOM••• • •• ••• IOD H 4iTM ST• l:U
Co c. u•
o "A t. C.N C. tO AHO
Wi" s Award From Sorority
Little Bits 6y El- FN<lrichon
Yo.. kn "'· ""r 1Ud~a1 uni ~ i.. a tremendou• lhloc. W'bal· eYer woa!d do wt!J>out 11• ll'~re could wt ro7 I, !or o:>e, would reel ab9olately daplaced without It. Of COUISt', I JW1t COllld be a U:Ue ranwcal OD the subject. 'll'llt>n a peraoa ,...._,.... three-roar boara a da.1 Ill a Pia«. tM thous.II: or bel:lc de;u1ud or !.?lat plac<' camea a little CC>Gs:unatloa. Th<' lott'rutln r l!Urlc la lh&1 tbe SUB la ao many ttlAP io ao 1:1&111 peopl~lt la rest. rec~on, DDUdalu!:eat. con· versalloa. study. rtndnvoo1rou oa:te It. II a!ClO&t antwer& tbt1 baalc lmllWI needa. At n111t. I used 1.o rue over there at acU\'ltJ P<'rlod ror co!Jee. Tbec I started i:Dlna o•er once In a •bllt> •bt>n I didn't ban a clu11. and I dlsconred that II waa pos· Ible (Just b&rel.1> to atudy there. Tbe neirl step wag to stan eaunc lunch occaalonall7 Ill the car•t•rla. But the Cata! att'P wu dec:ldloc that bull aesaloM around tbl! 1ables hue 11P&1 educallonaJ •aloe. ~o• ll'a Sollt'n ao I eat lb..e a da7 lht're, do all rr.1 allld.Jlnc tht'rt', all 1111 medlauoc. I f't'n nnd MJSelf aklpplnc a class CYe" once In a •bile. Ju•t ao I CAn alt there. Ask J.lrs. Pacut-1 arrhe nr'1 In Ille momlnc. occupyapp1?llcat•J1 the Ul:lt' cbalr leicept d"11Dc class ) tor anywber" I: lhr e to n\'t' boo111. and lll~:-all1 b.,.. to be dn Yet> out abcn:t lht o'cloct no:111li!it. And I'm DOI lbe "1.1 SVB addict. Tbut' are "bole hu..!• betid11 of as •bo put In our t1111e rt•·1 day. So!:it' ol a. ptber at tbose tablta nttr lb• !Nnt or lbt' :;UB •ftd phllOSOphi.u. S t Dock around Usat blc round table 111 Ille llllddJe and ta!\ &l>Olll lht' P,.•lous •u!tl·•nd akllnc. 'Ibt en'1nff111 cet loretber 14•-ard lb4!, aa a Nit. Tll4! ldf'alhla •bo trJ to atucb ott or dnn t? th<' tablu b7 the wlado.-a, blll 11ever TOO Ca.r a.-&f Crot1 lbt' coau:ioUon. And Uiere a.r• lb• tablu oc· c~rlf'd b1 Uut dUTrrPnl tlansUte Pnttt Rlnr clan, the CHS '61 and '6: clana, lbe 'cadt'lll.!' '61 a.rid '62 claoa, lbe Spokane ciallll • • • • And tbrre the bocu ec table, Ille rortt111 tabl•. lbfl 1u1o mechanics cablt>, IUld ao Oll doWll tbe line or lb• dli!elPJ>l male.a. o! lbese are too •ell ddlctd c: too PCl'lllllMlll, tboocb. acd llllf'e&Uon &aka place a!I tbe At t.h1s tlcf'. llo•eYtr, II la HP«!ltDI U:al &A1Qn• (JPillc coJai::::a c:: a ll1tlili!s 1ll lbe SUB pack HL7UUllC uPbto!ort tbt- sreu 9 4S l:l:!c:at10" blta. Alld btl~•e lbe RE\1Etr ~tot eoces prowl· 1111 1t1:1>ufh ti.. SUB. lookuac
N.1.J.C. REY1E'. ,, C-• 4'.t.1..,., 14...o, We4., J.,.,• ., 30, 1963
Physical Sciences Instructors
N~ H~~o, 18, ~ eC' lr.1"1M.ri or"°''~ ldoho J"l'tlot Cotl~ O"'d C ll•a- Pt••'d-"' P. A. Cl'lrl1tlOl'101T loc~ o,. '" Pr.s1o.wi• Doris
Croc'-•'' al • 1 Koooo, Slra Pltl 1oclol-cvltvrol 1otW"i'Y (c.oor.d t oJ'td Tt•a• t•r J-a,, ;y,.,•• o S75 9f'Vt'IP old Cflec.:. * oworded Honey. N •• HrJ.o ...,.,,. '•~o~lred for 1citolo1rlc ocn1 • .,.,.,,~,. octl· "'"'•• ond PO'•"''ol. SA• ,,.,., •Ith "-' orol'tdpot"Mtt"J, Jtl.r. ond Mrs. Ch r'•t F~ or t?at1>wu11'"· TM eMOtlry orvivolf.., owar-4.,. thft a.eltol<Jt>.
1., ""''''•
Somutor Ends
Leading Bowlers Get Trophies At Banquet 1 •
al tne lbPl'Y Hour Club a January !':. Art~r • d•ll· I • chlcko:.11 dinner, lht! ... ards and tr phlr.a ,..,., p en I rd In b<>th lhn 'II NI· nesd&1 and Thursday nl'11l •lnntrs b7 tile lr11t1Mt prnl· d !Ila, t'hde llt•llor and Art UOOclalr.. Th-P <'tfl I Iona hip tnam r. r bOtbnh:hlA "111 lh~ An) thine
•Ith I • 1 ba 1,.on, aiptaln G• r~~ vJrn, !>Ian• Ullon. lllld Sb111 n O'Connnll. TM An.rthlnni •tro al•o lhe Tbu111• dnv nl c lo nips e>nd llM\11 ilu• lay nlrht dan111• .,.,~ lh~ 1• n l'lrlS, 1'l1h 1111n Olli, N•ln 1 trn I vnrh Jo•
SmaUan. and Jim Eadn. The •edne11daJ 11tch1 sine!•• 1'lnnera were· top aversu. Clrde llell•r - 161 top aeries. Joe l:imatlan - 580. top ruie, \'•m ElUa - 222 . Th 'Ibursc.t1 olcbl 11locles w1nMr& w01e lop aYer&n. B!ll Jacobson - 173 top aedes. Bill JacobMln - 586. and top pmf', An Goodale - ZZ9. Bolb nldlt11 ••re co:ibloecl lo d•ler!llne tbe •l..ntWla clrls. Katlllf! Tao~ W tbr hltll aYt111~ or 148 and aJao the l >P ortes or ~!M. Carol \lar&tr ll&d th• t .., pme or ~II. ~~~~~~~-
racull) • l•d••nt mlnr .. hlch "a. n tw1alh sch'" dult>d In the handbook ror ftbruary 1:1 haa beM can~~ll•d. Thia •u docldtci berau~t ol the Frtc!a.¥ air.lit nl&rr hrld ~•rb we~lt.
EMclu1lw Yordo{le Shop
Everyth ing For The 5eomJ r,.u 3 10 Lol<eslde Ave.
C:O.t. • 0..- . Founclet;oM Spotts-
'°' N. , _ SI.
Coeur d'Al9'1o, ldoho
• C:- I'~
MODERN DRUG CENTER p,. .., 1,11on S11oclol ut1
no1 N r..,,.,
Cif11 A Spoc1olty
..a • .nn
tor as~~~"t!\.
a..... O.t
c1- 1n,
PHONE MClhe.4' £-2111 C 0 E U R 0 ' A l E N E, l 0 AH 0
ohya co cc•"<•• 1toff o! •.JC ,,c UO.s ~c,,.." K.01 rtg. •"• Oo£..o.,.g. lh. Oo·:.en; ~a f"9 0.portr!'!ltnt ""d ·eoc."'-'1 ,,,._. u... -'<•ttt ""= 011 1t:1 Ht ~"'--hf'Y end reoch&t. ,,.,ya,col
af'W:i Fl'Of'!lf c~""'
Mr. f'. s. Oakber1 ....,. born In Shenud, DI. on June 13, 1905. lfe apenl hla childhood on a farm and attended N..,. lllndsor Hieb School In No Windsor. Ill. Atttr a111duallon Crom hlch achool, h• attended llllnole CoUtce. 'O'bf'Nt he recrt•ed bla A. B. dure• ln ch•mt.111 In 19::9. Ht> did rrsdaate work al the Unlveral(J or Nevada. and recrl•ed hla ~1.s. la cbemi.stey lro111 tllal lnatltuUon. An•: lttchtnc tor two 1eara at l~e Unl•t>r&llJ' or Nnada. ClakbNC did mor craduate " t at Ille State Unhet11111 o! Iowa In 193~. f'ollowu1c !!lat. he tauct>t m11b and sci· enc.. In blell scbool at ~elb. Nenda, lor one yesr. and lh~n uac cd tho posJUon or prtn· d""1 of lllat school !or •••en
"""· ll •&s Iller" !bat Mr. O&kberc 11arrlod ldlss Helen 01..,.1oc1 on J11De 8, 1935. She waa a J111dWllt or th• \Jnlverall)' or Snada and •&4 a l1Plnc tea· cl:er at Ille blch school ln 'lella. St\'llda. She la prto&ently reach1n1 typtnc In ~r d' Alt'ae al Ille North Junior Hieb Scbool. In I IMZ. Mr. OUbera received a lcllo•ablp al Iowa State Unlnrall)'. fie Ulen accepted a postuon •Ith the Kennccon Cor~er Qlrporsllon In Sevlld:i. In lbe ftllee.11 .rear~ be 1pen1 tbere, 1111 vadou1 Jobs In· cl oded cb=lal, control cbe::lsl. and ualat.ant mlll •Ul>er1.11unc!ent. Cpon ln,.lnc ttla c:rpnl.zatto.11, lie car.:e to COfir d'Alene, wlttre II<! ~ can Illa • rk u cb~try prolesao: .: NlJC, This la now Ills al 1tb yea: al tbia collep. Mr. Ollberi !tu 3 &0.llS. Tllf'Od::e ls a teachrr and Is dnil>C padt!Ue ..-ort le tl:e fidd or .11aclear Pb1ale11 at the t:nheulcy er C1octmuul. KellJ'O" Is a cnda:ate chll enc:l!lee1 and Is ws a ftrs1 lleul<'Jant and bead ot a r:tlsalle battalion 1ta1l~ned In Germa.111. T'.nben Is now In Cla ftrst 1nr or pa4ua1e •or& al Stanton!, 'll'btre Illa ftdd Is atructaral enctoeennc. Mr. Clakbt'rC teacb!!'& Stntral cbei:ilauy. qialllall•e anal.Y· a. and quanutattve aoal)'als. "l:en net lnl'Ol<ed In bis teachins. he does •oodwork· lnr. nablnc and ny t;yloa k>r rcluaUoc. Ke I• a mt>mbtr or !ht' Idaho Acadt•IQ1 ot SClence.
Coelll' d'Ale. . Laaadry Ii Dry Clea••n
ROY AL RENT · SALES · Rfl'AIR o.. t.r.1 & TJP1•1 s.,.llee
Fr.. Pldrup ..,., Delwwy >07 - ·
Moi.-t ......
4 17 ~- A... • ....... ~Mii
Mr. Keatlng Is orlRtnally rrom Great F11.lls. Montana but he has U\•ed In Coeur d' Alene since be "us a child. Re graduated Crom NIJC. and then went on to the Unlver.olls or Idaho ror hl11 Bachelor or Sclencf! In Education. He did sn.du.ste work at the Uni \·erslQ' o! Colorado. Boulder, Colorsdo. and went back to th• Unlveralty or Idaho to receive bis Master o! Sdence In Education. Aller completlnJ his edu· cation. Mr. Keatlnc became bead coach at the Post Falls lllgb Scbool. where he also tau shl pb,yslcal educauon and science. Two 1ears lat~r he 1111nslelt'd 1.o Ille Coeur d'Alene Hieb School, •here he tauchl pl\)'alca.J educaUon and coached lbe lrl'abman tootb&ll and b""ketball .....,._ ror lour ream. In 195$, \Ir. Keatlnc Joined the .... IJC racult,.y as a coach and a P.E. lnstrudor. He la no• teach1n1 In Ill• physical sciences dtop:t.rlment. At Glacier National Pnrk. where lie W"&S employed. \Ir. Ken line met Marton ~bby. who Is no-. his \\ltc. \larlon wa:> also employed at the park. She Is rormerl.Y Imm Minnesota. ~Ir . and Mrs. Keounc ha,•e been married less lllan a .rear. SkiPperln~ an excrumlon boat and &ak.lni; \'llClltlonera on nature walks tbrouch Glacier !>atlonal Park Is Mr. Keatlnc's sWIUller work. He says that be •~ a rock hound and enJo,s ceoloc as a bobb7 as ""II u rncblnc It. He likes the octdoo111. a.11d Oshlnc and cotr. Ke la coach or th~ eotr team and teach"• ¥Ol!. Mr. Kaune. a Preabytertan, Is a member or tbe Quarter!Mlck Club alld be! ncs to Ille sue ao...i..r.•
~ecoDd i>t~::;ter "'"' .t
acbool enrollmeat i- pre t'nt .. 78. The busloeas depanment , lncludinc typearlUni. otnce -clllnts, and accountlnc hn& ac urollment or 46. There are elsllt enrolled In wood· •orkrncand ::~In tile lllllorlnt C)llSSt!S.
'Typlnc and otllce machines are 111uabt on •tonda,.• and Thwsda7. B•clnnln• ac" counlln& Is on Mond11.r and 4econd serr.6ter Dccoununc on Thunsdny. A uillor! n1 course Is tnui:ht on both ~Ion· dll,)' and l\ednesday , and wnodworklnc Is on Thu rsday. A friend la one "no 5•ea throu,b you. but sllll enJOJ5 Ille sllor..
Pixler Gets Oue Off
Education Tearn Is Volleybml ChQJ1'ion
>Ll.J.C. REVIEW. Co.~1 .fA ~"•"· J~..,.ory )D, 196)
Tu·o 0/98
1· naai-- •ral T , , tiai charoplon lbl 't'U ,,. ~ odu· ca I.Ion tn111. The c ta "'l>lon wu dctermlnf'd b.Y a rlayotr of !lrst LDd St'C'llnd plare • tnneis lo t!ot' l•o l•i:ues. &sl:iess and EJ~ronks nnbh!<I Ill llla! crder on top of I, •lllle £ducauoa and f'•c:ult• plac<ld In that Ille: In Lt:li:;u~ 2. Ill till' P~ofl, Business dt'fetitod t!oe Fllcult.r ::~. E'Q,catlot: •on !:i El«L-.nlcs 21·6. F'acultT defntod Eltt· tn>nlcs :1-•. and Buolnus •on OY't't Education :1-13 111 IM fu:al liU!t'. final atLlld • l:ig Dluaauon, Paculi,, Blnlaess, Elect:oAtcs. Otbe: tea co::pctln& In U.e IPa1111n wue: BA·BS. tad:ratrtal Arts-Pre!.!ed-rrt'rt·Pllar--ac1·De<lUsU)', En· dne<:==.t-F't:ei1tty, u::! Auto lo!Ktanlc•.
omclals dunce thP c
tluon ""'" l..t'ny \ tche, Hub !.! h llcG!lllt', •d
s- th. ....
Whitworth JV's Bow To Cardinms 70-57 .1l
, i..
r Can! a ~~s;e1rrnt tlhe .,,.hit• :u. J \"a Oii Janiazy I~. Oo I Pettrs led tbe ses>rtn~ •Ith I G •bile .Wk• :.S...Galr• llddf'd I: L'.l th<> Ulla! tall7. 1be Plratn ~ ae1· lni wl :JI I U polnla Ill tbc Ol><'lllllC """'1t'nla 0 f tile 13 ...
Ccrds Trounce L-C For Seventh Victory T'le SIJC Cardinal ·aJned t. t!.lr ,,c\'enth -Aln of t .. season on January 19 ,. htn they de!ontrd thP •·lslUn~ l..•wls and Clark Normal :.amors 98·55. This •U tho hl~est scot1ns mark of tbc a~uon
Ourtna th• iecond ha If, tho Cards 3COrC!d 5~ points and held their opronents tu only :?5. J C hit •~ percPnt Crom the 11oor and tbe ll1mors scored only 35 per cent. Ian Hunt er and Doua P•tere paced thl' Cards with 19 points 1.'0oh. \llke llcGutre had 11 llayn• Dust. Bill B<>rc and Bob E:mehlser had 10 ~ch. Ted Anderson. ? Ler 1 \ che. ?. John Pixler. ~. and Terry
There 1~ a meetlnJ of a < bers o! the Hevte" at.oft and ll!l10Dt' who ts lntete$led In belo& on the statr at one
•"clock on Tuoadiu. Februan 5 In l<oom 23.
For a Lifetime o f
PLEA SUR E Learn to
BOWL While You Are Young
Lake City Lanes, Inc. 1414 N ~
St .. Coe., lll'AJ• "•
"U handr<J the Ca,.,• trtala by UIP \\ashlnstoa s:s
l'nh~rsll,• fn>sh In l'ull on Januar• 18, 6G- ~7. At half ti~. SIJC led 33·31 aRcr tile !rad h:Ld C!la:u:t'd bands all Uces. TM Cards held the lead for •Ll a:lnat"4 of the 11ccood ha! f unlll theu defrnar •lacll.nt'd 11nd the lrl.ll &ctmed unable to find llle 1Dark. Bob l:Jncblnr It'd tbe Canis •lib 1 :. rouo .. Pd by !SD Hunter 10: John Pl.lier. 6: Leroy Vlche. 6, ll1}nc oust, 6. 00UK P'1e~. $, !olt'
~ Andf'~J·:.
BW &or£,
:. ncs
a.r~ bri These •e "'! the ..-o rJs tbat coold be been! wh1.•n th• CenUnal C'"nedtl marchfd ror .th•• h11lf·N1".e acUvltlt's for Ille Lc•ls llDd Cle. :-.:or.:al, JIU.I r Colll'1:. µme Jana" 19. 'Ibe Coeds drllled at t!iat Ume t~: t!ie Orsi time In their new red unlfo1111~. To comp!ot" tb~lr out!lls th~y wor~ red tK.-ci: •P bats, pgt!·b&ll :u.Jes or ~ and • llltc o::; tbclr boo:S, I.lid •bite clo• .. Thc1 ~rfoll'!'.t'd nrtous drills and formations at the half-time break. Tbt' drill ,.,._ • cow p~c Udnc r : the- :Ui:bt t e Ca:d· lrials play tl!t' G®Zaca J \a at the Colluum In Spokane, f'cbruan :!I. Th~ Coeda ..-Ill =rcb ror :lie bsll-tlroc or the :ia.111 c:omc. •hlc!l trill be betWCt'll GWIUP and ldabo ;,aue <..'Olletc.
bot l!Wr elcht a:lnuln of Pl.a.r tllt. Canis captu"'d the lead and l!eld It tlle dura· ticm Of th~ l&ICfl. NIJC - Pettrs 16 llcOUI,., 1: Pt'lltt, 8 Slllltb, 7 llut1er. 8 S.r5, 5 Ouot, ~ . \ kl!r, 3 CarlbNc. 3 .\ndor· • :: E=ehlst.., :?. Jar,ea·
"1uouus co•· "GU Hunting Equipment THE LIGHTHOUSE SPORT/NC COOOS
•111d S•r.iu
Ccrdinols Hot In Montana Frosh Win SI C
Ca niulal
.an C'ubs 71!-S~ 011 Jarwa11 I:? In !.!Jssou la. Tbe Cards took an Hrl1 lt'ld sad beld It apparentl7 •ttlloclt dl!fic:ilt.r. Thell tall Llld reboundlo11 Pn>•ess t.:ild moat of lllP 1alo. At the hall. the J. C. tH'll led 32·23 and Just kept wld•n· I~ tbat marllo after tbt' half. Fro1:1 tbe !lrld, tbe Cards p0s1ed 5? pu cea: scortnc uerace. cocpared to ?6 per cent for tile Cubs. Douc IN! the Ylet?r. w!tb 15, Collow.ed b; Jollll Pt1kr &ed Lt'n>T \'le~ •ltb 13. WI Ra.cter. 10; \\'aJlle Dust. 11. Rub Sr.JUI, IF 81. n rs:. 5: Ylh \.lcGiil.,.. 5. 1
.. ..._
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60,000,000 times a day people get tha t ref reshmg new feeling
with Colw! ~~~~!14
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