'Recital Thursday , Features Original Student Compositions A rec:llal. reaturtns 10lol i.. l and orildnal compoeltlon • .. m be held b:t th<! NIJC choir In the col le ae muel c room at 7:30 p.m. on Thursdt.7, F'•b. 124. Thl' N!Clta.I will be UDdPr the direction or Lou Kl'll7. T•"o oripnal piano coa:po1 sl Uons. "Grecian Melocl7." b> Robert Deitz, and "Opu 1." lo' Elhel Bdsbt...111 b• played lo' planlat JIU F'arver. I Ortelnal vocal solo~. Include "Esplegelerte," by Sbaron Heath; •'Mi nu et and Chorale," by Melvin Taylor. and "Son· l atlra." by Melvin Taylor. Most or these student com· posers wlll present their own orlclnal composlllon. • Also rcaturcd on the pro'1nm wlll be "Ye Arc Not of the f'lcsh, .. which wlll be suna by a Quintet conalsllnc or • Diane James, Karen Schooler. Sharon Heath, Ron Shockley and Bob Huskey; three vocal &Olos ey Sharon Heath ao' companied ttr Melvin TGYlor. a plnno solo, "SorBUNI" Dlnmond played by Jtll F'ar' vt>r. and a Cl11rinl'l Trio CODsl stl n& of K11ren Parrtou. Sally Spnl n. and Keith Ucn. '
The Coeur d'Alene Ctvtc C hoir wtll also b(' presenuna a pros ram on this date. \H. Kell.Y aalo thllt It ts not \ necessary for a colleu 111udent v.ho Wishes IO sins "Ith the Civic Choir IO be In the school choir. ' On F'eb. 22. the Cardinal Chorale presented a procram al thl' Masonic Temple, ac· cordlng IO \Ir. Keib. ' On F'eb. 18. Mr. Kell)":. birthday. the choir o>tudcnts presented him "Ith a sv.ea ter. Mr. Keto· said, hov. ever, tlat ~n even better birthday 1!n was the ract that the choir has l en med "Jubllate dlo." (Sing Ye IO God All the 'E:Brth ). Mr. Kt'lly empte sl zei; that this Is a particularly dlr· ncult piece or music; this 1a the nrst time In seven yeans \ bill he has had a choir Clll>· ablror performln' lt corrl'CU.)'. Mr. Kell.v Sa.>'S tha1 he koows or onls ont' other colleae ~cholr·'6L Olnf•s--that can perform this number. He said th111 he rrlt ll'at 'he NIJC choir could not h•"e P''en m anythl nti thst would make him happter than the knov.· ledge llat the\ could perform ~his dHl!cult number so eJ· cellf'n_•..:IJ_._ _ _ _ __
DUANE FITCH WINS °'MUSIC SCHOLARSHIP A $50.00 .cl ~ar Jllp "llB anoaymouslY to tile ..A C.ppella Ololr In apprl'· elation or the sacred music ~unc b•· the cbotr. Duane F'ltch "aa chost·n by ~he choir membrrs 10 be the r.,dplent of this scoohu5hlp. !"Itch, a l<'oor. 15 llCll"e 1n , the cardinal Chora 1.. as ,. ell u thl" coolr. and m, ... a sophomore at NIJC. Thr Cardinal Chor11ll", ... hlch ~ a.n en~emble of chou me"'bf'I". haa b<•cn bu&Y le11rnlna a no" PtOltllm or muMIC. Thl"ll fllhl pt'rlormancr .. 111 ~c F'rb. 22 at thn \laaonlc t.odar. The NIJC Choir ha• ll'arned lhi- entire rt'Pf'llolr~ for lhf'U •e.prln~ 11 ur. • A fund ral•tni; . P&Ahl'UI rlhnnt•r 'P<ln•orPd b) thr choir wlll be :.tuch l::?.
t Rl NWC llVlll Ca:rd1na\
uf XX •io
Musicians, Director At Pullman Meeting
736 Enrolled For Second Semester " r. r for !!l:rolll cg
~ l!Plld!J~
lbc s.MOnd llCl:lellU PAS&ed. ;30 bad been rellstered to: cby clual'S 1.1 ~!JC. Co:npa"'4!
•Ith 5;2 enrolled- a ,.,., •co ror tbl' lll!CODd lll'ml'Slet, l!ll' current record ts a. 9.!i Ir.· Cl'l'&Se. o r ~ more enrolltd. Comp111ed v.ltb the &H .,a. rollment lllst fill, ho,..e,·er. there are 108 fewer utendiag classes. This 1:!.8 per cent declt ne bet wel'n smiestets 111 the lo.raest e1perit>oced al NIJC In recent ymrs. S!lcond sE1Dester re11stratlon rtcures since 1960 sbow a 11 teady upward tre.~d. lo 1960 NLJC had 380 enrolled 1961-319. 196:!-l:?i. 1963-· 5:?1. 19&1--60~. 196~- -· 1966-136. The reclstrar'l> ofl!ce report..~ that thel'l' are 99 511;. de nib l'nrolled In rusht classes al NIJC tbl• spnnc.
King OJ Heart~
i<1~11 or He<Jrts 01c:4 Schuflr r..cel"•• a con9f'Ot11lotory ,.fss lrom April EYOtts* '"'s~s'I o#
''- ev•nln9.
The "!001 or Hearts" semlrormal dllnce. sponsored bJ the Roml' Economic:> depart· meat, provtdt'd anotber 111'.la evenlni; of dandnC for :SIJC atudMtts on Feb. I Z. The hli:bll&bt or lbe e"entni: , ..as the cro"'1ling or Dick scrultr as Kio' of Hearts and Pete MatlCS a& f"1 ;:,,t l\m dlt. Ju,.t be1Drc tbe cro..-01n, ceremon) . the eve llns candl dates - Sell Rtersoo. Dtcli: Scbultz, RAY SCbla ff, Ton:< Tra .. eelt. and Ptte Mutes - ..... ,.~ e:sco:tcd IO tbe bancls::ind by Ka:<Ja Y.mdt. Holly Ha!Ch, SbUlll suan11bao. and Sharon Luke. Cto,.O-bnrers f I the OCCU..~lon "ere Dand and J1-mie Bums. son:; or Jo.:::es Bums. mufilc and biolt>IO 1nsuuct0:. Apnl Evans announc~ th<' "Inner • and present~ th.-m ""ch with a cro"n a.nd G kl:...,. Enten:unmen1 for Ule P<rnlns wa~ pro•ided In' a &JOUP o l dancN~ Crom Pat Chose· da.nc•• &tudlo, l,.o l4P dancers. ChPrtnP Brunelli• and ShJrll'• Youn11. lllld NIJC'• own Go-Oo l!lrlfi, Kllrcn Schooler and Kolby Ztmmrnnan. \luslc for danctna was piovlded by th<' Cardinal Dance Band und~r II\.. di r~Uon of \Ir. Jim Burns .
Kl~tb 1.lvn, pep band !>IP•· ld.. nt. Sl'"'e :.lor, \1('" PIC6· ldt'nl, Richard vr. band manaaN, and James Bums, :SlJC band cllr.,... IOr, all<'lldt'd tbl' North Dh'lalan mel'tlns of lht- Na!lonal Colh'S" Bnnd Directors• A•110c1auon, F 1•b. 11·12 Ill ll11&htn110n Sto tr Uni It)', PullmM. The NCBD ..\ la un Maoclnle mt>mber or the> Music Educn· 101>1 ' ConfOrl'ncr, which I• n d1•pnrtmcnl or thl' NnllnMI F.d11c11tlon A11soclri.tlon. Oues1 Conduc10 r Jnml'u Nell•on It'd a 93· plrcr bnnd ala conctrt F'rb. 12. 3:Uup.m, Thia bnnd was compo •ed or band members rrom npproxl rnll ICl.Y 1$ CDllOl4'$ und uni· •N~llll'" tbrouahout thr Pacific Northwe~t . The thre~ 1otud ..nt- part1c1 • pant11 rrom SLJC olayrd In8truments as rollow : Kl'llh Uen , clarinet. Stevt' Moe. trombone, and Richard l..rr. tuba. Jamts Bum11 panlclpalt'd In a pMel discussion F'rb. 11 from 10:30 to 12:00. lie dla· cusaed aucb thlap aa: th!'! prepnratlon or atudenta at sue In th,. music field, what the junior collc&n £111duai. • pot~nuala ar~ musicall.Y, and bO• th" NLJC bana pro1111m oprrat~,.
Congress Passes New 6.1. Bill ,
Sy M.tb • Hoouon
A G.L BUI las passed tile
l'.S. Senate and HWSI' of R C%>rt'ller:'o.11.tl ves. Thia bl! I will she educational and loan benents lor lbe \'tteran.s or 111e mod~rn era•a cold war. Tbe btll will cover al I lorme: ~e:v!cc:ntn ><ho •l'r' on acun• dut:r for a perJod or sll molllb,. 01 more llinoe January 31. 1955. Reservuu and :sauonal Guar<b~n am 001 covered by tbla bill. Am)UnlS to be paid 1.:1 QUal· lfied lndJvlduals under this bUI are a" follows: educatlonol benents. $100 pt'r month ror a llinsle \'el.4'ran, Sl25 prr mortb for a marrtPd ,-e1era.n; and $1 SO per month ftt a married veteran With mote than one deoendeot. The \'e:..• Club oo lbe N!JC carnpu:. will m"l'I e>'ery \li'ed· o!'sd!l1 durinc act1v11y penod. T~ meel!nc place wtll be ao:iounc('d bl.4'r. One or the s:oals of tbese met' u np wl II be to enlJs:iien NIJC \'etNana abou l Co r111Co::il n& bc:ICII ta frorr tlll bill.
CALE.VD4R Feb. 26 - C ••• oo.n II' e mu&lc b7 G. H~rt"r. S.':lltb and Co.. Sub. 9 00 p.m. to l:!:OO p.a:. ~arcb :? - Pnmary clectlon or studc:.1 bod) omc~rs . Marcb 18 - ~oc.ral elecl!on o: &tnde:it bodr otoccra. l!arcb :?S - Drama bcpL play, 11· 10 a.c. EveQ' v.~esdar - \'eta' C'"lub v.UI 111eei In the Catdlnal Renew Ofllce durtnc 1&eli,ltY period. All fre5h:nPn lntuP.Slt'd In the Socllll Actl vill"B Com· mlllt•e !SAC\ 1111enle\\S ror comm.lie.' po•IU oa, -brck the po t<-d bullt•11ni-.
GRADES MAY HOW BE OBTAINED IN OFFICE F'11111 •ecne IN 11t11d• reports att rl'ILdY ror dlttrtbu· lion :and s111d<>nts m.., pick up theirs Imm th" IPlla· trar'S ofl!oo an,yl1me this Y.~Pk.
"RollY \li'tlllama Nl1ht" on Ftb. 1$ W1lll a succeiiarul even! na rrom tilt' •1ewpol rx or eur.10oe concftned. A Iara,. crowd lo attendance to 11ee th" Cardinal baaketball team defeat the Gonzap frl)&b with a Ona! 11COre or 96-61. and to qtch tht! halttime ceremonies honorina Coacb ll'lllla.ma. v. Ullarr. • •bo Is co11Chlt11t thi· Oirdt· nals ror hi• ft!th a~ '"· now bu an lrni>l'l'Slln l<>COtd o( 81 wtns. :?8 losses, and I u... The hstr-ume c .. remony was opened b1 the Cardinal T•lrlNs and th<-lr nam1ns bat.>01. ~lu!ll c was provided by the ,..;uc P"P 811nd und" tlr dlrecuon ot Jim Burns. An lx>nor 1uard wa.s formed b• th CardJnal Drlll Tl'IUn. and the NIJC cheft lead"s t!!ICOl\t!d lbe 1ue11ts or bonor to the f:llJ<l. '.It. Williama Wall honored by apet'chea from NLJC President Perry CbrlsUanscn. Hank Atxltreon. Gonzaaa h"lld coach, Jim Goddard, bnd coach at lbe \:nlverslr.y or Idaho, and Dr. 1.eori Greer. d.,an or p1l7alca1 education at Ille U. o! I. )I! • '111111~•. and b<er twin daucht.tr • Shana acd Shaun. wt~ oo lbe staa:c with Mr. 11Ullau to recel•e sifts con· tttbul~ by lbc comcullllr. racul 11. &lildcnta, and usoclates or :.ir. v.iulu:!. Theae iina Included a color tell!'1&1o:i ut. t•o reeliallll cl:lrs, roaes tr.: ).!ta. \Ill· hacs. and a aet or 110lid slh"r cut! Unk& fnr lot. Y.llllam. Shalla. Shaun, and Rona. anotber dau i;ht.!'r wbo ...,. not on tile a:aae. &190 rccelvt!CI ¢111. :.ir. \lllllams. ..xpreulnc lhAnlLll £Jr lllmRH and hi lamllv allld, "In all slncerll'J'. this 11 tbt' i:reatei;t mom<'nt of Ill.)' lllr." Th<' 1'1JC RP\1e" Mall Is hlll'P) ID ha VI! tbl'!I oppor· 1un1t1 ID Join In 1111' r•>eo&nl· uon o! '.tr. 111111ams • achiev,.. mr nta. l\t' ho!><' that by th,. \lml' this pai><r Is prlntttd 1M Cardinals will ha•·~ add•d anotllrr '1cto11 Ill their r<'· cord-e vtc10n O\N the \\'SU Coubclbes.
DRIFTWOOD COSTS HEW STUDENTS S5 Art1 "tud~nl who ha en· rolled DI N'IJC lhJ f!IDNWr, and who was not a •IUdMtt at Ulla colle&l' l!rot •etnest.!'r, w1 IJ ha' e to D&Y an a dell tlonal $2 .&o I( he wl sh~ to rrcel "" thP 1966 flditlon O( Dlll'tv.ood, NIJC AMual. accordlne to Curtla Cha,~. Ddrtwood 41di·
tor. Tbla does not apply IO a111dents who "'""! at NIJC the nrst . emeater becaus~ lbry have alrea¢1> paid $2.SO out or theH rep uaDon (~es. added. Tbe iota! cost or the annual Is $5.00. $2.$0 acb smutrr. Aeyone wbo will not be able IO pldr. up bis annual •h"!l It la ready, Aus. 2S. should contac: Ctlra'.s Cl:allf' In bis o!3ce cllnnc acu.it1 pc-nod. be a&ld. F'or 20 ccnta i;tadents may 51 '11 a mtillns padtt't and tile annual w11l bo aen: to them• Tbe ol1fraood offtce Is s - 1 tudent -ofllc". and Is In the atud•ntunl n 11Wldln1.
ASB SENDS OUT BUDGET FORMS J ne .1udent board ouai:"t cc>mmltte" bu I •ut!d rl'Q nftlt forrm to lhe racult! advlsens of clubs an d orttanlza11ons on campull. Each club pr~den t 1s 10 lndlc;:at~ on thP ronn tbr amount or moMY his club wtll 0 .,..d next year. JU:cordint to Roser Beck , clalnnan if t he budael commll ll'U. Thr ram:., mu~t be iu rnl'd In c. 11es1Dn Hatch b7 \lar. 15. II a club dots oot turn :n uua rt'por l, money • Ill no: b" budirt.!'d "' 11 R<'JI J .-ar, Bl.'<' k acldf'd.
~s!.~l~~.~~~. ~ ·..... ft J.w ...1 - $N4Mh ot .... NORTH IOAHO JUNIOR COLLEGE COEUll O'Al.E.Nf. IDAHO
'd '"Of
. ,
,, t
ha no mor cf o cnrto1n bocL r porwn w!io los1 h1~ book " ly omvo . I !iapo ,...., cp • r. ncf f""Ct ,, W'I nQ' bo
fotgel ..+.c•
TIU u•
vt Ult
or .,,-t;vl·
cudl'O I b 1ud !rur
lnfDrma11on 11uppllt'd tl)' 8'!1"1 JohtlllOn, &iudmt board lltocr•i.11. A letlt'r ot appr«lallOll !IOCI Richard Hynl!m1ln, Detau.• Coacb • .,.as read lo ml'l!lb<. or the atudmt b01Ud at thd r Feb. I meeUnc. lo r.1:111 ICllN H1aeca11 lbAOked lb" botud for llnanclnr; the debalc t~·• lssl lrlp. c. 'A'esco11 Ha tcb loCo:::ied th!! bOard ctinnc an t"mcn:mc1 eeeUnc. Frb. 3. tl::lt cnr.>11':lelll r : the &t!OCllld llCCICSlt'I Js bclo,. pr.:>Jectcd csur:ia1~ Tblll called !or a ro1:1:wa11c:1 0 f a llCW :l&cal poll C.)' CXIDI• ::.mee co::iposed or EUil'! 80£hl, Belly JobnllOn, RocN Beck, am! Oat! O'Conr.<'11. Oaf)' O'COllllt'll 11U appo!11ted 11Qident bocl) \'lcepresldrnt to ~er"e thf' remainder of tbe vear. He replaced Phil Edcbon. Tbe swdenl board •'Oll'td to p.,. $90.00 tor lhe eleclll· cal In. IAllaUoo or the NIJC :den. (located on the comtr of Garden and :>;orthwl!!lt Bh'd. 1 31 Ille reimilar Feb. 8 meeUnc. The pu l't'ha se o t s; o.oo wortll or letiers ror the slt:n wu also aulhonzl'd. A p:opasal tor lll11~ ll...., mo'1e pmjecto:s •ill be presented to lbe Board or Trustees al !heir ll<'Zl meellnc. Several co=lat'!es """'also appal11ted: &tudt'!nl ortlce dClCorai:.oo: llilok Anderaon (cllal 11:1&0) and .... pnl EYallS. denlopment or land bclllnd admJnJauaaon building Gaiy O'Cc.nneU (dlalm:ao\ Ken 'll'ohl, Elb"l Bnchl. Dale Taue111advlsor. Apnl E .. ns. J~rrr 'll'ai;ner, and llllll.J Post. :-;"1 ~t<:J<On, clalr::an or lbt' consU IUUOll a>::>t::lllef' ·eporled Iha: bis rroup r:ic: nd re,.fe"ed thl' conau ll:lllon and lib by-laws. nir.r d.ldn't nn11 an.r nP...c! tor r.-vtslon al lhl time. Gary O'Connrll ' lun1ee11'<1 10 lake eare or arrsnc t'Dts ro. •elecllnr; and parcti ...1111:. nt'" mo\'11' sere~ and rublnl't !or tbe mo•1e pr.iJector>. HP wUI also see aboul rc-pelt1n1 lhr mo•1t' proJec:tDll. Dooald Hl'lkklla was arndallr appo1n1ed Editor or :till Cardinal Re,lew. Tbe b:.9 rd \-ott>d lo Iii Ye Curtis Chaat'. D:tltwood Edli.:ir. one Ullrd or $6G.OO of his 'll'Ort. 111:holanlblp. Joe ll'b1lle1. pr lde11I of the :-OIJC Booslers' Club asked tor studl'nl llll,Po:: In pro:>0Uni: lbe llml I• taskelball p::ics. B'ltrd ~:bua a ~ed l'l)Ort a dance sponsored b;r lbe Boo t "'' Club. Thia d&:1Ct'! •111 be held ann the lfSU·'.\1JC
All" , .., ~ • i;ra of the Onrcwood :\1JC A1111ml bu been prod::~ 1111d aeo1 10 the publl6btn, R. .-aJbcc Pl ~cbe-1. Inc.. Pa6CO. ll':lsb.., ac:cordlcc in CUl'lla Clase, Dntt11ood edllDr. 'Ibo total number or 11&A:es ror the Q;,o
' gniups
Student A ulhor Offers Advice To Aspiring Writers Ct!:tor'•
SALES REPJ,I A O•sf• "t & l;•·~t s.,i,,1.u ••·c•surc T.,c ... 011n Co 1 '"' • • - • · ~ . . ,._• ._. ' l 41I
New Supervisor
II, .. , AG3 TA<'
trn'lc.a tro boo Strn:~ /leatU aad :>at. ~m&r:'"i:'l:cll Ac~ lo oct psDlubed soo~. TA~ Slrrm711...E!!.... I.I a tnllal r.Stor; of Uc Coor d' Ale•<' /!Ullaa Tnbc. DaJ~ To u a boOiO/s~Ofi
f«...,,..,.,. tor
also nl~a oclltr xoaJJctioa aruclcs, ere. "
"°' J.
M.>111 persona believe lbat
l.bl17 ll'allled lo write In the
ll r6t 1111dt'. \lan7 are pos!· uve that. If they onl:r bad 1he 11rue, they muld •die 11 dancb' book. oon'I 1ou believe II' tn the llrs1 padl' and on tbrouch 111-21 achoo! , you a~ sh·rn Ute tools or the 11·1111011 trod~. Tbe rools or .. rtung ue or llllle use unUI you kno ... Whal each rool Ill ror. and then you must pracuce correctly and 10111 Pnouah to dPHlop •lll1nc muscles. Man7 p~roons o..-n brushes and paints. bl1 a~ not artists. You=• pay $1,000 ror a •1olin and 111111 be In capable or playtn1 a concert. •.\CUJal!>. •ti ans l ~ a ,..., or Ute. The way \'Ou ll\'l', 1ou: lnt.iesb, and lhe p«iple you moTe amoni: (a:Pntally. Ir not pb7mcaU.r) •111 ccnd.ltlon ond lnsplrt' wlllt )'OU "111e. Your ma1ertal i:-Jst be ll>ed IO be aur. Honestr and :ilnct: tr cannot be rnf'd. \'on, thr tH.-idnn!nc ,. n IN, oltrn lblnk of "rt tine as lcamlnc IO ptrlol!l'l 90ml' clt'ver tncts. \'es, .rou. lbe ~Doner& Alt' more eaaer ID b<' •uflf'r.i than IO "n h'. Sparltlf', r•t'n tr )DU acble\'t' II. 1 prellY artlllcfal. It ls n 1 eood lo pNsuad!' yourseH lhal )OU nrl'<l only to l~m the knocJ; or dn.~hln~ orr llil "'line SMllPO('t'S ln ordN to ix.com,. a succ..,,,sful wrttt-r. Cha=IN and hon""IY arl' tar mo:o> •aluablc 11ss<'ls tor 11 "rll~r than any Irick~ o r sparlll~ ht' can ever achle""· \'our ""an~ ma.• nol seem ::.o ~lt~I ms bnghUJ or Oo\\ as amoolbb' u somrone rl1e'11. bit lbal mar be becausr :rou a:e a different ptt&On WI Ill a dl!tetenl Sl'I or Jdeu co expuss • Tbe moll lmporlllnt thins 5 tba1 :rou CDSI lave IOCI .... lbln' to BllY. a:id )'OU DIU!ll feel Iba t It Ill etlil nc Ill:n!Oc:a:it. Y ur o •not lo te cle•tr. 'M1Uo' !lell dl5COC!racln Yoa. th• ,.rfl :. Id wnt ab: I peop • placea and Ud 1¥S. R bet' Peollll! ar lnte led n people. Pal ;rou1n!t a tile rtadrr'll sh rs. t>o •t n tla ftt. l11cs. Ooa"l. r aodcr· "11tli:·;:Ufl
J.o,, Frick :-ie,. to the !'llJC campu 11 this semcstN Is Je11n Flick, who will be the voca.t1onal supeMsor. Frick's duties Include annnldna and 11e1un' up \'Ocat1oOAI PIOll'llJll!I In hllih schools and nlllht ex· tension courses ro: octllls. &iper\'isor Frick Is head of the \'OCBUona.1 PfOJl'lllDS In 10 Nortll Idaho counties. J. Prt ck laucht vocatiolJ. machine shop 111 LC\\istoll' Hillh School for nine vea~. Frick ror el r:hl 1eani at· tended summer lrai nine cc~ ferences ot Idaho Stale Unl.erslt;r, at Pocatello, ldallo • Be also served as presldf.!111 d lhe Idaho Industrial Ttll ") inc aasocla11on lo l~ -s~ . J. Fndl and bJ11 ..1re. Rulli, haTe three children and one cranddau11b1er. 11111 hobbe,. include rocll culUns: and ; woddoc •1th metal. lie alll(I l'DJD!» salt ..-att't fi!lhlng_ "I like the Co.ur d 'A ll'll'll area ,·ery much . llll I tuD not u~ed ID the lone winters. I am looklnc for..'ard IO the summN and lhe rA:tt'atioil that II offer&. " he said. Remember tbl11 always or thin(CS lhat lead ther to ,·ei4 atlon; not Iha t II be misfo rtune, but to bt:1lr It nobly I~ cnod rortu nc.
Foondatlon• - Oreuu · Cooli Spor1sw•or ond Lingerie 104 N. -
St. -
c..., 4'Al•HJ
c ous Ho'!1bvrgers
~os1es1 S~rv1c~ In T
•n•Sttc""o" •·..n~• LOUIS FLOWERS
"P . .,,.. "'""E"
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ltk•orool Spooy• & Florol Auo•ttt•oal\ C••lo• 0•"9"~ C ••••• Pco•"" .. O"' u 11.,, A ..... • ""• ~ o• f"A• B • tr4 T•lrlloro Ordrn Aaywh•ot In
n. Wot d
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11n r::si ...111
be 116. Tbe 11n::t:al la publlsbed 111 lbr ~ l>CltU.. and ~ crythlnc 111 on &ebedule tor lhe a econd dndllne. April 1 ~. Cba.se NLld.
Woodcock's Drug Store Co•d·e -
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·King OJ Hearts" Candidall'...8
do"" r a1den~ rl.. cenll.Y el ected new ocn cus for Ille sem.,.ter. T hey ·are presiden t. U nda \\'lse, \ict'p resideot.. O•en Staley; ~ec rcta.r:r. Dof".1tlu' Cbmbea; anauer, L•alee 1.1011sblrab. eo<lal c:tiainmn. Pall)' LeL1· l:IOC, •nd do:::i res1cu:.er. Sasao OOetOe>r. Tbe dorm oCllOl!r.! are dtaft· Ina a new llel or i.!ISJl &llOllll to Pl••m dorm UCe. F'ortllcomJ111 Co: thla aem& ter I• th«' 1ponaonshlp of the annual Sadie Ha,.kJna dance>, \larch 1...
MEN'S DORM PtUI Edd< n. roa:if'r NIJC 11tudeo1 bod1 Ylce-preslden t. la lbe ne• don:i procoi:. He Is rti1lad111 SIU l\!111ball, 'lrllo ha~ tranaC•md IO lhe t:m· ha.- tratU1ferrl'd ID the CDI· \'eraltJ oC Idaho.
l<gr ,. •
You wUI never !Ind time for anrthlnc . If you want umr 1ou must lllake IL - Cbadea Buxton
( ,,,.
Ethel Brlsht. ASS pre.Jdent, A• .1ou gan clumh u the Calling &no" this "'lnler and reponed thal the 101erclub counol held a meeoo 0 on brood abou t thl' -aloKh<"'. 11no"' shovel s Md aching Feb. 16. Roser Beck. aopb · • bnok s, remember Urnt I t could omore clllss repn• !ll'ntat1"e. conducted lhe met'linc. be worse. RoSl'!Tlll l ) Hanaoo , or the Yes, much Y.orsl'' For In· stance, back In 1921. 76 Sodal Actl\111116 Commt11ee. asked Iba! one of the clu~ •inch~ o r sno"' fl'll at Slher I.Ake. Colorado - \\lthln :?4 sponsor lhe dance planned hour.<. And at Tahoe, CaU· Cor Match "'· II WU deClded that the lnte>rclub Cooool Comla, 108 Inch<' of ~"°" would spon"Or this dance, • c:ame do\\n bet"~" January 1:?th ao:I Jn nu al) I 5th In wllb Candy Da hJ as cbalrmao, said £~1. 195:?. Plnnb for Campus \\ eek The record :.nov.fall fo r a • c:nlendnr month occu rred at were discussed. Ethel said Trunarack, California. \\IUCb 1b111 lbe '¥il'ek of APril 25·:?9 i:ot 390 lnchl'S during Januar)'. bas been selected ror this More plans v.11! be ' 1911. accord1n1110 llorld Book ,.,·ent. Enc,.clopedlL The sa.iie announced later. »l'Gr. a rc."COrd drplh Of "no" CLASS HEARS HURSE acc:umulatt'd at Tamanu:k, Mrs. Oordr.. • class "n ~..,here ~ >! tnches co1 ered child de-·elopmell receot\1 the J!UUnd. The nil time record Cor :.no" beard a talk by 'Jrs. Bo>rb 1411 In on~ seru;on "'ns set liiesel. ob•IA'trtcaJ nurse at the Lak l' Cit.>' Oen era.I Hos· \ from Juli· I 95S to June 1956. pltal. rl'l>orted Sue Dunn. "hrn 1.000.3 lnchl's ot snoY. &Je said that \Ir... Hiesel frll at the 5,500 fL lt.•1·"1 or dlscossedthe use of hTPDOs1s 'lounl aanter. \\11shlnc10n. In chlldlirth, and stressed ~ Allhoc1h tbrst' are aJI re· ccrds. 30 Inell snowfalls are tbe lmpOl'Ulnc:t' of lo»e aod t>erireett paren:s not IOO uno.i:.u:al. In lbe hi Its acrecttoo and chlldren. She sard that souUl...a..~I of 1.Akt• Ene 11nd "' Uike Ollcino. thf' a1em1<' lack or parental r::atunt1 "'Int" r s.no"' fall 18 more Iha n leads to man' problems In 150 inches 'Ahlle Ene, Pa .. the de1elopmt·n1 uf c:hlldren. \\OH bunt'd l:t.. u :?Hnch llOOW• PRlllTS FASHIONABLE ~hill on Thank•11i1·1n1t of 1956. In cllse you 111<' wondrn nc. Susan Dunn. bom• ec Stu · • 14kes a 6-lnch la-er of dent. "-J>Jf\~d that • wide ,t sno,. or o. 30-lneh IQYer 1-anl'ly or prtnr.a ... 111 male I di\ ~no·• to equaJ lhl' Cashion nl.'n durtnE !be a t·.n(_ .. r.u:.fall "Pnni: """"""· ~ aa!d that Ulesc pnnts will ~ In· ._ SPEECH CLASSES FILLED Ouenced by Blldl classic patterns u cal loo, checlls, T •rt 1s 11 capac:111 •nr~ll · Tb• n' nt .n mo 1 .>f th< pc~ch plaids and atn~. pnnta will ran1e from mltda· c1off~($ lhl~ srmt•l'tt"r. ac · turc pro,1nclal Qoralb to bold ~ ordtn~ to or. Earl Prldcl)', stYllZl.'d abstract deslcns. sf>l'~Cb d•·ri:ut~nt IM!ad. \'l•1d 161nnd Prints ... 111 also lru truc:ol6 ll'llCh!ni; 8Pl'i!Ch be seen •aJd Sut'. c:llUisei ar•• ~tarcarct Oalt', ~Rlcllard ltuteman. Bunard DR>JrlA REPRESEHTA ~· · :.man. and Earl Rlddy. Ann"ll<' Blt:n:ill and Ra)T'..ood Tbrll' drama wdent from Stoor do not tl'DC h apecc NUC - Catlu' Hortz.a. Gary '.:ias~r& this fi~tnt•at<i, Prldcb Ch111>p•ll. and Pee Dobnnao 1&ddrd. •ill reproaent lhe dnun11 d eP11dd• •IHO !illld that he partrn•nt al the UnO•ld Cot · .1nd lhe o\h1•t foc:ull y mt>mbN l c 5c tournament at \IC:.Unn · '"-.111• PMUtl of lhr l f'CO rd 1•11!• . Creson on \lorch 3·5. Richard 11\iwrn•n irnd hi. 31d P•I OOhrnan . d bate tram hu com11Ued. Pee Hid lbal both CalhY c r.unut•d by aa \1ns. and °'1r ) &II' flr&I H:nl'MM 311' I klni:: ( rY.Ud IO drar::11 atuder&a and lbls "Ill Ill t Cll!C' ' Ira. auc Ill • be lhclr fir.st CN>CHIUlUI)' IO ' · v.b1ch v.111 i... rr· . represent NI.JC In IUI lnte!· Uu pun." ooller;!u<' acav111.
Have astronauts made pilots old hat?
Suro, rhe boyi who go ol pod> g11 the big, bold h90<f..,.s But ,1 you wont to 11. rne bg opponun ' · 0'• i' w !1't the o ircroh 'has toito off and klt\CI on 1.e...,Otot thovsoncf 'eet o' tl.in>Nay Who need1 polo!J? i AC does And MAC And SAC Md ADC The<e's o reel fu1ure rn A:tr forc;e l1y ng. In yooo to COIT'O oircroh mav fly higher, faS!or. ond funher •hon wo dare droom ol. But they'll bo flying, w•th men who've hod /lus Force llignl Ito n ng Ol tl>e COl'trob.. Of course rhe A r force o!so hos ple<\tf ol jobs for rhose who wQll'• be 'lying AJ one of tne world's loigosi and r.>os: odvo...:ed reseo•ch ond d9._ ,_,, organ zcr.ons. we l>o'we o conl.nu.ng need for
>e:..,,t "' and engonee<s YO'Jf'9 co ego grodvclos n ~ lie'.ds "" f.Md !hot they'll hova ·~ opport;n I'( 10 do woii r"<lr " both .,1ores1>ng ond .mportont Tho foe oi. nown0<e will you nave grec•oc lot 'udo Of tOIPO'l"bl '( rtg1
/tom the starr lhOn on 1ho Aero'f)Oto Teom - the US A" Forcot
Youmov bo portclllot
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def\•1 of mony " voor collegM fo<
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A uw Mechanics A re Skilled Workers
SUB ver1wn
QUESTfO,\ ' '"Do vo• th1n4 tl1at lb< rcsu::p:1011 of bombing on ,\'orth i·u I .Vam bl! tbl!
U••lcd Staks kllS eRdcd
Ui11sen~d CD<Y huP< of PC!DC<'·
1111 &C'ttluu-nt of l~L 1•1e1 ,\'<m cmtf/ICI ... ROD WOODWARD. Sophc>more. Educadon: "Both aide.. mu~t come to some l<lnd of acreerr.rnt. If no apeemmt. nuc!t•ar •sr' .. LEE GROVES. Freshman. ··1 think Cblna Bus. Ad." wlll Mier tbc war If we ke<-p bombnc. ·• JIM YOUNG, Fre!lhtnan, Pre-
D•ntal. ··:;o. the onty wuy r.o catn peace la r.o wipe oul Hanoi and nil olbN Vlt>t Cong stroni:ll<•l~ ... LLOYD OONEY. F'reshmnn, &a. ... d. ··No. I fee! that th• rct1umpllon of bomljoi: on Sorth Viet Nam only prove. Cl•~ Go1,,., ~•Po"'"Nte" ' ~eod. O'\"f'll"Sffl os Die• T~sCM" replace our adamonce towards af· o tor' pipe. ft>Ctln11 a 11rtOment of the Sy Donald ,.,.,.. -.010 alls. the sllldents lllke i.pan confilct. •• the practice automoblles In a A world •ithout cars would MICHAEL McGUJRE. SoPhO· lnri;e. ,.ell·f'qutpped shop. be llke a steamship Without ''Tht> re· more. SOdololY· ntow Ibey ke"P track of nil an ocean or Easter wtlbout sumpUoo of tnmi:.nc may of lbOSt' greasy Utile parts provr r.o North Viet Nam that th" Easter bJnny. and reasaemble them toio a \\'oue than a culeu world "e will ~uu· In Mia. " car &PID Is be,ond me.) would be one In which all DORIS G. PATTERSON. Willi the r.ouch of 11 su111eon the co.rs were In disrepa11. Frc-:shman, Bus. Ad., "Thls and there •·cren•t any me- performlni; a dcllcaie apera· mll!htprcivt>we mean bJalnes5. lhP s111dents adJust chanlca to dx them. There- Uoo, and make mr Vll't Cone tallc •IJ1ous par..s that ba'" 10 be fore WC' ml dlt conclude tba t Pt'aCt'. •• accu1111.e down to thousandths hone1 10 a bee Is Uke a co.r MO.TON TURLEY, Freshand som<!Umes ten-thousandths to a mechanic. man, Educ.Uon: "No• In \\'hen we get I or.o an au IO· of an 1 nch. rt one llltle part tbr fifllt pince, there can bi:mobile and drl ve oft we 111 out of plac:<> o r Is not set no prnccful ~etOemcnt." rttlbt. tbe •hole aui:ornobile usually ue tll!nklnJ about RON HODGE.Freshman, Pre· is rend!"red Immobile. D•ntal· "11 mlallL bdn1 No rth On the other hand, the Vlrt Nam to 1he confNl.'nce mechanic must execute the table whPn llll.'Y 6 i;ure Ibey sll'enltlh of a mule and use baVP hnd PnOUlh.' • .. ha1eve: lan1:1u1i;;e seems KARE:'> SCHOOLER. SOphappropriate lo eet a hard or omor<'. Home a: ' 1Jnlll the 1- •:r Job done--11nd I don 'l U.S. and VI eLnnmesc IJ)V<'m· mean "that darned lbilllt". m•nl con sll down and dla· mtb the car populalloo excu~' I ~SUl'6 concernl RR !hi.II plodl ng tremendousb as 11 ls cr!ala. nnd use a lltUe lntoday. the mechanics' profl'Slrlll11•·nc<' llke tho amills slon II' a 111>od one. so far ...~ thry are suppos«I to be, employment pos!dbUlttPs are thNt' will nt'VN be ony conct>rnf'd. According co pr:>PMlCf'. •• Jected rsllm:il<?s mad~ by CllARLES BLAKLEY,l'resh· lC'adinc co.r manufac111rers. Klrb,, Y.rul~1r II•'•"• as Flo-1d man . lnduslrlnl Arta: "Thf' an o.ddl nonol 100.000 me· Fte•lond 011ploln1 1echn/eol ,,... trv<'fl()l't• tn on out°'"c•r ... • cmnnc" for pl'OCCful &t1U(Pmrnt '"°nl.'C)/, ha~ pn1>Red. I think thl' VIN our dt'sUnaUon or other releCon~ will fipbt to the end. ·· »ant occurances 1o ou r life. li:UZABli:Tll BERNARDY . F'r<'llhmnn. llOm<' Ee. "'If SCld<lm do "<' think about v.hal nnkrs thr machine Uckbum tinr. l 8 resumt'd It Is """ lbl<' thl• oct would lrwl unlcat<, of ooork, th~ .. hor· rid bl'nst" brcak11 doa n. lo a cnmp lrtr world nnnlbl· Thl11 ls "'h"n Ille mechanic~ lutlNn." NEIL Pt::.'TERSON. F're•h· In our world dlaanosl! th e man, A1!11cullllrl' "I think Ollmcnl' of the car nnd set thn rr~um11Uon IJ I bomblni o buut tMI r 111 k of rc1)111rl na was , •. 1rnUol. ~o will nrv1•r Ille dlllXln~c. It's much Uke a ha"l fH"O C• unl1·"" Vt'<' cnn docll>r and hl1> paUl'nt. 1 1n\'h1c, th•· \111· 1 Cona th11 To bt· a compett'nt m«hanlc ... "'11 n11111 •• lnn11 ns lb1•y who can repair almotll anr conllnut tu b<• a1111re11sl Vl' In part of 11 <'or, II loltt's a great th•· fllr 'a •t. dra.I of Umt'-•·Iaht years ap· I 'HANK BOGARDUS. i>D1>h- proxtmat••l)'. Ill>\\ e"l't, no... 1m11r.•, Botun\· ··Thi• ""81 mo.i mechu.nlcs s pt'dall.7.• al lhl llm•• If ~o PUbh lhl' In a pnrucuhu arva of m,.... S• rth V1o'I Nam Oon•mmt·nl chnnlcal \\ork, 11 111 tlu:; lntu 11 11011tUon 1<h••n lb1·y tr111 nl ni that Is 1mponan1 and 1<lll ban:aJn nn our t<-rmt<. th' SIJC \'ocat101111l D••part· Th<• onh JH•a.ct• WI' can hn \·,• ment contributes to lb b edu· I~ tht JlUlC't \\'l"" Cb.ft V.1 n. •• B 11 l ELLIOTT. Sophomort·. c .. uon. T»enl,V-clRht ..iudents are chamc.; 11>11! be nceded In Bu1>1nr 5 '"No. Bombl Mil tour )eAI•. Tile pr,. ~!II •nrolled In the IM>•Jl'ar Auto );onh \"IN N:i.m \\OO(d pronumber of cmplu1ed l'Chan'l\(·chanlc1> oourst>. ~·P<ln com· i..bh hl"l(l promo!<' a p1•ocrlcs IS llbout 300,000. rlelln' the rrquirecwnb for lul ~rill• nu•nt.'" S.: the nc-.t ~me you i;!lt i;r1tdu11uon, a Mudt>nt ... 111 F.D DWIS, f're>ihmnn. Edu· !nil> )our C11r, plnsc don't r~Cl'I'" 11 Cl'rllfil'ate of cornr.1111011 • No, 1 do not Uunk rt'&;a:d It as 11 ··~ lKlci:Lnc pll'Uon. !ti' ls llrn qu:il1· thf' IP•Umpllon 1111.. <"ndt>d OR\ mon!'.-ter" Uu:u has !?at ures Ot>d w bf' an apprt'nllC<! 111•1>• I 01•acrful ,f'llJrnn·n1 all I the n:::ir. ln:nead, thlnk mf'cballic who -..1 ll work ror a bt'<":OUM' I fo••l lf ,,Mll1·m1·r~ l Ill! th<' skl!I 11 ha" Ill.ken !l'llllCI'. d~a.h'rship, l't.c. 1.. 'ilna to roni~ It 111 more t --d "P '" T"o 1n,,1ructors. Clt.''e lllH•l\ I.!> "1111 our conllnua· c!u ,.,.. J. lion. Ttus •Ill lM thr Vil-I Gnlnt>, d pa.rtment hel>d. 11nd Fl• ,.d F"t<"t'land. tl'!lch ~uch Conr. km•" "" v.111 11i;,1 until MEASUREMEHTSHEEDED b11''" thine, 11s motor 0' N· "-£" d•·h·nl Ci.>mrr.unlsm. •• hndltns:, tran,.,ml~,l~n aod dll!• I• nttol rrpair. !r nt·f'l!d I 'hall "'" ••t P<'nn1t m\ sd! al11tnmtn1. and tun<'Up~. lo to 1'> ~ su !<"' "" t hate:
CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Three "l!ellkN" from the \Jntver~lr.; of ldal>O, 1('1)rt'srnun1 Campu,, Crusade, (a COllt'~l' rellrdou' orp.nlznllon) preamtPd n pro1nun dunnr t\\o 'pecla.I m«"'Uncs or lbr Cho. ttnn F"ellow~hlp Club. F'eb. 3 11nd ~. They dlscus.;ed lhe stat1dln11 or Chnstia 1uy on coUese cam· pual'S throuctiout tbe U.S., Kathleen Frost. member, reported. Guest speakero !ram Ille Unl\er:;tl;)" of Idaho \\ere: ClllJI< Pedlcord, Blll Hollack and t.ntcr CooUe. These paople are very acuve In the l:ru ,·enJ ty Cnrnpus Cru· sade, ~n5~ Frost addt>d. She conttnued by slU"fnc thnt several NIJC students, wh o are members o t the Chrlstiat1 Fellnwi< blp. O.re ..-ork!ni; on the development of this 1:11>e of club at NWC. PHI THETA KAPPA Three PTK members lu ve been cl>Oseo lo a 11end lhl' annual PTK Con \•en llon a I l\'enatchl.'e. Wash .• F'eb. 25·26. They are: Bart> Scharff, Delta Klll>P& secreULrY. JuctY Geh1tnd Betty Johnson. ll!'ll. student bo1trd secretary. Rei;! strati on fees and other ewense:i will be paJd by the C11llllnal service Club 11nd the Presbfterlnn Club. nccordlng r.o Robb Sehui:e. Delta Knppa nee president. The conveitton Includes n fonnal lnltlnlion or new members. a co.sun! dance, group discussions. a dinner and luncheon. IUld n speech b)• Concressrnnn Tom Fole)·.
CIRCLE K CLUB The Circle K Club bl'ld o s"1m ptuty Feb. 5 at the Krystal Plunge fo r members nod lbei r dates. Twen('· ll'Jest.o 111tend1'd. Also present "crt> Mr. and Mrs. H<'rsChell Riebe, ond Mr. and \Ir•. Ozzl ~ Walch. MtN th!' swim t"veryone 111 U!~ po.rti had 11 s tenll dl nner a: lht' Kryi;tnl Plungl' res· 1aiJ CIJll. Circle I\ members \'Olun· teert"d r.o usher for the re· sel:'\'t'd Sl':lt secllons at the WSl·).;IJC pine F'eb. 19. nt NWC.
.. 80< 1ker T .. \\u.!!hlnlth•ft
nixnu la
r. '
O.rl!:l ....
NEWMAN CLUB O"cr 100 s111deni.a :ittended at1 lnfomntl\'e dlsaisalon,.. F'Pb. 9. DI Ille Ednilnat.er Stu" dt'nt Onion. Guest spealceno \\CFC IWO GonUICtl Jcsull pnests-Rev. J. J. Evoys! 't nnd Rev. V. F. Cbrtstoph. Tho topic of the pro;rnm "Adolescence•'. FRENCH CLUB t A slid!! and tape recorded prescntnllon about the arc:hl tec111re, o.rt, ond clvtllzo.tlon of Fro.nee durtn& the t311t century "os presented al the lo.st meeting of tho French Club, F'eb. 7. The meellng wns 111 the home or Annett~ Bl(DlaU, French l nstructor, which Is located In French Oulch. David Pence pr esented ~ report on Catherine De MedJClquecn or France. wife of one !'"ranch king. and mother of three others. I Refreshments were sen'l!d after the meeting. The nexl meeting wUl be Mnrch 7 at the same place. • CARDINAL SERVICE CLUB The used book sale con· ducted by Ibo Olrdlnnl Ser-1 ''ice Club dudng the sec:ood semester re111stratioa was ex· tremelY successful according to Barb Scbo.rff, chalrmat1 I She snld tbtlt lbe club made o. profit of S4 o. Barb sllid lbat the success of the sale may be c redited to Ille use or lht# old book store ns 11 collection 11nd selling point: frequent advertiSlng, nnd good patron· o.ie on the port or the studen, body. Barb saJd lhnt the Cardlml Service Cluli has donated $2~ to nld the group of dclegateswho will a«end the Phi Theta Rappn regional convention at llenatcbce Valley Col!ege• Feb. 2S nnd. 26. A sophomore commJltee hns been chosen to nominnt.e new omceni for next ye11r, so.Ill. Bnrb. The elections will bl!' bt>ld OD Mnrcb I.
"The shones: was r.o glozy ls 10 betplldt'd by conscience~ - Home ~~~~~~~-
Never desptll r: but tr you do, worll on In despQJr. 4 - Bu rke
M\ nLm.
N.l.J.C. REVIE•' C:O.wo d"Alen•, ldoho. w.d., Febtuooy 23. 1966
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Ca rds Tough A round Boards
Card-WSU Frosh
Game Ends In 62-62 Deadlock
. , ID tbe •verume. Brainard. Camf'y aad Schultz handlod Ille Coubat>o. presa •1111 Utile trouble ID Ille secon<I hil t. BdllOD roul~ OUI wtlb lbrect minutes rcmalnlns. bu t 111111 led Ca rd acortn a for the n11h1 •lib :n.
Th sue s1u c1~b 1 a cc ID lbe pr\'l11". ·1ar.!hf' spoasor ID 111• SCbwe IZ r ll11&er Carnhal. which •lcl ll"SU · l "SC var,..~ 111111<-. Ille "ltlJC (t'J) - 0.bt • •1,.."9 '• lltaft bl!' FC!'b. :!5-:?6. a1 S::h•eltzer Cardinals mured th,. r~rd Obtr1h I!. 0'-C \. •~h • 1 O~ C•nwr :t. ...,,. Sc1'h lf a . Nt ~ h. Basin. Sandpoint. Idaho. or !be hi llh-Cl.l·ln~ \\SU Cou· (bitten 21 . Tony T.. • • •ll 4, The follc-o 1n' 1nrannanon babes by coml nc from behl nd • :su r RO'H (61) - Wn.J\I• All• ft I l . Lou ttob• <H" t . T•d Wi•'9l• n 2a. was aupptitd by Richard to Ue the p.mll 60-60 at lbc J.-." ,t.t.UOf\ \ 01 John lAb hlA•I .. Cbnrpou1, SlJC Sill Club flail 1110 and fo rce t!H' came O.•• •..,.,.....,." •. "'"'• , .,. ), Into ovcrttme. The \\SU l t.1l·t1•• u-or• - • au ,n, :tor1h Achlaor. l4• h..- 19, •· ~• •1 1"'4'& u.. - • au Th" acb~le tor tbt two- Frosh bad nol lost In tht'J r 10, l'<·'-fth WA~ 60.. to. . . ull.J day evt!Ot II. Frt~. F4'b. 25: lll!ll 35 pmu over 1"0 a h.-t ene ••HU. . ). l!:OO a.m.., QUttD Jud&llll. se~oa. Ablllly and capa bllll1 aro Sortb Short Lad&•. Sandt>olDI, ID lbe O\ er11111e ataslon, unbNitable pan lll'r•. 11 00 r..c: .• Claat ala.Jo::i. ln- bolh teams seated t•o points t~rcollellatt ra~D and a.nd were asaln llfd •hen lb!! q;en, 4 00 p.111... chill abd su:i sounded. At Iba I pc>lnt clac cbo1wdtr dlnnf: (spon- Ille pme was called so that ac.red bJ l\1JC Ski Club). 50 tile two va~IY 1u1111' could ctru. al Ille Sandpoint Ellis bave lhelr allotted •armup pertod and a dlflappolnted Club, 7:30 p.m... t.orcb-UJbt pallldt, SC:bwtltzer Buln, and Cardlnll sauad bad IO aenle Crom 9: 00 p.m. IO 1·00 a .m.. a tor a unique Ue 1orne. 62~2. dance alao spon,.,red bJ lh• Somr or Ille Card squad alao ak.I club. which wl 11 be at the r<'rnember 1 90 · 89 1011 IO lb~ Elka Club. Frosh last year which holpod Al tht dance. lhe Scllweltztr l.belr vtct.ocr s1rtn1 act under 1\'loter Camtnl Quun will ~ Cl'Own~ H•l•n Holland The Coubabea led 3&·20 at Is Ille quetn cuu:lldal• from the half. •lib !'.1JC acor1n1 an uobellt•ablo 23 per cen t sLJC. Tbue eTenlll will oca.11 from the Qoor durln1 tht Qrat Saturdar. Feb. 26' 11·oo a.m. baH. After !be break, howsla.loc:. lnttrcollel!a te race-- ner. NUC'a rull<e>urt pte• cci and wolllll'n. Z:OO p.m . • bepo to ba•e effect and tam fuo race rail 6kltrs eu- •lib 0~111b pactnc the •" JtblO. Tbeo al ~: 00 p.m. tack. tbr cards alo•l1 pnz• wUI be awarded IO Ille CIW 1111 UP W1 lb !be Froah. •lnllt'ra In front of lht SChweltr Sclrultz put up a Ir.yin to bnna NIJC to WI lhln t"'1> zer loclce. polnta and SCbtarr. wllb 1wo A iota! or eleven oolll!&es mlDutes to 111> . cllml1 dropped abd uni verslllm have been In two tree thro Wll lo kno I I nvt led ID parddpnie In lids the score. Bolh teame "Inter frolic. stalled tr.Yins ror n 111>od shot and lime ran ouL Jn !be overtime, Sclultz made a 1001 25-Cooter IO put Ille Carda I a front 8~80. But Lou Hobaoo dropped lo two free throws ID U• II UP !llOul&aln lloo, prepared bJ apln. A&aln Ille Card loll. Frank Evans, na Ille stalled Ille Ume out. boplns c:&1D cl.lab urved at a dinner tor a sure sbol or another hooo:lni; !be Cardinal basket· o•el11me oedod. Tbeatral"llY ball team Feb. 11. Tbe meal. back II red wht!D !be came •as wMcb wu beld In lbe studt!Ot anexpecteclll' ealled al tbal union, was sponsored bJ lbe polm. Booster Club. Tbe came wu a lhr11ler all No special 111\"ltatlons were the way , allhouab wsu led Issued for this dloner, and !be entire came uotll lb• lbere was no SPeclal propam. IWO minute mark. Ted Y,1 el' I! lllere •m allJ' SPtclll al1· man ...-as all Illa putildly ID· nlfica.ace lo urvtn& this be would be and be meuu Just beCore 1be cazdl· dlc:ated led acodn& t>1 me evM!ioc na I' ~ second ca:ne ap.ill at wltb 28 poll&a. V.'ben be !be wS.1.'. Coubabea, II was Cooled OUI lbe Carda IOOk net - •atlOO"d. a.dvan1a1e or It to callCb up. Ma.aJ or bis ballketa came on Up-Ina. Ill• Cot!ller 1a111111ase f!Dm 'iairJr:ia Wiil Sdlool , Leau- Allen. and FUiton pr'!l· ,,ded lllOflt or tbe acorln1 S.e u• lor belp for wterman. bo1'er1ei. needles. tubes The l\SU tuU·aourt presa repairs on pve Ille Cards trouble In the rope recorder), Qrst half but Rich Blll lOD scored 16 pol nta ID keep s1ereo -.e-t~ - rod1os .SIJC Within strlldn l dis· tance. Bd tton and T,.•eelt did a fiflf Job on lbe boards Sa? R, .,., .... lolO 4·2000 a.II even1n1. Coo•• 4'At. .., ldoloo OberIll and his team c:ates IZ>Ok op tbe 1cortn1 ala.ell wbm BdllOD IPI IDIO tree 0.001• throw uou ble ear1J' In the Gtut..t u ....eien rwe< secood bill Scblart alao non-wT1n111,J1na. pe.at·f1tt1n, ptaJed well and addPd 10 stret ch panu. Con t n<!eCI polota tor lhe e•nun~ Hts ""'s11attte.i IOUCl1 o f Core/vi cltt shots put !be i:iame Into tM iron. Look r.<!n tiener overame. bul be bad the ml..after waslu"itbttuoe or mlsalac • rree Propo<t•oned size•. l/1ot1 . For throw WI lb three aec:onda IO ••eta&* and rail. Your 0
NIJC Jumped Crom 20th 10 Ulb In las 1 week's poll oC coaches ror Na !Iona! Junlor ' Colleae Athletic Assn. na· uonll rantunas. The :op 20 I. BurUn1ion. lo"'B (18· 2) 2. Lamar. Colo. (23· 1) 3. C11meron A&:M . l.A1'1on. Okla. (18·2) ~ - MOberl)'. MO . (20·3 ) 5. Mlarnl · Oade. Fla. (19-1) 6. Wiison Branch or Chi· CQllO (17-0) 7. Murmy A&M. Tlshomln· o. Okla. (15·2) 8. EneTech, Buffalo, N.Y. (21·3) 9. Mlneral Area or Flat ~River, ~. <20 ·3l 10. Joliet. Ill. (19-2) I 1. Paducah. KY. 12. RobertMorrts,P1usburi;h I> 13. llesley, Dover, Ocl. H. llharton. Texas 15. l\1JC 16. Foll Ood1e. lo1'a " 11. Vlncenne:., Ind. 18. Bethan.v Lutheran. Mankato, ~unn. 19. Port Huron. ~Uc b. \ 20. Brevard. cocoa. Fla.
Fn .d Ch1ck•n HO""• of ,..,. CO'l'IY ts.1attd 0.11C10U'I tfo,,_bi,,t-Qert
SN>-• 0-dtrs ?306 F-•A... ..
C.-,,r 4• Alen•, lo.eli:.o
(12 O~ Obe'o'°' •"" •.._ Co'tf• ore t>cord,.
1•7\d1 b,. I
or •"'Brolnord 'O c so S. o-i-Co,..,ey te-ops t. &oon
DI HHER, DANCE PLAHHED The l\'IJC Ski T ea.m's cbJll feed o.nd cla.m cbowdl!f dinner wUI be Crom ~:00 p.111. 10 7:00 p.m •• ~td-.r. Feb. :?5. at !be Elk's Club tn sandpotm, ttaho. The dance sponsored by tbe ski 1eaci will be from 9:00 IO 1·00 •·"'·· Feb. ~5. •~ al tbt· Elk" Club.
MODERN DRUG CENTER Spec•o/,z1n9 1n Co//991olft Ne.ds l0t Heo/11> ornJ Hopp1nus
Our Plaza Rl.'slo<'onl end Purse
Plea~• Polo11• 1207 H.
M0- ~-1123
f .,.,, ,~
Cards Dine On Roast Cougar
Coeur d' Alene Laundry & Dry Cleanen
m• Piclup e..d D•!iv.rr
- 0-4- h- ._.,., '
)01 ~·"'
o ....,
4.)Sl 4
THE PIN CUSHION E>1clu s•.,. Yordo99 9""'
f,..ryrhon<JFOI' n.15.oms 1res.s 310 Lolce srde A11e. (._., cfAJ.,.,., Idaho
SI>_., A-
"'° '"4SU
C:O.wr 4•Al«f\• • 1'9he
. 1·'1/aff Pushes T1co Points In
Idaho Frosh Are 20th Victim Of Cardinal Cagers
Cards Sweep Pair From Gonzaga Frosh. n
A ;i>od '"'' >d turnLd ...ut IO see u~ CAtds 01ln Uwlr IBlh sual,:!11 and ::otb or tht' au· 600 "11h 8 109·79 bo::!e CO:;rl •la o "" the Idaho Frosb. The l&lllt' WAS CIOSt' unUI tht' Cards brokt> loose Jutit before !bl- ball for a 5~--11 halt II me lead. P!lll 'll'addrll kepi thfo Froah l:i ti:" ram<' dorlr1$: :be rlri1t half with his 13 patats. Rich Bntton and Ray SChlo!Y dropped In &e,l'n and sh II Cl d ID& IJI rt•s pC!C I· I• t'IY ta Ult' l!ut hal! IO pact' U:e Catcb. Bnttooand SC~Ja!f cor:Unued lh<>lr tomd pace dunnc the 5t'COad hall and l'Rdl'd up 35 2i points. Tra,. ePk addt'd H and SCbullz 13 ID tbc CUdlm.I Traweek, Sc:lllafl' and Bn'· ton also controlled 1bt' board~ WPll. Guarda Schullz, Brai· nard :and Carner hsd another !Ice 12 Jilt CO\IIll: Cbc ball up desplle dost' cbecldlll: b)' th" \'andal Frosh. Tbe samt apln showed thlll lhP wcll-balanct'd Card· lml ,,qued lunctlom 1'1tb any of the squad In :!:e ~mt', and dtm0nstnUl'd bow :be con· &!ant prf'si;ure on bolll of· rcll!>e and dP!ense by ttw Carcboals brealts open a 1aml' dunn& tbe Hcood bait.
Whitworth JV' s Fall Twice To Cards NIJC 90 - WHITWORTH 48 '- IJC' 7" " • • r
v ..r ll • ,. ll >rtl .b1'""' on lh" Cardinal floor. ThP Oin11n11I d~rrnRC nr.&111 ouu.tandJnc and · :>-~ii
wa• fled .',
llllD l\h
lh•• aecond
hair. Th,. NIJC: otrrntu! f.,111Urrd fh P pl11y1 rs OtwrA11 10. Scl!UllZ 10. Sl'hlarr I;, !Hit·
n H. Tnl"""k 13.
\\II llama utr.; u IUtl!d lr"t'lr ti n n~ thr i:11mr. Scl1lnlr und Tru•H·rk p11crd lh• nuiw:k 111 lh• nr 1 half. wllll• Brlt~•n and Obi ri:h I• k charcu In lilt' 11eoond alf. A lull -<: 11u1 prt'll• Ion-rd Ow JU\\u~ Into rnan\: flfhlt" nd lh•" hat! tritublt• mm ln11 lht' ball dur111~ th• tnUr" J:•
NIJC 90 - WHITWORTH 76 T'"' Care.Ina a · ,r J5U. In a r lllld I l!. ai:Un&I one dPfr&l In a relu m m11tch wllh Ille II hi 11r0 nh Jor vees lo Spolaanr. T~ rtnlll &e<>r" ,..a111l0·76. 1bl & came wu shnllar to the one the llllthl brfore &I SI.JC ~lM.'Pt for 11 Cardinal dr•ft'nftr 1'1llch Ra''" up n:an) me.ti! point•. P!Vt' sue plavers acaln hll for doubt" 110011ni; fil!ll:c.i. SCbultz led Cardlnlll i;connc 1<1 lh 20. Schln rt hit 19, Brainard and Ob• r~h l'tlCh a dd••d 12. and Trau'C'k c-hlppf'd In JO. Torry S'9lcy m:1tctil'd Schultz "1th :?O. •ltb cbt o! 10 lleld i:oal trl".s hllllni: thr ush !.hr 11'1 In lhr Sl'C<>nd ha.If. '-IJC 00 llr• nud I , Obtr1h U . . .._.,,_ ta. C•llM1' t. lc"1..U
lDA.HO P:ROIH (""I) -
Ci.-. Wll-
u . . . ';. J• J.-.aoo •· Jtoe !'irrl:
10. 0.r? t.oc •d"' ~ . Phil . . . . .u l "'· IC\111 W.Ulflr ~. D•"• P'••fC'O :. 0.w CioH 11. S.t'I• :. Bob HAn•1 '2. a .. T•• lD.. SIJC ti 09) - 8ob . . .!aanl •• Sr.. °"'""&la '· Da • Sdw!r• U, O.n c.,.,.,.,. I"'• tt•r khlalt :·. Rkh
lS. Teny Tr••"-
O..tllnct ....
...uu- -
tth Jdatt..
NIJC 103 - GONZAGA T G n:.::a Bu.lpups• 1r nd pu Inc hl'!d :-;JJC ID 11 52-~S •'<l~e ror th•• llrst h:.11 but Ill~ Cards brok<! loose ll.f~: lbe Intermission for D I 03·77 "1a :and lhdr 19111 of thl' al'BSOn. Tho pme '"'" ph•yed on the G<>nzap. Door. Tho atn:mc Cardinal l?ont pn>Clcl'll -;o paints ror the evmlac. "1th Tm•ttk b:l\'lni: his b~t JSCOnni: nllllll ,.llh :?";. Bntror. addrd 23 nnd S:hlarr 20. SChull:! chlppl'd In 13. G nzas:s h:td trouble ~tllnc ta !Dr c!oae-ln allots bt'Couac of lht' con ucl or rutb board" bJ the CardinDI Bt a Three, lilt Tern. Irv.In and ~Uk" Mt"Glaley hit :?7 and :?O respecll\Cl:f. ~!Ost o! thfl'sr 'A"t'tc I roe far on t on the noor. :-;we hit 22 or z9 rree lhrov. lllt~Ptll for thfl' e\•enlni:. th!'lr tws: P"rronnance lrom that depe:tm~.1 Car 1he Sf'UC:l.
OC!SPt te a Bullpup full · court press dunn~ the enUre pme. Bra! nud, Ca.rney and Schultz i:ot the ball up lhe noor W'!lb ll:tle rt'al dlll! • ail tr. L' tllt' sconnc ,.ho"~. S'IJC ion - Br-•&Mfd •• ObU'lh •• :khi.llU 1 l. Carn•J j . ~h1•tf lO. 8'11'0A J )• y,..,tt•k 21. Q.OSZAGA Flt(llU (111 - Wf"Gu,.. l•r JO. 1"i1'l :'"'. A""t•"• J.. 0.,ti :. " 6 _. •• " '..Jt •• 81 '1. ~ ; . 8 :1 1.
Brainard, Schultz and SChlaff also hll double II 11111es.. 'Uk!! McGln\111 paced Goazai;a wtth 19. I A blllllll&bt of tht second lalf the line play o r Frank Dorllncroa on th ~ boo rds and his many I ntercepl bons on defense. Roy Me,yers also Jookt"d good on the boards. • 11 WL~ a line evenln& ror thl! entlr<- 5qt1ad as well os Coa cl \\lllll1m». Nine ol the team hit the ~corebook.
Goouc• (6l) - 81.,. 1-4, IC..•.-• I &r<:rur l, 1iWGLnl•r 19. ttwta ~ \tl&J.sun
X..-ru 1.
o:.~ c;:'11~~~~:•1 ,;_ 8C!::~ '" ~hl•ff l-4, UrUton l7, Tr•..,d; , , M•Y•t .-, ChatU•ld '2·
Small dP"cb done- a rt' bf!tu de-eds planned. I
tlllJl ~reet
Th" CJUcllml~ \\Ill ml'l't Clal p Junior C lll'i;e Crom •.\! ~rla, Ote. Ft'b. :? ~ tn thfl fl rst round of an t'lcht-team tourn~• :it On1ano, Cre. to de1.-miM ;\ho coes io thl' :-;.1c.u rei:ion•I In Phoenix.
:!": lfld th•
us for .
Wedding lnvitetiona 4
2HI N 4th Street
KRYSTAL PLUNGE Swi11Mln9 - Recreation - Ooncl n9 Souno Steo,. 8otli• ~
'"'11 ' r r tnl!s)
COFFEE SHOP OPEii 7 0 . 11,
10:30 P·•·
8reoHosts - Special Dolly Lunclt.s '' B•st Ev•r'" Hombur9eu
I • Pr ttM I, Tra•Hk 10 •tUl• OJtTll JAY\:EU Mi C y 11, T•fTJ N°•• • :c. T•d !°•••l•J I On.Ii.• o o.. o ·~ • • Cr•~r 1. " ' " ' " ' IJ. t t.UUP.itt ~ , . NIJC •
NIJC 96 - GONZAGA 61 A d• f• n •"lch I• pt the CortZat:a Fro h rrorr ICll!n• play11 at:a rtl'd hi tthllllhll'd :-iuc·~ 2Ja t win or thr ,....,,. 110n apln1t one los' and a Ue. Th" Call!:. rompl'd ov the ZllC:S 96-61. to cap "Rolls Williams Sli;:hl' '. SP•en Card! nnls entered the colinK In the fil8t lall, le~ b' Bnaoa with 13, to P~·tluce " 13·Z!' lf'ad. D~nls Bly t.iad su nrtd -Is for Gon· zap In that pt"nod. t N IJC •ll'!lped up the pace ln the eecond hull and ro.pldlY pullod a,.ay from the Frosb.
Complete Founta in
rth • .;,I•;.__ _ _ _ __
J n on lillythlr
BO'" LlllCi
CO-SA•· I\
Oh-oh, better check the punch , ..... bowl.
o ....,. '""" "" .. -•
For a Lifetime of
PLEA SUR E Learn to
.~JJ ~ ;ffij··'
BOWL While You Are Young
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P • P ~
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Co ... , d Al• "'•
Ice-cold Coca-Colo mokH any campu• "g.,1-logether" a party. Coca-Cola ha• the las re you never get hred of •.• alway• r4'hesh1ng. Thal'• why things go better with Coke ••• after Coke • , • after Coke. •
._.._ .., I VPlkF: COCA-COLA UOtTU:O.C COMl>A o.tY