98 Students Have 3.0 Average For Nine-Week Period
o· ...u~1.
·The Jlorue That R oared' Scene
G··: l" cia:.:a:'• o!a... thiuao :n lut wm ot ~.onmbc! r &how tll:t.t cl.lm.y ... lc?Jt full·tlm.t' 1tud nts .-ere ~ lnc 3. B 01 better ..-ort &t the end o! lh t
!lr I llUle•Weh po; TbOff l'&mlnr;
&boH• Ames.
E m B
B I 8
i& x s
3 3
.. ere Stt'.-e Bro•~lee,
£rte: 8\lr~'iOn, o.,nnta Burr, Cynthia Carlson, Coruile CuU. Ci.rul,r Gutrtnei. Joupb Hu;ibes. Ano Je111en. SlleUa Jobnsioo. lllll!am Kac!mer, Rosannr )lc:Co) • Marsha Judy Marc:urt. Sbirlt'Y MJll· belsler. Cbnsll.o• libnd:, Erik Ohlund, \"lrClnl• O\"e~· land Brian Rou. Jotu. Ruebelmann. and Ja.nlc: Smllh. Others • llh 3. and abo a\'erages were Linda Amcu, Carol Anduoon , JOhn Bt>r • man Linda 81.,,..Jnc . K&r" BoSl'th. Robert Bro.,,: , WI! Bums. Lenora Campbt'll , Col' Cud. Larey Coon. Rita 01..~1ano. Judy Olllabunt. Ooaclu Dionne. Donna Dodd. Salb Oonn..aud, JuclJ Oyl>es llt>ne !';Aton . Marela F.dward". Linda Finley. Douglas F'ryrnlre. lllWo.m Frymire, Jack Full· wllcr, Victor Giroux. Ron Groczxc:. Alma Ha.mlsb. Bel\11 Hayworth, Jll.Oet James. Beck.I· Kenm. Mar\'in Kirch· ner Tbomas Limb. K"nnetb L31Uc. Sheryl Leonard. Kn) Ll.ndcreo. lteoe ~lc:Cord. Claudia \lc:Dermld, Ila\'ld ~lcln~·u!, Jeaooe Mc:Pe&i.. Delano )IAUi Georie )larker. Lots Muley. Ha.ul ;\!&Son P1ul ~lont;;omery. l'illllam H. Monon. Cbeo·l Selsoo Ss.n~ Sovak, Juo.olta SJborg Beth O'Ha.llor10, E\'el.;ro Pavey. Richard Perkins. <r·ne•ieH• Peterson, Pamela Peter:.on. \"alonte Peterson. Janice Purdy. Cbeste: ~illy. Ollvla Rider, Lucile Rius. Charles Roberson, R.eoee Ro;nJnc B:umra SobarU. ROll:t.!d Scblllldt, Stephen Sea.lrlni;, Karen Sol· here. Linda SIOCi!Wdl. TQtU' Thlessen.
Christmas Ball Will Be Dec. 14 "C.nd)c&n~ Cbrii1tma
" will the theme for the Christ· aw; Bal I , sponaored by lhl'
AsaoclatP.d Women
\larcla Edwards, vlce·pre~1 said. " The ball .. 111 b< h• Id Ill tb~ SUB Ore. H from 9 to 12 p.m. " Tb" Ir.Joe and quePn or the ball wlll be voted on lo' lbe persons com1JJg Into 'he SUB. Tbe e&11dtdate" ha,•: been cbosen by AWS tor :he eomlD& ball. A )tac wllh cnndldates pictures on lhem •Ul bn used (or \'!>ting. A penny In each Jar will be a •ate.
onl;y once. .>aid. CommlUe<>
may vote
members are: Eloise WI.Ison and llrs. Lola
publlclt), Carole refr•'llhmenu; ; 8'!ck; Kenn.v. candidate--: CalhJ' Harrison. table decorations; Sue II ise band: :iod PecRY Sheckl~r.
\'a.o Kleeclt
CALENDAR Dec. 'i - Ba:;.,. tilt.;! B"l'• a! Co..Jr d 'Al ~n-.
eou..... s:oo
p.m. Dee. 7 - All'S liobo D1nnM SvB. 5:30 p.:n. Dec. 8 - 8&5k• tball: Cas· Roi;er per Collec.- atCOl'ur d'Ateo.e,
Pb.rills Thompson. Vernon. Charles ll'adswortll. Lund> \\'1111!.laod. Bowaid Weldon, Gary Westbrook. Robert llllbur. R4ndall lllld. Eloise llllson. Young. oou11111s Yrj11m1, Doneda Zlet;ler !>lid Duld Zlei:Ier. Add1U0111l names '·' ill be added to the honor llsl ar:e r lbe rest o! Ille arades Ila\'!! been tu1ned 1n to tbe reata· uar·s otnce. Th"s" almes ... m I><' published In th" MU Issue of th~ l\'IJC Re\•le\<.
8:00 p.m.
Dec. 9 - Ba~kNba!I· Cas· p;>r Cc-ll··"' at Coeur d 'Alene 8:00 P·"'
6y l• Yo..,ng "Th•• \tou.•<' Th11I Roared" "us on~ of tho b•·n ' how,; eve1 put on by th•· Cnidl nal Pluyer.1. c~sunrc wa~ kuperb. And con11ratulutlon.~ Are l'X· l<nded to Rita Onmlano for hN ue"Jl,.nt work on th•· e0&tumea. ThNt• Wert> llVO memb"ra O( lhu cast ... ho w•r•· th•· sca111 ot th" ahow. Two mlnl>1tt'f6, played by Ste~• Grov•.• and \to~a Jordan \nre out.atand· 1n1. 'Ib~lr munnerh1m" tand !ac:lal PXpr< ssloM cun b<' described ab no lr:Rb lhan PPrf~ct. oary Judd. who pl11yed Prof•·Rsor Ko Klntz, was 1J111.gnlf1cent. He ll<'lPd the l)lln to the point thu "veiyon" In th•• audknc~ be· Uevcd b•· wA.s a proff'sBor. Grant ~l .. rrtm~n playnd ~nf'ral Sn!pp.-t llO .....11 that he could take up th• army as n career. Tully Bascom. plovf'd by P.A. Olson NU th" most "xcelleot charactPr and his charactenzatlon was P<'rfPc t. Cbsrlle Dodson, 'Aho oor· trayed the PresldPnt of the linl!ed Slates. did 11 good job lmltatlnc. As M ~ rrtman should rrake 3- career o ~ th.-. army. Dodson should go Into poll· :ic:s.
n" blund-.log soldl"rs were b7stencal. OtMr actons WN<' also firlit·rat.e. ~lr5. Marpr1't Gille, director. ha.s done a \el}' line Joi> with thls production. A round ot thankS co~s to the s tage crew aa well. ·'The Mouse That Roarr.<I" "~ :h• beat prod.uc:llon lbat SIJC has bad Ule pr1vUese of •le•lns In a ions time. Con;::ra.tulatlon and applause IO
Dec. i ; - AllS X-mas Ball, St:B. 9:00 p.m. VF\\ TalPnt Show · c,ym • i:30 p.m. Dec. 15 - &.sle:ball: Yak- allot :b~c. ima \'a.llt'Y CoUe;:e at Yaklma ALL LIBRARY BOOKS 8:00 p.m. Las: Day F or Clllss \\Ith· ARE DUE OH DEC. 15 druWILI All Ubrar; book& checked CliRIST)W; VACATIO:S out dunn' Dee<>mber will be BEGL"'S COUHSELIHC ASSISTAHCE due on or before Dec . JS, Dec. 16 - BaskHball; Yak· AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS Those s tudent:; deslrln1 'o s..cona semester •ill t>.- Ima \ •1t.Uey Collei:e at Ya.klma 8:00 p.:11. tall<' out book5 tor the boll· bere :;ooo. AU :.ludeot.S wbo Dec. ~:? - & skP'ball. Bti: days miay cb4!cit them out on need ht!lp In pln.nnlna lhelr &nd Communlcy Colle&<! at Friday. O•C. 15 e,od retum class schedules or wish Coeur d'Alene. 8:00 o.m. them on Jan. 2. 1968. iaceord· counseUoa assl11l4nc<' have Dec. 28-30 Bllaketball Inc to Russell Soderlln1. bead been requ.,~ted to contact toumot1Den1 at E\·fr<'tt librarian. th~ counsello ~ omce. ac· Jan. 2 - CLASSESRESUlolE Tbe library •Ill be closed cordlna IO Dexter Moser, head Jan. 6 - Baakt>tbaU: Boise durlns tb" bollda)'S. or tbe counsellnc d•P111tn cnt. Colle1w at Bois<'. 8:00 p.m.
Student Board Adopts Rules For Casual Dances A r• «olullcin concNnlna proprr 11nd 11cc1'ptabl<' drea11 at ca«ual dianc.-11 wa" adopted o..v th<' Studt'nt Board at ltll regulu mt•Nlna No,·. 30. In· e luded In thr resolution was ll l'l'Qulr<'mt'nl that all Alu· dcntA (or lht•lr dates) would huv" IO Mo•· collo1e aotlvlc,y cardft M<I ObftNY~ colle&I' rulc11 maardlna alcoholic b«•\'l'r&l<'ft on campua. Tho datalh1d ,...commenda· tlnnft reaardlna propor drou wlll b~ prl'&ented lo lbll sludt•nl bndy bY clue presl· dt•ntsJony Rlel>r andCharlftR Ood11nn at spuclal meotlnaa In th•• nru tuturl'. Al an t!lllllt>r m~t>lln1 Stu· d~nl Board cancelled the Ore. 9 casual danc" Bll a ~!!Ult or ir oblrm• tlurlna prior CGJIUlll danclls. ll llllkOO thl' Stud<'nt Activity Com· mill<'" at that Umt! lo smko rocommrndatlons IO al low rr11umpllon o r casual dance.. Thi' SAC preaonted recom· mendallon11 at the Nov. 30 mt•etlng, iand they were adopted by thP.Studont Board.
Band Concert To Be Given Dec. 12 Th•• North ldahO Junior Collflll<" Concert Band will hold Ila annuial concert on O~c. 12 at 7:30 p.m. In the a;ym. Seh•ctlon& wlll comP from "Thr Star& and Stripes For· Her"'. " Colonel Bopy", "RhapsodyMod.,mata". "'Hol· 1day tor Trombones" cteatur· In& the wbole trombone section), "Third Man Theme". "Mauradf'ra March". '"Finale rrom th.. f'lflh Symphony". and "'Music IO Watch Glrla By'' cteaturln& Claudia McOennld-dance) accordlo1 to Jira Jackson bead. prea· !dent.
- -----
Price Of Milk Is Manager Problem Tbe price o f milk (15() waa discussed at tbe Nov. 2 1 Aasodated Sludent Board meeUnc. ac:cordlns to Miu SbanDOn C&rlson. ASS sec·
retarr. Miss WeslOD bt'lnc price&
Carlson said Ulat Hatch. SUB 1111111apr familiar wltb selllllc abould decide lbe
milk prtet'.
Hatt"ll will COD·
fer w!lb Ille Student Uoloo Commttte" and Ille stude nt board wUI accept It.a resola· lion on tbe luue. The ASS cbansed Its meet· Ins time from 4 p .m. TlleadaJ cvenllls to 11 a .m. on Tburs· da,y. WIH Car!IOD lllld .
SEllEmR GRADES ABE AVAILABLE II OFFICE Studentll llla.J' DOW their lllld..- i .r .,.._ ID tb• otftc•. accordlDI IO . . _ , l tauko Ni.ldo. reslaCIU.;ra_.
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Na~ Educalional A dnrtisinC Servicn A Olv . .
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N.IJ.C. REVIE * . C-.• 4' Aleno looho, Woo. O.ce ..bor 6. 1961
SAC Submits Casual Dance Regalalions To Stadent Board TbeStud~IACU\lll•
Kalstad Chosen To Head Seal Campaian '11·
mlttee bas submllt<!d IO Ille atudent board a se: or rull'S ccncemlnc all ca.aaal dances accorcUn.g to Tom ~rn 5. SAC cbal r:ll&a Tbe rules etate that Ill :e lllaall be '""' do<>r Cllec:k "' <and roci altemaics) al all cuual dances. If lhe doo: ~cltera are aot i:res~nt at :l:e time specl11"'1 Ille dance W\ 11 be aiapeoded and or ca:iulled. The doo: checkers wUI adl!:U DO peraO!I llttbout • collep 1.0. o: student bOCtT card. Rish acbool atudeota wlll oot be adi:J:~ unleaa •ltb a date. Persona under the lnOuen ce or llcohol or posaessLD1 aJc:olloltc beY· eras•• •Ill not be admitted. Oreu s t.andards set ror meo att: (I) no cut orrs. Cln UIP a bemmed cul otl.5 wlll be allowed). (2) no •loPPY T-snlrta or SWttl ~hlrta. and (3) no bata. Dress 1t.andards ror •Ollll·n are: (I> oo shOIU (aborta "1ll be allowed to tbe l!Prtn• but oo short aboru •Ill bi permitted) , (2) no blue Jeana a.nd t3l no alopp) T-shlrta or 11wea1 ahJrt.1. SAC bopea that lbese new rules will eUmloaie Wl· desltablt el~ota a1 cuual d&ncea, s-tlll lllowtoc ata· denll co bue ruo and "n.IOY lhem.elns :worm 11ald
A1111I Staff Wants Do11tions Of Pictures Tho annual e tarr will a ccept all pic tures donawd by e tudenta or lacull,y ol varloue acUvlUPI o r happ,.nln&• aboul lh• coll"'•"· MIH Lynn Or bharl. C!O edllo r o r thr annual . aald thal any plc turon donalt>d to lhe annual wlll b•• appr11c lal<'d. P lcturt>a may bl! 11Yen lo her , Ml11 Jan Bmllh , or a llpped unde r th• door o r room IH In lho SUB. " We would llkP lo ou e nd a lllanka ." Mlaa Oebhard aal d. " lo the lacul l,y and a tudenlA ror their cooporaUon wllh the annual and hope they •Ill ccnUnua to work with the an 111&1 a tarr ...
AIN'T IT THE TRUTH 8om..-Onl' 1rl11 ua a mini akin can ti. comparrd 10 an e lttlrl c fence - It co• era thl.' propf'I\)' ' "' a rrorda • aood
Tu lh• Editor:
I rrad a INlPt IO the ecltor few peprts back "111ch uked when the SAC planned on puuln1 lhP llP"d music Into lht• Wl Str.m porUOA or lhe SUB. Th~ lut P&l)er 1hat cam• ou1 had a h.rce 11dltorlal concrmlll1 lhe 11oreo flQulpm1•nt and the m111 ta. so l'lu I ha\'<! heard or no1hln1 txolna don" a bout lh la luua. A• I undNatand It, thle was reaoh·ed iaat yn ar , cannol the SAC ol lhl11 roar put II lnlD ~l!tlcl? Pl?r· haps the flAC ta 100 bu•> mt.kin e poll~ra and can· crllln& dances and cannot afford lO do1ote &01111! lllfe to 11om .. time to 1hla laaur? Elaine Ad.tlllll or th" 16.000,000 iiiOldlera and nllo11 "bo died or ells· appeaflld In Ille !lnll \\orld •ar. thr rat• or alcio .. 1 ~.000.000 Is atlll u11kooq.
Do } 'our Ch rutma Shopping Early
U ..
l'tSO U LAl't MOOllL
____ ll"l _
R ental. Aho Available a\."'C
A lup number of •tud•nis ellber bue o'l'!'rdue boc*a 01 unpaid Ubraty fines. Lista or aucn persona are pos1...S dall1 at lbtee placea In the Admlnlalratlon SUUdLDc. SIU· denls abould consult tbrae lilta accordln1 to Russell SoderUn1. hnd Ubrartan . •11ue lheae U.ta cbanc rrom ~ io d&J-. the !ol1011 ln1t 11 the llat ai lbe Um the papN went 10 presa. Books o•·erdue: Donald Andenion Don Bamea. Sherry Barlel, Ronald Beer. Bill Bfodl'rtck , Charles Dodson, Vance Ekwortzell, pat Flckle . Oay!Oll Fournier. Fred f'llller. ~rl Grerne, Dale Oretao. s. R Oro\l:a, Belly Ka.nson, P att)' HaollOll. Olaone Kl'· 11Ds DI anne J1ui:es Sile Ila JahMtoo Pal Ke&ne , Sherry l..l!onard Grant Merriman Oec.:,e J.Clltr, Dee :Wa:t:m, Anllloay Popp Ou1d P:W:o Jack Rel'· noll1s, Sae Sclr.1 DD:l Seitz J..-a Tbo:psDll, OoroUlJ' \"an Eaton LUM1& Vemoa and Stan Zfak. Ft:iea: Sllen::r Baral Oe:I· nll Burr M:ke O&y. X&ri IAMo:ua1 Dao Peieraaa :-.arma Ooac Slit:· wood. Cl.rd• Smllll. Cberyl SperLIDE. Ra.a~ TN! and Robert TUllle
\\ o" .....-.:..r·
BartMra K:.!='ita !. JAulht ·r
Mr. aatl :.&ni. \"em KallHAd, Worl"J"· baa been named 196~ e&::lP\15 cbalrman to: tbe l 96i Clu1su:ua.s SH.I C1.mPOIC11 at the !iortb ldal:O Juruor Col·
SUBoenion QUESTION. 11-llal tloc ll!Qrd '" ANOPHELES" to 101'?
OEOR CE THOR:O:TON. Sbeephc:dloi: Technlque5: "She douo'I mean a thin&. bel!ldes l wasn't lM onb' one.•• OARCE ORISK£L. Body An&IOlllY '"Duce was ont'
aecc:.rdlnc to P. A . Pre3ldea: of of th" nth.·r
U:e Idaho Tcbc-u:ul06!s Asso- and the calll'ce. Ch:lstla::son l!&ld lo! Kal· Siad 15 a scpbO::IO:e In Ro::ie Ecc:lac: .cs a:id a me:ibe: ot :!ll' Caidloal 5e11'1Ce Club. Cb:aimas Seal k:tcrs In· dodio~ a b~llb education pampble1 ha T"e been malled to !':Orth Idaho Jaolor College studenta. .Miss Kal:itad said sbe was honored to acc~pl lbe cba.II· mansblp and ur;ed students lO read carefully the Christ· aiu Sol letter. She reminded ber r..11ow students that lbe fllht apinst wberculosis and the other re:iplratory such u l'mphyRNna 15 rnr rro,,. belnc ,..,n,
GUIDANCE COUNSELORS ltAVE DINNER MEETING A dtn:l"r waP 11ponsorEed by th · !\1JC Ouclaoee Commltttt !o: Ell:erald Empire Guidance A.saoclatlon membtrs, cuJdance co11naelo1s aod aponaon; of 11cbolaishlpa lO !\1JC atudeac:s, accordlnc lO OeJler ~ser. betd or lhe culdance depa:t·
mcn1. \"arlous orp.nlzations represented ,..ere: Bu51ne,;5 and Proresstooal Women. Kiwanis . Pamoaa Oran"'. Home £x1enslcm. ~co Lake Couotcr Club. Inland Emi>lre ~neral Cmllra;lers Association of Spokane. L&itr Lions, .AAU\\. and F'lra1 secur11;1 Banlt. Eve:srtt:i Floral donated a tall Oowe: arr&ni"!Dl'nt for Ille bead tabll'. lndhldull !able deco:atlons wert made "" .1r11,. o·var:v. faculty l I Said.
lft~ ••
MIXEWEST. B.A.:"'Oree« 's
al\Swe· to Sul)l·rman." DOS BAR.-.:ES. Eauc:auoo: ··A spec desl cned bu· kl'ltall n::i. "hlcb Ill used onl,y In profo:sslonal " DAVE PERRY. Cowboy· '"Love ID lb~ first d"Jre•>. .. OORDO.X TROMBLEY Ma· !arts: ··A peat bis yellow tractor... GARY JACK.SOS B.A. "Cleopaua•s brother's bus· Ilana IV' the rourth marrlacc 01 hlS motber to her Cather's brolber. " DIANNE Rll.L. EducaUon: ";\ ,,,.ord Mr. Crowe lnv.,nted IO trick me up on my Creek Klstoi:y test ... JACK F"ULLwtLE R. Pbon· lcs !llld Spelling: "A 5oclt.1 disease passt'd tu· a.n Insect.• • Tnl )(£REOITH, Bus. Ad •• "It's the Greek's answer to th" populauon explosion " KC1'~ ARO FRlSTOE. Alr1· cultu:e: '"Tbe Creek word Co: an 'outhoust'. •" LARRY PETERS. Ed.: "'The word ~ople Sia,)' IO you •ben you sneez~." lollK£ CASDIAN , Business Adm.. .. A sexs nea." TO:ll CUDDY En1r. "'It Is Just a - - lnsc>ct " A.'OZ..TJ'TE EDWARDS El· ezenl&t)" Education . ••An anopbel.,11 h• one llnle bu'"'' I.bu 1 aim 10 sl&.)' aw~ rroml TOM ARRISON, Forestcr: "An old Slobovlan tot.SI wblcb means If vour doa la run o•·er tu· a carbage sco". the polled rose In your bathroom will nen•r bloom." MARY BETH MATSON. Pre · dental flY11ltn11· " !l' s Greek to me1" JIM JACKSON. Music: ··Another word ror the Oreok biopics."
Raymond L. Ston• • dean or raculcy. •Ill represent North Stud ent.I who are ao.mlllod lo ldallo Junior Colle ce oo Dec. 9 111 Boise at lhe lnaue- a school dlrecUy determine le••<J ot achlovemenl or a col· u:alloo or Or. Johnathan Bert Samoa tile n. . p1uldeo1 or lcge. no mailer what It.I ,.... eouttea, the dllUncUon or lta Boin Collece. &ooe aald Caculcy, and the lntegrlt;y or It.I Ille... wtll be an academic pro£T&Dl. - Lawp:xesalDll tollowtn1 •hlr.b rence A. Kimpton. Chancellor, the p!atfor::i parv and cem· University ot Cblcqo be rs of lbe boazd o! educa UDll Will mee: a: 7 p.m. In tbe President•& DUllr. Rooc: 011 tb.. Bot Colle~
--- ----
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:.c+'"' es . es, rubes •ope .IHI·
Collep et lo Bo ae Dec I "1Lb Ille C ttee f r CocsdlnllllDll of :s rw s
ldallo. All collein. ctdv r1ltln and a n lea • ltblo lhc 5tale acliore In ~lea! and pa:a-mtdlC'lll ualnllls '"re lnntadtoauet!d ui COOldlna~e all DUl51nc prOi!'am!I within slate of ldano. Chrtu· !a~s n "a!d
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TYPE W R I T ERS ROYA L RENT ·SALES • REPAIR Dra h1 09 & Typing Suppllu
.. reosrare
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~r• 4·3418
100 N. J tl> STREET
Coed Dan ce.c
Young Republicans Elect Pete Olson Chairman At NIJC
.. I:
Pete Olson waa unanimously eleclCd chairman or the NIJC Youns RJ>publlcans, Nov. 21. Other otnc:us elP.oted wN"': Reoe~ Roinine. sophomore llf'C:rctary. Lynn Durand, sophomore tr"Uarer. Ron Orol.ZkP . sophomore p11blcl1Y cn11Jrman, Davn S.un· der11, freshman a"eretary and Dennis Shtldon, fruh:::an treasurer. The ~ltloo r.! freshman publicity cbalnnai: was Jett open unUI a luture dote, accordlnc to Pct.cOlson, cl\airman. Sophomore mrmbl:111 or the Program and Flnanco Committee are KAthle Polntntr. Ste\'C Oro\•es. Dennis &m and Jobn ituebelmann. Freshman members are Ron Colstad and Dennis Sheldon. Two freshman pos!Uons ha' e been left open unUI a future d11te. The membe rshlp commitlee consists or Tom Anselmo, Barb Roach, Tom Peterson, Dean Lindstrom and f'ran Whelnn. There will be two mttUncs each month. One meeting wUI be devoted to business. At the second meetlnc the program will be al ven by n euest lecturN, Olson snld. There \\ere 20 Younc Renubllcans In attcndtlnce at the Nov. 21 meeting. "This
wa.s n very aood ium out,
howeve1, we would like to see moll) more persons at the next meeting", Olson concluded.
MIKE PETERS IS NEW NEWMAN CLUB PREXY ~Uke Peters was elected president of the New1111n club Nov. 17. rouo., ing Patc,y Kenne' s resi1t11aUon. Peters opened the meeting with a question on the Viet Nam War and a hea\')' verbal battle occured for most or the session, according to Patcy McCOm lck. sod al secretary. Miss McCorm !ck said the dlscussl oo on Viet .Nam will be continued Friday. Dec. 8. Rlcha.rd Raymond. biology lnsauctor. Is the new advisor to tbe Newman Club, Miss McComilck said.
and omcers Installed NO\. 22 by the Colle1e CbA1>te1 or
Home Economics
AssoclaUon, hosted by the sophomore members, according lO Carole She<!kler. reporter.
Karen Solberg, president, Linda l\rla!lt. vice-president, Barb KalStad. ..eereiary, Doreen Reed, trt>asu""r, J&nlae Purdy. historian and Carole Sheckler. reporl<'r. Wisdom Is knowln1 whiu to do ne~t.
Del G ittel C..ur
SU\: • ~~ ••
Ro~IUO:I said lhDl lb ,,. uie:~ wu no Ir ubl of ll~ kind al the dance) II aald tbatJllL!l.'I' srudel;!;l cam down lO M!e Ill" decorations but ·~·'Id b<> nd th· daoclni: a.ra and -.u ii no lr ubl
IP"" ·~.,., f'i<>yd 6)1 JI- Cun11
Miss R.tta. Da:a lano. J9 a sophomore at !\1JC llPl"'9.r"d Ill lhl' 18th annual Sbnn Nile Bfondll Dec '.! tc ·.ne NIJC gym. Mts~ Damlanc 's C1andni: was one or th major hlchllahts or tb•• show. ff r u· 1Mlenc:e and tale11t In thl.5 n.-td mokt•:• h r one f tb best rntertalnerr; o: the h<•nl'ctt. Rita ha.s amd• m~ appearance~ beroru senice clubs and 011 school p:opams 1n the K~ II •u a.rea. Sh" nu also app<'ared 1u S<!uslde. ore.:on. ~role, Brtt!Sb Columbia, and ellles lo \\a.shln~ton. Idaho, and \tontana. Miss Damlano U!>ually performs 11lone but ba.s appeared rnllDS times wttb hN slaters, Anlte 11, Vicki . I$: and Joni, 11. Rita, who currently holds the Mlfil> Fabulous Valles utle for the llallace-Kellou area. was also the Kel!oca Elks Roundup Queen o! 1965. She has won a "cbolar.ihlp to Cornish Ballet School In Suttle. W11shlni=ton.
Inc or the Sorthwes:em Seconllll!)' !llld Welter Education Hl&ller Com:ll.b:.11111 Dec. 10-13 at Portland . OreSon. The buS!oess o! the Rlibe r Commls..,lon Is to act upoo th~ accredllaUon or 16 nort.llwes<e m l.narl tutlon:s .,..blch are UI> tor rev1ew. ChrisUanson ... w be reportIns on the commi:;sion' s. visit c.o Mulmomah College In Pott· land and Tacoma Community Colles;c In Tacoma. Tbe HlcbN Coa:mJ..sslon J.s ::omposed of 20 mt'mt>ers from collei:es and universities 1n se~en north,.es.tem states. Th"Y are Montana Idaho. Wuhln&ton. Ott-Son. NeTada, Utall and Aliu.~a. ChrlsUa:i· son said.
"Printers ol tire
J l7 Hant... A... •
Charlie Dads 'II\ frc hman clus i;resld· r.t. 0 th·· ThL'lksel dn1 sei:iJ.I rmal .,. ent ff •!!bout a hllcb and I trould Uke to utend a thanks to all U:e cm:=ttu>es atid lD C\ C1' one trbo canH1." Thtt band Th R ~ wu c(l:JPo-~ d or Te:!) L e :rumpet; Ed Scallan t.:ombone; Pat Glttsa ori;an; Oa\'t! Jollnson drums; OarY 1'l:k and Kea O~en bolll on SLUl)b nes. J.llss Sonia Btlchrt Ml Cindy Jacoha • and !\ ~r. ~ruo::i we:~ the ch ttr,. a: the Tba.nka111'll'lt:: ml r n::al be Id :-JO\'. ; I In Ell d.11s~r S:udo:il t nlon Build
P. A. Chnst.IJlnson pres1den l of Nonb Idaho JunJor New members were 1nttla.ted Colle se "Ill attend a meet·
Thanksgiving Dance Termed ASuccess
~;::;::"'" El'
:US N 4lb Sltttt
CIRCLE K SPONSOR ED AFTE R CAME DAHCE n:~ ca~ual ian ne.d Dec. 1 ..11 lb St;B ,.._, 8lJClr.isored by Clrcl K Club. Tb dance •as bl'ld 11!trr lll · Cardinals n. Oonz:ai:a F'r., h man basketl:Jllll p:r.e. accordlnc to Jerry Riebe, club
prutdent. 'l'be tlllCrtalnll'I' band 'AU "~ell.5 Farcio . " M mbrrs are
Duo M lnt;,vtP, drums, )Ilk Pa dual, cul :ar, ~IJke :.t:icuma !~ad C!Jltar and Scott Tucktr. 'dl.nai:"r ls Steven J. l.!Jllt f, RJ•bl' &aid.
n .. sue P• p &nil wlll br coina to )toscow Jan. 26 to plny111 th1 NIJC Idaho Ftefth man 1111 kf'tl:Jllll i;ame. Thr.y wUI olso play durlnc the Idaho Son Dle110 SU.te aame, J Im J1&elt11on, b1md roombrr, aald
ALASKA FILM IS SHOWN IN TRAVELOGUE SERIES .. n1• 011 "' 1..nna... a ua-
~ lu•U• 11bnul Aluka, wu 11r attntml to th• public, Nov. 3 In the NIJC 1ym. In addlUon, "Th• Oull)Olll" , an 1•h• nturo fllm the North· west T •rrllory, and color nll•l••K or th• XII Wor ld BoJ Scout Jarr1b<>rc~ WNt' shown. Th" slid 1 w~r" narnatod bJ Bob An1..1. Bporta broadcast~r for KVNl.
H0to Does Thu Grab You?
Badminton hH bo · n sci ctl'd the President' s Council on Plcyslcal F'ttness as one or lhr sports to be <'mpbaslzed cnd•·r the L.lfeUmc Sports Pro)• et. accordln1 to \Its.<·rlnl• Scates, plly,,lnl l!ducallon lnMructor. OlhN apol'lll to bt' l.'mpbaslzed •r• tcnnJ,., 11011. and bo•llns. Thesr sports were selecl"d ~causf' pnrllclpatlon can conllnuc tbrouahou1 llfc, thUh kcl"pln& peopll" or all llCf'• phyalco.lly fll. Paniclpani:. In thl'se &POrts do not tend to bl!comr mt roh spectators. Tlll'•r &Polls are to be In· uoduc.·d th:oui;ll tb<' schools. Tbr}' are belni: financed .,..ltb thl" aid or Ct'rtain comnrrclal Interests that manuracturo sports equipment. uuoui;b a matdl inc rends 11:oc11u:i, \In>. Scates said.
A.ppU ..a•. "' t r tt' Slracc \.i<•• lat.or ' T st are
&\'&liable from Joel>' O' LaJ:;J In tht' COUDSt'ltnc omc.. Tbere ls no r~ lor Ille test •·blcb tallcs ~.:011:::.uitr OM hour to eoa:plrr.e The test b dl!slgitd c.> determlnn lnterca:a as compared to people nm :it!J IA th• field. Thn lt'llt Is •1Ml1 u1>11d and rat,.~ u ~ '>f tile hlllll""l In th• fl• !d
cla!... n
p•C' ..,y
b.:en !;rs.
lm&&lne Ill dlfftcultle3 tllal ,..ould race an A=r: can. •llll • llmiled kno•lf'die or llle la:J~. la a colll'Cf' In Japan• It should co:ivey an Ides of thl' obstacles lx'lng stolcalb' raced and on-r· co::ie It\' Jo Ann l\ dko Hoshl· Jo, I s.,nr-old..Japan&llll &IU· den: at )';orlb Idaho J111uor College. llsft Ho.1h.ijo Is an A:neric.-an cltlun to· virtue o! the tact thal silt' •as bc:r:i lll Haqll, Holre>er lier llacl11::ound, tt:lr trainlac and culture &rt' Japanese •inc" alll' ! UYt!d l:i Jal'QD f • U 7ra~ Miss RJsblJo hU t>ec:i Ill !he UnltC"d Stall'• I ! I wo 7nrl haYlnc 8J)('lll SOCIC Ume IA Montana Callfomis, 'tits· ccmsln and Ha"1lil An 1111c le t.n Ju ZOQ lSUUested that abe atlf(b at .SIJC Currmtl.r •.nrollefl u a rresh· man, 111K' ho~a to b"comt! prorlclent as a seer tuy lo Ille eocneNlnc neld, and per!laps, !Dtf'r b!!come an Dlrllllc boat~s. Asked "!=! ls lhe a1cs1 difficulty tn tr>inc to master EncUsn i.uss Hosbl o decisr~ lhat ix=clatlon wu clYinc h r tile most troublt'. Sbe aJ finds abe · a puulln• sklll to perfect. l n looks and cianlll!r, ~llss HoahUo find.a b r fellow 111udents rrtendlY and hf: tns1ruc1ors kind and a1ms;a1beuc. Comtnc ortci· nalb' from a Iara• city. sbr 1,. not sure that a amall 10,.n co111111unllY Is for he r. since actlvtues and tn1"r"11i. ar" oeceasaril)· limited. :.!JsaHoablJo'a father. Yasuo BosbJjo, IS a medical U!Cbnl· clan. MJ.oelto HOllbJJo. h~r mClCher, teaches nower ar· ran&ioc. She also bas a y~ r '"r,..!t.•t Cir,.t'Olt1. who ,s ID 111'11 • ·11001 I.ti Japan.
John A. McFarland IO&Ded llle class a \1cuna ro~. made rroc the wool ol a lltlu, and WO\CD •DOI from llle alpaca, accotdlnr; to ~In. Florence Stranahan, bo::ie economics lnauuctor, DAMES CUJ B TO "These n~r.s were olKained ELECT OFFICERS b)' Mc F'a!land when be wa,,. Gtvt a man credit for &nl'· All mameo w "'"" ir wo'™"n tblna tocb,y and be wlll tlllte staUonrd In Lin. Pero " •bo ha••· b<ea marrted lhat \In; Sttanahar ald It. - Jim Natzke are Jn~ res led ln the 0&111ea Club have been lovlled to ARCTIC CIRC LE MARC SU C0111e to the Walnut Room, Friday, Dec. 8 at 12:00 noon, Beauty Satoa & School aceordinc to Mrs. Sadie E Q ,..,. r=a • • S n To.v• Brooteo, member. tot'.,. ,. Tbe purJ)OSe o! Ulla :::utlor: will be to elect a p~!dtnl. 322 A••· '4() , J52" s<>erel&t)' a:id !acu!:,. adv!Mir. Ladles = & brtac their own lu.ocb L')d be Ye r&CC! J.!:i;, 1-.:clle R!ua all<I lolrs. Sadie B.'110ten wlll St't.-e dessen. Tbere wlll be a:aslcal en1e:· • ilnmt'Ilt. lira. )J.rrtle Bers Sp.cio li: in9 in Coll1t91ot• Hoo• •ill be In dlarce of table for H<taltli on<! Hopp.nus decorations. Special lll~IH will be Mrs. Lucile Laoce. Our Plaro Ru1aunin1 s;asl advlaor. Ploous Pola!• and Pu110 The purpose or thla mttl· ln1> ls !or t.JI married womoo 1207 N. F...,,,., to cei acq11111n1ed •llh each COE UR D'ALE NE, IDAHO o:he: and to rind a PtOITL'll lllat Is lnt-r• t!Di M tbem." \Its. BtocMn aid.
~~~~~~~~=:&:fliv~ Spanish Class Is Larger This Year n. ' u
»pant n ·laaa 111 lar(t'r llUUI 11 was Jut yeu at &hts Tb• rr. llt• 26 atudenLS as COlhJl1llt d to 19 John )l'f'llrlan<I ln•tructor said Mcf'arla nd conttnu.,<I. lhr reasons for Inert llll"d enroll· lll<'Dl art!, flMl lhal mal\)' 1101· ll'&~s now require two yl'Ars &tud1 of 11 tor('l1n lan1111a&t• for craduauan. ln ctJll• aca Is OM of the two required lan«ia&•'S need t1 lo 1e: • Mast r or Arts II crl't! and Doctor or Pllllosofllly Ile· &lo!e. "This la a good polley becauS<> Spanl:sh can be 113ed to h"IP Latin American COWlllll'S," Mcfarland H id. One Ol.tlt'r r ason !or Iba Increase 1S that lhl11 year th,.rc at<' mor stud nta not or th .. oorm:il collec" acc. Last Yl'l.r rr.any a1urf,.n111 n· roll<!d In lhe Spnnlsh c:laas because they thouibt l t 'l\oulrJ be o:ta}. Th~n too, thNt' are thost!! who wam to !Ake Span· tab :or th aake or taltlnc II o: because t~y ar cotnc to II<' !a.oi:-::tt" "'•· Ill, com· ?!'! ~: ~ \.frf"aroar.1
SPEAKER ENTERTAINS Si,,,, :>0 Ot.-. r autl»r II· ;,u.r."&1<.:. muslcaa, Ill hae• oloi;lst. adventurt'r and t i · plott'r p:o•.ded eni.enatnm at tor a crowd In the StlB No'" :?O. Durlac the uanmbly audience wu ••n!A'rtaln<'d by Eskimo mu.~lc and !olklor~
Woodcom's Drq Store Cond;.. - S....dr •• PteKt ption1 0
Coeur d'.AleH Lau.dry & Dry Clea•• rs rand
.,;nde· me '"
-··•·ml ...
30• "· •••
- •.. .
P~O'<E .. 2111
,ASTIUllZED MILK MUNS 100% SAFE MILK p , . . . .. G<owilt - Cood HMllll - E...91 USE COEUI D' ALENE CREAMERY MILK
N. F-i. St. · C-.. ~,,_..
Hagadone Bu1ld1ng
+ W c
BADMINTON PLAYERS START CDllPETrTION Comprllllon. on a challen1e baala, bopn Nov. 9 In th11 co~ badminton oou"'" · ac· cordtnc lo Mrs Catherine 6ca1,,s, dm•lcal education lnsuuctor. Rf!llult11 ot tht1 compdtUon In mt•n ' a aln'I"•· wom ..n' ll aln11lt•a. ond mllt!d <loubl"~ lft bclna poslttd In pyramid chartl', " The compNttlon will aid In bulldlnc •kllla " , Mra . Salles Hid A tournament Wllh 811 ~nd CommunltT Coll<'PI or Moses Lake, Waah., 111 l<'ntall\'f'l.J lldleduled tor F eb. 10. Mam· ~rs or tb<' claas •Ill part!· clpate. rt!a.rk...:I Mrs. Scale•. Many a bum1n1 l118ue pro-
duces morf' bPal than Ucbt. - H<'rbnt V. Prochnow