The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 19 No 9, February 10, 1965

Page 5


'Hearts And Flowers '

¥fill Be Theme For Home Ee Club Formal

1 A fonnal dan ce will be sponso r ed Sahirdey , Feb 27, by the Rome Economics Cl ub.

I"Hearts an d Fl owers " w i ll >bt'"the theme and t w o Princes and a Ki n g or Hearts will be crowned

, The p Ian ro r selecting the th ~ kin g an d princes is that o f havin g "love notes " sol d in the main bu i ! ding and t h e

I,"f'?Yal !Y " wlll be selected acco r ding to the number of notes r eceived T here will be no noml na tions- th e bo:,, '> re'iei v!ng the most is auto· ma ticall y k ing a nd t h e runner· ups will be the princes

On the dance co,mn i ttee a r e:

I1Trirry D eCoss , chw nnan; Mau r een McD onal d, publicicy:

L aura Lee Y eo u mans , refr eshm ents. A nna Mae Hill, •ct,i.perones and band Ann

C larie T ammy G rant, arxl

A Pri l E vans a r e in cha r ge of "lo ,•e notes " and deco rations • w::11 b e planned by Janet


:.To., Avoid Being

A Zileh, Learn

,..lite Latest Slang

NJJC studen t s , according to Mr Richard Champoux , Just •do) •t smash it- they fade. What he meant by this i s tha t they don ' t comprehend th<.> co rr ect college lingo For JcJC •s enlightenment , he has pronded a list or the latest because , after all who wants to be a zlleh'! (a total loss)

• i-.l onJi"""Ts a squid 1 troll , o r ne rd Rat Fink Is R .F. , u too l e r is a showoff and a student who Christmas~t rees it with llunkenstein I,; one who marks the answers o n a multiple choice test _.w Hjlout r eading Ulem

A Ion~ Miter can ho l d his d n nks \\hile the fellow who can ' t wtU c r ash and bum

1<ur<ler the table) A bag ls

, an object , group , or mood and to be lo a pi7..zn bag means I l o want a pizza

, , is the co ed idol -$eX and magnetism All girls a re bugs Accordlng to thei r att ri butes , they are cer· "t ar.\ kinds c. l bugs For In ·

Istance, a girl that ls always making the scene ls a nee ' • "' ~e:<s bu g Is a tough fox or a ~tone lox A special brand

Io l rem al e a housemothe r, is a moose

e""ifii""boy and girl are~ aoou t each other Uu,, ur scarf, which is the o;ame es playinl! hui;K\' bear , el iu , , smash mouth , and rate.-- - - -

Gradr-wls!', A"' a r C' aces, B ' s Otl' bront'Os - hnrd to stll.Y m • , C 's n rfl hooks , D 's am dandle:< o r dogs, and F ' s arr 'imriITTr k t'epers.

$( romr~ on all you flea:-; nn ll' b<>ord bugs , dnn ' t b!' IIPHll1·

Twt.•nr)'"'.iCVPn debo,N· oren ' r a/..,·oy orq-,.,,na, Shown lieu. rl,.t y tot. f1rr u r v.-11h r c,,. t. f

•'If thei r problems ore not the rising unemplo.vml11t ol errecti vely dealt with, whole yuuth. At this 1><>1nt, thP lifetimes will be lost in idle- ne~ntl\'e lns(!gatM n t•ounler· ness and bitterness, witlt cor· plan 10 supplement the status rosl 1·e long term effects on quo with a siate program or our economic Wld social tax rebate ror apprentlce!\hlp structure Consequently, the 11mi:rnrn In lndustr) problem of the untrained, un- The arannatlve plan wa~ to skilled , unemtlloycd toPnngN pmvidP u pik,t projt>ct to em· requires special slud,v and ploy one rnllllon joblPs~ l<'Cn· pro round renect1on. " These 01:ters between 1 8 and 21 were some or the concepti; through on·the·Job trrunmg In presented In the afler-<linner dls-tribt1L1H• Pducutlon, mar· debate between NI.JC and ketlnp; senices, crah~. and Eastern Washington State ,·ocatlonal trades in high College al tho ri 1$1 s,:,rnester schools, lrad... and VOCU· banquet February 2 ln thl' hond schools. student Union. The purpose llf on·the-job

Twenty-se1•en debate enthu· lralntttl? correlates 1•.lth their slasts Including Professor genrral education to pro11de Frank Gonzale;:, Head of ari incentive to stay ln school. Forensics al EWSC, Mr. and It \\a,; to bl' 0.111111ced b,· n Mrs. Bensatl of the Radio· 50 c-ent 1><'r huur payroll subT V, department, Mr. St Clair, sld,v on the minimum wnge of Miss Laurie Eberhardt, and SI .25. thu,- giving thC' ~n,-

~!r. Dale Pratt Eastern de· plo.v"r an inc,•nU1'l' to hlw at baters, enjoyed a very fine a rate 11 hlch would l(l,·e hl111 11 dinner and heard reports and pron toblr. anti 1•.urth" hllt' comparisons of th<.> NIJC arxl rrtum for e111ployin~ the lndl· EWSC debate pmgrnm and ,·!dual. "The ~ruduatcd plans plan's ('OSI ,I ju5t undN nn, Debate Club Pre>'ident Bob billion dollars annualb·. wa>' Leiizht..•. E'mceelng the bun· tn bP greatly reduced bP<'aUhP quPt gave a short reporL 01 the t>oopll' l11voh·ed ·,ould the club history, l)OSL high· soon bl' contributin~ to thr Ugh ts and past banquet:;. national produce to the fullest This wu:,; the third such extrnt, ""''"' funner!,· thc,· funct , on and the :<econd host· were being support<'d 111 ini: Eo>,tern dl'baters. Sp<.>eial ldlrn<'""'·" quoto•ll Bob Ll'l!tltmcntion \\as glvrn Ja,-L .\'ears t,·

,,u l"tandlng debater. ~liss 'The nrautn,• railed by n Penns Goodwin, ,, ho was 1;.7 ,•utP ol lhe audienc<• instrumental 111 sturtinv thr tu prove their Jllan nK•re er· semester dinner anrl ulso fectil'e tl1an the alflrm11tln• managing the Nl,JC s1,.,n· proposul or Phil Erickson and sored high school dcbnll' B •b LeilUll\' ,

tournament ,Jim Brook~. nctini: as chnlr·

:\}so an acc<1unt was rnnde rnnn of thP debate, deli 1·,•r1•d 11 f Demonstration debat"" th<' dN'l><iun and i:a1·e s1le<'1al

i:I v~n berore the Re1t1nnal tlumks [ur th<' club's rnembPrs

Toos~nnster•s Club,last year t01 Dr. Enrl Pr1dd\, art,iser, in the bn£'1 tustorical re· orni Gan· n,•est1·11. who \\11rkPd sume. Frank Flo Riw. club "' hard lo mul\c the banquet JHl'Sid<•nt. rr<:Pl\'Pd special SIICC~. - - - -rpcognilion C11r hi:-. One job ~~~~..-.-... as 1,1urnamen1 mana1;cr last SK I CLUB HE EDS


In 111<' 11,ain f<'alult' or th<' Thr Ski Club nl'!'ds suto•· p~1grarn. ?hl l En c:ksc,n nnd ti helmNS Mr, Ric hard Br,b Lell\hl,. drfratc<I thl' Chnrnpoux, ad,·lser, has EWSC r,pponl·lltti ~·n the- ns~ e<J thot tmv :;tudPnl tupic· ''R•'sOll'ed: that tht• hni•mJ? ""'' ii thPs<• hr•I· frderal Aovr-mmf'ot shoulrl met:,; hv v,ould bP wiWni:.

,•stubll sh n nan mul pn,gram to l••nrl th•• C'lub fur the 11 f publi(' \\IHk lur thP un· Sdt\',l'IV.l'f ba;;in mrct, rmJ>lovt.•<L •· 1-·1•b. 25. 2G. and 2 i, con·

t\ll,•r :-.r11n~ cl1st·re1HLnC'\', thP tac.-1 him . Ahoul :;;ix or'"

Lt•ums aj'.!TPl'd 1111 lht• nfflnna· JJf''•dcd for tht• rocf"r~. h•·

ti\·,· """d ti•r a(·ti1111 anti for 1 bl - ~ t••derul a~s1stun<·1• iu f'IH n£:

New Photographer For Publications

Russell Osborn has been nam«I phnt,igrupher ror the Publlcnllons Committee ac,cording lo ,1r. lhYnwnd Ston<>, publications chnumun.

Qsborn, a sophomore 1s ma1onng to eninne<.>nn!l- Hf' ha:-. spent [out , ear:-; az.. an arrial phntocrapher ror the :-n I') unrl "IL~ in trainln~ llso l'"ars In color •.,ork at a Nal'al allnche 35 mm training school in F'lundn.

Ii" ts marn ed and the father ol bu,\·~. four and thfl'<'. Hits hubbies. h<' said, are golf nnd cvcllnit, NE\'/ STUDENTS MUST HAVE PICTURES TAK EN

All students whu wer1• not µnMlled the llrst ,Pme~tf'T or thl~ v,•ar are scheduled tu 11a1i' idcntincation pictures u:iken bei;i1111111g at 9:45 a m., lh-dn,:,sda;v, Pebruur~ 17. hl th~ coun><eling ornc,•1 R<>om 4 ). Thrs<' phot111tmnhs aI•· re· qu11ed and tho:,<' persons who are u11ablt• tu hal'e thc•rn taken on f'Pbruar~ I, will be <·x· pe<'tt'fl to rumish thei, own 13 cople:,\ al thl'ir o"n .,,. 1>ense.


American College Test Will Be Required For Frosh Next Fall

The American college Test will be required of all in· corning freshmen at NJJC ofter Sept<.>mber, t 965. Mt Dexte r ~lose r , director or counseling , explained that it wus not a selectl \'e nor entrance test und stressed the guiduncc aspect It ls to assist studento; in plonntng Cal'C!CI\; nnd lo llSSISl the college in secuonlng, he said

The test 1s composed of four pa r ts-English, mathe· mntic,;, social studies , and natu ral sciences. It Is requlrnd Q5' some Idaho colleges Tests will be gl ven 10 ht gh school seniors at the colle~e on Februnr., 20, :\pr!I :?~. June 19, and ;\ugul\l 7, Mr. Moser said

Top NIJC Booster Will Be Selected

The Student Boanl met Jon. 12, with Russ Brown , president, offic!nllng

1<esi Wtntions by Barbara Scrarrord as co·edltor ot the CARDINAL REVIEI\ and b,, Larry BOzarth, publlcit.l" chair· man, were accepted

It was decided the out · standin~ NIJC booster 1s to be chosen from nmonit rour nominees

Da,·e Atchison repo r ted that the Skeet club r equested SH,.50 ror fet>s and shell~. The club i» 10 include stu· dents only ond the teem 1s to b" ,<tudcnt oppro1•ed.

It wtu; mo\'!'d, "econded , und opprul'ed that po:<ters be restrict('(! to lhC' bul](,Un board or lo the wooden strips imd the tops ol wnllK.

The soctnl ACtll'llles Committee has put 0111 n seme,;ter acu,'itle;; calendar which students ma,· obtllln In th" office In the SUB, accoltlin~ tu comrni ttee member. Torn Gilbert.

6 .50 Su r vive Regis tration

sh Pr!
~··t stukPil nnd plu>· kis.,\ fuc-f'. ' . CALE NDAR f'd1 F~b • -b lo - EIICF. ,l\"s hl'rt' :!.1 - Whit\\ ,rtll ,IV's ht·r,· , 9 I •'"''"Clark ~ur· r:,uHlu·n~O - 1club, l·'~1sh thr•r,• ..?G .\)1\11 1Sl'B 8:00 VOLUME XIX , NO 9 .Jf JP 0'./\l ENE, IDAHO D eb a te r s Ban q u e t I n SUB<ls ]( \'UU •ve nII
il on 1.•x m11 sou can


PtoWilMd s. 1, Moothly Dari., 1M eou.,. YM ,

• ly J..., 1:- SMl• •h •• IN



Eduo r • • •. •• , • • • • • • ••••••••••••••• Lorro,ne Or•••

Anociott Edlt~r ••••••••••••••••••. • Ko•hcrine Jtlfr·U

Spctt, Editor ••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••• R""•• JoL.I

Adweths ng Milna,-, •.•••••••••••••• , • • • • Tom Gilbert

Cuculohon M,nogeu •••••• •• •• Ar,chfa Rou. Gl~n N1ckenon

Pho1oarophy Ed,toc ••••••••••••..• , ••••••• Bob Tv1on

RapO< h"fS' Roumo , v Honun, Jo Ann Ovon,bv. Sonia Ca,l1on, Merge McConnid,, Ardhh Johl\ton, Stu Kimball, Tom A1k n,, Bob Leighty, 'fi'ou•n Aller.



•he r:,ld c• r oven su..h o br e•

, Qlii.r m r1(J • 1t Nll 1 he pt;rtiraent :o our

•rs ,, t 1 1e1. serros.t r. A 1olidoy, 1fter e:x.o weeks

tho preporn11011, •s a cdd w'.lter p :igc 1,10 tho ,.,c:,ld we

oy vc boon negl<'Cting for " stt JI ,

.VUl('.I foro 11y C.Oughl Up Nlln wl-ot'< ceneulh lh daoly

!'Ires, I nd •he C•e<ir <,,:-. ly, Luc danc.1wi I Wo• , II • lroU<Jvr< I, crd, of CO< rse, • ,e ""'' right progross

....+ lch ~as boon mode

~/o ussvffi< L ,,c: w II p r JI ohend dancing •ho Notus

·+ etrer wo road .ibol;• it r not, bur thP cffoc:ts ol , 10 Greo•

,ely ond •"C ,v I rlgha rngres'i ar nlr «ly tra·,ng vr c;,codeno(' ,vo•, eve,, ,.J ,lo we or r r owoy -, world of •l'xttf>OkS orvl sones·er doo<illnes. Tho< ,~,r,g~ ro !,oping ,, new ful\Jre of wt l we sl• ,II bo C' per I.

In th<? Gr,,a, Soch, y, on, 1110 educotc,d class mcy corr,plete1y d, op, ,eor ', '')OJ"' o collage dlplo'll<I w II core ivubly be l n&ed as tr- ~.> lege Jorlo<ra be< plo,e os ti • .,, h schuol diplomo os todoy I • )Q wo, one on open s.:i:-ie ta corrpcrotove sUCC' ss}.

\'lo wo•I bo laced wot! 10h and ccr r cornpototl,,r, Ir= up:,nc,r rcrsc..n, uhn , 1..rr to riov.·, hove l od to forfeit , ducot,or

f , "'lrt'adlot '11playrnen:. W" ,, I e1lsa fo,:e ccmJ')Qt , w•tn

H - u~a•ed and ootter - •r ,ne<i ?£0"' 5,

C: lo•ly, 1uclc-r1s ocro~s the r •-y N 11 c.o pet w1thor

1r 111uuons. wtl upqrodod n1roncc r q1.,1re~r.~s ard 1rcroos · •nJly ro91d 01,;:ia,..m,c standorc' Tho survival of t o f,ttes1 rs or, votablc, bc,th in educ.0110:, or,; ,mploy ll'mt.

•111 rights leg,s atior ,s cpcno l •I oor Js w 11 10 cl

f "'e·y's mo bers ond • "'', 1 c. •, 1 s that~- ,pel; -

1 '.'t bee mmg oper tJ:'ld above - t:00.rd re... •'le rrg ro J or, reel', lonoly 1,r,anc , ord o• r ocrodent of !),rth

rlois sho,,ldn't triqhten onyono who ,~n·r ofro,c:< I'> compe10 r,d should, io• fact, but sorv as a r n1,-,Jer 1h01 : best

I ! ts hu wol be rcqu,r.., , ~"' J aJ · pr po, 1 ft :, s

•I bost NOY • 11"881 •ho ,;;...,lion(!(' ol • fu• r •

A'• r • •• well, wo oren ' 1 o c• JI I eqw , tut c• loos• w, ' I .ALL c-, ,1,., soma l1ghtmg chonC'o •o go up er ic do .v r nd what rvt I:. 1on · Arr, neon?



""· Ellen F' rcdnk:;,Jn and Mrs. Florence Stranahan, In· f.ln1r tors in thr home economic, departrnPnl attended n meeting or the Spaknne Ch11111ber of Commerce on Feb. s. ~1,,. Stranahan ~Rid

Mrs. Esth!'I Pclt.'ISOn. spP-

Campu s Chatter

by Rosemary Hansen o~nnftion heard in 1m 1'1111lsh I class QQJni: steady Is 11 ronn or socio I security.

nank '•Wappv" Fto /l1to prored to us at the d11111er aanu /ust wAal tre't·e knoll'1I all ~loitu - that he rcaUu can run around l>cltcr than anv· on.- dse ,n th<' school.

I wonder "hY the Rath· ske !er hasn't thouellt or re· crulUng a volunteer •,,ork force from th,• Junior coll ~ge. The Inn could certain!~ be rt.'bullt ovt>ml ghll orerhcard In the Sub, lie tblak, he's a 11e11tI.!a:an Just ~cau.~c he prefers blonde,. ETeryone h11s Ii ghthenrtcdly be&'JO the nt•w seme,-IN with ,en.,,.ed resolutions lo Im· pr, ,•:e study habit>'- l\e cnn all look fnrwanl w do1n1: aa· 11l1<nrnents on lime, altend,ng clnsses rn11ularl,, taking nc 1, , stud)ing for 1esl'<, Pfl'l)3r1ng for pop QUIZZCS, &larUng term Pllllfffl early •. uugghh ! The thought of It all makes me ti r~d.

/lave vou noticed th.ul the peOPIC U>ith a G.P.A. o/ 3.0 or N?tter do 110/hing but c11,npla 1n a/lout tM11 r,1adc.s and tho<1t with about 2,,; couldn't be tappicr.

Debate Club Doubles Size

lntt'lest 1~ speech wid spe?Ch nc,n Illes l:, snowballlng at NIJC. The Debaw Club is ha,1nc nn lnOux of dou llllng proportion and speech 32 cla.,:i ha,; increuaed l() 17 member:,. Or. Earl P!lddy, Speech 3 2 ln~trucior nnd Debate Club adviser has released plan~ Cur the semester work In lhe dus,-. The It mt unit of work Is a rPvlew of lbe 1-'onnal Plntfonn si,eech and Speech of Introduction as studied In SPPPch 31, t'ntt two Is concerned with debate pr1nclples and procrdures and e,·e"' meu:ber will make caids o~ bott, sides of the National Col.egiate question and di'· bate at leas! nve times. The \hi rd un!L of work in SJ)Cech 32 !; Parliamentary Procedure In ,..hieh one teams how to conduct a meNlni:. propast.' 11 motion, act upon a mollon, etc. observing Roberts Rules of Older

Plans arc underway for an orpniZatlon outside the col· lei;t IO prl'.sent a de:nonstra· lion of Parliamentary l'rocldurc to the clnss and Ocbnte Club. -

,\n office secretar. was handing out cigars \o her ma!• CO•\\orkers when nnnllv one of thi,rn asked for 1he rrnson HU'~ u boy - six feet lwo and he WPlghi< 1•5".

Woodcock 's Drug Store

Candie, - Sundr:P. P,e:•c,:p•iol"I( 116 N. fo11tth St Co•"' d 'A'u•

'(almc,r /.\or",.

Val m1u .\larlln hns joined the 11tuff or NIJC and will ~nch draftini: and design. He Is n i:raduote or Kan,;as State collexe, Lawrence, Kan:;a~ and "as employed by North ,\merican Avlatton lor 11 years.

llr, Martin said that he 81)· predates the value of junior oollei;cs. ha,'ins attended one in Knnans where he was born and reared.

\\'1th his family hr came 10 Coeur d'Alene be<:1w,;e they were nttracted IO the beauty of the area. He und Mrs, ~larll11 hove lour children f'two ~arh. 11

Profs Are Heroes Of Registration

The heroes ol the ;,;we ,eg! ~trnlion were certainb· it,; tacully. Instructors sat and playNI the role of lB\1 machine to, two trylng d11ys. Thelr paU ence cou id be compared to that or Job.

Although this semester '.i registration secm,,d better organlzro thwi lnsi. perhavs a prc-reglstraUon would havr shortened the procedute. It m!Sht have givi,11 the admln· istraUon some Idell or how many students would be en· rolled tn eaC'h clnss wid the schedule mnde to suit the ,-1zc of the classes by sul>di\1Slon.

Handing out cla,s card• prior lo registration des might al!'o ~nve much lime and pnUencc. This would fdve the students currently enrolled an ad,'811,age o,·er ln· comln& students, as well, which wou Id bt> only right.

A<·tuull,y, lhe ldcnl solution IO the whole registration mix· up \\OU!d be IBM macllines, wcro not cost prohlbitt,·e \lasbtl someday - but in the meantime, I !Pel sorry for the instruclOrs who h:i\'e nol ye t re eel \'Cd their decrees ln re· placing machines. This see""' like nu1t,mat1on In rrverse!

Support Your Advertuer~ LO UISFLOWH5


.-al. SPUTS &now.


Art Class Now

At Craft Center (

The Co&ar d'Alen,· Recre:ilion centc-r was r ecent!\· the scene or china palntlo{ .:, ' underglazlni:. blsqult work, and o ,• ergln,dn g done by the ,tu dents en rolled in lhe fall semester or art s1rucwrn £d 1 design, according to ,Mrs. F'lnrence Strnnahan l nstruclO r, Tho work. she so.HI, was the final crnrt p rojecl or foe ,i; semester.

\llS. Ethel Kapel I. super· visor or th<' craft cl?nJfr, wo rked with the students , ' she adde(I. \trs. Stranahan snid the class also did a teachlni; rn , project nt the handicll(l sch ol under the direction or ~tlf.\S Nonn n Biggl ns and Mrs. E: lnln e wnchtl>r Thr proJ ,,ct ~ Included r akmtt Chri,;tme.s gifts. wrappines. cams. and teaching lhe Prang Color theory to the olde r rC'tar4•d • grou p. she said

This semester ' s work, Mrs. SlrnnahWl tiald, I s slllllted toward the hu:ne economb!s • need She said the em11hasls will be on an In hoone d rcoratlon--drapcries. sUp covers, furniture Myles-"ccythrn lf :o do with the horne.

Rev. Dorpat Is New ,

Religion Instructor

The Reverc:1d O, M, D rfn1,• Christ lhe King l.uthcran Chu r ch of Coeur d'All'n<• hos Joined the Cacu lty of NI.YC tas • a teacher of rell!!:lc II u· struction. His cl£.ss :,rid nt 11:10 TUesda,'S and Thurs· days

The Rr,·crend Dorpnt at· tended the Conconlla College in Portland, Ore6JOn, aller which he went to Mlsst.~n• and gradualt'd from the Con· cordia seminary

Three year,; ago, he CBm f! to• Coeur d'Alene, where he makes his home "1th his wl f e and h ,•e childrrn. four gi rl s and n boy. He Is pr'.si • denl of the Coeur d'Alene Ministerinl Associatl ,n , S<,1' us for Wedding Invitation,

N.IJ,C, REVIE"<. Cocv• d ' Alene, !doh~, Wed., Fel.tvo'I' 10, 196S New I nstructor
CIISTI* IIUlllil Off Str Ht Porlu ng on M•ll•r Ave TVfn WHt OI 1000 81~ on 4th rnmou CIIDOIS Aml!O ! . TII WINU •ho-1104 J,H
RS ROY A L RENT· SALES REPAIR O,-ohit1g & Typ•no S\lppHu INTERSTAT£ TTPEWAITER CO 4 7 Si.,,,...,., ,ho"• H II
• •' fTTR LOOK! You can cle an everything salel y In a IN IO IR :G 'E1 DRTCLEANER DrPepper FROSTY COLO DR.PEP P ER PIPING HOT

QUESTION: no !IOU believe


Lincoln-Douglas Debate Is Held

,tllo best wau to safeguard I.he peace lies in but/dine, more Sandra Nielsen, business and better u>capons or in The Cardinal Debaters are education major, was notified u,orld dz.~armamcnt• 1n the process or having an that she was the recipient of

JACOB ALAN WARE , Edu - lnterclub "Lincoln-Douglas" the first N!JC scholarship cation: Debate tournament. The awarded IO an education

"l reel peace can best be event Includes brackets ror major b:, the Zeta Chapter or obtained by coope ration or 8·10 ind! vidual debe.ters who the Delta K81)pa Gamma. >alt parties. More and bette r wi 11 match skill to help Delta K81>P8 Gamma is an in · weapons only serve as a detenmmo colleagues in the leroabonal lcacher•s honorary th reat to peace. Howeve r upeoming Idaho State Colle- socle1,y. Zeta Chapte r com· unti 1 all people CM coope: giate Speech Tournament in prises the fi·ve northern •ra~ each nation must keep Caldwell Feb. 19-20. Parli· counties or Idaho enough weapons to protect Ch>atingln the pre-trip tourney sandra is a graduate of themselves against Invasion.,. are Jim Brooks. Gary Dee · Post Falls lilgh School and l;ONI PAUL, Education: Sten, Phil Etickson, Bob was lnlbated into Delta Kap-


Mar ch Of The Cards

"It is di mcult for me to be Leighty, Tom Gilbert, Dave Pa Chapter or Phi Beta Kappa object! ve about war. ror to me Parsons. Prank Flo Rito, and ai NIJC spring She h seems such a futile altPmpt John Allen. Finals will be wUI receive her A A. degree Friday afternoon in speech from NIJC this spring and t~ settle differences. How- room 32 The Lincoln - plans to continue her educa- NIJC RI-- ri .,,e,te-« Jril ~<w• perfor'TI the Morch •.f rho Cordr." f.1;;nn9 t111,;1 NIJC- laoho Frosh noJ r, Jon. "'3· ever ldeailsllc It may seem, Douglas" :1tyle wUI pit one lion nt Eastern Washington I sincerely hope the da..r will indi\idual against nnother State College at Cheney. come when all nations wi 11

LARGEST PROFESSIONAL parlment about 4 lo 1. thP , wsUully dlsanm The atti- rather thnn two against two. "On the presidential coat GROUP IH COUNTRY Nntlonal Education Assocta· tudes against prejudice and Bob Leighty, club president of arms. lhe American eagle What is the largest profes · lion reports. bigotry must be founded In calls it the "moment of truth holds ln his right talon an s,ono.l group tn the United each individual home. Under- for every club debater, thus oUve branch, while In his States? Teachers In public someone says the moon must ,sanding ls an lmportMt more readily Identifying the left he holds a bundle of and private schools and In be made o f wondl'rrul stuff key. power o f the individuals and arrows. we intend to ,;in• colleges and universities ho ld It not onls pulls the ocean pointing the w•v lo st 0 rong e~ al tt ti bo h th t ti 1 b k d r rth tld

EARL c. JORGENSON, En· "" -.u a en on to t " a t e. They total more ac · an o to cause es. glneering: combinations ror the upcoming - John F Kennedy, State or than 2 , 000 000 and outnumber but also it often soops cars tournament... u i 96 h along side roads , World <Usarmam enl is a ---iiiiiiii~

very idealistic situation In· comp rehensible because there !:; no \I ay of assuring t otal 'c<fuperation, particula rly by the Communist con trolled coon tries Indeed lt Is a nsi,ble thought , bul in order to 'lnsurl! our welfare, mote and better weapons are essential."

ELLEN KELLEY, B,A ,: , li'The key to obtalnlng pence In the world today lies in trusL Disarmament would require a complete trust and • rei;pect on the pa rt o ! all nations toward each other The fact thal this trust hns beeo violated within the past • y.> makes me wonder If peace can e,•er be accom· plished on reasonable terms."


The foods class has started 111 , .,eal planning and sen•ing units :,tudy , according to Mrs. Florence Stmnahan, tn· structor. This study she oSa'td, wi II include the plan· nlng, preparing, and serving of a meal by students LO the c lnss and guests.

• hTrs Stranahan said lhat during the course of the studY each student w!II have the opportunity to serve 'Ii guest either breakfast, luncheon or dinner. One o r lhe purposes of the class, Shi :,ald, is lo leach the I •students thP proper eUQuette required in invltlnl( and se rv· lni: guests.

• lt lhe past the foods class has ent<>rtalned the student board of control, the cla:;s omcern, the col1<'1te board , .th ~ domti tory board. the fiE\'IEW editors, and the faculty, Mrs. Stranahan added.

• t::,m ' l despair Llfe is full of bright spots. Lids or beer can,; are very shiny in the summer sun

Sophomores •••

Here'swhat the new 2-vear Army ROTC program means to you

A new Reserve Officer T raining Corps program permits selected college sophomores to be commissioned as Anny Second Lieutenants in two years. You can do this b y :

1. Completing a specia l 6-week summer camp between you r sophomore and junior years.

2. Completing the 2-year Advanced Course at any school offering the ROTC program.

What are the benefits of Army ROTC training?

• Management training for success in civilian or military life.

• $40 pei- month pay while attending the Advanced Course, plus uniforms; pay and paid tl'avel for summer camps.

• Eligibility for free flight instruction at selected schoo ls leading to a private pilot's license.

• A commission as an Army officei·, with au of its accompanying benefits, including higher in come, greater opportunity for advancement and officer status.

• The personal satisfaction that comes from knowing you're trained to assu me leadership 1 esponsibilities.

These benefits will put you a step ahead of other college graduates and will pay off for the rest of your life. You owe it to yourself to investigate these new opportunities

I! you arc plonning to transfer to • 4-ycar college this {nil, il is to your own interest to get in!ormntion as soon as possible on the new Z-yenr ROTC program. Simply complete nnd send the coupon below

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-----------------------------, ~;t~;,.~~~! w~~!~Now Yo,k 11591 ® ! GonHornon: PleaH ,end nil! tnlormalion an lrle 2·)'tor Atmv I ROTC pro,g,,e.m. t unde,stand thot the,o 1$ ob!JgJt1on. · • I tra'N!'-I I I I c.... ___ I I Adc!r~u•- - - - -t;, _________..,,.,____ VI 1,,i,11, '° ~c·~,~~· I _____________________________ J


B K tf')' Jellrl~ urot,nd~ ><" Do, ho~ po s , .., ,,.. .JO, s t'><H 5prong ,s on 1tc way . fv1donce of c-pnng'r (. 11\g '. P soon be presenred ,+- r · fl "or< , • Ii Ir!• on a ""9 t~e roods bagon to bloo, , wht• 100 ·r ,. pu• on 1oolr ll<Jrments of gr,Jen, ond b,rd rc,1urn 10 , "9 ,m:l a, 1 campus lown Coed, ci.:ro\< !ho n:ry'$ c,:imp, , ,, "' II ,oon feel the do , 10 es ope 1he c lassr.x,,11 hl <t.'ok osy • m on o lonely be<1ch •o ge: o hood storl or o "" m r 100. No Judgo would <"-:,fWOCt C g rl on •/-.e C o,g d not "II SCho orly of he COUid ht:1 on •he bc-ocf prest:nll.,g 'lcr osc 10 11-o pebbles and ti(~>;

F,shn&t ,~ku ,;, - ,,s~ or- st,:md ,n 1vmpsu,·s mode to be wo,r, over f, line· ~avered rwo piece ow1msu11s Des,qner, h 1vo .r/so replaced ,.ho ,,ae c.f :w,msuirs wf1/, 1•shnet to 71 m 1 1h,nq wt an 1mpr1:soneei look.

"'" has oocornr, th •;,r witness •or :fo, defense p{ the wOMCn ,•,ho wi !, s to r m 1rf:!1 frcm th<l uccvsor,on that ho IS no' fam1r1tnc. 0"'9SS(.l# sJuck , p/oysv1·s, Ono even <1•11m~u, ·sore- bem<1 preseri·oo m v.hire lace rh,s seosor..

Srfk ch,1•,in orr o pecr•um cf color and a wave of {NOl1'1E · ,,, orrnrs 71vd n " free-Jo..r •o 11,e w¢man wno desires more. out ct o •al:ric •hori /US' a place ro h,de.

~'>:Jdros :are 9u,/1y r;,f rotvm,riq ,o the lo<h en scene ;,, wim,v,r • horL, blouses ond h000<.'!I po,-~~Co:rcn .,,.w hos mode 11,etl .,.,Jont '" ployclorhes frosted w, fh oye mlvmcery, oros~· eml.::10 ..:':..1red w, th domty

Sf:<1n9 Flo r an long , /,iev J smac:I< 10 be worn .on rhe boardw<ilk •r s1•1fl" u,ts.


The fosnionotl, foot uill s_!ep fornord Iris season In on ,rror. of sand~ls ra '"'J fr ., , ,cndols wllh turned up •oc• und 1nwclled choms to hold 11,em or,, 10 clog sandals o' t lO f "·EO$f.

The Joyrimo loo: "' II b borc<l at bc.t'l th<- heel ord toe ,n rod m heels and co f~kln.

To ,.s,oblish a scnStJ of PfO\'lO''°°" c f leo • obove-theknr.'f" si<ir1s. do~inner~ lo\ove given ~osn Ot'cble women bereta( .ed ,1 nes '"'" IMg ·opes which w •id up rhe leg and tie f 1~ t::.·1 .•. tt .n ?e.




tta,•e you noticed the Jack· ets on <lisp loY on the bulletin boatd outside the II brary? Book Jackets. that ls. Russell SOderllnR, II· brariun. said tile Jack~t. or new books, as well as 11 list of new books, will be 1>osted an the bulletin boartl as the books nre cataloged Md put on the shelves.

Mr Soderling said that 125 book8 from the Veeder Col· lection hnve boen caUlloged and are now on tht shelves. These books pertain to



Only Four Blocl, From Campu, OPEN 9,00 A. M TO S;JO P. M.


by Worr,•n AU..,, we. lhe soclet.v ol the iwentielh century, are not at all honest! we say we enjoy culturul recreanon, llUl do we really? I think we are forced to assume pseudo-traits In fear of non-con ConnllY. oo we w11nl to appear to be something we are not? We must onen Ile a bout things we really eQ)oy. Why Is It not Just as honorable to enjoy reading Mickey Spillane or Ian Fleming, for instance, ·as Boris Pasternak?

Whal Is lh1s thing called "culture"? ls It being smart on lhe outside llUt remaining the same on the Inside?

E:very person wears a front for others and octcn the lront is Quite transp11rent--which gives no end of enJoyment to other.i.

What is so great nbout being a high-brow? Only the Cl!O Is involved Every person gets a good reeling when he hear.; the ·•oohs" and "abs" he gels after throwing out a few platitudes 11ccornpanled with a number of lmpressl ve statistics. Thes don't realize lhey are Just making donkie,; of U1emselves.

mlnin g, Indian w nrs, and other aspects or Pacific ~orthw Ml history, be added


The '.':IJC a cappella choir Is plannlni. o tour. The tour has been a hOpe of the choir for some time, Mr Kelly. instrurtor :,aid.

P. A. Christianson. college president, has told Mr. Kelcy that he Is behind the choir 1n their plans. Mr. Christian · son wi 11 set the date. and the tour route will be decided by lhe chol r. Kelly said.

Mr- Kelly added that places to !;fng will be no problem as tho choir has been invited to sing many places since the Inst semester's trip to Mosco\\. Canada and Portland are but two or their lnvltaUons.

"Life has meaning only as one barters ii day by day for something other thwi Itself."

In case you want to Impress your hil!h-school-thtnung college friends , here are II few Ups I have heard. used, and round very eCD.cient. f'lnd out what the lecture ls in a class. look up the subJect In an enc~·clopedla nnd then argue wHb the instructor. Oil! gently search lhrou gb Bartlett's ~uotatlQns for some quotation rrom an authorlt.Y and casuall,v \et LL slip out in class. And tr sou 'r,1 late, a!ways come striding In nnd, before you take your seat, loudly ,;ay, Pardon my being lnte--slr" and go Into some plausl blc excuse

These wl II Impress wiyone who shouldn't be in college, onywas. as well as those who are asleep. But to an.v AntiHigh - Brow High-Brow F!Umbug!


During the February meeting or the Kooh•.nai count)' Medical Association, the local doclOrs decided to sponsor students taklng Ille med.icalsccretarilll course at NIJC, accoralng to Or. o. A. Oaughart)', president. or. Daughe rty and doctors E. R. w. Fox, \\11Uam Hawkins, II'! I· liam Wood, \\ilbur L.yons, w·nn Fredrikson, Poul Schrum. and oon Moseley plan to sponsor the .group. Mr. Clair T Bain or the Kootenai Councy Ht>alth Unit has J)articlpnted In this program Cor many years.

"Life ls not lost by d.Vlng! Life ls lost minute b;y minute, day by dm ggi ng day, In all lhe thousand, small uncaring ways." - Benet


Check and double check Paddle and Saddle's 75:i. Cotton, 252: Nylon stretch checks , smart black and white combina· • tion with comfort stretch in sizes 7/17 -8/18.

Pants $7.99

LETTEIIPIIESS PHOTO OFFSET Pwo "' c MOw.t.w • , 4 s 16 ,co N 4T" Su•ct, Cocuq o'A Lc ,.,.c. ta•to40 N.1 J C. REVIEW, C,ou, d'Al one, ldoho, 'lied., Fob<uory 10, 1965 Smith Outju mped Cor-d (r,l"ll<!t' a I, ~,ni f'l emd u oi I Fro~h CO"'"' Df(k Colbert ;19 for c.nror tump c~r,o, '"' rJ c, l•-NtJC gom• ployed Jan. 23 Cor quo,d Loa Gord"'>• (12) movns In to l,e/p our. Cords won 78~1. • • • • • • \\1, • u:: \:ii \:" • rt ' l\ .\ • .,,. ,.,........ •, •
• ANKENY'S I. X. L. TOGGERY • 3 11 Sho,men Ave • COEUR D"ALENE, IDAHO • Phone MOhaw\
flit( rA·~Ti

N,l,J ,C. DEVIE#, C


Crush Idaho Frosh With Press

T Can:! " , c ,blned rast·breulng offense "Ith a. lull-coun pre,s 10 crush the Unll·ers1t1· of ldaoo Vandol lolsh, 78: 61, The wtn placed the Can:ls al 10•6. U ot I frosh nows stand at 3-4. The Cards biokc Into an early ll rst hill r lend o\Cr tlw taller junior Vnndals, 18·12, Vern Beni;,,1,,n, Card lomard, teamed \\1th guard Les Garo· otr lo pace the home t.erur. Oan:lner stunned the Vandal d~l~nsc wllh u br11Uanl dis· play or long ~et 11hots Beni;• s ron was a standout under th,• basket for the Cards, scortn11 un U1>-lns an<S la<Slng slclo shots.

Tht> Cards lull-courl press 8 tni;i;<>red u,~ Vandal frosh as the Cards bollha\\ked the ball away lrom the 1islto1>1 nod buill a I O·polnt lead 111 halftime, 38·2S. The Van Jal' 6·3 RU a rd, Crnl g John8'1~, k<•1>t the frosh within di • tunce with tihurp oc1ts1de sb<><>tlnl(. Card !~rward Dick SChultz, pln)1nc "llh n still h"allng l:ruken hand, sided with counterpnrt Sieve Brlxcn to keep the Cruds (as H,r>'uk l\lllRII wilh sharp reboundinlJ, Brixen and Schultz scored well under the basket 11nd llum the side.

Tho Card• continued co faNI brl'ak nnd prc,ss the Vandut frllsh throulthout the 1<econd h:i.11, kttpln,: a I0110ln1lead. The cold \'and al fh.., began to trail ofl mld•WII) throui;h thr second half ns thl' hot-;slwotlnit Cards stretch· t'd their lead to 20 POlnts, 66·46. Vern Bcng..'<ll>n and Bob)) Brainard kept the com auacl. rolUni;.

The Cards Inst the ser,·1,,•s or top rebound"r, Steve Brhrn ·• Ith 8 minutC'S to plll.)', but the wln-buni:o Cards refused be ,s lol\ <'<I. The Vandal fro h's Dan Camey and Dick Co lbi,ri led lhr Crosb to with· n 17 points in the fad1nc .nutes of the game, but by that time Coach RollY \Ill· , had ~one 10 hi" bench ,1ren11th IA:> finish the cont<>st. eox sco1u;s

SIJC· Bill Smith 7, Bob Br.11natd 10. Ste,·c Bnlt'n 14. LI'S Gardner 10, Sian Obcrch 4, \like Carey 2, Vern Bent· ston 16. Dick Schul~ 13, llnll,1· Smnllets 2, L'OlF: 0DH' McCun•' 3. Oa\'e Dtllon 6. Rick 03) 6 Dan Camey 3. Kt>n 'IICSI 4, 1.1m:r Kaschmitter 7, cra11: Johnson 21. Dick Colbert Ill

The· rea;on so rmny hus· bands bu_v their wl\·es dlshwnsbers 1s that they'd rather bu)· ol'\e than b "ne


l 72'1 Sh"'"'o" AYcnuo

B owling Trophi e s

Gi ve n A t Dinn e r

Presentation or and Individual trophies hl&hlli;hte<I the NIJC tntramu1al Bo" Un,: Leagues Banquet held Jan. 24 at the Happy Hour Rc,sta~ranl. Pat Koufman, president of the Wcdncsd~· :,;tght league at Lnkc CIIY Lan11s, a\\ arded lhl' top team trophy to the "Poonlllnger,;." The \led· nesday LC keeler team Is composed or Jim F'rame. Pet£ Sheppl'rd, Gary Fren11cbrf, and Terry Fishe r. Th~ •· Poon· 1an11,eru" dominated thr lndl1idual uophy awards In their leal!IIO, as Gal\ Frensdor!

v.on th11 ht&h tame ond high a,·eragc awnrds and Pete Shepperd won the high ser1es plaqul'. Linda North won al I three !ndl\idual awards for the Glrts' Wednesdll)' :-idlt

• rs, Miss :o.orth received the hi i;h i:ame, high series, and hl~h B\'e!111tc presenla· tlom Thi \ll'lnesda.; Nlcht Covt> Bowl lracue was "on b:r the ll'hllc Bac lash ". 1bc team ,s compose:! or Ron G rl bble, l\'~nc Kies, Jcm· Gnr\'ey, and !:.rte Moore. League president Frank Hubof presided over the troph) presen· tauon Cor thl' lledntsda, :,;1 ,:ht Co\'e Leni;ue. Indi · ,,Jdual awards !or the league grunc "enl l<t Jack l::dwards for hlsh game and hli;h a\'er· a~e nnd Prank Hub1f v;on the high ser!c,s award. ~lary LOU Karrcr mude o. cJ C'M .swef'r> ol the Girls' Cove League trophic~.

The ":,;'o sandbaggers We" team or Bob Whreler, Al Da,idson, Da\ld St<tne, and Rich Tntterson v;on the team trophy for the Thurll<lny l<lghl cu, e Bo"I Leas:,ie. League president Frank Pio Rito pre· senlcd the tropb1es. lndi,i· dual awards went to Roger Beck f,,r hi i;h ~a111!•, ht gh sert"" , nnd a ti" between ~tr. Bock and Fmnk Pio Rlto produced n double presenta· uon of the bi i:~ i;nme t ropby. Ch<·n I Deshon u•cel\·ed al I thrc• trophiPS f,n hl1th game, seri<".s nnd avera,w for the Girls' Thursd3\ Ni ·hi C,.,., League.

The banquet "as allended by couples. \Uss Kaths llilson pro,·ided on1t•ria1nmeni for the pvunini;. Mr. and Mrs. ',larren Kt'auni: and Mr. and ~Ir». Dale Tnlten ottcnded as chaperone,;, reported Frank Pio Rlto.

In 19-19, Poul Arizln, grent Villunnrn bask,•tbull star, sank 85 points In a game a~nlnst Phlladelphln :,;AMC, Arizin la\Ued 35 field goals and 15 r, lll shot,.


vr>-ryr"J,n ._ok<.·!i.1<ki

Blue Mountain Victim No . 12

The cards < ,1,y sU 111..-d b_v the Siu e Mountain Commun! lY College , 7!>-66, 11nd slrr1ch1•d their won•lost record to 12·7.

The Cards Jumped 10 nn early lead o.nd held a 131)01nt margin al the half, 43·30. Card forward Stove Brhcn was a !illindout under the buskel for the 1ru, lln& Cardinals, picking up 16 points. The Cards' balanced 11111 ck krpt the home teurn fo,m .,,er thrl'atenlng the lend. und mid-way throui:h the second half. the Curds were 11ub· •11 tullni: trnob. A II of tho Cards SB\\ action ,n the con· test. Blue Mounllun ' s , John llnrn· son, 6 1 furwuril , led lh<' Blue attack "1th sharp outside shootlni:. and tall! '!d 21 points tor Ill losers.

The gamll "as fast and f<ul.i frectu~nl. The curdK plckro up u totnl of 31 pe r · sonal fouls to Blue's 20. :,;e,.1 11·eC'kend, Ille Ctuds •ill be n1 or.,e ' a two ,rune weekend a~ains ,:11cE and llhltworlh .J. V 's Th<• Cnrds will thrn finish the season wilt. thre, IIW!ll game,,.


NIJC; Bill Sn,ttb 7, S!1•\' ar1,en l(l, v,·m Beni:stun 12, Stan obergh 10, Dick Schuliz II, Bob Brulnar I 5. J111 Joe l'.l, Le" Gardner 6. Ron Bo,·e1 2, BLUE MOl l'/\11': D11vld

I, Hiske~· l, Mol3tr,1m I:!, llarnson 21, Baird 13, Enck· son 8, Hubbell i, Sheer coll-,110 footbal I mad· ness came in 1900, That ,•ea r the \\Or11l beating •·VN ~urrered b) n college football t,•am was r<-con!ed whrn I" o small colleges recolded this score· Olcklmwn 227-lluct· ford

ln the 10&1 Summer OI.Ym· pies, the L'nlled States """ the most Gold !o'edals, but u.s.S.R """ the lll01't Gold, s, \'er and Br.,nzt rn t,, :al.


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/\ve. ,. 1 r i'A n , I ~,..h", GROCERY 7:00 A.'1. •,I ··"ii \ M. Ci.FE CHARLIE BROWN'S Our , c ' ' Pressure Fned Chicktn IO Minut,• Maximum Cooking "IT 'S FINGfR LI ,11 ,G GOW " call 1n orders - Ptck th~in •P 1nutes later STEAKS PRAWHS • SA HOW ICHES

Ski Club Enters

Tournament At

Schweitzer Basin

F'n r t h <' hrs t time , the NI.IC Ski Club i II be represt>nted

In II compNili on A! Sch welt· ZN Basin , F eb. 25, 26 , and 2 7, l h<lY will enter open slalm11 and do,rnhlll rompetltions

On F'ridny and Saturdav, the open s l alom races will be run ilownhiU Th is will also be "rrazy day " --no v ell, races t>pen to 1111Y member ol parti'cltuUni: schools Student tdrntrncutton Is th,• only requiremen t. T he fi nals will be he Id SUnda i-.

\Ir. Richa rd ChamJ)Oux , club

J1<l1·lser, will coach i!lld Jud~~ th slalom ·~i th the assis • tnnc I! ol Mr Russell SOdvr·


Jee sculptlnt<, skuunt;, a llDncak~ b r eakfas t, and many Uier ucliville$ will high· light the holiday for the 500 ,;tuderit.~ from l he nine col· leges represented , Fnda, ntgh t will fcature a !lownhlll to rchlight parade and 11 chili !P,•d- 50 cents. Satarrlay momin11 the re will be a i:nrndt> downtown , starnng 11 <111een who 1s to be seh-cted. Two ,tunces Satu rda.v nll()il-

\IIILSOH PHARMACY F ,,.,,,,.,, tore "'

Sports Editor

Seeks W rite rs

The Cnrd,nal Revtew sports and Edlrorial stall Is in· ternslc'<I In recl'ivln11 appllca· lion, from freshman male s1t1dents fur the Revie·• sports desk tor the fal I tenn ot 1965, 1n1eres1,,d students are ad· , ised to contact Editor Lor· alne Drees or Spoth, Editor Russ Joki as soon n~ possi b i e The paper ataff would pr.,re r applicants with preVlOus sports writing exrwr!ence, but thl s I!, not a nece!i!ilt.v.

Tho, R"vle" Stafl must re· C<'I ve applications no later than Feb J 6, The chosen candidate will assume limited ij(lorts II rltinR aRsl immenti.

!or the remnlndN oJ the ,veor.

lnteested students are in· ,ited to visit the Jnumal1sm class on <>I Thurs· days In room 23 al I ~5. une in Sandpnint, one '•on lhe hlll "-11ill provldr! e\'t>· nintt entertainment.

80>·11 representing lhe school Ot SdlwellZN In F'ri· day and Saturda.Y races ure Don ll'ar;:l , J<thn Cooper, Sheldon Vlk, Bob Wngn••r, Dule $Coll, Ra, Chatfield, and John :.iontandon

• ' Any or you ,.,ho are 8\'ailoble, come on up and C'ht•rr your Lea.m on , •• Mr. Champoux ln\.'ltt'<I.

OH~ wag says. ''R-..ckon indoor sports are all nghtas loni; as they l;<J home ul a reasonable hour!"

! ye Ir,, I ti<? BALL &QUE ,41, ,man A entJ Join • , J( oqun


Firs t Ski

Club Trip Will Be To Banff In Canada

Th first ski Lrip for the school will be n ~real one, Mr Richard Chnmpoux, Ski Club ad,iser. promises, The club decldt'<I at the meellnc F'eb. 1 thot they would go to Ban!t In Clitlada.

lt ls planned lhnt Ulry will leave "hen everyone Is read) , Thursda.,. ,\pnl 15 nnrt be back Monda,y, APril I 9. by evenJng. The dn.vs the) ,,Ill be gone ure all lei;al schoo I holidays so no absences wlll be counted.

The cost c,f the triJl, Chant poux pointed out, 'l,; ndeal." Round tnp \\ill be S6 per pNaon anrl transportation wlli be lhe school buH. He estimated that the total co~t. with skiing ever;, de;,, \\Ill be about $26 each.

lie said there will be nc· commodatlotts for 0 &lu• dents, who wi 11 be chosen on a "tlrsl romc nr,t sernid" basis. Hawenr, he added, "No lounge bums \\Ill be al lo\\ ed." Skiers and thost> \\ho ore lenmlni; are welcome. Instruction will be provldtod, he sold, but all II ho go must go to ski or to ll'nm.

He ,aid re,iervations \\Ill be mrule for all oJJld all \\ill sta, tol!,ether. A t11ble will be set up In the hall nrr•a or the Student l"nlon ~> • I !!fl up students for the tnp uD th,• Wednesday and Frida,· be! ,re tbe trip, until the qn ta or -10 1s filled. He also :mid skis mos be rented and room will be pru,1ded on Lhe bu:, for tho,-e brlni;iug their own.

The club ls negulJuLini; for runs :md a 1,kJ Jill and thesl' will be avlll lable, he added.

Entrrtainmc,1 couldn't be bPtter with lh" Conadln1 colle{liale sklln~ competition bcini: held !her<• that weekend, ~lr. Champoux swd, and ndded that he bl'lle1·ed st11· dents g I ug on this tnr 1,ould han, a rare 01,portunilv to have a lllnf\·clous ,., eek end.

One can't 11lw11ys Judge b.v ~lze. Some limn, even a woman's thumb ha~ n man undPr it.

Cardinals Split With MSU Cubs; Margin Each Time Was One Point

The Cardinals split u two· game serle!l wltl': the MJnLBnn State Unh·crsitJ Cub.~ Tan. 29-30, nn lhe Ml'-~nula based hoops!Mll hon.!' court. wrnnlng the Clrsl contest. i2·71, and dro111"4n1t the rel~m mntch. iO-fl.

tn the first i:umi::. lhc Cards m~lntaincrl a »Um lead thr u ~,out the fl r..t half ot pl.l-1 on hnrp ouuude shool· ini; b.1 i:unrd D1 ck $cllu ltz w1d f.Jrword Vern Beni:,;ton. The cnrd lend s,-.tched fo,m one to two Poln~~. renchini; a p~k of thrcr mld·wa.\' tlir ugh the holf, 20•17, Coro fon,Brd ste1 e Brixen carried the ,1sitor. to a hnlf umc lead o! 33·32 with brllllu.nt rl"' bounding. Bnxen pulled le 22 rehc,unds t r the Canis.

Th<' CubS' Nonn Clark ond Duve Carpenter k cnt the \ISi., 1msh within one Point or thP Cards In n ta"l second Ital!. Card CPnter Bill Smith cnrnl~ the Cud offPnsh•e nttn,k, sen nni: on shc,rt Jump· shots nnd ins1dP shooting. Mld-wny throu(:h Ille hnlf, the Cards held n 50•'8 marf:ln, but 1.11~ Cubs tt,ok control at 55·5.\. It 11ns Ste,·e Bnxcn·s rebmnding and sronni; under the oonnls I hat rom tined with Srl'itt-'s nUIICk to put the Caras back In lite lead at 69~7. The Card hung n tc t.altc thr nr~t game, i2·il.


N!JC• Bill S!!llth 13, Ste,·e Bruen 11 , Sl30 ObN!lh 6, Jlm Jo£• 2, Dick S<-hnltz 16, Bob Brwnord 5, Lei, Gardner i. \'en Berg,tun 12.

\\SU: Norn, Clark 17, John Van lleurelen I'.!, Gordie Zill· .ncs 12, t er Leuknech 12, Jim Searle 5, oave carpenter 13.

Norm Clark Cub guard, led the home team frosh to a thrilling 70·71 ~ltU>r.,· 01•er

Am/ar,c 'Ind Huntmo E~utpr'on• THE LIGHTHOUSE


305 S"htr-M•n Av•. MOliewk ~721

the cards In night of nction as lh c wauket!, WI,,. ace ta.ill ~ pCllnts. The MSU fro h uo Ued o 2"!>oinl lead th slrelehed "' f11•c at ha: f d 39·3-I

Cord forv. ard V rn B€:J ston matched Cla r k' JIJ half ,;coring spree <.I 11 \d 14 of his own, but th~ C balan~l'd attack held Canls olf. Card I , Steve Bnxen again 11n game standout on rcb ndi ctn,mlng 17 missed s hot the Ca rds.

The Cams cnujthl t11 l111e iu the sPcond hill! the combined 01tack of J1 Jue and Bill SmlU1, 6 f The Cards fought th fmnt 111 64-62 wlth less I tour minutes remarnlntt. 'T Canls continued t h,i l r Lh lend until 1:20, but the C'u scoring nee Norm C l n tl< r fused to be stopped C l went into n sconug duel , , t the Cards nnd put Uic f ro bnck In the lead 7 1·70, wl nine seconds left 'I h few seconds of th<' I. were tic k ed on wlttruut et llt itettinR possessi•Jn of boll , leaving: lhe ~lSU tro thP victo r s , 71 70 , ""


:,;1JC: Bi ll Smith 13, st , Brixen 10 , Stan Qb(>ri;t, • Jlrnm;v J oe 18, Dick SChul ' z Vern Bengston 16. l,C$ Oanl ner 2

MSU: Norm Clark 33 , J oh Van Heu relen 5 Go r die Zl l gcs 2 Lee Leuknech 8, Ji sen rll'S 1. oa ,·e carptn t c r 1 Nute coeJde;v 5 Gr eg H f


On :S.'<>vernber :N l <H9. Symcu,..e :-;aUunals defea t the Ander:;on Athletic ' 126-122 utter th<> l?lllll• '1e (!One through t ll"h time


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