• Cardinal Pep Band .Played Many Concerts During Boise Tour '
llllh a rou1h ftChedul• and D \\Orlh,.hlll' lr!P brhlnd Ulm and maiu plaM ahead, lb~
' ~:.rdJ:i~~ll~~P o~·~~.' !~d;~ BurDS, rNumrd from B'lllll! Jan. 16. Thi rt\ -<11 nl' band , member,;, accottpantt!d ~ tile Cardinal ch~rletd<'rs Dnd four t•lrler•. lrfl for Bobe FndQ.\. Jan. H. IO pl'\ for , the Boise Collu•·SUC cam~ and to hll otht'r lnlerr,st1n1 enpRement>. Thl'.l' uaveled by charttrt!d bis. , Once In Bo111e. a couftln of Mr. Bums, \lrs. Alan P. Jerrne•. v. ICe or a Alan P. JeflriP~. Director of SltlU8· 1 Ucnl Sen•lce, Stntc Dept. or £ducntlon. armnced for the croup lO Ql\"e two Snlllnl,,. concl'rbs - onr for the real · • dt-ntH or thr Old SOidiers • Borne , anolhl'I fo r the Boise Chlldr~n' A lloml'. A portion o r the concert I li''en for the Old soldiers. Home "•" taped nnd pre· sentl'd ll.8 a sp.•clal frolllrl' O\'er n """BCD.St at 6:30 p.m. 'andaplnat 10:30 p.m. ''Thlb '1slt tn particular. "according lO one band member. "WU soml'thlnc to be remembert-d 1 11\\a,ys." Fol low1n1 thue iwo 11>· pearances, the band played for the Ill""-'T\\lrlers ~Uchtolll' Cos ta. £lalne Adkins, PatlY Lennon. and Sandra Lee, pro\1ded half· , time entertainment •Ith a baion dmonsa.Uon to "Rock11~·e Your Ball)." \\bile ~"een 1>nca1ementa. merr.bers spUt Into 1 band sm:lll croups and "Ju&t looked around." some ol them 1 !lilted the Slat«' Capt· , iol bl tldlnc. The• sot 111gethl'r once for a ~morR&S· bord dlnner-"rul )'OU could mt ror $1.50 ,.. Al B;OO a .m. • Sinday . lhl'y boarded lhe bus ror home, nrrtvln~ at s·oo p.m. Rl'nd.." 10 go aanln. thr bond will bl' leavlni; llednt>s· ' day afternoon. Jan. :?6 for Mosco". "'here l h~y "111 play ror the prellmtnnry pme (NIJC ''·I,;. of L Croshl and ' for tht· JT11ln game. The> \\Ill return llcdnhday ~Vt'nlna. Ttlursda.1. Jan. ~i. Ille; .. 111 pla> for the aMual ' !!Pct~' banQuet. lO be held In thf' :-01.IC ~m.
APRIL EVANS NEW •sHEA PRESIDENT APO E\ar na L4 tn O\N lh< I> ti , rr td•nt or , ti• SSE.A. She .. 111 reploce "" Reid. v.ho Is 'otnc 10 111~ Jta. Mrm~rs of the :'\!JC clap· • ter of the SSE.A Ill!! ln•l!.<'d 10 11ttcnd a mock-d<"ler;atc assl'lllbh March :!!I and 26 al ~· scow, Idaho. ... Accordl nc to Dr. E\a OIL ao>onc olrunc the SSE.A 1S1ud,.nt Sotlona! £ducaoon Asl!OCIGll n) ls also aulo• mattcalh o mrmb•r or th" SIEA ISlud••nt Idaho Eduea· lion A.uoclaUon). This IR th<' r,.1uon !or SSF.A m<'mb•r.o • 1><11 n& Dbl<attrnd th r \tosco-... a•. -.1~:r.b1.\.
VACANCY Th• CardJ nu I Rrll <"• has 11 vacanc,:. In th• cl rcula· lion d• 111ir1m..nt. Am 1n~ • tntrrchlfd in donauna abuul un hour · ltm• rHt) tv.:u V.t cJt to hf"lp lh• r&ll"r l\h< uld con1ac1 lh,. • <'<lllut. Donald 11.,lkknl~.
VOl.IME XX. Ill).
Club Orpheus Theme, The Roaring Twenties, Promises Surprises
Debalers Win Trophies
Januiu~ 2~
Club 0 11•h•,u1
n. llht. A1,1.tn th! y at. thur
£11ht member.. or the ~1JC debate t<'&m bad ! ; 'W!!b and 3 IC!bl'.>U Jan. 1-1·15. as a c:omblned total tor part!ctp:i· ta on 1n two sepani te debll tt> tournaments. Comp« I n1 in lhe 11th amual Paclllc Sorthw~t lnl'ltaUonal Debate Toumn· ml'nt at Seattle Pacific Col· Iese. Candi· ~hi and Jo Anll! Richmond placed first to \\In the Junior \\omen's champ1on,hip. Patsy Biown and sh~f'·I Borgstrom placed sl't:ond tn that Sllme compeUUon. Dahl and Richmond ,.on 5
Second Semester Registration Starts Sr' :a. a ...nses ba~e been madt I" , ~ ree:i~trllt>O!I procM!urL t r the second se::ie:>· :er Of thh )SI. Studl!!lts ..-111 rci;1st.er ac· ~:din' : t.~e!r residl'nce ond b1 llPll•~llcal as.ilea· me.nt n JAnuatY Z6. 2-; and ::s. Tbe f~llow!n~ rei:ista· uon 5C:ht'd.:le ..111 be used: \'ocattonal sllldenls - 9:00 • 1:: 00 noon on 'll'edn~da.), Jan. 26 • :<; n·n:ildent acad.,~Je students - 9 00 a.m. • ~ 00 p.m. on llcdnesday. Jan. 25. Ois1nc1 r~s!dent academic llllld<'nl& - II rour hut DDJr.t' t><,ll)na WI th· A. B, C. 0, T, l. \', II, X, Y. Z - I' 00 p.m. · i 00 p.m. on Thu "'d:IY. Jan. 21. r:;, F'. G, H. ?<:. O. P. Q. R9 00 11.m. • t 2'.00 noon on Fudav. Jan. 28. I, J, K. I... \\, S - 1:00 p.m. • -1.00 p.m. on f' rtda,,v. Jan. 28. If ''OU ha.,. no 1 rttl.'l\·ed \OUr p"rmlt to rr.g:i!l.tf'r. It WI 11 be n<'Ct!SSftf\ IO pt ck II up In the ofl!ce ~fur• r~ · llKI• nnc,
a:xl :o.i o. They d•bated tf!':!IT> fr c> tilt' follo•in col!t'f;es Cll d ooh e.,;lue: Crt'&;':ln SWe. \liest•rn WU !ngton. Hi«b.llne CoUrc•. llnl\erslt) .>f \\uhlncton. and Unllrld Co!lr~~. Br~wn and Beruuom loi;i one round 111th Orep>o Stat(', bi 1 .,,on ~ rounm In compe-nuon "ith ttams from Port• lond Smte. Westem \\ashing· ion, fUghltnt' Collegt>, Uni· "elSll) or 0Te1Dn. 111lb.e Int..rpretad~e Readln1t e-·eo1 In thl• &ame compNI· uon. Pes Dohraan woo t"o ~econd and OD" thl rd p laee rtblxln Dee snider ..-on one second and one lhird place rabt:on. lll"!i. )l:lrp:ft Gllle. Oo.::a l:i&t.'1lc:tor and Mt. Richard lt1nc:um, D<'bat.l.l coach, ac· c:ompanlfd 1 be co::testa.c:.a IO Sea:tle. TIM' :::en's tea.ms tied for second place ta the lnlaod E!l:Ptre Jualor Debate To~::ia· QCDI bt'ld at t~ t..:r.!ve:itt.r or Idaho. Frank Flo Rl!o and Jobn O'Srill lost ont' r. und .-!lb •hlu::ao. but ,. n four rou:ub la co::;pe'.Jtl a •IUI '"ama f:-.>m the l'nf\<'rsttr o: Idaho. Wa.:1bln11.Jn S!Ate t..:nher tty, and \lbltm:i.n t1"lcr. Slel'e :.bt' and Jan Boll I 5t OD" round •I th Whltman and .-on f•>ur ~ unds aplnst Columtu Ba•ln J.C .. Y.llBb• tnsion Slate t..:ntHr& tr. and \\hltman. Gonzua l<Jr1t•1 ted oat' round. which rackfd UP onother win, Dunn,; a.n I nlt•l\fo". John O':<>rt ll e1prf'"8Pd lht!Sr Bl'llllments abUut thr drbole tram '5 at:C'Ompllshm•·nt~ "Th" t<am rrcord of ti·3." "~ frf'f. "15 II dl!l'.'CI r<<SUlt of '.tr. lhn•·man'5 rrtolUi. \l1tnout lllm '"" could not ho\'f!d nc& """·"
Photographers Will Sell Prints, Take Pictures On Order Coptf'b t ptclllr• takt>n for lh" NIJC Revt ev. wlll bol available ror sale a1art1n1 this wrek. aoconilns to staff pboll)crapht>r John Budrow. In addlUon. Budro ... and othN staff pholl)1ophcr.s wlll b~ &YI.I la ble IO take sroup pie· turns on requ~at. he said . "l\e'H.! b<'en awarr.pf'd with requests for plclllres which .,.., just hal'l'n't bttn abl~ :a able to take," Budrow said. "SO WC thOll ltbl we'd ~ttN make a pb!llOOlll)bf'r available to CIUuPli. Bt:t 1rt' "11! ha~ 10 i::akr a alli:>t cbarce ror Diile and malenw 111ml\'t-d since nca11pap.-r funds are
ll:nlled." B~dtus nld tlat enlarie· menta of 1111 pictures :.aken f;.1r ~· Rto'l1,.. or an7 cooie of plaurea takm on Jpec:lal c.:d<'r will 0011: 50 ce::ta for Heb Si; enlarit!:lmt a::d ';5 ctn ts t.:.r each 8xt 0 en!a.rct!lnl'Dl. Otac:ouats :..: ord.-rs or :no:c than rt' e pnnL' from a111 c.nr neptlve ..111 be anan1ed. he aaJd. Prl°nts can be ordrr"'2 In Ille i-setne" ofllce 1t.r.n:sti the racul11 photo ad,lsPr Jack S•ansoa.
Phot.>pph•·ra ••Ill clar11e $3.50 io take pictures or •CU' llOUP or "rnl not ruularl.t CO\'~fed for the lll'W~Plll!Pf. Thi! photoaraphM \\Ill supply prtnl.ll or al! pictures lalll'fl at no addluvnal char~•'. anG wll i pnnt u man> plct tttea u ord••rl"d o.l lh" 1'tandaid pnnt pnc•s. R.-queals for photocrai>h• re can also b• mnd" lhroultb thP bu•tMsa <Jtk: ....
an P\'enlnc or It no f'ntrrtalnmt'nt for lho8t' who tUll'nd. TM theme or lhe floor ahuw ts Tlw RODrlnc T•tnue11." feGlurcd In lhr pmaram will bl' two choruA llnl!S, lnr.lutl· Ins the "Vol 14 IM F't'mmr 1 " and "Ll!ll Mechnnt Parllll ~n ... " •na suld thN r rou Un<1 nr1• r;upt•rb• 0111lghtful ON•, tho Onima Ol'p1u tmt'nt •a own rtappar. will 1lv.• n dnnct• typll'Ytn1 thr "twentleJ1. " Many othe r aurprtse! or~ prom1ard, 'llhlch the drponment "do not •l•h 10 dlacloaeo ' tll ahow ume." llowe- N . due IO popular demand, S«ihle Saddl<otack will relUm to 1lve her routln" •Pin Ihle yur. A!J you enter Club Orphl'UB, 10u "I U be •cort"d Ill' maltres d'hotel to your eeat. Th., menu ,.Ill consist of two cholcea··Sew Yorlt cut 11~k and apect ally preparf'd The rood wlll be ahdmp. served by anarls. (If 1ou don't bPlleve It. wall and la
see• Each lllble wlll c1117 out the Iheme wllh lhtlll«I candles. II wtll be an rvrnln1 and an ar.moaphem worth &llllplln1. the poup promlsm Tbo affair In 11ml-fom:al and th,. Cardinal PlayPl'll have 8.llk~d us IO eitffid to you tllPlr Vl'IY apectal lnvlta· Uon lO an evtruni ol .. nne entertaJ nment."
INTERCLUB COUNCIL NEW ON CAMPUS Se• IY onianl2f'd lhl s yt'&r, rbe lnt.erclub Council Is com· poo;ed or the pr uldenla of the club& on campua. ThPpurpo&e of the r::et1.n111. •lllch are held evtry arcond \\l'dnesday, la to d111cuss tbe cal<'ndal of comln1 f'l'f!ll~ ID l 119Ute Ila t the dales or certain event• do 001 coin· dd-., accordln• to put cbalm:aa. RO;tN Beet.
council cbaln:iaa.blp ro,.,.,,. alpbab<-<lcal!T tl>C'XI II> oat tbe mt:~n1. Tbf' flrat cbalrnun was Rt>ctr Brek and Candy J)a ht will pres!~ 11 tlll' ~xt oel'llnc. Tilt' tnterclub Couac.I I hopes to Join Corea& wllll the SOClal AcUV!tles Committee lO sponaor another Ca~s ll'eek thla aprtnc. Beck aid. _ _ _ _ _ __ SAC HAMES TYO HEif MEMeERS The SOCI 11 ACU\·tU "'5 C..11> mlttt'e ch01><' t .. o n•w aophoasou' membrr11 la.s t TUe.sday a 1 th,.lr rf't;U !rlI mt'~llnr. Gt>ne l t3uro and ROftcmary HansP.n "'" '~selected wou1h a round-IA bl., tfllrn1...,.. ~l:luro ·• Jll bt' In ct1arie ot mo\'les Olld :.llss Hansrn will tak<' care ol 1nron1>1•l dancca. f'r e$hmaft posJUons will be 11111.'d a('COnd ermcs tN .
~s.~:.~..~~~~! ~ ...... .,
s...1 . ... . , ...
A.I f a .. r· S. d) and rt'OdN allldezas Who wantl'd :o •ork In a bods shop no.baTr Jobs In tbat Une or ..Ork , ).IJ'. \\". F'. f'OWN!I, bOctl" and !~oder lnsuuctor said. And he explained thrr• 1 continued demand for bOd.v hop .,,.orkcrs Some of thf!ll wPre ne -y Mlf apprenucu , un•· "' a twoyear crmclate, and tw.o hld !hr~f! &e.m~SVtS
LllJp 111d.
&iitorial . ..
:~;·l=J=·=c~·=R=E=Vl=E=•=·=c=..=·=·='='A=l=·=··=·=l=d•=h=·~·=·=·L==·=Jo=·=·~·~~l~6.~\9~66;,,=======l •
All Body And Fender Graduates Of 1965 Are How Employed
SWdr:;ta le tbe BoctT and F'<"!lde· lab b.. t' rt'CCDl.l)" lt'!lrushed a ualt tor the 1::01;>1 pool ust'd by Co~: d'Alene S<:bool Dlatnc: :;1. Th!s Udl Is uS<'d by Mt. Clar Co1 for bulllness tnpa within th" d!Atnct. The dl&tnct hu se•en unlta tn all 11hlch th<'1 have asked the Body and F'ender -tudent.> to reftnltlh ror them. The second one 15 m .. In thP lab. A stall n wa11Dn bf'lond nc t.o D1s111c1 s:. Sandpclnt. wh.lcl llas been rolled O\l~t. Is al In tht- .ab ~tni: rebl:llt prt : :o : ennlll!Unc.
Dor •
studets havf' reo•a caz• usl r.~ acrylic lccqcer s1•:"-.
5'!\e:al nn. abed
Two otbl.'ts a1e ~arly :eady t.o bP tefinJ&bl.'d'A th tbes,ynlbl.'llC ~!:IC! ll7l1ler.l.
Two wrECk rrbi tlds that wer<> n n1 sh"' bs 1 seml.'5tr.r ha•" ~n cor.:plt'U>d and dell•Ned t their <l"'lu•r, SteH' \\pbet. 514'\'P, OnP or Jast tudl'n~, t~ pr<'Sentl\ Pmpl<; "d In tbc b d~ and fPndrr trad.- In n. ~!t.l,cow. ldah shop. H<' reix.:U>d an IDCOm" ' H50.00 ptr coc!l:, W p Wt! &Id. "1th ~ S !)ay b1>11c.-d n $0 pl'r C"nl • lhl' b r ' • • h ;;.
Former Student Is Home Ee Speak er
Jiar"" A. C tor After a }'fat's ll'&\I.' or abs!"nct'. Sarall A. Cult.on. PhJCbololt.'' depanmrnl, ha.s returned to teach at Nonb Collu~.
Idaho Juruor ab~encp
a>mPll'tlon or cour~e 1'0l k on her dor::t.orare In pa~chO!otrY at the 1."al•t~llY of Idaho. ~!rs. CUllDD bad Pfl.'\10U>IY tausbt 1:.. ,,. for three yl'ars. \•rs. Cult.on. he1 husband. \"erle;; Culton, a Shell Otl Co:npL''IY ea:plOJ ...... and lht'l r n<o children. Jictl:\1, t'll'D. and Su»1e, three ll\C in Dalton Ganlens. I.Ir,. CullDn recei\t'd her B.A. at Ea.stem '\\ashlnaion St.at•· C.ollt~t In 1953. Shi.' ha:; Ulu~hl rxt~nston aiursr.s and IP tdrnt summrr school al NIJC and at thr Un! \'tr.Ill> or tdalto. SIX' ho aleo tau Rht at Ll'\\I and Cltllk Nonnal In LP• t o;lon. She held lt-llo"· ship~ at b th \\uhln11on Slat t'" '~r.il t) and the t:nl ,. ,.,, ~o t Idaho. Shi• •ti .,..,., ..1111 a docto1a1" 1:1 .. ~-v r r ::i th.- Uni· Tt::-!lT r Idaho ID JUCI', t '"'· al .-h!dl tlmt' she .. 111 quall(J r : cllruuJ ps,cholo') as a• cildanc<' and nsrll~i: work. Mrs. CUHon ls t"UtrrnUv .. 11<lna on a rlltt.~l'RMllon, ''Guidance In S••condat\' Schools or Idaho." \\ hrn tills 1~ completrd, It 1s lo b(' U'<ed b) th" Stal<' Orpartmo•nl or Education In Bots... und :he Psydtolo~ Dl'pallm•nl o! th<' Unl\'tr'"' o! ldalto In plannlnit future prllcrarns. Mt'S. Colt.on ts a mmi~r cf >,:p:i:i ~Ila Kappa. an ban ·a" edJe&ll nal aocltt\'. •• ,.,,th<' p:<'Smt umc •e plan :.o c n:la:t t.o C'B•f' our hln:<' .n c t"lr d',\lcll<'," said Mr~. Cu.· n. He: h0bbtc5 ue buDllol. Qsh!ng. hlklnc. and ca.~ptn' • th htr t:l'lllly. Sht> also en.101s cookln.c. ae'lllnc. and P•lr.:ln!:. Mr • Cul I.On ~tsted 1 hat &be and hl!r ram111 er: ' C' ,e-Jr d'Alene and SI.JC '"" -.icb.
11ISE itORDS 1 ,•
hU»band and I lxlth I rn. O\ ll\1 n ~ In thr Coeur d 'Al .. ne azt'll, " \11,. Dara\) n Atvood. Endlsh ln~truclDr said, and addrd. " Bein& brouJhl up In c!Ues mo~t of my Ure. I bad omr a<lju&1· meru~ t.o 111!\kt', bul we're 1 bel'f' ID !'Ill.,)' no"'. " Born In F'r..,.no, Calif •• wht:-e slle lived for 14 '"ar~. \lrs. A111'00d then mo\'ed to 1'1nneu.a. UI., .,,.hrre t<he anended htsh school. lltn· ned<a lS a suwrb or Chi alll'.I. ~he explained. She llL• Cl'RtlJatt'd trom thP linl\'el'Sl 1; of An l'.IOna tn 1961 with a m.ior In Enallah and rri no rs In ph~ slcal edu· • cat1on and ps) cholui:y. For t"-o yenr~. 'trs. Ai..ooct lAu l!ht In the Tuscnn publl c school system and fo r one • YPftl at Lewi and Clark Ht ~h School in Spokane. \lr. An.ood 1- a ha" 11111· dent attendln~ Go~za1:11 Uni · ' \'tr.<!I)', who expects to 1tta<kta1r In June. Othrr m e:i:bers or th,. ramll) are ft rourtef'fl month old l!Dn and ' " onr lo\"llble cine, " a i:olden tl'll'I<'• rt, uted two. H'>blles and outstdl' acU11•, UI.'~ for \lrs. At•ood lnclud<' oc aching the Coeur d'l\h•nt• sv.1rn team of 55 prls anc' b>ys between 11rvt'n and HVt'n t ern B' ><~II u11 In· 11tructlnG o ..,.nchrontzi.<l s\\1m group ro1 1111111 from 13 lo 20. She I.I o l'Ojo}' , Plll,)1nl golt. \\Ith aU ot thrse time con· :.umtnc acUvttles, Mn<. Al· wood stlll mak~ many plans for th<> !11'Ult'. Elle Y anlB I • a nttnue w teach part Umt' , to buthl ht'I ""1m lt'am Into "':i sttona AAU comped lion," • o put on s water ho<• wt ti. synchronized ll!Oups, and to "raise llU" ram1 l). "
Del •C •DUS Ho'Tlbu•ge" Fos 1~sr
5.,,,,,ce In
know a clhldfd an
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Woodcock's Drug Store on .. l>hou ld b" eltber ...d or Jo> lul. C•>ntmtment 111 a ,. an1 ~t) for ratl'~ and •l••t1Jt• r.. - E)iu•><' O 'Sf'lll
It ta '"Ith a ><<>nl u "IUI an .,..,.,. - once t.i It too,.., and 11 dou not r..tum. - Abd-t'l·Kad~:
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T•l•llorc 01.!•n Aoy• h<1t I•
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P1o MO
I N l.J.C
t •, C
- 41t ••. ldohc-. Wed., Janwory 26. 1966
A.rt Is Defined . Explained By sue tudent
Choir Preparing For Coming Tour
An· ... bat la lt-•ben la It at Its a:ost clonous and •hm la It rclaUYely wc.nhlt'SS O&re we "' eo tn to aoswpr that? u1·a tl)'I bci:ln •Ith. ho• C:&l\ ,.., dellne an- .. ts alcis. and Ill! •uth7 Traclltlon has e~hecl th ft pht~c. "Fine Aft," lo lodlcat<' lhose arta which e'c"ll abo\" all otbllrs In alt<'l?IPllDE to make • pcrmanf!nt n-cord of 11ome or man 'a dcf'pcgt bellf'fs and asplraU01111. Art ll<"IV<'a man tn manv '"llYll. bul II.a grutest aorvlc" h&ll bttcom" tho rteoanll\t'd and unlv•mlll m•'SHI~ uuat apC'llk to the 1•ns1th'llJ' and kno,.lada«> of tht lndl· •ldual obet'I\ Pr. Thf' oborrver n1•ed not blln1 "xpcr· lt'llC:e to r....1 the c:om111Jnlcal1on or 1rl"&t a II by the "A,. r" npt'rlencP, "'"n If ull hl11· toncnl knowl"dlt' and contl'1t t mtaaJnc. \II Int Uf' lh" lrtldlUons of Floe .\na? Thf' mother or art la tuchltectur<', "hlch la or<1 and more ret'G111l:rPd as tlce nrt. Porl'llpa archltec· ture 111 a Un<' art and ptrllllP9 not-bu I II mu 11 be mcnUon•d. The wlldlncs or a111 culture, dodlc•tt'd lo Cod:t or Kine•. at.,al our breath and ralac our minds to •ond~r at auch &plendor. :s 11, our mod•m bulldlnsa a:e erected m0&Uy to 1erv• 'be purpo•• ot mf!rl. becaua• our time- 111 so o.Nwh•lmed with knowledcf' that •f' are. cicr<' dt'VOtl'd ta th• ldeu of tun lllan or God. Pemaps •~ wlll ~"t'I asaln th4' nttd to bul Id 1rt'&t monumPnts lo Cod, hke lh~ Co1hlc churches
• a.,,.,ug Owlord, April f"on1 . \ 1r1. :\\our.•" Fro.-~. o,..... Af1 .... Oo/'l<O r o 1iit•r p-ff rm.,d c;_,.,°"" ond T•ll •it·
1r'9 n atrlr
Shov. and Tell machl nl" v.as presentt>d to ~u 11• Dunn! iian of th" Cot'ur d'Alene School [l11tr1ct on Jar. 11. • Thi!> machlnl", ,.hlch will bC' •vallabll.' lbr u11e In all elcm<'rto.n school a and lhl' :.chool for spt'dal children. 11 .,,.s purehlll!fd "1th contributions llom lht' ~rudenh• In Dr. OH ' Elt'mPnllllY Mt'thOdS II and Foundatton:s of EduCllUon •
cluses. The rrnchlnc ,.as Pl<'S<'nted 1o \!ls" Dunnl can ~ Mrs. • Caro))11 Rui>sell, and llllllam Turbin. The cducaUon CID' · »l'5 hope that futur" classe» ~ \\111 purchast more record.~ and strip ti Ima for us<' ,.1th this rr.achlnc. said Mr. TUtbln.
' u! Phi Theta NlPIJ'<. \ l. C OI pka ~r alld r~ honorao >\K"lt'l\, .. m send .r-:i :a /U:I do ;1>ECllJOr•" t,.o or more del<'Ptes to BOB ELY, pbo re, BA o.Umd th!" ll'i:!Onal COllTe::· Pl:IJM and Rl"d Cross tton t.> b~ ht'ld on Fl"b. ~5· labeb" and Z6 at llt'nlicbet \"all~ LEE PAL.l!ER, sopbo re. Colll"Gt'. accordlnc io s.tl!r Bus1nas Ad- r. 1t:1!1 n "I Spain, P.T.K. presid<'nt. :.enll1 «bn't l:oTe much lime Thi" ln\1tallon q s euended to read. I Pl>.: cards 2 lot L) aJI rr.en:b('~ Of Pill Theta lllou~. ll l:at would u like Kapia Chaptt'ts In the 51.41~ to know about pnocble•" of lluhln~n. Ore;Dn. ud B1\RBAR." SC'RAFFCRD, Idaho, '11 ~s Sile 1n lf'POtt ~. •ophomclt', Educauoa: "JaThe theme o! th.- tt'C:1>nal paneselwk. or Oetl ..n Nuh." conn•nllon I:. '"Intellect PAl"L LCJHS. s ph more, Eumlnln~ \'alues, .. <he ,.aid, Education · A col.d bedtime and the 1'oto.tl n• agentb ror ::tlOIJ ."' F'nda) nl i:.h 1 inclcdes a banJOH:\ BUDRO\I, opbo:nor~. Qul'I. formal lnltla11oo b~ the Business "S :nNblng raaty nallonal president of P. T. K.. b~· lltn F'lemlni." and a ~ll~ -ch by O>ncre:.sman AL BOEHM, lrf'Shimn, Edu· Tom F 11'·~« canon; "'Something by Crace llt>tallous or f lllnk Yerby." CARY PALO, frtslur.:i.n, Busln~s "Read? I read plctures-lau dl :it th• n~k1ng."
f f!1101w1ce is 011/y a
.llutter of Degree
and is relative to time So 1s affluence For instance. 11 may be t ime for a ring. but too soon
for cash This 1s an anachronistic dilemma Weisf1eld's can do something abouL We have credit plans for students of promise SN• our bi~ '"lt•rtum <'/ br1dal lf'IJ
\llKE KEDOR. freshman. Radlo and Tel"' • n "Traltlc '.olatlom ." DIAS:SE IGWL!I'Z, fre:sbman, Edoca:lon Pb.Yb" v and CD0<1 novels," JAl-C: LAUF'. lrc h:nan, 'The P:op!:at't' Sot". I i;:, and 'Sc:...,.tn~ Lette~· ... JOH:• THO:.L...S. Ire bma:>. P:•·l.AC "Books f an7 kl ad n cov : eit and pol· !tics and book • .-.peciall:r SUpc:=n." l..l:SDA ROBINS, !te>sb:lla.t::, •• "Men' ', Tr P' Playb y', H : Rod' maPZlo ard b:l!st !11:.h!o • :.IRS Ell..EE:-0 SEYMOlJR. Rect1111 nla: •HlatoncAl not"t"ls L"ld " tl'nCS. •• MR JAMES CRO\\E:, E.ndlab and history lnauuct.or .. K&Al nnd H<'~l!I r r l'&S} r adlnc." •.\I.EA BE.ITO, sophcr.aor~. Psvchok>i:.v "Poetl")'-JU&\ about aeythinc l!XCl!Pt r1>man· t1e
rxnel!\. ••
D• n 't
Of"\t'•f ~f'[H\
> youos: that vou
Sff ""
en y
Even ix.tore buJld1ncs. came th!l palntlnp of anctent mao. II• have little koo'Nledce or the onlln uf thi;se. p1llntlnp eJC4'pt thtLI llOftle Of then are mer• than thirty thousand yesrt> old. Excl'll"nl and bet1u\lru1 pelnllnaa art' to be !dund In cav~a In Altbmlm, Spain, and LUcoux. F rancf'. All paint.Ina: &«>ems lo have
T econd ""' · r r~h4'1ln&I Ila.• bcr:un earl.)- for mmt>e"' or the ~uc A Cappela choir for the bene• nt or lC"W memb•rs. Tum Al· kl1111, membe:, said. Tilt> r.. son tor the eerl.)- lllart, be aid, Is lhat the t"holr It! malllnc l'l<'lllmUC>n tor tllell com1n1 lour and other p•r· foimances planned 1or Ult! Q('I• '5t:nt"•tN. Tb(' re an• Pt l!lll!tlll.r 63 mmbr!:!I In the chdt-11 women and 2:2 men. O!•<'n1ncs hr 'tliOmttn are clou'<t n<>" a.nd n•• ml'n •111 be adrnl 11<'<1 only Ir lh"-T are able Ill t(!tld mu"lc •~II. \Ir, Lou Kl'l\.Y, dlrl'ctor, l'l· pll\lnf.'d, Th11 lncomplo1" •ehrduln tor the toor lneludC'I lo dllte a 0\"C!-day trip throuah llllfth· l11rton nnd Or11san In the piing, AtklnK nld. ond addt'll that Ille choir le workln1 hard 10 that It "can 'ho,. the l>"OPlc o! CC>I ur d'A len• and pll\cos on the tour muelc auoh as Ms novor bef<.rl' Wor"'IOmed from SIJC." bern ll'!portant even Hrlll!r lhan aculpiure, but possibly f!VldPntl! or tull)' llCUlplUle did not survive ao Sculpture, as a nne lltl, haa forever recorded m&l\ '& moat lmpottanl Id~ abnut ruman enol1ou. aerenl tr, and SDd. It la Important to r•:nr.m bt-r thmt worship of Cod (Or coda). has bt-en tht! moUva· lion for thti crtal.,at Otlrt or man•a art. E\'ldtntl.Y =n "orshtpa Ids Cod lhruurb bl•
300 ATTEHO OAHCE Tia.. flml Uv~ 1t11 IC clanel' oJ I 006 waa httld In lhe audMt Union Jao. 14. over 300 Jtudenta danct'll to music provided by Tho Minutemen.
COEUR D'ALENE STYLE SHO, WOMEN'S WEAR Foendctiou • O••nu • Coots Sport••..,• ond Llngttl• 206 H. ,_.. S.. • C-0. 4'~
1n• 1lrd tu romf" m anti .,..... tJur ~ \mba~·
.tur F""'""F e~rd drp.artmrnl Thr '"" adcli11on "ill •1io1hi:Jit •1uol1h Ami-do< rud. for r»n f"""""r\•·n CJC'11l!lon. t"\tn ~ Thr t2rd• arr .all ar "'"F"'I m "rll·h~fi1,.J di•plJLo tu rmlo.r II r\lrll CA') to f'iiuf thr \l'r'\ r~rd \tMJ "'&J'll- Drop 1n 11nd.,... u• ir.ocm "°"'II hkr uur vi....i1on o( n,..t Amba.<5ldur ,.,.n1.. .., our l"'""'nol rn.C)\ ur ~ L>Jotr -
H=·='=J=.C=·=R=E=\'=E=" ::•::::C:O.::::::'::;"=·"='•:,":::•:,•:::'"===:":;,•:::•,:••:;·:,·=;...=...,=~26:;,·,,;l,;966~==~' I
Cardinal Chorale Performs
New Vocational Course Geared To Turn Out Well-Trained Forestry Technicians F r t::r arrPCt.. t'..:h or u •.. t'lplAJned the rort'8 lr) students tn a ,.port IO tht' CARDINAL REVI~ on lhl' f,,,.,.t., •~tionor tbt' •cbool. • Qi: forest• pra•lde us 1<ltll ..-.t~rsheds. pr-xtucts. 'fr· •·le"•· recreeuona, and wl Id· l!Ce prov•ction. •• Bl!Core dl •• cunalna bow "t' •bould In· sure cononualloo or tlll•
CAMPUS ORGANIZATION NEWS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP A c Jb ',, collep tu<l•'111l or alt falli has pro'rd ' i.. l"P.11 ~UCc4.'51\6JI tbl& 7t'at. Thell 11,.~ura . ,.hlch ar,. evrr1 tl111t and third Thi.l'M!ays a! 7:00 P·"'·• arr bc-Jd DI lhl' ltomt' of \lrs. Jl!an Cl tt>on, ~ 32 Vlsui Cn vr. Ml . GI bl1>n and MIB. Bl'lt1 C rd?n ar.. co..,ponsc rs br th~ ebb. The ct111 rman r r 111.. club la JNrt Phillip • n !ds:... d by Bob lfuakf'), 11rcrPla1Y. Ame>nit llll' acuvldea ar tht mccurc a11• dnC1n1t. apl'Clal Pf'tku • and dl~cus&lon troops. ~km~111 ha·• round th~ m(!rtlnas lritNeslln11 and • nJoyllblr and lite aurndan~ ltas bern HI)" 11Dod. An In · vllatloo to attrnd th,. rr;c,•Un• • llrnd< d lo lnltrr trd
ENGINEER'S CLUB Th £1 c:ir.. er • Club ~:e· t'R 1"d 11.:s s l'COOd ti In-. of the yraz. · ·A Chl'mlcal Somer· J•rrv Brady. OC1al dlalrmar., annwn..~ lhal th• ;ur.ua! dlMN lnl!<'tlnc on Feb. ~ 16 :o be held at th• ~:Grtr.shor,.
toc1c ...
plans for t!tt'
mado' l'lll. Robb 5"ha ~~llll>er. ~ p ~NEWMAN CLUB Son-Cath'lliC ••llllJDll .. DJ thr topic for dlscu 111lon at tht' Jan. II ~,. L"r o! lhll S.,..4Mln Club : · .d In tilt' atucj,,ni union. UDCIA La::seo cuonllnall'd Ille dlscu&slor.. ThP club pl.ans to have morn "''<'1llne dlacu-.star.•, acO'lrdlnr to R ,bb S.-h·ar". '"P..•ttrl CARDINAL SERVICE CLUB Mrmbrlll of lb• Cardinas Sf'lvlc• Club •r• tl'nlalt\"ch p l1tt1nl nc a u d book ,.ale dun111 •Nd lratl n, acootdlnE to Katl'1l Parnou, 1<ecretaQ. Th• ruct Um<' and plac~ ha\I• nr>t bl•Pn d"Cldl'd upon, hfJ1' ''"''· a lllltlCI' •Ill· be PUI up a. 'Q<.,, a tM t .. f r'"'l&U ., \ t .ab'.
tut'f'nt ~.
CIRCLE K Tl11 di u J1,n ol a Ji:>rl) n ~'fl • uf lhf' regitnr 11'.H'llO« or Cl o;:I .. I<. acoorrtlni: I ·~~· lll'lldnrlla. ~Ukr wtd ll " •U ldbr Utnll1<l l•• mrmbrN an~ ll••lr rl4ti,ii univ. and lhnl pualll bl~ It ,.ould b• hrld at Iii<> Kryl.lal Plun~•. 1he c-lub 11.1udl'lod .. llh t '' Mnrrh r Otrnr.. Trl1onu A, Jan. 22 and 23 ot l\\'SI. ""rk· In~ •Ith Uu I\••) C:lub, b hll h r!1ool a ot·latlon or bo wMch. Ukl' <.:urlr I\, Is ala, 11 nsr,r•>d by l\11'Dnlll. U >n H,.llalt ltt><I Or•nr D nu 1lf1•nd•·d Uu K\v.nnl!i 1nr•·lln1 lUI, 1.... PHI THETA KAPPA l• 0 d lq· bu
arc bei nc
COLLEGE ENROLLMENTS ARE UP 12 PER CENT n ,,., n· thk r... r 1:!_ \rt laat lelll. the u. s. OIT1c.· or Educ:atJ n annnunc·t•d in D-'c,..mber ~8. Thi• lotul l nr llm•·nl • a.s 5,967,lll .stuc1<-n1. c- mrarl'd ..-Ith 5.3:!0, :?9~ n th• !All : C 1U••1 r 11"'' 11 PNC.,nl
Tl~· l!lb5 tudl'nt lnclud•-s 5.570,.?~I tud• nts "urkln~ tov.ord bN'hd ~· 1 hl~h··r d• ~It'"" and 3 ;.HO n n..S. arN filUdmt... Th rt • nllll' P<"ICrnl d lh •ear·
fllUdl"fl~ au· l>Ull"tl l•llh 38
c a:.·
II l>l'ICt•nt l<.
I l'l~.
natural resoun:t>, they d~ fined the word !ore:slry"Thr. saenUlic mana,ement or fores1" and !.JN"st lands tl!r conDnuou• u>e of ;:ood• and 5et\1C.. S. •• In lilt> CUI• rent voearsooal proi.;mm, expla1Md, NIJC Is the> ofrertna a course dr"1gned lo train cen In the ncld f forl!St!T tl'Clmlctans. Man) pe..ons hue asked, the' said. ••Just "'hat do you stud.v In this ne .. course•'" The tlr~t ynr Includes G<'nt'ral Fo:t'StO, \:tlllza· ti n ot f\lrrstn P~ duels, f"Utf"~tr'
8,Jlan'. aU taushl by Mr. Carl l\rue~er. In addition. ~ruder.rs add.>d. thl'' a.re lt'a:n.ln' the au of comr.wn· lcall a rro::i \lr. Jac:k s"an n. and \lath ematlc and sun rr1ni: from \It. Ken Dun chi. Thr alhernoucs CNt~e i>t :: studmrs 1~ dPsl1111ed !OH' the ~ludrnt amplt bll<'.hround In alerb:a and tnc nomttr., thr~ add~d. ~:s;ebta i:h es the nident a oor.plet.. undrr-tandlni of L'ie !:l1'S Of t!lponrnb, rac• :.onr.r. and r"ots o.nd P•>"ers. Tn GDnom~m- ;;tudl e~ 1ncludl.' anlt)e:<. r.uilans, and 1n1 !unctions. Tni:onomt!lr,. and als;ebta 1:1 ,.,. the <1udent sl; JI~ 1't:!ch ar.. t>:<Senllal t : 'tud .-mr sur>evtn11. the)· co~dud1,C.
IP ves
:be :rocr::: !cres:er a p:osp.c:· I'"" In the ba .cs or plane c "tr:>! sul\ t'.)1nc. the &tcdent ,. .. tl n to uplAJn. Ir. plain !Diiie &uf\t'Jlng. the swdelll l.J:esi.er lnms bow IO lalt• ll<ln=tal !Uldf':I.
.. s~
: d! ata.~ct'. and : " c r:tet Pl'OCt!d:Jrra r I cialr.1~· top· o,raphlc r.:aps. C a1111I su r1e11nc conat,.ta o! c neel ;5e I lnaln: er.ta Deef'Sll&t1 t : t r r~11111nc r le el lln~. bt11cb allla. and ct!ler control pol1Jt6. To l'nablt me etud<"nl 10 put 0:>1'11 all o! his 6UtHY•rut daU, Ibey t'lplalned, the ar. ! dr&lt.oc Is lotroducl'<!, and :tu t:dt dra!UnE. thr tudenl lam• lett,.rtng "'J that h111 notes .. 111 be n..al and le ct bit>. He al ao teams .. '1t
' .. n.t ,.,. JUl lhl l lc. - l\M. Jlll!I • s I. \'ant•
u e
n:,::-Jments fllr tt".e
c nect l"lhod or de•.cn. 11.1~ 11le5e tundamenl:lls. ll:e •l•H1ent IS o.ble to Jltl.SP lh~
ub)ect or !oreatcy ln Cl'llt'ral. In General Forea try, one studies timber trt'nds, lo&· t cf!lll. and •awmtlllna. .. hlch are l'qualh lmpartant In the mode m tud' or fort' 1try • t chnolo~-. • For lht pt'rpelVaUon or our forests, tllt" stud1•n1 la trained In pr.,ventlon or fort'st fires, ooll l'IOslon, and 4 d!aease or fore"lb. He IPams to mut' bt'ttt't us or forests. and studlrs the 4 utlltzatlon ol llmbe>r for vrneer. paprr, lumber, and fuel. In order IO undt'f~tand the f ;!<'•,..th r the forest, they •atd. the srudenl for ...stcr ;tudles lhe llloloatcal csences. The 11e1enct'• con· l tatned .. 1lb1n the course a.re b.>tanJ, sth•tc:ulture. and tree \dent10ca11on. Last but not lea..,t. the l ~roup explained tha I Included 1n lb<' courses of rarest lecb· nolol:.'·. ls the lleld of cornmumcatlon. Contrary to .. hat • -ost peopl• think. ht' said, tht. Is not a :1tudy enlllt'ly or radio communlcalion. liut con-
~ry Joci..sOl'I ""o""'"•~ bro""Ch 4 r n; "."Jf"•1'ry clos1.
or ft.>athns. •rltlna. o.nd
u..tenlns-or In plntner words. • •• t.'DOdold foshtooed Enid I ~h. • • This \\ell rounded course In bresuy, one of the Ors1 1 or Ila kind In this area. they believe. "Ill la~ the stepping swnes for other vocotto111J ~chools lluou11rout th et couni_ r>_·~~~~~~~
EDUCATION COSTS RISING The c-o~t or 11 coll eKC Mlu-4 callon contlnUl'S to tnrre111<e. A ~ul\·ey b) the u.s. omce .>r Educauon I public and Pll vat<- colll'aes show that41 chnri:es for tuluon, fl't'S , ruom, 1md boanl lncr«i>ased bNween 4 1111d 5 percent dunnc lhl' past veat. • \!:lie undercnu!uates ant'nd · inc pn,·att' ln:.tltulion• paid $1,399 tor two semestt'r.i, 09 5.l percent mo re thBn a year a~-o. Womro pllld SI ,425 , an lncrl'3SI' of ~ .5 pen:ent. Cost.-. for malt- srudcnts in; public colll'8<'" In their own state Jumped 4 .:! percent to $700. Coed• had about the same proport1ona1e 1nc1enset1 to Si&I • ti contru1, malt' undercrilduat"s nttendlng pullllc 1nst1tuuon" out.1'1de their ow" Klatt• paid Sl ,08~ up ont• per· c•'1ll lrom thl' previous year , 11:1d cosk. tor coed.> "ere pracuc-ally unchanRrd arJ $1,0~.
In uddltlon to thrsu conl.~. Ui< USO!:: P:'!Umau•s thot dothinc. Uan&portatJon . tt'xtf' boob, and 1.-cr<!atbn run br110ren $500 Md $1.000. Tuition r<'t'• were hlSh<':!Jj In lhe Nnrthcwil. both oT public and p11va1e .. chools. Th• lar,t number of 1.. o•year public co11.,,.,,, in the we_,,.. and S>ulllwes1 ch&lltlna laulr• or no luluon moor th•••e ar... ..,, the most cconomlclll •
Child Devel.opment Instructors
TUJo New Library
Books Reviewed 9
d ...._.......
books 'A'blC h Ian• recentl.y been purchas~ by tht' library are worth tbl' T•o Ill'• boots "hich baH recenUy bttn purcbasf'd l& tilt' ltbnuy are WPll •orth lb<' t'ffort :iC scrutt11.• by anyone who I" lntere<ted In a bt~lory cl tbe \'\Jtlni;s. Tiie ntles &rf' Wf'SC\'lk.lnJ bv F'arle1 Mo,.. at tllf' author o( 111&11.\· boolr..., loclud!n1 Ne,·er Cr' \\,IC and Th<' Oo' wli0Vi0i'i1t1't1 TWO Of"lf
Mrs. Ho:zel Fowt:•" ond ·"'"'· &rry Gora-CJ', co ,..:.trt.-c'.., :r""'°' '"""' 4'rtvcror ol th~ Chdd 0.v'"lopmonr cou.rs•. s~"' c• ;""9 f'te-• •e Sh(J'IN ond Tc-II por-1"(. Stvd•nts m •I, s cor..f'S• "-.< .. · • .:5 hOtK.s of ocn,,al lo~orory fltx~rlef'Ce wit,, ltx11 •o t•••r. )•er old duldrttn workln9 ~~, rh• -suJ>9tVIS401'1 or 11\~. Fo,,.,c~r-r o• ~ Joe"' ~ ortd J'I/ l<tr>dor90rton. This pl1Jn hoJ bet'l"f vs.od lor """ ~4t0'~1 r. ·~ NIJC HOITWt f'c:-onomlc-:. d•portrtwnr.
Drafting And Design Courses Are Varied NUC's lour semest er d111rt-
l ln11 llnd deslcn course eom l:i nes academic clossroom In subjects which l)llro llel and supplement the labomlo ry • techniques taul!ht ln the :;chool dm(tllljt room. Tht> studen t ls cf'·en elllssroom prepnr ntlon ln communl1 cottons, human relnllons, strenRlll of motertnls. basic sur ve) and system5 control. Thc.;e nre comb! ned "Ith I coun:.E'S ln applied science:; and mothemaucs . A modNn ond ru11,)·-equ1pped drnfti nR room fnmillonzei; • the "tudent w!th the equip ment and method,. Ul>ed In industry. In the draft!n~ • lnbomlory the student ls taught crnphlcs and descnob,·e i.eometry aloni: "ltll al remit electnc a l p1pini. plus 11 archllectuml and 1opogmpb1cul dmftlng ond design. Due lo Ille 1ncreas1nc comple\1t_,. of the fields of i. m~dern en~neNlni:, tllere ls
THE PIN CUSHION ..._ Exclus•vs Yorda;ie $hap ·tvery rl11n9For Tne Seomsrress
JIO lakeside Ave.
Coeur d'AJ.,..e. lcloho
n i:rowln.g demand ro1 lecbnJ cal personnel capable of ass1sUni: engineers and relcnslnG them for more ad"anced worlc. The drallloc nnd des!l!ll cou1&e pr<>par~ men and women wllo d~slre to partlc1p11te ln the tt>cbnolo!llro 1 ~rowth or lndustn, bu t who :arc not ab!!.' to. or ti not wish to attend a (Juryear enpneerlng course.
SERVICE CLUB WILL SELL USED BOOKS Bn n; your 01a oook~ to t.. sold ~· the Cntdinal Ser\'lce Club. These should be turned Ol'et IO lht' club JIJI, 21 lllld 25. between 11 ·oo a.m. and l 00 p.m . Thl' sale wt U be hl'ld ln llleo old Book Slore dun ng rl' i;lsl111t1on.
DRILL TIEAM WILL PERFORM AT MOSCOW Membeis of the dn U team be goln£ lo ~:osco.. Jsn. 26 ti> perform 11 t Ille Idaho F'irosb<atdloal i:ame. accordtng lo l\ar en Pamoa . dn!I team n.ember.
BOAT DR IVE INN F, ..-:: (.-,., ... ,..
or '""•
C01"'4' f· fond IC•OIJ~ /1o,..,0w'9t°'fS
s....... o......
1306 f'°"t A••· C...-.v, d'A_l«1•, ldcho
MODERN DRUG CENTER Soec10/1zm9 ,,. CollNJ10tP Neeas for Health and l-fopp1ness
Thh book. ba.ndsamely 11lustmted "''Ill map::. and drnw!np rl'(:ords hlstoey back a 1bou:.and YtatS, and sllould ptO\'tde enJoyablr and lolorm11b. ve re1tdln; . \'!kl n11: nm es ta ~!Odem by F'lel sher ""iiia'"" l\e1 liilrTs a slo r) ot the development of Si<edtsh -Amertcan relations. SWedbh-Aml'ncan relatlona. \\'Ith stnct r~cotd for hlstor1rol fact. Ute IWthois recoun• tile stor:; ol Sv.ed!sh e1plora· oon and settll'ment In Amenca and llH• giowth of trade and sblpptn' from the Viklnc era 1o mode m ti me.. • Thl' vle.,.potnt ol tbe two 1Wthors ts qutte ..-ell blllanced >;ince :.ir. llelbull 1s SWedlsb and Mr. Fleisher ts an American •bo hill> ll\'ed and stUdled ln Sv.Eden.
llS (QI
botreries. r~t~cHe!.. t.1.1oes repotts on ' Op!! •ecotd<.r~
Pt.,o•e• Potare and Purse 1207 H.
anOEl).t eeniiii'8To
ii:idem bT nc If. F'l~lshii iiiirliinten \\elbull. \\!'>I\ lklDI IS ll Pl<>l1>0lU VI', tudi!J rmdablf' namoU•f' that inc udes Inf ,111'.&tl.'ln about lllP ter&h<"OlUI)' "orse \"01'acrs or expl,nn<n and puacv, •bl ch reau !tl!d In tile & ottlemP 111 of Green!Jlnd and tbe dtt.eo,.ezy of Sortll A~ Ilea. M..•at, the autllor .r \lie 1\11Un~. desc!!bei. ht book ' 5 ;;cc;;;;;pllshn:en1s ln tht • "''' ··1 believe I la\f~ tl'Sohed a oumbft of out.:> tand.101 problem~. lnclud!nc the decree ot Celtic partlc1paaoo In the wes1•a:d Uuust tbe real scope or enc tht' R l'd •s e1p I lal.lOM ••• thf' tdenUl!es or the St"\'1111 neui·t> people the .\or.;P encountered. the d~tatlE'd ttad, follow"d tu' all tilt' \IJ\ llCeh lllE' tdt'nU l~ and I ;caaQn ,, the lnndCalls. DI \t'll8 and ~etll~ments, Ille ~a,101 :actors wh.lcb prompted, ''-P~d. and someu111e:. doomM thP "" n.' of thP wei,t\\ard ,·mtutt•s, and m11m leo.ser
stel'eo ~!"s
Servin9 Your Stud•nt Union
.• •
PASTEURIZED MILK MEANS 100% SAFE MILK ,.,.mete Orewth - 0..0 HMhh -
En.f9Y ,
C oeur d 'Ale ne La undry & Dry Cleanen Fr.. Pickup •nd Oo6n'Y )07 f.t•"t
..... 0"-•"'• 4 JSI•
N,1.J.C. REVTE•. Co.01 d'l<l•no. ldoho, w..i., J. nuor, io 1966
ASSOCIATED STUDENT BODY MINUTES A rn1111lar 111E>ea.n1 of the Student Boaro or Control •u called ID order Ja.n. 4. Cootlnurd V.'l>l'k on theo Pal!l F'rcsldent'" plctur c l&llery wu dl$cussl'd and Prelltdent Ethel Bll allt S&ld that Set\¥ JohnllOn would be ••ked 1o corunu .. "1111111111 project . \Ir. c. \\ Pslon Hatch , SAC •h1ser, lt'\'lcwcd Ille budaet and ,.aid lllat $-1.99.10. an llm(UOI n!'edl'd In elC:Ull o( Ult' budcl't, would haw to comt> l'tom th" budaPt a r lllr Soda! A~t1\1Ur• Corntl\lltt'I'. In a dlseu ..... lon or tht' NIJC ._,.~embb proanun . Olano. \\ell•r ~111'5,ed lllt' n.-ed for etllcatlonal a ,11embll1«. Mr. Dal<• Trittrn al.ooo nolntcd out thnt ~tud<>nt• do not .. 111n to have "~l'oond-ra u.•" u11emltUe' pu•,.entod. Ho• &li<o >llU<'~l.-d a ltl!ltructu re or thr &aKembl_v rommlttee. Mr. Rob4)11 ~rtallt. aft~embl,y oommllte" chalnnan, uk~d for $185.00 lo pu for uit• C:Ott.mlttlru•n"' >! Ille commit tee. Tbt board ,·oted to mk~ $800.00 ham th. SAC budal'\, $500.00 of ll to po.y lllr •alll• tu and SI 85.00 Car th•• 11~ scmbb· oomnJ '""". Thi' Slud"n l Bouro h<'ld 1ts re111Jar mrf'llng for llll' tlrsl time In Ille nrw 11tudt•nt office. Under old bu s11u!1St1, l::thcl Bii Ch~ presldl'nt, repartt'd Illar the""" nl!On at11111, up ond needh only th• ~l••ctrtcal hook-up to be ln <>pcrot1on, Uoder ne" bualnt·ss, Phi I Encitfl:ln ~uessed tll<1 n<'ed for nt"A' mo'·le praJ~c1ora nnd a "Clt'l'll ror lhf' SU b, CQNtlnl approximately $1.000 . which It v.a11 Sl ca~,ted c<>uld b" taken out of thr r<~l'!Vl' fund. Mr. JllmCll Bums •~ked a tout tbr prt'sent ststu~ 11r the rtdeoorauon plans for the ~tudPnt ornce. ~.tr . Gerald 11eodt. It "a.s r"l>Orttd, ha11 advbed walunc until a1 least F'ebruar; bPlorP bPgjn· dog the redt-comtton . A di cu!Ul!on of the POS>lblllty of l~Sta!Ung a tdei>!Dne In thr o!l!ce CoJJuwPd. ·.u ·6 Bn a:1t1 iold 111..- board 1ha1 ad\'Ollte plans •'Ould need to be made soon lot next vears boatd ope111rton . An emeraency mecuoc of the Sludem. Board ...a.s called by Eibel Brlc!tt. Ptealdent, F'ntay, Ja.o. BThe purpo' e of Ille m~etlnc •-a~ to d!scuss the flnanc! al dl f!lcullles of the Debatt' team . Mr. Richard R.rneiran, debate c01lcb, told tht' board that th,. team needt'd l!nonclal us! tance lo attend :be debe~ trip, ..·hl~h was held Jan. 15. Th.ls ptutitula r tournament was In pan•nt, ht' explained, beC'aUse of the a' erall debat1> picture and for thP PU IPO e OC ma.JU ns Altur- plans rar a leasuf' and t'stabllstloc' • reputation for the poup. U the learn could not attend , :iir. Hyneman added. debeUng for tbe rnma.lndt'r of tbt' currf)!ll yettr \\ould M\'l' to be a.bondoned. The lr&\'ettng rund o! J600 pro,1 tied by rte c::olleF had bt'!'n Plhaua~d and the only pas Ible ""Ult'" of th<' neet>ssa lY $300 was tb•' StudPnl Boe rd. he adde<I . )'.n . \la rearnt Galt> l\&Jd that by " economlzlnc and cutUng," ~he ml &ht bf' "bl<' ta o b!AI n $1 00 from ht'r dnunaucs tund. A lenihl~ dl 5CUS6lon or al I
•tudent tunds rouo .. oo, Md It • u ngoln POln ted ou t Ula t the onb open budal't .,as that ot lllt Soda! Actf\·tuu C'ommlttl'l', Thtrr I" a paa llll:ill~ of some su rplu~ lrom tlle RE VU: 11 and onnual. whloh will be 1Dak11d Into ~l<'t . II waa d1·ctdod to tnko $300 ·rron1 Ill~ SAC budif'l, and 1>u ptl•!l<'d that It be lcn to ·thp dl11crNloo or th" SAC to mnkl' nrc~•sazy ehnrat'.. for SAC t<ponsor rd ~ 1·m lll and • to dl'ddt' 111 which aCTnlr thc•o
,.... ,I~ """'•<Ir.
At II StUdPnl Bonrtl mt••tlnc Jon. I fl. mt>rnbcra \•o trd to 1111rch11-.t two projrotor B, a ~<'1111•11, <•ltt'nalun cord1 , nnd 4 •tom.- Cl\1-MI "' l>fl UAl'd for $ludMt Union movloe onlv . Thr o ra)t>C tani will b" pur chwrnd from the Bell llOd llo1"'U Compnns. nnd wlll bo.• pn.td for flom uudnn t 1und , accordlnK lo 1>111<>1 Bri&ht. p1t'Std1•nt. Phl l Er!C ~ lllln , vice pr<"'ldrnt of thn Student Board , wl U !cnq, this srmostN tu ottMd Gu,..1.111 Unlvrmltv, the 1roup waa b>ld.
Winter Has Its Grip On The Land II~ £lo"<lld N, H.l~Ulo
Whtin lclolrs co.vl'11-dro11 at the Window ond thr orchr~ lml shuvele on th" p1v~ment kt•ep ume wl Ill tho hum or c:o.r':i 'IPtMln~ snow ll r!'!I, It 111 Quite ovldenl lhal wlntN hu It~ •n11 on th< la.nd, Al<Jnl wt th tht chnr..ctl'll11tJc11 O( winier lhN'11 comf' certo.ln unwanted e1~m..,11&. NII'\ I didn ' t mind, In thf' lea.st, surmountlna the hu1r !IDOW pllPB, Ill madr ml' rerJ a bll Ukt> Hiila ry on Ever• I), und I didn ' t mind not •hovollng to tl!L the car out, becau11e I walk. but the llllna thal wa• dl&CQnc~run1 wu whPn the snow bf'p.n IO m•lt. ThPn one had 1o lord huce lakes or lceJNatN LO C4'l llCrtiaa the trePl and In lh" oroc,.,a11 ri"'< the chance ot 11etttn1 drrocbed by the auto-t,vpe Ho-Newr, 11prlnaler, 1ca111 1• In le><a lime lllan It lakl'll the .Bird of Paradl"" to do the backstroke In a :-It"• Year's eu noc . the sloppy slush became di ny and Craze apln. T~n peopJ(' eltMr wished for spring, 01 they bea>me dJ&IU&ted with tbe whole mea~ and mov@d 1o Adzona . But todaJ' the 11ttteta are dr.1 and th(' snow llall almost gone. 'Ibc sun ~lllnes hlaher 1n th•· all.)' each da1. and at dmei I llllllt;!nf' I can llPat n mt'adowlarll 1n a dHllllll tree . Yet no matter ho" much I des: re "Pd DI to oom<', I I can 'I Pl'r1orm mlr&CIH. 1Ue5" I'll JUSI have to think pootlt,.,.ly, and hop~ that •e don i R"t anotber couple lf'et d snow. After all, spdn' ts just a10uod the com!'falthoush I hA•<'n' ye1 mad<' up my mind Just which ono.
KE.El' G ROl 'SO» C-1.f:.I ' T., rn urt thal .,U,.C-f' mund th ')' ·u ilt Jc~pl lot>k1n1: n .. at •UWt=nLI who' 1•ul lun h 1n th<'lr co.,. ·' "" rtmlntf~ thAl
""'''Fl"" an•J JtOtt dnnk ~lth • au to be dcpo,tte!'d •n rrafM"r
's\.Ulf" (.-;ntaJn~
Th.... i:.dm1n1a\rah•1n ~.x~tA t r1l't 111Jh,.,'l'1'4"'C t~ thUll l~c
N.l.J.C. REVIEW. Coeur
Cardinals Edge Columbia Basin For 13th Victory
Rebound Scramble
NIJC ,lrpp d 1 o 01cliM 1n rlio A. <oc:lo!'>d Pres• N.X:AA boskl!!bol. •onkmgs los1 N<l<:k. The Cards ,.,.,,., roriced 15th on no11on by boske1boll coache~ rn lheir 1ir51 ueokly Po1 • Lost .,co> 's second ronkong hod mem 17~.
o. Eric I ecn, e - t.• rroy Sro• • T
ond )Im Le-• ol ,...__ Colurnhio Sosi" HQw,.s 90 1.1P fat
re~J. Also ~0111r.9 orw ~' f •u} O'tt/ Jc- "°"'ro1u (
8r•'ft.)I"': IJ!,!J,, o,...,A Oort
I _,, thto Ha-.. • •
Jla,...•t 12, 81.,-1•• 111. l f'Tf'I••• 9.
The Card. won a pair or squmkN>1 !mm Bois<> Col· I e11P on lhr Bronco CX>urt In
Ruth•, 0.ll•e 4. rtlJC (44)-0-tUWn 1 ~ . lt>hv.H• l , u . Onitn-d u . C)tloc"~ 1.
resuming pla,y after lht> hoU·
11•,...•)' : .i. L1'f'C:b t. t.... Ch•tl•• 1. A111~1 ~. R110 ..-. ,....,..,.
da,y brl'all , GC-55 111d 64~2. In lbe oprnl'r, Diak S::hultz l~d acxirln11 WI th J9 polnb. NIJC !rd 26·23 ol hill !!In r. Thi>
nl'l l
wurhN although the C01dl · nllls l~d 32· 22 al thr hill f. RlC'ha rd Sri lion wa• hJ ch pulnt
lltld Bois•"
LAYnr l!roylr•. and H1uv••y ••1111h hlld 13. Bnb Brnlnnrd roulrd out f•ir NIJC. NfJ<r
•hl•lf I t, Ut•ln•rtl 4 ,
19, Dthl<•n It. I. , 01 f.
(O>-L.yn " •••
Sc-hlli1tf ~.
BOUll' COL.L£Gg (6ll-Bro11.._ JJ.
•&.•• •· ~
HIJC 75 - BIG BEHD 66 NJJC ' ~ pr,.s~ on drfrn r In th r• rcond hal I pal d oft Coll~cc 111
Bts BP.nd
&'o•rs !Aki' a5 the Card!. o\•crcam" a 39 -31 halfu:rr dt'lldl ra lhel rMRhth Mralrht ·Mn.
c1111nrd I~ th• l'OOnd hall ch11rR<', hov P ·er, Ra\ Srhlafl had his bl' t n1 silt to l•·nd lb~ CardJnall. "1th 26 polnl . Rich ¥ dk had 23 lur lh<' MnR1 l..al<P qulnL Schul1.1. un<I Bnunard fr)ult:d out rurll tn th1 ttamr. Thr Bl• Btnd haltume ll'lld " ' filJ>n
w I rad
h••lll'·d b\ 11 convertl'<I Ire" thro" 1tll•'lllPt" tn thP tu I ha.Jr. HIJC (U,-Sth\llU J, Qt.•,.ti u. C"••nf't •. Sthlaft :t. fra•••lr •• tlHllnt1 •ft l. fl"llAerd I • hritt ft 1.
MISSOURI LUNCH ... '). , 4'41
.:Vkon>cs .._ • • Kon a~ .'oe~I" , Dov"<. Delowac
Btu .•• C'
\bunt u n •uru
couldn't WP•
C I·
v..1 Cp
6-0 10-1 S· I
',l1mesora '7. rior. ,doho C. Coeur d ' All!ne '8. Wo son eroncli ol Oirco90 . o '•' O"' -Jode, .'.'Or"•, Flotrdo
1:;.1 9-0
REVIEW HEEDS SPORTS EDITOR The CaJdinal Rl!\'l<!'A blls opening !or 11 sports
AnYone Interested or wbo des! res add! dona I information nbout lbe posi tion shou Id contac1 the editor.
KRYSTAL PLUNGE Sw1n11:un9 - Rec-reotion - Doncing
Sou no S•••m Bo tlo s
· S .r· I"'
S..s~oons • . ••. ~ iu• 5clied 'le for 11mes)
COFFEE SHOP OPEH 7 o.m. - 10:30 p.or. Br<taklasts - Special Dally Lunch•• "Be$t Ever Hambur9eu Compl•t• Founta in
ll>-lln1Nlf"4 :, Obtta:h 1t tk.br.alU II, Cam.Y 1i0 $C'hJ•ff ::S. D•tJ&nct fJ .z. QrUtoa H. &. cue (&:: ~•u•r '· L7"ft 6. COQ1•r ~. S-11,_ 11 0 Panoo• c~. L•• I. Gonaal• • &.
- ........-.... ,... .._... __• ..,.. . ...
...-.r• ..,.,
••"°'•'•ell .................. .
~·••• ~·
CARDS HOMIHATED AS TEAM OF YEAR Tht fourth 11.Mual Press 5Por1A BanquN hon>rin« Idaho P111hAlldl" •PQIU lf'&m~ will be ht'ld al 1·00 p.m. 'Ibul'Sday,
t>H•nt IA sponsored b) lhf' Cot'llr d'Alene Prt-ss, and "111 be held ID lilt' :oilJC audllonum. Ttckrtsar<'$Z.50. Tb<' :-IJC Cardinal:< rS lut 't'Jlr arP one of thto m- ~""' ( •• tl'arr c r tbt' ,. ..Ill.
EVERGREEN FLORAL AND GIFT SHOP Fo' Ow• •1 ••cl S.f.iu vr~-. ....
s...,,..,.,_ """•
""" •
eo..., a At....
' "
Cardinal pr•ss and C .,ch lllllllllnti' ch:irars a.m 1¥>1tr r111rn Pl'lld11•1on. On" with 1 ll'H I "In. Tl><l led at u111r1< b> ..,, ~;uch •~ ~o po1lnl • nnd It'd 56· 1- Ill ".Ufllml'. Rob Brainard and Oan
60< P•r Hov
I. 3
'<. Jo .,._ I "'° <I.!. Robt!r- '!.errs. Pn•burgh. Pem. '5. fJ• Dod<]I), ONO
For a lifetime of
Take 5 . and swing out refreshed. Coca-Cola -with its bright lively lift, big bold taste. never too sweet - refreshes best.
Learn to
!1. C'_,.o • 5c-hl•U t •• &ruteon ~ ... Tn.•"'•
D•ll"•' • U. 10. x ..tt;t, a.
llL\. f VO\"~TAI' I'· , ...... 1. ~.!~\I
11\i•IJ• IC'.
u 1-H.nu
• •
Ult '•
lake City lanes, Inc. 1" 4 N. i:-..i. S. •
c...., 4 Al.A•
While You Are Young
tnth inn ro".
P o A• C•·< Bo - I
Tre ' " • II•• •
11-3 Okla.
'.tounlaln t··~ lnt rnnn' •r. r. and lc<I cardinal lor'arrl~ "11h pa.;;5~ for rr:an• shots. Ft'" CIUd -corC'd In th d"ublr ni:ur.,~. "'lb ~hult.< P 1unni: In ~I to l<'ad :II• <" nne. ll:urltion Pl'C<d Blul' •1 un1:un "llh 17. 1hc 'lltn "os lhl' Cud1:3Js•
N. Y.
UIO llt~D (ftA~l'f'lii • '•'~•I • Q.,..nt .4 0 tn•tel fr 11 9
1 01
13-1 I ~- 1
8. \'rncr•on, Te,.,• lol-2 C Be ">O'ly L ·~on. '.\anko•o. Mom. 11 • l C. lam.or. Colcrado 1~- I
tru.plred pla.J by Ca.rdtna.! reserTes In the seoond bal r sa' ed lhe aa.me alter tbe
Ela wk center Don Parsons wen: !Id In the seCX>nd hall "1 lh 32 pot nts lo add to the 12 hi! dropped ln durtng tbe first ha! r. Bis H topped SCODnlf tor the e' eruna. Ray Schlat!' led .:-1JC w!lb 25. with Olcit Schultz addini; 18 and B1111on cootrtbuttn~ 1~. Co:icb WUUams called It a 11rl!':lt team v!ctoi:r and was •ti') pleased with bis re· .er.· es' play.
8 -2 13-1
~'<:bl!tlv, M1ssOU'1
half l!llded "1 lb NIJC leac!lng 39-35. Tiley matched CBC basket for bullet dua.011 the secood half, wtule trJ1nc ro a void fllrtber too 15. They had a seven point lt'Jld with t'llo mllDltes ro !IP 001 s1u• It melt away. Yueh of lb.ls time the C:r.rds bnd only one 1111&rd.
Burl•ngror.. lo"a 2. Ca111e<on CoJll!ge, Lo"'°"· Oklo.
"· Del°'· Tl!•O•, Bophs• ~. '.\ nero ArlOO, Flo• R1Vl!r, I.lo.
Coa.ch Roll.)· \\'lllil.lllS 111\d onl.. a nlne· rr:an SQWld on band ~e to tllnus and eady Io the rourlb quaner was down ro rJ\e men as S::nut12. Bduon. Tra,.l!ek and Brainard watched from lhe bl!llch after routine 001.
Idaho, W•d., Januor'f 26, 1966
A closlnc mlnotl!S mll.y by th" Columbia Ba.slo Hawlu ft'll ~hon by one J>Qlnl and tbe Cards came bome rmm Puco bapp1 "1 lh lbel r 83-a:? win. It was the teotb Stra.J lbt for tile Ca rdlnals a.nd ran thl!lr record ro 13· 1 fo r the
d "AI•~,
klDd !ilft5et •
agu.ot1t1 o' t•t Goc.....CO'' c.rrio'"Y bf INL4NO E M PIRE COCA ·COLA BOTH.ING COMPANY