8 Students Earn 4.0 Average For First Semester Thcr "el'I' t'llh' !1111-tlme slUdcnia "11.'l "aUaJcht A " crnd• polnl a-rrsi;cs amonit !hose on n.r Dean'S Lllll ror the l1tsl •cmt-atrr or thr 1965-66 school year. Th~ ~. :11Udent.i. •erl) Al!'S Bd ~, Man b n Campbt-11, Jor Clart, Ronald Fl.llher, \'lrcll ~:lllrr. Robt n 51'1\ a&I', &lily SpeJn, and J ohn Thomas. Nln<'ly-one others also mde tbe Oran' s Lisi, 1'1llch con s1s cs ol all scudenU ca mine I:? o r more cred11 hour.i and car nlna ,rade point ••·erases o r 3 . (Bl or hl1hcr. Tho"l' "''h nvcr1111~ or 3 .5 10 ~ . were Elalnl' AdklllS . Sharon Bia) ne, Karen Boseth. Jan Bull. Martha Cle•eland, Canel' Dahl . Sharon Drnlns. Robert EJy, Ed"ard Co.lllvan , \lartlyn Cross. Jack Hammond , \ln bl l' llan!-On, \llcharl Henddck.... Pcnrl Lontz, Mao· A nn L.uedllte, Karen Pamou. Neil P~CrliOn, Jn AM Richmond , Carol Rice~. Loora SI.. Amand. Clo.111· Simmons , Diane Tucke r, KennNh \lal 1crs. Linda ll lli>on , ard enrol llorthlni:ton. Othrn. a vcm !llna 3. and O•Pr "~re Cathnn Anclse11:; , Ellle SB tor, Oil• id BPadtoll. Gt>orse Bentham, Shery I BN~lrom, Vlr111nln Blnnford. Paul Brei thBUPI. Elht•I Mae Bnehl, John Brocan. l\Aren BNt>h<'r, Eu~en• Bund.r. Richard Caron, C~n Chain Pld, Da•id Cbark, Bell) Col le lt, Rob~rt Coun, Arthur Cooper , F'rnnk Dt1rllll1lton . Robl'n Dlt>tz . f\'Mr)· Durt schi , Cantl•· FUiier. \\alter • Oilman, KIJ Clu' on. GretChf'n Cotz. Tcm Ha11Aood. Cree Ha.ycnp, 'leh1n Hayes, Sluuon Heath, Ben.• John ' son . A 11111 Ki ebert . John Kll • lmsn, Allan Ko-kl. Dam Ko••tch, Pat~~· L• • • ' • ~lau rttn F'r 1mf:' . Ja nlC•· \lcEuen. • Philip )t-redlth, John \~be llch, Hen~ ~sci. Kathryn Norlh, Cary O' Conn<'ll. Da•1d Pen cl', Gn ry Pf'ter., Sally 1 Po&t, Paul Prr1y, Robert R1Cl', Andrea R05S, \llchael R '"'· Klaren &lnd, Barbara Scharf!. JAnis SIOop, Dani el • S!>('nce, Dorotlly Teter. Sltlril'> Utz. Phylll" \'an Hess, Lurry \'••rhel . DUIDl' llachter, Jerry llncner. Unda \\alter. • Du Id lll'CI"' rn, Diana \lelh.'r. CaQ While, l\athl<'en \\ ,,,. _ f Id, Gal' V.u"'k", Jac:cs ,, ~ •• d Rldard ~ -'"· (~ .)
I< n ,f rs for b d •• l will be March 18. Cand.datCll for llfCSld• nt aze • Nell Peterson. John O':'le!ll. Jan Bull. and Mill Turi"'· ·•ho II\ a "rltt'-< n candldale, \ ' lcr-(l(1•s111<>01 candldates • ir«' Pei: Dohrr:usn o.nd Terr) And.r on. c~mpDJi;n spet>c bf' to b'> l!lildr b\ the respenn e cu • d td:tt"" UIP l••nustivrt) r.rh<'dulrd !or \tnrch 11 o.nd 15. 1
dun 1 ac:.i.v1I\ p.•rl .d.
• "'"rch _ - S1 nl'I s1>0n«1rrd b
• 1 D n· lh NIJC
• cholr M;ar~h I!> - Tbe ' u r Tlllt R ar.,d, vie -SUB \lo.reh IB - Co.rdlnal B>:ios • tN Club "Ill po mo • the • B I ·r Club'" Awnr4" ~ i;ht, tn thC' SlB·· toil n~ nnd • i ubUC ur•• in\ilt"<I.
Campus Plarl Exhibited
Draft Is Now The Urgent Problem For Nation's Youth l tor' \O" • Of !Ar ..t:crtat1'!11 a ,.,, drofl •ttuattoa. ti bl!oot 1 1.bs paper lo A,;lp clan/r tu taIt 111 oJ I.le draft 111 ti aorr Crt$1~.
The loc'11I dfll/I lloald 1~ bee11 oa:estiowd &;o a iil.t:f/ -.tmber oJ tk Ca.dtaal Re1cu. hotur:cr, r:sore speer/le an/or111011on 1a rn1crd lo tllts local area L< v.aw1la bl.: at lhts 11 ...c. Cons('QlfC1llr. u c Aop~ lh<' /ollotn>14117el!l rall::td taf0t:J1all011 It'll/ prOtt !O be •~for:::ah1 c.
F'or almost a wholr Cft!CraUon of youn1 Amrncans. thf' drnll tos bt'en 8C>methln1 fo r ~omEOne elM> ta .,.om about. The e:;calaaon or thP •ar In \ 'let Nam - and lb<' Ukellhood that II •ill nsc hlChN - ha.s clan,rd all that. Somewhat abNpUy, lbr dra ft has become L1e mo~t uri:ent problem In !hr U'es o f prai:Ucall~ e•'«'I) .\mertcan c:ale bt'l'Aren 18 and :6. Tbr m&ll'""er nttcb or lbC' nrmf'd lore~ aft' steadlb 1ncrea.s.ng and thl' prosp~t or lhe llHUft' lndlco t cs calls runn:ni: well o~~r 30,000 n month. Al lhP bei:i ml"' or 1965. •hen thr U.S. bad onl,. ::!3.300 men In \'lrt l'/c:, less than one ppr cent •er• draftees. today, dra!tee:; make up 20 per cen t of the near!)· 200.000 m.-n In \'I et Nam. and the proportion Is llk~lr iv at> higher 1'1thnstns:uoop coc11ttments. The nt'• !oductf'<' Illas bas • bt-llPr than or.--in.(1\e dla.nce of reach! ng the batUelt eld. Many draft board~. rush! ng
ftll !heir larger QUOlll.S, han• run throucb thr &"'1lahlr suppl• or ellcible, mn-<lefer-
red slni:Ir men and practicaJlY exhau&ted the Storr cl mamed men wt thout chlldrm. The tl'$ult Is lhBt 1111' collel!<' manpo11l'r pool must be lapped. ...lreatl)· mnizy b0:11ds. part.lculartr Jn Callfomb •bere Junior colll',es !lounsb. hat'<' bri:un recla5:!.I !ytnc collece :itudf'llll'. As or Jn.st Wf'tk, collt'Ge studrnts ln ~t'no:'ral 11111 DO t ~u be :au1Umat.lcaL11 deltrable they will be called ,.lrn necessary to fulfill dra n quota,.. To decide which students to I.alt', Ucut. G<'nl'rul Le•ds B. llcr.ibev . -;::, tbi' onebr.ir JmlJana fUJ:I bov v.ho has run Ille draft lot ::~ }ears, b:is re ID!lt.tated the quattncauon test used dunn11 25 Jl'llN, htL'< rein tltutrd the QUllll ncat!on lest USt!d dun n& lh" Keorean llar. lln&he.r bellt•vcs Iha! only the bl'St scu dcnlA should be 11~ared 11.nd •Ill d l!'llnd l!lllar a o:iod 11airl' on th,. IOC~ucsllon CulleC<' QU:iltf1t'3llon T~t or a rl0 Ul\OIUl.bly hi Sh rtlhk In da.""' to rnsur<' a atud<•nt d•·lrrmPnt. lind r the "'"' tJlcs, the draf t boards .. 111 nc• dl!Cid" "hcthl'r "•Ch atudt'ct I mo:t• lmport11nt to thr nabonal wel-
C:ont1nut·d on P•a<' 2
• , °",,,., ·• JC
1 rJJdert'. I ••Ploln n~ hla NIJC C011'tpu~ a"' and •ca,_ '"ode/a ro President P.A . Ctua rlott· 1'-d ,.,_ '"',.,.,>Ilda- ,... ,.,O"lol Library r•c.ntly. Dd 1 bapp<n to aee tM and l'Dlluse lb~ NIJC campus drawl.:i'3 and 8cal!! mod"ls o! wht>re he ftnn auend•'<I coin 11: pased :0.1JC Catr.1>U» ex- il'Cf' classes. pan111 n In the hall n"ar the Al the present lfllll' a comU btary about two.,. «eks asi? mlltec trom NIJC, conslsuna Th"'" plans •"' Pll rt ol a ol P. A. Ch rlsuan8Qn . co lth<'sts belni: pwpared by Ice~ praslden t , LeRoy F' . John E. Scolo"5, 11 lormer Dl1on, trust""· C~ratd Wendt, N!JC st!ldeat. ,.bo !a now a Rar &:one and Cla rence flit.': }l'lll archl!cctare maJo: Ha:i i o< lllr racull;y, a r,, at tbe CDI' tr.!lllY or Idaho. •or • r th th" fln:- of ti. atll'nded !'>llJC In 1959111. CullN, Calt, ~'Artell. Nam,. M1. Scolt'" cllo&e NIJC for and DavJs on a mastn campus the topic: of his thesis bf'pbn. Tltla plan .vtll chart future devt-lopmenta and e1 • ause be ba.~ st>en thP rapid uj.,."th ot thla collec<' In tian£!oc ol phnlcal la clllt!l'3 pa.~t yeaB and because b n1 '"LIC ca pu. en\1sloia a student bod' about :?ODO ,tudems by 19~. ROTC OFFICER TO Ht commPntt!d that, "E:IJat· SPEAK AT ASSEMBLY Inc facilities ,..llJ not ~ h \'l!'W of lil lncre&4e In abll' to handle 11:ls in>"t 1.. ~1u 11ni.!d s a tes and .... !lue IO be supple forces In \ 1et Nae, 100,_ cien:ed 1n :be IK'U :-U!Dre." mend collece ace are • !tally The ClJllllCS plar., wblcb be 1r.lf!ft'llted ln Ille opeClt!o11 ol has des1cned. Includes a rnllllary proeuwt:1•nt methods , pbyslcal ~cll.'nce bulldlnc emlncludins tile dra l t, enll&t· bracinc 12 .~ square feet. mcn1. &IJd the ROTC pr This "Ould house cbc:i:ISll)' 11ams. L-. order IQ pr '1de bloloo. pbJslcs. aod bactH- Id ~t1oc to the ~,. atu· 1.iloi::r la.boratones, ofllce dco18, :; me1:1brr r i:ie t:lll • •
Seate& also pNpo11es Lllat :-OIJC add a t~'Cbnlcal bwldlni; CODSls\lDC ol 1.'ndDe<'riDI:, dn.,•i na. and surveylai; lal>~tones. Tbl1 llllld!M •ould sm>\ide spac.- for !o:C"S trr students dunnc re11llar da.• llme bour • and fol art clall!les at rui~L. AnothN ol the llUUCSl.!ODS cade tu" the ar.:blll'cl i::a)or Is lllll the present lr..TlllCUlum be ustd as an audilOrlum and muSlc C(,o:tple1. A n""' ntbl~llc plant. !Mludlnc a s"'lrn· trJ pool. b11Bketbll.ll court, and pro,1d.nc apact" for otbtr nthl<'llc needs would b>: lluilt If lhla plan •er used. Scoll!lS p: posed tbat the t'OCo.Uonal ol11nt-blcll boU3 rnrch1>nlcal arts and I ndu • trial 11rl • el.cl"1nic1 , nnd
aut.o ~chanlcs -
enl:u cf'd.
He r It tho.I a nm• d rm. tao will n be IK'ed<'d.
lllio SCQle' boll" and dleam tl\l\t Jus pllln, o r a li::tlat o"", wtll b• used to bt'auUh
'er.ii I,) or ld4btl ROTC stall
94 Per Cent Of Student Body Are Idaho Residents Sll •f th '· r • P· r · ••nt o r SIJC ' T.1 6 at uii•"llUi lhla aemeatcr art• l<!a h rcsldenlll , Thrl't' att, ~OOl'n\C'r, 111ud•nl A tnNlh•d from tJ Ulht'r 8 lltll'fl, 1w o Cana di an 1>rovtncea, and <:> n" fo rl'l i;n count n . AbOUI u5 pu cent o r ~tu d rnts rttl lltrtd lb l lvJm addu .. e-1 •IU1ln th" Junio r co lli! K• di trtc l ( l\ODlt•nol Countv ). o r 177 s 1ud~n1a. J::nrollmenl !rum lhr OlhN r •ur counuc • In tunl or collM:C! Ale.a l •I •IP by th<l IA t Idaho leal 11laturn· S h•'l!honn !17. Bonn .. r 5'l, ncn<-wah I 'I, Bo undan 11. El1hl o thM !tl<lho counl11 I n o the r Ar~u ul 1'0 have tu· den la erroll ed al NIJC. Th<' ~ count.l e • alcmc ,.Ith lhe four non-dlalrtc t c01J ntl ~ In ArPll 1. al~o pay oon·tc drnt IUI • Uon ro r lh1Hr a u11ten~. ubJrct IO fund!! 11vullabte for that purposr. Th,.te arr 18 flL m Latah, fou r from l.J.: "'• • thrr•• from Nuz l'••rcr, two from Cama s, an d one Pach 1!0111 Bannock, Blal n<' and !dam. O ther s wte 11upplyl n1 NWC wllh 11 tudt'nlll uh'. \li11 1hlnc· ion 22. Pennll)'lvanla 2. Ora· con 2 • .!.lontara 2. New Yo rk I. Colonulo I. t.ew Jnse Y I. V. 7omln& 1, lla ...-.11 1. ConDt'C t!Cutt I. :.uchlcao I. Ca ll · lo r nla 1. !owa J. T here are lh1ee Mrolled Crom Br! Ush Co l umbia, o ne comea from A lbuta, and onr studen t tails from Iraq. Enrollment f~Jm CO!llmu rtJtles • llllln th collese dl1 1rtct: Coru r d 'Alene 350. Pos l Fal ls 53. flll)'dMI I.alt~ 33, Rathdrum H. 501111 La ke> H. ~ o r ~y B, Hilrrl on I. Cataldo 3. A thol 3. Ba yY11:11 l . Otllt r neubJ cc.m 1111n! Ul'S w! Ul alZl'abl" nur:i b<'rs o f 11udent.s a t NIJC. Ketlo11 35. Sandpoi nt 34. l\allllC<! 13, S t. :ones 12. Os burn 12. MulIJl11 12. Pri est Rlv•r 10. Bonnets F t rT\' IO. lo!Osco• 7, Pio••"'' 7, " J: ·rvil l• 6.
"111 b.- 111 SJJC ll edn•sday, March 23 11> conduct a brtef
T' · C1<r<httal ba ~l- etC.11 .. - d . d't SUD<I • ~:nln& 14r Phoenix, A nz.>na to pla Y In t bl' AJCAA r•s:onal tourna· menL T h<"\' m,.t the wl nnrr ot a playoff b~w ..,.n Carbon coll~e o r Eas tern lit&h and Cochlae Coll <i;t> of o ou&llUI, Anzooa 10 tile !Ir.it r.JUnd.
The C:""rl:ll mil be heh• ct:rlnc Ille ncth117 period lo :he C'CI and nttecdance • Ill ~ a re<JJI :e=e11t for all male a1udPnl& who ba w rx>l complct«I o : cntNcd Into 1hel1 mlllta Q obllcatlon. F'or t he rtolllll!Dd">' or the di.)" llle o!Dccr •HI ~ In tbe co~nsc lor '11 of!ice to tatc n lew all .. bo aze IDl"r~IC'd Ill ROTC and toproccsB ttDllt! orbo " lsh IO 11pply,
The process I ni: •U! con1&1 of !llllnc out a question· ct.In-. taldnc a t•o-tiocr ,.ntten c1ar.d ts l!'Jll, a nd
n i.11" ilo~po n.t -"'n' !.J r • p • 1cal Mn mtna a on .
o..,. """ '' "ta v be! jr ' f'Tl'1- ..... and rn v~ I rcotten to tum In .c:t!:LS ~,. m<'nlll ( r c11pa a nd c:o• ns an' 11. k t'd ., do so 1mrnt1dlately.
tn Uleolh.r tlrst rou nd pme, Phoell1 Colll''" met Dl•I• Collr&e of SI. Gro ra~. t.'lah. PbOt>nh Co ll~ t· Is hoil 1""111 !or th" iournar.i•nt 11t1d i:smu were p ll\Yl'll In thr P boerll 1 Onion Hieb School ere: O D :.iarcb 7. The ll!H' and conllC lallo n car.:es • r r<' scheduled tor '.t.Jrc h 8 and th• w1nnl'r S>ftl t 111" rab omal t o uma:::rnls In ll u~buor:, l\ll nsu. T~ pr:i aJ .. rr b:oadCUI ovtr Coeur d'Alrnc :ad! ta Uo n K\"NI o vrr U' wire l? om Pttorn11.
,...........,s......,.....,., Dwllot ..._ C:.O..• r_...~ .,,.,.
E4•IO~ • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••• 0....014 .... , • •to A•,oc101e Ed110' .•••••••••••••••••••• • • Mable Reportert
Pt09Y Ool'irm«1. Cot1n1•
.KorMe~ F'o' t, Robb S.l¥Otf,
Heu, A141th Jofiwt•on,
Ooerf1.,, S.ttr Johl\IOl't.
Sft..ru R~. Loo·• L.,,Ml, ~ ""• H.fllld11cJ.1
Editorial ...
STUDENTS. OR CROWH-IJPS POSIHC AS STUDE~TS ~'o· · f • < ,, '111 o _. • "' • :>I!" _
..1 •• .'.
..N .-
•• ....
'lr0"1g w1•t-i
Young People"- occci.rd "9 ~ OJI CNrn oge s•ot s. .Jorold Y•• Romsoy, Depor1r:>en1 o' Eng •h. l}.1.-e•s "I ol Rccne•:e< (Now Yor~'. is rho ou!!"IO< cl on ortlc e ~ •altos a d f!eren• slon1. h c:ould h°"" ~n 11tlod " •'i'hot ' s V.rong ..,,.,, Adu 1 Coll~o Srudert>. " 'h. Porn"9y p<ef,,.rod •o coll II • art cle. .. ch fl'01 publ s!ied rn •ho Jonuc•r. 1966 f1EA ..Jo..•nol,
" S•.idcn1>, " c;,.,,.,, · JPS Posing as S•uden'.'S. " Smco I om ore of •!.oso oQ;;I• .. ivdon•s. I fo.nl :he er· co VOf"f 1Mere•• ni;- 1191' tho por.s •ha• h.ir• o 1r. e. Ur. R°"1sey ,. nor trying to d1scou-011" odu ' odvco · on. ~ no .,,.,, di! · pv1u rho nglit of on oc!ulr to hlghtir od..cotocn nor doubts lha1
on mos • co·-<1~ on odu • sl\>dent 1s on OSSf'I ·n •ho school he lo
Ol'and1"11· Hi, s, Jio....o-. ve<y er :1col of tho odul• who refuses
!O be pbcod on ·'>o I ve of ony er.her stud~·; · "9 oduh who :~h he sh0<0 cl be enl r od ·o spec al o~p·rons ond pr'1v1 oges becou$0 of a~. o•;n11enco or " conracrs." As 11><0mples, /11. Romslt)' Cr 10s coses Nhere lhese odull s r.JClon•s hoV<l roquos•oo r;pecrol exomphons because rf-.iy of•oody know •ho m:>' •101 (•herr 1udamon', no· :he schoo • s) ond rhe 1 mo~· 1n •ho closs would bo wos•ed. Ho man· c'"lS •!ie odvlr1 who ftfl' schoo wrrl-r so• 1doos ·ho• •.,.,. re 1use ·o rc cons1dor, ond ti.., odulr• ~ ~ •o hove 1~1 ·he i»-e< ro evoluo•l'. They occop1 evory1hrng on lns1n.c1c.< says as
llCJ>Pol. There rs o!sc •ho oQ;;h who refuses 10 oirond cerrorn c'o~ · sos bocovMI of a pcrsonol dost.~., for par• culo• '1S"UC'ors. Satre odul •s or no • oboYo choot nr~ says 'It. Rornsey, and rho o, c sos 1liey mo~e nc:lude no• wonrang 10 d1so;:rpo1r.• ''le" lornl 11 s, o<>:l t !Id fan· r · .o· · Is m-on hort!or for on ad ' • occop t fodvro than 11 1s f-< o young ?Orson 10 do sol Thos co~es oll co.,,.,. from ti~. Ramsey' s J"'•Sonol exper· lcnc s , bur h'J INI· that mo!1 I hit. fellow rnsrruc•ou could dos.er bo srm1lor Ired• ••. Tc •· 10 ob1ec·1ons !Mt •he!o cos Of no Y.:Cf..,., luun OOOl~c;en• ~llQUttnCtOS, he soys, ....."'• indeed, ...1 " 11 · componson doesn't <1>ecuse •ho special oca· •domrc 11 c muc:• of o 40-l"Ot-?ld-sluden•. 'I/. e•pec:I more of !um ... .. To th. · 1vd n1 Hho fe(>ls 1hp1 o par!rculor c:ovrse .vould !:-! a wasi f ' "' ha 1oys. " Ye , probably 11 .. ould ~ any ' r cour c you 'OO~ w1 rh such an C'titudo ... /.'.1. Romsay concluded hos omclo wr• ·he lollcm1ng o:.· mon•tron · o odulrs cors ckir ng coll.go od11Cot on. "lil11ch aro you gorng lo ~. ? Will you bo s•..rdc!n·s, <" or "'" •Ufl" •?>''"P-O•·sludenls? II •ho frrst- lf you come nor I 10t 11 yOV knocks om win your honc.rs on Ol< 't'<m•, !If.:,, tovr c.la•smo1 •. ,,,, .voloomo you. But f tho soconc!- ri y0<0 come her unpr por~ r "Ing •o r«ogn110 •l,ot h1g!ior orn g cont>o! l11m " oncorned ,.,. tho oge ond aero' arJru ol ti\o I r r-1 n you mo:;t 01 lecal undors:and 1ho1 ol od couon rs 1 , • 1< " •odoy 10 tre besrow«I only en •n tr• • tt ol J< n'1 n ,on ii on 'I b- un rly ..a• den
February 22 The r~hir Tul!lldll.Y meet· In; of the Studont Board wa.s called to onltr ll'I President Elh•I Bllcht. Thr mlDUlftl or Ille prt\"loua mt!ellnc •ere read am! approad. Under oomm!Ul'f! reporu, Roser Beck, cba1rma11 or the bud 1« commlltl'e, Informed the board that each orpaiza· 11011 on camous recel11n1 ~nds from BIUdent bodJ' tunds bas l>ttn a::iven lbn-..s on which II> make t tel : bJdcet requ!S ta ro r nex 1 Year. These tonna arr dur no later Iha n Marcll 15. Gary O'Connrll. cbalc:111n c!' Ille cro<Jnds oocimlt!et'. reported on bls croup·a l:lel!ltnc and th~r tentauve plans. OUt' to the small 111mber ot cand!dales !or ASS o!dces, 1 was c:o'1'd l uspend prt· marr elecdorz this J'e&Z. Tbr iaotton waa secooded and earned. ldeetlnc adjourned ~rcb I Tbe Student B...azd meet1n1 ror March 1 wu called to order by Pres!tlect Elhel Brlebl. Under old t:uslness. Ethel told the board tlllt the C&rd1.-1 Booster A"'ud will be ad" u Ult srrori·.. AW&td banqae: to be ~Id !ollowtnc the toumamen111. Uoder nt'W bu Illness. V1cePres1den1 Gary O'CoMell notified the board that the SAC had completMI inter· vle•a and subciltted the fol· lowln& nu::es ror appalcucent to the coml:lltttt "1111 the buan! 'S :lppro•al. Bazl:ara 01 !r:z. John o·i;e111. i.:...,. G lPasoc. Cml c Thompson, Jack Hammond. Ann Matson. Katby Frou. Jan Ball. sue Johnson. and Candy Dalli wtro rnmed as altematel!. The board P' e !ta unanimoos appro,·al or these appo!ni. men ts. Tht' m"cun, '""L~ lllen ad oumed.
$75.00 pr~t'nlf'd
sch. JlllS!Ups
to the SlJC
Band acd auto mechanics· body and !endtr depa.-tcent by L~t' Lad) L. na rroctntlJ'. James Buro,., b&Dd dlrttt.:i:. and Cle' e G&1ne. auto· meeban1cs depanment head. accfllted the chtck&. i:.111 ~n. a ·~ Coeur d'Alene Bisi! SCbool c:adl-'1te, and Dale Pl>ole. a '63 llos· co RI Cb SCl:ool crad'.l&lt'
11 ere
I&:> 1 yeaz•a
cl the 5cbolartlll111. \It• ou ~ll either to be &ilent or to e.pm l!ll nu that are belier lhu slleac • - PH?!f!O flL>
H ~::··~J~.C.=R=E=V=:1E~w=·='=-===·~·~·A=•=..,=•=;;;""'°;;;;._;:•:::;•;;;L:,,;;;""';;;•;;<'~:,l;.;,:;<J,;,,===::::ifl
MEET THE STAFf Draft Is Most
Urgent Problem COi"'1'1ir~d lrorr
d•mMarrar.s apet -
'Vl"tl cpttr;ng ' o I r.,derH lf1 11 1 p>.o y c le ... Jac:l S•anson. 'JI YN-<>ld PllOll>µanbrr, aoi:ior. nawr· alls:. and tmchtt wa1 born In Lone Beach, OLlit R• attended San D!ei:o State College. where ht maJortd In English.. He talled English nine t1l%:es, but In spite or this be Is a successful !re,.. laoce wrtter iod&r. Some of tht' posl tlons Swo nson has held e.re: a teclmlcal wrtter !or Convl.lr, ~n &Ir· craft company l n San DI ego a ;oulll chrector or Pol nt l..c>"'8 Presbyterian Church aod tbe buetne:s mADacer of I b. Rancho Sant& Fe P r.-.s b:vtcl&n Cbuzcb. Swanson has edited three &mall ne,..>;PllPt'tS I n the ab· sence or thl' 1r111la.r fd.ltors. Moreo,·e:. be wu corresp01ttlen1 for thr "5aciaciento Bl"t'", and baa lt&\'t'led ov~r much orllle Pactnc Northwest wnUnc and taktna pictures Swanaoo ts no• t. part•UO\t' pbotor:raPbJ' and forestry cor· c:uclcanor.s lcstructor at ~IJC. Ht ha.., contlnoed 1\1 •nllnc c&wer u a free-lance •lllN. Some or the subJects bt "ntes about are pe111onalltr teatur...i, rnture and tran•l artlcl<!S. Slrllllson U'·ei In the \\o" Lod1t' 011tr1c1. wh!ch I de\'rral Olllftl ftl.Rt or Coeur d·Alene. with hi~ wife Barb~. They 1\'ete mo rrled a txlut a
yeaz uo.
"Tie bJclsht a plaice •n the coun:ry t60 acres) so we could raise a '"letable pzdl"n, elllckeM, cows. and &beep. \\l' beat our house wltb "'l>cd, and oontllbute as mud! to our o"'!I existence f roe Ollr r&r.l! aa Po:>al bl t'." Swanson cocme~ed. Swansen drsert~ 1tm.....1r u a .. ibun11 nut". a .. reftned 10 a quolllllon frorr Tbort'S.ll .. Men lead Uv"" <>f QU!l't despen11lon... ·• 1
Page 1
tare aa a atudeot or aa a aoldier. loklst acmlnlslrators t'lpec t a crisis to come thl ,_ summer. when ma!U' "IO-lht'· end·of-lhe-<enn' • de!rrmenl.6 •Ill run out and be cloaeb' rt'\'ltw "1 dmtl boazd$. ··9 reTtewed bY dialt boards. "l !oresel' !osJ n& quit reviewed by draft boalda . '•I rore&t~ losloc quite oe re .. student>- by Sl)pt1111ber. .. BAJ'& B:n n If. Atkinson, de.n o' studen!l at U.C.L.A. sun. t·•·er a!nC(! the ell,• states of ancient Orttee fir.st summoned their youth to arm&. young men ba \'t' resp0nded to - and rrrqumuy round •nu • tac lion In - what Genera I Hershey calls "llle pn\ile aod obllcauon or r- l"en" to sen·e u soldleis. A na ' lion thal orrers Its youth oa many opportunlue:; as the U.S. do~ can hardly expeel less. - Courter TlllE. Cop:r--•
n "'"
ncbt Timt' Inc. 1966 -
':~~~~' fro~Tb!n~~·!-
;e:k'fs Oetna11ds of thl' Ora ft".
MRS. SHEPPERD IS NOW VOCATIONAL SECRETARY • Janice Shepl)f'rd was r~· cenUy h1rt'd as •ecretary to the local dlrecior or the area• vocollornl '1Chool. She replaced Lorie Kelley, who e"ed 1n lhl position sl~ July_ 1965. • Jan Shl'l)perd pre~lously "·orked aa a clerk-1,yplst In the auto Hcrn~e dcpazllllent or the court house. • Her husband. James J Shepperd, h tmployed tu" the S>nnlc bsPn Aaenc). The Shep...-1'11!1 have tw.e cblldren· Lindo 16 11nd Jimmy, l·I. They reside 01 509 II. Appleway. and hove II ved lllerc ror the pas t 1 ~ Yl'ats.
"that "'orkl nt: In a cash l'Conomy !~a rorm ol cynuiny. " • UvlnR In the serenity or a mounlllln home. Jack Swanhas round the life It>' 11anls - on" that Is most be uncluuered with the prea· ur._.,, of d!LI ly II •1 ns. and one In which he and his wife a.r• happy. •
Woodcock's Drug Store C<1nd•e - Sund,.es Pre1<:<1ploon1
N. Fowrtti. St • Co•wr d AJ•~•
< o "' Ho-nbvrgers S~rvice
In TOWfl
I 724 S.het""On A•cnue.
TYPEWRIT ERS. ROYA L llENT \ALU REPAIR Onifti"t & T•"•"'O W u l•••
• ' ,i.,.-... "'·Tvorwanca • ...Co,•.•• l1<• £R~TATC
n.. Fn.•4lr .,.,,.,.u,,.,-
M.•01101 Sptop & Floral Att0ngit:tllenS• C1i11toa Oc1t9n•d 01 Jttf' 1 D r . O"'I "' 1.,, A.wt e T.,.,,.. .. ' I a... "" .-~ • Tol•lloro Ord•n Anywt..,. In Tho World Ph MO '·8218
~.IJ.C '!EV1e-., Co.., o'A •••· '"'••
"•d., ~cl- 9, l'l60
Children Ob&erved
SHEA April Evans, presldrnt o! SNEA. ~POrted llal tbe last rl'cular muun1 or !his club WU beld Feb. 23. A lll!W \1ce11rtttdtnt, Loree Undahl. wu selecttd. O•en Slalt'1 wu pat In cbazct or money ::ialdnt; projects. April said lllat the ;!rls !roe lhla club Ila \'e been worltlns In th concesslona ataDd lD ttie Cl'::I durl cc bas · ltelb&ll toumameots IO rain tunda. There Will be an SN£A con· uanon la ~scow, March ~-211. Apr! I aa.ld. Delecates Clom NlJC •Ul be &JIDOllDC:ed later. t Judy G..,1~. Soroaro Sch::rff, C"d Rabi" S. "'°91'· !\ JC co-.,. . ... ,,:>""' oe,•gotet, -••' Ric,. fVll1on, notl0t'C 1 •T>ie fO <c::ipo O'•slaM"•, ot '"• Wer.otch•• PTK convttf'lrlol't.
The l ocal chapter oC Phi, t Theta Kappa, Delta KAP118, was represen1ed a I the PTK Northwest Reponal Convention In Wenatchee, Wash .. • Feb. 25 and 26. Tbe deleaatlon consleted oC Ju<lr Gehlen. Barbara SChalfC and Robb Seh'ue. Mrs. • Mable Ranson, also a PTK member, CU rnlshed the iransportatlon. The theme oC the con,.entlon • was "lnlellecl Examlnlna Values". Business oC the con\'endon ,.·as coordinated by Wenatchee Valley Colleae 1 chapter, Eta Rho. A ne• PTK constlrutton, rellonal con,.entlon order. ne,. cha1iu111, and • the role o! PTK In 1be coml!Ulnlty were deba1ed. Much was learned aboul olller chapter s oC PTK. deleptcs • aald. Abou1 15 persons Crom ien oC the seven1een junior colleaes or the North,.·eat at· • tended the con\'eotlon. 1'&· tlooal president !Uck Wilson ca\•e the welcom!na addless w!lb lDITOductions a:h'en by • Eta Rho President SI Flalll!I.
• •
The Collow1n& s111dents had books ovenlue In the Ubrary March 1 accordlns IO Russell Soderllna. Ubrarlan: Charles Atha. B111 Barlov•. Evereu BarlOn, Jon Bellar. Kurt Bol· aer. John Bropn, Robert Cheyney, Dt'llnis Dally, Bar· bara Diltz. LorDLlnt Drees, Anita Fla&ei. Vonna Rensluy, Cathy Redza. Beulah Rine. Susie Johnson, Alben Lamanna, Dennis Mabe, AM ~atson, Sally Post. Gall Rice, Ray ~chul SUIUvao. Schlatr. 011!1 TUrk, Linda Vlpper.n&n, Pal llllllams, Jr.. Randy Wll · Uamson. !olarslall V.\tter. Soderllns said lllat fines OD "bite call! books ( 1-l~ limit) are 3 cen11 per day. and Qnes on oranu card books (3-daJ' limit) are ~ cents day. Biii De~·ea, Leslee Moasburch. and AM Mat90n have floes at this lime.
• •
P .. o .. c
The Social Acth1dea Com· mlttee has completed Its ID· t en1 ews oC cre&hma.D can di· dates Cor posldons OD :ieu year's comm! nee. F rom the odslnal Oeld. the Col lowllli ne11 membeu lave been selected Barbara Diltz. John O'Neill, Kar Gleason. Craia Thompson, Jack Ra mmond, and .ADD Matson. In the event ol all)' ,·acancles, the poeldou 'lftll be CUled Croa: the altemates, Katb.r Frost, Jan Bull Sue Johnson. and CacdS Dahl. lo that order, All s!JI members and the Cour alternates ,..ill be present a1 the next resular SAC meet· Ing. Man:h 1, at ~ :oo p.m . at which dme committee assignments ..111 be made ror next year. T he purpose or selecttne the freshmen at this earty dale Is ro have the serve the remainder oC tbe rear as co-chairman 'lf!lb a 90phomore In their comm!nee area In order IO Cacllltate eCl!.dent aod smooth operatton on nen yea.r's committee .
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acoordlns to Mra. Gordon. lnsaucior. Diana Weller • • elecied president. and Eva Reid. aec~tt.ry. Mis. Gordon added 1ta1 •nu Weller •Ill CMld a.velop.,.nr arvdonra loom by obu rv/np clt/ldron of vorl<Wa a.I.so serve u pres1dt'D1 ot ogi.1. Shown" •"• O<e , lelt to tlV'tt: Ko,..n Schooler, • tvdenr, M11. 1b1 Slall Roce Economic• Oorga,. ottd tla'fJgnre r, Mordq1,1e, 'Na. Corolyn Rvue ll; Ellzoberit Cluba. Tiiis la tbe Clr11 tlci• e. ,.,..ordy. lf'l.IC»f"I•, "oldlf'JQ Irk•. RtJ11elJ•. dauo/'Her , Chtll ty; ottd tbat tbla boaor bu beta Co,,,.,y A"°1•••· The boby 1/eeplng on rite rob/e 1 Krla Ktaf""e r, i on awan!9d ro a Junior coueae. ol """. o,,.d ....,.. • Jo"'" iCto~ r. :Mrs. Gordon aid that Diana Mrs. Gordon's chi Id devel- (about C1 ve moat ha). Welltr wW attend tbe m tlonal opment class has been arueyThis clua 11 compoaed or bome ICODOmiC clu ba c:onveo- lna a unit deallnc •Ith the NIJC sophomore l:lrla. ln t1011 In San Francisco In JUne, addition to cla11work, tht.)' proper play equl 111nent Cor where alle wUI represent the assist at the Jack and Jiii children o C va.rtous aaea. Idaho clubs. The local Rome D: club Is plaMlni a series The local Sprouse-Reitz store klnderaarten. It Is a uotton oC the home economic• -·· d 1DOne,.-ralal11i eveata IO loaned Coya IO the cl ue ror i;artment, but would be uaeCUI belp PaJ' .l.!lss Wellera ex- us e In settln& up a demona1,.u on oC lb!• equipment, io anyone p lannl ns io do ptnaes, aald Mra. Gordon. On Feb. 28, tbe sld• had social worll. Mrl. Oordon SPJ.HISH CLUB I.II opponull!IJ' lO •te In UH aal d. however, 1la1 II la ?lt.na Cllr ba.-1111 a Peruthe roya tber had .elected. destsned prlmt.rlb' Cor the vl&a •IJ'le barbecue will be On that mornio c Mrs. Carot.rn II rl who wan:a IO be •tll dl.sc:uss9d by members or tbe Russell, who Is a member or prepared Cor the Joba oChomeSpLDlsh Club at tbell DUI the class, brouaht her two maker and mother. meet1n1. March 14. room 23. and one-ball year old clau1b1er A 11rll111h1 llne Is shortest accord.In& to Johll McFarland. Christy IO the clau. Other I as au Clor..dvllor. In morals as In artthmetlc. motltem 11.Dd chi ldrea present - Made Edceworth were Mm. Adrtall Darpn and F ree lllinlters are cenerall;r Even the woodpecker owes Monique (six months). and tlloae •ho nuer tblDk at all. hi• aucceu IO !ht tact !bat )Ira. Johll Klatl:e r and K II.a - Si.me be uaaa bis bead.
CLASS HEARS TALKS ON SOCIAL PROBLEMS Don Rose1'. seon Reed, Ar. Stone, oeorce Leaz. JUd ce Lennis :.icLeod. a.nd 3'119. R93·c:;ond sione were ICe!lt speakers receDtl.r before Ra)'lllond Sione's soda! problems class. These experts dlsaiaaed spedl!.c sodal problems In thei r own !leld. Ro11e111 11.lked about probation, pa role, and cdme problea:s. Reed dlscussed clime la &elll!:al ...r. s:one dlacuased protattoo and parole law, Lem: save a pollceman•s poln: or \HW. 1.11d Mrs. Ra3moad Stone and Jud 11 McLeod dis· cussed sutdance a.nd school
pro t:t e11111.
Other expena 11111 be lnvHed to speak on various IOplcs as the clan propesaes, Stone added.
Lm£11?Q£SS l>MOTO O~~SET
HOME EC CLUB Tbf Home Ee Club r.:entl.J elected o!rlcem Cor next yar,
A. M. TO l!lO '· M.
Out for lunch
v.ith the Pepsi generation. Pepsi-Cola and food. Inseparable. Delicious. Greatest American team since franks and beans. What are you waiting for? There's always time to sandwich in a Pepsi.
'='·='·:J:::.C:::~:::E:V::ilE:,":::•:::C;:•=·='::id='A:,I,:•:·='="=o=·='*=•=d.=,'=~:i:'i:<h=9,!:::1;:9:;66::::====~ e
29 Students ln E lectronics
'"ll'hoi roa htn;c a dl/flctlll proble• to '"oil<",
0U£ST/O,\ or
to do SOiie
drcp t.hJ1kiao. trlcrt caa POll coacnaa1c bc~t•" OOl:Cl RE:-1"R£\I, Frnbman, Edacallan: "I can think beat .-bt'll I'm drh·tn1 1111
blokatore m11Dac•r. "I con<:e'>t."lllA! bfosl wbll• I'm dotn1 .,. 1mntnc." BOB HCSKEY, SOpbclllOrc. Educallan •'I co11cc111l'ai. ~- l •D lb .. music r~:· Al.EA BEITO, Sapbcaxire, Psycbalao; "I can lhlalt ll«:::~la.ce Wilen! It I.I ...!Ill.'' JOE SLOSSER. Fresbman, Education; "Tbc essence or
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for Und•Nood & Sorvlc1
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mind." KARES SCHOOLER. Soph· omore. Bom-. Economtca: ··1 can conCl!'ntrate inuc:ll bt'tter when thNe are people around or "'1 radio ls on." LES LEE .MOSSBUROH, Freshman, Elementary Educa· ti on· ·'I conc.,nuate belt when alonf', usua11' In Cl1 room. or I IO lbr a "alk In the rnountcuns.'' SA l\1>Y BALOIVtS, Fre-sh· man. eu ..1n.-s' Adri:icl&1ra· 11on· "I'm 11Qrr1. but In lhe bathroom." MARY ASX Lt"EOTKE, "'t I Sophomore. En&llsh: !Ave a problem t.l 110ln or somt! deep 1tunlr.1nc to do, I take a l<JnJ walk at nlcll. rei;azdless ol cbto •eetber, and coc:e home •ltb Ill) tbouJbta muc o nr rty cbao before." PE:TE SHEPPERD. SOpbo· mer,., Bo lnr.sa Admlnl•ua· ti In It.• batllr • • ..
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\'11th rraey lhousands or dollalli worth of •lecuonlcs equipment and a staff or compt'tcnt lnstructOI'$. lbe SIJC •ocallonal e!Pctronlc:& d~ i:anmenl lll\"e& the student ao excellenc t-ppcrtualt) to l•m a nrr blch!y ... ktlled prornslon. Ttw. scuclcnt ma,y folio• a pach leading lo a certillcate as an eleccrorlcs tech.~lctao, er he m.,- take lhe course which cfre ll cenlricace as 11D elt"Clloalcs eqwpmenc
Thi> curnculum empmslzes a tllorou ell und crs can di 111 ol the pnrrary rundamental prtnClples or eleccndt) and el..ctranlcs. 'llh•n ~IUdenLS ba•·e rr ... llmt', the\ are also all°'" ed to replll r some or lhPlr own radlu~ or le le• I &IO M. Th<' proal'llm la «enred tis much As pol'alble to keep up ,.Ith the consll\nth new demands m11dc by lndustr.\ or the quaUficlltloll:l of technl· clans, acconlln& to Hnrlnn Siebert.. department heod.
'"Clf'll .,,,,,,
&~dlcJ. ,
'"''true 1,orr,
~·:Se b~~~cat:e Ul~~r~ft~~I• llJ>; howl'Yer, the etudcnlll seem lo know nnd II ls these men who will help keep tbl'1 .. electronic minded" v.orlo we U"e In D)ln". An,yw03, w tnl would the averai:e rnmt!)· do wit bout teleVlslon. ,
Ac cne reservtslS and NaUoral Quardsmen a re ell l!bl• for .,.embtr.ibip. and are wel · co~ to ioln. acoordln& co .Y. C. Sultl\·an. This v.u detenn.lned after a commltlef cheek or che club's con~tl· tto:ion.
It Wll.S dr!Clded at the March i
meeunc Chat tbe
Del G ittel
C...,,r 4°A•'"•
R;:'°c)~,.. ,: :.obtern 1n mo,>, '1 0 happt'n 1r one lltlJI' wire were misplaced v.l th anotbor wire.
ornce i:s e ltcted a1 thf' Feb. '.!3 meeunc ar the \'ets • Club are· Fltok Boprd~ e Sfl!Stdeot. M.C. Stlll\'an, ~ec·
RC!\"lt• .. b coins: to be e1p:Lnd<!d to loclt:de all dates rt e• encs and occ:arenccs at sue. ac:c:otdlnc 10 Oomld Hclllr.lla. edltor. Students 01 !atul17 cedara .-ho h:l•e an> tnfo111:&1!011 or this tJ pe are 1 ,.,..... L ~.-e11 i. th" "'11 r.-. _..._
Ing Of'llt
license. lloritlnc ,..llh this 1n1r!c&1e equipment, I somellov. can' t, belp 1111 lblok "lat would
Bogardus Elected Vets Club Prexv
So 1
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IHFORMA TIOH 'til.+.WTEO T C'a.l ~...,_r I EY.nlS
PLAZA 11., hon
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a dl!Ocult problem ls In lh~ botto<n or an .:up~ wine botUe. coaaequenci,. I concenua1e best In lhe local "pub"." A~'DREA L. ROSS, Sopb· omore. Soclalocr· "'I like lO 11> home Dick ndln 1 l 11 the mounta.1111. I nnd lbat che pea<» and qulel of nature helps me co C&lm down 11nd look ac tbJnp mare 1011cal 1'.'' ~ID<E BARTELSON. Sophomore. Edue&1!011· •11111": \'lest Comer, 2nd Floor, c/o L.A. Branch, Pla.rbor Club." KAY OLEASO~. Freshman, B.S.: "Our.doors.'" ROS SHOCKLEY, Sopbomort-. l.talhemaucs· "In tb,. 'John'.·• St.'SA." DOERFLER. Fr,..ah· :nan. Psycllolos:r· .. I co for a Ions wnlk alone, usually lllon1 Ille bnch. .. TOM SCRDEES, SopboC1Dre, Edacatlon: "I cao oo~n trace almOl!t aeyplaOP tr I C!!t ::i.15elf In the n&ht frame or
ll.lbt '
,,, .."Bio
There are 17 nlllt year s111dcn:s lllld 12 second year &llldcnlll. All St'COnd Y<'llf t>IUd<'DlS "Ill take the FCC radl o-1.elt'phone t~t rsomctlme In APrll. They wt 11 take a !Ir.it and second class. FCC te31. Upon llCll>Slnc these ii. a teH~ the' wt 11 be e11llled lo n rtrst clo.ss oprrat r'.&
would stress srrvl<» 10 achool and other orpruzed actt.,.laes u one or Its ma! runcuons. "Anyone v.ho Is lnlNtJISlc In Jolnlns the NUC VN'lj Club may atlt•nd a r<>Kular meet•n1. The club meet rl'er. \\ednesdllY dunn actl~'llJ penod In tbP Can1ii lnal Revt.,... ortlce, v.hlch l~ 1n lhe stud.,nt union. " Bo· aardus Said.
N.IJ.C. REVIEW, Coeur d' AIWte, ldoho, Wed,, ~rtl\ 9, t 966
STANDING ROOM CROWD SEES CARDINALS The Oudlnllls had lhc ornEND 40-GAME WSU FROSH STRING, 98-76 • clal backing or lhe Ida.ho
House of Reprcsen~dves for lhelr tournamenl play . A resolullon sponsored by Koole• nnl Count.Y ' s three reprcsentatl \'CS John Moly nea.ux . /Ulhur Min Icy and C. W. Nr!dPrwas passed i0-0 March 3 and ' was sent IO the Senate ror concurr ence. The r esoluUon s&ld •'"Ibe Idaho Lellslaturc desires IO I encootlllll? and recocnl zc thi s type or excellence and n ne sponsmnnshlp among our young people or Idaho."
A siandl na room crowd o r about 3 .000 saw what they came ror lo the !!DLI p me or the schedule ror NUC. XIJC'S Cardi mis ended a 40·came undcreated 1tr1na !or the Washlncton Stale Gn1•ersll;J Frosb con\'Jodnw with a 98-76 vtciory. The win Cai>ped the but SPUOn NUC ha ~ver bad-22 •1os. one lou (by one point) and one tie wl lb \\SG). The crowd was also the Jarcest e•cr LO wl c.ness a Cardioal irame on t!'lelr home Ooor. Coach '1\llllams' 0 ntlre IOman 5'lllld tad a 'and l n rashlonlnC t.h1.s win. All l 0 contrtbo1ed io tbe 11cor1111 column !llld io tile de!eme "hich kept \liSG'S llCOr!"' largely to shots Crom du.• cor· oers or outside the free lbrow The Frosh gol Hr/ lane. rew sbots neru !be b""kci all e"enl nc. This sqund Is UnQuesdorob13· the belt balnnced e\'er seen oo the local noo r. Thete were also pleo[J or I ndl\'ldual stars durt "' the e"enlng. Traweek did an outstnndln, Job or bottllna up Ted Wierman, ll"SU's blc dlx foot ei~t Inch center, under both boards. especio.U.' in Ille :1econd 1u11r. But despite the fact \\'tenn1rn i;ot fl"• ~lx>ts rrom nearer l Inn 15 Cet-l out. his great ralenl was &h0"1\ bY bis 23 polnrs for the evening nnd nne rloor pl~. unusulll !or a big man. Traw e('k 11nd Brl non. howe\'er. kept him rcl11tivel.1 ln~ffec d veunder the boards . probably a declsl\'I' factor in tbe i;nme. DIC~ Schultz and Sr.an Obe111h came through 'irl th some or lbeu finest pl~ or the season on bolh offense 11nd defense to spatlt the C1udloals. Schie.ff and Br! tton came up with tneir usual steady scorlni;, while Bml • na rd and Camey played lhelr regular outstnndl n;: game brtnt;ln& the ball up and hounding the Coubabe>i. llhile Tlaweek wQS COOCeD-
• ,
Gregg shorthand awards have been recel ved by ft"e NlJC girls , reported ~Uss L.oretln Dunnigan, shorthand and bus · 1ness lnstrucLO r. Miss Dunn! gan stressed lhat these awards arc not mo.de n1 1bc local level. To r ecel "e lhem the lllrls must take rtve mlnu1es or ofnclal dlc1ati on, which Is sent to the school rrom the Nattonn l Gregg Sh orth nnd Com1J11ny, lhen transcrt be ll at least 95~ correctly. The papers are sent to lhe nnllonal organization for oppro\'al before lhe awards ore given . Two or the NIJC studertis. Janice Sloop, and Mory F'ord . reccl ved o words for lnklna o nd transcrl blnP shorthand al 120 words n ml l'IUte. Koren ~nd. Janet Gc or~e. and Jnoet Brul!her recel\'ed tOO words a minute awnrds. snld Miss Dumlgnn.
On Thursday, F'eb. 2~ . the NIJC music depnrtment presented a recita I to nn audience of 11b:>ut 60 people . • The department hopes IO make thl5 nn nnnual n ffnlr. The reel Ull. whl ch was held In the NIJC music room. was • composed largely or original compositions by students In Mr. Lou Kell,y's music theory class .
·================= THE PIN CUSHION
tradn1 on Wierman. Obe!'lrh and Btitton rebounded under both baskets as If the ball were lhelrpersonal propt?rty. Meair while. It was SCh.lllz who kept the Cardinals In the i:ame b7 recular}.T diopplnc lo his Cavort~ Jump shot from out on the Door. Schultz led NlJC seating wlth :? 1. followed clo•eh by scblatr "1 lb :?O. Br! tton "Ith 19 llJld Oberch with 16. n •as an upb.111 battle ror lhe Cards In tbe ftrst baH, as \\ lerman !llld F\llton p;ot Lbe enubabes orr 1.o a to eartr lead. which they held unlll the let momenrs or tm peliod and Schultz, SChlaU. Ober&h and Britton p0ured in 16 points ID ll'lllt SPllJI IO u!ve 1'1JC a 3i-35 balfllrM edce. The second lalf "85 all '1JC's. By the time 11,.e minutes or the second ha.If wu ,ooe, the Cards had a 15-oolnt mrcl n. Tbe;,· arad· uaH.r Increased theu edie ID 26 pol.ol5 o.t one p0lnt, before Coach ll'UllAms bt>gan sub~Utuuna. NIJC' s talanet> ••s shown u the bench str•nath played the Coubllbes ,.,.ro the rest or the way . FUiton. Allen and Hobson played On<> tall for the f"f0$h 10 b<\clr. up \Herman , but tJ1ia •a.~n 't their even! 01. The Cazdlrals "•r<' loo ftred Up t• be aiopped and the large crowd weot home lulppy at ,;eeinc a areo.t even! nc or basketball.
WSU P ltOSH (7') AU•n l 1 • ..-..-r •· tWblon .s. fl•I• J• •• ,._. 1..... ' · A\allo ' · Pulton W-i.er.ao lJ. Tlorit;k J.
s, OtH-r&h u. SchuJts 21. ea,.... Britton 19, Th-· ....i.. J., DMlln111.on 1. w.,., t, ci..tfl•ld l· HAU\.l...Dll ~.ore: )1, Wst: Fro.sh JJ.
!'(\JC CArdln.al•
ALUMNI GIVES 1400 FDR SPEECH, DRAMA Tbe NIJC Alumol Assodo.uon presented a s.;oo.oo check to the :0.1JC debate team aod drams department recen~ The mone~ ,...!11 enable the team LO particlpitte lo the Unfteld College Speech o.nd oebnle Tournament. which started ~larch 3. Ric bard Hyner:21 n. debate Olr.ICb. accepted the check rrom Marvin Jones. president of the assodlltlon .
JEFFRIES' TV Su,,. for borrct1es, needles, iubes repotrs on
•ecorders srer"° se•s - radios 10111?
Pleos" Polore ond Purse r 107 !<. F..m~
.MJUH ••
n..J 4, Scblafr l'O,
Our Plozo Re~ro.,onr
CAltDJ'NAl.9 (9•> -
51>'X•Ol1zrn9 m Colle<;•O'" Needs /o, Heo"11 or>d Hoppmess
NUC City League Teams
lolO • 4-822l COEUR O'Al..El<E , 10.AHO
Serving Yout StuJent Unio,,
80? R1v•r Ave. MO 4•'2000 Coe1.1r d'A1t rtc, ldoho
Choos e
Out co,..lul
Fot Yout
• •
t •
""It" - f,,.,.., USE COEUR D' ALENE CREAMERY MILK ,.,...,_••• o,....,,.. -
)OJ H • .11+t
Coeur d 'Alene Lo und ry & Dry Cleone r s Fr.. Plclup a...! Oe6nry )07 F'•"'
LAO)i.a w\ 4..)S ••
Ano1;,.1 tJIJC t.a'" I& tfte
b c .. '"row ortt John
°"'* pfcrured
"'"' _,,,,_ R,.qbtrds. In thtt ord Rod Cor)colt•lf. The fro,.r row
boys ore N1lllo'f' Srronq. . Jr> n ~~' '1(
"'Ond, Md O.nn1 &tr•r. In add!Uon ID the C!lldlno.lb, N !JC has two other baskt>lbtlll team.• which pl"J In lhP Coeur d'Alene c111 t.eacuc. The..e two teams are the Junior V11rsl1Y team and the Redbirds. The boyr; on theae r.wo teams come Crom almost every department 1n :-rwc. They have met IO practice approda:atcl v two boors each week under the direction of \\ayne Johnson. who Is also a student. Johnson saJd tha l he has c:oached the Junior \'an;lty team uoder lhe supf'mlllon of Rolb l\llllams, !'>1JC coach, but that he ha.. be<'n ~ourety responsJ ble for Ill!' Redbirds. The Juw.or Yarslt;J ~m ha" on., aame-ap!Dbl Pot1t Falls ·-lel'l to p!llJ'. BP!lld!'s the rei;ular le.Cl.IP i;ame • th1s tt'a!ll ms pl.a7ed tbe Spokene Community Colltce Junior Varsll) team t>rlcr. Tbetr WID·IO&~ record In th~ City le&!llle &bo'A& that tb"Y bave "'On rt~P and Ion !1ve.
GOLF TEAM PLAHS OH OOZEH MATCHES Slx studPnlS ha\'f tumt>d out tor sol!, accordins IO Warren Kl!D.Un~. Instructor· coach. A dozen or more 111>lf !DlltchC!" are upec:tt'<I to be schedul"d In the near futUI4', Kea Una commen1t'd . l\e ..-ould like IO encourtJI' anyOn" "ho Is lntNUt"d In 111>lf to a1rend on" ot the solC team"' meellnrr>1, •llleh are .-very F'rtdA' durlnc acU\'llY period In the sWdenl unton ", Keating &aid. Tbe onlY oost ,.Jll be "l:l't'<'n (L•t!S " and thr N UC t!'am JtllS a rav-. so It 15 Ool> about Ont' doJlaz Cor 9 0 1 18 holu. he adck'd.
Alferi 8oet1m, Joe.~ totr ..
JC Coed Winter Carnival Queen Heltn Hol!Am was uJecred with Barbara Kitt n1 the Scbwem:er l\\nLN Carni val, Peb. 25 and 26. DI SCbwe.ltztr Ba1tn. Mias Hollund won $100 worl.b or ski clothi na and a lrlp to the Calp ry Stnmpeod~ In Clllpry, Alberta , Clnad9. nl'Xt Jul). Sue F'letcht'r ft nlshed 6..C:Ond In tbe cJant slalom and slalom compeUuon, John Nearlne rtnlshed with a time of I '1'>7 .~ minutes: and Tim ~uller "1th a 111:1e or 3:05.!i. J.lller was th!! unrortunale \1CUm of a sudden stror.. bla.at or wllld \\'hlcb blc" him ofr courS•'. Con!lt'(IUC'ntly, be had 10 wallt back up lh\' moun~ln lO ID throui::h one part o1 tb" chanered course lo rtnlsh th<' mce. Rlchrud Cba111pQux. ski dub ad\isor. said. Sl.'verlll otber ski club muibers were unablP lo enl<'r ror ' 'artous reasons. oa.-ld Sutllff. ski team ca1>tlln nl'I called awa.Y IO Clllfomla the n!gbl beCore the roe.- ror his Jlster •s funPnt1. Bil \!onon wu Ill •Ith 1he nu and John :o;eartnt ,..os .. true• In thP e\'e with o ski pole. c~ueen
IA'"' f'\'.lSt f"&llS
.i.terrtll ' s Cnfo !\tJC Ja)"Vf'('ll Sherman \!rrcbants NJJC Rod bi td At la• Tl"
\\ 10
I.. 2
7 5
7 10 JO
N.IJ.C. REVIEW, Coeu• d'l.l..,o, ldoho, Wed., Mo•cli 9, 1966
Cardinals Win District Tourney In Oregon ap or 52 per cent In ~ cardlnal• "'°n • bertb ID the rtclonal AAJCA nrs1 balr to 27 per cent In bukttblll coumaml'nt In the second. HJ1blllhlll of the pme were Pboenls. Allzona \tlteb 7-8 by wtnnlnl tbreo lmpr••t•e tbe work o f Bd uoa and Oberah oa rebouodlnc. Cine pmes to 1he :-iorthwm1 Junior Colk'C• dl1t11c1 rourna- pla.r tw 111a.rda Me,-er sad ment. TM district coum1mant Cbatlleld when repilars wu pl1.>ed ta Ont1do. Oresca Sebullt and Bra.I oard cnt lato f'eb. 2.f-~6. Inchldual ..,.., rool dHllcullY earl.1 ill !be second tiiUr. and Brltton•s 2:? reporta foll ':'. . • point• t,,r !be eYentoc. H/JC 118 - CU. TSOP CC 68 Jim Hamson maiched the All Und~ of r.r rr rd• lbr 22 polnu tor Blue i.iouataln o:itado •ere •et tJ, th• Cazd- and pla.;red eood ball to: I.be lftal• la tbll r l~piJded 128~8 nmb~rwolY•. He aod bis win OYer Clar:sop (Ott. 1 Com- tea::il'.'\&""' pro.-ided mucb aainlCJ Colle1e. :;o 1JCore ,,f alfer compeatloo than !be over 100 tad ever be~ posted Ca.rd. bad ta their t.:>umameit on that scoreboazd. It wu opener. al"° an :.; JC record. F'IH 1'1JC plaJ'tU scored coach Williama used hla In double ll1111res. tbe Cards reseru1 durln1 moat of the onra1ed 4:? per cent Crom 11me. Tiiey 109por.drd to thf' the floor ror the same. opportUnl t:Y wllh an anresS'UC (tO) - •~t~ 11. tkhlall 11. st ve ddena,,. ind a h11h- T,..,..11 .J. khalta- 1:. . .i.J:wt~ U. 16. Quitll•W '· 0.dJ.f\t'.lOft. powered acodnl altemoon. JObs,P ....,., 2. All Carda ecored and none OLUS MOU-STAI!' U'> - KbUt bad fewer than Sl'•en polnta. 10. . . .,.,j.on. n. SJu•'4• •· Mot•u-oe 1. 1. 9UP9nt.,.-•.t 6. Ro1 Meyer led the day's 1cor- ....... 1. Mt> MJIJLao s. ln1t wllh 20. Hatn._. .... •t• :f?JC ..,. 81• The Card l\Jtl<OUll Pllt!Oll Mo...a..•n .)I. pioduced martv ball tumovell' HIJC 126-Col. Clrrisrion 79 which were con•Ntcd IO n.ay Another 1wsr-record sconnc buketa and Clataop tad conttrorl prodUced tbe dl6tl1ct t! auoua 1rouble 1eu1n1 the title ror :>IJC. 126·79. over ball Into llll forecoun. Columbia Chnstlan Collell' Guard Dan Camo au!fert'd of Portland. Ore51C>a. a tpralned anlllf! dudn1 tbf' The cards Jumped o!I' to a.n rame, the onl.7 chpleulnc early lead and widened II to result of the pm,. for SIJC. 30 palnlll at baltume. to The C:.rda roared baek tiom le&\·e II tUe doubt &s to the a 52-34 laltUir." break with 76 polru clldn& the aecond ulUmate winner. Tbet: uaaa! l)les&lfll defl!ll6e ca.-e them halt to diomonstrall! thel r r~ ma flY baJ I a teala a.nd ess,. cHl\'e power. palal.ll. Th<' Cardlnal reC LA T'IOP (61) - All•fl 11. , . ,. llt!Yell a&;lin plared mucb o1 >&.llik•I J . J••••• J. IC•lp,.t- I J • ....,,•• t . Trw.1.. 4, the same and litUe dltferen~ ~ft""-" 10. wu OO(lced by tbe Portland lftJC (121) OMrt" 11, kllult• 11. C.n'l•f 12. khJ•" •• opponenu. 8tl1t..,. 1•. T••-.•k 7, 0..1lt1tt._ 10. Rich Br1llOD'll 26 points and W..r•• 20. C1Mt1tt•W I). brllU&r1t rebouadlnc 'll'trl! 1&.uu . . k of• HJJC 12. Ca.te. top• for the evenln1 both lt'ams had three acoreis In the 20·•. ScbJltz added 2-l H/JC 90 - Blue Mounroln SS NIJC ahoou nc 11 la.ckl!d r:Ar ror NIJC and Scbla!C wa.s clO'le behind "Ith 20. Terry In this 11eoml·llral 1ari<' 11aJnst BIUC' MoUnlaln ComEnlllleh with 25. Don Reinhardt with 25. and Don Thymun! ty Collr1l' ot Pt•ndlNon, lor wttll 23 Jert onl) alx Ore. but th~ cardll hild llllln potnta unnccounted ror fbr troubl•• d• pllP th~ Timbn· wolvMI' pre ~. w1nnln1 hand- Columi.a CluJstlan. Dick Schultz and Brllron ily, 90-:15. Thi' Cud!<• 011 n prrwe in hnd their nnest performances th(' •rcond hall rrducl'Cl 11 or the aeeson accordlni: to BluP Mou ntaln ho0Un1 n vrr· Coach Rolb William~. Tltr ,.o rk o f th!' rost or the aquad T... ., ~ h was not far behl nd. f,',, I Ir j J' Tl11" Ptk'1> •orK on tbe bQ&rds ,... acaJn a n:~or BALL & cue factor In lhe •In. .~ "'OJ C u:e) - ...,,..,.. 11. OWrP '<I •· ktN.11 • 1 4. CarrwY •· llchSalt lO.
TOURHEY HICHLICHTS IUch Bntton .,.. named Outst1ndln1 Play•r for !be ctt .. tnct toumaml!llt and bu a trnpbJ' 10 llbow for hi a ll ae play. Dick S:bullz and Toru Tra· •eek •"'" rw.med to lbt llrst all1t1rs. Bob Brainard wu named ID lbe aKOnd team all-stars. The Cards lr011c!lt bome anot11er tu1e tropby to add to their troplu' cu". :-iJJCaveraced 11spo101.aper came dua111 the cournameat . their oppoat'flta aveaa1«! 6i. Ttls 1••~ them an a>erace r::upn o! 48 per pme. Tbetr lmh·ldual came ir.ardns •ei:e 60. 35. and 47. Ttiee &r" probabb' all rec:«<! ll111rl'5. The rod!o announcers and pre56 h9d many Qrw comrrents for die !\1JC ta!!! aad coa.ch101 durl nc the tour11:1ment. The Carm were compared ravorsb\y with mar\1 rour-year collece teams co be seen In the are11.
Brainard Determined
I.,, ~ 11)
Sromard' fs gru•!f)' a.l'erml,..d ro pur Mh shor ~roug#'t '·"'• ~
Corda ,,, '"• ,...c•"' •doJ.io Frosk qome. Roy Schloll Is c~l"I
r tebovnd '" coa
• ""''• s•.J.
KRYST AL PLUNGE S•i••in9 - R«r«atioa - Da1cia9
Scano Sto<1m 8otlu
2-\.\o\Jr S. ~ Sess•ons •.• 3X Pu' •o>< 0 -.c o • ~c:liedule fo• •i,,,..s) COFFEE SHOP OPEH 7 o.a. - 10:30 p.a. BreoHasrs - Speclo/ Doily Lune/Ms "'S•st Ever" HombfJrgers Comp/et• Fountain
••''- •• Gt-•._• ••
,,, .,. ···""• ,AQ
Ot1Ul>ft : ... T'r••nlir. t. 0.t-""ct... 6. M•J'•t •· 0-tfl•W 4.
1ououm COl SAG(S ' 61flS COEUR O'ALEHe·s
l )
· ••• • JI • ~ 4 ... • S.. .,~. A • • • C.twf 4 At•fll• ,
T~•~;,l·~~~ ..~:!:"~~~~J:!
....... , 1. K.14• • : • •• ..,,,....... IC.Un- ...... b • C>wt•t 1•n 1•.
, . ,.,,.
ro ,,..,,,,
MISSOURI LUNCH c-... ·& ..... "fll SOH PH>.RIU.CY ror•••
vo •·
.a.pi:" t l,,,at<'h :!5 'Jd n bu" tu med "ut f11r b""ebal
prat'llcP. a.ccordlac IO Jamu Cro..-f, CClaCb, Pracllc• ae:.sloc> •lU be ht'ld 11\"C'fY d&) fMI:' 4 lO 5 p.m. The nrst ,.eek was de\Oted 10 condt uon1n1. Cro•e added. f'I mt pracu c- ,. u M&JCh Al dlou &h Ille complet• chcdule bas not been CO::'.plled )'el, the ti rst prne "Ill ~ \larch 29 1111th Spokanf' Cocnmun1 ty Coll•1e and 11 I U be pliHed theN., Cro\\f' s1.1d.
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We admire you r spirit, but you just don 't flt into the team .
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BOWL While You Are .Young
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c:...r llJ.••
Coco.Cola 11 on everyone'• l•om. That'• becou.. Coco-Colo hot the toll• you never get tired of ••• alway• refreahlng. Thal'• why thing• go btller wilh Coke ••• ofter Coke ••• ofter Coka.
..._,_..._ .....,..,_,n.. C-...C.C.---1 •l
INLA:"ifC> t.\tPIHlt