)lea Beito Heads Dean's List With .4.0 Grade Average \h!I Alea BPICO of 6Pldt Lale"· Idaho hudl'd the u t honor srudenta at NIJC tor the first nlne-•eek pedod or thl! cu nent achoo! 111ar bf eamln1 a " stral1ht A" e1. crade point uera1e. There aze 69 on the Uat or !Ull-ume atudenta •bo nml!ld aracle point aveia1e11 or 13.(B ) o r 19 Iller. Sludeots cannn1 12 o r more credll h~rs an! conllderf'd tu!· lime. • Others averatlnc 3.5 or better are MalilvD Cacipbel .• Joe N. Clark. ~nrtha R. Cleveland , Robert L. Coon. Jcandllce E. Dnhl. Robert T. Ely. Ronald K. Fisher. Orella M. Fletcher. Belt7 Am Johnson, Dana v. Kovatch, Jo ' Ann Richmond. Carol Ann Riggs, Koren Sand, Robin Se! vage, Cini re A. Slmmor.s, , Kenneth v. Walters. Those whose avcmges were 3 . to 3.S are Elaine £. Adkl n11, Cathryn J. Andrews, , El Ue Bncor. Sheryl Berptrom, Vlrclnln Blanlord, Sharon Blayne, Karen BOscth . PllUI Breithaupt, Ethel M. Bdi:li. • John Brogan, Jan A. Bull, Ellaene A. Bundy , Arthur J. COOl>CI, Ed,.ard L. Duh, Sharon L. Derllna. Robert • Dietz. Allen Ellaenr Donni, Pf'nney J. Durtschi, \\alter L. Gilman, \lad tyn E. Oro""· Jack D. Hammond, E. •1able ' Hanson, Gresiry G. Ha.renp, \lei.t n L. Ha,yes, Jr., Sha.rt o R. Head!, Robert R. McCoy, • l\11111reen K. McDonell, Janice McElleD. John F. M!hellcll, Vlr dl L. ~Uller. Hen!)' J. Na,el, Dale F. Ne•eU. , Kathryn E. No rth. Karen A. Pairloll. Peter Nell Peterson, sa.lb· M. Post, Leora SL Amnnd. Ronald a. Shocllle1. , Janis E. Sloop, Sslly M. Spain, Dorollu' B. Teter, John C. Thorns, Diane E. Tucker, Shldey A. Utz, Larry all. Verhel. Cloe L Vines. Undo M. \\'alter, Da•1d B. lledeven, Charlotte \\'el:, Unda L . 11'1 l!!On, Gary 11. • ll'utzkc. and Kent L. Younr.
King, Queen Will 'Be Named At Dance A new Idea has been Intro· duced b~· members or Asao· •c1aied \\omen Sllldents wblc:b tbe1 hope to make a tradl· Ilona! part of the !1.1JC Cbns1m&s formal. Tbe plan . . $ to bold the dance In bonor or NIJC presidmt. Mr. Per.y Chrlsuaneon. The Im! dance 15 D«:. II In I.he
•sue. 9:3o · 1z:3o.
Th~ .,,.,,.. odd• '' °"' to Edmfr.s ~,. S · ,.,ae,..,t Unlor. *'ttl compler.d •or r '" No.-.tnber. is UH• fn '"'• ~ ~ p/ct.o1rc- Charlie S1mps0t"t s mo•1n9 o ""''c~se ··~ Y.1s. ~ Artdetsor-.
.,.,,..1c;, ,,,
boo *llOI'" ,.....,nn"9t' 1
'~ .,..
,. ,
,..,a o·~
HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS GUESTS OF ST. BOARD A ten .1nu1t -••uni~! tbr B""rd ,..:i:; beld !a: the pUJpOs!! of besnni an anrounce:ien: mad" by El1:el Bnlht. p:es1den1, :~prdir.s thl' t.nquet plnnned 6>r sue,.ts of 111 o hlcb acboots. Slude~
"¢,.,. p.GS'"
,~ .~
°""~ ,OIC'l.Jf•
Tbe mecllnc to plan th• dance v.a11 IM'ld Dec. Z-ore !\ass Bnc:ht sald 1: .. ould week rarly and betealler. a be held D..c. 9 and p:ests • spokesman explained, mee:froc Co4'11r d'Al~ae H.lit lnp will be held on tl!e School and DU.I Aeadecy. ~ccond and fourth Thur.1dt.l'• Sh., said tM purpose was t o the month. es ia bll sb be:te: re la~ ons een candid•'" selecUd Yolth future ~tudtots.. aie: April Evan,., Karen MIAS Bnlbt asked that all sand. Unda L.a11>cn. Dl•nt board members donate 51.<S - \eller, and Susan 8emazd. each lO CO''" the expense o! Kin& candldau-' are Stan the atratr. Obcrch. Dave Gudner, Butch Olson, Nrll F\'terson IUld OEC. 9 FIRESIDE WILL -1 ohn Belllu . FEATURE FOLK SINGERS The king and queen will be announcl'd al the dance. Thf' Fiil' Ide, which will A WS I 11 a group composed reature the Follt Slnc!nc ..of all rernalc studcnt11 and croup rrom SpokDn" Commu· racull,Jmembera or NIJC The nlly Collt'ltc:. has been Lento· croup adviser this yeu Is tlvrl.Y 11eheduled ror Dec. 9 . • Mrs. Sanih Culton. Maureen The s1n11ni croup will In· \lcOOnell ls prealdcnl and elude Muy Ro111o. lormer NIJC • Janis Sloop secretary. allldent.
Christmas Concert By Choir, Band Will Be Dec. 15
S etc L Facilities In Use
Spokane Debaters lops In Tourney R~ .... a. r t F .., Anni:a I :SlJC Debale Townamem, beld here :So'. :?O. •e:e as follows Oxford debate-fi:st plac tile MaiyclHf teao ot s n!'a Noru>n and :-OaocJ Plllkil sec 11d plscc. tbe Co:::ap Prep tea=> o! Die: k 14Jze and l\auen Rl ~1.s. l..lncola ooai:Ju debatefirst placr, the :.a&rycUrt telllll or SUSIUI McD!i:;be and
Bill MilaUr.
The lour debaUn£ t~ms of :SJJC entered an la,·11auonal debate toul1'9meot al tbe Unl,ers11; of Ponlond C&r.IPUB Dec. 3 and ~. Mr. Rlchl>.rd ttyneman, dtbat<' coach !lllld. Thi'> letl Thwadar and re· lumed sundiu. he said. Two of the teams .. err entered ln thll exu'111poraneous spealcl nG ca1eaury. About ~o colleges and unh era! un were represented In the toamamcnt •
MESSAGES OH BOARO Stud ""' &l" r 1 d~ Uat ODI.. er&CDCJ, c...,J Wlli bfi dclh eil'd. All aUlt'r mc.HCl?ll aad =all will be posled
oo tbe bullet.In boat<! which Im been ·-"" ...i tcr tb:at Pll!'ll<>R tn: ,,__ ~ 'Ill.
ALL LIBRARY BOOKS DUE OECEMBER 16 ::to..1d-....... ~ -.J ., '"'Ji! all be n 1n ara.tladoc abculd bl' rdllml!ld lO Ille U bra:1 on c.r be:Ort' 1buaidQJ'. Dec. 16. llooU m111 be chfc:"ked act oa
.J bral)'
br tile •¥&!!® per.od. brir.c 41• Cl!I tne lit.)' aille.crt 11'-8. JanWI0'3,
Kf'.J.P C.R()l '.'D' Cl.I:;.\'°
l(M>IU><b thl•
lhat cotl~;J:" yesr arr kept
luokJnJ: ri~t. atudenu who •At lunch 1n thr:u cara att rtrntnd~ that l'mpty uc:k.a, v. rApPf'tl and .ort dnnJc b<>lllOJI are IO ~ d<po>lled m prof""r .... ,h~ conLAlntra. Th•· adm\nb.1. ratJr>n expect.a •tn l arSh~tence lt> thL.a col• ltKt"
Member. ot lhe NI.JC A Cappel la Choir are ftn<llnc them· t1ehts lookln1 forqrd to a bully scl!O!dule dudn& the remalntna d,u ~lor~ Chrlat· mas. There are a capPl!lla choir members pf'rfonrlnl with the Com1111nlty SlnSt>rs, a croup of local people .. ho "JuAI II k~ ID a Ina." and lhl poup will bt· the llut to PM· form this month. ThP Com· munl1..v 5ln1l'ra will tin lh~lr volcett In ~on& lor Ute Post f'olls PTA al 8:00 p.m. Dec. 6 and ol 9: 00 lhl' sam~ l'Vt>nlntt, at the Athletic Round Table, Thi' NJJC A CappeUa Choir will sJna Dec. Io al 1:00 p.m. for the Coeur d 'Alme Hllh 6chool atudtnt~. On Dec. 13 at noon, they will r•hea111~ for the annual Chrlatmaa pla,y whl ch wl II 114' put on b7 the Drama D('!>arl:lle~ or NIJC. Also on that dale, the! diol r will pl'rform at J.C. Ptllllt'JS at 7 00 p.m. On Dec. H. the choir •Ill atnc at D!M Acll4f'lll7 al 10'30 a.rn. and th~ :OlloW1n1 daJi. Dec. 15, the Chnatmu play .. 111 b<• pre&ent<d lO the BlUdPftt Dody With rl>C! d!Olr provldJn& • baellcround or Christmas mWllc. On t!w' f'venlnc or Dec. 15, the Annual Chdstmas Concert b7 the choir, eosenable, '°d band, wUI be beld at 8:00 p.111. The collece ensemble, a amall croup trom tM choir, will be P"rfonnln& wllh tht choir on D~c. 10. 13. 1 4, and 15. And. llmlly, on Dec:. 20. t11e Commun! tr 61 nser11 "1 ll .Jn1 for thOS<' at Pinewood Manor and I~ Coeur d ' Al~n• rest homes . Procrnm nu mbcis belnc per· !onn ed at lb eae p la cea will bo: "Rodie Chrtl<Ws Nalua Eat <rod&.>' Chrl;t I" Born!, "Paltsldoa " .. Mo~ t, Opus 1~." Brahms. "Sore!Y Re Hatb Bome CU Gde!s." Graun: "Be Is Bom," amnced by Wa~er, "Beautiful Savior," a solo b7 Sharon Reatb, at· r11111ed by CM Uaoson. "UUle IDnOC~I l..ar.lb." Bartllolom ew. and lo!Otet, ••rt B7 Ria ~!tit," Bac:b. Tbe ensemble w II sine· "lolellcaa Cbtlsu:aas Pro· cesalon, " anan1ed by cwi.oamort The A l!ttd Burt C&lOIS, '•Ab 8lt'&lt and Ollll the ll'ln11Y ..-I.ad," "CeioUna Caroling." and '"lre11 Dress the Hou&e. ", Ron Shod:le,y •ill sins a 90!0. "Rul Rlo Chlo ... trom anonJ'lllOUS ort· po, 1556, and "So• ls Bom Emmanuel," arran1ed by CbdsUanson. •Ill al90 b«'· 8UllC b.J the croup. The bond and d1olr wtll c;.omplet.e the proSJ'Llft or lbr Christmas CODCl'rl "1 lh '"From Sea LO Shlnl •• Sr•. " b7 Bates •
MOVIE IH SUB A movie, undu rhe Yum Yum Tree. will b• shown Dec. 8 al 8:00 pJll. ln the Student Union.
Overdue Library Books Are Listed
Below I. a II. l o r •tudenta who O\ etdu<1 book a and !In s lelt uapald. I U &I com· pllod on D<JCember 2Dd.) These took• should be returned and lines clo red on or bd> r Oecremllf'r 16th.
Echror ••• • • • • • • • • • · · • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
At•OC•Ot• Eduot • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Be
A<l_.,11 ,.,,0 "'4ronopr .. .... .. . . . . . . . . . . , • •
d II
Oit •
BOOKS O\ 'ERDUE T Pd AnthonY Kun Balser
Phcuoropftittt. •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · • • • • • • • · • John 6-clrow
O.Otl .. Tr.,,..bllfV. Gail Roch.uer
Oonotd Heo..l.llo. R'ichord Young. Pe;;y ~. Tom Atl1tnl, Vem W.st. Auf ·rh Jo.,f't.O". Mo,.. •.n Oohitnr
v:::;Cote-. .n, R
, , ,.
Editorial . ..
Jon Brlhu Gary C l\appel I Connie Co les Dale DeJano,1ch C beryl Dea bon Kalll,r Oo1le
Tne foll°"'•"9 s"9!1"s•ion• on how :o to~!' o •os• s~ won'- pos<i ng 00 • Af'" ' o lt, ~ moy ...one tor 100 ond c:• , 5 0 heohny Pt'fCentog.. o' us for whom •ol<ing •os• s is hlte o s.ing te!'Cri',...- wwie o rcn ·, who• happened •, I T"\O no".,1~co nc
011• Thc f1r51 b1 1 of octil e ··I, " Thtt ""po-.on• ' ng •S •o ~ ~ropored. Adoquoro ~·udy .,,JI do m..cl> ' O olom na· .. r •
(And sorn" •'o•cs con 9-1oss bc •!!!r •l'IOn ING ccr p<ePQfe. '} "~' o good resl rho night before rhe •es·." Anyone ..,ho ~on do •hos doosn'1 need Of\y advice.\ , 3. " Don 'r NOs' e T•me trying ·o r~oll on Ot>~wcr you don • rer· _,bir ,,.,,mo<1101ol.z. Com1>k: •o •he o•he•s ond 1e·um •o •' lo ""· " 1/i1ic1 ot hor $7} 4. ..It lox I Remember rho• 1n kflow•~ Y'.G'>' mo· "•O • hove j much o t your nsecuri · y." (A doub o mart n , o fis t! I of iroriq1.11h:c•>, o< o sn•" of glue may oho hop. 'I. 0 Don '1 wo1 to tuna on "'""<'Ces~ory ~>q>lonc' ons ......ecp
your on··"' r< ~ •.,!. ' ' (No probl!tm r.or~ . J 6 " Go ovo< your f1n1shed No<lt Nh'Y'I you hovt! "'""I' ·~ ~he 'res t to spot on-,. coroloss orrCf'S yOIJ rnoy havo rn:ide." (H11~ Is your clue ' :> ponoc ond crange a I •hosa yo.. dod have righ t. \ It ' oll good odY•co 1f you con use ' · b; · ·h.-re or eos• • NCy~ •o occomplosh o• much·· I. Ct>rrv o cn b 5rn,..• '}. Tum b<oHn. 'l. Oo-,olop hepo11 •1 . 4. Prey for a cyc:lono. 'i. Plt!Od omotoonol tn• •obil ty- 'you moy b<! s rprosod many 1n~ rr •t: ro r.,. Niii bn 1f)vtt you . n any CO\C ~ b. u r 'J(I< f'lll t t ,..
on d vt1ryono of you Q happy holodoy season . Tho 1 . ,, r r • pn n tod he/ow 0 ' P' ""'o •ho •!(llllnflnl. ol Clv1r.tmo "'"' " ... o f e/1 wNo o~p.-c 1ally opp1opr1o h ro our •roubled ''""' . ~ hopo y ou w11/ 0111oy 11 ' os "'"did and .. '//be loolon forward 10 ooon9 you oll ogoon ofter ,..hor "'" nope w1/1 ~ o w ondorlul ho/1doy fat " vuryon•'.
Door Sr. Iloch<'lo•
Plco,e doo 'r · 1 p 01 our house 1on1gl 1. Some c~ mo s [;-,o wi ll do. Y0<i' ll noncl oll Y"' '' 11mo •on1gh1 • not 10 ort-rlollk ony moth on rho ch1mnoy• c.1 the ''31' d th•• Yoa o f rh" l0<d, N 1nc1uon Hundr<!d ond Si><•y·f1vc. Bo sll<', St. Noc:holos, 10 lt>(IY(1 rho Stor of Semi rho poocnmokc-rs 'o that or • logf..1, out of rho Eo '• w1! t hem "'' "" '"""• and composslono10 ond hvmbl • Lc<M> • 100, tho g1 !1 o f tho •p1ro1 of l>rot fl(lf'hood, ~o tnot know rhat we oro o l I t he choldr<tn of God, wf-o•ner u wh11 o r yellow C!r bto..,,., whether ""'" ' hon' nd"' P1 llor• o f 1-iorcu le• or In Co thoy.
Now Oo•h"'I Now Dondcrl llf.!" Pronce< ond V •onl HoJ t• n, lor t ho 11m" grow~ •hc;r t. !.lo 1vr , ( ,_ ~'~ loO\'t' rolnronc !or tho who dwell m rho holl• ol r ,.
Show~ upon lhoY' wh0_90VO th u 1iYC1° for 11co • ovr e l rnal 11011 1 d··· To oll tyn1" loove 1 •ood • doy Nll<!!n, o lll(>p l1ko L11t o Cloy BluP, • oy cir omt'd co~tlc• ond o oc~ • ondy moun101ns. ()., Com<i rl On Cur1dl (), Donde< ond Bl1 •zor Tho 1ournoy h long and o ltt>adt thoro ·~ lo~• Swo tan rh(I gap~ o t .,.,,o th, S•. Noc lo•, ond In • volleys from 1 LtlVon• 10 tho Ilona Soo 100"" "
Jtdctn~ .
NIJC DANCE BllND MUSIC IS POPULAR Thr ThankSll\'I n& danc1 h\•ld NO\'. ~o IOI of! co n slo" "tart. Slr.r Mor siud. But followlni: l h<' Shn nt b<'nr•Ot, 11111d1'nls were In· \'I \l•d to com" In and da.nc!' and lhl nc" •· .. ere soon u ndt•r·
v.a,.•• Thr NIJC d1111c!' band pro·
11"" , nn:ino·e, .SPOrL' , and ! an HJ- fa• ur!t~ artist ls the S•'ITlt · mod<'m pa: ntN, Ma.unce \;tnllo. Mr. McGtntv pnrtlclpal~ In ba.skctball at the UnlH•rstl) o! !dab..•, and be and his wire plan to take u11 skiing tor th<
HaroId M ai:nu llO n Mararec :.'.shone)
'~yber ry
Gene Melllck
Jobn O' Donnell John o· seill sa111 Post A nn R~d Dianne Rl"\d Ron Randall Oanb Rosamond Bob Schr elb<I!: U nda Schalrnet Rutb 6b"n<ln Phi: $Ir! ~man Fran-I!' si>enc"r
fin;t timt>
Aur:u~L The\ &pPnl UIC summPr t:1kln,: a 9,000 r.ule tour r>! tbt' we•I Coos1, CMadn. o.nd the Great Lok rs
,·tdl.'d the musJc and
T1d s ~ ve
said "lllNe wue cl'rtalnl) a lo t o f compliment:> on t txmusic."
Entrrtalnm c nt wa:. pto\"ldtd b,)· Kath> Z l mmrnnan and Karen Schooler. Kath> ·a numbl'1 Y.LS an o npnal co--ni rouunc and l\:lren ~•Ill' "" numbcrs, ~· g of \1111< and Ro~c' and a BeaUes
romb e r.
" The chc.ol l!Nl' ls a rela1Heh ~ood junior col· lt•ar. allh ufl(l I reel II Is \\t1tl<1n11 n! Dnh 80'i cap :!.· t'll), " hr' aid, l'Xplaln!og 11n t 111•11• c 1uld be more co ·
Cht'll G!lllrs
Barbara Largent Lc.rral nP :\.ch I"
JanPt P"'tPr Pn
Andrra RI
Scholarships Given lo Three Students \ 11~ ija B !aol ra and RAJ <Ha r. wen re-cen tl! antd<'<I scholar,,.IUps fr-im the loll'dlcal &'.>d e"1 l n Coeur d',.\lt'ne. Bo Ill Id :Is are sophomor es at sue and wer~ pduati:d 1'1th hon ~ from Post F'alb ll!Jb school In 196 ~ . Eaeh IS pursu.nf; a cuet'r In c:~ lcal t du> 101:1. ~u Blit~f :d pla11s . w ll11sh her 11Cb00l1aca1 th•
s 1:s
Dea ncsa H apltal. )Dsa Ht.nsen hopea t ~n llDJe hu educauon In Ill~ Al l P rt'.~.
B<llb VI ronl a and Rosemary art• embetll or PT !\ and u~ a<'!l ' e In 1>tud<"lll a!Clllra. RlcblUd Blalsdeli •as m::Hitlr asardod a $ 103 :scbolanilllp !tom lb" Jdah> F'lr~l :-auonal Bank lo CCX'C r d 'Alene. Rlch:l rd la • r: cabman al :->!JC and paduated 0-oa Lakeland Ht;h School il 1965 with hoDOrs. Richard ts plaomnc IQ ancnd the L'nl\~rsll.)' or Jdaoo and b<'comtn• a c. P .A. Richrlrd rs :ill<() adHttistnc mL'lA5:N or the Cardlnal
McGinty, t:usi· .,.. ~INCi r, n~.,.. not onl) t:ut 10 thl' teochln~ p: I n a a "hol~. Cllm•w )Of C tn m th<' Uni\ t>~tl' ! !d:lh , wh "' I'll.' rer<'J vr.d hi aster'" dt>H<'<' In t:usl· nrs11 la.' t Jun<'. Mr. \lrGt nty t•~el•cd his bachelo r's dci· N• In t:u><ln'-">s and applied ,;clence ~t the U of I \tr,
He nnd his w!Ce ha\·e llHd In Coeur d '1\lene ~Inc<'
Bl>ll\' Co1~t1 Desmond Dou, Gerald Gan·~i·
... ar
wln te:.
ttftd\ purchnsed lilt' neCt'S84rJ acc1d~n1 insurance.
Ja.'ll!'S \' euer
commeot<'d t hat he had a l·
i<en1 \\Ohl Jim W)'lle
i; nh l't
w1opr-.' ll 1n I rt l1r llophon,, L<'<IVo n>oh•' ..,.,. I .,.,i,o I.ow tho ri cf. s ond loow the I 1 1 ..orJ of t Soturdo> ' Children. A11d rn 1 9hc.1 • s ot •f>o t>0 1ho1 mos t I" ous ol o'I golt , ~ . Yos , It "' ' I l>e oil ro ht "IOI • >top or our t yoor, S•. ~l id los . Somo bng>• •Ol'!On'ow ,.,1 de. ~ ......,,. 11 • 01 ..ay, C 11 1 phOt Robin ond Pu1c1 Pon o~ a • )\ ,
John K!Umann Wayne Kopischke Al~n Lamanna Lorel' Undabl DouE Lona Paul Lons
D<'I )ICS Tool ell
Jolnet oeorce J.>bn Gi vens Dou& Outman Sall 1 HJlkala Rosl!'lll.UJ tansen Vanna Ben~ley Bt'lllah H.\ne Allen Rlldebrant Rlclard JeC!nes
aJ, . McOI nt1 recct \'t'd r><o and ol)('-balr yt·u~ ol UJ)l'nenct' In tbf' bu&lncss '.\Orld wh"n he " rked for a "arehousln11
II rm In lJ:ls Aci;f. P•. .~n. the cour e.- taUllhl b' :«GJntJ ll:t' ocCO'Jnlin~ u1l ec r. r.:les. ff,• fet>ls 1ba: ·uod :a~'ldioc econ<>cacs 1& ~ ; : 1equl~ . te to
oP•'IU Uon b•I\\ e•n students nnd lnBINC~lr.i, b>'llN chool ptrll , and more slnctr<' eU rt to stud.\ on the part o r
lhc ~tlldl'llLS. Mr.<. \lcOlnly Is an tnstruc-· I.Or nt th•' Coeur d ' All'nr Hllh School. ~~~~~~~-
Thln11s withou t r t>mectY shou l d bl• withou t t epid who.l L done , I don1 •
- Shake>1pe11 re
Woodcock's Drug Store C~ndoe Sundr.e1 Pre1Cript 1on
1 2' N. Fourth St
~:xlf!>itllnd . oc a.nd ol1'lns ID&.rl1 <I • 1' : ~ ptobl~IM
Ill' al
IO!rod:lcll 0
psyctc I pa ad pl
t,.4f •
°"' fic.,,burge<s
.Ccs '""S, s~(\l'ICP
DJ61nC5S, Dr& S, and
I bJ r al mu1sb!p. J.t:C n• 'B ~t 1 1:11 tend ID fie ds I !>Oil·
Co• 4,u d ·AJ.."1
In TOwn
1724 Sh1tl'!'.IO" Av-nu.1•
REHT SALE S l!EPA!R Dr•lt•ttt & lrP•"'G w,.11 ..
IH't•s u H T1Pcw11tu .. 1
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LOUIS FLO'ffER5 ,.,,:-
PMOTO o ~~m
cc ,.. .a·- 'S t•c.c • Cocua o • "'r ... c:
a .a. ... c
M<Mou ol Spoor > & Floro I AuoA~•tnh C"uoa Des.igntd Oil "" r t.,,.,~ ~ 11,,, Av• .
T\.1 flt 1 81'· on .lift Tel•fioro 01don Aoyw~t•• In Th• 'tlotl d Ph MO l-8218
OLESTIO.\ ··111ta1 thrno< that studcnh do anno~ uou
ANNETTE BICNAl.I, F'l(mch Instructor "A.-.k !111· 1•ery question I hllvr Ju><I • finished explaJnlnc rully :u1d at wcat length In sr<'lll detail." MR. LOU KELLY. Muic s Dcp:u1ment "Not bl nc annoYft
Ah •• ·~·
:.ty as~li;nn:,.nt i-
a gossip column for lhl' Cardinal Rf'\'l<'W llOd n thN r : :h(' dca:atlai dopa1t1r.rn1. Besld~s :bat, lheJ' "" «' me a supul:ulon.. Have It re11dT "arly." He:• me.•· I an:. a::uul nc al o~ •tth MR. II'. JAMES B URNS. Ltr• a and Clark In llrJ ttd Sta: es hl&ion. loll'nd•l 's "Whit'tl • Science Department· ont' writes a crttlc!am on a.I\} lhl!Or; r heredity Ill b:olol:.f. topic, it !mmedlatel.)" lmJ)llcs i:nur.mc:s In E~Usb composJth<' a negative attitude toward the 1,on, and neur t cs, t whole topl c In general. So I pr!vllearo cl:uls to • hlcb l ll rst would like Co Sil)" that I wlll soon bel.onc • n pssfeel that ou r present sttodl'l'll cholol:). And now l'c supboclY Is one or the best I bne posed 11> sn~k :irou!ld tbls • been assoc! ated "1th. J \'lnuous &ehool and ct.~lt up cou Id ctte mnny outs tan ding on tbP latest 11t1u.p. Gossip s tudents. However. as is t111e a round lh!s school 1Ja ~rd In n U prore~ions, there a.re 10 t'lnd. EltbN lt's much too Juicy to repeat or ~o .tHalf' oo 1 '"thlnGS" lhat bdnsllllnoyaoce. In partJailnr, I believe the one "ould ..-an1 lo b""' 1 L Hrn-m-m-<11ll)bf' If I'd b1>\e the attitude or complete d!slnt1>rcst In academic su bJect.s a drink. I could calm II\.' • and lack or eolhuslasm for our nee,. es and fl't'I better. C»p"· I'd lwtter chin!) that sWt'school Is most lrr!tnlina. To ro.ce :i class that con- mt>nt' I'm oddlaed to omnp! talns Just one s tudent who Is nnd i;nipe JUlce m11t'd kith • more Interested In when the coke. Lei ·s ,;(.'(' nov.. v.h111 £0SSIP bell will ring lho.n what the Instructor l$ 11.Y1n1 to tell I:. there• I romembe-r tht> da.\ "'Deedlf' .. Sruder CGllle to pt ck him. s hows no response. and 1 becomes Just n vegetnble in mf' up for our 9:00 o'clock the row o r seats . Is vcl)' dls- drama cla5'>. You lono" ON" conccrt!ns. There arc so ma m Sht' "d b<' lote for bPr o"n • wonderful things to !cam In runf'rnl 1:1' en thl' clio.ne<'. In our world o nd so UU le II me nil. "<.' drulht•d tn the ~m to lenrn them tl"at II b ehooves door. a hno,.1 runrun1 1ni.o the us all not to waste one pre- plnno, 1uxl mndt:' o.n auempt to slide into th•• dramaucs • c lo us mo me rt." room. 1Tht:> I• .nrr u,.u~l Pn· MISS GERTRUDE GILBERT. Business Deportment: "Stay- uanol' and w(''\ e bP<"Omf' ing away from clBSSes LO quite proflcient at 111. Xote, • studY ror a test in someone denr rellder. thnl It rs a tnck' else 's clo.ss. Sto.y1Jli awns mo.neuvN a.nd the :.llJhLl'st from class bccnuse Ibey are mlSUlke 10 nmi n~ or the smallest ob:>Ulcl• prove::. II few minutes late. " fatal. 1 DR. EVA OGG. Education: \\ ell. tbl.'re happent'd to be " Onl.Y one thine reall.y o.nnoys me: that ls that mnn.r an ob:;taclc trot dill and""" students Ignore Lbel r oppor- "as to oo menns small. Ill' fell Ont on our faces. Pa.i Ina • tunllles I&" their immatu re no heed to our blood> kn~es betuivto r. This results In lsck d moU\•allon and ap - or torn nylons. Llnch !'elsoo scrl!:lmcd ec~tallco.JIJ. ·•pe~· pUc&.tlon o r their perfectly He gan• it 10 me. Ue i;s,·e 11 • ljl)Od ml nds • Lea.ml ng c11.n be so rewarding ond even to me• '" I thw~t to myself tun H one ls wlllLng to tey "'The poor 1ml's i:onl' bt-rserk !" I decided to Pia..' bN It." • tun If one is w11Un& to try sillJ llttll' i:nme nnd asked her whnl Shi! WD.l> "O cxcl tl.!d It." She reached 1n bt-r MRS. L UCILE LANGE, abouL English Departmers: "What pur:.;e lllld pulled out 11 raJ .. e • do srudents do t hnt annov me tooth mounlcd on 11 pl::lte 11.nd They chew i;uai. o r crted... Tam ''" ~ me tus old most? use toothpicks In class, o r !lf'I tills mornln~ al1er h" eoi so1n1 yawn without coverln11 their hts n1:., one. 1 mouths! If students knew ste:id''" With Iha.I she "'alkt>d how dlstPJstlnc such haltts arr in a daze. I thought ho11 make them appear, they would deh1thlcd >he 'd be if old groom their bicuspids or Gilbert dec:idcd to mo.m her • pa.rode their tonsils only Ln and 1al\ e hrr o.n cntl re set of the prtvacy or lbe!r .,,.. n dentures ror the "eddl og. Su I 11\Y "bok dll• "11.S t'nrooms''" • DR. EARL PRIDDY, Head, Ho:htl'ned when I heard tlUs bit ol ne\\&. Butch Olson. Humanities Deiartmen1: ·'A!· ter g!v1 ng this mailer a great 1 •od St. :-td htno•«•IC. was deal or sertous thought. 1 looklni e\·er·. ,.h,.re far a rl!CI • belleve the one tblnc tba.t l"hl bulb. It ~e~m:. ·nl' at students don 't do Bnd wblch hh fn<'nd' nel'dl'<I II ror .. annoys me most ls tbnt on '"trPe" and But~h "anted his b" complet ... e.t am! nation days nobody Chn tmtc> t• •,\ h:i t el ~e .,. •uld hf' need a .,..o\ngs me an apple".•• zl'd li~ht bulb for? I i:u""-~ there I· :ibsolutl'h CHORUS PLANS nothing l cnn wn Pt> maps PARTY DEC. 23 uncr Ctlr\Sll!ll>S \llCllllOn I'll h.:1.\«• ~ome morP nlcl· ,go!;;:).IP For the past three yea.rs. 10 let \ ou tn on- L'nlll then mt?mbens llnd n-membC1'11 of drar rl.'lldor. I must !'ll' aoodthe NIJC chorus have Joined bvt>. Enin1 ourseh·es and - 011e1her !Or Christmas carol tuk•· cure' Jlu\'t• u \ l'O: h•PP' In& durtna lhe hollda.Y sen.son.. ChnstmCL.."'-. f"ech und t•\t.tt' Mr. Lou Kelli'. cllorus di rec n1 uf \'QU, 101, said th111 the caioUna ' party Is planned for Dec. 23. EMBLEMS AVAILABLE this yeo r. He sold tbll t any C:ird na 1 Srrqc:1 CJub r'1Prw-... member or the choir, o r anv bt•r n .t\ 111 up tht•i r nt.... . ex-ml!lllber ll> welcome ~ '"" bl":r fr r :\IN. I.ans;.,. Jili n the cioup ro r an t>ven1 ng • ot run llnd t>ntertalnment. Etr.IJhom :ir<> 50 """t~ cw:.h. t>
• t.
·~:.;:·:· ··:_ .. !·:.: : .~
because now you can complete Air Force ROTC in just half the time! Are ou intere-;tcd m st:irting a milit:lt)' c::uecr \\hlle in collei;c-but 3rr.1id it will cut too deeply into ;our schedule., \\'ell. here·~ 8ood OC\\S for )OU. Air Force ROTC no" offers :i '.?->C3r progr:un You can s1;,.r111 an~ time you ha\e:? ~ears or higher cducauon rc:m.1m1ng-"' hether on the undugr.1dua1e or i;r.1du3tc lc,cl HNc"s another good thing :ibout this program )OU get a ch3.Jlce to" ample- Air Force life before )OU <ign up Durin;; a special summer oricntauon session. you set to make up }Our mind :ibout the Air T'o rcc nnd 1he Air Force g.:t< to mak" up it mind abou1 )OU Onl)
when both arc S3lislicd arc: you fin.ill; cnrollw m the progcam. You·111e:irn a lot in Air fo~c ROTC. The curriculum lu< been complctdy re\·ampcd. The accent is on 3crosp:u:e rcscard1 and Jc,cloJ'" mcnt. But or course lhc clJ.sSC' nre on!) the bcl-!innmi;. The important thin~" that )OU 'II be taking the first bi& >lcp 1oward :t profc 'inn of great n:•pon~ibiliry. a• a lc.1dcr o n ,\mcric:,., Acr<>'>pacc Team. Fmd o ut more about thc nc-.. Air Force ROTC program Sec rhc Profc..sor or Acro<pacc Studic-. toda) 1
United States Air Force
11.1.J.C. REVIEW, Go""' d•Ai•••· ldot.o. Wod., O.u.,bo• B. l94S
CAMPUS ORGANIZATION NEWS SPJ.t41SH CLUB A party, Dre. !Sat 7:30 p.m •• hos brll!l'I :och1·dulrd by thr Spanish Club. Thr PAMJ' Wiii tie bl'ld In tbe Studll!l'lt uiuon and lllma of Prru •Ill be abo•n 111 Col. John A. wcFazland, club adviser. The Plll1 la 0P"0 IO all •ho atl' 1nte"'sted. :.tcf'llrland saJd. He expressed lus thanks co Ille Spa.nl•b Club tor II;> part In thr m.c.o~ ra!Mac project Alliance for Procrl"sa. Re also addf'd Ills apprrclatloo or Ille donation ot $25 cnde b! tbe Cucle K Clob. Viner C '!!Ian, sPanl. b Club 'llemb< • .a.Id.
Fn• ,,,,
r He • of ,h. C """ ., h lo d D•ltc•ou1 tiomtwr,,.-..
E•C h.1a•Y'I Yo•do90 Shop
Ev•ty1hin9For ThoSooms ,,ess
S1-• 0-~
310 Lok11•1do Avo.
?)06 ffO(lt """•· d" Alef'I•, t•tto
(O"ur d•Alano, ldoho
AAUW lo SUB Thf' AA ~'I\, Arr t1 A.•llOdaUon or t'nhet lt\ llomt'n. •Ill hOld thrlr mrrt· Ina tn lb<' Sludrnt l;liQn th• t'Vf'nin or l)r•. 8.
MODERN DRUG CENTER )IJ')Crolr~rnq '" Colle<JtOI(' Nffds lot t'r.ohh ottd Hopp.ness
s.. us lot bo.,.,
rttpa rs,
Plo:o Polo•" or>d
C!S, ~ ct>, I
, •.,eo wt•
p.oid 1 th• kl club. mem.bers w\11 H'Cf't\·e thelf ;-/LJC PAlChl'S. Karl'n Smoocs. club correspond~nt said. Karen SAJd Ute club Is plaMlna a trip sunllar to tbt onr takf'n ro Sic )loun1a1n in Mnntana br lut yra:•• croup. Ho•eH'r. she added. only tbD&e m"r.:bers •ho hA ,.e bt't'n acuve throuJhout tbe entire rear •Ill be able to ~o on lhls spn nc 'acauon trtp. The club hAS be<'n tn\ited 10 l)llrtlC'I pct!f' In Schweitzer BL~ln'a "lltntN CamJvaJ. ·• A raclna Item will be orcnl:"d tu tt1h thrtt-<lllY l'Ymt. M~ettnD or lltr club .. 111 be hl'ld M 1•ry Mo~· durtnc acuvtty ptnod In room 32. \lrmbl'rs ue ne~ded, Karen •Oded.
EHCIHEERS CLUB Th~"' .. u1 be o mm sho11•n a. th.. rl'111lar mecClna or the Enllnttr•s Club, Tuesd113. DPC. i at 9.4S L:O. The subject of the lllm will be the l' Cieri or a rthquakes on strunarei. It •lll o.lso indude a ctscuss1on of beuer mctbocb of bll!dlns atructures " r-lst eanhquak•
1r r; ctet'tinc
geatf'd ll7 Col. John A. Mc Pa:land. ach11u•: andRntrend Br c!e,y, c b cha:>laln. The
ctiited to' dub me:::be:s and the nm e-reiln1 ceC'Ur:s ba been ac~~le!l tor Ja.a. ~. AUkr MoGulr" cfob p,...ld~nt
Set •rn9 Your Srurle nr Unron
For Your
'teM•t• o,.w,._ -
~ H"lth -
,- .
P t~E •· ~IEI
Coeur d 'Alene Laundry & Dry Clea ners Fr.. Pictup •nd lOf
o.in..,., ••\
u o~
A club tor lhost lnterestedt In speecb ms been !ocned under Ille direction or mrmbers of lbe sperch Department. Meeunss are beldti MOndAy afternoons at3:00 p.m. In room 30. Mee ti fliS consist or vadous speeches. Id ''en by me01bers9 or tbe speech cl11SSes ond faculty. Each meeU 11& Is conducted by di rtercnt speech class. •
sauccor. said that ma117 or
HEYll.AH CLUB •·7000
SKI CLUB It. the- one dollaz dues
_,.... .. <'" wtl WU SUI·
I02 11..... ...... C..vt4At,..
dorumenta •blcb• U1eclub ordrred baYt' arrived.
Former Business Students Pursue Various Careers
A 1107 N . f ...,,~
Thr Clrclt' K club ~Id elections ror thr otll.cea ot Y\ce-prestdent and treasurer at lb<'1t meenac Dtc. 2. Jack• wam ..-... t>lectf'd '1c~rs· ldrnt. and Ruaty CoOl)rr. treasurer. aid ~ll ke Hendncks. • The club la dellven11'1 Safewa.J Hie act. to Coeur d ·Alene res1drnts. he said. Wlkt' rtopOrttod that the clu., oow has ten paJd •P menbens a:xl Is bop1n1 ID pin more
Tb Cardinal $e1'1C~ Club mmbtl'! mve ~n lllsy m.altlnc thPlr unl!orms, Karrn Flurtolt, saJd. and mven't really got 111aned on tbrll uaua I duties. The a.JI-Sir! club, "hlch trodltionally pNrorms ser· v1cea ror the school, has u11~rPd at the Shnne benellt and plan to be at a1J or the sames. Pre•ldent ltt. Diane l\acbter, \1ce president Is Jo Ann Rlclunond. treasurer 1s Barba:a scharfr and Kareio Parnott is :>l'Cl'l'tai:y. \lrs. Luctle tarwe I• Ute «roup•s ad\I r.
'OPl' •ecordc< s
Tbe hour aod placr of lb" meeUnc wtll be dectdl"d at thr ne1t metUnc. Th"' purpoae of meeunu. Mc:Gutre said. 15 lo '1n club membens more time for d111cusalon. U nd3 Lar:!On made the sueestlon that eloth<'s could be llect~ LO ship to Vietnam. A comrr.tLtN' wu appointed to lltlndl., this motter and mcm· ber bope to collect clothlnt: rc.r hlpmtnl In ltlt ..r wt'eks.
Dunnigan. blstness In·
her former studl'nts arc either employed or conU~ulns tbetr • lllslaess f'duca.tion at other
schools. Among the students wbD are worklnc In Coeur d 'Alrne • are: Hamt'I Lockhart. Bank or Idaho, Bclt'n Rdnio, Bank of Idaho. Barba"' Hall. F'INlt F'ede:al Sa"1nas and Loan. • Bonnie Jo \\'ozow, lt>eal ~ecretory ror J. Ra7 Cox. and Marjode McCormick. t'lllployed It!" Judae Htwklns and ' NMCY Rbodes IS l'lllployed Atrorney Miller. Mrs. E)Jlla Tbompson works in the otllce • at Dingles. Fonner business students who hnve moved BWll,Y Crom Coeu r d 'Alene Include: Lor- • rulne Sulilvan, oL lh ~ Forest S.m1ce In llall ace, Jo.net SUndell, employod by an ol I company In SL 1.t1r\ea; Mary • Lru Karrerond NMCY Rhodes, employed In Spokane. and M.arshn LeFroncls. who Is " medlcal secretnry in Libby, 1 ~tontann.
Among the students wbo b.ave &1>ne on to otber schools are: Connle Elchert . taltlnc A • medical secretanal course at Kinman Business SCllool. Claire Ba7enp, business , education major at the Unlversl~ or Jclabo; Sandra Sl!llson. lllslness education at Eastern Washington Cot- • Iese. and Sandn Lavole. •bo Is attendlne the Unlveralty or RawaU. Jody Gehlen ud Barbtlf'loll Scilarcr lnve rttumed Ill sue alter spendinc the summf!r worlllns !or the ldAho 0Pparlmenl or Public ASSIS- • tance and the Clll!lp F'I re omc.,,e,,_ . - - - - -- Re ...i•w Staller Morrie' On Dec. 11. MSB Ardith . Johneon will become the bdde of Lany Coffm1111. The weddln1 will toke place ln 4 Sandpoint nt lht Cortmnn home. A reception wil I be held on Dec. 12 !rom 3·00 to 5:30 p.m. , at the l.;:ikt> City Jurior • Academy.
'Song Of Glory' Brings Out True Christmas Meaning
~,l.J.C. REVIEW,
c,.._, d'AI.,.., Idaho, "•d., O.o...i... I , 196~
J"acalio11 Plans, A ccompli.s h me11t~
C.:sually Differ Viba: does Clmll~ :M':ln r JOU? h II ~ ~:lil1T aad all t!ic ll'.m::111P' !> II !he ovlnc o! prose :il:5. and sa:it:a CIAu-' Or arl' • • mlllS!nc 111., 1rur lll(allnC d C~.n!l!ZnL'l ~' h..,,. th«.-:t 111 sancthlnc clM'. s !JSGI by Anm CW lier. Ille Oiiiiiil:il t'la 11':I 'Cl n &lm11S p=MaU bl!llD wt lbt' l - f' cea:a DC f 0in al:l>U.
Tb! Pt..T taha p~ ID n.q D a all IDWU aillrd Be ck:mL Alli tklrl llrro'. a IX'llUI&: ra4o m~r&Ul:, Is ID bold D bct>lda=t, ukln; ~
plt'ISHS~ ~ I.'>
Stt us for Und-ood S.lo.
& Sflvice
wbat Ch!l11~ tllu:i. A '11111 t:o::i
a 6Pta al bu r a ct:n Sll!laa """8%11 mll r:i:m tllr lhe:ic a! oltbe pkJ, OlW!bullDI: m th,.~rmancc o! the C'ardlnal Pb,.vcr.< will be lit.. :-,;Jc choir under the car~ 11 n d u.i Kt>Uv. S..:w. I Glon 1'111 be pn.'511lttd ~«li'·~ll:i:v. O«. 15. al !I~ Lrr. T' cardtlllll P1'n-111 ho!le you Wtll m,1<>1 !he pl&) and 'a1 ah -di t yw a '~IY H8"P> C.::5ll::llS.
... ~
Foundationt • Dritu•1 ·Coot. Spot1'witor 011d Li11ge111t Jo. N..... rt~ St. • C...w 4'AI• •
f'l>"<'_tu_lt_"_n_•_e_r_e_rarfl<'d t :> v. _3 ~ DEC'A. Kalby Z :can dr~ the name"S and Don H llenbt'ck call<'d th fl. Thr wtnllt'r.< w•re '"!luck >-hell. Ron Martin. i:.t>'ID Ho.n"B, !Jn;. RaskammN. .,.., .Mr. Sieben.
SHOP THE GIFT CENTER For Complete Record Selections And New Releases
\"acallom are alw&)'s unu• •ben one stems Co pul "ff)'" lbl~ off unUI no vacation I e~er lon1 rnou ~I\. St-ldom I• tb<-re Uma lo do tho 1hln1t11 that ehould be dont.', and n"''N Ill lllNl' II for \he thino t 1111 shouldn't bf' done. (Witch of ('OUl'llll t"n't INf)! I lhlnk II •ould be run lo 00111· pare the lhl l1P It.I l\omr<.>nl' mlmt plan 1o do on a !loo •11b tllr lhlnca 1i.1 are 11c111al17 aco:unpUslil'd, Plans rot a Y&C'&l!On; 1. 11 rila a repotl on fu· clam, 1nlc~ rKdtnc ma1erlal bl'twecn the srcond and third 0011111es or Chrlntmaa dlnnrr). ~. .. Bone up tor a ps v· cholo11 lftll. (Gond umc to 811lll1:r:e lb" aoma •a ~!foci on the peyrhe I wh~n tv~rvont• n11< loo much'· 3. llmiortz~ on~ cl Shak~ 11pea1t'a worlls. (TblB alW&JIR malto Joll.J' fnlenal nm1111 "hen r«-H<'d durtnc dml tasse). Of couru lbe lbtncs lbal
usually 1et accompllshcd "''Chi bf!· 1. A •alk 10 the top of a bt>auuful sno .. dad mounlaln In Ibo' morrunc aun,.hlnl', wl tb the JUna>5 OUI In NII YOlCI! and th<' rt n& or s Mall bt'l IK In a dl•tant valley. <1n1>1ead d th" rucl~m bu•lnl'h&). 2. A ride on a horu d111w n ~lf.>lah Wllh a (avortlt PN11onl (fbt'll lb•· PtoYChr "ould llave 10 tl'SuaJn the >IOmaffe' He')
Sllaket111"ate "hi Ito down a bf'aullful 1110Uotain--but •ell. Iha.I can
recite >!Utac
bt' done later. {Fl ve mlnutn betor.. class). So. to t'lld a vacation 11 ts
·-coodt&'e tur.. ey eandwtches, coodbye beauuful moments, come llltber colle1e en nd , there's al way, anolh•-r
Brue• Rf'ld, EnCll•b IDSUUct.or•. pent thf' Thank.. gjvlng bolld" In P'1aluma. California, •bere be was mant...S oa Sa111tday, ;oJov. 27. to J.llss Pally £,ans F'olller. Tilt' ne•l.Y•...Ss spelll lbe Wttllt'lld :it To:>alH Bay, Callfom:a ~fore rl'lurnlnc to SPOkane •ht-re tbe1 wtll make the.1 home. Mrs. Rf'ld l a 5eruo: a.I 11bl 1,...,rtb Col· .,,... maJ·>n DI Jn PDYCholOCY •
. • &rings you a wonderful selection of fine. long-play album~ featuring Christmas mu~1c! Choose from old time family favor· ites ... carols. religious hymns • many. many more
CHRISTMAS IDEALS S1.50 CHRISTMAS I DEALS. a most appropnate, Iona re· ""'m~~ GIFT, will ~ treuur~ and enjoyed for many ye Dr11 to come-yet pric:cd IO 1nexpcnt1vely.
A d...,.olll!ltratlon and l"neral dl&CU!llllon about hypnoeln .... alv"n lO M•l'ral PB)'Cholo&Y clat\eCS at NIJC bv Or. Maurtce F.. Br1an1, prr :. ld~nt of the Aml'rtcan \ltdloal tl)'pnollt\18 .Mnociallon, Nov.
30. Dr. Bryant O(ll.'nl.'d hln dla· cu1alon tn· •a.Yins thal h" dJd not hypnollzl' an,oM. 11~ •'Plained 1ha1 tt "1111nc 11ubjec1 to 11,)rpno~I• did the
actual trotlc of hypnoUztnc. and lbal hf', Dr. 8ry'1!11, "'llUld mtol'l'I) be lho " OPM• afDr... (Hr o•plaln"d lhttt lhf' t•ma "opNak>r" tttfrm•d IO a Pf'taOn who condl Uonrd another lndl Y11k111l undN hypno11le by IUHl'allon. I Or. BCYIDI bYl)null7.l'll 1rv· rial Pfl"•l.'ll'Ctcd lndlvldlAlll 1\8
I CHRISTMAS CARDS Giant Assortment
.SO Fo r
THE GIFT CENTER Tlte Srore W11lt Tlte Gdt IJ~os
Th" Ub:al)' fl'POr1' ll:nl .ipproxlt:lllt ·l.J oar "'ndr~d wlu:nes Io llctlon and nan· Dc:.oo for tt'CtKUornl rad· Inc haH btt:i added to tllt' sbelve-s durtnc Ill• peat $tlldt'lll8 at" ln\11...S to mate use of th• books a mea:is or broadenlnc their collere •itpetlc:icftl. A Us! of oew books la plac...S on the lllllelln board Just outs.Id" th<' II brao. BY scannlna llua llat, a111den1s may Ond Utlt'll Illa! wlll be of lolereat lo them. Aak the 1Jb111rlan (01 hPIP' CIODlbs.
An :0.1JC alumnl bllllquet ~ held In lbe S1Udrn1 \;nloo a.1 6:30 p.m. on D«:. 8.
dcmon11 1raUo n. !01
aakrd to bt> aented In n chttlt and lo rnlu u complot~ly •• l>OHlblC!. He th1·n ukl'd hla 1>11bJcc1 to focua hla 11 tt·nllan on Ill• hand. which h•• PIM'l'd dlrt'CUY In tronl or lhll l<lb· JPCl's eyea. llP. wld lh" aubJecl lo rel111··lbat wn all-.:1c.,,1 for a allct~ mo•t111enl of Ill a lllnd. In lhP abort period of a mlnu11> al mo111. th" ubJ•N wa;
l\)'pnollzed. While undN hypnanlll, !ll"VemJ or lbe 8Ub)rolll WN(• told by or. Bryant that lhry "ould smell ro1u·1 wht•n ho passed the op 1·n botU" o r •mclUn1 sails under tbrlr noM,,.. After bctnc D"ak"'1"d from lht' hypnouc 111at" by
Dr. Bryani., the aubJeclll said 11,_,1 bad Slllf'llt'd IOlll!ll.. Olhtr elllmplu of th• denonstnlUon wtr•: A (lN· aon unabll' lo r•call his nrs1 rwu att•r betnc wld by Dr. Bryant that b• could not, ke"Plnc an arm 11u pended for a petlod of •~•ral min· utf's af1r1 he bad been placO'd In Iba.I posllloo b7 th" doctor. and the !lllb)PCI bc·tn•. t okl that he could b,)i>mllz~ him· b7 merely thlnklnr rr· wed. ALI or the•<> thlnp took p Ille•. of cou ,.,., In a b;pnotlc or sr.mH1ypnallc
Dr. Bryant concludP.d the prf'M'DtaUon by 8&)'1111 1h111 an atQualJD...S Pl'l'10D &l:ould not subject ttms!'lr 01 Olbtr.o IO tu-p11o5111 IL!I IM tfff'CI could be d.Jau1rou1. He
ldd(!d that be bt'll,Yl'd bY!>' nosls cou Id b<• used u a aetr·belp lo lodtvlduala who employ Ila m"lhods •Ith due 1e11pec1.
nurser• 5Ch0ol "otll.
Your Choice of Mono or Stereo all at one low Pf'ice
Aft<'r craduauon ahe t<nla· u•:cl~ plallf to rP 1n10
Hypnotist Gives Demonstration For Psychology Classes
Salb Soaln, band ml'lllbN,
tf.'POr~ 1bal tht NIJC band. under the duecdoo or J.iml'S Bums, will lak!' part In I/If Cht!Bllllb Concert k> be h<'ld a1 a:OO p.m. "n Dec. 15. Tht band will play a w!dP vanct.• of mas!c-"e•f'l'Ylhl l1C rrom march"6 to \IGDtt," rri: rtcd ~
Porry Hold
A swiromlnc part'. as a feature or Ille re111lnl !"lie· sldl'. :-oo.-. 19, •U held In the Kt:Ystal Pluncf' pool be· twet'D 6:00 lUld 8:00 p. trl. Aboul !Illy tud<nt• and faculty membl'r• au<'ndrd I he <'Vent, orp.nl z.f'd and plann>!d b• Bellr Johnson. alt• 1 w·hJ ch :nan.v of th~ back ui Ille S11Jd"1lt t:nlon i r 1elrestrne1&1•
N.l.J.C. REVIE•~ Coevt d' A.I• " ..• tclo~o. Wect•• December 8 , 196$
Schlaff Gets Shot Off
Tilt' Cardinals dumped IM SCC SN1rll1111 87·$ In the aeuon OPf'nrr played al ~IJC 1As1 l\cd.nl'adaJ. Richard Brmon ll!d 1bc sconnc "11h 21 l1Qlnl1, i:tttlng 11 r1tbouocb, •It le Toll)' Traweek paurl'd In 15 PolnlJI L'ld pull"d do•n JO rl'boancb lht' moat for f'lthct tam. Dick S<:lultz and RA)' S<:hlall each addt'd 14 pc>ln:a Ill the "1rudm:
AftN II QUICk all.It. thf' 6partana fell victim to lb" lull coun P•·~• worked by lht'! C1111lmlL Aft~r 1r.akln11 up a lour Point dend1 01 thP 1tan, the Carda It'd for lh<! real or thf' camr. ThP llCO r• bo111d laJ. llld to rtco&nlZll Urn Individual Pf· Iona ol 6ct&ill7., Bob Bral· nnrd, Dan Came.r and Stan Obt•ra:h. The•~ fuur "orlcrd th• J!IPOft•• wrll and k• Pl lh• oppanrnla from wori!lni lhcl r oflen t rllrcuv.,ly In th1 arcond hAll, AnulhN nnt•·,.nrlhy a&~t•rl
sec SPARTANS IN OPENER, 87-75 th e.iceptlonlll team drft'nae e:Hcated by the Cardinals lhroui:boot tbe P.':l''- 1-dlnc this ddt'nse were th" c!! r.s or T::iweek and SchlaJ!. wbo b"ld Itel r men 8CO:eleu exc.,pt fa: u• fret' tbrowa. If tbla clllb:e a: plll}'log ls to ~ the a:ark of the Ca.'115 ror ih!' muJ.nde.r of lbe •"all(;~. Th"e a!lou!C: btoo rca.son to: any l~sc• Ulmout It!' rans lvr lhe bocit' camu. Th tea plara sec In SPoka!ll' on oec. i a~er bl'lnc homed bJ Yaklr::a \'alley on Dec. 3 and -t. In thc prrlhci nar1. the Spoken• Commun!~ C llec"' JV'& trounced tbt' NIJC J\ · 9~·36. G11r1 Cbalfl,.Jd pace!d NIJC with 16 l>Ollltll Nds· .,. Ind• r h4d lht' 11am" cctt.. f rscc. c AllDl:"i'..-LS lkhulU
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Ploy Pool A• Co•• Bo-I Ra tr\ 60c Ptr Ho"'
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For a Lifetime of
PLEASURE l eam to
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. and swing out refreshed. big bold taste.
While You A re Young
Take 5
Coca-Co a - with its bright ively lift• never too swee• - refreshes best.
• •
ace J'''• t•i
COFFEE SHOP OPEH 7 • ·•· - 10:30 p .11. Br.,oHosts - Spocool Doily Lunclo.s ''8.st Hamburgers Comp/t ie F ounlo'"
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larse croup of students danced from 7:30 ID I 0:30 p.m. Col. and MtS. John A. McFarlllod chaperoned the 1 danct>.
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A d1U1cc spcnsored b> the Lellennen's Club was held the Pt'p Rall)' ~ov. 30. Thc dlUlct" lllA.!1 hrld lo th<· C)"lll. ..-bf,re an unu1<Uallv 11fl~r
Coke lake City lanes, Inc. ?414 N F......_ Si •
4 A •• •
llmff iiMitf 1k •llliMllt f tltit ~ra c_.,., D'J