N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 20 No 12 Mar 23, 1966

Page 1

·oebaters, Drama .Entries Win 23 At Linfield Tournament '.1emb<'111 of th• 'ii.JC D• late •T~am sroeured 23 "'' ns at the Unfleld lnYltaUonal Detn1e Toumam.,nl, March • 3·S. at Mc~Unn~vtlll', Orri::on. In the "Oml'n • dh11don the tnms or Pall<1 Bro•n. Sheryl BNssuom. Cancty Dall , and Jo Ann Richmond hDd combined total of four •In and two lo&ses. Frank Flo RI to and John • O'Neill won th rel' and 1011 three In that same compttltlon. "hereas John Sht'lton and Barlll ra Diitz "0 n four. lo't , h•O. Patsy Brown won four d4'bates In the Junior 11omrn•11 Uncoln OouaJa.s. Barbara • Diltz won three and loi<t three In lht' ~nlor \\omen's Uncoln· Dougl11t. compeUUon. John Shelton and f'ronk Flo • Rllo enah won four 11nd lost two debntes In the Junior Men's Llnaoln·Douclu di· vision. • Peg Dohrm11n, G11ry Chap· pell, and Calhll' Hrr17.a re· presented th<' NIJC Orama • Oepartmrnt In the oral InterpretaUon partlctp111ton. Their SCOlt'S art' ~.1.3 3.2.3. :?.~.~. respecllvl'IY. • \lore than 700 contelants from se,en western state .. and IO"• ent<'ll'd lhe comi>e· lllion with ab>ut •S coll~Ct'S • represented.

2 One-Act Plays •Set for March 25 Two one-ect drama.s "111 be eP<esented by the Cardinal Players, \larch :?S. at 11:00 11.m. In tht' (:.\m, accordlna to Marcaret Gale. tn· uuctor. Charactel'l' for tht' l!rbt ple_v, "Thl' Dealh Cell ' '. v.hlch t!ll<es plact' In the ei nterlor or a Jail. are: Tom Bo.II. as the son; Cath.> Hrrlza, a!i lht' mo lht'r: Gary Chllppelle. 11" the Jallor. and • Bulch Butel. as the chOD· lain. Mr!<. Cilllt' so.Id. The second play, "The Long Sllcnet.' " · talte~ pince ~ n a l!sherm11n's hut. Char· ac ~r.; arl': Am.sh. ~Uke SulU van: Lazar, Garth Rou· ernond: Vn."11ly, f'rank Yama· moto: \1ary, Mac:y Ann Luedlkl': Reba.. Kath) Zimmerman: and \larlha. 'Jadellne Tilt50. \lit<. ~ale eiplained. \lembrrs of the dr11111a class "'111 take care o! the st:ulnc. II &ht'. and ma kHJp, she ddt"d.

CALE\'D t R \larch .3 - Endi:• .Ptnocill< Tournam<'nt-SUb. 7:30 p.m. \larch :?3 - Rt!<I Hor.Mia \8. anhandle Coac:he~-buktt· ball ~ame 1n the =-1JC C.\m, i;pon!IDred b\ the Booster Club. 8 p.m. AdmJsston. a<illts. -S 1.00: children, !>O cm ts. March 24 - Sport Rl'<'>>llnl • Unn Banquet, SUb. 7 p.rr. \!Drch 25 - OramD prr en· 9\n11on. 11 a.m.: !':IJC 1rm. March 25 - Do.net. SUB. Musi ( b' c;. H Nbl'r\ Slnl th and lhe ConC<'l>I ... • \ID!Ch 29 - NIJC Spdnc ConcerL. /I Co11pellu ChOtr. llo~pllo.J Ben .. nt. Norlh Shor~ •con' cntlon Crncrr. ll p.m. •

N~w r.tudcnt~

10 plcil up ocll\lt card

arta rmllndl•d their atudml

3 Draft Deferment Tests Will Be Given During May 'And June

Neil Peterson Named 1966-67 ASS Prexy, Dohrman Vice-Prexy

T ;. do ~ J to iP dl'lt r:i.n "ll<tner couei:e atudenta will retain Ull'l: studmt defercents '«ill bl' orJered lo C'&ll' oolll'ce stu· dl'!lts. d!1<>etor or lhl' Selec· l!ve Sl'niCe, Le•IS B. Ha· hl'Y. announced recently. The atudent will take only one test; howe"er. It will bl' II ven 11e>eral dmes. Tb" nrst lWO ll'S!S WJll be of· ft'lt'd Io Ma,)• and the thud In June. Another test will folio.,. later, the director said. He disclosed that tht test rl'Sults. combined wt th the student's class srandlna. could lndicntt' wbetber c:ie Pt'ISOn ts rt'classJned I ·A. Plan~ were tmcomple~ !o: tht' test1n1 procmm and mt· uauons \\Ould dlffe: froci sta~ to Ma~. Hett<h•" empha:;lzed. The tests are prtman~ !or :<tudl'nts not In the top of 11\t'lr clus. Hershe• :>a1d but he added that top ~tudent5 "ho take the test 20d pass II "ould la\'e double lnstll'ance •Pl nst tlie draft. n. must be empba!dzed. thou Ch. that students "'1th top ll"ld"" do not ha to take th" test to retain their :?-6 defelT!lent, Henshey said. s111deni.:. who make lo.. crad~ on tbe tesl and ha\'e a lo• class stnnd· Inc could be classil!ed 1-J\ and dranl'd. thl' dlreclDr concluded.

Seti f\'ler-;on wa• rl•c:t~d Plt'r.ldtnl or lhl" NIJC ,..,..,. elated Studl'!lt 8041 dudna lhto elecann1 held Frtdlly, March 18. The •1C<'"Prl"1'ldrnt t'lect la Pcuy Oohnnon. These •tudents will bf• In charie of 111Udent ncU \1 U "11 dudnc lhe 1988-67 school


A ll-R egional

Trustees Set New Fees For Next Fall



Journalism Instructor To Speak At Convention Edwatd T. Lltcbfl~d. ~!JC Journalism Instructor. h3.s been t n•itcd lo paniclpate In the :?Oth annusl timHl:ilQ' of Idaho HI sh S:b ol Joum:l· !ltim confereoce at Mo..cow APrll I and 2. The Idaho Journalism ,\d\·tsers A5soda· Uon .. 111 hold 11s annual mttunc at :.ioscow 111 Ille same tta:e. Pnncipal ~pnker at tnf' conference will be Pnul s Swem son. uecut.• e direc· lor al The Spspaper F'u:id. the orsantz"llon sp0ru;ored b:> thl' ~II sueet Journal to fUrlhf't the C&UM' or jouma · llr.m l'ducatJon and c:ueer planntni:. S.-eos.•on !oc:1er1Y "' a.s ma ra 11:1 n1 edl tor of the \~nncapalis Starand Tnll.lne. UtchOeld, "ho "'as ~1~· ttve ne.,-s editor of The Spokesman·Rl'\1l'Y• for rnaey veai.. ,.tll 1:11re lln addN'Ss >n the neceasttr for knowl· rd&<' and USt' Of precise Enllllsll ln the n<·,.spaprr wr1Un1t llctd. Last yellr hc .pokt to the croup ot Moscow on wnlln' erlccth·e edl· tortats. Several hundred students rrom all part • or ld!Ulo attend lht' annual UN\'N5llv can· fNl'nCt' •dlh their tmuuctoB r ad,lsers.






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l i;. ' bt'a!D

d l'l ·

enr:inecrtng ar>d elKtrorucs 11wden1a 'Aedn{"S · ~. lob.rd! 16. !.!!. HISllT V.llliac soo and :.tr. Robert F'olT!lan or the Cit'nel'IJ Tl'I· rpba ne Oln:pall.". Cl 11cu ssed the lasar lJI connecuon w1 tb the n eld or commu nl caaons, both at pr.,s'11t and In the tu iure. re1:mtl'd Mr. \!O&l'r, Instructor. ID

Th< General Tl'l<'PhoRt' com1'4nt plans to Jllf!5rnt more l'·Cturs ti NIJC rn11 nrrr1 nc ond et~ctn1n1c11 clIL u- l.1 lhl" ftllun;. AC· cording ID '.Ir. AIO&t'I, lh""" procrian:s .. lit ket'P studmts up-to-dalt' on th,. rapid ad· vanc~m.,nt• bPtn& ma(~ In tbla l!cld.

5'<• ·ral chanc In feea for Dell tall •ere made at the collece B.. rd of Trua~• lllttllDI March H. /\lllO chanced •u the rl'CUl•llon pt'rllllruni to l"l!qulred real· denc1 In lhl' coUece dorm· ll011. An tncreue In aome whole· aale rood co111.s of aboul 10 pPr cent In lhe put st1 months aod predictions or another S to 10 pl'r cent lncrl'ue cllnnc 1 !168 hi.!> made II necf'!!1ar1 lo chance the board ree for donnl IDr.Y res· tdcnl.ll. The """' board coat to sucll &tudent.s ne1t fall will be $SH. The room rental fee remains unchanced at $290, maklDJ a total COii! c f $80-I annually for swdents llvlnc tn tbe donnltory. TM SC!dent Services Fee. •bl ch ls le,1ed lo purcbue equipment far t!le S~ent tillloa and to reUre the reve· nue bonda •hlcb ciade pas· slbll' buildlnc of ::its factl· llJ', was raised to SH per ll!Ce:!ltl'r, e!fctal \"(' Dell fall. Bei:aa1nc nl'st fall. th tollowt,.; d?i=llDIY r I· dcnce re1:11laDOD "111 bl' 111 effect .. S? 11111den1 uadt'r the qe of :!6 wbo Is llOl a rt'!l!dent or I.he SIDI" or 1daba will be pennltt«I lo U '" off campos unl«>ss· (t) be rr~ld"s at ho me. <Z he rK!dl!ll wl th a blood relal!vt', 13> bl' IJU a doclCH'S dlu•cthe not to U ,. ., tn the dormitory. "So allldt•nt undN the acr c.r :;c; •ho Is. not a rcstdl!llt of the coUur di 'tr1ct bit I• a msld('Qt of ldahO will ~ prlT!llU•'CI 10 11,e off campus unlt•H' Cl) he res!dP.S al holl'.t', (21 h<' rr•ldes wl 111 a blood rrlaU\"t', (3) he ba.. a docl<lr'" dt!l'cllve not to 11•1· In th<' dormitory, (1) h~ IA excused for f1nandal rt'a· aona."

BalloUng. which be1111n al 0 F'ddll.l 111omln11. conllnurd unlll 3 p.m .. after whJah thll\ vot1111 were counted by E:lhol Br1aht. present /l .S.B. pr•· tdmt, cind m~mbcra or tM studmt bollrd with the n · ccptlon or candldatm 'o\1 nk Anderson and NN I Pet""'°"· The 111110 or candidate" for president I ncludod Jan Bull , John O'Neill, and Nl!ll Pilteraon. Another :studfnt. Milt TUrle~r. ran all a .,. dte-ln can· dlda~. vtcc-praldftlllal no~· lne• wert- Pl'lllU' Dobnnan and V:lnk Anderson. The campalsn. "nlch . . . outatandtnc for Ii. lack or blt~me1111 between the can· dldat<!ll, •aa cul ml nated by sp~eches from each of thl' candidates lo tbe SUB dul!ns acdvt11 pedod Much 18 and All or the cancld.Ates 11. stated that.. natura.111. tht1 hoped to wtn: but Iba 1 wtn or lose. they would conanul! co wont for tbe llDO d of N !JC. Final IO~ talllts showed tho rollowlnc count: PreJil • dent - Jan Bull 28. John O'Nnll 83 . Nell Pl'IN!IOn 111 . Miit Turley (Wdlt' In) 93: VICt'-pre11lden1 - Peiro Dohrman I 116. Wink AndNllOR


Bridge, Pinochle Tourney In SUB The SAC will >pDnllOr a Bddse-Ptnochle toumammt In the Sllldent Union at 7:30. on March 23 at 7:30 p.m. Re· frsbmenta will be servl'd ~II ac the neolac. accord· Ins ID GOQ' O'Connell. member. He uid lllat student.s who wt sh lD play should <<'" C1SIU lot>odt.T In the SIUdeal OfOce cllnna AcU\'111 Penod. G:uy llald that the Recoi::ll!Uon S:iorpabord, to be held Marcll 2~ . 11 open co an,ooe ><bo .tshes to auend. Se added tbal there Will be • cbarce !or I.Ills; surd~nl Acu,·111 cards will not be accrpted. Gary said that In add! QOD to the pla)'tr a... aldt to be prescilf'd. the StudMll Board "'111 present a eooster of the,..,., a•-.rd. Plan~ are being made ror campus \\Pelt, wll! ch will b~ the Jut "N:Ok In APd l. O'Connell u!d that s.-c~ · tall<'• or NI.JC cl u bt tia ve been milked rn •ullnll ldtas tor special evmt.s that UlcJ w1U ap0nsordur1ntt !Illa w•~k • The officP reminds 11D.1denu lha1 oolY ~mrr~Pncv calla • ~ d•Jl•tted.

Pobl;,Mcl S...).MootJJ.; 0...1"9 tloo Collo9• YN t ly Jo.A'IMli:wn $Nd"Hh • t th.


£4 .,i,


~aid H.r••lil •to

.t.11ooc•OI• f.:i.tor •••• • • .. •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • "4obl• HonloOf't


£~ 110, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

...... ... ...

T00t 'Wooor.ch

Re~otte~ P•gg, ()c>irri~ Conrhe Vo!\ H.. ,, ,..,d,1ft Joh"'~' )I ~th tu.., Frou. Roob S.l"'°'O'f'• Sw•"" Oo.tlt•r. S."" JoM~. ~.r:n• Row., LQfH· l..nd.hl, \t.1'-• He,..cit•c•u

Editorial . ..


n,,. ro<tng co, · 01 nd co••on • o mar...,. of greai concem 10 pcofoss1onol oduco:ors, polltic1ons, s ·:.den•s, one! und~· stondably, poren". The cos1 of h1pr educo•1on '" •his coun!Jy nos been 1nc;1eosed s ·l'IOdilr. A recent :.ir.ey of colleges ond univer· s111es-both public and pnvote--'hroug.'>ou• :!-o l;11 •od S:ore~ sh.,,,,s on ovoroQB 1ncroose of almost f,fry per CC<'lt '" 'l.I •ion ond foes since 1955. Those- increases hove not ~ boMd on ""°' tne troff c .. i11 beor--bu1 totner upori :~ 1ncroos1ng expense o' providing '>duco11on •o more sruderi1s .vim no socrif1ce 1n q..,.,J,ry. t· •s roosonoble 10 ossume 1:10• these cos•s will continue tons.,. EducoHon, ltl<e so mony otncn :tungs, Is co.Jtji• ln o never ending sptro • We oll ~now '!>O' o collego educouon s be· coming more ond mc:1'e ossem1ol. Cons.,q.-•ly, more ond more young ~le flock ro m" no• on' s compos!!s; mis 1nf11,. drt'"" 1>nrronco !oes htd>er and hi!#>er. For yeors, os educe· tion b..camo more es5')n11ol - for econom c roosons-ocqu1nng 11 becomo oncroos1ngly do ff1cu'•· -ogo1n for. economic reasons. In on 01t<1mp1 to solve th•• p<ob/o,,., :ho roderol government hos ono~oted severol programs thor "'le college sh.1donr should b!'I owore of. Om of rheso ptogoms is !ne Work-Study pion. This ts offer!XI •o !!udents from families whose income IS from f)()()Q to 160()() (cfepond1n9 on the number of Chi ldron in ''"' faml ly), ond provides porr-11me 1obs which usually poy 01 leou l.1.25 on hour. Tho colleg.: ond rhe govemmen· shore tho cost of this program. 5olTl!J collogos nave o ptogrom collod Cooperollvo Educe· t1on, und<>r ,,hrch o student ouonch ~c:hool one se<n<!s'er and ""'rb 11-o no~t. The pion ,, s.,· up o>-oporolovoly betNeen tho sch.,.,/ ond 1he employer. If you would like to ob:o1n o ltsl of co-op colleges you mo,. "'""' 10 the I lot•onol comm... sion of Cooperot1ve Educotton, 8 'N. 40 S•., N "Yer~, II. Y., 10018. Anorher government plon- 1no H1gier Ee 1cotion k ,. ._~.. , II po~slble for o s1Vdon1 10 borrow up to i10CXl o yeo.r- 1f •not much Is needed fo< tv1t1on ond f~s. Bocouse this loon ts ~orontl'od by e o1her 1ho store or fodorol government, tM 1n1<>rost rotes oro voty roosonoble. Pcymenr on rho loon " not required unttl tne student completes his oducotton. :llJC · iudmt'• oro ol.g1ble for ossls1oncC>. Thl Rtb1coff-Dom1n1c~ b<ll , which wos killed in o Un1rod S101c • C:.. note· commllloa tni ~ month, would hovo provided rul11on tox crndlt-w1th o moxonium of 3,'.3:?5-ogo1nS1 :ne Federal tncomu to> of !"'•sons paying for IVI lion, fe<>s, boo&.$, ond supplms of col log" student~. Also undor c .n•odcrot1on .vos a golt to~ crooi 1 ogo111u tho Federal "'com "'" of poaons mok ong o goh to o collo90 or un1wr-.t1y. Nhile rhos boll did no1 11 hod mony supporlors. pcrho;>s It wd not be fcrgo11on. No &rud&n1 who sorlously .,ont s o coll"ll" 1tducotion shO<Jld ovcirlook 11" mvl111ud<! of scholarsh ips t"ol oro 0110doble. Tfie govemtn' n1 o ffc.rs grants t.:> oxcep11onolly needy 'tuden'~ who'o col log>')· ogree 10 prov1do oquol anoun1~ of scholcnh p ond loon monoy. l./ony p11voto scholar nips go unu'od <N<>ry year becous no ono uppl ,., for 1!tem. /.'cny of •ooso ore offered only 10 s1uJon1~ who mcnl spoc1hc requiromon• of no11onohry, r I · g10<1 and tho like. You moy bo ollg1blo f.:>< one; 11 tokes o l11rl o t1n1u to '"°'ch th, ,c11olarsn1p l"ts, but t may be '"'"' woll spent. Thrno lis t~ con be found on l1bcories and sdiool !'IU•danco offices . Tnonh 10 tho 1nc1oos1n9 flood of publrc and pr1vo1e 01 · «1s1onc•, olmo• t overy quolll1ed ye ·nri r r o con frnd !.0"'1e way I•) OCQUlre 0 COll~IJ" oduCOhOl't,


WHY DOES THE U.S. DO THIS OR THAT? In lh1nk1ng obou• wor,, wn1c I ogre--

on unpleosor.• thought, I oh,,.n o ~ myst>lf o q... 'tOl'··"I\ 'Y 1s tne U.11od S1oros uwolwd 111 iho contlo,rs she o<, or why does she do 1n1s « tl1'1t" ? Th<ro Sffms not ·o boo cl«ir-cu• onswfl<, "ft qu.,,toon, no..,.,wr. 1> uwolly sotbf1ttd when I to~e time to recd o 11tr lt! ot1tclo tho• wos 911r<1n to me. Tho author " vnJ..no .. n, but ti 'llOS delivered by Congre~s­ mon G-.irdoo L. McDono.qi, 15th Ot~lnc•, Ccloforn10, cef0<e Lo• Angelo~ Co...,r,. Council of the Amer•con Legion '" Novembor, 1955. Th"' 11110 of 1~e ort1cle is, "I Am the Uwad f>tott!'"· "I wa s born on Jul~ .l, 1n6. ond •he Doclom•1on of ,,,.,... riendonce is my bmh con1f1coto. lho bloodlines of the NOrld run •n my YC!tns. bocousa I oftered tni«lom to !ho oppressed. I om mony thongs, ond mony people. I AM THE UNITED IS

STATES. "I cm 165 m1ll1on l1v1ng soul.-.ond the ghos· of m1tl1ons who t-ow 11\/0CI ond died tor""'· "I om No•hon Hol<? and Poul ReY11re. I stood o• lei.1,,91on ond fired 1he sno1 heard around tno wo•ld. 1 om Wosh1ngton .Jefferson and Petrick H<W\ry.

N.l.J.C. REVIEW, Co"'1• d'Al•oc. Idaho, Wod.., Moock 23. t966

Busi ness Instructor At WBEA Convention


I om Joh,, Poul Jon<>s, 11>;

\USS Gertrud!' Cl lbert. bu51· ne"s 1o•uuctor. attendl!d the \le5tem Business £ducaaon Aa1oOC1111Jon Conven11on '" Ille Hilton Hotel In Portlnnd. ore11Qn. March \3·15. College 11.nd high achoo I bual nest< Inauuo tors rmm tbP ten west em sU!.tl!ll auended thi" oonvention. The theme of Ille meet· tni;. repo~d ~uss Gilbert, was "P,.rapecslves In 1966." Pnne.I dtscWISIOni< and ses· slons. with perspectl•es. were held In such fields as short· bllnd, cypewrtt111r. book· keeplns:. o(llce pracllce. 1enentl bu!dne>S~. daca processlllC'. ''Ocal1ona..l cu1dll11cP. aod the l!llcep11om.l learner dunnc the con"entton. r<'ported ~Uss Gilbert. Tb• sessJ011 on thP excep· !tonal learner was partlcul!!.!ly l nteres llllL sbe reported. TbiS dealt With both the ex· cepUoruilly bn i:ht lndhidual and the slow learner- the underachJ l!\'er--who r:nay be capable of leamtni. but not tbroulb recular pro1>rams. ~~,.times tbe school ts deal · Ing with .. retarded beba •1ol'' ialher than actual retardallon · success or fatlure Is a hnbit. In such cases, :.uss Gilbert said, 1nd1'1dual nttenlion and encouragement cannot be


Tbe Tuesday luncheon of the cooYenUon was 111811ll chted by 11 si;yle show bY such PorUand manufacturers u Jantzen. Whl te Sta; and Pendleton. said Miss Gllbt!rL IHDIAHS COU LD HAVE SlO BILL ION BY HOW Al I or us mllkt' plenty of mistakes but probabl,y no one has made a b\ger one than the !ndlans "ho sold ~t.o.nbattan Island for lnnket.s. If they had lalten $24 .00 In cash lnstl'Sd llnd tn' utt'd ii at ~Ix per vent 1ntf'!est compounded quartNh, lh~C>­ rcucnlly thelr dr•~endants t.oday wou Id be \"alUed at


Ill' blame olhens for r.Ucht t hi Dill' ll!ld O\"trlook CICl.ltN In ourselves . - Thomas A. Kenprs

Guidance Conference Planned For April 13 The ~prt111 GuJdlll1CC ConCert'tlce, which wlll b1> httld Apri I 13. will brtnc SenlOIS Crom Lakeland. Kootenai. Worley. Post Palls. Plummer. the Dnl Academy. Md the Coeur d 'Alene hlt.\h schools ID tho l"lJC campus. snld M.r. Moser or du~ NIJC scare. The ooo Cerence "ill be sponsored by Ille Coeur d 'Alene Chamber of Commerce. the Kl "llllls Club, nnd NlJC schohushlp done?rs and the collegl'. Mr. &!Oser said that. dun n1 thr month or March the KlwDJJis members have been di tjded loll> pnnel ch· c:uSSlon gioups to plan dis · cussion progmms ror the hl&h school seniors rurend!nt this co11Cerence. J>.'!JC l!?DUPS that are making pllllls ID help entertain tbese selllors Include Ille Clrclt' K Club. C:ud!oal Service Club. the P.T .K. cbapte1. and the music and dramn tlepar1ments reported Mr. Moser.

Students Owe Books, Fines The roll 011int: students hnve overdue books or tines at the lib racy. as or Ma rcb I i. Overdue books: Sue Arney, Charles Atha. ~bric Bozarth. Robert Cheynes. Barbara Diltz. t..ouise Down! pc, Lor· ral ne Drees. Franc! ne Pindlo.y . Vorum Hensle)'. Carby Beliza. Shnron Hucknb:ly. John Jaeger. Allwi Koski . :.Uke Kcdor. Marilyn lamb. DeMIS ~"be. Ro11 McCracken. Ann Mntson. Petet Manes. Gene Mellick. John O'Neill. Oscar Ol~on. Da~td PotUe,y. Enrlloe Schm<'" 11 ns. Ho.iv cy Smith. ~u kt' Summelknmp , Chntles To,ylor, Craii; Thompson. ~bdell ne Tlltso . Gres Turk. llBYnc TYrrt'll. Milton T\lrh?Y. Rod 1\oodwnrd. Pines· Bill Delyen. Anita ~ Ann Mntson, Leslee Mossbu rgh, Sonny Parsons. Gall Pnce. Ra.>' Schlnfr. Pat II llllams Jr.• Marshnll 11111er.

G<oon Wciun1.:11n Boys, ond Dove~ Crocwe:i. t om Lot'Oe, Gron•. ond Abe L ncoln. " r9"'C!!Tlber the Alor!'O, the •.'cone and Peorl Harbor. When •rc><tdom coiled, I answered ond s ·ayod unto 1 wos over. over '"""'· I left "'Y nero•c deed on ;: ender ' s Field. on mo rock of Correg1dor, and on :ne ble>0lt slopes o• i<orec. " I e>."I •he E!tooldyn Br1q, ·he wrmo • lands of Konsos, and 1~ grcm • i. l's of Vermor" . I om ·ho coclfoelds of me V1 r9'"•0s aid Pomsylvcr110, !"le fer. le fonds of tne West, the Go don Go1e ond Grond Conyoc . I om ~oendence Holl. the Mon1•:x and tr"o 'krrn:'IQC. " om b g. spra..I from the A•lon ·1c •o >t>e Poc1f1c, 3 llton squorc moles •nrobbing ..,, ., ndus'Ty. I om more rhon 1 5 m1 1on farms. I om iores'. l1e d, r>olll' o n, one! desen. I o a et v 11~ -:mcl c11 es tnol ne•-er s "You ran 00o; o• roe ond see 8efl Frank n wa k "ll down 'l'ICI sirec-·~ of P:-1 odel;i-10 n s brood oof nder hi• o•rr. You con see Be::sr Ross w 1 '>er needle. You con r.ee the I gh:s of Chr1s•mos, and heoo •1-e srro1ns ef Auld Long Syne o• me calender 1\lms. ·•1 om Bobe Ru·n and ""' WO'ld Sere•. I CJ"' •6Q,C."o0 schools ond co egt!S , ond 250,()(X) churches where "'Y &or v.~h1p God OS they •!I nk bes·. " I om o bollor oropp9d on o Ix»<, !:"le roor of o cro...O n o s10d ""'· ond t:ie llQtCe of a cho r tn a cathedral. I om on ed 1or1ol 1n o new~poP"f, ond o leller •o o Congressmen. " I am Eli ::'le)' ond 5..,phen Fos·er. I om Tom Edison Alben E1rs·., n ond 6rl.y G<ohorr. I am Horoce G<eeley, W111 Rogers. ond ino \\ngh• bro•"t'rs. I om George lloshtngton Corver, Dcri el Nebs•e<, a>d Janos Solk . "I am Longfellow, Hort c • Beecner S:oNe, Wolr Whumon, ond Tomos 0 01ne. ' ' Yes, I no .. on, ond the$e ore ine 1h1ngs I om. I wcs conce ·.'9d tn freedom and, God wrll1n9, on r,e«lom I will spend ine res• of my doys . "'.'ay I possess olwoys the on1e9ror,., tn" courage ond rho s!Tength to keep myself IJl'>shockled, ro romo1n o cttodel of fr,.edorn and o heccon o' hope to the world."



e,. Po; °"'"'"a"

In ''le" or a..ll those lmportanl events occudng at NIJC. Mr. Reld'S Geiman Shepherd puppy . Pbaedn. hns flnall.)9 bem housebroken. All or his students bn •e rece1"ed a plll.f bY 0111." report. and set'lll quite relieved by bis dog•~ conquest of nature.

ASB MINUTES • The March 15 meeting of the Student Bon rd or North tdt\lto Junior College Wllfe called to order by Vice-Pres· ldenl G11tY O' Connell . Min· utes or the pre\•lous meet!ng were read and 11pproved. • Plrst o rde r of business ln\'O I "ed a di scusslon or can· d!dntes fo r the Cntdlnttl Booster award. The awa r8 will be given at Ille Reco11nl · tlon Olnnet Match 2-t. Mr. Wl1Ghl. representing th. assembly committee. !Did the board or 11ssembly plans ror ne~t .•car. In these plnns, two outstnndl ni; programs wl.I. bl' prtsenled, one bel ng spon· so red by ndmlnlsltnU<Jn fund!\. another. by student fUnds. He requ ested the bonrd' i action on this proposnl . so thnt deOnlte orro.ngements Cot lhl' progl'IUll could te made. •

1Noodcock's Drug Stors Cand•c• -


Presc.ripfiort\ 11• N. Fo1,;"'" St • C oe1.1 r cl'Al•i1



°"' ·ne

EIP<!llon dll)': Todny ll wUl be over. All of the candlda!CS wnntro IO Win• but Ille~· ttll kncv. thla was not possible. \lost lmpor· to.nt. WC are all frtend:;. None of Ille elccuon return ~ have be~n counh.'0--no one knows . I'm &lad I tan for offtcc. o.nd 1'111 ,;u re the others a re IDO. Tills Is Just one rtJtJt! experience I cnn thOJ!k NIJC for. ll'a a wonder!UI place v.1 th .,.'Ondetful peooplo. I~ has been ~od IO ml!. Who ever .'1).ns Ille election, I will be proud of them. I bell eve that com!n11 ID lclllhq, to attend North Idaho Junior College WQS one or Ille best decisions or mJ" lUe. Perhaps thls sounds " Polly,. annlsb" . but l guess I'm one of the Pollyannns. But I enjoy II.





Fa,1e· 1 S.,rvrce In Town l 724 S1'termon 4<w('nue

TY PEWR I TER ~ ~ 0 Y .4 L REl<T



Oroh1l'I? & lyJ•"O S,1,o1ppl1•t

INtcqsu•r Tncw1mr11 Co e •

1 5... ,..,.. 11

J. ••

4,. )4 11

, ..OfU



Mo111ortol Sproy1 & Flo1ol A11on9emt'nh (1,1,lom De119ned Ofl ·" .,, Po, ... ? , J~ let A"f!I•• T"'" ... ' • [\W :,. • Tolefloro Ordt" Anywhere In

The World

Ph MO 1·8218




Play Casi$

QL"ESTIOS; .. Do O• , . . . . • that • rtttrn .-za•11nahons azc true 1nd1cators of ll'hat an 1ndt1·1dual knows about a t "CUbJCCt'"

KEITH JCllNSON. Sopho· more, Busln!'S& Admlnl6lra· Uon: " Yes. U he kno .. 11 hJ11 , subject he should br able IO Indicate so on a .. r111en tt'llL" G nlOA'.AS BALL. ~pbc.more. Archlleccure: "The 111111en e.umlnauon i:lvn a 1 very good lndlcauon or • student's ram111ar1 ~ 11i th a subject -provided that the t answer Is not t!\'aluatcd wl lb bias. Thnt Is to Sii.)'. ,.e cannot all be expected to lasuP lorlh all our knowled~e on a • subject at one &lttlna. and should not be lher<'!ort Judged IOWly upon the con tent presented; but rather on ' the kno.,.ledge lnrcrred. In other ..-ords. Ye$ and no. •• LEE WILMES. Fr~hman. , Bods-Fender. "No. because someone maY know something but not be able to exprl'Ss hlmselr adequn tl'IY .' • t SANDY BALDlllN. Fresh · man. Business Admlnlatru· lion: " :so. In !IC>mt! C&M'S ,.rltten eJtamlnallons may be , too speclllc. •• VONNA HENSLEY. SOpho · mori-. Elementary E'.ducodon: • ' Wrl tl£'n tests nre onh par· . dal lndlcalDrs or wmt an lndl\1dual knows about a. DUbJect. but tbe teachtr has to ha\'e soml' w1.y or Iii \1nc • aradcs. •• BOB ZEIHL Fre~hman. AUIO \lt'Chanl~: "In our class one b...,, to "ork wl th his • llllnds a.s .. ell a his mind therefore "rl ttt>n testa a tl' not true lndlcato~ "hen ui.ed exclusively.'' • JOAN LYON . SOphomore, B.s. "No. I don ' t rel'! that a "Otten e1am1nat1on Is a • true test or an 1ndl l"ldual ·s run koo'Aledge nr a subject, however. I find It Is l'l51er to rail,. exprl'S~ kno,. ledi~ • r•lhl't than" nuns 11 on paper v.ltttln a SPl'Clllc ~rlod or llml".'' GRETTA Pt.ETCHER. • Preshman. Business "How l'lse ore you 10101 to !Ind out wh11t an lndl,·tdual kDO"!>?"

e ASAAD AL ZAMEL. SOpho~ore. EJectncal Enl:)neer101. ··To o.ome l"xtent. ~es. but 'l<ttcten ull.lnlnatlons are • not completely reliable b~ caubt or th<' u me element and the pu:ssure I n\'oh•ed while tul<lnit a tl'!lt. I also • 1ui,·e a problem b«au~c.- or a laninia I" barrtN. I am rrom Ara.Illa. and han be~n 1n the United Sl:lt onl) a rr" • }'«at!.••

Get Your Annual Mailing Folders Stvdeou ...... Connol Pic k Up Annual•, 5190 Mo1lln9 Folde 11 ' In On ltwood Offi ce, Stu dent Un10", 20 cenfl . Annuoh


""9"" 25.




~'', ~a~ ~7.~o~~Z7!:r= ~:.;,:'TI.~s'°':~" I~·~ ,; A

Lu.chi..•. Ml.Hflil,.' Ga•, n1•ru<.flJ'..Jl,.c •x



JUNIOR COLLEGE MEN: If you plan to continue your education at a four.year college. you can double your chances for success by eaming both a c!egree and an Army officer's commission . .. at the same time. Through a new program, you can be commissioned as a Second Lieutenant after taking two years of Army ROTC training while you complete your studies for a college degree. You can Qual1f) for this program by attending a special six.week summer training camp after your sophomore year and then completing the ROTC Advanced Course in your junior and senior )ears of col ege. Here's what ROTC training and an off cer's commission v11II do for you:

It will Qua. fy you to fulfill your military obhgatton as an officer.

You will learn to organize, motivate, and lead others.

You will develop leadership Qualities that many college men miss-self·disciphne, physica• stam•na, poise. bearing, the acceptance of responsibility and other Qualities that contnbute to success n either a CIVIiian or mi tary career. • You will receive Sta per month dur ng )OOr 1un1or and sen or years, plus pay and mileage for summer training. The training and experience you w1 receive through Army ROTC will pay off for the rest of your life. A decision to take advartage of this new program could be one of the most important you will ever make. You owe 1t to yourself to investigate th s new Important opportunity.



P... o •t • c ..... . • • S••





Mf'"btt'I o/ t"1. Card "01 Ploy•'• ~ • t o ..,•O • Jurin 1 ,-.h. · 101 IOI' r-'O ....,er ploya .,hfch will be rre1enred At.arch tlt I I 1, ,.1. S..Cl """· lef• ro r cl>• Go"' 0.011~11. &tch Dor oi. ~•.C. wll • '"

JC . '

•CO •• , ... St •tc. 11


N ==.l=-'=·'=R=E=V=IE=W=·=c=-=·='='"='=""=·:::·='""=="~w~·~·=·;;; .....;,;';;"'~·3~.,.,;qM~===~J •

LS. Soldier Diplomats In South Viet Nam

• •




For thla arucle, I •Ill cal! thl& man &erc•ni Brucker.

It mur s~= suanl:ll' lhat I could coml' up •1111 21o:r.cthln1 n INCU'e aflN talklnc

Is a 111Udf'nt at SlJC. SN&eant Brucker served at three 11peclal forces balles


11omron11 dun n& th~ me.mini ecll v!t.v pl'rtod. but wllh

In South Vlei Nam, "hlch wl'fC 111 lllated cloi;e to tbP Cambodian border. In this orea the Vtelnamcst bne l>f'l'n In a slat• or near war o r batUl' condlttona ror Ille pa§t 20 )t'a111. Al tlmea the> can be rather tndllferent as to wht'rf' lhelr paUucal 11enUmen1a 11 e. Bruc:ltl'r com-

I did. A croup of former BNVICC ml'.11 ,. ..m all 111tUn~ al on .. IDblr•, ao bt'lnr. an ''l'l·IU'lt'nl'•• "•·~lann,. '• I Joined thP cro•rl. One ldlo" mf'nfJonl'd that be llnd s ~r; l!d wll.~ tht' Arm.r 51 !'t1al Forr"s for s11 month11 Ins ~•h \'IN .Sam. I .... ,.,,. 1m.•11 f'd with his quJtt c:annrr. 11nd allt'r a UtUe pl'1>1u1· loll. lnl!'f\'lt'wl"d hli- for I~.


m1?nled. The rna)or job the Al1!1Y Special ~'orces ta to tnln thr cl•tllana to ddend tiles:>·


11nlvr.s from Communlet hat· usmt'nt. The creat«r ballle that 18 bclng .. on Is the bolllt• apJns1 lcnoranc... !nor bod dl&f'aM•. bf' added. In dot nc 1111 s Job, lhe apl'cl1&l fOlt'MI mon hnvl' to break down aoml! cultural patterll5 lhol have bN•n ln&Ulled Into lhll peopll! for Cf'tllurl•.




llOMEWS WfAR Fov•do 110.. • Ortn•• • Cooh Sporh• ••• o•d lio901l o 106 N. ,....... St, • C..... .l'Al•..


\ -~ ~





\\ t•h .. r111tun1 iolJ lupt'' 1Ln ~.md \ou•ll h.ur" on• \OIJr II llut • 11. ""'ll'' .~ ,...,.,..,.1.,.,ni; 1t. "-' '""•I 115.. 1 , . . I. •• ,.,.. t. rrJ "''lh a ~ual1t\ \mtu ....;i.lur ;:r.-. t11 • • .u ~,. ilnd '"'"''"'1 lr•.m uut ''""l't,1. n1lh,l1u11 ·I •' a•-..11l••r 1ar1I•. \uur 1•r·



, U\11\



I ·I•



The apec!al rorcrs men belP tb .. vlllac~I!> to build san1 · l.alY t.c!Uues for dnn1J111 ,..ater and •u It' dlspcsa L Serceant Bruclcer na trained as a medical tecbnldon and 111 capable or handUn11 oases thal sometlme!I requl re a modPm operaunc room. \lillh a minimum or equlpm•nl, be hl'lped io build and ~tart CIPdlcal ladlltlftl on these

bases. Jn addl lion, Ille ml'dpe~onnel would make trtps out Into 111e Ju ncle fr.: u cmcb as :?O mlles. '!'bey lcal

1111d br


d .,..

BNl) Ourd. .• ch Id Cll'\tfop· men1 In 1ru ·llJr, "''· au"'d the Sorlh••"' Conr~r«ace ot FarnilY Rl'auoM cllnni APrll. atthe Padllc Lullleian Un1'erslls. TllCOma. llasb1ncion 111111.. a 1 th1" con· rercn<"t-. Betty Oordon will alt~d lectures on coaurunt · cauons be:-ttn l:usband and "1 le-, co=Dlcallons bt'r..~pumts and chl.drm, and clacuulons on pueir.s •bo face MW p10blc::11s !n tl:e a=rmnlty, ac:codlnc to Oo:llUI 81anbrd. hoc:e ec rt!l>C rtN,

,. eek later. Sall1 Ho•ell, nutnUon11 1na1ructor. and ~,orenc" Slranllhar.. b~d of the Home Economics d.,_ One




Tn ·Sta~ Dietetic Confer~nce at \ .. kt=. llashlni;ion. Donna addl'd. Tiii& conference .11 beld fo r all m"!:lbets o! tile :\atlonal Oll'tet2c Ar>&Oda· Uon ID •~sblncioc. Idaho and Ore11>0 &lie -.Id. Sally HO'& ell 15 tbe onb memt>e· of t::ls ullOClaUon la ctnber:i lclahe. and Florence su-..~a­ h11:1 15 at:tndiD£ lb

.,. her




K"N6cl ~




and pro,·tded chool matNlalll e for the children. Ser1eMI Bruclter believes quite adamantb . "thal ln order to win lhe war, M' mu~• • "1 n the people, so thot Ibey cnn hll\'C a c hnnc:e to under· stand what freedom Is". Tbe Army Speclol Forccs e are dolni; 11 momt>ntous Job winning friend~ for the United Sates and debulns .the Iheme of "the U-1Y Amert· • c11n", bt'Ue.-ed by many \'letnamti<e. In their ape· clallzed way they will help •In lhe pl'ace In South v1e1 •




patlll cat,

aid IO people who only kn~ tbe treatment O( a pl1ml\I\ .. "1 leb doctor pre,iously, Bruclter coollnued. After the Geneva Con,•en· lion in 195'1 and wh('n !Ir French left the countcy, rnost formal education ceued. The Spectnl Force'-' ml'n believe that 110 educated pl'Ople can not <'aslb be lnOul'tlced b) the communist U ne. J>Dn of the procram Is education of 1be you,..er chlldrt'n. To rene<I) Lile slluallon, the Ar::l.Y per.<onnel built acboolS. hired a.od paid u· ieacbe.,.,


-HPD1 P*'E

:?18 N 4111 Street





planned by m•f".bNll or Phi Thela Knppa, I PTK l 11 .. cha· !ssl1c honorarr ~oclet;.1•. A dance will be spaMo r~d by tb• PTK March 25. from 9:00 p.m. w 12·00. accordlns 10 Robb Selnt1r. vlce·prt'si· :je


.,.,...,. btrs ar~ also a .. ht( W&l~r" ca:-wash a t ll'le Froal Top Dnn-rri. wblch !s locat<od on ac.rJi !aurtb atrttl, ~brcb :?6. Sel•a .idd !Cl. Hours •Ill be Club


al>"' o ct.'d la• r. be u.ld. HEWMAH CLUB El~ct<.d !".le·"' •t a recent


f th .. ~.· ..111an Club O.ry O'Connell. pre,I· den! MJke ~tcOultf', •·lcttpre1tdmt and Dia fl!' l\acll· r.e:, a ccreta.r, .(reuu:er. Plana I r pau1ble !ur:d


ra: alnc 11:0 eci.


d R






eetlnc. aald.


"r r -

• ..illntt "111

114.. !t ·~ hJ11. 5. at 5:30 at 11':>11-S Cblnue Restaca.111 t>r llf!ll Je:ll'll Home. Econ=· 1~s club officers. Ofllcer.. to be tn&:alled at tlll11 time Diana lleller. club a.re: president and also iiate presJdPn1 of lhl? Home Eco no ml cs C'I ub c hapt"rg; and E•a ~ed. c:Jub secre· ta1Y. reported Donna Blanf.,rd. She 11ald 111&1 there wo1:!d ti(' a s~al propam

nl Lbe borne ot Bc.>tty Gordon follov.tn11 Ille dinner.


Members of the NIJC Ski Club WIU lenvo f'rldQ.Y, APrl l I. at 12 noon, on their fiprlnl!lt ski tltp, nccordlnr to Rlchatd Cbarqiou1, advl or. The club'" de1>tlnallon will (>(> Vlssoula. \lonlnna. • ApproJ1male co111 peNndl· \'I.dual v.111 be $20.00. Cham· IJOJJ. s:Ud. ••0n1,y those people who are bona!ied, acuv: members or !be &kl club, and who lul .-e act! vely cni:aced In the :<kl club lhls year• -..1ll be allowed IQ Ill>· we don•t wnnt any cnmp Col ·

lowers " , Champoux Hid. s11111rdll)', April 2 . the clu lj, WI II ski at the Snowball Sci Basin, which ls located 11bout

mile~ Crom \Usroula, Ch3~ux corrmented. •


9Jod11y, membrr" ma.Y choose bet11re~ Ilk.line at sno.. ball

apln or at lhe \brshall Ca:l,fon Set atf'&. Champod added.

Tran!\portnUon will b< pro· vld~ by prl•ille c111~ dnveo by cllaperonf'a. They ar~ Mt. and Mn;. Richard Cham· pou1; Mr. and Mri. RusM'll SodedlnJ; Cha1le Ru5Scll• local lumberman: nnd Mr. and MN>. Ben Patzer. Club member• will r~wm Sundt.J evenlnB. ChorrPGue s:Ud rn conclus1on. ,


settle on•· d!fllcull)', and yo keep a hurdred ot rr a.,&>..

Woodworking Students Are Artists With Wood And Glue

..;.adr. f' r x mPlt'. stade::ta In !be put ba~e made bol.18, plclm~aml>l'I":. and rto11:boa!IU ror old Car!!, IO :nl':i· Uon Sl'Hral accoml)lls tmen:5. Thlna auct as satN and son• sltlll, tool box~ . coffee

Bulld1n11 pracllc:ally •111thlng rrom rumttur1• IO bin! ~useo out or wood la a skill !audit prtmartly to lndui.tr1al arts and enpnt-t>nna edu~­ tton slUdrnis In an acade:nlc

d...a.. .n -·

cp T • &II' OCl21!1 ll::ilta:lO::S 1!0 (at a>

aTllllable space and aist or m alt'nals, slnC't' lllt' 11tudenl supplies h.!s o•-n 1111:l be-:. There a:e I:? students ecrolled sreo nd sr::e5 ter. Clus<S meet Tu<Sclay11 and Thut':'Od-.\'S, \\Ith a l~ture itt"t od tak.lo.i; UP the Drat part ot lbe penod and sbop " !II Ille Last hair. ll'lth sa..-dust Qytna. taem~:s l>Anl:I ru:. and a =ell al ..., d aad Taml"b In tile a;:, llleae a:udenis are tr~IJ a.:: sta. But l::stl'lMI of pain! a"d can••"· uaeov use wood

"d ~~'t'~~~~~~~

8.49 Served Al Choir's Dinner T'l~ :-.>I IC I\ OlPP"ll& Choir spausaritd their semo.d lllUlllal spaS!let:: cl:ine: /,luch 13 la lht> basement of thl! Ea&IH Kall. Tbt'le were fl.Ill P<'OJlie


• couisl' called 'Aoodworklnc GI r>1JC, Woodworklnii 11. v. ltlch It Is called Q rst semc>~tl'r, em' Phlll>IZe:. the U"f' o I hand IOols only. Arter fir t mt>Stcr techniques arl' masterrd . s1Udent5 uAl' powt•r 100Lq ' second scmeetl'I. woodwork Inc !:?. Thcrl' b approumatel.Y $6,000 -..o r\h of l'(lulpmer& avallsbl<.• In Ill<- modf'm ,,hop. 1 ''\\e don't tn lo makt• everyont· "Ork on 1 st ml lar PfOJtcl," Hl't>Cht'll Rll'b:. , 1nsuuc1or. e1111h11Slzed. "I merely require cl'rtnln minimum requirement~ ror compll'QOn of thl' cour.e, and the I ~IUdl'nt t'S•l'nllalh chOClbl'S his own pr )ect. C•·nsPQuenlls, lhe studt'nts all do soml'lhlng similar, bul not 111 the , saml' tit'"" For lnsiance, e\·eo one I requut'd 10 refinish ll piece or !'\lmJture sometime dur1 nc the year," , he said. \lOst or the proJec:IS Brl along lhe rum1wre line, hO"('\" er. denauon:. rro"' this • ~l'nemllzntlon hll\'f' been

The dullltr rooal&trd or Sl)a&beltl L~d aaucC', salad, Freicll brad. Cale«', rorfef', aod milk. Food v.as pre· r;nzl'd b7 choir mrmbeftl. D:nnc tilt' e.-enio~ the cbo.r L~d enaenble sans lll"Yeral number:,. llto.ner proOl& •Ill be used to noanct' tht' opnnc tour. 11c:cordlnc to Loa l\ell1, emir Tbla 1nr• -'P•1:!\etll lel'd ,...., more aucceasru1 than previous On!IS. he a.Id. The A Cat>pe!la emit r Is to pe'!o:m at Choat the Kine Lutheran Churcb on 9Jnd&1, Natcll 20 at 7:30 p.m. They "'111 also eve :i be~l!t cor.crrt br th•· Kootenai ,\lt!monal Hosp1:al. \b.rel :?II, at Ille :\Orth Shore ConvenUon Center.



~~~~~~~- ·


tables. Cluna cupboards, tables, etc, ore l°l'K' most comman endeavors. Thl.s does DOI mun Iba! s :Udt'D($ ·~ limited ID these spea!lc thllll:» l\lmost an-lhlr.c Iha: Is mitde >UI or "°''d C'All be





E•clus•Y1t Y0tda~ Shop


cvery11,.n9For Th•.Sooms1ress 310 Lo~es1de Ave. Coeut d'Alene, doho










5~<>"' 0tOP 1306 f..,. ......

Co....r ,. Ate·~ lulrto

"'•• Obsit,..,otio• C'lt m7 hrat 'Di.II. rv DCUDC i;art". reported tb .. 8J plnn YOUD& actor. "I play lhe part or a man wbu ra.s been a:arned ZO )ears ... "Thal'u •ondMful. son. i'«'ep ll up :uid bOC1ll:time )ou '""1 •\en cei a pakJnc

part'"-~~~~~~~Fo•o•s Ouott <l'Cet\·e.o a benefit 11bould oe~l'f tor1e1 11. be

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•opt! reicorcief,.

().,.. Plo:o Pe• 'O<'O"'

1107 N.



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lor barre• .. s, .-dies, 1~ r~poirs on

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fo1 Ht!Oltli end Happiness P ocs.~"

L. -



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102 Rl¥e• A..

MO c-2000

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Serv;n9 Your Srudent Union

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100~ SAFE G..4 H. .ht\ - ' "'•"If ,


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Coeur d ' Alene Loundry & Dry Cleoners Fr.. Pidup ond l01 J..•11•

o.r. ••ry

~ 1 o •o

· A.

"•ill., 'k-·

l '16

Dixie Defeats Cardinals For Regional Tttle; Foul Troubles Plague NIJC In Second Hi!lt N/JC 74 - DIXIE 89 o •'Id ! abrupiCan:i. ..he· I •y 1~,: SP-~4 ID Obie C.>l1<'111! or SI, aeoral', l!tah, 1n tb1> NJC"' ~ redonal !lnal.8 at Pho~""· The C.rdl naJa ere ta•.,rfll lo "ID the ll'.Jurnament bit l».d ID t'hlllll their pmn 111)'11! •hen lhr('o· ~1111lani picked up rour tout. eat'll In lht' llral ball'. :-;uc lro o;:: at haltume. Uni.I I cldwa Y In lhe rlll\t ball. Britton. Tmv.cek and SChlalf do:nloattd the boards and lhe Cards bad a 31-:?I k'ad at on stai;n. Th11n 111e1 Picked 111> ..,, rn rou111 In l,.o mtnule 1>nd ftUddl'!llY lb" l.1111<' oullook ehan&rd. Th~ ~rda lad IO loo11en l.llrir prr.ia and Ar<:hlbald lr,d Dale to a vlnual d~adloel< at h:il ftlmt1, Schultz. Brl lion and nawePk eoacb aunnd rour r<lllll lr&o Ule sf'Cond lllllJ' ard bad I• 1:1•• Up lht'U aure lvenM on the boards. Atehlbald !hen domi DI ted Iha l pnrl of tile pmo unUI hf' ioo Coulee! A '"'·


I •



Wltll •

mltaild IO

play. When al l-lournamont star Sdlullz roull!d out Just mln•tes after lbe af'cnnd hall tant'd, tll<! C&rdl nsL dropped bt1hlnd 50-55 and rell a1eadll1 behind. A rally ll'd by Tm· •eek, Brtuon and Ober1h once broucllt !iLJC IO a 68-&I deftt'lt but Sampson countered wt lb lhr<'e buckel6 In a ro" lhat endt•d any Cardinal c lance. Britton also left tbe IUUDt' •llh 0 ,.P fauls b~ fon! tbe i;aa:e end""1. A \ital taclor In tht' game was NIJC's lnabllltr to convert fiee throwa, <'SP"ClaJl1 In Ille ftrat half. They ma\lt' onl.7 18 ot 33 durtoc lbe same •blle Dixie bit 23 of 29. Dille led In field coal.a. 3 3-29. Th Ca Ill lad 2~ roub call!!d on lhtr" Dl:ue lad 22. Schultz led NIJC llCOnDI wtlb 18. despite be1111 In tbe C&Jlle oolJ' on~ halt. Brl:toa lad 15aad Schlall' 11.




Rebel> wt UI 21. SamplOO actled 20. Yeoman 18. Perm: H and Vernon 11 !he Rf'beb..


:ctJC C"• - Tno•••-"- t. 9'tU..


kW.rt 11 . . . . . . . . . '· ........u ta. Otl.f'Cb 1. C•.._.r :. O«t1luittoft I.

... ,.., 2. Dtxn: (It) - v.,,_. l 1. ""•ln.n <4. Y•..-...a u~ o. .... I. AlcWlliaW ::s.

--....o.P•"•• :•. t~ k •• Dun• 4 • NIJC •?·


af\• ""' •tudt'ftt• of


arc dolor th• "l!rve.. •otk ll'!Cessary I> llclp eolve lhe draJna1t> problems at lhl' H.,-deo l..akt' School, sald \Ir. .Mou1, lnat:uccor. He aid Uiat these slUdient& &ar•ered till' new NIJC t ..seball ftt'ld. He •dditd that In addlllor: ID these proJ«:t.!. suf\·eyinr; i;tudeaa arc worl:lnc on !bar 11emesu-1 project or dcslarun11 a mod~m hi ch•&¥ throu&h lhe Clal?l>US. This dt'sl~. lolOSf'r Hid. wtll lnvohc slmpl«'. circular .<Jf'\'e<, \ND cal curves; ,,plraJ CUr\'tl;.


,.., ....i.C. Rl \' · • Co..




o b<t'f»all •n • and thf! p Ion~ · ,. r 'ii., ""ceuary con·rue ii • ctH1Ues.

The mo r unllllPPY of all rr.m la h•~ who b4'he,:es hlcs~U "-> be ao. - lLlmcr

NIJC 91 ·CEU 79 T~t tr t t.alf b<•1unc~d to C "•''It '. Ea,t• ri. Ulllb but uie 11«ond h1>U ~s :-..uc· a a lhe Cllrds won lht'lr Ol"'nlni lllmt' In the NUC·\A ros:lonal toumarnt'nl al Phoe01,. An:z:um Mardi : . In lh~h l'Hlntual QJ-71) "In. Ille Clllcl~ raltU<I lh••lr fleld P1lll 11rrc<'nla~e Imm 38 prr «-nt In lhl'I first hall lo ~I t•N wnt In "'" •itcond, whl lfl that or CF.U dtOPIJ<"d t'rum 18 IO II per cent. NIJC lmllt'd CEU bv as much L~ 12 points ror mueh •f lhr hr I l\aU unUI Colbtil and Barr •l'fe benched "1th th1cc• fouls ~1ch with about hH• mlnut••s l~U. Th• Canis, l•d by Obcorch and Schultz, took aduntace ot thla br"llk an<I cre11t II) within ono rolnl, Hl~15, ti\ the end or lhe hnH. The Ca1dlnal• "Pru 11l110 hundlt'AJ>ped 1oml'what by Traw•ek 'a !hret fouls In that ptortod, but Obt>rRh look O\'N Urn bonrtl v.ork and ww. nll ovf'! lhr floor on dPfonftt'. The load wu lrad1 d With 1••111IAr1tJ ror lhe nr11 1o rnl nutl'IJ or tho 11r..onrl hair. Thf'n Schull.7, Schlatr. OIK>r&h and Britton Increased lht'H PlfSIUltl und .. r Ille bo k"I and b1 Ille llm<! n• e mlnules r... maJ ncd llid pullrd lo a '79-'70 mcui;ln. ll wu lkhlarr who Iced th., same w !lb tbrel' basketa 111 ~o 11econd.~ al that point. Dt!Spfl<! u1" t"'1m hNlbt dl•advantn11•, 6chullz and Schlarl made> rmny brtlUanL blocka of CEU aho111 In Ille aecond talr, 1lvln1 them many be.II 1Umov1tr.1 •blch "em tumt!d Into paints. The Prlc", Utah E11r:les u1ed a zone d~fenae which bothered r.1JC durtn1 tbe hrs! hair. In tum, Ille tulJcourt prC!lle u1ed by lbl! Cards had L<-llloa erred du11n1 lhe second ball. Top Card aoorers SdluJtz 23. SC:hlat! 21, Obf'rlh 19. Br\Uon H. For lh" F:nltlK, RosPr R<-ld dropped 21 polnla , nian1 · o Dae h1lok sbota aad !ror:: tat out on lh" floor. Don Dtoson added Ill polota. Trawef'k and hla Card dt'tt'llder.s held 6-8 Sarr to l 0 pol nts and hlCh sairln1 Vinci' Colbert to 13 for llle efl'nl11£. ~uc tti - a., 1ci.i.tr :1. •K•


Dnll0cn T nr T-•••lt •• 'kan Ob.,&111 at. Dteli1 &c...-.H• u. O.n c..r-1 J . . . . . . . . . . .rd 1. KA.IT't•N UTAH t:t) - \1.no C.U...rt u. 0.. o." ...... o.u

a-r so. ,.....,. &:Uact•• u. ••Ml 21. H..ll ...... "flJC 4'l.



Lf••b ' ' ·

FOODS CLASS GIVES ST. PAT'S LUNCHEON Tbe fo.1C: orei;.rau •n room of Lhe ttorH Econor.lc Dl'· pa11men1 was thP scene ol a St. Pair\ ck ' • Da1 luachoon m lhe &rtc<rnoon or ~brcb 16. accorcl n1 10 ~·1orenc1• Stranahan, h..d of lhe d~porunenL She said uat eaeb of th~ clr!s In !he loods sef\.c•· . dar,s had lnT!tt'!d a n• t r of the racullr to attrnd thl luncheon. ln•Ht>d cu~ts Induded .iii. Ra.>-::iond Stone. Mr. R1clla1d H•n•mAC. Mr. I..ou Kf'Jlf. lit. Jan:es Bums, Mr. ll;inen K•... UDL



sc:hell Rl~l>I'. and ~r. F'rank QakbNI-


A coni:epUo:i ot lark• I pr prrlY cnllM an ExultarJon. whlfr a ar up of ntlhrJnulm 1• a \\atdl.

Baseball Squad Opem Season !tfarch 29

>..1.J.C PE ~IE.,. C.










Morc- 29 o

""• '• orfl· Boca. , • Sob E • tl c wQtd • J"""9 A.. '' • ):io HO"!~. P • R "oed-o•d. S.. .io..-c

Dc.;r;ltc ralo and cold ,.,.. Iller bat week. Coacb James Crowe la "hlppln~ his squad of 22 basrbell pl.tiyNS lncn 5hape for lhPlt til'UOll opener

- - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - -


*" c-"'"'

0 Llo•ch 2'I - T•••dcrr "' Co .. •· »o•""• - 2:30 ,.., I 2 - SoMdoy - ··- . ·C ''" No,..,,. .. L·- .,.., - I :io ""'I ~ - r •••...., -1.,oJ.one C-.,,u"'"' Coll.ii" •• Cd'A - 2:30 "'-' I 9 - So•"do, - SO; Bond Co •11< c• !'Al..,. - I :.30 ..... I 13 - ........... &It •g•on JV's •• 3:30 "'-' F• ,.., _ • •..,,,,. JV"• •• ' - • o'Akn. _ 3:30 Apul 20 - ••... •dor - Cot-boo Bo.·n F•o.11 o• U!'A _ l•JC "'cir.I 23 - So•udor - ldo;.o f•o•~ 01 C..u• d'AI••• - t·JO ...,.1 27 - "od. .tdor Jv·, o• . . ... - 3:30 "'cl• I lO - So.,'4., - Wuh "'""' ~ .... F'°' o• Cc'A - :30 \lay ' - ........., - Eo1-.r.1 •01h JV"1 o• C.'A -3:30 Moy 1 - Soflr•der - ldoho F•Hh or l.lo1c- - 10,00 Mor 10 - T.,.MI., -Col.,,,,bio Bos" F101h 01 Puco _ 1•30 Moy l.t - Soturcto, •os"• "Q'~ Stet.. Frot.hGt PullMOl'l -1:30 7 - "" ~ -l,.. .. ,.CJ0tli ~.i:i;r-e •' C · d'A ..- .. - t:)O


o.-, -

aplnst Sp k&Dft Commumty e........ Coll"I<' In Spaltane March :?9. u _ To da w. Coach Cro"r. has IK'en conctntrar.ln1t on hi• lnO•ld. Afl~r the !ust lnttrllQU&d cine on ~tarcb :?i. the coach fell !ll"Y were •orltlns v.ell r.oirlher and would fonn a tight lnflrld. II<' •Ill nrat direct hla attcnUon to d,.· \'clap:lnt his outCt"ld. Th<' llQuad Includes s.1 GIRLS PROFESSIO NAL ATHL ETIC FIE LO pltchN•, two aouthpawa and BASKETBALL TEAM BEING IMPROVEO lour n~t hander&. B<'hind PLAYS HE RE MARCH 23 . uc· uJ 1..:1 lleld wtu be Ille plalr, lllrte calchN~ .,.. ,.. ,. r d ct... I a IC rl 'iicJ.. n u.,~ f H t..e ftr.st be lll't'klnc lh" Starlin •POI. ,., b&-1 k• t..n .eam. tl:ne this apnos. Coach James 6(iveral hlllf'r!l ha • bf' n profa· Cr~we plans lo USP II ror n1run11 With lhl' dlkt> dunnr "the Rrd Hrad.1 ", "111 pllly home ba.•cball cam"" and \Ourkouta. PracUc"" art' bc>lnr a man'JI 1"'11m compo111'd of practlcr, PanlDndJL-coacbes. Marcb 23. ht>l'l n llln coll<'&<' alhlN Jmpr. vecrot'5 are cu:-:e• ~Y fit>ld hom" sames wlll also be 8.00 p.m.. al thr ~ IJC' 1:1'!>. PIA>'t>d lhN<' for th" nrst limo Thl!I t'~l'lll Is SpollS():ed by undrr ,. ..,. : r lhe bn,,~al' dlamund. Ex:'.'nslona o:i bot! the NlJC' BOOlllN'li C'lub. thl11 apnn1. ends ol the backMop will bt Adml11alon Is· adultil. $1 .00. Athl.,Uc Olrrctor floll.Y 1111· Installed this Wl'f'k. Tb1 chlld1en. ~ C<'nl•. llama hDB atat"d Ua t lht' dlamondltaelr,.111 bP c de l'C Ad•l'MIRl'd to be Amt>nca•s achl'dul" thl vrar 18 lllll a!lt't lhl' Spokanl' lnc:l&Ds IUl'alesl cir• team, thr Red rouchl'tt th• c.,1J, ~,. haa diam •ntl. The Cllt Rl'Creau t lact>d. ll r . the roach. and Ht'Dd~. coaciled b}' Jacktl' Drpar1mrnt and Sttl'f'I De· Moorr, pla11'd ::?03 prnes lo pla}<r arr opUml&llc, Jmv.· p1utmmt arr coop •1>ttni: I<! th '" l'r, and huP< IO lice th,. 1964 and ,.on 140 ol lheci. Dt'tll'f MO!iN ll!ld ... ~ The n.. d ll<'td& book m.. o'll tudrnt bO<ly out In torCt' lo Cro'"e I the c l ~Cl' build· t<'ama ••cluslvrl • and play t· lhrlr i:nmr~. lni the dl1u:Jlod. Tllr lll'ld mf'n'• rules only, accott11ns: If • lltUr mono~ tlor not to lhrtr coach. Jactor ~I re. be ITDdf' a•'llllable to tbl' ut, rust mon<'1 v.111 not cit> for llB sum er baseball








.. .


..m t

~. . .

Former Students Are Successful

Cmch 11-arren Kt>aUnc re· pons h~ haa one retumlns 111lfer 11' 'II lu1 year ·• team. Gary Cballleld. tor thla year•a IQUad. RI. squad also 1ncludl'!I "'o Iona er hi sh ~cboo I &Dlfers. Bill McFarland or IHI.I Acade:i;y, CCX'llr d 'AleOI', aod BJll 1'kl rtao. !roe Sand· point. Olher.1 IUmlnc out for the squad at~ Dt> nnts Uic o.s, !Arry Jamml'. Al Bauem· fiend. Re n Bmns 111, and Bob Bm.irard. Co~cb Kl'llU nc tel!!~ he mAJ' b11H a cood compelluve team tills sprtnc. but would snll llkt' 10 hue otheni turn out. T..-.,, ma a:b "" ha re IK'l'n schl'dulPd "1th Columbia Buln Collece. at Pasco on :.lan:h 28 &11d a: the Co~r d' Alene PubUc Golt c urse on Apnl :?~. Tlr> ..111 ah> compete In lhe Desert Touma· menl at PaM:c> alone wl th a balf dozl'n ollll't tl'8lll~ April 11-1::?. Tb!:; •ill be a 36-hole compl'llUon. Ot~r matches a.re to be ..cheduled soon. They wlll 1ncludl' a 1nancular meet ,.·1th the Umar-ltr of Idaho Fros" and l\'ashlni;on Stal•• Cnh·erslty Fro•h. Roml' and home meets are planned with Yak· I= 0 11• - 11nd Blc Bend C'Olll'~•·.

Spokall" C'ommunllr Collcce doe.> not plan at present to

h11vl' a 11>lf tr:un, but Co:ich KKtinc hepl'S lheJ ~· Siii! dectd · t.l llt'ld a ll'am. Coeur d'Alenl''.s public course ts now open !'or pl••· 11t a Oat rai.e of SI.DO for •II hlch school and collu" Siu· d nt.>. Play ,1111 on porary f;rf'Pn!l. ho\\ ever.

Tl<o former NIJC llldenta now ha\'l' 11ucc1»18ful posl • 1201"', aocotdlns 10 a neWB release about UlcH 1en1lem•n. Dunn" (JAck) Russrll . ,f nath t' of Coeur d' Alene. Is leadln1 • t ..m or adenlhol.S and eni:sneers at Ille o .s Nnal Odnance T.- t Statlon.i. China LAk••. caur. Tbe NOTS Stallon. as It la commonlY r ..femd to. ls lb :-ia•y's latSl'Sl and CIOst compll'll' ordnance te&l'lllCh and dt>\ t'lcpment ori;inlzation mllnllCt'd bv lht' Navy. I luoc:Uon Is lo pro•ld,. ll$el! •1111 suptocr weapons. Head ol the Anll-Radlaaon Guldanc" dhl:.lon • ., hi ch l!W r«?Sponslblt ro r lhl' dl'\'t'IOI>' men1 or ad.-311Cl'd i:uldanc:e tl'c:llntques. Ru~ell's dt•·1slon has contrtbutt'd IO the• d""'llltl Drd den•lopmenl O( the Shn k" IDlldancl' system. Shrike 111 110 aJr·launch-antl· rad!l!Uon mlssilt' ba•1ng • bombtns cape.l:illt; ap.Jnsl nadar IN>lallallons. !l Is ex · pecttd lob~one of the Na••y•s ma)Or laC ti c:al "HPons, a c-9 eo!dl n« ID Na \al pres~ release:.. Glen £. Srand•"Old, also a former NlJC studl'rt, been named supet\1o;or of the ad.-ancl'd de.ten dl\'lslon In tbr prPllmlnary de~gn dep0rtnirn1 111 the U"cnnorf laboratory or lhl' Sandia Cori>. accoldlns to a press r.-lease fro.,, lhat corporanoc• Pre•1ou~IY. Bmnd\'old workt'd for tht.> co11>ot11don In the pr I'll ml mr" des Ien di •1sloc. lhe proJl'CI enclnl'erlnc dl••i. I• c. and tbe special proJeci:. di ni.Jon.

KRYSTAL PLUNGE Swiam1n9 - Rocr .. llon - Donclog Sowno Stoom 801h1 o '.• vs. •o-. f

er.. ...a





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