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Crush Idaho Frosh With Press
T Can:! " , c ,blned rast·breulng offense "Ith a. lull-coun pre,s 10 crush the Unll·ers1t1· of ldaoo Vandol lolsh, 78: 61, The wtn placed the Can:ls al 10•6. U ot I frosh nows stand at 3-4. The Cards biokc Into an early ll rst hill r lend o\Cr tlw taller junior Vnndals, 18·12, Vern Beni;,,1,,n, Card lomard, teamed \\1th guard Les Garo· otr lo pace the home t.erur. Oan:lner stunned the Vandal d~l~nsc wllh u br11Uanl dis· play or long ~et 11hots Beni;• s ron was a standout under th,• basket for the Cards, scortn11 un U1>-lns an<S la<Slng slclo shots.
Tht> Cards lull-courl press 8 tni;i;<>red u,~ Vandal frosh as the Cards bollha\\ked the ball away lrom the 1islto1>1 nod buill a I O·polnt lead 111 halftime, 38·2S. The Van Jal' 6·3 RU a rd, Crnl g John8'1~, k<•1>t the frosh within di • tunce with tihurp oc1ts1de sb<><>tlnl(. Card !~rward Dick SChultz, pln)1nc "llh n still h"allng l:ruken hand, sided with counterpnrt Sieve Brlxcn to keep the Cruds (as H,r>'uk l\lllRII wilh sharp reboundinlJ, Brixen and Schultz scored well under the basket 11nd llum the side.
Tho Card• continued co faNI brl'ak nnd prc,ss the Vandut frllsh throulthout the 1<econd h:i.11, kttpln,: a I0110ln1lead. The cold \'and al fh.., began to trail ofl mld•WII) throui;h thr second half ns thl' hot-;slwotlnit Cards stretch· t'd their lead to 20 POlnts, 66·46. Vern Bcng..'<ll>n and Bob)) Brainard kept the com auacl. rolUni;.
The Cards Inst the ser,·1,,•s or top rebound"r, Steve Brhrn ·• Ith 8 minutC'S to plll.)', but the wln-buni:o Cards refused be ,s lol\ <'<I. The Vandal fro h's Dan Camey and Dick Co lbi,ri led lhr Crosb to with· n 17 points in the fad1nc .nutes of the game, but by that time Coach RollY \Ill· , had ~one 10 hi" bench ,1ren11th IA:> finish the cont<>st. eox sco1u;s
SIJC· Bill Smith 7, Bob Br.11natd 10. Ste,·c Bnlt'n 14. LI'S Gardner 10, Sian Obcrch 4, \like Carey 2, Vern Bent· ston 16. Dick Schul~ 13, llnll,1· Smnllets 2, L'OlF: 0DH' McCun•' 3. Oa\'e Dtllon 6. Rick 03) 6 Dan Camey 3. Kt>n 'IICSI 4, 1.1m:r Kaschmitter 7, cra11: Johnson 21. Dick Colbert Ill
The· rea;on so rmny hus· bands bu_v their wl\·es dlshwnsbers 1s that they'd rather bu)· ol'\e than b "ne
ARCTI C CIRCLE l 72'1 Sh"'"'o" AYcnuo
B owling Trophi e s
Gi ve n A t Dinn e r v.on th11 ht&h tame ond high a,·eragc awnrds and Pete Shepperd won the high ser1es plaqul'. Linda North won al I three !ndl\idual awards for the Glrts' Wednesdll)' :-idlt
Presentation or and Individual trophies hl&hlli;hte<I the NIJC tntramu1al Bo" Un,: Leagues Banquet held Jan. 24 at the Happy Hour Rc,sta~ranl. Pat Koufman, president of the Wcdncsd~· :,;tght league at Lnkc CIIY Lan11s, a\\ arded lhl' top team trophy to the "Poonlllnger,;." The \led· nesday LC keeler team Is composed or Jim F'rame. Pet£ Sheppl'rd, Gary Fren11cbrf, and Terry Fishe r. Th~ •· Poon· 1an11,eru" dominated thr lndl1idual uophy awards In their leal!IIO, as Gal\ Frensdor!
• rs, Miss :o.orth received the hi i;h i:ame, high series, and hl~h B\'e!111tc presenla· tlom Thi \ll'lnesda.; Nlcht Covt> Bowl lracue was "on b:r the ll'hllc Bac lash ". 1bc team ,s compose:! or Ron G rl bble, l\'~nc Kies, Jcm· Gnr\'ey, and !:.rte Moore. League president Frank Hubof presided over the troph) presen· tauon Cor thl' lledntsda, :,;1 ,:ht Co\'e Leni;ue. Indi · ,,Jdual awards !or the league grunc "enl l<t Jack l::dwards for hlsh game and hli;h a\'er· a~e nnd Prank Hub1f v;on the high ser!c,s award. ~lary LOU Karrcr mude o. cJ C'M .swef'r> ol the Girls' Cove League trophic~.
The ":,;'o sandbaggers We" team or Bob Whreler, Al Da,idson, Da\ld St<tne, and Rich Tntterson v;on the team trophy for the Thurll<lny l<lghl cu, e Bo"I Leas:,ie. League president Frank Pio Rito pre· senlcd the tropb1es. lndi,i· dual awards went to Roger Beck f,,r hi i;h ~a111!•, ht gh sert"" , nnd a ti" between ~tr. Bock and Fmnk Pio Rlto produced n double presenta· uon of the bi i:~ i;nme t ropby. Ch<·n I Deshon u•cel\·ed al I thrc• trophiPS f,n hl1th game, seri<".s nnd avera,w for the Girls' Thursd3\ Ni ·hi C,.,., League.
The banquet "as allended by couples. \Uss Kaths llilson pro,·ided on1t•ria1nmeni for the pvunini;. Mr. and Mrs. ',larren Kt'auni: and Mr. and ~Ir». Dale Tnlten ottcnded as chaperone,;, reported Frank Pio Rlto.
In 19-19, Poul Arizln, grent Villunnrn bask,•tbull star, sank 85 points In a game a~nlnst Phlladelphln :,;AMC, Arizin la\Ued 35 field goals and 15 r, lll shot,.
The Pin Cus Hion
vr>-ryr"J,n ._ok<.·!i.1<ki
Blue Mountain Victim No . 12
The cards < ,1,y sU 111..-d b_v the Siu e Mountain Commun! lY College , 7!>-66, 11nd slrr1ch1•d their won•lost record to 12·7.
The Cards Jumped 10 nn early lead o.nd held a 131)01nt margin al the half, 43·30. Card forward Stove Brhcn was a !illindout under the buskel for the 1ru, lln& Cardinals, picking up 16 points. The Cards' balanced 11111 ck krpt the home teurn fo,m .,,er thrl'atenlng the lend. und mid-way throui:h the second half. the Curds were 11ub· •11 tullni: trnob. A II of tho Cards SB\\ action ,n the con· test. Blue Mounllun ' s , John llnrn· son, 6 1 furwuril , led lh<' Blue attack "1th sharp outside shootlni:. and tall! '!d 21 points tor Ill losers.
The gamll "as fast and f<ul.i frectu~nl. The curdK plckro up u totnl of 31 pe r · sonal fouls to Blue's 20. :,;e,.1 11·eC'kend, Ille Ctuds •ill be n1 or.,e ' a two ,rune weekend a~ains ,:11cE and llhltworlh .J. V 's Th<• Cnrds will thrn finish the season wilt. thre, IIW!ll game,,.
NIJC; Bill Sn,ttb 7, S!1•\' ar1,en l(l, v,·m Beni:stun 12, Stan obergh 10, Dick Schuliz II, Bob Brulnar I 5. J111 Joe l'.l, Le" Gardner 6. Ron Bo,·e1 2, BLUE MOl l'/\11': D11vld
I, Hiske~· l, Mol3tr,1m I:!, llarnson 21, Baird 13, Enck· son 8, Hubbell i, Sheer coll-,110 footbal I mad· ness came in 1900, That ,•ea r the \\Or11l beating •·VN ~urrered b) n college football t,•am was r<-con!ed whrn I" o small colleges recolded this score· Olcklmwn 227-lluct· ford ln the 10&1 Summer OI.Ym· pies, the L'nlled States """ the most Gold !o'edals, but u.s.S.R """ the lll01't Gold, s, \'er and Br.,nzt rn t,, :al.
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