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Lincoln-Douglas Debate Is Held
,tllo best wau to safeguard I.he peace lies in but/dine, more Sandra Nielsen, business and better u>capons or in The Cardinal Debaters are education major, was notified u,orld dz.~armamcnt• 1n the process or having an that she was the recipient of
JACOB ALAN WARE , Edu - lnterclub "Lincoln-Douglas" the first N!JC scholarship cation: Debate tournament. The awarded IO an education
"l reel peace can best be event Includes brackets ror major b:, the Zeta Chapter or obtained by coope ration or 8·10 ind! vidual debe.ters who the Delta K81)pa Gamma. >alt parties. More and bette r wi 11 match skill to help Delta K81>P8 Gamma is an in · weapons only serve as a detenmmo colleagues in the leroabonal lcacher•s honorary th reat to peace. Howeve r upeoming Idaho State Colle- socle1,y. Zeta Chapte r com· unti 1 all people CM coope: giate Speech Tournament in prises the fi·ve northern •ra~ each nation must keep Caldwell Feb. 19-20. Parli· counties or Idaho enough weapons to protect Ch>atingln the pre-trip tourney sandra is a graduate of themselves against Invasion.,. are Jim Brooks. Gary Dee · Post Falls lilgh School and l;ONI PAUL, Education: Sten, Phil Etickson, Bob was lnlbated into Delta Kap-
Mar ch Of The Cards
"It is di mcult for me to be Leighty, Tom Gilbert, Dave Pa Chapter or Phi Beta Kappa object! ve about war. ror to me Parsons. Prank Flo Rito, and ai NIJC la.st spring She h seems such a futile altPmpt John Allen. Finals will be wUI receive her A A. degree Friday afternoon in speech from NIJC this spring and t~ settle differences. How- room 32 The Lincoln - plans to continue her educa- NIJC RI-- ri .,,e,te-« Jril ~<w• perfor'TI the Morch •.f rho Cordr." f.1;;nn9 t111,;1 NIJC- laoho Frosh noJ r, Jon. "'3· ever ldeailsllc It may seem, Douglas" :1tyle wUI pit one lion nt Eastern Washington I sincerely hope the da..r will indi\idual against nnother State College at Cheney. come when all nations wi 11
LARGEST PROFESSIONAL parlment about 4 lo 1. thP , wsUully dlsanm The atti- rather thnn two against two. "On the presidential coat GROUP IH COUNTRY Nntlonal Education Assocta· tudes against prejudice and Bob Leighty, club president of arms. lhe American eagle What is the largest profes · lion reports. bigotry must be founded In calls it the "moment of truth holds ln his right talon an s,ono.l group tn the United each individual home. Under- for every club debater, thus oUve branch, while In his States? Teachers In public someone says the moon must ,sanding ls an lmportMt more readily Identifying the left he holds a bundle of and private schools and In be made o f wondl'rrul stuff key. power o f the individuals and arrows. we intend to ,;in• colleges and universities ho ld It not onls pulls the ocean pointing the w•v lo st 0 rong e~ al tt ti bo h th t ti 1 b k d r rth tld
EARL c. JORGENSON, En· "" -.u a en on to t " a t e. They total more ac · an o to cause es. glneering: combinations ror the upcoming - John F Kennedy, State or than 2 , 000 000 and outnumber but also it often soops cars tournament... u i 96 h along side roads , World <Usarmam enl is a ---iiiiiiii~ very idealistic situation In· comp rehensible because there !:; no \I ay of assuring t otal 'c<fuperation, particula rly by the Communist con trolled coon tries Indeed lt Is a nsi,ble thought , bul in order to 'lnsurl! our welfare, mote and better weapons are essential."
ELLEN KELLEY, B,A ,: , li'The key to obtalnlng pence In the world today lies in trusL Disarmament would require a complete trust and • rei;pect on the pa rt o ! all nations toward each other The fact thal this trust hns beeo violated within the past • y.>.i.rs. makes me wonder If peace can e,•er be accom· plished on reasonable terms."
The foods class has started 111 , .,eal planning and sen•ing units :,tudy , according to Mrs. Florence Stmnahan, tn· structor. This study she oSa'td, wi II include the plan· nlng, preparing, and serving of a meal by students LO the c lnss and guests.
• hTrs Stranahan said lhat during the course of the studY each student w!II have the opportunity to serve 'Ii guest either breakfast, luncheon or dinner. One o r lhe purposes of the class, Shi :,ald, is lo leach the I •students thP proper eUQuette required in invltlnl( and se rv· lni: guests.
• lt lhe past the foods class has ent<>rtalned the student board of control, the cla:;s omcern, the col1<'1te board , .th ~ domti tory board. the fiE\'IEW editors, and the faculty, Mrs. Stranahan added.
• t::,m ' l despair Llfe is full of bright spots. Lids or beer can,; are very shiny in the summer sun