4 minute read
B K tf')' Jellrl~ urot,nd~ ><" Do, ho~ po s , .., ,,.. .JO, s t'><H 5prong ,s on 1tc way . fv1donce of c-pnng'r (. 11\g '. P soon be presenred ,+- r · fl "or< , • Ii Ir!• on a ""9 t~e roods bagon to bloo, , wht• 100 ·r ,. pu• on 1oolr ll<Jrments of gr,Jen, ond b,rd rc,1urn 10 , "9 ,m:l a, 1 campus lown Coed, ci.:ro\< !ho n:ry'$ c,:imp, , ,, "' II ,oon feel the do , 10 es ope 1he c lassr.x,,11 hl <t.'ok osy • m on o lonely be<1ch •o ge: o hood storl or o "" m r 100. No Judgo would <"-:,fWOCt C g rl on •/-.e C o,g d not "II SCho orly of he COUid ht:1 on •he bc-ocf prest:nll.,g 'lcr osc 10 11-o pebbles and ti(~>;
F,shn&t ,~ku ,;, - ,,s~ or- st,:md ,n 1vmpsu,·s mode to be wo,r, over f, line· ~avered rwo piece ow1msu11s Des,qner, h 1vo .r/so replaced ,.ho ,,ae c.f :w,msuirs wf1/, 1•shnet to 71 m 1 1h,nq wt an 1mpr1:soneei look.
"'" has oocornr, th •;,r witness •or :fo, defense p{ the wOMCn ,•,ho wi !, s to r m 1rf:!1 frcm th<l uccvsor,on that ho IS no' fam1r1tnc. 0"'9SS(.l# sJuck , p/oysv1·s, Ono even <1•11m~u, ·sore- bem<1 preseri·oo m v.hire lace rh,s seosor..
Srfk ch,1•,in orr o pecr•um cf color and a wave of {NOl1'1E · ,,, orrnrs 71vd n " free-Jo..r •o 11,e w¢man wno desires more. out ct o •al:ric •hori /US' a place ro h,de.
~'>:Jdros :are 9u,/1y r;,f rotvm,riq ,o the lo<h en scene ;,, wim,v,r • horL, blouses ond h000<.'!I po,-~~Co:rcn .,,.w hos mode 11,etl .,.,Jont '" ployclorhes frosted w, fh oye mlvmcery, oros~· eml.::10 ..:':..1red w, th domty
Sf:<1n9 Flo r an long , /,iev J smac:I< 10 be worn .on rhe boardw<ilk •r s1•1fl" u,ts.
The fosnionotl, foot uill s_!ep fornord Iris season In on ,rror. of sand~ls ra '"'J fr ., , ,cndols wllh turned up •oc• und 1nwclled choms to hold 11,em or,, 10 clog sandals o' t lO f "·EO$f.
The Joyrimo loo: "' II b borc<l at bc.t'l th<- heel ord toe ,n rod m heels and co f~kln.
To ,.s,oblish a scnStJ of PfO\'lO''°°" c f leo • obove-theknr.'f" si<ir1s. do~inner~ lo\ove given ~osn Ot'cble women bereta( .ed ,1 nes '"'" IMg ·opes which w •id up rhe leg and tie f 1~ t::.·1 .•. tt .n ?e.
New Book List
L Be Posted
tta,•e you noticed the Jack· ets on <lisp loY on the bulletin boatd outside the II brary? Book Jackets. that ls. Russell SOderllnR, II· brariun. said tile Jack~t. or new books, as well as 11 list of new books, will be 1>osted an the bulletin boartl as the books nre cataloged Md put on the shelves.
Mr Soderling said that 125 book8 from the Veeder Col· lection hnve boen caUlloged and are now on tht shelves. These books pertain to
Only Four Blocl, From Campu, OPEN 9,00 A. M TO S;JO P. M.
by Worr,•n AU..,, we. lhe soclet.v ol the iwentielh century, are not at all honest! we say we enjoy culturul recreanon, llUl do we really? I think we are forced to assume pseudo-traits In fear of non-con ConnllY. oo we w11nl to appear to be something we are not? We must onen Ile a bout things we really eQ)oy. Why Is It not Just as honorable to enjoy reading Mickey Spillane or Ian Fleming, for instance, ·as Boris Pasternak?
Whal Is lh1s thing called "culture"? ls It being smart on lhe outside llUt remaining the same on the Inside?
E:very person wears a front for others and octcn the lront is Quite transp11rent--which gives no end of enJoyment to other.i.
What is so great nbout being a high-brow? Only the Cl!O Is involved Every person gets a good reeling when he hear.; the ·•oohs" and "abs" he gels after throwing out a few platitudes 11ccornpanled with a number of lmpressl ve statistics. Thes don't realize lhey are Just making donkie,; of U1emselves.
mlnin g, Indian w nrs, and other aspects or Pacific ~orthw Ml history, be added
Choir Tour Has Been Approved
The '.':IJC a cappella choir Is plannlni. o tour. The tour has been a hOpe of the choir for some time, Mr Kelly. instrurtor :,aid.
P. A. Christianson. college president, has told Mr. Kelcy that he Is behind the choir 1n their plans. Mr. Christian · son wi 11 set the date. and the tour route will be decided by lhe chol r. Kelly said.
Mr- Kelly added that places to !;fng will be no problem as tho choir has been invited to sing many places since the Inst semester's trip to Mosco\\. Canada and Portland are but two or their lnvltaUons.
"Life has meaning only as one barters ii day by day for something other thwi Itself."
Antoine OcSlllnt Exupery
In case you want to Impress your hil!h-school-thtnung college friends , here are II few Ups I have heard. used, and round very eCD.cient. f'lnd out what the lecture ls in a class. look up the subJect In an enc~·clopedla nnd then argue wHb the instructor. Oil! gently search lhrou gb Bartlett's ~uotatlQns for some quotation rrom an authorlt.Y and casuall,v \et LL slip out in class. And tr sou 'r,1 late, a!ways come striding In nnd, before you take your seat, loudly ,;ay, Pardon my being lnte--slr" and go Into some plausl blc excuse
These wl II Impress wiyone who shouldn't be in college, onywas. as well as those who are asleep. But to an.v AntiHigh - Brow High-Brow F!Umbug!
Local Doctors To Sponsor Students
During the February meeting or the Kooh•.nai count)' Medical Association, the local doclOrs decided to sponsor students taklng Ille med.icalsccretarilll course at NIJC, accoralng to Or. o. A. Oaughart)', president. or. Daughe rty and doctors E. R. w. Fox, \\11Uam Hawkins, II'! I· liam Wood, \\ilbur L.yons, w·nn Fredrikson, Poul Schrum. and oon Moseley plan to sponsor the .group. Mr. Clair T Bain or the Kootenai Councy Ht>alth Unit has J)articlpnted In this program Cor many years.
"Life ls not lost by d.Vlng! Life ls lost minute b;y minute, day by dm ggi ng day, In all lhe thousand, small uncaring ways." - Benet
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