N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review, Vol 20 No 14 Apr 20, 1966

Page 1

SOO High School Seniors At NIJC On Guidance Day More tmn 500 hlab acbool seniors from &l'Vf'n &If'& 11cbool. p&rtlclpatl'd In 1m et1 blttnth amual suJdarw:c -<:onrtrencl', April 13. at NUC. Purpose or the con~rroc:e "'"IB lo IP•l'l!lPba.&17." lo c.cb hl1b !lChool ,;cnlor the t\iecesslt1 or addllonal tralc· Ins atrorded by colle1t!t. Junior colleau. unJverollles, trtde schools. apprenUce· :iblps or th• armed aer>1aea, according lo Dexter Moser, counselor. Co-spansora of t be event "'l're lhc Coeur d • Aleoe Chamber or Comme rct. Coeur d'Alene Kiwanis Club, '<Cholarsblp donors and :SJJC. The conference was di vlded I nlo morning and afternoon sessions. Approximately 212 11enlors from l.H.M. Academ.v. Post Falls. l.Akeland, Koot· ena.I, llorley and Plummer HI Sh Schools attended the mornlna semlon. PreSIOl'Dl P.A. Chrl•Uanson or NIJC presided at till' ses· stons. Invocation was a11·en durtns lh.' morning Sl'sslon "b1 the Rrv. Cbarleb l\Ukt'S, NazAJl?nt' Church. followed by arret1n11s from Or. Ernest c.lll'lls. pr<'&lclent, Coeur d' Ah.•ne Kl.,anls Club, Joh11 Hunt, pll'$lden1, Cot'ur d • Alene Chamber or Commerce. ~nd Ethel Brlgbl, president, N UC Asaoclalt'd Studcnts. Maj. Nonnan Msttbla> Crom the University of Idaho >;PQl:.e dlbout the opportoDIUe& pro· vtded in lhc Reserve Orrtcer TraJnlnc Corp (ROTC) Entertainnu:n 1 ...... pro•1ded d>y the !'llJC A Cappdla chair, directed by Lou Kell). Al thc afternoon sc55lon the Rev. \tyron Sharrard or 1the i.tethodl~t Church caw 1he 1"'·ocauon. rouo .. ed by creelllliS from Ozzie lla.lch. vtc:e presldenl or 1he Coeur d' '-lenc KJwallls Club. and Jobo Run1, prestdenl, Coeur d 'Aleae Clamber or Comrierce. NIJC dmma studenis pro~lded entertainment •llh a •hort plas PnUtled, "Hanclnc at Clnamon CllY". Group llll'ellncs "ell! con· ~uctedln \'llnous clas> rooms, during -..lltch a panel discusIon by aulhortttes ,.,.. pre· I.' Died. \!embert. of the Cazdloal Service and Circle K. bolh 1ervlce club. 111 N IJC, a.Iona ..,Ith membee:. or Phi Theta Kappa, a scbolasUc orpnl · zallon, zsel"ed u guides on a lour or Ille campus. •Lunch was sel\·ed students al the mornto1 session. The !'II JC Danae Band dlrf'Cled by James Burns. ln struclor, pro\ltdod enlNIAlnment dunn1 llr lwich hour.


.'OLl.lME XI. "O. · l

COEUR D l\llN(. tDl\HO

April 23 Deadline To Register For Draft Examination Apt!.. _, •


Win DECA Awards


ne to

mC1ste1 Car the ~lrcttvc &.r• Ice Qua.lil1Calloo Test, •bicb wUI be oiler~ at SIJC oa t!alft dates - lola1 H. ~ 21. aad June 3. 11ecordloc lo a recent a...,11 rel~. Test appUcaUoas -Y be oblali:ecl riom an.r dl:i.lt boe rd, Ind Cl Ust be l)OSllll at.led DO later than mJd:llab: of tbe deadline date. Purpost' or tbe tl'lll Is lo "et up amtbtr crttena upon which tbt ~.000 local di::lft boerds In tb li.S. dC!Clde •ho ..1u stay In collec" and who ..111 ml AJtllouib tht' coml aa: t~t Is not coaiiuJ9011. drat: o!ll • clals recommend that a &t<Jdent take IL. The lollowto~ lnlonnallon wu publlsbecl la a recent arucle e 1111Uf'd. "Ora.It Standards to r 514~ dents: Ho• Tllt-1 .,,. n.", I n U.S. Ne"S and \\Orld Rt'S)On: The student bas a c holce ol takln1 the ti!<>! at 1101 o: the dates meatlaoed pre11ousl); ho"'" er, be a:ust spt'Cl ry the de:> Ir~ d a1e a n his .. r1nen application. A peraoo mlJ talr. e the trat anl;r once. A Clllde of 10 Is pa~slnc for undprgradu111es : 80 for sradua te students. Ir a student 6Lils the test. be mtJ 111111 bf. deft'rred tr his class staad!oc meets a ,,pectficd c111 erta. In order to keep a '.?.S defer· meat, he mua1 make a passlac Jrade on tile drat\ test or milk accord! ncl; among other youths la his clash end ol freshmen yeu- upper ball: end or sophomore rear-upper tTO tblr~; ead ol Junior year-upper three !o•inbs. The draft deferment test, as II ls commonly referred to, Is a 1eneral aptitude examlD:l· Uoo, sumlaz lo till. Collea Board exarr:I mtloo. There are 150 mulUple choice que..Uons di 11dl'd I oto !our cate11Dries. Th"Y are: rca:ltna c:omprebeaw"n, \«·rtal :ela· llons, al'lll:metlc reuoal ai:. and data 1nterpretnt101L Tbe test ., UI be ldenl1ca.I !or a.11 who take ii oc a cer· lain cb te. :>e• questions will be 1&ed each Ume the test Is ltl \'elL Thfo local draft board 1':'.IU



noUftecl of iitudmta• cores. They Dl4J' uk to aee score& at draft board

A Battle or the Bands will • ofllces. be hfold Apnl 23 from 9:30 to "2:30 In the SIJC IO'lllrasl um. reponed Karen Sand or the Social AcU11Ucs Comm1uee . Aprtl 20 - E.l\.S.C. Admis· ., Tro danc~ ,..Ill bl! i;pon· Ions DIM:tor wlll be at 110red by the Boo11ter Club SIJC. and the SAC. The t..nd• that Apnl :?I - Fl:aalcle ,.Ill comptte are the Vlbmnts Apnl 25·2!1 - Canipu \\ttk "'1d C. Herbert Smith. Ad· Aplll 27 - Beatnik Ila) mtaston lo the danct>, which Aprtl :?8 - Cultural Day ..,11 be ca.•ual, I> rree to April 28·::?9 - "Tom Jones·· SlJC atudent upon pre.enApril 29 - Dan~ (te~tlvt') '8tton or thl'lr student bod) Iola) 6- Oren House Mai· 1 - Spnna Formul (l<!n· p rds. >11td \llas s.tnd. PreSld<'nt or the danc" com· tall '"l mlltee t~ Cene Maur~ and tbe ~tiy 19 - Flml• bri:ln culty ach1110r Is Mrs. Lance. :.ta~ :1 ... Cci:ir:iencer.tt"nl


Nert Week Campus ~ Week At NIJC; b:~~ Day Plans Listed

G11• (.>'C' cn•·ll. 11c.. prest· ol ttxo SAC, reported that plnnn ror C'nmpu& \\et•k· ,\prll 2S·2!1 arn tuk1nc 11hopr. Hn "aid llwal lhf' fir.I r..o day11 or thAI •~ck •Ill bl• ronco-rnect mainly "'Ith pro· mutlonlll ncu VI ll••a. \llkc• Sulll••an ls plnnnln& a arrlrs of poatNa to cuherllae lb!! •vrnL. OaQ announced ll1t1 lollowlnic tt1ntatlve 8Chf'dUlll !or lhr wrrk lh'dn•sday, Arrll 2'1. w 111 bl- 8'-alnlk Oa •. ThNn •Ill bo· 11 movt• In tb1· SL a that Thr. tit!•• l'vrntn11 nl 1·30. wllt b(' anmunced lol•·r. Thur "dQy, Apnl ~8. wtll be Cultural !Jay. Thom •Ill be 11 tel.lrnt how dufinc acll•lty prorlod. Most other 111"1Clal udlvtllrt durln1 lhtt w...,k •Ill bl' !>·Id dur1nc lh" af«>r· hl~nt

Award • "'"• ,. O' rh. '9<.,.' DfCA Ol"t'Y9"' ori 1 Coevr d'At.,,.. or"- Nao~ Shotw , .,,....,,, an C•~••r, ,..,. Donald H 11•..t.. ~ " IPff'< • Co10l fM °"9191t. no lav '• ond St•"'• c.....,, '" ~ 1 de e a on. The., all f ,~. '"' u· nr:CA b. "PartldPlllOD Is The KeJ· ato ne To La&rnt nc" wu tie tb!: me o r lbc- annual &ll&tr c a•t>r.l.i on ot OECA (Olstrt· butl\'e FAucaUoa Cll:ba c r ooons. A eriea • licb WM ""Id la Friday, Apnl 29. hu Cotour d'Al~nl." March 31. and Gam~11 Duy. \\llhln th" ne•l thrc·· weeks 11r1 naltll· u .'lpnl I and reported OECA Elbe! Bni:h:, A.SB i-r ldent, Tlw>rr •Ill IJONlbly be BOl!ll' member Carul Y,est. Sbe said &ollba.11 cam1'1'. aad Sell Petcnion. ASB pres· lntramuraJ Chai the COD\'e.."tlon WIUI al· 11nd POa~Jbly lbtl SIJC base· ldent-ef,.ct, will bf' att,.ndlnc tended by pa&l 4 ta>ndary tall it-am wtll be chall~n1,.d tor l\lUdPnt mldofllanasemrnt students contert>rrea !o play a aortta II an me" l~aders throucJiout th" west. Imm tbrouchout Ida ho. Oary menllontd thul Ille Mas W•t -1d ti.t threP The !11!11 of lbcse conterenc~s la to be held 11 the Ualver- 1rama d~panmPnt ·a pr~,,.,n· NUC 1111ldeaa received tallo11 ol "Tom Jon " ,.Ill sil,J or lilho April 21·:?3. awards 6n ublb1Uo1» or tab PlllCI! on Thursday and bu!Uneu talent a1 th~ con - This cort~runce, the Twi.ntY· El 11hth Annual Paci II c North· F rlday nlShiJI or Campus venUon. ste,·c Green placed Ill!!!' k. He said tbal !hi' SAC west Cont re nee on HI dit'r secoodlaa ali:ullated mamo.-· hopes to hold a darre In the Educa11011, conter It :n~ mtnt pcrsoMel pr.iblem. 0-:.n 6UB aftt'f lb,. Frld17 nl1ht around lbc respansi blllaea Hollenbeck u111lzecl fuada· pNformancr. or colle1es and uni vr1111 t1 es mental6 or lll)t'eth and 1:1.i.a Nol all or the plnns for backsr.iund lo business lo lo all ar..u. NIJC Pwsldent presec: an debt minute talk •tU also bP. attendl'-i tlis Cal!ll>US \\eek la Vl' b<!en completed 111:cord1n1 IO Cary, la lhe Public Spallina: con· cairtreoce. and lie 11skl"d tmt atudenlll tot. Miss Y,f':lt pla.ced secoad Sell Peler110n will at~nd be llW(' to watch bulletin In lb e tmpr<imptu radio gpot the NorUrwe:11 Slud~nl Auoboarda !or !ulun• annowice· announcer:iem a.nd third In m·nb. claUoa confer eoce at Pad fie till' advel'I! Ila& ltJODL. L1:tbe:an Uclve rslty Ibo • ttll· ~sa 'll~t r~noi tba: the SPEECH MONOAY TO BE ':oup felt tint tro SlJC end or APlll 2&-30. Tbl meell~. ointered arwnd ne·• ON VIET NAM POLICY 111ld-manacemen1 prociam wa.s student leadenr , dwel'4 on ry "' " represented at the Father Daniel Lyon • S.J.. Lhc theme or 01a11tallon tor OECA c D ~uon. •Ill apna to tile NIJC tu· tbese IX'.. otrlcers. CAR PARICIHC IS The U11h·ersl11 ot :>ew dec1 body at a rf'ilalled a • umbly ~londar. Aprl I 25 al POSIHC PROBLEM Medco at El F'll!50, Te11a ti a.m. Thl' loplc or F"ather O:i '11' i;a.ir..1n1 o tile south la tbe locution for '"" Pact· )Jon's ltttuie will be "\11'1 lie Sluc!t'::t Pr~stdeits ABll<>• ~rtw v! tb ~ .Jbrary a.re clatloo con ve.'ltloa wblc!: Nam Policy," iepc.rtfd R~r. ask,-d b7 SIJC =i.ldene:s co 'llrlCbt. clalnm11 r 11:.. Etbel Bn d:t wtll b' attendtnl s;urk lack ol 1be Yellow Une uaembly committee. pn I ntl'd on the pa.rkl 01 lots. ~ID 1 ~·1. This &n1upinc or Fa thPr 1.von~. lht' author ol atudc:is l!':ldem will be disFlower bPda all! bl-In& tramp· ThP Future or Viet Sllll. co· cuss lnc Ille COllYl!lltlal lu:I aad qtennc 15 it:;>OIB!· ti'UiTwiiorii h'Y v~'&r.i'f a.ad llrce "wdl!isblp • • • A ble •Ill: cars padltd ao tbclr auUIDr ,_,fnu=rtoW--:":iaP'" i..i. C ,.. .Tf'S. •• bumpem t"Xlend oT•·r th<- curb. zlnr ar.lcle•. I• ""IJ 1nrormfd on bis 11ubJecL Re spoke kl tfl<o !'l!JC faculty at an MUP Qtellfll In January, wb ell! be ,... nry wrll r<'· ~Jud . acco rdJnc to Mr. llrUht. Followtnc the uacmbly, Falb<'! l..TOM W111 apf'all 10 r:al s !JC c said \II. \\rtsbt . ho




ASB Officers Will Attend Conferences For Student Leaders


Service--Club Guides ---





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You ,.,.. rPmlndl"d llat Mr. Ken Kenlll.'dy, OUl'Clor of Admissions al Eutrrn ll'aahlnirton siai.. Colll'C<', •Ill be OD C'allll)U& fol part O( lbe daJ llod11e11cla7, Aprll :ZO. lo arlJIWf'r anr QUU•UODll JOU mtcht !wave conof'mllll tans• rrr lo , . ., achoo(.


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..Jo••r............................. Joclr. •or;.

i>•tortirra Pef'l' [)o.il~. C•n-• v.,, Hos, Aid th Jolvuon, ..:em • ..,, fros1, R.U $.,,....- o.,..n... a.,.,. ..lohr.uwt... ~"' Ro-•. LM-• L Aflo!o:I• M •• H•n•·c~ ._ OcM8'o1 R•chew,


c..... .. ,•.

&litorial .. .



• ,,Y<"1<1


YEARBOOK IS NOW BEING COMPLETED " l hr 1961> edition ol the DnllYoood as 80 ~r t'1•nt comrl<'I•'. " l\•p01k!d Curtis CltlM', ""1110r, H•• ll&ld lhal al\)·olll• ,.ho h:&s &rapshots tho•) ,.ould lib to la\ r used in Ilk> annual 1>1¥>uld 11ubmll thrm lor c:on1>1d1 ration b\ Mo\ 6. Thi' ftnal fihlpm1•nt ol matl'raol .. 111 bi' nn1 to tlwl publhhl'I b' \ht) J9, Clt1'•' hllld 11>11 tho annual " Ill ~· a\·aJl~blo In th11 NlJC ltbro11 n ft••r AU~11 t :!&. Non·

11·1um1 na Mud••n1~ moi obtllJ n ma111 n~ foldNa In th• b.>ok · 'toro· 01 In thr aMuol olht'• lor ~O rt'nt • said Cuna~.

Kindness la a lanl'J•C<' Ulcdumb c-an apt!ak and thC" de-at c:an ll••ar and undersiand. -



a:ttl1n& •~r~

read and correct<'d. A Vack·JUU cam ln>m Dr. w·nn Fr.dr!kson WllS rnd. UDd"r old boslnesB. a le111t1U· diacusslon 0 r tile al<et'l t .. m a naoclal r<qu""t ••• IM'ld. II ..-.s r=oTed and "KoDded mt to aPonaor tb'.! eet ~am. Tbls motion canl~. It was moHd and eco:ided to pro,lde $100 ror tbe st! team tnP. Tile motion carried. II .-u moved, aecond<'d , aad paned to :eJ..ct the 11! • quest of llr ="""!1111.n Club. Final action en thl! budi:t'I was made wbtn II •u moved IO &CCl'Pt lbe budCCI wllb the afolt'Cll!nUoned ctance•. This mouon al!IO carrtl'd. Unu~r new bus1nes~. P:ts· Ide nt Ethel Bncht told thi board of an opeo house to ~ held on the campua on the everunc of May 6. Each baul tnPm~r roct'l\ed a copy o! the p11>posed pro111.m. Th!! atud~nt board •111 have ltr. oppor1u1117 to orl:.\lllze a student ln!amatton Cl'nt.er for the open house. The recommendation for nen year 'a annll:ll edJtor aocl assoclaie f!dl:or • u submltt l'd by the current t!dl tor Curtis Claae. Suuuted wr l'ditor W&JI Gary Ctiappell. Catbr Hf'nza. assodat.e «II· to:. Seib PO$l 1011.5 appo! n:ed to chec:A; loto tbeU> stud<'nt&' quallficattons.

Kt.I.I' t.ROI T

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" l' 1'1 .·




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E. T. LITCHF1£LO. J11Urn· allsm 1n11tNcto1 "/\ atuclent &bould spt'nd all the bme he can po 111bl3' alJord. If b~ 1' 14 ~ 11 we II I ntorr:.ed Pt' 1S<Jn. It Is absolutely es>enUal tile studcn: rnd ptnod!C'l.ls. rapeda.11.v Ulase 1<1th dH· tn~I or oprosllll[ \iC'lts • •-\1 tbc sace time 11 Is "'' belle( that II Is best that lbt' SlC· d~nt read cr!Uc:all1. 111:1klnc sure he underslOllds all that l.a bet:J; •It llt'O alld \\ b)". IMKB ::iCH.-\RI' f, sorho· me.:.:, blsl ness admtnl .:ra· II n .~ atudt'm soould at least read u1c ne'lllspa;>•r dally, and this 1ocludl'S •Ill·

tn• • ~SS

(' 11 lurull in thNr t.•r:i. ar•

1 h· oihthnt.\rl\\ on C':\JlC"CL' t11t t 11t~.. rcn«- tr, lhl! Ml·


ivtd p11b/1cat1on

ETHEL RRJGHT, sop • e, Enc b "l de DOI a pend rt tlut a halt ol an bc.ur 11 day r d!cr ~·· lodJcala, I'm sure. But t ti: ll'fl'fllCl' OOJlf'&t' ludt!ll


t"Jnlm.h.··I th.at ~:mpty wck~ \\ r u11u 1 • 1n1J 11iott dnnk ~·Ult "'' to ~<' d~pn,llM 1n J•rn1-..or W&Jo.h.• cont.a1n<"Ml


An..\ studtnt lnleresl•od ln o ..umme: JOb In E\lropf' c1uuei one accord.Inc LO the• Am<'rl· lean Srudent lnform:illon

Sel\·!ce. A re!ea.sl' by this llSSOC:la· uon srud that eveo studl'nt tn A:ne nco can gd a ~ummt'I Job ln Europe and a t111\el mont b) oppl;i ni:: dlrecUJ LO the European hea.dquaners. Job~. they add, arP much the sa!re 3S student summt't \\Ork l n t ht' c;s wltb emplo)ers orrenni: 'BOik p!'nods rans:tn11 flom Ulre" "e.ks t.> penna· nent P,mplo)"rr.mt. 11s1e< mnr:e i<> s~oo 11 r:ontb, and In mo"t cast"S nf'lcher pre,·lou:s cxpencnc:c nor kno,.ledcl' of a rort>Un l:incuage Is requr rnd. srudPnb ma.1 lr.terested wnte lo Dept. II. ASIS 2:? ,o\\e. de In Ubeltl', Luxem· • b. urll. enclo~lni: $:? !or the ASIS 36-page booklet ,.hlcb contains all iob•. wuces, worklnc condtllon:1, Ne., Job 11nd tmvet 11ran1 application.~. und IO cover the co111 of hnndlJ ntt and OHMt'llh Ill r • mo.JI POSlllf:l'.

Threl' ma.y ke't> o i;l'Orct tr the oUIN r"o ol them art' - Fro.nklln The best U>acht'!!> of humo.n111 are Ute 11\·e:s of grl'llt men. - c. R. Fowler


Woodcock's Drug Store C4~d 116 N

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Sundr et

P"t!Krp•oru Foti11f"f"I S.. • Coe\;~



Ho....0 "9"'S

• ~1'1ce In Town


a'r.111 bl



QI.JES TIO.\ "Tio• - uch lrrr. do ~ou fJud a corfrqc •flldc-111 dcni.14 51'(;nd each dar r<ad-


!her lit rat::ro lo y :ir l wres 1 • "

<.1.t: ~'



Tbe resular """klr mtt1111£ or tile Slurlent Board '"'"' callel 10 order on April 13 br Prtstdent~l"ct :-lell fitter.ion. Under old bu&lntsE, Mr. Bums ~uues k'd check Inc Into tlr academic atandln£ lhl ci:: be cir lhr ru nnlu. ol Ule t•o recommended )'t'llr· The r adlni: t&kca less ll111n n.,·l'nlf hour c:ich ds). and book t!dltors. 5&11.Y Poat •Ill take care ol thh. k~ pr; a ~rson I nlormed on Und" ntw buMneas, thc- man.v erents. • As r"' m1c· IZID" :and otbN publlcll\10"5, mollon pu..'rd to 11 \t' Curtis Ctw.e $6'7 .00 lor ht 11 110 r' a stlld,.nt should tend thi>m os he .,,I.ab • M:ill) PNPlt do scholall'lhlp. DOI ' - " ' !hr llmt' lo sit dO'-\D A used book Ubrar) to b and l't'ad a m11U2111t' o.rtn u~ed b) collece 1.1hlelt'& to dt'fray schola!!O hip co1116 v.u rclld1n' so much In school. ~;oru.tA SLlS KARO. rres h· discus~. Tiit- baa rd di'· cldt'd LO II ve IL~ permission cmn. mt'dlCal M!Cretan " A to all) plan Mr. ll11liacis c:ollrcc 11 tudent hould t\Pl'nd might have ror bi.lldl111: up at I asl a bait-hour cach d11 11.ladlns: ne'lllSPl!:>~rs and othc• &ucb a Ub111ry. In this •Ill Ml. Ha tc:b IOld tbe boald ocbllca Uons. that tbr S.:.td of Tr.J le~ Ill' IJIUd lit Ill lt'lrtXln;: Iron ap1"o•ed a $3.00 l:x:rouC' In ~ nsl ns o. Del al I.be o er lime tu~nt foes. b• •• calnl11i: kno•ledi:e." JOHS :-ilGH a fort'Str.r: A atu~i:i sbo;ilu Blue Cross Coverage apt'n d a hllf an hour • Available Over Summer bour au:h dar n-adlni: n It! • Tnr Blut' CIOas procra In to krep up c: •:c eTel!l4.' ! rce • : ac:dects I N rL'l HELE!• HOI.i.A."'0. r· klllbo Juru : c u.., " II man. B.S. • r: ho e tnd Ill tbe cl &e I ceaa IO 11 nc ta •• all a I • c 1 txor It' • r. ad all !be ths1 a

\lan oucht to hA'e ti0mt'li'J111: that hC' prelcis i<> Ille Iller"I•~ llfc It< •If Mii .•,,, to ht u r""nm,.and \"Old. - &>une

'*' ilJn

t'Ail ·•r, ldo"to, :.teL, .\p-r•l 20, 1 1'16

Th• h'JUl&r ., .. kl) '"I <In~ or the Sludtnl B..,anl o r Control ol :-Orth Id.am Junior C<>lll'C<' na called :o ordn on Apnl 5. Tile minutes ol

P.e •"'• 4 t,J S...,_ . M e 111dt f _ 0w'9t ft. c.a.,. 'r••t ......



l\olllf!n dorm rt:1ldPnta wll I spend a da) 111 the F 1)1nc H Ranch, Ma' H. nd1nc horlll's. according 10 Susan O 1-rflrr, dorm r~cmer. The~ ,.Ill ll! o;o ha'" o plc nlc that llAtnl'






Tod a.v la ¥<' tctdll,l 'Ii ~:11n

Into act! n. - G



SALES llEPAlll Otoh ""9 & To•"CI s-,,,,1 •• , 1><"£l1St••r Tr~tw•ITCll Co 1 \ .. ,,_ • • " . . , .... "' . .. 1• 1


nev.5pi1per, he 11hocld try t. r<':ld l ol till' hcudlln• , at i.11: 1. to ke<:>p up W!lh mU"rul t nl<'r ruUomt oo • cu:encea. PUI


A::ltbev. .Acbos

LOUIS FLOWE RS r Q M Mtmo11ol Sp1oy• & Flo1ol

Cu,tam Oe,i9tt~d Off ,, • P1u• "'9 o ,_.,11,., A"•· •


l"'t ~~ ' ' 1 ~ 8l'o.



T•1•11010 01d•n Anyw~cr• In World Pl. MO ~·821 8



Tapped For PTK

'1.1.J.C. !!EVIE•. C"°v' 4'Alt"e, l0oho, '#•d.. Ap"I 20, 1966

Badminton Team Has Tourney

Srl.ld.,,r •oPOe-0 -~ Ph, T"•to Koppo, 1chc t'I • #tottorory rec:•"''" -~. f•ft ro ,,r.•. I~· row •Ellie 8otot', L ndo "'ol~•'• SJ-.,.,1 S.tpsf'f'O-:• Con dy Fvller A/e-o S.ho, Dano Ko"'Orc:h. Jo Ann R1c,;.,,0<>d, So/I, Poat, Go.,, O'C~ , Koy Gleaton, Sharon Bio)'"•· Co'r'>' AM,.. .,. .•

'°""' ••

Poetry Corner NIJC Choir Finds Mor~ J.

Recent Tour Very Rewarding Event

" Ch,. 1.. .,,11110,..

A collese SIUdent ollen thinks \\hen lhl' d!Q' Is over, • 1 lhlnk or all 1 did. Did I IJ)Of


Or did I acco1111'.lllsb somethlnc? • Did I rmk e a ll'lend. Or did I make an enems? \las I mad at anyone or everybody, • Or was I nice• An1way, whBt I did tod!Q' le over. Just another day has cone. • While I sl~P. The world will be shlnlna up •toAu::." day tomorrow for roe

Or to IJ)Of up. or whatever I dee! de To do v.1th It. Tonlcbt. 1 plek out "SOmethlnc Nice," and "Friend!)'," and "Accompllsb sometbl og. " ~e WI for , .. Underwood Sales & Servi~•

The sue A Cap~lla cbolt renimed Suoclay trom a hlc!:l1 auccessful 11i>rlnc tour. Tbr tour lasted !!Te da..... f1D1:1 AprU 7 tbrouch April 11. aad oo• erl!d clue. 10 Waat:lo(10o and Orepi!L The croup leflCoeur d'Aleae by clanered bis on ~ morn· inc or Apdl 7, and made their llrst atop at the Cealllll Wash· tngton Sta~ Collece In Ellens· The1 burs . wash! nc'lon. spent t~ afternoon seeloc the campus at tbe school. Their perConoaace tbrre was at s:i ~. It Included both the cbolr aod the ensemble. This procmm •aa b-dcast over a local FM sta!loo. Choir membeJS ~en: the llisbt as cuesta or ~anoiis cwsc sllldeDIL Fdda1 tbe cbol r tra~~ed 11> PorUud, alOpplnc at the ldaryblll A Of Arts MuseWll


eader 218 N 4th Strttt

Fo11dottoo1 • Or•u•s ·Coots S,Omweo r and L in9.,I• J06 N. -

S.. • C.- J'AJ....

·~~~ • _....«,. __.c) ~ • ~:::; MAKE


oa !be wa1. Th01 sans se\'eial numbers for tbel r &dmlMIOD tee. Aller arr!• · Inc la l'l>rtlaod, the cbotr '1slled the Pottland Unlvel' 511:1 Can:iiua. They unc at Cucad~ C0Ue1e, whlcb II a amall r.llllou1 8Cbool. Aootbu ~dormanc:e wu lie.Id at Wlllameue lolaoor. While la Ponlaod. some or tbt cbol r membeis vtall«I 1~ Llo1d Sbopplnc Center, and Mr. Riebe. one or the ch.iieic>nea, took a email llOUP to the Portlarll ZOO. The Portland YMCA provided sleepln1 quarters ror Use JIODP F rlda7 nllhl. The next atop on the !Dur was at tbe L&raon AJr Force Bue near Moses l..ake, Wash. OD Sllnda1. Breallfast WU served co the choir at tbe Ott!ceis Club, after •hlcb the aroup •&DI !or lbe East.er Service at tbe baae chapel. A luncbeoa •as aerTed to !be SIOUI> at tbe NCO Club. Bo1h the bzeat!U1 and IWlcb •-ere sel"l'ed as a courtesy or

n,. NIJC 91r11· bot/minion '-Otn hod ,,,.,, ,,,,, 1ovrna1T!•tu o~"°" A.,,11 1:.1 In rloe ~olle119 g'>'" .. ~." lh•> l>o•l•d '"• Big S.od Co.,. ""'unlr-,. CoJ/eQ9 'H'" ~O••• ~oth. B19 S.ttd ""'o" t"9e 'OC..'~..•r•, bw' ""• NIJC g1rl1 ,.,..,. lor o ,..,..,,,,, "'011!'1 '""'' aprlrtq. F of,..... c~oe • '"'' ON 1how1t. hoc"• left ro tlo""' Jon "Ott, ..trdiH., N1c'-•ttor, N. nl.. n. Ca.,,p.Mll. S.ored• IJ-a~., Flt.t.,.,gh

' °"'







Amons !be m&nl' nn boob 8y ~ d "•'"•'a th&l lave bfcn addod to th• A book , wh1cb ehould be or llbru7, 1l!E SIGN OF ntE parllcular Interest to PtOl>I~ PLYlNO GOOSE, a SUlde ID In the Coeu r d 'Alene and the Na!loaal Wlldltre Retuaea Hnrrlson 111eu, baa been by Georse Laycock 111 a must added IO the NIJC Ubrary. ror aa.yoae In natural h1atory /lome To M11 Mountatna, bT classes. Hazel Ba rrlncton Sel by, la a Oo an October d-.y at Tule colorful deacrl plloo or Ure In Lalte, C&Uromla, a visitor this area when Ha rri son ••• ma,)' see tbe world 'I lar1e11 bluer than Coeu r d 'Alene, u remaln!oc herd or elk. ID a oompa red ID what It •u like swamp lo Gtorlla tbere are a half or a century lacer. alllplOni that wtll Dt>'tr ID her book. Hazel Stlb1 becolDI! lacli • • abo•· •, and on describes !be wlld•meaa u the Texaa coast the •h'10Plna 11 d!en was, and Ille dim· crane I• maldnc It• lut lcult)' sbe and her buaband stand. encountered In the proceao or n all bepn lo 1903 with "provtnc up" on !bell homean Island aet aalde ror ~U· • t.ead, located near Ocara ~ b&M. cana. Tod-.y tbere are over Ba7. Alter an atteroooo or rest . zeo Sllllooal \\'lldllfe ~ · There wttre 001 ao1 road1 tbe cbolr •na at tbe Commu· Cuge&-·17 ml!Uon ac rea, Crom co apealt or then, eo lak e and nlty Cent.er. Ao Impromptu the Florida Keya to the rt ver transpo rtation •n !be dance wu held toUowtna Aleu!lans. where America 'a mode o r ua vel IO the outside tbla performance. wtldllre llvea la Ila nalll ral world. r.soaday mon!I na the cllotr en'1toameo1, pro1ected rrom T he s tem-wheeler Harrleoa. be ioan Ila return tdp ID the ad'rance of CIYIUzatlon. the Oeorlla oakea, the F l.Jer, Coeur d 'Alene. Tbe c:oup to lhla sulde co the •Udltre aod Ille Boal ta, to mtnUon a repo:ted thal tbe7 were weU refuses. Georae Laycock, fe•. were the ateamboata that recel ved eTerywhere and Mr. D&11o:iall1 known •dter and paddll!d alooa the blue watelll Kell,r. tbe dizeclDr, was YeJ'1 outdooreman, te!la the aior1 or lilte Coeur d 'Alene, and pleased with thelr pedorc;- or lbe retuce ayate::i and the :ip the du111-St. Jo• to St. aacea ;.;........................"."'"'.'~ peop!e •bo aln.luled co bul!d Mades and Cosur d'Alene IO A :::aa•1 11\le wealth la the IL He rec:o<:nta aoce or tbe the Rose L&Jte area. Of aood be dou la the world. c.oat ructaauac cllapte!9 lo course ai Illa 1 ttoe, the elec· 1rtc train Uae the bla:orr or Ac:edca 'I wild · wu tbe onl.1 - i.soha=ed Not everyone •bo has the ure- lbe bison and the mow:· uanspona!lon. bealdea roo t 11r1 or speech uadeis:ands taia 1heep, ••• 111. cee1e, or honieback, bet• een Coeur the •·alueor llleoce. - Lllnm ducks. our rut•t Noaer, the d'A lene a nd SPOlcantt. After 1eavta1 lbelr mouat&Jn ant~ope. and the amatlu t deer, the Kn deer. Indeed, home tor al11tosl half a cenGet Your Annual tur1, tbe Selbya re turned 10 on !be Wildlife Re!us ea. one Marling Folders can llad p19etlcall1 eve17 recal"l'e their place out or wild anliral known In the die wtldemea1 aiaJn. lll 111 • Stvd•nU Wlio Cannot Piel Up very color4l l aad dell lb ttul lift)' lll&tel. Allftuoh, Sip Mallt n9 Folders 11'}:11e OO!lCtntr&llDI OD 17 atyle. Bazel Salb1 bu cap· ia Orlftvoad Ofli ct, Sivdnt II.Ired ber lmpreaal oo o r • o! the r.:011 lnter .. 1101 reUni oo, 20 c.a ts. Auooh ruces. me author laalc la ad and Ila paop le-paat a ad Reod1. """''' 25. It l a a book Iba! lD !oc:atloc on J4$ other re· p :-r. t. rupa •here the pubUc la ever11>oe In Ihle area ahould we!co:::e. Complete wltb read.~----'."'."".:-:'.:-""--­ i:apa and 2S wt !di.He photo· LllRARY ASICS FOR COMMERC IAL ppba, :hi• Ja a unique suJd• RETURH OF IOOICS !or can:pera, blrdwatcbera, Mr. &oderllns. !>1JC Ubradaa. PR I N TING CO. llsheimen, bumera, nature reported tba1 the II br&11 would pbotocnphers -ever10ae • ho apprec iate It J! etudeota aad v.ishes ID ei plore the out• leilCMlll wbo baH booia doors and io e ee Ame rt ca •a e M<:ked out that they are ,.11dure _ 51 atr writer, H · llnla hed with would return PMO TO O l'l'SET cerpta courtesy Natu ra l HI.. tb".m u aoon •• poaaJble. tory Press . He eaJ d tb1a would aid tbe • · o• t " 0 • ••• • •ti•• Ubiarlan• lo 1bllr end o r tbe T NI' merit, Uh a river, lhe 1'1&1 •CO'°" • ' • 'St •C ( ' k_.____~---:-deeper II II, th t ,... DOIH II Cc cw• o A ... c-.c lo ••O s.,...t Y-AMrti1er1 cakes. _ Lor<I 11a uru


\\ •·'~ ... '"u""'~ .a fuJ'P' •LI\ • .1011 \ou"ll hau.. ""'' un1r

11..at .. llw m.1;:u ..r r•·m,-mltt·nnJt "4H1\•..,,nt• thr ''"" \111t'"1I ltt..1 l11 1.. r1·tn1·1olw·n,f "1th a •fU•hh \11 1J...1 ..-.J1f1u ;,:fr" 1111;.: • Jr•I ~ ... Jn1I from uur , '"'"l'll'I• , ,,IJ,._ 11011 of \111Ju .. ,11f11r r .1rtl'. 'our l"·r~ .,. ti


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N.IJ.C. R£v1ew. Co.1.1, 4'AI~. Id.oho, fted... Apttl ?O~ 1966


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to ttwo o')e of ' ' doi.?h ' r. Hollond/, •o TOM (Ho"" c TO\' JONES 1a bo- ,. ' •


(Kalle Brodie). CrrPk to ien·ln c •en::hes. 81 Po9 Doh'""'" Harry 9nllll, CUI as Tom Lady &11-.,ton. who Is now Door• on rollers. trees and moons• !Ma, London Btldl!r, JonP•, I tile poor country at the danceroua a 111!-<oo old and counuy hom~ set thP boy •ho la conatintly ~nc for r1din1 aad too younc !or 11arr for TOM JONES. petlt point-la poruayl'd by e ncoura cl!d by ladle or a~ Duf'ls, lovf' sct>nes, hich· cett&Jn •ll' and repu::a Clon. Kat!\>' Zi:nml'm:an. way robbPn•. •at1n1 scenes tr le n Ho Ua nd, ponra.ys Thr hl«h....,.man. also aD ard lmpnsoament.s aze all Sqihla ""stern, lllft beaull!al Iopor.an: character played by patt ol the suspenseful aclloa modeat , true love of Tom. Frankie Yamamoto, Mrs. ol TOM JOSE'S" Jenn1 Jones, tile alleced 'll'hite llt'ld, played by Jo.a Romanct', lntr1JUP an! ad· motbcr o! Toir., la banlslled L:rc.n, and 111.. aervanlS aapp13' Vl'nture' Thf' Cardtral Play· b1 Sqalre All•orlhy, pl:ayod tbe e1 ira bamor to make the ""' •Ill pre•ent their &PIC1 by John KJllmann. slle ap- pla1 dt'llChtful. The ser· production o! TOM JOS ES on ~rs latM u Mrs. '4ateis, va.nQJ .,.. Bill Del.Yea. Ron tilt> 11tace at NJJC on April and thf' epl110d~s b>twl'en Hod1e. Ralph Beckman. Mad28 and 29. h~ and Tom are rl otous. eline Tl ltso, :.ancr Wale b. Th•• play wlll be produced Jenny or \Im. \\lllers 111 plllyed and Kar"n SCboolor. In rullallc coslumrs of th<> by P•a Dohrman. T be unusual and effective rlshtrenth crnwry-1!ompl~tc Mr. \\f>•lcrn. cllamc terized stall' plannlna 11 order the with wlea and swords. by Gatth Rmamond, portra )'s direction of ataa• lllln&IN. Ha•• you Htr iiee n a fox a man much 11ven lo horses , Tc:rn St.II. hunt on 11& ir 1 lmpos1lbl~. hound • and hun11 na. Rt I• Knowlnc Mrs. Gal"'S alltlltI you say? \\ llY. our brro, very mucb concernl'd as to to direct, I know tlat you TOM JO:\ES - falls so lntd •h•lh<'r his dauchter, Sophia, may 1?1pect an ev1?n1ac or from his hou1r tlal he la •Ill mam th" rlcbt aai>-in llne entNtalnm"nt at llr tnJurod' lhl~ caaeo the obnox.ious but ~IJC diama dfpar.mtnt's B"auuful aJrl•. landaoar ualth)' Blefll, plaYl'd by p~sentallon or TOM JOSES mt>n, cbolnlc Cathers, tr· David Collins. on Apn I :?8 and ::11. B<! sure llah aunta-all parUcll)llte In CrPaUn1t th~ a tory of TOM Ml llestrm, thP atatPly to atto-nd. JONES. old maid, lcarnl'd In tbr A prt•k b:·hlnd the cu rtaln, maMc•r and euaco:na of old and a qui ck alanc<' at the U>ndon n Is playod b> ncllJr'~ r•nllnslilaiun proml•l'S Ca th>· llrnw. Shr tnca 111rnd 111111onnuncr on oprn· d ••appro ~·II· lo lt•ach Ur An) youth betwren the •Ge 1na nlaht. rult• 1 ot •oclr tv to hl'r urt- of 12 lhroueh ::!I may lb lour· Portr1d1r. plnyt'CI bv the wllllr1R nlc•('I', Sopltla. L~t class for about lalf Cart, Fll?palnck, th,. Jraloua if bl' obtal l'9 a $).00 ptr YUi cupublt· On fl/ ClaPP<'ll, IN th• modem tor as \\Pl I n• an lr1 sh madmon. IPlaYed by rm"itb<'rahlp card, ac:cordlnc act<1r. In lhr play lua onlv Mlkr SulU\'an1 ••arrllf'" to GO!Or~ A. "hit!!, dlattlct 'let' 1s 1A·11Clunc Laun and "1 ldlY fus hi• •lft Harri• I sales manapr ror Sc.rtbwesl Qlen1 Alrlln'1!. This JQotb ru" ldentltlca· Uon card ac:tllortzm porellau C.: '"•a>tb Care" uanl OD s ntn.est Alrllnrs btt,..e.. n pollllS ID tbl! cont!nenl&l Cr.ltt'CI Sllll , •bite 11&1d. This RITlce ...111 rot be a\IJ labia on lhe loUowl nc Ila.tea April 6 and ; • 196 6. :':O\, :?i, 1968. l)(>c. 15 thrJUCb :?~. 19116 and Jan. :: tbrouih ~ . 196;, \\bile adclod. Ad\811Ce s ~l\'lll.loas wtll not bf' acc..!(~ t!K'rc-lcr" transportitlon la aubJKt i. "'"allablll!J or lit-ats at rue~· dt'PQrt:rt'! u c-, at~sl'd 'lrblte. A rtelprocal agrement bad bce!l cade with Olbef =Uo: earners 11bo ba..-e sslm.l.lar plaJll, conssequeotl). IDdJ· '1duals miu use tbclr card 10 i;.,1 a reducl'd rate •dth otber alrUM:s. 1\fllt Ccast does not accept NDnh" eit on... nt cards , since II Ins a plan of lt.s o,.n, lllllte added. .'\ppliauton~ for these canb om) b aecurtd In the bJok

E·A·S·T·E·R·T·l·M·E! The rn; word begjns to echo throuah lb& quadraJJJlle hke an iirnited •lick of dynamite. Wbate,·er other connotationa it mar hold for you. Euler \•acation Rlwaya cornea u • wt-minute antidote 1hrou1th which you es:a~just in the nick or time-your im~ndin11 nineteenth nen-ous brwdown and th. breakneck p:ice of ncademic life. So. on your muk, 11et act, CO I Chances arc you11 be i;oin11 South where the Spring arnas i~ 11rccn :md the tropic sunshine good and hot. Time. thni ls. for tip.1 op what to take along ... NASSAU, ANYONE? ~odoubt T.S. Eliot wasn't thinkin11 of the Caribbean when he labeled April the cruelest month-not by a long shot. There's Bermuda, sittini; like "an emerald in a sapphire au:" there'< Ft. Lauderdale, where the gjrls are :i.nd whtte the boys follow After. On the West Coan. therc'a Ls Jolb, or for the war out !wingers. ~l!wport Bnch. And if you really .; \\"ant lO i;et awo.r Crom it all, thtrt's Yex:ico City. But "hether you find your pipe-dream under a \'Olc:ano or under a 1wa>·ing palm. remember to play it safe. Take along at le:ut one dark auil. a lhrhlweighl polyl'!lter and wool or R oottoa blend. You ne\'cr know when you might be ill\'1led up to the Governor's mansion !or drlnksl on the PJ1tlo.

FOR THAT SMART, young millionaire look. )"OU couldn't do better than ~~lect rour drc••·UP tetlOrt wenr in 2'R''Y blue. Dnrk gray's okay, and oil\ e "111 do, but royal ~"'1' has a rich, crisp look college men tin. And. 1ncid1?ntally, the"''• no time like the present lo loo.< for a Pl!nnancnt Prc•~ •uit. It'll keep the "rinkles out u Summer comes u Jn~ ln

WEAR WITH IT, 11 white or pale lone button do" n •ht rt. It may be striped (nnd hl'rc the e<>lor .chcmt of things is getting bolder nnd briahter ~WIT dny , or n solid color. Bc.l beta: pnlc blu~. pale lemon, pink. or 11 crenmy tnn •hnclc. Th~ new l'ennnnent Pr~• dres• ahlrt.• "r~ l!Tt'nl for trnv~I for obvious renaona: ya:o "Mh th~m oul nt night. and the next mornln11. w11ho111 ironing lor puckered eenlTlll) they're back in perfect ahnpe. T1tke 1tlon11 n couple or ue.i: n bright. bold p.~i•ler. n rcpp Rtrlrie, anil mAke ture they •port the new. fn•hlon-righl, wider "1dtlu..



Special Air Fares Available To Youths


"'°"_;:-;:" -

(/O'. T "0<2.Y A~ - ~':?' '"' -,.£ :;"EC ~l JU!S'T" Gl<T \IE1. !>. G~-'-0" QI' CAT~uP


SJlltude 1• much =or .. fun 1r "°u can mJoy tt '"JUI SOt:ieoal!.


tn a Y adr11.S or •r iclccr •OOl'l J&clcet. Here, rour co r ""' p.att •rn choice mAY be as wild !lS roar wte ~nnlt.a. You11 need a pair of duk. medium. or hght any dreu alacks, and your choice 1bould deiwnd on coordination with the jarket. Jean.1 or rhinos, three or four pairs. low. rue. hip..hUfll'inJl', And tapered in faded blue or a. wheat color, are mandatory. Make •ure they have built-In ,.....h·lllld•\\e.r capnbilities. Ditto \\"ith your •port. 1hu't.I. ~lect thri?e or four In the J>Ol'Olar llcnley style In ll1hlwei11ht wo..-cn !abric:< a.rod • pl• or cc.uc.nlpolyater k:nlt.s.





rour lmaa inat,on dri ft around the aand m:akc the be:lch •<•ne, be aureyou're 1?Qulpped with mah ru. ll•a. IJJ)lll,hy Hawaiian aurler trun!a (usuaP.y a..-:111Able n-lth matrh1n1t ahiru l. and 1he ne.\ Buketball nrim short at.rles wsll be among the m0>t popular thla au'4n. ~loet young men pttftt them sn trim. athletic. Conn-tltt lni modet., and the word for ~urtln11 'GG 1• COLOR. Bright, burning rcch, vh•id ye\. lo""'· lluh) I'' ten. nnd \\ ild print• are the lop contendl!rR.


THE TWILIGHT CHILL call< fol' n cou ple of colorful swent.ahirt\. :ind a bulky I ~·knit "Poor Doy" 1we:1ter. Sneakers and 1nndal1 :ire a mu•t .... r ro11f"te . but t\'Cn more imperative are ahndca and n good 1unlan lolll>TI" Slip II pair or black lo:Uers Into your au !teas. zip it up. chttk out )'Ollr rtser,·ntion.1, and be otf! ~

Golfers Compete I n Invitational

N.IJ.C. REV1E...

c..,., 6'Ale"<. Idaho. "'•d.

T ~ Cordlf'IOI tt0cL IQIJad ""'II


Ap"I 10. 1966



.,.;p,., ,,,.,



ron~lor ,...., <>f Pul/1n;.J o 101 r rite \\.$U Fru•~. fu,...h o Bolin Col leg., ond C. """' '> Coll•?"· Sqv.,J bo<• '0""• leh ro tlt}h' JOl'I S.tlor-, '·• ,, ~\:ohl. At \\i:C1 I. II, a..,,,,, \ioq-


""""°'" ,

""'or· Gerold Gor .... y<, J • Pu r. 1..


EfoV'ftn ,,,.,., oro com,,.rm9 rn,,. spr•"9 for sp.ors th• Cord1f'OI 9011 fctotn. l\.ne•f,,..9, If-I• to Gary A,,,<J~non, Gory Cho1ii•ld, Lorr,. Jam~.



Gory Fton•dod, Dick Scltu/1,.

Ktta' "9• A vYt Bo..,.,,.~ nd, Biii Moll.Jl'I• Sob 8'a nord, Jon &ii , Bil \'.<;


,,..,,, 5..,,,.,,..., F0<to-.,,!.

NEWMAN CLUB 1 Plans ror n spring picnic

were discussed by members ot the Newman Club during a rccent meetint:. according IO ,Robb seh•age.


ENGINEERS CLUB Members of the N'IJC End· m!l' is• Club &IC makt nr plana ror the annunl EnC1n.,e1s• bnll In Ala), 11ccordt111 Robb Seh'aiie. member.


HOME ECONOMICS CLUB Diam \leller has been elected new president of the NIJC Bame



ME RIT EXAMS CIVEH Stale <J Idaho \!erll exam· !nations ,.ere i:hen F'rlday, April t 5. In ldlss Ounrllcn.n-s

room. These tests wt>re open lo local residents, 11nd Coeur d"Alene Hlt:h School scudenls as 'Al'IJ as NIJC student&. Ellgiblllly ror Jobs under the Idaho Merli System Is de· tennined I!)- results or tbls and slmllnr tests.

BOAT DRIVE INN Fn ~ c;,,c.a.c-"'

Exclusive YardOJI" S!\op Every1/un9For TlieSeomstres.s

Hof""• ol '"-' C~.,. > o,.tJ o.l1('10va Mo,..b""t~lt.

310 Lo~es•de Ave.

S"°"' Orq., 1306 F'°"' A1tc.

Coeur d'Alene, Idaho


Keaunc·s Cardloal participated In tilt> Columblll Ba.sin Collece lll\itallonal al PtlSCO April II· I:!. 11 3&-holl' compeUUon. T~y flrUsbt'd t1cventh In the etglu·IA.'llm tournam,.nt. Yaloma Vallel' Colle1e won thl! tounament wllh a l!ve· Yulma \'alley College won lhe toumnment with a ttvean team score or 1117. Olhet tPam ..cores 01.Ymplc Col· le~t 81&. Lower Columbia 822. Leo<ts a: Clark 828. Clark Collei;e 8H. Colwnbln Ba:lln 86~. NJJC 955. Bis Bend CoJiece 1016. Loy, medalist for tbe IOU!~ ament was Don Ronl'!I or Yak.lua with a 36·hole total of I SL Low SC:On!t tor N'JJC was Gary F1ensdorr with a



•CAMPUS ORGANIZATION NEWS PHI THETA KAPPA More llnn 40 students at N'JJC were lnVlted by present members or Phi Theta Knppa. Apdl 6 to obtal n lntonnac.lon 1 about bi?Comlng members or that orgnnlzatlon. To be 11 member. n student must ha,•c •an occumutath•e throe- point 11 \'l!tage ror the entire year. 11 nd be n rul HI me stude nl. PTK members also operated a car wash near the Froscop On ,·e-t n on Pourth Street. F'rances underwood. owner or the auromat!c car wash. • domted the proceeds to PTK members for one dlly.

.d•Alc.i!-c, Id.oho

183. 'Jakln'1 the trip ror NJJC Gary Frensdorf, Gary Ctntrleld. Ron Bnulllon. Blll McFarland, and Al Bauem· neod.


Mr. F'mnlt Youna. Director or Adm! sstons at tbe Oal ver· stly or ld3bo, was al NIJC f'rlcla.Y momlns. .Apn I 15. Youns answered 11u e..110 ns by NIJC students coocernllli UniversU.Y adllll&lons policy.



JEFFRIES' TV Su us/.,,

S~c•olrzm9 .n Colltx;rore Needs

botrer•es, needles, rubes

for Heolrl> ond Hoppmess

repo•ts on

Our Plozo Res•a..-onr Pleases Polo1l' O"d Purse 1701 N. f.,.utl\

•ape recorde<s srereo sers -



Se •vin9 Yow SrurJon r Union

Our Core fu/




Q,._th - o...4 H . .hh -

lne fW)





e 00"·

Coeur d'Alene Laundry & Dry Cleaners

m• Piclup • nd o.r;,,...,

)07 f te•t

M0 flr.•• • 4..)S l 6

Front I"""

Tom"''""·'· Gory

N•i' '.,, r on, Lo.....- '.i1h l II, T try '41tln•t1.

Home Ee Department Has Several Speakers A

IJllnel dlscuMslon wns In Ille clothing lnb on caroer dn> or the Guldnn~· Conference with ·•Cnr!'rri; In Hom<' E:con<imlc11 ·• 111 th" topic. rrported Connie Von ~Id




Heu. She said tlmt Mr. Gl~n Wyatt of too KJwonls Club of Cot'ur d'All'ne pr!'Slded, und Mrs. Plownce Shanahan, hend d the NIJC Hom!l Economies department. waa moderator. PIUlel members tncludt'd Mrs. Jud1 Gr1dley. home economlce major rrom th<' Unlverstly or Idaho, Mr. Biil Webswr Jr.. manqer of till.' Brun:.wtck Cite. ms. Robert 11rt11b1, represenlGltve or American A1111octatton o( Uruverelly Women, Mr. Bill Shisler, ar· chltect from Cuttor. Gale. lt!Artell, Norte, and oa vt('s, and Mra. Bett1 Gonlon. child devl'Jopnent Jo,.ttuctor. Pl011pectlve home economic a:a,Jors from Plwnrr.~r. Koote· ml, Lakeland, Poat Falla, mM Aca.d"l11J' and Coeur d' Alene Hlch School .,,. ...,.. cuests. Sue DuM reporl.Cd tl:at sh<! bas Ju!ll ~turned Crom a &Prine \11e&tlon which was a flY!ng trip from one coUeeo Sllf' Is campus to another. the state bJslorlan or the

ldal"o 11011111 Economics AHO· clotton or Collcar Club Cmptcrs. 'Thi.> executive bourd mem· beta or 11b cotteac" wow ll'Pll'lle ntcd 11t a co11v11nllon heltl ut lhr Northwetl Nnza· r<'OO Colh••e In Nompa, Sho ~aid ldl1ho, Sur aald. tlut shr !wad 11>1 Pl'd thr amup ndopt 11 nr" consUtuUon whll 111 the 17l'Nlng. Sur r.llld thot returnfll hQme vto th!' const, nnd was oblr t.o vt11lt four more cam· pusc;s. Shr 11uld lhnt ft hP was vory lmpm&&t'<I with llX' home ec<inomlce dopcutmcnts In all ol thcm.


Mis~ l'llnn.r Gale. a tientor at the Unlvl'rstt1 or ldAho, spoke rrccnt11 to the Home Economics Class. &ltss Oal!' talked tO tho ii rts about hM clnasea In I ntmlor des I at-e wlll waduuw thl6 June LS the only person recetvlnc a degre,. In Interior design. \U iS Cale showed the SI rls somr or th<' dmwtnc.• •lw Ins donP.. ThPsc Included noor plans tor a storl' and rumtture de111c11:1 ror rooms In a hoUl\C. Sl'i• IQld the ct&<• that this IS a rteld Opl'n to an)'Olll' ts a neld open to aeyone tnt,.ruted In Interior decoraun1.



ta It poa91 ble lo e1pect mankJ nd lo l4k e adVI ce when they will not so much as ta.ke warnln1? - Swltl


f'l.l.J.C. REVIE•,


HIJC 5.3, L & C 6-4

J -

sec 9

NIJC munai;ed ollly one hit, s uc·a Ca rdJ nal ~•ere edJ<'d cwtct' by 1.J.>wls & Clal1< Sonn· a trlpl~ by Biii \lurrell In the tlrs1 tnnins. off Al Cobrnour al by Olll' run a t Lewiston Apnl 2. The twin loss lrft and Larr.Y McClennY o! SPOlulae Communtl)' College In their aeuon record at 0-3. the home opener !or the In both pmH L&C scored Cards. The f).3 loss wu; the the .. 1nn1ng run In thcu last llf'COn Cl lO SCC. ll was alllO Ume at bat. the tiri1t came pl.a.red on the In the ffls t 1111ml'. the Card> lfcd th~ pmt' In the !lrst or new NUC atllleuc OeJd. The sam~ wu a comedy or th" seventh al ~au. only to errors on tbP Jlll rt o! both haH• L&C com<' bock With tht teams. wllh most runs uowlnrunc run In their halt as eatned. Tb1ee Card errors Clou~er ,..tked, Waddington walkt'd and Chavt'z atncled and a w1llk i;i •1! the SpartaM a :?-fun lead In the first, In CIOU~l'r. Llurl &iurrt'll and BUI & k· matched to· NIJC In llrlr lenlto li:d tll<' Cards \\Ith two haJ f or the first OD a ....i k by Baklenko, a trfple by i.surrell. hits apiece. one a triple In and two sec errors wlllcb lhP tlUrd b)· •tur~ll. Larry Knott led L&C with 3 tor 3. broucht Murrell In. Two a Ingles and a 5toleo N IJC llld one double play. base CD v~ SCC a 3·2 ll'ad Jn o.nd left stx men Stranded the rourtb, Jncreucd to ~-2 \\'IU le L&C !ell elllht OD tn the l!fth on two mote hits ba5~. Jack Hammond started tor and a card error. N LIC on tbc mound and was The n1111 NIJC run came ID relieved by ~Uke Rabin In th" Ollh when APplecate was hlt by a Pitched ball and tbP second. Rabin was charged with the loss. Jose scored on two sacrtlkes and ctavt>.G went th.. route ror an enor. Gary Cba.tflns' double prou<:. Hamrnond struck out and w111Jlcd two. Rabin fan- d11¢ed another sec ruD t n th• ned nin" and W1llked three seventh. Then the root fell "hile Chavez walked nine In dudna the elchth. Larry and struck out ti VP. Relnz walked for sec. siole In the second Clltllt'. Claire second, third 11nd home. Two Slmmona V.l'nt all the way more wnllcs followed by 11 and gave up tour hits, -.ulked home run by M11tk Palklns thr<'e rwd struck out six. ended thP nlghtlDllte. Mike Wallace was the winning Simmons . Murrell and Applepltch<lr. glvln11 up 11llt hies . gate hurled tor NrJC. with walking tour o.nd slriklng out Slmmom the loslnc pitcher. tbrel.'. Spok•n• 200 110 140- 9 6 l NUC t'IC!O red twice In the No.n.h Jda.t. 200 Ot 0 000- l S .c Coh•nour. M<:CJnmr C6l •nd 1-t.-n. fourth on four hHa. only to /.ppl•l.•t• (7) •l\d Olson. h avo L&C come bclck with Mun"•U. Aftdeuo.n (9). 1hrer on two llllti In the i;ame Inning. Thi> Cnrds lh'<I It up N/JC 4-3, BBCC 0·2 In tho six th but th" Wnrrlora Cooch Jim Crowe•s Cardcamr linck In 11-.ilr lnlf of inal txu1eballe!ll finall.Y tlr> sixth with two hits ror a Jelled A~ll 9 cs they swept a run lo I rad q.3 ll nd the Cards twin bill from BJg Bend Ccrn· fo.llrd to r;core In the ee••entb. munlty College on the NlJC ChnYl'Z uptn wo.s th!' hero field, 4-0 and 3-2. 101 VC with his home run Claire Simmons, rresbmnn In the third drl Ying In thme southpaw . blanked Bl 1 Bend runs. Sid p Woodwoard lad 2 In tilt> open<'! on one hit, a for 2 for NlJC. st ngle by Lorry Andenion to WIJC 000 20 1 0-) 6 J lhc lllth with two nway. He 1.•C 000 JOI X....,. ) I thus clal med the first win lO? 000 2-S • I tho scoson ror NIJC. Slm110 lOI 1-o ., 0 molllt 11truck out ~ght and Ooud manners a re " part or wnl kt'd only one. Dick Schultz "enl 3 for 3 cond momla. - Whnlllly


\'. r,,,,. f' y onr r.""'rdhand·) ot ,.,,,,



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two t-rrors. EWSC cnme b11Cll 111 their hall or the th! rd with three to Ile 11 lll> on two tuts. 11nd tbree passed be.I ls. The Sa •·Bil es added lh'<? more runs In the seventh on five bits, a wn.lk and error. Larry Murrell st11rted ror the cards and ,..as relieved Ju• Jack Hammond Ln the seventh . Tim llesbet, who relieved Pal Cull lsan In the second, was the wtnruD&" pitcher while l4urrell was c bar11ed wtth the Joss. Murrell struck out su and wo.Jked tlve. Hammond struck out one lo his three-Inning sU nt. Wtsht'I struck ou t six aod w:1lked rou.r. NJJC left four on base while> EWSC stranded seven.






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MWftJl. Kaamond C'> •ad Ohan:

Oit Busd HUC . . l;ood


-om nooor h lay• down o pi-irloer bvnr o/Ol'tO rlt~ /,, 1 btH• IJ,,.. dw no •'lo Cord•no·-SCC 90mo on rhq NIJC dwr-o<>d. Bill M<>ncn



ldoho, 11'•6., Apul

Perfect Bunt

for NIJC 11nd dro\'I" In what provt'd to be the wt nnlnc run tn the fimt. Blll Morton. Jcadolr bl~r. was hit by the p11C her. &d,·anced on an ~rror. "nd came home ,. hen Schultz stnglt>d. Ron S:-t be I wu the loser for BBCC. In the second 111Lme the Cards scored In the n mt on 11 &ncle b>· Morton. an error and a single by Schultz. Big Bend took the lead In the th! rd u Rome ~I nilled. took third on a alngle by Bennett o.nd scored on an error which put Dorsl og on fl rst. He eYclllUalls scored on anolber Card error. F"red Home bad Card blt~IS puzzled until be Ured In the n nh. Butch Olson strutted NIJC. was sacanced to second by Morton. and scored on a SI nllle by Bill Bakle nko to tie the score. Th~ winning run came In the alnh when Schultz sJ ogled (bis firth bit for the day) atJd ,..ent to third when the BB le!tficlder let the ball get away from him. Bob Ely then alngJed him home. Rabin started for NIJC but was relle~ecl by Jack Hammond In the fourth. Hammond got credlt for the win as h! shut out Bia Bend the rest or the qy. NLIC's aeuon record stood at 4-2 at tills stue.


c•.,., d'AI'"•·

000 000 0 0-1•2 l01 011 X -t-•t Mld: 0.kk.• t SUnmori.. a.ad

C"1J..lr:•ft.o 1''••Mt 2) •ntl U.U...._lt.h.



NLJC lost to the lrhl tworth JV 5-1 f'riday nltemooo at NIJC. Y.hJtwortb scored thrl'e runs In the se\'enlb IO erase a l ·I tu.>. oeuuls In the neit ISSUP.

Ole O.od 002 000 O 2-.).l ::tJC 100 01 S X ,..!-:-7 Hom• and Delrklf'r Rebin. Ham•end (.C) •nd Sdl,..lbcr. Ohon (l).

NIJC 3 - EWSC 8 The CardJoals Jumped to 11 3-0 lead In the third bul couldn 't bold off the Eastern Washioston Colleae JV's in

MANY NEW BOOKS ADD ED TO LIBRARY There nre se•·eral new books at the !(!JC llbrtllY whlch should be or Interest lo a !:use readership, ac · cord! n1t to Russ ell SOdedtnc. II bnuian. Books nbout the out-of- I doors ue: careers 111 .Vat~ral Resource Conserl/4hon: Tl:e Sand Counfy Almanac: New l'lcu:s- .Vaturc of \fan. The \lcdlcal SecrcfDTJI and That Certain Something could be or Interest to hlslness students. In the home economics section. HOIM Economics /or You and Home Econonncs as a Pro/eSS1on have ~en added. In art, ne" books are the Art of tile Eskimo o.nd Art of Mtchaelanqelo. Otte-<tash Upmanshtp. Three Upmanshsp, attd c;amemanship l\re humorous books also 11vallable. ~\\ny new books on LI temry criticism nnd n few nbout Russia ho.'' e also been purchased. SOderllng added.


Inter lnalnRS, nm lost 8-3 OD the Cheney diamond AJ>lil 13. Schultz tripled tn the third with one away am scored OD Bob Ely's slnaJe. Biii Barlow followed wllh a •alt.. stole second, took lhi rd on a rnssed bnll and stole home lor the second run. The Cards tamed ualn In the th! rd when BUI \lorton opened "llh a slnde 11nd scored on

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