, .icaRbtnal Review Volume 37, Namber 9
Friday, Marth 4, 1983
un<lown in the C' ity The llg hc s of Coe ur d 'A l ene ~hlo c brlghd) in che early CH olng as th l\
vlrw from chc top of Tubbs 11111 s ho ..i..
Can the college computer code he cracked? by Cralg Johnson In April l>f 1980. tccn-ngen ,n n Ne" York preparatory school u, cd o do~~ room «1mputcr to rummage th rou~h the da~~ificd dnt a bonk~ of 21 Cona· d la n co mp n111C\. On t hnt OClihlOn noth inE( wo~ s tolen. but nn ltonnll y, lo" es from <vmputcr cnmc rnngc en the b111lo11~ annuallv. Could Mudc nb lnflllnitt' the sccurlt) ,y,1e m of th e NI C comp uter 11.nd chnngc tlte1r grade, . gr:i n1 pho n1 , choh1r~h tp~ or ha1·e the b u,lnc,~ deportment wn1c them n chcd,! ·· 1 ~no,, 1ha1 there arc :1 lo t of students who thinl 1hc1 ran , but l '") 1hc} c:in' I, •• NIC' Director of Compu ter Scl"·lre, Ray M1er5 ~aid. "Thl· po~, ibllity of , omcone compron11~tng ou r ~ccunt) t\ cxtrcrnell rcmo1c." Th e comput er . 11 n Hf' JOOO, is rurrcntl) 1:>eing used bv studenb en C<lmputer ~~1Cn\'c rou" es :1nd b, IC ~IOff "ho U~l' II for ad mint~tfOttlC p_urpo~c~·-anvth1ng from , 1oring financial atd record, lo rontputing pa) roll chcd .~. ~ cau~c b,.'t h ac1tv1ttc~ arc earned
out on the !>II.me camputer. 1hcre is 1he chan('(' 1ha1 :.tuden1 s could crack todcs Jnd p3,:," onh which would g11e 1hcm Q(tt'>I, IU higher lc!H:l atc\>UOI:, lhan 1hc:1r o"n For c umpl e 1( a ,t udcnl could log on o ws1em ma111ager', account. wh ic h b l'-·h er'\ accou nt lnel, he " ould have ·unhm1tcd 11ccess to &n\· 1h1og Mored tn 1hr rompu1cr·~ files." Thal " IIS a fear tha1 II-hers 11nd 1hc NIC Bo11rd of Tru~1ce:, , harcd \.he~ ,a,d " I \\ Ould be ronc-emcd 1f \\ C \\ ere no11akmg 1he :.1ep:, that " e art' no" ." he !>3td, indicaung 1h a1 the computer center LS going ll• 1ns1:ul a ~ nd c,,mputcr in M a) for bus1ne:,:, use onh With t\\ ll ..eparltc :>)Stem, . there " uuld be no p,h:,tbilit) for a :,tuden1 10 &l't l C'\". C:,:, 10 cl.i.!»ified mformatcon or romm11 :i 1hefl. he ~:i.,d.
studcnl per vear • ho h.as the abil~ to break dov.n the computer', SttUrity SHtcm:· Cums :-c\~,;.,n, ;in -;1 c l~SITUCIOf said. 'Thi" \t'V, I UlO" "f no onc "ho h:15 1h11 abtlu~ ; • " If <.ameonc dtd i:et llllO iOmt'thing 1ha1 1hc, shouldn' t ... :-. elson said , "1he) (computn ~ices) •oold mod· tf\ !he SHICT:l loO that II could De.I hippcn aga111. •· App.ucnth . th s luppened 1n lhe C3~ of S."OU Kurm,.sl.i. W SOD of~
Coeur d'Alene High School electronics and ph)•sic:s teacher. Last year, a high school student 'l<TOte a computer program that generated m mlinite number of cigh1-lctter code~ lha1 must be punched into the computer tenmnal 10 gain access 10 the compu ter. Allegedly. the progrnm then checked lhe passwords against valid ones recorded in the compu te r filo
ronuoued on page 16
('--_ _ in_s_i_ d_e_t_h_e_c_r_ _
Sewllor gh es Broiu cheer to cbeerleaden ........ .. ...... . . ....... . ... . page 2 Rl'\ IC'"C'r l'1l,es, ri.'Nlmmends "Gudhl" •.•••••• . .••.•..• ... . . ..• ..... . pa.ge 6
At lht' present um~ th1: th n.-;it :>'ttll e.i.ist,. ho"c' ,r :,mall.
CampU$ •lUldaJ.ism confined to dorm .... .. ... . . . ....... .. . . ..... .. . . .. page 8
" On the a, c ...ge, lhcn- b :about one
Angel goes from clu1nl.; to bunk .. . ........ . .. . ....••.• . . . • ...•• . . .... page 11
March.$, 1983/Cardinal Revlew-2-
ASNIC senator leads no cheers for cheerleaders Dear Editor: This is a letter of congratulations to the NIC cheerleaders. I know most r eade rs at this time are amaled at this statement. but have vou ever <,een am girl\ w1th such ;n ability to hold dov. n a g}·m floor :.o well? I ha\e not.
Our cheerleaders also deserve n compliment for their uniqueness. They arc so unp redictable in number and in ability to pick their nails or to "'hisper back and forth (1f an} of them are present at '1.11). I think that the games moq conflict "'1th 1he1. active social calendar,;.
[____o.!:.-p_in_io_n-=-p_a-=-g paul baier
The '80s college student: a pragmatic beer drinker For years college students have been analyzed. scrutinized. surveyed. searched. picked. probed. compared and contrasted. Heaven knows why people find us so fascinaung. but "'ho arc we to question a little infamy? Once again the current crop of college i.tudenti. ha:. been examined and compared 10 the radical generation of the s1xtie!> and the laid-back generation of the se,enue$. In n recent Parade magazine stol), another 3ttempt was made to figure out just what kind of animal the current·da} student h:is become. And do you kno,, what little phrase the} are using to describe th e present gene rat ion? They are calling us "pragmatic idealists.·· To me that sounds like something a mechanic would put in my car to stop it from burning oil, but what it boils down 10 is that they think we are smart and practical enough to realize that if we want jobs and a berter life. we ha\•e to \\Ork for it. That is not exactly an eanh·shanering insight. and some people may have reason to argue the point. bu1 who could argue with some of the other observations made in the article or the 1980s college student. I ccnainly couldn' t argue with the point that the 1980s college student may be the smanest ever to roam a campus. and I'm sure my fellow students would agree with me. After careful study. I also cou.ld not find any fault with the fact I.hat there now are S.S million women students compared to S million men. As a single male student. I did not find that faet alarming at all. Two other observations made that I cou.ldn't qu.ibble with were the fact that student morals have not suffered from coed living. and that many srudents are keeping "ilh that grand old tradition of beer drinking. Now I don't know if these two obsen·ations should be lumped together, but I'm willing to give it a try. One thing that did scare me was the trend that is taking today's college student 3\\3)' from the humanities aod into business and science. This ma y just be a personal prej udice though. considering that I still can't tell the difference between economics and ecosystems. I'm not saying th.at some of the points presented in this article could not be contended. but J tend to beUeve that the information was accurate. You see. the people questioned abou1 today's studeots were editors of college newspapers. And who nm 1 to question an editor's opinion.
Mo~t cheerleaders. the kind that othe r in-.1itutions ha,c. like to do cheers and get Oinatious ,, 1th the crowd. But not ours. The othe r I.and of cheerle:idcrs like to show off their thighs ,, hile doing cheer . In that rc~pe<-t. <1u r, followed suit. e,ccpt 1ha1 the~ managed to n,01d cheering b, ,,canng ~kirt~ that arc \·er, ~hon 10 bcgm. Other <'heerkadcr, arc inter· e,tcd m bcini1 chet'r le11dcrs thkc lcJding cl:ip~ "hl·n the \t'hool '>On~ 1, plaved) Not the IC' dicer· lc.1dcr,. fhl'\ dl'n't CH'. n change c,prt:.,,ion ,, 111:n a few amb11iou, l)Cl'ple clap on their o,, n. i-\~ ,1 matter of fan. J'"c .,ecn ,, h:m: l0t,J..\ thrown b, th<' cheerleade r, becau'>c the) ~1ght have to gel their bun,; off the blcachcr'-
lf thts \Ounds a little hor,;h, le t me g1,·e )OU ~ome facts: Fact I: " Plen,c don't make us cheer. there arc only two of u~
her<.' I." one cheerlcodcr said to the lC' pep band al lhc men'$ basketball gam<.' against C'WU. Fact 2: Thie; is a progres~ion mo\emcnt . The girls managed lo mo,c from hehmd the NIC wre,. tier, 111 1h c i\thlc 1c< in i\c11on m:11d1 to the bleacher, ,II the CWU m,111.'h t<1 thc C(lrner of the mn1s at 1hr PU ll\Oll' h No1 to ,1orry though , it tool. them three whole matchc, to nccompli,h th h. <;o I'm \Ure the) did n'1 , trnm anylhmg. l~nough ohout 1he t'heerlenders; cvc rv yc,1r they gel slammed but 11\11 unde,ervingly ~o. No,, ii'\ time for I he apolngic,;, I. O'> n ,cnntor for lhl' ASN IC, feel <;orrv for inflkllng tl1c,e girl<; upo n you. Ju,, lh:lnk heaven, 1h01 we weren't thorough e no ug h 10 mokc th e m 1rnvc ling one<;. Sincerely your\, Ohme White ASNI C' <;c nator
Letters to the editor utters to the editor arc welcomed by the Ca.rdlnal Review. Those who submll letters should ll mlt them to 300 words, s ign them leglbly and pro, Ide n telephone number n.nd address so that authenllclty can be
checked. Although mos t letters arc used, some may be returned because t.hey do not mecl the above req uirements or because they 11J are slmllar lo a nUJllber or letters already received on the same subject, 121advocate or atlack a reUgJon or denomination, 131 arc possibly libelous, 141contain "ord.s or phrases that some might conside r in poor taste, ISi are open le1ters (letters mu.!>l be ad dressed to and directed to lhe cdllorl, or 161 ace illegible. utters should be brought lo Room 2 in the Mechanical Arts Building or maUed to the Cardin.al Review In care of North Idaho College, IOOO W. Garden Ave., Coeur d' Alene, Idaho 838 14.
(___c_a_rd_in_al_r_e_vi_e_w___J The Cardinal Review Is pubUsbed semi -monthly by the PohUcallon1 Workshop class at North Idaho College. Members of the CR 1iafl' will sltl ve 10 present the news fairly, accu.nuly a.nd without prejudice. Opinions expressed on the editorial pages a.nd In various news a.nA.lyses do not necessarily rellect the views of the NIC admlnfstntJon or the ASNlC. The CR Is entered as third-class post.al material aJ Coeur d ' Alene, Idaho 83814. Associated Collegiate Press Five.Stat All-American Newspaper editor •............................................. . .... Paal Baler news editor .......•........ . . . .......... ···· ······ . Marcella associate editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ......... · , · · · · · · · · · Stan arts and entertainment ed.lU>-r •••••••••••••••••••••••••• , • .Jadde Appel sports editor . ........ ... .......... . ........ , , .. , · , · · • · Brace M~ photography editor . . .....•.. . . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·······. Saa: I advertising manager ............. ,,,··· ···· .. ··· .... · ... cartoonlst .................•.....•..... .. ............ PUartm ad viser . ........ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ' · · · 0 aaJe Amoa reporters and pbotog.rapber1 .... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • · · · · · G ' Bany Baker, Pam Cann.Ingham, Cart DaPais, Basil Franz, Wlllwn u,t, Craig Johnloa, Ric Kut, Gregory Moreland, Dawa Marpby, Marlla Pia.ct, Wanda Stephens. Will) Weech and Marti Wheeler.
Che'Jim 'i ·
March 4, 1983/ Cardinal Re\'lew-3-
- - - - - - ~ (___m_o_r_e_o-=--p_in_io_n_J Reagan environmental picks dirtying the air h's amazing how fast the agency in charge of keeping America clean and green can clean up itS own house while corporaie America continues 10 get by with sweeping their din under the legendary rug. The nation's drinking wa1er supply lies in serious danger. our forests arc being sprayed with wanime chemicals and disasters such as the Mis-souri dioxin fiasco occur all 100 frequently. bui 1he officials in charge of the Enviromental Protection Agency are lunching, covering op and shredding documents shoulder-to-shoulder with some of the biggest offenders of the laws that the agency are supposedly upholding. So they do what any self-respecting besmirched bureaucracy would do; they quickly do !iOme interior housekeeping.
~usr 1Ht: MAN W!&t 100K,JN
In ordinary circumstances this would probably be proper. but when one of the sacrificial lambs (Inspector General Mathew Novick) is one that was trying 10 expose the waste that was going on in the agency, one has 10 wonder. It really shouldn't be that surprising. _The Am~rican (>Ublk was continuously warned that Ronald Reagan was a fnend of big business and the enviromentalist's adversary. His appointments of James Wan and Ann Gorsuch should erase anv doubts. especiall) after his firm suppon of the two perpern11ors through their many battles with Congress. . Face it Ron, you're not fooling anyone as you. in your sheepskin ranch Jacket and cowboy boots. smile "no comment" 10 the TV camerns. as you prepare 10 Oy off into the sunset to your linle spread in California. Hopefully he won't fool everyone again when the 1984 elections roll around.
(___n_ew_s_c_o_n_n_e_c_ti_o_n_s__J Voter apathy continued Another NIC prc<.idential election has quickly faded into history and onl y a paltry 10 percent of the eligible voters turned OUl. This II as probabl~ bec:iuse of rhe foe1 1ha1 the election was held on Thursda). 1\ hu::h ts one of two ligh1 academic days on campus. The rauonale behind the dedsion 10 hold the elee1ion on this day was that former Vice President Carol~ n Pfister's schedule did not give her the time to conduct the election on an) <>lher day. It 1,ould seem that if the election committee is concerned nbout the election or AS7'1C ~ highest officer. this technicality could have and will be corrected in the future .
What thou givest thou may receive in return Jin!> anyone had o btnhdav attack lately? Well. ir you're anything like me. you ha1e had a sene\ of minor ca<;ualty Mrok\!~. What usuull) happens to me is a common <;tory. Ai least four month!> pa:.:, without n single birthday ju mpmg in to surprise me Theo whammol h seems like e1ery reln1hc I have, plus a fe1, 12th cou~ins and all of the dbtnnt fnend:. I haven't heard from in age:, arc writing or t·alling to remrnd me of their upcoming birthdays. Isn't it funny ho11 people.' always expect a present from you? Around thb 1ime I nm u uallv struck dumbfounded. What do I give the m without putting an t;nme ndable hole in m} wallet? As a solutJoo t.o thl baffilng problem. I ha,·e thorough!) researched technique:, 111 cheap g1ft-giving, and ha,·e come up with ideas for presents which II ill not only :,ho1, the wre1ched birthday pen.on that you at lensl remembered his binhdnv, but will 11lso save you a few dollars in the procci.s. • I have always 11 ondcrcd whn1 10 gave to my grandfather for his " _up·in-the.ycars" binhdny. and I ha, e come up 1,ith :i grc:it g1f1--on air humidifier, which can pro, 1de years of beneficial s~rvice. Well, nt least II has :ilw:iys worked well 10 cle:ir my s~n~ses. Maybe then the next time old gr.imps comes over for 3 visit, he "'on't spit his usu:il wad in my bathroom sink. Sin~ 11,rann) ~sually Is constantl y complaining or constipation every tame she VISllS, 1 thought a bottle of prune juice and some ~x·lax would be a nice prest'nt . Oh, yes--1 also threw in a lemon air freshener for just a little something erua.
marcella sanchez \ly little sister's binhd:i} \\.aS just last week. I gave her somelhing that she could reall, use--some hand-me-downs. I figured she couJd pot my old cross-your-heart bra to good use. I g:l\e rn} linle brother a form of a straight Jacket (an old girdle) 10 play with and some masking t:ipe to use however he wii.hcs of course. and my mother. a vase fall of Dowers from her tulip sarden. Now ,i·bat do I g:ln! to a friend who I haven'r seen or he3rd from in r\\O years since the last time she gave me a shoe box full of trial-size roothpasces. shampoos a nd conditioners. fo r my binhd:iy? Simple. I just gave her some of my special homemade rock cookies in the same shoe box. And I was sure 10 let chem age a couple of ueets before giving them 10 her, which added a more personal touch. These arc just a few helpful ideas of what rype of gifts you can give for all of those upcoming binhdays. Thnt is. of course, if you really don't care what you receive for your binbday.
March 4. 1983 Cardinal Re, lcw-4-
For fi.-rrn l 198,1
Evans' veto stops cuts by RkKast Th.in\., 10 °f.!O\ John bJn, hnc ,eto J.:uon on ihe ron1ro,ers1al Omni· bu, Bill 'IIIC \\Ill lin1,h lh.:JI ,e:ir IQ<\~ \\1thou1 3Dy further budget cut, ,h,ordm1: 10 '<IC Prc,1dcn1 Barn S.:hulcr Schuler ,J1d that "h1k the Repubh· nn·,"<'"'"'lkd Hou,c ,01ed m t.i~or ,,1 '" crr1dm2 the go, crnor , line , cto 3c11,,n. the Sen.lie lach the necc,~.in ,01~, 1,, do the- ,Jme Rcpublll'll.n<. cWm II \\,1' 1llc!!.1l for l,," E, ""' 1,• ,,·h1 ,,nl, part ,,t 1h,·1r buJ,:1.'t-b.11.m,mi; pMl,1111: anJ IN\C." the rc,1 :i., is . Th,• Dcm,xr.itt, !!•"•·rn,•r .1ppnl\ed p.ut, <>f H,•IU>c Bill IJO. hut H"t,,._.d thr ,pcnJmi: ,ut, C1•n1,•ndini: thC' ,,hu,,1,. ll~•·nc1,·, .ind uru, h,1, c hc,:n ,u n,,u.:h Jln:Jd\ St.ti< \th,rnl'\ Gcn,·r,11 ltm J,,n,·, ,.11d hat ht bcltcH', 1 , an, ,w.·r • ,tcpp,·d hi\ c~m,mutt\lnjl ,1u1horll\ "'hl'n he ,c1,-cJ p<1n11,n,ut the hill. tint ~t the ,.:amt" llm\.". hl· ,.ml th.ii tht're I\ al-.o 'iilml" ljUl.'\th,n :11:>uu1 1hc c,,n,11111 1,on.:alm of the cn11r, Hou,, hill Jonr, \:J1J ~t a murn1ng nl.'w, l'Unkrcnc..- th.it tht go, crnor 11ppar cnth Jbu..cJ h1, line-,cto power ,m 1hrr·c of th<' tour ,ccuon, he ,heed out of the omnihu, bill The ltnC"·ltcm ,cto of ,ecuun, of the omnibus bill orderm11 the ,1:11c Board 01 Eum1nc~ 10 impose 3 1.S percent acro:.~·thl'·bc•ard ,pendi ng rcdocunn. dedonng leg1,131u rc mtent for budget cuts and putung a cap on funding tr:in~fcr, from certain school fund, apparentl>· "'erc improper. Jone, ,Jid Bu, the veto of a S7. 7 mt Ilion reduction 1n state appropriations 10 public school, pa~!>C\ con,111u1ion31 langu.:age. Jt:cordm1e 10 Jones. Jones ~aid th:11 E, ans can use h1\ line-item v,:10 to cancel only · d,sund mone> items·· --not general lcgi,loture acuons in thl.' area uf appropriauon~ Arter E,a ns ' ltnc-item veto. the ft'atures of the bill rh:u go m10 effect March I are the sales 1:u and an
B:tsll Fninz photo
On di.~ pla~ Sophomore Ric~ Buc~ham Md ;\larlll Johnson pardtipate iD lhe l?-bour \lusculu D)>lropb) Dllllec ~loruthon Feb. 26 in Pen, Chrullan~n G~mna.slum.
Brewer to represent NIC The ASNIC Student Bo:ird ,oted 1,, ~pend Sti00 :it its l\13rch I meeting 10 )Cnd form<;'r AS'-:IC Prc)1dent Jim 8n?\\Cr t(l \\ 3)hington D.C to Jttcnd Student Acuon Lubb, DJ, on \!J rch - . ;\ ccording 10 fomter ,\cc Prcsid.:nt C:imlyn Plhtcr Brc,,cr \\J, the logical choice ,inre h~ h3, been 111, oh ed "1th NI C's lin:incill dc:1ling~ throui;hout the p,ht , t·:ir The bo,1rd .il'>O , Ned to )end St-n Gino \\'h11<: :ind ., ,111dc:nt t,, be n.imcd 13t<.'r to Boi~e tor " pubhc cdu,·auon r31l). Dean Bcnncu. ,oordinat,•~ (Ir stu· dent :1e11,11i~. no1ilied 1hc: bo3rd 1h31 he "ill ~pend >!$0 out of the Sl.:-.000 3!re3d, 31loc31ed tor the Sub\\ J\ G.1mc Room .for 3 ,3Sh ~1?1>tcr . The bo3rd appro,ed 3 request b) th e ln1ern.1t1on.il Studcnt~ Club l<>r S200 1,, be U\l.'d for 3 dinner th:11 the dub ,,ill be holdinl! The mone, " ill be llltcn ou t or unbudgctl'd funds. A rcque~t b)· Pfister" 3S :1lw ag~d 10 by the board th:11 the equl\ alcnt of one semester"s pa, be g1n~n 10 Ins
Lrlh. "ho h:is dom11ed much <>f her nm~ 10 do , ar,ou~ fu nnion~ for the bo;ird In other JCUOn the board: --oific1:1lh accepted the Feb. 24 election results. thus making Lee Cole the AS, IC Pre)iden1 .ind Barb3rJ Ki11milkr tht' \Ice president --heard a repon that the ~ID d:ince r.iiscd S-l.:!- . --~~rc.:d 11.1 draft ll letter tn ,;end to the ;cpre)cntatin:, l•i ROTC tn re• gard, h> the <'flit,: th~ no" oc,-up) . The bo.ird i., 1nterc,1t:d in u~ing 1hc oflkc:· so 1h:11 all :.e~tor~ \\Ill hau• 3 pllcc to "c,rl,. --.. ppru, cd the ~:ilt- of raffle ucl..t'H for the ~tdc of beef 1h.i1 the board "111 be ra.ft1in g off --1001. S-100 out of the contingcnC'\ fund 10 pa, off the d..-b1 from sending Chn~,, D:i,1d, 10 Tat\\Jn to compete in an 1n1erna11onal track meet. --he3rd 3 ri:quest from :"/JC student An Conlee that furure elections no1 be held on Tucsd:in or Tho.Mil) s. "hich .1rc l1gh1 ac:idemic da~·s.
i,~u.inct' "r ,1.11c tni -.intic,patmn nmcs lt'tahn1: s.,o t<> S40 million LC[l~latl\ e lc;;d,·r, have indicated that thC' Stall' Supreme Coun " Ould he .i,l.ed to rul e on the l1111it~ 11f .1 go, Crnllr', , ctu (>O\H'r H11uwSpc11lcr h1m '\11,er,, R-Twm !'all,. ,.11d 1h.11 he woul,I confer "Ith the ,1.11c otlilmt"1 nbt1ut pur,uing thn1 k1t,1l CllUf'C hen If th<' l,~uc Iii°'-'' Ill ~urt. 11 ,\Ill he loo l.11c lor th1, J)<ilillcJI round .111d "tll 0111) ,l'I 11111dl'1111ci. for future k1,!1,l.11n1n 'iomc lkmlll:r,111, k,:1'1nwr, quc\ 111,ncd 1hc con,11tu11on Jhl\· (1( rht' GOP hud.:t"I hnl.tll(ln8 PIH k,1~1· rl1 c) .i..kcd "hl't her tt cnuhl include ,n mun, d11fer~ nt measure, in the ,omc h,11 !'he 11nrl.n1tc Included the ,.1lc, ta, \luo,1. n me.isurc to ,ell In~ ,1n11d pn11un nC1tc,. rund trnn,fcr, ,tnd budl(ct ( l lh
lone, ,aid 1h01 h,• hu, not been 11\kctl In rcsc.m:h 1h01 i,wc. bul tht• Dc111cl(rJ11c part) ma~ hn•c n legit, nrntc concern "I lhlllk tht• l)UC\11011 due\ C11\I," Jone, ~u1tl Schuler \Rid thnt II h:t<'h like 1hc nwod nr th e lcA1Sln1or, renccl, a dc,m: to pu1 thl\ hchind them for now ond ge t nn wtth the bu,inc~, of nc11 )e,1r\ \ tOIC budACI. li e said that If money , 1ny~ n~ ught n, ti ls now. the chonces of rccc:1ving 1hc S 100.000 fund s to \I Mt the plannin~ pha!,C of 1he library com· pu1cr science building will be low. The prc\1de111 ~aid thn1 ii ts JU\t too co rly 10 tell wh:11 the budget will look like. He ,aid 1h01 the IJwmnkcr!> have mentioned every figure from S414 milli,in to ~40 mtllion. Schuler \aid 1hnt the S414 million figure would leavt' NIC with olmost S2 million. but thot this amount will not allo"' for any groWlh in an already rapidly growing NIC.
Mid-Winter Special/ 1 une-ups on most foreign and domest.ic automobiles and light tnJdis.
., March 4, 1983/ Cardinal Review-5-
Lee Cole
ASNIC presidential election
by Mane Wbttler Lee Cole collected roughly 85 per·
cenr of the vocarion31 vo1c and managed abour 40 percenr of t~e academic supporr 10 defeat Rand1a l.:JGrace for ASNIC president. In I he Feb. 24 genera l elec11on. LaGrace ga1hered 79 academic votes 10 Coles·~ 60. bu1 Cole led LoGracc 9$-22 in 1he vo-1cch balloung to gamer 1he posiuon. Barbaro Kitzmiller. running un· oppos,·d for I he vice presiden1 posi· tion. rece1ved 209 of the 256 votes cast. Only JO pcrccnt of NIC"s eligible volCr$ cast b:tllotS in the elcction-·half the per,en1agc 1ha1 turned out in the 1982 elee1ion. Cole. who officially 1001: office 1 uesday. plan~ I" rCc'>1gn hr~ posi11on a, vocational president He said he will recommend 10 the board 1ha1 former ASNIC Pre\ident Jim Bre,.er replace him. Cole -. ,11 also need to uppoinr ~omcone to h" curr,nt vocati onal ,enntor ,put. He st,id. howeve r. 1h111 ht will remain a member of th e s1udenl ocuon comm111ee. Becnu\c Cule ha\ worked with evcry~y 1h01 i\ on the board. except for 1he incoming Kit zml ll c r, he 1s
predicting a smooth nans1tion into office.
Education feels the pinch ~
-.;) ~'I!:.
bJ Ric lust
ASNIC Prt>siden1 Let> Cole
by Mark Whecltir
He -.-ould not elaborate on anv of those situation.. · Cole's fir$! 11c1ion as president. he said. would be to acthate a rommint>e 10 publicize student board result and student ncthiries. Born in Ohio and r.iised in Virginia. Cole mo, ed to Idaho fi,e years ago a.nd wa• employed for rhree ye:irs b) Bunker Hill before he staned ancnd· ing NIC.
Bala ncing ac1
Trustees allocate lab funds The NIC nonrd of Tru"ecs vo1cd unanirnou\ly in its last meeting to 1nke Sl4.700 lrom the ,chool'~ dcpr~'t'"i nuon rr,t'rH: 10 nllnin new lnnguagc lob cqu1pnu:nt. 111c v111c came 1111rncdin1cly nf1cr Nit l're\1dcnl Sorry Sthulcr 1old the board thnl the prc,cn1 equ1pnw111 1n the lan1,111ni1c: lnb wn, brcol.ing dn" n un avcruge or '" lee II wed und probably would no1 rnnl.c ll thmugh 1hc yeri r. l be purchuc of the nC\\ ct1uipmcn1 will put Ill end ju,1 one of the mnn) needed improvement ) rngli,h ond for~1i:n la.nijun11c Chturpcr~on Virg1r11n John)on H,ted in 1he previous month·\ mc.-1111g The bonrd ubu granted S1S.000 from u re)crvc fund for the prcpamtron of ;1 nc" S200,000 0111in rrnme compu ter that NIC will purchn,e frum lie\\lCtl· Packard on Mnv .lO. 1hc money ,·1 ill he u~t·d tu C'reuu· in,n-.i,cd )10\\Cr outpu1 nnd o chmnte• ronirollcd nimo,;phcn' needed for 1he l-omputcr. The ASN1C Srudtint Board received pcrmi~~lon 10 ~pend Sb,SOO of its funds to purcha~c o micn'lCOmputer to be ,n~talled in the SUB. The new mk"1COmputer i, ~uppo,cd to help l'UI pncc incrcnses in bolh the ~OOk)10re and lhe c:ife1eri11 b) reducmg attountmg cost~. With NIC', 50th anniversary coming next year. 1hc Tru~tces decided to allocate SS.000 10 bcgm preparation ~or u thrcC'-day rommcmoration pro·
He added that both Brewe r and former Vice President Carolvn Pfister plan on remaining invoh cd fn Student government and u·1fl be able 10 contribute , alaable ad, ice to him. Cole s;iid that he thought the student board has done uell in the past confronting ~me stic~· !>ituations. " We\·e done an excellent job. " Cole ~d · The fact that we ha, en't been crucified is proof of th.11."
The projc<'I will lndudc a ,11ne1,• of guc,t speakers and entert,urunent and will CO\t a. total of SI0.000. according to diroctor uf informauonal \ervice~ Jnhn llou\e. The l103rd took • firm \lond 11Ram\t bid\ submnted b, four scpar:ue audnmg firm, hecau\C' each one con• tamed n clau,c for ununhcipated cos~. The bc,nrd decided to 3~k for ne-. llld\. \lO(' or\\ hich will ht' opprO\ ed ll lhl' March mccung The board also tQrned do"'n rc· qul'>!\ fmm ~tuclcnh in the , o...au,,na.J lllfir .. prngram\ ,1 ho .,.,ught 10 ehm1· not..- .i S2b·pcr·cn:dn tuinon fee for \Ch<'dute, lhn t tl•talcd mol't' 1h.1n 1<1 credit,. Beuu \e th<' .IC':idemrc )!Ude nb of th<· t'Ollc)le mu,1 .1!:,0 pa) for cn:dn overload,. Schuler :ind the t,oud .1grced II would ht' unfair to 11-11\C' JUS1 the , oeat ion:il fee. "l personalh do not feel the l'l'que~t has m<'nt. ·• Schukr said On other topics 1he bo:ird. ·granted S-100 to m,111.II flood tights in the pl:inter m front or ChristtJ.DSOJl G,•mna:.,um 10 m:i1.e 11, deco r:ui,e s,·ulptures morc noticcablr at mght. .., oted um1.mmously 10 spend S.3.000 for the dc,ign )tage of construcring 11 safer entrn.nt"C into the e11Stcrn JP." of the c:impus. ··aettptcd the ncsign.ation of Gcol· ogy, Gcogr:iphy instructor, W3.l'l"Cn Keating.
ldnho l:i,.mai..ers ha,e apparemh decided to bnlance the budget for the fiscal vcar JQS,l at 1he e.rpense of publir educarion. The legislathe Joint Finance App;-opriations Comminee IJ FACl has appro,·ed SlllS million for pubbc schools. :i decrease of S20 m1lli-On from the 1983 budget. Sen. Dane Watkuis. R-ld:!.ho Falls. s.iid that the comminet•s responsibility 1s to t>!lance the budget. He ~aid that the state "ill onl) ha,·e S413 million for fiscal year l<lS-1 and 1h;i1 the Sl95 million was the best th:11 could be done. Sen. lsr:iel Merrill. D-Blackfoot urged the romminec 10 set 1he o,erall budget bef'\een S42S 10 S-130 million. He s:iid that 1he proposed budget-balancing le51islatton -..,11 ne,·er make it pJ.St the second floor. (The ~econd floor in 1he Capital building 1s -.here the go,ernor"s office i!. located l Go,. John E\'3ns ,etoed about S million in public educauon cuts in 1hc 1983 bud~ct-balnnong omnibus bill nnd had sought 10 increase public school funding by about 20 pct'CC'nt. 10 about S2S6 million. Ste,e Seward. acun~ admini>muor of the o;.;sion of Fiscal l',fonogemcnt said that the onl~ ,uythat a budget or SlQS million can bt> ,·,e"ed is as a retreat from the WJTU1Utnicn1 10 qua.ht? tdu,.11~n. According 10 Rid, \.'an Hemen or the School Admm,~tr:itor~ Assod:11ion. Idaho's public ~hoot, -..tll suffer "i.rrc,OC':Jble degeneration." 1f 1hc legblative plan ~UC'Ceed\ NIC l're!.1dcnt B~ S.:huler said th3t an) further cu,~ this coming fi~cal year "C'luld force the closure of some ,ocanonlll programs as " ell as cuts in full· and p:in-urne in~truc:tors
Bigfoot expert to sp eak ~larch 16 Gro,er Krantz. a WilShmgton State 1,mversity physical anthropologist who has been 1nu:img s1ghungs of Bigfoot for the lut 14 Jears, "~" be spea.kJng at NIC about the huge pnmate bel1~ed to !'03m the ~ onhwest. .\ dJs.pLl) of plaster footprints ill!d other evidence Kunu has gathered on s~s.qu;itch c.in be ol>St!n·ed dunng the noon symposium on March 16. according to ~mhropology lnsrructor Richan! Sn,·der. Snyder is ID the process of sinning nn NIC 81¢00• Anal) sis Crn1er
ANNIVERSARY SPECI.A.L ! 10% OH Of A ll Wedding Invitations For The Month Of Morch.
I Active drama student I plans education career
b) Jackie Appel \ \ here ~be rtCC1vcd ht>r <ttTCtma.J cc::1fio.:e She then •'Or ed for (""s' ,cars for 'le er.cul Mo:or, Co .• St\ hog ~I.aft •.. 1 ncH:r realh left 1hea1cr." B1ru..lc, \aid . "I ..·;i, inulhtd 1n the rnr,n,u-:m and h cb s.:hool !heater
Carole Bmklc~, choreographer for 1hc upcoming play "Guys and Dolls. ho1 been an acu,e member of thea1er for man) ) ca~ She first became rnrerested in 1hca1cr al 1hc ar.e of fh e "'hen ~he \lartcd balle1 lc>wn~. \h 1n1<.res1 m theater and pa· form1~g grc" lrom that humble begtr.· nang. •· Bini.le~ u.1d. She "role, dmectc:d and f.ll1Ted tn her first pl,n "'hen she wu Ill the fi!lh gr3dc She then continued bctn acu.-e m drama 1hrouiih,..u1 liu!h school Bm!Jcy ""h an apprenuet: for the Norrhlnnd Pia, House 1n Detroit. Mich .. her sophomore )C&r .. hen she go, 3 taste of profe!>Siorw theaicr life "People "ere out to gt1 •ha: the) "anted regardless of hov. the) got 11." Binkley said. "I w:isn ·, "ilhng 10 sacrifice being hum3.II." After deciding on a more appropna1e business e:irecr. BmUc, ancnded 1""0 ye3rs 111 Cen1ral Michigan Uni,cr-
• :,-.ms <,~ ,.as emplo~cd t,, her high
" ~ drama 1n\truc1or 10 be 1he chom,gra;,hcr for 1he1r plia,, Af·cr ge11U1g miamed lllld ITI0\11'1~ 10 Ari= f r 10 yca1' Bidl~ and her (amih lDO\'Cd to Coeur d'Alene, ,. here she c';;rotled for the I 'l fall !.Cmc~1er &I :-.IC. •• \.!ter much 1hou!Jhl on a ne\\ r.t:"CCr 20al I decided ,., go bad;. to ~tud~'lllg :.hc~cr." !>he ~ Bina.le, :,aid 1h11 her m.un tnteTC">t ,~ ,, be a h1e.h ....:hool drama m:,tructor. She aho \atd 1ha1 she pla~ to fimsh her educauon 11 wteru \\1\hmi:ton lJui-tl'!iU). a.he~ .,.biclJ ~he hopes to leach theater fr bus1oeu d;u~
A man with a message b> Paw Baler If everyone tn 1he "orld would "atch 1hc m0\1c "Gandhi," m.sJbe, JU">I nta)be, ""c could see ho" ndrculous our pert) link d1fterencn JUT and ,.'OUld h\C 10 pc:icc. "Gandhi" ,., 1hc ..ion of a man full of lo\'C undcn1>.ndm , comp~:,100 and truth who wanied no1hmg more than for his people to be- free of Bnn.,b rule and to li,e in harmony wi1h c:ich other. For this he " as .. 1U1ng 10 s.icnfiC'C his o" n lifr ,..hiJc alr111ht s,ngle,handedly m.,1illing .in un""a\Cring :,pin! m 1h..- Lndi1n people 1:, he challenged 1he Bnusb Empire "uh h" b;mle plan of peaC'Clul. non-, 1olent ooncoopcratioo. Ben Kmg.,lc, pla,s Gandhi. :ind 1£ he doc~·1 "'In an AC3dtm) A"ard for Lhc role. somconl' ,hould stlll'I an m,cs11g:i11on or the AC'lldem) . Klngsle> 's C) c., Otih 1he dcfi11ncc .1nd reOcet 1be symp;ith~ and gentlcncs:. Lhat made G.1ndh1 .1 ruiuona.J hero and one of the truly grea1 figures in 11,urld h1Sto11 . Th..- t110\1c 1r3ces Gandhi s life from the l.11e l&Xb 1n )(M!Lhetn Afnca to bis ,1~.,;issin.:i11on m IQ.I and II docs 3 .. onderful Job of shO"' mg u:, the complete ma.n. AucmplS 10 sho" the hfc :.1011 of :.omconc 3S great as Gandhi ha,c a 1endenC) to O\'crpla) 1hc praise. bu1 Gandhi was wch 3 humble figure Lh;i1 1his docs not happen. Gandhi i\ ,c.:n in suu:ition, that ""Ould bchnle a lesser hum;in, such :is spinning h1:, 0" n clo1h ,,r puumg off 3ffair,, of s1;a1e 10 pui mud plch on a hmpme. go:11: but he pref.:n't'd hft's S1mplc 1hing, and <;ct an eumple for has people b) adhenng 10 this ph1ll'Wph). The moqe was also aided b~ strong am,rn:- pho1ognphy and a powerful music score b, Ra\l Shankar. We :Lre u1!.en through the common nan's India, and 11 lS Lhe common mln that G3ndh, is concerned abou1 He ,. ants I.he lndi.lns to be ll1 charge of Lheir o" n dcsun, and claim 1he sclf-respcc, that~~ man is due. Too manJ times the onl~ 1hang aSSOC1a1cd ,.nh rlus grca1 man is thai he preached passi\c rcsistnnc:e. The mo, ,c does a good job of sho"' mg 1ha1 G31ldh1 :id,ocatcd no such 1hmg: ""h3l he offered ""as non-,,olcnr noncooperation. 3Jld 11 "'U highly successful When one of his collcJttUCS suggcs~ re,cnge. G3lldh1 rcuhatcs. "an C)C for an C)C onl~ end, up m:ii.mst 1hc "'hole ,.orld blind." '"G3ndhi" ,, a contra)! bc(""etn the gross 1mensiti\it1es of man and 1hc courage Jnd caring of one man "ho stood above c?\'Cf)'One of his rime in I.he name of freedom and ~cc The mo,le ls 111 lhc same ume spellbinding 3.Ild some-hat depressing as one "':i1chcs G:10dhi faSt .ilmos, 10 dc3th for 3 ause Lh3l is more important 10 him than hfe i1self· 10 sec his fello" man lh·c tn peace ""ith his neighbor. As one of his foll°" crs said. he had 1hc tu1swcrs 10 get 1hc "'orld out of this cr:izy mess. and neither he nor Lhc ""orld re.ilizcd ti. A lesson Clln be learned from this mo,·ic.
Bull Frul pbo10
I\ nn.: FlO \\ - -Cborcoanpher Carole Blnkle) leads her • tudcnta ln pntlklna a routine.
Final debate tourney set The final regular -.ca.son 1ournnment for the .NIC Debate Team will be held in Bellingham, W3sh .. Mny 18. 19 ond 20. nccord111g to dcbnlc Co11ch Tim Chri\llc. \pprox,mntc\~ 17 10 20 )<:hool~ wall p:iruclpate in the tournument. Depending on who 11,e take will decide ho" "'ell 11,c do." Chmue sn,d 1'111on:ils for 1hc dcba1e~ will be held April 4-1 1 in S.in An1on10 Calif The team reccnll) compe1cd w11h nine schools 1n o tournameni sponsored by NIC Feb. 25-26. Gon,aga Univer\llY won borh th e &cnior ond junior divi~ion\ , " We did rea:.onablv 11,cll." Chmuc sold. L,nde Turner "'oo first in pro,c in1crprelo11tun. Rich Kuck nnd S111n Bialy won ~nd m the ,enior d1vl\1un nnd Chri s Johnson and Jon Ou "'on third ,n duo in1,·rprc1.1uon Ai WiJlamcm:: Un1ve~11y Feb. J-5. Kuck nnd Bmly lc:d rhc deba1e team wnh 6 11,,ms 3lld 2 lossc, Chrisuc said thni they m,,sed breaking inro elimination rounds on spe.tker poml\ According 10 Chris1ie. Turner d,d 001 compe1e bec:iuse of illness.
Severinsen concert tonight Doc Sevcran,en and Xcbron 11,,ill perform tonight a1 8 p.m. m the C-A Audnonum ,.,th founder/songwriter Roger Bovd at 1hc keyboa rd.d rummer song"' ruer S1cven J u~lon. lead ~,nger Dan Odum. gu11ar1\1 Tony G~ and bass player Mark Boa1m:in. Ad,ancc 11cie1s for the concert v.LII be sold 10 \ludents ,n 1he C-A
Auduonum and the SUB for S6 with an ID card The gener~ pubhc ... ,11 be able 10 buy 11cke1\ a1 1hc door for
S8.S0. Severinsen 1~ bci.r l:no11. n J~ tht mu~rcal d1rec1or of the NBC TV progr:im ..The Tona,tthl Sh~." a post he ha~ held since 1967
Part-time Work Available For You! Enter the e xciting world of cosmetics
We show you how with BOTH SEXES a complimentary facial! WELCOME Bonnie 667-6209
March 4, 1983/ Canlloal Re•lew-7-
Tootsie roles Campu beauties strut their stuff
SAY. FELLAS--Sopbomore Sci h "Cine)·• Srhncidcr ~ho"'s off the loo!. dual ca.med him n~, pltte in the lirst-e-cr " '\ts. Tootsie" ronlest Feb.
Bu ll Fran, photo
b) Ronalc Anson pan. 1hen the: eu,., pan Se1h "Cine," Schneider ""as During the went compe1mon the crn""ned 'IC ~1s Tootsie 1%.l a1 1he ,m.1il but etu~ranr audience pol ed g:i.Ja bc3Ul' pageant Feb 25 m 1hc good-natured tun JI the con1cstan1s. Bonner Room of 1hc SLB. :ind the ··girls" n1ncd ... uh the men m Gino · Gin3 Wild · Wh11e 9'3$ n3med fil"\I runner-up and Lee • l..con:i 1he CTO""d The judges held up signs Cold" Cole "on 1h1rd pl:ice. ,.1ymg ··sicko"' and '"dras queen.·· Rid. ·•Couoo CandJ ·• Dickm.ui Jeff In 1he final p.1n of the fe~th 11y 1he Jeffenna H31t Hall and Bruce prodigious ch:irml'r. p3ruded in formal ... ear ;ind .in\"" ercd pcmncn1 qucs•Bru$Clta Mullen m:1de up the re,1 Mn) posed b.• 1he emcc:e of the field of six con1es1ants • ,,nil for When J<~cd "'h::u "'<he·· hkt's 1n :i the 111le m.1n. Leona·· Jn-.,,ered. \ lone,, •. The 113Ja "a\ emceed b• Shern and Gm.1·· gu,hcd m ;i ll~euo •<>tee Smnh.... ho m:inaged 10 bnng OUI the 'her·· pl1n~ t.ir the Fu1ure bubbhn1t pcr$0n.1.l111~ of 1he beauues Conon C:ind• •· \\l'lnng ;i noor•ith her running commen1an leni;th yello,. go" n and earning 3 The con1es1an1~ entenained 1he bouquet of daffodils !>.lid demure!~. aud1= dunng 1he 1alent pomon ... uh · We need 10 sa\C 1hc ,-h3lcs. so ... e 1hc1r i""e·inspiring ac1s. "'Leona" h3ve some1hing 10 ,. 3tch "hen we .1maicd the CT09i d ..,th 3 SlnplC3$C. ha,e nothing 10 do.·· ·Gina·· Juggled s,.eat socks ind "Bruscua ... "ho re1urncd for the "Bru\Cna·· thnlled the people ,-11h form:il pomon of 1he program appar, the .. Brusetta dance·· ,. hich included enll) pregnant. ~:itd. ··1 1hough1 I wo\ the splits and a bad,.ard somersault. ju" suppo,cd 10 look prCII). I didn't "Cotton Cand~" did 1he 1mpornble lmou. I had 10 ans" er :my qucsuons." -,he pl:a)ed "Gi•e M• Restard~ 10 ~h Too1\tc \\3~ a"arded ;i ccntfi· Broad•~)°' on the 1rumpct and tapcate for dinner for 1,,0 31 the Third d:anccd, almost stmultaneoosl~ . '"Cin· S1rec1 C:in1mn. ~eoond plaCl' \\On 1...-0 q." ,-earing :aqu harem pants. 1icke1s for lhl' Doc Sen:nn,cn concc:n dauh:d the :audience v.nh a ~n,uous and third pmc ".is two uckct~ to the belh dance and "JcHenn:a" ,anst Sho,.boot Tn·C'1nem;i '"Le:a1her and La~ ... fim lllc g1rh
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APRIL 6th AT 6:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m . NIC Student Discounts Are Available At The C-A Ticket Office Only !
The Concert Will Be Held In The NIC Auditorium
1000 W. Garden - Coeur d'Alene
Dorm desecration: Barbarism or boredom? by Da..-n Murph} The NIC dorm has the highest concentration of deilrucuvc pranks and ,·nndalism inside and out than any other campus foc1l11y. Cu.~todJ:in Supcr"isor Joe Hoce,.ar ,aid The ,, pes of de~Lruct.lon are things that would not be tolerated 111 \OJlle or 1he dorm re\1dcn1·~ :,wn homes. such n, kicking holes m "alls and breaking up furn11urc. ~a.id the cus1ochan. ,. ho is m char~c of che cleaning of all campus buildings "The students in the dorm don 't realiz.e 1h01 1he1r parents :i.rc pa,1ng 1ues to Leep the building up. " Hoccvar said. Dorm Dircetor Beck\ Coffman and her husband Gar,, "h~ li,·e ,.1th their baby in 1he dorm: said that dcs1n1cuon is alw3)'S a problem. Aside from I.he usual sha, ing cream, soap and graffiti :111acks on the bathrooms. 1hcy said. petroleumjellied door knobs and excess ..-..,er on 1he c:irpet lire common. Broken windows "'ith rocks and snowballs nre a usual problem also. chey said. In pas c years. the women's dorm front glass door hns been broken cwicc. Becky said. "One year, :.omeooc dro\'e their eompoc1 ca r up the sidl'\\lllk and crn~hcd 1010 the gltbs door." she s,ud. The door has since been replaced wuh ncnlic. she said. but thac surface i& easily scr111chc<I and has been defaced. Another dcstructh e problem in the dorm 1s mi:,sing l.nobs. the director said. The knobs on the men's tclen· sion keep disappearing. she said. along with ihe door knobs. "This can be fru~1ra1ing "hen someone wants to open 3 door." Coffman sn1d. "Not 10 meniion p:iinful... Resident Ad\'isor Julie Deih· 3ddcd. There seem~ to be m3n,· reasons for the destruction in the dorm. "Frustration from a foiled test can trigger someone into kicking a hole in the wan:· Gan• Coffman snid. But boredon-i seems 10 be the major molivntion for \'Bndalism m the dorm. Gary said. In !he name of boredom, people have written on w311S 110d doors a.nd hnve spit chewing 1obacro on a slnnted ceiling o,·er some stairs. A "all fan in one of the study rooms has been ripped out also. Becky said. "There seems to be some 3SSocia· lion wi1h bort'dom :ind poor StuOeots. ·· Gar} s:i.id. who is an academic counselor at the college. Other factors contribuung 10 the \'ilndalism in !he dorm arc disrespect and crresponsibilit). the Coffm:ios s.1id. "We w·ish people would be more responsible for the environment the} live in.'' Gary Sllid. One Cmt-semester s tudent ~ to sit in the men·s television room and sptt che"ing tobacco on the carpec. Becky said. The smell became terrible
and no one would uv anything. she added . ume~ people ~ ur:i1d of bemg osrucued b\ the group.'" Gan '';\Lui}
said. A foosb~ table had been donated to the dorm but n ended up m ptecr~ Bed:, wd. "Ii JU\\ loc cd ~ 1f ,;omcone had picked II up and drvppcd 11." sh.: said. The cable cennis nets also 5Ct'm 10 g~, •,:,ni up fn:. Beck, u1d. One 1·e.1r. ire ne .\Ct firc 10 11 \he added Dam.age Is not al'"-a) ~ ronfincd 10 ·he I! ,~ of the it rm. bonlC\ get thr'Ol'n out :he ,.1ndo ... ~ &11d brol.cn m the puimit lot, Gary s.aid. Utter •~ OCCUtODally dum~ out lhe ,. ,ndo" s. he adC:ed. Bech wd th~ she had tbe author· 11~ to gt·, e a rcsuient 48 hour, ll<ll1ce to mo·.c out. but !.he u1d th:11 no one ha~ e,er been C\letcd ,.·1thou1 "due process." Offenders of the don:n rules, "h1cb prohibit dorm dcstructton. arc brought beforc the donmto~ or 1ud1C1aJ ~ d and tried, she said. The board con\iSI\ of the dorm ~dent\, and they dCCJde the pcnah) , such u 1>orking tn 1he dorm or ;i fine.
.. Ii the ,llmo~phere 1~ n1ce. then the ~1uden1, "ill re,pcct 11 more,'' he sa.1d Btd) :and Ca~ agreed that the men ~ hair of the dru-m " the \\<lr<.t for dc\trnct1on of propcm "'The i:1rl~ 1u,1 ~eeo- to ha\ c more rc,pc'1 for their rooms ;od fac1l,1ies,'' Beck) s.i,d
Dlrcc1or of .\u.~ih.in en,~~, We, Hatch t.:nds to .>i;:n:c "11h •he ( orr man!.. "We cannot bu, .1n1· mClre fhrn1111re for the men's dorm:·· HJtch ~.1ld The furniture "J, tal.C'n out of thC' men·, tde\l~iM room and rtplnecd \l.llh pcrmll.nent 1-.111 un11~ \\Ill• "large. a"k".ird cushions" bccau~ of the Jc,1ruct1on or p:bt furnt\hirp,. I l,11ch ~Id. '\tore mone) 1~ Sf>('nt pulll ng the men , area b:tcl. togcthe(', Hat ch ,,,id. Tht') .ilso ,ecm co huvc o frequent problem w11h c,ces, paper In their 101tc1,. he added. · The cogineel'\ .mu,1 ha, e for\een the problem 10 l:>u1lding the dorm," Hatch ,;.aid. ··t,cc.iuse the~ put \tecl door. on the men\ \1dc 11nd \\OOden door, on th.: "omen·, ~idc " Hatch saw 1ha1 the foci that chc dorm "a.\ built a\ incxpen\l\ely u possible:.. might add 10 the prol:>lem of ,·:1nd.1J1~m.
hallwav, hn, c to be repainted jnd aoout 12 room\ require a new coat of p:11n1. Hatfh and the C'of[man~ ogrt-ed 1ha1 th" \·car hn, bcc11 a gO<ld 1enr bcenusc thl• rate of, andali\m ha\ dropped . ' It I\ a \h:imc lhat n smilll n11norit)· of n:-1d~·nb d() th,: damage but the ,, hole dorm gets bin med for it." Becky \3td. Cu~1od111n Joc lfoce\•11r al,o ,01d thill tht• r111c ul , andnli\m hu\ been lo\\ 1111 o,cr 1hr c:impu, with the c,ception of ., fo11 problem,. 1\illct paper has l>ccn \lulen throughout che campu~ an1I i.,i1c1 paper 1lispc11\er\ in the: C11n11numcatlon Art, Building have been broken. It,: ~oid. S11tn~ Ill'(, al,o hclng tapcd 011 wnllb Jnd the p,1i11t i\ hcin11 pulled off wuh 1ht' tape. llocev.ir ,aid. "It 10<1k year; 10 get thl' Admlnistrntian Oulldlng painted,'' lloccvnr ,n1d, "und now they ore taping thing~ to the w11II~ uvcr there. " !low long \'Ill it he before h gee\ pnlntcd ,,gain?" ll occvar \n1d 1h01 he con\ldcr\ ,pitting ,he\, mg lohacco in the drink mg foun1aln) a\ vnndnli~m nl\o. "Thi~ Isn't a •Cl') mc:-i: ~ighl for the next pcr\on whc, .. ant\ a drink or w.itcr,'' he sntd Vocn1,onul Oirccinr Clnrcncc Haughc s,11d 1hn1 vandnli)m 1s very m1mmnl In the voc.itional deportment. Recently o forestry bus wa\ vondoh,cd
After four con,·ictioos. lhe offender 1s u uoed b,· the board, Beek\ explained. Fh·c oom;ctions and offender is "arned b,· the dorm director and the dean of ·students: ~u: con\letions prompt a ~·it\\ b: lhe student board 31\d further coovicuons result m e,iction. Becky said. lisuall} one to three people a )car "ill be asked 10 lc:ive lhc dorm. she said. but so far onl} one has been e, 1cted this ,·ear. ··HO\\ e- e;, fhe people 3rC on the border line,'' sbe added. It is impon3Jlt to keep lhe standards of the dorm environment up. Gary s.ud. and to see dull the damages are repaircd quickly.
He agreed "ith the Coffman's philisophy th:it qu:ilny nunun.-s re· spcct.
Hatch said thaJ the damage in the dorm is Ju.st natural. "The destrucuon i~ not malicious. mischief. just mischief." H:itch said. Each dorm resident 81\CS :i deposit of SSO. and thev nrc: refunded 90 pcrecn1 or more •of that depos.11. he
said. Hatch esumatcd that it costs S400 to S500 a year to repair the dorm of iotentiona! damages. He said lhat S2.SO to SJ()() of the money comes from the studeot's deposits. 11.nd lhe balance comes from the operating funds. Beck) said that uch year the:
1tcd b> children who pourcd motor <>ii on the scah. but pmblcm~ are rare. he ~:lid. .. Even the restrooms ha\'C very httlc ,o,ri1ing on the ":ills." Haught said Director or Physical PIJnt Roger Brodhoff said chat NIC has oe\'c:r had :1 vandalism problem. Hatch ghes cbr eredil for the low vandalism rate to the s.tuden1~. "The student body seems more quiet. sincere. r~erved a.nd tending 10 business.·· Hacch s:i1d. Stnte senators h3vc even com· mentcd that NIC was a nice campus to ,•isit because the studenlS seem more thoughtful 10 ,-•hy they arc here. Hatch sa.id.
March 4, 1983/ Cardinal Revie-.·-9·
The 2,700-sq11are-foo1 boll'IC that the carpenuy class is building !Akes shape.
If I had a hammer. .. photos and tex t by Ba il Franz NIC cnrpcniry student~ ore gctung plenty of on-the-job expcnen~ th1~ ycur while buildin8 o Jorge trl -lcvel hou~e near Greens Fen;. Under the dlrcc11on or ln,tructor Wnh Carlson. th e 13 students ha,c already constructed the roundotion. the 2•b)•·O·iocl1 stud frame and put plywood on the roof. CorlbOn said thot when iii, finished the studcnh "111 h11, cdonc 1111 the corpentry work excep t the enbinctb t1nd ol~o constru cted sc,cral rctnlning wnll\. The 111udcnl6 started lhc bou~ oround Ilic first or December. and Carl1,011 !,Rid thot If tl11ng.:, conunuc to progrcs, o, scheduled. 11 !,hould be done .by Ju nc- I. lie said that the clll)s uw:1lly Man, 111 7 a.m "1th 11n hour of classroom work, follon-cd by 11.:.hon drive to !he JOb sue where they " ork on the house unul 2 or J p.m. !Mated seven miles from NICon the b11nb of the Spokane R1,er. the 2.700,squ:irc,foot house ha~ two bedrooms and three baths. It feature.:. a bUnkcn lmng nod dinmg nreo. plus o sauna. jncuu1 and hot tub. Corli,on cstlmnted the vtlluc of the linti.hcd house 111 S250,000. Carlson .:,aid 1h01 he :id,ertised sc,eral llm~ in the Coeur d'Alene Pre!,) for a hou.\c to build Md rCC"e1vc.-d noout 10 offers Plans for CIU'h house "ere ,ub1n111cd 1a 1hc 4d,·i~'" comm111ce for 1hc carpcnt~n Pl'\lttram: the ~'Omn1111cc pu:1,.ed 1hc phm ·" hich lht', lhought \\Ould g1H· the mo,,mum c;i;p.:rience 10 1he student!>. C~rhM said i hnt tht' rommltke camC' 10 :i unnnimou dc.,, ion "' build the houst that h rm,, untkr C\,n,truc1ion The cJrp entr) dil~b h.1, built other sirut'tures in recent ,·c;u!, mdud,ng ~" add111on 10 the Wtntl'O Building. 1he bu,tnt!>~ annex and :i Mructure nt the count) fair ground:.. Their mo~, l"CC(!nt projttt "a~ the ne" ,,de" aU. near the C.,\ Building. C1rl\O~ :.n,d that bccau..c or the 1ish1 economic.- um~. he had 10 loo\. tt.' the pm-ate smor 10 lind ~mcone with enough monc, 10 butld. Iii.' sa1d th:11 th,., is the lirst }Car 1h111 the~ h," e built '>Omcthmg for a pm•nte pllM)·: usuall~ the) build for the count} or ' IC. Carlson said th:11 the clbs may build another pm ate hou...e next )t:ir
loscrurtor \\ alt Car!S411 helps Jerry Engelbrecht constroet a fonn .
Bill Matker carcfuil} marks
ar pl) wood to be cut.
March 4, 1983/ Cardlnal Re,,few-10-
F a/l dean 's l~t released The folio" ing Q-l ~tudenl\ 11ch1c\(:d gndc pt'IDt .i,ena!tC~ of J -5 or greater to mue tlic dean·~ hst for the fall scmc<ttr of I QS.:! Coeu r d' Alcnr lop acblcH rs are
l\athan Buber. L1<.i Bate. C'l:t\ll)n Beck. Doreen &l.1nd. Chnton Bu,h C;i.roh n Cole min. Kathleen Cro,,lcr.
c,rab R.imt\ Kc-nneth Schw3n. Dc-b, or;i.h Sicurella ~athcl Spencer. Kath · n·n St.imper. Lllnc Sumner Bradk,• 5,un~n. \ udrc, Winter .ind Nanl'\
NJplc', 1\llcn Jeppesen nr~ the ,olc hom>r,•(', for their lmmc11m n, a, nrl' Smcl1,•r\'lllc', M1ch.1rl He nry. O,bum·~ Joe) Peterson. Spirit Lnkc's
Brian H1cdcm. Ke\'ln Hoeft. ~ltch;ael Huber. Jo\Ce KJblcr. Carlton Kc:Jc:r ln~nd M.,chcn. anc:, \t .1, . .\Ian , cl<on. J.lme~ Pt1lmcr. Carohn Pfi,tcr Patric\ Pri~. Deb·
Pep ba.nd member Jitlic s... 1111 pbtJ S her saxophone during balftiffl(' mcn's home baskc1ball game on Feb. 1~. -
the ID.st
~rt Hanrod..
S~dn F«.tcr. G.m Gundcl"\on. Ro
A little , a ,
P.iul.,.cn t>f Pinl.'hul"\t. C3taldo'~ Tht>mns L1\'lch nnd Wilham l''kfri.1m mndc thl' h\l ,1'1 did H3rn,on's Rud) Fcdct-ki ,ind Den1,c Bn: nd.1 lln,kin, nnd Dt'borah Wnl l<'r rn,m t. !'-·lane, were h,,norcd a, were J,,hn,ithJn Oacn t'n and T odd Loren: from Llbl>) , Mont Juhc Ddlv Jnd R.,ndcll Sc) fen of K.ili,pell. M,1111 .. nnd W,1dc ,\tch1n,on from Whucfi'lh. Ml'nl.
~11cb;icl Enqu1,t, Ru:h;ml Ftrrh,
Cu.rt OuPuls pboio
C\lnnnc Plato \\ C'f'C honon•d M were Rnndv Hont'. Hoo guycn and Michael
Po\t F.111, ,111dcn1, " ere I\ irk \ppltb,. Robm Bruce. Ph1lhp Ch.iffin, Sharon Clc.lr\\3tcr. Jeff llubcr, Jeanne Roebke. Cr1h.1m Shc:a. Thom· a.<, Wahh • .ind Ro~em11rk Will). H;i,den L1 kc \tuden1, "ere Jome< Brc\\tt. Joel Derting. Jack llolmon and Pc1c:r ~fohr R.11hdrum·., Robert Crier, Dujnc \1cGra1h Jnd Cail Weimer'> nil m.ide the grade. S..ndpomt'\ 1op \Chol.1r, w<'rc Gay, lah Ducho"'· Ellen Mellen .1nd F.nc Molstcad Sagle student\ "ere Curt BuckJln Jnd \1arg.iret S, th. Bonner~ Fem·~ Steven Dc111 nnd
Samuel', b\\rencc C'a,cllcro and
Uorv Darrington. Mcdimoo1's John Kraad. Kellogg'< Nicholn~ Pornno. Mullan·, 1 ,•ron,· lloffmnn. Wnllacc·~ Co nnie Sroll. Dove r· ~ Doug Colin. Alhol', Chd~t y Evon<, Po1 lntt'h'\ Mttchcll Hn-1h , l'cn~cd', Gllry Quincy, Clcnrwnter·, Michael McPhcNin, Or oflno ·~ Elonc Gtn\\Cr, Sp<1konc's Breit Tremblay 3nd llrl nn Krausse from Flmn. Wush Other\ who mnde the 11,1 Include John W1ll iom~. Sun J o~e. Cali(: M ichat>I M cCorma ck. F11rming1on,
N.M.: Tcresn Au1hicr, Vivion. S.O.; Mnr) Bouer. Furcs1burg. S.O. : Stanley ll nll , Kenn,. Alas ka : nnd Lee Bh1mquiM. Kailun. Ha\\all.
• -
At 8 p.m . In The C-A Auditorium NIC students wi th ID cord may purchase advance tickets for $6 in the SUB or C-A Box office.
General public and students without advance tickets pay $8.50 at the door.
Man:b 4, 1983/ Canfinal Review- II -
Sky is the limit for this body-building Angel by Brace Mallen
To Angel Candelario. the human bod1 is lite a b,g machine. trulde up of ~e,enll ~mall, iniricate parts that l'Ort in svnchroniu1ion 10 keep the "'hole syst~m working smoothly. For ,,.o hours. six days a .. eek. Candelano "'oru on fine tuning all 1hose smaller puts in the hope tha1 has .. machmc" will be in top shape June 20 for the Mr Rocky Mountain States budy bu1ld1ng championships. Candelario. a J I-year-old NIC SIU· dent. has been 1mning at the Coeu r d'Alene Athletic Oub for the past two and n hair months under the 1urelage of David Candia. '' l',e bad the desire In train ever ~mce I gol up here." Candela no said. " But I couldn't find a 8}m; I kind of lucked out gcumz 10 meet David." Candelario first became serious about body building in 1976, after he mel world-class body builder Sergio Olivn. and mended a Mr. lntcrnauonal contci.l in Tijuana as Oliva·s guest. He entered a concc,r in San Diego after 11bou1 three and a half months of training, and came out with a fourth· pince finis h.
He 1091 ln lert'St in the sport and moved 10 Idaho in 1978, but Candia helped rekindle the \park. " He was looking for someone 10 trnln. and so I showed him the pictures from the conrcM." Candelnrio snid. ''lie tol d me ·1hc fir~l lhing we have to clo i, put on si1c, more \lrcngth and get my mu\clc, occu~1omcd lo the movement.'" Candin hns no trouble remembering whnt dcficiencie, Angel had when he fir~I sow him. "No ,ymme1ry--no ~hope in 1hc upper l>ody. the lower bod Wll\ Oat with no definition and the thigh~ were mu(h ~mnllt'r 1hnn the t·nlvcs." Candia ,nld "When he cnmc 111 me he wa) n chunk : no,. he'\ o hunk." The "chunk -lo-hunl<" 1rnn~formo1ion 100~ place mo,11\• in 1he )t'COrtd month, a, Cnndio ,inned mnnitur1ng Angel'> die1 nnd mode o ,witch in the training to h:&\ wc1gh1 ond more n."pcratmn~. lie b back 1111 10 I~ pound, now. ontl pion, 10 be ",1 ,olid 195" at 1hc co111pN1tion m June It I) not thnl row to contr(II the "01ght, hu1 it •~ not a·, d1flicult n~ ,omc people thml ctthcr. "You hove 10 get pco11lc educated in nutrition." CnndclMio ~n1d "Y(lu don ·1 hM·c tll gu through the hunger paan), jU)I CM nghl. .. The topic Candelario pub the 1110,1 cmpho\l, on •• g,,al mAlung. '· Unlc\\ y,111 ha, t: n J:OOI yuu arc not going Ill gu ot 11 hard cnou11h." Cnndclnno said "Whether h per ,onol or the n,mpetilll>n. it 1~ impor· 1on1 10 ha, c ,ome rco•on 10 l cep you
"Wlm h the ~cn,c in h.tlf 1or1unng yourself for,., long. if you don '1 hnv<' 3 reason for domg 11. You hn\'e h> hn1c 1ha1 de"re:· he 11ddcd.
Candia sees that, and works to help keep I.he adrenalin fl01l·ing. " He l.rU515 m) judgment tn tluu he knows I know whnt I'm doing." Candia ~d ...The role of a trainer is to pick out the inherent weafl:nes.ses in a physique. That', wlut I do.'" Candi3 3Jso works our 2longs1de Candelano. so he c:in help if needed while Angel 1s woning ..;lh hea,1 poundages. So on Monda)·s and Thursdays they w orlt on the chest and triceps. On TueJ.days and Frida)S. I.he biceps and shoulders are stressed. And on Wedn~ys and Saturda:·s the legs and bac:1' are v.orted on. There are t.,.·o or three exercises for each part of I.he bod:, in addhion to 20 m.inurei. on the st~I bicycle a day which ,s necessary 10 improve 1he cardiovascular S) nem. " You can 't hne imbalance because 11 doesn·1 look righr.'' Candelario said." Although it looks all right for a guy on I.he beach 10 have a real big upper bod} and nothing in the legs. n's 11 big do,.nfall in competition.'' There arc so many things 10 worry about. Candelario points out. I.hat he just has 10 take them one 111 .a ume. "Right now nll I worry about is training ... he said. 'Tm the workhorse and I follow wh31 D11ve scrs up for
"It's 3ppc3.hng 10 I.he eye." C:indelario said. "The more I get into i1 and the furrher I progress. the more amazed I bcnlme at hQ'I\ the bod1· l'orks and ,.hat I cu, do to it.'' •
ro show you :in arm. he Jrnows how• 10 sho-. vou :in :inn.·· The' Inst.I.net, hard ~ork. the go:ils and the tr:iiner illlSl'Cr the question of ho,.. but ,.hat :ibou1 why?
er sports
photos by Curtis DuPuis
me." The nezl won:,,,~ posing. w.hieh will begin in April. A body builder must know how to show his mu!>Cles off properly or II docs n01 matter hl>1l big they are. "You have 10 get I.he rhythm of the routine down," Candelario said. "It (a muscle) won't show ,f you sho,. 11 one w•ay. but ,f you JUSt rwis1 your arm it will n:ally show up ... "He JUSI ins11nct1,el} ltnO"'S (h01l 10 pol>c)." Candia s.1id. "If )OU '"k him
Angel Candelario
March .i. 1983/ CardinaJ Rc\'lcw - 12,
• •
Wrestlers in Worthington for national title defense Se, en tndl\ tdu~ Reg11)n t C'hnmp~. I.! ron~~-u1wc rcg1onnl champ1onsh1p, :i.nd thl"(e ..chool record, .ire romponent< "h:ch mil.kc 3 n.ltlonal rontcndN. lnd the C'U!TCnl "11(' 11 r,"lthng team h,1, .111 thrtt 'I;((' .aho qu.thfil'd .ill 10 "re,1lers for rhc n.11ion,,l 1<,urnamtnt in W,1rth· ,n!,?l(\n. Mmn . "ht('h l>cgan \l.11\'h ., Second-round :action "bcinit held 1oda,. "h,te 1hc fin.ii~ -..ill be S:uur, d.11
Britt \l ullcn p oto
The rifle men Rk Philbrook pracllcl's thl' form that has madt him thl' leading shooter on the NIC RIDc Club. The club will be in Mosco"' March 28 [or thclr nett mttl.
In intromurols
Nods , 76 Sixers lead way The intramural ba!>l.ctb:ill tournament "ill bes:1n \l!rch b 1uth the -ti S1_:i:e~ ll'adini: off lct1on ag:11nM c11h.:r the Pub Trotters or the Do"l!ltc,. "hile the 21 St. Bomber play the 8.F E. ·1, :11 - p m. The Slommcrs "Ill then t:il.e on the Thrtt·tn·one-Oih:rs lt 6 p.m and the Studs meet the ads. Winne~ of these g.imc, "111 meet .M:irch o to dce1de which teams" ill pt.11 for the champmnshtp /\<13rch 10. ,\) of Fell 28. the ads and the -t, Sixers "ere ued "1th penect S.O records
\1 1hi: Rc~1<•nal m~I in Ba,, Ore . Fell I\ t<I. T,,n, Da~uc ll l~l up,.:t r.,p 1('cd GC(l~t Har.1 \If B1g Bend, :s lourth pl.ice fina,hcr :ti 0,111,,nah m t llX~ 0,lllUC, "ho C'aplUl"(J c,~hth place tn \\\1rth1ng1t1n l.i\l I c.tr, 11 "" .t u ~ d,·c1,t,ir1 Geor!:e Pallt'r,on t l l-11 t,lrllt'd rhe 1ourn,~·, Out\l~n,ling Wrc\lkr U\\ ,ml h~ pinntn): " .s.,u1h11 ,·,1 Orcl(un wrc:\ 1ler tn 1hc third peric,d lie ,1tll undoubtcdh he f.ictn!l lhl.' 1982 nouun al runner-up fum Th ... mp,un rrnm lo" a Cen LrJI 1( h1~ \hould('r inJUr) rt:\ldC\ S1e,e Kluver (150) will 1:il.c hi, undefeated r~-,;urd 10 Wonhtngton. He m;i~ aho r..cc .i 1qs2 nauonul runnerup. Larry Jnckson from Ell~-..orih Commun11~ College. Kluver complcicd h1, undefeated ,e.,'°n 111th a b· 1 dca~1on m th(' rcg1onal tourney finals. Alphon\o Phillip, rt SR) "J\ the fourth MC \He~tler 10 capture o regional ehamp1on~h1p. He heat Mike Harrod of Big Bend 9.3 for h" third sir.tight marginal victor)'. The Dr.ike l.im,ersny Lransfcr s:i,d 1hot they will havo: to put .111 the tnJuric~ 0'11de .ind "~l:trt 10 think ~i11vc " A1 II>- pounds. Tom l'helon ~ red a shu1-ou1 v1C'!OI) to c:ipture the regional cro-..11
The onl}, other NIC wrestler ro be
natiM11ll v ,ceded. 1'7 !"'Under Tom Harri,. defcott'd u Cn) , H:trbiH 11 rc~th:r 8-S for the tit le, Harri, und P,Htcr't'n b\11h plJccd third at nation l1' for thL· C'nrdtnah ln~t ~cnr. The On.it " rc,t lcr 10 be cm11 ned for , IC' " ·" hc:w1 ·II e111h1 Jnmtt' Wchbcr "ho 11,,11 ,, ~.J dcc1,100 over Moun t 1lo..ld ·., Bill 81'h11p. o "re<llcr who \\t'tghcd J, murh J, Wehber F.ich ,,r the,c tit le,. alon~ " il h thml pl.ice li,m hc, from Jim Kloct,cr tl 261 onJ RJ nd, I.1lv1 I 1421. :ind ~ ,,.,·"nd pln~c ll) ,llh1111 C'urmll ( ti)()), ,ct ,111 Nil rl·cord for l<llal team pmnts. lur :ihcJd of \t'l'lllld plau~ k1,k,. 11 h1rh \~,1retl St t 2. 011,en~ <,lid thn1 thL·rc: arc tou11hcr rL·11ion, ,1,ru" 1hc nnrlun. mO\ll y from b~~ ~~ .
" We hBv(' no commnn llppuncnt (111 nallonol,); a lc•t of JlOll{l tnlcnt •~ found In ,tJte, , uch a, Ohio. Pc:nn,ylva run. Michi~un. lo\\.1und Nc:w York," Owen ,,ud. " Wc'rc 111111wfully good Junior cullcgr tct,m," Owen ~aid. " If you' re betllnl( on <,UH~. we've got them." Winnmg ht~ 12th CClnwcut ive rc11· ionnl ch:,mpton\hip, Conch Owen \\ 11\ nam ed Hcgion 18 Conch of 1he Ycor for the \lllh time. NIC may hove the tull•nr needed to win nnor her national chump,onship. ua, r year eight NIC wrestler~ wcnr 10 Worihin8ton, while ~eve n co111ribu1ed 10 team point\ Owen said 1h01 with JO wrestlers there, ii is a definite ad vo ntngc towa rd\ his ream\ total points. Coach Owen said ,hot there arc 10 rcnm\ capable or wking rhe na11onal 1111c th1, year. " I h.:,pc this 1~ our weekend. If we' re the toughc~r team there, we will win." he \ aid.
Give the fans something they wont: a Maytag Pam) bct"ccn "rcsrling and basketball has am1·ed at N(\rth Idaho College. 'o. not in success ' ot m the ruo Cardinal ,cams· le, cl of t'Ompctition enher. Panr\' hu arriled at the te, t!I of fon support. John 0-.cn still longs IQ see packed houses ('heer on his national ('hampion -..restlers. but Roll~ Williams no" hu the same Ion gtng 10 see his roundball fans. Owen 1s used 10 the s1tualion of pln~;ng solita~ hide-nnd·seek 1\ 1th the are;i fans. O" en hns done e1erythmg ~hon or gi,·ing :i-..J~ frtt dishwashers at 1hc door 10 get fans to ":itch hts team. Yet due 10 3 l.1ck of 1mcrc~t. or possibly lack of I.no" ledge about 1hc sport fans have n, oided the NIC gym on " reS1hng mghrs like turkeys a~'01d a Thanksg,, ing dmncr. So un1il the.> local fans confess. there nre lots of theories that can be tried 10 exp13io "·hy the
bruce mullen anti-suppon attitude has spread LO 1he hoop scene. The local b.igh school basketball acdoo has been ,·e~ exciting and competiih e this ..-inter, and !ans lltt tired of the e-5) schedule :"\1C plays e"CI') )elU'. Well. }OU can onl} schedule CSI and Ricks so many 1imes. ~ sides. the schedule isn' t any easier th3!1 i1 "'li l:!sl year. There att IOO many local ballplayers oa the team . Fans don't care who !My .stt play; IM) Just want 10 Stt a wln.nin.g basketball 1cam.
The loc:il pl:1}Cr~ do auract fan~ and their addirion 10 the team (or rhe deletion of o bunch of import~) has not hun I.be Card.s' compcuuvcness: rhey still win often The cheerlea.de~ don't do a ver, good job or pumping the crowd up for a game . This one may be a legitimiue compl3im, but then agatn. 1h:11 only pcnains 10 the suppon or the fan~ th:11 male II to the g;imes; this winter. thnl didn' t cover a lot of people. This la.st theory may be the be$1. The ba1ftlme entertainment Isn' t good cnoagh. The bat.On-twirling girls m tcorards always get a laugh out of the crowd (when they drop their batons during a routine). but maybe what the fan.s want is drama. So. Rolly. bring in the name-rhrowcrs .. And the lion-tamers. Or an ocasiona.J trapeze ant.St. Or at least give the fans a free dishwasher.
Marcb 4. 1983/ Ca.rdinal Re,•iew- 13-
Basketball Cards out of play-offs b) Greg Moreland The NIC men's ba\ltetball 1eam's efforu 10 qualifJ, for regional post-sea50n pl:ly railed 13\t Sa1urd3y a.s II dropped 11s final game of the season to lhe Ricks College Vikings. 8(>. i8 in Rexburg. The Cardinal\ v.ere un3ble 10 stop lhe deadly outside ,hooung of the same 1e.im 1hcy defeated in Januarv. as the Vilcangs shot 59 percent from the field. "I th<lugh1 v.e pl3)cd "'ell " Coach Rolly Wilham\ s:ud, " We missed some keJ, ~ho1s. then v.c h;id lo foul. Overall. I was pl~d with our play: · The conre\l ended 1he 1982-lS) ..ea\on for the C.irds .. 'leason 1ha1 had 11s h1J!h poin1s .ind lcw poin1s. bul mo,tl> sav. the Cardmah coming out on top. The Cardinal\ gu1 off 10 a good s~n in November. de,pitc a pair of earlv kxses 10 Spokane Communuy College and Big Bend • Af1l'.r lo<.1ng 1wo more close ronte\1s in earl~ December, 'I/IC rattled of eigh: '4IJ1S in :i ruv.. including .i (1().57 defeat of nationally-ranked Ricks. December alw \av. 1hc emergence or Greg Gaulding and Mark Simon as st:iner-, ,tcppmg in for 1hc ineligible Dirk Ferrell and Dcllondo Fon. Gaulding and Simon joined nm A1wood, John R3nda. and Kevin Corb}. 11.ho v.c:i;.e stead~ \t.ancrs 1hrnu11hout 1hc year NIC fim\hcd ou1 the regulor ~ea<,0n with victories over Wena,chee Vallcv. Wall3 Walla. 1rnd 1he Univer,ny of Montana :ind Mon1ona S1a1e junior vnrsmies. TI1e (ordinals were. unoble. however. to win an} crucial league games on the road nnd fcll w 2-4 m league plo\· nnd 19,JO overall. ··we had a good ycnr." Williams ~atd. "Nincleen and 10 i~ a good record. We did lo,e •,omc peoplt III lhc middle of the year, :tnd that hun us dep1h-wi'IC." The Cardinal~ were led 1n ~coring by Corby 117.5 ppg.J. Ra.nda (15.(> ppg. ) :and Atwood 114.4 ppg.) Randa also led in rebounding, nnd frc.-shman Couldtng led in 0\\1\I\.
Women lose at Ricks by WIiiy Weech
I h,· NIC women\ ho\ke1bnll teo111 wns eliminated from pla~ -off con1ention v.hcn lu\t nn nwoy gn mc 7tJ.5J to the Rick} College Vll.ings. St1turda) Feb 21>, 1n 11\ fi nal 11ame of th(' W3\0ll , The: lo~\ g11vc 1hc Cnrd1nnl\ n \eo~on record of 10·14 and a 4-4 league l't'COrd. Wit h tht• v1c1nr)', Rich gnancd o spo1 m 1hc rcg,onol phl)OrTs. .1nd fin1shcd s=nd In lhc di,1rict behind 1he College of Soulhcm ldnho Colden l:.a11le~ Frc~hmon Ko.thy l·o11ngcr Wll\ NtC', l11gh ,rorcr in the R.icl..s game .. uh 21 po1111, ond 12 rebound,. l.utlngcr w:h olw NIC', h1jth ,corer for 1he \CI\On v.tth an nvcrngc nl 18 poml) per ~ome. In :1dd1111u1. ~he tied forward Kav Hoff ,.hh 1 h:am•lt-nd1ng c18 hl rtbound\ l){'r gonl(' Suphomorc Mmd, Uow man led the team m o~sl\t, ond s1eoh. Inc Cardinnl\, whu were dl,1rk1 chump~ 10,1 yeu w 1th .i ~ I d1s1nc, record and 1 15-IJ uvcrnll rccurd. v. 111 lmvc 11\ w,uk cut oul m 11, nncmpl to re~.11n the utJc ne-i1 year, Ol'\"ordmg to Conch Greg Cnmp. .. We need to dn .i prcm• 1h,11·11ugh rc:cmiung job," Cnmp ,aid .. \\'1: ne.:d to fill w mc hole~ ·• 1111, ~11or·, lc,1111 hnd \I\ !rc,hmnn. mdudmit ~tan mg center Kath, E.lun~l'.r, :and ,1nnm11 )1113rd, Rrcndo 11~,lun, and l,.;1rcn lkll>lin~. C'mnp ,01d that Ri.·b 11nd CSI han• good potenllol for nt:'tl ,..-2son. ~d v.111 gi,c: I\ IC a lorn11dnt,lc du1llcngc ti
H 1way 95, 3 miles N ol 1-90 Coeur d' Alene
LL\Ol",G SCOR£R-K~in Cori>.• got'S Inside for 1'-o points agninsl 1he College o£Soulhcm ld.abo Feb.IS. The Cards droppcd lhc Region 18 contesl and wound up " Ilb a ?-I "'lilollJIJ record •
~larch 4, 1983/ Cardinnl Rcvlcw-1.S·
,----------Good 1 Drink 1
BLACK DOG STATEL INE,IDAHO Under New Owners A nd New Management
limited o ne co upon per person per night
No1 valid ofter Morch ll, 19831
March 9 - 12
•., Price Drinks and 1 , Schooners Pitc hers $2.25 9 p.m . till Midnigh t
25' Well Drinks 1O' Schooners 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Cover Charge $2.00
LADI ES THURSDAY SPECIAL S 25' Pitchers 7 p.m. to 9p.m. - $1.50 Pitchers 9 p.m. till closing Cover Charge $2 .00
LJ .S.K. March 4 & 5
ECONOMY FRIDAY & SATURDAY with sPECtALs ', Price Drinks and Schooners- Pitchers $2 .25 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Cover Charge $2.00 up
LAD IES-NO COV ER CHARGE 7 p.m. till 9 p.m.
TILTED TUESDAY SPECIAL S 25' Well Drinks-1 O' Schooners
7 p.m. till 9:30 p.m .
'I, Price Drinks and Schooners- $2 .25 Pitchers 9:30 p.m. till Clos ing Cover Charge $2.00
College Wedn esday
Much 4. 1983/ Cardinal R.cvie w-15-
Grant to aid instructors by .Ronale An-, The Faculty Instructional Develpof grants is March 22. ment Committee has announced th(lt Bahr is going to Portland. Maine. to fi,e NIC fonihy members have been anend the Garrison workshop for awMded summer study stipends for improving teacher effectiveness in 1983. writing classes. NIC was awarded a Title m federal " What the Garrison workshop granr. of which S 11,000 is 10 be promises is that you will be able to Jwardcd as grants for various major teach vou r slUdenlS ho,. to "'Tile "ell srudy prognms for the faculty 10 in class." Bahr said. ":i.nd to actually upgrade 1he1r subject competence grade their papers. or gi,·e them and / or 10 improve their reaching feedback on their papers on a daily merh~. basis m class.'" Owen Corgnl. acti,1ty director for FedJe 11.ill ~ doing sra.duatc course the IDC summer stipend program. v.ork in counseling at Wash ington said "!This program) is de~1gned 10 State University to Pullman, Wash. help mstructors upgrade their tenchShe said that she plans 10 upgrade her mg skills 3nd disciplmary knowledge skills and acquire """' ones. through ei1her "'ork\hops. seminars. graduate course work or st ructured Nelson. who wfll be domg graduate mdependcn1 course work " course work in the reaching of adults in a 1echnical field or studv at Boise The faculty member~ wh(I have been 1hroagh a University of ·Idaho proawarded grants arc Margarc1 Fcdje. g ram, s:ud that he no1 only plan~ 10 coun\elor; Fran Bahr. l:nghsh; Leona improve hi\ classroom skills. but 10 Hassen. foreign language,; Maxine address the cask of 1eachmg computer Martin. nursing; and Kay Nelbon. data skills to educators. processing. "We're trying to distribute !he H:issen will attend the Loz:ino11 funds cross-campus by looking at the workshop for 1he sugg~topedia mevariou s need~ of the college in each of thod of foreign language in«n1ct1on in rhe division,." Cargol 6aid. Silver Springs, Md.• and Martin ...,II Cargol said tlut there 1.s sriU S4.000 be doing g raduate c:oursework in available for f!ronrs :ind that the date nursing at 1he University of Port13Jld. for applying for the second awarding Ponland , Ore
Curt DuPuis photo
Moving o ut Sberilrs Depul) Wayne Johnson md Earl Ke.UJ slllnd ..-a1eb as mo, Ing cre..-s prepve to transpon belongings from 1he condemned house of Eugenio Bradbury to storage last " eek. BnidbUJ') 's house wns awarded 10 NlC for SS0,000 after tbe legal process or eminffll dolllllln.
Library book rip-off a novel crime on campus Some \luden rs bleol booh from the NIC library und p<-'rlodicnl room bec:iu~e they ore tote "'"h an ossignmen1. ncoordlng 10 Keith Sturt\, NIC librn11 director. " I chink II ho~ tu d,) wi1h ge111ng the ns~ignment, In ond wi1h lh e number of ~tudeni, going 10 ~chool 01 NIC." Stum \Did. " II (the \t"hot11) bct'IJme\ dcpcr,;onoh1c.-d hccau~e 1hcre 1~ M> much gmng on ond bt·cau,e <>f the bigncs, or it ull ; 11 !lhc 1hefts) )!Cm~ from the: 1dcn th111 nobodv \\Ill uw it nnvwny.'' Wh~·n ,tuden1, go 10 the librnn rhc:y du 11111 ~cc lhc book\ 11r 111ngn11ncs :l\ bclt11111inJ1 Ill anybod) elw • •1ccordi1111 IO Srurt) He ,a1d that wlmt m11\t \ludc111\ fo1l Ill WI.' " thnr no )lngk )l11de01 could ho,c o .:.illc.:rivc hhrary of h1~ o.... n the \11e of 1hc IC hbrnr,•, ,o lh<' studCIJl)
need to respec:t and &hare 1he facih1, thdt " provided. "Ver) fcv. arc doing 11. mO)I scnous $1Ddcnrs rcali,c the ~:ilue or the library and respect i1,'" Stlllt5 ,nid He: !>a.Jd 1ha1 then is not so ob,ious in the nwn libran•heeau~c there 1u·e beNeen 35.000 :i.nd 40.000 boob on 1he \heht!> romp.ired to onh .i-s ~uine \ubsmp11on~. I-or th<' ,1zc: and 1, pc ofhbran '-IC has the loss i., lcs, than the national a,·enage. Sturts SJ.id. ·1 wppo,<' e,c:ntuaU} v.e v.1JI h:a,e 10 get a dctt'cllon \~ ~,em ~,milar to those in the big unl\Cl'SlllC)," ht ,a1d . "Th,, could CO~t o,er Sl.000." In the pem>doGJI room, booh C'O)UDg S45 e~h
• New requirements studied ASNIC Pr.:~ldcnt J,m Orc"cr c, ploin<'d 1hc Degre~· Committee tll rhc Feb 17 mec11ng ,1f th l' \ oc.11ionol Students of Notth Idaho C'ollcg<' Ore \\'er "1id that 1hc Degree Comm11tcc lh trying t1) determine nc:" cn1eriG for das~c:. 1h01 "111 be ol lcred if , ocut1onal \1udcn1s wnn1 :1 degree. He s:ud that I! n ~rndcnt "an15, to worl.. for a degree and 1al..c the extra cl~sc5,, he "ill hn,e 10 pay more. Brc11.·cr alba told the board that IC has o,erchnrgcd 44-45 pints of blood "1th the blood bani. and s:iid th1u rhe VSNIC hhould consider tummg out for the blood drive 10 be held Much or April. John Smithson. fot>ulf) t1d,i,er 10
\ 'S NIC Jnd m~trunvr of the motur· cycle repn,r da\s, m:ide :1 bid for fonb lor I hi.' mil)\, right cl.ts.. "h1,·h rt·
que,tcd 1hc mon~,
go 10 11 ~emu:iar
h,I\C bc:en )!Olen from the nursing resen·<'. at'l:ording to Rose Mory Jessick. periodical room mag31mc clcrt.. She !>3id rh:11 last v.cd severa l issue\ of one computer magazine ond four issues or "Life" maguine dbappeared. Je\Mck :.aid that if she thinks 3 magazine 1s going to be stolen because of a good story. she will keep it a: her desk One such ~OI') is 1he b3thmg sui1 issue or Sports Dlusrr.ued. v. hich students ha,·c 10 ask for until 11 become) outdated. She wd some srudencs ....;11 cut ou1 the lead article in a m.agume "'1th a r.uor bl:ide. "5.>menmes )OU pid up ~ mag:i1ine and the enorc c:,:n1er 1s gone." Jessick said.
Bigfoot seminar in t he
m Spol:inc llOOUI 1'0n,evor belt:..
Bre.... er emertamcd 11 mouon that the fi.nll.llcc C'l.•mminee let the das.s go c, en 1hough the tnd for funds c:une 100 111111 The problem v. :u left to a specia.l romm11t~. In other action the council. ·-rccc,1,cd a forestry dll!>l, representatt, e , m:il mg the couoc:il .t 14 member quorum. ·-:icr-eptcd a l'CC'Omrncndnuon from the budget committee that the forestl') cla~s recche S!SO h) :i.nend il !\\o-ds, :,cmina.r. The rost ,~ SI 2 ..i person •
Bonner Room noon
March 16 featur ing
Grover Krantz
Is computer theft possible? oonlioued Crom page I ThcoreUc31lv. such 3 program could computer the, should h:a.,e put his ulent ,~ u<.C.' Kuro,,,<k <.3td. C\'C.!ntualh· disco,·er the p3SS" Ord for a sy)!Cm manager\ account ScPtt Ku!Vilsl; »hn " now ,tudBecause 1hcrt> are million~ of eight· ) ,ng .btro-ph· )IC'> 31 Pomotl3 Collc~c leuer combmauon>. a pro~m Ii.kc tn S uthern Cahfo,nia. v. 3~ denied 1hi\ could run ror se"eul hours. =~s to the computer. and to defu.~ ~ign.uing to the work-stud) students :hi\ ~-pc of a program I.be S)stcm '4:LS "ho monitor the svs1cm that an redesigned to place eadt student user unaulhonrcd at11,·i1y •may be wmg ta their o,,. n gTOUp. place. Both Threlfall and Oark said thit 11 App11reoi.1,. I.his 1oas ho,. Kuro"sll 1~ still ~s1ble 10 bre.lk =nty on the was c3ugh1. Myers would neither compuier, and that gl\cn enoui:h time. confirm nor den\· that the ~tudent an they could acromph~h thl\. que)tion wa\ K~l'C)Wslti but he Yid Hov. e\Ct, tht) s.11d I.bat I.he~ ha\e 1h01 Kuro"sk1 "as qucswmcd ~cul lmle dei.1rc 10 we ~rt tn a cnmmal times about hi\ IICll\'11te\ on the aUt\11~. :md that the nu of getong computer. nught 1s high oU1d far our« etghs 3n~ Mike Threlfall. an NIC \tudcot a.nd profits s::a.med from a theft. compute r programmer and Ylc<.pc·· .\ C'C01'diag 10 Cb.ti.. at lust four son for Articulate S\•stem.s. :ind S1c,c m1dcnu on c..mpll\ h.1,e the ume Clarie a former NIC student "1-o ~thtJ, but thn .. .,uld not con~tckr worked in computer SCI'\ ictt for St, en comm1111ng a computer cnmc months. said that the, wc:rc .1\\ arc of Bct11,cc:o .:'JI) and 500 ~tudcnt~ ha,e Kurows lo's progr3~l but felt his computer arcounts. '-i}Cr\ ~11d. In in tentions were s1nc1I~ 1nqu1s11i"e o:der to pro,c that a student could not rather than criminal t11fi11r21e the romputer's S\S· Ed Kurowski. the bo, s father. ~:ud 1cm. \h er) ,.ud th.1t he \\Ould IX' he bought his son ti~e on the 'IIC v.1llm11 t.o let 3 ,tu dent tn 11 he "I\ computer as p11.r1 of o high ,;chool aw:ire o! thl' student ) mien11on and directed study. "as there to • :i.t,h. " I bclic,c he ,,o~ onl,· interested m But be ,a.ad. II he CIIUl!ht Jn\OOC 1hc chnllcngc creating s~ch a program cng:1.1:rn~ t, 30 unauthorized· ,rnd entails and thnt he hod no c:nminnl illeg.il c:1,n, en the computer. he intent what so c,er," he said \\OUld do C\Cr'lth1r.g \\tthm hi\ P''"'Cr "ln,11:ad of ~1d,mi: him off of the to ha, c them rclllO\-ed
(__n_i_c_n_o_t_ic_e_s__J :, lone) or bool.s not plel.cd up Crom t.hc Pub Club Book "IIP In MA·l bJ :\larch I "nJ ~me the prolX'rl) oC the Pub Chili. The uh" a) siame room "Ill be ~nsorlng a pool tournament Mllf't'h 8 and a ,idco game• touniament March 15-1 . For dcta.lls. ~« Dean Bc.nnell In the ob ...-.) office. The Cardinal Rc,k" Is lool<lng for a (reshman "Ith CArtoonlog sldlls who a m do ome i.rraphlcs later I.his ~piing and all cartooning nc'tt ) ear. ln tcre•ted s tudents should see Tim Pilgrim In ,tA-2 Cor more drtall,. Outdoor Rec Is •pon._"Orlng a bacl,packlog trip March 26-J I to the \\ ashing too !lite Oh mpk Pcnln•ulo. Orgia.nlutloOJ1l meetlng Man:h 16 111 4 p. m. For more lnformntlon co ntac t Man. In the SliBW,\l'. ..Gu,s '111d Doll•" will premiere al 8 p.m ., March 11 . The musi ca l I~ prt''iented b) the IC Music 11ncJ Orama Department aod wlll run ,ta,cb 12, l 7. 18 and IQ In the C-A Auditorium. \ dmls~lon L,S4 for adulb and S2 for , out.h a.nd ~nlor cllluns. NIC Cacu.lh, sllllf o.nd 'iludcn1~ are admitted Cnle l>lth an 1.0 . cant.
An)onc Interested In sbt\rlnit tht'l.r "rltlnit lpocll'). ,hon s tories, essa}'i and plia)S) "Ith other writel"I <ihould '<ce Fo) Wright In RO(lm 27 o( the \Jmlol,trnlion Building about joining the "rlllt11t club, Orcad.
The AS IC pre!lcnl\ 00<' Se, erlnsen In ron('('rt 01 8 p.m. tonl1thl lo the C-A Auditorium. Ad, ance tkkcts will be sold In the C·A Auditorium 11nd SU'B for S6 ,-·Ith an 1.0. card. The gcncna.l publk "Ill be able 10 bu) tkkeu a11t,c. door (or $3.SO. IC pro, Ides the •en Ires or a doctor llnd o nul"li: lo a.II •ludenl\, Thr dOt'tor I• In 1o·ecl.d1t)• Crom 7:30 to 8130 11.m. ond the nursc'Q hou" fire Crom 7:30 n.m. to 3:30 p.m. AnJono ,-f~hlng lo ,ri- th<' doctor mu•t orrlve before 8:15. IC ,1udcn1i. "Ith 10 credit~ or more also l'njO) mcd lcol ln, urno cc. Sec nuf"Jlc Jo l\lnrlno,,lch for further Info,. motion or for rlolm,. Plan, Cor reno,,atlon of thl' Mcll ugh llou~c on eompo\ ore 1101 o, ~pcclnc n• lndlrn1cd In the hm CR. Acro rdlng lo hen') Bo~lt·cll, NlC hl~tllr} ln,rructor, .urr,.,rcnl Onnnrlni: method\ on: hclng In, c~llgu tcd, 11nd no de(l nfl e ro~•~ ho \11) Il l been det ermined.
~~ U[l'r'fl[jHH
March 4 & 5 March 7 - 12 March 16-19