Campus Crusade Group Promotes Christian Goals Campus Cru~ad• I lattln c on Ill'! :-I I.JC camp~ • Campus Crusade Is an orcanizallon for 11tuden111 - student.a or all d~nomtnallons as •ell as stud<'nts not a!Ollntcd with a d~nominauon - who •1111t tO •tudy In depth J<lSUS Chnat. Accordln& to at&1latlc11 c~ · piled throuc;h thc ca.r:::iua Crusadr :-\atlonial Collcclate ~ll11lou11 Suf\t")'. 89$ of all colle&" Mudenta intcn1c,...d did not kno" ho• on., b~ comes a Chr1sllan. The Campus Crusade or&an· lzatlon reC0"11Z.Cll lheo lmpor· tanct' or a coUe11e educauon. ho"e,·er. the oreanlzaUon reels that mall) 01 th" c&-~~n· tlal r11ctors concemln~ our e'·eryda)· rcl11llonshlP6 with other people cannot be le11tncd In the classroom. The enthusiasm amona etu· dents at NIJC about Campus Cru>nde hns been trcmt>ndous and the wholl! Pl'Ol\ram npprau. to have D s trona bt'~tnnln1 and the contr1buUon townrds un!Ocallon or Chr1Mtan 111>als among the students of :-\IJC will be "tremeh worth\\htle.
Cheerleaders And Yell Kings Chosen In College Election Cheerlead'1a "trt named !or NIJC at an • lecuon Oct. 10. The) were chosen on the basl~ or lndhldual coor· dlnauon and the ability to show school l>Plrll. The cheerleader" are· Janey Laut. sophomo r• COl"ur d' Al ene. Diana llellcr. .opho· , more. Coeur d'Alene-. Kathy Zlmmennan. ,;ophomort . Post Falls. Pam Power11. lrt>,;hman. Lak eland. Jani ce Humphrey. rr..-shman, Coeur d'Alene. and Clnudla McOennld, lreshm an. Col'ur d'Alene. To aid thr ch cerlcndNs In school Spi rit. the coll ege h11s elected lhrt'I' 'r'ell Kings Frank 'r'amwnoto, sophomor..-. Corur d'Alene. Gan.· Palo. ~ophomore. \lul· Inn. John Reynolds. ,ophomorP. Post F"all5. The ob)ecu '" this ytar Ii; promotion or colic&,. spirit and • nlhuslusm lhr->uch th" l'ffort... of 1M i.tudent.~. Th!' lnt•ntton Is 10 Invite lndl· \'ldual or,;iinlutlonll to 11ttend CNtain ham<" sames as a «fOUI' to a present Utt• rum · munlly nnd u ant ·r· 5UDPOrl tht> CGlit•'t
Students Must Register For Oct 29 ACT Test
Slud•nl wh art r.,qulr· d to lak• th ACT t• t , Am• r· lean Collci:" Test1 on Satur· day. Oct. 29 must resister !or thl& test In th r i:1111nu'a ornc by p-.i·lni; n ree or S6. accordlnc: to Dexter Moaer. director or counselln1. Stu· denls Niii be P• rmllled to llU"' the teat wh•n lh•Y pr.· M'nt th•lr rrcelpta at th• tlm• they tak~ th• t"at, ht all.I d. Th• t'"M wlll be 11\l•n at a:oo o.m. In th• NIJC Library. Thi' te11t I b"lna. at•·rn B!> D COU rt<'N\ tO ?'llJC tU• ., dt•nta who didn't ho"' the opportunity to tak• II .. hen th•> wtr, 1 nlor In hlch &chool, MoM' r 11.dd,.d.
'VOL.~" E
NO. ,
Circle K Donales Document Copies
Registration For Forestry Course Will Start Nov. 1
R1·1btr:auon wlll open Nov. 1 ror lhP forestry technician PR>KrMI. ofrtred b) I.he Vaca· Ilona! Ol v1slon or ~!JC. Cluses wtll beatn Nov. I~. Th" ror.. -iry tPctmlclnn course 1i; d~,.1anrll to mt'et lh" nel'ds or I.he lndu,try. A ror.,111ry technlalnn pPflorm~ '"' 01>11lstan1 lort>&trr on n sub-prnr~aslonal level. He PH1pore:1 technical r~poru1 and maph from 01•ld ml'WIU n'· mrnts. u~lnc 11urvt'Y and photo lntt>rprNaUon m..-1.hods. d~vrlops and manasea tor••fft land and th••lr rrBOurcc• !or economic, rcc1ratlonnl. uUll· utlon proanuns. work& WI th pre\·Pntlon prOl!f&mS. the U11ist,; in plannlnf and carl)'lng out proJects !or con· trol o! nood. aoll erosion. of ln~"dwtc• • Ruu•ll Sod.rll"SI, "9od l•bl'or· trel' di !lt'O.Sl!IS. and lnaect These ,,._ ,,.. rioo.....,,,.A W ,...._ dnmaite. t K Cl1.1b, .,~ J o ~ n ~ ,,..,,. 'Of He usl&ts Ln plannlnc the location wtd conatructton or REVI EW SEEKING camp sites. recrutlonal c~n· A SPORTS EDITOR t•"'· lorest roada and trail&. Th po Ill n or sport.1 t>dJ· He m~ act ~ Instructor. <:tew sUP<"IYlsor or worker In tvr for th Cardinal Rl!•le'I' Oeld work. mm111raUon. tor· ha& not yet be~n Oiled, ac· conllnc to Don Heikkila. estry and educational pr1>&rams. ~di tor. Tbe rore~t" 1.ichnlclan Since apons covrag11 ror ha.s tour well.qualtned pro1ram the ncll Issue will be ImperCarl Kruc&N. ative. be 11ald. It behooves 1nstructora. anyone lnte11•sted In wrtttnc reured supen'lsor Coeur rl' a 11ports column and IJl>Orts Alen" Nauonal Forest, Ot'pt, news t.o contact the edit.or hPad. will Instruct In ccn~ral lort>stry subjects. Rlthard lrnmedlat<"ly. I! we do not &"t a sport11 Hanson. consultant rorest• t, editor. thl' co•uraae of alh· specialist In m<"uurcm•nt o( timber. Wiii teach m<'n!llua· leuc eventa must be o;f!ry tloo. Anhur Schick, resld••nt limned du•' to olbPr 01>Uau.· :-lorth"m Pacific ttons or th<' edl tor nnd hi Rntlroad, wlll assl.t "In Jtllft, H"lkklla c;onclud~d. ror•st prot<'ctlon, sllvlculture. botany and utillzatlon. Dor· PRIANO WINS RUNOFF Maher. forest ent11neer. FOR FROSH PRESIDENT rcl \\111 ~ach lorcM cnslnf'crln1t. Ou Prlano I . ornclally malh, Ninrytns and mcc:han· prl'sld nt or tb· fre:;hman lcal draw1u. ~~cc-nrt1 electc>d ol(, ets o• ,..,._ C.:1r~•19 • •JIJC ar1ll '~• 01~, boc cla ss aflN hP reef!lved I ZI row, lei•, ~uu Ro...... c,,., . . . f, z,, "' • y Kon ortd \"Ol<'S to Jem· Riebe'& 10~ SAC MEMBERS ATIEND • L ndo Po,. • .., a. on • tcf' 'Ote . COLLEGE UNIONSMEET '.I ml><'rs OI the N!JC dr!.I The r< ·\'Ote, ""blcb .. a:. tenm hon• c:hani::ed !lie nam F"• ur meml>·n> of !l:o Stud•·nl Oct. 14. ,.u c all d !or wll<'n or th Ir or~nlu:lc.~ !r= t~e II ...-u lum"d aft r thr r c· A•:. .1ur~ Q.-C'Jtt<:< ·A<nt to "Rh>thmmes·· lo !lie ··caro· ular election. Oct. 5. :.bill Eocene. Orccon. Oct. 20 to <tit&"', llCCOldlni; to pUbllCJI A!'Pli .<!• ~. r the editor botb P:lano and Rlrbe !:ad a::end meeunr;s of th<' A :;D· anace:s Loda Pol:evtn and c:aUon o! Collece Unions• ...,_:.,)II ..i C.udln The d-'lei:a~s Jocluded Ka) anl"hey L~!inembe: tum bns ~\iC" are belDC llCC<PI Gl~ason. Kathletn F"r, Jan hr nttcrr.ate members. Of· th s w k by G. O. \\ ndt, 3ull and :-\ell P~t~rsoo, ac· I : the ori:onlzallon publications adrlsc.r. DCJ:ialv n>mpanted I)) ~1. \\"es i!atct. r Katb1 Kiltz, it'ader, H lkklla• ...-tio ha.5 II r•~ • a1h1sor. The c...nw1.l theme the middle or MtEllen. a55lz1tant edl tor sine Jonie ot the thrtt~ co:ivt>auon I ad r. und Sb<:! Rowe, St't'· ln51 l :u, bu r ati;ned !or a'U "•The ;'\e1\' :-leeds or tbe h ullh r '50:15. '"tar) ·tr &l&ur r. SWdents". The stud nrs Appl.CaDIS mu51 be abl to Th• .Y<'llf th "Cardettts•• broucht bad man.> ,.<Jrtb,.,,11<" ~n tloc ability ,.Ill sir· 55 thl' p<rlormunce demonr.trat :d"a' t.o th< ~I.JC campus. or ynchr nizell drills rather iand ~11utnc lntNc£t In th than mor eiaborul pcrlurrn· posrlion. Th" t>dtlDr of the REMINDER ISSUED ON oncrs. :.S1ss Poltt'Ytn com· Rr\'ll'" IS p:Ud b} tM As:io • PARKING REGULATIONS mrnl• d. L.1ttle c.r no hanrt c111t ti Studrnt Body l.:>r hi s Lil b"'Pin\• J In \\Ori< and bu comple t ,. • m"U >n SWdPnt:. drt\·ln~ cars on h• nclu~ d Un dnll , ponslblllty ror cttttnc out n CUIPUI> Dr<' a:;k• d I)) callti:r ~ nt ~ pnpor. A ,ranl-lr.· ofnclaJS tO maJc., thf'nlS~l\'l·~ STUDENTS ASKED TO al<I Ir m the coll C" Iii nlao ramUl:u Wtlh pwk1ns arcu PICK UP ASS CARDS nallrable LI thl' editor 11 r· bt.'fort lhc Ut!tl sno"" arrt VP~ Th• lollowtnt tudr nt, nf!l ronn5 u tt slnctor11)', The and covNs mark1nc•. " ok< d t • Pl• k UP lh<•lr 'IUd<•nt Pariuna 111 prohlbll•d alone r.1n1 1 uv.a.rd• d Ut!On '' • bod) card ~ from th• re.,l • <ommenrlattun ot th• ad\I or. MY curb,; plllnl••d >••llow and 1uu·11 olllcf' Tom Cowthen;. on any surll>c•·S cros:>-h~tctted HALLOWEE H OA HCE Knfo'n U11vi•. Ronald Hathu· In , <'llow. conunu<d viola· waL Rand• na l•t>v. Otnn1a A Halt-rw•·• n Oanc· uoo b"\· o.ny du n~r can re"'"'or• on ,,.... " R. '.hu~. Rlt"hnrd Sch.,,lntek. ch dul• d !or Srat. Oe1. l9 sult in um>ouodlnc or the Jame& t.. '.lll&on, Da\'ld A •• 1n lht' Ed.o:11nst.-r Studenr C.~rc' c con dor• ,.,, , ..,~ car and di ,clpllnan acuon. ftO'• Of'!dMl1 .. A~a. 111111am11 Cn1r,n Bulldlns.
Cardettes Officers
_R_eY_.l-e-w- Ed-.,-,or-----
Job Is Open
Governor Hopeful
_., ,,_....._ .. ...
~ Sooo1 Uo""dy
Cl.Mt ...
c:.a..- Tw
Cast Is Chosen For 'Suds In Your Eye'
COIUa o·Al.Vlf. IOAHO Ed•to' . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oenold H- H..-•• •lo
Alli••'' • "IM.,..,., ••••••••• , •• • •••• • Po~e McCkrrw C•• .,. . . • •
• . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... Pem 8'-.,11tu';c ~H" ..' '
Pho• ...... • • • • • • • • • • • , •••••••••••• o.,,.... Biocl>oll Poo• ,.,. 8o'b0• Wh • ,., ~· 1'-.....IOfl. Don k 1h. Ju~ y...,.O. C~•• v_.. 11 ....._ ~ $t .ogir. P• ,, ~
Editorial ...
In adc11Uon to cracbln~ cbemlstry at XUC. Edwin ituart also o•ns andopt'ratcs a 680 acre ranch ne111 Cntal· do. ldtho, •hem bP r&lsea quartN horsta. Stuart recrl\ t'd hi 11 S.S. decree In blolo~ from the Uni versltj of \!ontana at ~UIJllOUla. anrt his M.S. dt'· c,rPe In appllrd :1cll'nce rrom lhl' Unh erslty or Colorado n1 Boulder. Ourtni; Ill& coue,e )ears Stuart was n 5addlt"-bronc and bare·bac:I< rider, and wa11 s cwmber Of the R.C.A. (Rodeo Co•bo~a· Assoclauon). Also. llOlll 19~~47 he Ml\rd as a radlom:in In lbe U.S. ;\avy on a destroyrr. Some or bis pre'l'!OUS OCCll· pation11 ,..,e a i;a:nr warden for th~ Dsb and ca::ie dtpatl· m"nt. a cltJ" ma:shal at Glenns Fury. Idaho. a pollc • man In Ke!loi;c. Idaho, and an o!ncrr with lbe U.S. Border Patrol. El Paso.
Te au. Fer about IO HIUS prior to comloi; to :"!JC. Stuart tcwi:ht chem! atQ" and pl\Ystcs a: Kellon Hlch School and an u1ens1on cour6<' In lbcse subjects ror the Unh N~ttr or
Idaho. E\~ho Is his wH••'e name and the} hav. lhtel! cr!.lldrrn Steve-. 15. Came Ann. 14. Md Scott. I:?. Mrs. Stuart has thP lu,cst kl'nnel or Great Pyr net's doe~ "ell\ or K1111sas. A<:clllmed to ba lht' oldrst kno\\n br~cd or doc In lhr world. the P\ren"u was nn.1 recocnlud aa auch by Kin< Loub XI\' or Fttnce. Stuart Is alao ti) lni: to .1an a ht'rd or Scotch Hli:h· land Callie. the oridnal stooll hutni: brcn 1m11>1tt'd rrom Seotland. HIGH INC0'·11': ~Inc a naU'l"e ldahoAn and JOBS OS CA'IPVS GN a b1cb PllYln& ob In U'111c In a land blessed "1lh aalrs. dtsir:buuon or markt'I bl'll!ltllul forrsts and moun· renarch rl~hl o:i "our own. Ullns, Sttr.lll ~· lb t be "I o huntlnc and fi&hlllc campus. lkcomt' a canopul> ·.u'" ~r l'Plt'S•'ntatl\r ror O\rl rort\ • acaz1nes, Am,.rh;an THIS YEAR, PLAN TO lino. 01'.'C't•llon )latch, e1e and um btC p:1.1H1mr mont• SEND TRULY PERSONAL Cll)tnl 11\tN sunc •tir~. APPb HOLIDAY GREETINGS ucht . .. _, • College :larktt· lnJ. 0.•pt. H. :!i E. ZZ St.. Nr" \' ·r~. s \', 10010. l963 \'olkswac"n ror :>alt. A· I cond1uon 36,000 milts. $1ZOO. Str Dr. Prtdcl).
Rlchud Raymond, blolo10 lllSINCIOt n1 :-illC, recchcd bt& B.S. dritt e In bloltJcY Cr m St. Cloud Stnlt' Collc;:e. St. Cloud, Minnesota and his In blolai:J from the Unt· 'ers1tr or M~ntann. Missoula. Montana. In nddlUon, he hai completed 12 quastcr hours tx-yond his mll!lter~ dP~rcc. doln~ rcst>atch worlt at the Unlvr.rslty ol Sortb Dnko1a at Grand Forks. R&\mond·s collt'lle educa· non ..-as tnttrNptcd "nee ht !<pent uuee years tn lhe U.S. )lnrlnl' Corp~. He spent 10 months of that llme In Kort>a llS a me:nbN of U\t' First Marini' Air \\!nit. P1101 to comlnc to :0.1JC, ~mood taui;ht bloloc; In bli:h achoola In MinneS4•ta and MontanL Jo Anne Is his wile's oam • and thcv ha'l'e Um.•£' chlldr n
5~ )MUS Of
A lPntaUn• CIWI hu l><'en cho...n and rrbrunals are uoder ""v ror a plll.) . " Suds lo Your E:)·e" b) Jack Kirk· land. chfch wlll be prC1Wnted So\. 18· 19. at 8:15 p.m. In the :0.1JC Gymnulum, acoord· Inc lo lolarprel Gair. dlrrctor. Thi' !lt'ttini: for lbo two-bour comedy Is 11 Junk yard dur1n1 l\orld 'll'a: U, 6hc sald. The tentatl\"I" la as roUo,.s: Chinatown. Frank Yamamoto: blU'cr. Desmond Dotts: lits. Feelry. Nancy \lalch: Mr. Fltzcenlld. Gary Mias 1inkham. Cbai;ciell: Cathy H.-tlza: Conchita. Sandy Bald Win: Mrs. R&smus•en. Peco Dohrman: Mrs. Ra'musscn •s dau1hler, Pc11Y Brunlnp: Elmer. Skip MUI· phy: Kt1te Loitan. Mary Dohrman: Mrs. Fergu:son. Barbara Diliz: Mr. Wilson , John O'SPlll: Mrs. Katz. Paule BaJIUt: Mrs. ~Uller. Helrn Holland: DMny Feeley . Tom Hrbett: Armond Hansen , Vern Prl\·111, Pinky Kennccls . Dt"s· mond Dons: Moe. Skip MurPh»: and Jun<" by Pee CY Bruninr;a. huollng. tlsh1ng collt"cUnc. Good fortunes are or God.
Woodcock's Drug Store Ccnd e• -
P'"f!lC11pttons )like.
l. 1111d TlllW'' R.o,imond'•
12• N hfiJf'flii St • Co-...,
cL~J. ,. .
ExploRE du Wilds. In
Eskimo by 1n ~
in Orlon.•
comforl ""d 1hrre's e<l.S:Y •lh 1ho gotls "hen tht"Y see •IS
1.hc.utd lur look m.ide of w.irm, luxurious 100': • Odon • This fur trimmed z1ppc1 i•t~•I ,, for you 1n 81.tck or Brown Men'> "Z~ XS 10 XL. Proct> only 540. So why not muih fo ~our nei.r~t itort- N1~pr~ Ap~rtl Com~ny, 77 Sw•n Strttt,, New Yoric
u· • ,... ·
fo)tei• ~.'"''~In
To.... n
u u s.....,..." ••M\t•
S • ~ ES
o.....,., & h•·'"• ~..,,••
' "' C•\urr TtPr•cut c• 4 ·1 \ " · · - · ·
.. . .
, ... . . 4 ) 4 11
Oel Gittel J 11 H. ";...._ A... .. Coe'it' d Al• "•
FOR SALE - 1956 Chrnol r. Compll'teh PH rhauled. Fout ,,_.. llr s. S~<lS casll. C. 11 \10 ~-84$'1 Dlt• r 5 p.m. "f:SP· DISK. r~ce>:dtnc com· pun) •II lhe nP\\ music nnd th< F UC.S, want" cnmpus reps ror surv. ) 6 and public rt'ln· 'Ions .,,,,~nm n1s. ConlaC'I tmmr.lh\l I\ B. Stollm:in. ESP, 156 5th AH•., Xt" \'ork 10010."
. -···.... ............... ... ,... . ~
20% Off Until Od. 30 FLOYD'S CAMERA CENTER )OJ 9'. ....... - ., , .• t Coe '11•41f' ~.
Officers Chosen For College Band$
R•conr/~ el•cred offlc•ri ol tt•• f>t/JC bottds o,.., F~,,,., row. l•ft. ~"">' L...,.,..,rC, f,.1uftmaf"I l1bror1on. • boc:~ row, left, Bob DoMt.rq,, 1>rosl~"'"'· -om H•berr, 01ono W.ll•r, heed l•oro''°"• E"'° f:l•11, ••c,..,orv, dof'lce bond mof\Op~tp)un Joe~'°"• Con<"f'rr ortd p14J C)f')O Ela,,., Ac:A .. , , heo-i lftO/n,.ne. bond monogor, CJ11d Rondv Hf>nlor, vlc•.p,.su1•.,,,••
APPLE SALE WAS HELO BY CIRCLE K Plans ror havin& 11 week-Ions 111>Ple sale sLartlna Oct. :?-I were discussed al thP Oct. I:? mePUn11 or the Clrclt' K Club. accordlnK to Jim Young, publicity chairman Appl<'. will be sold ai ti...- pounda ror $1.00, with no •Ille" tu added, Younc said. Dou& Rcntrc". Jack llarll, Jerry Riebe. lla.i·ne Ketchum. and Don iwrralt were also ell'c:ted publlcit> chairman. Dlnn<>r was !W!rved prtor to the mettlnc In the Edminster Student Union bu!ldin&.
LOUIS FLOWERS GPtE'· rl<'>< M.eo11ol Sprcy• & Flon1I Arro"9tcmen1\ Cuirom Cff11g.n~d Off SHut Pot••l\9 °"' '-'·II•• ••~ Tt.1'" ... ii Of 1000 911, Olli ~,..., T ol.11010 Ordon A"ywhore lo The World Ph MO J·8218
tor .
~YAH 1 h*W 216 N 4th Slrttl
SUE BERNARD IS SKI CLUB PREXY Sue Bl'matd was elected prealdl'tlt, Mike Hiil. \1Ceprf.'sld~t. and Paula Surplus. secrttll)'-treasurez at tbe Oc:t. Ii mee11nc or Cb" ~1JC Ski Club. Tber<' ll1C about • S members In tbe dub oo•. acc:ordln& to Paula SUrplus., Plans ro1 ha\'1~c a &:J.e sho.. or ~I clo ••lunG. 5 um e In s o.-e:nbe. we.e di CU s..i, \Us' SUrplus, :.a.Id. Al thl '. eH·n,t both men s and IOOm..n s " • attire Will be modeled. Ska c:lub tdenttflca:.ion !IC· ches will be a'lllable a~o this ;tar ror lltcy cents eac:b, ahe added. These patches ue 10ld to make mCX1ey for the ski club. and SDJ"One, whether he Is a member or not. ma.i· purc:hase them from an~ ski club member. ldls:; SUrplus c:ommt'nted. Ou••s tor m=bersblP in the ski club have been sN at Sl.00 a year.
Fr· .a C."' '"'~'"' t-40.t""r 0 / t '4f r ~ 1 of\d 0.. tC OUJ. Ho~b"'9"'f
Choir To Sing For Shriners' Benefit The :>:UC A Capp~ll• Choir will Join l<lth the Corur d' Alene C\\lc Choir and &f'vcral Oilier ~rtormtrs al the Sbrtner:.' benefit prororam ror cnppled d!lldttn, s.00 p.m., Sov. at the !'UC eym· oaatum. Both sacred and papultu muslc wtU be sunc b7 l:?O \'OCallsts from both d!oirs. Other entertainment will In· clud~ selections tr- a :?Op1ece '"nsemble or dNmmers
In addition
to ll Colk stnser, a comecb' and dnlma presentauon, and much moze acc:ordJnc to Lou Kell;. ' ~lemlx'rs or the Coeur d' Alene Ci vie Choir are e:::pto1 ed In a wide var1ety ot professional occupallons. The combined cholns will be dlrect~d by 1...ou Kell~.
to travelln1 e1p1•n11es, He~rt concluded
DANCE BAND IS TAKING BOOKI NGS Thf "S""!nllnc R~d Birds''. 18 piece dance band perrorlll"d al the Coeur d' Alen<' Chambt'r of Comm~rc~·s annual ban(Jlel, Oct. 11. at lbe :-Jorth Shore l..odce. The band ts scheduled to perrorm 11 th& Coeur d' Alt'nc Hl&h School's bo:necomlnK dance. Nov. 5, at the hllli school'• umnaslum, accord· ln1 to Tom Hebo?rt, manacer. The "Red Birds" are avail· able to perform at a compel.I · U ve price. H•but add~d. and "" ate look1n1 forward to a veey busy nuon. A fiat rn~ ot S 125 111 c:ha:aed for eacb ensasement In addition ~JC'
Pottoni1• Your Advtrthen
1306 F-· •·•·
..... "°
102 11.... ....... •·2000 , _, 4' ....... . W.ho
Coeur d'Alene U.acty & Dry Cle11ers Ourc,., C0urt1tOus
Spec•'JI, 0,,..-Doy Servic•
t.•.o DEL
S"DI'' Ore:.• C.-vt d"Al•f'lt
s.. us'°' I
..._M TO S·lO ,. M
"'° •·1516
MODERN DRUG CENTER s~C'•Ol•l1"Q ,,, Cot1..;101. l\~s '"' rlt10/•1> o<td HoOP•~SS
Ovr Pfo:o I?• ••o"""' P,•o'"' Polo•• and P.,,w 1107 N.
MO. • -112l
S.1 ¥111 9 You• Srut/0111 U11ron
,ASTIU•tZED MILK MUNS 100% SAFE MILK ,,....••• o,... ,,._ - a...- "" "h - • ~_.,.., USE COEUR D' ALINE CREAMER Y MILK
AIAINST 161111! l ad first to satisfJ JOI. 7.11p Is nt, wild, . . . , . cllilli1f, blld, braci1f, llript. Satisfied?
O'Neill To Head Bowling Leagues
O ' Neill ,..u ··lttt<'d to tbt<'<' ot!.lce• In th• ~JC Bowlln5 Lrasur. Ht IS l't<'"' ld•nt and St'Ct~tll~ • ttea.$Ur<'r or thll organfzouon. Jfm Youns. r1>portcr . 64ld. Howazd Fristoe was t>fectt'd 'ic• · John
O'Neill said that the t<UOR ht' wu rlect<'d :sPCtClDt)I • treasu rer wo..t> because no onl" else 1n the l..,.cuo would accept I.lie poslUon. Th~r" 111<
11.t.J.C. REVIEW, Coovr d' Alt<1•, Idaho, W•d., Oc•ob., 26. 1966
QfJESTIO•\. ' Do VO> bcllt1>t' The OOll)Ut O! it!ldUaleS by I.hat Utt:re I 111111 r ol1dtt11 in the nAtlon·~ co!leces and the <111bnoo of unrdrnl1fttd tf!chnlc:U schools has so111ed by a thlrd-130.000 since /1111no ob1tct.,. • 1960, but Ille supply or new PAULA SURPLUS. sophomore. cducaslon: Yes I do. Jobs bas cnore tl'lan kept piu:e 1>ec11us~ Ult>~ bave b<'en With lh• irowlnc number or al&bted by many pl'<lple. m>- job-hunt<rs. Thou ch the a \•cruse cos I of f'• tr lncluiJ<!d. I :.hlnk people who don't e•rn b<'lle'" thllt a coll~I" educ:uioa bu risen almost I I co 13 per cent lo Iller" '" " poulblllt) or such
objects ar" 001 only narro"• minded bUI uort'n.llaUc. PAULA OEl..A."E\', &OPho\'<'II I do. aDproxlmat.. ty SO mPmbers In morl', .duc1mon. \\bat make anyone tblnk men I.lie loaue. I thr onb . hoaer. betne In F'OC team number one won the po•llJon ll.5 toD t"am In tht" univl':.'-'l'"' CATHY JACOBS. f~alllnao, the lea&11c dunni a r~cen1 bowllne me"'· Th• hi&he ,1 education i'ea I do, be®'Jse the)' h""" bf! n &llhted by c&ml' In th<' mrn'• dl~lsfon b"' was secured by Howard Frl,.. too c:i.ny peop! toe with o bowllns awr.a11< ot nored. EVERrn B.~RTON. ROPh· :?OO. Anita F'h1cN h tbe Even women •s chlllDPlon with th• omore, psycbo!oi:r· uc raie or I 36. ~llkc Su salts thouab the Air F'o1cP ha.s 1110n the championship Cot I.lie clearly alto buted :nor~ than hlghP5t SCOtf!, 505. In 8 ~ ot 51Wet': slchtlncs to series or ,ames In lht m1:n·s &uch llunu as kites . C&O:nets division . Anita F'lacf'I. With a and so on, I 11Ull belle"e In score or 39~. won th<' womcn•a the rx1s1rnce of 0) in1 saucers. To bf!Jle"" that UINe championship. 18 no posslb!llly or a race superior IO tho people of tbe ea.nh Is nothlnr mon lban human conceit. JULIE JE!'ISE:s. ft hmnn. bulllness admlnlstrauon . I think that th.,re la a chance that "people" cxtst on other planets ..ho are moru advanced than •c aze; therefore. II srema losJcal \haz therr ROUld ~other "PPoPI<'" ~xplorlnc spacl'. "But God I hO!>l' thet<' lSD'tl" • PAM POii ERS, freshman home economlcs. Denn11c1y1 I saw on• m)6"if' If wr can <•xplorc 1n10 tht unkno'Nll. why con·1 they• BRUCE ANDREI\$, tresbmnn. B.A. I believe that U.f'.O. •a ore real enouch to lh<' pcoplr that ha~e se<'n Oorh Fl•""'"~ fr•1htnO", IJndr. them. I do not bl'U1: ve lo o •hod)., .tl~et pfoce 1eod " 1<auc<'rs and ouier booL d..lrln9 hM first I•* day& Oyln11 ~P3Ce sblps ror the 5lmple or colt"9"'· wa ion that I ha\'l' DOI Sl!l'll une. CORRECTION TERESA OARLINOHOUSE. In th" Oct. 1~ f'<Jlllon or the Ctudlnol R"vl<'W un error ftt •hmM, home economics was madr In lhr Clrcl" K Yn~. I do b~JIM I.' unldtnllOcd Club ' • ot'w&. Thi dul'JI for objt•cts h11Y• be~n sllthted, memb•rhhlp In lhRI on;:onl ?.a· but I ha11• nr,.cr i;een one. I tlon nrr S2.00 n ,1·m•'Hl• r ln- do hop•· lit orr d'v ll Ml'nd or $2.00 o month.
Ille past tlve years. 11verqe .itarunc slllartes for lf1l.dua1e:1 bave risen almost twice a.s faat-by nell!ly 20 per cent for technical crad· u111es and 23 PN cent Cor nontechnl cal l!i. No v; 111 the time to pn?pare Cor lhie 11.ood Umn II.head.
doun 't matter Jr one dllJ somelblnr; lands, so lone llS notlllnc cref!py comes out of Ille obJect . KERB KELSTROM. freshman. bua!ne!>s adml.nlstrallon. You b"t tbt're 111 somelhJnc out there. It mlabt be Just rmm eazlh, and ap.lo II mlgb1 be from anotber planet. There ha>e been too mllll.l' repart· Inca or \hP-se obJects by tellable Citizens co dlsrecani the posalblllcy ot their existence. LARRY FITCH. sophomore. buSlness aclmJ.Dlstn11ion . I believe only to a cerulln extent. Some of 1be peaple who ~ the)' have ae~n them are definitely publicity se.,ker&. But therr are some verified :iccouots by noted nu1horlUes. so I do beIJ.,,.c In unldenUfled lb lni: objects. CURT !\'EEL Y. Creshman. mld-man11i:emen1: No. I don't
C'oorac'"''· f,,,•tyou,,d Ot'JcJ• ..lndrew~ And tl'>or playing
"""·f" o 'oorooll 1n Iron • of tne dorrtUol') ;-: a plftOscnt di"'•'''°" o• of~emoor. Andrt>ws Is fror' Ko<llolc. fdond. /a/01J..o ond C oroc• ' , Ir. .... 1'-lowcrk, .'l.J. cotcft
ott c
PE WITHDRAWALS MUST RETURN TOWELS All men students wno have withdrawn rrom Creshlnan or sophomore ®ons are reminded to return the towels which bad been Issued to !hem Ill thP Orsi or lhe year. Those who Ctlll co return the to"els will be ch1Uged SI for tbe loss of the cowels.
I respec: tbe mo.a wbO knows dlstlnctl.r what he wishes. 1be gTeater part or all mlscb1P.f In the world arise~ from HUSKEY ELECTED tbe fact that men do not surSNEA PRESIDENT tlclently understand their own Bob Huskey wu elecU'd aims. - Go~the president. Darlene Burkt . and Sherri v1ce-pn?t1lden t. Ro•e. secretary-tr> asurer 111 11 rccPnt meeting of the S::EA <Student Nallontll Education Association). 11ccotdlnc to Sht'nl Rowe. beHeYe there
K•n N•I• on Js showt'I compoi9n• 1no Jn tlM SUB for Fror.h vice ore.s1d91H.
KRYSTAL PLUNGE Swimming - Roc ..otloo Sou oo Stoom Bo llu
4rhf ..r, and
Hununo E au•P'fJ""' THE LI GHTHOUSE
. ·Hour !>w1m Sc•s1ons . , •••• SQ; (Chee!.. oar schedule for 11mos)
SPORT/HG GOODS )OS She,,.._" A"t
MOMw\ 4..S71 I
BALL & cue
41 'l St\.,, ... .," A ... ,.. "'
Oh-oh, better check the punch ;.:Ao/ bowl.
EVERGREEN FLORAL AND GIFT SHOP fot Ov•l•t r • 111d S•• •·< • •• .,._ ~r ...... • 11•\ • c.• , Slrt.••• •"' A•• Co. 1., d Ate111e
11 J
For a Lifetime of
It Mort Fu• At
PLEASURE learn to
BOWL While You Are Young
,,,,_ _ Ploy Pool A t Co•• Bo- I Rot .. ' 60c Pt• Hou•
lake City lanes, Inc. U t< H. F.,."4\ St• • C..wt 4'Al...
lc.,.cold Coco.Colo makes ony ca mpus " g et-together" o potty. Coco-Colo ho 1 tbe to ate you nev er get tired of • •• olwoy1 rtfreshing. Thot' • why thlng1 go better w ith Colee • •• ofter Colee • • • ofter Colee. ....,,.. ......, """......,"' .... ~ C-.--,..,