N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 21 No 1 Sep 28, 1966

Page 1

College President Extends Welcome To Student Body Ma> I t'stend a 111o«t wncere welcome ID all Of VV<J 8111• dent~. new and returning. This ycu marka an lllHlme high In student Mrollment. ll Is our hope that II will also mal1r an alHlmt' hl&h tn student enthusiasm. Ole programs of IMtruc:tlon and student acl1v1Uee ba•e bi!en expanded llO that ,..e reel we can take cart' or the ne~ or all or you. We



VO l.IMl XX,






dunnc these Orst days or Instruction as we Iron out , u.., ln.,vilable probl""'3 which arise with record cnrollm<!t1ts and unpredlc14blt' bulges In cel1aln areas or study. M'v thJs be a most fr&tl.(y· Ing Yt'ar for you as you malce new rnends and as you ex· plore the new horizons "blcb wlll be opened ror you. P. /\. Chrlsllanson NUC President



REGISTRATION PHOTOS ~CHEDULED SEPT. 28 A photographer wlll be on ca~us \\ednesdll.l· morning. Sep~mber 28. to take ldenti· tficatlon pictures or all late reg! strants, those wbo resJs· tered after Septcmbtr 3. A Ust or studenlS and the Umes ~ey are to hu"e Photo$ talien are posted on bulletin boards in the administration and Ubrary bulldlngs. • These photoifaphs are a required part or recistratton.

SEATTLE U. MAN ~OMING OCT. 5 Robert K. Lll'dln~ . Director or Colle1~ Relat\Dns 5t'a1tle Unl'l"t>rslty_ "111 be a1 NWC be«lnnlnc at 10 Lm. \I rdn<'Ml"1. OctobN $. U> talk to any stud~nts lntNe•ted n lcamlna about Seattle Un1vprslt,y. He will be at a tablt srt UP for him In thl' Student ·n1on. \Ir,


Cll.SSIFIED AD SECT IOH STARTED 1'hr R<'vlcw .... u1 accept cla11tttfird adve1111<1n1 this year. Thr cost to u~ers of this ~ecUon "Ill be 15 crnt5 'i>cr line per tnwrtl or., Orders m~ b.- placed In the bustne..s ofnc•

COMING EVENTS Sept. 28 - lnmauon dinner ror n .. w home rconomlc1> of· Jtcer' or NI JC Chapt., of the Amrrtcan Home Economtc.' Assoctauon. Oct. 5 - Class otncN olec.;1ons. 9:00 A.M. to 3.00 P.M.

t 1 •· :

arr • kl"d b'

...lil..nlstrati , to Cami j. lartn lhttmA•l Vf'fl wtth t"Oltttt:•• parklni; and' dtl\lnJ n.'11\11~· Uon•. R<'ll.lmlni; .tud••nt~ should also !<"huh thrlr emone11.




POlltPd on "ntranr~ doors l th<- ad 1 nt•tn111.1n but hi· Inc. Parkin~ In th•· c:rnt~r or Collr&I' Ortv~ 111 prohlbltrd now. StudrnL1 n·11-•l l'ltrk blcyclr.!1, motor btk~ and motor cycle• oil the pa'ed

lnRAWING, PAINTING COURSE IS OFFERED An extension drnwlng and palnlln1 course from the Unlversli;y or Idaho ap.ln wlll be offered In the NIJC ~vocational bulldlnc every Wednesday and Thursday eve· nines. nceordlna to Helen Ramon. I nstructor. t The dra111ng course has tentaU\•el,y been SN from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. llednudays: ~e palatine cour..e wlll be ..rnursdays at the same dme as the drawin11 class, she saJd. /\Jl)'one who Is Interested n taklna the course should call Helen Ramon. Coeur d' Alene. she ss.td. The bei!.n· nlng date or the first class Is 1 pendlnc.



TWB.VE NEW STAFF MEMBERS AT NUC THIS FAll Twth• new •arr "' """' :s were on h1111d at NIJC Ulls fall to start tho n~" i;chool term. Elcht ar~ acadetnlc StaJf members. three are In the \'OC&Uonal dh1slon. aod one I In the ad:nlnlstrath'e orr1cu. Ah'erado N. DeckN Is t4"achlnc. Enallsh and :;ocloloc. He holds an M. £, decret! Crom Eastern Washin,ton Sia.Col! Collee~ and ba:o 13 years or tt"achlnc expert 'IC • prt::lar· lly in Ala.ska. Mar\"ln W, F.anner Is In the business admlnlstrauon department. H~ has an M.A. from Colorado :;iate Collece and hu ntDe r~ara or t"ach1nc t'XP<'rlence. prtnclpaJl..v In Ale Force schools In £\ltOpe. Ra,ymond /\. Gardea teacbes psycholoa. He has an M.A. from llbltwortb. Collese and Is starunc bis nr"t year of r.eachlnc. Rlcbard M. Raym :id teacbes bloloey. lie bolds an M.S. from the University of Mon· tana and bas elsht years or tPachlai; expertence In ~Una· esota and lolonl4DL Ed"1n Stuart te1&.;h_s cbemlsuy. He has an \l.S. from the t:n1,·er.1Jty or Mon· tlllla and I:? years of teaching experience In Idaho. ~larlrne F'lnney t<'aches In the EndlSll Clepar~ent. She has a B.A. from the l:Dl\"1'r· 5llY ol ldahO lllld one }ear or teachlna cxperlt nee la llU· nots. \'lr~nla nnsley teaches En1llsh. She bu an 'J.A. Hom th•· t:nh rslly ol Idaho and Onr '<'IU Of lcachtllt U · peucnce at tb U. "'Idaho. John Spnnkle tuchcs machine tool lab. HP 1 a former \"Ocauonal teacher In cal1· fornla. Tom P Robb teaches mldmanac"""'Tll In till" \"OCauonal dhtalon. He has a B.A. Cron> th•• Collese or Idaho and ho• th"<' ~·erus 01 tt·achlnc rxp•·rlrncc ln ~ltrldlan and Coeur d'Alen.. hlQh schools. L""'1ard Cl. Cope teaches drallini: and dcali;n In the vocational dl\"talon. He Is a 1traduau• of the Idaho Suue Unl-.rMl) \Ocattonal ~chool


..ad as 0 \ t > ar expertt"lc• and has Q \'C year& UPP.I• lcnce, moaU) at the Na1ional Reactor Tesdn1 Station at Scoville. Idaho. John A. Ruper! la Ille \"OCa· Uonal division couai1tlor and commualeauona lnimuctor. He bu an M.Ed. In adllUOI· 11uat1on from th~ Unlverslt) or Idaho and an \I.A. In counsellnc lUld &Uldanc" from the UnJ,·e:s1ty or .'1aba:l:L Mr. Rupert bas 32 yea:s teachlne e.iperlen~. ll:06tly In the Nampa, Idaho acbool system. Joan O'Leary Is a book· ieeptr and strnor.rapber I~ the admlnistraU'-e o!Oee • Sbe attended Pierce JuniClr Collese ln Reseda, Cali!omla two years and business CQi· l"'" for one year. Mrs. O'Leal)' comes to NIJC fr "' N0rth Amf'rlcan A 'iatlon lD CL~ Park. Cal.il"r:ia

ME SSAGES OH BOARD Sludenls are r~ .i.llded thal onlY emerG('ney calls 1ull be dell•ered. All other :::es· sa~ and mail .-111 ~posted on :he bllUeun boa:d •htt:b ~ be!!D USP:\ ed Ca th:at purpose lo t br miun IDll. Couos ..ltni: appointments may ti;. mad,. In tbe c:oun,...lln c ome~.

Student pal1rlna la prohibited IM>blnd the ad bulldlnf, 111111 . and llbr111y (the weftt &lde1. No ll&tXln1 la P"nnltted In cr~ss.,.aU... and crosa-hatched arns. /onJ cars P&rk•d In euch rl!>lutcted ar••a •Ill bf' tacsed and Violators nned. Students may park on HtreMs , subject to cltv rraulauona since all campus atlof'l.I &rt' city streeia. Pudn1 Is also all ed tn the larce lot eL•t ol tbP :ad bulldtn1 and north or the chemiatry building. A parlun1 lot la provtdl'd for donnltory studrnt11.

SWdenia are alflO !•:minded or Sller:ian 1rad,. arhcol 11d):icen to the eolleae eampu sod al'! uraed ID b<l nptclally careful wh••n pa.11ln1t Uu chool. ~~~~~~~~

OVER 200 ATTEND BARBECUE, DANCE OH" 200 per!<On. ati.onded tne free balbecue, Sl'Pt. 18, 8:30 p.m. In tbe !».ck or the £dmlnstN SIUdent Union. Baked A.lmon was ur. ed wltll tossed salad. potato Alad. relishes and F'm1cb bte:ad, and 'CO Cl L':I (OI dPSSert. Studrnta re IJllLrd that eYel)Oll" had a good tl:llP. Al!.t't11"a."°3, ll'lm 9:00 ID 12:00 lb•: 11'15 a dance lo :he stu· dent ll!IJ on The Mlllute Meo a I ral danoP band, provided ~Ill< rtalnment. Aceordlnc to '" JXlllS rec:el \'l'd thNc was a ":Ull •ious•".

Go11ernor Candidale Viliu NIJC

S(PT[l.l8ER 28, 1966

Eirollmeal For fall Semester Passes 800 Mark Alth >Ush r•,t uatton for the fall term hu nut been com· ttl•t.-d b\: the roiw• deadUn• for th I• tanue, R~alMru Nl11hlo r<•portud unorrtclnlly that 833 11tutlt·nts hlld t<.'llatl!red by IMt Friday. &pt, ~7 • H the laM day or 111J1atraUOfl f •I the fall ll"!Tn. t"'or th• nr"I tlm• In manv 1~0111, It llPll"llfO that POIOll· menL hM atnlumatrod at NIJC. La"t tall 83~ wrrr• rnrolh•o at lhr .lrlldllM for rrcJatra· tlDn ano •CU' Iner."'•" Lhl1 tall at the nnal 14111 •Ill be VNV •light. t.nrotlmt"llt In roci-nt yur~ wu...~: 687 In 1962. 6 16 In 1963. 7H In 196~. 834 In 1985. President P. A. Chrl11Uan· •on r•port!I that many othN Junior cot1ea••11 ond ,,am~ unlvrrsltlr.11 111111 coll,.ee. al· au 11•port ronrollmrnt hllll atablllz"d or d•cllned. Thia may bt duo In put to th., openJ01 ot nr,. colle1os which 11lphon off former 11Wdlln1S. Olhrr factorti In· volved lnelud• thn VIN Nam War, wld,.llPWllll uvallablllty or work. and alowlnc do•n In nrollment uowth In hl1h

·11 JOI .

Yearbook Will Be larger This Year Th" 1967 •dltlon o! t11e ;";IJC Drift•w(! •Ill be ~n · to colleda~ 17..t', 9 lnth"S b)' I~ lnch<'5, and will ha'.'e I :?8 P&1es, accord· lnK to Cathi HNI 7.a, editor. The annual will havr an 1ncr"as" of 17 P&l"ll !rom IU! 1ear'11 edition, ahtt said. Miss H,.111-& aald that oneo or lll" eoala ln publlshlnc the annual wlll b" to endeavor to r~veal the a~11th•tlc Quality or the stud•nt throush more •PrcaaloniaUc and lc:pr,.as· lc.nla!IC pboto&:apby and II· tare~

luatra:l<:>ns. This ;ear's Drlltwood • Ill t:aH! a "'.'el') ablltract cov.,r" Hertza eontlnu<"d, and 11•adln1 ll •Ill be "'an up.·rl•nct- In luiclf." Th~rl"rort". •e r•~I SUI" :Ila: :ne 19'57 Dri!t•ood

w111 lone be r=embelf'd as a •·unique and outa.tandln1" edition or tbat publlcatlon. sh~ eonclud.. d. Othrr statr member& who have recently bet"n cboa~n at!' Gal'f Palo, CCH>dttor, lla:bara Diltz. COPY l"dltor. John o·:.;~111, )Cite Dawson. Jane Laut. Paul Pr.,nuce, cra.11 fhompson. Canrlr Dalli, and Barbara \\blt•lry.

CAllDllAL llEYIEW IS LDOIOIG FOii A SPOllTS EDITOll Editor Don H•lkklla Is 11Ull lookln1 for a apona •dltor tor tbe sue cardinal ~view ror this ICbool y ear. All)'Oae lntt-rested sbould coedac& llim 1111111edlald7 or l• Ye wold w11h Mt. • eadtlll tlle lllalllllo tnce•



THE N.LJ.C. REVIEW ......... s-litt11.U,

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Qt· E:ST/O \



NOl1H IDAHO JUNIOtt COUE6E COIUI lrAUHL IOAHO E4 .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oona14 N. H• 1ii1o.1lo

a.,,, "•'' MOl't•~

• • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pob,nne McCL.it•

PfOOf R•odet • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • . - • • • • • • Lo,..,... Poole•ti Cuculor10A •••• • ••••••••••••• • .. • • ••• • PeaO'r




P,,_t0roplt!••· .......... . . .. ...... ....... D..crt• e..c..~ff 0-1 •• Blolo.,. JmMonn

R.,.o,,•u: S.beto W'hitf.-,, )•OIYI• l~o'°"• 0.:.,,., Sri ""· Jo Ann Fout. Por .Mootf', Coto! Aruh,,,_., J•"" S.r. J • Yo ~ L """'•

v.,. H•u

Editorial. . .



•• .•


a ltt b:mt •

1mprcJSJOJ! 0/

COll4'0<' II/~, .. JUD,. LAl\SON. nurstn1 ..Coll l"Rr IS a IOI o! fun. I find "" ryone at NIJC 1 ery trJe11dl7 and h !p{ul, I enjoy It vrry mucb ... JULIE JENSEX. b\l:Unl'ss wlmlnl tratlon: '" E\'eryon~ 111 so hrlptut and !rleruily, but :.hf' wort's no: so hot.'" IU\THIE POIXTNER. nurlni;: "The work Is hard bot I enjO) II. I like lh" attltUdl' r Ul" teachers toward tbe lu!lenta. I think colle1w Is -1 p• pazatlon to: adult ute and all h.li;h school ltMldlla!es should i:o to collcl:l' tor at least ace 1ea: ... BRCCE R.AXDRE\\S. B..A.: .. As a Ir sh:lan I nnd co!!ece lite sor. or bortni; In till" college. After achooI bour you co to your :oom and do ,.ou: bOCIC"1l:~ ::: an bou· or so and then you aie "'.ack tn yo.a room for tbe ret.t or thl' Henlnc. In addition, belnc awas from bollle and "'err·

!hlnc :bat l'c used to, It'& bard :o adjust. To - colleae

LET'S KEEP THE SUB CLEAH :. • • ' .,,,. : ""''

• •

• r

Papcr cup•.



SOC• •

lot s ov1den• rnuc of rho P !:ling. C•gor II bu.. er shod ond

fef• on rho floor, ond orhet mr celfonoou


ccrw1bu•o •

e< und ~uoble appoorot'!e.

This 1$ no• 1>,e lO"I •r;:,'• foul•. The cou'IO .r the ' 1pshod o~ronco I e w1 n ••udcn•s who lofl 10 ploc., rrosh "' 1 O"lpli · prov <Md r ~· oelo . Wo ccn•and • or 11.c! Oll?eOTOnc of a muc . , ed plcc we iho union buildmg hos o diroc1 1mp<o~ ion on rrry



guo'f' ..t.o m1;ii-• '" 1• t~IJ(. And rhcro O<Q mony. The olur•on r 1h i:•Db cm 1 s•~f If each 1uden1 ' " o·· . . pPCa r • •• ---,,.



A pa r11hlonrr 14lkl n11 IO hie mlnl11tl'r corr.plalnt•d about lht •eatbl'r'• u n~f'aeonabl e cool · n"sa and dampn1<u. Ill lhout n much u a chutklr the mlnlSlN ObhNYcd: " Sorry, I can't do a thine about It. l'lnln•I•, rotmanul•ml'ot." -Thi> Corm•ll 1111~.1 Courlrr

About the moat apt definl· Uon tbal wc can tMnk of tor tf'JPY!alon I that It•~ a mar· velou11 elrctronlc d• "Ice that changes a child from an lrrrhtlblelorcr to ai lmmo,·ablc. objttt. -Thl· B111.n90n ~o>.) \\hill! RIVl'r l..eadl't

PaUenc f' h a nrcr •~an In K!edlentulRf'nlu'. DI •l'ft"ll

M<>nry I a a ttood sc !''ant, but a po r .:ia trr B h . IT


Woodcock's Drug Store Condoe1 - Sund• • P•eu:r.pl on U • N f•vr•h St • C••1i" d Ale "•




Fo"• tr S'lh •M In To ..n 1124 s.a.~,""0" .......... ,



JOBS 0!" CAldPllS Gr·t a hid! paylnc Job tn ...1..11. dl5t rlbtJtlon or mllrtltt ro•twnrch rl~ht on your o•n cumpu~. s..coml! a caroput rrpresrntatl\ tor o\ r ton) maco.z1n~11. American Air· llnft:.. 01><' ration \latch, <tc. 11nd enrn bl• 11art-tlm" mune~· doln& Inter r.tlna: •<>rk ....pp!) rich! a"''' C-Ollri:e Martel· Jn,, 0.-pt. II. E.. .2 :.:.. Sc" York. I'. \'. l'lOIO




Aflll SALES ll[PAl ll O,..ft,.., , & 1,..,,., Swul1u

Bonw Offer

f1< 1cosu11

Tr•cw•uce Co

. ,, \"'· ·-·· • . •

, ....... . l • t •





Olltt Cood Only 27, 28, 29. 30

Stpt. • ,

Del Gittel )11 Hen itoft A--.. • C..w, I AJ.fte




Jumbo Color Prints 1Sc f'r

IU~ Is sometblnc nc• and I don' t rnlly ltno1< y,1lat to lblnk.•• ABDCLl.A RASRID TURK!, englneertn•: "I llkl' collece very icuch because th.ls Is my fi:&t !ll!le to lltUd.)' BS a :eiular student, and It Is eood fer ce. F'urtbtr.norc, all th•· people here ar.: trtendb and kind ... aARBARA KALSTAD. bOme cCUDOmt "Colleae lite la ere.:· E !JI n t. tnc::db and I think It .. r•ally golnc to be tun at SIJC. • lo!JK.e: F.LGEE. 'llar ne biol· o 'Gr•at. DORINE PETERSON, ele· m• otllt) ducatlon "So !ar I still find It prNt)" scary . The subJttta ate a lot cor o:::ipllcated tbaa tn h!dt ;boOI d ·• 'I' co tnto thtncs mor• d• "Pl1 • DE.~NIS RlvGS, vetertnan medicine "I think ti's a lot better than tu.h acbool. J EAS MAYBERRY, &tt: • tal1aJ scl~nce • I rea.!I> •nlO> IOIDI to N'lJC. I think It Is a ~r~at scbool and I look forward to an ac:l ..c, lntNutlru: yea:." ROX RACF.. phamu1c.Y "So lat It ~ems £1• at. It ls a MllldPrful uprrten<:l'. The scbool see.ms to be a :at.Iler 1!1tll'1J nt OOt', and the atcdcnta and tnC'h u. are all •cl) b lptul and fnendl• ... [..OLA PEXDERGAST. edu· "I really Ilk<' lb c:ntlnn ca::pua, CGU:-st'$ and 1111od,·nts. I M:> tills ..111 ti. a I'? all~ i:reat y~." KATHIE JAMES, ffCrt'tam.. 5Cl<'llC '•It Ill • lot Of oro: but al I Of tu"," RE!'F.£ RO~'\O, EndlS:: "A:s a 11ub\ rae cluirac r I r1 lun to t slllS on :h i:rounda tt:ll It cay ~ ~ ~ • natc m • S<rtoasly, I :::111 I EOlnc to e y :.OIJC. Tb11 courses arc lnttr tln1. tbe fllCUllJ' Is escellent and th stlld c•s ILl'l' ~n!AI "



Manou&:111 to bue s=C"t!i1nc tlr.lt he rref~ru 1.o aI<' olller.,. tst< Ill• ~lf 11111 ttm ID bl i.r .. nd\' .d.-Se1::C'

Stt Ill tor Underwood S.le;

& S.rvice



l.J.C. l!EVIE•, C..-t l'Ar.,. •• Id... ,

w• .i.. S-.•-b.• 22,




After travellnG throuch most of the couomes or th<' world . and teacblnc ln tb" Cnlte<I States. Europe and e~eral otbe: couotrtes ror th" pa.-.t nln" yearff, !lla.n1n \\. Farmer I no,. employed In tb,. buslne"s d• panment at NUC. a, rec;,.,·. ·.cl his B.A. degree from th& Stale Colle11e or Iowa as a business educaUon majo:. Hr received bts M.A. from Colorado Stat. Colle£?, al.5o ln ad:ntn1stratJon. Farmer bas alllO completed sis hou:s toward his specialist ·s In boslnesa manacec:w nt. While In the Aney h~ St>t\"ed as a nnance and 1ovemment clerk lo the officer's p<'rson· nel dh1slon. Far::ier IJlucht to: two yea.rs In Jo.. a. Then he taucht tor a year In Newfoundland. In Europe (Spain , Franc< and Germany) tor Hve yelU'll, and one Yl'&l In Ethiopia. 'll'hlle tP&~hln1 In Orleans. France. a hli;h school basket· ball turn that he coached •on the European Chrunplon· s btpof .~ ..rtc:an hi1h cbools. The :ui:i competed with 33 hid! scnoo:3. This •~ Filrmcr 's nr:u ex· Pertencr tt>acbtnc In 11 colle&:e and he said that he I ke.s the colle£C '"atmosPlll'!t!"' helter than that or a bli:b school. P:utner ta alnde and ··!\Joys spor.s or all d~crtpdons. He b a cam ra " bu'" and has !liken aorr 3.000 "tides or hi:. !Orel an tra,·e Is. F'an:iet comm .. nt~ that the COllll.:.t)"sldc around CO<'UI d' Alene tt~d:s hl!21 or th southern pe.n of G~rmany­ panlcularl.r o! th" Black F'rs•ar


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Willi th• vast cxperlrncP :::: pre\1ous pos1Uon1<. wblcb :an,e from a nauonal Plllk ri<:j ran~·: hllll"nan at 0 ranee from a nntlonal panc service rant;Pr hlstortan nt Sitka NaUonal Monumt'nt, SI!· ka. •.\lask& 10 a <:0r.tmrrct• Osber:nan. N"IJC Is DOW forIUDll.le to have A. N. Dl'Cker employed In lbe soclnl science department. • Decker rect'tved his B.A.and B.Ed. delt'l'es from \\hllwortb Collece In Spokane . wid hl\1.E. de~ree from Ea:si.-m llasJUncron State Coll<'ae. Cheney. H• also sraduat!'d from a basic en&Ineerln school OP• rated by the Na\')".• Decker !lt'r\'ed two )'l'BtS In tbe N111" as p:in of the en· doc room cre11 or a cruiser and ln addition be s••l\ed IS months In the Air Force as an educ11Uon spl'clall~t. His wtre· s nam•• Is Nanc~ and they h.a1·~ tour children. F'rom 1952 until 1965 Decker 11.nd his family !ll'ed In southF'or acvel'lt eastern Alnska. years they II Vl'd In an laolated lndlan nshlnc \ilia of ffoo· nal. which l:s locsted on Chi· cb.lgort 1..111.nd. nlm· hou,. "<'SI Of Juneau, ,Vhllt there be tlludtt aradl' and JunJor hlch !lChool, and "4" a part· time llbrar111n. • F'or about G Yl'JU he lh·ed n~r Juneau nnd tuu~ht th" lllttb &rad•· In the public school th"rc. \\hill' ll'llng I~ this aren. O. ckcr :.did. one would not dare trnvel out or the city' :; limit~ without a CUD becaUS< of lb' large• brown bear. which. be '5-a!d. artt more numl'toU~ than Pl"O· pie . Prior to coming to the nort~ • "' Dt'Cker t&u;bt hich ~chool English and lti\'cbol· osy In Sitka for ft \'l~ y«ar"e F'rom /\laskn he went to Cbeney ,, her · he recel\·ed his M.E. from E\\'SC. Decker said thar Cocut ~ Alene. with Its hu1e lake and mountains rlslnit out or the lallr. looks very much like aoutbt>a.at rn Ala.sks. 6 sane of Decker' s hobbles ar : v. Dod carvrni;. the deslsnln1 and bulldinR of fur· nltur • bunttnr. tlshlni::. anO H recenU) ioc:k llOundlni:. came back from a trip to 1'.:mt'rald Crel'k. II roro.1.tmrsteU:. 50 mll.. a notthcD&t or s~ Maries. ld.aho, "'her~ he due: for Sl"m!-pr<!cl.,us curnets. \lor~o~cr. D<!cker Is trytn., t.. stait a !~other cm Its class at th" Coeur d ' Alen•• recrl'a•1onal bulldlni;.

-· • ·-t.OD pros;3.Cs su presented to th 1m:d Dt bOdy durtn;: the ll!SI I WD Wttk!I Of cl uses XLJC. Illy was The Or I u :>!llt. 1-1. fb.yco:id Stone . aC'ademlt dl'llC, & ix>ke ui the aiu~nta about th comlnc :rra: iu !'UC. Sell P • raor. 5' -d Cl bod, p:es!d!'QI, wt!· comet! sru~nts and wd he I: pcd e•eryone wou:d nave a '' wardlnc y...ar a1 NUC• At Ille Sl!COlld A&Sem bly, Sl'pt. 16. Petry Cbn11t!anaon. ..elc:om<'CI students to the collece. The ar.~mibh· S<pt. 19 ,.as t : lrt5bmen only. Th• 1>· por.ua.t.es pronded at SIJC both educiatlonally and :10- a semblle~. Scpr . ~I . a hl9'1 C'!:1.ll> wer.• dtsc:u~~t'd nt about colle1tc 11nd coll"I" lhla meeuni. drop-outs was shown to rr.. ~11At ~tit' last Of Ul" orientation man.

Home Ee Club Officers

N. IJ.C. REVlE'W, C-.r ~Alene, IMho, We.t.. S..•-bet ?S, 1'166

Shown from lelr ro rlglu ore ollicers of '~• NIJC ' ChCl),.r of th• Atrl•rlcon HOI-'• Eco,,or•uC'1 A1-1.oclorlon. Ti>ey o,. Evo Reed, Olooo

Seriea Will Give lmpreuiom OJ Airman'• Travel.a


Scholarship Anilable For Trumpet Player A scbolOJShlp Is now avail· ••ble to a qualified student who can play a trumpet for the NIJC bo.nd. James Bum11. director. announced recently. ltAlthou&h there are also other band scholarships ror this year's bend members, Which now htlS 45 mu:;lclans. the •need for a trumpet plll.)'et was stressed by Bums. Each band section Is 11ell balanced and a ;rcat year ls •a.nt1clpated, Bums commented. One credl t and a grade that Is ave~ed In the student's erade point uer1.ee ls elven .. ror band partlcJpaUon. Cl~­ ses are Tuesdays and Tbur~­ days at 12:00 noon In !he . 1tYmnaslum. Bums also said the band will ma.kc sevtral trips this W1nttr. One .. m ~ to CanadL • The Cazdlnal Red Birds, NIJC Dance Barld, has also been organized. Members wlll also recel»e one credit •and a JT&de tor partlctpaUon.

Cla.swe arc MondJl)-S, W'ednesda,y·a. and F"rtd•TS In tbe eymnaslum. Bum' a&ld Iha. be needs t "0 more persoa In th•• dance band. c ae •b can play a rbJ tb::i '1)1ta: and another who can pla,y a bass CUilar.


DORMITORY GIRLS ELECT NEW OFFICERS Resldentsof th• &Ills' dorm· ltory held their rust official mectln& or the year Sept. 20 and elected tbe 1ouo..in1 citls Into office: Patty Len· non, president: Sbazoo Rlocer. \ice pre1>tden1: Donna Haevers. "ecre1&13·; Pat Moore, llf'aaurer: Mlllilee &a&lund. srudent acuvltica D presenta· tlve: and l.&R4yn Paoletti • social chalroao. Dr. £\-a On. auest spealler or the nl&ht, welcomed the !Pris to !'l!JC and explained the Nies or the colle~ to them. ~fzeshments were served at the end or the meec· lo& b)• Marie Dahlman. dorm proctor.


MODERN DRUG CENTER s,,.C'ro/rzrn9 "Col.e<JtO•• ~

lor Heoltli ottd Hoppr,..ss

Library Adds 432

Books To Shelves Th Ubrary bas rec ntly aGDC'd ~32 l!llea to 115 book llsllnp. Th .. ae book• are tt1e result or the colleae ·a part1clpal1on In the Title ll Federal propam for W&her EducaUon. Tbe books wue rde~ durtoc the month or Juoe and have been atrl vlna tbrouc.bout the summer. About another 150 books are 1et to


C&talo&1n1 and auuktnr tbe books Is now In pro11e"s and most or Ille books should ~ on the shelves wtthlo 1 month 01 two Wsta or books placed on tbe shelf will be coa:plled ev'11 month. cosies or Illes" wUI ~ provided ror each In· Strucior and In addition will be posted on the llbral)' bul· leUa board tor use b7 th studeotS. 'llblle boou covertnr all areas tau&h: are Included In the llSI. particular attenUon Is called. :o tboae belnc 1111· ded to tbe rerelf'aee areL A apecial lat or lbe !Aru:r •Ul be fot:!ld on tbe cbeck-ou: desk counte1. Studeats are Ulied IO lludy tht. list 10 acquaint theni with an.llable rt r~rence '!la!rrlab.


Our Plozo Resro\Kon r Pll'o\es Polotl.' o->d Purse


"40· "'22>




i;rounda LhlS year are kepi looking nut. atudmta n.t lunch an

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r can

lr1t1 1<i~"nr"' to tht.

a., Don S...lth

Viet !'lam, Moscow, Berllnlhes' are Just a (1>• ot the world'.& uoubl- pota wbcre our ~rvtC"meo 10. Some or the•e men never return. but ot those who do lh'lre ls anolhu etory IO bt- !Old. In the comlnc Issue or The Caldloal R.l':v!ew we will en· deuor IO ~II thle etory. Tbe man we will read about Is ate (airman llrat class) Jame. "'· Smllh, CormerlY or Cof'llr d'Alene. There will tie atorlu about bla European 10u1 or dul)'. whlcb "'111 Include his Impressions o r the people be came Into contact wl!b. Tbla S('rl• S will Stan With an unusual :rip IO ~·­ cow, RusalL Some or Ille plcw"s Snltb toOlt lhere and tbrou&hout lbe world wfll be pre~ni.eo. Then II wW be on IO Jqoan, \'let Sam, SOl'Q,)', France, 0etm1111. and Brita.In. IO p.l.D a more loO:na1e uoder· Sta11dln1 Of the people In these couotrtes. nme and •Pac< l)<'rn:lltt1.n1. the articles







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H- lth - 1,.....,,



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\'e~rana attrndlnc school uader the 01 bill m17 1e1 In· rormaitoa concemln1 monthly Cf'tllllca1lon o r tralnlna In the reclstraz'a ottlc•.


Fcsresi S.r"ce n Ta-!




lei:• rri;ula tlon




remu>~d that enipty aciu. "rapptt>. and ao!t dnnk bottles are to be d-lled an proptr WUlf" conWntn

The adm\ntslrat1on ecpecu

y,..,, S111tle11t U11ro11

EDITOR':S .VOTE Don :SimtlA, author of the /ollOtDtna article I a lltolAu to Jame-II. S111llh, u:ho !Cl rt b<l dis· cuaacd laur. Thia ortla lc b CUI lnttoduction to a •mu of artlclu I.till Don Smi th It'll/ imte abo-•t hi brotllu't 17arel.s. DNH

will abow as many race111 o r lift! In 1he11e couaulea u POSRlble. Smith la now servlna wtth the Tactical Ai r Command (TAC). and la atatloMd al Dytaa Air F'orc" Bur In Tuu. In his tmmrdlat• capacity u tll&ht enatnur hP aees much or the world In hl11 trave-111. HP la now In No1w11.1. &nlth la In hie •econd rou1-yu1 enll•tm•nt. ff• also .,.tv.,d In S11a1to1lc Air Command while worklnc on U•2'a In ArlmnL Hf' Ill 23 years old, married and ha& on .. dau&hter. As our meana or travel Im· provt, II becomes ev•r more lmporian t that th• youo1 peoPI• or tod:t.>" know lh•lt routl1111 oelchbora. that they know what thf' world thinks or America and An!PflCanS, and wba1 the Amrrlcan• •hO han ~en abroad think o r tM peopl• they met.

O'fN tOO A. M. TO S >0 ~ M


COJrt-S SHvlC•

Soec1ol, Ori"-Oat S."1 c•

Biology Cima Field Trip CAMPUS ORGANIZATION NEWS CIRCLE K CLUB Ten nt-" rr.• :nbf U• were \n,1alled Ir .... Cit-le K. ll men's U1'1ce orpnizatloo at SUC. at a recent meeUnc ot that or;;a.nlz.&llOD. The7 are Orea Dionne. l'f~ne Ketchum. Ori!~ Turk, Jert)I Rieb<, Phil Tumer, Ed Rood, Bol Ho!. t< ID, Dennis :.Cabe


fitest Choir Is bpeded By Kelly NIJC I• f'XPf'Clrd t<, b&Vf, lhe fiot>at A Cappella Choir In Its hlatory. accordlnc i.o Lou Kf'lly, director. The chOlr has 65 mem~rs. who. h~ &aid, arr or 111crp1lonally hl•h c allbrr In bOlh voice and per...,nallly. The chair's mualc will be chosen from aelecllon1 per· rormrd at pro1ram1 II •f'n by th~ top coll•lt choirs throullh· OUI lhr United Statu. Kf'lly continued. In addition, lht •n•• mblr Is now composed or 2& m,.mbt-rs "ho wish 10 runhrr thf'lr pro,.raa In eln11n1 popular music. K~lly continued. The Pnftrmbln performs DI many collf'lf! u wf'tl u community acllvltlu, and Ill• paid !or thr•" addlllonal scrvlci"s, hf' concludl'd J'hl' IUBI prrlorn1anct will br th~ 6hrlnf'r'1 brnf'Ol ror c rlpplrd chlldrt•n, lt'nlallv~ly Ht !or 1omrilm~ In No\'rmb<'r. Krllr conllnued.

BALL & CUE 111 Sloi ~ tMll'I ·~·~ ...



EVERGREEN FLORAL AND GIFT SHOP' ,. •• 0 •• 1.• ., ..., ~h•te .... , .... .. •\ !IJ


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Tl-!• PCP1•••• ., •.,bero•• be9CW" a• ,,, r:-. IOf'9Q"041f!d tna'• "" 1• or '"• bft:/1 ot 90roeo111 r/oweu '~' '"ar be •••~ o" •'it• • JC cotrthll• Dr. forl Ptldd, , h.a.rJ ol r"9 hu"'o"''·~• r:epott""•"'-'• It f':'\• 1>•t1on .,.f.o vo &#'\tO'llv plort1 o~ r,,'-•• core ol f!!Otf o' - • {]o.,,,,.,.. ori•


Impressions Of first Two Weeks Allrr two W'cu• ul ,.,'llbllnc 1hrouch the q11a1n1 lltUe hlllla htr1• al NIJC I han dlBCO,l'!red one thine - I would ralhN be •l&Ut>rlnc around outside. But I m11111 r. t an C'duC1Uoa .uid to do Uil a l muH t'Ootlllun IL':lbllns. M)· rlr•I ob ~th •h!n I ca::ie hue .... to set 11&1cht A's, bul now 1111 main i:ol\I la 10 come out 11 llh an1 kind or crade ~-qlnl. I ha\r, ot cour • hunl'd "·'" thanes i;tnce school tDftcd tu1d I ha><t llstrd ti: ::i l>C'lOw 1. ,.,, learned ho• to crt 10 tho 11cht clauea, althouch I m~ bl'! o d,,. or two late. :!. I can no• act 111rp1ti.rd Tll111 In 11111allv ~CCIUllf I 1::1 Jl'T'fl&ed.

3, I noW' know bO• to study l~r tour hOurs and eel nothlnc ou111r11. The stud~lncuuallr !Pods 10 babbllnc r lips o· :ursine rhe authcr of the text. However, Ulere la one thin I l'DIO> and that ls th lhOllcl' :hat I can bcm ) books an\ Um I \\&nl.


Plor Pool lot Co•t Be•l Rot.,· 60c p., H•••

eo.. 1 s,



Black. omcers of the Circle K arc: Dou& Dionne, presld•nl. Rusi)' Cooper. vlce-orestd~nt. Jim Younc. secr~uu:r. and Don Retfalt. ueuuru. Some of la5t 1ear's celllbera wh > llaYe reJolaed Uu:; ,...m··s· r tilt': Jaclt Y.arcl. Jim Curtis, Oene Dooai. Rick Garnett. and D&\1d Tomasi. A "sla\'e sale" and "lll>PI" sell" will be &l!IOnc lbe tortb· ccc:tnc money mak.in1 endea· vors o! lb" Circle K. :\t the slave sale l:lCD will be "!>Did" to do menial labor about an bour tor their "mas· Itta". The mooey from thle endea\'Ot will 10 to lbe Koocen:i.1 llemorlal Hospital ID Coeur d'Alene. The slopn adopted by the club Is: "Clrcl<' K Is not a dude rancb." Aey man who la ln1erest.-d In Joln1ns the club Is encouraccd to attend one o! :he club's merlincs. Doua Dlonn • presld~nt annOWlced.

This ••nt.-nce can ~ made 1 > llau• e iilll dlllrrent mur.· '"' t-' pla:lnc the ,. :~ "only" In all posal~le pos!· •1or:s In the sentence · ·1 :.II him In lhCl'H• ~('Stfrd&J'"

HOME EC CLUB Rec.,nU, electl!d omcers or tu sue Collrae Chapi..r or the American Home Econo:nlcs Aaaoclatloa aze: Diana Y.el· ler. present: ~laraarer Din&ler v1~resldent; £\'& Reed, aecrewy: Wnda Thiemens, treasurer: and tbe club' s treasure:: and :he club' • repcrte: !!l: the Cardinal Re'1ew, Sae Amt1. :-.ew PffiCNS will be lnlUa lod at a dinner mecllng. Sept. :?8. room 3. Amey announcl'd. Prealdem Diana Weller will attend l!le Idaho Home Eco· nc=lc1 AlllOclat.100, Oct. 1

and a 11 :h• Uni •erslcy or ld&llo, Mooco,.·, laano. She Nld. ibNe M.lss Weller wl4, ~ ln5Ullltd as th sta~ IH• fi· ldcnt 01 lh<t college club chapters of Boise Collc1e. Ricks Colll'ae. ldllllo Stat Unl\'erslr.y, Northw~st Naza· ttoe Colle,e and lbe Unl\'~r· ..i ... oridallP, Arneycoocluded.

DECA NIJC Ch~ter of DECA (0\lltrtbuUve Edue11tors• Col· tei,;P Assoclallon) elected of• ncMs for Oral semf'ster on Sept. 20. They ~: Don Hollenbec:lt, .prcsld"n~. Laurie Cl•ci. '1ce-;iresld~nt: Sherr• Portwood, &t!Cretary· treasurer: Cazol West and Brenda Loeweo. co-h.lstorlan and re portN reapecU\-ely. Don Hollenbeck, Muy Fer· au.son. and Llll.lne Clem. aJoac W'llh a1Maor Tom Robb, "II attend the Idaho state orac~ra elections 10 be held In BoleP attend the Idaho State OM• cers elt!cUona to be held lit Boise on Sept. :?~. They will lra\'e ror Bolsr Sept. 23. accordinc to Cl.IOI West.


Bl&c/.off I• .,,,. ol rh For ,+,e Cotdln

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