'Slds 11 Your Eye' ScMdlled To Pl1y lloYe•ber 17-11-19 a,. -dy bolJ..ln The Catdlnal Pia, eta are no• lo rellun&J ror lbe production ot lbe ru i-mo•ID &. CllD-i>acked pla, "Suda lo Your E:)'e" by Jack Kirkland. Thie pla, proml~• IO be one ot lbe moat eucceutul prodllc:Uona In lhe Cardinal Pla,ue' hlllOQ': It mQ ewen surpass last torlll1'1 produt· don or "Tom Jone a... The pl., will be preRoled Nov. 17, 18, and 19 at 8:15 p.m. lo the NIJC Gymnasium. A wooden lndlan, a bill, and lhe m0$t uolaue ren~ ever-made ot beer bottlescive Mrs. F'eeley•a junk yard an atmosphere or comedy at Its lllnnJest. This play bu ever,ytblog-lncludlna the kitchen sink! Three old ladles or en11Jety dltterent character Jump rrom trom one mlstortuoe to another by pla,ylnc cupid, Oabtlna and tan1Un11 with two bat· ned policemen. These lad· les arc Mrs. F'eeley, played by Nancy We.lcb, a hard· talklna Irish woman .mo has never done a.nythlna mori! feminine tban opeolna a beer boll.le; Mrs. Raasmusen. a placid Sweo1sh woman wno Is consianUJ bo11Dded by ber daulbtu and aon· ln· law...110. she lnsl11s, are •e1e1arlans; Miss Acne• Harriet Tinkham. a selC· styled slnaer and ~plcal spinster, a piano t.eacher Crom lhe east, vei:y cultured and so, so re!lned In lboulht. word and act. Sbe preserves ber dlanllY at all costs! The action taltes place du rlna World War II, and bac&Y pants, wide ties, and tl&bt dresses aho,.· dellnlte con· trast IO modem day atUre. The romanllc atmosphere ls added by Danny F'eeley. (Tom Hebert), a sailor home on leave o.nd Kate Losen , ( Maiy Dohrman), a School teacher. or cou rse , true love runs obs1.ncle course o.nd Conchita, a noozie chaalna Danny, pla,yed by Sandy 8aldwln, Is tbe blci:est obstacle ol all. Mattera are turtber compll· cated by Mr. F'Hzaerald, (Gaiy Cbappell). tM iown tai col· lecior, •ho Is assaulted and Insulted by tbe three Ladles. Frank Yamarnoio plays Chlnaiown, a dell cbttul character and adopted nephew ot Mrs. F'eel,.y: be Is e•·er present wtth an open beer bottle for his aunt Nora. 'Ib1a aroup can onl1 lead IO asllllatlon uobelleftble. Ho• can It min• Ho• can you IDl8S lbP llldP· SPlltt.er ot lbe 1ear--"Suds In Your E:)'e"•
Halloween Dance
Uo1s l1Yite f.uly Entries Couir d AJ,.n,.•a Ucma Club ln't'ltea ~-UC 610dl!Dta IO sul>o mlt entries lo llle $50,000 world-wldi! Peace Eu1J COa· tea1 ror youths wtiidl 111 beinc aponaored by Woes l ni.tms.· llonal. The subject 1S "Peac" ls Attainable" and tbe con· test la O!>eD 10 boys and i1rls rro111 14·21 years or a&e. Entries ID tbe cont.es! IDUSI be 11ubclltted to th!! local Wons Clab by Dec. 10. The $!!5,000 nrs1 prtze wUI be a warded IO tbe boy or ctrl whose esaay Is adJudaed u best presenlinc Ideas ot tlndlnc a W&) for people IO II ve together In peace. Comple1e loformat!on about lhe contest IDfJ be obtained from Luelle Lance. bead or NIJC'a Encllsb dt'Partmrnt. or from the local Llon!I Ciub.
Nell Peterson NUC •tud•nt
bod1 president, went to Bolae
IS REOR GANIZING Enctneertn' tud :i:s al !>1JC ar~ r~ rp.a.ztn' I.Ge student cbqiu11 of the lda.•.o Soctet> or Proresslonal Eb&inttrs. •ho art' actJ.nc as 11poosor&. Dexter Moser. advisor. sald Iba! election or oracera will be :ruade soon. I.eater Crowe. p1esJdi.nt 01 lhi. Northern Olapt~r o~ the Idaho Socli.tr of Proresslonal Enatneers. will allow a motion picture aboul tbe spece prosram. Nov. 15. 6:30 p.m.. In the Edminsti.r Student Union after a dinner meeting. Student.a enrolled In proti.sslonal engineering. torestr,y, lndustrtal educallon , lndustrtal i.lectronlcs. and dralt1n& and deslan iue eligible io Join \loser concluded.
WOMAN'S COAT, SWEATER FOUHO Anyone ..110 bas lost a •'Oman's coat or sweater wl lb In tbe past monlh ls aaki.d to call at tbe registrar's orllce co clalm them.
CALE.VDA R Nov. ii - f'"'ncb Clob m·•et· Ing No,·. 9 - lo!ovte Nov. 10 - V.0111en ot the Colle1e aodal met'llDS Vacation Clone Nov. 11 weellend) Nov. 15 - EncJneer.11 Club dlnn• r Nov. 11 18, 19 - Drama class pla_v Nov. 19 - (after play) Semi· formal Thanltscl vlns Dance Nov. 22 - Sbdoe· Nlle Ben· eat Nov. :?+-27 Thaok&s! vtnc Vacation NO\'. 26 - Special ~el· ball pmr.
Clwerleaders, Yell K ing1
SPOKANE DEBATERS TAKE TOP HONORS Debaters trom 16 hllll schools In ldabo and V.asb· lnaton partlclpa1ed In the F'\llh Annual North Idaho Juni or Col1110 lnVftaUonal Hl ah School Debete Touma· ment. Oct. 29 trom 8:~5 a.m. llDtll 3:00 p.m. Debaters rrom St. Oeo rce Acadelll)'. Spokane. took nrs1 place In tho Llncoln· Doualaa compelltlon, MaryolHI Academy, also or Spokane, took second pl1>~e. Maryclllf won Orat and St. Georce won second In the Ox lord di vision. Thanks1tvln1 vacation be· 11nS Nov. 2~.
hlPlllrsolls Had Of (ftlPIS Com•ittee Of 1000
Debaters Place In
Yellowstone Meet The NUC debat~ tear.i re• turned Oc1. 22 aner paritcl· pa.tins In tbe F'\Cth Annual Yellowsione lntercoll~clate Speech M~et ,.1th t,.o third placP rlUlitln11' and one alxth place rA11kln 1. Thia compe · lltlon at Blllln111. Monlana was the U'atn'3 Utst ioums· mtnt. Candy Dabl and Kristy Bolio reached the quarterQnals In team deb&tlo1 but •ert' d~ft'a~d by E:ut•·m Montana Collece In a gpUt dflclalon. ~lontana State Unlnillty woo lbe Learn debate uUe, the NlJC debatua p1Ac1nc slltth. In Wocoln·Do\lllSI d~ba~ a OOt'-to-one cont:ontatloo, Jobll O'Neill wu defeated lo the uml·l1nal& b)' a Brt&luim Youns t,;nl•erslty debater. IS 10 I~. f)nal ra.nllDIS ID Ille e.-eot we~ BYt,; Qr•t. Air Poree AcadeDU" HCond, md :-.1JC third. Cat 111 Herlza ,.ached tbe ll11al1 lo oral lllt.erpretatlon md ued ror :biid place I.II tbe onrall ranklnp for tbe even~ Sbe was coeched by ~larpret Gale, N LJC drama lnatruc:ior. ~lore tban 190 arudenis trom 14 coller.a corr.S>f'ted. The d~batt 10111 neXl tra•ela 10 £ucene. Ore .. Nov. 11- 12 for the Unlnn1lcy of Oreaon Invitational meet.
IO atlA!nd an executive me•t· Inc or tho Committee ot 1000 Oct. 19. l'lna coll!! ce otud~nt body pruldcnis madP up this executive board. Al lb!& mN1tln1 lht' !uncUona ot thv Commlu~ or 1000 were dla· cu83ed and Idaho'• llales tax wris eJPlalned In dolall, Peterson all.Id. Colleae studenui or voUna lliC make up lhlft orpnl7.a• Uon. !ls prlm1uy purpose lft to support worthwhile Issues lbGt ulae periodically. Now lhe committee IA backlna tho •ales tu. Each or t.11e colleceR In Idaho blUI a campus commit· IC!e "lllcb la an ara11a1" ot the gtatewtde orranlzallon. Comm1uee memb<'ra tor the NIJC Campus Commltt.el! or 1000 are: !'lell Peterson, chal101an. Sh•ryl ceneraJ Bercairom. m"mberalllp chair· rnan. Pa1.111 Brown, speaker's buruu chairman, BOb Hus1te1. voter realatraUon chairman, aod Don Heikkila, publlclly dlrec:tor. Thesi. atudents are aupport.101 the nJea 1ax because It Is a source or reve· nue ror ldaho'a schools and colleaeis, Peterson continued, Several !'llJC studPnUI who are In favor of tbe tax have been maldn1 apei.che11 to clvtc croupa In out·l1ln1 com· m11Dlllea dutlna the last an· era! weeks. Responsibility o! securln1 membership tor lbe Commlttoe ot 1000 la delepted to all colleces In Idaho. A quola for securing a certain mem· bershlp iota! Is alv•n to each collece. Peterson said. Mem· berahlp In that oraanlz.a.tlon costs oai. dollar, he added. Even lboucb tbla committee will be dissolved aner tbe election, It will arl•c pi.nod• lcalty IO promote statewide Issues wl:4ch prlr.ia.dty Involve •ducallonal matters. Pet"rson conUoued.
Biie Cross Urds Are llow Anillble
Sludeat Blue Ctoas insurance &fl? no• In 1111! restatrar's offtce and aiudent:a are reciues!A!d IO plc:lr them up lmmed.lateb'. Escb !ull..CiJ:le scudent ll&J'• for tbla LDswa11ce cove""e at reafsuadoa. Shoald a covered arodent requtre medical or hospital services, he must present !hi. card to bis docior or hos i:ltal . A 1111.i.111 vmo tails io do tb1s will be bUled l)l!r80llal.11 by tbe doctor o r boapl tal and needl es• con!ueion will result. Delayed p1.1111e11t 111d eXtra clerical cosu ror doctotl 111d DICTIONARY MISSING hospital.II result wllen a atuA Iara~ dJcuonary 111 missdent tal l• to tnrorm them or Ina trom the eewtna room, ac- II.ls Blue Ctosa covera&e. cordlna IO Florence Stra.n .. 'Ibe busloesa or nce han, 1n1truc1or. She aaJd atudetltl to COOl>er&te fullJ 1hat It a111one bas aeen II lo operatloo or Ilda tnaatao~ she "ould be 11atelul lor lta propsm. return.
Joney Lavi. Jon•c• Hvl"f'!phnty.
Diono Well•'· Fr""-. Yol'!"Of"01o. Pam
Po.-."• John R.yf'lOldi. Claudio McQ.,.m•4' of'td Kot+t.,. Z"'"''fH'tfl°"• ,.,..,,.,,,g. or• ,~ ,.Ce'f'ltly elecr.d c:~r /eoWt ~ -r•ll lrtn91 1M ~. Cordlf"tOh.
N.t.J.C. REVIEW, Con" d'AI•••· ldoloo, Wod., Nov...,bo• 9, 1966
Ecology Class
,....... s.-; ••• fWJ
Tours Montana
.. ...
0..-. ... Celeite y..,
To the Edllor, NUC Review: DNat S1r: Last month l •tt~oded homi:a:>rnll>K and lhe ~0th reuolon or m.r cl~ al W&JSI Point.. 1\hll!! I WllS there, I sa,. Cad~l Mo.it Erickson , "110 q s one or my students at ;..1JC two y<·llfa aeo. Matt Is a third c1Assm111 (sophomore) and la dotn; well. Re Is obwrunr a ;ood collt-i;e tdu · caUon while recehln1 11 stll· flt} or llbou1 $115.00 a month and an allo"'1lllcc thaL PIQ5 tor his mffis. lie Is usured or & permanent career In the LEISURE TRAIHIHG IS MISSING anny unlll be re&Cbes retire• A"'""'eon·. ~P""° b 11 on< b. 1ldong schoo s or>a co I IDC:Ol arreond ~1p 'f\p41f.- n~r ' , on« t:l looming with the 'o'c • Cl'KI YOU 11111,j •ondet wby I om bosr •eocl>ong CQ• ~en'. In h•gh school you:' /.c>otocan wriunc lhl s IO you . The rea$p>nd 12 years being fcu;;h• SC:•~. rna1tcna:1cs, E g • • son Ls thai I ~line that l0<.i1gi long~s. ond o•her ocodemoc sue cc•s. ""io• -.:!1 - there ~e a rew men bere ..110 v•duals w"io CO'l ' 1"'1<! on 'IO eoll0ll9 ge• mu& ' '' C"- mich1 be Interested In securl!IO"I• O'lly mate 1r.•onsrf od, lo< 01 1001• lour crd me.• IDC an 1111polntmen1 IO West veers. These young "'"" O'ld #"'11!<1 ere t " su~poHd •o ::. Polnl or ooe o! the other ser· obfo IO foll 0 nic'"e In OU1' com.,o• ...... SOCICI deo•gn&d ' vice academies. P<>rb1111s l.oop the Un1 •od $ · 0101 on 1.:0 'c.• 'l>lt roco space and e7r>• some think that WI les!I they «•o"'mocy. enterthe acadclll.Y 1tnmedl111ely Shofclon Colr:mof', o ,..,11.kno,.., Wien •o nd 1•tro ·~· oy, a1ter being gradullted from "No do o good 1ob 10 l)lopcro •he!>e young "'"" and ~ f r hlib school , I.bey can never '"'' role on soc1otf, bl.:r we 'ro ovcdookong one ro•l-er '"'00'~nter. 1b1!1 Is not ttUe. ID 'ont rh1n9-•"' !c:.rger ':> '"°ch •hem ,.f101 ·o do ..be<> ey ' •o Cact. the m.ior117 or cadets not wcr~. mg.'' at w~sl Polnl have had a year I/hen mos! worlw1g p rM)l'ls will hov& on ovc.-roar:i oi ~ al college 01 speclAI prepa· 1w1co os much le1sise ••me o • they spend 1• bchoc7,es nuor:r school. ~!any have had our schools end c:ol11!9"< •o f..cfp America's young p!tt)pll'I d1~ · or 1bree year& or collece. covor l•1sure-flme oc11v•l•es end hobbtesf tho•, •o borrow o I belle'e lh&t the same conBoy Scov1 pliros<>, will lt®p rl>em "pt.., s1co ly s·ron~ rrien•olly ditions exist at the :-la\•al, owok<! end morally srrooghr. " Pert.op~ ono of mo rec ans Air F'orce. and coast OUord so mony rurn to alcohol, become mooiol pof•enl<, a1d how> Academies. ocrvov~ breol.do-""' •s bf>covso the-1 hove ne11Cr beori ra~· any man Is Interested in ,,, school what 10 do w11h rhcor le1~ro ••mo. This ' v.hy wo West Point or in ooe or the o~erc• se tne od1 ·or1ol privileges of 1h1s nowspcper •o rry "' other aen1ce academies, I conv1n<:f! os many person' os poss•bl" rhat our schools ond will be cJAd IO lll!k IO bJm. cotlegos •.hovld do mote 10 develop on ow<!C•o1•0'1 of •no Yours sincerely. ou•-of-doors •n O<Jr YCIC.lfl'.'.l AmorocO'I•. John M<"F'arland Of cour!J'.', • rudcn15 hod gymnosr1cs 1n school; some fecm-: 10 ploy boskotball, foolboll and bos,.boll, bot rh so oren'· rh111gs rhl!ly ,.., IJ do on •heir lc!l&vro time. Compe1l1 ovo sport SUB GETS oro no1 enough ro preporo our YD<l'9 poOl)f< ro Iove on ·n • JUKE BOX modem 00" of ovtomollon and :,of I living. A "Juke box" was 1aata.lled W....,,, AtrericoM ca<nume 11 mollron pounds of osp1•1 , In th<' E:dmlnster Studeot 17 b 1tf1on sle ping pill and en 1mrmosuroblo qv<Y>llly oi Union Bu.lid.Ing Oct. 31 b1 rronqullr:ors, 11 ha<dfv •eems !JS 11 110 oro l1·1ing woll odauthorization or the Social 1vsrt'd, <:or1>fre<0 t.vo• _ Bur tho solo1ud11 of foresl ot •Troom, Acllvlues Commtuee and tho "'lo•otoO'I of costong o fly over a rrout, the honking of c. Westen Hatch. swdl'llt M Id 900<0 on mn sky off servo O> '°"1h1ng odo11ve• 't>< union manuer. lroyod nerves and wrort minds. Do.is tho men w1•n o frviThia action wu r.ak<'n alter pound bo" on rho rid of lu • line worry bocau o .. 1s 1nc:omo a p~tluon, "'hlch demanded ro• '' du.,, e>r holo'C you """' hoard of o por~on .,.+,o COJld 'r lhol music " be rctu med" 10 s l!!Op oho< lolfON 1n9 o bord dog orca.md all days' th• llllb. wu presented IO Cour ~,,. in ovrdoor oducohoo g•vun •n h1 h c;hool and Jolin O'NCI II, prl'Sldenl ol tile SAC recl'lltl.v. col loge>• ... ovld c.l .. fop on opp<uc1011on of narur" '"our Ct g The publl c address S)' stem poopf ,., Porho1 • tho n courses could be.tome o pon al '"" hyS1cof oducauon curnculum on many ol rh11so inst111>11on I In the "eub" will be u~d
Editorial ...
T en studt-nls or the eQOIOI)' Cllass and th!e& CbtlllUOD<'S returned SUnda.y even1nL Oct.. :n from " 60!>-tnll e. three-dt1y field trip lnlO MonlMll. which was d~scrlbed by F'nuik E\•ans, Instructor. u a lrlP comparablu IO Journcylns back lnto hlsioey SO years in Umr., Mr. and Mrs. Bliss Bl1nall acoompanled F'rnnk E:vans and the siudents on tile trip. On Fridcu· . Oct.. 29. tile i;n>ull left NtJC &nd un ,., led to the National Bison Rango near Molese, lion tana. While on a iour or this rans• I.he s1udCDU1 we1e shown pmcr.Jces or range and go.me llllUlll~emcnt.
There are u.pprodt!IAlely 300 bison an the ranae. E:vans said; however, there are lllso such pme as "'bile WI deer, mountain 11011ts, blgbOmsbeep, elk , and 11111elope. Aodltlonal !nformaUoo ctven enroute concerned aeolo!licnl orl1ln and ecological aspecis or tbe l&nd tbey tr&\'l!led tbrourm. F'rldaY evenlnc Ille group arrived at Evans' "Panorama Ranch", which Is located 20 miles south of lbe Caoa· dlan border. Tbe 160-acre ranch borders the west side or Glaci er National Park. !I ls J 6 miles rrom the nearest town. and there 111e less tbnn a doun neighbors wftllln a radius of 25 miles. Wllhout the convenience of runninll Wiit er or el ecirlcll,}'. thl' group stayed ln E:vans' SO-year-old, two-sroo• loa cabin . They "relllly roughed II", commented Helen Roi· land. Therefore, It was In· d"etl an exPerlence or II vtna 50 )'eats ln the past, she added. F'rtd~ evening was Sl>Cnl 1>Pro1e a roarln& fire with coal oll lamPS ror lll!ht. Thi& Is perh~s as Int ln10 Ute "'lldemess as many of the member5 al 1he group had Men, one s1uden1 commented. Saturday the group iook an est ·nsl\'e tour of the E;\'flnS' ranc:b and Gil cler National Parit, whl'le Ibey siudled Corest ecolop. Enrouu• home on Sun~ onb' on SPl'Clal OCCASIODS, the J!OllP sa• 0\'e elk not mo1e than 35 yards a,qy and o·:-:1 II ~ncludt>d .
'"'1> lr
Pl'r •°''~ who g
l O\•tioor~ <oguforly ~ofdcm hov I 1noamnoo, hova bud d1i,po•11oen•, or or aflhc•
I thny o•c likly to Oo hcppior, ho lo~el ro o>t 1n1' ttovbf worh • e lg, , on:! ...+.o u ally I""' long.'.'!. Jwcntle Covrl JudlJil \'111f1om G. Lono of Soorrl urd 15,000 co • onvolvin boy and oYOr o :.,io. ir r 11od O"d d1 .c 1ho1 not .:Jr1 t
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Co.vr ~·A l , .... WoM
Coeur d'Alene Launliy & Dry Cleaners
Woodcock's Drug Store S..,nc
P'l'e\Ct.p• 0" I U N ~oti1r1'- .St • Co•"'' d Al•"'•
;::c:::: c .:.·:"'"':_
wo.s trip
Kodachrome II
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No•. 1964 doting
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o.-aro of rm " mond nollut1Cl'1 rroHo • at <!>\I • au, VO '· rand lun • ,\f1, r- t e toofa:-oli.an t • 1• fUob occunlXI, 1t ' ...,1111>11 115 v.oy 10 to1ng sol~. TI'o wt:!ll· known ooh.:rol1st, J M '•'-uu, Jtt o ·
'•otur '
a dozen whlle tall Al McOOnold Creek observed the salmon spawning and were also rar1unate to se~ !our or n,•e bald en1tles thnt were 11ttni.c1ed by •he dy!n~ ash. A rarest about
or ""'' w
'11 ,. not -:-onclu~•" "' 1 prolOl.Od • •ho k oh u •. A• o> rhe youn 1 1 on bocon10 ov. ol lo>~ PIJ'\u •t• found on •h ovr - of·ooora r wolf al
He 501<!, "
t.EONARD COPE Leontlld Cope, math nnd pb,yslcs Jns1ruc1or al NIJC' s voc:al1ono.I dmrtlng depart· ml'nt. received his certlficnte Jn drafting and d~sJcn rrom 1he trade school at Idaho Staie Unh·ersl 1y. POClllella. His wife ' s n=e ls g,•., Dawn and they have rour cblldren - Brent. 7: Kevin. ~= Rodne) . 2: ond Kelley. rour monlhs. One or Mrs. Cape's ln1eres1s Is mu5ic. As n youlh. Cope was a member or a 4· H club for m!UIY vears and m1sed sheep as one of his projects. Re recel~'ed many prizes shoYo1n1 his sheep al \'o.riOUS COUOt)' !airs. lils main lnteres1s are hunting, Osblng. woodworking, aad auto mechanics. In nddlllon. he was n 4- H club leader !or three years with a club membership or about 30 children Cope anti his ra.mUy reside In Coeur ti' Alene. and bo said that he PDJOYS Uvln11 here very much.
•houghr ClllO t ""' r r 1'11> ''°)· •o•'>• ond ge• •Mc!or ood 1odlngs.
For lhe latest in men's fashion For the latest in colors and Ule widest selection of styles For either Sales or Rentals Let us help you M• n' s Formo/..,~at is our ycot·tountl business WJ06 Sp,.9"• A..-.., Spo~on• T£1\.Jl5.l I
Circle K Apple Pofufu?ra SUB~nion Ql/£S170\
.. ,.hat f, ro11t OJlt•ID~ allo•t Ida.Ao' 4/u 14.r"'"
JOHN O'NEILL. sophomore, t!ducaUon: As tar ... •autlon coaa lb~ 11&1es tu lft tho moet t'Qultsble tomt tb~re ls ~. Each person not oolJ' pays on i-r 111 lb his nelcbbors, but also 11 •Ids ~ucaUon. •hlch la tile prl· marr recipient or tax rflet>lpts. Wllhout It I do not eee ho" educauon In Idaho can com · perf' ""h Ille Olh<'r rortY •IWO atstu which ha\'I' the nalc 1
m; ""''c}, ri..,. ..,.,.. 238 bop• ol .,,,,,,•• r.o/d
Members ol oo//alters" opp/ea
Circle I\ Club or. ""'• "OS>Ple ''-••~•.-; Oou9 0 1.,.,,,., prwa/den•, 1?1c1rotd Got-oa mey prepore ,,...._,"" bcga of ,,.,,, 1'ct1ne Ketc~. Cott SmJ,,.., J,,. Young. Oovg were •old Ocr. ,25 rl>rourp "'" 77, Qenlr..... O'X1 Girw.; Dion,,.. T"'11 cl&Jb la ,,o.., , ...
0. s' .00 0 ""9. P<W"t' "Q' '"'M' Card< Mol *•'cOtfte &ion. wnlth 11 0 mok,no a S130 P'Oltr on the endeovot. r ov - 1... --dO""" ltes.' t.ol. .., -. • 1""'9r• o,. fro191 leh: Dort R•fFol•. ~flT•'o,.... 0
RE ILLY TO HEAO SPANISH CLUB Sl>eedY RelllJ' was elected
Coeur d' Alen •., TDcbroprealdent and Marjorie Rubow vice-p resident at the lhst nlzed swt111m111c .,ro11p...The meetla.a or the Spanlllh Club. Krystal Loral! ea". II reor· Oct. 23. The name or the pnl:Jns and beJlnntnc Pl'ACaecretary-Lreasurer or the tlces. accordlna to Lyon At· oraantzadoo will bo announced wood. Instructor. All a:lrls lnt,rest..cl ~ ena.a soon aa It la available. oo~aeea 10 join and a:e •el· The next meetlnc wW ~ come to come watch practlcei> the second Mond~ lo Novemat the Kryi;tal Pl1111ce any be r. SUnda,r. Anyooe who baa taken Tbe K,,-stal LonLiles ba.-e Spanlab or ..no Is now taldne tree use ct tbe Kcy&tal Plu.oae that course 111 ellclble to Join. tor practice from ll:OO IO accord1n1 to John McFarland. 12:~5 e•cry Sund&J 111ornlD'ac1vlsor. Tbere a~ approximately 20 Jlrls In the croup which was LOU IS FLOWE RS Cltst or?Oizeo last year. GREENHOUSE FRESH Tbey ba•e 11111 on two sbows M.aoriol Sproy• & Flo"' I tor the entenalJlmeat or tbe 1011 Ou l,a•d public at the KtY•W Pluoce Off Srtu t Porlru f'lg on a.UI~ A,.,.,,. and "'1.ll perform 9'aln lo r..,,,, l!'ut ot 1000 Biii. •r't F'!!brua.tr. Tolofloro Otdt" Anywhtto 11 ...,.. e-r a-i.: -caJJbre Mlnds.;;..o""r_ rn_OCl World Pl. MO 4·&218 ordiaarllJ' condemn oerythlnc which Is beyond tbelr ranee. See m for ... - RocberoJcauld
Ar"'•9'•••" c..
eatler --Pih''
0.1 c IE
218 N. 4th Strwt
Fr ff Cf. CO"e•
MO'""• of tf<te
OU'I Mo~911ra
1306 F-• "·• lido_~
(,.._.rd"A ..,...
Col/e<;1ore Nffds l0t Htt0lrli ond Hopp.ness
Out Plot o Resio.,onr P • o ..s Polo•• or< P.,.... 1107 H. Feur.i.
.110. 44m
S.r.,inp Ytwt Srufien l Union
PASTIUllZID MILK MEANS 100% SAFE MILK ._._... 0...-... - o-4 H. .lth -
( J111.• .,-Y
HOME EC INSTRUCTOR IS HOW IH HAWAII F1or.nc- Stranahan. bad It ~1JC Lo:: econ~lcs depatlrllent. IS DOW OD IL Va· calion In KawaJJ with her husband. C!yd• Stranahan. Kootenai County Acrtcultural A1ent. 1bey letl Oct. 29 and plan to be ,one tor two •eeks. Taltln~ Mrs. Stranahan'a p.ace are Ellen f'rednkson and KIJ' Mcf'arlaod.
LESLI:"£ L. MOSSBVROH. sopbomo,.. •l.mt'ntarv ,.,tu. catton: I tit.Ink Ibo ealra tu ...,,llld be all rlgbl I I.It would m"et th•• ooed... or education. As It la now. II ae•m• to 11111 th11 money la JU!t>t 101n1 Into tht1 Go•emor•a pockl!t. Jl~I JACKSON. trellhman, music: I'm for II, ev~n thou Ill' I'm no1 old cnou1h 10 votn. I atilt think !hilt I daho CIUI lllD v~ 1lhe11d with II. Facto pro' e that Idaho uHd tho lllDn~.J' for new achoola and olher ne..cllld faclllllcs. It mlcht coll the penple more. but It la tor a &ood cau&I'. SKIP ~IURPKY. sophomorl', archltl!cture: I am fo r Idaho's alea tu for the Almple ri•a· ion that It lt ahould be dropped the lost monl!y would nave to br mad"' up 11om1·· whP/9 e1&... PAT 111LlJAMS, eopnomore pre~cntlaUJ'. Sain Isl In Ibis dlU' 111d helps 10 Improve Ollf scllool 11111em. I also HY yes about rorel1111 atra1r11. and \Ir. Hyneman. I
lhlDk S&les tax Ls ••~II Ln 11&..ii!o&!On. DAVE KN IUKT. <llOPhomor•'. buslnea$ lld:nlnlatratlon. The eal~s tax la a tax that could 1row with Idaho. As the 11tal<>'a needn upand and OKCal re~onslblllty lnrrl'uea "" need a tu that can crow. Our «00lo11clll and labor conditions do not merit a large enouilh prop 11,y o1 In· corn!' tsx. F\lnhennorr. tourists •od ahert ~rm rul· dents •ho uae our lltaU! and couai, factllUe11 are llUbJfft IO lhn salts ta.x. ROBERT DAHl,l\ERO. Roph· omorl', music I am In favor or the salna tas II It In uMed 101 "bat It wu Intend d l!du~U-:.n. Th bt eo•ern• ment 8('1 UP th IU r I l!OJ • caUon. llO let's UllC! It for e<hrt:allon. otbo rwla • do a...,. with II! ll.ILL CHILDERS. heahman , conomlc~· Th aalfl• tu I• a rearos81v~ tn1. It I • unfnlr to tho poorN paople 111d. In my opinion, 1lnce tha tatn needs Iba monr•y. 1U1 Income tax would be much moM fair. Ptrhaps an lncomo that would be, for example. 10 per cent or 11111at la paid ror fedNal iocom taa CRAIG OST~ RSON, hoab· man. pr~-d<'ntlatry• The tu cnuld be used ror better pur· poans , tor Instance'. school lmprovemnot arHI 10 lncrca~~ trachN' S WCl&811. LARRY Vt::RllEI. aophomon-. education While l d~ai>I ge lAI II In any form . I feel the eale11 ta1 la on• or the moM t.ur or all 1&us. It "belt&" everyone. lru1tead of IUSI lbP welH ~o.
VARSITY BASKETBALL SQUAD IS CUT TO FIFTEEN cd Afl·Am<:· B~ e. Pu r'..o RI '· y :~. tt : c &t:lnd 111 • · frcl . D' e In· ICIUI bonorabl" m<'llr.Jon, he lh• :-OIJC \'at:<lly lillhkNllMll chen tall Md liars hlK In· played bUk•tbaJl Lhre" )ClltS l am !or lh I Q66·b 7 S<"UOn, accordill• to R< ll> \\1lh:i s. tcr 5~ :is ' :¥ dJ ..-erse. Hla 1111 his hlcll acho I team, and coarh. D1u Milch ll Is lhC hobbles "' buolloi. uuellnc hr plru cd le>: 111 :\ew York All·Cm t am. Kta main ltaln r. sic d1· R llh· 11< lhP IUld 1<port11. Chuck Loom I uaduated lntert'st 111 II • nlor; to Jazz. stall 1lc1an. lllld 011n C•mcy INlll Coru: d'AI oe Hieb Sh·!oot. lho-t11ch Dan.v Ill th RS ISlatll coacb. lrom Gladsd n. All mmib4'11' of thl6 1<'Ut':a SchOoL •h<'rr Ile ph,<ed bat.- Tr adw"ll team IU"t" rust \ c:u mm <".l."' kNbcill tot thr••e )t'ars. Ke Ala. 1 C('l\cd All·Am rlcao la al• ·foet ta!! and lists Ilia bone.nab! meouoo. mo11t ou· · C<'pt Tony Tta 1' ~ek. Practices ore !111111 3.30 p.111. .n1ern1 as all 11p0na In 11.:andl:ic pla,e: C r Alabama In 1966. and Al.·Rci::tcnaJ IUld to 6.30 p.m. ~londll} l.hroudl gt'netal. >t~i.t ou iarandtna atlllPte ol ~Id_,-. nic fl: I 30 min· .-\!!·State !or two cc.nsec • S&ndpolnl Hli:b Sc!Jool lor rars. Hla tobbles 11r utl"a ot :...~r- •--orkout L~ apenl 1966. nu-1001. el ven·.r:cb Inc: and coif :ind be \ dolni;: dllldJ!ine drll!s, Ill Sorrn Thom110n ta lnlel("lll(od tNcsled In h1•. second 30 mtnule11 a:n s~nt on lf<'l<'nsl.-c ot1ll11. Th ce~t In buouni:. !lallini::. auttr Jon Bellar. 11h·fttl lbrec mec!:anlc11. and all 51>G:1ll ln Indies. coces I:= l.aJ11t1r.a, hour 111 pent on of(e~.. i::en•ral. Colorado. tt.s se•en rears• drlJla. ~l.1.k" M'' s. Clv ·lee1 . ten Lut JCIU :-OIJC :inllh d baaketball experte11ce1ncludc· lncb s 1all, Is tr= Th!' lh<' l!A'ason rank n1 171.h In one yr.11 pa.de school, two th" nation, 1111d won slxlb Daile • Or •. '"'1 r he pbred yeius junI : hi i;!J, and lou: place In tbe na1lon in d•· bukNbell one year In hi i:h years hllth 11ctiool. Kl !ense. :; I.JC COCIPeted With 11c!l;;ol. On o! his hobbles a"1l!'ds a:c All-Co:ife rcnC4 o•er 500 Junlor coUeces ls cu&lc. He la a ..-ocall&t Clta::p!on In his JW!lor and ond plays lbe ba 11 clannet. throuahout the country. l14'!11or rear~. all·Mater. and The tl'am won 2< pines, He I 1 al.so 11 111Udl.'n1 o! judo t1:l• n p1,n•r~ ~.:1..
t '' e
ano aarau. a:1d be pla}s toll. Bill Broderick rrom MJllSOUla. toss ...s IO Spokar.o Co~· munlly College. Md the '.lont. played bllsk tball rour olll<'t was 10 Dl1lc Junior Hats In hli;!I sdlool and r~ CollPCt' 111 the reg! nal toum· c<'l•!'d the most •"&luable 111111..nt In Phocn11. Thr. onC> plQ't-t a":ttd from his school. ue cnm<' •as with th llaal'.· Bill's mrilil in1ereat no,.· 111 lnglOn Stai.1 ti'nln: l)' FroSb to ret an <!ucatlon. He en· Joya mat<1n1: ::ew acqual::· wt th a acore of &.; U> 6~. TM foJ1ow1nc Is a list or Ulllc~r.. and hats hi & hobbt~s lb" pl.,.era and a I w lacta as i:lrl11, huntlna, flMlr.1, and c.:her spc rts In that about them. All•·r w1nn1n1 th a"'ard for ord• r. Ho la sh·tce: . three Inch 11 tall. t>eln~ the oulatandlna alhlct Don Sames lrom Coeur d' at Co<tir d'Alcne KIEh Scnool, and lhe most ln11plrattonal Alene secured th• honors of bt>lna an all·SUlt•r. an all· ptav~r for 196S-ii6, atx·lool Biil Schul"lz Is no• plarini:: slat. and an All·Am~ncan ror SIJC. Ii•• play,.d bask r· du:tnc the l•oyears be played ball for '.,.,1> y r.DtB In hi 1111 hl1th 11chool baskrtball. Kl& ac.'lool and rnJov& al I sPOtta. hobhlt's .,., hunlln~. all Wa11rn Duco1 from Colum· aporls, and he I lr.tl'restcd !Ando alx· frt•t In Phratcat educauon. Ile Is blo. s.c.. lost l"o. 11nd
on • One
ta.II. H<> roe I• d All·Am~r· lean honorobt. mrnUon. he .... ~ 11 mrmbM or lh All Ar 11 F'lrAt Tfam In C.uollna. lllld the South AIHllar I am. tt~ lls1.11 Illa lnt•r•sta as wo1rr sklln~.
~ollln1t. 5wtmm1n11. and llrl&. Ton) Tru,. di, the ooly rr-turntntt f, tt• rmt1.n un th1• t"am, '"''" ""' N11llonal Hl1h School R• IJOUlld llt'cord In l'l(l•. Hla home town la Los An~d• n. but he pin\ 1 d hlch achonl bu.•k<'lb11ll tot l"'O ) at Hamt:r Air
st1·rl'rt, tl.'n Inches tall. Biil F.d•'llrds. 11h-rce1. 0Ye Inches tllll, ts lrom Tekoa • l'in., Wh4'rr• ho play~d ballket· ball lour years In hla:h school, u.nd was U!otn ciip1ain Ills Junior and i;"ntor yeara. Kia maln hob~ Is all &ports. Oarc4' Drlakl'l, 11h·f•<'t tall, lrom Post Fa1J11 plued 1>a..k1·tb11ll h!R Junior anti Mnlor .Y••rs In hl11h school. He l.'ntoya IUIY port and cood rood. Al McCn kill. 1111·!0 I, 11· tn1 hr
rri -
lt'Clt of Edue10llon In \Ion· COUNSELORS CONSIOER mouth nut year. :.tJtehell, Ltalncr, ha... ENTRANCE TESTI NG Lt&\el<!d O•Cr much or I.I!< Facullv rr rnb ro or th<' "'1>tld. II• >'as ..1..c1ed m. 1 NWC olar nit and !\lid· outstsndloc: traloe: tn \for.· OITCt' com Jur and r.:uldancc lrtna. 1963. H<! al!IO br a ~n !or rrom H hlih , ,...,..minute in I.he 880 WI th a hool~ will a111 nd a dlr.cius· r.Jru• or on!' minute, lllty· el n about :h prosr~•11 madP nine a.coed". Hts hobbles In mil c entrance testing are Cll!t.Plnr;. Q&hlnK. truck, pro11ram~. No..-. 8. 6 30 p.m. and social 11ct1v111cs. H" al th~ Edrninst•·r Student ""llM Ute IO all nd lhl' Un!· Union Bulldlnc:. nsit.r or ~olrc Dllm nc11 litell school counaelor.s Y a:. lrom the !ollo'\1nit hlah Dan Camey. et sl&1an1 coach achools boH• bc<'n in\ited r lh" lell:l. la from K llocc. IO allt'nd Coeur d'.o\l~ne. I .&ho. He Du nln ~ears Kootenat, IH~I. Post falls. npcdence in ba..~ketball. l..okcland. Plummer. llorley.
Alt : this &<>:nester be wtll i:o to Lin! cld Colle"' to IUI·
l.hlell~ cilollltshlp. ~- ~ • • b r !ball.
DI s ·rt F.duca· Cluu of Am<'r1ca m"'11· be:s arc i:oln& to rll.ffie a S:?5.00 i:tr. ~rJ!lcate ror .. ai
St. •1atl<'S. S:>ndpolnt, Cla11' Pork, Prl st River. Bonners F' m. l\llllmc and Krlloa~. Faculty
rnce Stranah.a.'l, John McFnr·
l..nd. Rlchnrd Champoux. Rll)'· be IK'lonccd to th" Den vn --ad Garcea. Johll llu!X'rt. ·-'11-Ci:y !lrst team. His hot>.utd Dr. e;, a O blea are wood caning and he r cords at lbe ··.'tluaic Roo::i ". COiiects repJtca5 or l<oldll'tS Cot>ur d'AkM. So\'. II. LAHGE HEADS IOAHO ands~s. The llckc1;; a:e 50 c~at~ ENGLISH TEACHERS Arthur Moo~i;omery Jr. Is t'acb 1111d lb~ m~· bt' PW" l.uc.. t....n 1ns:ructo1 or etx-rce1. t:iur·lncht-s u.JI Md ch&Sf'd fr.lm lln) mid"'lllanai:e· Eni:hsh at NIJC, 11ns chosen comes ft1>m Watts, Call!. He ment studtnt. PIPSldtnl ol lhc Collr.i:<' o;eC• beloni;ed :o t.he AJl-Cout The ns:ne ts bt'l!ti: coaducted Uon or Ille ldah' C< un ii or League for two yeua. be •as to promote ~auon:l.I DEC.-' Te:u:bc:s or En Uoh a1 a reall CJF' !or 11•0 years. He \leek. Novembt•r S-12. ac· Cf>nt mttuac al Bois~ Col· has :brcr 1rars' e~rlfo~ co:dJoi.: to Carol 11·es1. :e- lege. pla)'lnc hlch scbooi baske'- l ,.,,., Repr sentaii fro e'ery ball and tnJoys rock nnd roll ln111ttutton or hti:her leo.rntns music. tt1s special tntere CONVENTION DRAWS in Idaho par11clpa1ed In dJsIs Do:tb) Ba lev. BUS1NESS TEAC cu11sloo11 on 1mpr.:ivln the Randy Allen, r .. -1.. ~1. nln HERS Inches ts from Potll Fallis. H '.hss G ·rtrudt Gilbert, \!rs. 1cnch1ni: or Engll&h. Dr. Loul:, All••rb<•ry rrom tht' played bask :ball two J'elltS Chari \IC'La1n, \1111\in Famt· In Junior hid! 11nd four yeazs er. andl>llas l.or t:a Dunni~an Colleac or ld:i!:o "as ,.(, cted '1C -prestden1 or the council. In h1ah sctiool. His hobbtes o: lht' :i!JC bus1ne..s d1•part· a 1., DOOi. bo1l llnit. wat r mtnl aurndcd lh<' Washington ~lrs . l.MKC a.nd Or. i\llNbery stllni::, a:id ears. Sta:e Busint"ss Association wlll t>4' ln,,trumt>ntul Jn or1t110· Speed) Hclllr. swtsUdan convPntlan In Sool<ane re- lzlni: the 1111nual meeting of ror lhP t am. la from Post cenlly. The Iheme or tbe the ldaho Councll or Teachers I En~llsh nr1t October. Fall& and lists ooln coll" • conv ntlon wa,; "Th Finl .ihed \Ir,, Lar. •• :lid. Ina and bcLllkt'lbllll an his P: dut"t. •• hobbl~s. He plRJ ed ba6kN· ball 10 111 &h scllool !or l•o
Bob (Huall~r> Husk""· I!? llUUlai:tr. 1 from Saltn:. Or • Ii 1crll~ a •"1mmio1. track, wr s lin e. and roa1bllll "' :ioolh Sal m Kli;h SChool Ke le lnl r 11 NI
Swi••1n9 - R•creation Souno S100,. Botha
blk nc.
...... 50:
C'D:nt>lnt. ond all outd r ac:tl \ill'"· lo I.I! i:um!Dl'r hr
le for 11me>)
or~& at youth Ca:?ll)S. ill attcnd the 0: i;oo C
BALL & cue
.,o •• '• , ..4
I )
there's a double-date.
··.t'AG!'. & GIHS
CO EU R O' Al£11 E"S
•••. •
s......... .. A.. • c. .... "Af•fll •
For a Lifetime of
BOWL While You Are Young
Ploy Pool '" Co•• 8o • l
Ratu 60t P"". Ho"'
lake City lanes, Inc. 24 14 N F. ....... Sit • C . .vt 4·1J.,..
NIJC acholartlblp and i:utd· anc:e c mmlller 11re: Oeucr Moser, Ja.'!l ., Bums. Jack S:e\'e. Holly llllltams. Flor·
Coco-Colo odd• UlfO fun to dohn~ingle or doubt ... Thol's becouse Colee hos the to ste you never get hr..I of.. olwoy1 refn1hin9. Tho1'1 w hy thing• go bettor w olh Colee .•. ofter Colee ••• alter Coke. ...... ___ _,_ . .,. :--c.. ............ f.\lPll\E COC'-CQLA 001TLJ:NC ~O W .. ASY