AC1ppella Choir To Perfor11 For Shrine Benefit North I • Jur r Coll~ce A Cappc1la Choir •Ill alnc In a combined p rlormanc with tlH' Community Slncrra at the Shrine Nile lk:lem Tuesday. ~ovcmber 22. at 8.00 p.m. at thf' ?-1JC 1:1 Thia •Ill be th larEt t formal choir Ytr to 11ln1 In Coeur d'Alene ,,,,. Cardlnnl Chornle, nn cnscmblt! of choir membera ""' slJlc "Mar cir." "Sil c: e ndoah. •• and a Jazz numb r by Bach. ProcPeds from tb" b~oellt "'111 s:o dlrect!l 10 Lhe Shrl· oers• Chlldren·a Hospital In Spokane. tton Feller. a Spokane cbolr director. will sing folk itlrc· lions. Ft'llN \\llS a patl,.nt at the ShrinN's Hospl111.I tor seven ycnr~ Shrlnrr " llll11m L<•Oorl' or Coeur Cl'All'n•• Is the pro11111m ch al rm an. The brnl'lll per· lormanc" wlll open wllh nn Introduction ul the Shrtnc rs, lollowl'd by th<· 1·n11•rtalnmcnt. NIJC ~lud1•nl' will pt<'B<'nl a coml'd~ -dramo. "Frankie and Johnny". "Ith musical nurraUon b~ Mr. und Mrs. J. Ra) Cox. Tho• :-OIJC da.ncc band. Thr Sw 1ni:lni: Redbird~ '-111 en1t·ru1ln. as wlll th• SpokaM B&l;lllP Ban
Richmond Is AWS Girl Of The Month Sopho ott J A '" RI 'hi" •nd h• b n I I d lh< AllS altrulsllc Gttl ol the ~!onth She was l'lecled because or her OUtSlandlnE ab1HI.) 10 arouse campus s;pltll 11nd to p romo!~ an Interest In social acl!vltlesamonc tht! students. At !hi' beclnnlnc or lhe s,.mes1er th• Assoc1111ed 11omrn Stud1•nls (AllSI d"clded uvon a pro~ram which \\ould make the wom<'n ..1udents ll"are or lhrlr potenllal& and pro' ldt thrm .. Ith a mean~ or CllPt••Ssln& them!\elvrs. fnt• Girl ot th~ Month a"anl pro· vlde' 11 i:oal ror \\hlch the &trls consclt ncloush \\Ori< to nchl•• e. Thtti pro cram tis con11nuP.d In the hopes that It wtll produce mature women v.ho wlll be helpful lO lellow atudenu and bencliclal 10 ttlo communlt). Jo Ann Is :ui En~llsh maJor •ho plans to l al hlsh school le•rl or "o:k on the Campus Cru~iide st&lf all r recchlni:: her B.A de'1ee. She slni;s 1n th A CaPl>t'lla Choir, 1s OD the debate tram. and p r• ~ir tes In Campus Cru :.
Band Concert Set For Dec. 14 Th•
r orcntoc o the :>!JC Concert Blln:I, conducted b) ~Ir. Jnmos Barns wlll Include compo ltlona r1U1CID' from "St. ,\nthon) DlHrtlmcnlO" b)· J. Haylln lo scl.,ctlons from "\Ir. Lucky" by ll•nl) Mancini. The conc:en ~111 contain srvcn or el£ht pi.,coa f<'alurl ntt 11010& by memb..r~ o! lhl:' band. lncludtni:: "Mlnut<'man" (ConcMl ~lurch> b) R. H. P!!avlo. "Th~ Colden Eur" b) M. :illn bllquri. "Rrl)'lhm of the II lnd&" II>' f Erickson nnd lh<' "Jamlllcan f'Olk Suite" b) II. L. ,\all rs.
p •loll"
UI, r:O.
Yoclliooil Dmsion Aaaouaces NiH New Youtional Coarses
R eview Editors Plan Changeove-;
ortd po/lc-1 of ,,.... R•vl•• ...,,, wfto a
SUCommittee Is Reactivated Sh r P• scus d at the :\o\. 8 rDt'eUnc f ti:" studl'nt bollrd. acco:.i::i• :o Patsy Brown. sccrt"t.:\n ~I m~rs of the boazd con· 111d~red tbl" posslb .. t\7 ol reacthatln~ the •tudeot u:i!on committee. It ..-as sus£e::.ted that the commltt<"c bate tbe responsibility ol tis1., 111ni; to complalJllS o.bout the "sub.. From tbe11e reeo:nmendat.ons th<' members ol tbe com!lllttee ,.ould lht'n creat<' poUctl!S ror that bulldlnc. Three tacult~ members wbo \\Ill be on tht> commllu.•e are H. Frank E\'MS, Gertrude Olll><'rt, and C. Yt eston Hatch. Two or three stud~nts •ill b~ appointed at a future meet· Inc. :-:etl Pe1erson. pr~stdent of the student bOd~ • ..,aJd. The posslblll~ of chanl:lnc the Cardinal Re\'le• office was dJscus•tod. Tt:iporaiy plans c.ze to le! tbe edlto: us<" the steno equ1p:::en1 roa:n Members Ol tbe bollnl Will price e:ib!nt'ts lO swro the equ1pmen1 that no• occupl!!S n cdl'd space. Third on the list o! discus~ was the ll:prov m 111 ol pa:kln;; facll!ties oD campus. Dave Pr:ano and Pc' Dohrrna:i h:i•e been ~ painted to discuss "~ 5 Of !mprovtnc tbe racilltles w!UI tb faculty. Purebase or a sell-contained podlu:n at tbe cost or $ was appro\cd. This IDODCY came rrom the reserYe fund. The unit 111 OIH'tated bJ bill· trites. or Ir,) altcmattng cur· r<'nl. and ClllY easily be movl'd hom place to place. C. lies too BatC'h recl'h l!d th• board·s opproval to show lbt Ulm. "8' eke! " IO Coeur d'Alf n• Hlllh School atud.,nts A oh111~., .. 111 bo made to se~ lb<· mO\lf'. Tom Robb. DECA (DISttlba· th'~ Eduaallon Clubs of Am mr111 advisor. recel\•l.'d !>"nnls~lon 10 ~PODSO r an E115tman ;\lldllfe film lo th•• iarr.nulum to raise r:>0n•~.
Barbara Mannine hU assum posll!on of editor ot Ill Ca:d1nal R<ovtc•. Donal~ H lkk1la. who hu b<.-en editor : r th pso..1t two 11emes1 r3 rttently :eslsned !tom th pos1t!on bl'cause or bra.1th : asona. !.!lr.s Is 11 n•tlve ld:lhoan. Shl' Uv s ID llllTd"D Lake and was irllduated !rom Coeu: d'Alene Hlib School tn 1966 •bere she 5crved on,. semeste: u a r~poner on The llbllt' Pinet, C.>eur d'Alene Hieb Scboot•s newspnper. :.tias Mannine !s a member or lht! A Cappetta Choir and she said that mua1c Is an Im· porusDt part or h" ur... 10 addlllon she hu a d•~P aP. precl111!on for literature. Helkltlla said that h" w111 eootlJlue to do some feature wr111ng, P<:rbaps a column 11bou1 ca.'Dpus Ute lor the C 3 rdtnal Retie•, but the time be may pend Clll the Cardtnal hereafter will ha'" 10 be 11.l!tl:Pd since he hu other w:ltini: comitments. Helkldla bas 11tr1tten letturc tUtlc!ca lo: newspape.-s and mai:az1nc11 lor a aumbt"r o! ye11rs. He Is c:u:r Dtly worklns on a hu:n • roc.s an.ele nbout colle !lie and espceu 10 be wrtt!s ~ more features. and l)(' r· llllrs. a 5YD:llcstcd colu ~ 111to1:: :iature l::i the COtltha I com • '! c::t looking rcrward to a ~t so that I ay co pletelJ' reco\"er lroci 1111 Illness," H~!kkl!a AJd. "Then IM'I· l1aPS I Ill&)' fl!lll mor 11- 10 Paint. cllt:ib mountalns. watch blr1's. llnd collttt antiques." he concluded. some or Helkklls's bobbles Include restoration or h0rdedra1'l! vehJcle.s, clock col· lecllD' and repair, bird ""tch· In~ (be purt1c1patcs In the Sallonal Auduboo Society ' II Christmas bird aount). prd••· 111nc. t>ecke<'Plni:. hlklni;, flshlnc. photoicraphv und roelt ooll~oUng to mention the ones he conMdrrs bis ravoth
Kaleidoscope Players To Present Assembly Th SI CA " 1ly Corvnlt· tee Is sponsor1n1 an u.;cwulJ' ntltlcd, "Other Sides or Ibo Looking Otaaa" (th world or Lewi a Carrol) by The Kale!· <1oscope Playtr:s, Dec. 7 at 11 OS a.m In the SIJC l)'l'll· no.slum. Le•I• Carrol '"•5 the pen nlllD o! Charles Lut"MI" Dodpon, v.ho wrote one of the most !&moua books In chll<lr n's Uteratur<l, Ailee's Ad\' nturus In ·,\ond•rland, He also Pllbllshed 186~. publlabed Through the Looking Ola s In 187 I. Throuah lhP Looltln1 Gius bu bN•n &c· ctalmco to h11vc bt-~n quot<'d from more than any othN work excep t Shalteapenr< and th• Bible. The Kaleidoscope cut. wblch lnclud•s Lee BllUD~~ ion. Blll ~can. 8'.'n All'r. nnd Jon DoTe, wlll ponray the •eirlt11 or Lewis Carrol as told In aoac. drama. poct:y and !'lance In 1wo a.eta with p Ii..
DELEGATES NAMED FOR NWSA MEETING A r .r: l:~oe 1~: ... -.. &...&• " " Q a.p.,o.a..ated olllclal re~:eJSenta:tYea at the w\nt r NV.SA (SCrtbtres: Slud nt Aasoda!lonl can" 11· lloa. Jan. at SeatUe Pacitlc COlle;e. Student rcpresentatlve.s froo ci ::ibtr colle~ throushout the Pacific :-Ootthwe&t cec-1 at this c:onTen1lon to partlelpa.te 111 :.ndlvtdual discussion crouos. Tbey dJacuu problems Whlcl1 artae con caa:pus and attemp1 10 find solutions t th probl - .
\AC-.LtJ On
!'\O\. :!6 prne
"Thr Carpcolban"r~" (f)(oC. Dcc. I - P p rail• Dec. 3 - Crubb) oanee and ..,ur.. ct., or 3~th Dec. ; - Ski Club StY I<' Street" (Dec. 131 arr mo\"I s on tho SAC llCht'.ldule. Sho•
Ch11• nc llaucl\I. h•ad ot IM \'OC&tlonal dlvl1lon an• nounces ntn<• n•" nlshl elms· &el' for adult atudtnta. All the cl&~gt>s will run for 10 week" c~cepl SalcamanAhlp tor Chrl11tm119 H<!lp, which wlll last flvr wreka. \lost clasao& arr 11~1 up In lhrc•• hour &••Uloni; "llhn r onr or two ~venlnas B werk. Two 111•wln11 clon«· ...111 bo ofll'Wd by Mr!>. lll•IM Brlllldl, and Mrs. AllCP llorrl•on wlll lNICh Modern MNhod ""'Ina. Other cour "'' ar< Weldlnc lor Malntrnanc• llorkPra tauShl bv Stllnl•1 lluch• s. Machin• Shop t11u~hl by John Sprinkle; Rclatt•d ln&ttucll on for Carpenter Apprtnl!ce& by Claude Ytllllams. Salesman· &hip lor Christmas II• II' by Jerry ~11klebu&t. TerhnlQue& of Su1>Prvlslnc Pl'OPl11 b)' Jean Frick. and Ltrui En· sra"1nc b7 Fred Shh•I•>· Lens Encr1l\1nc la primarily a Pendat, Inc.. program. Pendat •Lil also lllJlllSOr lhrL.., more clasaes ror tech· nlclans 1111" this year. Robl'tl Rock well. FBl acer.t, WI II ofter ln&truCl!Oll for area peace olUcen concemlnc lnve&tlgatlon of crlmt•s >n· volv!nc SM:>X ollendNa ~ov. 29 and 30. and o.ic. 2 and 3, In Februan law o!lleNs •111 be able to att..nd dassn deallnc •.rith th" tnvu1lp· tlon ot th» c nm .. acene. Accordln11 10 Hauaht. adult• at1Pnd the etas "" for "pt'r1onal up-11adln1."
State Education Board Holds Meeting At NUC !dallo' Slal4' Board or Edu· cation OIM'n<d o 1wo-d"1 meetln~ "' SIJC so~. ti the Or:st session '""r held In the Po.nhaodle. The momlnc pro;ram 111· eluded a Board or R"senlS meetlnc with Ernest HartuDc. l'nh·crally o! Idaho prt'Sldent, and the lloanclal rice.pres!· dent Ken Dick. The a!temoon was dnotcd lO Departmt'nt o! Education a!!alr>1. TQCatlonal educaUon and ~IUlblUatloc, and wu co:iclud~ •1th a d1acu1slon or "Operaunc Piao tor COn· 1.autnc Educ:at!OD". Attorner Jolm Ptacod. board cbalrman. presld<od all cbalrrnaa . A new ctt'ml>l'r. E. A. Bopn Jr.• was ,.'lf'Om In. Ollt•r recular ccmb•rs present were Phil Ou!lcrd. ' 1ce· prosJden1 of th~ Boord; Ehon Hampton. Mrs. John 1\11.lle:s. £. CUn!a Eaton. El· don Smith ; C1lberl Corbone, dJrtttOr Of hlchN «lucatlon. and lM admlnl· stroll"• aeer~wy to In" board, Marcin Mand~v111 .. Sopnomorc Mud~nts who
h&\'ft nol )et rfllCN\r<I a 196~
66 Driftwood annual lllllJ' ellll do so, Th.,r.. Is an ad.,quate suppl) ldt ID lbP llbrat}'.
THE N.LJ.C. REVIEW ........ I•
1' ' 1
Ed,.., ••••••••• • •••• !Wbo<0 loUMJng-O...eld N. t<t H lo
"'"flt ~·· Qc~ McC ,.. C '"''•'~• •••••.•••••••••• • •••••••• P•gg ~ n;o 1.
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Donne Hoe ..... , PM• ......~•••.••. • • • • • • • • • • • •. • • • • • ~. BJs.chof! R..,...,.,, Don S,. ... J"' YOWftQ. Ro!ib Se .,.,..., P...ou • Tr-.
D ..,.•gt•
THAHKS FOR YOUR HELP AHD. COURTESIES I: h... bf• n • p.· Rr\1•"'
11 l.<l
tot thr ; Ab!
,, "' tr · 111' r J! · ·• r • .and I ~• t.
Canlt:llll my
craU1ud IQ t"•rryonc •ho bu so wllllnch h"lped m" In tbc PllniUll or 111.Y dullt'.s I am t'S~r<:lall7 1ndeb1ed to ll:. Edward Lllchf1'ld. ln&truc1or of Journallr.m. Mr. <r:-rald \\cndt. advisor; and 10 all faculi..r members •ho have bern courteous and b"lplul. The nt'll tasuo or the Cardinal R•·•lcw will be edited by &rbo1a Mannln1t. II rnakto11 m1• happy to kno• lhat I am lea\ · Ing l h ~ Cardln11l RPvlc" In 11uch coms><·tt>nt hands. Tim" may h11vr 1hr wlni;a or 11 bird 01 the lees ol a twtle, bul 1bc fo rmu dr-'Crlbe! lhe last 1wo acoeat .. rs of my editor· 11hlp. II has bC!t•n aal~ lhat lime passe.s quickly when one ti. huppy. I know lh&I lhl." mll.ln rc&Son I have b'len h~P7 L& that I havt work~d wl!ll 1rh nd··rful P· r on8. It ls not every· OD• who Illa) b• 0 !Ort un •I• . D:.OH
EDUCATOR DISCUSSES MA SS EDUC ATIOH I• a coP11noltrd art1 I• OPP• anno 111 Till" ldalto Ob$trVtr. Robert
llalchl• •
l:Mll'll cdrieat01, dtscllJJMS
of IA~ a pc:cll o/ 1111.<• cdacat1Q11, of u11ucar lo all collcot propk. Dr. ll11ldio• co:11:1~nl arc cu /olt.ou:a. Raghavan Jyrr. of th Ccnl<:r le: the StudT of ~mocra:tc ln•tltuUOClB , ll"llll tbn story Of lbe 7~n BuddhlSl CIUt~: and bis I pall nt 1•1pll. The pupil w11111ed to ltnow ho• lone It would take bim lo 11'.&ftl a pllltlcular 11ubJect. llould 11 take u 111uc:b as JS yurs• ":.Oo. II •ouid tak 2S .Ytall, •· the ~ masLN rl."plted. "'\\hlll, BO Ion£•" the pupil Hk<'d. · · :.oo. It 111ldl1 10 !oncer, "•en ~o y1.. r.s." Wh r upon lb an~ry pupil BAid. '•This Is too much. Tb tlmr you auc1t"llt 1e111 Ion 1 lllld I oncer." Th n LM Z n ciu•rr anau·1"'1, "I am afrald thai slM:c y u asc tn uch a vuy ert'lll hurr1. It •Ill tall .. about '70 rear ... " Con1raa1 lhla 10 thn 11111• m•·nt publlahed 1n Timti map.zin nol luna 111:0 '"111• multlple..ohOlct! uams can be i:rad~ on COlnl'.l.ll<'I at lhr ram OI l\\'O flN Bl'COnd. Wbleh makl'S tbem lhe I>! SI (>raCUC:al tool tor finding lhf• IH'SI SludrnlB lllnld the crush ol U.S. mass l'rlucatlon ... A mDD run h truln• 11, DB i'\l"f7 arm.r lrom tbr da•ll al hlRIOtY hu"•· I'• rhnJ•ll II run h..., lnlorm•l<I. ae Wll 1111ppos" ll 18 wit• 11 WI' lnlk Dl~>UI ma&11 communlcftl!ons. The crllt'llD or ~p•••d und t lflel• nr) cun und ahould br• upplli'd lo lratnln' und lnlnrm11Uo11. Mn a <duration II a r<'llt'll"nl Jllnasc. Slnco educ111lon mr11118lhod1•ve(opm~nl n( Ult hl&hr 111 fll>Wt•IK O( the lndl\lduaJ. lh• id• 11 or mu K • dur111!nn ln\nh • 11 a conuadlclion In tl'rms. l'hto rrlt• 1111 or ~P• '"I nnd elltclrnq 11t• not a 11>1tc:ablt1 lo rduCllllon 111 1111\ 1n1101111nt ""Y· ·111e1 c:an be ln\Okl!d to me•· sur I" rlormnn • In rnlt l~nrnlns. In ~h nwnt11ry lnnKUll£C' tn· uuctlon. In th" mn lrrJ or lh" multiplication table and sic· ilar prcrt'qullllt• 11 lo •lucut111n. 111 lhlni;s tbat ha'e lo be £01 out OI lh "DY b('(or rnluratlnp CllJI b<•i;jn OUJht 10 00 tol out ul lh "11.l' 1& 11ul kly and dttct. n1ly a r-oaslbll'. Th• r l n u h thin 11a lnManl "'lu tUlon. For that timl' la r qulr d. And 111 llm will \"llrJ" lrom 11ubjr.c1 10 subjl"l:t and Ir m tu It nl t stud nt. ~ th Z n m:a trr au;i:ealed. l patten "Ill nh t In th "fl..V. Edu atl n l a All r I r llrcllon 1U1d dlsc:u 1>lon. A col · I • con Iii •t b< und 1 tood "" a c munll) ot 1tuden1s, som Id • rand or 11 rl n t tb3n th oth• r • ndea,orl~ l~1 lhn to l t nllh and Intl(.\ tht' m~or Ill ul' . tbeorrllcal and prn llc:al, thDl rront th and th Ir llOCI I). Th '" can b< und rfit oct a doln this by com rsntioa. b\ c:on.- r <ition a n th• h Mel. tbrouC> bool>s. "1th tM •Ith lh £r :itc t Ind I th PUI 1111d Nest'nt. Tb con tltu nt Ir n111 of tht~ c:onHr1111Uon a1e p<!Ople and bG0~11. Tb ) C'an llllrd)J bfo iru~r~cdtd b~ mnchln '• at I ul not tor I nc time to o • Cv1>~n11A1. I P66. bl/ Rob• t M. //rlrAtn an r~. !....!!!._ Oh •
to,,g ~ 11. ta ·o ma I~~ l:"Or ts I rrl ~am• ' RICHARD OAR.'l;ETT, Sop .. omere. Bu 1oeu Thia la not a "1ll. II IS Just G poll~ :set! n. Ho• nn WI' "1n MARIE l:IOZARTII, Sophoc:or<>. Hom Economic I dci.:>"t bl'll •e that "'e'll T r "'In tbe W'll: le \I t 1'am. a1nc lbe boJ 5 hoi:o • lk· 11Ld~. I net<! A dlltl'. GARY TIJRK lllld JOH~ BROOA~. Sopllo=:ea. ~ • l:ll:llr:al £n£{n rin; \\' be'· "' that ,.., •Ill n ver SID e •ar lo \IN !'iam. The rn60n re: tbls Is thlll lhe \1el :.Oillll • "" ls a cam o()\"er from lhe I\~: :!1lll il"as nnd U la beui' used a.s a me1111s lo apl11 Ille Pl!'OPI• or th U s. :and to aet us up tor a ma r, full·scale 'lttll wltb Red China. DICK CIDDIS, Freshman. Agrlculturl' This w111 ,.Ill not be won until the \ lctnll· mesl' people llre rduC'aled. The> mus1 know ha"' 10 ba.odle thl'lr own economic and POlllleal problems. I "e CCI OUI It •111 late Ion r !>.:lore It Is ovrr, one way ,, anolb r. JA.SE LAUF and l\E:'O 'o\A...TERS. Sopbomo: S, Socl'llOIC! and .SuclMlt F'.ncln~erlng Fore\:er. at th ::tte lhc.)I AreKOlnc now. CARY PALO. Sopbomor • ~Ud·llana~ nl It Is un· deter::ll:iable. especl11ll) l! lh" p:esrot slt.::itlon per· slsts. How wl tb lll clw11:e In 1:0• me1r:it tb : could POSS! bl b a cb:ulce In pol.t\". wblch ...oultl c:~w • mor ddlnlt p1~111: I •I h It ...O<r ld ceu beca • ar ..u n r-pt JP o r Ir n a
:JI/ £.JT/0.\ ~oa bcbt.
..11 J~e n •n n I r Sluden1 t:nlon Butldln'. d"nts are r1ee t dan i to !I p.m. acco: lanc JD Bull or lhl' Studrnt Ac1,\lu Commlltee. He ,.., a 1ud nl m"l also lul\c 1nform11I. un· orsanlzcd '· i;t'Moa thrr • · l the SUB. Accordln.:; to Bull. th S.o\C 111 consldcrlni 11 ronsonnc b • •ctkly reco:d hops. lib th r tbl• COR5ldNallon i:rta ~.Jond th planntni: sua; depends cm student rncllon
c .I C<ll these TERSE VERSE nd:nlt:&nC'". °Th Dl'll• lB 1 DI for ' At NUC.'" says Dexter t:u:i' lllld •.oc~. to : , oun lln£ depar..::icnt ll"li eood and bar:nlul too. bt'&d. 'th NI a:lly AS!lial EA ch »alu•. Ulen. must fa! l unael r ' 1b mori iu; .. nse. r1n:·&1 d by Cb I Hunt! , . a Fa: lOr ~ d p~11d on 'ou cl11 at r M II I GI " ~ tlllltl SIA! Unlverslt,y. Guldnn pe111o:mel throuJl)I· ou I lb ldllb Panhandle a1BOOKS OV!<ROUE t ode<! tb t:et·BCQualnled Patti BaJIU~. Rlcb11rd B~n· dlnnu. AlllC> pr sent •ere n~11. John Brogan. Dave Buck· 'lfllllnm M ·Dou1nll and Dale l<'~ , Tom CalothN:;. Gan· ,o\ndN50D Of tb \\bblnGIOn Cbapp•·ll. Biil Chari~. Rlla State tznil r It) Coun:;ellnG Damiano, Bnrbara Dlllz. Dea· Dcpartmt-nt. Aecordln& 10 mend Dolls, Fred Eml'hl114H, AlosM, '.\SU i::.ldu~te students Roy L. Eyman. Row"nn Fer· In 1hc 1D1ldance Cleld ..111 ob- g~r. Linda Finley. Gl'orge r• 1111d 11 1~1 NlJC coun· Goer.zmsn. Reid Gallow111, lc.r la: ' :h ·' ~· .ll ca1bi Hl"rtza. S.•ulnh Ririe, DEBATERS PLACE IH Bob Jones. Jiii Knulfman. Dennis Luc:ls. Linda ~le EUGEHE TOURHEY Donnell. Phil Mer~-dHb. Cran1 C •II ' d •b.> · ''~ compel• d th :.. ~b,. .n DPb&te and Merrtman. Skip \lurpl\j. John Si>t'tth Touma.ment at the .Seartni;. John O'Nclll, Jo t:nlnultr of O:e£0a at Anne Rlc:bmond. Ron Schmidt. Euscne. Sl!v nl) · t"'O !<Chools. Chari• s To.ylor, Crall Thompl::cludb1t S1anlcrd. the Unl· !iOn. Jim \\'iud. '-ersllles of Utnh, Wa:>hlllcton FIHES and ~ \"Ilda contested. .Sorth Michael Bia ·k. Lloyd Done). Idaho Juator Ccllege ns tbe ~- E. Guimond. Cathi Hertza. o:l.r t ... c·· a• 11chool repreH<'IPn Holland. Cacy Jack•on. a~n:~. Ta~,,.,_. SbD.". Alan Smllb, Pee Dohrmall placl!d third In oral lnl<':Prcuatlon comp- Ctms ThO:!lp""n. GIU)' Turk.
ellt n. :ind Cathi llenza " n third plrac 1n oratory. Tb te11m ol Jobll O'l>rlll and Dav 5,)• :son tied for second pla ID l• r rt b<ll
ROY AL a(1<• S•" ES llEPlolll D'•" •t 4 h• ,.., ~,,1 •• ,
'""''(•s,u·c •.,11cw1ncJt Co
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Flash Bulbs
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From Our Flash Bulb Basket While They Last
,..... 1••• 4
Floyd's Camera SI>•""•• -
303 Mo J ·9294 Co.ouf ct•Al.,ne, ldo.,o
Sprop & Florol Auo"9""'""'' CvHo~ o~ , 19ntd
d tr In
\I hen lh 111! "ho \\ und 1111and tht'~ ., ha" .;l 'l>d lor o r:u n) <t.. ' ,. 1 ~rad~d lb atom t> 'lib I~ "'i •'Cf •. It' nn thr ,, 11• ,;; BJ;:. trttm~ndous. .. nd "'"I• I . f\'bod)'' LOUIS FLOWE RS - Yannflj ti <Ill. 1 l'n\o~
DORMITORY NEWS R ldonu. of lb clrl , • dormitory bonorrd Lre Groves al 11 bridal shower ~load'Y evenlnr. Nov1:mbN 14. and crlebrated :.Ira. Dlllllm1111'" blrthda.y. Dormitory ~tudrnta spo:i· fl )led a ll'COrd bop Oct. 19 fr<lr" ~:30 t. 10:30.
And first to satisfy you. 7-Up is wet, wild, thriHing, chilling, bold, bracing, bright. Satisfied?
Humerow Play Plea&e3 Cr0U1da
SPANISH CLUB mediate 11Chola: re abl At a meetlnc of the Spanish to uodNs•.a.nd the com:nenClub on OclOl><!r 3 1. the mem· tary . bers discussed Lbe feulbUlty Mrs. Bleoall plans to preor a project fo r the bt'n~tlt ot sent a '""'' ol rdaied the colle1e . SeHral proJects slides over a two-y• a: period. WNn discussed, but the one At present her cclltclloo that wu tentatlv~ly &•lect'ld covers subject' ranCiDi Crom was the p0st1n1 ot a al~ at Neolltlllc llmea to the F'rencb o r near taeb city llmll, point· Revolutlcm. Ina to Ille fact that Cocu: Th'!! alld"• atrve t •o pu:· d ' Alene la the " bOmc er poaeJ;. F\rsr , lhe1 allow t.1JC." A commluee •u pract1cal applle&Uou o! appointed to confer with Ftencb akllla. Also. the Mr. Riebe and cur «'nslnetra. dlacaulon ol Frencb blsmry, Anothe r project which •u an. and related topic.a ac:J· brcu1ht up waa the Pal1nera nl• a a vital lnt~reat In lbe for the Allianoo tor Fro1resli. Frt:nch lan.,-ua -~. Last year tht> Spanish Club EHGIHEERS CLUB "P<lDSOrPd a dri ,.~ "hld1 obEn.:U. rUlf ..... 1111.a h•ld i lalned a substanll•l amount a dll1lltt - • tto last Tues· or money. "hlch •aa aen1 to daJ ai 6:30 p.:i. 111 the Ed· Ecuador to help the Ecua· ::;l:lst~r ~t:it Unloa. Tbe dortans build up their 0"D Xortbem Clla.,ie: o! :lie econo111Y. The coccensua, Idaho Sodecy or Proreaslo:lal amens members .... that E:niJoetrs presented a film on nothing sbou Id be done this the lnstallaUoo or electrcolc year because or the ract that eQulpml'nt ror tbe Distant Coeur d' Alene and Moscow Early \\amine 11Ystem. lllone provided North ldliho The e:n11nee1s Club last wllh more than Jts Quota last week elect< d 8111 Dabl~rc year. It was thousht that president, Jim 11115C:J. nee 1 other North ldabo communl· president, Don lolatne . sec~ ties should be g\·en the op- wy; and Joe Marcllaod. ocrtunlt..Y to cooutoute before ueuurer. Coeur d 'Alene p(.'ople are a Q)rcached again. KEEP GROUNDS CLEAN FRENCH CLUB To m111re Uiat coll•C• rroun<U thi. yur an kept Nine a tte nded the F'rench looking neat, 1t11dmll who C lub meettna No'" IS. TbeJ u t lunch In Uielr can are viewed slides concernlnc r~mindtd that empty aacl<I. 15th century F'ronch arch!· wrappere. and eort drtnlc tecture. \!rs. Annette BigbotUu are to be dcpoall~ nall. advisor and F'tench In proper wu to conta11tua Instructor. translated tbe The admllli.trat;on expect& French nanatlon lor the first· nnct adhormoo to Uii. colyear students, but the Inter· l•C• re~a uon
CL-,,pas Crusad•r• lll('t Tburaday nl&ht at i .00 p,m. at the hon• of Mrs. Olbbo08, They lllst •ne!l to a recorded " P•·ech. "Th~ Unlqu~ncaa al Chrl~t." b)' Wllllo.m Brl1ht, lhe lote ntallonal direc tor of Campu" Crusade. Campu& Cru•ad• for Christ hu hl'adQuatt•ro at Arro•· head Sprlnas . Callrornla, at a fnnntr lutul) hDUPI and spa. A s taff or OHr 100 la c tn· t~rrd at Lb· resort. Brl1h~ founder Qf Campu• Cru•ad•. "•" rom.erly a succossrul bu•lnoum~n. Hr saw a nend ro r Chrls uan acLlon In col· leae•. and has devotPd lllft ltrco to tho mo\·ement. Chrl•· ttan atud ~nts now also ru<'h s tudents ovtrHaa. The L~· Dtvl~lon II dealsned to ae rn tbt local church and the newest branch 10\ olvea mlll· tary personnel . N:Jrtcy " c,.,, o• rs. F.,, e • Co!hl 14.,,, a1 Miu TtnUe Peg Oo#'il'!'!'O'! a.a Ros"""11.,. ..,..,. ,,,,... al •M l'9Gdfn9 C llmPua Crusade tor Christ I• "non·denomlnatlonat Chrla· '•r• '" o r-c• ' d1'0t"tO clo11 P'K'JC'for. ''Such ,,, Y°' , No•. 17, I~. 19. lion eroup. Mombera Mtend By f}o,tolr/ H•IH1la l"vltcua me11lm<1nt u th" an In vltatlon lo ttudMt• to three plot to marry Mrs. attend the eve nln1 meMtn111. DeKrlbed br members ol lhe 1.UdJence U OCI" Of the Fefley · a nephe ... Da nny. Tom Polfoolu Yo•• 4d•or11 un funniest and moat successful H~bert, to th" school t" ac he r ett;na cl tbc Canllnal Pl"7· MatJ Lopn. Problems art~. however, ers. "Suds lo \·out E;)e" by COMMERCIAL Jack Kirkland. wa.s enJoyed 111hen Conchita, a flooZle who tu' a larsr. crcW'd durloc lta la cbaalna Danny. Pl'1..i by Sand¥ Baldwin, attempt& to PRINTING CO. Lbree-da.r run Nov. 17· J9. The lhre,-act comed.Y di· break up thf' romance. Mat· r~cted b,y M111garet Oale , te r , a11 compllc atnd more LmERPAESS draina lnatructor, cock plac. when \Ir. Fitzgera ld tho uu lo a Junk yard durtnc World collector, Pl'1(!d by Oary Cha p~ll . threa tens to rai se l\ar u. A JOO<H>ound rep lica PHOTO OFFS'1 of a bu! I, a wooden lndlan tbe taie.s. 'A'ben th e " ocden :bac took lour men 10 caztJ. lndlan with tbe tu money In P .. 0 111 MO•• •• • •tie and a fence made oul ct beer blm Is stolen by .Mr. Reynolds, I CO N . , .. St •IC' bottles added an unusual Bob Dahlbe11; and whe n 1wo Cotv• o· .... ,,.,. IO•"' O touch ol aimcsphere to lhe pollcf'men at• 11ven the task to haul )Ira. Feeley In, but play. En9// sli - E9ocentri c, Three old ladles Wltb en· end up buylnc beer for he r Enallsh la the only lan· Urecy different characters aet party. llUGl'l that Cl\Pltaltus "I " Mra . Feeley ·s solullon to lo wrllln£. In many other Into one mlSlortune after these problems la usually lancua11es lbe "You" Is aootber u they play cupid. soh·ed by IJ'11nc. "Brin e u• ~!rs. Feele)' . owner o! the capllah ud. Junk yard, u played bY tbrec more beers, Chln&l.O"'n Xancy Walch, Is a roucb-talk· darllna." who la b· r adopted BOAT DR IVE INN nephew, played b1 Frank Inc lrlsb •OCJan 'A'bo en)oY F, C c ...... a boltle or beer and who bLit Y1.1111.mo10 . HOI""" al , .. COJ"lllt ,. c-.: Xot onb' wu th• ac11n1 tbe lnctedlble resourceful· !)elic:'°"' f1o..,bV'~s oeas to utrlca:e berult done well but the technical S.. vt!>0otf'1 Del Gittal and b1•r lrlend.s from the llllll\1 directors a%ICI atace aasls1:106 ff'Ol'I• ..... C-1tM1r cl' Alt.n• Idaho problem• that beset them . lanl.J5 did an excellent Job. ) 17 H•rriliNI A ... • C..wr ~~. It was truly a play that will Pea Dohnoan , Mrs.· un, a placid Swedish woman Iona be rem~mb<'red. FROSTY COLD 111ho II bounded by her dau ch te: cons tan tty . and ldiss S EE . .. the .1 real new RES/STOL DR. PEPPER Asnea Harrt~ ! Tlokha.:::. a 'Jt)lcal •Plc1>ter frar.> the FELT Eut, plav od by Cathi Htriza, highland print COU.ECTION add• d tbelr •oucb t• ti!• Her• 11 ttt• nl'Wttt . most ntt,.st'"I cas.u11 t11t on the m••h't H•nd10me 1n cvety respec't. ,
lllVElt AND U NCOl.ll WAY
OPEN 9:00 A. M. TO 5-lO P, M
MODERN DRUG CENTER Spec1ol• 1"'9 "'Coll..;101e Nms l0t•l'I a rid s
s.. us lot
# 1th s.ubtlt 6)11ttttna to l•v• 111 Che d•11' end 1ppul you llkt You mu•t tty one on 1n our ho! do~rtmonl Vou ' II Iii pt
&'\, ~bes
s•ef'eo $4t•s .. .. o::; os or repo rs on c..,.., o' The oi.o-.. MO • 4422'>
o f Res..stol' s f1nt fut t•it Qu1f1ty •nd l'Mlnd printed
!Ope '«O!'Cla'>
Ou< Plozo Res •oyront F" e o ws Polo•t ~ PU"M 1107 H. F "'"~
102 R1.., A... 4' Al•M,
Coeur d'Alene LaanS, & Dry Cleaners
S.,•1n9 Your Stui/onr Un/on
Q.,1ck, (QJ1r11CUs S.r... c~
SPK•D • o~-Dof S.uic•
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f.W.S MlgidmAru Codes 6ame Hn Slllrdly lligllt
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Studrnt bowltr at l..ak• CllJ lAnP• and Cov& Sowl •<'l!Dl to b& unconsclou ·" i.plJtUnr: UP thrlr t• ""11- Pl '.unc tbe bo7• lb• girl•The men's te:im at Lakr. CllJ' Lanes hold the IPa.dln1 position wltb Jim Youn~. 171 aurace. scorlai; bllh same o! :?~ and • 613 s rlu. 1\oc:ea bowl ra at t!le CoH• Bowl outscor.:d th"
Ho11e Ee Students Plan Candy Sale H ..,. .JI ;..r
lt)' • 'llll10e
candy aale Dec. !. Tbr A nlcht vi !In bo k• tball Kathryn S..lcb line ol nne and gaod, clCDJI comedv 1s candles lncludln1 Ooldrn promla•'<I by Biia& Bl111aJI. Crumbles, Butter Toltee and pn'!•ld~nl ol lbr :-.1JC Boost~r Buttrr .llin!s will sell for Club. •bl!ll the F'abulous one dollat a ca.a. "Tbrse Maclc11.11• ciet1 the :"O:tb candles are aoUdl1 PDCked lo Idaho Coaches :>ov. 26 at cans wblch are ldral s p.m. In 1hc coll~ce om. mt-n• t'?l.m and reeord(ld alr-tli;ht for scndln1 to servlcrm•n for The sooa1rra arc aponso:lnc Anita Fluet •lib " 203 Christmas", said Jcannlr tbe c•m" to h Ip promote hllh i;ame. project cballl!WI. Cove Bowl ·s top 1eac1 II S«me. :>IJC b9St lb:lll. tbe F.O.C. number I W'flh "They :u also nlce :01 tucl.Tbe F•bulou& ~!arl clana ln &!ft.a"', sbe addl!d. Tbe are !leaded by :.t•u11uP& HDJ'lle&, :?I Wins tllld 3 tosses. Bob s:ile "Ill be collfilled flt.SI former Harlem Glob<' Trottrr Ger!' dl'fcncb h1a 163 pine lo tbe campus. Proceeds w drlbblrr. organized acafnlll John O'Nelll, Rocer wlll rnablr. mem~:A to purSllha.~r. RAJ ll kPlaon . aad lb :.lac:ldana 13 J'H.ts chase clcb Pins. He foels b ba5 bull! a tea::: Pat \\llllam5. l\a,yne Turrell Hrs. James HoweU•s lood lbat la s>ractlCD.lly 11n~111Able coaches bis learn, Ille Sw1nLclasa will host a P:l!·Tbanka.and also p10•1des who! some 111c Pendulums. to lop POS llvtng coffee cluu:b lor !a.culcomed} and ent 1101nm•nt ror tlon wltb C:ar:i Jobes, J ohn and stair m~:nl>f'r In the pleuur~ ol basketball Reynolds and Cr c Turk. l) They ha'-e bad 18 vlctortes Room 3. So' mbc>r :?3. SOpbIL~S. ar~ ~ lo M- • o::iore bome eco.nOCllcs 1:111Jor Hawk Gipson. a tr lt·.shO'. lr1U se:1'e pumpldc, mlllceartist, lsl'.mal Baker, billed ~ ,,., .,r.c .,"'1 meal, and APPie pie plus • u :bt1 finest ae:- Shot art11· EVERSDN'S JEWELRY rluf"l'rnq fQ 1t:Jf'nl6nt bc>,·erace. Tbls snack hour. In thr• world, t>nd LP.tin Hiiiiard, 11hlcb b"pna at I :30 p.m .. Is mut<r drlbblrr. 111" stars 11 THE LIGHTHOUSE bc>lni: ort red to thank the the i.taclcla.n • SPORT/HG GOODS admtnJstratlon nose eUot!• Auemptlnc to upset 11 A . ~-corn .~ : ...Jt ,..._.. t .lll' ci05t appr elated, acco:u- J0S ~ ...... - Mat..'°" oL.5721 Madclans. •hose record n to llr' H ll. lllAnd• at 2. 5~ •ins ap!:ist llQUatlQtD Wlllch keeps i. eight s~lbaakn In nln~ 111'11- ocean ~ater at normal oce"1 aons, will b coach a or the tempc:rature Ill now In ope ra• att'll. Coacb Elmc: J ordJon ol llon In tbe b!oloc labo:aton Ill Room 46. Tb~ llDlt h&.I Coeur d'Alen School bulll-ln refrieeratloc equl1>wlll cocach the coaeh• . HI 'II ..s Tm • En •It and To maintain moin squad •Ill Include Coach m~ni. IL> s Rolly \\llll ama ol NIJC, IOI· marln~ llP"Clmens collect< d American I ratu~ Swi•ming - RecNalion llslt'nl!d to rolk ballads to mer K'llog; Hlth School and from tho coaatal waI<-ra off Sovna Stoa• B<ttfu supplement tt'Jtboot study or nonhwcatt>m Unit id Slat. V ot I star C. \\ . T Ott!'n of the ballad form. Ola.~" Jamps Post ~Ila, formN CHS antJ tht1 •at~r must ~ kepi ~ : g,jT' s.. S., ~ on ••••.. ~ Mallo star Lam· Currli;>, Kcl- t wern 6 and I:? dearees 0-1- ..01: "\'Wee Doodle" Aod &rbara Allen" and rccordCnec 5C.'>edu e for tomes) lou coach and lorm•r Idaho llus (the newty adopted orln s or folk alnce: JOIUI Bapz t>layr•r, Ink llllhelm of SI. lfclal lerm for what WA.a re used. ~l.UIJJS. form r :>IJC playr•r, formtrl) called Ccnlliirade 1• IH!it Hlth Sehool c:; n< Frank EYana. belld of the Studtnts •otklag on ti' ......., .. no. _,....., '""• 8oJ'k, Clint Mo111iy, CHS bloloo d"P&rtmtnt, r.oolt Al:lertcan Rewo1ullonary ~r COD.Cb. vacation llme to bnn1 back lod aJao hrard ""'ll'e Sh11u Admlsftlon prlc~s arc $ I oo near!) 300 POunds or fresh O•c rcome" In conlunrtlon lot sludr·nts and Sl .50 for sea w11tN from Pu ~et Sound. with lbe ld~a of protest. at.lulls. H• also succP.Cd~d In br1n,- Diane James. John N'ea11nc. An eutem FPOIUl editor ln1 lh1ni: 11pectmena of star- IUld Oa•c Buckley w111 alng hL!I wnttrn o f thl' ~ladclans• Dsh. aea urchins. •n ane- ~ccro splrttuaJs to lll~lcllt performance "If you CIUl'l moM, clant bamacll', sea study of tbe Ch11 \\ar penod bo r•nl~rt11lnr d lhOrouJl)lly by cucumbN and oth•r coa&tal ~Uss TIMle) hoped to lnlhn brand of bar.kctb11ll thi s mar1n1 animals. He com- splr< tb1•mes from lhe tu· We odmire your spir it, club c:11n pl'' and lh~ l)l>a o f mc•ntcd that It took conald~r d•'Dts tn· playlni: lh~ Bolles • cle"1 coml'<IY It p1oduce5 ablo time lO d velop an rcconllni; ol "Eleno: Rieb) • but you 1ust don't flt Included dlscu • lhloui:ll most or 11 conll' l, aquar1u thnt attr11clh'ely R"IPDDS into the team. •Ions of Elenor. Stud eta J'OU don'l ne•"1 to 10 to a •II ·Pl•~• d lhP animal a. alao heatd "Tbe \lord In \'out •ho" . . you .. llould KO lo itud••nl In Blolo&:Y 2 and your docinr . ·• ln•erL brut(• ZoololO' ..111 oo ~'Ar," an ~'aluauon of ho.~~ r 'Ir • "tlltur abh to 1\bt.t:"r\( mkn.r •raeor· • P11roolu Ye•r Ad•ertJu,. tebrDI« m.arln animal ...... thr•'''• Ir lhl ur'q. pl eoFOR THE BEST HAMBURGER •-.\•I' r j,' "' ' equlpn · 111. IN TOWN, GO TO THE BALL & CUE LIBRARY ADDS BOOKS HUDSON'S Ru · .1 Sod• 11.n , n.... d 11· br"rt in, I port · I h· OI• MISSOURI LUNCH 1"£1! no" 0111111 almo t all tbo •"'"• Hllum,.11 In lb• Liie Sclence IOUOUHS co~~AG(S ' GlflS :11•111•s nnd tb1• 1.1111 Natur11 COEUR D'ALEHE'S 111•rlr.a. Tlllus or rec<ntb WllSOM PHARMACY EVERGREEN FLORAL acqulr<'d boOkzo In lhes~ AND GIFT SHOP serf II Include TllE EARTH. '·~ o... .. ., .,., s....... £\'OLl nos. A."\IMALS Pl,A!\l'SOF THE CESAZOlC ·- V "'f•' • 4 'i • f: 4 '• \ 0 ... ,,, si... ,~.. ..... . c. .... , 4 "'' • • • FRA, nnd THE PRIMATES. On•• hundr~d nlnN~ - th e _, oks shehed durin; SDWLIHC 0 tobcr. Tht I' f r ~acr For a lifetime of books " re ail<led-BIBLlO h "'- • Fuo GRAPlllCAL C:UIDf: TO THE STUD\' Of' TH F l.ITERA· Tl'RE OF TIU:: U.S.A.. leam to DICT!O:>AR\' OF DATE:S, E."\C\'CLOPEDL.\ OF ..nd A"tlo:RICA:> FACTS A:>D AND DATl::S. Th" llbnm· no,. cont4.ln~ While You Are Young I ;,730 books.
Sah Water Aquarium Added To Biology Lab
English Classes Hear Folk Ballads
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